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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  January 23, 2011 1:00am-2:00am EST

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.. in fact, anti-colonialism was the dominant political ideal in the third world in the second half of the 20th century. anti-colonialism permanently has nothing to do with race. it's not a race today. i sometimes tell people the british income to rule brown.
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they came to conquer. now turned up the british were white, indians brown and a racial element jumped in. the colonialism fundamentally is about conquest and about power. and of course the british ruled kenya, which is where obama senior grew up. the anti-colonialism is the idea that the world is divided into two. the colonizers or the oppressors and the colonized. who are the colonizers? that's the west. used to be the west without america. who are the colonized? before people of the third world, asia, africa, middle east, south america. anti-colonialism is the idea that rich countries, reached by invading and occupying. anticolonialism is the idea that
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even the rich countries like america, there are powerful concentrations of economic power, the banks, the insurance companies come in the pharmaceutical companies, the oil companies and these are the greedy, selfish profiteers were enough people in their own country and around the world. anticolonialism is the idea you'll have to type this oppression in two ways. first of all you have to do you colonize or bring down within the countries these beliefs. you got to pull them down because their oppressor. and on the international stage, you've got to recognize that the west and now america has become a kind of rogue element. its campaign around the world, invading other countries like iraq, afghanistan. it is consuming resources like oil out of the portion to what it has. president. so we are in the ways of greedy
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exploiters eating up more of our shared. so anti-colonialism is the idea that domestically you've got to bring these concentrations of power down and internationally to put a leash, lasso on the road that is america can pull it back from the world. now, the question we have to ask is did the young obama adopt father's ideologies? interestingly, obama did not follow his father is a man. obama recognize that these coddled or he's a very smart guy. nevertheless obama made an important distinction. a distinction between his father as a man and his father's vision or his father streams. obama has a great scene in his book. in fact come as the climax of his boat where he goes to his father's grave. he finds his others crave and
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weeps, flings himself on the ground and says to africa's red soils, i try to speak to my father. this is a little strange. his father has been dead for six years. he can't tell his father appeared what he says is i can't get my father, but i can get something else. i can get my fathers dream. i can get my fathers ideals. and where my father fail -- because his father and that the failure. he was a drunkard sinusitis had. he would be completely inebriated. he would rage and rant in beaumont and mouth and say america the west has denied me my dreams. so obama knew all that. his point was whether my father failed i can be worthy of my father by achieving. there's obama at the grave. he's weeping. he says i sat between the two
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graves. but my tears were finally sent, i felt a calmness watch over me. i saw my life in america, the blacklight, the white life, since abandonment at fault of the boy, the hope eyewitness in chicago, all of it -- all of it was connected with a small spot of earth and ocean away. the pain i felt was my father's pain. his struggle, my birthright. and here is obama in a sense taking on his father's mission. barack obama senior was an economist in 1965. he published an article in east africa journal called problems facing our socialism. the article, by the way it is widely available. you can google it on the web. it will come right up. the article is about what is a country do we do have powerful concentrations of economic power that dominates the wealth of a
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society? and obama senior says the answer is really simple. you have to bring economic elites down. let me quote from his article. incidentally, it's rather interesting that this article, which shall see is quite relevant for what obama is stored in the white house has never been reported in any major newspaper. you've never heard about it on the evening news. it is rather odd that something that seems quite relevant to the policies that are being -- that are having such an impact on us has been in a wake-up from us. as they say, it's a public document. here is obama talking about conservation of power. he goes, the question is how are going to go disparities in our country such as the concentration of economic power? and then he says this. he says we need to eliminate power structures built through obsessive accumulation so not only a few individuals have
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control of vast magnitude of resources as is the case now. obama says what we do is number one receives land. we used power to confiscate peoples land and then we raise their taxes. we identify the rich and raise their taxes. how high? to no upper limit. in fact, as high as 100%. here's obama. he says, erratically there is nothing that can stop the government from taxing 100% of income, so long as people get benefits from the government commensurate with their income which is fast. in other words, as long as the state of the people get the benefit, it's okay to identify rich people and take everything they've got. on the first of you might think this is absurd. why would an intelligent man and a trained economist proposed 100% taxation? if you put in the anti-colonialist function, it becomes very clear.
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it has anti-colonialist function is because the rich guy got rich by whipping off the poor guy. so if you got rich by coming to my house and taking on my furniture, what is the appropriate tax rate for you? 100% because it's not her furniture. so in a way here, this framework, this anti-colonial framework helps with a little bit, i think, to understand now. also present on obama say the rich are not paying their fair share. he never says what that fair share is. in fact, if you look at government data, i say some of the same my book. the rich currently, the top 10% of people in america now say about 70% of all the income taxes. 70%. how much does obama think they should pay? 80, 90, 100? should nobody else pay any taxes? obama leaves the question open. but if you look at his father's
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paper, a paper instantly that obama knows it very well. obama knows everything, but he has never matched refer to it as any beach, any writing. so nevertheless, the ideas of the father are i think eliminating in helping to consider what obama might mean in talking about chercher. the question we have to ask and thinking about all this is when we think about anti-colonialism, does it help to explain what president obama is actually doing in the white house? i want to suggest that it has tremendous six when the tory power, both for domestic policy and for policy. when they give a couple examples of what i mean. in domestic policy, president obama has until a couple days ago been blocking oil drilling in america. he's had a moratorium on oil drilling. and this sounds very much like
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obama, and unlike al gore, he thinks the planet is getting too warm. select from poet through a country do when through until then i realized that obama supports oil drilling in mexico and obama, through its export and import has approved $2 billion of loans and no guarantees for america to subsidize oil drilling in brazil by the sting of company called picture grass. and at first i first anti-brilliant move by obama. take the environmental risk. look at the oil. you know, the oil is no good. brazil has already decided to sell some of it to the chinese. so the question becomes it's not that he's against oil drilling. he supports oil drilling for them. who was then? the formerly colonized country. at nearly what obama is doing is different than al gore. al gore wants everybody to stop
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drilling. he wants everybody to use less carbon. he's in some sense trying to enrich the previously colonized countries so they have greater access to feel an energy and resource is while taxing or blocking the colonizers. he's transferring wealth and away from the west, from america to the third world cared so this is redistribution, but it's different than most democrats. most want to redistribute commentate to the rich and give to the poor. obama is promoting a just redistribution in america, but global realignment, global free dissolution. so that's a different approach and that is inconsistent with the anti-colonial ideal. look at foreign policy. what is obama doing for the foreign stage? first of all, he is going to other countries like venezuela and other third world countries. enter the u.n. into europe.
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it is basically sending them a message. help me put the leash on the american rogue elephant. in other words, how may prevent america from a unilaterally as a boston bully of the world. it's kind of an amazing thing. the american president is going to other countries to help him keep america under control. that's again part of the anti-colonial framework. it is america that is seen as the rogue elephant. now, you remember a few months ago general stanley mcchrystal, obama's top general in an was fired by obama for some indiscreet remarks he made to the magazine "rolling stone." i think he should have been fired. the remarks on subordinates and you should make those kinds of things are working for anyone. nevertheless, general mcchrystal's comments were very interesting. what did he say? basically what he did was he said he went to obama, he and
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his aides and presented them with the counterinsurgency plan to win in afghanistan. he said the situation is tough, but here is how we can win. he's that obama was uninterested. he didn't want to hear it. he was bored. he was disengaged. he didn't care. i said what i thought. by what the president -- let's remember obama was in the iraq war, but he was for the afghan war. that was the good work. that's what terrorism really was according to him. so you think you'd be either twin in afghanistan. in nature is a general the plan to win. now, i would suggest that one reason obama may be in different to winning is he doesn't want to win. what if obama feels in the anti-colonial framework that iraq and afghanistan toward colonial application. america is occupying those countries in the same ways, but the british occupy kenya and india.
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so this is not about fighting terrorism. about america as a rogue a-alpha crabbing what he can. the goal is not to win but you figure out a way to get out. just a few days ago if he opened "the new york times" company was he the lead article, karzai, prime minister of afghanistan entered into negotiations with the taliban. and i thought someone i first read that, these afghans, it can't trust them. we'd love for one minute they may begin to negotiate with the enemies. they're trying to make a comeback in afghanistan. we've been fighting a war against them for years. horrible karzai is between america by negotiating with the taliban. fast forward to "the new york times" headline, the obama administration supports and is in fact been helping to orchestrate the meetings between karzai and the taliban. the united states government is encouraging the karzai government to meet with the
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enemy. again, plug in the anti-colonial theory, which is obama wants to get out. he really doesn't care too much what happens over there. taliban rule, karzai rule, some mix of the two are my business. i just want to get our guys out. it all makes sense. the beauty of the anti-colonial view is that you plug in and india make sense of all the facts. you take it out and you can't explain it. why would someone do that? consider the case of the lockerbie bomber and mentioned earlier. i don't understand why any american president would do that. one night pulled into the anti-colonial assumption it makes sense. if you look in america as the bully, as the power that is taking advantage of the world, that is occupying and invading muslim countries, who does that make the muslims fighting against us? anti-colonial freedom fighter. they are fighting against american aggression. and if you look at it that way, i'm not suggesting for one minute that obama approves of
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the killing of america. don't get me wrong. i'm saying what it looks like i've done lots of rocky, who puts himself as an anti-colonial freedom fighter, obama might say hey i can admire that guy. he's a lot like my dad fighting to push the british out of kenya and this would explain why obama might have a measure formic rocky. i may say a word. i had so much more to tell you, but i do want you to read the roots of obama's rage. as you can see, it's a fresh story. two years into the obama had, we haven't heard those. and yet it seems so vitally relevant in explaining what the president is doing and will do, no matter what happens in november, obama remains the commander-in-chief. some may say a final word about colonialism not to come to msn for which it ain't about this is the distance, christians. i'm an anti-colonialist. i don't believe the country should rule the country's. i'm very glad the british out of
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india. on the other hand, the indian prime minister, monahans saying recently went to speak at oxford. he said india is doing really well today. india has the prospect of becoming a superpower, going three to 10%. he said why is india succeeding now? he said well, one advantage we have in the global economy is that we indians speak english. in the second is we have universities and we have technology and we have democracy and we have property rights and contracts and courts to enforce them. then he said well, how did we get these things? we got them from the british. in other words, colonialism although the british didn't come bearing gifts, they came to rule. but nevertheless, as a consequence of colonialism, the indians got aspects of western civilization. by the way, aspect of western civilization tilts from india
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and rising again out of every indian phase. so it's not that he is anti-colonialist, but in some ways they fear he is frozen in the time machine of his fathers anticolonialism. his father was an african socialist, frozen in the anti-colonialism of the 1950s. my fear is in some sense america today is being governed by the dreams of waialua tribesmen from the 50s who was in a sunspot into a view of the world that is completely irrelevant today. countries are coming up all over the world today and they're coming up by what one calls the advantage of awkwardness. what does that mean? well, what it means is if you're a poor country can your labor costs are low. if you can use that extent that
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other people want to buy, you can come up rapidly. that's how china's coming-out in india and brazil and even indonesia. where obama lived for four years. when a bomb was selected coming nations erected a statue to celebrate triumph fully their man, obama, now president of the united states. a few months ago that statue was taken down. it was taken down in response to 50,000 signatures by indonesians, basically saying that now figured out obama doesn't care and fact of the karabakh asia. why? because a shaky season entrepreneurial capitalism to come out then that is not obama's father's way and it is not obama's way. now, as christians and as citizens, i think that we always have to look at our leaders and try to understand them. the great advantage of having an explanatory model -- and i'm not
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trying to bash obama. i'm trying to understand him. to get him. the beauty when you know it means companies, you can not only explain what he's doing, but you can help predict what is going to do in the future. i think as citizens we need to be aware of how leaders and active in our culture. for too long has graciously allowed ourselves to create a subculture and live in not and allow mainstream society to go where will. i'm the president of the king's college in new york and our mission in some senses to engage the public debate. one of the things i want to do a kings is i want to find the best christian thinkers in america. i don't just mean the best christian theologian. i don't even need the best christian apologist. i'm in the best christian historians and philosophers and
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economists and bring them to kings, to create decreed in new york city and intellectual hub. when i look at the world i see the other side -- i debate the eps. the eps of 18. with 18? the physicist stephen hawking. the oxford biologist richard dawkins, the princeton bioethicist peter singer, the psychologists. the list goes on. they've got an amazingly impressive 18. where's our 18? there isn't one. we've got them from guys, but they are scattered. they are ready metaphysics overhear another a seminary over there. there's no team. so it seems to me vital that we create a christian a team of, scholars, who are going to
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engage in an effort to sway the public debate. and i don't just mean the religious debate. i made the religious debate even the political debate, christianity has valuable resource is to bring. for example, capitalism is being debated today, not in economic terms, but in moral terms. what is under attack is not whether capitalism works. it's whether capitalism is immoral, whether the act nor is the selfish guy. so christianity as ethical wisdom to examine that debate. i'm simply saying we have resources that secular culture doesn't have. this is a call ultimately for us to understand our leaders and be more active in the world and marshall of that theme, i would like to bring young christian to kings to equip them and once
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again, college is 10 years old. when we created the college in new york city, we took the charter. we allied with the king's college in upstate new york and neil kings college is about encouraging young people to come missionaries and then into nigeria and india. i think there is now a new mission. america. manhattan. in the secular capitalism of america are new york, washington d.c., l.a. exhibit disco. and that's the publishing capital of america on the political capital and the entertainment capital and were not there and we need to be there. and i think if we work together we can get there. thank you very much. [applause] >> for more information, visit
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train -- dinesh d' >> former governor, george allen, former senator, george allen. what can america learned from sports? >> a great deal. i went from playing sports myself. the overarching thing washington can warm from the world of sport is that boards, where someone is from race, religion, ethnicity doesn't matter. what matters is can you help the team win? it's a meritocracy, where everyone has that equal opportunity to compete and succeed. not guaranteed equal results, the deeper opportunity which is what our country was built on. you will never see the way washington operates, redistributing from the winners to those who are not winners. in washington and a tape one of the steelers sixth super bowl trophies and say these poor detroit lions.
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they've never made it to a super bowl. let's give them a trophy. no, you have to earn it in sports. there's accountability and personal responsibility. there's measurements. you know who's winning and losing. and there's also in sports a competitiveness which are almost looking how you can improve yourself, how you can make your team better. and for team america, we need to be looking at what our economic policies, tax policies, energy, education policies, which are mostly, not federal. but what we do to make sure everyone in america has the opportunity to compete and succeed? any of the chapter in the book that you never punt on first down. well, we've been punting as a country is a first down. the sports team love to say america's number one. america's number one banks were
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plentiful coal as well as gas and oil resources. the leaders in washington look at these resources is a curse. any other country would consider a blessing. we need to unleash our resources in the resource is other people rather than continue to get your around by dictators, oligarchs and cartels. >> is competition getting fiercer between the team republican intime democrat? >> that is decided by the people. the fans get to vote, depending on what the offices every two years, four years or maybe six years. and the fans were not happy with what going on in washington. who in the hack is venturing about anything coming out of washington for the last several years other than strasburg, who was a pitcher with a national baseball team. there hasn't been much to cheer about, the people of her high school, college and the people said we want to change.
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they say that was going on in washington by any measurement, whether it died or the lack of jobs, the policies in washington, whether it's bailouts under president bush for this health care monstrosity or stimulus spending that doesn't create jobs or counterproductive energy policy. none of that is working. so the voters, the people, the fans, the ticket holders, to speak, the owners of the government said we want to change and they made the change in the elections. and now, those who have been a lot good, the number one thing they need to do is keep their promises, keep the promises they made to the people and then we'll start seeing our country back in the right direction. >> do you miss being in the arena? >> i do from time to time. susan and i have been active in bob donalds race last year and helping of congressional candidate from morgan griffith to scott rituals at the beach n.
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robert gertz, southside in northern virginia. so were involved in the people have encouraged me to get back into it and will consider that. but right now, using this book, i'm trying to find a fresh or unique way of sharing peoples ideas who make good sense that they understand and will make sure that team america is in a better position to be attending so everyone has an opportunity to achieve their american dream. the mac the forward is by the former l.a. rams, deacon jones. >> leicester he played with the redskins. deacon at my brother and i call him my older brother deacon. my sister and her second kid after deacon, her first laughter roman gabriel. and my oldest daughter's, our oldest daughter's are the
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speaker. there's a lot of good stories in there. ronald reagan, is the one who got managers to politics. as governor he would come to the l.a. rams football practices. here's a politician who knows what's important. and he has to be chairman of the young reagan in 1976 and that's what got me involved in politics. really because ronald reagan became governor the same year we moved to oregon and there's a lot of good fun stories in there. whether it's baseball, football, hockey or a nascar fan. >> george allen is the author of "what washington can learn from the world of sports." but to be covered a previous event with governor allen, senator allen. if you go to, you can watch the full event. >> visits to watch any of the programs you see here
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online. type the author or book title and the search bar on the upper left side of the page and click search. you can also share anything you see on easily by clicking chair on the upper left side of the page and selecting the format. booktv streams live online for 48 hours every weekend with top nonfiction books and authors. >> up next, michael wolraich, blogger argues that the political right that attacks the left by the use of persecution politics. he examines what he considers the paranoia of the rights and how is that for america's political debate. mr. wolraich discusses his book at barnes and noble in new york city for about an hour. >> so, i'm michael wolraich, founder
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it's a multiperson blog named across the blogosphere for civil if occasionally sharp tongued debate. come check out the repartee there. we always have a good time and i think get deep into these challenging issues. i'm also a contributor to and i got my start by blogging at tommy boy's memo café. this is my first book, "blowing smoke." i won't try to read the whole title again because that would take up the rest of the time. i'm giving you for reading. the first reading from the preface will tell you what politics is all about. the second will give you an example of how politics has been
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used. then we'll go back in the time machine and see where this all started. and finally in the fourth, i'll talk about what affect persecution politics has had on the political system, particularly the elections then we had a little bit over a month ago. so without further ado. why is it okay to discriminate against white males committed innocent be commentator pat buchanan, his voice shrill with outrage. if the volume okay? his colleague -- too loud? his colleague, rachel matteau had invited him onto her liberal news and opinion show to discuss a supreme court nomination of judge sonia sotomayor, but the debate quickly shifted to affirmative action, where it instantly to the topic, you can did in the late announced the
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tragic suffering of white males in america, with the late job enhance the beer it can physically what the whole idea to bed. he was sort of going like this. he admires matteau and her friends up there in new york shouting you never look at these guys were working class guys with own dreams, just like sonia sotomayor appeared much younger rachel matteau seemed amused by buchanan's tirade. she dismissed approaches and replied with a half smile, you're living in the 1950s, pat. but matteau was wrong. for there was no affirmative-action to speak of in the 1950s and the notion why people suffered from reverse discrimination did not become popular until the late 1970s. moreover, because rhetoric about why big dems have become all to common since the election of president obama, white range by glenn beck have accused racism against white people. a few days after matteau began in tool in july 2009 baroda blog post about a lawsuit or the national motto of the united
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states in god we trust. or maybe search for the article, i learned the doctrine of separation of church and state the liberal scam to discriminate against christians are apparently suffering from greater oppression that america's white males. rush limbaugh's brother david described details in his 2004 book: persecution: how liberals are waging war against christians. perhaps for representative john alert indiana read it. but congress sought to curb proselytizing in the air force academy 2005, we accuse democrats of demonizing christians and appeared on the house were christianity in america continues unabated aid and comfort to those who would eradicate any vestige of our christian heritage. as i read about the law weren't christian and became the rage still in my mind, the parallels between accusations of white victimization in christian persecution prompt president of
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the screen of my laptop computer. liberal bloggers often mock of service persecution complex, but i previously considered complaints about mistreatment to be reflected great lifeline from charlie brown by the coasters. why's everybody always picking on me? but in july 2009, said in a coach with the persecution accusations amounted to more than political rumblings. they represented key type takes any pervasive, deep-seated political strategy by the right. i had no idea how deep inside. as a buried weapon in history, persecution narratives. like hidden patterns in mosaic in nearly every critical moment in the evolution of modern conservatism for the formation of religious right to the rise of fox news. at the same time come present-day political theme in fall 2009 birth of a. tea party protesters carried signs conveying obama to hitler is glenn beck warned of communist conspiracies at the highest level of government.
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and everywhere that madness reigned, i found a thread of persecution paranoia went into the mania. i call this thread persecution politics. it is a rhetorical strategy to convince millions of white heterosexual christian gunowners did an evil conspiracy of liberal elites, black radicals, legal immigrants, fascists and other disturbing bad guys are taking away their rights, their guns, their health care, their freedom, their traditions, children and their favorite television programs. blowing smoke of the history of persecution politics. how began, why it works and what it is done to the country. so that's a persecution politics is. here's an example of how it's been used. how many of you people i've ever read the drudge report?
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if you haven't, i don't necessarily recommend it. the drudge report's conservative news site was founded by matt drudge and got flamed by brick in the monica lewinsky story in the late-night 90s. in the drudge report typically have a very, very large alarmist headline. you might call a chain or miss. it takes up half the screen. and there was a particular headline on september 15th 2009 read white student beaten on school bus. crowd cheers. the magic word in this drudge headline, the one and earned a gargantuan font is wait. the conservators editors of the drudge report on a particular interest in motivated schools, but in school bus beatings. not even particularly interested in school bus he means.
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but it's a big unswayed come assailants are black and a busload of black students called out beating fast and boom, boom, boom, drudge as a fat font fit. the anchorman grimly warned viewers the video was disturbing perhaps because it had been added with a slow-motion replay of flailing punches of the voiceover intoned the two sets back the 1415. they are african-american. the victim is white. on fox news show kelly's court host meghan kelley integrally demanded punishment for the assailants. for the cheering children, parents of the cheering children and the blustery rear. she declared the scars this kid is going to suffer for the rest of his life thanks to those hooligans on a bus can't be overstated. he suggests that the scars could
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in fact be overstated. unless perhaps kelley was referring to emotional scars inflicted by public humiliation on national television. at the front of the persecution parade, he remained as an arranged overweight drum maker marched rush limbaugh, culminating about the hellish state of obama's america. greetings my friend. it's about miss america, is it not? obama's america, white kids beating up on school buses now. i mean, but your kids in a kids in a school bus and expect safety. in obama's america the way to get beat up in the black history and yeah, yeah, right on. the black on white schoolbus assault must've seemed like a godsend dilemma timed as it was music article called tbb demonstrate about a study that had a biological predisposition for racism which was a broadside against white people. he continued, of course there
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was this a way kid deserved it. he was born racist. you swipe. westminster is the billing. all over america, white congressmen destroying stability in the house of representatives. at that point, linda had become so excited that his own oratory he surrendered any remaining shred of coherent and attempted to connect upon the social economic policies to segregated buses. we can redistribute students will redistribute parents well. i mean, we can redistribute everything. the term white students to their rightful place, the robust as the windows and armed guards. they are racists. they get what they deserve. make that segregated prison buses for white schoolchildren. the hyperbole is vintage limbaugh. his rhetorical strategy is to raise the pitch a couple notes higher than what he really means to convey. he's going to communicate a key and infuriates liberals, which
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is fun but just fine. and when the high notes again find an acceptable acceptable public discourse than most drugs and passes it off as satire. indeed it's not always easy to distinguish them up hyperbole from parodies on "the daily show." for instance khmers jon stewart's take on the schoolbus assault. because barack obama is president it is open white season on white children and black people are not allowed to hit them. there are two important differences between the both hyperbole of stewart's parody. one, stewart is funny. two, stewart exaggerates the highlight for us in baja's emphasis back on some of the worst person the world when you really mean he's just a big fat liar. so what does limbaugh did he suggest that obama wanted to pass by children into their own best artist in the windows.
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he meant the obama administration discriminates against white the way recent state governments used to discriminate against blacks. when he said we can distribute their parents well, he met obama wants to take money from middle-class white people and give it to poor black people. and finally, with limbaugh said they are racists, take it they deserve. he meant that obama hates ways. the message in short, he will call you names. he will take your money. you will persecute your children because he hates you and everything you stand for. boom, boom, boom of the persecution drums and the crowd went wild. unfortunately for limbaugh, reality sometimes interferes with extorting someone's personal misfortune to make a political point. though the police captain who investigated the schoolbus assault initially described the attack as racially motivated and retracted the assessment explaining he was premature on my part. the incident appears to be more about a couple boys on the bus
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it to your people say. limbaugh drudge and fox news to drop the story, but into the with the that showed up in belleville, illinois the fine weekend dressed in black two-term bullhorns and flags. at a rally near the hall the assailants may be prosecuted for hate crimes. china double standard and why power. yes, were concerned about hate crimes. welcome to obama's america. so, that's for going to jump back in time and see how this all got started. what's interesting about persecution politics and what separates it from other movements such as the red scare and the movements is that i'm persecution they have
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appropriated civil rights movement only they turned it on head. they embraced discussion of persecution and civil rights and civil liberties, but they say we're the ones being discriminated against. it is a sway people, as christians. and the movements were they kind of if you can't beat them, join them and use the same language turned around. the spark to this movement was in fact school integration in 1954. so we're going to talk about that, how the movement got started and how those ripple effects carried out ticket later today. in 1954, the u.s. supreme court ruled in brown v. board of education of topeka to segregated schools violated the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment, set in motion a chain of events that would be
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to the birth of the persecution politics movement in the late 1970s. one of the men who precipitated the events was a minister named jerry falwell. in 1936 of the age of 23 they founded a church in lynchburg, virginia. brown v. board of ed proclaimed it just is and his associate had known god's words and desired to do the goodwill i'm quite confident the 1954 decision would never have been made. the facility is should be separate group and gone is gone for distinction should not attempt to cross the line. after the supreme court decision, white politicians find alternative means for god finder distinction. they founded in the state academies -- segregation academies for all weight schools. holmes county, mississippi with
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typical southern school districts. in the first year after public school desegregation, white enrollment in the county's public schools dropped from 771228. in the second year, it dropped zero. prince edward county, virginia simply shut down its public schools, leaving black schools with students at a school in the county that would take them. southern state government did what they could for the cards, offering tuition grants were republicans now called vouchers so that poor white students could continue to be educated in an environment free of dirt pigmentation. what a federal court found grants unconstitutional in 1969, state academies sought out deductions to subsidize low income. for example, when hamas coming for a fundraiser letter that warned about the risk is substantial contributions to a scholarship fund, there will be many, many students whose minds and bodies are just as peer as those of their classmates and planing coup for reasons alone
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will be forced into one of the intolerable and repugnant other schools. other schools is in quotes there. in 1969, by parents in holmes county filed a lawsuit demanding the irs denied tax exemptions to the three state academies in the county. the courts with the federal tax funds to finance private schools for the purposes of segregation violated the equal protection laws of the 14th amendment and the iris begin holding tax exemptions openly segregated schools. nonetheless, academies skirted the rules by adopting nondiscriminatory language in admission policies also practicing de facto segregation. private always schools continue to proliferate across the south. the first academies are exact replicas of the secular schools better place. over time, most of the academies adopted christian affiliation such as jerry falwell of lynchburg christian academy, which lynchburg is described as a private school for white
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student. in 1973, "wall street journal" article documented the emergence of the new variety state academies. these days christian schools and segregation academies are almost anonymous said a coordinator of the education task force of the southern regional council. that's when the irs proposed the rules in 1978 to four state academies to actively recruit minority students and teachers, many southern christians reacted with fury and alarm as a dual threat to white privilege and christian education. as a result the irs proposal played right into the hands of the young conservative strategist with big plans. in 1962, 19-year-old paul wyrick, a radio journalist and devout catholic wasting wisconsin: the chairman of the wisconsin republican party to denounce supreme court ruling that banned prayer in public schools. but the chairman refused to get involved, insisting our business people would think it was strange for getting involved in a religious issue.
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that was the moment why he explains in an interview and i said to myself by golly, this is just off track. i'm going to see to it one day the party will listen to these kinds of issues and not really became my mission in life. soon after, wyrick went to work for republican politicians in washington, where he continued to struggle to persuade the parties to embrace socially conservative cossack outlined abortion, ending busing and supporting school prayer. in 1973 wyrick found at the heritage foundation, a think tank that would revolutionize political scholarship by discarding the scholarship. the following year, wyrick left heritage foundation to become the board -- because the board of directors wouldn't put enough emphasis on social issues. the thickly with the roman catholic church because the pope won't put enough emphasis on religious issues, which incidentally wyrick also did. after living heritage, they focus on political potential of
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growing fundamentalist. he was stymied in its efforts to evangelical communities were accustomed to keeping their distance from politics, adopting the position expressed by jerry falwell in 1965, preachers are not called on to be politicians for soul winners. by rick collaborated. christian conservatives of the evangelical and a necklace type has been told for years severson the trial that they should not be involved in politics, that is a sin to be involved in politics, they would lose your soul if you are out politics. years later falwell and others propagated the myth that the shocker brophy wave finally broke the slumbering right, and reaching christians across the country in march and influential political, the loyal majority. the chief problem with this story was that it falls. these organizations include the southern part is originally
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pro-choice and good abortion of a cup issue. the buick criswell, former president of the southern baptist convention declared after roe v. wade i've always thought it was after a child was born and had a life separate from his mother that he became an individual person. it is always there for seems to me what is best for the mother and future should be allowed. w. baird garrett at the baptist press wrote religious liberty, human equality and justice are advanced by the supreme court abortion decision. moreover, he did not format because it's outrage. the moral majority was paul wyrick's brainchild. wyrick was concerned about abortion, but his primary objective in finding organization was tonight evangelicals, cap looks and even shoes and a variety of social and political causes. wyrick believes the new organization made it popular figurehead. he first tried to beeker pat robertson and turn them down through falwell, signatures
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accepted that it took some persuading. in addition, at dobson and falwell associate explicitly dismissed significance of abortion in early planning, recalling the religious right did not start because of the concern about abortion. i started in a room with the majority and frankly do not remember abortion being mentioned is when we got to do something. according to wyrick communed fundamentalist to pose legal abortion did not see the need for a political response to roe v. wade and other supreme court decisions. their attitude was if their abortions and no prayer in public school and all these problems, were living in her own little communities and there's not going to be any abortions among our kids with open christian schools in prayer and prayer will be recited their was simply don't need to be involved. the issue that did finally throw the religious right direction is not abortion but the 1978 iris proposal to crack down on segregated schools. wyrick explains, would galvanize
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the committee was not abortion, school prayer for the era. i am moving witness to this because i was trying to get those people interested in those issues and i utterly failed. what changed their minds was that jimmy carter's intervention against the christian schools trying to deny them tax-exempt status on the basis of so-called type of segregation. richard baker who along with wyrick and credited with founding what was once called the new right claim that the irs desegregation proposal kicked the sleeping dog. it galvanized the religious right. it was the spark that it had religious right's involvement in real politics. us in a crucible of racism, piety picked red-hot by the fear of corrupted youth movement was born. the iris desegregation proposal that for the religious right has been well documented. less disgusted than the fiction, the fuel, fire the imagination of those who entered the call. for while the iris proposal
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clearly threatens cerebration its impact on religious education was incidental. any school, religious or secular that fail to meet the modest requirements easily suggest by recruiting minorities. for people to see the iris proposal is an attack on education, they had to see desegregation as a desegregation for pretax and going after christians. by rick spurting was carter's intervention against the christian schools of de facto segregation suggests that point of view. we come to accept the right-wing to represent any democratic initiative is a pretax for christian persecution, but it was not always so. before the 1980s villages and are not used together. fundamentalists hailed the election of jimmy carter, a former sunday school teacher, friend of reverend billy graham and the first evangelical president of the united states.
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he was not a president one would suspect as he began to corrupt christian youth, but the iris proposal carter seem to mutate almost instantaneously in the minds of many evangelicals from good christian leader to anti-christian auto craft. what made the transformation scene possible to them was the appearance of a new villain on the american political landscape in the 1950s -- 70s. an ideological network that economy via carter's government in its famous but to indoctrinate christian youth with atheist immoral and unpatriotic ideas. it was called secular humanism. cumin is some of the big term into node in the study of human history and culture hence the term humanities. in the 20th century religious reformers reformers use the term to describe the emphasis on human as opposed to define affairs. in this theme, number of american intellectuals on a document called the humanist and and a festival in 1933 the lead up tenets tenets of religious humanism. the loose move that would later
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produce a rather insignificant organization of several thousand members about the size of a single modern mega-church called the american humanist association. secularism is also a big term coined in 1851 the english atheist and convicted blasphemers george jacob holyoke to denote a rejection of answers to questions to ethics. secular humanism is a concept that this definition to fight even william safire who stumbled through a column to compare the exercise to try a no jell-o tree. the terms july of this nature stems origins or rather his lack of oregon's many movement here for secular humanism is to make a doctrine invented by christian theologians to blame and imagine an enemy for diminishing influence in mark society. it was later repurposed by the american right is a code word and the precepts and practices of almost anyone beside communism who disagrees with them, including liberals,
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feminists, if, civil libertarians internationalists. the first historical record of secular humanism appeared in 1933 courtesy of reverend george peck won a of lectures of the collapse of false gospel of secular humanism. 10 years. 10 years later economics essential a doctrine that not only for the collapse, and now threaten appreciated the quote more powerfully than in any period since the end of the dark ages, end quote. according to the archbishop of canterbury, william temple. in 1949 super disco comp at the episcopal bishops for their colleagues, we have been contaminated by the secular humanism of our time as if it were toxic slime from the galaxy. in 1965 at the end of the revolutionary second vatican council, pope john paul ii on the bike aging pontiff, going to the new overlords. same secular humanism or billing itself as horrible anticlerical reality has been a certain sense
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divide the council. we call upon those who turn themselves modern humanists and never not the transit of bias at the highest realities to give the council credit at least for one quality and recognize their own new type of humanism. we too in fact, we more than any others on her mankind. of secular humanism they have turned equipment subjugated robe, it was no match for mash property, superintendent of california and defender of youth from the onslaught of brainwashers. early in his career, rapidly became a conservative darling by blaming problems the public school system on a curriculum that included stories about the adventures of muck muck the eskimo boys were little pedro from. then in 1969, rafferty's emergency response team produced the groundbreaking guidelines for moral instruction in california public schools, which located the true villain behind muck muck and will pedro. secular humanism.
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in addition to accusing secular humanism of foreign literature, the guidelines also blame them for teaching such evils as education, marxism and evolution. our rich american conservative sunnis are the secular humanist invocation of american education system and the courts. in 1972, religion editor of the washington evening star sued the foundation in the interest of 40 million evangelical christians are funding a biology textbook that fail to mention the importance of creationism. they accuse the government of the official revolution of the event they secular humanism. he lost. there's a few more cases that conservatives now have against secular humanism, all of which loss. so when, which brings us up to 1970. so when, which brings us up to 1970. in


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