tv Book TV CSPAN May 16, 2010 1:00am-2:00am EDT
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all the way up to hartford. >> i'm not sure this is in the book but i do remember you telling me a story once that he asked about a speech, and you did actually-- go ahead. you had always said his speeches were terrific but this night you decided to actually give a little critique. then what happened? >> george was running for congress at that time and george's mother gave me some advice. she said don't criticize george's speeches. she said she had criticized her george's speech and he had come home from weeks later with letters saying it was the heat-- best speech he had ever given. [laughter] so i really take it too hard and i did not ever criticize them. one time we were driving home from laveck and we were just driving into our driveway. george said, tell me the truth, how was my speech?
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>> my dad never talked about it. we had these photographs and every wants in awhile we would look at it that we would not talk about. my mother did tell me one story that he was impressed he remembered one of our readers standing with a shovel and handing it to one of the germans that was still there when they were liberated and said it dig he said no. i am an officer. she took a shovel and hit him across the bottom and said it dig. and he did. [laughter] of course, there were digging graves.
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percolator many, many years later when i was in prayed for a nato meeting i was seated by a holocaust survivor restarted to talk and i said my dad's company had liberated the north and he said he had been in a concentration camp price said my dad never talked about it and he said i'd never tell my children about 80 there. he just thought it was too terrible and you could not admit to your own children that mankind could be that cruel but he held on to those pictures of recap those pictures. >>host: what was your reaction in later life when you hear about the holocaust deniers? >>guest: that is so terrible to hear about. it really is. and crazy. that is what it is. we went to the day of
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remembrance at the capital of the holocaust start coming in and we are thinking what did daddies company flag look like? we could not remember. then it came by the timber wolf. and we both burst into tears. just to see that flag of daddy's go by of his company. >>host: you have letters from him from the war? did you know, that?
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>>guest: i knew mother had the letters but i never read them. when i went to work on the book i drove around and looked at the house is. i go there often but i don't always go drive around and look at the house is my daddy built. he was a home builder or the house is that we lived in every time he opened a new edition he would have a new house for us. and drive by the house is that we lived in when we had barbara and genl of those years. but then i read the letters and i always knew how those were his love letters newly married than shipped overseas. but i always felt like she did not want me to read those those were private and personal. but then i read some of them. they were and i did feel a
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little bit like gave leu year. but it was fun. [laughter] and interesting and to think of them as these young women in love and separated by the war. >> your mother lost three other babies which was a great tragedy of her life then when you were pregnant you were very frightened. >> that's right. she lost three babies after me. the second, that is my first memory looking through the glass at the nursery i do remember seeing a baby. i just remember thinking that is where my baby was brought out and i was very aware this was the big disappointment of their lives that they did not have a family of four instead of
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the only child. and not just one. i was sad. that was always my wish on us start to have a brother or a sister 57 there is a wonderful picture at your first birthday. what happens next? [laughter] >>guest: this is what we lack barbara and did .org do. they did that then when we remove the cake they like it. [laughter] and i think they never had a sugar. >> it is good to turn one year old. you had to go to dallas. >> i struggle to get pregnant then i was so thrilled when i had the sonogram and found out there were two babies because i was hoping my children would
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have a sister or a brother and they got to have each other. i was a high-risk pregnancy. 35, twins so close to the end of the pregnancy i got preeclampsia toxemia and was sent to dallas where there is the intensive care nursery where they thought the baby would need the intensive care nursery which they did not. they were 5 pounds 4 ounces and 4 pounds 12 ounces which is big but it was a worry the whole time and i am sure i worried. >>host: your husband lost that race for congress but then he got involved in the 1980 campaign.
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and then suddenly his father is vice president. talk about celebrity by assn. i'd love that term. suddenly you were somebody. >>guest: in midland. [laughter] of i would be working in the yard thank you very much and i would see cars drive by very slowly and you could tell somebody had their friends in from out of town. [laughter] because the vice president's son. [laughter] >>host: then when he ran for vice president you moved up here to when we moved up year 19872 work on mr. bush's campaign it was after the price of oil had fallen so much again. midland was a boom and bust town. when oil was high everybody
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was high cotton like high o'neill then when it went down it would go through a bus and there was one shortly before george was able to sell his oil company we could move up and work on mr. bush's campaign. that was the first time in the 10 years that i was never really with his mother a lot. every other time it had been in maine when all of the other kids were there, grandchildren, when she was highly stressed. >>host: imf the line take the aspirin instructions to one how when you get tense grabbed a bottle of aspirin and do what it says take to a and keep away from children. [laughter]
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but when we lived up here they were running for president. they were gone all during the week but they made their rules to be home on the sundays together. we had a hamburger lent which is a tradition every sunday. i really got to know her than for the first time and also she got to know me. she had five children her by expected her to welcome me with open arms like a mother will come to george peake says he was her only other one but then we got to know each other and love each other and the same thing spreadsheet love to to read the year-and-a-half we lived here we would get up and read a review of the art show at the smithsonian or somewhere else and she would call me and we would jump in
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a car we could get and 30 minutes early as the vice president's wife. [laughter] it was a wonderful chance for georgann be both to have a relationship with his parents as adults. they babysat for borat and .org even though running for president and i was so great fall i had that chance to live in the same town because it made a huge difference in our relationship. >>host: by the end you write you were seeing things on television and reading things that were not true and such a mess characterization of and and send your husband runs for governor. [laughter] were you distressed more politics would be in your life? >>guest: not really. we lost the one raised.
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politics is a family business. you know, best. >>host: i do. [laughter] >>guest: wayne you have a family member in politics everybody is in it together. you have the upon it does not have to be each other and you are in it together. that year when we you traveled in west texas we did everything together and we drove every day when he decided to run for governor, i was fine with it. i had a good time prepared you win that is great and if you lose life goes on. it is not the end of your life if you lose a political raised. i knew that. so when he wanted to run for governor when people would say do think you'll ever run again? by would say yes. maybe when we are 50. we were kind of close to 50.
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[laughter] but that was my hesitation when he wanted to run for president. governor is a big job but the media and the scrutiny and criticism and attacks are nine year as when you run for president. >>host: you knew that. most people are taken by surprise. so the fact you were involved with those campaigns. >>guest: we've really knew it because of watching mr. bush especially with the 92 campaign but the 1988 campaign as wall. >>host: after your husband was elected governor your father got terribly sick you saw your mother as the role of caretaker. how did you react? to have her take on that
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role? >>guest: that was hard for me. he got alzheimer's and slowly it to progress and he got worse and worse he did not get so bad that he did not know me. >>host: he did not know george bush. [laughter] >>guest: that's right. the last thanksgiving before the inauguration we spend that thanksgiving with them. at one point daddy said to is that over there? i said that is my husband and george bush. he said you married to george bush? [laughter] he said i think all asked him for a loan the. [laughter] and then he laughed. that was so funny. >>host: the first lady started some things in texas that you were able to bring us with the book festival.
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>>guest: i started the texas book festival in its 15th year and it is usually successful and very popular they love to get invited to austin. it is held inside the texas capitol building the only way we got to do that because george was governor and the speaker was the grupo that oversees the capitol building. they don't let anyone else meet and of course, i understand that but they still have allowed us to have the book festival so for one weekend per year it is turned over to the richer thinkpad is a pretty great so the senate floor and house floor and committee and auditorium so authors that do not draw a big crowd
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can be in a committee room then we sell the books outside because you cannot sell things on the grounds and we made the book festival in to a fund-raiser for the texas public libraries in have given grants to every single texas public library. [applause] >>host: you also we're involved with the arts and education and family and protective services. you came here as first lady and immediately to get a book festival going here witching believe we still have going. and you were very involved in the literature and had the wonderful readings at the white house than early childhood education all of the things you learn a great deal about and start to
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concentrate on as of first lady and you're at the capitol september 11 ready to testify before the senate education committee and tell us what happened. >>guest: i got in my car that morning to brief the senate education committee on early childhood education so i did not have the tv on. i was very nervous. this was the first year he was president 2001. just as i was getting in the car the secret service agent leaned over and said a plane has just blown into the world trade center. i was getting into the car with my chief of staff and we had no idea what would transpire when we went to the capital reassumed it was
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just some weird accident some terrible accident. but on the way to the capital we get the message about the second plane. so that a reno then that it is a terrorist attack. but i go to senator kennedy's office he is waiting for me and he starts to give me a tour shows me the mementos including a letter from his brother jack and it was a letter that teddy is getting fat to. but the whole time he kept up this small talk and i thought about it over and over and wondered if that was a defense mechanism for himself because he had so many shocks in his own life that he kept up the small
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talk so we did not start to talk about what had happened and what this meant for all of us or if he thought i would fall apart. sell he was just trying to keep everything in a pleasant small talk way. we did go out. senator judd gregg was one of our closest friends and is at the ranch he was by teeing allegory for the debates. [laughter] so he joined us and we would just look at each other as o overlooking the small television back in the corner of kennedy's office
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we were sick he looked sick because we could not imagine i think it was a blessing that senator kennedy kept up the small talk because it was a way to try to process what we were seeing and what if it meant that the three of us went out and spoke to the press and said we were postponing their briefing already we were not going to cancel the breeding just postponed fed as the finished, "usa today" asked me what do we say to the children? that is when i got the idea of what do we say to the children? i said then parents need to insure their children they are safe and turn off the television do not let them watch over and over the
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buildings falling but then they gave me the direction of what i did in the days to follow including the letters to the high school students and another letter for younger students about what had happened and what they could do for each other and how we needed to take care of each other. >>host: it also lead you to your great passion. you have been there three times, a 70 countries, and still working on that issue and continue to work on that issue. >>guest: i will work on that forever. i think what happened as everybody turned toward afghanistan the women were so shocked by the contrast between the lives of women of afghanistan and our lives we could not believe it we
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could not imagine a government to forbid women from being educated immediately i heard from women all over the country who wanted to do something. unbelievable stories. one woman's husband was president of the university and said she would lie in bed at night and think what can i do to help plan been? she could write other presidents of universities to say can you give afghan women fall scholarships that include everything so they can come over here to be educated then go back and build their country? still to this day she has students and a number of universities and i spoke to the first graduating class of afghan women and had it that university four years later. that is one of the so many different ways american women thought they could mentor afghan women and help
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them in some way so they could one day enjoy the freedom we all enjoy. >>host: but that others in president who had gone to the microphone for the radio address and use it to defend the women of afghanistan. maybe some don't understand it but i know that she said i have a podium and i am going to use that. >>guest: ladybird johnson really did use hurt podium. speaking of ladybird i always admired her so much because she was a texas first lady.
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[laughter] i knew what the impact she had on her country was already interested because my mother was a naturalist interested in wildflowers but she started plants in of the landscape we can think her for a the daffodils that bloom still in washington for all of those bluebonnets on this side of the road in texas that i just saw last week but toward the end of her life her daughter called me and said her mother was going to make one more trip to washington and she knew it would probably be her last trip and wondered and she could bring her to the white house and of course, i was thrilled. she was in a wheelchair and no longer spoke to do to the stroke. but she had a wonderful
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twinkle in her mekhi when very expressive movements when she would see a painting she would remember she would put her hands together when we went to president johnson's portrait she put her arms out to him. it was sweet and i was so glad to have that chance to show her the white house and in fact, i had redone the room on the ground floor for the most recent portraits of the first lady and hers is over the fireplace she is wearing a yellow down and we adjusted the paint color in the room to see the yellow of heard down. i was at texas when she died in graduate school and the
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lbj library they stood and shook everybody's hand i stood in line never imaginings then that i would never see them again. >>host: it is time to go to questions but one last thing of my own is you did the work for the afghan women and africana and passionate advocate for freedom and burma in writing off beds and going to the white house briefing room and grabbing the microphone there that is the first time that ever happened and calling for the overthrow of the regime of burma. [laughter] that was not exactly the same as sitting am pouring tea. [laughter] [applause] i know you were very gracious with this answer
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always about why people did not understand how forceful you have been as a first lady and if that what you into some little sweet wife category. i am not saying that but. [laughter] >>guest: i think that happens to everyone. >>host: you say that. >>guest: the same with ladybird johnson instead of really being a leader of the environmental movement a founder for the u.s. environmental movement, but which she was she was a lovely little lady that liked flowers. [laughter] it is just what happens. it is a shame that somehow the stereotypes starts and the first ladies are seen as so one-dimensional because they are always so much more complex and interesting than those answers in the barbara
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bush is a nice grandmother is a very fascinating and strong-willed woman. >> that was true of martha washington. [laughter] it. >>host: but i just wonder if you think because there is a press bias people did not like your husband? >>guest: bair is a part of it. but i hope we are slowly moving away from that. >>host: this is a good opportunity to talk about the center and institute. what your projects now the book is completed?
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>>guest: george and i are building the bush library and institute and museum and have already started the programming for the institute which will be a policy institute. he said we are no longer into politics but we still want to work on policy focused on the four areas we spend the most time human freedom, education, opportun ity and compassion. i have already hosted u.s. afghan women's council there. undue minister of women's affairs came from afghanistan and it did videoconferencing with the minister of education with the u.s. ambassador to afghanistan. they were with us in dallas along with fulbright scholars some other afghan women running projects and the new woman director of
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secretary general of unesco unesco, they are very active in the literacy. that death u.s. afghan women's council was focused on branding women and girls. put the united states will stand with afghanistan it is important. if we don't i'm afraid they will go back to what they were and it is important especially for the women there. right before a charge and i left one of them said this is our only chance if we can make it now we will not be able. so we will do whatever we can to support other people 57 this is a good one from texas. did you ever cook when
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you're in the white house? >>guest: no. [laughter] i haven't cooked for 15 years. we had a shot at the governor's mansion and a wonderful chef at the white house and i never have really been a very good cook. i love to read cookbooks and very interested in food and i love to eat. i am not a very good cook. >>host: if you could have taken one on personal i down from the white house back to taxes what would it be? >>guest: there are so many beautiful paintings the white house has a magnificent art collection and not know which one i would pick. >>host: you brought some african american artist. >>guest: i acquired a jacob lawrence painting it is an acquisition the first
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it was every -- ever made the washington painting as well as benjamin franklin dave painting of builders and men of all races building together with his theory that if we all work together to build our country. since my father was a builder it had a special personal memory there's something very tangible about the name a builder. when i would drive around with my dad and say i built that house. there is something very satisfying about that. >>host: as a military spouse and wondered how you and your husband found time to visit troops and wounded warriors now you no longer do first lady duty are used
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la palma to support the troops? god bless you. semper fi. [applause] >>guest: that is so sweet. thank you. we did visit the london warriors here at walter reed and brooke army medical center where the burn patients are in san antonio often. whenever we could then of course, we meant with the fallen at all different times i remember especially during the 2004 campaign we would go to a big event then afterwards we would go backstage to the other room and meat with the family is that have fallen from that part of the country where we were. that is a grief that is very, very difficult to share or to see with each
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family. what i always saw was how the families of people who died both in september 11 and those we met with after the terrorist attacks than after that, how they wanted you to know about their loved one how they lost and they wanted to tell a story. one sister of someone who had died had written a story that she read to george and me about her brother and their rice something so moving about every one of those visits and how precious. how our country is a rear so fortunate to have men and women who volunteer to serve our country like those of united states military. >>host: absolutely.
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[applause] what advice did you give your daughters? >>guest: i am still giving that advice to barbara. [laughter] i said look for somebody just like dad. >>host: and how are they? >>guest: they are doing very well. .org contributing correspondent on the "today show" she is still teaching one day per week at the reading intervention teacher and barbara founded a nonprofit and if you're interested you can look on the web app placing resend college graduates and helping the poor right now she has people who on the
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ground in rwanda and tanzania and boston and a new work in the united states. it is the idea from teach for america but to recruit smart college graduates to work in health clinics so they set up the supply chain one fellow in tanzania ran a supply chain for the guest so now he is setting up the supply chain for the anti-by rolls so the people and the clinics can keep up with the medication. i am very proud of both of them and they are doing great. >>host: also the question of your id moss's. >>guest: they are doing very well. at this moment there at in my backyard in dallas with george hosting a party.
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meeting barbara bush's assistant last summer in maine and they're getting married saturday night. [laughter] [applause] so tonight we are all hosting the welcome to texas barbeque for the out of town guests saw a lot of maryland friends are in the backyard right now. they are doing well to fly from houston to go to this party fly back home and come back on saturday for the party then fly up to maine for the summer. >>host: this is a good last question i would love for you to read the end of your book because it is so beautiful what do you enjoy doing now that you did not do in the white house? it is probably a long list but you write it so beautifully.
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>>guest: the last one? we have lived through four seasons on the ranch land the spring bloom of wild flower the baking heat of summer when the air shimmers and his lowe's to accommodate the air. the fall of crisp warnings and a great colors and a printer and we can hear the howls of the coyotes in the rush of the wind. hardly enough time to reflect on eight years let alone the lifetime. when i was born there is a shop on the main street today our news has disseminated via blog petites morning when i watched the sun lifted self over our hill cutting through the tree line and eliminating the prairie grasses and that two young shade trees the white house
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staff gave to us i am reminded of the joy to be found in the day that is coming. rude george will open up presidential library in dallas the george w. bush institute is already functioning as a part of that i am pursuing many of the causes of were especially dear to me as in the white house by a meager two continue to advocate for women's rights and women's of three special limits initiative i began working on new ways to help the women of afghanistan and the middle east. to promote education and literacy for the millions to whom alphabets are a mystery and basic addition a complex puzzle. to the institute we can help to promote basic human freedom for these women and their family but as much as i treasure my public life i also treasure the quiet of my private one. sometimes during that spring and summer in texas i began
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to fill the new-found freedom after nearly eight years of hyper vigilance vigilance, waiting for than next tragedy that might be coming to i could at last exhale and simply be. when i raised my eyes to the sky i see the clouds the brightness of the blue or the moon and the ever shifting arrangement of the stars. look up, laura practice still hear my mother say with a hint of lot and wonder and i do. [applause] thank you so much. >>host: i really appreciate it. >> thank you so much. [applause]
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the contamination from the coli and salmonella getting into our me supply and they ask me about that and also about really the unfortunate practice of slaughtering downer callous that may harbor mad cow disease that i describe in some detail in the book. is just a symptom of what is wrong with our much larger industrial form of food production when it comes to raising animal protein that most people in this country consume including vegetarians ready to lot of dairy products as well. "animal factory" just came out this week and already getting a lot of attention i am thrilled about that because i do think it is of the incredible importance. i confess too not knowing where our food came from. i knew it did not come from old macdonald's farm but i
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did not want to think beyond that or require it did come from. i got the idea for this book a few years ago i happen to be very fortunate from robert downey, jr. we were talking and just in conversation he mentioned a local situation in prairie grove arkansas. the large chicken companies feed arsenic to the birds it ends up out to the other end and the maneuver was spread around the tiny town called prairie grove and dollar 2500 people in the town, there are 100 or more cases of cancer including 20 cases of pediatric cancer and three boys of the very same rare form of testicular
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cancer. the reason i mention that because it is a horrible tragedy but i also wanted to know why to replace our st. nick into chicken feed? what is that about? that got me researching the story and my agent said if you want to tell a story will tell it to the eyes of the people. that is what i did and that is what i have tried to do with "animal factory." that is why people are reacting so well and they like reading the book because it is about real people in stories of people and on happen to them when wires were completely disrupted and literally invaded them. we hear a lot about factory farming and contamination of food safety and hear about
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animal welfare which is a huge issue and the corporate food chain and air pollution and water pollution but not as much as the people who have to live and breathe every single day. i wanted to tell the story. by a want to bring it back to the human aspect although filled with a science and law and politics it is interesting but fundamentally it is about people. we call them factory farms but we call it concentrated animal food operation i prefer it coming from the word factory and farm the other is so or rally and but
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this is a fairly new way of raising animals up through the four-- everything we did all farming was our guide -- organic. we raise plenty of food to be this country without the industrial farm animals were raised on small family farms that were sustainable closed systems independent and the animals would graze in the field and that is where they would go to the bathroom and the maneuver would go into the ground be absorbed and come up and feed the animals again. highly sustainable but the industrial model it is very different and when i started to think of the term cafo of you see them when you fly across the country the long way to building this like cigarettes laid out usually
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with large long way to buildings. i do eat meat for cry belief in animal agriculture it is part of who we are and our civilization we have done it for thousands of years but again those animals provide the manure for the crops that give us food. animal agriculture is great but the letter of oat any farm is an animal operation. but the feeding operation first of all, what is that? additives first of all, they're not eat grain or corn or soybeans they are supposed to eat grass they are a very efficient to convert grass to protein when you put them feeding
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operations we give them greens they are not supposed to read that is one way they develop the coli. chicken and pigs can have a small amount but they are supposed to have a much broader diets. the feed is not natural then they add things like antibiotics, a low dose to promote growth, heavy metals and our sncc and led some not even natural. the whole idea of having a feeding operation is to get them to market as quickly as possible to grow as fast as possible to get them a lot of there with the next crop of babies in. there is nothing wrong with the former to get the animal to market quickly but when you're concentrating only on the feeding of the and all that is at the expense of all other means of the animal health wise, sanitary
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if you deny an animal that is genetically designed to be outside routine around the team bugs and greens and having a social life and frankly having a sex scandal life and georgie and investing animating and children when you deny the and of those things it is stressful and some people think it is extremely inhumane the welfare of the animal is compromised when it is raised in the industrial setting so many animals crammed together in doors without access to fresh air sunlight or pasture. that is all they do. when you get to to the concentration in this year concentration of the sheer numbers of raising so many animals on such a small piece of land.
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you have completely violated the agricultural system and what happens is because you have to feed so many animals every single day the land surrounding that facility cannot grow enough food to feed those animals so you import grain and soybeans and feed. those are nutrients you bring nutrients on-site that were not there before then you are left with the nutrients you bring it is what you have to get rid of and it starts to pileup quickly. the way the industrial system handles it is they liquefied the menu were. in some systems it sits in the pit for about six months and imagine the voters saying gases and stench that would rise up from that that is why they have to have fans going constantly
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because of the electricity goes out and a backup generator does not go on those pigs would be dead in a matter of minutes from their own stench. and another system that it is fleshed out constantly into a giant waste lagoon. this is not "gilligan's island." it is a big open cesspool and we would never be allowing human waste to be treated this way and always has many more pathogens. some matches sunday that out to brooklyn or somewhere. god forbid. we would not stand for its but these people have to live next door because there is just so much. we have the net to import and nutrients now we have to export the waste.
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land application of liquefied maneuver is more than just fertilizing crops but waste management. in north carolina they are out there spring the fields just to keep the lagoon levels down because here with the rainy season at well over four o. there are situations where that happens with fish kills and algae blooms. it is a pretty serious situation. most people don't realize. i do call it the looming threat i do believe it is a serious threat but we're not quite yet at the end tipping point* where we will wipe out humanity but the threat is there and the diseases are emerging and it is a source of mad cow disease and was the original source for the current 81 and one fibrous that devolved 10
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years ago in south carolina we were warned it would mutate and come back and haunt us think audited did not turn out to be as horrible as we thought the still a huge economic disruption and people did die. but these issues that we play around with because we want cheap meat we forget there is another added cost when you go to the big box store of course, the question is what do we do about it? it is so overpowering and the food industry is so big and important and rich and powerful and entrenched in politics the book describes people who said the navtech are will not put up with this anymore and the man who
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seven not take this anymore that is the feeling and these are farmers and fishermen and middle american several america that were not active this more liberal or environmentalists they were defending their home and took on a very powerful industry and they are winning because the industry will listen to consumers and to pressure it is a slow process. at the end of the book it does not end on the happy no. but with active is like these i feel they are bringing pressure to bear where the sort of thing discount some of these things that could and should be -- should be done and
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ready has the right to buy and eat the food they want to prepare their economic issues involved and to realize what it is like to be a working family when you go to the store that he made way the chicken was raised your looking for the best price and i understand that but you need to take into account what that is and maybe you might be willing to buy a different brand from an animal that was raised more humanely there is a group that has standards called animal welfare approved for a list of the different standards to raise sustainable food that did not harm the animals or environment or the people living around it. the couple of things that can be done i am also very
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interested in president obama he made a lot of promises and has not kept all of them yet but usda and epa are quietly rewriting the rules. there is a lot of cause for optimism. the bush years were really rough as we all know. her securely in terms of forming. the bush white house to allow agribusiness to run roughshod over the rules. some things that can be done is to establish local control counties it is a huge issue in this be 13 days said we don't want cafo i think to be much harder for the industry to spread the amount and a ban on antibiotic use other than treating sick animals would help level the playing field. the idea for policy makers is to make it harder to
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produce so cheaply and also produce more at lower cost and right now the difference is a huge right now they could on the animals they slaughter it is a heavily vertically business from seamen to cellophane if you only have a few processing plants to go to market there is a tremendous bottleneck and the former with an animal that cannot be processed you have to go through that process. that is some of the things. hypnotic but someone to talk about people who suffer.
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and the way the environment sufferers and i want to read a little bit of what rick had to say about the future. i will only read three passages. they are not too long so please bear with me. the second is slightly longer. the first one i will read about is the waste lagoons. they have 20 or 30 million gallons of fermenting stinking waste ammonia, methane, ammonia will go up and convert into nitrogen and fall into waterways. then that algae blooms contribute to fish kills this contributes to the dead zone like the mississippi river a lot of that is due to agricultural waste and run off. .
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