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tv   Today in Washington  CSPAN  January 5, 2011 7:30am-9:00am EST

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behind. and they became refugees. well, you know the story of the arab refugees today. they are still -- now they are not just 500,000. now the claim is that there is 5 million arab refugees. 5 million who have to come back to israel. thank you. and what happened to the jewish refugees? are they in camps? is there a u.n. organization taking care of them, providing to them up until the umpteenth generation? no. i'm running out of time and i see that colonel west has arrived so i don't want to take up more time. i just want to finish with a statement that was made by rob
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when -- he was killed in 1990. i think this was '88 or '89 that he said this. he says -- he asked the question, are we normal? is it normal to attack one's own citizens? is it normal to subject jews to laws, demands, restrictions and prohibitions that are totally disregarded by the arabs? is it normal to so fear arab riots and protests and world condemnation that we tighten the noose around our own jewish people struggling to hold onto the land of israel while we ignore the daily proliferation and provocation of the arabs? the bottom line is, faith and the god of israel and a powerful jewish army are the only guarantors of jewish survival.
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let us not fear the world. far better, a jewish state that survives and is aided by the world and at auschwitz that brings us love and sympathy. thank you. [applause] >> our last speaker but certainly not least -- this is before congressman colonel west. is joe kauffman, the chairman of americans against hate and the founder of young scientists. he is a lecturer, an investigative journalist for front page magazine. joe will speak on fatah and other terrorist organizations. [applause] >> i first want to thank all of
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you for attending our florida pro-israel conference 2010. i hope for you it has been an enjoyable and educational experience. i applaud our panel of speakers. and i want to thank c-span for bringing this event to the national public making what we say up here all the more important. [applause] >> our message to the nation needs not only to be heard but to be acted upon. words have little meaning where there are no actions attached to them. and without actions, there can be no results. last april, my wife, emily, and i took a month-long fact-finding tour of israel. we went from one side of israel to the other. and within that oh, so short
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distance, we saw everything in between and much of what we saw was awe-inspiring. we saw magnificent waterfalls. we stood inside the ancient fortresses. we trekked through the solomon is really on cattle back by day and jeep by night. we walked by the mystical stones and we gazed across what seemed to be never -- of a never ending knesset. i looked up in the sky as i touched and kissed the wailing wall in jerusalem. it's easy to get caught up in the beauty. most everywhere you go there aretarians, young jewish boys and girls, dressed in combat fatigues. many with rifles in hands with their fingertips on the
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triggers. a checkpoint leading towards nations that israel supposedly has peaceful relations and receive warnings that if you pass, you go at your own risk. israel is surrounded by enemies. and some of them are only separated from israel by a fence or a wall. most palestinians are controlled by one of two organizations. in gaza it is hamas, and others, the muslim brotherhood created group which sprang from the violence of the first fatah in 1987 and in the west bank or more properly judea and samarra, it is fatah and others, the main branch of the palestine liberation organization or plo. few in the west will dispute that hamas is a terrorist
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organization. the group has been involved in countless terrorist acts including a number of suicide bombings. at least one of which almost took the life of my wife. as well hamas has a charter within which the group in no uncertain terms calls for the destruction of israel. hamas clearly is a terrorist organization. and no one except the most blind of the blind expects the group to be a peacemaker. but while hamas is being portrayed and rightly as the antithesis of peace, israel is peaceful and moderate. i am here to say to you and to the national audience that fatah is none of the above. as we speak, and i checked on this this morning to be sure. fatah has on its official went
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in arabic, its official charter. and like hamas, fatah's charter calls for the destruction of israel. it states, this is right off their site, article 19 of the fatah constitution, rules of procedure of the fatah movement. quote, the fight will not stop until the elimination of the zionist entitity and the liberation of palestine end quote. i'm holding a screen shot that i just obtained this morning with article 19 from the actual fatah web page. it only takes two clicks of a mouse to get to it from the fatah home page. you may ask me, joe, isn't this the same fatah who the white house is according to to make peace with israel? whose leader mahmoud abbas has been seen shaking hands with the prime minister of israel, benjamin netanyahu? yes, that's the same fatah that
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i speak of, unfortunately, both the leadership of the united states and the leadership of israel ignore directives that their own respective governments have put out regarding fatah. the israel ministry of foreign affairs outright calls fatah a terrorist organization. on the ministry's website, it states, quote, fatah is a terrorist organization as defined in the prevention of terrorism ordinance, end quote. just so you know, the ordinance provides the israeli government specific measures when dealing with terrorists and when protecting the security of its citizens. and has been in place for the past six decades. with regards to the united states, one has to do some research to find the terrorist designation of fatah. first and foremost, in december,
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1987, then president ronald reagan signed into law the antiterrorism act of 1987. it states, quote, the congress determines that the plo and its affiliates are a terrorist organization and a threat to the interests of the united states, its allies, and to international law and should not benefit from operating in the united states, end quote. it further states that the plo has been implicated in the murder of americans overseas. when the act says the plo and its affiliates, you must understand that fatah is the main affiliate of the plo. indeed, the president of fatah, mahmoud abbas is also the president of the plo. the 1987 antiterrorism act is still law today. let me repeat that. because it is of the utmost in importance.
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the '87 antiterrorism act calling the plo and its affiliates a terrorist organization is still law today. you ask, joe, if that's so, if the u.s. government recognizes the plo and fatah as terrorist organizations, and the antiterrorism act is still the law today, then how is mahmoud abbas able to come to the white house and how is the plo able to have an office only less than 2 miles from the white house? simple. because president barack obama and presidentorn w. bush before him and president bill clinton before him signed presidential waivers every six months to circumvent the law. so this past october, when secretary of state hillary clinton was the keynote speaker at the annual conference for the american task force on
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palestine, an event which also featured as a speaker the united states representative to the plo, she had no qualms about doing it. indeed, she had a huge smile on her face as she took to the podium with the president of the task force or atfp beside her. here's hillary clinton with a smile on her face and there he is. shame on you hillary, shame on you. [applause] >> the task force itself is connected to the plo. its founding president was none other than the former plo spokesman rasheed khalidi. you may have heard of him.
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his name came up a lot during barack obama's campaign for president. the atfp's website even has a photo of mahmoud abbas along with a link to abbas' presidential website which contains the plo logo atop it. the american task force on palestine appears to be little more than a front to the plo. another example of the united states defining fatah as a terrorist group is found in the u.s. list of foreign terrorist organizations or fto's. on the list is shown the main paramilitary group of fatah, the brigade or amb. it has involvement in numerous terrorist attacks against israeli civilians including suicide bombings. there are those inside the government and outside who wish to draw distinction between fatah and amb.
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they like to use the term, loose connection to describe the two groups' relationship. the reality is that fatah and amb today are one and the same. in the past, amb had its own official website. in fact, it had two sites. today those sites are gone. now amb only uses the fatah official website as its official site. amb uses the fatah site to post its terrorist communiques and all of them are signed by amb, the, quote, military wing of fatah. the big question we must ask ourselves is why? why would our government attempt to hide law to help a terrorist organization? and really hide is the correct term as the last six-month
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waiver was not released to the public. that is not until i got a hold of it through someone in the state department. now it's up on our americans against hate website and here's a copy of it. [applause] >> what's interesting about the waiver is that it was not signed by the u.s. president at all since bill clinton have been. the latest one was signed by hillary clinton's deputy secretary of state james b. steinberg. it was actually signed less than two weeks prior to hillary's appearance at the american task force on palestine event. conspiracy theories aside, the state department should at least answer as to why it did not release the document publicly and why it did not bear president obama's signature. but getting back to our question. why would our government want to circumvent the 1987 law when it
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knows that fatah is a terrorist organization? is creating a fatah important? do we really believe that osama is not going to target us if we force this upon israel? do we think the palestinians will all of a sudden lay down their arms when their next generation has been ruined by its community's violent hatred of the jew. why this obsession with a creation of a terrorist state of palestine? i guess the answer is in the question itself. this obsession, like so many others, is irrational. it defies commonsense. if you wish to make peace with someone, you have to do it with someone who wants peace, not someone who wishes to destroy you. [applause]
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>> that should be obvious. you will never have peace with someone who wants to destroy you, period. now if i may, i'd like a moment to speak to those in power. after all, it's not every day that i get this national forum to say what's on my mind. again, thank you, c-span. for those of you who view israel as merely a pawn, no more than a 51st state, let me tell you. you are making a terrible mistake. israel is an ally and a friend of america and should be treated as such. [applause] >> when you sit down to dialog and have tea with israel's enemies, you place israel in danger. and when you place israel in danger, you place our own
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nation, your own nation in danger because israel's enemies are our enemies. [applause] >> let me repeat that. israel's enemies are our enemies. [applause] >> and as so many understand, as goes israel, so goes america. and like the good book says, quote, those who bless israel shall be blessed and those who curse israel shall be cursed. [applause] >> thank you. thank you so much for attending this conference.
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i think it is now time to honor a war hero. >> thank you. [applause] >> congressman allen west -- congressman-elect, sorry -- congressman-elect allen west is one of the most amazing individuals i have ever had the pleasure of meeting. he is intelligent, articulate and has all the qualities to make a real leader. when you stand next to him, you know you are standing next to greatness. in march, 2008, i was honored to have then lieutenant colonel allen west, former lieutenant colonel, to speak -- to speak at our americans against hate demonstration against care, a hamas-related group that was holding its annual banquet at the broward county convention center. as colonel west spoke, some of the care operatives gathered to
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greet him with jeers, attempting to shut him down but colonel west could not be stopped. but that should be expected. coming from a war hero whose actions on the battlefield saved countless american troops' lives. [applause] >> congressman west, you honored our group then. and today, it's our turn to honor you. congressman west, i would like to now present you with our americans against hate and young zionists, protector of zion award. [applause]
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>> well, i thank you so much for that introduction, joe. and it was hard to believe that you were talking like a person like myself. you know the battalion that i c cc cocommandedc commanded and it said duty not war. i want people to understand never thank me for doing that which is right. and doing that which will make sure that we protect our country and we protect our best and most favored ally in the middle east which, of course, is israel. [applause] >> but as i stand here today, i have to tell you, you know, reverend o'neal dozier just came in. i just got finished speaking at his church, its 25th
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anniversary. [applause] >> and that's a great man, too. mra[applause] >> but i must tell you as i get ready to prepare to go up to washington, d.c., and i'll be moving up there on the 2 north loop -- 2 north loopth of december and i'm not sleeping in my office, i've had enough of that. for the future and the legacy not just united states, not just israel but for what happens with western civilization. what happens to that bright and shining light that talks about the respective individual? what happens to that bright and shining light that talks about the freedom of conscience? what happens to the bright and shining light that talks about the rule of law all across our great world? and if we lose that aspect of what separates us from the autocrats and the despot that is
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we see on the opposite side then we're going into a new dark ages then we really have to ask ourselves, what are we leaving to our children and grandchildren? especially you think about the great sacrifices that a man such as my father made back in world war and korea and vietnam all the way up to the present and the sacrifices men and women are doing so to be out there in freedom's ramparts so we can sit here and share these ideas and talk freely about the future and the lug si of israel and america and the world. now, there's a fantastic, quote, that gail always shares with other people. and i think this is what really comes home when we talk about this issue. 'cause there's no need in me taking the academic and historical perspectives but i want to talk to you from the heart and that is when tolerance becomes a one-way street, it leads to cultural suicide and that's where we are. because if we are not willing to stand up and call a certain wrong a wrong. if we are not will to stand up
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and not identify and say who the enemy is, when we have a national security strategy that talks more about global warming than it does about islamic extremism, muslim terrorism, islamic terrorism. when we are now talking about overseas contingency operations and man-caused disasters, something is wrong. we have become upside down. you know, we don't want to say that there is a group of individuals out there that are the antithesis of who we are and what we stand for and what we believe in, but yet we want to continue to, you know, make our way of life self-serving. we have a recalcitrantance we have a fear and something that is keeping us and holding us back from saying that there's nothing wrong with standing upon a judeo-christian faith heritage that we find in the united states, that we have had in israel, we find all across western civilization. [applause]
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>> so i think first and foremost what we must do we move forward. and you can definitely count on me to be this voice. [applause] >> thank you. we have got to recognize who the enemy is. because my fear is that right now we are standing some 1930 sir neville chamberlain moment where we can compromise and appease people who mean to kill you and harm you. and when i sit back and i hear so often everyone talks about, well, it's just the taliban or it's just al-qaeda, i mean, it's such a narrow focus. that would be just the same as if, you know, the united states of america went to war and said we're only going to fight the second platoon charlie company of the company. what is fueling the enemy that we are finding ourselves against? what are their goals and objectives? see, before al-qaeda came along,
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the number one terrorist group that had killed more americans was hezbollah. and so we can't stop recognizing them. or we can't recognize the fact that we're sending money into gaza strip and gaza strip is controlled by a known terrorist organization which is hamas. you know, we made a very terrible mistake. you know, the shah of iran may not have been the most perfect of gentleman, but when we did not support the shah of iran and we allowed the ayatollah khomeini to take power we created the problems that we see right now. we see a resurgence of a radical totalitarianism which is imperialistic in nature and we've got to understand that. we've got to understand that true enough, we don't need to sit here and say it's every muslim. but there is a core group of individuals that if we're not careful, they can easily destroy this country. i had an interview last week with a gentleman from the london daily telegraph. and he said well, don't you think that you're giving them
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too much credit? you're giving them too much, you know, props and something like that? i said very simply, let me talk to you about some numbers. 19 people killed 3,000 people on 9/11. one person killed 13 american soldiers and wounded another 30. one person -- if it had not been caught could have killed countless number of individuals at portland, oregon, at a christmas celebration. see those are the odds. so i'm not going to discount the onesie or the twosies if you looked at what happened in iran with the car bombing there. we don't need talk about what happened and we don't need talk about what happens in sedrock and fitted not pronounce it right remember i'm from georgia and i have this accent thing. [laughter] >> and when i go there and i see the young children who are shell shocked. when i see the playgrounds that
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have bomb shelters next to it, why? why is that happening? and that story is not getting out? see, after you recognize a enemy, another thing we have to do is we have to win this information operations war. because when that whole gaza flotilla tape came out -- i was sitting there with my wife, i said angela those guys have paintball guns strapped to their backs. no one really understood that. that they had to use their personal side arms to defend themselves. we are giving the enemy every advantage, every opportunity we can just the same as in iraq and afghanistan with our soldiers. the rules of engagement that we have created gives the enemy the initiative over our soldiers. so we have got to once again get out there and put our message out. put our message out that says, we stand for freedom. put our message out that says, it is not us who are killing
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just as many muslims as are the terrorists are. it's not us who are going into schools and decapitating teachers or throwing acid on girls or gunning them down. it is not us that is shooting rockets and missiles from land that we continue to cede over in the hopes of peace, ladies and gentlemen, the time is coming where we must all stand upon a conviction. because as my mom said, a man must stand for something or else he'll fall for anything. and right now we're falling. we're falling to the point where what happens when that whole thing about mutually assured destruction theory goes out the window? that's what we operated with with the soviet union but that's not going to be a viable alternative solution if iran gets a nuclear device. when mahmoud ahmadinejad goes into lebanon and he faces towards israel and says we stand for the destruction of the zionist state.
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what more do you need? what more evidence do you need? there comes a time when someone continues to poke you in the chest, you must understand that you have to take that serious. it reminds me of when theo van gogh who was a dutch filmmaker was heard saying as he was being stabbed repeatedly to death to his assailant, can't we just talk about this? now, i don't know about you, but when someone is driving a knife into my chest, i think the whole course of action of let's have an intellectual discourse is over. but yet on a grander scale that's what we're allowing to happen. if you look all across europe, the anti-semitisim that is happening there. you look at what's going on in london. there's a youtube video where we see ritotists islamists chasing away place in sweden what was
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once a thriving community has dwindled down to 500. people are afraid to walk around. and profess their jewish faith in europe. this is where we are in our country. and if you go back and you study history for the jewish people, you were driven out of your homeland, you were driven off the arabian peninsula. you were driven because of the horrors of the inquisition out of spain. you were driven out of eastern europe. you withstood the holocaust. we finally said that we would return the jewish people back to their homeland and immediately after may of 1948, you were attacked. when does the time come when we say enough is enough? [applause] ..
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and back to work. once we recreate economic prosperity in this country, all the great technological advancements. of the biotech advancements, all the beauty that you see in israel, if you can't have safety, if you can't identify your enemy, if you can't stand up to that threat it is all for naught. if you are held hostage within your own boundaries, it is offer not. -do you one simple thing. it is my duty to stand up to
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defend israel. [applause] thank you. it is my duty to do that because when you are a young man growing up in the inner-city of atlanta, georgia and on sunday morning when you go up fourth street united methodist church for sunday school when you read those stories from the old testament you become one with that land. when in december of last year ahead my first trip to the holy land and eyes of the history and i stood thereupon the side and i realized as i have told so many of you that give me liberty or
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give me death is the exact same thing patrick henry said in the united states of america. in defending israel are will be a staunch defender of my and your united states of america. god bless you all. thank you for this reward and thank you so much. [applause]
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>> we're going to have our q&a. >> tell him to break the camera. >> any other panel members? any other questions? >> congratulations. >> happy hanukkah. anyone else may feel free to chime in. one thing that wasn't mentioned is the recent threat emanating from venezuela. hugo chavez, iran has placed
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midrange missiles capable of reaching this very right here. what is your perspective once you are in washington d.c. handling that threat? >> one of the key things about committee assignments and the next week or so, my number one choice was armed services committee. second choice was foreign relations committee. hopefully will get the middle east subcommittee. you are right. one of the things we found out not long ago is going into venezuela there are no passengers on those flights. there is a new twenty-first century axis forming. when you understand what happened in venezuela, the terrorist training plants in south america, the fact that you have the ortega brothers in charge in central america, that is the following pipeline.
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i was doing some reading where we already have al qaeda and hezbollah in cahoots with the mexican drug lords that are funneling individuals across the southern border. it was four months ago that one of these transition camps along the southern border, where you find dictionaries that translate arabic to spanish to english and we already know that we are losing track of these individuals coming here because there is a category called other new mexicans. these are people of middle eastern descent who have come into our country. there is a huge threat. what we need to be able to do is something we did not do after the collapse of the soviet union. what was the first thing we said? we don't need this big standing military anymore. nobody sat around and thought about what is the world going to look like now that the bipolar structure is gone and all these
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independent directors are free to do what they want. in cutting the military we see a military that is stretched very thin. and men and women on their fourth or fifth tours overseas and we see the contingency operations against various different threats. north korea, iran, afghanistan, iraq, yemen, somalia, the horn of africa all the way down into south america like we are saying. we have to get away from occupation nation-building style warfare and get back to understanding the number wanting we have to do with this enemy is deny him sanctuary and limit the information operation war and cut off his flow of men, material and financing support and gordon have off and keep him from being able to infiltrate the. we need to shrink his sphere of influence. those are four strategic
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objectives. the one thing you will know if you study 20th-century history of the united states of america since the korean war, we always win at the tactical level. we lose at the strategic level and that is the problem we have. >> one quick announcement before the next question. anyone who parked in the garage, please go to the valet before you leave. and a question from joke hoffman. this coming week there is a fund-raiser for a month. are we going to talk about that? >> the fund-raiser you're talking about is there is an individual named george galloway, and english individual that has recently raised money for the terrorist organization hamas and openly admitted to this and he has given over this money to hamas.
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they videotaped it. he is coming to, but no beach to the islamic center of south florida which itself has its own number of terrorism ties including the fact that the imam has called america the enemy. did i answer that question, about protesting mr. galloway. >> the joint question for mr. reuter land and the representative. how good to see you again. for a 30 use jonathan tyler has languished an american jail. isn't it time he got out? he was america's strongest ally and gave israel information that it should have been given by the government itself.
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thank you. >> i have read and studied about that and we had a little maxim we operated on when you play basketball on inner-city streets. no blood, no foul. i am trying to understand if someone is doing something for an ally of ours, he has definitely served enough of his time to be released. let me tell you this. the lockerbie bomber. if we could release the lockerbie bomber was up with jonathan? this comes to a bigger issue. i support as looking at this issue. we are treating terrorists like americans and americans like terrorists. [applause]. let me give you an example.
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when ten of our soldiers are in fort leavenworth accusing them of premeditated murder on the battlefield military tribunals worked ok for them. why can't military tribunal's work ok for these non state, 9 u.s. citizens in an act of terrorism against their country. that is one of the things we need to look at. [applause] >> the first thing and do the israeli government, every person, every human person in this world to release joseph after 25 years. i can share a few things with you. three years ago, might correct me on that.
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the military operation that was the fault of releasing him but then they learned there might be a suicide bomber around him that terrorists would accuse him in the case of any effort to release him. hy think it is our obligation as well, our duty to make sure he will be back with his family as soon as possible. [applause] >> first of all thank you. you say things like nobody else can. incredible. and you don't need a teleprompter. and [applause] >> you could have given him a run for his money and you would
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have won. now. three years ago i brought of the issue of venezuela. i know about those flights. i have another one. probably the first time anyone will hear about it. we have the infiltration of the hezbollah in mexico. we have problems at our southern border. on all of our college campuses we have had an organization, the mexicans do not accept the treaty of guadalupe hidalgo and whatever precedent we set for israel will be repeated by the world community that will insist that the surrender of the southwestern united states to those who claim -- i would like to know what we are going to do
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to prevent that. arnold weinstein wrote an article in 2003 published in israel, palestine -- >> you are right. you caught me unawares. we are not going to surrender new mexico, arizona or anything like that. but i will seduce. if you look at the west side of la raza, it is making a lot of intonations about doing such things and promising a lot of unrest, things of that nature especially if you see what is going on about this dream act. there is an effort out to undermine this country. once again, republicans are about rule of law. if you go to the constitution there are three places weather constitution clearly talks about the responsibilities of the federal government and the responsibilities of the state to protect itself in cases of
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imminent danger without delay. article i section viii talks about those who repair invasion. when someone is coming across your border and invited and not a citizen that is an invasion and it talks about a radical one 1 exception x in the event the federal government does not own up to their responsibilities. it talks about the federal government's responsibility to protect the state in case of danger. if you read what happened south of the border, is starting to look like iraq or afghanistan. you have roadside bombs, be headings, mass graves. those guys are not learning those tactics by looking at the simpson's on fox every sunday night. something has infiltrated in mexico that teaches the the tax. be very careful. of these tactics to come across
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our border, we have law enforcement officers with bounties on their heads in the southwestern states. >> i just want to say that this has been an incredible panel. all six of you. everybody here shares that. one after the other. my question is a tough one. >> why can't you ask an easy one? >> why? no challenge. a few months ago my wife and i were at the american israel chamber of commerce in boca raton and we heard mr. baker, representative of benjamin netanyahu, i asked him these questions. i see the look on your face. you are already worried.
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basically i want to know why we have to keep giving back land. [applause] >> and why wasn't more made from the israeli side of the horrible way that benjamin and yahoo! was treated in the white house. [applause] >> i am proud of the israelis being a democracy. even before the government agreed you have to fulfill for example the labor party who agreed to something, always in democracy the continuation that you can maneuver. that is where he comes to the point where i want to say something. israel 50 years ago was the
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world champions. lost unfortunately in car accidents. you remember that. somebody came with a slogan to say don't be right, be smart. you come to the intersection and you know you are right. they can look to your left but you cannot imagine what is on the left side or the right side. so take it easy. the smart. we got to speak--not just to show you the meaning of the smartest and understand why some times people work on the other side and make it cherry clear that the israelis are an ally of the united states or the united states is an ally of israel. we shall survive. but let's go for example to your
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question. believe me, folks, i wind from center to the right. i do not belong center to the wrong or to the left. [applause] >> let's take ten months ago vice-president joe biden comes to jerusalem. do you and i or any jew have to apologize or make an announcement? don't make announcements to embarrassed the vice president of the united states. this is the message. you have to be smart, obstacles like obstacles with the invasion of the idea in the past and thus
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in the future. we have to know how to maneuver. we have a beautiful picture and in quotation of the bible and so on. three portions at the beginning civilize the entire future of the jewish people. the owner of the world and makes the choice. where other people will be. go for your land to your father's home and the point where i assure you. we have to learn from that.
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from the window, in the very friendly and happy way, you remember that? she did like it. of course he went to us and by the way i adopted -- what did it say? i do it. with this answer to our future. we cannot see the two nations together. she realized the good thing was it was only two people. now we're dealing with three million people and therefore
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never forget whatever good advice, we should think about the future of their children. [applause] >> i mentioned this prevention of terrorism ordnance was created 60 years ago. the latest version was 1993 but it is still a security measure for israel and according to the israel ministry of foreign affairs, they do state on their web site that is a terrorist organization through this prevention of terrorism ordnance. they ignore this ordinance. the same way the united states
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government ignores the other act i mention to you, anti-terrorism act, the terrorist ordnance protecting israeli citizens through that terrorist organizations so why should we ever give any land to a terrorist organization. why should we create a terrorist state at all? if israel stood their ground and listened to their own rules just like we should stand our ground we would have a better place to live. [applause] >> i promise that would not ask another question. this group and these speakers have said some great things and let me tell you why i believe it is blessed. in new york there's a pl 770 ea
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wht ⌝e the t exactly 770 days the only way to expose to the american citizens the danger of jihad in america and infiltration they have made
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across america that the only way to expose it and leapfrog over the mainstream media would be full-blown public congressional hearing. i love baseball. they had it for roger clemens and steroids can we not have a full-blown public congressional hearing on jihad and the extent to which it infiltrated the united states of america. >> one of the things we will return in the 112th congress is the inquiry and we will have those oversight hearings in the foreign relations committee. those are tough questions about the united states of america. no more steven colbert or roger clemens sticking needles -- we will get back to what we should be doing in our committees with those hearings.
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>> from jerusalem, you put on spectacular conference. god bless you for your great work. [applause] >> to 4 lauderdale, congressman left on the show left at the podium, it will be january 18th. just came from a reserve duty. the tour duty on the gaza israeli border. any time we went on patrol we had a medical staff and helicopter on the call because when we find those trying to come into israel many would be dehydrated or have bullet wounds because the egyptian protocol is it you see someone crossing the border he should immediately be shot. there have been almost 30
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condemnations in the human rights council against israel. not one against the hamas. israel called a teleconference to pick them up and bring them to our hospitals but the world doesn't know anything about that. is in that fantastic? the world never hears we are the light of human rights in the middle east. the question for you, congressman west, is what can the american leadership do to bring the truth about israel to america? >> you must recognize information is part of national powers. it is a. it is the don imus theory. four elements of the nation's power. military and economic. how many people here have a cellphone? how many people here have a black married? how many have a computer? everyone here is a media source. everyone here can get the message out. if you put it out to an e-mail list it just goes down.
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we can't wait for a certain media to take this as a mantle. we have to do ourselves. that is the great thing about the 20 first century. we need to get that story out and get it promulgated all across not just israel or the united states but the world. they say what you going to do? help me out down here by getting that message out as well. [applause] >> it deals with israel and the united states.
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>> wouldn't we make a good w w e? >> has our constitution states, why do we care what mexico thinks about the guadalupe hidalgo 3d? we won the war. we should own the territory down to mexico city if they want to play the game of attrition. we have to start following our own rules, following our constitution and not caring what the rest of the world does or says about what we do with in the united states. for israel, what is the problem with you building settlements in your territory? everyone is allowing to dictate to israel what they should do and the united states what we should do and i want to know what you plan to do in your nation to tell the rest of the world what they can do with what their opinion is and get back to business in the united states.
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that is what i want to have when i join you. >> let me helped -- [talking over each other] >> it is not about building homes and we should not dictate to any sovereign state where they build homes. let me tell you what is happening in the united states of america. we have forgotten we are an exceptional nation and exceptional people. we have this apologist atmosphere coming out of washington d.c.. i am sure you can look across any country to see blips on the radar screens what they of done. one thing there is clear to me. people are still coming to the united states because of liberty and, freedom and opportunity. that is what we need to talk about and tell other countries there is no other nation that is greater than the united states of america. we are that shining city that sits up on a hill.
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mexico needs to take care a lot of their issues. if they keep running their mouth too much maybe we should look at all the foreign aid we are sending to mexico falling into the hands of the wrong people. [applause] >> if you remember what i said before, don't be right, be smart sometimes. in the territories, let me say something very clear. we have to analyze one thing. ten months ago the prime minister of israel agreed to free of the settlement. not a question of the state at that time. the point is once the israeli government agrees to do something, they have to implement what they are doing. we are talking about media, how
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we transfer stains. it is not sexy to -- i want to pronounce it quickly -- so i was ready to get through -- [inaudible] >> the point is the government makes that decision ten months ago. now as we say the media doesn't care that two days ago -- only the last 48 hours. nobody knows about it. what can you know? the big picture with low young boy with his father and big israeli tank. this is sexy. is that the truth? historically i want you to know
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that it was proved by the israeli government that any israeli couldn't have shot from the other side. just to make a headline with vote media but they succeeded. they succeeded. the point is how to lead in a way that we should succeed. the headline, last three months the headline of everyone was freeze the settlements or would not freeze and for two months. historically we don't agree for 24 hours. but politically if you come to a certain point this month, don't be right. >> hi and co-founder of the
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foundation after my late son was killed in a suicide bombing. last suicide bombing in israel. first of all, you all look alike and you are right. one of your cousins was my teacher. don't remember his name. [inaudible] >> i saw him last year. a younger cousin. in any case my question is for congressman allen west, i am so
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happy. [applause] turkey. that is exactly it. part of nato. they have control over the missile defense system in the area and turning to the other side. israel which is really the true ally of the united states, voices in the administration to join military operations. how short it is and what do you think about getting turkey out of there? >> the most important changes when a modern secular state of turkey was created he depended on the military to be the
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guardian of that state of turkey and now when you look at their leadership you are starting to see turkey split toward the radical islam. that is something of a great concern to me. when you talk about nato i have had many dealings with nato in the army. we need to start looking at how we expand? it really is collective security organization and how do we expand nato and bring in from other countries? because the threats we're talking about a global threats. new zealand, australia, you name it. it is not your typical nato and we need to look at how we bring israel in because let me tell you the danger. danger is you can use the nato charter. all of a sudden turkey claims some agreed status or action has been taken against them and as a
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nato members they can quote you must now support us as a member of nato. i would be fearful of something like that. i thought we were on the cost of that happening during the gaza flotilla episode. we must continue to have those joint military operations with israel because it sends a message to annamese to the north with hezbollah and enemies to the south with hamas. we need to see how to continue to expand those using marine expeditionary units and joint military operations as well in our air force and navy. my commitment would be to see how to continue to have those joint exercises with israel because of a message that is
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sent to our adversaries. [applause] >> a speeches you have been making have been wonderful but one subject was not brought up and that is not israel or europe or africa or mexico but here in this country. we have a time of outrage. the united states government is not permitting legitimate organizations that are in favor of israel to get 5013 c permission. they are forwarding their applications to special branch of the irs to check into these organizations. this is going on right now. the united states government and the irs are being sued for infraction of the constitution because of this. this is a time for outraged by
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american jews. [applause] >> that is something that is new to me but we will look into it and see what we can do. after jan. fifth we take the oath of office. please come by. >> absolutely amazing. thank you. but i don't think -- this is a question not only for the panel but everybody in the audience. this cannot end today. the jewish people hand i will make a little speech, you stay home and play cards, play golf, played tennis. we do not come together to support israel or america in a time of need. i'm glad you are here from all
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over the area because i really feel we need to come together locally. when there is a march in washington or new york why don't we gather in florida? not such a strange thought. you have your synagogue. come together when they have a flotilla. go to low local federation building and stand outside in the evening nice and quiet with a candle just showing silent support so the question to all of you is can you help set this up? the question to all of you is will you support and come and to bring people with you? [applause] >> it wasn't directed to me but i will answer that partially.
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israel has chapters throughout the country and throughout the world. we have a chapter in miami and my chair woman is right there and when issues such as what you just described arius, we do mobilize people and we do try to get out on the streets and have our protests and make the news that let people know that these actions are not acceptable. that we will protest. i offered to you the opportunity to reach carol and anyone else who would want to be a chair person in before lauderdale area or the palm beach area just see me. we would love to have your help.
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>> let me answer that question in a roundabout way. someone alluded earlier that i was giving a bleak picture which i was hoping i would because it happens to be true. we need to face reality to do something about it. to put it in a humorous way you have heard about the elderly jew reading and anti-semitic newspaper and one of his friends says what is going on? why are you reading this? he says i read it because it is bleak. we have been persecuted and from now. we are destitute. i hear jews ruled world. we control the banks and the government. that is not an approach we can adopt. to raise some consciousness the task we tried to set for ourselves is nice and there are organizations that are committed and i can tell you about
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chapters in several places in the country that are very active. i speak to people motivated -- we make the point raised on this panel that we are dealing not just with some representative -- not all that -- increasingly islam as time goes by. it calls for the elimination of israel and terrorism as an indispensable element of the strategy to bring about that goal. that is -- has not been rescinded. get involved with whatever organization you wish and follow-up the issues. the delay taking this to government and the media to start the ball rolling. thank you. [applause] >> something that wasn't
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mentioned that i want to mention. this organization -- i hope all of you have heard this group. is undoubtedly an anti-israel organization. [applause] >> the group has a goal of bringing more jews to the democratic party and the organization is non-partisan, that is their main objective. weather they destroy israel and the process or not. they practice moral equivalence whereas the hamas suicide bomber is according to them no different than the israelis that protect their citizens's security. it must be noted -- dennis brown and i spoke out side there first
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event in south florida where they open the chapter in south florida and afterwards we found out this leader of a group that i got shot down for being involved with terrorist organization, heads an organization, they actually gave this guy a round of applause at the meetings which tells you what type of organization that is. so be aware. we are here as well. [applause] >> thank you for that can and for providing a great segway in to my last question and. in 2006 it after the
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disengagement from gaza hamas over by force. they took over the government. there was a petition sent around signed by 387 rabbis are urging president bush not to discontinue foreign aid funding to the hamas government. i was talking to a man before -- i was a member of a temple at that time. two signatories to that petition were from that temple was a member of. the man was talking to send an e-mail to israel in the rabbi told him he was completely in favor of building the mosque at ground the row -- ground zero. you mentioned in your comments that it is so important for all jews to stand together in america and israel.
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how is it possible for all jews to stand together when there is very numerous factions of jews supporting and am powering our enemies? >> i will do you a joke and this will be my answer. the president of israel said mr. president, you are lucky man. corporate and of 300 is really people. the president said yes but you are president too. i am president of seven million presidents. you got my answer. did you get my answer? when you take two jews you have real opinions. did you get my answer?
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>> i want to thank of you people individual because you're talks were wonderful. daniel mandel, i have been a member of a zionist organization -- proud and longtime member of zionist organization for at least 25 vorster years. i go on the buses to washington to lobby. in my early years i lobbied. there are so many things i would like to touch on. first, about the mosque. i will say this very quickly. i overheard a piece on fox television that -- a minister or something, let he mom has said and made a statement that he wants to build mosques all over
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the united states. he hasn't even gotten approval for this one. we have been audited because we just got here in florida but that is his goal and objective. as far as terrorism is concerned, yesterday my husband and i went to a conference on islam in prison late congressional investigation, we went to hear -- steve emerson speak about terrorism, local grown terrorism so, international terrorism cells, and what is happening in the united states. we have more problems than ever. every time i turn on the
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television i hear a terrorism attack has been prevented. the names are muslim names that are involved. i know the percentages go back and forth. this morning i was watching television and fareed zacharia minimalize totally and humiliated the fact of the terrorism problems here in the united states by muslim individuals. the media is feeding less garbage. people watch cnn and believe what they see and top people in the media are feeding us garbage and people are believing it. thank you.
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and 4 give me. i was supposed to make another statement. with reference to the 50 one 3 ec issue, 501 c 3 issue, has been funded by george soros, and ideologically supported by george soros who was an anti zion anti-israel person. -- has a piece of litigation, harvard graduate has a piece of litigation in washington against the federal government because they apply for 501 c 3 approval for people who contributed to
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their organization. they have been denied and their application has been sent for a special inspection by the federal government with several other jewish organizations. i think this is not the like. >> we have a 501 c 3. and bracket inaudible] >> you made me a happy man with your jokes and now you tell me you are center right. i am happy because i remember 1993 -- you are making me a happy man. now to congressman alan west. for the last time ever are will
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call you alan. the oklahoma of vote on sharia law. is there any thing congress can do to support those who voted against it? >> we should be able to invoke the tenth amendment which says rights not prescribed go to the state or individual. if the people of the state of oklahoma voted for this that should be the end of it and the scary thing is if we get away from that happening to activist judges, the panel of black robes who can start to overrule the referendum of the people we will no longer be a republic. we no longer have the rule of law. the most important thing is we have to realize there is an infiltration in the united states of america and to our political and economic and education and cultural systems,
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financial systems. we have to recognize this enemy and understand his strategic goals and objectives and take the right and proper actions which starts at the congress of the united states of america. we are supposed to be watching over the american people. [applause] >> i want to thank everybody for coming. we close with a closing prayer. >> nobody can accuse us of being sexist or chauvinistic. i am not a rabbi but i teach jewish history and i have learned so much from all the lecturers who are brilliant and eloquent in support of israel to
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end terrorism. interesting that as jews we represent.02% of the population and yet have a disproportionate impact on the universe with more than 20% of all individual nobel prizes being awarded to jews, technological advances and although israel is a tiny state, we have occupied so much of the media coverage not necessarily in a good way. with 400 u. n resolution this surrounding the state of israel, more than any other issue. of course jews and non jews alike, israel has a colossal magnetism, said most profoundly by the spanish poet and scholar, my heart is in the east.
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did i not say that? my heart is in the east volvo i am in the west. we know that god says in the torah -- [speaking hebrew] god's eyes are focused on israel from the onset of the year until the end of the year. [applause] >> perhaps the obsession over the land of israel is a calling to jewish people to stand-up -- doesn't allow us to assimilate entirely and forget our identity but always reminds us we are people who are unique and have a homeland and this calling is
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twofold. the torah tells us a [speaking hebrew] obliterate the evil from among you, from your environment. we have been discussing exposing evil. terrorism and why is that fester like mold in the darkness and grow and when they are exposed to light and people see what it is really about and the hidden agendas they melt away because they love the dishonesty, blackness, lack of exposure that lies behind terrorist motivations. obliterate, stand up when you see something done just, when you see something immoral. taken to task. speak about it. post it on your facebook page. talk about it. don't just let it go. the tall wood tells us [speaking
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hebrew]] a little candle could light up a very big dark room and that starts in our very own lives and small lives. each of us has the opportunity to add a little bit of light into our lives. this could be through lighting up somebody else's life by being a positive influence on another person, a hero in our own home. by standing up for our jewish heritage. our right to the state of israel stems from the words in the torah that tells us you are god's people and god has a global mission for us. we don't need to be afraid of it. anything we do ads light into our lives and the entire environment. keeping law holiday of hanukkah, all these things help collectively to at light into the universe and protect israel
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from a spiritual vantage point. sometimes it seems there is no good solution to peace in the middle east. there is a vision that there would be a fulfillment of the age old prophecy that there would be an arab peace for auld mankind, and our of redemption when morality would reign supreme. he told cnn that everyone has the ability to instigate this global revolution through small acts of goodness and kindness. so let us all increase in exposing the evil of terrorism and having little candles in our lives and together we will see the true peace in israel and the


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