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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  March 19, 2011 1:45pm-2:45pm EDT

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>> up next on booktv, jack cashill questions whether president obama wrote his memoirs, "dreams from my father." mr. cashill argues obama was assisted in the writing of his 1995 memoir by bill ayers and contends the president pfister is different than the one presented in his biography. this program is just over an hour. >> and i want to start by telling you, some of you may not believe this, but this whole journey started so innocently. in july 2008, a correspondent sent me a list of excerpts from the acclaimed 1995 memoir of iraq obama called "dreams from
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my father." i have not read it from that point. i have not been paying that much attention to the campaign. i found myself stuck in the detroit airport awaiting and with very little of do as i can obama rama. there was "dreams from my father." there were obama coloring books, obama coffee table books. it was like the obama story. and so i thought it a copy -- took the copy of terms for my father and i can add a lesson. the national review and commentary, but anyhow, as i started reading the book, first of all, i discovered that the excerpts and questions are taken out of context. the book is not as radical as it sounds at all. as i would learn later on during my research, the book was not
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calculated to make iraq obama president of the united states. it was calculated to make iraq obama smear chicago in which you do good is president and present the world the psychological and moral problems. as they can into it, just in the late description, the book is divided into three parts. the first part starts with a section called origins, which basically tells the story from the time it tracks back to his parents and takes him through his departure for chicago. at the second part is the longest part of the book called chicago. and almost reads like it was written for another book. the third part is kenya. and what i discerned in reading the book as it has a very comparable structure to the homer's odyssey, which is interesting. i wrote about this and described obama as a combination of polemicists seeking the father and the father seeking a
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homeland. three weeks after i wrote that, the pulitzer prize-winning book critic for "the new york times," michiko kakutani writes, this book is a combination of obama as polemic as seeking the father and the father seeking a homeland. i don't think she copied from me. i just think that structures the book and i was the first one to see that. and that comes back into play in a the ui just a little bio. now, i say rather, what intrigues me about it is the best parts of it, some of the wonders of the best best part of it are very well written well written. as they make the case tonight, someone may seem turgid when you see this sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph basis, he writes extremely well. and he is not gotten credit for that partly because we have to make sense that obama is the sole author of this book.
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i'll explain why that is not so and why we know that's not so. in any case, those reading to the book, i was thinking there to questions that emerge. these two questions would've on the basis of my book. the first question was, did iraq obama write this book? the second question is, is the story he tells true? nsi would come to discover, the answer to both questions is the same time will tell you what that is in a little while. i thought when i got into it that everyone would be asking these questions because they've seen barack obama speak. i didn't think he is a literary background to read a book of this quality. and so i went online and googled, you know, barack obama ghostwriter. i thought there'd be plenty of people already discussing who obama's ghost writers. instead i got answers like this. unlike john mccain, barack obama does not need a ghostwriter. i could not find a single
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dispute and had on either side of the aisle, including the right side of the aisle. william buckley fans voted for barack obama because he was such a gifted word search. i thought everyone would be asking these questions. but as i discovered, i was the only one asking these questions. this is a lonely, replaced to be. switching gears a little bit, as anyone who has seen the play can at times, i am not a particularly good golfer. in fact, i would consider myself a double bogey golfer. on a par four i was shooting six. i would shoot up five. for me a favor break 100. for me a favor break 100. for me a favor break 100, something celebrate. and there are two reasons i've been able to achieve this level of success. one is a natural of talent and second that combine that. the combination together design
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is good golfer which is 100 plus. to achieve true superiority, say take your word. one is an extraordinary natural talent. and secondly, total dedication, eight deep, deep commitment to do the best you can do. in his book, the authors by malcolm gladwell, he talks about what he calls the 10,000 hour rule. and what they say it was a college essay is to achieve mastery of any subject, it takes not only great natural talent, but roughly 10,000 hours apart does. gladwell cites the beatles and tiger woods. if you read the history, for instance, charlie parker, 10, 12 hours a day practice when he was in adolescent. you get so good you can break the rules because you know what the rules are.
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in barack obama's case, he skipped to the 9900 hours of that process. if you read -- writers are like offers organizations. it takes a national talent and a lot of hard work. in barack obama, for instance, in the cases i read this summer, the biography of christopher hitchens is a memoir called hitch and he writes about himself as a writer for the turn is a child. his show goes, successes, failures, great truth, the things he? , people he admires. another character whose memoir that this year, two and everyone in the media should have read and they will be more to talk about before the evening astaire was frank marshall davis, the mentor of barack obama when he was in hawaii. he is member of the communist party u.s.a. he's also an excellent writer. he grew up in the first half of
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the century the central part of kansas. he suffered more than the first part of his day. he's the next. it's about the struggle, influence, he goes on to become a very serious poet and a very serious journalist. in barack obama's case, he/ father," he mentions his writerly wants to because i meet some journal entries and was in very bad poetry. i'm not going to deny that, but that is not a writer. now, once i was looking around to see what did obama writes in print? there was that much for a guy who wrote this classic greats acclaimed memoir. there wasn't much to see. what i did find was one paper --
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an article he had written as a senior at columbia called breaking the war mentality. although thematically it's no sillier than the average paper written by columbia undergraduate. scientifically it's a disaster. it's another in total disaster. this might be excusable if, for instance, you before this they had found barack obama in an indonesian cave being raised by wolves, but to this point, you just spent the last four years graduating from an ivy league school. the eight years before that, he spent hawaii's best principle. the writer really is a 21-year-old in 1983 is 90% as good as the writer will ever be. that's essentially what the way it works out for my school to graduate school. i would have to say i could take
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student victim twice as good. if i connect than 10% better, i'm thrilled. and that's the way it is. this is a signature, the dna. and the one essay, a 200 words long, he has 5 cents and is in which the noun in the subject does not agree with the verb. i mean, this is an embarrassment to columbia university to allow this to be published. i presume there is no editor. my children were better than this in grade school and your children were, too. i'll just read one sentence. here is one sentence from breaking the war mentality. the very real advantages of concentrating on the single issue is the national freeze movement to challenge individual missile systems while continuing to broader campaign. this of course should create advantages are depleting, but
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only if advantages. the whole structure is strong. the last phrase, while continuing to broader campaign is the impact of thought to anything. this is sentence after sentence like this. there's not a single sentence in the whole essay is a hint of style or promise that we would see inside three. five years later, 1998, we see more of obama when he writes an essay called by organized that goes into a book called after a lengthy, and illinois. we see the same problem. three sentences, no subjects that don't agree. we see these incredibly common keys awkward sentences that sit on the page like lead. here's one. facing this reality is, as the three major strands earlier movement or parent.
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facing these realities modifies nothing. strands do not face reality. this is a whole sentence. i had to go back and make sure i hadn't missed a day. i couldn't believe in 1990 he wrote an essay in case now that harper and that's about the one time in recent history that democrats have not chosen to expand forthright. this is just a typical sentence. the fetus against third parties provided an additional deterrent to unwanted intrusions on a woman's bodily integrity. in other words, if an unborn child could sue his mother of the abortionist that would restrict the mothers to kill the unborn child. that's swear was in 1990. the same year, barack obama was elected president, which is a popularity contest, by the way, not based on anything else. and in the same year, what's the
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story of his winning the president he makes "the new york times," there's an agent scott the article, contact barack obama, reaches for him to put a proposal together, takes the proposal to simon & schuster, my editor, too. he gets 18 months to read the book. there's something where barack obama may not even know about himself. he's not a writer. he does a people always do when they are faced with challenges they can't accomplish. they procrastinate. he keeps putting it off. he takes up the leadership project, which gives them an excuse not to meet his deadline. he's forgiven of offering teaching at the university of chicago law school. meantime come he meets and marries michelle, his wife and they have the social world that would make scarlett o'hara's head spin. you can't believe all the parties and barbecues and clubs they go to all the time.
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there's no time to write. he's running out of time. there is no time. and yet somehow, and i'm going to give a little more detail in a while. somehow in 1995, after simon & schuster canceled the contract, up to her there's a smaller lesser contract with no sign of the at all, he manages to sit down to write a 440 page book that "time" magazine will call the best written memoir ever produced by an american politician. jonathan raven, british heavyweight would call obama on the basis of this one book, the best writer to occupy the white house since abraham lincoln. nine years go by after that. the best writer to occupy the white house since abraham lincoln writes only tiny pedestrian columns for the herald. i read just about all of them. i could not find a single sentence and a lot of them that was even remotely graceful or
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poetic or lyrical. the greatest writer to ever occupy the white house puts his talents on hold for 94 years and raised pedestrian cannot fit. that's unusual for a writer. in 2006, he produces the vote and it's well-written and well researched. ..
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>> peter, who wrote about this, a liberal publisher who was involved in this negotiation called obama roofless, which is the story that did not get much play, so what he says is that obama ran out of time. he broke a well-written and well researched book. been eroded one chapter a week. that is 50 pages a week. obama writes his first draft -- and. by the way, he can only write this after a senate day that is filled with so much stuff you could not believe that anyone else to do anything but fall asleep at the end of the day. he broke 50 pages a week for the last eight weeks and finished the book and we are supposed to believe that. i get into the book. i'm not going to concentrate on it tonight. you might be saying yourself, don't all politicians have
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ghostwriters? and most of them do. you know, but it is as accepted a camouflage in washington as their guide. everyone does it. except for barack obama. in july of 2008 he was speaking to a convention of schoolteachers and virginia, and you can see this on youtube. he says, i've written two books. the teachers all applaud. then he goes with a wink and and not, i actually read them myself. now they laugh because they get the joke. republicans can do that because their too stupid. they're not smart enough this becomes the foundational matter of his genius. not only that he wrote it, but it that he wrote them himself without help. and like john mccain who on the cover of his book says with which is fair. and in this regard barack obama was the last and greatest in a line of very, very smart,
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skerries more democratic political figures. going back a ways think about this progression. in the fifties we had stevenson. you remember what his nickname was. those of you whose parents or grandparents met a told you. the egghead. he was so smart. he was succeeded by the man who as a senator won the pulitzer prize for his book, profiles. then he was followed by a whole series of smart people. let's see. eugene mccarthy, the professor. mcgovern, who is a regal. then came upholstering a big brains. gary hart, michael dukakis, al gore, john kerry. the smartest woman on the planet, hillary clinton. bill clinton and bill bradley. every one of them smart. on the republican side, all
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idiots to be out walking back through the idiot parade. we start with sarah palin who could see pressure from her house. you know, just before i google i get 8 million hits. this is in the age of civility. [laughter] inspired that charming bunkerso dicker, there is a village in dan quayle could not spell potato. george bush senior was ambushed gerald ford could not walk up and down a flight of stairs without falling. eisenhower was incoherent, and ronald reagan in the memorable words was an amiable dog. that is with the media has presented. now, if you are a black
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republican are you absolves? not all. you go from being a sacred cow to being hamburger. is describing what his reputation was, man of the accomplishments, an opportunistic black conservative who sold out his race, the republican party, and was ultimately rewarded with an affirmative action appointment to the nation's highest court, is an intellectual lightweight so insecure that he barely opened his mouth and oral argument. ba that is what they told clarence thomas. they aren't racist. of course not. but david remic in describing rock obama's opponent in 2004, the smartest guy i've ever stood
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next to and the most eloquent and prompted person i've ever seen. he described him as be -- [applause] -- a demagogue fool. now, david remic describes obama with the terms brilliant, intelligent, or smart more often in his biography of obama than walter isaacson did the subject of his most recent biography, albert einstein. go back and count them. i'm not exaggerating. i wish i were. now, not everything is, of course, as it seems. sarah palin is not the one tiny. george bush and an m.b.a. from harvard before anyone ever heard of the other george bush. his wife is a librarian. dan quayle misspelled potato because the flash card that the teacher had on it had an 0e on the end, and he did not want to
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embarrass the teacher. george bush was ambushed by the pressure scanner because no one had seen a high and scanned like that before. they knew that blight eisenhower just happened to oversee the most successful invasion in the history of military. ronald reagan, after being called an amiable dunce it turned up in 2001 the published book. he had written all of his own speeches, especially his radio speeches. when there were published, you can see they were an intelligent, coherent, systematic and smart won the cold war. now, gerald ford, probably the best athlete ever to occupy the white house. all-american football player, champion skier, golfer. chevy chase was on that first season of saturday night live when they campaigned.
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here is what he said later. i wanted carter and and ford out. i figured, we are reaching millions of people every weekend. why not do it. do we think that teen if they had any more honorable motives in her weekly slender of sarah palin? i don't think so. now, as to the democrats, are they as smart as they appear to back but in 1956 with a little help from justice kennedy, a lot of help, he won the pulitzer prize. drew pearson, the leading mike richter of the day went on mike wallace's show and accused ted sorensen of actually writing that book. what the kennedys had sorenson do was to go on the air and swear under oath that he did not read the book. he had been leaking all along that he did.
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he finally admitted as much in his memoir. he wrote the book. jfk won a pulitzer prize for a book he did not right. that's not to say he stupid. just not as smart as we would like to think that they are. this is, you know, for instance, when george bush, but brought out out or. roughly comparable. then he dragged out bill bradley. he was my idol and high school. he was ahead of me at princeton. we all thought he was a great scholar. he had of 485 on his sats in english. that is not terrible. but if you are going to princeton it puts you in the bottom 1% of your class. then we have to live with this illusion that he was a great scholar all these years. they control the media, so they can get away with this. that is the way it is. obama is not stupid.
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he's pretty clever. he ran a great campaign. he is no more of a writer than i am a golfer. so if you see me walking around your neighborhood and a green jacket and i tell you i won at the masters at 7p suspicious. and it is easier for me to win the masters then it would have been for barack obama to write a literary masterpiece. you can't do that if you are not a writer just like i really couldn't win the masters no matter how much our practice. i went public with my suspicions on july 31st. at that time i had no idea. i just knew that there was someone else involved. barack obama did not have the writing jobs to put that put together. i don't do this for a living to be that i had to make a living doing other things. i picked up a copy of bill eros
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memoir, frigid days. i had no suspicion at all but he was involved with this book. i did not know much. i know that his book was reviewed where he says he has no regrets. the least appropriate on the history of america for an unrepentant terrorist to come forward. the new york times, september 11th, 2001. on top of the world, and after that he had to hide his head. he became a figure of total disrepute. his book sunk quickly into obscurity. i would be just horrified if i put so much faith in that and that is what happened. i saw a picture and started reading it. altogether actually a pretty good book. say what you will, he had an
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event full life and in seven full time. once you get into the heart of the story it's pretty compelling. i mean, a fugitive from justice for ten years, setting up bombs, blowing people up. dan gets blown up in a greenwich village bomb blast. i begin to see certain patterns. i feel like i am reading something have already read before. and i have my first eureka moment, but it is kind of a stupid one. what i thought at first, crush, i have to -- they are both in chicago, both kind of radical, they have the same ghostwriter. some same left-wing poets. i had no idea about errors background. here are two sentences that caught my eye early on. i'll just read them. this first one is from bill's book, fugitive days. the confrontation in the fishbowl flowed like a swollen river into the teaching carrying
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me along the cascading waters from room to room, all to a halt mounting of boulders. here is one from barack obama streams from my father. i heard all our voices begin to run together, the sound of three generations public over each other like the currents of a slow-moving stream, but questions like sparks the brakes and memories separating the current. and not only is the imagery the same, the flowing water, broken by rutler boulders, but also the structure. each sentence begins with a standard verb phrase embellished by a series of participle saddam -i am reading to be there is something going on here. when i finished reading through the book by that time are realized that he wrote his own book. consistent from beginning to end
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i saw his other stuff and he had a reputation as a writer. i looked. this is a serious writer and editor i don't know if you remember this guy, but he wrote a book called resurrecting empire. the acknowledgments section starts first chronologically and every other way comes bill errors. it is beginning to seem like not such a crazy eddie at that he is actually involved with james to my father. another was the whole question of postmodernism. like pornography. one of those things that it is hard to describe. basically it means that you
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reject judeo-christian view of the world and you impose your own reality. to construct a reality. that doesn't sound like it makes much sense, but it's there. you can recognize it when you see it. his own memoir, what he calls our constructed reality and so to his dreams. another part of me knew that what i was telling him was a lie. something i had constructed from the information i picked up. now, what i'm going to do here is read a series of sequence. you listen for the similarities. this is why a book was so necessary, because i cannot do this in a thousand words. i need 10-20000 words to make my case. the narrative begins with something to say. i understood that i spent much of my life trying to review the stories, putting up poles and
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the narrative. narrative inquiry can be useful corrective to all of this. obama, truth is the best corrective. the mind works in contradiction and honesty requires the writer to reveal disputes with herself on the page. obama, i suspect that we can't pretend these contradictions of our situations don't exist. all we can do is choose. the reason must actually see the struggle, not by a tourist, but by pilgrim. all in all it was an intellectual journey that i imagined for myself complete with maps and west point and strict itinerary. narrative writers strive for personal signature but must be aware of the struggle for honesty being constant. obama, i was engaged in a fiscal interior struggle. someone -- by the way, this is the only postmodern book that obama wrote. it shows up and nothing else he ever broke except for grams of my father. not a word of it in any of the
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article seabrook otherwise. these two authors also dabble in advanced postmodern slang. the grooves into which they have fallen, the poses that they assume, and even the stitched together nature of their lives. a very distinctive phrase that repeat itself. and the thing i learned reading fee to days was that after bill dropped out of college after his freshman year he took a job as a merchant seaman. it was a job that intimidated and scared him. he still has trained and nightmares. he hoped he would become a great writer and the sea. it did not work out. what he did is, the language would forever in fact everything he broke. now, for instance the right to an article on education that perfectly mimics idea for idea of obama's ideas on education.
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navigating a restless sea, the continuing struggle to achieve a decent education for african american young students in chicago. now, obama is in hawaii. we know that. the book is totally landlocked. two paragraphs spent in or near the city. no opportunity in obama's book to really bad about the sea. the words that i am going to read for you all appeared usually in metaphorical context. here are the following words that are shared between barack obama's trains for my father and bill there's three books that i follow. and going to read them quickly. fog, miss, ship, sinking ships, cells commotions, captives, first mates, stores, wind, wind, water, anchor, barges, horizon, based comport, panorama, more income of wages, narrow courses, on certain courses, and things,
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howling to modeling sinking, leaking, just kidding, swimming, not it, bring it caught tangled, and charlie, and party. that is a coincidence. i went back and checked my own. i grew up, spent big chunks of my summer each year at the place that unfortunately snooki has made famous. such a wonderfully obscure place before that. i spent a lot of time on boats. i could not find three or four of those in my book. who uses the word -- in here is the one word that caught my attention, and that this -- in one of the sentences it was first highlighted as being potentially radical. taken out of context. the notion that for black nationalist the study attack on the bike race served as the balance that could prevent the idea is a personal and communal responsibility from tipping into an ocean of despair.
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who uses the word balance in the sentence unless there really know what they're talking about? i had to look it up. if i am writing a sentence as a metaphor i am looking that up. on september 18th 2008 at 1st went public with this three part series called did bill bright dreams for my father. at the same time i started contacting the computer, the experts in computer forensics. you have to get these guys and. i contacted them without any sense of what their politics might be. help me out. i'm just looking for advice. they said stay away from computer forensics. not reliable enough. polygraph, not dna. you don't want to get caught doing something where the results aren't justifiable. this is not some great success, some great -- of talk about this in the book.
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some great embarrassments. i decided to stay away from that. then you ask, why was this accusation problematic? it is still problematic in 2012. one is that he based his genius this around his unique off the ship of dreams for my father. the second thing is that he lied, if i were right and my thesis is correct, he lied about his relationship. the third thing is, if i were right, he allows bill to wander around his head all of that time sharing ideas, thoughts, plans, and you have to ask yourself how many dinner parties ended with the punch line cool. where did this begin and end? david. >> translator: says about my theory if ever proved true or believed to be true among enough voters it could have been the end of obama's candidacy. i knew that.
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that is a totally weird feeling. a month and a half out, and you know that you have the october surprise in your pocket. you know that no one wants to listen. at the end of the invasion of the body snatchers. the people are driving by. anyhow. i'm going to digress a little bit and go from september 18th 2008 to september 18th 2009. i just have to throw this into let you know what happened. a year later, by christmas comes early. i found a pony under my tree. a book by christopher andersen called barack and michele. usa call it a glowing portrait of the obama marriage. he wrote about his previous book on the anna and christopher reeve said. he writes from within the gates.
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audience skew the mill and liberal. establishment credentials, time magazine, impeccable reputation for telling the truth with no reason to lie about what he is discovering. a six page section in this book on how hopelessly blocked barack obama deeply in debt, having to pay back his advanced at michele's urging turns to his friend and neighbor in hyde park because they liked his 1993 book to teach. he says, help us out. they brought down his notes and his audiotapes and his unfinished manuscripts and said, we need your help. this is what christopher anderson writes. he spent six pages on this and a book that is obviously not done to support me. he has no interest in appealing to my audience. i read 80 reviews of christopher andersen's book. it was even on chris matthews.
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of those, do you know how many of them mentioned the single most newsworthy revelation and that. >> reporter: zero. it was at that moment that i knew, i know. my friends are saying, get your pulitzer prize speech ready. i said, you don't know this world as well as i do. and going to happen. zero out of 80. i went public. here is how the internet works. the people in the dead tree media don't understand or appreciate it. because the internet the press. my wife wonders why don't watch tv, an open sewer of untreated and unfiltered information. the internet existed in 1933 and 1933 and died like walter duranty would not have been able to bury, suppress the story of the 6-8000000 collapse killed by
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joseph stalin. in 1957-59 the new york times reported herbert matthews. they would not have been able to pass. he did. thank you internet. the have changed everything for the better. what happened when a place like will the daily is this, you put out a new idea and become the source of people with similar thoughts all across the world. i would have about one dozen people from places like australia, south africa, is real, india , switzerland, hawaii, and all across the united states. by single -- now, for all of that, and i'm going to embarrass him. his name is ryan gets there. i was getting this incredibly savvy, smart, well written observation from him.
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here is whalberg -- here is one. is since go down to the hudson river. one kid says to the other, the river is flowing north. the other said, look, it's falling north. the teacher explains it is a tidal river where the one spot on that river where the north flowing tide meet the southland hudson river. two years later barack obama says the east river, also a tidal river that runs parallel to the hudson dividend by poor box up to him and says, it seems to me that the river is flowing south. listen. it has to do with the tides. this is in clinton's. this is mr. merchant marine interposing his historic knowledge. so i said, let me use your name.
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i can give you credit. he says, after what happened to joe, i don't want anything to do with this. i heard that from at least a half a dozen people. joe the plumber, by the way, or inquiry into his life that fall by the mainstream media then there was into barack obama, and i'm not exaggerating. one of the things that ryan sent me, and this was brilliant. one day he sends me the fbi files of bill errors terrorist call frontier was killed in a 1970 greenwich village bomb blast. an aerial photo. a history, and an article from that time about how bill visited diana with his friends in this big country estate for generations old library, a carriage house filled with
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books. then he says to me, take this out, and check out what barack obama says in his book. in dreams for my father, 440 pages of the story of a young man's coming of age as a multiracial person in america. there are two paragraphs dedicated to his social life. he tells them in retrospect about a white woman he met in new york and chicago. this woman just happened to be the same height and hair color and eye color and live in that state just like diane with trees around it and a late in the middle. a fourth generation house with the carriage house filled with books. he just happened to break up with her. as christopher anderson went back to try to find this woman, he couldn't. in other words, as bryan argues, and i think he is correct, barack obama imported as co friend into the book to give him the love.
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that is doesn't imply anything other than a bar is a girlfriend. so i said, i have to give you credit. you're doing too much good stuff. he goes, that may tell people what your credentials are. he says, mike credentials are going to impress anyone. then he sends me any mail. this is a great country. i'm a college dropout. a run a small construction company. he says three children. i don't think of right to impress anyone. he's right. what an extraordinary thing. i said, how did you get into the stack he says average your first article. i said, i wonder if that's true. i want to order all his books.
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i started going through them. in my book i talk about the facts, the beltway conservative media, with the standard, human events, washington * to return the back of me. the mail i get from the weekly standard. an interesting piece, but i might have oversubscribed. he would not do it justice. also, we had a long rather critical piece on obama, never trust somebody. not too long ago thomas right when he was here. so thanks for allowing me to take a look. the french have a phrase. you remember what you could have said a few minutes later walking down the stairs after a dinner
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party. after thomas franks said the average, i should have said my wife wears the of reason not valid. i remember that a few minutes later. i figured i would throw it back in tonight. be a literary editors. we have literary editors. they are too busy to do what ryan, a college dropout, is doing after a day of traveling and taking care of three children in nebraska. something is wrong with our media, not just the mainstream media either. [applause] rush limbaugh started talking about me on the air. at that point your whole life changes. your in box and found a lot. and then i thought, okay. we are a month out. iphicles tended runs a cover
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story wicked turn the election. we really could. but then what kicks in is the country-western song by randy travis, one of my favorites, is it still over, are we still through. since my phone still and running, i assume it's telling you. iphone did not rang. is not the end of the candidacy. a guide to the five met secretly. that is just the first part. i had up to this point avoided the whole birth controversy. i did not need to be associated with any other. out without looking for the birth certificate. i was happy with the s.a.t. scores. jimmy hoffa's body will be unearthed before those are.
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anyhow, one of my correspondence, this kind -- on give you his name, don will be. from a conveyor belt business in michigan, the kind of guys to participate. he said take a look. obama had it published under his name when he was 19 years old. one of two poems that are published in the occidental college literary review. one is called underground. a friendly reviewer calls it a visit as obscurely symbolic of a tribe of submarine primates. i would argue it is probably the best poem ever written about a tribe of submarine primates, but here it is. this, obama wrote. underwater caverns filled with apes stepping on the fakes that the aids eat, they crunch. that is an 19-year-old paul. i have no trouble believing barack obama wrote that. the other palm that was with
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that was called pawpaw. much more sophisticated. of just read one section. popped takes another shot. he points out the same amber stands on his shorts that i've got on line. he makes me smile his now coming from me. he switches channels, research and all pulled the bill before his mother died, stans, sounds, and ask for a hug. that is just an expert. rebecca meet in the new yorker describes the palm as a loving if slightly jaded portrait of obama's maternal grandfather, his mother's father. david. >> translator: makes the same point. clearly reflects a obama's relationship with his grandfather's family. i could find no mainstream publication that even suggests otherwise. this is how utterly careless these people are in their
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analysis of obama's life and literary career. why? listen to the slide. here is what pop does. he recites an old poem he wrote before his mother died. how did stanley don's mother committed suicide when he was eight years old. frank marshall davis, the poet of referred to earlier, when his mother died he was already a poet of prominence. that is kansas state university, one that he loved. this is frank marshall davis about whom the poem is written. now look at the title of the palm, pop. why didn't remic ask, okay, if it is about grant which is what obama called his grandfather, why call a pop. there is an abdication of paternity. the more deeply i get into this the more i realize that not only
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was the palm about frank marshall davis, but i would say this was the least 90% confidence, the palm is by frank marshall davis. a pattern has started when barack obama was 19 years old. i'm not going to go into detail, but let me sum this up by saying that we know less, and the minister of elite, a lot the first few years of obama's life than we know about george washington. david remic calls dreams for my father a mixture of verifiable fact, recollection, recreation, invention, and artful shaping. the same could be said of james fry. torn from the pieces by obama's chief curator of the show. if there is a villain in my book it is not barack obama. i find it very interesting, entertaining, and pretty clever.
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it is the media that is the villain. i have never seen. i have studied this history well, a collapse like this of a major establishment like our for the state. thanks a lot. we'll take questions. [applause] >> come up to the microphones to ask your questions. questions, not political statements. >> questions, comments? yes. walked up to the microphone. what i did not mention, and i don't mean to say this ban the. the question that the audience might be asking, what are my credentials for doing this? that is, and of course, my 25
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year career in publishing and advertising, i have looked at the portfolios of at least a dozen professional writers. i did not see two or three that could wreck that well. i have taught at every level from high school to graduate school. i have a ph.d. in american studies, and i wrote a book on intellectual fraud and literary fraud. so this subject is not news to me. even if it had like my man in nebraska, there are people capable of doing great work. you don't need credentials to do it. >> 10,000 hours. he said when you are expanding it that once you are 21, you know, you are 90% established as a writer. it seems like there are different people. some people are 201 and don't progress beyond that. some people like barack obama> and have different experiences, talk to a wide range of people.
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constantly evolving. something they wrote in 1983 might be totally different from something they wrote in 1995. and the second point is that i books. he is a very good communicator. somebody that communicate better orally than with the written word. i will ask a question. here is the difference. point is well made. possible someone they're 33. he did not write. so it is as if i went from being a double bogey golfer to win the masters without playing golf. he did not do one or the other. you don't get that much better doing nothing.
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yes, ma'am. >> yes. i have to tell you the book, i have not tested yet, but i have to tell you that as an english major this make lecture has been heaven. i mean, for you to talk about participles and form. [applause] totally. i had not realized how in the closet we english majors had to be until i came here tonight and now i am out and proud. i really, really wanted to ask you, i was of little bit late, and i don't know if you told the detroit story about the lady who accidently you encountered in the airport or whenever it was. >> that did not mention that. and what happened, this was, i think, but we all had. i was feeling a little
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squeamish. the girl who sold it to me was black. she was so proud and happy that i was buying that book. i had this momentary illusion. yes. even if he wins there will be an upside. the racial crowd. there will be an era of peace. really thought that. it did not happen. as soon as i told the story on the air once i get called a racist for telling it are for experiencing it. i get called a racist just by being here tonight. i could buy all of what about nancy pelosi or harry reid without problem. this book, i know it's coming and if there. it's unfortunate, and it should not happen, but thanks a lot. appreciate that. [applause] >> you mentioned that it was also the writer for the extremist. this was also teaching the
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university of chicago. my question, since the last two years we have seen a behavior, very unto israel, confrontational, and very seems to want to be the saddle of the palestinian state. what is the relationship? >> that is an excellent question. the answer was available in 2008. the los angeles times had a videotape of the doing away dinner in chicago. they talk about it. the article was headlined kamal bama, a friend of the palestinian state. they would not share the contents of that video. reno there were talking about, making reference to the israelis as nazis. the new york times the mccain
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campaign said this is news. hold on to that, it's kept under the rug. we know that obama got up going. thanks to the ideas that they share together. the problem with barack obama is that there is some much we don't know even today. a big question, that accent. thank you. appreciated. this, sir. >> mentioned right before the last campaign you came out publicly and thought it restored to potentially be the end of obama's campaign. now that your book is out the use see this having a bigger impact and/or why do you think you are getting much traction? >> right now it is interesting. the book came out two days ago and is sort of a grass-roots sensation. you know, but publishers, where
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are these sales coming from? i know. they come from the blog is sphere. and talk radio. however, the feedback last week turned down that wall. this is the republican conservatives fire wall around information. it is discouraging that they don't want to know were here. a lot of it is not ideological. the main thing, there is a reason for it. it is protecting their agenda. most of it has to do with snobbery. i hate to say it, but that is part of it. i wish there were a better answer. i could not figure one out. i went to purdue, not ill. kansas city, not tourist town. so, why bother. yes, sir. >> i ran across a bumper sticker. if you think it is to get one, google and january 20th


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