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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  May 29, 2011 3:30pm-5:00pm EDT

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now. karen russell who isn't in this issue sadly but she's busy promoting her book which if you have a ready yet is fantastic. and julie otsuka this is the year, we're running a piece by her. her new novel, is coming out of the and of august. it is ex ord and it's been very nice having you here. i'm sure they were happy to answer any questions you have for them after. [applause] >> for more information on book expo america, visit book expo >> booktv as at the annual publishers convention at the center in york city called book expo america. and we are previewing some of the fall 2011 books that are coming out.
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we are joined by the publicity director, jeff seroy got to talk about some of their upcoming titles. i want to start with that used to be us, a book you have coming up. what is it? >> well. no, it is a continuation of tom friedman amazingly influential and best selling book, the world is flat and hot flat and credit pakistan is collaborating with a foreign policy adviser who is also a close friend and longtime associate of his. and the book is really outlines for ways in which america has gone off the rails and for ways we can get it back on. >> when is this coming a? >> it's coming out the day after labor day. highly problematic and is just a roadmap for the u.s. which is going to be a great event. >> who is andrew feinstein?
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>> andrew feinstein is most likely the world's leading expert on the global arms trade, the kind of black market and arms around the world. he was in south african by birth, a politician who now lives in exile in london, and he's a go to person for every media organization and every ngo on the global arms trade. >> y. in exile? >> well, it's a long story, but has to do with the crushing of the government and his attempts to stand up against it years ago. >> in south africa's? >> correct. >> and i want to ask you about a nobel economics prize winner, author that you have, thinking fast and slow. >> we like to say he is the most influential author you've never heard of. he won a nobel prize in economics for his psychological thinking.
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his area is decision-making. and he has been very influential on malcolm gladwell and all sorts of people who work in the area of business and how we make decisions we do. and this is his first time in print with a book for the general reader. he is super well regarded by ceos and fortune 500 people all around the world. and by thinkers and a lot of different fields and it's a great privilege to be publishing him. >> jeff seroy rethink some of the fall 2011 books. >> and now from book expo america, a panel of librarians share their favorite books of 2011. >> hi, everybody. my name is barbara and i'm the collection management and at library journal. and i'm also an ad hoc member of the association of american
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publishers trade libraries committee. and this event is the final event for libraries at the association plan specifically for librarians who buy and provide books to the nation's readers. so, i want to say thank you to all of the members of the association for american publishers trade libraries committee. [applause] >> and really say thank you to all of you for being engaged this long in aba book spoke -- book expo america. we have a little sort of rules today. i don't know -- who has -- okay. we have some rules of the game. we're going to try to keep it to eight minutes per shouter. if another library and on the panel talks about the book that you're also talking about, we are asking people to hold that book up.
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and if we have time at the and we'll do a lightning round of suggestions of items that were found on the floor. finally, if we have time for q&a, we ask people to line up behind the microphone, behind michael rogers of the library journal, and michael will poke you when it's your turn. anyway, today i'm going to just announce to our panel is composed of the. that's not correct english, but it's a long conference. my left, you're right, barbara poppe, editor of library journal's "pre pub alert." next, douglas lord, library journals books for dummies colonists. [laughter] know, "books for dudes" columnist. connecticut state library and shepard. [inaudible] >> i'm sorry, i don't know why.
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robin nesbitt, technical services at columbus metropolitan library, which you may remember was library journals 2010 library of the year. [applause] >> we have the cofounder and editor of early and we have the manager of selection and order at king county library. [cheers and applause] >> i'm just going to start. the goal here is that we were supposed to roam the halls of book expo america, fine stuff that really engaged us and interested us. so the publishers pitch things to us but this is what we like and this is what we suggest you think about for your customers. the first book i like, ran 1010. susan orlean. ask me why. i don't know why. i just think this is a complete winner for us.
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susan orlean, how many copies how many copies of the orchard thieves went at your library, also continuing wonderful writer for "the new yorker," this is everything you always wanted to know about "rin tin tin" and more, much, much more. sweet beginnings during world war i being rescued by a doughboy to be brought back to america when he became a star. then he had -- is 18 generations? 11 generations there can certainly he was an important part of my childhood, 1950s children's television. open the gates, he needs to get in. so got to think about. simon & schuster, "rin tin tin." i was like to pick an art book or two every time i come to be a. this is my way. wonderful, every single painting in the louvre but what a
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reminder first of all i got to say, mike, this is totally -- think about it. i also hope it is the beginning of a series because it's so thrilling to have every single painting in the louvre beautifully produced. wonderful and it comes with a cd-rom. awesome, awesome, awesome. i adore books about art, and one of favorite writers about art is robert hughes. and robert hughes has a new book coming from random house, rome. now, we've all heard it and tells everyone to know about australia and the fatal shore. his last book was brilliant, moving, and exquisite biography. this book actually once again it's going to filter his own experience in rome and history and art of roma in his own style. i'm thrilled that i can't wait to read it. please, please send it to me.
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then you've got -- [laughter] please. i know everybody in this room has read on the nature of things. show of hands. this book, i love him because he's such a brilliant sympathizer. he manages to pull so many elements of history, art, philosophy, religion, culture all together into a coherent thoughtful hole. and this book, the swerve, really is about the renaissance when what is book rediscovered and how it changed the world forever. i love steven pinker. i'm sure you've seen all these ads all around. a little sobering, right, a painting of the binding of isaac. but one of the more scary stories in the bible. but anyway, this is a book
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called on the better angels of our nature. why violence has declined. i don't know about you. i don't think it has went deathly want to read what stephen tinker has to say about. i'm interested in what he has to say. speaking of people as a always want to know what they have to say, is thomas friedman. i think the bestseller list show that america is very interested in what thomas friedman has to say. this book written with michael mandelbaum is a book called that used to be us. how america fell behind in the world we invented and how we can come back. i find him an amazing writer that can reach people at all levels of understanding around the economy, history, science, culture and the world events. and he makes it intelligible and comprehensive all for the regular person to read. this book i picked just because
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the new book on the epic siege of leningrad. why do you care? i am amazed by all of these world war ii anniversaries. and if you ever visit saint petersburg, leningrad, the wounds of that war are still very present. they call it the great patriotic war began as you travel into the graduate actually see places where people hit food and head, trying to find whatever they could turn that siege. there's been many books about leningrad. this happens to be written and is going to be released because it is a tie-in to the 78th anniversary of the siege of leningrad. how am i doing for time? excellent. now we're moving on to great women. i don't know about you, i cut my teeth on film criticism reading pauline in "the new yorker." we have an extraordinary
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afternoon to read a biography of hauling. a life in the dark. i am really excited about this. i think that she really transformed the way americans think and view film, and begin a real conversation all over about what it was that was unique about america itself and i'm happy to say that in the library of america has bringing out as part of this the age of movies, selected writings. i was talking to one of my colleagues and she said she's been getting complaints because pauline's film criticism are outcome you can't get them. so once again this is pauline, a life in the dark. published by viking. another great moment that i'm fascinated by is clover adams. i find clover adams fascinating partly because well, she killed herself.
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and secondly possibly one of the most beautiful statues of late 19th century america cutie or a sculpture, the adams memorial in rock creek park. i also had read a biography of her years ago, and that brilliant book, i think you remember the five of hearts which was a simon & schuster book all about henry adams, her husband. john hay and his wife claire and clarence king who we later discovered of course was an african-american. this was a first book in a many year about her life at great hopes for and it will be published in february, and it is natalie dijkstra, clover adams, a gilded and heartbreaking life. >> now i've got one of the book that i think is wonderful and interesting book. i don't know about you. and beatty, lover short story. here's we have a book, i don't
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know what came from, interesting, fascinating, mrs. nixon, a novelist, imagine the life. we have one of the premier american short story writers attempting to reimagine and present to us the life of pat nixon. amazing stuff. i can't wait to read it. it sounds awesome. how many more? one more. okay. 22nd. unquenchable thirst. if you like effective story mountain by thomas burton, try this. mary johnson, following mother teresa in search of love and service and authentic life. i'm kind of sick of more books about self important people. i'm tired of hearing about everybody's spiritual awakening. i'm hoping that this book will really be a truly authentic, valuable. okay, next.
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barbara. >> thank you barbara. i really hope i'm looking around to find books that weren't on anybody's radar. they were all of it under the radar that you would see posted of so that you haven't heard of, about another pinnipeds i hope i'm giving you some good tips in this regard. my first book is -- from free press coming out this september. there were a lot of novels coming out right now by musicians, steve earle, i will never get out of this world alive. joe henry's line creek. this is about a classical musician, classical pianist. he was a prodigy in bulgaria where he was born. he started studying when he was four years old. he won his first competition at age 10. and ended up as studying jazz in boston, one of the premier places to study jazz in this country. and then he went to a monastery for several years and became a buddhist monk. quite a change. he wrote a memoir called turtle feed that you might know about
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the cover that part of his life. clearly he is the model for the character in this particular novel constantine who is a talented and audacious young pianist studying at a school for the gifted. that is where the students are rewarded as long as they toe the party line. but the truly talented resist by drinking, smoking and having lots of or the difference between this and that standard a coming of age story is a typical coming of age stories, this is just sheer desperation. the novel is following constantine through one crucial year in his life. he is training for a competition that he doesn't even have his heart in because he doesn't believe in competition. his teachers telling him would you please just don't break any marbles, you get on at the school purchased a few more years and you'll be a musician. and puts them into situations where he is to make this choice between do i sort of ravel, get on at school and the music which
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means everything to me, or do i not go down, stay in school and lose my soul? that's the situation he's facing. what's astonishing is the vitality of this character just overflows. totally unadulterated principled obnoxious teenager. and indices of noxious because backups of their previous so much full of energy that is joyful. and also the way she writes about piano music. if you play the piano, as i do, or at don't play as well as he does, it's just astonishing. let me quote one little phrase. describing the difference between two different types of pianos. the secular, the tone of the llama on the other hand is warm and then create a it is filled with a thick velvet curtain. to have a tinge of mahogany, spirit is down and wind. high register for his shine like black pearls. the man loves adjectives.
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is not a book for anyone who does not like youth or lyric writing, but it should be given to anybody who loves music, politics, or really energize coming of age stories. very different kind of story. we did a panel called truth or dare about history, writing about history include how do you write effective fiction would have to really stick to historical facts. the emperor of lives which is coming out in september has to address this issue. it's about, set in the ghetto which is established in 1940, the second largest ghetto in warsaw, after warsaw in poland or. a man named mordecai was put in charge of the ghetto, and he runs it with an iron fist. he runs it to make it a really
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indispensable to the not the international complex. and he is make terrible choices. for instance, he makes a choice at the beginning of the novel that these nazis can continue to deport, take out of hospital and deport the sick and elderly by bargaining to let some other people state. so, you end up throughout the novel, is he good or is he bad? is he a power monger or is he a saint? if he saving his people or is he saving his skin? how do you judge someone like that? what's remarkable is it is based on it doesn't read like a documentary. the writing is beautiful but it is quiet and understated it doesn't also flow from drama into melodrama which sometimes can happen. the author, swedish, he won the august prize in his homeland and it has been translated in 25 language. i think you'll be a big book in this country and actually worldwide. third, a novel that ties in with this one.
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elizabeth, the mirador, dream of memory of irene by her daughter. from new york review books. and, indeed, is written by her daughter. she wrote a book we all know and love, and what we want to have that wonderful experience of discovering that offer one more time and discovering that look one more time? and, in fact, through this novel which is a fictionalized biography you do. her daughter was only five years old when she was taken away to auschwitz and a leg after she has little memory of her mother and she never invested her mother's legacy or life, or death, until she herself was very old and felt she had to face up to a. and in 92 she published a novel in france, a fictionalized biography of her mother's life. my understanding is that helped a lot in reopening the writing. it had been lost even in france.
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the first part is about her childhood and her horrific relationship with a really horrific mother. the second part is much shorter. in france, the nazis have invaded. the darkening storm waiting for the tragedy that is decrepit and interesting thing about the novel i think don't give anything away when i say, it ends ambiguously because it's written in the first person so this is happening to her. and, of course, she can't write once she has been taken away. and a very ambiguously, there's a quote throughout the author, as the daughter italicized passages and had a wonderful ending which i will read. the child seeking a shop many years ago, at her age she could almost be the mother of her mother, who will remain 39 for all of eternity. so i think -- one minute? okay. one more book. i just want to talk about a few
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good books and i've given you many. sophie, the incredible story of the castaway done. so he was swept over, blue healer, a strong cattle dock with the humans on a boat, swept overboard. they couldn't find a. they circle, circle, could not find or. heady waters. they go home heartbroken. sophie is not a win. she swims six miles to an uninhabited island. survives or five months and effective by the rangers on the item. and she's brought back home and the people are told we don't know if this is your dog, and they don't think she could possibly have survived. and she is possibly -- event be able to recognize. axis of he gets off the ship she was totally ballistic practically breaks out, goes into that downward looking dog puppy let's play that dogs do. and knocks the people of because she you so happy to see the.
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and now she is home really loving the air-conditioning. last night. [applause] >> hi, everybody. i would appreciate a one minute squeak as well. thank you very much for being here. my name is douglas lord. i write four books back, digital newsletter, it's from library journal. you need to read books for dues. if you don't, i'm just going to tell you, that things are going to happen. i selected a lot of folks are out how as many as i can without speaking like to incredibly rapidly like a speed reader of selected. first one is called a pocket history of the civil war. it's from osprey publishing coming out in august. i first checked to see if it fits in the pocket, and the answer is it depends on the size of your pocket.
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[laughter] pants pocket yes. denim, you know, that is still a great area. so immunity i don't want to say there's a problem or anything like that but, you know, mostly it fits into the pockets. it gives you just enough information to keep you interested but it's not one of those books that goes into not eating levels of detail, like all the other books on your shelves. and i know that all of your libraries have massive amounts of these. it's good. it's really engaging and focusing. focused. i know the book you can keep on yourselves are the 612, the section. this discredited as a i'm interested in like what is hardtack and what i enjoy it? [laughter] the battles i are described in miniature and covers things like the great locomotive chase which i did know about before.
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and it such a wild story if you don't know, look at it. it had these pop quiz is to test your reading skill and stuff. there are some problems come and i'm a bit of a civil war buff, so i notice right off that the author makes some things up. just a few of them. he says one of the reasons the civil war occurred was because of the issue of slavery. wrong. we all know that martin luther king ended slavery like in the 1920s, right? and he mixes up forces and tanks. [laughter] he doesn't really get into what the men watched on tv, programs were popular at the time. so, you know, but i do recommend it despite some issues. second one, grow a tree. workbooks, by brian. he described it as a literary
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chili cheeseburger. i love it. i really do. i'm an english major. i'm in my brain to so i know you people. you are my people. i have cat swears at home, to. [laughter] i were the birkenstocks the sox. this guy, he is well read. he's got a great sense of fun. he really makes a larger point that poetry, he doesn't make it any direct way, but so do indirectly if you're reading this, your reading poetry. you're probably enjoying poetry. the realm is not exclusive to turtleneck wearing, you know, nostrils flared with the candles on the table. you know, that kind of guy. they can be hip-hop. it can be three nice young jewish boy.
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it's poetry. he's a cousin to the beastie boys. it's funny, it's fun. i'm not sure about its longevity. he has sort of an art form, but then again, there's a lot of art format. so if you like poetry i would recommend that you give it a shot. hands up, who has run a marathon? good. [applause] >> hands up, who was run a marathon under 19 minutes. i mean a five k. in under 19 minutes? nice. [applause] >> how fast do you have to run? pretty damn fast, am i right? you have to do 6:10 per mile. "iron war," the years 1989. a wide. it's the mother of all sports world. ironman, if you know me, what you start i can't stop. i'm going to be doing and ironman this summer in new york.
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2.4-mile swim, 112 miles on the bike, and then you run a full marathon. now, these guys have been going at it head-to-head for seven years. six-time winner david scott and any pictures and if you've seen the video, look it up on youtube he is glorious in like neon colored runner shorts that go way up the, you know. and he's going up against six-time runner up mark allen who by the way is like resplendent in the theme beyond colored carpet people still hold records to this day. i've finished they are both led by three miles over the next closest competitor. they are marathon times just as good, all things being equal, to divide times and a swim times. they are massively incredible athletes. i could not keep up with him for one month if there's an anecdote
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into this is a photographer who's in a pickup truck got off. 50 feet later he is like they are gone, i couldn't keep up with a metal. i've got to get back on the truck. i'm physically exhausted after 50 feet. so it express the history of the dual. explained in the head the run up to the dual and this day. it's a day of myth. so i hardly heartily recommend that. [inaudible] >> bella press. >> a library and comedy to recently discovered bella because they focus on these kinds of books. >> i will read almost anything bella press puts out. lightning rods by helen dewitt. >> i forgot to bring it. >> i'm not stealing thunder or anything. it's exactly when you get to hear of somebody else in your
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mouth when you're eating or drinking something. you are like, i've got, i've got to figure this out. i've got to get past this but i've got to do something about this. you can't not pay attention to the book. there's no way to not pay attention. and is something only a very grave and female writer would do in sort of a cold-blooded way. it's kind of like sales but for corporate prostitution so it's kind of like glen ross meets deep throat or something like that. [laughter] ..
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>> i made a nice hat, and i have been keeping her mucus in this ball, so thank you, thank you very much, i went over. [laughter] [applause] >> i'm so glad i put robin next. [laughter] >> i know that i've already signed the book on knitting with dog hair, so, you see, dogs or cats, you don't have an excuse now. whatever animal is in your home, you can knit.
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my recent favorite is knitting the royal wedding. [laughter] in the spirit of today, i have digital and i have print, and to segue, i'm pandering with cats. [applause] there's snicker, and there's oreo. [laughter] thank you, i'm done. this first one, oh my goodness, fabulous, geek culture. loved it, loved it. [laughter] he starts his statement of software company in columbus, and i picked this up because she's touring in ohio and oh, my god, i was engrossed in this book. my friend laura waited in line for a signature. she was sucked in. it's a great book. the other book i remember has rubber boots on the cover, so if
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you, you know, she's great. i thank harper collins. >> belong to me. >> belong to me, sorry. pirate king by laura king. she's going to do great, you know? next one from sterling, crude obsession. he got a journalism degree and said what the hell will i do with that? if you are a beer geek, this is the book to read. it's about craft brewing today. he apologizes to sam adams, it's about brewing well today. it will be good in the system. this is another book from ohio growing up amish, left the culture and grew up with it. people are fascinated it. people who leave it want to know why did you leave it and not go
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back. >> and romances. >> and moe rainses. -- romances. now to the other portion of the program. this is ranchero, the fact that rand di wayne white gave is a blurb, it's going to be good. mississippi red necks, i was like, why wouldn't you want to read that, you know? shovel, shotguns, come on. [laughter] another one, burning jane casey, serial killers. this was fun. have you read into the woods? oh, this will be good too. the first one, child 44, this is agent 6. the third one. we forget about the second one, but that was second speech. this is a little sick, but the russian mysteries in the 50s and
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it's going to be really good. this morning, i got this one, clogged by -- plugged. this would be listen exciting. man, i'm flying through here. i picked this up because i thought pure will be good. i think our customers are going to like it, and i'm done. [cheers and applause] >> all right, nora. >> you have to pay me for my time. [laughter] i have a website called earlyword, and one of the things, first of all, i'm going to be talking about books coming out in the fall because this is a fall show, so i -- there's a lot of great summer books coming out, and i'm really sorry to overlook those, and i brought this cover with me before i go to sleep base i was going to
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hold it up when everybody else held it up because everybody is talking about before i go to sleep by sj watson, coming to -- [laughter] >> it's a summer title. >> it is a summer title, but i just wanted to mention that. a woman goes to sleep every night, wakes up, looks in the mirror, and does not recognize the face in the mirror. as someone said, for some of us, this is a common occurrence. [laughter] for this woman, however, she really doesn't recognize it. she has amnesia, and every day she has to recreate her life, and there's this under current of this journal she keeps going back to to help her recreate her life, and the beginning of the journal says don't trust tom, her husband -- >> ben.
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>> oh, ben. his name is really tom. [laughter] it's suspenseful, it's, i think it's really going to break out this summer. now, on to the fall books. on earlyword, we do something where we bring librarians together for galley chat, and the idea is for librarians to talk about what they are reading recently, and recently, we tried an experiment. usually it's a free-for-all, but recently we gave out a couple galleys and asked librarians to come and talk about them, and one was a book that was outside of everybody's comfort range, but they really enjoyed it and keep referring to it, and the name of the book is family fang by kevin wilson. it's about a family where the parents are performance artists, and they make their kids get involved in these strange things
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that they do in malls with the intent of really upsetting people, and it's very corky, and you think, well, it's all about being corky, but it really isn't. it explores how parents affect children, children's rebellion, all of those things that go on between parents and children, but with this weird corky light that helps you see it in a whole different way. many of you like me may have been hearing about this broadway play with the most unusual title, the book of mormon, which, you know, everybody talks about how funny it is. i can't figure out how a play called the book of mormon could be hilarious, so thank heaven new market press came out with the complete script beautifully done with, you know, amazing, well, not amazing, but spreeing
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illustrations to help you understand the book of mormon better. there's a whole series of script books they do, so that's something to follow them for. we talked about -- you've mentioned buzz and books that are getting a lot of push from publishers and there's posters everywhere, and you may be suspicious about the books, and maybe it's not necessary to bring them up again, but i think that we end up getting so suspicious that maybe we kind of do ourselves in. this book which you have been seeing everywhere is the language of flowers. i'm -- i was resisting it too, but the buzz i'm hearing about this is really strong. i heard book sellers talking about how excited they are about it. it is somehow based on the whole victorian idea of flowers, each flower meaning something different, but i believe it's a
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contemporary setting, and there's supposed to be a 300-page dictionary in it about the language of flowers, but i swear to you, or maybe 300 items. >> 300 words, it's a glossary. [laughter] >> thank you very much. let's see, then i've really liked original trade paperbacks. they are inexpensive. they offer an opportunity to explore maybe a new author or an author that has not been discovered yet, but the paperbacks don't get the attention that they deserve. the post mortal by drew magrite has a tremendous premise. they overcome aging, and people live forever. wonderful idea? well, consider being married
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forever. [laughter] consider what happens to the population if nobody dies, and that's the basis of the post mortal. that's coming out at the end of august. let's see -- tomorrow at ten o'clock, i'll be doing a panel called from writer to reader focusing on a particular book and how it's being introduced. the book that we're doing is running the risks. doug, you'll be interested to know that naomi is a triathlete, iron whatever. i don't know these things, i have ran to the end of the block. [laughter] naomi won the bell weather prize. now that prize was set up by barbara with the idea of finding
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a moon ewe script that really addresses political issues in fictional form and giving money so it's published and they are partners for publishing these books, and you know many of them like mud bopped, and hillary jordon has a new book coming out which is quite a change for her because it's futuristic, and this one also got a huge ad in pw show daily with a quote from the buyer for the cover who i think is someone that you can really believe it called "when she work" and echtly by -- evidently setting it somewhat in the future, just a few years in the future, it gives a very frightening look at things happening now and, you know, what that could lead to, so that's that, and it's a side bar to running the risks by naomi.
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she writes about rwanda through the eyes of a young boy who is a very good runner on track to become an olympic runner, but the whole civil war, the whole strike arises. she's american. she writes this book in a way that gets you so immersed in the culture you can imagine your mouth watererring over peanut stew with chicken fat on the top of it. she gets you immersed in it, and then come the horrors of the war, and then also, you know, they are constantly thinking when are the americans going to come, and, of course, they don't. and i'm done. [applause] >> i totally thought they were going to take more of mine and
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hoping they would do a really good job of it. [laughter] i'm going to do the ones that i didn't expect to talk about. the night circus, aaron morgan stern if you read the random house breakfast, she's just adorable. her mom is an elementary school librarian and told about the story of reading and trying to have her book create that. magic circus artists, like real maimingic than can do stuff, and stuff. you should read that. people will want this though. the other one is the leftovers. [applause] yeah, thank you. i'm so not ready to talk about this. you want to talk about it again because that's my next win. was it lunch yesterday? there's 17 reasons why he become a writer, and number one, i'm short. i was very engaged by this.
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[laughter] it's very conversational, and he is -- it's people left behind except it's they are in a nice, you know, leafy suburb and the family they are following they were agnostic and this happened in their world and how they deal with it and the son joins a cult and the father, and so, yeah, read that. people will want it. it's tom peretti. he's adorable. >> let's talk about it together. >> it came wrapped like a present. >> the lantern coming out, what? this september; right? coming from is it harper? >> harper collins. >> harper collins. it's set in france, i mean, what else do you have to say; right? >> that's all i was going to say. she's adorable. i met her last night. thank you, virginia. so i meant to lead with this.
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everything i know about love i learned from romance novels. this is a perm thing. she does something like that books, trashy books and the blog. who published it? >> oh, cool. >> none of them are here to appreciate this. i -- this is true, but also everything i learned about history i learned from romance novels which i'll move on to. it's very cute. it might be a gift book for the romance reader in your life, but it's got a little thing going on with, you know, this romance novel telling you this about life, and charming as i'll get out, and i think if you have not learned about love from romance novels, you should. we're not going to do history yet.
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moving on to horror. nothing more horrifying than horror. i'm going to read. i would totally do triathlons if i didn't have to swim and run. [laughter] [laughter] this is horror, this is those across the river. it's a debut by ace. who is ace? >> [inaudible] >> thank you. he came out to see me in the cage because i belonged to him. i was like a new racehorse he still found interesting to visit at night when the others were asleep. he was there on the wet ground unmindful of the light rain falling on him. it was not enough to extinguish the cigar, but enough to make my think my bones were cold. i drifted in and out. he might have been there an hour before i noticed him.
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he said you're going to die out here. he just said it. yes, i said. it occurred they might eat me. if they meant to eat me, they wouldn't have let my flesh get this rotten. i was not good enough to eat. i'm not good enough for you to eat i muttered into the read too tired to choose before thinking or speaking. you and i would not have heard it, but their ears were good. maybe just your heart, he said. it was not like speaking to a person, he was just a shadow against others. i wanted to lie down with the dead, be numb and blind and without memory, but that's not what happened. i kept my memory, especially the parts i didn't want. oh, my god. [laughter] oh, it's across the river.
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i said that. try to keep up. [laughter] this is, you know, we all, the scandinavians among us, and there's nothing we can do about it. this is the third by the guy who wrote let me in. i'm not going to try. he's swedish. this is one that came from mcmillan and st. martins. this is harbor. his third. they are not connected. just pick this one up. family is out camping and the tiny girl disappears, and it is about -- it's a sprawling horror epic of the lengths a father goes to save his young daughter. it's atmospheric and cold and chilly and long and dense -- [laughter] it's going to be what you can give your horror readers after they have read everything that you have or it's something that you can sort of give your big
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larson fans just to give them a little goose. the next bit -- i'm not going to talk about that one. i'm almost done. the next bit is the tides of war, the secret of wins of war. no, it's not. [laughter] it's about -- it's about wellington. i love history, historical fiction. they always have maps. i love maps. put a map in your book is you're going to tell a story. if you base it somewhere, just help me out a little bit. i didn't do well with europe. this one's in spain, but this is about wellington, and he's a compulsive adulter as you may know. it's a great article i was sent that traced all of wellington and his family and all of their adultery, but it's for the region sigh romance reader. you got a lot of them. you know how many people are reading julia quinn and this is a little deeper and more his tore yal fictiony, a bridge back
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to georgia so give the tides of war a try. oh, perfect, and what we have lastly is actress, emperoress, whore. [laughter] i kid you not. that's what it says. how do you get a book published that says that? [laughter] she was a prostitute and an actress rising to become the everyone residents of rome and a saint in the orthodox church. that should be enough to get you going on it. i love the historical powerful woman autobiography things. i just met a woman who wrote a
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collie collie -- cleopatra book. that's all. thank you very much. [applause] >> we actually have time for a light ning round. i'm going to start. first of all, i was worried that i didn't say the name of this title which is an unquenchable thirst. i wanted -- there were two books that i came to aba gunning for, and one of them is jesse browner's everything happens today. anybody else lucky enough to get this galley? i'll read you the publisher's note on the back. had records a single day in the life of wes, a 17-year-old who attends manhattan's elite school and lives in a townhouse with his tomorrowally ill mother,
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substantiate father, and sister. in the course of a day, everything happens. he loses that ginty to the wrong girl, try to meet a monday morning deadline and prepare a supper to hope to reunit his family. this is the book that i'm going to read as soon as i read aba. this is another book that we were lucky enough to have a presentation, barr ranchero moderated this at the library day of dialogue, and after this, i was eager to read it. it's called salvage the bones, a first novel out in september. a hurricane is building over the gulf of mexico, threatening the coastal towns in mississippi and they are growing concerned, a hard drinker, largely absent,
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doesn't show concern for much else, and her and her three brothers stock food, but there's not much to save. 12 days of very brief novel, and very dramatic story. to me, the author grew up herself in mississippi, an msa grad, love it. got to read it. >> well, we've talked about -- we vice president talked about poetry, but boetry, not poetry. [laughter] i have one i want to talk about. before the occupation, after the occupation by ahmad. she is an iraqi poet who fled in 1997 because she found out she was on the death list from the government and went back after the fall of the regime, and the way the title reads sounds like it's wonderful before the occupation when the america
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troops came in, and it was terrible afterwords, or the other way. it's not. it's just they are different in the way she describes the world of each of them is very different. i really believe that if you want to understand what's happening in the world reading fiction and poetry is good of a way and it's wonderful to understand the country with which we're so involved right now, and i would highly recommend it. from my lightning round choice, this book lost memory of skin. i pulled off the cover so i don't know -- >> [inaudible] >> you know, figure it out in the comment sections. [laughter] now, i just want to say some authors know the trick of making
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you want -- you like that one, okay? i got a lot of those. [laughter] i can write those. some authors know the trick to make you want to read more. joseph conrad, william steiner, not the guys who make you want to read my. this russell banks makes you want to read more. >> you are such a dude. >> yeah. [laughter] >> that booked wrapped up like a present, i looked at it and was like put that away immediately. no offense. [laughter] i put it out at the place i work, everybody takes the advantage, it was gone 30 seconds later. i'm sure somebody somewhere is going to enjoy that, but it's not going to be a dude. [laughter] the protagonist in this book decides to take a year off and lives in the woods in massachusetts and watch the seasons and get cranky about
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people, oh, no, that's a different book. that's a different book. [laughter] this one stars a young man who may or may not be a sex offender and lives under a bridge in florida in like a camp of sex offenders, and they are all wearing gps bracelets so you don't have to ask who are you wearing? it's like lindsay lohan, and he has a largic -- large iguana. it was interesting. i wanted to know more about him, who he is, and what makes him tick, and i highly recommend that book. thank you. [applause] >> i don't have another book, but i read this poem upside down, so i have to read it to you. as a librarian, you develop the skill to read upside down. you ask a kid what the question
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is and he says i don't know. i first namished the beer -- i finished the beer in the ice box you were probably saving for friday, but forgive me, this girl came over who was so sweet and so hot. [laughter] wasn't that the perfect poem? >> did you not just all enjoy that poem? [laughter] >> i hope they send that to robin. >> well i have stuff i wanted to talk about, but now i'm completely blown away. i want to hear what some of you discover. >> yeah. >> something that you can't wait to read. >> nothing at all? >> you want to tell us what you found on the floor? >> so i'm going to go ahead and talk about a book while you think about that. who wrote the wonderful white tiger, if you have not read it, a wonderful booker winner, set in india in bombay with a wonderful fascinating -- what do
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they call it? unreliable their tore who -- narrator with a sly character, and you get aceps of what bombay is like, what the life of ordinary people in india are like. there's a u 234 book -- there's a new book coming out called last man in the tower which sounds like he's coming back with some of the same things, and this one is about a real estate developer who is trying to, you know, scam things as far as i can tell, and this is just the kind of thing that i loved from him in white tiger so that's coming out in september. >> i want to have ilene to do her turn to do her lightning round. >> it's a book for dudes, maybe.
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i made her tear this out of her thing. she had nothing for me at all except death in the city of light, the serial killer by occupied paris by david king coming in september. get wracking on that cover maybe. [laughter] they are from crown, ten as devil in the white city, but in paris. it's just before the nazi occupation, and during the occupation is a serial killer. he has 37 confirmed, but up to 1 # 00 dead. -- 100 dead trying to pick off the people who take refuge in paris. he's got a little sort of a helpful nature i guess. [laughter] >> that's really uplifting. [laughter] >> i honestly -- it's narrative nonfiction. i'm really interested in thisment i really loved devil in
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the white city and excited to read in the garden of beasts and it's been on my table since winter. [laughter] i think that it's going to be good. this guy has that erik larson thing going on. look for it, this is what it looks like. [laughter] >> [inaudible] >> oh, yeah, stacks and stacks of books on my coffee table, and there will be more. >> if anybody found anything exciting at the show, and you want to share it with us, line up behind the microphone and wave your hand there -- anybody have anything to talk about? jason, come on up, come on down. [applause] one minute. >> it will be less. i've been hearing you have to add value to hard cover books to compete with e-books, so i found this on the floor. star wars 11 iconic scenes book, and it has these exciting
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visuals, and here are deafless prose, destroy the cyst, we must. a whole page for that. [laughter] >> anybody else? >> i picked up a university press book from the press which does beautiful books on economic artists, and this is creators of the superheros by thomas andre and interviews by joe siegel, and jerri robinson, gashing curvey, and it's a $40 book. it's got beautiful illustrations from the time period, different
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comics, original pictures from the people's lives. it's a very nice book. the press is an excellent press. i think they were at aol. it's a little expensive, but if you like comics, this is an excellent press if you want history of comics. >> say the name of the press again. >> hermes press. >> anybody else? [applause] >> i think we may, we have about 10 more minutes, so maybe we'll return. >> robin has a poem. >> modern day heroics. i killed a spider today that made my sad. i like to think they'll protect me if the ghosts of all the bugs i killed come back to haunt me, plus spiderman is a spider, so -- as most things tend to be, me, girl, scream, calm, shoed,
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and i don't recommend annihilating veer mon for increasing the heart rate of whoever is in your bed. i'm not proud of what i've done, but was it effective. [laughter] [applause] >> broetry. >> there's stuff about pizza grinders, it's funny, but i mean, so are the beatsy boys. it doesn't make it less value l, just, you know, you won't come back to again maybe again and again and again like you do with
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others. i found this one, until thy wrath be passed. i don't know -- you know, steve larson writes the hornet's nest nest and now all the swedish writers are being translated into english. go for it. more power to them, go sweden. it starts with a ghost who says i remember how we died. there's a lot of foreign words that keep you on your toes. it's cool, and everything is in the metric system, so it makes you think a little. [laughter] the geographical names are impossible, but the names are fine like inspector -- like, all right. inspector schwin is here to save
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the day. you can get lost in the crime stories, and this has the dusk the lincolnberry on it. >> what about the hypnotist? i'm hearing about that. >> yeah, that rocks. the opening scene is the guy waking up in this thing of blood because he was stabbed with a sises sores and all his family is dead. >> and? >> he ensues. [laughter] that's the book, you know? that's the advanced reader copy. i started, and my head never left the book. hypnotist, read it. >> can anyone talk about the daniel hale book? >> i adored it. why we broke up -- brilliant,
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beautiful design. they did the cover, the interior art, and it's really a novel, and it has, i feel it has powerful crossover appeal. i think that the 18 and older i think as someone said it, but all the guys, i think they said what guys are reading romance books? i feel that, you know -- [laughter] , and i don't necessarily believe it, but i believe groupups are still moral universe, but this looks great, it's another one of the prizes at book expo and it is published by little brown. >> anybody else?
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>> a wearwolf book, but it tries not to be a vampire book. i guess a few of those came out lately. >> it's twilight for grownups. >> i think it's fun. there's a lot of interpretations for it and latin phrases that you go to google to translate this from latin, but it sounds victorian, but it's set in the present day. he's so stylish, you know? he's so talking about like, oh, when i was training the ss troops in germany or some horribly evil thing, and then he'll say what is going on here? [laughter] you know, like jarring and jerky like that, but it's pretty good. he was really well-read and likes the findist things in life, and he's the last were
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wolf on the run from the famous werewolf hunter. >> can't he make more? >> i don't know if he can make more. it turns out it's nonfiction, which i did not figure. [laughter] >> it's a romance novel. >> yeah, right. [laughter] >> yes? another one? >> you have to come up. >> i was wondering if anybody read the new book stevens? i liked her first one. >> they don't necessarily live to give librarians -- >> what is it? >> never knowing by chevy stephens.
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>> that's it. >> i have like three of them. [laughter] >> i think that will solve that problem, don't you think in >> yeah. >> but i never know. >> okay. i think on that note -- >> i think on that note we can say it's been a great time. [cheers and applause] [applause] >> for more information on book expo america, visit >> well, st. martins press is an imprint of the mcmillan company and the publishers annual convention, is st. martins, and we're joined by the publisher matthew sheer.
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i want to talk to you about the upcoming books, and i want to start with christine o'donnell. >> okay, we're publishing this book called troublemaker, and it's a terrific book about her life and how she got to where she is and talks very much about her philosophy, how she got involved with the tea party, her whole delaware election, and some of the problems that happened during that election as well as what her vision of america is, and we're coming out with that in august. >> now, do you see her after working with her on this book, do you see her running for office again? >> i think that she is keeping her options open as other possibilities in the future, yes. >> another conservative author you're publishing this year is pat bucanan. >> uh-huh. we published her for years and years. it's called suicide of a superpower, and it is exactly what that says, concerned about where the united states is going
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under obama, and he's also concerned where the republican party is going and how they are positioning themselves for the future, and, of course, he outlines he how he thinks america and the republican party should be positioned. >> michael savage, over your shoulder here, a radio talk show host, but this is a novel. >> yes, it's called abusive power, and des a thrill -- it is a thrill a minute, and it reinvolves around a young man who is a talk show host in san fransisco, or i guess more of a reporter in san fransisco who has kind of been pushed aside because of his views, and the good thing about the novel, one is that it is thrill -- it's a thriller, and it really does thrill with lots and lots of action, and two, savage fans, there's many, many moments where
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savage talks about his views that i think his fans will very much like. >> newt gingrich? >> oh, yeah, we've been published him for a long time, and of course, running for president, and we've been publishing his nosms, and -- novels, and we published civil war novels, and this one takes place in the civil war as well. >> timely, i wanted to ask you about the fall of the forbes empire book. >> i think we all know that the forbes empire is not what it used to be, and this a another terrific book that really delves into what happens, how the family and the kids just swannedder their money and squandered everything that they father built over the years, and it also goes into convict for of the -- quite a bit of the day tails.
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>> how long have you been with st. martins? >> 16 years and in publishing over 30. >> how is st. martins changed over the years? >> well, we've grown. with are extremely profitable company that has grown, my god, from what was always a strong company publishing, lots and lots of books to one of the biggest commercial publishers in the industry. >> matthew shear is the publisher at st. martin's press. who is warn jess? >> he is the self-proclaimed prophet of the fundamentalist church of the ladder day saints. he followed in his father's footsteps and took that religion and took it to new levels and
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new heights. >> what do you mean by that? >> they practiced polygamy for one thing. >> legally? >> it's illegal in all 50 states. >> it's illegal? >> it's illegal in all 50 states. >> in utah too in >> in utah as well. because of that, i think as the outsourcing of that, there's this cast system of marrying under age little girls, a reward system that's been going on now, well, when warren came into power in 2002, it just started mushrooming and getting worse and worse and worse. >> now, when you say he came into power, how did he come into power? >> when warren was a young man,
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he was kind of this odd duck, and he was his father's favorite son. he was -- his father took a shine to him, and his father had dozens of son, but took a shine to warren, and warren was made headmaster of their private school system, and managed to worm his way into a position of leadership next to his father, and when hi father started becoming ill when he was old and had a series of strokes, and warren was able to kind of maneuver himself into a position of power, sort of like a medieval power struggle. he was able to move himself into where to when his father died, he was the gatekeeper for his father, and just made himself the new prophet. >> when is warren just now?
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>> warren just is in jail, in texas. he's, for the past four years, been moving around from one prison to another prison to another prison. he was convicted in utah of being an accomplice to rape. that conviction was overturned on a technicality by the utah supreme court which in my opinion was a shameful decision. >> it was the jury instruction? >> it was the epitome of a bad ruling, i guess. it was the jury instruction that the jurors didn't even understand. a lawyer would understand it, perhaps, but the jurors had no clue that anything was wrong, but he was overturned on that technicality, and then he went to arizona, and arizona is the
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attorneys fought it for years in arizona, and after about two years, finally, the victims grew tired of it and there were charges waiting in texas that were more serious than the arizona charges, and so he was expedited to texas, and that's where he's at now in texas awaiting charges on very serious felony charges like child abuse. >> sam brower, what is the fundamentalist church of latter day saints and connections if any? >> nowadays there's no connection to the church. it's -- at the turn of the century, it was an offshoot from the mainstream lbs church. there was a group of people that
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when polygamy was outlawed and banned in the lbs church, that it felt like that was something they didn't want to participate in, and actually it was a small group of people that left the religion and were excommunicated, and from there, it just started growing. you know, distance people at a time, and it's become what it has now and it's been thoroughly corrupt, and it's just in my opinion an organized crime syndicate, you know, that specializes in child abuse and underage marriages. >> how many followers? >> there's between 10,000-15,000 followers. it's hard to put an exact number on it because there's -- they keep very poor records purposely, they have their own doctors, clippics where --
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clinics where children are born and shy away from hospitals because that's where records are kept and they can be discovered and they are secret. they stay away from mainstream hospitals. they set up their own hospitals and doctors and resources, mid wives for giving birth, and actually when there was a raid in texas, they found birth certificates that were in various stages of being filled out. some were filled out, others partially filled out, and others were blank to fill in the names and date that suited them, and so their records are not very good. some are bogus, and so it's really hard to put a number on how many exactly there are, but they are all over the country. >> how did you get to right
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prophets pray and what's your involvement with the fundmentallist involvement with the church of latter day saints? >> i became involved originally as a private investigator who had actually taken a case involving one of the members who was being excommunicated, and it was just peaking my interest as something unusual. i was not from southern utah, and i was an outsider and i was cureout about it, and what -- curious about it, and what i found shocked me. when i went to short creek, it was just like driving off the map, like no place else in the country. when i talked to people about it, they just don't believe that some place like that could exist here. it's without a doubt the most lawless town in this country, and so it really peaked my interest.
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when i started becoming involved and i started working the cases, i started finding out about these atrocities, about things that are not supposed to happen in america, people being kicked out of their homes and told they can't come back, and that they can't talk to their family, they can't even visit their family, and then i -- i was asked by a prominent baltimore attorney to work on civil cases involving child abuse, and what i found there was just unbelievable. it was -- i interviewed two young men who had grown up in the religion. they were actually warren jeff's nephew, and he had abused them, raped, and sodomized them from the time they were between the
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ages of 5 and 7 years old, and that experience to me is what really turned the tides for me. that was the experience that kind of lit a fire under me, and i thought, you know, somebody's got to do something about this. the word has to get out about it, and that was a lot of my motivation for doing the book, and for pursuing this with such vigor just to get the word out so that people know that there is something just horrible caliber that's going on in our country. >> sam browers, is there any issue of freedom of religion here? >> you know, the freedom of religion issue is an issue only with the fbls. in reality, the freedom of religion is their wild card. what they do has nothing to do
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with religion unless -- it's okay for religions to molest children, unless it's okay for a prophet to take a little 12-year-old girl by the hand and take her into a temple and perform a ritual lissic rape on her. in my mind, that's not religion. that's criminal behavior. the hardest part of dealing with this and getting law enforcement to deal with it and government entities and agencies and politicians to deal with it is to overcome that religious hurdle. they've been able to cover their activities under the smoke screen of he -- religions, and that's all it is. they know it. they know it works.
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warren jeff knows that it works, and they've done really well in quoting that ill -- cloaking that illegal activity under freedom of religion. if this was a satan worshipers who were raping little girls, they know they would be going to jail, but somehow this so-called religion is able to mask and cover up their activities and it's their constitutional right to do this. >> where do they get their money? >> their money comes really off the sweat and off the backs of thousands of workers that believe that they're doing the right thing, that they are involved in the religion of their ancestors, you know, they are involved in something that
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they've been brought up in. it's a cultural thing more than religion really. they are in construction. they are in manufacturing, and i would say probably a ma majority of the money comes right out taxpayer's pockets. it's from public works projects. millions of dollars worth of public works projects in las vegas, all over the west, and even back east, even here back east. they are manufacturing. they've produced top secret government projects for the military. they work on the latest generation night vision that are used overseas right now. the failed o-ring in the shuttle challenger disaster was a product of short creek and the
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flds church. they are involved in different matters, and their deal for raising money is more than just about money. it's a religious calling to them, and so they are very good at it. they are very good at putting together millions and millions of dollars. >> the preface of your book was written by john, who is he? >> he's a friend, and i got to know john when i began working on the book. john had done research on his book under the banner and us working in the same area kind of brought us together, and it just clicked and have been working together sense. he was great help for me. it's a bit dangerous to be out there doing that work, and john was a good backup and good help
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for me, and he was somebody i could depend on, and so we traveled all around the country and worked quite a bit on this, and he was past the learning curve. he was very complex, and very hard to get to learn and understand everything that goes on with this, and so jap was passed that lerping curve, and so i think it was very helpful to me. >> sam brower, the photo on the cover ring where was this taken? >> this was taken at short creek at the veermillion cliffs right in town there in short creek, and a couple of the polygamy women are strolling through the park area there. >> are either of you mormon, and could this be considered an
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anti-mormon book? >> i'm lds. jap's not, and as far as i, i don't feel this is an anti-mormon book in any way. the flds are nothing, you know, they are not mormon at all. they have chosen to distance themselves from the church. they don't practice any of the beliefs. the only thing they really have going on is they believe in some of the same scripture as some of the churches, but they take their own take and put their own spin on it and things like that. now, i think a lot of the outside world tends to group the two together, but mormons are no more flds than lutherans or catholics, you know? the lutherans chose to separate themselves from


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