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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  June 18, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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smith in terms of our children, there are no communist babies, no capitalist babies, they're just babies, and so on. i mentioned that communist capitalism thing because that's the way that the communists would refer to it. they would not want to acknowledge that the difference between us that they were free and we were not and our critics on the left failed to make that distinction too. >> first book? >> yes. >> what do you think of the experience? >> it was i.d. >> why? -- it was difficult. >> why? >> because i have three growing sons. >> age? >> 11, 9, 7. and a column and a life. and it is difficult write -- writing books is hard work. >> will you do it again? >> i might. >> our guest, it is "how liberals got it wrong in the world war and still blame
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her. >> and because of his duties at the research of american and studies at columbia he has not had a chance to get involved but shortly after i started coming he commenced working on a comprehensive research project on ♪ ♪ max called the malcolm x project. i worked as the associate director of the project for four years then as one of the elite researchers' on the project and as one of his teaching assistance for the malcolm x course. all of those activities fed into the work that would become this book. >> what is there about this book that is different than the co-author? >> anybody who sets out to
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do work with malcolm x has to do with the biography it is such a powerful and moving voice. but the autobiography is a powerful literary story of personal transformation and is not a historical study of his life. certainly there were urs studies or experiences he had no idea about when he wrote the autobiography and in addition, when he worked on the autobiography, he set out initially to write a book that would demonstrate the trans abortive -- transformative power of islam in his life so certain aspects the nation of islam were highlighted or emphasized to highlight the contrast between the islam life and post islam wife and then there was the filter of alex
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fav who as a liberal in republican was not a fan of the malcolm x politics and sought a cautionary tale for a white america of this is what happens if you do not face the race problem and that is the best frame dr. marable belts to understand his faith development, relationship with africans in the middle east which is not covered at all in the autobiography, sell low of surveillance he was under buy the federal and state agencies of fbi police department. these are insights that are missing from the autobiography of malcolm x. what dr. marable accomplishes is to give us not only the life of malcolm but the social architecture to frame the life.
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>> host: archives and records . >> guest: i am glad to ask the question. there has not attempt of a comprehensive bio for over 20 years the last one was a book in 1991 there hasn't been that much fun for very long and with the materials that had become and was one of the first scholars to engage a travel diaries which gives us a richer understanding of his experiences abroad from his political and religious development. this book is one of the first to engage the manhattan district attorney case files on the
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assassination of malcolm highlighting the unanswered questions that lingered around the malcolm x's house -- assassination what other agencies may or may not have known about it and its finance. -- in advance. it is the only book to utilize speeches that he gave within the nation of islam context much of what people understand about the outcome has been based on the speeches made available after his death that he gave in the last few months of his life from the time he left the nation of islam in 1964 or slightly before but very little has been known about what he said as then minister or pastor or administrator of the nation of islam for the 12 years he was a member of the nation. dr. marable gives a full
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picture of the level of four that malcolm planned to travel the country to speak thee are the new insights that is based on the archives. >> host: zaheer ali are there still some archives not available? >> guest: yes. thousands of pages of fbi documents in new york police department documents in his research dr. marable u.s over 6,000 pages of material from the freedom of information act request and last month the fbi put on the website a new batch of files on malcolm x. there is still much more to be known about what our government knew about
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malcolm and how involved they were in the organization in. one interesting thing we found is malcolm, the first page of his fbi file began 1950 while he was in prison. he had just come from islam but had written a president from president truman protesting the korean war so based on that letter the fbi began the first file. another interesting insight how deeply embedded the fbi was into all organizations, 1954 malcolm traveling the country setting of temples and it was hosting a small meeting in a family home. maybe 10 to 12 people but one of those was the fbi informant. 1954 before the nation of islam had received any publicity at all or before it had achieved the numbers
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that it had a chief. that is our early and deeply imbedded the nation of islam was or the fbi was. that is the questions of what more can we do as they become more and more available. people's names and identities as a scholar see what you can corroborate with other materials. some report gains on that we could corroborate those records to try to figure out. so what we have to learn about malcolm x. but i think this book makes a significant contribution to that objective.
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>> host: of life of reinvention? >> guest: that title comes from that malcolm went through several stages of evolutionary development. throughout his life, his family, his father was killed what many believed to be racist violence of a type of kkk organization in the 1920's and his family fell apart he was in a foster home at age eight but in eighth grade a good dreams to become realistic and loses the enthusiasm for school. and then he moves to boston and then take some of the persona but detour it was a
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better city and the culture of the time but then he goes to prison and given to the members that were taken end to him from slavery then when he left the nation of islam he went to make the pilgrimage the arabic name at was publicly known. -- are several stages of a evolutionary development to grow and evolve and even answer the reinventions that
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he undergoes, there is some characteristics and some who are incredibly define and challenging all forms of authority to the present authority of malcolm x then coming out in the nation of islam challenging the authority structure and certainly wanting to bring the united states before the world court and the united nations for human rights violations someone who was always challenging authority someone who was deeply disciplined and had incredible integrity for much of his life. so although they can have spiritual identification there are certain core characteristics that i think are consistent o -- zero.
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>> host: april 2011 dr. marable had died when? >> guest: sadly unexpectedly passed in april 1st, 2011 the book was released april 4th. he was someone who was a scholar and activist rich and overt 20 books over the criminal-justice system and hurricane katrina and in the aftermath and president obama and doing all of his academic and intellectual projects and social justice intervention and was very excited hoping the book would reignite interest in malcolm x and what he represents so of these ideas that the idea he was so committed to an end hoping
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the conversations around the book would cause people to reexamine the case and circumstances with the assassination. >> this was an opportunity to be having important conversations around a life and legacy of malcolm xt71 of the critiques of the book is dr. marable made assumptions about malcolm x life. >> what they thought to do was give a comprehensive for sinn as was available based on the sources consulted. as a research -- researcher he would not base anything he wrote, i he tried to move corroborate as much as he could and it is important to
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know that he grappled with what he found. there were things about malcolm's life that he was in all of. and certain things he had criticisms of. to know the complexity of malcolm as a human being that this is the iconoclasm to chat stage to challenge the autobiography of malcolm x and to take him off of the pedestal to see him as a human being as he struggles. >> host: did the family participate? >> early on in dr. marable worked with them on them now comex project and dr. marable was instrumental to use his influence at columbia to reopen the site
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of the former ballroom that is now the memorial center because columbia was part owner of the site. dr. marable selz very deeply toward making sure malcolm and his family recede to justice as a type of memorial that is worthy of malcolm work and as a historian, also felt committed to giving us a comprehensive portrait of malcolm with all of his humanity and understandably, this is not a think story and malcolm would be the first to say he is not a saint. but this portrait of malcolm with the complexity is one that is sympathetic, at
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critical and malcolm is a deeply compelling figure. >> host: what is your background? >> researcher, a student at columbia university where it have been involved with no come since high-school when i have read the autobiography in much of my research has focused on the history of islam in america especially the african-american community. my family is from trinidad i grew up outside washington d.c. area. >> host: now the book is finished were you doing? >> unfortunately dr. marable was the chair of my dissertation and adviser. i am in the process of reconstituting my committee and looking forward to seeing redo to complete my ph.d. program at columbia.
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>> host: we have been talking about the amount the max book by dr. marable with zaheer ali. thank you. >> host: book expo america the publisher's annual convention new york city regnery publishing is year as well and with a booktv to preview fall 2011 book titles and we're joined by the publisher of regnery. i will start with a book that you don't have out yet because you just signed a deal today. >> you are correct. said big news today is three just signed a big book with donald trump doing a political book this fall in
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interested in doing the book because we feel he touched a nerve with our marketplace with people out there in america who said he says things that i agree with about oil and china and trade and taxes and the economy and is in a refresh ring to have somebody say the -- refreshing to say these things and not be afraid. [laughter] everybody shows up at the bookstore. [laughter] we're very excited. it is about putting america back on top how to make america of rich again there is nobody better to how to be better or competitive or leadership how to get what you want out of any deal or negotiation or if you are a country negotiating with another. >> host: may 2011 you say the book comes out and fall
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2011? >> we are a the experts at crashing books because we do so many news driven books and current events we do something that most of the industry doesn't do is put books on a very fast track we know when to have captured the imagination of the audience, we want to get the book down as fast as possible. it is on the fast track we will have out there before christmas and we are excited about that. >> host: you have a couple of other books. start with newt gingrich most recent book. >> we are excited to be having your next book with newt gingrich. we have found several books with him they are all big best sellers and of course, he is a leading figure in the conservative market place on the republicans stage and has driven the discussion of important topics that are
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going to be coming up in the election cycle. this book is actually a little different because previously his books were policy heavy talking about solutions are problems that we face. what he does with this book called a nation like no other is a more historical viewpoint that he is poised to do as a historian and talking about what makes this country exceptional and great and how are we in danger of losing that? one thing he said to me across the country when you ask americans do believe that american exceptional is an? they say guess but if you follow what what does that mean? most of us do not know or cannot answer it. that is so liberal began and gives the elite to denigrate it to say american exceptional wasn't, it is
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bragging about how wonderful we are and newt gingrich makes the argument it is not about being better or talented are smarter it is about being luckier. that is really based on freedom of expression the freedom of speech to work hard and live your life with great individual liberty. >> host: for the first time in six years mark stein has a book coming out. >> guest: we have waited a long time. one of the best writers and most insightful on the political scene who wrote a book for us six years ago called america alone and was an instant best seller and a wonderful book. we have been waiting another six years for the follow-up.
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it comes out in august and it is as ominous as it sounds. the previous book argues america was the lone in sticking to the principles that made western civilization great and unfortunately the follow-up is not so sure america is on the right path we are in very much in jeopardy of losing it all. >> host: i use the word recluse maybe i am wrong but will he go on tour? >> yes. he has said before why would i behind tv if i don't have a book to promote? those are wonderful words to hear but he is excited to promote the book and is a terrific% -- % and because what he says is so
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frightening and devastating you need to add some humor and wit and he has the perfect combination of all of those >> host: regnery it is well known as a conservative political imprint but they avenue project called regnery history. what is this about? >> thank you for asking because we're very excited about launching a new line of books on history. military history and american history in particular. we publish history books in the past and have done the vocational history book but we realize it is a category our market is interested and we are publishing our books on the same schedule of current events. they were all most successful despite the best efforts. this time we say we will
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dedicate a team to put these on a timeline that makes sense. to give them all of the support to have ballets to get them in the hands of reviewers and frankly already it is successful because the first book out called but omar bradley has been picked up by the military book club and history book club but we see these will thrive and we are excited about that and a couple other books as well. >> host: what is a history and print book? >> won the we think will do very well is a book called a bully it is about teddy roosevelt but one of the unique things is it includes
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over 200 and his political cartoons. we feel there are a lot of people out there who are pr fans but this book is unique because most of them have never been seen since they were published 100 years ago. we feel this is a wonderful way to illustrate and ninth the time he was living to give some flavor to a biography of one of the most interesting and beloved presidents. this will be a lot. >> host: talking to the publisher of regnery getting a preview of the upcoming books from regnery publishing. >> what i am reading this summer number one is of
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great war correspondent named michael hulu takes you on a wild and hellish firsthand tour of the neighborhoods where has blood wells in and around lebanon with confront neighbors coming in the middle of the 2006 war against the group. it is the thrill ride i cannot put it down doing impeccable work and is a brave on the of ground a journalist. another book i have been dying to get to that will take out my the time is the legacy of islamic anti-semitism by a of a friend of mine a preeminent expert on islam. last, power and face and fantasy by israel ambassador and he wrote to before he was ambassador but a history of american involvement in the middle east and very
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timely. >> it. >> i see a few new faces will come to the veterans who are joining us again to the last session of our conversation this year. two briefly go over the way we will do things, another reminder what c-span will do too that. this is supposed to be a conversation i will do everything in my power to guarantee it is so. the format is we begin with
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a conversation between us and we will talk about some questions i have devised he will run with those in then it is designed to bring you into his work and subject and the viewers can do the same thing. talk about some of the main points then some other things as a fellow historian will ask him about the role of the historian in this kind of work and his particular argument about barack obama. along the way, one of us will take a breath. and you know, that is your q2 john been to join with questions or comments were responses or observations. and then to broaden out


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