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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  June 26, 2011 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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>> guest: appreciate it. thank you. that was "after words," booktv signature program in which authors of the weakest nonfiction books are interviewed by journalists, public policy makers, legislators and others familiar with the material. "after words" airs every weekend on booktv at 10 p.m. on saturday, 12 p.m. and 9 p.m. on sunday, and 12 a.m. on monday. you can also watch "after words" on line. go to and click on "after words" in the topic list on the upper right side of the page. ..
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>> your baby has a heart but she ignored her. this is propaganda up. your baby has fingernails. that was god. -- cod and she glanced around and could not help but notice everybody was playing with their fingernails to tap them lowered to one them and she thought fingernails? i have a life growing inside of me and walked out of the abortion clinic and that is the end of the story. how many of you remember this distance -- statistic it gave you a minute and a half ago? how many of you remember what prompted her to walk
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out of the abortion clinic where expect everybody remembers the fingernails i promise you one weeks from now the was 1,466,000 you will forgot that but remember the fingernails story. of narrative matters. conservatives have abandoned narrative as the emotional toll thinking intellectual argument tends to neutron the motion. you give up on talk radio we all the arguments and facts on our side but they just rely on the motion of the time. because it works. we need to start taking back the fight that narrative was from the movie you to know. hollywood, which is the chief for most political tool of the left liberals who discriminates whose scorn traditional american values and use television propaganda to achieve their
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end. they use the narrative to push their point* of view their very clever and recognize a face life messaging it is more effective than if they get you in the head with the 2 x 4 so create characters that they like. it has to be based on character who you would rather spend time with and your own family? we watch two or three hours television per night that is more time than you spend with your children or your spouse so they better be people that you like. hollywood does that then has those characters act in a way which he would not approve. it is a very effective methodology. they use the behavior of the friends to accept a new politics and policies. hollywood did not use to be this way. hollywood executives were buy and large executives.
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they tend to be jewish socialist and vaudevillian and liberal but the battle resulted in a relatively non-partisan type of television if the creators could get away with that but for the most part, it was down the middle. with the death of kennedy, the liberal creators became more strident. there was a shift of the liberal thinking in america when kennedy died. we shifted to the hopeful liberalism entering the new frontier to a very pessimistic liberalism that must be changed. at the same time, the executives themselves became more liberal and were being replaced by a new breed of that advertising executives that were young and urban and liberal and now everybody was pulling in the same political direction. they did have one problem. the audience was still
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conservative for 1965 this was a very conservative country. how could they program left when the country was right? they came up with a scare. hollywood is fantastic. the tv creators could not care less about you they're not interested in you but in the advertisers. when you flip on the tv in a matter what you are watching you don't pay for it except cable or satellite you do not pay the creators of the television shows. the advertisers are the only reason the audience is important because advertisers use the numbers to see how many people use the message. how many for those ads of eyeballs? naysay certain elements of the tv audience are more important than other
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elements. not all eyes are equal. that is why you hear from 18 through 34 crowd. if you think of that it makes no sense. by and large a dose are living in mom and dad's basement smoking dope and being unemployed. there in that age group but the fact is that people who are 50 and above are the only ones in the country who are retiring now this is an aging country that is baby boomer dads the leading network in terms of revenue is cbs. have you ever watched of cbs show? one? nobody watches and cis under 41 of the highest rated
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shows on television because cbs brings in the dough but the tv executives have skin the advertisers to believe none of those people matter. they have lied to the advertisers. why? originally three major networks in the late '60s and abc only had no affiliate's and cbs had affiliate's ever were with all of the top shows with the "beverly hillbillies" and petticoat junction not liberal type shows. now what happened they figured we have to make money we will tilt the advertisers are reviewers are more important than their viewers. because it is liberal creators and ad agency people they said that is great. the ancillary purpose what is the most liberal age group? eighteenth through 34 that is why they can program liberal why they lie they
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say the market demands are liberalism this is what shuts down conservatives. everybody who critiques tv say it is liberal then the left says you're asking for that if you like it turn the channel but there is nothing to turn the channel to the same people control the channels. they're not really marketing to you they don't care about you even if we did for the most part conservatives tend to be older not live in urban areas or the viewers people are looking for. there are no limitations whatsoever for the deepening liberalism. it comes through day in and day out. all of the affirmation has been there before what is different i interviewed those who made tv to get the story from the horse's mouth. how did i get the tapes?
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i am not a closet conservative i had and naturally syndicated column on politics and tsai was 17. the beautiful fact about liberals is a stereotype on a regular basis especially on race and ethnicity. it was no surprise that i was a liberal i went to harvard law school and 98% shot was a liberal. [laughter] i told my was profiling the biggest names and looking at the changes of social messaging so i told them what the book was about. they probably stopped listening a profiling the biggest names in tv. all these people wanted to we interviewed but as a subtle reminder i wore my harvard law baseball cap and do better in the regular
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basis. i have to cover my head for religious reasons but i do if lowered good dual purpose. the hollywood community natalee proud of the liberalism but believes would it is doing is right. openly discriminatory and happy to use the power to proselytize they are handing glove to push liberalism their subsidies and back scratching and twist the market as i have explained to achieve their own end. i will play the adios you can hear directly from the people we're talking about. leonard goldberg is of political terror up station attendant and and producer attorneys angels and it is of member of the board of cbs and aaron spelling's tv partner. he sums it up with hollywood politics. >> there is too much special
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content. >> better-known about the content but in terms of the thought of various matters of socialism, anyone who denies it is kidding themselves and not telling the truth. there is no question. but if you say we are here to write a show about this this, everybody is on one side. [inaudible] people with different
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viewpoints? >> absolutely. the late ron silver and. [inaudible] is a brilliant actor he felt very strongly that his opportunities are limited because he was an outspoken about his feelings about his views. unquestionably it is the hollywood community. >> why is hollywood so liberal? the answer is obvious. for the most part they despise conservatives and live in the echo chamber. hollywood is like academia that is so cloistered everyone feels they express fact and a nine opinion. if you disagree because you are factually incorrect. take susan harris was the creator of the soap and
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"golden girls." here is what she had to say about conservatives across america. >> >> how would you like a daughter? >> just tell me. i am thinking of having a sex change operation. ♪ [laughter] >> , down. did you just get out of present. [laughter] of. >> what is your response of criticism of the majority of the groups that television is too liberal and
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progressive and? cifa are idiots talking. what can i say? a large section of the country is getting smaller 2.2 obama and office people have got and a little bit smarter but people have evil minds. and those who are not open to anything new or anything reasonable they think science is a matter of belief and that is who you are dealing with. >> she goes on to say she could not right four that audience. this is an audience i could never speak to that is exactly the audience she was speaking to but the people
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who were watching her show so why is that disconnect between the craters and those who watch television? because these people, the same folks who say imperialism is the worst form of people are the greatest cultural imperialists and history. they think they are reflecting real-life america when they are transforming it. she said she thought tv lags behind rather than pushing forward although she was behind the so-called that was the first television show to promote gay rights. and it transforms everybody else they only reflect what they see in their daily lives but sometimes it is active listen to nicholas meyer from start track two and four and six and the day
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after was the aftermath of nuclear war and at the time one of the highest-rated tv movies a premier during the 1984 election cycle. this is what he had to say what he meant to do with the day after. ♪>> my private grandiose
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notion was that this movie would be ronald reagan when he ran for reelection. >> so much for that. [laughter] they tried to convince us a particular goals and that does not stop them for trying the creator of friends told me about one of her favorite episodes in television the lesbian wedding episode in the first season saying day cast in new gingrich's pastor of the wedding saying she was cast as the f you to the right. they're very rich people and
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socialist soleil have to live with themselves than they do that by looking across america to sell you're capital less. i know that i make money off of you but i will smack you across the face to remind you how evil you are. that is why we see the shock value. they don't feel good unless they hit somebody in the nose. we already talked about turn the channel but first what do we turn it to? the tv industry is vertically integrated six companies control everything you see on tv. the same group of players control the industry. they have must with the advertising industry and third get subsidized and sponsored by the federal government. the cozy relationship goes all the way back. take a smothers brothers new-line remember the mature under 50 but everybody else would because it was highly controversial with tremendous ratings and was canceled in the third season. why? one of the bp said cbs will
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explain why it was canceled. >> [inaudible] >> what got them in trouble. [inaudible] >> your pressured by a johnson to cancel the smothers brothers? that is interesting. >> very. [inaudible] [inaudible]
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net was very embarrassing for cbs. [inaudible] >> that pattern of government to lowballed went continues today and is deeper today my favorite example springs from the obama administration lampert dodi remember the harry louis gates press conference for the cambridge police six-- acted stupidly? none of the networks wanted to have obama on. they gave kickback he wanted to be on prime time and they said they will lose money and he has been dropping so were his ratings. he went over their heads and went directly to the corporate owners and got them to greenlight the program. he went to bob iger and
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jeffrey immelt and les moonvez rather than the programming heads. of three or financial backers of his administration and iger was named to the export council one year later and jeffrey immelt is the head of one of the chief beneficiaries of the largess of ge and les moonvez once hung out with fidel castro. the networks grudgingly accepted the order by coincidentally two weeks later, "the new york times" runs a story about the pharmaceutical company buying into obamacare because he promised to cap the liability of a billion dollars over 10 years. buried in the article was fascinating tidbits. in order to seal the deal the pharmaceutical companies had to chip in money, $150 million to pay for television advertising in favor of obamacare. and during the entire 2008 election cycle spent
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$236 million to see how that works? he get so he wants and television advertising everybody goes home happy except the taxpayers whose airwaves are used for backdoor propaganda efforts. unimagined the stopper is the executives who would stop this. leave aside the reliance on big government and focus on the fact there corporate officers supposed to be focused on turning revenue for the shareholders. the executives want to make a difference. listen to move dumpers dog from mtv networks here is his role on the chief executive of. >> >> those on the social right criticize mtv with the bad effect nine teen-agers and gets them into drugs but how
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do balance the need to be socially responsible and the need to create programming? >> [inaudible] responsibility comes with it. we can have superpowers. [inaudible] and all those corrected people that believe and entertainment and entertaining people and at the same time with the meaning of television. >> i -- what kind of message
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and particular? >> there is a million of them. [inaudible] obviously they have rocked the boat than those types of campaigns over the years. >> even the executives feel the necessity to do something for the world i like how he thought the idea of superpowers in the wrong hands could be disastrous been doing good with mtv and comedy central how many really think they do something good for the cultural debate? it isn't just about money it
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is the tremendous reach and power to promote a liberal message that they use the power to keep conservatives from working in the tv industry. they discriminated and they have no problem with that. the only area of the right and the people who would squash mccarthyism and those who were against the black list. here's what they have to say discriminating against those surveyed do not agree with the creator of mciver and america's funniest home videos is here is what he said. >> >> what you hear especially from the cultural right wing that hollywood is leftist and only one perspective is a told in the script it shows what you make of that? >> let's think back.
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i think if the accusation accusation . >> is a that ripple civil and atrocious? but interestingly enough when i call of norman lear the linking of television writers of all of the family and a jefferson's and also the founder of people for the american way considers himself the first amendment warrior i asked him to stand up of such discrimination and has returned my call twice. he also refused the call to the hollywood reporter and writer -- friday. it is a nonpartisan group dedicated to diverse bought and vin di bona who approves of discrimination is a
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high-ranking member of the caucus norman lear is a co-founder. and norman powell a former cbs entertainment television had resigned in protest over vin di bona comments not only has norman lear not said anything rackauckas refuse to pass the anti-discrimination resolution claiming they are the nine days non-partisan organization cannot come out against discrimination. [laughter] it is a rally and they are against partisanship and cannot stand up against discrimination based on partisanship what was so amazing i believe discrimination was mostly a myth. when i interviewed leonard we got along famously and he asked me if i would write a pilot based on my experience on harvard law school.
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you say yes when asked because there's a lot of money involved. we went into development and i got an agent. i had a terrific meeting, the best in 10 years but three weeks later i got a call and said one of my agents google due to find your website. my stomach went to the floor and i am not sure we can represent you because he thinks your political views will make it impossible for you to get a job in the town. one of the press -- producers have already seen my work and told the agent he knew what was and would never work with me. that is our works in hollywood. that is why scores in hollywood will not come out for the fear of losing their careers and they are right. the biggest names in the industry i will not mention them because it would ruin their career. what should we do? tick off the blinders and recognize tv is and going anywhere. we will watch and love it because we love narrative. if we want to take back the
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culture we need to stop pouring about politics and warring more about how we will take back the art of storytelling. ronald reagan knew that the value that is why his speeches were so beautiful hour storytelling doesn't need to be restricted in the political sphere but need to make art and excellent art. that is not conservatism with the artistic bent but there is a difference. do we need fox news and entertainment? no. we need conservative values we know what two entertainment for politics but in spite of politics to be entertained. we need to put our money where our mouth is and contribute to a new hollywood and get advertisers the alternative place to put their dollars we're good boycotting they have to go to the eyeballs unless we give them a different place they will keep putting it where we do not want them.
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that is why i have joined with declaration entertainment to raise money for great entertainment. my friend jeremy was closely associated with gary sinise is on at the border right now dealing with the legal emigration crisis. we need people like you guys moving out from the sea taking back the culture. it is a lot of fun. we can do this together first have to recognize the power of storytelling there is reason when we uncover caves they have pictures. we are obsessed with each other and with stories. that is why god speaks been stories and the new testament uses parables' and abraham lincoln was raised on the bible and shakespeare in both their narratives. we have lost the art and we need a back and need to learn from the left to fight them and we can do it. we can fight the battle we
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need your money and your time and your talent. come to hollywood we have to end prime-time propaganda up. thank you very much. [applause] her. >> i had two thoughts during this you gave me a reason to like ladybird johnson. [laughter] and then i can imagine recasting as conservative broadcasting service. we will take questions and then we will take the rest of them. >> and the people who watch the shows that are highly rated rp their middle-of-the-road or conservatives? then why aren't they doing good things for the advertisers of they are
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offended every step of the way? >> >> looking at what conservatives and liberals watch they tend to watch american an "idol" and in cis. they are less liberal than the alternative. it used to be more conservative the guy who produces is conservative but it has moved to the left and "american idol" is a conservative show because there is no affirmative action if you have of bad story you do not make the final. we tend to use that to the extent that we can but it is too much to ask them to turn off the tv. but the fire and brimstone idea turn off your television or the country will go to hell in a handbasket will work. we like t be that may kick
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off our shoes and watch friends. that is why masking people to be active. >> >> my was here over the last four years and they were in a lot of films particularly from world war ii. and why we fight and why you don't go out. [laughter] with the wrong kind of lady. [laughter] but my question how do is the patriotism of the military to help reproduce something in hollywood that existed back with the reagan and some of the other, john wayne and those characters
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were very conservative? jimmy stewart was a bomber pilot. how do? i have worked with literally thousands of shoulders i have 30,000 people they were patriotic and wanted to be down but middle how do take the military today as only 1% of the population to use them correctly which is being done. >> it would take the game changing shift to do that. put it this way. last cause they mobilized for, the same for world war ii was the obama campaign. and the military has moved away from the idea to use
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film as a medium. the military itself would be in default and now the military is not involved at all. we watch propaganda efforts every day. her is one thing this has shifted those that were spending on the soldiers coming back. now they are portrayed as victims of the big bad bureaucracy sending them out there to die. but if you walk into hollywood in a military uniform they are afraid of discrimination and that it is of a wedge to get the ball in the industry. >> i wonder if you would comment on higher education
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with the professors and curriculum in the entertainment field? [laughter] is the same as academia all the worse. the people who occupy the screenwriting positions are very obvious in their politics and who they want to promote. marty kaplan a professor at usc, there film program is a norman lear so that tells you where they stand politically. cap plan and i see eye-to-eye with the advertisers being bamboozled. he said i will get around to the book they are not interested doing anything except promoting there of liberalism. infiltrating academia is another thing to do. we have to infiltrate the campuses, a takeover. the left has taken over. we are conservatives we
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focus on individuals the left is a leftist focusing on institutions but they are unbelievably powerful so we see the news media and entertainment media and then we are surprised when they turn out liberals? we need to be involved in institutional -- institution al takeovers the same way as the left. >> s.a. philosophical question is there a distinction between propaganda? >> what your feelings on that? >> that is the title of my book. [laughter] there is a slight distinction and a fine line between social commentary that in a broadly pushes certain member states messages but they do use it consciously and unconsciously. the effect is the same.
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they create the gay-rights movement would not be no where near as it was without the television industry actively promoting a. a huge arab-americans thing 25 percent of americans are day. the real statistic is between two and 5% there is only one area and american my for 25% of the population is gay and that is on american television. people take what they see for granted without alan or will and gray side about -- dow where we are it is a passive social messaging medium. >> hello. i was with nbc win "soap" came out. >> it is your fault. [laughter]
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>> this thing was is they were so nervous about it going out that they said -- sent the pilot out before they went out because they were so scared it would not be accepted. >> it wasn't. it was widely boycotted and so much so it lost money every single season and abc kept on the air anyway. this is my question you have lowered the name plunder to her organizations that have an conservative screenwriters i heard of a couple of others we will have eight out of the closet tsunami? let's do it and get a hold
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of it instead of hiding. >> we did talk about this when the book came out. at my a book launch party -- book launch party we had a bunch of hollywood conservatives were present. one of them said let's do this out of the closet tsunami to show everybody we are here. and people said rightfully so they are afraid of losing their job. but the conservative movement has not provided the infrastructure to where there is no rest. if there was a conservative movie business and labor lending then there would be less fear and it is unfortunate reality but even people who are big names like patricia heaton probably the biggest conservative star right now
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but when i interviewed her originally i don't feel bad saying this because the last three weeks she has said she has been discriminated. she is not in the book but when i interviewed her i said is there against conservatives? she says i have never felt it. i started to ask around and i found out i lost six jobs with my political affiliation and i said i will right that and then she said please take me out of the book i do not want to lose work. unfortunately that is how it works. let it be great if there was that tsunami but a lot of people lose works for their jobs and not invited to the good parties and that is how business is done. we need to show them they support they are low because conservatives are watching liberal tv. until we build that support structure that is how would is unfortunately and his
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chance of success? >> declaration was started before was involved converting to the 501(c)(3) it will take people with deep pocket books but this is one of the big misnomers and they need to get over it. i will sign of $50 million check? no. yet to make a good money for
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100 grand. hopes it doesn't take a lot of money to make something good but ask to be a good script. and has to be something that is entertaining first and well director -- will directed doing a bunch of $5,000 get on netflix it is very good. talent is talent regardless of how much money you put in. the only takes active support from the outside but monetarily we need to make clear to the entertainment industry we will not stand for this if we don't stand for our needs we will shift the money someplace else. >> guy work for a federal agency that is almost like many hollywood i take cleveland on my brakes for
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some fresh air to keep my sanity. [laughter] >> i have read your stuff. >> by a am curious tell us the popularity of the scripted television with the rise of reality tv and how did that change then narrative for the control that is scripted and didn't cause any ripples of concern? >> they prefer to see it in the production cost my mom makes reality tv show. [laughter] reality tv they say it is a low production costs will have to pay the writers guild or residuals and there is some of that but the popularity is a direct
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response to scripted tv more conservatives are watching "the apprentice" that has a base line conservative value or "american idol" at least you know, nobody will smacking across the face with a brick. you will not be sucker punched by the left although obama will stick his nose were ever there is the audience. reality tv is the new wave per our really think the internet is that answer and it will kill a lot of this we do have the means of distribution. it still cost money. people tend to think you can make something that looks like what news without spending the money they spend to look like fox news the distribution problem is the same respect that money we can use that netflix is eating everybody's lunch and there's a reason for that because it is on demand and you don't have to watch commercials and that model will be more prevalent.
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people in hollywood know this and they are scared. there will be a ground shift or the opportunity for one with the politics of hollywood and we need to take advantage of that right now that the yearly "inception" point* they will take over that as they have taken over the other. >> final question. >> what more can you say it of the transformation of david mamet's or will he do anything in television in the future? >> his transformation has been cold to watch from the outside. it is incredible and good to see it happen and i would like to see him stand up with the rest of us among discrimination because he will lose a lot of friends. i would prefer to see him talk more about hollywood simply because he is new to
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the game. which in my opinion i am not from the dick morris school of thought and honestly i have been here 10 years i am only 27 years old and was a conservative from conception if you're newly converted i don't think you should be on the soapbox but lowered him to be doing that is brave and courageous and i would love to see david get involved with the campaign to end discrimination in hollywood. it can be a first amendment town again. he has wait that is why his book does so well. if the leverage that way to change hollywood can you imagine the fact? we need more heavyweight conservatives and kelsey grammer to get active abroad khyber and there are some out there i am pretty much named every conservative and hollywood they need to
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leverage their way to empower to make a difference. >> think geo 55 >> seal team six is a tier one counterterrorism unit. you have the other single teams but it has additional funding and additional support and training to make them good tier one unit to be called out on a moment's notice to just go anywhere in the world to do counterterrorism awp. >> what sets them apart from
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the others? where they are sent to the training? >> hipaa here is enhanced training close quarters battle is what sets them apart from the other teams. close quarters battle like aboard a cruise ship or airplane or inside a building that takes it to a whole new level. >> what does training entail? >> they have to understand you already deal with the league caliber of the warrior all of the seals have warfare training, urban training dieting, sky diving, you have the lead warriors of the training going into fine-tuning these were the specific mission is the cqb more skydiving, seal team six has more skydiving
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than the other team so they can stack the canopies coming into land and take it to a whole new level it as a whole team on target. >> can you tell us about your time in the seals? what was your experience like? >> my experience overall was good. my career ended during the blackrock down debacle driver shot everything up to that was great. i was on seal team to an even seal team six had great operations including helping other people and working with the cia everybody remembers the one bad ops i had october 1993. >> host: can you tell us about that battle? 51 basically we're in somalia two or three months and trying to find the bad leader and on that
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particular day we had some intelligence the delta force and the rangers had intelligence he would be at a certain hotel. as it turns out, i think her it was an ambush during that 18 americans were killed and 72 injured but the worst thing about the battle we just left that unfinished and with the incubation period before 9/11. >> host: to go back, after you completed the sealed training you went to sniper school? what is that like? >> with the s.e.a.l. team to after my training training with seal team 64 sniper
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school writing go to sniper school until six then we found out we needed more snipers i volunteered to go to sniper school. it was in quantico virginia and the most storied and prestigious. i could go at any one guy wanted but i chose that because i thought it was the best at the time. >> host: what is sniper school like? >> you know, what it is like in the summertime no imagine letting in the middle of the field in the summer with heavy close crawling through tics, red ants, mosquitoes, doing that for three or four hours per day without trying to be seen and still making the shot and sweating profusely and even when you don't do shooting your range skills to field sketch and take notes and observe to keep
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the hot suit on and move around, that was tough. i tell everybody sniper school was not as bad as hell week but it was close. >> host: of the navy's seal besides the want to join six is their only a certain number? how many people go out for it? >> there is many requirements just like any military unit. i am not at liberty to tell you how many people are in number six but how many people accepted is depending on how people they need your how many people rotate out you cannot be a six forever can be effective and if you try to then you push the age limit. if you stick around to be a trainer at you still have to have the fresh group of those stores kickers coming back in. based on the needs depends on how many they will
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screened for they will screen for more than they need because people will be hurt or dropped from training. >> host: if somebody doesn't make it the first time can they take it over and over? >> and never heard of somebody being dropped then being allowed to come back. think it is a one-shot deal. i am not saying it has in but i have never heard that. normally if you don't make that you go back to where you came from a less a medical injury that you had no control, and maybe then you heal and come back. if you get hurt it is not your fault one man was slammed onto the rocks really, really hurt he stayed around six 1/7 months in rehab then continue the training. >> host: how long does
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somebody stay in sealed team six? >> what i think maybe six or eight years in my opinion is the maximum amount of time because you cannot take that tempo day in and day out grind beating every single day up and down the stairs. personally this is a lifestyle imagine doing your job for a living every single day and being called up any time of night to do the job. sixth eight years is the shelf life of. >> host: for those who are at the end of the assets of co-op group what effect does that have you cannot discuss with their families? >> that is tough when i went seal team to somebody told me a divorce rate with the
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seals is 70% now you go to a unit you are away from your family more and doing more classified stuff that you cannot talk about. when i went to desert storm my wife knew i was going to desert storm buffer seal team six she then know where i was going she did not know is going to mogadishu she found out like everybody else that i was shot three times. those who go there have it harder with the family life and personal life than the regular teams'. you have to take a break from that after awhile. >> host: when people heard the news bin laden was shot everybody wanted to know who these people were but they wanted to stay in the background was that because
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of the nature or the mission? >> you hear about sealed to is something goes really, really bad for really good otherwise when when you hear about the seals? shooting somali pirates and when bin laden was killed burger king guarantee with all of the until they got when they raided the compound, there has been ops that have gone on since then that we don't know about. there has probably been a dozen books written on the seal team six at least by members but nobody cared about it until obama's -- osama bin laden was killed. they are unsung heroes. read the books and see the amount of training, preparation dedication and sacrifice the young men make and to overcome adversity. the hardest thing i ever did
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was to leave seal team six to come back to civilian life. it almost cost the my life. i cannot talk about them. there is a group of people trying to find out who they were. that was crossing the line but it is okay to talk about them and america should be glad we have people like is willing to go do that. >> host: you made that comment transitioning into civilian life how do go through that intense training and make the transition and can they not make it? >> yes. what i think most people do, you come out with a very unique skills that. not like you are coming out with anything that is marketable. a lot of people go to a s.w.a.t. team. or the fbi lowered the


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