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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  December 19, 2010 8:15am-9:00am EST

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theodore roosevelt. >> that's right. and it's a healthy cake, let me tell you. it's heavy, and it's great. delicious. >> what other recipes do you have in here that people might be interested in? >> i think the best recipe is probably mamie eisenhower's fudge. when she married ike, she told my husband she didn't know how to cook, even policy water, and after she married him, he was the chef. she ran across this recipe, and it's so good even kids can make it. fantastic. and my second favorite is probably ronald reagan's pumpkin pecan pie because it's just like pumpkin pie pie, but it's got the nuts on top. >> you also have a recipe in here from harry reid. >> yes, i do. it's chicken breast and paprika cream sauce, and it's very good. i have ron paul, too, and michele bachmann, so you have every kind of political persuasion you could want. >> "capitol hill cooks" is the name of the book, linda bauer is
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the author from the white house. congress and all of the past presidents. >> coming up, thomas allen presents a history of torrey americans during the american revolution. the author recounts the torrey strongholds of new york and philadelphia, the civil war that took place among the american populace and the migration of 80,000 tories most of whom left for canada. thomas allen presents his book at the library of congress this in washington d.c. it's 40 minutes. >> i'm not supposed to have to plug the library of congress, but it's inevitable. a few years ago i got a call from an historian at the cia whom i had met when i'd been working on the george washington book about intelligence in the revolutionary war. and he says the library of congress is something you might be interested in, call this number.
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and i thought, wow. maybe the cia really does that -- [laughter] people who, you know, just like in the seven cays of the con -- days of the condor, there's people reading books all the time. so, well, it wasn't quite that. what had happened was the library had got a manuscript that had been written by a torrey in connecticut during the revolution who was under house arrest for his thoughts, and he decided he would write his own history of america, particularly the revolution. and he, his name was constance tiffany. and in the manuscript he gives a look at why he was a torrey is kind of folded into some other elements in the revolution. well, the point about it was i found it right here. and it wasn't that i found it, it was found for me which is
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what happens. this is a wonderful place to work. that was one of the objects that started me going on the book. i had an editor one time who said don't tell me how you got the story, just write the story and turn it in. and i usually follow that. but there are some really elements to this. i also was about to say interesting, but i had another editor who says, no, i tell you it was something interesting, you don't tell me. [laughter] so, anyhow, i started looking around at the idea of a book on the tories, but i dismissed the idea because john adams said that you can't write a good history of the american revolution because certain records are absolutely missing. they don't exist. and one was the records showing why the tories became tories and
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what the british were doing to encourage the existence of a torrey element in the american colonies. and the other set of records that he said were impossible to find were the records of what the rebels did to the tories. and that's kind of intriguing because he just sort of leaves it there. well, i decided i would start doing some other things and, as abby said, i'd come in here and find elements for it. but everything was sort of moving toward a book on the, somewhere in the 18th century. i thought of the scot irish, and i did a book proposal. and an editor who saw it said, well, this is all really interesting, but why not do a book on the tories? there hasn't been one written in a long time. so that was it. and it did become a quest for records.
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and what, and the records were all over the place, a lot of them here. a lot of them in canada because that's where a lot of the torieses went, and there were records in england, and there were records in the state archives. there wasn't any country yet, so there couldn't have been much in the national archives, but in the state archives. for instance, in delaware there's a bloodthirsty set of folders in what they call their treason file. because they declared that if you were a torrey and you did anything that looked like it was going to be raising arms against the repel on -- rebellion, you could be hanged. well, that was the beginning of the discovery that one of the reasons we don't -- well, i was trying to find out why is it we don't know much about tories. i mean, i had read a lot about
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the 18th century and george washington, so forth, and i couldn't really understand why they were standing out there, and they with respect being covered -- weren't being covered. well, two things came to mind. one was when we were in ireland, my wife and i, she -- as i said in the acknowledgments -- her hand is on the impressions of xerox machines where we were copying documents, and i could see her hand. so her hand was literally involved in the research of this book. but we were in ireland, and we met an irish historian. and i was telling him about working on this subject and how little there was available, at least at first glance. and he said, well, every country has a grand story, and they develop that grand story, and things fall away, and they go underground, and they aren't seen. and i think your tories are
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probably there in the underground somewhere. and that was a great insight. and then the other thing i discovered was that there's a, there was a tremendous brutal, vicious, bloody, aappropriation fighting that went on this that underground, and nobody really liked to talk much about that either contemporaneously. so we started trying to find a way to get the idea across. and here's one exercise which i found myself doing. i had written a book for young adults on valley forge, and i sort of went back in my mind and said, okay, here's george washington and the remnants of the continental army starving to death, no shoes, dying and deserting by the dozens. and 20 miles away is
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philadelphia. and in philadelphia the occupying forces of the british army are having a grand time. they're not starving to death, they're getting three meals a day. and more remarkably when you poke into it a little bit more, you find that the, there are some eyewitness accounts of the british coming into philadelphia, the british army. congress had skedaddled a short time before. liberty hall is going to have a british flag flying over it in a few minutes. and as the british come into philadelphia, the streets are lined with cheering people. when the british start settling in, some of these cheering people go to the british and say, would you like to know where the rebel leaders are? and they take the british around, and the rebel leaders are put into a jail in philadelphia. well, that's the other side of valley forge, that the reason
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there was a valley forge -- one of the reasons, certainly -- was that there was a great deal of of hesitation to openly support the continental army in a lot of areas of america at a lot of time during the revolution. and that was not much of a discovery, but it was, it gave me a kind of insight, and i started looking at things a little more deeply. and it turned out that so many loyalists -- by some estimates 80,000 and other estimates 1 100,000, somewhere in that range -- left the united states of america because they were torieses. they called themselves loyalists, but we called them tories, we americans. and that's a funny thing to say. i realized very early in the game i couldn't use the word "americans" very leads easily in
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this book because everybody's an american. if you go back to about 1760, everybody's a torrey essentially. they're all british summits. subjects. they're seeing the king as the man whom they're going to worship every sunday if, as most of them were, they were anglicans, they're going to pray for the king. and their wherewithal, there's only one trading partner, and that's england. and that's the way things were. but as the revolution started to percolate and the sons of italy -- sons of italy, wow. [laughter] where am i? the sons of liberty started functioning in boston and in new york, things started to change. and a group started to question the revolution.
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for a while it was a political debate. i came across a club that was formed in be plymouth -- in plymouth. it was formed in 1770 or '71. got to look it up, it's in the book. and it was called the old colony club. it was founded primarily by descendants of the passengers on the mayflower. i mean, there isn't a better american pedigree than to say you're descended from the mayflower. well, a lot of the people who descended from the mayflower in the generation of the revolution were tories. well, they formed a club, and they decided that they would celebrate the landing from the mayflower every year. they didn't call it thanks giving, they just said they would have a big dipper at the colony -- dinner at the colony
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club, the old colony club. and by about the third year there are people in the club who are starting to think, i want to be a torrey, i want to be a rebel. and what happens, finally, is the sons of liberty in 1774 or '75 say that there isn't going to be any more colony club in plymouth. we're going to take that stone that the pilgrims said they step ped on -- no proof of it, by the way, but there was a stone. even the they said it was the steppingstone. supposedly, there were people who said i'm descended from the woman whose foot touched that stone, and she was brave enough to come ashore. so they took the stone and got a lot of oxen, a lot of strong lads in plymouth, and they started lifting the stone into a
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cart. the idea was they were going to take it to the center of plymouth and under what was then a liberty pole flying from the liberty pole is any one of several flags that represented the revolution. and when they take the stone out, it splits. and they left one part in the ocean and took the other part into plymouth. and that was the first idea that they talk about that splitting of the stone because they were seeing what was going on. if you go back to consider tiffany's manuscript, he is very outraged by the revolution on religious grounds. he says that the sabbath is being violated again and again
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by the rebels, that where there had only been good,s there is now evil. he sees a moral and religious basis for this. other people saw other reasons, and i felt that i couldn't really go into the reasons that much because there seemed to be an individual reason for each person. the other thing is that there was an historian in the early 19th century who was trying to round up information about loyalists, and he produced biographies of hundreds of them. and he said he wished he could have found more but that if you have been defeated in a revolution, if your land has been taken away, if you have terrorized people and you've been terrorized yourself, you don't do much writing about your experience. well, there was a journal that i came across right here by a man
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named steven jartman. steven tells -- he writes a journal, and he's in many maturity, but he starts with the first news coming in from lexington and concord reaches danbury, connecticut, a few days after the shot heard around the world. and he's an 18-year-old kid, and he decides -- and he has a girlfriend named amelia, and he joins the rebel militia. the rebel militia is, he's the captain of the rebel militia -- the captain of the rebel militia is one of his uncles. his father is a torrey. his father throws him out of the house, he says took me by the arm and threw he out of the house. so he stays in the rebel militia for a short time and then thinks better of it, and he does
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something that hundreds of people, of young men in some families did eventually. if you look at what happens early in the revolution when the continental army loses the battle of long island, long island becomes a stronghold for tories. it's a magnet for anybody who lives on the other side of long island sound. all the little towns along the fairfield county shoreline are called torrey towns by the rebels because all you have to do is get in a boat and row or sail across long island sound, get to long island, and the british will welcome you with open arms, and you will find yourself among friends. so hundreds of people go across, and one of them is steven. when he gets there, he -- steven
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jarvis -- enlists in the america's, i'm sorry, the queen's rangers. queen's rangers is one of 150 or more -- at least 150 -- military units formed by tories to fight, not just debate, fight other americans who are rebels. and the you want, if you want, if you follow steven's journal, one of the first remarkable things about it is the journal is called an american's experience in the british army. he's not in the british army. he's in a torrey army unit that was formed by tories in new york, and it will fight alongside or independent of the british army, but it's shot the british army. it's not the british army. but when that, when that -- just
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like what happened with tiffany's manuscript, the manuscript for jarvis' journal was found in a trash can and published in 1907. in 1907 we didn't want to think of the revolution as anything but the revolution, and we couldn't use the term civil war because we had had the north/south real civil war only a generation before. so the whole term civil war kind of goes away, and so does the idea of tories. well, anyway, jarvis goes to war. he fights in battles all the way from new jersey down to georgia and florida. he kills american and writes about it. well, he -- when the war ends, he's been in a torrey regiment
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and had seen plenty of battle for seven years. he comes back to danbury, connecticut, wearing his green loyalist uniform. the loyalists frequently when they get outfitted by whoever recruited them wore green uniform to distinguish themselves from the redcoats. so he walks into danbury, and he expects he's going to marry amelia. and then they'll settle down in danbury. and when you read that journal, you say, wait a minute, steven, this isn't going to happen. they decide what they're going to do is have a relative who's an anglican clergyman, that he will have the clergyman marry them in the local anglican church. what steven doesn't know is all the anglican chumps were closed during the -- churches were closed during the revolution because all the services started
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by praying for the king. if you're praying for the king, you could end up in jail or maybe house arrest, or there was also a copper mine up this connecticut. and if you went down a couple hundred feet into the copper mine, there were little cells there, and you might wind up there. so he comes back to danbury and finds that the anglican church is closed. they get themselves a minister, and he marries them. and a mob comes to the house. he talks the mob down, and then the next day -- the day after his wedding -- the local sheriff crashes into the bridal chamber and says, get out of town. what he didn't know is that if you had taken arms against the rebels and you were from connecticut, you were subject to treason and hanging. so eventually he and his wife,
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they try to stick it out as long as they can, but i they're threatened, and they -- but they're threatened, and they finally go to canada with their infant child. and when i started looking at the canadian exodus, what's happening is the british want the loyalists to stay here, but the loyalists start to people the urge to get out. and one reason they want to get out is because they are losing their land. the confiscation of land was consistent through the revolution. every, every one of the states passed some kind of a law about confiscation. and there were also laws that were charging them with treason. well, what they do is go to
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canada because the british see the benefit of betting a group of english-speaking british subjects up into canada to counteract those people in quebec who are catholic and speak french. so the whole area of what is now nova scotia and new brunswick becomes the homeland of the people who left america. and can they are given -- and they are given axes, army rations, some tents in the some cases, lumber in other cases, told to cut down the trees and start communities. which they do. and they're very proud of it today. if you're a deseven cant of one of the loyalists who came up there, you can put a ue after your name, and it's united empire that they had, they had helped preserve the empire. and if you want to know what the
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tories wanted and what their intention was if they had won, just look at canada. that whole steadfast character that we talked about in canada, the canadians tell you that came from the fact that they were founded by nonrevolutionaries, people who really kept their heads about them, and they had gone up there and started the kind of country that they wish we had had down here. parliament, constitutional monarchy and freedom of speech, all the little freedoms we have. if we look to canada as kind of cousins, then now you can look at canada as even more so. these are the people who didn't want revolution. and the people who didn't want the revolution pretty obviously won. but i think that one of the legacies that the torieses had and it's a legacy we can feel sort of tremors about today is
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that no matter what you do there is dissent -- in some case violent, bloody, murderous dissent -- inside we the people. and the first generation of politicians in america supposedly learned that. and i guess the lesson continues til today. so that's the tories. on a kind of philosophical plane. maybe some questions about the blood and the hangings. [laughter] [applause] yeah. oh, thank you. oh. >> of the 100,000 that left, a lot of them came back. do you have any idea how many came back? >> well, no. what happens is you can see references. first of all, there's the little matter of the war of 1812.
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a lot of the sons of loyalists come across the border, and if we had the roster of who burned washington, i think we'd find some names, some of their names among them. so once you get the war of 1812 which, essentially, new england said we don't, we're or not interested. the new england, war of 1812, refused to send militia and all that. so in new england, yeah, they're coming back. now, they're coming back to what? they're coming back to not having their farm anymore. they have to start it all over again. but you find references of the son of a torrey marrying the daughter of a rebel and vice versa. so it starts to recover. and particularly there was a lot of celebration of this in massachusetts particularly. i mean, here's the center of it all, and it becomes the center
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of reconciliation. there's no retribution to speak of. we're not the french revolution, and is the safety valve really turned out to be canada, i think. if there hadn't been a canada, i mean, we'd still be in revolution probably. >> my recollection was that there were long periods of nonengagement between the official british army and the colonial troops. i take it all these other things were going on constantly, though, right? >> yeah, yeah. the tories here and there, particularly -- i mean, one example, william franklin, the son of ben franklin, had been the royal governor of new jersey. and he is arrested for being a royal governor, essentially, and put in jail. he escapes x he winds up -- and he winds up in new york which, of course, was under british occupation throughout the war,
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and starts up a gorilla organization -- guerrilla operation. the british army's kind of upset about it, and they actually do use the word terror. and they write rs on rebel houses as an indication that you can do anything you want to anybody in that house because it's a rebel. this is, basically, in new jersey, and it gets to be called neutral ground, ironically, because there won't be any armies there, but there are loyalists and rebels fighting each other on a guerrilla basis. so, yeah. if you look at the revolution kind of microscopically, you see about 700 and some odd battles and skirmishes and 500 and some, about 550 of them involve torrey military units. the most dramatic one is in kings mountain on the north
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carolina/south carolina border where there are about 900 rebels who have been rounded up to fight a torrey unit called the american legion which is commanded by a british officer named ferguson. eventually, a battle takes place. there are a thousand tories and 900 rebels, and when the battle is over, the rebels win, and it's vicious. they, they will not honor the flag of surrender, they start hanging people. and nobody on that field was anything but an american except for one british officer. and it's kind of, to me, symbolic of the fact that you can't really talk about americans when you're writing in this war. you've got to call them something because they were all americans. yeah. >> you mentioned the carolinas. was the character of the
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rebellion different there, more bloodthirsty? i mean, i remember reading about the regulator movement and is so on. -- and so on. >> yeah. what the british really expected strategically was that if they could take the south, they could stop the revolution, it would just -- essentially, all of the southern colonies would become british, and it would starve out or destroy the revolution. and they put great hope in the loyalists that were there. one of the problems they had was they didn't do anything strategically. the british army didn't want to cooperate p very very much withe tories. and can there was a caste, a class issue involved, in this my opinion. the other thing that had happened is very early in the war the royal governor of virginia declared that any slave
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going over to the british would be given his or her freedom, and a lot of those former slaves went to fight for the british. not just -- a lot of them were called pioneers, and they would build fortifications and do odd jobs. but there was one regiment called the ethiopian regiment, and can across the front of the unii don't remember, it said freedom -- uniform it said freedom for slaves. so this dampened sown loyalism -- southern loyalism, especially by the ruling class because they were seeing so many slaves go over to the british. at the end of the war when the loyalists are going to canada, the, about 3,500 slaves, ex-slaves go to canada, are given land and start a colony in canada. just as a footnote to that,
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about the ten years later -- about ten years later they say we're not getting a good deal here in canada, getting lousy land, we're mistreated, and they asked the british to send them to sierra leone. and essentially they formed the modern state of see yea leone. that's another result of the revolution. yeah. >> i graduated from a large town in -- [inaudible] >> yeah. >> and our history teacher who we paid no attention to was avid about this area of history. so five years ago when i was back i looked in the library, but they had names for the marauders through westchester. on each side they would burn each other's houses, they would steal cattle, and they had funny names. >> cowboys. >> cowboys and something -- >> one was the cowboys, and the -- oh.
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the cowboys got to be everybody. for a while. but there were, there were green-coated raiders, and i forgot the name that they had. but one of the little footnotes to history is that when andre is, leaves benedict arnold after having obtained the defense of west point, he's walking along in a british uniform with a gray coat on, and he sees three nondescript soldiers, and he assumes they're torieses and says, i'm a british officer, and they say, well, welcome to reality, you know? [laughter] we're not. so that's how, that's how mixed up it was. in westchester, yeah. it was delaney's cowboys. delancey's cowboys. >> we never call -- [inaudible] a torrey.
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one of our major painters returns -- >> get out of here early. don't bring up john copley with me. [laughter] he is an incredible character. john singleton copley. he, he does a portrait of paul revere one day, and another day he does a portrait of the british commander of the redcoats in boston. and there's a wonderful little story. he, before the revolution in a riot against the existing governor whose name was bernard, the riot spills out into the halls of harvard, and there's a portrait of bernard in one of the halls. and one of the rebels gets on somebody's shoulders, i guess, and he cuts the section out of the portrait that would have been where the heart was if it had been a human being, and he holds it up, and he says, i've
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taken bernard's heart. well, harvard calls on copley to repair the portrait since he had painted it, and copley shows up, and he repairs it. and from then on he's a marked man. and he, he leaves the country before the revolution starts and becomes a member of what was called the loyalist club in london. >> thomas allen is the author of several books including "remember valley forge" and "spymaster." for more information about the author and his new book, visitor ris fighting for the kingdom. tories fighting for the king .com.
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>> go to and enter the author's name or book title in the search bar located in the upper left-hand corner. >> every weekend booktv brings you 48 hours of history, biography and public affairs.
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here's a portion of one of our programs. >> i'm a child of globalization. i was born at a time when large numbers of african countries had just gotten their independence or were getting their independence or were independent for a while, and that entailed in africa, in the context that i was born in and later i found out, places in asia that there were these coups, despots that took over power very quickly. and people in -- i don't want to use the word class because we hadn't reached in africa the level where we could call ourselves class. but let's say clans, groups of people were either persecuted or they were persecuting others. and those of us who felt persecuted by those in power started to move around.
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we left our countries of origin and went elsewhere. and that was easy to do, and that means i had lived or was born into globalization without even realizing that that was, that i was in a globalizing world. when i hear people use the word multicultural, i think back to my schooling in nairobi where all of us came from different cultures, and we were all searching for better life and economic progress. but to move from a to b, from country to country, from language to language, from hemisphere to hemisphere seemed just so much more, so much more easier and so much more -- let's say we took it more for granted than my grandmother's generation. and then i come of age in the information age. so rapid modernization that i think generations like my mother and my grandmother somehow got a taste of it but didn't grow up
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in this. i, i'm not just a child of globalization, but i'm also a child that is intellectually comes of age after 1989. after the fall of the soviet union. >> why was that the case? how did that impact your life directly? >> it impacted it directly if we accept huntington's thesis that there is a clash of civilizations and that there is a clash between the west and islam in the sense that i was born into the muslim civilization as defined by huntington and lived it and breathed it, was committed to it, was loyal to it, believed in it and left it and came to the west and did the same thing; lived it, breathed it, made friends, you know, made my future here and was able as an
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individual to compare not just the geographical differences and not just, you know, the mundane material differences, but the differences in value systems. i came to really appreciate one over the other, and i made a choice. and i think that makes it -- if you're looking to what is it that informs how i interpret events today, the events that we're living in an everyday life, that informs it, i think, more than anything else, the fact that i've been exposed to both worlds, exposed to the thinking in both worlds, and i feel that i'm able to compare them. and my opinions are, you know, one of many, one of a thousand opinions. it's subjective, it's my opinion, but that's how i interpret facts and events that we are living history today. >> you would say that a number of the primary factors that influenced your thinking are derived from your being part of
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and being influenced by globalization, your being part of a tribe. you're also, as i understand it, you're also your own background in terms of your education and being exposed to multicultural circumstances. would you say that's sort of the foundation on which your book is derived from? and your very being? >> yes. the only thing i would add to that is that i have been exposed to different types of education. my grandmother and my mother and my koran teachers have given me a different set of education from what i would, you know, what i would call, what i would label a western education. western education was individualism. it was responsibilities. it was in a sense of adventure. not just adventure in going, you know, traipsing all over the
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world, but adventure, for instance, into the unknown. science, reason. that, if for me, is what i associate with the west. and my grandmother, my mother and my koran teachers and preachers educated me and in loyalty to the clan, tradition and loyalty toward god and the hereafter, loyalty to the prophet mohamed and following in his example. so i was educated in both places, but the educations are radically different. >> to watch this program in its entirety, go to simply type the title or the author's name at the top left of the screen and click search. >> richard rhodes, winner of the pulitzer prize and his new book "twilight of the bombs: thets o prospects for a world without nuclear weapons." richard rhodes, realisticallye speaking s there a prospect forf no nuclear weapons on the
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planetsome. s >> oh, i think so.ty we've really lost the utility since the cold war. president obama has announced it as official u.s. policy that we move towards zero, so it's just a matter of working out some off the security relationships that are standing in the way. >> with regard to working out those relationships, will we be able to come to agreements with countries like north korea andee iran who seem to be on the patha to making their own nuclear weapons? >> they do partly because that'. the only way they can feel they can defend themselves againste the major nuclear powers liked the united states. but each of them has hist security needs. if we can find a way to satisfy those, north korea would like very much to be an ally of the united states. k they've been saying that now for more than 40 years. [laughter] in fact, they'd like us to build them some nuclear power plants to replace the electricity we destroyed with bombing during the koreanp war.rici >> in the book you talk aboutd iraq's secret bomb program under
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saddam hussein.iraq how did the story of this bomb program grow, and even be if ha didn't have -- if they didn'te have any bombs, or we haven'tw found any bombs so far?o >> you know, we went into thatat first gulf war arguing they didg have a bomb program which we did not know at the time. afterwards when inspectors fromr the united nations and can thert international atomic energy agency went in, they found a huge effort to enrich uranium tt make material for a m and they cleaned all that out,l and so did the iraqis. they were tired of having our people walking around ourpe country.t so they blew up all the stuff, but they didn't keep records. and so when the second bush cam along with an interest in resolving that and getting rid of saddam, there wasn't any proof they hadn't reconstituted their program. but the fact is it was fully f cleaned up by 1998. >> speaking of cleaning up, you talk, also, in the book about the scramble for what was left over of the soviet nuclear arsenal.t
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talk to us about that.c >> it wasn't so much the arsenat which los alamos directers said to me they have serial numbers just as our bombs do, and theyl know where their bombs are. but the the material you use to make the bomb, the uranium and plutonium that was kind of u scattered in labs all over russia because the whole country had been a prison camp. there was no way to get stuffs out.wn when the walls came down, theyn had porous borders, and we went in and spent a lot of money todh help them begin to put all their materials under lock and key. we're still -- sam nunn, theo former senator, estimates that about 60% of those nuclear materials are now carefully guarded and accounted for, sofor the job still remains to be be finished, but we've made a goodm start. >> earlier today you had arl presentation at the national book festival. tell us about that, and duringi the question and answer period whatat was most on the, what was foremost on the minds of the people that were asking you questions there?re i >> are i rly


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