tv Book TV CSPAN April 2, 2011 8:00am-9:00am EDT
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agree more. >> they were the highlights of the australian parliament in march. the next sitting will be the budget sitting in may. join us for an update. thank you. >> welcome to booktv. every weekend beginning at this time here on c-span2. over the next 48 hours we bring programs on nonfiction books, authors and the publishing industry. four in..
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west of the student union. it's truly an honor today to introduce two women whose books and stories can inspire all of uso >> our power to make a difference in our communities and countries. their lives show pursuing a passion for equal justice and for service can truly change the world.he dr. connie mariano is a woman of many first and first military woman to be tysic chosen as the white house physician, the first woman director of the white house medical unit in the firstto b filipino american to become the admiral -- admiral in the navy. she started as aunn underdog always being under estimated because of her gender comment ethnic background and appearance and her new book "the white house doctor" dr. connie mariano shares herd turning a little th
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growth in the philippines came to america to become a physician to the president of united states. her example is truly her achievements are unlimited in the military medicine and government service. gloria feldt will speak second was a leading activist and best-selling author of four books, commentator, speaker on women in leadership, politics, power health and the media. sor,heer her front line experiencebiti how to unlock ambition toe embrace the power to make a difference of what we believe in chile provides sir the need perspective banshee shares that in her book no excuses. nine ways women can change how we think about power. she is currently a professor at arizona state in a lot ofd people know her and we'reha very excited to have her return to arizona shebrou
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brought phenomenal growth to the planned parenthood affiliates and also the president andal ceo of the planned parenthood federation of america from 1996 through 2005. and her honors include the magazine naming her with the top 200 women of trailblazers and texas monthly named her the top texas 20 describing her part to another comment businesswoman and mae west. [laughter] >> please join me in welcoming dr. connie mariano and gloria feldt to the festival and we will begina with the presentation from dr. marianota and thank you cup lapse deny this is a challenge because i'd like to be p limited and i am limited physically but we will do this the best that we can. bes in 12 minutes a want to share with you my journey
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that i outline that i encourage you to take a look l atoo that one of the stories of being the first to get the attention to be the first senior field but alsor the sadness that you have to be the first bet the other is the hope that other people will follow so you are not the first and you will not be the last.y.d in we will talk about leadership and in a lot of ways, am i storey and turney is one of finding that i am a leader and becoming a leader.dale i live in arizona, scottsdale after leaving the white house buthe before that i was in washington d.c. where lived and worked.e i was there all the time. a nice piece of government property on 1600 pennsylvania ave. you paid for it. 18
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18 acres of the what housefo and nine years i was a on call where i spent wonderful and some sad times bookit before i wound up at the white house my journey began in a faraway place in another country in the philippines. this picture was taken 1957. i was two years old second on the left.osou fit to growsi cousins that live-in toronto canada and my cousin of the rights as a retired navy service man in pensacola. of that time my father was in the unitednd states in pearl harbor is where we were stationed. i step what in america first at pearl harbor. i.r.a. rived as a daughter the listed servicemen youalet
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would be a houseboy or is to word in the admiral and here i hady begun my a journey probe i grew up in the neighborhood and my little brother is confused wary he fits in with gender and racial background. [laughter] that began my ethnic journey. but i struggled with trying to figure last name, color, i etc. and don't fit the se stereotypes of what is typically american. you costly struggle to find a place where you fit in.arne in a lot of ways are resolved it to say it is noting so bad. first of all, you stand out.
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the navy which you all paid for and i got us scholarships spending 12d years of your life i said 924 years because it was that exciting. really the military allowedup me to become the person that i am. of the things that i learned about focusing on what the mission was about. and it supersedes whatever is going on. the other thing it taught mein was the respect for authority. looking at my leaders with a wonderful mentors who guided me along and then promoted me along the way. and also taught me to be understanding to look out for mynd troops those who served with me and under you're only as good as theed people that you work with. i learn about camaraderie but also not about burning
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youror bridges because sooner or later you need help from those people that you serve with.bu but in the end it wasd it serving a higher purpose and ta that is what gave me the courage because i believe in something higher for what i had to do in this life. what do i learn from my nine years at the white house? people ask what is it like taking care of the president of the united states? it is a very humbling doperience. the only job that the president the secretary say dr., the president will see you know, .t' when you go to bethesda where they sacked everything at if you look and the waitingar room in the one by one waiting to see the
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president said then you have a different perspective i traveled with him everywhere, the first family, your with your patient 24 hours a day sickness and in health whether he is not compliant compliant, the food he eats, you can understand and then down the line you can use that. [laughter] and and thenn gave me the fam dynamics into any family ande of one of the secrets of white house doctors of the president refuses to listen to your advice you appeal to higher authority and go to the first lady. [laughter] one of the things about being the white house doctor you cannot have a job unless the first lady endorses you because it is about makinghe's sure she is comfortable with you taking care of her family and i look at thatel with my daily practice when i talk to my patience.
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of the first lady of the family is not buying into this it will not work for you have to appeal to the higher authority to y convince them it is in the besteres interest of their family probe it is not all about me thinking i of connections and i powerful but in a lot of ways you are helpless because so many people work with you that if one person says something wrong you are responsible. somebody asked me had you know, who is taking care the president? if something goes wrong with the president's health, the press will mail you. salil you're the person who bring on capitol hill so you know, you are in charge because your the person they willlame blame. so alternately you are t responsible for them. you have to take care of what you do i eighth learned gla about shattering glasses before i was even capable ofk gl doing that and gloria feldt
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talks about shattering glass ceilings i read her book is a wonderful read had to read your book would have gotten further in my life. t [laughter] but it shows what it takes a was always the very quiet and shy person sitting at the back of the classroom never speaking in public and it is the courage to find the comfort within your own skin once you do that you have no fear or intimidation because you speak your own inner truth. one of the things i did learn if you want to succeed follow somebody who messed up. [laughter] some of my greatest successes i followed somebody who messed up and the fact that i was sober was a huge success. [laughter] reorganization got better. inne that case but then from
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bosses learning what not to do so you don't make this at s mistake. don't be afraid to createour change. the people like me who stand out, if you stand out i tell people make sure your standing -- outstanding they will remember you now they try to stir it up if you believe in something make change happen prepare you don't need a group of people it just takes onine t person to start a revolution in. part of that is that you believe it needs to be done and others wilel follow because you are soin. passionate about what you believe in. ove in a lot of ways they overlap stuff over fluff. shall be the substantialetty stuff. not the pretty stuff thattu
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the hard stuff that you do something to make ai difference. i tell people over and over to be honest and forthright and do not be deceptive especially when dealing with the press. never live. as a woman who has always been in charge of the medicine and military and government, you obviously see a lot of politics, do not let them overrun prepare you try to educate them about being professionally step up to standards butng byoyk also you don't cower or back off.the via a thing i have found is adjectives male and female to be supportive of was fortunate in the white house to have hillary rodham clinton there when i needed help i went to her and she would say let me help you. it got done.mes, i tell women don't play games. if you are stress, don'tpl
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cry. do not engage. don't play the games that they accuseg us of. you elevate you're standard to above sexual c and again come as the people who would rich your life to grow and mentor you but also close friends. i have a lot of women friends who are very supportive. one of my nine years s of the white house once a month i have high tea with a friend who was a psychiatrist we talked about why she did not have to give me medication but talk to a friend that i respected to mull things over. be true to yourself. my form of leadership maybe different than yours orught somebody else but we have to els find their own voice to be comfortable in their own com skin with their own voice to speak up.
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stand up and stand out with people who are comfortable and what i p stand for and then tell people to get over, it.i'ie i will not die on you.big we have to educate the people it will not be such a big deal to have such a woman white house doctor. it is not a big deal that we have many of them. when women open doors to shatters ceilings come only those stores open and hand the hammer to the next woman. do not just be the first but amidst all these things you still have to maintain your humility. one of the things i talksecr about is my secret of success i grew up with the en mantra you are never goodh, y enough for you're never good enough.
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in key issue grounded your head does not get bigger than your heart bird-brained and it keeps your feet on the ground and in the end ipr look at what i do it doesn't mean anything unless the people whose lives itouch and organizations are better because i pass this way so i will end my brief presentation and turn it back to you to my colleague and we will continue. thank youve very much. [applause] >> thank now i am very happy to have a presentation from gloria feldt and we will be ready to go in just a moment
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>> almost never use any audio/visual equipment. [laughter] if something can go wrong, it will. >> a almost never use any audiovisual. [laughter] if something can go wrong, it will. [laughter] and which is part of the chaos and we will make it work. either way. all right. brilliant. thank you. applies for the -- applause
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for the department. [applause] high. i am so happy to be here this ihes the most amazing bookok festival i have never seen. you congratulations to all of rio. [applause] y i loved reading your book connie mariano and when i did and after meeting you and now having heard your story in more detail i have to say there is one thing that seems to be a threatre between stations read di between our stories even though we have veryd th different lives and b experiences, that is that we both felt to do almostf
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anything is right there in a your hands if you can see it to have the courage and use it. those are big brave words but let me assure you i do not have a sense of power progress a 16 year-old it does not start that way. i was born my family was a verynt few jewish family of four grandparents hadm immigrated from eastern europe withst thick accents and he was a very blustery guy in a culture who valuesin quiet people and in the forties and fifties my mom went to work every day. other mothers who stayed home to take care of their families. we were different.eren we were so different. th i just thought that was the worst thing in the world. i did but the coulter told me to do you get
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married, have babies come on the picket fence you did not have aspirations beyond that and if you went to college itnd was to get the m rs.all above all you are not to be smarter than the boys. i hear the murmurs and people understand this. this is me with my firstborn tammy bless her heart to harass to put up with me going to my own growing process because what happened was after the third job was born i was 20 andg. amazing new technology came along. [laughter] the birth control pill. s [laughter] lif and it changed my life and saved my life to let me knowll that there was any opportunity for me to think beyond the picket fence as much as i loved my children
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anhtd at that point* i bought into the traditional suze homemaker version ofknew women -- womanhood, i knew i could think little bigger. i c started college when my industries was four months old it took me 12 years to finish for a variety of reasons. but during that time it was during the civil rights movement. i became involved with hts.unity activities to support those who were struggling for civil rights and then i had another e tiffany. if there is civil rights there must be some rights for women. [laughter] and it took some inspiration from a woman that figure that out a long time ago, sojourners truth. she was born a slave she became the leadingder
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abolitionist and the leading women's rights leader and you can see her attitude that we all need to have. that leads us to the question imagine what would women be like if they held equal positions of power? are we there yet? let's look at the numbers it is easy particularly for young women for young women to think we're there because after all we have seen almost everything if something can go wrong, it will with technology. young women have seen a first for almost everything. muc every door has pretty much been opened at least wants.
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they have changed the laws in some ways in your the members anybody imagine what those might be? to appear not 50% of the workplace and 80% of top management and leadership positions across all sectors.ul 541751% of theat population women are 54% of the voters 70% of congress i took this picture being gabby sort been we know bac she will be back soon. [applause]
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>> do no limit by 85% of the goods that aref sold? we make up 15% of the directors met decide what will be sold i think there's something deeply wrong women have the power in our hands we don't use and this tells us we have every consumer product if we got together to d decide to do it that gives us some of the answers 15% of the bylines 15% of
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the op-eds you cannot get i that published it you don't submit it. you cannot get a political office if you don't run for it. you cannot begin if you do not put yourself forward. that is what i think the message needs to be. that is why i wrote to "no excuses." not to at blame women but inspire them to keep going because we are in the unfinished revolution if we stay at the current rate it will take 70 years to get to parity. we have been at this for about five decades in the real love to live another 70 years but the odds of that are not a great therefore i decided i needed to do
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something fast. thise thing is that everywhere we look people tell us it is the women's moment and did you read "newsweek" this week?al this is the women's moment clearly. have you read nikolas christoph? they say the moral imperative of the 21st century is the empowermente of women. a big consulting firm like mackenzie and ernst and young look at companies across every sector to say those who have greater numbers of women in their upper management and on the board, they have a better return on investment. everybody looks at us to say this is the women's moment the like kathryn bigelow standing there with her two oscars hooking like deer inhead
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headlights. what will m i do with this? thi i found from my research men resist the power in their hands and looked at y. why does this happen? m it has a lot to do with the fact that we have negative attitudes about the idea of power to begin with we have an idea of power in our minds that was constructed backn sat when it was not braves that made the difference.r but power that is forced to deny something. the power that there is the finite pie and if i take a slice there is less for you. fee power over makes you feel powerless. but power over is oppression but power is really that you canma make it whatever you want to if we change the
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definition in our minds then it becomes somethingo positive for problem-solving, innovating in doing something to treat your patience and being able to get a education to help your kids have a better life and becomes the infinite resource. the more there is, the more there is. power makes you feel powerful. power to is leadership and that is nothing more thanally getting something done.ader also to demystify the whole notion it is nothing morene, than getting something done and for that you need power tools. that is what i want to talk about opera -- and now. w i hate those books that talk about what is wrong with women?mpli this is why women never
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accomplish and don't get to the upper echelon. those stores are open so i want to do is share what i learned from my own life on the front lines of leadership what i learned from talking with women all over the country i call them power tools because i like to be funny. to help womeben td actually succeed income comfortable's it is - appropriate that the first one today businesswomen history month is know your history and youy, a can create the future of your choice.ea what would have done typically of stepping forward is stepping back, this is very
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frustrating since abigail adams asked to be the first ladies and they didn't and if promising him what to do, that has been the sequence and trajectory and that is what we need to change. power to #2 is to define your terms before somebody defines you. we know who wear fur defines term lives for the debate in just four redefining power gives the example of defining your own term.ot. here is what you have got.ated what was a liability in our youth we hated the feeling of not being good enough for measuring up but that is what. us into leadership and whated gave us the kind of compassion for the four or six who needed help use what
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you have got i learn to controversy. how many like that? i knew there'd be a few. [laughter] how many of you a controversy? most people back off from the opportunity to lead the most controversial movement in the world, is that it is actually yourtrisal friend that means you are important in you have a platform and people are paying attentionieve arizona is the only state that has passed the martin luther king holiday buy a vote of people. by a huge margin i believe that only happened because itbe became a bigso controversial issue. so many people were thinking about it and had to clarify their own values and they
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came to the polls i think arizona of politics needs a little more of that attention right now. [laughter] the [applause] especially the it always feels like you will pull in and go hide but it seems they favor chaos and then with lehman brothers was lehman brothers and sisters?see [laughter] the nbc's something differently that there may be alternative solutions.s. this became a metaphor whenin i was here with planned parenthood in arizona and i had a small clinic in visiting with the staff one day one of the women said to
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be every day before i go home i have to make as de conscious decision will i wear this sure to because i have to stop milk death occurs restored to a one to engage with a conversation about what i do and why i do with? i thought for a minute that is exactly the time it is most important to where the sure. wearing the shirt of ourf convictions is one of the most singularly important and effective leadership skills you do we consider to be the greatest leaders of all time? male orle female? you think the people who declare where they stand and that is from their leadership imperative.
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it is the application of the principles that we learned of the social movement that i figure can be applied too any aspect of life. you may recognize a few folks on the frontline.s g [laughter] you can imagine what is like to have 1.2 million people counting on you but nobody would displace hour. [laughter] some bd informs us as it informs us. women have a huge opportunity in the leadership from it can change the world women are 60% of the social media users. what are we talking about on social media? sq where is our to rear square? and finally because of the book festival story that is
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how we share thesecaus informations from generation to generation. so i am wearing my sure. staff and i want to encourage you all to gather up your proper tools to lead us use them to help women reach parity because it is important for women not just haveo the power to do but to o choose power and a one to close with one story has anybody here written a book?up asean couple of hands. there is the moment you have to give up. you have been writing it and you have to give up. you're done for you cannot change anything. i was already one month late. full of
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[laughter] ne i had to push this end budget before my editor got to her office. 2:00 in the morning i found one of those errors that spell check cannot save you from the word was supposed to be parity but somehow have gotten through.will [laughter] will you are all be there with me?th think you. [applause] >> thank you so much. i encourage people to come up to the microphone to ask questions i will let us star i have a lot of questions we want to hear from you first. >> my wife happens to have gone to the all woman's high-school andol college and
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teaches at the all woman's college. i am wondering what is your opinion of single-sex education for women is nowadays especially for secondary schools? >>to that is a great question. i am very conflicted per could you have a thought? >> i spoke in honolulu at a private girls school is speaking to educators they find especially elementary junior high and allows girls to not be distracted by boys and i was there to promote science and technology for girls and and it is cool to be smaller and at that age their focus on competing with each other bayou have very smart girls focusing in fields to say i want the boys to go to the head ofcl the if i had of a daughter i was centered to the all girls' school as my stepdaughter did and did very well. >> by conflict is we should
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be aiming for a world where both boys and girls run it. so the trick is to figure out how do you bring them backr together in a way that doesn't put girls in the secondary position because they do find once girls get into college if they go to the coed college, they begin to step back a bit and i don't know. if i had to air i would err on the side let's talk about the issues from the earliest days buttr let's try to have the two genders together along the way. >> >> i'm a graduate of all girls catholic high school i thought it was great and i went to college and had no problems. but my real concerns right
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now is with the u.s. congress both with planned parenthood that they will just abolish planned parenthood and of the low-income mother, that is where i went in 1989 to go for an abortion but a pregnancy tests and because i was such a high risk at 34 or 35 common they are the ones that pointedoust me to the doctor that would work best withon me and it is an attack on women to say not only can we fund abortion but we cannot have any public funding for planned parenthood. for my whole life, i am 65 and a retired teacher, planned parenthood has been a very important part of our society.ered i do not what will happen in the senate budget the do you have any idea what will happen with that?
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>> in the current setting let me backtrack for aac minute we fought the same battles in the 1980's and we won them. i believe we will win them again. but we have to use those power tools. and not be afraid to use them. my concern right now is i don't see enough productivity to put forward our agenda by the women's movement in g it is not just planned parenthood they only received tender 15% of the funding. the rest goes your public health department. community health centers marvell it is way beyondntho planned parenthood.ight you are right to do is an attack on women overall and needs to be fought that way. if women step back like
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abigail and her friends, we are cut to. it ised time for women to step forward. >> my question is prettyme l much on the same line with i the conservatives trying to do away with the abortion that's the women do not feel they can handle a pregnancy or another child and the morning after pill. this is terribly serious. ru and i am most fearful. >> when are you running for office? [laughter] seriously. the only answer to thege i democracy to the policy you don't likele is to change it and of the people don't change it for you then youil havel, to run is somebody that you know, will lowered do-it-yourself brett favre
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wish there was an easier answer. but there really isn't. if you don't like what they're doing go to them out and lobby like crazy. >> the other thing isay. politics is not just about elections. the date the election happens the next election and starts.time is about who you write how you lobby and willing you are to use your power that is in your hand back with women are 51% excuse me 51% of the population and 54% of the voters, 60 percent of social mediar users,'s it starts tomorrow. that is what i am telling
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you. that is>> what we have to do. >> what advice and you have freedom women who are justid turningea and have a good idea is to create change at work but they are pessimistic two tall-- to you about what can be done and what would you say? >> i have constantly heard that over and over. , a two be persistent. when i got to the white house ever of these questions.wh why do you do this? why does there have to behok president at 90 falls down the steps are joke's on a prep so? that doesn't make i said what everyone to do ss, on my to do the following things but the biggest thing is to not take no for the answer and be persistent and it comes at time i cannot work in thisen
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you move find do not give up the power to about creating a movement comment women feel they have to solve their own problems by themselves and feel isolated especially at work so you can apply those principles to reach out to somebody else but ask for help when you need it, yousk will see at other people have the same issues and has the courage to raise the issuese than if y there is a workplace policies are you have a great idea that you think will make money for yourow organization get your ducks in a row dear brothers and sisters together and go try to make it happen. it probably will. >> what happened to that t
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era? it just seemed to disappear. >> it is up again and has been reintroduced literally this past week. it is not getting any media coverage but it did. if i am notrs mistaken, i believe it was introduced in a way to allow the states that have not yet voted on it to vote on it.o ra they're only needs to be m three more states to ratify. >> its seems the women's movement seems is passe? >> in many respects because of the battles we have one, many people feel it is passe. so why not pass it then it? [laughter] >> i am on your side.
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[applause] >> dr. mariano as a fellow pacific asian islander did you face any discrimination as the phillipines and dr.? >> they usually thought i was a nurse or a medic or something else or somebodyor secretary. [laughter] it got to the point* i wouldac just smile and my reaction is i will educate them with a sense of humor. when i was at the whitehad house i have the day off and i stayed home with my kids and my first husband is caucasians of my children look mexican i was home with someone year-old and a three year-old is somebody came to the door it was a salesperson that looked at me and the kids and said is e klady of the house home?
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and of course, as you know, people think you do notur understand they say itde louder. is the lady of the house some?ghte [laughter] i said she knew who. [laughter] later he saw me on cnn and thought that was a dr. [laughter] whatever impression you have of me hopefully i can educate you otherwise and i am a retired admiral iied, recently married and when weo go to the military base my husband is tall white by ceo he drives the car and he hands my id card to the regard as says divvying admiral carry-on. [laughter] it is.
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in honolulu it is not a problem but it is part of r yourea chance to educate them.e? you are?they they profile a lot of people time it will not be difficult to pick up. >> i also have the same problem because i am like judge judy in the small claims court against login and they always think i am the clerk. [laughter] >> that was also been raised in the area where women were told you go to college to get your mrs i had threeren, children in the '60s come a planned children and i am delighted that i had them but i also believe veryev strongly in a woman's right
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to each two so was thrilled when roe v, wade past and marched on washington 1992 and again 2004 for the women's right to choose but the family that i see now with the women's movement not doing anything we'll women don't recognize what women went through before the was the right to choose and to get that passed so they take that is something they will never lose but they are in danger of losing its.melosi young women really need to get busy. >> it is incumbent uponug those of us who have beene through those trials and tribulations to share our stories. it is really important forries us to share those stories generations and generations of zero young women do no but i find young women today, i really see thet, upsurge of interest but
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every generation has to speak in its own town. it will not be the same fight that we thought or thelang same language you there. i cannot meet imagine a more broader concept. with 500 pounds in the womb of your own because i believe so strongly economic justice and reproductiveoduc justice are intertwined. if you have those you have controlth over your life in a bg much bigger way but the young women today to see the bigger picture much more than we did when we were and starting out. we shouldre support that and there are quite a few young women or groups who were doing initiatives. i think they are ready to pick up the torch and they will take it on. i am more optimistic.
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>> i have a question. the last power tool was tell your story and you talk about how that forges a connection and community and could also inspire people. since you have been nine your book tour have you met someone or felt that connection because you were telling stories? >> absolutely. i have done 20 cities and somebody will say thank you for writing the book because they're having difficulty even into have courage to speak up and i always thought i was an underdog now i know somebody who spoke the language -- didting not speak the language and not underestimating herself. >> yesterday i received an e-mail from ay woman who was
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a breakfast gathering of one of her friends and not even a formal bookie vent but just happenstance and emails to tell me as aur consequence, she has decided to start a new company with the expressed intent of designing everything from a women's perspective, a product in general. how that will unfold, i don't know. she wanted to get together to tall,k about it i like the idea. t by the way i am looking for the female march sucker berg. [laughter] i want too know if you know, the person i want to be the first f woman who create some new technology that literally changes how we doho everything.i that is the next frontier. >> i have time for one more question.
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>> it is a question for both of you. dr. mariano you come from humble beginnings. i want to know your interest and desire to escalator south. from appearance and also a conflicting message that you will never be quite goode enough. i want to know where that k came from ended then a question for gloria, what tape was figurehead that you int had to work against? >> both my parents my father was the navy's tod word and my mother was a dentist to win '02 dental school in the philippines in the 1950's so it was very conflicted then
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when my mother buried come she became a housewife and was always depressed and hated it. i grew up in a family where dad was the breadwinner and mother could have made more money but was downtrodden and decided this is my job but very clearly wasn't happy but it is i need to do something about it. in a family you do not quite trust your parents come of my father's way to inspire me in fifth grade was hefa brought me the old-fashioned typewriter to say learn how the tight because you can be lea a clerk typist for our learn how to type 175 words a minute it ended up part-time for my college education but it helps when you're a writer. where do i get the desired? i think from my teachers i had wonderful professors whoere said go get it. you are smart for you can do
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it in then in the navy i had a wonderful boss, a physician who said i will nominate you for the white house. and bill clinton trusted me to take care of him and his family and go from there and proceed. what do i plan to do? claman entreprenuership i could probably expanded by 12 but i want to write books and other things that i was in honolulu and then i was asked why didho j you run for office?of governor of hawaii? my husband said you probably have to live there. why can't i commute? [laughter] it is of limited. that is the beauty to know what is already ceilings have been shattered but it is on the minute. what you want to do?your women are living longer into their 90s.wo what am i doing?
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women run for secretary of state in their sixties. it is on limited.t, but you have to decide i want to do it and have the tools to move forward. lot of times the only things holding us back is ourselves. you just don't hold yourself back. >>y, [inaudible] [laughter] >> i will get back to you in four years. >> absolutely.[lau typing 175 words a minute i have to become a the ceo. [laughter] >> i dedicated no excuses to my father who always said to me you can do anything your pretty little head desires. [laughter] i did not believe him when i was young because the culture was telling me
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something completely different. and the example of my mother which is not terribly unlike connie's mother although she did not have that level of education, she was very smart, ran the office and into everything that was going on and probably could have run general motors and always operated from a position that she had no real authority or agency in the world. it took me manyok years and manyth mistakes to overcome that and even as recently as a few years ago when i have left my 30 year career with planned parenthood and realized i allow the movement to consume me into why was, i had given myself completely so over to it. once again, i listened to my father's words and
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