tv Book TV CSPAN May 16, 2010 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT
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best season here, world series year of 17 and 9, when he made 34 starts. the bat is shattered and zimmerman is on the way for the 2nd out. 5 and a row now for olsen after the tulowitzki double. we welcome you back here and it's beautiful day in denver, colorado. 7th game of the road trip and 3 and 3 on the st. louis for 2 before coming home for 5 days and out for another week and a half. >> enough time to just get your laundry cleaned. >> bob: yeah. enough time to get the wrinkles
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out of the sport coats. top of the order, gonzalez and he swings and misses by a wide margin, 1-0 pitch. olsen dipped that ball away from him. what makes him so good is 1 and 1. those are crazy numbers. that carries to morgan. he can't hit the ball any harder. 6 straight for olsen. pitcher dual is shaping up after 3. host: does charlie daniels play a mean fiddle? ♪ fiddle music charlie:hat's how you do it son.
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>> bob: 1-1 ball game onto the 4th inning. >> he had that shoulder scoped on at the end of '08 and came back here in 2010 and didn't think his breaking ball could be as sharp but he's done a great job through 3 innings. they have been able to see what he has to offer, which is not that much that should be getting you out easily. let's see what our guys can do. >> bob: rodriguez takes the 1st one. nats have out hit the rockies.
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you saw the numbers last time up and he loves this ball park. 0 for 9 with a sector in the 3 games he's played out here. francis is trying to pound him inside, 2 and 1. francis has done a great job on the right handers. it's getting out front with that changeup and here he falls behind. rodriguez is safe and we'll see how they score it. >> bob: her reluctant to give
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too low of errors in this ball park. >> he has amazing range and i am amazed he got to that ball. base hit, rodriguez and both teams are satisfied with that scoring decision. >> once again, though, most shortstops don't get to that ball. desmond may get to it. most are not close to getting to that ball. the fact he made that throw, is a lot. >> bob: they post an error on the scoreboard. i think somebody thought he said base hit. >> no, that's not an error. >> bob: morris is the hitter. the thing is riggleman has no
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for hitters like gonzalez, hitting 3 or 4 at-bats one day and you have to approach every one like they are a pinch hitting performance. when he does that, he makes contact. just because you're getting 3 or 4, that doesn't mean you wave at the ball. that's what he did up at the plate today. and he had an uncharacteristic strike out. 3-2 to morris. he pops that up. helton and olivo. that will be the 1st out here in the 4th and gonzalez is coming up.
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officials scorers will tell you sometimes they have to make decisions that they don't necessarily agree with. i am sure somebody from the rockies was lobbying for that and maybe somebody from the nats as well. but when you have a shortstop that's always in the running for a gold glove, they want to be sure when they give him an error. >> there's a couple of ball hitters and the balls were blasted. >> bob: nats get to 2nd base and olivo made that close at the
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the gnat are gone in the top of the 4th. it's still 1-1. [ male announcer ] achievement has its own patch of grass. ♪ achievement unleashes hidden potential. ♪ all right! achievement looks forward to dinner at home. achievement enjoys newfound freedom. i love you. [ male announcer ] mortgages, home equity loans, and lines of credit from pnc. helping achievers borrow with an eye towards the future. pnc. for the achiever in us all.
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can it make unlimited skype-to-skype calls to any country ? without using any minutes ? im anyone on skype. droid can with skype mobile. one of thousands of apps that can run with other apps. from the ever-expanding android market. when there's no limit to what droid gets, there's no limit to what droid does. right now buy one droid by motorola and get a second one free. only from verizon. >> bob: here's the game summary, after 3 and a half, pitchers rule and desmond has a double and jeff francis, 25 pitches in that inning and he's
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settled in nicely and olsen has been solid all day long. >> the starting pitching will keep being the game. you see that pitch and it's a ground ball double play. good fastballs by francis. see if olsen can make him here in the 4th. there's this rookie lineup. -- rocky lineup, when you look up and down, there's not this one guy that ter identifies you in the middle. there's no ryan howard but a bunch of really good workman like major league hitters who are line drive hitters.
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rockies don't have nearly the power they used to but they are still a tough lineup. >> reminds me of the angels. they can run the bases very well. and they get good hitting. the angels are not a big power house team but have good on-base percentage guys and guy that is know how to run the bases. big swing by spilborghs. 90 miles per hour ball and the count is 1 and 2. >> bob: good team for guzman. your child can be apart of the
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coolest club, 2010 junior nationals for ages 12 and younger. register now at hawpe is in the 4, 6, 3 double play and engineered by gonzalez. good breaking ball by olsen. if you look at colorado, they are not top 10 ahead of texas and minnesota and detroit and power house teams. >> bob: a little tapper out here and olsen with a short throw and 2 quick outs. the other thing is, they have
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been rained out here 4 games. the weather has been miserable at least four times. if you count thursday night, it's five times. they have had bad weather for nearly half of their home games. when it warms up, they will generate more power and score more runs. >> i am glad the nats will be done with them after that, hitting them early when the weather is suspect. >> bob: they have 59 homeruns already.
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coming inside on the 0-1 pitch. it looks like across the plate. they are having fun at slug fest in florida today. mets got 3 in the 6, 3 in the 7th and marlyns got 3 in the 7th and marlyns got a run in the 8th and they are trailing 10-7 against florida. florida is trying to win its 4th straight and mets trying to avoid their 5th straight loss. 1, 2 pitch. it looks like the mets got started on a bad week. atlanta about to win their 18th game of the year, leading 10-1
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over arizona. 3 and 2 now. another 1 here on the inside edge. you're going to see where it's way inside on tulowitzki. it's a fly ball to center. morgan is going to catch it. he's going to run in and get his helmet, bat and gloves and lead off, morgan is 1 for 2 today and 5 for 14 in the series. good ball game, 1-1 into the 5th. this is unlike any car you've ever seen before. this is power with efficiency. this is an interior that exceeds even the promise of the exterior. this is the all-new jaguar xj. the stunning result of taking a very different road.
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5 times in this series. >> it looks like he's trying to put the ball in play and make contact there and he misses a good off speed breaking ball. francis is really good. 3-2 breaking ball right now. >> bob: 2nd time today desmond goes up acting early. and it's 2 outs. that will bring in guzman now with 2 outs and the bases empty. >> he's going up there and hacking early in the count and helping francis. >> bob: guzman swings into 1st base. that's not the approach to get
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francis out of the game. it's a 1-1 game here in the 5th. so, verizon fios includes cool widgets like facebook, twitter, even access to youtube right on your tv, instead of crowding around your computer. hey -- have you seen the walking ham? walking... the ham's got boots on... i'm not sure i have. or the soapy monkey? oh, my husband's on youtube. oh, honey, we really don't... oh come on. it's so funny. the man's busy... you're daddy on little girl's bike? no, i'm not. let's cue it up. [ male announcer ] introducing youtube, straight to your tv. only on verizon fios. this is beyond cable. this is fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v.
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>> bob: bottom of the 5th coming up and we welcome those who have been watching. we're glad you're with us. helton and stewart and taylor is in the ball park with general manager. >> there's a report out there that you're going to join the team tomorrow in st. louis. can you confirm that for us? >> we're not talking about roster news until we announce them ourselves. >> can you talk about the progress that zimmerman is making? >> they are progressing at their
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own rates. they are doing great and zimmerman is well ahead of schedule. his arm is feeling great and simulating games already. . >> we're about a month and a half into this season. what do you think is the biggest need for improvement? >> i think we're always looking for that starting pitching. it's the key to make the engine run. you know, we're playing well and the guys are really getting after it every day. we prepare well and expect a win. >> this road trip, you're 3 and 3 and in a position to beat colorado. >> it's a tough road trip. any time you go west and play a
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tough team like colorado and end up in st. louis after starting in new york city, it's a tough road trip. we're planning on taking 2 out of 4 and going into st. louis and attacking two really good pitchers. >> thank you very much. bob back up to you. >> bob: olsen has retired 9 in a row until he let that ball over the plate for helton. he was 11 and 12 before that base hit. olivo hit a ball to left field. that's what he's talking about, making the guy hit the ball the a way. he's been fooling the nats to death this year.
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we come to those who are watching the o's in their 5-1 loss to cleveland. 1-1 ball game. these teams have traded sack flies. guzman in the 1st for washington and olivo in the 2nd for colorado. with 1 on and 1 out here, it will be stewart who put the ball on the ground to morris in 1st base. dunn showed up at the ball park this morning with flu-like symptoms and riggleman doesn't rest power hits here in denver.
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high breaking ball and over the plate. not where rodriguez wanted it. it's a good thing for the nats that stewart looked at it. >> it was a neat pitch but it was defected. next pitch, keep it down. fastball up and in. marlyns won that game against the mets, 10-8. if the nationals don't win here today, the florida marlyns will tie washington for 2nd place. phillies has the sunday night game. right now, the phillies are 3 games up on the nats. 1-2 and had him reaching.
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olsen only giving up 3 hits today and never 2 in 1 inning. there's a bouncing ball and he'll have to hurry for a couple. turned by gonzalez. that's a bang-bang play by tulowitzki. >> you're right. you have to hurry. it's a slow hopper and it's a quick feed. nice job by gonzalez. riggleman had the same
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arguments. there's the rookie umpire over there. desmond and gonzalez turned that as quickly as they could. there's the replay. nice job by olsen getting another ground ball out. almost got 2. that's over the reach of zimmerman. that's toward 2nd base. francis will bat with runners at 1st and 3rd and 2 outs.
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as i mentioned, francis, at least before he got hurt, could swing the bat. 14 career rbi. innings like this make you wonder why any pitcher would go to the american league from this league. he might be up there facing a .280, .290 hitter right now. you still respect the man holding the bat with that being said.
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can it make unlimited skype-to-skype calls to any country ? without using any minutes ? im anyone on skype. droid can with skype mobile. one of thousands of apps that can run with other apps. from the ever-expanding android market. when there's no limit to what droid gets, there's no limit to what droid does. right now buy one droid by motorola and get a second one free. only from verizon.
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>> bob: it's so obvious that it almost seems too easy. >> you have that minimum right there. that's the minimum. zimmerman got his weekend started with a bang, and a career high, 6 rbi-game on thursday. he got him again. >> we need a long ball right here, whether it's double or homer. >> bob: zimmerman has 12 rbi's and 3rd best in the league. 8 for 15 on the weekend.
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in, to the right hander. >> you have to step out. if he's standing on the mound and ready to pitch, you have to call time and step back out. you can't let him sit there and be in a groove. if murray saw you working and you have a nice repetitious rhythm going, he would try to call time out and break your rhythm. willingham will take another walk. the only 2 issued by francis today. 26 on the year for josh willingham. the career e.r.a. for today's starter.
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rodriguez and the nationals continue to swing at the 1st pitch, shortening francis inning series. 3rd time around the batting order, and way overeager are the nats. walking... the ham's got boots on... i'm not sure i have. or the soapy monkey? oh, my husband's on youtube. oh, honey, we really don't... oh come on. it's so funny. the man's busy... you're daddy on little girl's bike? no, i'm not. let's cue it up. [ male announcer ] introducing youtube, straight to your tv. only on verizon fios. this is beyond cable. this is fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v.
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gonzalez leads things off here in the 6th. he's been involved with two big deals from arizona, who drafted him at the age of 16 to oakland and then over here in the matt holiday deal with the houston streak, looking more than a throw-in right now and olsen takes care of him. scott alsoen, 1st out in the 6th inning and gets his 1st strike out of the day. he got gonzalez. great breaking ball and good off speed. single and line shot right at morgan. that ball was right over his head. >> we went to break at the 6th
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and desmond and guzman were singing at the 1st pitch and that left francis off the hook in 2 of the last 3 innings, throwing 8 pitches. there will be another sunday family fun pack available next week. a seat, hot dog and chips and soda for just $14. visit to purchase your family fun tickets. o's are in for the weekend. 4:00 on saturday and 1:30 on sunday. >> francis has thrown nothing but off speed stuff in the count. he's been throwing curve balls all day. we keep swinging at it in the
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3rd. he's going to keep doing that. so we wait him out. hawpe is up. he's hit into the double play and bounced back to the pitcher. by far the biggest crowd we have seen in this ball park in years. the upper deck is all the by out to right field, nearly full. it's full down to left field side, only about a section and a half unoccupied. this will be a crowd, somewhere around 45,000 or more today. >> they wanted to see these
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crafty lefties on the hill today. olsen versus francis, you have to be here. 2-2 pitch. atlanta closed out its win, 13-1 over arizona. they have the last place team, atlanta, with 18 wins. 3 and 2. brad hawpe is a good hitter but it's a lefty-lefty matchup and you have to challenge him to put the ball in play here with tulowitzki on deck at this stage in the game.
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cubs scored a run and lead the pirates 4-3 in the 8th. olsen keeps throwing strikes. dodgers are over .500 and have won 6 in a row and start the day only 3 games behind the team they are playing, the padres. rockies right now are backup behind san diego. olsen is taking a long time and the hitter is getting time. got him on a 3-2 pitch that hawpe took and his first 2 strike outs of the day come in
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the 6th. it's 1-1 now. 7th inning is coming up. so, verizon fios includes cool widgets like facebook, twitter, even access to youtube right on your tv, instead of crowding around your computer. hey -- have you seen the walking ham? walking... the ham's got boots on... i'm not sure i have. or the soapy monkey? oh, my husband's on youtube. oh, honey, we really don't... oh come on. it's so funny. the man's busy... you're daddy on little girl's bike? no, i'm not. let's cue it up. [ male announcer ] introducing youtube, straight to your tv. only on verizon fios. this is beyond cable. this is fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v.
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business. we're all even. single, a double, and they had a double and they moved him to 3rd and then a fly run manufactured and it's a brand new ball game going into the 7th for the mets. morris goes up packing. he swings at the 1st pitch. that looks like a good fastball, low and away. there's gonzalez. he's had the pitch off the
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that ball hit him in the foot, evidently, foul ball. i would like to see him start swinging awayment he's trying to hit behind the runner in every at-bat. he's got home run potential. this guy can jack francis out of here. he keeps tying himself up trying to go to right. nice save from francis. 1-2 count. >> bob: gonzalez has two career homers and his first was two years ago. atlanta was in september.
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he gets one to the left side. that sets up the bunting situation for olsen who had a short chat with with riggleman before heading to the batter's box. >> another good breaking ball by francis, down and in. he gets the single by tulowitzki and they were pinching in for the double play. nationals have selected 3 hits for the 7 and 8 hitters today. olsen spins it perfectly once today. francis doesn't throw very hard and our guys are not at the top of the order and they are the guys right on them. >> bob: stewart is hanging here
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the bag and helton is charging in. even with the ball pushed a little to the left field side, he might grab it and wheel to 3rd. >> watch him coming in here, full sprint. i got you. remember the play in philadelphia? >> bob: eurpl nervous for todd if he makes the full swing. the key for this for olsen would be to push it so far up the line at 3rd that stewart has to pick it up. the count is 1 and 1. 3-time gold glover over this at 1st base. olsen is not going to offer if francis keeps throwing the ball that far outside. outside pitch.
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head into left center field. this inning started with a morris base hit on the 1st pitch. olsen struck out trying to bunt and it's 1 and 1 game in the top of the 7th. big slow breaking ball. down on strikes for the 3rd time today. three strike outs on the day for morgan. big breaking ball, down and away. now it's up to desmond, the rookie to come
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