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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  January 22, 2011 9:00pm-10:00pm EST

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>> this is my first book "blowing smoke" i will not read the subtitles again because that will take up the rest of the time. [laughter] i have for reading. the first for the practice will tell you what politics is all about. the second will give an example of how politics has been used then we will go back in a time machine to see where this all started then finally i will talk about the fact politics has
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had on the political system and a particular the elections three just had over a month ago. without further ado, why is it okay to discriminate against white males? demanded ms nbc's pat buchanan? his voice shrill without rage. is the volume of pay? >> is this too loud? his colleague had invited hit him on the liberal news show to discuss the supreme court nomination of judge souter might your but the debate shifted to affirmative-action warm being instantly that 2t denounce the tragic suffering a white males in america rhythmically chomping his hands through the year if it whack to the idea to bits. there were friends in new
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york trading the that you never look at these guys were working class with their own dreams just like sonya sotomayor. much younger rachel matthau seemed amused and dismiss the approach and replied your living in the 1950's. but she was wrong to restore affirmative-action to speak up and the notion that white people suffer from reversed discrimination doesn't become popular until the late '70s and more over the rhetoric about victims becomes all too common sense election of president obama from glenn beck has been accused of racism against white people. a few dies after i wrote a blog post a national model of the united states in god we trust in during my research i learned the separation of church and state is a scammed to go against christians were
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suffering from greater depression and then my mails. rush limbaugh explains the details in his 2004 book persecution how liberals wage war against christians. perhaps former representative hostetler gin said read it when thought to curb profits rising in the air force academy in 2005 he accused democrats of demonizing christians and fought for the long war of christianity continues unabated with aid and comfort to those who would eradicate any vestige of our christian heritage and as i read about the war on christianity with affirmative action in my mind the parallel between parallel persecution of christians scream from my laptop computer. i had previously considered previous complaints of the mystery man to be reflective bright like charlie brown
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from the coasters why is everybody always picking on me? but in july 2009 it occurred the persecution accusation amounted to more than political grumbling and represented key tactics in a deep-seated political strategy buy the right. i had no idea how the. as i go back in history persecution narratives appeared like a mosaic every critical moment in market conservatism from the formation of the religious write to the rise of fox news at the same time the present-day political scene fall 2009 abruptly went mad. tea party protesters carried signs comparing obama to hitler as glenn beck warned of conspiracies and everywhere that madness range i found persecution paranoia. i call it persecution politics a rhetorical strategy to convince
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heterosexual gun owners that evil conspiracy of liberal elites and black radicals and illegal immigrants a day fascist and other disturbing bad guys take away the rights their guns their health care and freedom and traditions and their favorite television programs. blowing smoke is a history of persecution politics what it has done to the country. that's what it is. here is an example of how it has been used. how many people have read the goodwrench report? -- if you haven't i don't recommended but a new site founded by a matt drudge.
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now typically it has a very large headline you may call it jarvis and takes up half of the screen and there was a particular headline 2009 their red white student beaten on the school bus, proud cheers the magic word in this headline the one that third day perkins when font is the word white. the conservative editors are not interested in school bus beatings were interested in racially motivated meetings but a busload of black students yelled be to his ass then they thought that
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flaunt it. also from the school bus surveillance camera of the cameraman warned the video was disturbing because it was edited with a slow-motion replay of flailing punches and the voice-over intoned the two suspects are 14 and 15 their african-american and the victim is white. on the fox news show making kelly immediately demanded punishment for that cheering children and those parents and the hapless bus driver. she declared these kids will suffer for the rest of his life things to those who begins on the bus. it cannot be overstated. said the victim did not require hospital care suggest this cars could be overstated. of less referring to the emotional scars from public humiliation on national television at the front of
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the product stage persecution parade like the overweight drum major rush limbaugh on the hellish data of obama america greetings my friend it is obama america. the white kids getting beat up on school buses you put your kids of the school bus you expect safety but now the kids are beat up with the black kids cheering. that must seem like a godsend within a "newsweek" article titled about a scientific study does suggest a biological predisposition for racism that was interpreted against a liberal broadside and continued and of course, everybody says the white kid deserved it he is white and "newsweek" magazine told us this we know they are destroying stability and classrooms all
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over america and destroying stability in the house of representatives. by that point* limbaugh was so excited he let go of any shred of coherence and looked at the socialist economic policies to a segregated policies we can redistribute everything they are racist and get what they deserve make that segregated prison buses for white schoolchildren and the hyperbole the rhetorical strategy is to raise the pitch higher than what he really means to convey with a piercing of sharp the exaggerates shane in periods liberals which suits him just fine and when the high notes of public discourse he just shrugs and passes it off as satire it is not
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always easy to distinguish the hyperbole from parity of the day of the show. here is jon stewart's take. because barack obama is president, it is now white season that is open and black people are allowed to hit them. but there are too important differences number one, stewart is funny and number two he exaggerates the highlight of absurdity for rhetorical emphasis by calling someone a worse person in the world meeting he is just a big fat liar so what does he mean? he meant the obama administration discriminates against whites the way races states government used to discriminate against blacks say they can distribute their parents' wealth meeting obama was to take
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money from middle-class white people and give it to poor black people and finally when they say they are resisting it what they deserve he meant obama hates whites and the message means he will call you names and take your money and persecutor children will persecute you everything that you stand for as he hurled his baton into the air and unfortunately unfortunately, reality interferes with less waiting someone's misfortune to make a political point*. the captain of the school bus assault called it racially motivated but then retracted to say it was premature it appears to be more than a couple of police on the bus dictating where people said. rush limbaugh and fox news and "the drudge report" dropped the story then it showed up the following
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weekend caring bullhorns and nazi flags they demanded the salience be prosecuted for hate crimes shouting double standard and white power. yes, the nazis were concerned about hate crime welcome to the obama america. >> to go back in time to see how this gets started. also with other paranoid movements like the red scare and others is that the leaders have appropriated the language of civil-rights only they turned on its head and embrace discussion of persecution and civil-rights and celebrities but they say
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are the ones being discriminated against for us christians and it is a reaction to the civil-rights movement where if you can beat them join never approach and use the same language but then turned around. this park to the movement was the school integration was how the movement got started and how those ripple effects carried out a decade later today. in 1954 the u.s. supreme court ruled brown vs. board of education to be guess segregated schools violated the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment setting in motion a chain of events leading to the birth of the persecution of politics movement in the late 1970's. one of the men who precipitated was jerry falwell.
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in 1956 at 23 he founded a church in lynchburg virginia and in his sermons he railed against the board of education and claiming it he had no god's word and desire to do the lowered the will i am quite confident that 1954 decision never would have been made. the facility should be separate when god dries aligned with distinction we should not attempt to cross that line. after the supreme court decision seeking alternative means with god's distinction they found it in the segregation academies all white private schools blossomed like pcs across the south and holmes county mississippi was typical of these districts and in the first year white enrollment dropped from 771 down at 28 in the second year it dropped as o.
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prince edward county virginia simply shut down the public schools meaning in a school mckown to that would take them and then they did what they could for the cause so that for white students could continue to be educated and when a federal court found these unconstitutional the sega academy sought out tax-deductible donations and one academy sent out a fund-raising letter that warned all must be received substantial constitution these contributions to our fund many students whose minds and bodies justice pierre of their classmates who for financial reasons alone will be forced into one of these horrible and repugnant other schools. that is in quotes. and 1969 there is a lawsuit
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to maintain the irs have tax exemptions to the three seg academy in the county the courts ruled those for the purposes of segregation violated the equal protection clause and the irs began withholding tax exemptions from openly segregated schools. but they skirted the rules by taking out the language will still practicing segregation and in private all-white schools need to proliferate and the first seg academy were in the exact replica of what they replace but over time they adopted christian and affiliations such as the fall well lynch big -- lynchburg academy. and in 1973 "wall street journal" article documented the emergence of the variety of the seg academy. christian schools are almost
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synonymous from the agitated task force when the irs proposes strengthening the rules in 1978 to 4662 recruit many seven christians react at the dual threat to to white privilege of christian education and as a result they played into the red hands of the young strategist with big plans. in 196219 year-old radio journalist and about catholic from wisconsin, the chairman of the republican party to denounce the supreme court ruling that banned prayer in public schools but the chairman refuse to get involved insisting our business people think it is strange we're getting involved in a religious issue. that is the moment that i said to myself, this is off track. one day the party will listen to these issues and that became the
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admission -- my mission in life. soon after going to work for the republican politicians were he continued to struggle to persuade the party to raise the causes like outlawing abortion and busing and supporting pratt and then pounding the heritage foundation the think tank that would revolutionize scholarship by discarding the scholarship the following year because of the board of directors did not a social issues that is like leaving the roman catholic church because the pope does not put enough emphasis on the religious issues. which they also did. after the main heritage he focused on the potential of the growing fundamentalist church but was stymied in his effort to mobilize. the fundamentalist in the evangelical community is accustomed to keeping their distance from politics
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adopting the position expressed by jerry falwell in 1965, preachers are not called upon to the politicians but seoul winner's. christian conservatives of the evangelical and fundamentalist type were told for years ever since the child they should not be involved in politics and it is a cent her agree with lose your soul with the were involved in politics. years later falwell and others promulgated the myth the shock of roe v wade broke the religious write in raging christians and prompting falwell to launch his organization the moral majority. the problem with this story is that it is false. many those originally pro-choice and given as a catholic issue. the southern baptist of the convention declare roe v wade i taught only after a child was born and had a
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light supper from its mother to become an individual person and always there for it seems what is best for the mother's futures should be allowed. and the baptist press wrote religious liberty human equality and justice are advanced by the supreme court abortion decision. moreover falwell did not form of moral majority on the supreme court but but the primary objective to founding the organization is to unite fundamentalist evangelicals and jews in a variety of social and political causes. the leading in a new organization needed a figurehead first tried to recruit pat robertson and falwell excepted but it took some persuading. one et talking of the majority recalls the ravages right too not start because of concern about abortion.
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i sat in the smoke-filled back room with the moral majority into not remember abortion being mentioned as a reason to do something. even fundamentalists who oppose legalized abortion did not originally see the need for political response and other supreme court decisions. the attitude was if there are abortions in no prayer in public school, we live in our own little community so there will not be any abortions among our kids and poor will be recited. the issue that did finally. the religious right into action is not abortion but the irs proposal to crack down on segregated schools. what galvanize the christian committee was that abortion, school prayer or the i.r.a.. i was trying to get those people interested in those issues and i failed. what changed their mind with
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jimmy carter intervention against the christian schools to deny tax-exempt status on the defective segregation. richard viguerie who was credited with founding the new right, claimed the irs desegregation proposal kicks the sleeping dog and galvanizes the religious write and involves the real politics. thus the crucible raises by 80 from corrupted youth a movement was born. the birth of the right has been well documented this is the addiction in the fuel of those that answer the call. while the ira's proposal threatens segregation in impacts that with incidentals. isn't just by recruiting minorities.
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for people to see that proposal on attacker christian education they have to see it as a pretext for an excuse. carter's intervention against the christian schools on the basis of schools of the facto segregation suggest the point* of view. these days to come to expect the right wing to have any initiative for the pretext for persecution but not always so. before the 1980's the religious and right when i use together. fundamentalism and evangelicals helped carter a former sunday school teacher and a friend of polygram in the first evangelical president of the united states. not one would suspect of corrupting christian youth. with the irs proposal carter seemed to mutate instantaneously in a mind evangelicals from good christian leader to anti-christian autocrat.
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it was the appearance of a new felon on the landscape in the '70s. with atheistic immoral and unpatriotic ideas was called secular humanism. looking at human history and cultures hence the term humanity in the 20th century religious reformers use the term to describe the emphasis as upon to -- as opposed to define it and a number of intellectual signed a humanist manifesto to lay out the tenets of religious humanism. the movement would later produce a rather insignificant organization of several thousand members of a single modern megachurch. collated 1851 from holyoke
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to look at the questions of ethics secular humanism safire tried to nail jell-o to a tree. that term gelatinous nature stems from a origen or rather the lack of any genuine political movement. it is a make-believe doctrine invented by christian theologians to blame for the diminished 10 am glittery her best it is a code word for anybody on this side of communism and including liberal feminist civil libertarians and appearing in 1933 courtesy of reverend package a series of lectures predict the
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imminent collapse of the false gospel of secular humanism. 10 years later the non a sister and doctorate not only avoided collapse but threatened christianity more powerful than any period since the end of the dark ages. according to the archbishop of canterbury and a 1949 acer francisco conference says we have been contaminated by the secular humanism of our time as if it were toxic slime. in 1965 at the end of the revolutionary vatican council, sounding like a pocket says a secular humanism revealing itself and the at the clerical reality has defied the council but we call upon those who have renounced the values to give the council credit to recognize hour on
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the type of him is some. but while secular humanism it was no match with that instruction of california and a defender of use for the brain washers that included stories of the eskimo boy or the life margin tino and producing the groundbreaking will instruction for the public schools was located the true billion between mukluk and pedro. secular humanism. in addition to promoting the richer the guidelines also blame them for a teaching such evils as sex education and evolution and outraged
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americans and conservatives look at the courts in 1972 the religion editor of the washington evening star sued the foundation in the interest of 40 million evangelical christians for funding a biology textbook failing to important the science of creationism. and accused of saying bid national religion of the united states was secular is a man he lost. >> i will skip the and there are a few more cases and all of which lost. said then that brings up through 1978. when the irs goes through august 1972 christian soldiers already manning the tranches, they knew exactly who was behind the proposal and a hidden purpose per cry former nixon staffer an up-and-coming commentator and pat buchanan can spell
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out the irs in a secular humanism slippery assaults and segregation academy established her that some judge hands down the integration order is public enemy number one of the irs. the new procedure is a new departure and the implications are sweeping. every private school the country can be threatened to of that exemption if it does not conform with the social values of a secular humanism from the united states and the response from buchanan and other leaders is overwhelming. the irs had 120,000 letters of protest more than ever collected the floor. defenders of white privilege like strom thurmond domain to representative sims and orrin hatch and excoriating the irs.
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it and other christian evangelical some was the sitting leader of a counterattack over the collectivist totalitarian religion of secular humanism and sponsored a bill to prohibit the iras from enforcing anti-discrimination rules this time it passed and the irs capitulated leaving due splattered across the steppes jerry falwell wants to the moral majority that the religious write had not found the four. >> i will skip the rest of the chapter two the legacy it left a rich legacy that with the strategist has and the mythical ximenes with the christmas spirit medicis
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and the textbook indoctrination a-share the objective of a brave new progressive world and their penchant for a christian persecution many influential lowe's including the afl-cio and the liberal media converted to put progressive secularism on the map in the '90s joining but enforces and in 2010 glenn beck stretch the secularist other secularism leaving them bear and told leaders of we talking about is the ideological movement is that the sites on the destruction of the constitution and a fundamental transformation of the republic called the progressive movement. led by obama and policy michael moore are more vicious in their predecessors and combined with the revolutionary ambitions with the
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repressive tendencies of the 1970 humanist they'll stand for anything but the destruction of all but as good in america. every champion as part of a master plan to seize power to tyrannize everyone above is the story for another chapter. more broadly conservatives found in the secular humanism a new strategy for extending in mobilizing the political base. to indoctrinate children with the christian ideas but with the possibility toward anything they oppose including women's rights and gay rights and sex education, pornography and evolution. as well as the resentment against a certain president who may be a marxist. in the process there is a new fischer the american society transforming modest divisions into the unbridled
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conflict between white christian conservatives and the imaginary persecutors on the left and has grown steadily exacerbating mutual trust until it reaches the point* where the president of in a state's cannot speak to the value of education without provoking a nationwide hysteria. >> i have one more reading it will be brief and have more jockeying. i will address the elections three have had. maybe you heard about them. minute he prays exploded in 2009 the pundits were dumbfounded when conventional wisdom was a product of the economic recession.
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so when the tea party candidates' challenge moderate republicans, and then replacing them with christine o'donnell, sharron angle, and from kentucky with rand paul they look at it s.a. the populist uprising against the mainstream incumbents. but while at the current actual organizations are new, simply the latest instance of the persecution politics movement from the late '70s for example, the challenge saying moderates in delaware and in nevada, that was a strategy is from these seven days and
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he and his colleagues from the new right middle lot of money and actually forced a lot of them from office. there were many and they were quite liberal than they have been eliminated as a result that is much like the tea party purchase we have seen in the past over the past year. so i will talk a little how those were and what it is doing to the country. >> is a burden to the first three-- history of the conservative movement the republican party took me by surprise. not because of the extremism of republican leaders but the diversity of opinions and ideologies and the g.o.p. has grown increasingly conservative that to read prominent that
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would be considered heresy is nonetheless subtle and that is one chairman of the wisconsin public and party told lowered businesspeople thinks it is strange to get involved in a religious issue and with the nine abortion plank from 1976 that this was the most of the call and controversial of our time in and out of a moral and personal issue but also involves complex decisions and questions relating to medical science and criminal-justice. those of in our party supports the supreme court decision that supports abortion on demand and also has a conviction to the supreme court decision must be changed by the constitutional amendment prohibiting all abortions and others have to take a position to stand somewhere. but the late 1970's the etfs began to fall of the party platform with no single
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metamorphosis but a series of small mutations as the younger right wing ideologues replace the republicans of a previous era and they're still taking place. with their republican long bond dramatics of 40 years there were not conservative enough and continue to push the party even further into the fire of paranoid extremists them. >> and orrin hatch was one of the original new right insurgents. he was one of the people that as soon as the elections are over, erik erikson and from red the tea party voices made up a list of people he wanted to purge and one of those on the list was orrin hatch.
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it shows how far we have come. over the years political analysis offer various explanations for the g.o.p. and nationwide this and channel was social programs and some two a backlash against the cultural ships at and so did the aging baby boomers. suggesting republicans died out because they fail to adapt to the changing political climate. i submit the alternative hypothesis. the liberal and moderate republican were hunted to extinction buy the conservative cousins who had a powerful new weapon that was highly effective in galvanizing the political base it was persecution politics even as they extended their dominance dominance, the sense of persecution increases they turned up the tax and
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invented a new victim class then infused white sing christians into a loose affiliation they called conservatives, traditionalist or real americans. the formation of the victim class precipitated the parent diabetics bloated after the obama election and the tea party inherited the mantle of persecution politics to see how this happens we will need to return to the beginning of this story. again, this is where i talk of what they enacted. at the time these right wing people cannot win. and then they have more
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seats with the rest of the country and they were conservative republicans and in 1992 the conservatives that were the wing of the republican party were able to take over leadership of the party to put people like newt gingrich and to power and not only did this conservative is a misspent -- spell the end of the republican party but they gained power. two years later was the republican revolution in which they slip back to power and control both houses for the first time in 40 years. nervously the standard policy when a party loses big that we have to get back to moderates for instead the republicans went right to
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and you have the tea party is that purged the few moderates that were left. again, the pundits were wrong. they did not lose but they won big particularly a month and a half ago despite the fact it went further rate than ever. these are the last two pages then i will take questions that sums it up. ms. shura themselves of ultraconservatives might win the primaries with they're too extreme to win in the general election but even a republican extremism heard cynosure run history suggests the long run is another matter when the new right purged incumbents in 1978 democrats in new jersey
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to bird but the persecution narrative and by 1994 were swept into power. and now includes michele bock men and ron paul. and now rand paul as well. even g.o.p. mavericks and nursing positions they may secretly detest and refusing to compromise with democrats with the year of the name derives no. republican in name only. as it became more powerful becomes more extreme and the democratic wings of 2008 had much do with the unhappiness over the iraq or -- war as the politics turn again the most conservative g.o.p. in recent history they will come to power with a popular mandate to take back the country. we may see that next year.
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the fact is that the right wing persecution mythology is compelling to many americans as shown by pat buchanan, rich lombok, glenn beck and sarah palin to name a few. millions to embrace were right ring ideology only the right appreciate them and defend their interests and the most fanatical the country to destroy enemies and bipartisanship showing that compromise and treason and by a punishment of traders is to encourage the america's most violent is through insurrection and to break the nation in half and the persecution politics there is no america of one nation indivisible there is red america vs. blu america
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christians first 10 secular rest moose burger appreciate your ears and regular shoves with the black radicals and homosexuals and at one time and those bidding of the working class and such people are hard to find and radical conservatives have slandered them for almost 40 years the right wing has the new class consciousness is not do any buying, but they agreed circumscribed from asserted ideology check every and culture and each year it will not be easy to excise the cancer, clap.
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[applause] >> thank you very much we will do some questions followed by the signing. and afterwards there is a barter at amsterdam we will be going there for a drink after words and we hope that everybody can come. questions? >> didn't give a roosevelt run as a progressive? >> yes. and glenn beck, it was neither straight republican lowered democrats. at the end of the 19th
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century and the 20th century, glenn beck and jack's teddy roosevelt but he is particularly concerned about will send sec says some kind is a 10 as setting in motion the 100 year plot to destroy america. i talk more about it and i have a private chapter on and -- it. glenn beck is very open. >> in light of the aftermath of the election and what have they learned what have they not learned?
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>> briefly? >> we will find out. there is some division like obama or the compromise or those who are on the left who want to take a hard line and fight fire with fire. and one of the things they argue is certainly the extremism needs to be called out and the only thing that has proven repeatedly to stop the growth of paranoia is across the political spectrum to challenge these ideas and i would hope that that happen soever i don't see that happening right now. i see a very active
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challenge on the left bed to no one will respond to it and a very conciliatory not know they and their politics but also with the rhetoric and not challenging the type of paranoia and stories that the right has been using. i have argued on cnn that i think the left, the democrats really need to get the story and one of those tools is a great story that has good guys and bad guys battling it out and it has seduce people and l.f. does not have a good story. >> and always seem like the democrats are on the defensive.
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they always soon to be in defensive mode. >> why are the democrats in defense of of? >> ic what they're doing is a lot with the republicans have done prior to the seven-- where they were from 40 years and is basically the got what compromises they could get and responded to challenges by going more moderate with goldwater with the exception somebody on the right then they said we have to go back to the middle. then that type of mentality is pretty strong among the democrats. whenever they get beaten they go to the middle whenever republicans get the and they go to the right that means everybody goes to the right to.
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and want to know what they are doing is challenged more, they will continue the trend. >> the modern occurrence of the persecution politics in the united states, is a unique? or is it more a global phenomenon? but only in america. >> it depends. is persecution politics a global phenomenon or a national phenomenon? and the answer is broadly speaking, it is global and human nature.
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this is a fairly extreme case, but in the former yugoslav republic, when the serbians were attacking muslims they were claiming to be the victims as defending themselves as appealing two centuries old legends and history some of the idea of blaming the victim were claiming to be the victim as an excuse for attacking minorities. what is more american is particularly using the specific language of civil rights that very much comes from the civil-rights movement talking about the first amendment rights that you may not talk about and
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separation of church and state and secular isn't a secular humanism. and how that is persecuting. it is a phenomenon with the american twist. >> the republican right emerging are they aware the demographics are not in their favor with the immigration and hispanics. are they making efforts to reach out to the people they are scared of? >> so the question is are the leaders of the persecution politics movement of where of the demographic change where the u.s. is becoming more hispanic? not only are they aware of it but they use it as a
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recruiting tool. pat buchanan will say how america is losing power ethanol cultural core. we're losing our core capt.. they don't come unlike george w. bush or karl rove you tried to make inroads among hispanics, the leaders of the persecution politics have not ben and these are the folks who are behind the laws and arizona that to a talk about we just need to defend white arizona for the racist hispanics that tried to take it over. so to build the very strong base, and for now it will
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work and they may have to change for those that have reached out 22 african americans and hispanics. >> one more quick question. >> what do you make of the rnc contest trying to get out the incumbent? what do you make of that struggle? >> the rnc, michael steele steele, the black leader of the republican national committee over the past two or four years, his term is done and is trying to run again and republicans don't
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want him to run because they want to present themselves as a party open to all races and like having the black guy at the helm but they did not like michael steele. for a lot of reasons i would not like him if i was a republican any there. what they did not want to iraq to aggressive so they were hoping he would bowed out which seems like he will not do. i well enjoy the entertainment until they figure that out. thank you very much everybody. [applause]
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>> we're here at the national press club talking about the new book tammet tells us why these four fish are the future of the last wild? >> we have chosen for mammals with sheep and goats and look at the birds we have chosen turkeys and ducks and chickens and geese are on the verge of what will be the domesticated forms of fish for the future of the ocean and the choice is remake will have huge ramifications for the future of the notion. because if you look at salmon, a very popular form of fish, it requires three or 6 pounds of wild fish so if we take these little fish and grind them up we will just feeding a large portion
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of the notion causing population declines of other fish in their place. there are other fish out there that require those huge deductions from the ocean that tilapia is a vegetarian fish and it is the option to throw out to go out into the next farm fish of the future. >> are you advocating from staying away from certain types of fish than others horror those that the eat the most? >> some is just better practices like farming salmon the way it is done now you can format where wild salmon live. but there are ways to form salmon in better environments out of the notion entirely, but a lot
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of it is about choosing the right species. another species that is very similar is arctic char is just that and give and garments naturally free use solids of their use to guarding close together and a high a disease resistance a you can grow that in the close containment facilities with no threat to the wild population if you're looking for a salmon type of fish that is the better choice. >> thank you for your time.


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