tv International Programming CSPAN June 29, 2011 7:00am-7:30am EDT
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>> and now to london for prime minister's question time, live from the british house of commons. every wednesday while parliament is in session prime minister david cameron takes questions from the members of the house of congress. prior to questions on the house is wrapping up other business. this is live coverage on c-spa c-span2. >> if our secretary of state will not stand up for wales, why won't she re-sign? >> can i think the honorable lady for her concerns in my career tracks but can i just say to her that the government is having a consultation, and now that she has expressed such a great interest in this i'm sure we will expect her representation to the consultation on this very subject.
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>> order. question for the prime minister. >> thank you, mr. speaker. this when i had meetings with ministers of colleagues and others in addition to my duties and house i shall have further such meetings later today. >> thank you, mr. speaker. what does my right honorable friend say to the teacher who up points the children first? >> i would congratulate them for doing the right thing and for keeping their schools open. i don't believe there is any case for industrial action tomorrow. talks are still ongoing. he is only a minority of unions who have taken the decision to go ahead and strike. what i want to see tomorrow is as many moms and dads as possible able to take their children to school. what i would say is this, what we are proposing is fair. it is fair to taxpayers but it's also fair to the public sector
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because we want to continue strong public sector pension. >> ed miliband. [shouting] >> mr. speaker, mr. speaker, there are currently 163 statutory organizations within the national health services. can the prime minister tell us how many there will be after his reorganization? >> i can tell the honorable gentleman -- what i can tell the honorable gentleman is the health reform that now have the support of the health minister will see a reduction in bureaucracy because they're getting rid of strategic health authorities and we are getting rid of primary care trusts. >> ed miliband. >> let me get an answer to the question, mr. speaker. the number will go up from 163, the 521. [shouting] >> health and well being bored, shadow commissioning groups, authorize commission groups and
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national commissioning boards. sha clusters, clinical networks, and clinical centers. mr. speaker, is this what he meant by bonfire? [shouting] if you looks at the figures of savings, he will see where saving 5 million pounds through the reduction of bureaucracy. that is what's happening. what we inherited was a situation where the number of managers was going up four times as fast as the number of nurses. what happens if we took over, the number of doctors has gone, the number of bureaucrats has gone down. >> mr. ed miliband. >> i'll tell him about our record. for doctors and nurses than ever before. the shortest waiting list ever. and the highest patient satisfaction ever. now, he says it's going to save money but he's refused to publish the figures accompanied
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the new amendment for the health bill, and how much is going to spin. maybe he can tell me this, how much is he going to be spending on making in h. s. redundant? >> let me give him the figures on the costs and benefits of reducing the bureaucracy. this is a question he asked. this is the question you asked. this is the answer he will get. changes will have a one off cost of 1.4 billion over the next two years, but over 5 million pounds will be saved in total during this parliament and over a ten-year period there will be net savings of 12.3 billion pounds. add to that the fact we are putting 11.5 billion pounds extra into nhs. >> ed miliband. >> he didn't answer the specific question i asked. how much is redundant? >> the answer is
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852 million pounds. >> can he guarantee this house that none of those will be rehired to do their old jobs? >> what we're doing is is implementing -- [shouting] we are implementing the 20 billion pounds cost saving that was set out by the party opposite when they were in government. but the difference is we are going on with putting more money into the nhs, money that the party opposite doesn't support, so there will be more nurses, more doctors, more operations in our health service and a better nhs compared with cuts from the party opposite. >> mr. ed miliband. >> try to let me just ask the question again because he didn't answer it. people are very concerned he's greeting whole new set of window. will he tell us a simple question. can he guarantee that none of the people being made redundant will be rehired to do their old
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job? it's a simple question, yes or no? >> i know that he, i know he has this extraordinary vision of the nhs is run. he is not the primary to hired every person in every organization in the nhs. the difference between this coalition government and the party opposite is we're investing in the nhs but putting resources in the nhs, reform the nhs in a way that is supported by the raw college of surgeons and physicians, tony blair, those people working in nhs but not by the party opposite. >> order. decibel level is far too high. the prime minister should have to shout to make himself heard. mr. ed miliband. >> mr. speaker, the whole country would have heard they are spending 852 million pounds and he can't even promise they will be rehired to do their old job. he's promised no top to
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reorganization. he promised the bonfire. use greg moore. he promised a better deal for patients and things are getting worse. people asking up and down this country is was he doing for our nhs. [shouting] >> with the whole country would have noticed is that at a time when people are worried about strike, he can ask about strike because he's in the pocket of the union. [shouting] what the whole country, what the whole country would have noticed is at a time when greece is making huge problems over its deficit he can't talk about greece because his plan is to make britain like greece. [shouting] what the whole country would have noticed is at a time when the economy is the key issue he can't talk about the economy because of his ludicrous plan for tax cuts. that's what we see. week after week. he has to talk about the microbe because he can't talk about the
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macro. >> we are very grateful. >> order, order. order, order. order. i appeal to the house to calm down and reflect on what republic thinks. >> with the prime minister -- [inaudible] spirit by honorable fred has been an extremely good point and i hope it's an order, mr. speaker, to talk about labour's record in wales. because that is a torture talk about labour's record in wales because what we're seeing if anybody wants to know, what would happen to the nhs under labour, they can look at wales
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where they are flushing the nhs budget and they are seeing more people waiting for longer that is what happens when you have a labour party running the nhs. >> the leader of the opposition helped create 300 more jobs earlier this year. but today because of his government's reversal of policy, the renewable energy association say that solar generation and the jobs and growth linked to it are in turmoil. who knows better, him our british business? >> i think anyone looking with his government is doing in terms of renewable energy can see a massive investment in renewable energy. the 3 billion pounds going into the green investment bank, the massive incentives given under the renewable heat and initiative.
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what we did have to do was to stop the abuse. we had to stop the abuse of solar power when clearly the regime was not set in the right way. but anyone looking at this industry can see huge boost from this government. [shouting] >> despite the gravity of the financial situation, against which the bank of england is preparing contingency plans, has the government also got a team working on the details of a new treaty, if as seems probable the european union has to be considerably changed? >> can i first of all say only half i believe the whole house, to the father of the house with great pleasure it gives me to refer to him as the right honorable gentleman. after his many years of service
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to the south. what i would say to the honorable gentleman is we have quite rightly use the opportunity of the new treaty change being put forward to protect britain's interests and get us out of the bailout mechanism for the future. of course, if new proposals come a long we could use that opportunity again, but i think right now the priority must be to work for stability in the eurozone, not least because 40% of our exports go to your zone countries. and britain is playing a constructive role in making sure that happens. [inaudible] >> does the prime minister agree that the idea of introducing a marriage tax amount is triple? >> the deputy prime minister and i -- the deputy primers and i agree about many, many things but it set down in the coalition agreement is one area where we don't agree. i'm a strong supporter of the institution of marriage.
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i do believe it would be a good idea to recognize it in the tax system. >> last week illegal migrant workers were arrested in my constituency, all of whom have national insurance numbers and will pay national insurance. why can't we prevent illegal workers from being issued with a national insurance numbers in the first place? are the very least, the tax of greece and the border agencies knows these people are not allowed to work. >> my honorable friend makes an actually good point and i discussed this with them. as he knows the application process for national insurance numbers for adults does include an identity check and the precondition that the individual is entitled to work. nonetheless, his case demonstrate national insurance numbers shouldn't be issued for those with no entitlement to work but this is happening and we are looking very closely at the idea of marking national insurance numbers in the way he suggests. >> thank you, mr. speaker. when the nhs as is under
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financial pressure and people in are being hit by steep rise in prices, please will the promise to tell me if he agrees with his friends on that side of the house getting costly tax breaks should be a priority? >> the short answer to that is no, i don't agree. [shouting] >> thank you, mr. speaker. the prime minister will be a where that poor reflection for small business is at its highest level for three years. will the prime minister recognize that problem? but especially tell us what more he can do to increase demand which remains at best very sluggish. >> i tell the honorable gentleman, my right honorable friend what we've done, a key problem for small business is the cost of fuel. we have cut fuel duty, abolished the escalator and put off the
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rpi increase until next year making the difference of around 6p per gallon. that makes a difference. we also with the banks of the berlin agreement for extra money for small business. we've also got corporation tax. we have helped business rates. this is a very small business friendly government. >> thank you, mr. speaker. four years ago the prime minister said the extremist organization should be banned immediately. he promised to do just that on countless occasions in the south, elsewhere and even in his election manifesto. why has he not done what he promised to do so many times? >> we have taken action against the extremist group and we abandon. were looking extreme carefully. in my view with this set goes well beyond what a legal organization, but this has to be done under the law. >> mr. speaker, given the former labour pension minister
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described the current position -- with my right honorable friend agrees that it's acceptable for a small minority to be disrupting a position tomorrow of thousands of people across this country? >> i think my right honorable friend is absolutely right and clearly this is the issue, they simply don't want to talk on the other side of this house. it is and all minority of unions that have gone ahead with action. i think it is irresponsible. i don't believe it is there and i think what we are proposing is there. he makes the point quite rightly that was lord houghton, a former labour minister was written and extreme good report, making this appointment as we live longer, which is good news, we're going to have to contribute more to public sector pensions, and, indeed, work for longer. let me stress, the reason we're doing this is not anyway to undermine public sector pensions
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but to safeguard good defined benefit systems for the future. in my view there is a contract between taxpayers and public sector workers say you work in the public sector, we will support you in old age, but it must be sustainable. >> is the prime minister aware of the concerns that have been expressed about the new arrangements for the evacuation of the bodies of our servicemen and women repatriated from overseas, killed in the line of service following the transfer? and can he tell the house what arrangements and facilities will be put in place for the families, and to express their condolences and respect to our fallen public? >> i'm well aware of this issue not least because he was in my west constituency. a lot of thought has gone into do this in the right way and a lot of care and i'll go into how to look after the families as the right honorable gentleman says but i think it's also right we should mark the passage from
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and that will be done as well. >> mr. speaker, my constituency -- after so many years of loyal bravery isn't about time to do the right thing? [laughter] i think my honorable friend makes an important point. we have put the military cabinet into law for the first time, and that is very important in making sure that military personnel are not discriminated against. but i do think it's right for every council to look at what they can do positively to help those who serve our country. and it's certainly what my local council does. i think because of that i would encourage others to do the same. we have a new policy where we are helping first time buyers on the housing ladder. i'm pleased to see the housing minister is making sure that this policy is taken around to the different army and other military bases to make sure that military personnel can take
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advantage of it. >> this week is the first anniversary of the business committee. [shouting] >> over the last year does the prime minister think that parliament has become better at holding the government to account? and if he does can we offer our help to unblock some of the legislation that is doug in the pipeline? >> first of all let me congratulate the backbench committee over the last year. i think it has made a difference in parliament. i think it's quite right that actually the house of commons can choose to debate a subject of its choosing on a motion of its choosing at a time of its choosing. it has discussed a range of issues from the wreck very mundane to the quite obscure. if you like it's been a year of bread and circuses. they are, i got it out. i think it is a good idea. i want to see go on working and i would like to take a little bit of credit that it was this government that gave up about
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and allow this to happen. >> thank you, mr. speaker. people around 2954 pounds a year less than u.k. national average yet our average water bill, 517 pounds is the highest in the country. and well above the national average of 366,000. does the prime minister agree with me that the option outlined on water affordability suggesting a government subsidy around 50 pounds per household in the southwest would go a long way to write this unfairness of? >> this issue of excessive water bills in the southwest has been an issue for many, many years and i'm proud of the fact that within a year it is this government that has decided to grip it. we are determined to lower water bills in the southwest. we pledged that in the budget. we will set out our proposals which will be published in november. >> the crisis at southern cross has raised fears about the
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viability of the sector. so will the prime minister inject some urgency into his governments renewal of companies that provide care services? we need a belt to stop the elderly abuse about the place they called home. >> i think the honorable gentleman makes an excellent important point and many of us, myself included, have care homes in our constituencies run by southern cross and are concerned about what has happened and what is happening. what i can tell him is the health department and a treasure in the business department are following this extremely closely. we do have powers being taken in the health bill to make sure we regulate these organizations properly, local authorities have the necessary powers to take over the running of care homes if necessary. so i believe we are planning for all the contingencies in the correct way. >> thank you, mr. speaker. given the high cost of petrol which is crucifying motors across the country, with my honorable friend urge all
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companies to reduce petrol prices at the pump in line with market prices? >> i want to see every chance for lower prices to be passed onto the consumer. with the government has done is certainly taken its necessary measures, the one pins cut this year, the putting off a got my eye increase, the abolition of the fuel escalator. all of those things will make a difference. also we took part in the release of oil stocks together with the americans which is in the oil price come down and ease somewhat but we need to make sure with a good competitive sector that passes on price cuts right through the country. >> thank you, mr. speaker. after argue of air passenger duty continues will primus accept that there is an urgency, especially in my own constituency the? given that it is levied at 125
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on long haul flights were competitors had simply a levy of three years. >> i understand the point he makes that i know the airport in his constituency is a personal concern to them. i do understand also, i went to northern ireland, it was explained to me maintaining that airlink, absolutely vital for long-term economic health of the province so i want to see this happen. my right honorable friend has spoken to people in northern ireland about it. we are reviewing the options and will make it possible to. >> thank you, mr. speaker. my right honorable friend will be aware that our colleague is currently walking from olympia in greece to london, journey of some 4000 miles to raise awareness of the olympic truth. with the prime minister ensure that when the united kingdom
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government tables its resolution for observance of the olympic truce the united nations general assembly based on this year that will add to a specific proposals for peace and reconciliation so we will maximize this historic opportunity to? >> i'm sure the whole house will want to congratulate lord bates for his great feat. we will be promoting -- sorry. [laughter] >> accidental apologies for the. we will be promoting a resolution to the united nations calling for the continued of service of the olympic truth for the 2012 games. we wish to make the most of this historic opportunity and we are considering other international initiatives to promote the spirit of the truths and it said here they are engaging our emphasis. >> mr. speaker, will parents up and down be horrified to know because of the government's proposal and the perfection of freedom though a person convicted of rape of a child will not automatically be put on
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the list from working with children? >> what we have done in terms of that is remove the huge number of people who are not a risk to children, but we do want to make sure that the system works well so that anyone who has as she said criminal convictions is barred. >> doctor hufford. >> mr. speaker, does the primus to believe that drug policies have been paying for decades as he said in 2005? does he agree the government should initiate an alternative way including the possibly of legalization regulation to tackle the global drug from as he proposing 2000 to? >> i don't believe that we should be legalizing any drugs that are currently criminal. but i do believe that drugs policy has been a failure over recent years. i think there's been insufficient attention to the two key areas, education on the one hand, warning young people about the dangers of drugs, but also treatment on the other. one of the ways to collapse the
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drug market is have a more effective treatment system and i think in this country we spend too much time on hair when replacement and methadone, president action on trying to get people clean and clear of all the things in their life that perhaps take them -- perhaps makes him takes a drug in the place. [inaudible] province in sudan, and given the united nations concern about 60,000 people being displaced as well as other huge humanitarian problems, will use his influence on the eve of the dependence to ensure that not -- work together to? >> i think as the right honorable gentleman knows we are deeply involved to seek a successful outcome to this process. we found a lot of the au talks. process has been ongoing. my right honorable friend has visited the country as has the
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africa minister. i think britain has a huge amount to try to make sure that the cpa is fully implemented and there is a peaceful settlement between the two countries. clearly there's a lot more work to do and yes, i keep a personal perspective on this issue as well. >> what does the prime minister think is more fair and progressive, the coalition governments policy of of safeguarding defined-benefit patient in the public sector, or labor 100 million pounds special grab on private pension funds which contributed directly to the demise of defined benefits and the private sector? >> i think my on will find exactly the point, and i do. 26 minutes into question time not a squeak from the party opposite about strike or about pensions or about the need for reform. they simply, because they're all paid for by the trade unions they can't talk about this issue. [shouting] what the coalition government is doing is right, because what we're saying we want to have a
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defined benefit system in the public sector. we want to make sure all those accrued rights are kept and those accrued rights you will still be able to take at the age you are regiment were allowed to take them. just to put it beyond that, for those people currently in a final salary scheme, when they get those benefits, the accrued benefits, they will be based on the final seller. not the final salary now or when the reforms go through, but the final salary when they retire. there's been so much myth and misinformation put around by some of those in the trade unions it's important to put it on the record here in the house. >> compared with the same period last year, crime overall in london is up including a 15% rise in robert and an 18% rise in uruguay. at the same time the mayor for london is budgeted to cut 1800 police officers. is this the right time to be doing this and will primus to get a grip in london? >> first of all the point i would make is overall crime is falling.
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it has been falling to, bridging a huge amount to help people right across the country, including in london to deal with crime. the publication of crime maps, introduction of police commissioners making sure that we have the proper power mississippi and perhaps because he's a london mp let me bring them up-to-date with operation target, which is running at the moment in the metropolitan police. on average 1200 officers deployed every day. there have been 4000 different activities, 2000 arrests and its early days but there has been a drop in offenses from week to week from the most serious offenses, violence with injury, nighttime, street robbery and residential burglaries. that fact is they don't like to hear an answer when it shows the police are doing their job. >> order. this is principally of the backbenchers.
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>> mr. speaker, on the eighth of june, 1944, a relative of mine was shot down while dropping much-needed supplies to the french resistance. today, tragedy lies in the churchyard. does my right angle from the prime minister agree with me it's right and proper that this nation's remembers the sacrifices of 55,000 numbers of former commander gave their lives to bring europe freedom speakers i believe it's right we remember those. i recognize that there could also set some have visited one of the commonwealth, symmetries in normandy recently, the huge amount of work that goes on to make sure that relatives can visit to see their fallen heroes. >> thank you, mr. speaker. millions of pensioners in this country
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