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tv   [untitled]    August 1, 2011 9:24pm-9:54pm EDT

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recently, you will find out that in this administration, the excess of regulations coming out particularly from epa has been a real hindrance to job creation in america, and not only that, but the health care bill that was adopted last year because of the uncertainty, so this is an important first step on getting our financial house in order. next, we need to start working on uncertainty on the regulatory side of the government. i urge everyone to support the legislation. >> the time expired. the gentleman from massachusetts has three minutes remaining. the gentlewoman from california has two and three quarters minutes remaining. >> if the gentleman has others -- you're good? all right. i'd like to yield two minutes from the gentleman from maryland. >> recognized for two minutes.
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>> i thank the gentleman for yielding. we have missed a wonderful opportunity, an opportunity to make a grand bargain as the speaker wanted to do, as leader pelosi wanted to do, as leader reid wanted to do, the president wanted to do, and the vice president wanted to do. thanks to the ideological few, we would do the unthinkable and defaculty on our obligations. we are a more responsible and honorable nation than that. we are at this point because the far right wing for the first time in american history held the economy hostage in order to enact an agenda out of step for the americans. if nothing else, these months showed the american people who puts our country's welfare first and want purity at all costs.
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i am voting for this bill, not because i like this bill, although it does do some things that i think need to be done. we need to bring down the deficit, address the debt, return to fiscal responsibility, but default for the united states of america is not an option. this would affect all of the people that i represent and all the people of this country if we defaulted. at the very least, this bill add verted this outcome. by paying bills through 2013 that brings certainty to a struggling economy that bad ri needs it. this bill cuts spending by $1.2 trillion and establishes a process to arrive at an additional spending cut. the second set of deficit reductions is entrusted to a bipartisan committee.
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hopefully they accurately reflect the priorities of this nation. we are here because we missed, as i said, a great opportunity. may i have one additional minute? >> [inaudible] >> the chance to pass a truly balanced agreement that relies on spending cuts and revenue, we're not there, but i have said many times during the course of this debate to govern is to compromise, not to sell out as some people think on this floor that voting for a compromise is somehow a sellout. we cannot run america on that theory, and that's not what democracy is all about. i urge my colleagues to ensure that america, in fact, pays its bills, that america -- >> i'll yield my friend additional time if he'd like. >> i'll yield. >> i want to compliment him. i closed the rule debate by
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talking about the connecticut compromise establishing a legislature in 1787 called the great compromise, and my friend is absolutely right. we're at that point today in dealing with an issue not of that magnitude, but an important one. i'm happy to yield an additional 15 # seconds. >> one minute. >> no, i yield it to you. >> the time expired. >> oh, the time expired. i'll yield 45 seconds to my friend. [laughter] >> ladies and gentlemen, i have said numerous times during the course of this date about whether america was going to pay its bills. that we need to vote not as republicans or democrats, but as americans. americans concerned about the fiscal posture of their country, concerned about the confidence that people around the world have in the american dollar
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which is after all the standard of the world. that is what i think this vote is about. it should not be about partisan politics and very frankly it should not be about ideological extremes. it ought to be about responsibility. it ought to be understanding our oath of office is to preserve and protect the united states of america. this bill does that. vote yes. >> the time expired. gentleman from california has two minutes from -- remaining. >> [inaudible] >> i feel honored to followly good friend, the distinguished democratic whip, as we talk about this compromise and where we are. now, mr. speaker, saving social security and medicare is a priority that i believe both political parties share. contrary to what's been put out there, this is something that's addressed in this measure. we're going to be able to save
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social security and medicare again working together in a bipartisan way. creating jobs, democrats and republicans like to talk about that. how is it we'll be able to do that? getting our fiscal house in order. there's a very, very important step in our quest to ensure that the people who are hurting and looking for jobs have an opportunity to get them. sending a positive signal to the market that we are the world's economic, military, and geopolitical leader by increasing the debt ceiling, we send a positive signal that we are going to continue meeting our obligations and our speedometer, but at the same time, dramatically reducing spending. the problem that has gotten us to this point is what we're doing for the first time ever. after 75 times increasing the debt ceiling, we're finally getting to the root cause, and the problem has been said over and over again is our debt, and we're going to turn the corner on that in a thoughtful and
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balanced way. mr. speaker, i want to complement the president of the united states, the two leaders of the united states senate, and i want to congratulate speaker john boehner who has a phenomenal job ensuring we could not continue business as usual, and i want to congratulate pelosi for getting us to the point where we are today. mr. speaker, i urge my colleagues, i urge my colleagues to support this measure. i yield back the balance of my time. gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the chair now recognizes members from the committee on ways and means, chairman, mr. camp from michigan, and ranking minority member mr. levin from michigan. the gentleman from michigan. mr. camp: thank you, mr. speaker. i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. camp: mr. speaker, if the congress does not act and act now, america will default and
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that would wreak havoc on our economy and make it harder for americans to find and keep a job in an already weak economy. default cannot be an option and i am pleased that the bill before us ensures that will not occur. ealth of this just as the fault would have threatened the health of this country so would increase in taxes. raising tinacrxetasxe os.n famid job creators and hinder investments increase the cost o ofing business and result incre even less hiring of and fewer jobs. that's the wrong d we are struggling with anng wit unemployment rate of 9.2% and 14 million americans looking for work.rk. the good news is the legislatioz before us recognizes these basic facts it avoids the default and the government pays our bills and does not increase taxes ando the deficit reduction could pave the way fordefi tax increases tt he not going to happen, the committee structure, the baseline and will work off andel
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he fact it will work in thee me majority of the house. guarantees tax rates will not go up there. furthermore this legislation finally forces washington to make serious changes to the way they spend taxpayer dollars. there are real budget reformsera there's b a path to a balanced budget amendment and other automatic spending cuts ifcongro congress doesn't rein in spending on its own. i applaud the efforts of all those who helped craft this agreement especially speaker boehner and leader kantor during a i urge my colleagues to recognize this opportunity to fix what washington and use this occasion to significantly cut runaway spending. e . speaker i urge your vote anh reserve the balance of my time. >> the gentleman from michigan. nt >> thank you. i now yield two minutes to my friend and the distinguishedmemh member of the ways and means committee for ae long time. >> the gentleman from new york
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is recognized. >> thank you mr. speaker. a person that loves this and congress so much and i'massed ae embarrassed also as a memberthaa that a president of the united d states would have this domestic and foreign policy actually held hostage because with him and only him and no and other presit was put in jeopardy the faithbit and the fiscal responsibility of this country paying its debt. you know, a lot of people haveo said that we got to $14.4 trillion debt because we got drunk and spend money like a drunken sailor. if thatun is so, the people havg the hangover certainly are not y.e wealthy people in thiscountr country, and this decision was any cd without any consideration of the people thar are longing for jobs in our
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great country. if t if the republicans had to hold a president hostage i wish they would have held them hostage on e question that the constituents we get in the morning and ask not whether or not the debt ceiling has beenbu resent but how can i get a job, ow can i really get back my dignity, how can i put food on the table.e these are is isues that you certainly don't resolve by cutting spending, causing people to lose their jobs and to lose their home. the but in the days ahead we ought to be spending some time talking about what most americans want, and that is a fair tax system with a wealthy gain so muche'ved during this spree that we've had and not allow the hangover to b with the people better joblessee we still have time to close this responsibility that we have toe close the debt that we have not
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by laying off people but cutting programs during the recession but by thinking how we could train people in research and get our people back to work. >> the time is expired.n. >> mr. speaker rigel two minutes to a member of the ways andeakeh means committee theed gentlemn from new york mr. yo, >> the gentleman is recognized. >> thank you mr. speaker. $14.4 trillion.$1.6 trilln of $1.6 trillion every year at it on to that national debt. the people in november, 2010spo. spoke loudly. we are listening. it is time that we in this chamber has to and will changeu y.cause the american people havl spoken loudly. they want us to get our fiscal house in order. they want us to bring certaint inthe american market so that we can invest in this greatthist
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country again and put people back to work not only for this generation gbut for generation. to come. i rise to this legislation. it is not the cure all, it ise l not the one battle that will win the war o it opens us up on a path to where we need to be firmly dedicated and disciplined to carry on this battle and the t battles to come. so i ask all of my colleaguesspt set us govern responsibly, let us avoid default and to continu on, we will as a new class as a freshman member of this great chamber. with that, i yield back the balance of my time. >> the gentleman from michigan?i >> i yield to my now distinguise member of the committee of wisconsin.n.
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>> the gentleman from wisconsin: is recognized. for 1 1 minut >> i rise in support of this agreement.n supporhis this is a lousy way to run the great country or to rebuild a world-class economy.rebuild ourr i support it because thehe alternative is unacceptable. defaulting on the nation's obligation forfa the first timen the nation's history, doing so will be the greatest everrced er committed in the history of thee country coming and it is all political. the performance of the congress the last couple of months is as lot to be desired and of king solomon were alive today i would seek his metaphorical solution ri would be to kill both women and spare the child. but if we are to achieve trueve fiscal solvency for the country there are three things i think need to happen. we need to invest in our future, grow the economy. you do that by investing inting education and job training, the scientific research and the infrastructure to upgrade the nation needs and broadbandeeds expansion. that's not happening right nowae and init won't under this
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agreement. we need to also look for smart savings in the budget, starting with changing the way we pay for health care in this countrygioww since based on the value and no longer the volume that's given. bye getting rid of outdated weapons programs the pentagon quay. elling the congress stop appropriating money for this because they are not asking for it and they don't need it. it's ending taxpayer subsidies coming to the businesses with mailing addresses in new york,a chicago and san francisco, not even the working families.ed ta and finally, we need tax reform, the code act like an anchor inc economic growth and job creation but itanch is there asking the t wealthy to contribute their fair share as well. to spur the agreement i woulde e encourage my colleagues tor do so. >> mr. speaker i reserved. >> the gentleman from michigan. >> i now yield one minute to the distinguished chairman from
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tennessee.e: the >> the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> thank you mr. speaker. i've voted twice to raise the debt ceiling and me - for about 90 other people for the debt ceiling refer to this past pastd weekend for the leader's prograg which had racuts, but i can't ve for this program. because the first series of cut of we don'tsecond series cuts we don't know. fear it is a trojan horse and if you look inside that trojan horse it is corrupt inside the e world pools and five sholes and that is a journey this country shouldn't have to traverse. this country has been taken tooy the point by a group of ideologues the don't like government, want to reduce debt, want to hurt employment figures to hurt the united states, and don't want to hurt him.said thet the greatest danger is an insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well meaning but without understangnding. justice brandeis is with us
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today. thank you mr. speaker and i br yield back the banadlance ofai y time. >> the gentleman from michigan. >> i yield two minutes to a distinguished member of the wayi and means committee from texasth mr. brady.ns committ, >> recognized for two minutes.f >> mr. speaker, it's important. that we know as we try to change this government who are actuall making changes in the direction that it's going without theon w budgeting control act, ourol government will be over 23% of the size of our economy by the end of this decade. the budget control act changes that. by the end of the decade will be ecomy.1.5% of the size of our economy. it is compatible coming close to e the economy under presidentagan ronald reagan in his first eight years in the white house. the truth of the matter is thise doesn't go far enough for conservatives. can't cut far enough or soonnouf enough for members of congress
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like myself because we believe this country is so deep, so dangerously deep in debt. but with this vote today to night we cut the same amount of spending the president put inidu this governmentt in t and that ill-fated failed bill, and late this year you get a chance to vote another cut in the government equivalent to the two str obamacare. so we start with two strong cuts in strengthening the size of government. in this bill, we achieved two-thirds of the discretionary cut included in the wrong and budget in the past prosperity the republicans and housethe reu members believe in. few months ago someone said ehe senate passed a budget and they agreed to two-thirds ofet d your cut the discretionary we would have celebrated. we are not submitting today because we know there's so much more work to be done, but we know also that this holds the to
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cutld spending today it puts controls on a future congress in the way they spend. that's important, and holds congress and the white house both accountable for getting the size of the government back in control without increasing taxes on families like que, on our jo creators back home along main street. >> i yield an add seconds. you, mr. speaker. . d it does so today.t does toy i support this bill as a first step step anxious to get to more spending and savings and gettin this wasteful government down to size, and ime know, too, any vo my principle is the tax cuts an spending cuts. if i can change the direction of this country with biggerspending spending cuts, my vote will be a yes. i yield back.r pro temp the >> gentleman from michigan? mr. 11? just
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>> i just want to ask my colleague from michigan are you ready to close? cmp >> yes, i am prepared to close during its estimate of a yield myself the balance of the time.r >> three minutes remaining. >> i ask unanimous consent to revise and extend -- without objection.nk the republicans in the house have taken this nation to a dangerous and unnecessary brank i definitely do not want or nation to default on its full faith and credit, but i also don't want the nation to defaulm on our solemn obligations as an asian come as a community to all of our citizens. that is why we need a balanced approach to keep us on an even keel as we move ahead. means
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mis means savings and revenue.s i repeat, this means savings any revenue. our vote today, as the ranking member on the ways and meansmember o committee, i willn mind how we must not let down and for citizens who need programs.ent one example unemployment nsurance. it's set to expire at the end of year as millions desperately look for work and we received a report that this year's extension and next year's extension would cost $45 billion. we need to get those resources.e if we are not only balanced
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pass, we will not be able to address drcritical needs of our fellow and sister citizens such as unemployment insurance. we need balance to be true to yielthe balanc coittee. the balance of my time. >> the gentleman yields back the balance of his time.nce of his m the gentleman from michigan. >> thank you mr. speaker. >> excuse me, i think it takes a unanimous consent to do to the budget committee. i'm sorry. >> objection, so ordered. >> thank you, mr. speaker. as a member of the national ommis commission on fiscal responsibility or that expertsion, we receive testimony from experts and economic policn debtrch, and theyomic said that
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when the debt load of a country reach above or at 90% of the economy or gdp that results in the re duction of economic groh in the country by about oneaboue percentage point. and using the administration's economic model, that one percentage point increase in our gdp or decrease in our gdp costs about a million jobs. that's why this debate is sodeb important. to scmportant to get us on the past to fiscal responsibility to begin to bring down our national debt.ebt. the plan before us today does that. it does that with spending reductions, with the sort of structural reforms in terms ofui annding caps that are there and also with an automatic reduction in spending if for some reason cngress select committee thatlt is set in the bill fails to come to some sort of agreement on how to reduce spending. that automatic reduction i think is an important backstop so that
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the committee select committee will take its work seriously and do everything to come to acome bipartisan solution. also, there is a path forward on a balanced budget amendment in this legislation that is absolutely critical i think fors not just today because we know it has been possible to bind future congresses but to put in place a structure and mechanismm well into the future soecha thne don't find ourselves continuing ond to deal with the fundamentals o the problem that we begin to pre deal with a problem we make progress on the problem, and that progress will mean job creation, and obviously that is something we are all lookingl ln forward to. i speak to the to thank theon. speaker and urge this legislation. >> the chair recognizes thehe be budget can invent gentleman from wisconsin mr. ryan, and thend t gentleman from maryland, mr. van hollen.
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>> mr. speaker, may i ask much time as remaining? >> seven and a half minutes, thh gentleman from maryland has eight and a half minutes. islamic at this time i would like to yield three and a half minutes to mr. langford.speaker: >> recognized for three and a half minutes. >> thank you mr. s i would say i would love to the will to come to oklahoma city we have the opportunity to do that but to talk to the great folks in my district the one thingstrt that comes up again and again is they are really frustrated and they're looking for things to be able to change in the see how broken the system is and the way we interact.. they are legitimately frustrated and i can tell you they have lost trust in what we are doing and how we are doing it. we quite frankly as a federal government we are trying to doaf too many things and we cannot afford all of the things we are doing. so in some very
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whole process has united the nation to be able to look simply at $14.3 trillion in debt and to say even as a nation we have ah problem. it is a good first step. for the conversation that has been happening around congress past several months now it isea dealing with how to resolve the problem and what is the core oft the problem, is the problem the debt ceiling vote, is it to mauro? word is the problem $14 trillion in debt? i feel like sometimes we've been trying to either figure out how to get passed tomorrow for get past solving this issue of the $14.3 trillion of debt. debt that has created seven months of debate and of conversation thath life year has made anectati unrealistic expectation of how much we can do in one piece of legislation. qu piite frankly, no piece of legislation can solve $14.3 trillion of debt all in a one moment. no piece of legislation can gain ace perfect solution.
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there is no perfect ideal piece of legislation that is going to solve it all. major issues i think in every piece of legislation ensure there are in every one of them but in this, but look and say it is not perfect but it takes us down the first step to start getting out of this.tting out oi if there is as. perception we ie consulted on one piece i think everyone underestimated the sizs and scope of what it means to deal with this large of a debt and this large a deficit. it is a single step on a very long journey. does it solve all the problems?t no. as a cure cancer? does it get us out of all of the war? no, does that locate her body? no. it doesn't solve everything we'd like to do with it, but it does begin to put a framework around the federal government for the next ten years to set spending caps in place to say we are going to stop the growth of government. we have grown very quickly, very fast. p the growth ofwe got to fi
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government and some boundaries around it. it. it is a good first step. it is a focus on a balanced budget amendment to the constitution which 80% of thee c americanan people say they want some version of the balancedlanm budget amendment. this creates a moment for republicans and democrats to be able to have an honestt what conversation about what should that be for the balanced budget amendment, how can we workork to together? the constitution isn't owned by one party is owned by the people f the united states of america is that both parties coming together to have a frank conversation about if we are going to have a balanced budget amendment to the constitution how do we get that done?bu what is the text of that and ho w do what is best for the for o nation? the key thing of this piece ofp legislation today is focused on marketing as back tomorrow buttb starting this down aut process that single first step startings otana process that in the daysd of debt, this kind of deficit, and we as a nation can get back to doing the things we love tooe
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do rather than worry about what we are going to pay and what we with that i yield back.ker pro t >> the gentlemanhe from marylan. >> thank you mr. speaker. we should never have gotten to the point where our troops in afghanistan had to ask whethere they were going to be paid. that is a scandal was the republicansan cl would threaten for the first time in american history to torpedo america's and creditworthiness and americans jobs in less they succeeded init macting a budget plan to end the medicareed guaranteed, slash in icaid and slash critical investments in education in the future. that was the plan. they wanted to do that now, ande they wantd to to have this whol debate against six months from now. why? not to reduce


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