tv C-SPAN2 Weekend CSPAN December 4, 2010 7:00am-8:00am EST
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misunderstanding or a serious discrepancy but i would urge you to try to find a path that is as supportive of the modification process as major banks are for their own portfolio loans. despite that your protest that you're doing it something seems a mess and could be improved. >> it might be. we tried this four years ago. we talked about in this room where we gathered together. all these lenders to talk about this very issue and the set of principles that we adopted in this room that went nowhere despite the contract. might not be a bad idea to gather as a way of gathering
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these lending institutions and servicers in a row, said down and have the kind of conversation. what is going on with the gap on another panel getting people together to find out where the gaps are might be very valuable. i thank all of you for being here. very gracious of you to have participated in this. obviously the problem will not be resolved in the short term but we have to get behind this for all the reasons we talked about today so the committee thank you. the meeting is adjourned. [inaudible conversations]
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solomon rushthey isn't on booktv for his novel the satanic versus. he will discuss his lesser-known nonfiction works like imaginary homelands. do in our three our conversation sunday at noon eastern on c-span2 and watch previous programs on where you will also find the entire weekend schedule. this week russian president dimitry medvedev gave his annual state of the nation address. topics include relations with nato and proposals to diversify the economy away from oil and commodities and stem russia's population decline. this is an hour and 10 minutes. [speaking russian] >> translator: the president of the russian federation, dimitry medvedev.
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♪ >> please be seated. >> translator: dear citizens of russia. esteemed deputies and members of the council of the federation. it was a year ago in this very room that i presented my political strategy to rely on the values of democracy and modernize the economy and incentive progress to raise a generation of individuals who would be educated and raise the standard of living of people in this country to a new level.
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to reestablished russia as a modern world power that has achieved success based on innovation. these began amidst the difficult period of time for the whole world. it was a time when the world was struck by a global crisis and in the middle of an unprecedented heat wave and forced fire. despite the difficulties we have been able to do quite a lot and i'm here to thank everybody who has made a contribution to the rejuvenation of our society. we were able to stabilize our economy following significant decline and this year economic
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growth will -- the crisis unfortunately has taken place the world over, we have prevented invasion from the three year goal is to reduce inflation to level of 5% year in order to mitigate the consequences of almost 1 fifty billion rubles were allocated for the agriculture. decisions have been made to stabilize this extremely important area and prevent standards of living in the affected regions from falling. i will keep an eye on how those instructions are executed and complied with. at the moment we have about five billion unemployed individuals. it is two million fewer than the peak of the crisis which is a significant achievement. the sovereign debt is minimal. the current level of russia's
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international research is almost five hundred billion considerably higher than the same number in late 2008. following and i crisis measures which were unprecedented in scope we are transitioning to a more balanced budget policy. the budget deficit remains very high. we will reduce it. all the leading world nations have taken under identical commitments and obligations. the economy remains complicated and some of the consequences of the crisis have not been overcome yet and this has to be said directly for what it is. however, we will comply with our social obligations in an unconditional matter. a real population in come in the
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past few months has grown by 5%. for the next year individuals employed in budget funded areas will be increased and targeted programs to provide housing to veterans and military are being executed. we are finding opportunities to increase pensions and the stated goal that was stated by me to make sure they receive titles that are at least as high as substance level. that goal has been accomplished. but the general level remains low. in order to increase pensions to modernize public health we have made a number of difficult decisions including an increase in mandatory insurance contributions. a lot is being said about this
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but we have to indicate the negative consequences of this measure for entrepreneurial activities. i made the following decision for a small business operating in production of a social area, a two year transitional period will be provided for the contributions to the health system will be affected at a lower rate of 26%. during this year we have been purposely working to implement projects in the main areas of modernization. our goal is to increase the energy efficiency of this economy by 40% by 2020. this goal is feasible, i have no doubt about that. the industry expenses to save
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personal funds of individuals in the first place which could be the most important thing in terms of paying for housing and utilities. we discussed this issue. the conclusion is to prevent continued deterioration of utilities and at the same time to more effectively use energy, private capital needs to be engaged more actively in the housing sector. , would also like to say that we have certain successes in the high-tech development area. the domestic nuclear power industry is once again building on a regular basis annually. putting its operation facilities currently nine energy units are being built and russia is
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implementing project around china. and the shielding industry has increased by a factor of 10, 25 and that is a very nice number. that also means budget revenue and direct benefits for employees. as far as the world ratings of supercomputers currently comprises 11 russian systems. next year the productivity of the domestic supercomputer will increase by 150% making it one of the most powerful computers in the world. before the end of this year the satellite will be complete reform and over the next two years construction of the principal digital navigation
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will be completed and system satellite navigators' will also start applying and be available to the mass user. over the next year digital practices to the mandatory tv networks will be made available in most borderline regions. we build over a thousand as part of the estate owned digital broadcasting network. this year we have taught the world wide web to speak the russian language. it is very important for this country. the domain has been open and is popular quickly. this is also an achievement of ours and we have started implementing a new strategy for a new industry over the next few years. the share of domestically manufactured pharmaceuticals is
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to be increased to 50% whereas in the nation medication innovation will increase to 60%. it will make medication more accessible to the public and i hope the pharmaceuticals will become an important revenue item for this country. our most well-known innovation is an initiative published less than a year ago and already becoming reality. there is the management team and also a special test which establishes equipment that will be part of this project also. there are specific proposals from private government companies that are ready to start as early as today. i would like to emphasize the tax benefits and breaks and government funding for the search should be made available to any and all who have ideas and who need this criteria. in the next two years we are
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planning to spend thirty billion rubles on joint research activities in leading universities with industrial companies. this is not small potatoes. in the event of a success we need to increase funding for the program. another project that is important is the project that involves turning moscow into a major international financial center. responsibility for this project sits with federal entities, municipal governments, and this work is already being contributed to by major russian and foreign institute. i am positive that here too we stand a chance of success. also the benefits of an effective financial target will
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be obvious to the public and the companies who will be able to take advantage of the entire spectrum of modern financial services and the whole country of russia due to the inflow of capital received as a result of expanded economic activities. a great deal has been done. if we look at it from the perspective of just one year. i hope everyone understands that we're still at the very beginning. there are forces available to us that have to be used -- but in order to modernize the economy, to create new competitive goods and services, to create millions of new jobs, create demand for innovation, promote a means to expand professional and social prospects of our people. i am instructing the government
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to spend at least half of what is saved expenses as well as part of the additional revenue in the federal budget to support modernization priorities. what i am referring to are the well-known increase in energy efficiency of this economy and development of new energy information and telecommunications and medical technologies. on the success of all these projects the quality of life of our people depends on. everything i have been talking about, modernization is by no means the end itself. it is nothing but a tool, using which we will be able to solve longstanding problems in our economy and social areas and support those who need that support more than anyone else
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and create an environment in which the talents of those with high hopes, our children and young people, after all modernization is being pursued for them before anybody else or anything else and we should not be ashamed for what country will turn over to our children and grandchildren. however it is just as important in whose hands the future of russia will end up. twenty-six million children and teenagers currently living in russia must be able to grow healthy, happy and full-fledged individuals and to become decent and worthy citizens. this is priority number one for all of us. thank you. taking care of future generations is something that has the most reliable, smart and noble investment to society
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where in real fact the rights of children are protected and his or her personal dignity is protected so societies kinder and more humane and can develop faster and better, a more favorable and predictable future. i believe what we need dramatically is an effective government policy in the area of childhood. policy that would be modern and feed the interests of national development. that is exactly why in this address a i will give the modest amount of attention to this subject and a i will dwell on what in my view requires new solutions and approaches on how to improve -- russia has increased by 21%. this by the way is among the best indicators worldwide.
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infant mortality has dropped by one quarter. last year for the first time in eighteen years we were able to see an increase in the russian population. this is the result of the maternity capital for payments of the national project and other measures of social support. we have sent our teeth into the democrats's problem in an earnest way. we have to understand in the next 16 years we will still be living through the consequences of the decline in the 1990s but the number of women who can bear children will significantly reduce over the next 16 years. this is the challenge for our entire nation. what must be done? first, we have to make more accessible and better quality of
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medical and social assistance for modern children and to developed a program and assistance for rehabilitation treatment for children under 3 years of age for newborns with small body weight and increase support for treating -- including using artificial insemination technique. we need to technologically modernize children's outpatient clinics as we improve the training of their personnel by these purposes for regional programs as soon as next year significant -- will be channeled. 25% of the funds collectively allocated for modernization of the health system will have to be used to build up the children's public health system. this is a great amount of money. in practical terms it may amount to 1 hundred billion rubles over the course of two years.
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today almost a third have identifiable health issues. even worse when it comes to teenagers. two thirds of teenagers have health issues. starting in 2011 i am issuing an instruction to conduct an in-depth health checkup for teenagers. especially important needs to be given to vaccination to accessibility for children and teenagers of high-quality medical preparation and early diagnostics, and other dangerous areas. these purposes, these programs also needed to be adequately funded. the fear and highly important question is support for new and large families. it remains that way is housing. starting in 2008 the law has allowed to use the use of
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chemicals to retake mortgages which has been signed until december 31, 2010. that is without having to wait until a child turns 3. this has been taken advantage of by a quarter million of our citizens whereas the housing market has been given an incentive which is important in this post crisis period. starting next year this regulation has to become permanent. the main path of overcoming the democratic oppression is to increase the number of families of three or more children. recently i saw an interesting bit of information on the internet that concerns the territory where they were holding an interesting social advertising campaign that i think is very attractive.
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which of our famous russians happened to be born as the swede? anton chekhov, yuri deron, without these great individuals, without their creativity and achievement this world would be a different place. humanity would be for morally and culturally and from the perspective of culture. i believe for large families the most favored nation regime has to be set up in certain regions as far as i know when a family has a third child a decision has been made to provide free of charge a plot of land so they can build a country house or their primary residence, a very appropriate measure and an example in other parts of the country. i believe this practice should be rolled out nationwide.
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i am also instructing the government to work through the procedure of providing plots of land for the construction of residents when a family has a third or next child. this will could be phased in on a gradual basis given the specifics of individual territories. in the region of support for large families can be taken advantage of. 100,000 rubles certificate is issued on behalf of third or fourth or fifth child. i suggest all the constituent parts think about the regional maternity capital. this measure will cost money and it depends on specific parts of the federation but it is worth it. there should be additional preferences for families with three or more children.
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in particular the tax deduction should be increased to increase for every child. i am instructing the government to prepare the appropriate proposals and also prepare measures to increase tax deductions for all families with children while reducing the so-called standard deduction which for the majority of citizens of this country have acquired a symbolic measure. the mass media are organizing direct collection of funds for children suffering grave diseases and individual business men without advertising themselves perhaps in a way that is working by supporting orphanages or investing in children sports and recreation initiatives. we have for a number of years been improving legislation on charity but problems in this area remain. a repeat charity action with
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respect to a child who suffers a disease is never the less included in his or her parents's taxable base. funds received to support children sent by charity organizations must be completely eliminated, removed from taxable in come. i am counting on the state to pass an inappropriate piece of legislation according to the applause this is what is going to happen. in issue that is extremely sensitive for new families which concerns preschool establishment and kindergartens. wherever i go in this country i am almost always meeting with local residents asked this question. as of year's beginning, 1,684,000 children have been sucked up for kindergartens and
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often times parents put their children's names before the child is born. is exactly because there's not enough vacancies in the kindergartens that young families often delay having children or just one child. program or programs should be established to rebuild old kindergartens that would meet requirements or provide appropriate services for them and such requirements must be both well grounded and physical. i already said they should not be gratuitous and effective. alternative forms of preschool education have been given support. a system of non-government children establishments and family kindergartens and to consider reducing rent and
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establishing tax benefits on property taxes for children who do not go to kindergarten, preschool groups in general, education schools. for two years we have been awarding the order parental glory that was established by initiative among those reported, fathers and mothers of biological and adopted children. we take pride in such families and i have to tell you just talking to that makes me extremely happy. when they come to the kremlin to be given their awards. unfortunately in this country to this day 130,000 children are parent less. they don't have parents or guardians. they don't have families. they are deprived of what is the
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main thing for them. a great deal has to be done. there are notions of, quote, abandoned children become an acronym. and the appropriate government authorities must be targeting directly finding foster families for children. they're must not be, quote, nobody's children in this country. there should be no such thing as nobody's children. a serious problem is the correctional orphanages. they mostly worked to isolate children rather than make them part of society. that is why what is happening there is something both the government authorities and civil society must keep an eye on. custodial ports need to be available at every correctional facility. and they must work in an open
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manner and we need progress to a company those who profit orphanages and graduate. it is not enough to educate and feed children. we have to bring them into the new adult life and be prepared for it and have self-confidence. it is not something just teachers have to do but also local authorities. they could pay for those who just left orphanages to undergo training in a system of secondary and hire professional education. this is based on universal standards of the rights of children adopted by the u. n assembly. declare that humanity must -- humankind must give children the best of what it has whereas children establish the priority
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before the interests of society and the government. in 2009 the institute of the commissioner of children's rights was established. last year there were violations in children's facilities which resulted in children getting sick and sometimes dying. to prevent the very reputation of this. local administrations and supervising authority, start preparing for the next summer season and these are matters that have to be the responsibility of both the commissioners for children's rights and there are those in 58 regions -- i believe this institution could be established in any constituent part of this country of our federation.
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horrendous problem is violence against children and according to the official data, in 2009 over 100,000 children and teenagers were victims of crime. just think about this number real hard. many facts turn you inside out to children, mostly orphans. children from families that are not doing well are being dragged into substance abuse, produce bigger and the prosecution and other efforts. and the jerks that are doing that must be punished in the harshest of manners. last year, we provided for harsher punishment for sex crimes against pre age people. however, preventing this crime is just as important. i believe once and for all
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access must be given to educational establishments to those who were never found guilty of any violent crime or children or teenagers and to criminal endeavors. such individuals must not be allowed to be close to children under any circumstances. and appropriate craft with additions to the labor post worse submitted to the state and i hope will be passed before year's end. members of the council of a federation to take care and protect the health of the child is the direct responsibility of his or her family. it is even more heinous when violence occurs against a child in the family. is known that cruelty generates reciprocal cruelty. children assume the behavior model that adults demonstrate to
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them and then they do it in their own lives in school, the armed forces and their families. it takes an entire society to create an atmosphere of intolerance toward any cruelty against children to identify has cut short such appearances. in a number of regions crisis centers have and set up to provide assistance in case of family violence and experience has been a mass in st. petersburg and the district and must be rolled out elsewhere in this country of ours. there's another problem i cannot be silent about. we don't have any infrastructure to support lives of disabled individuals or people with great diseases. there is no need to even say how difficult the problem is for children. just going to school is torture to find a bus that is equipped
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to carry wheelchair's for children with muscular, skeletal symptoms is a problem. navigating around buildings or offices in wheelchairs' is often impossible. new houses being built already built and yet i have to say that people with health problems and restrictions nevertheless achieved high results. and of course what we have achieved is a great disappointment but it happens against the odds rather than because of systemic measures taken by the state of society creating a full-fledged environment for active life of this a. children has become a priority implementing a new government
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sponsored program called an enabling environment. racing future generations is the most crucial way with the system of modernizing the education system. the standard of early school has been renewed and qualification requirements have been published and teachers must be given opportunities to undergo demand of training in the best schools and the best educational establishments in this country. in 2011 over two billion schools were delegated to purposes for that but regionalized authorities must provide financing for these purposes too.
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schoolteachers have power only prime ministers can dream of. that is what winston churchill said once. today the power must be targeted in a way as to open up capabilities of every individual child and prepare him or her to choose the profession he or she will have. for this purpose first and foremost in 2011 for every school a project of the school of the future must be prepared. the vision of how schools can develop. developing this is something teachers need to do both current and former pupils and parents. i believe the regional authorities could develop a mechanism for their -- by engaging business entities if and when necessary. it is necessary to complete creating the national system of identifying and supporting talented children. it is important to develop
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talent at an early age and everyone must have the opportunity irrespective of where the children -- i am instructing the government to take this into account as it introduces new educational standards and develop a rule for financing accompaniment for children. modern children are not what they used to be. every generation is different from the previous generation. they feel complete at home in the world of communication there used to looking for information and they love using technological gadgets. it has been said that children feel new things better than anyone else in the world and using the most sophisticated and modern information programs and high tech products for training purposes was provided new centers and teachers must learn
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to do that. in a school situation, pupils understand modern communications better than teachers. teachers must know about them. raising children is something that needs to be done by the educational system and culture and society at large. we must create qualitatively new and high quality movies of interest to modern children. let us remember what impact was made on entire generations by fascinating science fiction. it inspired children and urged them to make their own discoveries. entire generation. more attention must be given to patriotic -- it is necessary to rejuvenate this effort and certain traditional methods of
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military patriotic gains. they help strong character and teach skills required -- and identify the names of those who died during the war. young people in the are acquiring skills of genuine patriotism. not for show but genuine patriotism. i have instructed the government to search operations and updates monuments. i believe all levels of government are doing that. not just the anniversary year like this one. the priority of childhood policy
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is to create and promote healthy lifestyle values. naturally this is not just concerning children. we adults must lead by example. the entire society must get over infantile approaches one comes to a healthy lifestyle. without educating oneself is difficult to educate one's children. in the meantime, 80% of russians do not engage in any kind of fitness worse port. we're talking four out of five people. this country suffers from one of the highest levels of smoking in the world. people are taking tobacco and a alcohol at an increasingly young age and those who sell alcoholic beverages to those who have not come of age must remember that
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they will be sanctioned including going to jail for committing a crime. this has shown me also means what provides responsibility for such sales will soon become law. the health of the nation and future success directly depends on what legacy as far as national resources we will leave for our children despite the unique features of the nature. it is not in the best of shape and can only be solved by setting up a modern environmental conservation and management system. the following has to be done in the short term. the real condition of territories must be evaluated and must be seen as a benchmark
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in order to implement programs to minimize negative impact on the environment and previously stipulated environmental damage. and is necessary to conduct environmental amnesty provided that a company undertakes harsh obligations as far as environmental rehabilitation and the territory based on an effect. this is a reasonable and sound idea for this program. not just prepare those programs but those implementing such programs. they should all be harassed with fines which will make it difficult for them and should be encouraged and the mechanism should be taken full advantage of. also the government must work out norms for the environment for specific attributes of specific territories. this is the foundation for
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activities for parties of authority and also would be a very clear benchmark for public citizen's from other countries. crucial principle growth in protection of the environment weighed by a civil society. i heard more than once that environmental thinking does not stick in this country because our society is not prepared for it. that is partially true. i have already mentioned of great importance is the role of environmental education and upbringing and then must be taken into account. the quality of the environment must be one of the key indicators of the quality of life, of the development of the character and must be seen as
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criteria to judge effectiveness of the work of local parts of government and the head of the federation instructed to annually report on standards of the environment and the population of those must be fully reliably and forced. as far as and on government environmental entities. those who are in real terms working to maintain the natural environment given production and infrastructure facilities and engaged in substantive dialogue, solutions must be found. why would like to emphasize childhood and teen years, period of time when the future is defined when people try for the first time and open the things for themselves and experiment. the spirit of innovation provide something new.
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the audacity of of. all things this country desperately needs right now. we are counting heavily on energy for their wish to work together for goals. deputies of the state, members of the council of the federation, organizations create smart economy but requires smart policy that ensures conditions for comprehensive rejuvenation of the life of society. we need patterns in operation of government and provision of public services by quality of the work of a tradition and the system and speculation between citizens in developing their community and greater impact of municipalities. for this i am proposing the following steps.
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first, we have to achieve simplicity in the everyday relationships between states and citizens. i repeat every day relationship. incentive of the fact that bureaucrats are people rather than determine people's taste. the foundation of the democratic system to the citizens and the bureaucrats and bureaucrats come to see judgments passed the ruling in his or her case. the technical sector for local management. any bureaucrat empowered to solve his problems. the activity, activities of all officials must not disavow the state. their main job is to improve the quality of life of people, standard of living. we are optimizing the system even today.
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many regions of this country without leaving your house you can electronically file for pensions, amount that has already been accumulated to conduct technical session for one's a vehicle to obtain a driver's license. part of the new rule is already in effect. i will not hide it because people are writing to me but the way the system works is something people have a lot of problems with. it has to be made to work better. the remainder of the rules becoming effective this year. the most important of them is the principal of the window. people don't have to run around establishments and gather pieces of paper. and people have to take advantage of measures of support for their children provided for. is necessary to legislatively
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make individuals or officials responsible for violating periods of time where they're expected to provide government services and provide such proposals within four weeks. modernizing the system of government, special attention must be given -- we should more actively involved the provision of such services. there is no hesitation and feel better than the authorities and helping people find themselves -- the involvement of those organizations can make social services more specific and more targeted and will reduce the level of corruption in the government. federal agencies must come up with a system of selecting nonprofits for such function and selection should be made that
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already have a good record and have one trust among the public, working for a number of years and based on organizations with relative experience. wind telling the government to finalize legal paperwork for the improvement of noncommercial organizations and a system of providing government social services and use tenders to a greater extent in financing. in every region a program adopted for the climate and create new highly productive jobs on the basis of so-called best regional practices. this could include the reduction of the period of time which is taken up by permits required to start a business. to create well-prepared investments and on the whole we must encourage rather than discourage people's supporting
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regions to increase their own revenue. we take this into account as we distribute federal subsidies. however even this is not enough. the government must prepare to change the existing proportion of distribution of revenue between different levels of such measures. the role of municipalities in solving key social tests must increase. the bulk of the responsibility by the future of a region sits with the governor. how successful is based on how much investment he has been able to attract and how many new jobs have been created and personnel decisions have to be related to that. the government must get rid of
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property not directly to their direct confidence. always seems there's no such thing as unnecessary property. managing property requires time and funds which is the worst part. corruption generate corruption. i have signed a decree to reduce by 8%, on my instructions the government has come up with a large-scale plan to privatize large companies. the main goal is to increase efficiency of companies and bring it to the economy additional investment and serious methods where as privatisation proceeds would be used primarily to modernize this economy. appropriate decisions made at
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the regional and local levels for general principles of organizing the budget of 40 of t defined property -- so that others must be privatized. everybody must do what he or she decides to do. modernization will provide wind this society has fair laws and laws that are actually working. and respected courts and law enforcement agencies are functioning, those that enjoy
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true respect on the part of the citizens. all these links undoubtedly are linked by themselves closely and the entire system of the report was individual execution. that is why along with developing legislation on the judicial report which is something we have been doing and are doing we also started performing the ministry of the interior and at the legislative level we are creating an environment in which to improve quality of the work of the investigative authority of and prosecutor office. i have submitted to the state legislation on the police and investigated committee with federal and regional and municipal must prepare to effectively implement these new acts. they have a lot of new things not to hide in their offices and
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walked criminal operators increase their activities and feel they can get away with anything. they must do everything to make sure people in their territories are not worried about their own lives. and are not afraid to lose their property and human dignity. recently a number of tragic developments have taken place as a result of which our citizens have died, have been murdered. the reason the mothers are the sloppiness of the law enforcement authorities and bodies of government and oftentimes merger with criminal entities. we got to one such episode i have made a decision to relieve from his position the head of the department of the interior whereas the general from the
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office and investigative committee have been instructed to make proposals regarding holding liable individuals who work in those individual areas of responsibility. in my previous address i talked about the need to improve the criminal legislation and that legislation is modern and humane in a reasonable sense of the word where as restoring justice by way of the court room and protection of the rights of the victims must not result in building up the criminal word with new blood. we will emphasize one more time, punishment for significant crimes to the extent that is possible must not involve deprivation of freedom. this is especially relevant when
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we talk about young people. first offenders. today i will submit to this statement which will enable the court to differentiate an approach in us signing punishment in a number of different areas. the lower limits of the sections will be manipulated and court will have an opportunity to more broadly use such alternative measures of publish wind -- punishment and community work. investments are lower risk. the court should not see the upper limit as the only benchmark of punishment. the strength of the court is not in the toughness of the punishment but the fact that punishment is irreversible and inevitable. it is not just to punish but
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also to rehabilitate. our crucial goal is continue to fight corruption. i believe steps have already been made and are being executed and keep moving ahead. even 12 years behind bars does not seem to be enough to stop people from taking bribes. in some measures economic measures can be productive. the giving and receiving of a bribe can be punished with fines in the amount of up to 100 times the amount of the bribe. in fact a kind of criminal behavior has occurred as mediation in bribery. everybody knows it perfectly well. there are a lot of comebacks to
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assure that they know how to take care of any particular court case and how much needs to take care of that business. bribery mediation as well as many fold finds the main part of the criminal world. another subject i would like to raise. i will not now demonize 94 that everybody knows about. it has been criticized in blanket ways but it reached the framework of what is reasonable and the goals stated in the law to large extent have never gotten off paper. and intended expenses including direct theft paybacks and misuse of funds amount to at least 1 thousand billion rubles so
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