tv Book TV CSPAN May 8, 2010 11:00am-12:00pm EDT
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whatever it was. and so he pulled off a lot of the antiestablishment vote, would have gone to me. he was running ads that he had a good campaign in the sense he put money in dirty and he got right in those that were cast, thousand of them. and i think that was a reason that we didn't be go out there. it was a three-way finish very close. we lost our momentum after that and we were finished after that. but i think that's the reason. you've got a good point, i probably should've had a white hat on. >> host: a couple of e-mails regarding msnbc. has been on msnbc resulted in tone down reddick or something else? >> guest: no, i will tell you, people tell you, you have mellowed in the sense. i don't know that you have, i
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mean,. >> host: have you been told is that you have mellowed? >> guest: i have been told that ever since -- they don't say the columns have been though but they say when you make your appearances. i think there's something to the. the old appearances were on crossfire which is like pushing you in the ring for a three round fight every night. and you've got 90 minutes going after someone and you have to get your point across and you have to interrupt him. and now you don't do that as much except the mclaughlin group can get somewhat that way. but i do think i have somewhat mellow. you get your ideas out. i think the ideas we had, i think have been proven correct and i think innovation was the right way to go. control the borders for heavens sake. don't send all the manufacturing jobs abroad. i think have all been proven valid. if you control the borders we wouldn't have this problem. if you have gone into iraq, afghanistan and gone out to all these different places,
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expanding nato, you wouldn't have these problems. the culture war is going to be there. they say i declared it at houston. >> host: who is shalit again? >> guest: shelley is my wife since 1971. i we going on 39 years i guess this year. we have an anniversary coming up on may 8. i party got her present pickup. have been discussing it with her and negotiating. [laughter] >> host: she knows what it is. >> guest: i had to get her approval because i bring some christmas give someone a 26 and they go right back. >> host: widget showed a picture of your wedding day with the nixons. did she know the nixons as well? >> guest: that was my church because she was from detroit. all our friends were here, so we got married up in my church.
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it was right outside in front of it with mrs. nixon and the president. that is the week of the may day demonstrations were all the group came 15,000 came to town and blocked on the streets, they lock them all up in a chain-link fence. i was concerned and going to come to my way. fortunately, they all left down. shelley was with richard nixon in 1959. she came to d.c. and she went up to the hill and looked around, and i think she had a job in new york. there was an opening in the nixon office right across from jack kennedy's office, the senate office building. nixon was the pee. she became the receptionist of richard nixon. she traveled with him in the campaign of 1960, all during that campaign. she then went -- >> host: confidential secretary? >> guest: she was sort of the receptionist secretary. and then when nixon lost to an
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out on the plane with them. she took a job out at general dynamics, and then she would to work for h.r. haldeman in the 62 campaign. nixon's campaign for governor. she came back to new york, and nixon called her up and travel the campaign and a small plane, traveled the nation for gore and calder and she traveled with them. i think it worked hard for goldwater goldwater did. then she left them back to work and daily she came back in 1967, there was rosemary woods in his office, pat buchanan and pat nixon, all of us working there right outside of nixon's law office. right outside his office in a law firm, the building right next to the new york stock exchange. that's where i met her. >> host: is she acted in your writing at all? >> guest: she used to have to
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before you got these machines, these computers. before these came out. she retyped all my books and all my columns and that we go upstairs and she would type it all up and i would edit it and shoot type it again. so she doesn't have to do that anymore. she handles all my schedule, my travel schedule, appearances and a lot of the whole business around the business we do. we still have a two-person operation, all the filing and all the other things. she knows where it is is and i have no idea what a lot of that stuff is. >> host: next call for pat buchanan comes from bill from brooklyn. >> caller: do you think there is a border story to watergate that subsumes the woodward and bernstein urges calm and a quick second question, jim hogan writes about a character in his book.
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>> guest: i'm the mother with some of the arguments that gordon lady has had with john dean, and the arguments that watergate, there was much more to the break-in than people thought and/or more people behind it. and, you know, i really haven't gotten in into that in any depth, the name russell i recall. but i can't recall exactly in what context. in my view the watergate thing, whoever was involved in it, what was really failed was not that, what was fatal i think was the manner in which the president of united states did or didn't handle it and the fact that he taped himself why the automatic tapes running. i think it would have been survivable if it had not been for the tapes. >> host: we had john dean on in depth last month.
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>> guest: john and i were friends in the nixon white house. he was in council. you know the of the? i was in the white house and the bank, this book was not written for free, peter. i was in the white house so i said i'm going to do this book but i will use my vacation. and i need to know if it is legitimate for me to take a fee for writing the book. as to who would i go to? i went to the council. the counsel's office. i said look, i'm going to do this book, can i take this the? and he looked aspect i don't know what he looked up at the set me a letter saying under the following circumstances it would be legitimate. so i took the, and john osborne contract says pat, this is a very good vote that you appear to be any money for this. i tell people back then, i said put in escrow account because i don't want to even create any
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problems here, but i got permission to do it, permission to take the money but i'm not going to take it. and so i waited until i got out of several years i get out of the white house. before he took -- i said okay, you can send it down. >> host: do you remember how much? >> guest: yeah. 10,000, which was in those days quite a bit of money. i think is on making -- were we making 34 or 42? we started off, no, i wasn't making the top when i was there. i was making the top when i left, salary. but i think we're going to 42 which was an enormous salad. i went to work for nixon making $12,000. and that was big because i was making 9000 as the glue. when i went with the globe democrat i figured it out. i was qualified for food stamps i think. i was making 93, clearing 73 a week. and i had student debts and i
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had a child, one of these cars that cost me three grand, i said, i'm underwater. if something happens to me, it's going -- my old man like you bury me. hosta, sioux falls, south dakota, nixon employee number two, how much of the credit given to reagan's international domestic policies actually belong to nixon? if not for watergate, would reagan had one in 1976? >> guest: if agnew had not been, had not been basically, had to resign, i think agnew and reagan would have thought for the nomination and 76. was agnew was out of the picture a lot of the conservatives who really admired him flew to reagan. if nixon had gone out of office, nixon wanted connelly to replace them. he wanted, as vice president up until the final day.
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because i remember al haig had just died. i sent nixon a memo saying ford is probably your best bet to pick. and haig called me and said the old man was gone what. i said take on way. but i said, i said forget to congress everything. he was a solid guy. he was not a radical figure at the time, and people would feel confident if he took over. reagan, i think reagan would have won the nomination probably and 76 after resident -- almost sure reagan would have won the nomination i think. in other words, father would never have one president. he wouldn't have run. and i don't see who would have -- i do think it was around there. reagan would've been the nominee. would reagan have one? if he would run a gas car, i
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think he would have won. reagan would've carried -- carter trade 10 out of 11 southern states against ford. and reagan was very tough, but reagan -- i think reagan would have the carter. i don't think he would have won the 44 states he won against carter after four years, but yeah, i think reagan would have one. >> host: next call for pat comes from las vegas, nevada. >> caller: yeah, pat. excuse my speech impediment. who changed the watergate tapes if they were automatic? >> guest: i know what you mean. who made the watergate tapes so that they ran out of manically. they were voice-activated as they say. i guess that fact that i didn't pay much attention to it, the decision was made, i think around 70, 71. i should announce some decision
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was being made because what nixon had me doing and ray price and safire with a three speechwriter. he would bring each of us, i was congressional leadership. he would bring me to the congressional leadership meeting as a reporter, and he said i take notes and to get and goats, good stories, decision. and to go back and there's like 10 pages, single spaced, 3000 words. and i would file-based and send him over. nixon would put these in his house for his memoirs. and all of a sudden they said you don't have to attend all the leadership meetings anymore. who is taking the notes? actually, there weren't any notes. they were being taped. they get it down cold. and after the taping system when in, i didn't have to do that anymore. and i didn't realize, but i realize i what that was. but i did send next and a memo telling him to burn them. and burn the tapes except for
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the president tapes and except for the other tapes that were really vital. because i sent nixon come as a mention to you, 65 -- 66, 60 i was in his office five hours a day. and we were talking gossip and all these things are talking about. and that you're very close to and to let down your hair and you are uninhibited and what you say. all this stuff is on the tapes. you know, and get rid of it all. than to learn it was voice-activated. henry kissinger told, lord knows what is said to get out of those offices sometimes. [laughter] >> host: you sent a memo to richard nixon a week after become published that the tapes were around? >> guest: the week after, the week after butterfield had caught up and testified there was a taping system in the oval office. i sent nixon and then want to burn all the tapes except for
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the ones with brezhnev, the ones with big key decisions you make, foreign policy decisions. but the ones with staff in there talking to him, and incompetence, for heaven's sake, you don't your. >> host: do that memo ever become public? >> guest: i think it became public usually. apparently, had given nixon the same advice, burn them. >> host: if those tapes had been burned -- ethnic nixon would have survived. >> host: would have been obstruction of justice? >> guest: there would have been. get rid of them before it arrived. but if they had been subpoenaed, they were subpoenaed, butterfield said here they are. he announced it. always wanted the people said you mean has a taping system? so no subpoena had arrived for the independent counsel or anybody.
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and so nothing would have happened. people would have cried and said the tapes were destroyed and we would have said the tapes should have never been made. issued a just a taping system for conversations he wanted. the others are private. he was talking to a lot of people. they are gone. do what you want. and it would not have been. >> host: will you in augus august 81974? >> guest: those days i worked at right behind the tv cameras as the president gave a speech and i went out to watch them leave from the helicopter. but the sunday before we'd all been in camp david where we discomfited, discovered the old man had listened to the tape and it after you listen to the tape, he had continued to say he had not had anything to do with watergate during a certain period, contradicted. that's what we made the decision to drop the tape and we knew it was going to be over, to be politically dead by the end of
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the week. >> host: what was your worst day in the nixon white house? >> guest: g., peter, there were so many of them. [laughter] >> guest: no, no. let me say this. as i said he was like a father to me. and, you know, something, the watergate days were, and i hate to say is, or some of the best days in a sense that because i felt i was giving us anything i had, using all your knowledge, abilities, and everything to say the president. and i think he deserves to be saved. and he may have made bad decisions and bad mistakes, but we will fight with everything we had. they were the most memorable days. there were 18 months at the a real toll on your health and everything else. i don't regret any of those days that and i think some of the best days were i think in november of 1969, when president
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nixon got up and they tried to break his presidency and he gave it great silent majority speech. and then i about that speech for vice president -- >> host: those were your words? >> guest: they use the terms around there, i've never gone back and look exactly, but it was in his speech. and then came the agnew speech which i wrote on november 13 going after the network to counter attack. he went out after the "washington post" and "new york times." and then nixon vaulted to 68% in the polls, amazingly division in the country. and agnew was the third most admired man in america. and as i told them, in switzerland they gave an award, they said agnew was the greatest threat to freedom of the press in the western world that that was a time where they had the great colonels that and i said that's not badly seven years out of journalism school. >> host: did you work with richard nixon at all on his book? >> guest: i can work on a.
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frank gannon worked with him but i did go out there for a time and i reviewed various periods, and i look some stuff. and also he was putting stuff in the book that i didn't agree with. one of the things, for example, i was out there and they were saying in the book, 66-60, they were really afraid of bobby kennedy. i was never afraid of bobby kennedy as a candidate other than most dangerous candidate was hubert humphrey because he would get together johnson swing of the party and he could bring in the liberal wing of the party because he was such a hero for wanting civil right and he was a hero. and he could do a better job of uniting the party. i think if robert kennedy had been nominated i think john, at texas, lbj would've helped us win texas. and i think of bobby kennedy had been nominated, the wallace vote, because they're so and anti-kennedy, i think the walls that would have shrunk. that he would have been weekend. so i think we would have a far
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easier time beating robert j. that we did was hubert humphrey. because wallace was a 23% when he shrunk to 13%, they're all the northern catholics i was talking to you about, they all went back to the party. they didn't go to nixon. they didn't like republicans. they were just anti-what was going on. so they went back to the democratic party. and i think, i think that if, i think if we would've done an awful lot better, quite frankly, if the situation had been different. >> host: dawn and pennsylvania. you are on with pat buchanan. this is booktv. please go ahead. >> caller: i have a couple quick points. one is before you does msnbc that you're on, there's a running joke about the doctor and how he influences mfm influenced, getting into world war ii. and also a couple things you
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talk about with the campaign trail with hunter thompson, how the stores are out there that he would report the reality and his fans in a process. and he's quite genius at it. and you talk about that? >> guest: doctor brezinski, in my book, the book on world war ii, "churchill, hitler and the unnecessary war," i am very critical of the president of czechoslovakia for any fact of creating a phony crisis that germans are going to they can get all the british, french upset. and when it wasn't true. and enraging hitler, who went berserk over it. and i think that's one of the reasons hitler decided to wipe czechoslovakia off the map. he came back with just out of his mind over the fact he had been humiliated. and brzezinski, she's a great, great niece of him, as i did not
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how that would be received. but she is very gracious about the book. i talked to joe scarborough about the book the other day. we're talking about and he really enjoyed. and he thought it was a compelling thesis and editing. what was the other questions the government had? >> host: hunter thompson. >> guest: doctor hunter thompson. >> host: friend of yours? >> guest: yes, he was. the first date i had with shelley, it was with hunter thompson and this gal from newsweek. >> host: it was a double date? >> guest: he had a two-gallon jug of wild turkey that we set up all night. we almost got in a violent argument almost, over stalin and communism and everything. and he wrote i think in hatch magazine, he said he met me and you can was a rude sort of geek with a seven accent.
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but he came down to washington and he came up to watergate, we went swimming out there at the pool. and we had about 14 cores. it's all in his books. and he is to send me letters and we were very friendly. and he's a crazy liar, you know? the gem is right. you get reality, you get all this other stuff. is here i think was a campaign to 1992. one of the funnest books. 1972, i'm sorry. was one of the funniest books i've ever read. that guy, his buddy of his, having along on that train. >> host: you are telling us your first date with mrs. buchanan, the future mrs. buchanan was with wild turkey all night? >> guest: yeah, up there arguing in a hotel. he and i were drinking, it was his booth. but i would say that maybe the
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first time was just before that. he was up there crazy. nixon had spoken in nashua. what we do is would go up, take nixon did new hampshire for three days. he look so tired and drained so we got the learjet and would all go for three days and let romney workup for the next three days. we had the pollsters set up a. we got hunter and he said can you ride with nixon from nashua to the manchester airport, after midnight after his speech. so we said sure. so hunter thompson got in a car and nixon is talking to them. he's talking about football and baseball. mix and love to talk about that. we get out of the airport, that gassing up the learjet, and he put a cigarette and he is clicking this lighter. you know, right by where they are casting of the virgin. louis had to smack the thing out of his hands and said are you
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nuts? we could all be blown to kingdom come. that is the first time we met. and when you start traveling with us. we had a number of occasions where i met him even after i left watergate, i was with him down at this thing of speaking at at kennedy center and he didn't show up. i was on a panel and he didn't show up. he was a big star, you know. answer then you see a guy come in from the right side with a lumber jack shirt and a sixpack that he comes up on the stage in handy one. [laughter] >> guest: this is a very formal event. >> host: on the other people in your life who are your friends that maybe the audience wouldn't suspect you being friends with? and are your friends bill press. >> guest: of course i work with bill. but rick stearns was a good buddy of mine. rick was the delicate of hunter for governor. those are talking about last night, telling a story. there was a blogger for, fellow writing about the conservative,
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and that's telling him the story. rick stearns at night, i met him, we travel together to the soviet union in 1971 for a four-day talk and i was sort of the a chairman for the republican side. 18 day trip to the evil empire. it was one of the more memorable event in my life. and then i discovered, together that we are both knuckle flyers on aeroflot. if one of the guys on the trips you're going to merge, we're going to merge. this was a merger between what was some other airline then. so we got talked and we became friends. i remember after the election was over, we had these gigantic maps at the map of the whole country. then the republicans were in purple, democrats were in red. 49 states. it had this little red dot over massachusetts and d.c. and i wrote to rick stern the
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grand strategist at the victory campaign, from his friend pat buchanan and sent it over to him. and i understand he had a frame and had on his wall ever since. he's a judge now. is a judge in boston, and he was one of the guys being considered for clinton's head of the fbi. i think is very close to clinton but i haven't seen him in years. we were good buddies in those days. >> host: mesa, arizona, you're on. >> caller: i'm going to be very nervous but i'm so excited to talk to one of my heroes. and i have a few comments. we have just been told from connie mack, mayor from california, we are just these formal people. they are telling people not to come to arizona, cancel contracts. you know what gets me? we can cancel them, too.
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we are filing our water that should go to arizona to we have a contractor we are letting the music we goes to california spend tens of those of you that i hate to know how much we spend. the other thing, when you look at all these people that are at these, oh, rally's. they forget to tell you, especially on msnbc that they are being bussed in so, pat, can you talk about that? they bust them into goldman sachs. it's funny, yesterday in arizona, like a bus them in a few days ago but yesterday in arizona their only about 1000 people down at the capital. wouldn't you think this is a state that should have 50,000? >> host: carol, let's leave it there. >> guest: there's no doubt the demonstration in wall street against goldman sachs, and i can count myself as a credit against goldman sachs. they are organized programs, they bring all the people in,
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they bussed them in. the rows that were held yesterday, the demonstrations for citizenship or amnesty or against the arizona law were much smaller nationwide than predicted. i think they say 50,000 in los angeles. they're expecting 100,000. 50,000 is a good crowd but it is not the five of thousands. but your larger point is this, this vendetta against arizona is unjust. comparing it to nokia's in, keep wearing it to stalinism. it is wrong as it can be. the idea of boycotting arizona. i can remember when i was very young they're going to boycott dallas because jack kennedy was there. they're going to boycott mississippi because civil rights workers were killed there. i think that's tell and i think it's wrong. if you look closely and study what exactly what arizona did, as i think we mentioned, they
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codify federal law. and in order for a police officer, as i understand it, every legal immigrant has got to get his green card within, or his work permit. under federal law. since 19 for that is got to carry his papers with them. and what arizona is saying that if a policeman, before he can ask for any such papers, it's got to be a legal event. in other words, stop somebody who ran a red light or an altercation, a fight somewhere, he comes up and says okay, what's going on here, what happened, do you have any id, sir? something like that. nfl has a drivers license and he is a citizen because only citizens get driver's license. if he doesn't have that, the guy speaks a foreign labor do something and can't speak good english, can you prove you are in the united states and the guide is have some kind of prove you go down to the playstation and you call immigration and customs enforcement and says is this german legal.
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does he have a social security number. if he is not legal he has a problem. so that's what arizona law does. to compare this to nazi germany is appalling. >> host: question, mr. buchanan, during the vietnam war for a bad knee, shortly thereafter became the captain of the white house running teen. how is that? >> guest: he has truncated a lot of things. there was only one thing as capital of and 1985 -- 86. i was not, i was in the rotc to october, november 1989. i was going to be a commissioned officer in the u.s. army in 1960. as we mentioned i was expelled from college, and when i was i got my draft notice and i went over to walter reed, and that
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arthritis in the legs and so i was four f. for that. that was five years before the announced build up which was 1965, at which time i was 27 is old and beyond draft age in any event. so no, there was no draft evasion. >> host: and you are able to run do? >> guest: i can still run. i could run then. but when you have other with me that you can't move left to right, and you have had arthritis with it. >> host: speaking of former, daniel, hero or traitor? i've had argument with daniel. i think what daniel did, and i'm sure he believes for a higher motive, i think he betrayed his commitment to his country to maintain the security of the secrets that he didn't like the war. understandably a lot of people didn't. he was an early enthusiast about
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the war. i think what he did was wrong and i think what he did was criminal misconduct. and i think he was legitimately indicted, and, of course, that was the after the break-in at the psychiatrists office because of what was done. and that was probably justified to throw it out as well, but no, i don't condone what he did at all. >> host: you to ever know katharine graham? >> guest: i had dinner with her one night. over the active cell that -- morris. my wife and i had dinner with her with edmund morris. and i was at her house a couple of times and she had some nice, one nice thing i think to say about me in her memoirs that because i said the violence, the union violence against "washington post" was appalling. and that she was surprised that i felt that way. [laughter] >> guest: as i say, i'm probably the only member, the guy in town here to use t diver the
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"washington post" that i delivered it as a kid. made a little bit of money and i save a skinny, those guys did that because when you deliver a newspaper, you have to collect every single time. if somebody doesn't pay you, the entire amount comes out of your income because you have got to give the company a certain amount. so i mean, if two or three guys, you know, and they do, some of them wouldn't open the door. so you're always coming up short every month. add it to the bad things i suppose. >> host: boston, massachusetts, you on with pat buchanan. >> caller: i not only voted for you i also sent you money. sensor that less than 1% of the vote, i figure 6%. several years ago you wrote which you questioned the efficiency of carbon dioxide which brought down the wrath of
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the congressmen and all the rest of the people. do you ever regret writing that article? >> guest: if you're talking about him, he is now on trial in munich. it was 1982 to 94 where i think he i believe spent five years on death row in israel. i argued that this was a case of mistaken identity. and i believe those 92, 93, rather, the israeli supreme court because one, the soviet empire collapsed and they got the files on the troubling picking up, and they had a photograph of the actual ivan the terrible. and he was let go, sent back to the united states. his citizenship was restored. i think that was the best journalism i have ever done. and i am proud of it and i did catch hell for that.
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over a long, long period of time they said you would've been a nazi war criminal who aren't to be hanged. and at the end, it was a case of mistaken identity he had never even been at that can't. since then the office of special investigations claims that he was at another camp now all during that same period were before they said it was this one. and so his been been deported and sent to germany with his 89 years old, or 90 years old, and not well. and they're prosecuting him for being a soviet war camp at a card that has nobody to my knowledge living or dead those ever testified credibly that this man ever injured anyone. there was a ukrainian soldier, fourth grade education, captured, a bunch of them down i think in a of crimea and brought in an allegedly became a prison guard. but here's a guy who has suffered for 30 years as few men have suffered at all. and even assuming he were a
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guard at some camp, nobody can testify he did anything to anybody. and so what i think has been done to them is one of the worst injustices of my lifetime. >> host: went about women's left with our guest this month on "in depth," pat buchanan, author of 10 books. they are all listed on our website, in case you're interested in seeing what they are. and/or picking out one for yourself to read. mr. buchanan, if you were to say just one book to our viewers of yours for them to read, which one would you suggest? >> guest: you know, that would depend on what their interests were. if you're going to ask them how do you think the world is going, i don't think it's had a very good direction. i would say "the death of the west." i think one of the best, i was a disappointed, if you want to understand the issues of trade and protectionism and free
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trade, simple, clear terms and the history of it and anecdotes come all the way through american history, the "great betrayal." in terms of american foreign policy is "a republic, not an empire." and, of course, this one, the one that is given than all of them, "churchill, hitler and the unnecessary war." pic if you want to understand why pat buchanan thinks world war ii and world war i were unnecessary wars for the united states in may before the world, and have these horrors that distort our civilization might well have been averted if there were a little wiser statesmanship, even giving the benevolence of stalin and the evil of hitler. out of could have been avoided, not be on the road i think is a disaster, "churchill, hitler and the unnecessary war." how britain lost empire.
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>> host: do you have a system when you start a book was. >> guest: let me mention one other thing you want to know that began? start from the beginning. yeah, it's very much the same way. you get an idea, like one of the ideas for the book i am working now is as professor jerry muller the road foreign affairs a book, a piece called us versus them, the enduring power. in other words, the enduring power of an idea is people who become a wake and aware, differently which, difficult to, their heroes are different, the holidays are different. we are not like them. and how the power of this and the perfect example is the balkans back in 1911, 1912, how it tore apart the austral hungarian empire. all these people want their own country. and he says this is what is going on.
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obviously, there is in peril dynastic concerns, you know, the british empire trying to destroy the high seas fleet and trying to humiliate germany and keep them from rising up. the french want revenge for 1870. the germans are terrified of the russians. getting stronger and stronger and stronger, the german military is that all those are legitimate. but his point is that the real force behind is that for our world apart in a 20-cent in europe and it has turned the world apart in the 21st, it is now pulling apart countries again in europe. take a belgian, the last if you will by national say, that's going to break in half. flanders, it's going to break and have. this is happening. he is down there, and the indigenous people, they rob you, they came here to rob you. making it with columbus 500 years ago.
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but it's racial and ethnic. and he is playing to it and chavez is playing to the. you see this country and its embryonic stage. the idea that this is our economy, the bronze continent and the white man doesn't here. and in worldwide you can see, in china, did you notice how hu jintao left the summit, skipped the meeting with bush -- was a bush? know, with obama, and went home. why? because we does. the uighurs are trying to create out of the largest province of china. and the chinese saw what happened to the soviet union, and to go down there. thousand people killed. to have a problem with tibet. the people in the north are more chinese. and you're having it happen in southern -- people read about bangkok.
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in southern taiwan, anti-booze, anti-tie with a very militant in its religion and is getting increasingly violent. and you mention the book, i'm reading it right now, world on fire it and i think she has got it down cold. and she mention the only example. but her and, they are chinese and her and is in the philippines and get all the filipinos working for. her aunt had her throat slit, and she was killed because, she said i didn't realize that the chinese control an enormous amount of the wealth in the philippines. and he knows about of the wealth in indonesia. and she argues that was called the market, minority, wherever they go, they do extremely well. and then you have hundreds, a couple hundred million indonesians not doing well.
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the market dominant does will in the free market but once you bring this american-style one man one vote democracy, the people come indigenous people, the ethic my choice, the indonesians rise up and say take it from them. and handed to the whites in south africa, overseas chinese in indonesia and malaysia. it's happened in nigeria. it's happened to the europeans and the low lands of bolivia. and this seems to me, this tremendous movement of and no nationalism on the part of people, it's going to care the world apart. they say the e.u., and european union, you get the u.n., the new world order, all these things whether people are coming together. and this is tearing it apart,
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carrying nations and continents apart. and it is my view that the darker forces are the stronger forces. and the darker forces, quite frankly, that terror a nation of our, particularly threatens multinational, multiethnic, multi-lingual nations like india, the united states. i think are very much in peril, their unity, in the long-term. >> host: in one of your books, i lost my guide here, but the nationalism is the strongest allegiance. >> guest: is that is not something nationalism, but it's have no nationalism. look at great britain now. the british empire ruled the world. now see the scots want to break free, the scots irish and now the english say the scots want to go free, get lost. they're coming in with the cross of st. george, the old union jack is going out across the
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saint george comes in. in catalonia in spain one reason, they say we work hard and other people do. in italy, the northern fleet did very well in the election. look at these elections in here. you have bloggers group in the people's party over there in switzerland, did extend well. so these force it seems to me, a stronger force. friedman believed were all going to be of our playstation with our patsies and all these things at our computers. i don't think so. i don't think so. i think these forces were much stronger that you know what? that's a force we saw yesterday. it was as powerful as people think, but you either thousand people a couple years ago marked marching with him mexican flag.
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wake up. culturally it is seceding from the country is a real possibility. >> host: russell in las vegas your been very patient. you're on the air with pat buchanan. >> caller: i wonder why after this comment i think you is exactly right, las vegas is 40% hispanic and a my recent trip to california, if my wife had been able to speak spanish, we have been lost. i wonder why the federal government hasn't just sent the truth down and sealed the border. it seems like a simple solution. >> guest: i recommend back in 19 and went back under the wilson, go to and put the california national guard on the border in order to force the hand of a the government of the united states which was due to enforce the borders of the united states. why haven't they done it? i think because no president agrees with me. clinton did not. mr. bush one did not.
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mr. bush number two did not pick president obama but i would say this, california, how it is changing, i think one of the reasons california is on the way i think ultimately to a debt to the fall is the fact that the illegal aliens are hard-working people but they're very poor, unskilled, they are not well educated. they consume a going to heritage foundation three times as much in tax revenues as they pay. they don't pay income taxes, but in terms of sales taxes. i think nativeborn california, white folks for the first of are coming back over the mountains and are small businesses are leaving. and i think they are on a vicious cycle that i don't see how it's going to be interrupted. >> host: from pat begin his 2006 state of emergency, this is what he writes. solutions to immigration issue, immediate halt to all immigration, no amnesty, no border fence. congress should end policy of anchor babies, and then policy of chain migration.
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and dual citizenship in the end of the incentives that bring in hold them here. such as access to social benefits, emergency benefits only. and attrition through enforcement. >> guest: some of the things that happen in state state law, arizona couple years passed proposition 200. every community around the country and states are passing laws along those lines. ultimately, the government of the united states has got to do it. under the 14th minute if you're born in the united states, according to the interpretation, you are an automatic citizen. that was aimed for slaves and their families that lived here for generations. and now what's happening is we are sneaking into the country, going into a hospital and having a baby, and the baby is an odd. >> citizen and how do lifetime of benefits. and they are the mother and they stay in the united states. and this has become anchor babies are becoming increasing
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burdens that this is the prime reason why they have to build more schools is for immigrants and many of them are illegals. the regular nativeborn population has flattened in this country. >> caller: good afternoon and thank you, c-span, for such a wonderful program. and mr. buchanan, thank you for your wonderful book "state of emergency." i want to recommend it for everybody. i want to cite something in the book, chapter 12, page 236, where you talk about something that happened in 1954 under president eisenhower, where he told the head of the i in as to do a massive deportation of 1 million illegal aliens back across the mexican border. now, the thing that bothers me, we so often hear all, we can't deport, we can't deport because of the large numbers that we have. that we see the administration
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using money for everything else. the thing is i think many of the things you state in your book, such as taking away the magnets would certainly help in terms of self deportationand then deal with the others after that is accomplished, active the border has failed. now i don't think we are going to solve this problem and let the american people become fully engaged. i think it's obvious that washington does not want to solve this for reasons you mention are here in the program. i think we need to be calling our state senators and assembly people and asking them to go ahead and follow arizona's example and get laws and our state, otherwise we're never going to -- >> guest: listen, this is a terrible problem now, partly because the government has failed. at between 12 and 20 million illegal aliens in the country. however, it is still a solvable
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problem and you don't need anything approaching so-called nazi tactics. what you do is you secure the border first. secondly, you remove the magnet by going after business been one after another after another, prosecuting them, punishing them, fining them for hiring illegal aliens that and, frankly, it's happened a number of them. when the illegal aliens go, all those jobs they will put up to americans. and there's been an enormous number of people applying for those jobs. if you keep doing this consistently, as you mentioned, many of the illegal aliens will go home when the magnet is gone, and when there is fear of arrest and fear they'll get caught and not be able to get back into the country at a later time. so this problem can be solved if there is energy at the executive level. eisenhower had it. i think as general joseph swing down to the border so we had a sudden incursion of something like 1 million illegal aliens and a lot of people down in
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texas are hiring them. he went down to, and once the word got out that the americans are serious and you better get out of the country, people live on their own. as long as you get no amnesty, and to remove the magnets and you secure the border, it can be done. the problem is there is no will in the congress of the united states. there is certain in no will in the white house to do that. >> host: henry in las vegas, you're on with pat buchanan. >> caller: good morning. i'm a former united states marine. i'm also an indigenous person of the americas. in 1894 they tried to eliminate the hawaiian language from hawaii. i don't see anything different, much less when they arrived. i would like to know what you think what is justified in what
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you're saying, and i'd like to know when the 370 treaty's broke and with the american indians, when are the native people going to have their judgment and 42 congressional record. i'd also like to know why they tried to limit ethnic studies from the arizona curriculum? >> guest: a lot of questions. there's no doubt much of the treatment of the native native americans, american indians is indefensible in terms of the breaking of the treaties, and in terms of the conduct toward indians, civilians, and some of the massacres that occurred. san creeping one of the more influential ones. but there's no doubt they were indian massacres and sellers as well. with regard to hawaii, hawaii was the next in line and really
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questionable circumstances. it was a lot of implicit in there. and i think it's hard to justify how we can about the annexation of hawaii. and, frankly, the puerto rican folks, i would give them independence if they want it or care to have commonwealth. but i would say they would stay because i think we're english speaking country and their a spanish-speaking cold. their language is different, but i agree with you on part of what you had to say, but if were going to have a country, you need a single language i think or single culture, and if you don't have it, then we will break up to a number of different enclaves and not really be a country at all. we have multiple languages, i think we're 100 different languages in chicago and have the people of the 10 night of los angeles county now speak a different by which that english in their own home.
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i don't understand the music, i don't understand the history, i can't understand their language. how are we countrymen? how can we be countryman? as for folks serving in the military, you go to iraq and come back, you on the fast track to american citizenship. i do care where you came from. >> host: an e-mail, you are an excellent speaker and intellectual. i respect you a lot. how is it then that you can't win elections politically although your ideas are sound? >> guest: that's a good question. [laughter] >> guest: i did when a number of primaries, did come in second. we became number of famous people to beat bob dole at the convention. i think one reason is we identify too much as, we have an identity as a right wing conservative controversialist carrying a lot of baggage even before we went in there. coming off a talk show trying to win the presidency of the united
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states. i do think it's tough, you know, fighting city hall. try to throw the government of the united states. so what i think with a very good run at it, but could if i was going to win, the republican nomination in 92, george bush had to drop out. i couldn't beat george bush in a nationwide election. i could do with gene mccarthy did in nashua and maybe george bush would drop out. that was my hope. a stadium so there was no way i could beat him. in 96, i think i could've gotten the nomination had we won in arizona we might have gotten the nomination. it still would have been tough. the party would have united against the. i think i could have beaten lamar. but i couldn't have beaten clinton i don't think that he was too strong by then. so i don't know that i could have been president of the united states even if i'd gotten the breaks and 96 and 92. it would have been a new different republican party take on.
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stay out of foreign wars, and, frankly, secure the border, and we would not have, we wouldn't have lost one-third, one in every three manufacturing jobs between 2002010. one in every three. imagine that. all those working people in america who just have the finest jobs, blue collars workers you could get. anywhere in the world. one-third of them gone. >> host: last call for pat buchanan comes from patricia in bradenton, florida. >> caller: yes, i have a question concerning a ethnonationalism. you painted a very bleak picture. do you have any solutions? >> guest: no, i don't. i mean, james had a great phrase, a line he used, where there is no solution there is no problem. and i think this is a very
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powerful force. and it is a worldwide force. and people are trying to cope with it, the chinese are trying to cope with it. india is trying to cope with it less and less successfully. burma is trying to cope with it. and it is a real problem, quite frankly. take a look at the people may not like the folks, the white folks in rhodesia and south africa, but i think they are not coming back and i think more and more are going to leave. and i think you can cope with it in the united states still, if we get back to the idea that we are one country, one border, one culture, one language. frankly, we have a moratorium on immigration. hold all illegal immigration. try to bring this country together as one, as one people again. and people, i get calls. they say we have segregation in 1950s. yes, we did, but culturally, socially, morally and many other ways we were one nation and one people united. okay, we were divided because we
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are segregated but we were beginning to cope with that. and the problems we have got now are i think far more difficult than that. >> host: your working title in your new book and when it hit do? >> guest: i have a problem with it. i've got to have it in by october 1. i am supposed to have and by april but the publisher and i have had some discussions over it, so it is the same those who did my looks, saint martin's. >> host: very quickly, in 30 seconds, can you tell us them from jim in savanna, what is your favorite newspaper, magazine, and two or three other favorite columns? newspaper, i don't have -- i get sick newspapers a day. and i think it's hard to say what the figures. i disagree with the post and your times, but they have a lot of information big one of the best papers i get even though i disagree with it is the
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financial times. it's got good coverage around the world. in terms of magazines, there's a number of them. chronicles magazine is one of my favorite. i read the conservative, i get a lot of awful magazines and some of them are free. so i was able to magazine. what was the other one? >> host: favorite columnist. >> guest: favorite columnist? i wouldn't want to name one because there's an awful lot of them. i read websites. i read drudge. as my morning newspaper. or i go down tried to find out which one of these things i want to read and hit various newspapers and columns on that. and their some others, a few others. >> host: here is pat buchanan, 10 books, first one, "the new majority," "conservative votes,
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