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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  April 17, 2011 11:00pm-12:00am EDT

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will be next and he was and throughout the auto industry constantly have to minimize the people they rung or two down on the economic ladder rather than sharing those trying to hold onto their spot to slide down as well which benefits nobody. as we know. >> i want to broaden a little bent could we talk about the international labor movement and the work that you do with those folks in colombia? >> let's talk about international women's day i do not want to ignore the fact that all of the women at the call center workers and their counterparts in germany us international
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women's day as the basis of solidarity to get our rights agreement which is 100% non wireless union company t-mobile which is heavily unionized in germany so it is cross-border comment not a bargain to organize better leverage campaign looking for a stronger partner broad. . .
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we've had a whole series of exchanges between colombian trade union in this group and act to disappear going to columbia. harry combs, president of the union confronted by the previous president uribe a year or two ago or two ago about the continuing violation of workers rights in colombia. again, i think the lesson of that model program is its bottom up, worker to worker, reagan file. the line a national endowment money to finance this partnership. i will say the solidarity center has been very hopeful throughout the 10 years and care is one of them that helped get it off the ground. >> per member per year. that's really bottom-up.
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>> it's not a mandatory assessment. the local has to care about the program, has members who met in the trade unionists to be put onto a compact system joint work fighting free-trade agreement, fighting this dreadful thing to columbia, which like wars in iraq and afghanistan during billions of dollars tax dollars out of this country that could go much for fulfilling these the mansion budget deficits for years to much about wisconsin, ohio, indiana and on down the line. which reminds me, we have further marked as a cure who was allied with bob mellencamp and others and work some back, a leader of u.s. labor against the work. perhaps he could end up the great u.s. labor against the war fire. it's on the table. i want to highly recommend the chart on the back.
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you know, we need to reframe the debate about what we need to do to protect public jobs and services. right now the limits of the labor or postal seems to be perhaps the rich very much needed. put another notch to take the pressure off the base benefits now. gasifier points out, you really want to deal with this problem but the fiscal crisis in the public sector, you have to recapture the kind of money that has been squandered on these two wars in direct spending close to a trillion dollars over the last eight to nine years. and i think it's sad that those intergenerational cohorts and i include myself in this group canada the anti-war movement of
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the 60s nca you come to unite and here and in prominent positions in other unions. i certainly have not taken a strong stand on me to cut the pentagon budget and we order our national priorities and these kind of directions that would save jobs through public services that make life better for people in this country. they need to do it. it's a mystery to me what they are afraid of. i did a piece a couple weeks ago. a lot of people like our labor movement needing another wimpy. the guy represented a union with lots of folks doing military work, greatly advocated economic conversion, campaign for nuclear disarmament and continually argued with its members about the need to end our dependence on the production of armaments.
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[inaudible] >> will you didn't get a good >> i see larry hanley back here, the new president of btu pair at the risk of embarrassing him, he started a program inside the acu to discuss the military budget and you can't solve mass transit problems with all this military stuff and it takes a lot of guts, that you do it. members respond to it. if >> i want to make something different, though. i was in madison and one of the ways we thought it was a teachable moment, learnable moment and i asked myself this question and friends of mine who were not in the labor movement and don't know shit about the
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labor movement asked me this question. how did she get to the situation? how did you get the wheat? it happened on our watch. how did we get here? i think we have a lot -- i think we have good answers to that, mostly globalization is cracked disc, productivity and technology and distraction of the labor movement. but there is another one that i was on some talk shows, radio talk shows and meetings and stuff in wisconsin and it seems to me that we also have to not just talk about the facts of what's happening, but treat them as an times. and what is the cause of the symptoms? you know, you're a nurse. you try to figure out what actually is going on, right? in one of the things they think
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we have not done well in the labor movement is try to figure that out. and what, if we don't talk about what's really -- what is really behind all this, i don't think we can correct this and so look, everyone in this room knows all of these terms and all these phrases. neoliberal, neoconservative, washington consensus on the corporate agenda, whatever you want to call it, it's real. and if you don't talk about that as a set of ideas that is really resulted in the mass wherein, not just the trade movement union, but all americans, in simple terms i was on these talk shows and say okay, so what's really going on here? let me tell a story and then
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must think about what's going on in wisconsin. the free market solves all problems. therefore, anything that gets in the way of the free market is at, right? therefore, we have to government given the way so we have to cut taxes. we have to eliminate government. we have to therefore it deregulate. if there's anything left it's any good we have to privatize it. and there's something else that gets in the way called unions. so we have to eliminate them. that said, isn't it? it's a sad -- it's a whole fits together. so then you said, hello, what's happening in wisconsin?
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it's not just the elimination of the union. they're privatizing stuff, privatizing utilities and around the country, et cetera appeared so it's like i feel like, steve, first of our two thank you for the book which i have read and actually one ask you to give it to me free. i'll buy it. >> you better move quick. they may not have enough. [laughter] >> second edition. >> because i think we have to get eon just describing are talking about what's going on, but really trying to understand and explain what's really behind all this and the institutional labor movement really does not talk in these terms. and i don't see how we solve any of this unless they pull it all together and step back in say, well, there's really something big here and it all fits
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together and explains about and explain to people in madison that this is what it's about it everywhere else were we can't rebuild the voice of working people. >> i think that's a really -- you're right on target. you know, where obviously all enthusiastic about what we hope, you know, could have developed in the summer of two dozen night when the right-wing populism of the tea party seemed to be an ascendancy. when are they going to rally and mobilize with the one nation by which, but not this kind of degree and spontaneity and mass participation. i would agree that has to be bolstered longer-term by the kind of education that makes the most of this teachable moment.
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and i'm going to be headed down soon a mystery to hang out with the united association of labor educators, dennis to read is here in the leadership of the group. i know of labor educators also are frustrated by the fact that with the shrinking constituency, continuing pressure to focus on the nuts and bolts of day-to-day union work and contract administration, the kind of big picture popular economics training that bill fletcher tried to introduce when he was direct your in the afl-cio under sweeney. there seems to be less and less time for her. if we don't get back to more traditional forms, the more fundamental forms of labor education, political education about the system, people may continue to be confused as you say about the root cause of what the onslaught that they are facing every day on the job and darkening sight like the one
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mentioned. >> yeah, it's not like labor education so much a part of what is governing this country now. and by the way in popular education we start off on this and see if anyone here ever been in a bar? at about party next to one. >> there is this thing called school, right? and some of them have three legs, right? bargaining, politics and organizing, right? for some of them have four legs and is called more of ideas. we have not engaged in not. we have not explained what's really going on. and this discussion is wonderful. i just got back and explain. we have to do this work also. and the bigger picture of what's really going on in this country.
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>> i would agree. >> let me just have a second applies for a very hanly. people don't know the great work that he did as leader of the best drivers in staten island. a wonderful case study in building connections between labor and the community, public sector workers and the people they serve unsung conservative turf in the big apple and larry along with the election of brother john samuelsson. hopefully are going to change the face of those two transportation unions. john has been, along with his take back our union team, rebuilding that key local from the rubble of the 2005 strike, which has members paid a terrible price. their contract is up in january and they are running already a very active contract campaign with a lot of attention to how to enlist the straphangers from the users of the bus and subway
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system is analyzed. i want to get that quickly though to a question that david wray said i think we need to address, you know, political action. it is an endless puzzle and problematic one for unions trying to find forms of independent political action that would put more pressure on the democrats from the left. you know, certainly we have to realize the limits of the kind of model bipartisanship leucine send unions pursue when they have decided mci you which is the worst example that the will teach the democrats a lesson is by shoveling more money in the direction of the republicans. and you know it was a disgrace in 2004 in 2005 in ca you gave the association over half a million dollars, helped elect the current governor of indiana whose attacks on workers rights in the public dirt and private sector become a model for what
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is more recently elected gop governors have been trying to get away with in ohio and in wisconsin as recently as the most recent election cycle, another $200,000 to the republican governors this is the nation. haley barbour proprietor. i don't know what anyone would expect to get by placing those kinds of bad. this week's issue of the nation has an article about the very act of a strong and hopefully successful single-payer campaign in vermont. describes the role of unions in supporting the. the critical role played by the workers association and the critical role played by independent political action enforcing these democrats to do what they haven't done before in that state or anywhere else and certainly not under howard dean. the new governor shall mind is doing what he is doing on the
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single-payer front going behind obamacare in the state level to the extent that's possible, as fast as possible and it's pretty slow because the strong democratic majority in both houses of legislator and a shumlin himself have to do with a viable political formation to the left. the party in vermont as members of the house have now elected a state matter with an independent socialist u.s. senator bernie sanders who is then a very important part of this political equation in the state's largest city. unless you have a formation like that it has been campaigning for single-payer is in vermont is the mid-1970s. this is not some new ideas the democrats just cannot wait for the legislature in montpelier. that tendency will be to drive to the center for the right and you had with the mishmash that came out of congress last year
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that could have gotten more and better in some cases would've put us on the road hopefully for a more inclusive and cost effective and less wasteful insurance systems. keep an eye in vermont and the real lesson is if we build viable political alternatives we can make these people more accountable. any final thoughts? >> one more question if i can ask you to take one more question. before you pick up tonight folks, i would like you i'm trained to announce that busboy and poets have a new labor series. [applause] thank you so much. we would like to drop more people into this american labor movement. this is kind of like an internal discussion in many ways. and so we are doing that the first week of each month. if you look on our website www.busboy stop and you can see information about
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the series. >> and hopefully at april 4th, this could be one of the venues for the great connections can be made between the sacrifice of martin luther king and the struggles today. there'll be an event here this will. >> my name is thomas, one of the founders of the u.s. uncut movement. you may have read about us somewhere around. [applause] >> inspired by the protest in wisconsin in d.c. area in the past nine days, three bank of america branches have been shut down by direct action. i'll keep this really brief. my question and i haven't your book. i just picked it up. you speak about the birth of the civil war. i like to ask what the role of our enemies are in creating those civil wars and exacerbating the civil war's.
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be not very good question. no, i think clearly the greatest obstacles and space and revival are the external forces and the power of the corporate class in the campaign that has been waged against unions in the private sector that is now spreading in the public site are comedy eating in the betting by some of our reported friends and democratic party. you know, it is a very complicated dance and i think we seem to play out in very distressing reason kaiser, california, a company that has long been lauded for labor-management partnering and respect for workers rights, american rights give it the eleanor roosevelt human rights were several years ago. if you look at kaisers track record over the last 12 months, it is abominable.
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the kaiser partnership via fink is often behaved like a company union in the last two were years has included massive violation of the rights of workers, 2300 who voted to change unions last year. the nlrb is slow-moving and dysfunctional as always issued major labor practice complaint, filed for a 10 jay injunction that kaiser just settled, paying workers $2 million at kaiser in southern california. money that was owed to them under the terms they refuse to keep an aside father knew bargaining representative, the expression of employer free choice was renegotiated contract terms. so an employer like is that it is awarded and counted and praise for good behavior ms. b.
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hayes, we need to find ways to hold it accountable. they're a 24 or 25 after unions in the kaiser partnership, most of them smaller than sdi you. other unions outside of it, including the california nurses. but even if partnership unions can go bad with xerox recently which now operates call centers and is very aggressive in union busting directed at cwa and other unions. so i don't think we can rest on our laurels if you think these relationships have been built based on partnership principles are worth pursuing, everybody had to be calling kaiser out around this well documented activity, which actually started in 2005 when they busted a call center workers campaign conducted by a non-partnership
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union and the partnership unions didn't stick up for the employee free choice, exercise of their right to join a union of their choosing. we saw a teaser, a failure to get a first contract in effect the beginning of the behavior -- and this behavior by kaiser that is become really pronounced over the last 12 months, 18 months in california. so i want to thank everybody for coming. if you can get the book tonight, go to www..civil wars and, a partner at -- they pay market website. thank you for hosting. [applause] >> we are going to bring a table up front so steve can find some books. if you give us a minute to get that set up, i'm sure he wouldn't mind doing signing for
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us here tonight. >> this event was hosted by busboys and poets in washington d.c. for more information visit busboys and >> dr. bush, how did the juvenile justice system that started in this country? >> well, got started right around the turn of the 20th century, the first juvenile court of law was passed in illinois in 1899, establishing a separate corporate juvenile and along with that came a separate institution for juvenile others. the system was so popular that it was copied by almost every other state in the union in 1820s. texas adapted juvenile court bought in 1907. >> and you write the juvenile justice system has failed in this country. why do you think it is failed? >> it has failed to live up to its founding promise, which was basically that it would establish a more protective
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system for youthful offenders. the juvenile justice system was founded on the concept that children were different from adult offenders, less responsible for their offenses and they were more capable of being rehabilitated. juveniles were supposed to be separated from adults and treated differently from adults. it is really failed to do that. today is very commonplace to see abuse scandals than juvenile institutions that are scarcely different from adult prisoners. juvenile courts have adopted most of the same procedural features of adult court. such many critics and i guess i could myself in that group, it really has failed. he might tell us a little about the scandal at west texas state school that is really feel this issue. >> welcome to the scandal broke in the news media in early 2007 and is a sex abuse scandal.
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as we say here right now, the last major figure in the scandal is on trial, four years after that scandal to give you an idea how long it's really been going on. in this case, a cup of administrators that one of the facilities and a remote area in west texas were coercing behaviors in using their powers as administrators. this went on for years and was basically covered up by higher-ups within the state agency that oversaw the institution and was finally late davenant publicized. >> what is a super predator? >> super predators for those coined in the mid-1990s by criminologist named john julio and was originally intended to mean kids who kill without remorse, without consciences sort of randomly come to really
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capture that some of the popular movies of the period slake natural born killers. in the mid-1990s the oversaw a really a national panic over violent juvenile crime and that word became attached to that cammack. the work also. kind of a highly racial connotation to it. you seem to many critics to refer to african-american and latino juveniles who were increased in the overrepresented in the incarcerated juvenile population. >> what role do think race plays in the problems that are juvenile justice system clacks >> i think it's really essential in a lot of ways and i'm certainly not alone in thinking that. whether you want to believe that used to power commit more crimes as some conservative critics believe or you want to believe that the system actively discriminates against them in some way. very is no doubt that raised the
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central factor in the criminal justice system. >> i was texas a good case study for problems throughout the entire country? >> welcome to texas took the 20th century was one of the largest juvenile just systems in the country just in terms of the number of youths in the number of institutions that have managed. it's also a useful case study just because of the political and economic clout that the state has come to acquire over the course of the last 50 or 60 years. it's one of the largest states, one of the most demographically diverse states, one of the most geographically diverse state and one of the most politically powerful states. several recent u.s. presidents have come from texas. several national legislators have come from texas. >> why did you want to write this book? what was the interest to get you started? >> my impetus to get started on
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this book really was an interest in how we as a society decide it's a good kid learned that kids are and what is to be done with them. i initially began looking at popular culture and representations and then i became dissatisfied with that and decided i needed to look at real kids and real policies and institutions that affected them. >> so, after all your research where do other states go from here? have you seen improvement since you've written a book or after you were writing a book? >> there's been a lot that's changed since i finished the book. as we sit here, the legislature is considering abolishing the agency that oversees juvenile justice in texas. several of the large facilities have been shut down as that was finished in the book. lots of kids have been sent back to their communities and there really is a movement to move away from big institutions again and towards community-based
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facilities. part of that is being driven by the budget crises affect the many states across the country, including texas which is something like a $27 billion deficit to deal with right now. so that is really fueling a lot of this sort of progressive movement in some ways. >> will create,.or bush, thank you so much. >> thank you. ..
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>> plus all of the unknown. in daniel drezner analysis of international relations theories become as lowlands of which we predict what would happen in the event of days on the attack. four examples of these would not be faced by the neo-conservative shock and awe military tactics. and the ngo the fleeting hearts of the international stage would espouse their cause realist live and let live and constructive is? let's just all get along. which theories would save the day?
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which went hurtling to defend? please join me in welcoming daniel drezner as the talk about the strengths and laws as the application to a world with threats of all types including one day tobacco's by sotheby's at least we will be prepared. [applause] >> thank you for coming and in many ways this is the way for me to cross of many things of my book a list that i can give a reading that is not something political scientist normally do then second at the harvard coop then it will be broadcast on television so that is the number of things i can cross off. i am a little nervous because i am not used to doing readings i present my work with very fancy power
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planes with dazzling audiovisual but here i am confronted with what i am about to read. and part of the exercise one of the purposes was to satirize what the international relations and scholarships soundalike but rather than trying to explain what it is i will read to certain portions of the book and the preface does a better job from what i was explain what i was trying to do. i will read about 20 minutes that i will take questions. we will start with the process. >> 15 years ago on a cross-country drive by the time i had the jungle room it was obvious the 30 odd people walking through the always prince -- press the mansion fell into two groups those our a delay sincere
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and hard-core fans and graceland was there jerusalem and they're back up. many sounded convinced he was still walking the earth and gas when they saw the ad jumpsuit collection. the second group was equally delighted for a different reason. they took great pleasure in the nature of all they as elvis those that preserved reared walls and green shag carpeting was tacky part of a gasped and how ridiculous they thought it jumpsuit was. the professionalism of our tour guide struck me. where task is not easy she had to give some all this knowledge to their deformities but at the same time had to a knowledge the absurd nature of the experience for the rest of the tour group. with their slight adjustments and total voice the guide accomplished her tax broke -- task brainman 0.time did she diminished
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all this in the eyes of his followers but still i believe everybody who left graceland that day thoroughly satisfied with their visit think of this book of my two were only with a lot more footnotes. and zombies. there is the introduction. >> many national sources of fear with terrorist attacks lethal pandemic scum and natural disasters, climate change, a financial panic, nuclear proliferation, will a lawyer for and support. pocket is one of the fastest-growing concerns and of course, i speak of zombies where they're called post humans are dead heads or the mobile deceased the specter of the living dead
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it is how we save the world and with the theories predicted they begin to rise among the grave, another predictions? serious readers may dismiss the questions but concerns about flesh eating ghouls are prevalent with the look at films or songs our games our books the genre is clearly on the rise. one could dismiss the trend as feeding a mass public such explanation is only skin deep. popular culture provides a window into the subliminal fears as it descends and zombies are no exception some say the september 11 attacks our prime interest and the numbers appeared to back up the assertion. certainly the anthrax attacks raised fears the
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buy-out terrorism and by a security and as noted it is clear the saw on the holocaust painted into bdo games is into a deep-seated fear. there the obvious metaphor for medical maladies, mob rule and marxist style. all the interest is the indirect attempt to get a cognitive grip on what donald rumsfeld famously referred to as the unknown unknowns of international security perhaps there existed unacknowledged sphere of the debt arising from the grave major universities have developed mont contingency plans for these on the outbreak and college students play human verses on these -- zombies on campus. outdoor "life" magazine runs zombies features the only way to take the amount is with a head shot and file
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security with the national government the government has laws on the books for the zombies of the individuals. were they doing a private? we may be over state -- overstating the case this must be the only phenomenon. over the past decade aliens ghost vampires wizards and how this were also on the tip of rebalanced on. zombies pales in comparison to other creatures. from a public policy perspective zombies great -- garner more attention with the contrast that they are demons although some of variation could exist in our physical world they possess possibility that wizard circles to work demons lack it does not require a supranatural act for indeed the plausibility can be seen
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in surveys. a recent poll showed more than 58% of philosophers believe that sotheby's could exist on some level. although the same respondents were prepared to believe in god? given the religious departments it seems childish to look at the human corpses snacking on flesh although it looks different from other paranormal beings zombies stories and the elimination or subjugation of all zombies or the ratification of humanity from the earth. of popular culture is to believe peaceful coexistence is a remote possibility extreme all or nothing outcome is left with far fewer narratives and indeed creatures of the night our coopted and they suggest that vampires are wizards could coexist provided that
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this on these not so much but it is to the popular culture makes oral politics when it is vendee it community needs to address the problem in a more urgent manner. that i have to read the paragraph because it contains my favorite sentence in the entire book and i am glad i could read aloud the rising popularity of zombies is another reason for further investigation for research suggests paranormal narrative increases individuals to believe in their existence they have a viral quality that is exposure to other people's believes would increase the likelihood of believing that same belief and as zombies pleaded to popular culture more people come to believe in fear and dread their existence. it is a powerful emotion that could affect power for policy making in the phobia
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of the living dead could lead to self-defeating policy responses the way it leaves the military to torture prisoners in abu ghraib and my favorite sentence come up public fears are being devoured can only be allayed by rigorous scholarship. >> so from the realism to what it would say, it is a jaundiced view of the world and in other words, realism is perfectly comfortable in this on the universe with the original light of the living dead seven people trapped in a farm house surrounded by flesh eating ghouls from a common external threat to the kinship means little and too separate sovereign entities the basement and the first floor are created and ruled by separate individuals
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resources food and access to reformation and firearms are the object of fierce conflict temporary accord decide to create a public good like escape and rescue breakdown when there is a shift in the distribution of power. a similar dynamic plays itself out this time a band of survivors fortifies itself inside the shopping mall despite the abundance resources they prevent another cluster when they reach their defense they respond by opening said docking base to occupy the attention of the bikers and then complaining early on that "we'll pull in different directions. the failure of humans to cooperate is a common theme that permeates just as if the utility of cooperation
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occurs '03 list interpretation of history and the realistic answer is simple international relations would be largely unaffected and this paradigm would be on the press to say a new existential threat leaves to any radical change and to them to play good echo older plagues and disasters. 71918 influenza pandemic most of these simply looked at the existing our relationships because more powerful societies develop stronger immunities to play again have a greater share of relative power symbol of a modern research shows more powerful society does better in the four states and there's a reason to expect the epidemic of the zombies to me any different.
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it is that the strong will do what they can and began sufferer devour the ravenous corpses. then finally i will read most of the conclusion that i will the questions. the specter is haunting world politics the reanimated corpses feasting on people's flash in the scavo response bridge investor relations theory has been only skin deep i have tried to take a much cheaper cut to the problem. this theory offers recommendations about how government and international institutions and domestic interest and bureaucracies respond to the transnational threat posed by the living dead. a quick review of shows interesting continuity throughout the paradox. for example, most approaches would predict the living dead would have the unequally fact on national
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governments. there be more likely to withstand flesh eating ghouls and to be more vulnerable whether due to realistic disinterest or bureaucratic wrangling or the fallibility of decision-makers intervention is ephemeral or imperfect and complete eradication would be extremely unlikely and the plague of the undead of the disproportionately affect the poorest and weakest countries the different theories provided greater variety of possible outcome with the bulk of the canon and the narrative is quick to get to the apocalypse most of the theoretical approaches of presented here suggest there is a vigorous policy response the live and let live arrangement between them and everybody else and liberals predicted counter
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regime segno conservatives believed aggressive and military deployment would keep the on deadness at bay some would predict airbus security committee preventing new outbreaks in socializing the zombies into to society organizations may a year the response to the individuals are hard wired for the aggressive response against the living dead. these predictions say that maybe zombies can and of human extinction is overstated while encouraging the survey reveals cautionary warnings lurking on the horizon catastrophic outcomes are still quite possible bureaucratic dysfunction could trigger a total collapse and public opinion and interest group pressure makes multilateral cooperation more difficult and trigger a world where the biological distinction between human and zombies is
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immaterial everybody would act on them. policy makers could overreact killing humans in the process. these are possible outcomes. whether they are likely outcome is another question altogether. from the human security perspective even the optimistic outcome discussed would be unmitigated disaster. human security approaches on the wrist to individual while national security is the risk of the status of for this perspective anything that threatens a bodily integrity qualifies as a threat. and a world which the 10 or concentrated in the poorest and weakest countries billions of human beings have the additional threat and on top of disease and poverty in the erosion of the rule a lot a majority of the population would not achieve freedom from fear where the undead role. this highlights of lot of standard international relation paradigm the of
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eroding the leverage over the security problems of the 21st century most theories our state centered the interstate conflict is that based on that significant look at the list of dangers and almost none of them emanated from states. neither caris nor hackers have large swaths making retaliation different natural disasters like earthquakes are volcanoes do not present the concept the international relations profession zero starting governments are an important part of the equation and unless these theories can adapt to the plethora of asymmetric threats, they would be hard-pressed to offer a policy response to the living dead. and one last paragraph. the volume serves as a caution against the prevalent view of zombie
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studies the world oil and once again walked the earth is a to readers to exercise our judgment determining what to do with their permission nash relations theory has some practical utility but perhaps the ability of the theories to explain the current global threats and challenges as more circumscribed then there is proclaiming their scholarship and informed by the paradigms' the interested and intelligence students of world politics use their own brand before the zombies decide to use them instead. so with that i'll be happy to take any and all questions that you have for me. [applause] >> thank you for that i am looking forward to reading the book of my question now is to do with the use of
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humor obviously the book is very funny but you engage with serious topics could you talk about the balance with your use of humor and the serious nature? >> yes because zombies is a very serious problem. this is a hard tightrope to walk. i came up with the idea when i was writing a blog post and came up with this august 2009 because there was the actual academic paper has a disease pathogen and saying that unless lived up to believe they will destroy civilization as we know it. i wrote to a blog post saying there is no blog posts with is a different theory so it had a lot of interesting responses so i thought this could be a good pedagogical exercise for students to get a bite into the international relations
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can in. i figured i will start writing the book i pitched it to the press and they were interested but the first time started to write it i hit a brick wall because i felt like milton berle the jokes were to jokey it was too obvious and it felt like i was trying to make people laugh and until i brought up the graceland anecdote that is true the moment i tried to stumble around to figure out how to write this and my editor said the only way this will work is if you write it as if it is not the money. i a apologize for the plan, you have to be dead band. i do not like plans it is impossible to write about zombies without having a plan i discovered -- discovered it is a riding hazard.
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what -- once i thought about that to matter then someone tried to make a joke it became much easier to write so i think it was able to get the tone rights as a result and one of the things i have been pleasantly surprised is i presented this at a couple of different venues and the first time i did that come i was worried will people get the joke? will people understand the spirit? they got it immediately. then i presented this teleconference called zombies con it is like comic-con but i had to write in such a way that in all seriousness there is one of footnotes and along bibliography i will defend
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every footnote and every scholarly citation and factually everything i wrote to assuming they exist was correct. but with that said, the absurdity of the promise is what allows people to laugh the one other thing it has been very funny because in some ways i get to responses depending on how much education a person has had with international relations. for the undergraduates or the general audience they think it is pretty funny and accessible however there are certain things i will say most of the audience may chuckle but the international relation scholars dying in the aisles because they know i go after a particular piece of jargon or a phrase that is used all too often in international relations. >> do you think your work
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would have an impact over cinema ahead? >> that would be awesome. [laughter] and my understanding is they're making a film version of a great book the only zombie novel i actually recommend it is called world wars see even if you don't care about zombies it is a great book. it is after a global war it is sort of a world history it has been the green lighted like gay big-budget film and brad pitt has been confirmed i cannot reveal my source is but this has been read by the people on the movie lot so that would be
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nice to see those on the can and would be open to more expansive changes and it is interesting to see where you see some bees in humans coexisting. i was surprised that of the freeze on the minutes movie's cd zombies said the apocalyptic wasteland but then with things going around right now the walking dead they have lowered a gotten to the apocalypse of that will be tough for that show what may be another might actually recognize this would be happy to provide any script advice to any hollywood screenwriter watching this. i have a modest fee which i would grow to. one would only hope this would have an influence. not just on the study of
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international relations but films and other arts. >> you read houses on the film's go from one extreme or the other that humans are all gone buy the end of the zombies are gone and those that i can think of some the land there is the small group of survivors what would it did they make of that? >> this is very important to the romantic song the comedy but you are correct they do not disappear but they are tamed at the end of the
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movie and the final five months -- minutes of the movie our brilliant and the ways they imagines of these being used as primarily menial laborers stacking stupak -- supermarket shelves where shopping carts and check out then that is the first movie to suggest there may be the ngo devoted to this on the rights as i try to subjugate the aspect of global society form protesting the undead writes like this on the rights watch and zombies without borders but let me put it this way most movies and like is on the land for of a clearly control everything but there are a few humans that head out into the
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distance but and romero films they're always humans that survive it's just that you know, they will not last that long. dawn of the dead ends with two people flying away from the mall in a helicopter admitted they are low on gas and that is how events. tactically yes the human survive but i am not sure for how long. so the comedies to a better job of potentially recognizing the possibility of coexistence or the possibility of heterogeneous outcomes. >> do you consider using
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vampires or any other sorts of creatures or was it is obvious from the beginning? am i people is asked me about the freaking is it vampires people said you have to focus on vampires because of "twilight" nine had a lot of sun and ripping on vampires and look where the literature is now if you go to any bookstore with the young adult section the number of vampire series is truly startling. i went to list them there is at least six or seven i was being modest beyond it true blood or blue blood or vampire academy, the vampire diaries, and that was a little too much. the only regret about not talking about vampires i could not talk about the vampire


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