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tv   [untitled]    August 1, 2011 8:24pm-8:54pm EDT

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[inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations]ept >> the ayes or 269 in the nazar 261. the bill was passed without objection.ea at motion to reconsider is laid upon thepl table. [applause] e
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will the gentleman from utah arise? without objection, so ordered. >> mr. chair -- the kids you are at the back you can see because you were standing in front of them. this is the first time we have had pages here are not into small groups but one summer group. these pages are going home this weekend they have hadd a chancn being here to see history in the making on severalt fo different fronts. i wish he would give them -- before you do that, page four consists of representative foxbe from north carolina and myself and representative kildee and ih yield to the gentlelady from colorado. >> thank to the gentleman forl yielding.if i want to thank all of the wonderful pages who are in the back ofs the room.down in you have really seen history the last six weeks inpose this cong, and we are so wandered am proud to have all of you here with us,
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and i am sure this may not be my place, but we all want to welcome back her wonderful coleycolley, congresswoman giffords here. [applause] [applause] [applause] >> mr. chairman? [applause]ced dg mr. chairman i also yield to the gentleman from michigan, mr. killed the. >> mr. speaker i would like to a take this opportunity to express my personal gratitude to all the pages for what they have done here in the 112 congress.3 tonc
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two b., page mr. speaker these young people have proven to themselves to be academically mollified. as we all know, the job of a congressional page is not an easy one. along with being away from home, the pages must possess't the maturity to balance competing demands for their time and thei energy. you pages of witness the house m debate, issues of war and peace, hunger and poverty, justice and civil rights. before yielding mr. speaker i would like to thank the members of the house page board forose l providing such fantastic service to this institution. the chairman, congressman rob bishop, the vice chairman, congresswoman diana degette,o to congresswoman virginia foxx, clerk of $ the house karen haas, sergeant at arms bill livingodat dead and mrs. lynn silversmith kline.ince i want to thank them for theirv
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service on the house page board and ia thank the departing pag. you have seen a wonderful bit of history take place today. reclaiming my time i ask unanimous consent to includespei page summer class and the official record i asked this body to please recognize the pages for the service that they have rendered. [applause]when non mr. speaker ie yield back her s be without objection the gentlelady from california ms. pelosi is recognized. >> thank you very much mr. speaker. i to want to nice our colleague and the contribution of thes noh pages toe the conduct of the house of representatives. i thank them and they have is mr. kildee said and others havek mentioned, borne witness to many important historical cases here. i can't think of annie any that
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is more special and means so much to our country band to poless the return off our colleague, who is thei personification of courage, of n sincerity, of admiration throughout the country, congresswoman gabby giffords. iffelause] [applause] [applause] [applause]
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her presence today make sure thatht we honor the obligationsf ourr great country is important and symbolic. her presence here in the chamber as well asd her service e throughout her entire service in congress, brings honor to this u chamber. we are all privileged to call for colleague, some of those verya proficient call her frien. throughout america, there isn't a name that stirs more love, more admiration, more respect, more wishing for our daughters to be like her band the name ofl congresswoman gabbyp giffords. thank you, gabby. [applause] [applause]
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>> host: arizona congressman gabrielle giffords returns to the house floor for the first timeou since january following r critical wanting in that shooting in tucson. she returns to the floor to cast her vote in favor of the debt ceiling bill. the final minutes before she came to the house floor very few people knew this and apparently so. she tweeted out a message that she has returned to washington to cast her vote in favor. we want to get your reaction to what you have seen today and over theee last of days in the debt today. m our phone lines are open and the numbers have been on the screen for a while. let's hear from pensacola -- pensacola florida, alex republican color. >> caller: i've totally beene disappointed with this bill. it shows no mercy upon the deade
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we seniors will have to -- our grandchildren actually, will to pay for this terrible, terrible terrible way of doing business. i don't understand the speaker at all. i don't understand mr. cannon. i thought he had a little bitici more guts to make obama do what we need to be done.ood, debt ceiling should have never been raised. it is going to kill us. the bush tax cuts, when they expire, it is going to be the largest tax increase in the history of this country. >> host:>> host: again the billh the house 269-161 and now heads to the senate. the senate is done for the night that theyom will come in tomorrw morningfr at 910 to 30 and a bot is scheduled or do.
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conway arkansas, cindy on our democrat's- line. >> caller: hide there. my i somewhat agree with the gentleman before as far as the fact that i too am very disappointed, but not that we raise the debt ceiling. that was something we obviously had to pa do. wh my disgustat comes from what our government has become as a body. the republicans have been aat pr scade putting us into this the wealthy has enjoyed a nice little half a percent george bush induced tax cut. m inwhile all of america is on its knees, and now like little school children, they cry baby and threatened us before they will accept the reality and the facts. and that tax break has ended. it has ended.
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they need to get over it. it is a half a percent. all of their mimicking and copying each other with his rhetoric of businesses will fold and it will cost jobs. that is baloney.he they were paying that have% before bush gave them it.. these agents don't want to put in 1 penny into helping fix this if they have made. >> host: cindy thanks for your call. manolo oaks texas is up as we take your calls in reaction to the debt debate in the return of gabby giffords to the house who in five or 10 minutes of calls. we will show you all of today's debate from thegu house floor. here's derek on our independente line. texas, hi there. >> caller: hi, how are youe h doing? i a understand that debt ceiling had to be raised in order for us to pay our bills and we had to pay our bills. i think we have been in a real
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big disgrace here. hen the wealthiest people in the united states did not help out one bit. they enjoy everything here.eal >> host: on the issue of paying our bills and tax cuts that itight, iid today intends to borrow $331 billion during the current quarter. it is less than it had estimated in may because it ended the previous quarter with more cash. on the tax cuts the president said today is going to continue to push for an extension of the payroll tax cut and that has not been part of this deficit will, the debt bill that passed the u.s. house this may evening. a riverside california, hello to james on our republican line. >> caller: yes, thank you for taking my call.otog i question is, when he voted for, for our leaders, the
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republicans, they promised jobs, jobs, jobs. i haven't worked for a year ineh nine months. a i have given up looking for a job as director of public relations. and now, they have not offered one bill foran jobs. we are still starving and they are playing games. they will still get their knsion for life. >> host: you saidng james you have given up looking. it is than a year and how manyed months? >> caller: nine months. i have given up looking, because. >> host: how are you getting by? what helps you pay your bills eachue month? gr >> caller: thank god, one of us has a job. ful myl wife has a job. so, now we cut down almost 60%.
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>> host: we appreciate you but the conversation as we can. representative paul ryan tweeting a short time ago., both parties got us into thisicn mess and both must work to get us out of it. spending is the problem andon iu must be controlled. a here is tucson arizona, gabby gifford's hometown and we say hello to david on our democrat's line. hide there. >> caller: hop hide.long i feel that most of the time i am a social security recipient, a disabled person and i am willing to sacrifice $10 out of my check to help the other senior citizens they came to this world beforend me. i feel that two years have gone by and these poor senior citizens haven't gotten a raise. i feel that it is time that we give them a raise.
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the senators get a raise. the house gets a raise.ngui i it is time that the senior citizens who have made this fin world before me, get a raise. i don't care if i don't get a raise. >> host: let'sas go to a republican line. brooklyn is next and is that eli? >> caller: that's right. first of all idit agree with the passing of the bill. i think the mistake that theapcc democrats made that they wanted a tax increase for the wealthy. what they should have asked for was confiscation of all of their wealth, and then sending them to the gulag for reeducation. that would have paid for our debt. thank you. >> host: rutgers billconcerd. tennessee, janus on our democrat's line. good evening. go ahead with your thoughts. thank you.
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i will make a comment here and correct me if i'm wrong. i believe there are 435 representatives in congress. f >> host: whenun the house is complete, yes, there are currently two vacancies due to anthony weinerelie and also dean heller in nevada has gone over to the senate.s >> caller: it would be 535. if it weres ompleted with the 435. >> caller: and 100 senators? >> host: yes thereng is. >> caller: when the house is full there are actually 535 senators? >> host:of when the congress is are 535 members, that's right. >> caller: i understand they have a commission on the seconde phase, three republicans in the senate, three democrats in the house and the republicans. >> host: with special joint committee that is part of this bill, that's right. >> caller: they will do the
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heavy work on applying what will go intosands the second phase. >> host: that is their task anyway. they have $1.5 trillion in cuts to come up with is part of the second part of this lifting of the debt ceiling and that is bys thanksgiving. go ahead with your comment. >> caller: why do we take those 12 people on that commission, fire the other 523 senators and senators and representatives and let thosegog 123 and three, three and three run the country for as? >> host: did you say fire the rest of them? off >> caller: yes. keep those 12 and fire the rest of them, the >> host: there isss no doubt they will have quite a task in front of them because again thet deadline is thanksgiving. thanksgiving. thanksgiving of this year for the second step of the raising of that debt ceiling. we showed you the return of of gabby giffords and that both this evening in the u.s. house on our web site,
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loads of briefings from today all of today's debate in much more too. we posted a video of gabby's return at our you'll find lots of that. let's take a few more calls. we go to denver next with arlene honored democratic line. >> caller:nk my name is arlene and my great greatuct grandfather edward rutledge was one of the the signers of the eclaration of independence. people are not really connecting to much and he would be rolling over in his grave right now, but unemployment, you were giving people unemploymentvi compensat for twoth years.forc it used to be threee months, ad that is the whole problem of the united states of america. you give these people unemployment. i talked talk to people, why should i work? i get more from an employment than when i get a job? only give it to them for three
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to six months of the most. >> host: what he do ine the case of a fella called a few minutes ago who has been out of work for a year and eight dein months? he has stopped looking for worko >> caller: taffet. there are so many americans out of a job. they need to get their votes upt and get a job.h they say, why should i work? >> host: that is arlene in denver next up is arthur. >> caller: i would like to talk about the national debt. i don't know how many people are aware that social security, when it started, the whole purpose of it as far as where the funds come in, the funds come into social security and they immediately get transferred into our general fund. then the government can borrow that at 3% interest compounded,
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so they do. they borrow every sense that the comes and to pay other bills. this is also true with all of the railroad retirement and the postal service, federal savings. the government just uses all of that money any way they see fit. >> host: we arewe talking about the debt ceiling bill that passed the -- passed the houseih 6 republicans voting against it so the debates which is to the senate now. they will come in tomorrowmerins morning at 910 to 30 with a vote set for noon eastern. here is a tweet from neal lewis wednesday. john tester of montana quote a vote against the bipartisan budget bill is a vote against montana.erinis his opponent danny rehberg boded know this evening. . at is from roll call. a couple more calls here,
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redcliffe content is next up on our republican line. >> caller: good afternoon. talking about what happenedo today. i agree with obama and what he did. it is the best for the countries. country. and also. >> host: do you agree with the outcome and the presidents agreement with leaders of a d congress on the legislation that is justream past? >> caller: i agree with the >> host: with what passed this evening, are you in favor of it? >> caller: yes, because the ia,ntry will go into default and they had no other choice. >> host: let's get a call from woodland hills california on art line.ican >> caller: i think we are in the silly season a little early with amer couple of comments, bi hear republicans and democrats and maybe i havefa a little more
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prenab domestic outlet as i am young. i am one of the 30-year-olds thatalse people claim social security and you know like medicare or whatever want be here for us. well, i look at it in a ha different perspective. did in the congress, number one, was for the world tt see the way that our b politicit behave. that is number one. i'm so tired of hearings it. hi illinois, indiana, with its wicked unemployment and suffering families, that one day right there in michigan, ohio, illinois, indiana, all of these families will be able to eny ll employment,ocial and economic justice and all will be able to join hands as brothers and sisters. i have a dream today.
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i have a dream that one day every valley shalle exalted and every hill and mountain shall be made low. the rough places will be made plain and the crooked places made straight. and the glory of the lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together. this is my hope. e our infrastructure isve crumbli. we need to look at socials ande security and entitlements, yes be a commonh, w approach. >> host: it is not abouthome f employment, but there is this creation of this joint committee, joint congressional committee that is going to work to identify up to $1.5 trillion in cuts with the bipartisan joint congressional committee and they will come up with thost cuts by thanksgiving. is that committee gives the recommendations and automatic $1.2 trillion across-the-boardle
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spending cut in 2013. keep in mind that the legislation at one point over the weekend of boehner plan the revised plan called for the passage of the budget, balanced budget amendment. this modified bill, the one that passed the house this eveningunt calls for the house and senatelr to vote on a balanced budget amendment. let's get a few more calls and we will show you all of thenizei debate from this afternoon. weo will go go to our row publican line and dave in florida. you are on the air. >> caller:ill hello. i understand that. i am sick and tired of all of the talking points. is in three weeks.h every time you see a democrat or a republican on television it is points. talking let's raise the taxes on the. rich. well, do you know what? are paying their share. what has to happen is the mide class needs to start paying their share as well. 50% of the people pay no taxes.n
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there is a problem. and, this gets disgusting. i am appalled by what our congress has done, not just the congressman but the senators as well. just one fight after another ang none of them had anything to saf about raising the taxes on onere side. you know what? if we want to get out of this 14 trillion-dollar mess, taxes are going to have to go up and spending is going to have to go down. >> host: let's hear from north canton ohio on our democrat's line in here is deep. eco gomic ahead, steve.ju you get the last word thisicm er evening. >> caller: thanke i am surprised that i agree with florida.can from texas do -- but if this debt is hanging over the nation, why are
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increase taxes not on the table? why this reactionary feeling toward taxes? i just don't understand. i mean if you look at the taxes versuswi the growth, the nationt growth over the past 30 years and you look at a graph, and if you can find some correlation either positive or negative between the marginalin tax rate and growth, annual growth in the economy, we should be working il hollywood as you have that much of an imagination. >> host: thanks for all the calls and we dr. k appreciate tr reminder to "washington journal" tomorrow morning at 7:00 eastern nd they are there every day for
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your phonecalls and comments. the house is done. they finish their legislative work wrapping up this evening with speeches however david drucker of roll call right about the unfinishedbl business in the house.issued this a would be the faa authorization bill.bad ec he retrievesk. roll call saying the the house leaves a recess without resolving the faa impasse. the house will be off until wednesday september 7. the senate is back in tomorrow morning at 910 to 30 and they will topake up the debt bill at noon for a vote. you can follow that on c-span2. next a look at today's debate in the house.ion? >> house resolution 384, call u is 365 and ask for its immediatp incineration. t >> senate 365, an act to make ao technical amendment, the education sciences reform act of 2002. >> pursuant to houseamendmen resolution 3 before the adopttute has reported 112 -- 190 is adopted and the bill as amended is considered a red.s amende the bill shall


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