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tv   Capital News Today  CSPAN  January 20, 2011 11:00pm-2:00am EST

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serafoig asecy staereb publicly by the foreign minister who turned away. added several opportunities to national security advisers do with high-level officials that water to meet and they did not. we've offered to a bilateral discussions within the framework of the p5 plus one, the iaea which have never been enacted on. we meet bilaterally in vienna. again, offers that were rebuffed. ..
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a eryonree at i'veeeto theueioabt e mddast a t ovaringcâteau of iran and on top of the process argues very persuasively this is one of the defining issues of our time, and i can assure you on matters of collective security between us and our friends that there have beenany disussions and i am sure those discussions are continuing.
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i'veeard any poe y f course timisnot on our sid and hat ay be true but i would also argue the time is not on the iranian side because the willingness to talk, the willingness to continue to go down this road without any tangible result eventually means that sooner or later the world willonclude and we will conclude as a nation that iran has defined itself and we will have toieve ls suessful goa that have been articulated. hope is not strategy and we can't continue to hope that the iranians will see the wisdom of our position, not only our position but most of the world's position and come to the negotiating table and be willing to negotiate openly and
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forthrightly for their own benefit, for their own benefit of their people whch tey are routinely ignongor thir own benefit of te growth o th soet. e president's words about u.s. intentions are not widely shared and though it could be said by critics that maybe we should and could have done more the truth is a lot has been done, but we haven't reached the end of the road in terms of what we must do in order to make sure that we achieve our goal for the sake of freedom, for the sake of our children and our grandchildren and for the sake of humanity. this is a problem that has to be addressed. it has to be addressed successflynd i tnkhis core sveto undersre not ony just thepassion that the logic he to take this and be successfuand ithink you very much for inviting me to
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be here. thank you. [applause] thank you, general, very much. jim has been a fixture in american security policy. he's the former director of central intelligence and served as head of the central intelligence agency from 1993 to 1995. previously he served as undersecretary of the navy from 1977 to 1979. jim woolsey. [applause] thanks, bob. it was an honor to be asked to be on the panel today, but to tell you the truth since i spent 22 years as a washington lawyer
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and then some time at the cia in the clinton administration time-honored to be invited in to any company for any reason at all. [laughter] mark twain one said history doesn't repeat itself but sometimes it does rhyme, and there is an interesting partial crime that i want to share with you by describing anothe regime other than th urrent regie in an. the e at too per nuryf 33n january. the principal figure, adolf hitler had written in the 1920's of what his objectives were. to rule germany, to kill the jews and onquuro. eoplvey exlit dvryeat
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didn't bac him orote or h, the plurality did, driven in part by history of germany and ancient and noble people, feeling as if they had been badly teated by particularly the french and british in the aftermath oforld war i with the debt that were levied and the rest. hitler began a very substantial military buildup. some of it was hit in, some of it was known but he began immediately as an effort to enhance his ability to deal with his neighbors and the outside world. in the eante, two paramilitary organizations, the ss and sa can to be e
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instrument of the nazi state owning much of the property and dominating much of the government decision making under hitler's cui orders. it can easily be said and often said that hitler was a totalitarian maniac, but maniac misconstrued something because most americans viewf my lol ersality assomeon reing an otrtional. hitler was far more a sociopath, objectives. because once objectives are tbe. i wrote a paper in college but hitler as it went from 1933 to
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1939. , not to bismarck, no one. he had the chancellors of year of eing out his hand wih a movement to establish talks with treaties, efforts to establish negotiations, and even as he moved into the beginning of the holocaust was wrong it's against the jews in 1938, and the jewish refugees from europe began to clim aboard ships headedor other cntries and frequently including in the united states finding themselves turned awy. sotimes out nti-semitism ansometimes tof a spirit of not wanting to antagonize hitler. only the dominican republic, by
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the way, has a crystal pure record with respect to that issue. but many were turnedway d enn 19a the opportunity, the allies had been strong of long year after year with a promise of serious negotiations, and so we had munich, a we had camberlain returned smiling and raising the peace agreement had been reached at munich saying this meant peace for our time to applause, to general approbation that what at the time was called appeasement did not have a negative connotation right yet. it meant in 1938 pretty much the same thing that
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talking seriously to your major adversary and hopefully reaching agreement with him. and it was sucess taking e land by agreement in munich and followed by 1939 in the summer hitler and stalin pact and the joint decision of the nazis and stalinist to conquer europe from different parts of europe, not to run into one another poll in the divided carefully. i mentioned that possible rhyme to point to a few parallels. the iranian regime today have some of the characteristics that the nazis did in the 1930's.
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certainly the twin objectives of conquering or at least dominating the whole region of the world and killing the jews, constant among dictators it seems. i also take a vintage of the fact that the persians invented chess and are very good at it dis ahmadinejad strategy as essentially moving juan upon one f side of thechess board slowly down towards the king's row in order to convert to the most lethal peace, the queen here a nuclear weapon. while neither side of the board and perhaps sidebar conversations or launched.
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but the resolute progress of the pond towards the king's row to become the most lethal piece on the board s what the heart o theatter isall about. the other phenomenon that is taking place is of course the iranian nuclear weapons program. if you do not believe that it is a nuclear weapons program, i have a bridge in brooklyn i would be delighted to market to you. the worst and the most irresponsible national intelligence estimate ever several years ago confused its head line with its footnote, its headline was that iran spp its nule pogram, uclear aps ogm. efotnoteid t w i is slleniching uranium.
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the enrichment of uranium is the long pole in a tent and a signing the nuclear weapon or the reprocessing of plutonium. that is what is hard. th'sha takes ime, nt the degn of the weapon. keep in mind we drop the relative design on hiroshima the enriched uranium one ever having been tested in the history of the world. we tested in florida wasn't the bomb dropped on hiroshima, it was a different design dropped on mte a we talked this absolutely innovative within in the wartime without ever having tested if we were so sure that it would work and e an be reasonabl coident ator a rately primitivee desied highly riched uranium weapon the iranians others states before
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them with the same degree of confidence. if you are enriching uranium and you have a right to do that by the way under the nonproliferation treaty as part of the underlying structure of the treaty which is derived from eisenhower's program, if you are atwch you use asm ass oulit,ua fuel for your nuclear power an on ya 5% yre 5%f e y s u are about 70% of the way to having done the work you need to do in order to be able o enrch to 90% which is what you need for nuclear weapon. so the claims that iran make in the course of its undertaking
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are quite parallel to the peaceful assurances that hitler was getting in the 1930's as he took a dive bomber and these are for peaceful purposes, yes of course they wre. of course irans itention is merely to have enriched uranium for its nuclear per lant its azg to m thdegree to which sensible people in different parts of the world have fallen prey to that nonsen time and teandtim again over the coursof the la number f years. in addition to parallels and diplomacy and wepobld erareomeris h reec of course to ahmadinejad
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and the im treme. jewsndrtmt diidtsan tme o decrs,ho who want decent iran comedies and irony in government of all stripes. and certainly now it has come ti for us to take a very fresh look at the way we are dealing with iran. it woulde,ithink excellent if there were factions within this iranian regime that one could work with. but i greatly fear that that horse long ago left the barn, that it was not the case in 1997 when a bond was made to a new
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iranian primm and mr. that people have some hope might be a moderate. i don't think it was the case now and it certainly is not t casenw. thos who darfr ahdinejad and the reluony arand e sehe tnkg e ug out and killeas qcky as possible and the chance of there being on the inside that we can work within sight of the regime itselfs slim to the point of vanishing. of course one should never be afraid of talking to an enemy. but the reason these are sometimes done secretly including sometimes by heads of intelligence service is that once a bureaucracy gets a hold of talks, they can do some
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fairly bizarre things with it recall a story about my wonderful co-chair of the committee on the present danger, former secretary of state and secretary george shultz known to many of you here in the room well. his old friend mike mansfield was nominated by president reagan, democratic leader of the senate to be the ambassador of japan. the two marines from world war ii, longtime friends got together one-on-one because the secretary shultz always had a one-on-one meetings with a new ambassador. so we had a one-on-one meeting with mike mansfield and we sat and talked for 20 or 30 minutes and finally mansfield said george, i really got to go. i know how busy you are in al appreciate it. he said okay, fine, on the way out, he said, see that big blow
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by the deal and mansfield said yes. i ask all new investors just the kind of pro forma thing point to your country for me and mansfield said sure. turned the globe and pointed to the united states priggish shul beamed ansaid you knw, you ar the first sob and a long time that's gotten that right. [lauter] once a negotiation that's going, just as to a hammer and a lot of things that aren't nails look like nails to a diplomat, and life in one, quite frequently killed of things which aren't really opportunities settle something look like opportunities to have negotiations and wright reporting cables. and although on can talk with individuals such as foreign ministers say a mahmoud
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ahmadinejad regime one should under no circumstances be diluted into soft peddling things that need to be done in order to make that hypohetical gotiatonsucceewit the chces rtf stoero as thist i human endeavors. one thing we should no longer do and in this i join the others on the panel is keep the mek listed as a terrorist organization. pplause] in 22 years of practicing law, i read a lot of legal decisions, d rent eadth ccu cot'decisi i te involving the mek versus the state department, and my
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experience, and i think that of most lawyers interested in interniolma a alenta executive branch with respect to the conduct of foreign policy. this eloquently and well written decision of last july by the d.c. circuit effectively says quite blunt although it doesn't use this particular analogy that with the department of state has done is what the red queen does an alice-in-wonderland when she is asked if first we are going to have a trial and verdict and then the execution. she says no, no, execution first, then trial. [laughter] so, we need to incorporate thats
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effort to work with those who unsiheu np them together as bill suggested with technology. in nearly 1980's my great friend wrote a marvelous all paid in a wall street journal. the cooperation was solidarity was just beginning in the afl-cio and to some extent the cia, and solidarity. and will setters of debt was about improving communications between the members of solidarity and the off had had a wonderful title. it was the facts will make you free, fax. the facsimile machine was the
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soaltworofhe 0's, an toda wneed to e careful how we do his, and we need to make surehat it is being done technically right, but there should be no reason that we forebear helping the green movement, the labor unions, the mek, all of those who have a role in a new iran to be built to safely and securely communicate with e anher. can do this and we need to do itow. [applae] secondly, we should realize that although it means pain to the iranian people, the time is getting shrt. he myhave boght a year or sobut it is nothe ultimate
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victory over the iranian nuclear program, and we need to do what we can to essentially stilize this horrible regime through sanctions together with enabng the green movement labor unions mek dhest i lie ned tte ep eyond those that would be approved even by a slightly reformed view of the oviet -- sorry, i need that slip from time to time -- the russians and the chinese. we need to basically utilize these excellent utilization of financial sanctions even more coming in and even more draconian way. i think what we need to do is pull together the elements of the secondary boycott
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essentially of all companies in the outside world, especially those in europe and asia that deal wirot thn exrtg odpharmaceuticals, matters, substances and product still would relate to the basic or japanese constructionre a company and you are dealing with iran, you should not be able to deal with the united states. [applause] you should not be able to transfer funds from american banks. you should not be able to do anything. and the same -- [applause] the same would go for
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subsidries of aricanor hers iding der a foren registration are in fact trading with the enemy that needs to get squashed and squashed now. i think finly we need to realize that it is not 1933, its 1938 and time is short and the leadership of much of the western world would like to dither. there is a good reason why volume ii of manchester's classic free volume biography of winston hurchi, the volume that deals with the years of the 1920's and 1930's has a one word title. that word is alone. churchill was indeed a loan in the 20's and 30's, almost
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completely. a few friends, but almost completely alone because he alone saw what was coming and what needed to be done. and when britain finally turnedr ii, it was very late. reery foute th ty nay d a twe, rsvewer abfillyto co ithwar acleanup and absolutely terrible world situation that had killed millions and millions of people in no small measure because of the dithering of the 1930's by leaders who bear unfortunately some rather strong resemblances to ones we have had in the west in the last few years. [applause]
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it would be my e ate ulalbee two o the pobems toether with a new spirit of urgency and a new spirit of commitment, thank you very much. [applause] any vy much, bob. it's a pleasure to be here this morning and also with such ast also before you a group that as one of our colleagues has a passion and a focus and dedication wi iemkae. manyf u anyou fen fali he personally suffered at the hands of this regime, and you know firsthand both the horror of what happened and maybe more importantly the specter of poor that could
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happen if these issues are not dealt with. the things i want to speak about are of great importance to the united states, great importance to the people of iran, and on a peon bas, occupied lot of m time when i was fortunate to serve as the predicted of the fbi. one of our speakers said and others repeat what you're hearindais a r n-rtandiuso adi thk thfema resonates very well from what you've heard. i was appointed by two presents, one a democrat and one republican, and many of m colleagues served in both administrations of republicans and democrats. so we are talking about issues that i think transcend politics and transcend partisanship. we wanted to do is give you a case study whi is a case which
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is now lmt 10-years-old, the towers bombing that has great relevance to many of the subjects that we've discussed here today, and it's not the focus on any particular period of time or particular administration, but to highlight some of the issues and the confusion which is a word you heard several times about t unitedtates ren poli a desion ming wipect t isregme which goes back many, many years and the context of i'm going to talk about this terrorism which we talked about a little bit but not perhaps on a case study basis. the last time i spoke about the case in washington, d.c. in a trial that was a civil claim brought by the families of the survivors of the 19 u.s. airmen who were killed on june 26th of 1996 in the towers where as you
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know united states was enforcing the no-fly zonever iq,and it wasn iteresnevt f meo his ght ani testified years ago as an fbi agent, but this was a particularly interesting trialecsee re edy thst dertmentndthjuic departnto please not testify and was a little bit of an unusual request all of the material we talked about were public record. it wasn't any confidential information or classified information, buthe ut stat hbeean sw a li ono supporting litigation against foreign sovereign states, even if in that particular case it was a claim for redressing the justice by the families of the survivors, the survivors of the 19 airmen killed onthetows. it ghght o o colleaeskedbo a the
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confusing bureaucracies and pr tyesusaerultl of2001 oneof th wa we alwi terrorism abroad against the united states and its allies was using a war enforcement model, so if there was an attack against the marine barracks in 1983 which by the way resulted in a republican president u.s. forces in the mideast, again, going back to this theme of nonptanshi, r ars and years after that event going to septembe11 01thnid atad pocyrgh y diernt adnistraof pdig to attacks against the united states by using a law enforcement model. by sending out investigators doing crime scenes looking for
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witnesses, etc.. a model which many of us said and continued to say was an effective when the subjects of the investigation were sovereign states or terrorist organizations conducting acts of war against the united states. if you kill an american rveman o ma ovrseas, s,t avilaonfur title xviii u.s. criminal code. but it's more than that. it is an attack against the ited states and a knack of war in some respects against the unitedtas. but fo many years go sa mol the asse and i ugg one of the reasons why many administrations used that model is a much easier way to deal with an intractable complex dangerous problems. it was a military solution, it wasn't a diplomatic approach, it was let the police and the courts sort it out, and that is
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the model followed for many years. so in 1996, when the town were was attacked it was attacked by a group of saudi hezbollah members, and the was discovered fairly shortly after the event because host country, the kingdom of saudi arabia had detained and arrested several of the actors who said yes, we were recruited by the irg sea, we were trained and got our passports at the iranian embassy in damascus and $100,000 cash omhealinthrg s. hia te g rted out but although it was evidence of a crime, it was also during substantial proof that the attack in june of 1996 was an attack by the government of iran against the united states of america. and not verydfrentth
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atckagainst th u.s.mbassy est africa. the attack against the u.s. s. coal. we sifted through evidence, actually giving people their miranda rights. i got a call during the the kolevar towers investigation the agents were interviewing one of the subjects and theweulecause the local government did not provide an attorney free of charge if you couldn't afford one. as these are the tyes of applicio thatere going in a very purposeful but a very ineffective way. when kolevar towers occurred among the president of the united states appropriately so from the oval office said that this attack against h united
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states would nt gonpunished and no one woul be left unturned to bring the perpetrators to justice. so our charge was to conduct stns fiotedo to conduct a criminal investigation because that may interfere with whatever other policykeruc we deployed severald fbi agents and personnel to saudi arabia who conducted a crime scene inestigations, interviews in conjunction wit the sais which is their police force. it became very clear after a short period of time the the perpetrators of the tax were irgc treen, planned and funded. the attack only resulted tragically and the death of 19 americans, 372 or wounded.
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the reasonorthatralias e trk s leas perpendicular to building 131 which was the barracks. had they been placed in a parallel fashion the whole building would have coe down and veral hundd people would have been killed. it became very apparent during the investigation that we needed to get direct access to the defendant's subjects who had been the defended by the saudis, five of whom were arrested in the immediate environment of the crime a short time afterwards. so we were told by the saudis that such request was unprecedented. american agents had never been allowed to conduct investigations obviously or speak to subjects in that country and the crime was one for them under sharia being handled in a religious process. so our necessity was to get a
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ni, pridt t m unedtas ehe reeshat ie biagets be allowed to conduct the interviews to this overlong period of time we wrote talking points for the president, the vice president. they would meet with the crwn princor somebodel from saudi arab a we always ot back a resnse the ner made e request andhen becameery apparent after a sort period of time that the request wasn't being made. other requests are being made, but not the one that was critical for our investigation. this was the period as some of my colleagues have noted where the representative crush wall and the new moderate government appeared to be taking place. the government under which by the wheel of the nuclear reactors were built. so i recall getting a phone call one morning from the secretary of state that said that the
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iranians are company because of the agents are fingerprinting them when they come into the united states. i said of course we've been doing that along period of time because as you know, madam secretary, the agents sometimes come with a bustling team, usually the one who is on fixed, but he is the mois agent and that is why we think are protected. he said you have to stop because they are very upset. this is the mood, this was the policy not incorrect perhaps because i agree with my colleagues that the opportunity for the discussion and compromise and diplomacy is very, very important. but we never got there during this period of time. it was in an effective policy. we learned during the course of the criminal investigation for instance that the white house had sent a diplomatic note unbeknownst to us that was supposed to be delivered to the prime minister which would
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request his assistance and the fbi conducting its investigation e the boing. read about it in the newspapers because the middle east ally delivering the note mistakenly gave it to the religious leader, not to the prime minister's office and that caused a big press conference , a othnvegatio we ndacd the point after a very difficult period of time within the administration and the united states, not on the crime seen side or we got the evidence that this attack was committed by the irgc for the local hezbollah office which is exactly what happened in the marine barracks in 1983. and the permission that we
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finally received by the saudi government to interview the detainees was the resu of loss using channels outside of the government and outside of the administration because we could not get any assistance within the administration with respect to making the request. the reason was simple. they did not want t confront the fact and the reality that the iranian government had murdered 19 americans and blown up the towers. and as investigators we accepted that the foeign policy matter ich goes beynd our jurisdiction and. we would go back repeatedly and say do you want us to stop conducting the investigation the answer would always be no, we want you to conduct a vigorous investigation, all the evidence and charge a river can be charged and this was the confusion and in anecdotal but historical the example of the confusion of the policy which in
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many respects continues today through a new administration with regard to the mek isting, with regard to the camp and regard to this lack of clarity and lack of purpose in terms of achieving what are very basic objectives year. tewe fally g acsso e eaine wintrviewe th a t leve outnd ver good detail in an evidentiary roindict andedan h number of people under cover extraterritorial terrorism laforme the merger of 19 americans. so we got all this information together the agni went to see the national security adviser of the united states and when i told them what we had, it was a very interesting and unforgettable reaction. he looked at me and said who
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knows about this? and all of us here in washington did ask a lot of questions. for me the was the strangest question i got in the nine years i was here. who knows about this? and i said well, you know about it now, no abut the atrny-nel e it at a pbay colef ndd fbi agents. the reaction was one of regret and one of disappointment not because by the way people had been murdered and couldn't be brought to trial because they were members of the irgc but because now the administration had to confront a very difficult issue, one which has been confnt actuaymuch more rthrightlyy the curnt aintratio who was as general jones said that the united states will prevent the acquisition of a nuclear weapon by this administration.
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that is about as firm a commitment as i think i can hear. so anyway, they called the meeting in the white house as a result of this information and the usualeople were invited t the eting. t bumo in the room in the white occasions. the attorney general i thought the purpose of the meeting was to discuss what the result would be of disinformation and what would happen. so at the meeting, the national security adviser hand out to documents, and when we got them we were a little bit surprised to read them. they were to press tatements. one is the republin on th hillnd the her was fo the reporters and i asked the question i come over here to talk about this evidence and we are going to do and they said
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yes we are going to get to that first we have to talk about how we respond to the issue of whether or not the iranian government was involved in this attack. you e were involved in the attack and somebody said to me who was a lawyer that's all here say, which was a very surprising question to hear from the national security adviser and i said actually, the statement and furtherance of a conspiracy by a co-conspirator and that is an exception to the harsay rule. rerdless of that, te reactio wasn't very different from the reaction we've seenlicaly ov lnri of me. t bese the people making those decisions or were not making those decisions are bad people or misguided people. i think all of them have the same goal and intention that all
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of us do here. how do we reach the of objective of justice and fairness and freedom not just for the iranian people repressed by these regimes but by all of the collateral consequences whether it's u.s. military personnel or other plvtimized o dump e worlfromsou ameri to the far et a a result of irgc's terrorist activities. the irgc was noted here and you probably know better than us it's not just a government agency and it is an economic powerhouse, it's a conglomerate, it's a foreign policy shop, it's a military shot. it meets all the definitions of the racketeer influence organization and it kills people, mostly its own people. - from my perspective we reach
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the result that we intended to reach with respect to the tors it 1peoleon6 un wh th murder of those americans and interestingly, we couldn't get an idtmntin eminisration uner wch the crime occurred. it was looked at and people said i don't think we have enough evidence etc., etc.. the same evidence was looked at by new prosecutors and they returned an indictment and 90 days. those subjects are fugitives. one of the many and tie-ins with respect to the horror and the killings and the tragedies that the regime perpetred overman ars, but thi where we are as we t here today is much closer to i would call it a
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fail-safe point or critical mass point, and i don't know exactly what to call it beyond that. but i think over the course of many years going back maybe to the early 1980's we have found th a combination of different alternative strategies working together will have the desired result. what is th desired result? the desired result is that those students who were murdered and the families who were imprisoned, friends and relatives of many of you i suspect are allowed to do what free people are allowed to do everywhere through all time. we have sanctions the i think are working better. i spent a lot of time in europe working for corporations to be a ic within some of those corporations very resolute atmpto mksure th th sanctions re no viad becae theconoic and
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political consequences that they would have for that company and that country. the amazing her like the reddi-wip nist after the 2009 election on the streets of tehran was almost a critical mass to be there was almost exactly where it should have ended. it didn't dissipate those young men and women, those heroes, the martyrs' among them, their families and friends, that hasn't been a race, it hasn't been compromised, it's therend weul itilproye inn, ag i'm not a historian or diplotbutmy opiniois tha i where the solution of this will be and the question is whether the regime many other governments have reacted when their regimes were
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threatened. i don't ppen by a combination of the military hard power line in the sand which has been drawn. we think it has been drawn at least it has been said of the sanctions, all of the work is done covertly and overtly through diplomatic channels, military channels, through intelligence, law enforcement, and the object of here is to support the strongest condemnation and the strong guest stress point for what we want to achieve, and that is going to be on the streets and homes and colleges and that huge and a great country and it is going to probably have been i would predict what in the near term. i n' thinktt y caee th kd o foce und wps and restrained with the
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longevity and sustainability that the regime would certainly like. the sanctions are not going to be perect. i don knw whether te subsidies ay from the gas and food prices or bausef the sanctions, and they will rtainly impact adverse o the irnian people eris no perfect solution. there is no one solution to be it's going to be a combination of all of these, but i think we are vi very apidly to t demarcation ndot critical point. and our goal and our hope is that it ends in a peaceful but suessful andsustainable way that this regime is undermined and s defeated but by the means i think everyone here is talked about. i think if you had to write a scenario or write an ending for this story you would want to writeneith st aounof peleilled, harm, injured,
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because that's the solution as americans and as freedom lovers that we want and we strive for. so your work here in the seminar is very timely. if you have a very powerful elements to this comprehensive and irreversible movement and force hich the policy makers will have to respond to. they've alrady responded to it, but you sustaining this issue ss,nextfewcrticonis ep and owthe are exec and ban are obviously critical with respect to the preservation of life, but as importantly, the preservation of freedom and the stubble until the freedom in an institutional way. i want to thank you and commend you and i think you have heard a wint cross section of furious
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the day and get the result that we want. thank you. [applause] [applause] >thk u very much. finally for the final presentation today, ambassador michel reiss. mitchell was a former director of policy planning in the united stes department of state where he worked for secretary powell. he helped develop the united states foreign policy with an emphasis in iraq, north korea, china, iran and the arab-israeli colict. baador reiss wasrently nad the th psident of washington college. congratulations. welcome.
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[applause] thank you for inviting me to speak today. i am honored to be on the same panel with such outstanding public servants. i just returned this past weekend from a tour across the middle east. starting in the uae, spending three days in afghanistan, on to jordan and finishing with two and a half days in israel. during the trip i met with a number of senior political leaders and military officials. at every meeting that the top of , s sofnda was iran, the threat rriswheone to halt its nuclear weapons program. these days most ofhe teio ofraan t regn d n e medius o sucar aps bionnd rightly so. the iranian regime continues to
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regard even security council restrictions, and there is the risk that its nuclear program will provoke other countries in the middle east to pursue their own independent nuclear options. in the past f days enir israeli ficials inuding the ad o mossad suggested that iran's progress has been slowed and that it isow wo to thre yearawy om buildina nuclreapon. some u.s. officials have a slightly less optimistic assessment about that time line. but there is absolutely no disagrment and no dispute over the fact that iran is keeping open its nuclear weapons option by continuing to develop various technical capabilities that each day bring it closer to being able to produceuclear weapons should it decide to do so. my discussions in jordan and israel also focus on kuran's effort to destabilize government friendly to the west through its proxies' particularly hezbollah
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and hamas. this came as no surprise. we know that hezbollah is the laest recipient of the iranian financial aid, training and within prieta that iran's senior leadership cited hezbollah as a model for other militant groups. the israeli and other sources estimate that hezbollah has now stockpiled over 50,000 rockets in southern lebanon as it has rearmed from the war with israel in the summer of 2006. iran also prvisraini wpons a mey to hamaso support its resistce to israel and its implacable opposition to any israeli-palestinian peace negotiations to reach we all know of the successful efforts last week by hezbollah to llseheovnmenn ban. er the.n istat into his father's assassination. we have also seen a ratcheting up in the pas month oforr anrocket attks frmthe gaa
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strips on neighboring towns and villages. let me share with you a brief anecdote. last week i was in a town rai picisonht next to the he spent rockets that have been fired into the town in the past few years. now typically when this happens the israeli officials condemn hamas for these attacks. but there are other groups that launch these rockets against the israeli civilians like palestinian islamic jihad which is also supported by iran as the governor noted earlier. it turns out the palestinian islamic jihad was upset hama was getting all the credit for this tax. as we started writing messages to the israelis on each rocket to make sure that it was attributed to theto sertoraland e mmd d aimed rk sar in addioto k's
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programming and support for terrorism, a third topic heteros on the trip was the nature of the islamic republic itself. frankly, less attention is paid to this topic these days. it seems international attention crested a few years ago with a grain movement when it seemed possible the democrat forces inside iran might actually topple the regime or at least fundamentally change the relationship betw, e aneeolenwt hapne the spse to gornmen of ths picalchalenewas to conduct a msive voter fraud in the june 2009 election. in response to people poured out into the streets in large-scale demonstrations. conservative hard-liners rejected by cracking down on protesters and regime opponents. supreme leader and president mahmoud ahmadinejad and hard-line conservative allies then medo consolite their wer eve mor
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by early 2010, the green movement had lost mentum and it appead the opposition had ss its moen t qu fm a ia repo from last year the describes the regime and the following terms of this moment. strengthen conservative control limit opportunities for reformers to for dissipate in politics or organize opposition. the regime will work to marginalize opposition eletes, disrupt or intimidate efforts to organize dissent and use force to put down unrest. that was las ar. wh about thi year? has anything changed will the international economic sanctions galvanize the people into opposing the regime? effective force for challenging mahmoud ahmadinejad? the answer i received from .s oicials aosthriola weas
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.. tehran haslso rert to doing business witsmall nonwte bangs andealingn non-us current needs for many financial transactions. further, ahmadinejad is trying to conat e prestn lowestlassesfromte dget
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tsndheemalf sate subsidies. so even if there is rising political disaffection among the people come in the assessment is that this will not condone this government. the students and opposition political class are seen as disorganized and not strong enough to mobilize, take their protest to the streets and challenge the government that has that's a pretty discouraging assessment. but is it r me nave assessment. i must start with uncomfortable fact, the fact that no one, no one in the u.s. governmenor across the arab rl are addicted what we've just seen occur in tunisia. no one. so useful starting point when we look at a rant is that we need a huge dose of humility and how poor we are predicting popular uprisings. is that famous parlors see analyst yogi berra once said prediction is hard especially about the future.
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so i think it is entirely possible the official u.s. views on them we may see the resurgence of the opposition movement in the coming years, maybe even sooner. at we witnsed in 008, 2009 maybe only the first phase of this opposition, not the final phase. none of the key issues from the june 2000 election had been resolved, not the best economic model,ot the islamic nature of the regime in the roper role for religious authority and not even the outcome of the election it will. all of these issues coinueo fester. it's also worth noting that iran still is an educated and rests with middle-class. iran has millions of young people. approximately 70% of the population, as you well know, are under the age of 30 are sold. these young people have access to the internet daily.
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this is not a society that wants to be associated with the regime that stones women to death. so if there is going to be another ve of protests, what mighyou to trigger? my view tey won't any single event that pumps the opposition into action, but rather the slow accumulation of hardships, indignities, insults and humiliations. this means the listing of subsidies alone will not unleash the ocean. but economic hard times combined with a scarcity, rising inflation and rising unemployment and underemployment may lead initially to sporadic growth. we may start to see these as soon as this summer when university students are out of school and temperatures start to rise. or it may be the tipping point will be asked for when the regime announces there will be no more parliamentary elections. the point here is that we can't
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know for sure, but it would be mistaken that the status quo will hold reve fill is trenythinth unit stes cadoo assi th opposition? let me offer a few ideas. the obama administration should continue to tighten the economic noose around this regime and not the other governments to do the same. yesterday, secretary of state hillary clinton announced the sanctions were having a impact on iran's econic bab or. general jones is just reiterated to that. e administtion need to continue and intensify these efforts. second, the united states need to targeted iranian leaders and policies and not at the iranian nation. what have i mis liatg fiastatement athey do not have nationalism or allow ozment in the shot to exploit our statements to exploit its own
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power. covers to expose at the highest levels of being an example of what i have in mind. more broadly, the obama administration needs to talk up and take a the banner of human rights and democracy and that the very least give greater rhetorical support to the opposition movement. [applause] subsidence support for the opposition would also be welcome. in the past, the obama administration appeared reluctant to support iranian opposition efforts for fear it would complicate their nuclear talks. personally,isagre withthat ecion. hangpent aar part my areer netiions iin pretty d at various, supporting the opposition would give any american negotiator more leverage, not less leverage at the negotiating table.
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[alae] whether or not you believe that we have one year, two years, wi e a ostiocuimore bef clr aps,he's noean shy about doing more to support the iranian opposition. a good first step would be delistingmk [applause] [applause] and a third, we need to promote free access to internet and free flow of information and otsid iran andspecially tinran. aack in the twiter, face
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up, space and all the other technologies jim woolsey mentioned earlier. we've all seen the impact these technologies can have when they're lined with the forces of freedom. my sense is that many iranians want to be part of the international community. they want to be integrated more closely in the economic dynamism of the region and they want to become full members of the 21st century. we need to do more to help them. thank you. [applause] thk you amssor, into ank you again on behalf of the entire panel for bringing us together today and all of you for your patience and members of the panel. i know we have taken more of your time this morning and then was planned for promise, but we
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are grateful. many of you may be new to washington. you may not have attended similar event in the past. i spent most of my adult lifein suchorums in this town. i can remember no occasion under which such distinguished people from various pursuits of professional service have come the numbers,ne room with such but i would suspect that there is assembled on this stage, more than 200 years of expernce law enforceme,ntierrorist acvities, military service and american foreign policy. a distinguished set of couriers. no one on this podium needs me
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to represent orcare ai eiew i eaon fr elf t i think several things are unmistakable. we can differ on how we believe american policy. but it appears to me as i listened to every speaker, one thought was common. the discussions in turkey must be more than another meaningless milestone en route to nuclear weapons held by the government in tehran. second, the listing of the mak is a terrorist organization by the united stas goernment is wrg. [alae]
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it is wrong as a matter of law. it is contrary to the fats to be eard and it is contrary to american foreign policy. and having a expatriate groups of iranians around the ol ganized ast is the right ana resonsibily to ing to e untry of their ancestors buried, a responsible governnt i call upon secry clinton o consid a a frnd dohashow is right, and the policy and end it now. [applause]
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i leave you finally with this prediction of the resistance as the iranian government, made dangerous by the action of tehran and complicated a policy of the united gates government, one day, you'll look upon your children and grandchildren with pride and say, when it all the world have looked the other way, when even the united gates government made difficult to stand up against tierney in tehran, your family was there and stood firm. you'll be proud you're here today.
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[applause] we promised all of you this would end some time ago. we promised members of our panel could be on with their days by now. so i'll take the liberty of just limiting if i could because i know people in the audience would like to speak with members of the panel. i'm sure they'll each take a few minutes to answer questions privately. the 30 members of the media who want to take advantage just for a couple minutes and you questions, would be glad to hold everybody for that. is there anyone in the media who can identify many sources they would finance questions? anybody clicks if there is not, will break. okay, thank you all okay, thank you all very, very
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[inaudible conversations]
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[applause] >> congressional leaders held a ceremony today marking the 50th anniversary of john f. kevin needs a natural address. president kennedy's daughter caroline was on hand, along with husband innovators. the program is an hour and 25
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>> lads d hahemann, th whole world watched with excitement and expectation in 1961 when senator john and jacqueline kennedy moved into the white house with their young family. however, no one noticed when i first came to washington that same year. [laughter] i was a law student, a new father, making ends meet at the capitol policeman. at the end of those long days i would often pass the white house on my way home. i can still vividly remember seeing carolines pony macaroni on the sub on at the white house. 50 years later, it was a great privilege to be with aroline we as th vice presint spear oehner, leader pelosi, secretary chao and all of you, to remember the history and the hope of rolines faer's
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prescy shriver who was in line for public service and did so much for so many who would do little. we extend our condolences. [applause] i came east after graduating from state utah university where he found its first deocratic votetoelctreidntkenedy heasnauguredust ouid this tua on alusterbut great friday at the century ago today. the previous friday, january 13, 1961, he presidt-ecsent me psonal tt ofthnk for hework wdit wes hi campaign. the letter was short, but it overflowed wth optimism. he knew the new frontier he was
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about to leave would llowus to make our country and even better place for citizens to live as well as to our country's positions leadership in the world. that letter meant to knock a lot to me. as a 21-year-old nfl does. today it still hangs from the doorway of my office, just down the hall from your period in chess pieces from the chambers of where the three youngest kennedy brothers served in the united states senate. it's the first thing you see when you visit my office in the last thing before you leave my office. one week after john kennedy signed that letter, the new president asked all of us to ask ourselves what we can do for our country. that sense of service, that simple selflessness inspired every american and it's that spirit we celebrate this afternoon. although its request of his fellow americans they ask not
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albinos come to define as i'm not girly dress. president kennedy's audience they ask not outline has come to define his i'm not girly dress. president kennedy's audience they ask not outline has come to define his i'm not girly dress. president kennedy's audience of the east capitol, the new president spoke i'm not girly dress. president kennedy's audience for the east capital, the new president spoke to the entire world. he forecast the great things allies can accomplish and cooperation in the forewarned that there is little we can do it for a divided. he reminded us that our time is better spent addressing the problems that unite us and he asked us to remember that civility is not a sign of weakness. president kennedy's warnings were worked the world needed to hear. today they are just as valuable for us to hear here at home. we cannot fully articulate the lessons of president kennedy's legacy in a single speech. no single ceremony can account for all he dido keur cotra tt pceo e ase ot50 arsgo. t reth ari's adsh ithwor.
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hempor a bias january 20, 1961. let us begin, let usbgin. ppus the colors by the national anthem, the retiring of the corsnd iocaton. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> let us pray. gracious gd, thegivr ofery good nd perfect gift, as we cebre thannerry pinjo fzra nny'augal aress, w prse o fthason of hope you provided our nation with his presidency.
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our world experienced that hope as the word went for it to friend and foe alike, that a new generation of amecans carried freedoms torch. the energy of his optimistic presidency dispatched young people as ambassadors of peace throughout the world, confronted totalitarian threat and planted the american flag on the lunar surface. as our memory of his immaulate dress prompt us toasag wh we cadoorour country, help us to follow your admonition and scond chronicl seven for team to humbly seek
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you in prayer and turn from evil so that you will hear our prayers, forgive our sins and heal our land. may president kennedy's lyrical word continued to reverberate down the corridors of the decade, motivating us to be willing to pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe in order to eurth rval a ucss of liberty. give us this day, a conscience voidofse tar o humanity as you keep best
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forgetting that your honor, your work must truly be our own. we pray in your sovereign name, amen. >> ladies and gentlemen, please be seated. it is so fitting and appropriate that congress would resolve,
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pause and eember tha 5 ye ago oday, this hour, this nation and not created one of the greatest permit them for the 21st century, john fitzgerald kennedy. someone said that a great theater is one who leads other cretinous in themselves. somehow in a handsome face of th brilliant yong president, we could be theest n us all. the selection pressure again and a jabbering core and create expect tatian in this country and around the world. he told u we shuld face our problems togther sgl ants o
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humain apresu,ovety a r. he told us that a nation dedicated to liberty and a mandate to work towards the freedom of all humanity. he sounded trumpet that day and
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ood athenirsy abman nef6 for the very last time, but i saw and had an opportunity to visit with president kennedy, he invited all of the speakers for the march on washington to the white house on august 28, 1963. he was standing in the door of theol offc sok e hand and he said to
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each of us commutative good job. he did a good job. and to dr. king, heitous tt time, john f. kennedy was the embodiment of our drms. heymlized whate lie thisoury should look for. it's youth and ideals, its engyandorartiin oss me him and were inspired by his leadership were more than lucky. we were blessed. thank ou. [applause]
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>> mr. vice presint, . speaker, majority leade id, secretary chao, leader pelosi, distinguished colleagues, members of the kennedy family, caroline kennedy and ambassador jean kennedy smith, ladies and gentlemen, i was about to turn 17 as a high school junior, when i gave my first political speech, a rousing endorsement and morning assembly at school of candidate kennedy against vice president nixon. so rousing that in our schos mock election that followed, jack kennedy lost in a land type. [laughter] at my overwhelmingly republican that birthrate campus, there was
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no need for aecot. t mew,estehiocal veic on nomb 8n e real election, as a matter of history we know john kennedy became theti'sth y ago today, i found myself deeply invested in wahing the inugurationon ti, grainy, ack-anwhite levision set. and i still remember the sparkling sound of this now, slippery streets and wintry wonder if the nation's capital that day. i was touched by the spontaneous gesture of the newly admitted vice president jonathan arose from the seed and will do this topic to shoot the pages on the leg or so that robert frost could read aloud the words and the gift outright. but the real magic was yet to come.
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it took president kennedy just 1355 words to summon the new generation and to set in motion generations of service and sacrifice to reignite the fires of idealism and patriotism and millions of americans. in the 1960s, some would answer the call fighting in a war, while some would protest the war, some would do both. thousands would follow congressman john lewis. and we just heard in thearc foritsn aaband miissipp. anstl others wld follow an american idealist and sargent shriver as ambassadors of peace and villages across the hemisphere and around the earth and that was signed today with the same magic. in the 14 minutesbut it is in
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kennedy to deliver h nural address, he also reshaped amican foreign policy for the nuclear age, a time of which you represent the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace. this was the vision of the president himself, tempered by war, solve the nuclear age for whatveor adverry s sentially, not only to the security of or country, but the survival of our climate. and so he offered cllee and a ed to allof us,never toegotiate o of fear, but even more importantly, never fear to negotiate. john kennedy came to the presidency with a hard-earned conviction that leadership required resolve and restraint,
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hard thinking and hard bargaining. he bent history and the direction of peace but the first major arms control agreement to the postwar world, the test treaty of 1963. and on the path he said, we have moved forward for half a century because of his leadership, to reduce the number and danger of nuclear arms on our planet, all through, as heaid, the law twilight struggle year in and year out. and from solid negotiations to the s.t.a.r.t. treaty that we just ratified two weeks ago. and today, a little moment when you hear his word and you listen to more even than a call to service, for more than a call to peace, hear the echo of a president, speaking to us in this bitter time and partisan
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division. despite the span of years and the heartbreak of so many losses, with the power of poetry, matched to the appeal of trson, john figeraldendy summs lfus een tday ofi masqueraded political debate. we need to take wisdomndeart omis timas ittes where gfrom here so we do well to remember his words and election is not a victory party, but a celebration of freedom. not an end, but a beginning, signifying renewal as well as change. as he said united, there is little that we cannot do, but decided, there is little we can do. for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder. and so, to tears today, 50 years
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to the very and us to march ford with good conscience, let history be the final judge of what we do fit together now and 2011 as it was in 1961, as he said, all of us can go forth to lead the land we love, asking his blessing and his hope, but knowing here on earth, god's work must truly be our own. [applause]
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♪ from california, to the new york islanders. from the redwood forest, to the gulf stream water, this land was made for you and me. ♪ this land is your la, t nd ismyndfrom california , to the greenwood forest. from the redwood forest, to the gulf stream waters, this land
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was made for you and me. ♪ ♪ ♪ this land is your land, at this land my land, from california, from the redwood forest, this land was made for you and me.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ [applause] >> caroline kennedy, members of the kennedy family, welcome to the capital. thank you for the privilege of joining my colleagues, joining senator reid, speaker boehner, senator kerry, john lewis, so many of you, to celebrate, to observe the 50th anniversary of the migration of president john f. kennedy. it is my official privilege to join them as many deeply
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personal honor to do so. i've listened very carefully to their remarks. i'm first and perhaps the only to say i was thre aboutts time years ago. i was able to be there because my father was in baltimore, a great supporter of jfk and was part of the administration. my brother who later was there, thomas alessandro. i know at least one other member was john dingell. he was a member of congress. any others want to raise their hand? i thought not. in any event, was a young student at the time. we were enormously proud we were going to have a talk with the president. isn't that exciting? i was a young student listening to a tdvotion.
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he said i will light our country and all who serve it in the glow from that fire can truly light the world. and so it was for three years of crisis that tested our dirt and our national will and leadership that advanced america's stream and arguably saved the worldin a me oaxum danger. it was president kennedy's leadership that dared us to believe we could do the seemingly impossible. reach into the heavens, send a man to the net and back safely within 10 years. it was his leadership of the great political risk refuse to deny conscience and history itself. a president for the first time ever to say that the quality was
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above all a moral issue, but it was time, long past time to keep the promise of freedom. it was his leadership that america moving again after a decade of three recessions by defying conventional wisdom and demanding our power be committed to stimulating and sustaining the prosperity of america. it was john f. kennedy's leadership, a rare combination of resol and resaint dictated america and the planet to the greatest 13 days that the nuclear age. and afterwards, in the last summer of his life, he signed the treaty, the beginning of the long pending of the cold war. president kennedy's leadership was not without frustrations and set backs.
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no presidents are any leaders after. but there was in him a persistence of principle to fight on with t wline tthk and aco nl. and there is a capacity to inspire and equality of irony. he made us laugh. he lifted our vision, rooted in deepest american values. at the center of those values, of the ringing challenge to the american people was a summons to serve, to uphold our application to our fellow americans and our fellow citizens of the world. and in doing so, to strengthen our great country. he made the idea of rio in the peace corps. a group of americans serving as ambassadors of goodwill worldwide, an initiative led by
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the beautiful man, sargent shriver, a great champion of human rights, peace and opportunity here and across the globe, a great man whose passing we mourn this week. we take special pride, don't we? to this day, each peace corps volunteer as a tribute to president kennedy and all who step forward to strengthen america and the world, bring life to his ideal service. 50 years after that january day, president kennedy still holds a high place in our heart. on that day, he took up the power of the presidency. he demonstrated the power of words. many of us again or privilege to be there, seen our new, inspiring president. but in places far away, people
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across the nation and the world watched. for them as well, it was a moment that defined our time, an hour that would be heard in times to come. there is a sense not only that the torch had been passed, but that each of the escape. forward in our own way. the leadership of president john f. kennedy is not just a memory, but a living that, a living for his but still asks every citizen to leave. and perhaps that t mt ecusifof. d e owrothfica truly light the world. thank you. [applause]
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>> mr. vice president, mr. speaker, leader reid, minority leader nancy pelosi, members of congress, reference clergy, distinguished friends and guests, let me begin by noting thatas mkhi nirsy,ear thrlledo jneby caolkene d her family. caroline, you carried the memory of your parents with dignity and compassion. [applause] on the night before his
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inaugural speech was to be delivered, the president-elect was driving through the snow is treat of washington on his way to one of the many and not girl that he would attend that night, when he asked the driver to turn on the lights inside the car. he wanted the well-wishers outside to be able to see his wife. and then with the light on, he began to read jefferson's first and not girl, which was printed in the program of the concert that he and mrs. kennedy had just attended. and after he had finished, he put it aside, shook his head and issued thewi: better than mine. [laughter] while the rest of the country would think differently, his
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natural address would be an instant sensation and it was easy to see why. it's opening words, his first as president were reminder to the world that are not duration day, americans do not celebrate the big three of one political party over another. they celebrate frd tes t rpeaecioo that freedom. he sought to define the age in which he found himself in to enlist the nation and what he called a long twilight struggle against the common enemies of man. he didn't say what he would do to arrest these common enemies. nor did he lay of the he expected. but the plaza theater crowds that day suggested that americans were willing to do what was necessary.
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the first president, born in the 20th century had cruelly struck a chord, especially with the young ones. and many of them are with us today. my own family came to america that fateful year, full of hope and optimism about our new country. and just four years have that, we listened intently as then direct for the new peace corps, sarge shriver, gave the commencement address at my father's graduation from st. john's university in new york. and some days later, my father, who is here with me today would once again fill with immigrant pride when his daughter was loved.o leave the peace corps
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we note the passing of the great american, sarge shriver, who was such a guiding force for the peace corps. and we extend our sympathy to the kennedy family, the shriver family and especially to maria and her broer en wa direct you ce corps panded its program for the very first time, two countries behind the iron curtain, turning into reality with president kennedy predict it would happen when he talked about the establishment of the peace corps. even in those days of trim and optimism, he clearly had no illusions about how hard it would be and how long it would tae srsultin fos eurthsuess of liberty. he knew the attacks ahead would be the work of many had in many minds and many can.
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and 50 years later, we honor his memory and the memory of his inspiring words by renewing our shared commitment to finish that work, to defeat the common enemies of man. not in weeks, not in months, not perhaps even in our own lifetime, but the term into nevertheless to begin once more. thank you. [applause] [applause]
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>> before i type about president kennedy's tremendous legacy and his space exploration, i'm told at astronau buzz aldrin is here. is that so? [applause] [applause] we acknowledge her presence. when he and neil armstrong became the first humans to touch the moon, our nation rejoiced not just because we are watching a new exploration and technology, which are for more than just a stunning success for science. when man first set foot on netherworld, we we celebrated the fact that these first men were americans.
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as armstrong leaped off that ladder, i remember hearing walter cronkite take care to note that the astronaut was a 38-year-old american. because he was an american, boy scout from ohio in a pilot in our navy, we all took pride. america was moving mankind forward. we are leaders. the story of that journey to not begin with the eagle landed. it began years before and the imaginations of americans everywhere. and laboratories in hangars, in florida and texas. but it took flight in this building when president kennedy asked congress to commit to sending them into the moon and returning safely to earth. in a statement where he told the world we were accepting this challenge, precisely because it was daunting and difficult, because it was an opportunity we could not afford to put off until tomorrow. and he was right.
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it would be hard not just the technology, but also the on ivi w bodolendscice-ficio stt. the president kennedy knew from the start what was waiting for america and the stars. on his first day as president, he invited t crowd gathered here at the capitol and the millions who are watching and listening to join him in exploring theods bonou ineingheonrs scnc re t befime he was our nation's leader, he insisted that our nation the abyss print to conquer space we finish that race first. on this last is president, the dedicated to medical space research center in san antonio, texas, president kennedy reaffirmed his commitment to corralling the full promise of the universe. and he said, think the united day should be aleader. america ming hdended, ou be second to none
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in the first words of his natural address, we celebrate today. president kennedy recalled the nation's founding nearly two centuries earlier and observed quote, the world is very different now, and of course. happy century later, the world is again very, very different. solar energy is the reality of dates like nevada and across the country because the science is started in space. the water we drink is cleaner. our oceans are healthier. we diagnose cancer sooner, all because the discovery of the space program is made possible. our wounded warriors are better and stronger artificial limbs. they are safer from landmines. firefighters can better track for us liars and are safer. airplanes fly smarter and even golf fly further. that's true. and it's because of what they
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learned in space. all because some many others pulled back and ace. all because some many others pulled back and touted, president kennedy kept pushing forward. he pushed forward witfai. wee l enheictref msons alst f m. the imprint of his american boot in the dust on the moon. but yodot ee to scale e heavento kno heaingr fe he orcesscience in our lives. look all around you. that is president john fitzgerald kennedy's imprint on her future and it's a big o. thku [applause] >> mr. vicepeide, spker pelo,senator reid, secretary chao, thank you for being here
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today. i'm also honored to be joined by the kennedy family and certainly want to welcome all of you as well. i want to thank all of my colleagues and all of our guests for being with us today. sadly, this is the first congress to convene without a keedy since the truman at the menstruation. ..
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o tt t ct d maerheurdn mylessings tt have been ssed on t his generatn whh he escrib as tpeed bywarndrod f r cint heritage eswe t wds f a slo wh had rd, mnwh los s otrecd ea war america's destiny is to not simply be parof thereeworld t nderaini befed of liberty for
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all to see. the economy posts the nation's print and tv to president kennedy declared 1962 reducing deterrence to private initiave b whh ean cui taxesnd encouraging risk-taking in our country. freedom built this country it also sustained our economy. to take what we have been given and make the most of that to do better for ourselves and for our children. that is of course the american story which john f. kennedy continues to play a critical part. his inaugural address was called to honor our past and commit to
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r u s acivi svi f eryamecan young and old to follow. thank you. [applause] >>et me begin on this day and this moment by acknowledging as said the passing of a great american whether he was leading the peace corps or waging war on poverty or avong fr the righ of divuals th disabilities. he led a life that was full and magnanimous, a life spent enthusiastically in the service of others.
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it's well to be prepared for life as it is, but it's better to be prepared to make life better than it is. sarge more than anyone i personally knew was prepared to make life better than itas for millns o eople wldver. he was a national treasure, i consider him my friend, he campaigned for me which was a great honor may he rest i peace. let me say for the whole kennedy family particularly the sisters this is kind of bittersweet for you today. i'm sure your grateful for the celebratio b t bebroht ba 5yes te hard. and it's almost unbelievable to me 50 years. more unbelievable you would ask
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me to be here. this is an honor and i mean that sincerely. 50 years ago it was an irish catholic kid and catholic high school and i felt no great motion except overwhelming pride. i never knew the president, i never had the honor, but i felt the sense of pride the was difficult to explain. it was like somehow a delegation , a validation my mother and father had talked about, my mother and grandfather 50 years ago today after a heavy snowstorm here in the capitol hundreds of workers and volunteers used shovels and some actually used blowtorches to clear away the snow and the ice in the streets making its possible for everyone to attenua
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embodiment of and ask what you can do for your country. [laughter] as we have been reminded here today, president kennedy's inaugural speech was filled with so many memorable lines we shall pay any price increases lady cannot help many report cannot serve fewer rich. let us never negotiate out of fear has john already pointed out. but maybe the asked not line, the one most americans i suspect remember most defines in my view we all have different perspectives. in myvprntns pridcyly put, half a century ago those 17 words set a new era of service to our country in
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moti. th laid t chaenge f all o s t make america greater. but beyond that, they also represented a call to serve our fellowman to lift up those that have beenrouht lothroh peorthos who have but a flicker in their life. as i think about the call to serve on ago back to a foreigner of january 20 of the61 sec meth o'reiy told about away from the fanfare, away from the capitol steps, aw from robert frost's reading and away from the beautifully crafted inaugural address. i go back to 2 a.m. october 14th, 1960, 25 days
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before the election at the university of mii the s cro ias td eager students patiently waiting to hear from the unscpd yog nar s cndite fopridt he ut stesfeica. i hasten to add sometimes unscripted moments are the best. [laughter] has the story goes totally unplanned literally in the middle of the night the senator looked out at those bright young faces and asked the question that what soon become the seedbed of a generational call to service. he asked and i am told it was spontaneous how many of you are
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going to be doctors? how many are going to be doctors willing to spend your days in gana? technicians and engineers, how many are willing to work in a foreign service and spend your lives traveling around the world? he went on to say our willingness to do that, not willing to serve one year, two years in service but willingness to contribute part of your life to this country and i think will depend whether a free society can compete. the story goes his aides were surprised as was the press. i'm told he never heard -- they never heard him pose that question before in the whole campaign. but beyond the question even more surprised by the answer they got after 2:00 in the
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morning on that campus. the vast majority of the students at 2 a.m. in the morning answered him with a rousing affirmative yes they were prepared. another sort of the speech and press the next day in the days after thousands of others snt letters expressi their desire to serve in the way that senator john f. kennedy described. a couple weeks later he won the presidcy and cple of mohs aft thhe stired n th steps utside nspre by the responsee got a few months earlier. this time he asked the entire nation the same thing. he had first asked those students at 2:00 in the morning at the university of michigan in the middle of the night in the middle of the country, and he got the same response.
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president kennedy was fond of reciting edmund burke's famous quote "all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good man and do nothing." caroline, from my perspective, and i certainly don't know but it's the impression i had his whole life was about doing something and asking other good men and good women to just do something, not everything, just do something. they said as a kid in high school this is the lesson i took away from your father's inaugural, and quite frankly that i took away from his presidency. the lesson of ann arbor october, 1960, the lesson of washington and the january 28, 1961. the lesson the state with so
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many people in this fast magnificent rotunda for so long, long after he was tragically failed by an assassin's bullet. in my view, everyone who serves under the stone or anywhere in our government should use to define our work. you are all good men and women yorelloomeden skn veffiltmeto ermextmeiffcu obstacles for the good and the good of our country. this seems to me your task and mind to do something to bring america back to the place in the world where it belongs with a greater sense of stability that
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has and where president kennedy knew not only it could be positioned be. robert frost had written in dillinger electric home for the inauguration and notwithstanding vice president johnson's generous effort to shield the podium because the sunlight was so bright he still couldn't see his notes in the blinding midday sun reflected from the snow, so when instead he recited his own poem, the gift outright remembered i didn't realize the time watching the black-and-white tv he wasn't reading what he had written. it stands describes the freedom through colonial rule and the gift that was the new land we inherited. frost describes that land, america, in the following way.
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vaguelyrealizing westward but still artless, and enhanced, such as she was, such as she would become. caroline, for me your father was of abot athe wdeco. iteed t me without knowing that it drove him, it defined him and it defined all of us, republicans and democrats who decided we should get engaged. d edcaa that she, this r llhoald her home. in everything he did, my
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perspective was done with that vision in mind. in my view, the best way to commemorate this day, his legacy, is for those of us who are given the responsibility to guide this nation to renew his vision, to inspire new generations who are not a life 50 years ago today but are eager to answer the same call that rang out across this nation that day, new generations prepared to help america realize her vast taedoteia to ak he tosk themselves what they can do for their country. john f. kennedy's presidency lasted a mere 1,000 dayss u wellknow.
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but his call to service literally cannot figure like, still resounds from generation to generation. if nothing else what an incredible contribution one president could make to his country. you're father's memory, caroline, continued to inspire us to nl will the world and all who inhabit it. thank yu forthehonor and god bless the kennedy clan and god bless america. may god protect our troops. [applause]
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[applause] [applause] [applaus thank you for this truly wonderful tribute to my father, my uncle and my family. it really means so very much, all of us come to be here. i want to thank vice president biden for those beautiful words and for being here today with us. senator reid, senator mcconnell and secretary chao, speaker boehner in the democratic leader pelosi for making the ceremony
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possible. and a special thanks to senator john kerry and congressman lewis for conceiving of this wonderful tribute. thank you for the army corps for performing music that my father would have loved. as others have done this morning i want to pay tribute first to my uncle sargent shriver. he played a critical role in our family's life and my father's administration. he embodied the ideal of public service that we celebrate today and made it real every day of his life in the peace corps legal services, the special olympics and most of all his life wonderful children, bobby, maria, kennedy, marks and anthony. he was a loving man who all his nieces and nephews adored. we will miss him but we know he is found in greater joy reunited with a lot of his life, his extraordinary life.
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i would also like to support my and and an uncle who work hard at everything was a lubber today and all those who work to make the new frontier everything my father dreamed they could be. i want to salute my aunt vicki and especially of my cousins for being here to share this special day of remembering and renewal. today we mark not just the anniversary of my father's inauguration, but the endurance of an ideal. all my life people have told me that my father changed their life and that they changed america. they tell me they decided to run for office to join the peace corps for the civil rights movement to serve their community because for the firt time someone asked them to and made them feel that they get something special to give back to this country that had given us so an
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american and enriched american ideals of itself. it inspired a generation that transformed this country and has passed the inspiration on to their children and grandchildren and now we must answer the call to service for our own time. through the words that followed the pursuit of peace and justice the expiration of the heavens and preservation of the natural and storch environment, the celebration of arts and culture, the inclusion of those left delta and left behind a weekend the highest siratns o cizenshianlifd our natialiffodecade to come. today when too many young people feel disconnected from public life, disillusioned by the divisive debate the volunteer in record numbers and communities,
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schools, hospitals, and homeless shelters. i hope that they will see the political process is part of the way to solve the problems and that my father's rds will mind tem tat blicservice is a noble endear and that we each have a responsibility to make this world a better place. half a century ago a few minutes before noon my father walked across the inaugural platform. his time was short but message still echoes and always will. [applause] [applause]
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ladies and gentlemen, president kennedy's inaugural address. >> [inaudible] president truman, clergynd tins
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forms huanife and yet the same revolutionary believe are still at issue around the globe. the lief that the rights of man, not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of god we dare not forget today that we are the errors of the first revolution. let the world to go forth from this time and place to friend and foe alike to the torch has been passed to a new generation of americans born in this
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century, disciplined, proudof ourhritage nd unwilling for a small one doing for which this nation has always been committed and we are committed today at home and none of the world -- are around the world. [applause] let every nation know where it pushes us that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and success of liberty. [applause] this much we pledge and more.
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to those oldalles whos cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends. united there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative centers. divided, there is little we can do. for we do not need a porful chalnge atd andslit asunr. to those new states whom we welcome to the ranks of the free, we pledge our word that one form of colonial control cannot have passed away merely to be replaced by a far more iron tierney. we shall not always expect to find them supporting our view. but we shall always hope to find them strongly supporting their own freedom and to remember that in the past those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tighter ended up inside.
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[applause] se pp n t hsnd villages of half the globe struggling to break with pledge your efforts to help them help themselves for whatever procrit is required not because of communist, not because we seek their votes, but because it is right. a fresoiety cot lp the who are poor it cannot save the few who are rich. [applause] to our sister republics south of our border we offer a pledge to convert are good words and to good deeds, in an alliance for
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progress to assist free men and free governments in casting off the chains of poverty. but this peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of hostile powers. let all our neighbors know that we shal join with them to oppose aggression or subversion anywhere in the americas. and what every other power know that this hemisphere intends to remain the master of its own house. [applause] to that world of sovereign statethe united nation, our last best hope inan age where the instruments of war have followed the instruments of peace we renew our pledge of support. to prepare us from becoming to strengthen the shield and renew the week and to enlarge the area
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in which it may run. finally, to those nations who would make themselves our adversaries, we offer not a pledge that request that both sides begin anew the quest for peace, before the dark powersf the construction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in plan or accidental self destruction. we dare not tempt them with reason. only when our arms are sufficient beyond doubt can we be certain beyond doubt that they will never loern groups ofe comfort from our present course. both sides over burdened with the cost of modern weapons, both rightly alarmed by the steady spread of the dingley adam, yet
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both raising to alter that on certain balance of terror that stays ahead of mankind's final war. so let us begin anew. so let remember on both se isivitis neersf wene b since rs wa sje troof. let us never negotiate out of fear but let us never fear to negotiate. what both sides explore what problems you might us instead of the labor and those problems which divide us. let both sides, for the first time, formulate serious and precise proposals for the inspection and control of arms, and bring the absolute power to destroy other nations under the absolute control of all nations. what both sides seek tothnd
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together and let us explore the stars, conquer the desert, eradicate disease, tap the ocean depths and encourage the arts and commerce. let both sides unite to heat in all corners of the year if the command of isaiah to undo the heavy burdens and let the oppressed go free. and if a beachhead of cooperation may push back the jungle of suspicion, but both sides join in creating a new endeavor, not a new balance of power, but a new world of law where the strong are just and the weak secure and the peace preserved. in the first 1,000b s ll days; nor in the life of this
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administration; for even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet but let us begin. [applause] in your hands, my fellow citizens, more than mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course. since this country was founded, each generation of americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty. the graves of young americans who answered the call to service some of thelbe. now the trumpet summons us again -- not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need -- not as a call to battle, though embattled we are -- the call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle coming year in and year
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out, rejoicing in hope, patient andiblatin, a struggle against the common enemy of man, and tyranny, poverty, disease, war itself. can we forge against these enemies of a grand and global alliance, north and south, east and west, that can assure a more fruitful life for all mankind? will you join and in that historic effort? [applause] [cheering] in the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. i do not shrink from this responsibility -- i welcome it. i do not believe that any of us would in exchange placeswith
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any other people or any other generation. thenergy, the face, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our contry and allhoerve it. and the glowrom that re can try light the world. and so, my fellow americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. [applause] all right, fellow citizens of the world, ask not what america will do for you but what together we can do for the freedom of man. [applause] finally, whether you are citizens of america or citizens of the world, ask us here the
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meig anrd of sreh d cricwhh wasof u. wi aoo conscience hour only sure reward, with history and the final judge of our deeds, let us go fourth to lead the land e love, asking his blessing and his help, but knowing tht he on eath gods wo must ul be our own. [applause] [applause]
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you were reminded a few moments ago robert frost could not read the column that he had written for the occasion so he sent one for memory. praise god and bless him and his words have been preserved and has selected clients are final blessing. summoning artists to participate in the location of the state's seeing something artists ought to celebrate today is fory cae [inaudible] and his the poetry's old passion
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phrase to think of such a thing. this is acknowledgement by during that goes back to the beginning of the end of what had neen for centuries the if i o nn- oer earl day the' a confusion hours to start. soviet have to take courage apart. no one of honest feeling would approve a ruler who pretended not to love it trivial ones he had better of. courage is in the air. better than all the sttes then
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there was the book of profile declaring for the engoulvent politicians to break w foows en ine ro a hethy ndeenden, aace form of right to find toule rs awebltohi design. there is a call to life a little sterner and brave for the earth, lerner, your, less criticism of the field and court and more preoccupation with the sport it ke the of i autl the glory of a power leading from
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its strength and pride of young amtions eager to be tried firm in our beliefs without dismay in any game the nation wants to play. a golden ge of poetry and power of which this newsday, the beginng ou. for this, this moment, chs,rd. isyo bless you now and foreverbe seated and remainh departure of theofficial party.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ inoancer this time for me at
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my age because there are treatments i can see that are just out of my reach probably with this both encouraging and an annoying if you like. sda oc-an&a we take you now to the arena in detroit for the north american international auto show where we caught up with california republican congressman john campbell as he talked about the industry with the exit is director of the show. before being elected to congress mr. campbell worked in the automotive industry.
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>> saturn, lincn-rcury,t mosul, nissan, volkswagen [inaudible] >> right. starting my fourth term andpeple th iwas a od bacgrod. asou may kn erewe three eierormer cuen c dealerleced tcgrss in thissoerhe currently, i was, not
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anymore, but that were or are car dale. >> it's a family business, you have a responsibility to a lot of employees, and it makes an understanding from the inside. >> welcome and running a dealership is a diverse business you have a sales business, you have a maintenance business, if you have a body shop the second in the factoring business, you have a parts distribution business committees different businesses, so you see and i also point out that we bought or sold virtually every form of insurance that there is, so you to touch a lot of the economy. skycam had a lot of leadership coming in from congress the last two years and with the relationship we havnow in washington do you see a lot of benefit coming here, d.c. what's going on with the industry? >> when i was in the middle was many of us were, in the crash and the crisis in late 2008 and
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one of things about the american economy is there are two huge businesses, cars and houses and we have never gone into a recession without both of those leading us in and we will never come out without with of the leading us out. >> it's a great indicator for biasoym tben rm of the total effect on the economy. i remember people saying to me without pizza stores. it's great, we want pizza stores and all that sort of thing but it's not a big enough part, lee devotee of. cars and houses can, so this is -- we need jobs in america righe housing industry both coming out. >> a think that jobs are coming treacly out of the busine such as wh the manufacturing itsel it trickles into every field there is out there because it's
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all related to the estimate he think it's not just aut uiinan sl csut tis andmaienance an dy shops and insurance and gasoline and all kinds of other things that support the individual transportation that we enjoy in this country and that we call cars and trucks. so at one time -- i don't know if it is this time or one outof evy v pplinheuned at w elodn e y or ath anasei to do with cars so that is a big chunk of the economy. there's so many things of my experience in the car business that are of use and that have come to tell you in congress and one of them is when people say stuff we are just raising taxes by $25, $50, you know, come with me semeacross e bl fr a cteroor$2a nth or a hure dlas gets up and leaves because that is a lot of money and they work hard for that money and they are not just going to leave it on
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the table and walked away. and so, you know, when you have decades of experience with peop like that coming to understand a little better i think than some of my colleagues qteralyfo muh hothavag ranfamly works hard for and clings on to that money and how valuable it is the latest in a one other inyos wth alrniv eveicesnd ecicaranwe e li drive in an area here and people going around the course but they can't hear thecar sothee's a little bit of acceptan tothe gree tehnology puh forard and i know california, where you're from, you hear about that all the time and either are trying to make sure it works with the lifestyle people are doing. how are things in california now and where do you see things going? is that a tough one to get into? this cliora dalnave fu vic cafoia eno ito rit w. we have the second highest,
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second ohdhiges chans ibak wnd cafoia nt dwe hv ge budg pled lirn ha goso su the ysn s i know e car business, housing business, everything else is affected there. far as some of the alternative vehicles and so forth coming out, i mean, that's a grt tteareexplorinin some othe aasbut n he d,f we are -- if these are ever going to be something more than relative medish we are going to need some breakthroughs. i know there is the niece on a leash and only electric vehicles and so forth here, but those are unlikely to be practic f ma u ulhee' abat rk re it doesn't mean wil find tomorrow but it's not there yet. things like the chevy foltin which is essentially an electric car with a generator on board,
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gasoline powered on board generator, it has more potential, and i think the question withthat rghno ersa -dl gornntubdy on those. that can't last forever. when that goes aw an t full pre f tec omes availae ll peplilb it or will the manufacturers be able to get the price down? we will see. there's a lot of vibrancy come a lot of new ideas and thingsch't be picking a winner or say this is the one and we are going to give all the money in the world to that one or whatever. let them compete and work out the marketplace. >> i agree we are finding even when they came they were talking this summer about what the next technology is to read everyone has to pick and roll the dice with a think it might be. nobody knows that energy is or there are so many choices out
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there to be efficient and make sure for the consumers what they want, so there's so many variables you can't really force the issue is got to let it develop. it's good we are looking at the research and the technology but we can't just force it and make it happen. not too much. it's got to be goodblae. >>velook ali eanol. ife atuay t o uch us ofhaol coun' seen inhicotrtoakca itnd ghn there's about i think it's seven or 8 billion on the road that can be fuelled with the 85 for 20 or 50 or whatever. but there aren't a lot of stations in southern california where i live i think there are one in santa monica and one in karl spence for 20 million people, and that's a so you can have these cars but if you can't find anyplace to put ethanol so there's a lot of these policies and manufacturers don't want to build a car people can't fuel
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and the fuel distribution doesn't want to put a distribution together for something that nobody's going to use, so there is a lot of things like that. >> c-span local content vehicles are traveling the country is sitting cities and communities as we look at issues impacting phoenician. r more infmation on our local contentehics, go ou website at c-span.g/lcv. next on c-span2, a conversation on the second amendment and gun control court cases. and after that,
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now a discussion on how u.s. courts might deal with future gun ownership cases. we will hear about recent supreme court decisions on an individual's right to bear arms and the right of state and local governments to enforce the law we is restricting the right. the cato institute holds this te event. naudibcoertis]thank >> hello and welcome. want t thank you for being here today.l i want to extend a special welcome to our season audiencede and thank you to c-span forvent. covering our event today. it's always a welcome addition i am vice president and a directo our prctice groups of the federalist society to read our program today on the futureig of nce right to keep andberms tehaving been conceived in of the first instance by thets pra. federalist society civil rightsr practice group.
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i want to thank the panelists in re wevance for their remarks and their time today. hear we are expecting to hear pretty sharp contrasting views from the four of you cat institute. if this collaboration very easy and i tthhaiornk them for theig in addition to helping organize a program, he's going to be our moderar da he t ouder adeorf quo nt f cotitial uds speaker at federalist lawyers and student chapter events around the country discussing all manner ofib >> well, thank you very much, dean, for introducing me. i want to also join dean in welcoming all of you to the event this afternoon and to the
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cato institute and to thank dean and the federalist society for co-sponsoring this forum. let me welcome those of you who are watching the forum through cato simulcast or will later be watching it through the good offices of c-span. when dean called me a couple of weeks -- a couple of months ago actually about doinghis r m on the future of the right to keep and bear arms, we had no way of knowing, of course, that the issue would soon become salient once again as it has in the aftermath of the tragic shootings in arizona, less than two weeks ago. gun control is a perennialissue in amerin pitics, o course. but atim lik ths, the bate bomes especially intense. our concern today, however, will be less onhe politsf e sumu lssn therospes of enacting new federal legislation which seems unlikely as the new 112th congress
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focuses, as it's already doing, on such basic questions as whether they have the constitutional authority to do so much that congress is doing today. rather we're going to focus on the legal issues and events that underpin the current debate. i say current debate, because, of course, much has changed in the gun control debate over the past couple of years. in 008, in district on columbia v. heller the supreme court found for the first time in our history that the second amendment protected an individual right to have a gun in the home for self-defense and not simply as a member of a militia. now let me pay tribute to cato's own bob levy, chairman e the kato institute, who was instrumental in developing the strategy for that litigation and supporting the case all the way roh to the supremecot. th just last year. the court found that the right was good against state and local restrictions as well.
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but in both cases, the court left open just what kinds of limits on the right to keep in bear arms might be permitted and that's the subject of litigation that's goi on across the countrtoday. and the main question that's before us today as well. but it does bring us back to anev because the righted issue like all issues not absolute whatever that may mean but subject to reasonable legislation designed to protect members of the public from exceptional risk, on one hand, and the right of individual the right to bear hands including self-defense on the other hand. that's a mixed question, one might say, of law and fact. so to discuss that question we brought together an exceptional panel of experts who i'll introduce just before each of them speaks. as the federalist society in the cato institute usually do, we have both sides represented today. at least insofar as one can
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speak of this issue in that way. each speaker will address the sufor si t ten mutes. 'll, tn,skthem to rspd each other's arguments after which we'll open the discussion up to questions from the audience and then retire upstairs in cato's winter garden for lunch. let's begin, then, with alan r gurat the law firmf gura and possessky. the united states states district judge for the eastern district of north carolina. after that, as a deputy attorney general for the state of california, he defended the state and its employees from all manner of lawsuits in state and federal courts at trial and on appeal. thereafter, he entered the private practice of law at the wainond.ofceof siy sn. inebarof20,e left the firm to serve for a year as counsel to the u.s. senate
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judiciary committee. alan's admitted to the bars of the district on columbia, virginia, and california, and has admitted to practice before the u.s. supreme court and numerous other federal courts. in 2009, he was named one of washington's top 40 lawyers under 40. and a champion of justice by legal times. he's a graduate of georgetown university law center and cornell university where he earned his b.a. in government with distinction in all subjects. please welcome alan gura. >> thank you, roger, and i would likeo thank the federalist society and cato for you coming here to hear us speak about thesryta . 'see l t s th srertssd cionn mcdonald versus city of chicago and effectively gave us a green light to go ahead and see to what extent the second amendment applies to state and localgornnt
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relaonth touchponhe ise the sssion and carrying and use of firearms. although it's been really such a short time since we've had this ticket to litigate as it were, many people are already trying to write the second amendment's obituary, decrying the fact that because no severe restrictions have yet been overturned, and because heller and mcdonald, itself, did not actually involve cases, involve anything beyond the possession of a handgun. in the house, that means that the second amendment must be limited to its facts, and that we must all expect to have a rather limited form of this right going into the future. i think that this is not really the -- the appropriate approach to take. imagine if in january of there was still an awful lot of repression going on. obviously, the federal courts move much slower than some of the rest of the world does today in t


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