tv Book TV CSPAN January 15, 2011 2:00pm-3:00pm EST
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there. he met him once and in washington, california congressman james maclachlan was using the book and holding it up in the homes of washington a week but i'm defensive insecurities in america and we he west coast. and so, the book inspired the army to relocatees about how wou defend against potential japanese invasion. people from the army war college consulted with homer lea on putting wargames together and considered a new bible, if you will, for people in america are concerned about defense. now for those of you who are familiar with geopolitical writing at the time, captain alfred ayer man didn't come amiable writer and 1890s, the influence of the party would've
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geopolitical book about defending america's interests militarily. well that's about the navy. formerly produced geopolitical book about and warfare. so this is the next that connected us geopolitical book in american history. this is a game changer. it's very influential. the japanese went to school on this. the germans read it come europeans read it, very influential. well, as i said the japanese read this, i don't have a lot of citations from the japanese, just a few bits and pieces in my book, but i can tell you the feeling is everybody in the japanese high command to fight world war ii knew who homer lea was and read his book. and the japanese did start taking seriously the americans as a theoretical adversary in 1909. that's documented. it just so happens that the mentioned earlier, general macarthur and his staff read the , journalists clear booth luce who is married to the publisher of time a magazine without visiting the philippines before pearl
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harbor, year before. and she was being entertained by a story by the head of general's intelligence, charles willoughby. he was telling her at the officers club it just arrested some filipino boy because he was sending sicker warplanes to some french somewhere. and he was explaining there wasn't the warplanes. they found out he checked homer lea's book and library and copy them out. so that's how close some of our planning was. and so claire booth luce became enamored by homer lea. she thought he was wonderful. she came back to america and after pearl harbor shingle hindley resurrected them into a military profit. the next thing you know, he's all over the papers. this is a guy you saw coming. this is the case of the japanese were going to do this. and by the way, his planned sm is indicated for the invasion of the philippines is very similar to what the japanese actually
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did. so he really earned high marks of the forgotten prophet and claire booth luce was enamored by him and she actually wrote the basis of a screenplay. there were several adverts to write music. so the valor of ignorance was so popular in england, the head of the british army shown on the left but every copy that harper and brothers published in england. otherwise he could get his hands on in london. he brought them all and he handed them out to everybody humulin tenormin. and then he wrote home early sane would you please write something for the british he wrote this, consulted with field marshal robert and this book really didn't take the interest of the japanese. it interested the germans who is going to be the adversaries of the british. this is translated into german. the kaiser loved "the valor of ignorance" and homer had an
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international reputation as a writer. so homer lea dies in 1912. he's going to battle on and off for china until he dies in the 1920s. homer lea spoke squatter print. he gets resurrected during world war ii. and homer lea meanwhile has his ashes. he was cremated, so his family the ashes. be. in china. that i know of to have his ashes to china before sun yat-sen died. and the west end in 1934. she was cremated that her son kept the ashes can associate the he never had enough money or wherewithal to move ashes to china. in 1949 the china mainland became communist, so the idea was a wash. i wasn't going to happen. so when searching a poll released papers were donated to the hoover is duchenne at stanford university in late
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1968, one of the conditions of donating papers by the family is can you please arrange to have homer lays ashes taken to china? for the mainland was out of the question. but for those of you who know or don't know this, kang yu-wei was sun yat-sen's brother-in-law. so when the government was approached in taiwan for possibly taken the ashes can i bring them over. this is great. so the big ceremony to take homer lays ashes. they currently entered in taiwan and the plan at the time, at least according to shanghai shout when they were reunited, he would take the ashes to the mainland. as it stands of course, he is long since gone and homer leaves family would very much like to see homer lays ashes taken back to the mainland. so with that said, that's my
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quick overview of home early and the boat. and if you're interested in someone like that to shape world events, although he's been largely forgotten since then, i would recommend it. now, what they want to also add a space. minus the second book ever published about home early, the fact that the first was writ in the 1980s and the author has since died, that book was a good starting point and it used the papers donated to the hoover institution. prior to the 1960s, there was never enough material to even think about writing a scholarly biography of home early. so i've been working on this often on for for a number of years and where my book transcends and bypasses the ones in the 80s if i have the advantage of having used sources from the internet. each week that goes by, each month that goes by, like low picking fruit, new material may come to the forefront.
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i've also had the advantage of running into some of homer lea's family members who have shared some information with me. i would like to give you just a quick and it does about the trials and tribulations of writing about this. when homer lea was alive, he was called an international man of mystery for a reason. there was so much exaggeration about who he was and what he did when he was alive, it was near impossible to separate the fact from the fiction. it was a huge historical task. here's just a quick and to. i was fortunate enough to get them letters that hourly sister wrote for an article in the 1940s for life magazine that was never published, talking about some aspects of his life. and the sister wrote about how is involved in was going to have a dual. right before his first book came out. i just showed you on the chart there, his first book came out in 19 away.
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so i looked through the newspapers that access to from california from los angeles at the time, could find nothing about a duel. i figured okay, you must have done this in the early 19 away. so i wrote that section into my manuscript. i information nobody ever seen before. who is going to the corner the market on new authoritative homer lea information. a few months later, the library of congress, which is digitizing newspapers as we speak, digitize the los angeles herald. lo and behold i see a front-page story on homer lea having a dual, but it's 1906, 19 awaked and it had nothing to do with the recollection. her memory was completely skewed. it was soft. so what gives you pause for reflection that you want to use authoritative choice and documents. and in this case i determined that the newspaper published the
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day after the event was much more authoritative and accurate than the sister's memory four years later. but it's an example of those challenges of sorting through the myth of homer lea. and read any article today, a certain percentage is going to be inaccurate and wrong. case closed. case closed. that's the challenge. this book your, at least as far as i can tell was the most biography of homer lea. and so, i will entertain any questions or comments if anybody has any at this point. yes, sir. >> but the best home early to take a sin to christ the
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interview -- was it an academic exercise and his partner was he a great favor in response to a? was precipitated that? >> good question. what i did not answer earlier was homer the been a real student of world events. it was the rest of the japanese word. the japanese fought the russian in 1904 and 1905 andersen is the word the word was over, homer lea understood with his agent contacts and connections for the passive japanese expansionism is leading. for those of you don't have encyclopedic memories of japanese history, in 1894, 95 as the sino japanese war with the japanese chop the chinese and a sister for japanese expansionism. ten years later the japanese thought the russians. and home early simply connected the dots and psalmist is going going across the pacific. homer lea also was social darwinists. he believes in preserving the
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anglo-saxon race. his view, global view was a threat to keep american and british ties together. and he saw china as a counterbalance weight to japanese expansionism in asia. so he saw the british as a counterweight. and he and he did see things geopolitically because he was a student at the sino japanese war and the rest of chinese war. any other questions, comments? yes. [inaudible] >> that's a very easy story to tell. when i is a in late 1970s at ohio state university and was in the library looking to hardcopy papers of the harpers weekly. and i came across a full-page obituary of this general, he looked like a kid, with his glowing headlines in these contributions. it was hard to fathom or believes. i mean, it was incredible.
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and since i didn't really know much about him or her much about him at that point i started looking for something authoritative work is that i could rely on for a biography. and since 1979 can actually implement that came out a few months ago i could never find anything. so i took it upon myself to do this. i did a dissertation at kansas state university in the mid-80s with this and then i used to work as an army historian and i was working at the pentagon and about 10 years ago i had extra time in my hands and i said i'm going to guess this off and try to get back into it and fix it up. and so there we are. here we are 10 years later with additional research. yes. >> what made his -- was it translates having read it, is a pretty good work, pretty good thinking?
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>> unless you want to read out from her hand in the 1890s, if you're a progressive modern military officer in your thirsty for professional education, you're thirsting to read things that can help challenge you in your craft, this is a period i mean, it wasn't written by an american military officer. that's the catch. homer later and looked at the topography, the geography of how you launch an invasion. he did just that by doing it at home. he looked at the lan. the u.s. army today we all know look at the land. they left home early. i want to thank you all very much of that concludes my remarks. if you have any questions or comments, please get in touch with me at a later date. [applause] >> this event was part of the annual association of the u.s. army meeting. for more information visit
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>> next comment abraham foxma director of the anti-defamation league provides a critical assessment of the stereotype of jewish people and their control of money. he speaks at an event hosted by los angeles world affairs council. it's just over an hour. >> good evening. it is the last night of hanukkah tonight. it's also -- it would've been my father's birthday and a lot of things that he taught me when he would frequently say if you live
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long enough, you live to see or experience everything. i'd always wanted to be on the stage in hollywood. and i finally made it. [applause] diane, thank you for that lovely introduction. i guess that would be for. there's always this dilemma when you speak about a book and this is the third book i've written. how much do you really tell the audience? what's the point at which you tell them too much so they won't even bother to get the book and you that's what we hear about to discuss the book.
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and so, let me begin by trying to answer some questions, which i'm frequently asked for any book, why write the book is the subject. why now? and what for? and so, let me try answering those three questions, at least stimulate an interest in the hope that you will buy it. it's too late for hanukkah, but it's early enough for christmas for your friends. i'm not sure how wonderful they wilkins victor that gift, but give it with something else. it certainly hopefully will enlighten, maybe even entertain. why this subject? why write about jews and money?
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why write about an age-old stereotype? well, because it persists, because if they are, because this pernicious, because it's everywhere. and that's why we fight bigotry. that's why we fight prejudice. that's why we fight anti-semitism. and every once in a while, one has to focus on the specific aspect of the prejudice. this element, the stereotype goes back several thousand years. if you examine the roots of western anti-semitism, you will find that it is one of the two basic pillars of western anti-semitism. the first being the chargers deicide, the charge that the jews, not the romans killed
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jesus. that became a major legitimize their that enabled the teaching. that was the basic foundation for so much of western anti-semitism. there was the foundation of inquisition. it was the foundation of expulsions. and it made a reasonable and rational. well, the other pillar at that time was the pillar relating to who sold cheeses out and why? and so the second pillar dealt with the issue of money, jews and money. she says -- jesus was not sold out for theology, philosophy, for ideology. we are told and taught key sold
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them out for 30 pieces of silver. throughout this western civilization, the elements of anti-semitism were booted in both elements and in group and became more and more legitimate. so then the next question comes. okay, if it's better, why don't you write about it 20 years ago? why wasn't your first book, your second book? why now? and the answer to that is what started it happening in 208 is not really made up, but made up certainly added to the reason. but the primary reason was that into a wave, the world began to experience an economic crisis, and economic crisis of failures, fear for the future, people
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losing their jobs, homes being foreclosed. and we began to see more and more on the internet, it in the friends media, but also in main street media, references to jews, jewish bankers, jewish influence. and when we looked a little bit closer because we knew that certainly in europe, much less so in the united states, in europe for years, the last time we tested it we pulled was about five years ago and then again three years ago, that almost 40% of the european public believes that jews disproportionately have economic power, that jews disproportionately control economic institutions. so when this economic crisis started, we went out to check the pulse of attitudes, we found
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that 31% of europeans believe that the economic crisis was caused by jews. and here in our country, where attitudes, prejudices when i do mean mean, it's a lot better tenure. almost one out of five americans believe that. and that was mr. middaugh. and all of a sudden people forgot that ponzi was not a jewish name. ponzi, which has been established as this concept all of a sudden now has been replaced i made off and we founded to disturbing if the so-called jewish owned "new york times," as we read that in the conspiracy view found it necessary. for some reason we still don't know because i've had an exchange of respondents. when the story broke in "the new york times," on the front page twice was reference to mr. madoff's jewishness.
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what importance did it have been? later added importance because jews worth it to because jewish charities, but not when the story broke. not when the indictment was raised. do they write about other people's religions? when someone is accused of fraud? and the answer is no. but then it became of a special concern to us because the concept, and the issue of jews and money, jewish greed, the conspiratorial view of jews hoarding money, for money in order to get power, power in order to get money, all of a sudden became an avalanche on the internet in ways that we've never seen it before. and so in a made up story, began to really play every single day
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and palm beach, where much of the handiwork of mr. madoff was done. the anti-somatic response that the newspaper, the palm beach approach received was so huge that they were unable to manage at and the only decision they could make was to send out an announcement that they will no longer entertained on the internet and if others relating to middaugh because the majority of the letters were anti-semantics and only recently there's another case in florida for the "miami herald" made reference to a gentleman who did exactly the same thing. it's part of our sub culture. it's part of our sub culture in this country. how often do you hear jewing?
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that's unacceptable, or to treat the stereotype that doesn't -- shouldn't be. and the anti-defamation league, an organization unprivileged ahead. i'd be perverse to head a package they asked me. [laughter] one organization at a time. [laughter] we receive complaints i would say every couple of weeks somewhere, whether in a middle-school, pennies are thrown in a courtyard or sometimes at a basketball court, pennies are thrown. why? why pennies? well, you see if you threepenny, you want to identify and find a jew. only jew will bend down to pick it up. these are games being played in
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playgrounds, middle-school. we recently came across a couple instances of complaints and a basketball game. i don't know to what extent you are familiar, but in europe, certain teams have been called jewish teams. nobody knows why. and so when the soccer teams play against each other, it's attacking the jew, it's anti-semitic. sometimes hereto, and to somatic teams are designated jewish. and several students, primarily in florida we have witnessed in the last couple of years that pennies were thrown. via? to distract the jewish players on the court. but it goes much deeper than not. there was a candidate for president three years ago, a nice gentleman. he was the governor of the state, not alaska. the governor of wisconsin.
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and he appeared before a group of rabbis, asked their support for them as a presidential candidate. and in his opening remarks come he said all my life i spent in public service. and only in the last two years i stepped aside from public service. i went into business. i was successful and now i know what to sleep being jewish. there is a buzz in the room and the rabbi approached him and whispered something in his ear. and he said and meant it as a compliment. defend your religion teach you how to make money? now, this is not a people person. this is not malignant. this is ignorant, insect did but they stereotype and this is a person who was a governor, who said that the cabinet room.
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and yet, this pernicious stereotype has taken on a life of its own. and thought moments of crisis, it just plugs in and reinforces. i travel. one of the places i travel because of where it comes from and the germans make it a cemetery of the jewish people as poland and eastern europe. and you can travel through eastern europe and you can pick up souvenirs. there's a new kind of souvenir. i guess it's not new. i guess we've noticed it recently. it's a souvenir and it comes than anna comes in carved figures, ceramic, oil painting, comes in watercolors, all types of material in value.
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you can buy it for 1 dollar you can spend $500. and what it does is it is a caricature, almost a chairman not the stryker type of a jew. hook nosed, big nose, black hat, either holding a golden coin or a bag of money were sitting at a table county money. and so, as they traveled in poland and eastern europe, i would approach the salesperson and said what is this? somewhat embarrassingly say it's the equivalent and they say some are embarrassed, but they say it's a good book charm. i say excuse me? a good luck charm? yes, when somebody goes into a new business, into a new job come a new apartment, we buy
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i said to him tell that to iman helm's family, a young man that four years ago was captured and kidnapped on the streets of paris by a gain the good will muslim african game who kidnapped him because as they sit in court jews are rich and if you want to become rich all you have to do is kidnap a jew, hold him for ransom and you become rich. they weren't rich and didn't have the money, they killed him. when people say to me why are you getting so upset about jews having money, i remind them of that. so that is out there.
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that is why the timing of the book is now because the economic crisis continues. the blame game continues. the internet is rife with conspiracies. why write a book? i wrote the book in the hope that i could shine the light a little bit to remind people what stereotypes are about, how painful, how hurtful, house sinister, how dangerous they are if you let them just be. and it is really a call for good people, for parents to teach their children, for good people to -- there is a lot of work in prejudice reduction and we primarily start with the kids
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and at some point of the kids say what do you want from us? and we say to that we want you to have the courage to stand up and say no when you hear bigotry, when you hear prejudice, when you hear racism. it sounds so simple. it is not that simple. look at the treasury's we have been witnessing with cyberbullying. bullying is something we have lived with voice of many years. it is he did. i don't like you because of your color, your ethnicity, your religion, your size, because of your gender. does it really matter? it is whatever is seen by a group of the other. and if you want to appreciate --
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and what is it? how many kids have the courage to stand up and say no, don't say that? they don't. that is how bullying not only scars but now it kills because now from the classroom, from the school yard, now it is global. now we are seeing young people commit suicide because they can't cope with that bullying which is now also global. what sounds so simple is not that simple, but it is so important and significant. that is the ability to stand up and say it is not funny. don't say that. it is hurtful. that simple ability to say no,
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don't do it is not that easy. it is very difficult. my hope is maybe when people read it, they will have the courage next time they hear somebody say -- to stand up and say don't do that. i have a chapter which has been reviewed as a little bit entertaining and it is not funny. ethnic jokes are not funny. remember the period of jap jokes? not funny. jewish american princess jokes are rooted in the same stereotypes of jews and money, is not funny. it just reinforces, it is painful and at the end it is dangerous. it is also -- an appeal to the political leaders, the religious
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leaders, to have enough knowledge, information to be able to condemn it. to be able to stand up and say that is not acceptable. that is not the values that we want. it is not a fun book. but it is a book that if you read it, i think you will feel better about yourself, having better understood something that is out there which many of us have ignored sometimes at our peril. it is a book i never thought i would have to write or need to right but it is a book that may prevent some hurt, some pain, some anguish. we frequently say never again.
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we say it sometimes so often that i am not sure we truly understand what it really signifies. for me, writing this book is another expression to put meaning into what to those of us who survived the holocaust has become an 11 commandments. it is out of jewish experience but it is universal. the never again is basically never again to be silent in the face of bigotry or prejudice or racism, never again to be silent when someone is singled out for who they are, what they are, what they believe, what their sexual orientation is. whatever it is that makes them different, never again to just stand by and ignore it. and be apathetic. that is truly the motivation.
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so that more people understand. that they have a responsibility. which is not that huge a task. to be sensitive, to be respectful. but not only in their heart. to have the courage to stand up and say no to bigotry. that is what the book is about. maybe it isn't a bad choice for a post hanukkah or arab christmas gift after all. thank you very much. [applause] >> thank you. am i on? thank you very much for reminding us so eloquently about the importance of respect for diversity and man's humanity to man and how important it is
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particularly at this time of year. i would like to open it up for question and answer. if you would please make your questions questions and keep them short so that we can get to as many questions as we possibly can i think mr. foxman will be with us for a bid to answer some questions and then we will be signing books afterwards for any of you who would like to make that purchase as a holiday gift. who is our first question? we are going to have to send the microphone through the room. i am going to be reminded of that because we are on television and we need to make sure the questions are heard live. i will ask mr. bark to take the microphone around and hold it for you. is there anyone else who would like to ask a question this evening? >> the gentleman on the balcony.
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>> thank you for being here. you probably won't like my overall question. i have been very offended by what you have done in essentially denying the genocide and the closing remarks spoke to how i feel about what you and unfortunately taking the a p.o. with you in the eyes of many by denying the armenian genocide, by fighting its passage in the house of representatives, by apologizing to turkey for offending them for what went on, saying the genocide is tantamount to genocide in the statement. these are all things that are fundamentally the nihilist. my question is when will you correct this very bad path that you are on? when will you corrected this? are you willing to correct it so that the credibility is not further besmirch? >> thank you for your question.
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i will correct it when i stop beating my wife. mort seriously it is a more serious question. we have not denied the armenian genocide. as long as i am around, we describe it as a massacre. we have described it as an atrocity and we have called on the turkish government to deal with it, to face the issue, to confront the history and to engage in discussion, dialogue and whenever comes from those dialogues and reconciliation with the armenian people. but we haven't necessarily what you and some of your friends
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respectfully ones, or not respectfully want. some of our programs have been threatened programs that provide sensitivity to prejudice. you insist we use your word genocide. we the jewish people suffered a genocide. we don't insist anybody call it anything. or holocaust. call it what you want. we have very clearly, i have been around 45 years, director almost 25 years. you will find on our web site, the language in materials that we teach that we have never denied it. we have always described it as a massacre, as an atrocity and we always called on the turkish government to deal with it. on the issue of legislation we have an opinion.
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we never lobbied against it. when asked we said we do not believe that this issue, this painful issue is going to be resolved by a resolution in congress. we have again said this is an issue that needs to be resolved by the two peoples, by the two nations and i still believe to this day that resolution in congress is not going to resolve it. the beginning of the process which we have seen in the last year not totally successful but the exchange between the president of turkey to armenia and the president of armenia to turkey is the beginning of a dialogue. a dialog which hopefully will lead to reconciliation which will lead to facing the past, which will be to healing. but by good people demanding that we do this and that unfortunately that will not bring anybody back to life.
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[inaudible question] >> my question basically is my perception over most of my life, subtly the last 25 years of my life, most groups that suffered some form of oppression seem to -- you use the term several times in your remarks, good people. you use the term good people over and over again. it seems that in our response to these afflictions we tend to forget about the good people and only 10 to focus in on a small group of people who no doubt have been in an enormous amount
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of pain but it seems to me that healing, moving forward and getting beyond this is pretty much to focus on the larger group which is good people. that is what the solution is. i say this as a black man. it appears to me that we don't do that. when are we going to start focusing on the good people. >> thank you. i would say i think that is what we try to do. if i did not believe we could change people's minds and hearts i would not go to work in the morning. we could bring about it tiffany of people and educate them. i would not be doing what i am doing. here is the challenge. and again, i am an optimist. i am an optimist. by virtue of the fact that i am here, that i survived. even in the midst of evil and
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the holocaust, there weren't enough because if wallenberg saved 100,000 human beings imagine if there were 100,000 of his. we wouldn't have had a holocaust. you are actually write. the problem is the biggest operate 24/7 and the good people are waiting for somebody -- world council -- i don't know. our challenge is to find a way to trigger the good people which are the overwhelming majority, to -- not 24/7 -- to wake up, to respond, to do. if you say to me what is the -- one lesson from the, what i
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thinkme, what i think we are trying to find our trigger lesson to inspire the good people to stand up. when i stand up to say no, is the overwhelming majority. i go back to the holocaust. we learned that whenever good people said no people lived. and jews live, gave live. gypsies live. there they were. millions of people who didn't do anything. millions of good people who didn't do anything. the ones that collaborated worry small group. the ones who stood up were even smaller. and yet they were all good people and yet they were all good people. i have my own little dream.
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vaccine i believe it is out there and we are going to find it some day. but you are absolutely right. we need to focus on the good people but at the same time we don't have the luxury to ignore the ugly people, the evil people, the hateful people and sometimes you need to focus on them to wake up the good people. to say to them you can't just stand by. you need to be educated and you need to education. the good news is you are not born a bigot. the bad news is you learn to be a bigot. the second bad news is it is better to -- it is easier to learn to be a bigger than to learn to be not a bigot. it in and the hands of good
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people but you have to motivate them. you need to find those trigger mechanisms. if you came here you know i don't sing or tell jokes. you came because you care. part of what we are about is to say to the good people you have a responsibility and the responsibility is as simple as standing up and say no. if not all of them, but many of them, things would change in terms of civility and respect in our country and beyond. >> you were pretty close to pope john paul ii. you had interviews with benedict xvi. you can hear me? i could holler.
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okay. you have met with pope john paul ii and benedict xvi. have you ever discussed with him their attitudes toward israel and the survival of that jewish people and if so what were their differences? >> it would be arrogant to say that i was close to john paul. one can aspire. i had the privilege to be with him, in his presence to speak to him, on eight occasions. the importance of john paul was that he changed 2,000 years of teaching of contempt.
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vatican ii made some significant changes in the relationship between the jewish people and the catholic church, the vatican. what john paul did was very courageous. probably the most important thing of that john paul did was to go to synagogue. the visit of the synagogue was the most important theological statement in 2,000 years. he said to the christian world that christianity with judy and some which used to be taught, with a covenant with abraham not
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superseded. judy is of a viable religion, to participate and bear witness to the vitality of the jewish life. that symbolically, even the illogically, was very important and he talked about the jews being the older brother and anti-semitism being a san. his visit to jerusalem going to the wall, apologizing for the history of teaching of contempt. i will share with you insight into sensitivity -- i know a family in rome that lived in rome several hundred years and one day a phone call was received that the pope wants to see them and went to see the pope. the pope said i understand you are a close friend.
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test childhood friend -- i decided the pope said i would like to visit the synagogue. i don't want to put the rabbi in a position where he has to say yes. if i would call him as pope or write him, he would have to say yes. i would ask you, tell the rabbi i would like to visit the synagogue if he wants me to, if he is comfortable. the message was carried sending the message back, i need a week -- that was his decision and the majority of the rabbis said welcome. this man to ask whether it would
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be comfortable and accepting. the rabbi is mentioned in john paul's will by name. you asked the difference. the difference is in style. everything john paul did, and cardinal crosser which is keeper of the faith. this was the partnership. the public voice and figure, indy dog law, anything put have rats in your's approval. everything with the cardinal's approval, what was important is a different style. the personality differences but
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relationship is not a persona -- if you the that the history of anti-semitism the most dramatic change in 2,000 years is the change in attitude between the catholic church -- unfortunately it was for many years -- the ones that were legitimized. this is the most dramatic change in anti-semitism. now we have an issue with islamic fundamentalism. that has become the new vehicle for anti-semitism weather it is iran or hamas or hezbollah or the extremists who have hijacked islam and that today is the greatest anti-semitic vehicle and conveyor but it is no longer what it used to be.
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this current pope is carrying on the tradition of john paul in the relationship to the jewish people. >> i don't know very much about the army and turkish situation. the first questionnaire was asking you about the jewish opinion of the situation. i am asking you if -- the massacre that the armenians suffered to use your words, what started that? were the turks just on a rampage or did the armenians have anything to do with this? something that went on before
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that to cause it? >> respectfully i am not a historian. certainly not a historian on that issue. i have read some books. there were various opinions. the fact is nobody challenges the fact that whatever the cause, there was a massacre. whatever the cause there were atrocities. that is not in question. why, when, how. whatever it was, it was as horrendous and as horrific as
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