tv U.S. Senate CSPAN February 11, 2011 12:00pm-5:00pm EST
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they are concerned about as watching and reporting things that he could be they're just flipping hot dogs and report it. if he saw anything strange. we have an award to give out now at present the blogger of the year award is had more secret ahead of how they and 2010 cpa blogger of the year in so. he will tell you all about the recipient. >> good afternoon. is a pleasure to be back up your. it's an honor to be seatbacks blogger of the year over the past year. but like any -- i kind of thought that wouldn't go over. it's an honor to be here. it's great to be with you all.
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cpac is once again every year a wonderful event. get a chance that a lot of our friends. get to the debate a lot of issues. this cpac has been no different. hope all of you are enjoying it as much as i am. i really am going to enjoy introducing this years seatbacks blogger of the year. to get an idea of how i should do that, i decide to ask someone who is an expert on javier munchers of the shark tank. i asked javier of the shark tank. and he says you can introduce me as prettier than marco rubio. so those are certainly greater competence but anybody who hasn't followed the shark shark tank, who has been reading the shark tank knows that asserting that his accomplishment. he is than the original journalism on the ground. notches in the ruby race in florida but in the rick scott, gubernatorial race to the island was congressional race. he got out there.
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alan wessel be speaking here at the end of cpac, and one of the people, i think it's great to come looking forward to that speech. one of the people who helped get him here was javier of the shark tank. the shark tank was doing on the ground reporting, was doing in your face video interviews. he was throwing elbows with dozens of them and gave us great reporting and made a shark tank to go to blog in florida which was really for a lot of of the epic center of the key partnership it started in florida. it started with marco rubio. it started with allen west. and javier was there at the very beginning of all that and wrote it all it all the way through. we owe him a great deal of gratitude for his hard work. he was with the tip of the senior in the blogosphere in covering florida politics. he's also the tip of this fear of becoming a thriving and growing hispanic conservative
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community. and i am just like to introduce is the right now my friend, half-year of the shark tank seatbacks blogger of the year for 2011. [applause] >> thank you. it was kind of word is returning turn into a big roast. first and foremost i'm truly honored and humbled to receive this ward. if i could thank one person in particular to make this all happened, and windows knows anyone loves him, everyone at some point or another has taken for granted and that's the big guy upstairs, god. also need to acknowledge my friend, thanks for the kind words that a lot of my fellow bloggers up in that room up there, they help disseminate the
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videos that i spoke about and the message and you saw the mayor in the. one person i did need to acknowledge was pretty much the inspiration for me getting into this media and pursuing this as a political group has been and was favorite political little fuzzball and a doctor of democracy himself, rush limbaugh. thanks, rush. i promise ever and i cpac i would be sure because shortness of words and i'm very shy and timid. not. but in closing, had a great 2010 election cycle. we had a lot for marco, alan. great candidates. we were fortunate to have access to them and we showed that the next big fight will be 2012 and completely defeating president barack obama and his liberal agenda. now, that being said there's a couple of things that are not
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being discussed additionally disturbing because they are not being addressed. that first and foremost is the immigration and its inextricable ties to cripple activity and fundamental islamic extremism. and they are tied. now, i promise i will be short. look, as americans where entity generations that came before us and you know this un-american unapologetic appeasement by this president to these fundamentalist islamic groups thinking that they will coddle us and they're going to accept us for what he is saying is a big joke. now, i have a little bit of a message to all these self proclaimed politically correct and practicing peacefully practicing muslims, and, you know, collect my thoughts year. a lot of them, some here in this
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very same room and maybe backstage, there are sympathizers. they pretty much, they turn a blind eye to what the issue is that if they continue to turn a blind eye to the problem that is fundamentalism, whether they turn a blind eye to the cousin, brother, father, who perhaps may be one of these tears. they are just as culpable and complicit as the person who straps on the suicide bombs. [applause] >> my message to them is this. is that you will be held accountable for it. and in closing i just want to thank you again. i'm humbled, and thank you see back. thank you rushpit think at one of in that room. thank you. [applause]
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all right again. we have a winner. something else. the winner of today's ipad drawing from townhall magazine is joe holds from chestertown, maryland. joe, are you out there? right on, right on. you can claim your ipad at the townhall magazine booth. the next drawing is at 3 p.m. on friday. so congratulations to you. today at three. ride on. what, do you think you'll win another one? [inaudible] >> oh, okay. were you the one that called the antichrist on the air? don't even talk to me. next we have an amazing panel. you don't want to miss. you will want to get your hands ready to be put together. to introduce our panel is emily starr back. you can read all about her in your manual. she's a research fellow and director of the center on onto brno innovation -- innovation and government cost calculator that my government ought to
12:08 pm she knows her stuff. she's known, she's published everywhere. i couldn't possibly to you all the journals she publishes in. her research skills include microeconomics, urban economics, labor economics. and we just cut past all this was she's an economic genius. you understand? put your hands together for emily. [applause] >> and good afternoon. the atmosphere here today is palpable come and more than ever people are demonstrating a renewed interest in the principles of a free society. it is an honor to be here today among an amazing panel of individuals who are committed in
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scaling back the size and scope of the federal government. what it here today to talk about in particular is a project that is new to us at the independent institute. i encourage all of you to go to the website and check it out. what we have produced 40 there is called a government cost calculator. and what it does is it enables users to come in and find out exactly how much federal spending programs are costing them personally. so not only can they find out the true costs of federal spending programs, break them down by issues and various different budgets, but they also find that what the value of those dollars would be worth if they could save them and use them as they choose. today 14 trillion-dollar federal deficit we now confront statue of the largest and intergenerational wealth transfers the world has ever seen. this year's annual budget deficit is $1.5 trillion.
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and now more than ever the issues of how to cut back spending and where to cut back spending are more important than ever. it's clear that in order to address this crisis meaningfully, large and deep spending cuts are going to be required in those areas the cost to the majority of the federal spending. these areas include medicare, medicaid, social security, and national defense. this panel is designed to address these issues to declare that taxation is not the answer. as it introduced the panelists joining me today, i challenged them to discuss these issues and target these areas in particular. moreover, i am by each and every one of you to come and use our government cost it later on to find out how federal spending issues are affecting you directly. please welcome my fellow panelists.
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[applause] >> joining us today is john o'hara. john is author of a new american tea party. he is vice president of the illinois policy institute. he's a regular contributor to big government and the daily caller. and, finally, john has appeared in all kinds of relevant shows like "the daily show with jon stewart" and perhaps more important msnbc's hardball with chris matthews. [inaudible] [applause] >> my second speaker today is amy trimmer. [applause] >> amy is one of the original founders of the atlantic tea
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party. she is chairman of the tea party express and she is an active and founder of the twitter movement within the delivery and tea party movement more general. she's an activist, a mom and a regular informed citizen. [applause] >> finally, after speaker is grover norquist. grover perhaps -- [applause] >> he is president of american tax reform. is on the board of the national rifle association. the american conservative union, and author of two books including rock the house and leave us alone. welcome. [applause] >> all right. john will speak first. >> thank you very much, emily. are there any tea partiers here
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today? [applause] >> how many of you have ever been to made an organizing meeting or a rally? [applause] >> that's a wonderful thing. you guys show and a really part of a really totally transformative political landscape today. it's making a significant impact it most recently of course in the november elections. [applause] >> wow this is very obvious to many of us here in the room it's worth noting because it's no small feat, particularly with the cynicism and criticism of the tea party has endured since day one. there's no doubt we made a significant impact in the local landscape with our three major contributions i think are worth highlighting today and to think about as we move forward. one, the tea party movement has brought more people into the political process. really by highlighting the dangers of runaway big government, bent on creating two classes of people. on the one hand, the wagon
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riders, those public employee unions, the political class, the corporate welfare is. and on the other hand the wagon porch, the rest of us. hard-working taxpayers that are made to pull the black and. and this movement has shaken people out of complacency and expanded the center-right movement and that's a real victory. more and more of our fellow americans self identify as tea partiers and conservatives and despite what certain the would have you believe, more and more people are joining our ranks and believe in limiting government and expanding individual liber liberty. and part of that is although we don't always make that case well, our ideas are not only philosophically sound, and in sync with the founding principle of our nation, they are also the best way to help the poor and disadvantaged. we need to make that case better
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and more often and continue to bring people into our ring. alternative award, for that matter any government program that any liberal house is made possible because of the pursuit of profit and the free market system where an investor takes a chance on about her newer who takes a chance hiring workers to provide a service or product. free market capital, not command and control government has pulled more people out of poverty than any system ever has or ever will. [applause] >> we need to doubt that in changing the benefits of the free market and make the case to many of those who might not come to see back, those outside of abate and continue to build support for our ideas here the second major countries i think the moon has made is to clearly to pass for the future of our country. are we going to be a country that depends on the government for everything, slowly
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suffocating, or are we going to be a nation of independent liberty oriented individuals who believe in free markets and free minds uninhibited to pursue our own versions of the american dreams. i think i know where most folks in this room stand, and the good news is more and more people are standing with us and we need to continue to build out. third, third i think the tea party movement quite possibly is the most important contribution has been to serve as the much needed mechanism of accountability outside the republican firm. the tea party movement holds not just liberal democrats accountable but republicans, wayward republicans as well. this is good for liberty. this is good for the country. and it is very important role the tea party place. i live in illinois as you heard
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in my introduction, and in many ways and and a lot it's a proxy for what could happen to other states and the rest of the country if we don't continue to persevere in reverse current trends. public employee unions are bankrupting our state, and we're hemorrhaging jobs and people at and a large rate. the trendline is good even an element which is the good news. people are hungry for politicians who seek the truth. clear a thoughtful solution. chris christie is a great example. [applause] >> much like the country as a whole, illinois is fundamentally center-right. before the land of taxes we were the land of lincoln. before we were home to president obama we were home to ronald reagan. whose legacy we celebrate tonight. we recently lost a top gubernatorial election but it was very close and we said a handful of tea party freshman to
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congress here in d.c. and a republican to president obama's former senate seat. [applause] >> this was all done with substantial game changing tea party participation in illinois. is anyone here from illinois? fq in the back. they are probably getting lunch. all right. i'm here to suggest the goal for us in of a, just to send a strong signal to the mission-critical israeli, the president's home state to vote for a new to occupy his current seat in 2012. it's an audacious goal but with the right grassroots strategy during the right message i think it's an achievable goal and one i think every one in this room should set for their state and their account and their precinct into little matter how high
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hurdle they think maybe. reject those who take is hopeless, and they will because if there's anything this past election cycle has taught us is americans are rejecting that the government status quo. therewith is more than ever, and anything is possible. the tea party movement abroad is have come a long which is in the last couple of years and there's so much more work to do. we must continue to be vigilant and hold elected officials accountable. stand by them when they do good, fire them when they do bad, and continue to build our best candidate we need cynical side, redouble our efforts ever going to get our nation back on track and i look forward to doing that with all of you in the months and years to come. thank you very much. [applause] >> hello, everyone. it's great to be here today. i am really honored and privileged to be here because i am no one special but i'm just a
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mom that two years ago was concerned about our country and came together with some other conservatives and we start this little thing called the tea party movement. and what happened in november is simply amazing because it all happened with no plan. absolutely no plans whatsoever. and now here we are looking at 2012, another election cycle and we have time to come up with a plan and to work even harder and to be more successful. you know, this tea party movement is a direct result of people being fed up and angry and just disenfranchised with both political parties. both republicans and the democrats. so people have started to become engaged. this movement is about issues.
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it doesn't matter if you're republican or democrat. we want principled conservatives in washington. [applause] >> and that's our objective. we not an arm of the republican party. as a matter of fact, there are many republicans that don't like us, aren't there? our objective is to send conservatives to washington, not republicans. this movement, you know, it started the day after rick santelli had his rant, and it's all about just like the title of this panel, it's spending stupid. we don't have a revenue problem. we have a spending problem. [applause] >> and went american families across this country are having to sit down at their kitchen tables and balance their budget and cut back to make ends meet, why is it that our federal
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government, our congress is up here, and our president is up your with our credit card just charging, charging, charging. it needs to stop and it needs to stop now. if you and i, we're the ones that are going to stop it. look, the fact of the matter is that if you truly want to effect change, you need to change the players. you cannot leave these people here and expect them to do something different. because they have proven over and over again they just don't get it. so, you know, we can have rallies to the end of time. rallies, gatherings, whatever. but at the end of the day if you truly want to effect change you have to get engaged in the political process. and that's what tea party express did over this past election cycle here and we're very proud of the work that we have done, engaging. pic ebony state you can get involved in
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the primaries. that's not to publicly correct thing to do. well, let me tell you what. i mean, we're not about being polluted the correct. this is about principles and values and saving this country. [applause] >> we have to rein in this out of control spending. if not us, then you? it's up to us. we are the last line of defense. we've been called the french element and is a net. but the one thing, our armor that allows us to do what we're doing is the u.s. constitution. and i don't think there's anything radical about the u.s. constitution here. [applause] >> so, we have as i said, we had a huge success in november. it was absolutely amazing what we're able to do. we all know that we talk back the u.s. house of representatives, fired nancy
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pelosi, we didn't do it in the senate. we tried, trust me we tried really hard to fire every greed but we have another chance. we can take that gavel out of harry reid's hand and take back the u.s. senate. and we will do that in 2012. and we need to do that because the one thing is, we didn't get here overnight. we can change this overnight. we can't change it in one election cycle. it will take us several election cycles to change this, to turn things back around. and we can do it if we all work hard together. this movement come here, they said they're going to go way. they will fizzle out. guess what? we're not going anywhere. we saw what we can do ever going to do it again bigger and better. [applause] >> we just announced a debate with cnn, tea party express partner with cnn to be the first ever presidential debate. and the amazing thing, the
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amazing thing about that is that one year ago who could have happened that they would be a tea party presidential debate? they didn't think this movement with last. we are here to stay calm and we're going to hold these people accountable and we're going to make them toe the line and lane and this out of control spending because it has to stop now. and these two members that we are brought to congress, they are amazing, they really are amazing. we had to take out all this past week with senator rand paul and senator mike lee. and congressman alan webb. and you know, one of my favorite lines of that town hall was out of west was asked a question about the debt ceiling and his answer was just say no. just say no. and so we need to all continue to work together to rein in this out of control spending. we've all been blessed to be
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raised in be, unicode have america as our home and to be part of this great country. and i want my child and my grandchildren to have the same things that i've had growing up. and i'm sure you'll do. that's why there are so many people involved in this movement and relate to this because it's about the american dream. we want americans to remain that shining city on the hill. [applause] >> that's what we need to do. so we need to march forward. we need to hold these people accountable, and at the same time continue to work tirelessly with one another to bring more change in 2012 and take back this country. not only do we need to take back the u.s. senate, but we need to take back the white house. [applause] >> we need a conservative in there. that's going to stand on principles and protect the american dream, protect that shining city on the hill. i'm not ready to speak chinese
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yet. i don't want to speak chinese. this is america and i'm proud to be an american and i know all of you are proud to be an american. and i promise that i will continue to work tirelessly with all of you standing shoulder to shoulder to make change in 2012, and to let the astonishment no, we are not going anywhere. god bless you all. [applause] >> i'm delighted to be here to talk about tea party and spending as a critical issue. it was two years ago this country was heading to haiti to the republican party was heading to collapse. the conservative movement was dispirited are going to become greece. the government was going to run the banks. they were going to run the our companies. they're going to take over health care. and there was nothing in there way to stop that.
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and when you look ahead from two years ago because i was in the meetings, we're going to lose another three senate seats. we're going to lose more house seat. we're going to lose more governorships. there was nothing stopping turn this country into something between france, greece and east germany. what happened was the tea party. in the introduction of spending as an issue in american politics. we all know that what happened so far, the radical change, the three senate seats we gained over that, we seem to pick up the house and run the governorships and over 700 state legislative races. this essential because before the tea party movement, there was a hole in the heart of the conservative movement. there was something missing. thinking about the modern reagan republican party, the conservative movement about people were sitting round a
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table, whose there? they are there because on the movie issue everybody is there because on their vote moving issue they wish to be left alone. three different people, three different reasons. taxpayers, laid my income low. businessmen and women, cleveland-based is alone. professional, homeschooler, leave my kids alone. i'm on the board of the nra. second amendment voters, leave my second amendment rights alone. leave my gun rights alone. we don't go around insisting, knocking on peoples doors saying you should be a hundred. you should want to be left alone. all of the various communities, people from the most important thing in your life is practicing their faith and transmitting it to their kids. conservative catholics and orthodox jews of muslims and mormons, they all agreed they want to be left alone so that they can go to heaven if the guy across the table maybe misunderstand scriptures is going to haiti on his own. ..
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>> i am going to leave your guns alone, money, and i'm going to spend a little too much. there was nobody at the table who threw anything heavy or watch out of the room. there was not a vote-moving part of the modern conservative movement that said spends too much is my vote-moving issue because i know if you spend too much it will affect me. you cannot leave me alone if you're spending too much of
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other people's money. [applauding] that tea party movement completes the reagan coalition. it brings to the table that which was not there, and we paid dearly for that missing piece of success. it is also central to have the tea party movement and people focused on spending in order to compete with the other team. the other team is taking. we have to leave us alone coalition. we don't want other people's money or time. we just want to be left alone to run our lives and to have liberty. the other team, however, is the taking coalition. if you the proper role of government as taking things from some people and giving them to other people. usually they want money. yours, and it goes to them.
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sitting around their table, trial lawyers, labor unions, big city political machines, the two wings of the dependency movement, people who are locked into welfare dependency, and people who make $90,000 or year making sure nobody get jobs and pump -- becomes republican. you also have all the people who get government grants. what did they get the money for? to come by the the rest of us. these are the people who invented cars too small to put an entire family into, toilets too small to flush complete, the light bulbs that don't really light very well. they have set up various banks such that on the sabbath you have to separate the green glass from the white class from the brand last. the national have these incredibly long thou shalt list and the things you have to do and things are not allowed to
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do. slightly longer and more tedious than leviticus. so around the lift table is a bunch of people that live off other people's money, yours. when we focus correctly on spending we not only complete our coalition and make it internally consistent, but we get to the other team stable. you know the first thing obama did as soon as he showed up the state $800 billion throw it in the center of the table and then 350 from dark. a trillion plus dollars. friends on the left can get along. kind of like and that scene after the bank robbery in the movies. one for you, one for you, one for you. there are all smiles and happy. but as soon as the pile of cash in the center of the taking coalition table begins to dwindle and gets smaller and if
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we do our job right and say no new taxes and mean it and put our foot on the air hose and stop throwing money in the center of the table then the left begins to look at each other a little bit more but the second to the last scene. now they're wondering who they're going to eat or who they're going to throw overboard. the left is not made up of friends and allies. the left is made up of completing -- competing parasites. [applauding] if we say no to tax increases, stop throwing money in the center of their table they will just as cheerfully now on the guy sitting next to them as on the taxpayer. our job is to say no to tax
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increases, not give them more money so that two years from now when we meet in the next election there are fewer of them and they are shorter. thank you. [applause] >> i'd like to open it up for question and answer. we will be taking questions directed to any one of our panelists. >> hi. my name is joe howell. i'm sorry. did you call someone? >> yes, joe. >> he talked plenty of spending and the debt at this conference, but i think one issue that has not been addressed is the elephant and the room, which is what is doing that, the fact we
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have the federal reserve. my question is when it does the tea party stand on the currency? >> okay. i'll take this one. here is my strong suggestion on speaking with and working with the two-party. what does the two-party think is kind of like asking what the people in indiana think. there are many leaders of the tea party movement, thousands of tea party members. i think the central truth that they grasp that was missing from a lot of smart people in washington who were trying to build the republican party was guys front and center spending. there are many challenges that we have. not having money that sticks to something of real value is one of them.
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what to cut you can't tell the tea party anything. to listen to them. the tea party is not following anybody out of their own common sense, which is a pretty good thing. do speak out, have panels, talk to people, share information. ron paul has done a very good job of that. [applause] on the just the topic. a 1-on-1 education. [applause] >> my concern is this, and lack of organization in the tea party. you were talking about we have a plan. those of us of worried about is that there become an organization in which certain people seek to be leaders. there were rumors that filtered down to us in arizona about a schism in that tea party. is the -- are we concerned about
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this generally so that if somebody seeks to become a leader and start controlling the rest of us we will be able to level? is this a concern of the national people? >> i would answer that question, no, it is not a concern. this movement cannot be controlled. there is not one leader, one organization. the important thing to understand is that while there are tea party organizations out there and liberty loving groups of there, we have been labeled the tea party movement. there are other organizations that don't use the name tea party. this is a constitutional based movement that is focused on the issues and, quite frankly, the people in this movement are not loyal to any one organization. they are loyal to the cost.
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that is what they are loyal to, and that is what they will work on. by my organization can go through one budget, people will turn out. huge rallies or work with groups on the ground to target a senator or congressman. there are other national groups that go and do events and work with local groups, too. i mean, the people are loyal to the calls. we don't have to tell these activists what the causes. we know the cause is we stand on three core principles and values, grain market, fiscal responsibility, and when it did government. that is what we are all focused on and working toward, and that is all that matters. this movement is like herding wildcats. in the and everybody is focused on the issue, and that's what happened in november. everybody works toward sending conservatives to washington. that is the bottom line.
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i'm not worried about it, and i don't think many people are. >> keep in mind another group that keeps trying to find a leader for the tea party movement is the establishment left. then they can place the quarterback. one of the strengths of the tea party movement is that there are thousands -- millions of members of people is a frog to the values. tens of thousands of leaders meeting somebody to bring somebody else into the movement. if we ever offered up one there with sack the quarterback and taken out. they want to announce it is one guy. they have plans for that one guy. [applauding] [applause] >> i'm from new jersey. [applause] i can honestly say that i am
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hopeful that governor chris christie is going to take the initiative to control. however, mr. grover norquist, once obama care kicks in and the state is burdened with additional medicaid costs by fear that his efforts will be for naught and our taxes will possibly. he may possibly because of that spoil his reelection bid. what are your feelings about that? >> you are quite right. one of the plans of the obama administration was to put spending burdens on states, force governors and state legislatures to raise taxes. discredit them with their own team. the other team is not stupid. they are evil. we should never fool ourselves into thinking the other team are idiots. they thought this through. they have been planning to move
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forward and make the government bigger in a country that doesn't want that. you don't have to be terribly clever. you really have to work on it to get the american people to put a halter on themselves. what your governor has done right and change the world, the country, the conservative country has changed. we are not raising taxes. we are only cutting spending. what the left wants us to do is say they have run up a trillion dollar deficit. they want to focus on the deficit, which is the difference between spending and taxes brought in. the tea party movement and governor christie said the problem with spending, it's not whether you take or borrow, but that it's gone. whether you are work take it is not as interesting as how much you have at the -- the government as part of our money at the end of the day.
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thirteen governors have made that commitment. because of that we are really going to see a lot of spending constraint. if they have not made the commitment not to raise taxes there will be 100 people explaining why this one time you need to raise taxes. >> the gentleman to my left. >> i really like what you have been saying in this panel, that we obviously need to restrict spending and lower the size of
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government. at the same time, these are the same things the republicans always say when they are out of power. in the 90's when they took control and meet gingrich was speaker of the house and the have the contract with america we essentially betrayed all of those points. in 2000 when george bush was elected he ran on small government, free market, not in to register on public -- policy and ran the largest in history and enacted the bailouts and even ronald reagan who ran these things, the same principles ran deficits and debt similar to jimmy carter and had military interventions in nicaragua and sold arms. i like what you're saying, but we have been betrayed far too much by this dialogue. how can we trust you now? that is exactly the right
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question. just for the record, when i was in high school i had a party to. it was a while ago, but it's true. that is why this is spending in the tea party, that's what this panel is about. what's changed is the creation of the tea party movement. it was always out there. there was a huge amount of common sense. it's like rush limbaugh's listeners. there are a bunch of guys out there. intel he hooked him up nobody could count them or knew there were there. before the tea party may have had some sense that people didn't want to spend too much, but there was no believe that it would hurt you in the next election. there are people who used to be in the senate you aren't there now because they spent too much. ten years ago they would have been advertising how cool they were about bringing your march back. the two-party is the fakes for exactly what you pointed to.
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enemy number one of the appropriators. the republican party in washington, republican, democratic, and appropriations committee. they don't wear our jerseys. the discipline that the republican has put on the appropriations committee as a result of the tea party movement has changed the dynamics that undermined what gingrich is trying to do. >> i would simply add to that of the points. i disagree on a certain margin. i don't believe that the left is evil, but i do see that once the money is on the table it is in the interest of politicians on both sides of the aisle to start grabbing. i think what is an interesting aspect of the tea party movement and what we have seen a change a lot amongst the youth is really a demand for changes in rules. rules can strategic limit politicians on both sides of the aisle.
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when we talk about these reforms and free our serious about spending cuts will need to talk about not getting particular cuts here and there, but changing the rules of the game sets that it makes it more difficult tour the state to grow into the future. >> the one thing i would add, i would, the old adage, trust but verify. he send them to washington or the state capital. you can't just washed hands. the unfortunate reality is that is oftentimes what people do. you need to stay engaged. it is all about accountability, the mechanism of accountability. i'm not suggesting you vote for republicans and trust that there are going to a tow the line on spending. we need to hold people accountable. if they don't do what they say there going to do on the campaign trail, fire them. [applauding] >> i want to add something.
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i heard somebody say that the tea party is the conscience of america. i agree with that. we are here. the difference between when reagan was here talking about the contract with america and earlier times when the republicans regained power and lost our way again i think one of the biggest differences is that we have technology now. we are using that technology to connect whereas before it might have been through talk radio at all these people connected, but now we have twitter and facebook and all this social media. people are connecting that way. we are alive and well. we are responsible for what is happening right now. we have been living our lives working, taking care of our families, going to school and not paying attention to what's killing on in washington. now we are way, see what is going on, and we say no more. >> we will take a question from
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the far left. >> thank you. yesterday we had a panel on family values. has been and wife, father and mother. particularly with that has been that life thing instead of cohabitation. the problem on that, but two and a half years ago i get married and found that with the marriage penalty that our income tax jumped by a whopping 500% from what we had paid as two single people. now, it's fine that we don't have any tax increases on the very wealthy, but we are definitely middle class, and this took a cut in to our standard of living. i want to know if any of the tax avoidance people with the tax stable people are doing anything? it is not a penalty for getting married. is a punishment at the rate they're charging. >> a very good point. thank you.
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they thought there were solving this when they're really just minimize did. you can, with income splitting, eliminate the challenge. i think that is a fine idea so that you both pay taxes at the rate of year on income rather than add them together. it is a real challenge. step one, let's just keep pushing the tax rates down. you're right. when you have taxes as high as they are and people throwing deductions and credits in order to try and fix this problem or fix the problem, the problem is they are spending too much which means they have to take too much. there is no pleasant way to take 20 percent of what the american people learn from them. there is no polite way, a pleasant way, there is no fair way. fairness is not -- the government comes and takes money from people who are did and gives it to people who didn't. fairness is not necessarily part of that equation.
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you are right. the high level of taxation rates to all sorts of punishing effects, including on institutions of the government would try to be helpful to. clark taxes, less spending, and the focus on the tea party movement on spending gives us hope that we will solve the other challenge. >> i'm over here, too. you get me? >> your next. this gentleman right here. >> i am a college student at a typical liberal campus. i am in the process of starting my own tea party on campus. [applause] what advice would you have for me or any other student who is thinking about starting their own tea party? >> well, i think that is one of our biggest challenges coming getting you involved. you are our future. i was very happy to see last
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night some great young college republicans here from a much stiffer university. they are engaged and concerned about the direction of our country. i can tell you right now, one of the biggest things helping our movement with our youth is that they are graduating from college, and there are no jobs. this movement is growing. you can see that they use are becoming involved as well. at think we need to use technology because if you want to -- i was having a conversation with somebody last night about building multimillion-dollar websites. why go build a multimillion-dollar website? you need to be giving mobile apps. if you're going to reach the user going to do it through their phone. there are groups out there that are focused on the young americans for freedom, college republicans. there is a tea party student organization that has just
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begun. just getting the message out there and focusing on the fiscal issues, it is the spending. just focus on that. don't go to the social issues. it's the same thing with all of us. that is what is going to divide us. when you have kids graduating from college and can't get jobs and parents of losing jobs and they can't afford to pay for their cars you're going to start seeing more involved. just tell people where they can go and research information. it's not our job to persuade them. they need to go educate themselves. that will help grow this movement in terms of the youth. >> to other specifics. students for liberty and a leader institute. they can put you in touch with a do-it-yourself start your own organization on campus with bylaws and all of the things that you would think would cost
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you a lot of money or take a lot of time to do. if you want to start a group, that's a great place to start. >> in addition, mobile apps and what not, downloadable on the website. look at those resources. >> thank you. i have been hearing a lot of generalities and conservatives and progressives. i see it as an ideological question of you either believe in the federal reserve system where you don't. right now what i see very much like these four rows of microphones is three sides over there of the far, far left, the obama left and the newt gingrich right which defense federal reserve banking. that's fine. we need to get those people out in the open to say, look, we believe in central banking. have the opposition, no, we don't believe in central banking because we are doing now is
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talking about the systems of central banking without the cause of the symptoms, high unemployment, inflation, lower standard of living, the pressures of money. you do a big disservice in the tea party not to specifically address the issue of central fractional reserve banking and its monopoly over legal tender loss. as a movement at think we need to come around to galvanizing you guys believe in central banking. that's fine. we don't. at think that is how we need test organize our forces. my question is -- >> we get the question. two things. don't tell the two-party what they ought to do. but, let me say what ron paul has done and educating people on this subject by having a simple bill that says we ought to audit
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the fed. the people who oppose the idea make the case that there may be a problem there. if their response was to mature, what do we care, maybe it's the the big deal. but the fact they don't want it on it raises some questions to be it on paul's approach has been, i think we should audit the that. that has educated a lot of people. we need to be careful not to tell them you have to pick up my issue has your number one issue. you are responsible for your issue. there are thousands of tea party leaders out there. again, ron paul has begun the education process that i think he would like to see happen. >> thank you. i am from minnesota. [applause] i have a quick question. we talk about taking money off
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the table. one of the best ways to do that is to just say no to increasing the national debt limit. 218 members, fiscally responsible members can do it, what to you say about that? >> absolutely. >> we have one minute left. out of the short answer. [laughter] >> it is an important pressure point to for spending restraint. the only one i see out there right now. >> i'm sorry. we have time for one more question. it's a man and the front who has been waiting patiently. sir. >> thank you. grab the mike behind you. microphone. microphone. >> just a comment. he said don't tell the tea party what to do. it to me i think what -- i agree with a lot of the things the tea
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party does and associate myself with what to do. i think they need to do like the lady standing up said. i have friends on the left that our friends. i don't agree with them, but i think we ought to stop using the words left, right, liberal, slamming individuals, and talk about issues. if i believe in an issue with the man from the federal reserve, i'm not up on the federal reserve for pushing those issues, but let's talk about issues. we need to bring in this people that voted for obama last time. even though they don't like him right now there will probably vote for him again. >> i would like to invite you all to welcome -- excuse me, thank all of our panelists for a wonderful session. [applause] [applause]
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♪ ♪ >> wow. we have a lot to do in this country. we are going to make it. at think that the key thing is with our domestic, make a difference in voting the right people. we sure don't need another president like we have had. we don't need a president of the u.n. or globalism or global elites or bankers or islam. isn't that word? we don't need a president of islam. we need a president of the united states of america with sovereign borders, states, and
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constitution. yes. of some of you probably forgot we are a christian country. apparently obama did. he said we are not a christian country. of course not. you're too busy kissing up to is on. what is that about? i don't get that guy. we have a few messages. you won't want to miss the new commemoratives cpac 2011 pan. you can purchase them at the exhibit hall at the booksellers' but. your hands on that. if you have missed anything at all about cpac you can watch online. you can also order the video and audio in front of general registration. more announcements later. we have an amazing dow will come up and introduce our next speaker. you don't want to miss this. grace murray turner is a diva in the health care business.
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she understands what is going on, president of the galen institute of public policy research. she has been a leader in the debate with health care, the issues around it, and as a matter of fact, the coolest thing about her other than her is she is one of the key authors of a book called why obama care is where for -- wrong for america. you can pre order now. there is a website down here. now, this book is already being heralded as a runaway hit. windy you think it is coming out? supposed to be released the day obama care was signed. don't you just love that? get your hands on why obama care is wrong for america and put your hands together for grace mary turner who will introduce our next guest. ♪ [applause]
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>> hello, everyone. thank you. it is my privilege and honor to introduce you to senator dr. john barrasso known in his home state, the cowboys state, as wyoming doctor. dr. barrasso knows of what he speaks when he talks about health care serving thousands and thousands of patients in his home city of casper, wyoming, as an orthopedic surgeon for 25 years. he also has provided practical medical advice to citizens throughout the state on a regular public service and television news programs for the last 20 years. he also as medical director of wyoming's local health care.
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no federal government money involved to provide a low-cost screening is to wyoming citizens. his colleagues have demonstrated their competence in them that as a newly elected senator, relatively newly elected, elected by an overwhelming majority, he is serving as vice chairman of the senate republican congress. no one should tell dr. barrasso that he does not know what he's talking about when he talks about health care. he has been a leader and continues to be a leader in the fight to repeal obama care. he has introduced legislation to provide flexibility and freedom and health care. every week since this legislation passed he has gone to the senate floor to provide a second opinion on this
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legislation. the distrust of fact it is going to have on seniors and ten people and family and taxpayers and freedom-loving citizens. please join me in welcoming dr. and senator john barrasso. at back. [applause] [applause] >> thank you for that incredible introduction. i want to tell you the topic here today is obama care, can it be stopped. the answer is yes.
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not by me, but by all of us. we need everybody involved because, remember, you are the ones through your activism, your commitment, your focus, your dedication, you of the one that sent the cavalry to the united states sent by sending 13 republican senators, six brand new ones, incredible, and you are the ones that fired nancy pelosi. [applause] you had a chance to visit with senator mitch mcconnell yesterday. i'm sure he told you that what we've really no need are four more republican senators so that we will be in the majority. you have done it in the house. we need you to help us do it in the senate. the bottom line is this, we need
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a new president. [applause] now, if you need to be motivated about this fight all you need to do is read for articles, for articles by grace murray to article. chopping off the many heads of the obama care hydra, states preparing to fight back against obama care, dismantling of the new act needed piece by piece. this is if you can't wait for the book to come out. the book is coming soon. for your rights under obama care. what are your rights? well, the right to lose a job, the right to sue the federal debt soar, the right to lose the coverage that you have, the right to pay higher premiums and the right to have the government
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decide what insurance you must have. if you read that you will be ready. when i say the obama care and the obama care health care law everybody knows the one we are talking about. this is the one ridden behind closed doors in spite of the fact that the president promised everything would be on c-span. voted on in the middle of the night on christmas eve. this is the one where they have sweetheart deals in exchange for votes to get that last vote said that this would pass. you all remember the cornhuskers kick back, the louisiana purchase, all of these special sweetheart deals. you remember this is the one that cut $500 billion from our seniors on medicare, not to save medicare or extend the life, but to start a whole new government program for someone else. this is the one that increased taxes by $500 billion graeme
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16 million more people on to medicate, a program that is failing and has continued to fail all across the country. this is the program that was crammed down the throats of the american people as the american people were shouting know. that is the health care law that we are going to repeal. no matter where you go when you talk to people, people say what is in this for me. here we are on the hundredth anniversary of the birth date of ronald reagan. i so vividly remember that debate with jimmy carter or ronald reagan said basically are you better off or worse off than you were before jimmy carter? to let me ask some questions. i'll ask for a show of hands. all different sides. ask questions about you and your
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family and what you think is coming out of this health care. how many of you believe that you will actually be paying more for premiums for your health insurance under the obama care health care law? the hands are all up. how many of you believe the availability or quality of your own health care will actually go down under this health care law? of the hands up. how many of you believe that the health care law will add to the deficit? i know. and with the national debt of $14 trillion how many believe that if obama care is allowed to stand it will bankrupt the country? every hand. and these are the same answers we get a town hall meetings. we traveled the country doing this and a doctor show. people realized that they will be ending up paying more
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commanding the west. this is not the right program for america. it is unaffordable. it is unsustainable. ladies and cinnamon, it is unconstitutional. [applause] so this is a fight that we are going to conduct on three fronts. in the courts, in the congress, and all across the country. we need your help. in this fight in the courts what is so offensive? it is an individual mandate, mandate that says you must buy government approved insurance. have to. no choice. you have to. the courts in virginia got it right. the courts in florida get it right. of five more states this year
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have added their names to the 21 states that are already part of this. we have had since january 1st canter's, ohio, oklahoma, wisconsin, and my home state of wyoming of joining in the suit. this is not likely to get to the supreme court until 2012, even if they take it up now. it seems like the minister since has tried to drag its feet so that more and more money gets spent an effort gets spent before we get a ruling from the supreme court. mike lee, a senator who will be talking to you a little later, he does a great job. thank you for helping us. he is in the judiciary committee. last week in the senate the judiciary committee actually had a hearing as to whether or not this health care law that they passed and voted for and the
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senate passed decide whether or not it was constitutional. a little late, don't you take? mike lee asked a question, can you really mandate people under the guise of health of the nation to do things? one of the witnesses said, oh, yes. so, can you actually make people if you think it would be in the best of interest of everybody to eat broccoli, make the mitt broccoli? the answer essentially came back, we can make them by broccoli, we just can't make them eat it. that is the way people think you are not the typical people who attend this meeting. the fight in congress is going to be held in a number of different steps. the first step is finding this. we did this when we depleted the big spending bill last december.
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that cut $1 billion of the funding. the house and, again, thank you for giving us the house of representatives. thank you. the house, as you know, voted to repeal overwhelmingly. harry reid said he will never, ever see the senate have this brought to a vote. mitch mcconnell says, oh, yes, we will. we got into the four through mitt is incredible. every member of the united states senate is on record. everyone is on record. you have seen this ridiculous 1099 business people were killed. how did that get in the bill? well, maybe the democrats should have read the bill before they voted for it.
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or as nancy pelosi said, first you have to pass it, and then you get to find out what senate. well, as a doctor i am disturbed the law will require more irs agents to investigate all of us to make sure we actually by insurance. it fails to deal with the shortage of doctors and nurses in the country to help take care of us. there is going to be a shortage within the next ten years of about 90,000 doctors, a much higher number of nurses, and it's not just family doctors. family doctors and surgeons all across the board. we have introduced a number of bills in congress. a number of ways to go after this piece by piece an addition to try to repeal the whole health care law. you are now seeing bills introduced in the house and senate and specifically taking it apart to repeal the
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individual mandate, repeal the employer mandate, restore the tenth amendment. we have a wonderful bill called the health care bureaucrat elimination act. the one i just introduced, the state health care choice act, state health care choice act. let states decide. let states decide. after all, isn't that what the tenth amendment was all about in the first place? one size does not fit all, never has. so under this state's health care choice act states can opt out of the different major provisions of the of turlock, medicaid mandate which is going to bankrupt the states, individual mandate mandating
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individuals have to buy insurance that this government approved. allowing them to opt out of the employer mandate and allowing them to opt out of the benefits mandate. what states ask for and 33 governors wrote to the president recently, what all of our states want is flexibility, freedom, and toys. that is why this law, i think, is going to be so effective. if we can get this through, seven states have already written laws or have a constitutional changes to say you can't come into our state and make as a byproduct. medicaid is breaking the state's. when i have a big story in the new york times and it says jerry brown and andrew cuomo talking about the impact of this, you have to a imagine how really bad it is. that is why we are dealing with. even the former governor of tennessee called this the mother
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of all unfunded mandates. medicaid is a program. about half of the doctors in the country won't see medicaid patients because the reimbursement is so low. the president continues to talk about giving people coverage. there is a huge difference between coverage and care. just because you give somebody a medicaid card doesn't mean they can get care. it's like giving somebody a bus ticket when no buses coming down the road. so i think it's critical that we work on this piece of legislation. 2012 will be a remarkable year, a very good year for republicans at the senate level. thirty-three senators running again. thirty-three seats that are open, 23 democratic, ten
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republican. of the 23 democratic, ten are in states that john mccain carried in 2008. it is a rich environment for us to ask those individuals if they are running, people that voted for obama care. who knows better, washington on the people in your state? they are going to feel the discomfort. liggett misery. 71 percent of people in the primary election, 71 percent said they did not want the individual mandate in the state. they are the show me state. they know what they believe. they have a senator who voted for this. ask that senator the question, to you believe in misery or washington? when no one size doesn't fit all. in addition to what we're doing, the house will continue to hold oversize hearings -- oversight
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hearings. you get to choose the witness is ann planned hearings. you will hear week after week additional problems with this law. you're going to hear from business owners who are hiring fewer employees because of the mandates. you will hear from people who are unable to keep the coverage that they like. you will hear from people with increased insurance costs to to the law, and you will hear about taxpayer money being used to pay for misleading ads, tv ads, mailings, to try to persuade people to support this law. you and i know all of this misleading propaganda has not worked. the american people realize just how bad this law is. no matter what the community is you go to you can find people with these stories to tell, and they will get worse. more and more regulations will continue to come out. the thing that is so interesting, the president says
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if you like what you have you can keep it. get to the two pages of the law. you find that kathleen sibila is has written 117 pages of rules and regulation. if you go through all of that half of the americans to get their insurance through work will be able to keep it and 80% of the people who get it to small business card going to be able to keep what they have. the other thing you will hear from, the elusive doctor brick who got a recess appointment, a recess appointment by president obama to have medicare and medicaid without ever having a single hearing in the senate. if you remember him, he said when he said he loves the british health care system. the fair and equitable welfare system. you remember that one. they're going to your. the waiver-granting secretary of health and human services giving
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waivers to friends in high places. last week the department of health and human services granted more than 500 new wavers. 729 washington wafers. 2 million people don't have to live under the law that everyone else they still live under. you know who got a lot of the waivers? union members. union members who actually supported, lobbied command contributed to work to get this law passed. that is -- why don't they have to live under the law? beloved and wanted it, but here we are. there are the ones with waivers. union workers are 7% of the private employers, yet they got 40 percent of the waivers. if she can give waivers to 2 million people who have friends in high places, i think everybody in america ought to be given a waiver against this health care law. at back faugh.
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[applause] on election night the exit polls said 59 percent of american voters wanted this law repealed. people know what they want, and it's not this. my goal is to get people the care they need from the doctor they want at a price they can afford. that's the bottom line. you know, if obama care was a car it would be 11. you take it back to the, you get to a new dealer and by a different car. america has listens to the president, heard his promises. almost a year. coming out on the one-year anniversary. a year later people remember the broken promises. it's up to all of us to continue to remind people. i still remember.
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health care reform won't add a dime. all data dime. they used every trick, a budget gimmick, double counting, six years of services for ten years of taxes. people absolutely get it. americans fundamentally understand that you can't subsidize coverage for tens of millions of people and simultaneously reduce the deficit. people get the fact that this law is bad for patients, bad for providers. nurses and doctors to take care of patients and it's bad for taxpayers. people understand this. they understand that if you take 500 billion for medicare it's going to make it harder for people to see a doctor. they understand that 33 governors have written a letter to the president. they understand that the president's own debt commission looked at this class act which has been described by a democratic senator as a ponzi
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scheme. even the deficit commission says this part should be repealed. the deficit commission also said if you're going to cut $500 billion don't use that money to start a whole new entitlement program. while the number of americans on election night who want this repealed is 59%, if you poll people to talk to a nurse or doctor or physician assistant the number is much higher. the more they find out about this law the less they like it. that's why every week i get to the senate floor to give a doctor's second opinion about what is wrong with this health care law. new rules and regulations come out week after week. there is every week something new to share with the american people about what is wrong with this awful, awful lot. well, i have to tell you realistically there is going to
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be significant opposition to our collective efforts to repeal this health care law. the white house is done again. we will be opposed every step along the way. the administration is dug-in. kathleen sibila this continues to talk about one person being helped by a law as opposed to the overall impact of this law on our nation, freedom, and future. democrats in congress are dug-in to fight. as a matter of fact, pete stark has come out with a pamphlet about the dangers to american health. that will continue to spend taxpayer dollars. the tv ads talking about how good medicare is. $17 million of your money spent on a misleading miller to every medicare patient in america. outside groups are going to be
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involved. the democratic national committee. an article in the washington post a couple of days ago about this whole thing, all of the groups that are putting money into defending this failed health care law. the truth be known, the liberals, the real liberals do want to obama care to fail so that they can get what they really want. they can say, well, we tried, listened. now we need a single payer health care system like the one in canada was the one in britain which is president obama as a preferred approach as he has said on many occasions. well, that is why we need to be focused, active, and persistent. ladies and gentlemen, let me close with this. the democrats have been fighting for over a half a century to get this disastrous bill in place. i remember ted kennedy running against jimmy carter on this an
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1958. this goes on a long time. it's not going to take as a half a century to repeal this law, but it will be done overnight. they never gave up. we will not give up. it is killing to take the jaws of life to save the life of our country from this package of obama care. we must and we will never stop, never stop in our efforts to repeal this dangerous, disasters, and broken health care law. thank you very much for letting me be with you today. thank you. ♪ [applause] ♪ [applause]
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♪ >> obama care, you have to love it. at least obama would say, well, you know, at least the seniors will die as fast. we have to destroy it. it has to be taken into frankensteins laboratory and dismembered. next we have james higgins from the monday meeting new york which is an awesome influential economic journal. he is going to be introducing some onomastic at the plane. [applause] >> helena. it has been three years since the great behemoths, buckley, left us. his presence is very much missed, but his legacy and
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wisdom remained with us. last year and particularly as the two party has emerged there has been a lot of discussion, as they should have been, among conservatives about what kind of candidate should conservatives nominate. as was so often the case bill buckley had wise words on the subject. what has come to be known as the buckley rule says a conservative should nominate the most conservative candidate who is electable. conservative and electable. ..
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>> he made good on a promise to sell term limit after three terms and left the house in 2002. he came within 500 those of winning the senate seat in his first challenge to an incumbent ruled democrats say. in 2004 he took on senate democratic leader tom daschle. [applause] >> and john thune one. for anyone here who may think it isn't easy to defeat -- i suggest you talk to our friend from nevada about their efforts to unseat harry reid. harry reid start his reelection 2010 falling only slightly ahead of the ebola virus.
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but by election he was reelected with a republican candidate not even managing 45% of the vote. but senator thune did beat the democratic senator. consider before senator thune was elected to the senate his seat had been held by either george mcgovern or tom daschle 436 of the preceding 42 years. by 2010, the democrats could not even get a candidate to file a challenge who became only the third republican since the election of senators began 100 years ago to win a senate race unopposed. [applause] >> senator thune interest this year focusing on getting government spending and deficit under control. so to review their -- senator thune, conservative, let's hear what he has to say. our friend, senator johnson.
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-- senator john thune. [applause] [applause] >> thank you all very much. thank you james, for the very generous -- thank you. thank you for that very generous introduction, and thank you for the warm welcome. he forgo any further, however, let me introduce my wife, kimberly, who is somewhere down here. right here in the front as a matter of fact. [applause] >> my dad told me today i got got married the demand can say if he isn't afraid about his wife, lie about other things. always important to remember to introduce the really important person in your life. i want to also say what a great honor it is to be here at cpac
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with the largest gathering, annual gathering of conservatives anywhere around the country. i know that as we gather here in february 2011 there's already a lot of speculation about november of 2012. i hope and i'm betting that 2012 is going to be the year are we not only take back the senate but also the white house. [applause] >> so cpac, are you ready? are you ready to go to work to make sure that we elect a conservative senate and a conservative president in 2012? [applause] >> it is an honor for me to occupy the stage was so many of our party's great leaders. it's fair to say i don't have the same national name recognition that some of my more famous republican colleagues have. i've never had a book signing. i've been to iowa plenty of times but it surely on the way to south dakota.
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and the closest i've come to being on a reality tv show is c-span's live coverage of the senate floor. [applause] >> will country and it's not the most exciting television, but it did have a good ending last year because a number of my liberal colleagues got voted off. [applause] >> the truth is i spend most of my time either back in south dakota talking to the folks who elected me, or out here in united states senate working hard on their behalf. my family's roots run deep in south dakota. back in 19062 brothers named nikolai and matthew bourne and norway in search of the american dream. when they got to the shores of america and only english words they knew where the words apple pie and coffee. the immigration officials
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thought that their name, which was -- would be too difficult to spell and pronounce for people in this country so they asked them to change it. so the two brothers picked a name of the farm where they worked in norway which was the food far. so nikolai was my grandfather. with his new name, and his new country, my father set out to build -- my grandfather set out to build a new life. he learned english, got a job, and when he and his brother had saved up enough money they started a small business. first a merchandising company and then a hardware store. norway was the homeland, but they made america their home. [applause] >> my grandfather had three sons including my father. he instilled in his voice midwestern values that my parents in turn pass along to me
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and my four siblings. they taught us to live with enemies even if if it means going without. it taught us to help our neighbor and to serve our community, to work hard and to pull our own weight. they taught us about the importance of family and the value of life. [applause] >> and they taught us to appreciate our freedom and liberty, gifts that come from been fortunate enough to live in the greatest country on earth. because of my upbringing i believe in things like limited government, fiscal responsibility and personal accountability. i believe in the wisdom of our founders and the sanctity of our constitution, and i believe in order for our values to have meaning, our actions must match our words. if you are blessed enough to serve in public office and you shouldn't just talk a good name about your values. you should cast your vote according to them. [applause]
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>> back home in south dakota that's not a radical agenda. that's just common sense. but for those of us who value liberty and freedom, washington, d.c., has been a pretty lonely place the last couple of years. so i want to thank you for sending me some new friends this past november. [applause] >> in the house, and the house, republicans held 240 seats and the speaker's gavel. innocent we may not have a majority yet, but we got the kind of motivated conservative minority that can make a big difference. in november use a conservative leaders to washington and you said the president and his allies a message. the liberal party that they've been having on the taxpayer dime is over. now, to think that elections in massachusetts and virginia and new jersey and midterm victories across the country, that president obama would rethink
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his agenda and modify his approach. i was listening for a sign of that in his state of the union address last month. as you know, this year in the state of union address we did things little different way. democrats and five their favorite republican to sit with them. so i sat with center gillibrand in new york senator carper from delaware. apparently takes to democrats to balance me out. [applause] >> but let me make one thing perfectly clear. a new seating arrangement is not bipartisanship, and your rhetoric is not a new agenda. [applause] >> the president last year, for example, talked about, excuse me, the president talked a lot about supporting clean energy. and he kind of started by recycling his speech from last
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year. if you look at a speech last year the president talked about his three-year freeze on spending. this year he talked about a five year freeze on spending. last year he talked about pushing through trade agreements with south korea, panama and colombia. yesterday talked about, you guessed it, trade agreements with south korea, panama and colombia. last year the president talked about spending. this year he talked about investment. for those of you who don't have your obama state of the union decoder ring, investment is just another washington word for more spending. when this administration talks about making an investment i think a lot of us know by now what kind of return we can expect. more government, more debt, fewer jobs and less freedom. if the state of the union
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address is any indication, 2011 is shaping up to be more of the same. it's disappointing but not surprising. after all, these are the folks who took over out of companies, insurance companies and banks. agm to obamacare and two and half trillion dollars entitlement that we don't want and can't afford. when members of their own party will not support this administration's legislative schemes, they go around to people's elected represents and try to do without them by executive power grabs your they couldn't pass the cap in tax bill so they got the epa doing their dirty work. they couldn't pass the card check bill and so now the labor relations, national labor relations board is trying to take away a workers right to cast a secret ballot. and now the obama fcc is trying to take over the internet. since 2008 we have witnessed the largest expansion the size of government since the 1960s.
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all that covert means a lot less freedom and it comes with a hefty price tag. it took 43 presidents more than 200 years to rack up the first $5.8 trillion of publicly held debt in this country. under the obama administration's last budget, we will double that in five years and triple it in turn. we are paying for it with a borrowed money. last year over 40 cents out of every dollar the federal government spent came from places like china. president obama likes to talk about winning the future, but someone needs to tell him you can't win the prosperity of tomorrow if you are mortgaging to pay for the big government programs out today. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, we live in a time of serious challenge. unemployment is 9%. we are running huge deficits as far as the eye can see. the federal debt is now more
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than $14 trillion. in fact, admiral mike mullen the chairman of joint chiefs of staff, the highest-ranking military official in this country said a few months back that the greatest threat to america's national security is our national debt. now, that speaks volumes because the threats that we face abroad are great and grave. islamic extremism, and unstable middle east, potentially nuclear iran, and china with its growing military capability. and a dangerous north korea armed with nuclear weapons. the only thing more alarming than these threats is the president's weak response. we can't win the peace with apologies and reset buttons and deep cuts to our national defense. we can't win the peace if we don't tell it like it is an act of terrorism is just that,
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terrorism. [applause] >> calling it a man cost disaster doesn't change the gravity of the threat. it only makes us question this administration's will to defeat it. [applause] >> you know, we face serious challenges that require serious solutions. if we lived in any other country in the world i would be worried whether or not we were up to the job. but the american way is to turn adversity into opportunity. for those who came before us, men and women like my grandparents and my parents, who survived two world wars, they weathered the great depression, they took down an evil empire, and they brought the light of freedom to the darkest corners of the world. they turn this country, they turn this country into the greatest nation the world has
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ever known. not by reinventing themselves but by holding fast to america's most sacred values and defining principles. we don't need to fundamentally transform america. we need to stay true -- stay true to who we are. [applause] >> and despite what president obama believes, we don't need a new foundation. our old foundation works just fine. you know, you know, a few days ago we celebrated what would've been ronald reagan's 100th birthday. reagan assumed the presidency at one of the most challenging periods in our nation's history. but he knew that the challenges before us were no match for the good that resides within us. reagan showed that there can be great hope in the midst of great despair, that there can be great
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joy and great sacrifice, that if we stick to our convictions, good things can come from hard times. what a contrast to our current president. you know, president obama claims to admire ronald reagan for quite a bit. persona says he admires the former president so much, he seems to understand very little about really who he was. ronald reagan knew that what makes america exceptional isn't our government but our people and our ideals. and he knew that the truest measure of our success is not how much our government can do for us, but how much are people can achieve. [applause] >> reagan's leadership is the guiding example for today. he once said there are no easy answers, but there are simple answers. we must have the courage to do what we know is morally right. we should take president
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reagan's sound advice, and we can start by reforming the way that washington, d.c. does business. let's put an end to the backroom deal and the big government ways that have become the hallmark of this administration. congress is the people's house, and that people have a right to know what goes on there. [applause] >> those elected to serve in congress should respect the peoples money by spending less and saving more. so instead of freezing spending, at the bloated levels we know today which is what the president wants to do, let's go back to the spinning clouds of 2008. let's adopt a two-year budget that spends money in the odd numbers years and says money in the even-numbered years when people go home to run for reelection. let's make elections about how much we can say, not how much we can stand. [applause]
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>> let's create a new congressional committee vote whose sole purpose is to reduce the deficit by cutting spending. you may not know this, but there are 26 committees in congress, committees or subcommittees, that spend your money. isn't a time delay of at least one dedicated to saving your money? -- isn't it time to have at least one dedicated to save your money? and his american fans are making tough choices to live within their means, the federal government should show some fiscal discipline and balance its books as well. the time has come to finally pass a balanced budget amendment for the united states constitution. [applause] >> if we're going to get our fiscal house in order, and our economy up and running, we're also going to need to reform
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social security, medicare and medicaid. that requires bold leadership and a bipartisan approach. president obama talks a lot about both, but he doesn't seem capable of either. so if we're going to solve our entitlement problem in this country, we're going to need to solve our white house problem by electing a conservative president in 2012. [applause] >> when it comes to obamacare, it's great to see that the courts got this one right, too. by recognizing that this costly mess is also unconstitutional. in congress, my republican colleagues and i are working hard to get the votes to repeal it and replace it. but in the meantime we can and should defund it. if this administration can grant waivers to its favorite friends,
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that we ought to allow every state in the union to opt out as well. [applause] >> when it comes to the issue of energy we need to stop sending billions and billions of dollars every single year to foreign regimes, resources that we can and should develop right here at home. we need an energy plan that encourages all forms of american energy, one that reduces american resource and create american jobs. when it comes to the issue of national security, let's win the wars of the day. and for the fears of the threats of tomorrow. let's stand by our troops and make sure that they have the resources that they need to complete their missions. [applause] >> and let stand with those,
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let's stand with those around the world you are risking their lives for freedom. and let's, and let's stand up for our allies, like israel. [applause] >> and let stand up to our enemies, like the radical islamic extremists who seek to harm our friends and destroy our way of life. [applause] >> you know, despite what some in this administration think, our men and women in uniform are not engaged and overseas contingency operation. they are fighting a global war on terror. and that is a fight -- that is a fight that we need all elements of our national power to win. we need to use lawful
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interrogation techniques to acquire actionable intelligence. and when we are done interrogating terrorists, we should give them their day in court in a military tribunal, not an american courtroom. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, we've got a tough road ahead if we're going to get america back on track. we face of hard choices. we need to make the right decisions. there will be opposition to our agenda and to our ideas. but as i look out at what lies before us i am reminded of my first senate race back in 2002. it was a tough and hard-hitting campaign and a close election.
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i ended up losing by 524 votes. it was a kind of experience that could make you want to pack it in. said about the next next time around. in fact our members sitting in our living room in sioux falls, south dakota, with my wife, generally. shortly after the election should look at me and she said, i am not going to end of the campaign and lest god himself comes to the door and says you have to run. i probably don't think that's going to happen, honey. you know, it's funny because as the year wore on and people start talking about the 2004 election and he was going to run against the senate minority leader tom daschle, we're having a discussion ever contemplate that race in our living room again. my wife looked at me and she said, you know, i have finally concluded and realized that what we went through in losing that 2002 senate race wasn't just about the winning.
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it was about the race. like what? of course it was about the winning. i was a competitor. i meant is to win. but she made a really important observation, ladies and gentlemen. that it's important to be in the race, but it's important to be in the arena, that it's important to gather standing up and fighting for the things that we believe in. she was right then and she is right now. [applause] >> now, i know that everybody here, i know that you all know that because you have chosen to get in the arena and fight. you've made our conservative convictions your call to action. in the battle between more government and more freedom, you are fighting for freedom. and in the battle between liberty and independence he the, you are fighting for liberty. together we come a long way but
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we got a long way to go and a lot more to do. we need to get this country back in the values that made my grandfather, and so many like him, risked it all to come and reach our shores. we need to protect the principles that my father fought for and battlefields far away. their legacy is our call to action. we need to ask ourselves today, what sacrifices are we willing to make to secure america's future? what will we do to ensure that the great american experiment does not and on our watch? and the answer is that we've got to get back into the trenches and fight for the values and the ideals and the principles that may disagree his country on the earth. [applause] >> -- that made this country the
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greatest country on the earth. for our part i will be using every tool to expand liberty, to expand freedom, and to stop the growth of government. when the democrats try to regulate what they can't legislate, i will throw every obstacle i possibly can in their path. [applause] >> so when they tried to increase spending and push their liberal agenda, i will be on the front line voting no. [applause] >> on monday, on monday after the cpac celebration is over i'm going back to work and i hope you will, too. i hope you go back to your communities and keep speaking out, keep holding washington accountable and keep making your voice heard. we may not win every battle every time, but as winston churchill said, success is not final. failure is not fatal.
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it is the courage to continue that counts. [applause] >> so let's make our convictions our college. let's get back in the arena. let's have the courage to continue our fight. let's expand our movement. and together, let's make 2012 our moment. thank you. god bless you and may god continue to bless the united states of america. thank you. [applause] [applause] ♪ ♪ ♪ >> you know, we are relieved about the new house, but we are seeing some centers that can kick some booty, aren't we?
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made we're going to get that cleaned up, too. let's work on in 2012. got a few announcements. be sure to vote in the "washington times" cpac 2011 straw poll. polling locations are located in registration lobby in exhibit hall. voting closes at 3:00 today. so make sure you do it if you want to see your boat. and get cpac exhibitor list schedule book signings and hotel maps, download the seatback 2011 apt for your iphone. this is very high-tech place you. i'm still -- i live out in the middle of nowhere. we're going to get our country back. we are. it's going to take a lot of work and yet some of us have noticed it looks like roadkill. but i know we can come back and be a light on the hill because we must. the world doesn't need us. we will come back. so don't give up on your
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country. it's going to take some work. i know it's hard to come back, and we will because i get from near death five years ago. i was two minutes from death after a deer jumped on the and my motorcycle when i was writing. i crashed on my face. was in a coma, broke my jaw in three places, crushed my forte, my eye socket, was drooling for a year in a coma for weeks. and no one ever thought i would do talk radio again. let alone even though my husband and kids. that's how severe it was. and so i remember 10 months later -- [applause] >> think you. you're the guy that called the antichrist. what are you doing? i remember 10 months later, much to the chagrin and horror of the liberal government on the air again. i am an american. i have a will that i wanted to
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live. i wanted to talk again and stop doing. and remember things and walk. and it took a lot of work but i did, and i'm a jogger. i'm back. thank god for prayer and life and work. we have to use the same spirit of to get this country back. we'll, vision, discipline, work, and gaps. that's what it takes. otherwise you'll just be a victim. will just drift away and we don't want that. let's move along. we got ken blackwell coming up next which is a senior fellow of the american civil rights union and to introduce our next guest. center mike lee. and you don't want to miss this. ken is quite the guy. put our hands together. ♪ [applause] >> good afternoon. ladies and gentlemen, we are at
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a point in our nation's 234 year history. where we are facing an economic, moral, and security challenge like none other. with our debt in what it is, we have a situation and a problem that is a moral challenge. because of the intergenerational theft that we are participating in. it is a national security challenge because of the folks who hold our debt, china. it is an economic crisis win total government spending is 41% of our gross domestic product.
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but they are, as we are told in hebrew scroll one, there's a cloud of witnesses watching how we run this race, how we need this challenge. and for such a time as this, god has blessed us with a set of leaders not are ready to tackle this crisis, the challenges, these problems. and among the tallest, among the best prepared is senator mike lee from utah. [applause] >> he is a constitutional scholar. he is a superb lawyer. he is a grassroots tell it like it is politician.
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asked the question. perhaps she was asking herself, nancy, are you serious? can use as we maintain congress has its power? we answer this question for her in november of 2010. [applause] >> we can now say to speaker pelosi i correct myself, former speaker pelosi. yes, nancy, we were serious. [applause] >> it reminds me of the original tea party. not the one that took place in figure 19, 2009. the one that took place in december 1773. where an american merchants
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upset over what they perceived as overreaching by the national government, not a national government based in washington, d.c.. it didn't exist then. and neither government in. provide laid them, being far and distant and removed from the people that were slow to respond to the needs and demands of people. reluctant respect that quintessential american value of self-rule. those americans boarded ships in boston harbor and seized crates of tea, casting it into the water. slowly the news traveled across the atlantic. a division made its way to the ears of king george iii and his ministers. who i can only imagine might have heard that said in a distinctly british accents, are they serious? could it possibly be serious in wanting to stand up for what was then the world's only super
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power? we show them that we were. it took us 14 years to get to that point in 1773 where we as americans were proclaiming what we did not want from our national government. oppressive taxation overregulation and an assumption that that natural government. it took us 14 years to get from boston harbor to philadelphia where in 1787 and a hot half, she was sweltering summer we as americans came up with a document in which we laid out what we did want from our national government. because we understood that, just as we understand now that national governments by their very nature have a certain tendency, unavoidable unfortunately, to increase their power out to become pirates. and this we see is true regardless of whether the national government in question is headed by the king on the one hand, or by a president on the
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other hand, or as it turns out, by an elected president who thinks he is the king. you see, we understood then that it was important to put in significant restraints, constraints on the government's ability to exercise power. so it came up with a list of powers that we want to lodge in congress. we said congress would be in charge of just a few basic things, not everything. most of the power would be left to the states. but congress would be in charge of things like regulating trade between states and foreign nations, declaring war, establishing a uniform system of weights and measures, and a few other parts include my personal favorite, the authority to grant letters of reprisal. i'm glad i got a few chuckles out of that one. that's my favorite power of congress, one that help one day to exercise as a member of the u.s. senate. for those of you who are yet
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unschooled in this practice, a letter of market and reprisal is essentially a hall pass issued by congress that entitles the bearer to act in united states name to engaged in state-sponsored acts of piracy on the high seas. and so help me if it's the last thing i do regardless of how long i might be privilege to serve in the u.s. senate, i'm going to get that letter begun going to get a ship and an eye patch and going to be a pirate and you're all invited to join me. [applause] >> we show the british that we were serious. and we stopped their piracy. we adopted the limitations and we prospered as results. another form of user has overtaken is an intervening years. after those limited powers and
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their boundaries were respect for the better part of 150 years after we adopted this blessed document, after making a 14 year journey from boston to philadelphia, we stop looking to the document itself for the limits. we became content for whatever reason to look across the streets to the supreme court of the united states where nine men and women learned in the law tell us what it means, but they don't always have the right answer. insofar as how should congress' power extender there is a difference between what the supreme court says it will not get involved in and how far they will allow the congress of the united states to act in adopting new legislation. and on the other hand, what can be reconciled with the tax and the original understanding of the constitution. it's that question, the question that sparked what i call the constitutional debate that needs
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to be restored to the united states congress. it's for that very reason that iran for the united states senate. it's for that very reason that i'm standing in front of you today because the voters in my state, a great state of utah like those throughout the country understand this principle. it resonates with them. it rings true. and i will fight every day that i'm privileged to serve in the body to restore that debate and remind my colleagues our powers are indeed limited. [applause] >> over the course of time, because the limitations on congress' power had been so widely, so broadly, siddiqi ignored, it's time to put an additional constraint on top of congress' constitutional authority. with that document of 1877, we give congress power to borrow a
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name of the united states. this power has been abused. the abuse of this power has led to the abuse of other powers, to the unfettered expansion of the federal government. do piracy in a different form that we not combat. were in congress decides to raise treasury not only of the day, but the treasury that play host to our children and our grandchildren and their children and grandchildren after them. will be a massive debt that is astoundingly is now approaching $15 trillion. some people don't make that much money in a whole year. [laughter] >> it's true. sad but true. even when you divide that figure, $15 trillion by 300 the americans, it works out to about $50,000 a head. a lot of people don't make that much money in a year. and yet that's what the youngest infant alive today owes to the federal government on a per capita basis. this is wrong. it's immoral.
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it has to end. not only that but it's hurting us. it's killing jobs. where as is currently the case, our nation reaches a debt-to-gdp ratio approaching 100%, no joke, it's where we are, study after study after study demonstrate that that economy will suffer them to the tune of losing as many as 1 million jobs a year. to the tune of slowing economic growth by 1% or more every single year. we cannot afford to continue this. we can't allow it to happen. we've got to allow those have to be clear. we got love the economic growth to resume. that won't happen until we stop transferring wealth from one generation to another. especially where as you the generations from whom we are borrowing include people who are not yet born and in some cases people who will one day be born to parents who have yet to meet. this is wrong and we have to stop the. the way we stop it is that same what our founding fathers stop
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it. to adopt a document, a governing document, difficulty change but imposes and external constraint on the ability of government to operate in this fashion. what i'm proposing, what i have proposed in the united states senate, senate joint resolution five, the so-called leak-kyle balanced budget and proposal. i urge all of you to support it. let me to you briefly what it says. senate joint resolution five tells us that once it's approved and once it's been ratified by three-fourths of the state, as it certainly will be, because the states balance their budgets just like individuals and families and businesses do, once it's approved it will tell congress that it may not spend more than it takes in each year, threatening us in more than 80% of gross domestic product in each year. that it may not raise taxes, that it may not raise the debt ceiling without two-thirds of both houses of congress
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approving the extraordinary unusual measure. [applause] >> senate joint resolution five, the trend under -- the lee-kyl is the only one of its kind. if you agree with income if you live in, if you loved liberty, if you love it, if you let property, please contact your senator senator, contact your congressman and tell him or her to support the lee-kyl balanced budget amendment to get past and to end this form of modern-day journey once and for all. [applause] >> there are those who still doubt. there are those who still insist what we are trying to do is
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impossible to and yet i was here a year ago and i can see that our numbers have swelled. perhaps doubled or tripled. i can sense as i speak to groups across my state in washington, d.c., and across the country, our movement has not stalled. our movement has slowed. our rate of growth, a rate of acceleration is increasing everyday, every second. and it will continue to do so. what happens in the 2012 election cycle will make what happened to our democratic friends in 2010 look like a sunday picnic. [applause] >> are we serious? you bet we are. we have never been more serious. we will fight, and we will win because this is a battle that we
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can win. that we must win, and that we will win. may god bless the sovereign, the 50, the united states of america. thank you very much. [applause] [applause] ♪ ♪ >> i'm going to have to change my theory of our government now. for the last few years have been so annoyed with the representatives and senators, let alone obama as normal. that i thought to myself, fire the whole lot of them. but dogs and house and senate because i like animals. i'm a dog person. leave us alone. we would do better i think.
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it out have to eat my words because of these kick butt senators. they are actually doing stuff. they are being braveheart. hello. hello. hello. we've got some real courageous people in the senate. we need to pray for them and hold them. and in the representatives that the tea party help about him, okay. it's going to be interesting. maybe obama is going to get quite a groove between his brow. pelosi can. she can't. i won't even go there. i was going to be mean. now, some of the army. i know what you are thinking. moving right along. lou is going to introduce our next panel, and this is about taxation cookies the president of the national tax limitation
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committee, one of the nations leading grassroots lobbies which he founded in 75, only with milton friedman, okay? he's rather huge. with then governor ronald reagan. develop a model for tax expenditure limitation measures nationwide. he is the author of the spending limits, constitution control of government. off of california's pioneering state term limits initiative and a member of the american conservative union board of directors. not to be messed with, total leader and servant, lou will introduce our next panel. put your hands together. [applause] ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, what a great, great cpac this has turned out to be. [applause] >> when we met for the first time in 1973, at the mayflower, why, this was about the crowd right here. look what has happened since that time. it's a great testimony to the leadership of the american conservative union, today's teen and clayton mitchell and the whole team.
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and to the activists around the country and to the new tea party movement that we have, this huge and impressive event. to celebrate together the principles of freedom, individual enterprise and liberty. interest in the constitutional amendment, which is our subject matter today, is as old as the constitution itself. of course, as thomas jefferson urged that we have some kind of control over the borrowing power of the government of the united states, and the replay of the interest in ronald reagan with the celebration of his 100th birthday, and i had the pleasure of working for him for three and half years when he was governor of california, but when he came
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to washington and we joined him and brought the constitutional amendment concept for fiscal discipline, why we had one whale of a fight on her hands. and we had a replay that was just incredible with this gentleman on my left, on your right, the senior senator from the state of utah, orrin hatch. [applause] >> we have some great cosponsors of the amendment, but i'll tell you from personal experience as he and i worked together, that it was his leadership and his abilities having been, by 1982, in the united states senate for some six years, on august the
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fourth, 1982, we got on ronald reagan's tax and spending limits balanced budget amendment, 67 those in the united states senate. it was a cliffhanger the hallway, and orrin hatch was the man who made it all happen. unfortunately, we then went into a tip o'neill controlled house of representatives. we fought valiantly. we had been democrat representative phil gramm and republican representatives mickey edwards, and we were able to secure through their efforts a discharge petition in the house. and so we brought it to a vote in the house. we got a huge majority, but not the two-thirds vote that was required. interest in constitutional
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amendment over time, but with the resurgence of conservative feelings and the wellspring for human liberty and for control over this crazytown fiscally, has returned this issue to the top of the issue list. so we are looking forward to working with everyone at the grassroots level and working on design of the amendment as we proceed. says while reagan was president, a new body of information has emerged called the optimal or right size of government, we are all for limited government. now we know what we have to do in order to make it a government that is maximizing economic growth, which is what we must have if we're going to work out is bankrupt situation in which we find our nation. and it is with that in mind that some of the new amendments have been talking about, percentages
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and aspects of gross domestic product as the target. but without further ado let me introduce our first speaker on the program and project year, and he is the great senior senator from the state of utah, our good friend, senator orrin hatch. [applause] >> thank you. thank you so much. it's a real privilege to be with you great activists and the republican party. and any conservative movement. which is even more important in many respects. let me just say that how did you like my partner in the united states senate, mike lee, isn't he great? [applause] >> he's a very fine young man and he's a very, very astute
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constitutionalist. so i appreciate having them work with us. why do we need a balanced budget and? i'll tell you why because congress is incapable of balancing the budget by itself. it's that simple. [applause] >> and people give more credit for spring than he do for conserving. and that's always been a problem with us conservatives is that we have to fight these battles all the time. they are called stingy in a thoughtful and and compassiocompassion and all those things, but i think the people who are stingy, a thoughtful and uncompassionate are those of others country into the ground. [applause] >> i'm getting tired of visit ministration blaming george bush for everything. [applause] >> what they fail to take is the democrats took over both houses of the congress two years before barack obama took over the presidency and since he took over the presidency they just
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about spent as blind. that's the thing they very seldom mention. we've had three straight years now, $1.5 trillion national debt, or deficit. renault $14 trillion national debt. by 2020 we should be around 21 and half trillion dollars according to their own actuaries. we're spinning 25% of the gdp and we haven't spent that much money since world war ii when the government virtually took over everything. and shortly thereafter. we were usually around 18-20% of gdp but in 25%, that's a huge, huge burden on the taxpayers, huge burden on our country. we've got to get it back. a balanced budget, it seems to me as one of the few ways that we have will remain get it back. let me tell bit of history. back in 1980 we pass it through the senate. we couldn't get to the house. then any number of other occasions i brought it to the floor of the senate year we had
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63, 64 and final in 1997, 66. can you imagine if we had had that one more vote in 1997 where we would be today? would we be in the mess we're in today? with prizes be able to get away with what they've been able to get away with? what congress be able to be so problematic was the problem to get is no. that's why we need a balanced budget amendment. ..
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[applause] there are a lot of things wrong in this town. i can tell you right now i've been in the senate now 34 years. in fact, when i walked in today somebody said you were in the original tea party. [laughter] i said no, i came a few years later. but the fact of the matter is i've been here long enough to know a few things, too. i've been in the senate 34 years. we have never had a fiscal conservative majority in those 34 years in the senate. and why is that? because we've always had three to six moderate to liberal republicans who go with liberal republicans on spending issues. most come from blue states are likely to be in the same senate. we want battles because the great presidential leadership, reagan bush one, bush two and even clinton was helpful in a
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number of ways. but since then, they've been spending a spine. and we can get it back if we all get active, we'll do what we should. i just took over as the ranking member of the finance committee. what does that mean? the finance committee is the most important in the whole congress. why? in the finance committee's jurisdiction happens to be out the tax programs, happens to be social security, medicaid, medicare, international trade, bonding and a whole raft of other things. a good xt% of our budget is in that committee. i intend to give reelect that in 2012 and i believe i'll be chairman in 2013. [applause] i can tell you this, they have now 25 democratic seats versus republicans. dan actually republican seats.
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we should be able to take control of the senate. and if we can keep control of the house, i guarantee to you that i will do everything in my power to get this mess under control. [cheers and applause] i am going to do everything in my power up till that time, but the fact is that it's a lot easier when you can control the agenda. let me just tell you, i'm prepared to be the most hated man in this godforsaken city in order to save this country and i need your help. [applause] [applause] >> tiamat, senator. and now someone well known to the tea party moved to, who is
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ceo of freda marks along with dick armey has really helped to pave the way for much that it happened in the tea party movement nationally. this young man came from gross city college by golly and from george mason university where he got his mba and tsa paternoster at budgetary issues, having been in the house budget committee and having worked for representative jim miller for years. he is one of the great young, brave economists in washington who believes, as we do in balanced-budget and fiscal responsibility. please welcome, not kidding. -- not kidding.
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[applause] >> since people seem eager to stand up, nat partiers in the house? [cheers and applause] do you guys want to stand up in show your neighbors who you are. give these guys a hand. [applause] okay, i noticed some people that didn't stand up. let me ask another question. does anyone here that the bank of the federal government is spending too much money that it doesn't have linux [applause] does anyone think the federal government is getting involved in so many things that it shouldn't do because the cost duchenne says it can't do it. [cheers and applause] will you guys stand up i'm not? [applause] okay, tea party guys come and
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meet these other guys. get them involved. it turns out we are all t. partiers now. you don't need to be shy. i mean, this is a coming-out party for all of us. my name is matt. mit partier. you know, i get kind of emotional about this place at this hotel because last year at this time in this hotel, i think on this day, ryan hacker and the tea party on a number of tea party groups who had put together this document that no one was paying attention to how the contract for america -- it became what is now understood as a manifest towards the nine to 10 issues that we were insisting from the bottom up, from the grassroots to candidates who wanted to win public office sign on to. but what happened that day? we had a press conference the
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sparsely attended press conference, where a particular candidate, mike leigh from utah was the first guy to sign. [applause] nobody really paid attention, but by the time the dust settled on november 2nd, 55 winning house members and 12 senate winning numbers have signed on to that document. so when mr., the tea party took over washington d.c. it was a hostile takeover. these are the issues that now defined the republican party in washington d.c. [applause] and what is high on that list? limits the scope of government, limit taxes. a lot of us have been working a lot of years on this project. and it is important when you
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offer the amendment to the constitution to get it absolutely right. the founders created a process that is an arduous process to amend the constitution because they knew they didn't want future generations to take this responsibility lightly. i looked at the various proposals and i'm excited about how many senators, how many congressmen want to do the right balanced budget amendment. my own personal choice based on what i've seen is that senator mike leigh has offered a balanced-budget repose of government and scope of government gdp, which is the historical average and now in senator hatch mentioned it only 5%. that's outrageous. we should not tolerate that as americans, as grassroots citizens who believe in the constitution. we have to get it right. we have to get it to small change right. we have to pass it out of the senate. we have to pass it out of this house and we have to take it to the dates.
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and i believe the national movement we now call the tea party is the way to do things in the words of robert manual, the way to do things you couldn't do before. do you think we can get it done this time? [cheers and applause] but make no mistake. that is a long process. we have to do is spending today. we have to start cutting back programs that don't make any sense anymore. we have to put everything on the table. and i think we as activists need to insist that every congressmen, every senator offer real spending reductions today. we need to take a whack at this $1.5 trillion deficit. we need to go after the $14 trillion debt. and it's not enough anymore to support long-term and traditional change. we've got to stop the bleeding today and everyone of you in this office needs to in this figure members to that. [applause] finally -- and this is the most important lesson i think of the
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tea party movement. if you go back and read the founders, you go back and look at the debate around the declaration, around the drafting of the constitution, you discover -- you rediscover a mandate from our founders. it is not enough that they offered us the most ingenious document known to man in terms of reining in government to ensuring maximum individual freedom. they negate any document wasn't enough to protect the liberties we hold so dear in this room, that the people in the names -- and the words of thomas jefferson, the people are the only assured alliance in defense of our liberty. what is he talking about? what was george washington talking about? if people don't show up, if you don't i'll take that responsibility to hold your government accountable, we will all fail. no balanced budget amendment, no constitution will protect us from the government unless we show up. what is that?
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that is the tea party may shouldn't. are you guys ready to do that? [cheers and applause] are you guys ready to make 2012 look like a firestorm and 2010 look like a genteel tea party by comparison? [cheers and applause] with have to take america back. everything we are doing today is step one. i feel like we are just getting started and i hope you guys will join us in this site is we set out to balance the budget and to stop the growth of government in the united states. thank you. [cheers and applause] >> thank you, not. now welcome representative thadeus o'connor. one of michigan's finest elected to the congress in 02.
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he has served as chairman of the republican house policy committee, one of the most important leadership roles in that institution. he is a valued member of the important financial services committee of the house of representatives, committed to fiscal with possibility. i introduce to you, representative thaddeus mccarter mccotter. [applause] >> it's nice to be with you. i know we are running short, so i'm going to be brief because we want to make sure we hear from you. i work on the balanced-budget for import reason. at the appropriate time when appropriations are made for the united states congress, the most powerful entities -- are most powerful entities remains the
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members of congress themselves. the constitutional balanced budget but the sovereign american people and the appropriator sermon tells them what they cannot do. and if anyone thinks that is unnecessary, look at our current state of affairs. and the reason that we do this is not simply because the balanced-budget has been done to it self. it is more important than even now. and if i may demonstrate the use of the crude crops. in the industrial area, business became highly vertical. please, no use of proper fingers. [laughter] as time went on, government thinks fdr, lbj became highly vertical, highly centralized, highly calm down. but we see every day amongst them and around the world is the age of globalization, whereby
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large centralized institutions and the private sector in the deep families themselves have become more nimble, more accountable, more democratic because we live in what? a consumer driven economy. a balanced budget amendment is critical to ensuring that the highly centralized top-down federal government we have today becomes a citizen driven government. and when we in the united state match a citizen driven government with a consumer driven economy, we will remain the most exceptional nation in the history of humanity. thank you. [applause] >> we are ready for some questions. and while people got there, let me put out one thought that i have shared with the tea party petrie up, with amy kramer of the tea party express, et
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cetera. and this goes right to each and every one of you. i really like good house of representatives leadership has her hands full with cutting spending, focusing oversight and obvious we've asked them to do. the last thing we can do as a people is to provide any issues on which this current sitting president can win reelection and 12. if we interject into the debate right now, proper reform of social security and health care, we risk overloading the burden we are placing on our current house of representatives members and our leaders in the senate on the conservative side. we think it's going to be incumbent upon us.
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grassroots organizations, t. partiers and all the rest, to take those out of washington for the next two years, put them at the town hall meetings, put them at the bus stops with all of the buses that are crossing the country and can cross again and begin to discuss when the bottom up the proper solution to social security and the health care situation, whether it be medicare or whatever. so i throw that out and offer that for your thinking. because coming out of this conference can be some tremendous changes and direction for us and this country if we get it right. question? >> thank you very much. senator hatch, i have a question for you. one month ago tonight in the dark of night, illinois hiked its income taxed -- personal
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income taxed by 67% and our corporate income tax by 43%. and listening to this panel this morning, i am wondering how much of this is mandated by the federal government in terms of the amount of data saved each of the states are having to burden him and forcing tax increases. >> i would have to say would take a long time to say how much he cares there's a lot, but let's take the health care bill. it's maintaining all types of obligations without the state have in control. michael has been to a 50 state laboratories of the states can pick and choose among each other and see what is right because each state has different demographics, each has different approaches to things. there are so many impositions on the federal government take one
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other in the health care bill and medicine medicaid restrictions that they require the state to do and promise in the states are stuck with them. and they don't have the money to pay for them either. i think you're from illinois, is that right? about the states in the union, illinois is in the worst state, even worse in california and that is because of democratic leadership and there's no other excuse or a. [applause] >> i'm happy to say we join with various tea party groups to try rollback the tax increase and i think it is important to do. and i would love to say that it would federal government's fault that illinois in the state is in. i think illinois has done a lot of that on their own. but these mandates that senator hatch is talking about are a real problem across the country and i would suggest we start taking our country back one state at the time and why not
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start of the worst place right now, illinois. [applause] >> i only mentioned a couple of things. there are thousands of impositions by the federal government. >> i think it further proves the point that the way government is operating as nonsustainable, first in the state level. you look at highly industrialized states like illinois could have been the largest state governments in operation, the tax base is at the time producing where they could live, that sort of sixth sense. now we see with the breakdown of the manufacturing base, industrial site are, which is your governments resorting to hire taxis you try to prop up a model that doesn't continue to prove successful anymore. as they raise the tax base to do that, to chase people to other states and continue to spiral downward. what has to happen is what is happening in michigan and is the government has to be reinvented to meet the 21st century needs rather than a menu to stumble and bumble along as if it 19th xt nine.
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[applause] >> name is earl. i am from colorado. the balanced-budget sounds nice. senator udall has made noise about supporting the balanced budget amendment. it seems to me to wait for the balanced-budget balanced-budget quickly is maintain our current limit. my question to you is, will you support maintaining our debt limit in what you support senator to me and his initiatives to parse the depiction that failure to increase the limit equals default? [applause] >> i believe i am the cosponsor is senator to me's bill and i think that says it all. [applause] >> way, the other one. >> clear down here?
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>> the key to me to raising the debt ceiling is whether or not if you raise that you can tell me when you are going to breathing and. if you don't put reforms to do that, if you simply cut the budget rather than reorient, which is to create a cycle of dependency for larger government needs to what is supposed she said the finance company shouldn't do it. you are right, it does not does it affect. the constitutional balanced budget amendment. as to the doom and gloom out there, if we continue to do what we are doing now, some say fire, some thick ice. indian to reach a destination you don't want to be at. [applause] >> the question from far down the hall. >> hi, my name to sean, originally from new york. i was wondering, this is mainly going to senator hatch. how can we trust you on your pleasure of fiscal conservativism with your vote for the truck bailouts in 2008?
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[cheers and applause] >> well, to my tea party people, i have said i feel badly that i did go vote for it. [booing] but they also make it clear under the circumstances at that time, we were going down. and then they tell you, we were going into -- let me answer. let me answer. he may disagree, but you are not sitting there having to make these decisions. [cheers and applause]
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>> like i say, i made a mistake voting for her. i don't think i make many mistakes. if you look at the record you'll know that. but let me just say this to you. at the time, we were in real trouble. it looks like we were heading into a depression. the secretary of the treasury, republicans said this is what has to be done. and frankly, i believe we would've gone into a depression. it would've taken my vote to make the 51st vote to do that, to stop us from going into the depression, i would've done that anyway. [applause] so what i hated -- what i hated about that bill, what i hated about that bill if it didn't turn out to be as the secretary said it would. they made a lot of different changes and not feel that i totally disagree with and that is why i say, you know, i am sorry i voted for it. all i can say is there aren't many people who say i'm sorry. i am one who will.
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[cheers and applause] ladies and gentlemen, let me make something perfectly clear. we can disagree, but we will disagree agreeably. [applause] [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] and the hallmark of the conservative movement and the difference between a mob in the street is stability. [cheers and applause]
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i want to tell you from personal experience and i worked for ronald reagan for three and half years, loved the man dearly, respected him. nobody could've been more civil to any of his enemies. think about the time, what did he inherit and house of representatives? and he was very simple with the leadership of that body. and he got along well and he got things done because he was. all right? [cheers and applause] and we are celebrating now. and let's celebrate that properly. let me tell you from experience with this man, all right, i thought in the trenches with this man, week after week, day after day. nobody is more committed to conservative and fiscal principles than the senior senator from utah. [cheers and applause] and i am personally going into
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that state. i am personally going into utah to tell that to you times we love them all. my wife went to byu for a year. we are very attached to the state of utah and we are supporting this man for reelection because he deserves it. [cheers and applause] >> next question. >> if i can say one thing, ellie ballance budget amendment and said that to the floor has been mine. i can tell you this, the hatch amendment has republican sponsors. the only reason we don't have more salmon unable to talk to everybody and getting more. we believe it is the best amendment. i am pleased there's so many members of congress coming up with their own versions that will put them all together into what is right. and we have to have this and we've got to have your support out there. and i've got to say, look, i
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don't mind when people disagree with me. it doesn't always make you feel good, but the fact of the matter is that's what we are. we are republicans. we can disagree with each other, but we can be simple, too. [applause] >> thank you. good afternoon. my name is just from chris we heard the numbers are 18% of gdp. with all due respect in a civil discourse, you know, 18%, i wouldn't put it past our elected officials to change the definition of gdp to massage with 18% means. can we keep it simple, can we keep the language simple said the government doesn't spend more than it collects rather
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than his arbitrary numbers that we pick out. [applause] >> in the spirit of stability, and lew, i'd like to point out a call for movement a beautiful mob. we love our fellow republicans, even when we disagree with them. i think the key to a good balanced budget amendment is to keep it simple. the challenge with just mandating that the government doesn't spend more than it takes in is that the easy solution inside the beltway is to simply take more and. so we need to make sure that a balanced budget amendment doesn't become a constitutionally mandated automatic tax increase year after year. >> that's fine. he takes the first 10 amendments. they are only about a sentence or so long. >> i agree with the concern. that's why he said we have to get it absolutely perfectly
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right. >> let me just say this. our amendment is 20%. to put it from 25% to 20% it would be miraculous. our amendment is supported by ken blackwell and his been a great help to us. he's the national chairman that passed the bba coalition, americans for tax reform and the national taxpayer union under 60 class, the bba non-coalition and i could go on. all i am saying the same happy we have people thinking about it, people working on it and people want and nothing do with what is right. we've got to do it. we are never going to get this under control. >> i agree completely, but she will get a lot of support with interest percentages. >> remember, we are talking about revenues. we are talking about revenues. and we know what those are. >> i see that we are out of time.
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but the thing i would just like to say if they think need unanimity as to what it should be in terms of the language. never underestimate washington's ability to fix something until it is broken. [applause] >> yes, we are out of time. let us conclude with the following and that is not the current style of the tax limitation balanced budget amendment is under consideration so that we get the very best model possible given all the knowledge that we have achieved over the last 20 or 30 years as we have for doneness and we want everyone's input will circulate to the internet and other places the design as it is in route. and we would like your input. ..
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>> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome martin ross, who is regularly published. >> good afternoon. you look terrific out there. are you having fun so far? good -- terrific show. and a record attendance, as i'm sure you know. i'm marji ross, publisher of many of, i hope, your favorite books. you've heard from a number of authors already this week. i have a couple of housekeeping announcements for you. as you with can see we have a packed house. which is terrific. we have a fantastic lineup. we also have a big line outside. i wanted to make sure that everyone knows here and out in the hallway, we've added an
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additional overflow ballroom. exhibit hall b south is now an additional overflow room, if it's full in here or you can't get in, exhibit hall b south it's a big room. it'll have everything piped and live. you'll be able to see what's going on. one other important announcement for you. i'm going to ask a favor. if you are taking photographs on your own camera or phone, please do that from your seat. it's fine to take photographs. i know it's great. there are a lot of people up here. please take them from your seats. because it's so crowded with people jostling for position, it'll be tougher for all of our guests to get in and out. and also we have space up here reserved for the professional photographers who have credentials. please if you don't mind shooting those snapshots from your seat, that'll be great. now i know you are really excited about the speaker that we have coming up. because we are about to hear
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from some of the most courageous, and dedicated politicians that we have in this country. [cheers and applause] >> perfect. [cheers and applause] so we have some terrific states represented. a couple from our lone star state, as well as the great state of minnesota. without further ado, let me introduce representative sean duffy who's going to introduce our first speaker. sean is from the great state as you know, wisconsin. [cheers and applause] >> he's going to introduce our next speaker. one thing that i learned about representative duffy that's excited, i'm not surprised that i meet you in learn. did you know that he is a
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professional lumber jack athlete. this is my favorite part. he's a two-time world champion in the 90 foot speed climb. >> yes. >> right? three-time champion in the 60 foot, and an accomplished log roller. so do not mess with him. here he is. thank you. [cheers and applause] >> do we have wisconsin in the house? all right. thank you all very much. again i'm sean duffy, freshman congressman from the 7th district of the great state of wisconsin. [cheers and applause] >> now wisconsin is also home to our rnc chairman, ryan priebus, home to the chairman paul ryan, and most importantly home to our super bowl champions, the green bay packers.
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[cheers and applause] [crowd booing] >> no, no. let's not get rowdy. listen to this quickly, i ran for congress when dave obie, my congressman authored and help passed a nearly $1 trillion stimulus bill. i knew that government borrowing and spending won't led us to economic growth, prosperity, wealth, or sustainable jobs. that comes from the private sector. people who invest in the business and ideas and from their they expand and grow. that's how we create jobs right here in america. [applause] >> it was that stimulus bill that helped bring us to a $14 trillion national debt, we are projected to borrow $1.5 trillion this year alone. and so put it in a little different context. in the 111th congress, controlled by democrats, they increase spending in their first
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four weeks by $682 billion. now take the republican controlled 112th congress and we have cut spending by $656 billion. [cheers and applause] >> and so the conversation is not about how much we are going to spend. the conversation is about how much we are going to cut. [cheers and applause] >> now we do face challenging times. china is on the rise. radical muslims are plotting against us. and our people are suffering from unemployment and a lack of opportunity. how we respond to this crisis has implications for generations to come. will we model ourselves after europe and continue down the path of greater dependence on an ever more intrusive government? [crowd says no]
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>> no. which will lead us to more economic decline. or will we return to free markets, free enterprise, american capitalism, limited government, and personal responsibility? [cheers and applause] >> will we put our faith in people and not in government? will we be a nation that understands that economic prosperity doesn't come from bureaucrats and politicians, but it comes from the ideas and hard work of individuals? this is the great battle of our generation. it is my honor and privilege to introduce our next speaker, who all too well understands this great battle. because for eight years, he was fighting that battle in the great state of minnesota. [cheers and applause] >> now this is no conservative state. they were the only state that never voted for ronald reagan. [crowd booing]
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>> i know. i know. they haven't voted for a republican candidate in over 40 years. but listen, governor pawlenty over his eight years, he balanced his budget every year without raising taxes. [cheers and applause] >> he vetoed every tax bill that came across his desk, saving the taxpayers of minnesota $7.5 billion. [cheers and applause] >> he cut taxes but $800 million. he moved minnesota out of the top ten tax states in the country and sadly under democrat leadership in wisconsin, we went into the top ten tax states in the country. [laughter] >> but he cut spending in real terms for the first time in minnesota history. he reduced government growth and got rid of wasteful spending.
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i got to tell you this -- talk about all of the great things about governor tim pawlenty, it makes me feel less raw about the vikings stealing our brett favre. then again, we did okay, didn't we? right? [applause] >> listen, governor pawlenty is proof positive that our conservative principals work. that we can cut spending, cut taxes, we can balance our budget all the while championing innovations in education and in health care. he is is great midwesterner. he's a happy lawyer who's right on the principals. it's my privilege to introduce to you the best governor that minnesota has ever had and one the great governors of this country. governor tim pawlenty. ♪ ♪
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[cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] >> thanks a lot. i appreciate it. thank you very much. [cheers and applause] >> i want to thank sean duffy, a rising star in the conservative movement in our country. [cheers and applause] >> and sean, i know this crowd and i want to ask you one big favor. with your lumberjack background, when you come and stay in washington, d.c., bring that big budget ax and swing it hard, baby. [cheers and applause] >> thanks a lot, sean, i appreciate it. i want to have a special shout out to my minnesota colleague republicans. where are they in the crowd? [cheers and applause] >> these guys drove over 20 hours in a bus to be here to cpac. thanks for coming to all of the
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crs. [cheers and applause] >> are you fired up and ready to take this country back? [cheers and applause] >> that's great. we really need you. you know why? president obama has succeeded in doing the impossible. he's proven that somebody can deserve a noble prize less than al gore. [cheers and applause] >> now i'm not one who questions the president's birth certificate and the existence of his birth certificate. but when you listen to his policies, don't you at least wonder what planet he's from? [laughter] [applause] >> i mean really. on what planet do they create jobs by taxing the daylight out
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of the people who grow jobs? [applause] [laughter] >> and on what planet do they reduce the deficit by spending even more? and on what planet do they make health care better by putting the bureaucrats in charge? [applause] [laughter] >> hopefully the microphones didn't pick that one up. [laughter] [laughter] >> now i do tip the cap to president obama in at least one area. he's been really good at duping the mainstream media. [applause] >> now, in fact, you may have noticed that some of them have been reporting that he's behaving like ronald reagan. [crowd booing] >> i mean can you believe that?
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ronald reagan knew how to stare down our enemies. and ronald reagan understood the price of freedom. [applause] >> and ronald reagan also understood that putting our people back to work means the u.s. has to be open for business, not open to more taxation, more regulation, and more big government strangulation. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, barack obama is not behaving like ronald reagan. he's behaving like jimmy carter. [cheers and applause] >> the individual mandate in obamacare is a page right out of the jimmy carter playbook.
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i mean the left simply doesn't understand. the individual mandate reflects completely backwards thinking. they, the bureaucrats, don't tell us what to do. we, the people, tell the government what to do. [applause] [cheers and applause] >> now we're blessed to live in the freest and most prosperous nation in the history of the world. our freedom is the very air we breathe. and make no mistake, the policies of the left encroach every day on the very freedom that has made this country great. we will never, ever, ever stop fighting for our freedom. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> if we bend, if we compromise,
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we are in danger of losing our edge. for some there's a real condition that we are losing our edge. did you know there's a recent survey of americans which they asked the question which country do you think will be the dominant country in just 20 years? guess what the answer was? that's right. china. you know what i say to that? no way, no how. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> not the america that we know, and not the america that we love. america's rightful place is not lagging behind china. america's place is leading the world. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> my friends, we need to restore american confidence.
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we need to restore american optimism, and we need to restore america's hope for the future. we need to restore the american dream by restoring american common sense. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> now as washington proving time and time again, not everyone is born or elected with common sense. we need leaders who remember where they came from, and what made this nation the greatest country the world has ever known. [applause] [applause] >> now for me, that real world experience started in my hometown of south st. paul, minnesota. that's a place with really good hearted people, strong families, and the rock solid values of the heartland. and back in the '60s, when i grew up there, it was the home to some of the world's largest
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stockyards and world's largest meat packing plants. many, many families in my hometown we lied on those big plants for their paychecks, for their families well being, and for their future. but those plants shut down. and so did a big part of the spirit and the soul of my hometown. my mom died when i was 16 years old. and not long after that, my dad who worked for a trucking company lost his job for a while. the foundations of my hometown and my family were shaken really hard. so at a very young age, i saw up close the face of loss, the face of hardship, the face of losing a job, and i saw in the mirror something else. the face of a very uncertain future. so i know americans are feeling that way today.
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i know that feeling. i've lived it. but in those moments, we learn some things. we see some things. we remember what's important. and one of the most important things that we should always remember is the motto of our country. in god we trust. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> and we should stand on that foundation as our founders intended. a few weeks into the constitutional convention in 1787, benjamin franklin addressed george washington and the other convention members speaking to the bedrock importance of seeking god's guidance as they pursued the
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sacred task of creating our nation. he said this, and i quote, i've lived a long time, and the longer i live, the more convincing proofs that i see of this truth that god governs in the affairs of men. he went on to say, and if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable an empire can rise without his aid? ladies and gentlemen, we as a nation need to turn towards god, not away from god. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> now the solutions to our problems aren't easy. but they are not a mystery either. we simply need to remind each other what made this country great and restore america's greatness by restoring american
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common sense. [cheers and applause] >> we need more common sense and less obama nonsense. [cheers and applause] >> let's start with this one. this one is kind of complex. i know there maybe some democrats in the room. so i'll say it real slow so everyone can understand. [laughter] >> are you ready? we can't spend more than we take in. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> you can't do it as an individual, you can't do it as a family, you can't do it as a business, and we can't let our
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government do it anymore. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> now the big spenders in washington, d.c. have us on a course of $1 trillion deficits as far as the eye can see. the federal government spends our money the way that keith oberman talks. without a point. and he leaves the whole country confused. now it's not a matter of right versus left on this issue. it's a matter of sixth grade mathematics. it isn't going to work, it's irresponsible, it's reckless, and just because we followed
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greece into democracy does not mean we need to follow them into bankruptcy. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> and, of course, we have the big spenders on the other side of their aisle. they come with all of their excuses. governor, how do you do that? i mean it's really hard. the politics are difficult and the interest groups are tough. on and on. i know something about the big spenders. and i know something about difficult. i woman -- come from the state of mccarthy, mondale, humphrey, wellstone, and now united states senator al franken. [crowd booing]
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>> but we cut government in minnesota. if we can do it there, we can do it anywhere. the naysayers we can't cut spending. we can't prioritize. they say we just raise taxes. i drew a line in the sand and said absolutely not. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> we're going to live within our means, just like our families, just like businesses, just like everybody else. now it wasn't easy. as sean mentioned, i had to do things like i set a record for the most vetoes in my state in a year. one of the second overall, i think. i vetoed billions, billions of dollars in tax and spending increases. we had the first government shutdown in my state in the 150-year history of my state.
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we took -- [applause] [applause] >> we took one of the longest transit strikes in the history of the country to get public employee benefits under control. [applause] [applause] >> and in the last budget period, we cut spending in real terms for the first time in the history of minnesota. [applause] [applause] >> so the federal government should do the same. now here's the few things to get started that i hope you'll agree with. i'll give them to you and see what you think. we should not -- we should not -- raise the debt ceiling. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> we should pass a constitutional amendment to finally balance the budget. [applause]
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[applause] >> and here's one i'll know -- i know you agree with. we should repeal obamacare. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> and while we are at it, let's do one more thing. let's throw the tax code overboard. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> now let's start that last one by doing this. and sean, i don't mean any offense to you personally on this one, but let's require under penalty of perjury that every member of congress complete their own tax returns without the help of a tax preparer, accountant, or lawyer. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause]
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>> let them experience fully first hand the moronic, burdensome, intimidating beef that our tax system has become. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> now here's another common sense principal from the heartland that president obama clearly needs to still learn. and it's this. people spend money differently if it's their own money. [applause] [applause] >> so now maybe in your busy life, you have time to read white papers and go to seminars and stay up all night and watch cable tv and read public policy journals. i hope you do. that's really valuable. and it's important. but if you don't, here's all you really need to know about government reform. you can do it in one weekend. just one weekend do this.
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go to two weddings. go to one where there's an open bar. [laughter] >> where the drinks are supposedly free. and then on the next night, go to another wedding where they have a cash bar. where people pay for their own drinks. you'll see very, very different behaviors. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> now i said this on wall street not long ago, and somebody said, they yelled out from the back of the room, well, who the heck has an -- excuse me, a cash bar anymore? that question from a wall streeter tells you about all you need to know.
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doesn't it? if you have a system where people get to consume stuff without any of their own skin in the game or responsibility, and the mirage is created that the bill magically goes somehow else, that's a system that is doomed to fail. [applause] [applause] >> unfortunately, that describes most of our government. so whether it's education, health care, housing, or just about anything else, we need to put people in charge. we need to give them the power to make their own decision, not government. and the best thing we can do to empower people is to make sure they have access to a good job. and that means -- yeah, that means remembering this next common sense principal. the private sector, not the government, is the answer to job creation.
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[applause] [applause] >> we shouldn't be looking to washington, d.c. for how to create jobs. we should be asking the people who actually provide the job. and when you do, they give you some pretty clear answers. they say this: reduce my cost, and get the government off my back. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> by the way, in minnesota, as i left the governorship, own unemployment rate was significantly lower than the national average. since the crash, we have been helping to lead the economy towards recovery. ladies and gentlemen, america needs job growth, not government growth. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> now this next and last one,
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you may have learned it on the playground, you may have learned it in sports, you may have learned it at work, you may have learned it in a back alley somewhere. no matter where you learned it, it's always true. bullies respect strength. they don't respect weakness. [applause] [applause] >> so in the united states of america projects it's national security interest here and around the world, we need to do it with strength. [applause] [cheers and applause] [applause] [cheers and applause]
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[applause] [cheers and applause] [crowd cheering usa] >> we need to make sure there is no equivocation, no uncertainty, no daylights between us and our allies around the world. this current administration doesn't seem to understand this important principal. we undermine israel, the uk, poland, czech republic, columbia, amongst others, meanwhile we appease and accommodation iran, russia, middle east including hamas and the brotherhood. mr. president, bullies, might
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[cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> the bullies, terrorists, and tyrants of the world have lots to apologize for. america does not. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> my friends, this isn't going to be easy. if prosperity were easy, everybody around the world would be prosperous. and if freedom were easy, everybody around the world would be free. and if security were easy, everybody around the world would be secure. they are not. it takes an extraordinary effort, it takes an extraordinary commitment, it takes extraordinary strength to stand up to those who oppose these principals, but we can do it. [applause] [applause]
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>> valley forge wasn't easy. settling the west wasn't easy. winning world war ii surely wasn't easy. and going to the moon wasn't easy. this ain't about easy. we've had enough with the hype and the speeches filled with rhetoric that soars but takes the country in the wrong direction. this is our rolling up our sleeves, plowing forward, standing tall, and getting the job done. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] [crowd cheering usa] >> this is the united states of america. we are the american people. we have seen difficulties before. and we always over come. we can and we will do it again. we will rise up as our forefathers did with the
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♪ ♪ >> if you'd take your seat. we'll keep on rolling here. we have more excitement for you in store, as i'm sure you know. folks i'd also like to remind you we're close to capacity here. so if you see an empty seat, you might slide over and give another person a spot on the end of your row. we also as you know have overflow seating and live feed in exhibit hall b south. and i also have for you a -- this is my favorite -- social media update. i want you to know if you are on a twitter, cpac is on twitter. you can follow it at cpac news.
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use cpac11 and you'll be included in the live feed. for all of your twitters, if you want to tweet, please do. and go on to cpac news. thank you. i have to say that i live and work in washington, d.c. and it's a rare couple of days when you hear this much common sense coming from politicians here in washington. we're lucky to have them all. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> now i'm going to -- if you'll go with me -- i'm going to take us all from the cold climbs of wisconsin and minnesota down to the great state of texas. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> i'm not expecting a problem
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with this. i'd like to encourage you all be please respectful. the good honorable audience to each of our speakers. we have an exciting one coming up. i'm going to introduce for you now jeff frazee. [cheers and applause] as you know. he's the executive director for the young americans for liberty. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> he was in student for ron paul back in the 2008, students for ron paul mobilized 26,000 students in 500 different college and high school groups, all 50 states in the country, and jeff is going to come on to introduce our next speaker. here he is. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> well, ladies and gentlemen, i am proud to come before you. as a leader of the largest growing, proliberty conservative youth organization in the country, young americans for liberty. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> and like the generation before us, another anti-establishment republican candidate, barry goldwater. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> inspired a generation that led to the reagan revolution. today our next distinguished speaker has launched a revolution of his own, and has given a voice to a new generation. a generation ready to rise up against government takeovers, bailouts, unconstitutional wars -- [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> >> -- infringements on our
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civil liberties and national debt that will crush our future. so i ask you to rise to your feet and join me, put your hands together as i introduce the champion of the constitution, congressman ron paul. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> thank you very much. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> thank you. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> great to see everybody. great to see you. [audience cheering] >> i'm glad to see the revolution is continuing. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> well, we have first seen some
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of the results of a revolution a few years ago. that was last year's election. i understand we had a few new members in the congress. and we have you to thank you for. i want to take a moment and special privilege, we also had a new senator from kentucky. and we like that too. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> so there's a lot of exciting things going on. there is truly a revolution going on in this country. and we've been dealing with this and encouraging it. because i do believe that we live in a time where we do need a change in attitude, a change in ideas. we don't need to just change the political parties, we need to change our philosophy about what this country is all about. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> you know, this past week we had a pretty good victory for the freedom movement. we had a vote come up all of the
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sudden under suspension. and it had to do with the patriot act. [crowd booing] >> the patriot act had nothing to do with patriotism. they always name it the opposite. the patriot act is literally the destruction of the 4th amendment. that's what it's all about. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> now the one thing in washington they haven't quite understood is what's happening in grassroots america. because they assume that everybody loved the patriot act. we'll bring it up under suspension and pass it automatically. well, they did get a majority vote, but they did pass it with the 2/3 vote. sending the message that the country is waking up. we want to protect our civil liberties as well as our economic liberties. [cheers and applause]
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[cheers and applause] >> this week, i was scheduled to be on a financial program. i've been on a few of those lately. talking about things like federal reserve, and a few other things. [crowd booing] [cheers and applause] >> but i never got around to talking about this program this week about the federal reserve, because all of the sudden there was a speech being given by mubarak about his potential resignation. of course, he resigned today. so that was the subject. [cheers and applause] >> but a lot of people now say what should our position be? what should our people be about finding the next dictator of egypt? and i would say, we need to do a lot less a lot sooner not only in egypt, but around the world. [cheers and applause]
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>> some people want to argue about that, and say we have a moral responsibility to spread our goodness around the world. and it's our obligation to do this. but let me tell you, fiscal conservatives should look at this carefully. how much did we invest in that dictator over the last 30 years? $70 billion we invested in egypt. [crowd booing] >> guess what? the government is crumbling, and the people are upset. not only with the government, but with us for propping up the puppet dictator for all of those years. [cheers and applause] >> now to add insult to injury, where do you think the money went? to swiss bank account. that family, the mubarak family had $40, $50, $60 billion, nobody knows, stashed away in
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other countries. of your money. that is true. you know, it used to be the conservatives were against foreign aid. i'm still against foreign aid for everybody. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> now i was saying that i used to describe foreign aid. foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country and giving it to the rich people of a poor country. and they are -- and there can't be a better example of that than what we did with egypt. we took money from you. made people poor. it contributed to our debt. billions and billions of dollars. and all we get is chaos from it, and instability. there's nothing wrong with what the founders talked about. they talked about having friendships and trading, getting along with people, and staying
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out of the entangling alliance and the international affairs of foreign nations when it's none of our business. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> now we've been doing it for a long time. and you get periods of relative stability. there was relative stability when we were propping up the shaab. but it ended up with bad results. we ended up with -- and next is egypt. it's going to keep going. all of the problems are there. because the people don't like us propping up their dictators no more than we would like a foreign country to come here and prop up a dictator in our country.
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[cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> but the real danger is this will most likely spread and when it gets to saudi arabia, and there's disruption there, then you are going to see some real problems. we will be a partial consequence of our flawed foreign policy, and temporary stability does not guarantee stability that we need around the world. and besides, we just flat out don't have the money and we wouldn't be doing it. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> just remember the soviet system did not collapse because we had to fight them. they collapsed for economic reasons. guess where their final plunge was on their empire? afghanistan. so if makes no sense for us to think that we can keep troops in
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135 countries, 900 bases, and think we can do it forever. no matter how badly that you want us to do that, it's time to reassess that foreign policy. it's time for us to bring troops home. we've had troops in japan since world war ii and germany. why are we paying for their defense? [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> now, you know, there's been a lot of talk about the budget deficit. and that is something that i was concerned about. you know, just a few years back like 1976. [laughter] >> that's why i haven't voted for any appropriations bills during that period of time either. people are starting to recognize it's bad. we have to do something about it. we have to balanced budget amendment and all of these things. you know, unfortunately, even inspite of the improvement in
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the congress right now, we don't have the votes. which is tragic. it's going to continue. and we're going to continue to bailout, we're going to continue to spend the money, nobody wants to cut. i'm sure half of the people in this room won't cut one penny out of the military. and the military is not equated to defend. defense spending is one thing. military spending is what eisenhower called the military industrial complex. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> with that saying, government as you all, i'm sure would agree, is out of control. and it's very hard for us to get a handle on it. let's say we even theoretically, and a miracle will happen and we balance the budget where we are today. it would be still a disaster because we are spending too much money. but it wouldn't change a whole lot. when the crisis comes, guess
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what happens? guess who does the bailing out? the federal reserve used $4 billion to pass out without congressional approval. well, that's the federal reserve's job to do that. no, it is our job to check up and find what the federal reserve has done, audit them, and find out who their buddies are that they are taking care of. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> the federal reserve creates money out of thin air. they can loan to banks, central banks, other governments, international institutions, and we're not even allowed to know, they resent the fact that when i ask these questions that they don't have to give us the information. that's why the bill to audit the
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fed is the first step to ending the federal reserve. the federal reserve will end itself because they will destroy the dollars and say if it came into existence since 1913. they have eliminated 90% of the 1913 dollar. it's continuing erosion. they pumped up the crisis hit 1.2 trillion, another $600 trillion. there's an economic law that says you just can't continue to do this. congress has responsibility. they should cut back. but congress has a responsibility to protect the value of the currency. and that means that we have the moral and legal authority to put checks on the federal reserve system. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> you know, there's been a lot -- a lot of talk about bipartisan after the election. we need bipartisanship. and, you know, in some ways that
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might be true. but i tell you what i think about it. >> yay! >> i think. and i believe that we've had way too much bipartisanship for about 60 years. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> you know, we have -- we have bipartisanships on -- bipartisanship on medical care. you say, yeah, you know the current administration is given us bad, new medical care. what is done on the other administration? we've been involved for a long time. it's the bipartisan of the welfare system, the warfare system, the monetary system, the challenge to our civil liberties, it all goes through with support from both parties. there's way too much bipartisan. this should be a challenge of the issue of philosophy. good philosophy versus bad philosophy. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> and when you can agree on something, you should make
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coalitions with whomever will agree with you and come together. but i'd like to see some bipartisanship though. what i would like to see is take those big government conservatives who love to spend money and never cut their efforts and their spending, and get the big government liberals where they want to spend and never want to cut. let them get together and say it's time. the deficit is good. let's have a little bit of bipartisanship and cut both. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> there's been talk, lately, about american exceptionalism. we like to talk about that. i think we certainly live in an exceptional country. we have been blessed. it's been the gatt -- greatest country. most freedom and most prosperity. my fear is we are losing it. i'm afraid we've given up on the
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notion to liberty. i think we go stray on the exceptionalism is there's some people and sometimes they are referred to as neoconservatives and neojacobbians, where we believe we have the moral responsibility to use force and go around the world and say you will do it our way or else. well, force doesn't work. it never works. [applause] [cheers and applause] >> the best way -- the best way to get people to act more like us is if we are doing a good job is for us to have a sound economy, a sound dollar, treat people decently, have a foreign policy that makes common sense, treat people like we want to be treated, and then maybe they would want to emulate us and say freedom does work. we ought to try it. but we can't force it on other people. [cheers and applause]
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: so they want to talk about how to regulate your economic activity and auditors want to regulate your personal lifestyle but government should not be regulating us and we should add one of the principles to work. we should all swear off the use of islands against our nabors and our friends in other countries. [applause] [cheers and applause]
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the purpose of all political activity from my viewpoint is to promote liberty. liberty is the most important element. liberty comes from our creator. it doesn't come from our government. [applause] if we have a free society, we can go about our business and do our very best, work towards virtuous things and work towards excellence. and government takes over the role of me king us virtuous, and making us excellent and redistributing the wealth, they only do it at the expense of liberty and that his wife we are in such terrible shape today, because we have allowed the government to be so much involve. government should never be able to do anything you can't do.
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[cheers and applause] if you can't steal from a neighbor you can't stand the government to steal for you. [cheers and applause] the exciting things that are happening today gets me energized is coming to events like this and meeting with the young people and going to the campus is in finding what young americans for liberty have done and believe me, the ideas in the principles of liberty are alive and well and the next generation and there is every reason in the world for us to be optimistic about what is coming. [cheers and applause] i would like to make one suggestion before i close, that just to think about because it
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is not a perfect solution. but especially to young people, what if i could, if i had the authority -- what if i could offer you and say look, we are not doing such a good job being government these days. we make promises and we don't know about the future. but would you consider opting out of the whole system under one condition? you pay 10% of your income, but you take care of yourself. don't asked the government for anything. [cheers and applause] tragically, tragically you are probably going to have the opportunity because government is in the process of failing and they can't deliver on the goods just as the soviets couldn't deliver the goods and power. we will have the same problems domestically and we face serious economic outcomes as this dollar
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crisis evolves. but let me close with comments from sam adams. he said, don't worry about it if we are not a majority. all they need is a minority. keen on spreading the brush fires of liberty in the binds of men. that is what we can do and believe me, the fresh fires are burning. they will not be able to squelch the brush fires. they are burning and they are spreading and people are getting excited, because they are starting to separate out what true liberty is all about, what are good liberty and personal liberty is and what it means to foreign-policy, what it means in our american traditions. what it means because the constitution confirms and confirms with what i'm saying. there is no authority in the constitution to have the federal reserve system. no authority for the wealthiest states in no authority for the police states. [applause] it is not there.
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so we should all assume personal responsibility for promoting the ideas of liberty. and one thing that daniel johnson always advise when they were in these dire consequences of the problems of the revolution, he said we can now present long faces to the people in the colonies at that time because it will make them realize how tough things are. so, we should not have long faces. we do not know exactly what tomorrow will bring but i do know that the effort is worthwhile and they do know that you can have a lot of fun expanding liberty and believe me, if you understand liberty and realize it is the only humanitarian system that existed ever, i will tell you what, if you learn about it and studied and promote free-market economie
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per talk richard's -- photographers get their chance era not block out the view of everyone. we have got overflow seating in the exhibit hall b. maxell. anyone need more room or can't find a seed in here. and we will be ready to go. are you folks ready? [applause] thank you. thank you. alright, i have the privilege of introducing someone who has an incredibly inspirational story that i heard more about last night at our dinner. i'm sure if you were there you enjoyed it as well. it is a great honor to introduce to you the new chairman of american conservative union,. [applause]
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♪ >> good afternoon everybody. it is an honor to be here with you. i know that some folks still are walking around. let me warn you that the fellow i'm about to introduce as a texan and he has got a -- and there are quite a few texas cattlemen out there who are used to roping you in if they see you standing around. so i encourage you to grab your seats. is a great day in america. does a great day at acu and ladies and gentlemen it is an honor to introduce the fellow i'm about to. he is the quintessential texan, fifth generation texan. he has taken an extraordinary that extraordinary journey in texas from a tenant farm in the rolling west texas to the governor's office. man whose daddy served in the military, guy who's daddy served his country a fifth generation
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family who so life has been about serving their country and giving back and read terry was no exception. first, 47th governor in texas. texas a&m university, the first aggie in texas history. about time, exactly. and you know he had a great past and the governorship. he was a state legislator and held statewide office and finally became governor. as governor he has done the kinds of things governors would do. i don't know if you remember the story a couple of years ago, but this governor would always -- when he went running. he didn't care for snake's very much but one day one of his daughters labradors, they were jogging and it coyote came about and i think many of they have seen the picture of the coyote laying on the ground after and counting governor perry.
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that is the kind of work he has done but amazingly under his leadership there has been a great tale went in texas and the great tailwind of the conservative movement. a lot of folks have got elected to the state legislature and to the congress tank as to his leadership and the tailwind he has provided, fiscal responsibility and climate for progress. self-reliance and the kind of things that texans are so proud of. he is the quintessential -- and a great governor one of our country's greatest leaders and i want you to join me in giving a great welcome to governor rick parry. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ >> i like that.
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that is a good song. thank you very much, brother. i would like to share that al has got him some passion and we appreciate the job he is going to be doing over at acu and the chairman of the american conservative union. he is following a heck of a leader. you think about david keene. he has done some great things over at acu and it is not going to be any easy task but i've got a great idea that he is going to be able to keep cpac mighty strong. this annual meeting is truly becoming an incubator. it is what i call it. man, it hatches some great ideas. some great conservative thoughts. a lot of the it gets hatched right up there in that audience.
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this is a place for like-minded people to come to get reconnected, to recharge, refocus. talk about the pressing issues of the day. i stand before you today as a governor, as a lifelong conservative, who is deeply, deeply concerned with this federal government and its willful neglect of their responsibilities. [cheers and applause] you know if you were to ask -- gather 10 people around and ask them to define the responsibilities of the federal government, you would likely get a whole bunch of different answers. and some would probably be some pretty long lists. but if you took those lists and then you compared them to the federal government job description in the constitution,
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you might be a little surprised. you might be a little shocked. you might be a little appalled. now that job description is drawn from various articles of the bill of rights, but as governor, i tend to kind of like to focus on the tenth amendment. [cheers and applause] it is a very sensible, sensible dividing line. between our rights and their responsibilities. you see, the tenth amendment cast a narrow role the federal government. and it conveys our founders understanding that the government closest to the people truly governs best. [applause] you see, it's key phrase reads,
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power, not delegated to the united states by the constitution nor prohibited to the states are reserved or reserved to the states respectively or to the people. [cheers and applause] that is beautiful. that is beautiful in its simplicity. and i will tell you, nowhere in there do i read that the government is responsible for solving every problem affecting every person in this country. [applause] even if the people in this town do you consider that their responsibility it is not in the constitution, i am sorry. in our lifetime, the federal government has decided that certain opportunities to expand their power and actually responsibilities and whittled away at the individual libertiee
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sovereignty has been put at risk. it is just frustrating as hell. you know at the same time you have got big government advocates and their friends in the mainstream media who have marginalized the voices of those who protest. they call us reactionary or lacking compassion. do you agree with me that the only solution to our challenges challenges -- or excuse me, do you agree with this? that the only answer to our challenges is more taxation? more borrowing? more spending? more central control? me neither. [cheers and applause]
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you know over time, washington has extended so-called -- they have pitched out lifelines to potential voting blocs. lines that now bind the hands of state leaders, choke off individual liberties at every turn. our challenge is to unite our people, to untie those knots that restrain us and returned to the vision of our founders. [applause] and heaven knows that the time is right, as a time such as this amen. you know just three months ago,
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american voters sent a pretty old, a rather simple message to our nation's political establishment. and it was not complex. it is pretty understandable. in fact it is real short and sweet. they said, we are fed up. we are fed up. we are ready to take our country back. [cheers and applause] americans want government that is leaner, more efficient, less intrusive into their personal lives. they want government that will live within its means. americans are obviously fed up with the so-called progressive movement. i will tell you long ago, it set aside the people's interest in favor of expanding government and raising taxes while doing the bidding of labor unions and activist judges.
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[applause] americans disdain for big government. it cuts across party lines, i will tell you that. pink slips were handed out for legislators in both political parties. [cheers and applause] ladies and gentlemen who championed that the government idea of bailouts, those so-called stimulus programs supported government giveaways, they got a pink slip. it was awesome. [applause] you see voters understand the true threat posed by that mountain of debt. my children understand that instinctively. they are increasingly bothered by the idea that our country is
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going bankrupt. these federal programs. my kids know social security is no way ever going to be there for them if it stays in its current status. the american people are fed up. they are fed up with bureaucrats telling them how to live their lives, calling the shots in the health care industry and telling them what health care they have got to buy. unspooling more red tape every day. they are fed up with unelected judges telling them when and where they can pray. , where they can observe the tenth commandment. [applause] most of all they are deeply frustrated by the federal officials who don't do anything to address the serious problems. that is what we are really fed up about.
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the simmering frustration that erupted in an overwhelming landslide of conservative forces on election night. including members of that new very legitimate force, the tea party. [applause] i will say i'm encouraged that the efforts of the new majority in the house of representatives. i was deeply moved on their first day, for them to take the time to actually read the united states constitution. [applause] i am encouraged by their efforts to repeal obamacare. [applause] i hope that momentum shifts in that positive direction continues better. and that misappropriated power will be returned to the states.
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i am reminded of james madison's perspective from federalist number 45. he said the powers delegated by the proposed constitution, to the federal government. they are defined to those which are to remain in the state government, are numerous and indefinite. i like that. [applause] i am a madisonian. [applause] and my fellow republican governors and i are working with those legislators upon the hill to even better be stewards of the will of those numerous and indefinite powers that the constitution clearly gave the states. in texas, that will take a
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variety of forms, including our goal of balancing our budget without raising taxes. [cheers and applause] that is what we are going to do in texas. now i will tell you, that is a terrifying concept to some people. oh my god, there are those out there who are wringing their hands and i love the ones that use the term government revenues folks, it is the people's money we are talking about here. it is not government revenue. [applause] to hear some of those people speak, you think you know every state has a magic printing press down in the basement. i can assure you, there is no such thing.
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you will find it -- nevermind. there is just nothing like that down there. here in washington d.c. i'm i am not so sure. i think they have got one. or a bunch of them. and they use them far more than they should, because to them, to them, it is a lot easier to leverage our children's future that it is to tell somebody know. and as a result of that, the federal government continues to grow and intrude and constrict around our liberties, choking off innovation, and discouraging risk-taking that has made this country great. america's founders certainly fit
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that category. they were risk-takers. they were getting in on the bottom floor of one of the greatest experiments that has ever happened in mankind's history. they knew enough about human nature, i promise you. mr. madison, mr. adams, mr. jefferson, and their friends, they knew enough about human nature and governments overwhelming urge to grow and to overtake everything. and a planned for the worst with that constitution. so, they limited the power of the federal government and they entrusted the challenges of day-to-day government to leaders as a state and local level. in the centuries that followed, america has been the shining example of the truth that free
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people work harder. they achieve greater things than those being crushed under the weight of an oppressive government. unfortunately, america's greatness is at risk. because we have allowed washington to expand at the expense of our liberties. [applause] you know i have tried to get my hands around it, my mind around it and maybe it was those earmarks for local projects. i don't know, but whatever it was, it created a monster. the federal government's current role directly contradicts the principles of limited constitutional government that our founding fathers established
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to protect us. [applause] in the rush to become all these, all people the federal government has lost sight of its core responsibilities. as a result, we are stuck. we are stuck in this frustrating paradox where washington's actually neglect things that they are clearly supposed to be doing while interfering in other areas, which they are neither welcome nor authorize. let me give you an example, and down in my neck of the woods. you know, texas has a lot of unique features. [cheers and applause] including a 1200-mile international order. and we have got this incredibly long and wonderful and strong
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relationship with mexico. we do trade with each other. we marry each each other. it is an incredibly long and wonderful relationship, but the security of that border is one of washington's essential roles, protecting our borders. [applause] yet, they continue their record of abject failure in that area and as a result, we continue to deal with violent mexican drug cartels who works closely with transnational gains in our states, operating with no regard to the law or respect for life. you will recall from last fall,
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a story about david hartley, a young man who was killed on lake falcone and his beautiful wife, tiffany. who we saw just this last week, the frustration that comes from her and not being able to know where her husband's body is. no one has been brought to justice. very rarely does it seem anybody even in the federal government cares. you see the bad actors in mexico are getting worse. and the risk to our citizens continues to rise along that order and the communities across this country, where those drugs are continuing to flow. despite the stories like this and our frequent requests for
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support, washington still has not dedicated sufficient resources to secure our international borders. we still need a thousand national guard troops to support the current law enforcement, intel they get 3000 border patrol ready to go permanently along that border. and i'm just talking about in texas. [cheers and applause] they need to be flying. [applause] they need to be flying predator drones along the texas mexico border. our kids are training in those somewhere. i tell them what is so hard about the elite from brownsville flying on the border, get to el paso and hang a left. get to tijuana and come back,
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report back everything to law-enforcement the dead downward looking radar finds. it is fairthere, providing real-time intel for our local operations. these actions, these actions would actually fulfill a real federal responsibility. [applause] but they send more bureaucrats. instead of sending its border patrol agents that actually we have a need for, they send us more bureaucrats from the unbelievable active epa, who are hell-bent on derailing our air quality program in texas that was created 17 years ago and has
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been meeting federal standards in doing a very good job of cleaning our air. as a matter of fact -- [applause] we ought to be getting praised from our federal government for a program that has reduced ozone levels across the state of texas by 27% to 22,002,009. more than that achieved by any other state in this nation. that we are being threatened with fines in the lawsuit. and intrude texas style. in true texas style, we made all those improvements in our air and at the same time we were creating more jobs than any other state. [cheers and applause] that is what you ought to be aspiring to in this country. [applause] that is what we ought to be trying to get every state to
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work towards, instead of this effort to punish texas. you know, it is the darndest thing to me. you have got a state that should be the model. people ought to be -- people ought to be pointing to texas and saying you know what? that is what this country ought to be aspiring to be about. i challenge my republican friends, i tell them, i say come over. get your taxes low, get your regulatory climate affair. it is a legal system, all balanced out. continue to fund your public schools with accountability and
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then get the hell out of the way that the private sector do what the private sector does best. [cheers and applause] this is simple. listen, i am just a science major from texas a&m but i get it when it comes to government. keep your taxes low, have a light burden under taxation. had a regulatory climate that is fair and predictable, a legal system that doesn't allow for junk lawsuits, frivolous lawsuits and finally, introduce accountability into your public schools where young people are ready and have a skilled workforce when they get out.
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[cheers and applause] my fellow republican governor in virginia and new jersey -- [cheers and applause] are following that lead, not of what you said, but of those programs. they get it. you see, those governors understand that if you allow freedom, freedom from overtaxation, freedom from over litigation, freedom from overregulation, free your schools from the overburdening of the unions and just allow the kids to truly become what they can be. [applause] now listen, i tell folks, i am not saying that the state of texas is -- is great and as good
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as it is the somehow problem free. it is not some problem free nirvana that has been created. close. but the challenges we face are very real. but they are compounded by washington d.c.. washington's obsession with the primacy of their ideas and their love affair with one-size-fits-all solutions. it is in direct contradiction of their constitutional role. and speaking of overreach, have i talked about obamacare yet? i sincerely hope our principle senators regardless of party, we'll toss out that train wreck of a plan. [applause]
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or at least do a mandate to cripple our health care system and the fact of the matter is, if we don't, that you will bankrupt our state and in turn rake this country. are our medicaid population in texas and the accompanying financial burden are growing as we speak. and in 2014, if we do not throw obamacare out, it will cause those numbers to explode. right now this washington centric approach to health care has a whole lot of states on a collision course with bankruptcy. instead of oppressive mandates, what we need are solutions, innovative solutions like block grants, freedom to improve our health care delivery, innovation, flexibility, local control. you and i believe in at least two federal judges have
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confirmed that it is unconstitutional. that it is wrong. [applause] it is wrong for the federal government to force you to buy health care insurance. [applause] and this or any other areas of overreach, we must be united in sending a clear and a simple message to washington. enough. enough. enough. stand before history and screen, enough. if you have had enough, i want you to take your phone out right now and i want you to text in the words fed up to 95613. seriously, you can take your phone out right now. text and, 95613. we will keep you tuned in on
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what we are doing in the state of texas. what we are doing to push back on this activist federal government. on november the second, the american people sent that exact message. they didn't take out their phones and text 95613. but they said enough really loud in the process, they affirmed the power of individual americans. they repudiated an overly controlling central government and it is in settings like this, in living rooms and boardrooms and legislative chambers where we need to keep this conversation going. we need to have a frank discussion about the role of government, the willingness to hold our leaders accountable.
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leaders in this town who profess to be conservative should go to handcuff the big spenders by simplifying our tax system once and for all. [applause] and i might add by passing a balanced budget amendment to the united states constitution. now. [applause] you know and i hope like all of you in this room are hopefully the vast majority in this room, i don't see storm clouds in our future in this country. i really don't. i don't see said this on the horizon. i see a bright and a prosperous future. [applause] now, that future and that brightness on the horizon, it it
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is very much attached to whether or not we are going to be able to maintain our essential constitutional values and the individual freedoms from which they were written. restoring a constitution, limited government. it is going to take a big effort, it getting that constitutional limited government back. it is not going to just happen. we have got hard work ahead. that i will tell you our people are more than up for this task. i believe that's charge that is taking hold on this stage today in that office -- audience today is going to continue to germinate and grow and become this mighty stout tree in america, and governors, the governors will lead the charge
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for reformation in this country. [applause] i encourage you to not only speak your mind to your representatives here in washington, but do what you can to elect conservative republican governors in 2012 to keep the momentum going. with the continued influence of this organization. bold leadership rum elected officials at every level in this country. we can surely recapture what is great about america and we can restore this nation to its preeminence in the world as a beacon of individual liberty and economic prosperity, and there is no greater cause in our time. god bless you. thank you for being here. may god continue to bless america. [cheers and applause] ♪
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final speaker of the afternoon. as you will see, he has got a magnificent voice and what he has to say is even more magnificent. you will enjoy that in just a couple of minutes. let me bring you up-to-date on a couple of things. i want to remind you about the twitter accounts if anyone wants to check in on that. it is cpac 11, so please check on that. and i also want to point out, i should point out before we introduce our last speaker, big conferences like this, three days a fabulous speakers, breakout sessions, book signings, filming, events, receptions, dinners doesn't happen without a lot of work from a lot of people. so i would like him if you don't mind, joining me in a round of applause for all the folks who are working backstage, and mack and lisa.
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[applause] and of course i would be remiss if i didn't also note and remind you that we need to give another wonderful round of applause to david keene, who for 20 -- over 20 years -- thank you. let's do that. as you know, for over 20 years he has led acu, let this conference, run cpac from a small gathering to what you see here today. he is now going to take the helm at the nra and you met al carden is who is a true patriot but we want to thanking recognize david keene for his many many years of wonderful work and service in bringing us all here today. as you know, we start again tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m.. hope to see you all here right and shining.
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kicking off with andrew breitbart from big hollywood and big government at he will be terrific. that is right here at 9:00 tomorrow morning, and now i would like to introduce a very important gentleman who is going to introduce our final speaker. i have the pleasure, the very honor of introducing nicer who is the national spokesman -- the national spokesman for the congress of racial equality. he is msnbc contributor and often on tv. we see him speak on equal time, bill maher politically correct show and advisory for public policy research project. he is a founding member of third millennium. he is also a great american and i'm proud to invite him appear to introduce our next speaker. [applause] ♪
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>> thank you. you know some people say that the election in 2008 was the most important of our generation. others say it was 2010. both are wrong. in 2012, the pendulum of destiny will be pulled one way or the other. we, the people, will resource expansive government at home and and a wobbly foreign-policy abroad, or we will reject it for something new. [cheers and applause] ladies and jump cement, for those of you that are serious about saving our country, destiny has charged and i have the honor of introducing tonight
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he is one of our greatest leaders in the country and someone remarkably different from that current tenant in the white house. [cheers and applause] let's talk about him for a second. president obama grew up privileged in the greatest country on earth, and yet, a country that has given him, indeed given all of us so much, does so very little to inspire him. how is that possible? in fact, it seems that at every turn, he finds an opportunity to apologize for america and how he believes the very fabric of this nation is inherently flawed. and in need of rewriting. herman cain is quite different ladies and gentlemen. [cheers and applause]
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no silver spoon in the mouth here ladies and john cement. herman cain grew up poor. his family struggled and he worked his whole life to achieve the american dream. and despite the many difficulties of his life, the many challenges of his life, herman cain remains completely and totally in love with our country, the united states of america. of. [cheers and applause] he sees america and americans as industrious, innovative and good he knows that the american dream is attainable to anyone who will want it enough. believe in it enough, and work for it enough. and because of this, it is because of this that we are simply the greatest most exceptional nation on planet earth. [cheers and applause] he knows america's fearless.
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it is my privilege and indeed my honor to introduce to you the man who turned around fortune 500 companies, the man who is the spiritual favorite of the tea party revolution and the man whose story and whose life inspired the nation. please join me in welcoming herman cain. [applause] ♪ >> thank you. that it be borne in mind that the tragedy of life does not lie
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