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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  August 6, 2011 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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but i think if you look at what people do in any profession-- in a board room, incademia-- you will find the same sort of, you know, jockeying for personal gain that you find in the political community, and it's mixed with the same noble calling. and basically, you know, that is the... that is the human condition. and i suppose what we're saying is you can't expect our politicians to be so much better than we are >> will you do this again together? just send your ideas to us, care of c-span. >> what was the toughest part of writing a book together or writing a book at all? >> wow. i think, in a way, the publicizing of it is a bigger challenge than the writing of it. i mean, there are so many books printed every year, and you need to punch through somehow. and the books that seem to punch
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through are the ones that make outrageous allegations. and while we have a number of revelations in this book, it is grounded in fact and reporting. and we can defend every line in it, and that's unlike some of the other books that are out there. >> by the way, where did you have this picture taken? >> well, the picture was actually, of us, was actually taken in a studio in virginia across the river, and the capitol was taken separately, and by magic, we're together on the cover. >> and we're out of time. and the book is called, excuse me, "war without bloodshed." eleanor clift and tom brazaitis, thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you.
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>> it is a pleasure to be here to welcome margaret hoover to the reagan library because margaret and the reagan foundation has some of the same goals in mind but about statement probably even deserves an explanation. before i get there, and allow made to dispense with a view of the particular biographical details that follow her everywhere and are essential to understanding who she is in what she is in the middle of accomplishing in her vibrant life some facts that are important to know, of course, a great granddaughter of herbert hoover, the 31st president of the united states. working on two presidential campaigns one on the white house president bush 43 and capital fell. she appears in weekly as a
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political commentator on fox news and is a culture old warrior and on bill o'reilly the factor. in addition to on the board of the hoover institution also on the board of the herbert hoover presidential library association and finally here today with her husband of "newsweek" and the daily beast including cnn as well as her appearance and andrew who is the of herbert hoover grandson. [applause] among her many goals in life i am sure, it to our key. both, rely quite well on
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those things that we care about here at the reagan foundation. the first is brand relevance. if you are a follower of the reagan foundation in our mission and what we stand for, you could not help but notice of me have bend over backwards too burnish the image and the legacy of ronald reagan. into the minds of americans. we have taken the opportunity to reach many millions of americans and remind them not just what reagan was as a man, but more importantly, what he stood four. i am here to report it is in great shape and surveys reveal reagan is the most of mired president among all americans.
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[applause] margaret is on a mission facing a different but related challenge and has set the course to build and repair the brand of the republican party itself. although i will let her tell you how this is possible but suffice it to say she brings to the table ideas through her name and reach, the ability to attract many newcomers to the brand unlike few that have come before her. the second comparison between the mission of their bregenz foundation and the mission of margaret is to attract young people to our cause like never before. we have an overwhelming interest in attract the new people particularly those who were either not be there live when president reagan was president or old enough to vote for him to
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understand why ideas were important there was little chance they would strive to emulate and we have taken special care to bring into what we have done into planning and organizing. one that rings force in the book read has a single-minded focus of the millennial generation. into the book on arms of the republican party and knows without them, there is no future and she urges us to do something about it. please join me. margaret hoover. [applause] >> it is an incredible honor
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to be here today with the reagan foundation library and foundation ours is the herbert hoover presidential library association. thank you for that generous introduction. the subtitle of my book is how a generation of conservatives can save the republican party" some of you may wonder if this is alarmist so what would they need to be saved? republicans after all 2010 have historical election came to washington and in a short period of time have managed to change the course of the policies in washington. in the context of our recent success, some may wonder if my father says i may not be
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alarmist in my subtitle. this is not at all alarmist. there is a sense of urgency behind this that john touched on. my book is intended to be a warning because the republican party is at risk of losing an entire generation of americans come a democratic and others for the rest of their lives. 30 and under which i called the millennials others have called them generation week or generation y. 30 and under born at the reagan era through the clinton presidency the largest generation in america. 2008, there were 50 million eligible to go. conservative estimates have at at 80 million. 17 million more millennials than baby-boomers and
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27 million more millennials than generation x. and we all know they are not republican. overwhelmingly not republican. they represented 18% of the boat in 2008 and anticipated to be as much as 1/4 of the electorate in 2012. and they voted in 2008 and overwhelmingly four barack obama, a 66%. 32% john mccain. the reason this is urgent is because partisan identity starts off after they clear certain barriers it begins to solidify. after three presidential election cycles the partisan identity solidifies. they voted for john
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kerry, 2004. barack obama 2008. this means republicans have roughly 16 months to make inroads into this generation before we lose them for the rest of their lives. this is troubling to me. not just because i am a republican but i believe the ideas of the conservative movement and the party have offered better solutions to the issues that are most important and that affected them most directly. the title of my book "american individualism" is a reference to my great grandfather herbert hoover and the guiding principle he said fourth almost 90 years ago that i believe captures the spirit of the millennial generation in surprising ways but i will go into this by one to tell you a little bit about my background
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besides the headliner biography of the great granddaughter of herbert hoover. i have always been a proud republican because of that and also had my own journey. since the beginning i was a student of herbert hoover life come a legacy and also of american conservative movement. i never knew my great-grandfather. he passed away 13 years before i was born but my at grand -- a britney was informed of stories of him his wit and wisdom and philosophy of government. and also peppered with visits to the presidential all library which is in west branch that i was but also to the hoover institution at stanford in northern california which he calls his proudest legacy. i also draw up with some of
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the stories that are common in presidential families only two generations down so my dad has the fabulous stories how he knows how to make a frank with a guy with five stars on his shoulder and it was the colonel who lived on the waldorf-astoria and these influences had the impact on me growing up but despite that experience i shied away from politics or participating in any sort of politics as i was growing up throw early adulthood and did not intern for a local representative. i did not pursue jobs in politics in the summer or major in political science instead i was inspired by his life trajectory which
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was to go abroad so i studied spanish language literature also inspired by my great grandmother who learned mandarin chinese. i studied that. and lived abroad and studied abroad bolivia and mexico and china and also my first job out of college was in taipei tie one. and i worked for a law firm. with a research assistant and editor and studied mandarin chinese at night. but my first full day in taipei when i arrived after graduating was september 11, 2001. on that day and the weeks that followed, i realized i wanted nothing more than to be back in the united states with the deepest expression of patriotism was during in
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being on the other side of the globe and that was happening here at home had a profound effect. we stayed up nights watching television with a 24 hour news cycle that began then and there is a 12 hours difference so i stayed up night watching cnn as late as i could. fox news was not available at that time. [laughter] and i was so inspired by president george bush words and his leadership and also rudy guiliani and expressions of patriotism that were ever across the country and especially rallying use in a way that i had not seen in my life inspired me to want to come back to be part of the functioning of our democracy and it would be an incredible honor to come
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back to the united states to work for president bush. after one year and tie one i found my way home, volunteered in my home state of colorado and i got very lucky and went to washington was lucky enough to be hired by a brand new republican from miami who needed a spanish speaker in his washington office. been joined the bush reelection campaign july 2003 and 1 year later received the white house appointment in 2004 where i worked roughly two years than in 2006 that had the opportunity to come to new york city which is where i live now to work for rudy guiliani on his presidential campaign.
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slowed during the course of my time working for president bush i sense the mounting animosity and distancing of my peer group from the republican party. not only in 2004 and 2006 but you could not miss it in 2008. the poll solidify the is folk had completely turned away from the republican party. for the record i a.m. accustomed to being in a minority of my peer group and comfortable with it and i joke as a hoover i am cut out for it. but when you grow up related to the most vilified president in the 20th century history whom my history books taught me caused the great depression and ap u.s. history books to this day said he did nothing to solve it and i know for a
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fact the director of the reagan library brilliantly e-mails because his daughter had nsa she had to write about herbert hoover not doing anything about fixing the crisis and his daughter armed with the arm station permission from the hoover library and a director and myself got an a on the test to educate her teacher about what he did during the great depression by what has been interesting to me this you develop a thick skin and learn to question the narrative and think independently the greatest gifts i got from herbert hoover but the narrative has gotten worse in my lifetime. democrats always brought louvre as the whipping boy for economic tide-- hard times when no republicans do it mitt romney talks about
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barack obama hoover bell and rush limbaugh has even said the economy is so bad we will not reelect barack hoover obama. i cannot put that out there without a small defense. this is a man who the contemporaries called a great humanitarian and biographers said me estimate just shy of 1 billion lives were saved because of his efforts at famine relief. the pioneer of the modern ngo and master of emergencies. 1927 mississippi river flood was the equivalent of the modern day katrina which displaced 1.5 million americans. a secretary of commerce, went to the mississippi river valley and could coordinate with the local leadership at the time to get tent cities and
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vaccinations and education and possible water to the city's all paid for by private funds. he was an incredible hero and the first of the conservative movement disciples and republicans forgot we have a greek hero with herbert hoover. back to millennials. some say that they cite winston churchill when they start voting with their pocketbooks they will come around if they are not a liberal when they are 20 there not a hard to they're not a conservative by 40 they don't have the brain. this would be great if it were true but it ignores our best history that was set by ronald reagan. he brought an entire generation of youth into the
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republican party as the reagan revolution he won it decisively by 20 points in 1984 it is not true republicans or that use will not vote for republicans. and even the very first millennials when they came to the polls, those first-ever eligible split the ticket evenly between alcor and george bush. i think it is fair to say because the youth don't have as much experience as older generations the political views are formed as much of the failures they have known as by any vision is caused by a particular politician. reagan was aided by the failures of the carter administration but could communicate conservatism beautifully that the entire generation rallied to his
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vision and that is also what barack obama was able to do. the youths started to break in 2004 because they believe john kerry mantra that it was the wrong war at the wrong time at the wrong place and in 2005 the government's response to hurricane katrina affected them as well as the scandals in 2006 and it was the republican brand damage that drove the of the white as much as the rhetoric of barack obama that captured key to the millennium generation which is the desire to rise above partisanship the resolve that government could work again. one more thing facing the
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challenge we need to use especially because the republican party did not just shrink in the use category but also every other category cold. in 26 categories economic, religious, ethnic, 26 categories republican identification shrunk and we remain the same and only one other group. we are far away from the permanent majority we were seeking but have an opportunity to come around to win back more than just millennials. the message of this book will also reached with of broader portion of the electorate my book is the attempt to characterize the
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millennial generation who they are what is exciting and what they think about government. and also an attempt to communicate conservative ideas and we can connect to them. by try to describe issues where they are already there be idea we espouse the conservative movement but i also tried on issues they are not there, how to make the case? this is a road map i hope they will look to it as a professor from political science monitored a group i did in the san francisco and he thought i characterized the millennials quite well. he was admittedly very liberal but deals with millennials every day and
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thought i'd characterize them very well. of the truth is we have an enormous opportunity there is a good sign millennials have been disappointed by a barack obama. they did not turn out in 2010 as expected. even the previous offer period election day turned out greater numbers. and his approval rating is down 18 percentage points since january 2009 it is still clear high but that does say something. who are the millennials? basically three things you need to know that is a lot little counter intuitive four republicans and conservatives. first, they have a positive view of government. i will read a statement. think of how you would answer this. agree or disagree. when something is run by the
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government is usually managed inefficiently and wastefully. [laughter] only 42% agree with the statement. said different may come a 58% think the government is good at running things. that is what we're working with. this is not to say government should grow or have a greater role in the lives of individuals. they just think it should work so unfortunately bregenz government is the problem line will not resonate with this generation. and incidentally while millennials have a good view of reagan to that extent
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they are aware of him and the reagan foundation has 10 an incredible job to promote him, they don't have the same this a row that reaction when the republican party and volkswagen and like those due because they did not experience him the first hand. incidentally the hoover library will take a few pages from your book to promote ronald reagan for herbert hoover. sucked, politics is perhaps -- pragmatic 40 percent call themselves moderate, 29 percent liberal, 29% conservative. they do not buy into the rigid ideology. this is how the barack obama rhetoric appealed to them. he was not red states a blue states but united states of america.
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but he also made government work again. we just need to know they are the millennials and ed year lease to traditional family structure more have been raised in single-parent households and least religious generation and least affiliated with organized religion only one-quarter identify with the organized religion however 67% say they pray every day so they believe in god and have by using call themselves spiritual but do not identify with organized religion. as much as previous generations and also have of the west hangups of sexual aren't hit -- orientation where the majority believe of same-sex marriage.
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given these guidelines how do we connect to sell our message especially in 2012 which is the next big opportunity to make our case to the millennials? i think what we need to do is look at the issues that are most important to the country right now which is paying attention to the debates to the deficit's come in entitlement reforms while 55 percent still like obama personally, they can see his policies have been
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tried and viscerally vacancy they have not worked. unemployment has gone up. many are still on their parents couch or their friends couch progress republicans we can say his policies were tried and failed but may need to make sure we don't demonize him personally because the generation still likes him. we have to make the pragmatic case. every time we talk about spending we should talk about how the spending in washington is generational theft and connect the dots specifically to them. they're fiscal future that we talk about, they have to pay for it. every single dollar that washington is spending, and we will have to pay it back with interest. that is on us with our fiscal future and prosperity being robbed.
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republicans come when we had the chance made a strong case it is the republican party who took the decisions to represent really what help and change is and not politics as marvell. another issue where millennials are and they need to make the case is education. millennials generation here is another datapoint they are the most diverse generation in american history 40 percent non-white , 20 percent have at least one in the grandparent. the promise of america and american individualism that everybody has equal opportunity to rise above the circumstances of their birth.
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based on their own skills and talents to have a good education in order to do that. we decided a long time ago government provides a good education but 30% of millennials and not graduating from high school. the majority of that 30% is disproportionately black and hispanic. 50 years after brown v board of education basically still a segregated school system based on goods of coats and pants and coats. about the and the pores of coats. this offends the sensibilities of this generation because they have flocked to the charter school movement and they are the ones who are staffing teach for america and understand there is a systemic problem in the education system.
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we know this, but the democratic party is in capable of handling this. because their hands are tied of the teachers' unions and they are not able to address these problems and millennials are starting to understand it with movies like "waiting for superman" even the center-left star's to understand the the teachers' unions, they are standing in the way of students interest. the fact $40 million put into the 2010 elections psycho by teachers' unions tells you everything you need to know. those that are happening with education is chris christie, and i feel i do not even have to say the state. tennessee, michigan, rick schneider just passed a sweeping reform that they will affect every kid in the school system in detroit.
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this is something that the millennials get implicitly and we just need to start really go from those mountaintops when we have that opportunity the next election site go. the other issue that ranks highly with millennials is the environment. i argue in my book we need to make a strong case for conservative environmentalism. incidentally the republican party has the good history teddy roosevelt, richard nixon, we can talk about climate change in the knowledge it is happening but also the inexact science to know the cover of "newsweek" 1975 showing the global increase over to a knowledge and talk about it in a reasonable way without embracing the left solutions
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to levy enormous tax burdens for energy consumption and frankly only reduce carbon emissions by a minimal amount without touching indiana and china. good deal with conservative environmentalism is to put forth the agenda that says the eight government has an important role to protect the environment but could not and should not be trusted to deliver low carbon future. this has to come from individuals working together driven by the realities of the marketplace. i talked about a couple of other issues which i am happy to talk about a new republican feminism nine interfirst -- wonderful new crop of women leaders at that the national scene has not necessarily taken no.
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we have seen sarah palin and michelle bachmann but three new governors thanks to 2101 is susanna martinez of a border state mexico. you probably know this but in new york they have no idea. i also talk about social issues how it relates to this generation. i also talk about immigration where we have to work a little harder. they may not be there already they are there and get it. we need to do a better job on immigration and with islamic supremacy which was the war on terror which is the contingency operation. [laughter] also make in the case for american exceptional listen
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because this is the first generation that does not subscribe but i think we can make the case by explaining with the hang up is because they think american individualism means americans are better than everyone else in that is not what it means it is the expression of the brilliance and exceptional as some of the system that allows individuals to become the best that they can be better than anywhere else. not because i am better than any other woman born in any other country but the system allows me in most cases to become more. but back to the title american individualism, when i began to think about how to connect conservative ideas to the next generation, i found what i was looking for close to
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home. and i realized as i was going through my a grandfather's but, it "american individualism" that hoover embody the ideals of the millennials generation 80 years before they were born. herbert hoover was a technologist. this generation has come of age with the internet and herbert hoover lived in the age where technology was booming. he was responsible for regulating radio waves and the first individual to appear on television. at the forefront of new mining technologies and lourdes at -- london in the heart of silicon valley 100 years before silicon valley embodied technology for this generation. and a global list. circumnavigated the globe five times by steamship
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before the advent of aviation. lived and worked on four continents and visited six but this generation is globally oriented because of the internet. the day care of what about public service. the highest percentage 83% have volunteered once and the last year they value community service and service to others. herbert hoover was considered the great humanitarian and the most meaningful thing he could do to serve his fellow mankind and the last thing they have in common is they believe government can work and can be part of the solution and they want government to work. and bleeding government could be a partner. not that it was the ball and his term as secretary of
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commerce was defined by streamlining and standardizing the modern economy. many people don't know this but the reason why get a skin half-dozen and doesn't and the reason why the milk comes in courts and leaders and bricks and tires are the same size and bed sheets are standardized is because they were not before herbert herbert and as the engineer he decided a few standardize things than you can streamline the modern economy to make it more efficient government should not control industry but held to be more efficient daisy efficient for the sake of increasing the standard of living in the productivity of the modern economy. 1922 herbert hoover wrote the book "american individualism" and live abroad roughly 20 years in the experience of hands-on
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he had a front-row seat in the china boxer rebellion and one of the last 200 foreigners to escape from china on the german mailboat. then involved deeply in russia but during the bolshevik revolution where he watched them destroy his mining properties and ceramic properties and watched the rise of the belligerent germany in europe where he took a firsthand role to bring about food relief to belgium saving them from starvation. he became concerned when he returned to the united states that these fads and political ideology sweeping the world fascism and communism and socialism might be tried on for size in america and we might
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experiment with the idea is. not abstract but the socialist party of america in the presidential elections at one point garnered as much as 6% in the popular election. he wants to characterize what the american system was a two inoculate from trying on the ism of europe and calls the american system "american individualism" centered because -- special because it was centered around the american it was equality of opportunity and knew his story could not have been anywhere else in the world and board west branch iowa and the first president born west of the mississippi and orphaned at nine years old and sent to live with relatives the hardly new and started his
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career in manual labor and rose to a credit -- bid is success of international businessmen. toward the end of his tranten campaign 1928, he gave a speech called rugged individualism. this was basically a campaign distillation of those ideas and talked about how america had a choice of two futures of sticking with the american system of individualism. i will read the quote. >> a choice between the american system of rugged individualism and the european philosophy of diametrically opposed doctrines. doctrines of paternalism and state socialism where every step of the bureaucratizing poison the roots of liberalism. political equality and free speech and free assembly and
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free press and the equality of opportunity. this is not the road to more liberty but less liberty. >> i am struck at how relevant that is for the modern debates. this is what we here at the tea party rally and the futures that paul ryan talks about as the path to prosperity i think if we make the case, the next generation, the millennial generation, if given the choice of the two futures, will choose herbert hoover "american individualism" in four as fractured as the conservative movement can be come i have a chapter called tribalism because it is a diverse family and my dad toasted at my wedding, western
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conservatives. goldwater conservatives. libertarian conservatives. we have these different kinds of conservatives and the genius of ronald reagan in my view is he was able to bring harmony to the cacophony of voices and unite us and focus us on what we had an comment and not what divided us. he was able to provide a cohesive fusion is done that was aided by the coalition unified interest in defeating communism and made the different factions realize if we focus on what we have in common to defeat communism, we will get there but if the war 80% of my ally you're not 20% might an emmy. we need to invoke this aspect of reagan if we focus
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on the taliban choice we have before us this choice of two futures and if we focus on the fiscal responsibility of growing the economy, getting jobs back to the american people and with "american individualism" this will create a new diffusionism to connect to the next generation and unite the various tribes of conservatism and attract a new generation to the republican party. alternately my book was the culmination of a quest i undertook in search of a republican and philosophy to appeal to a broad section of americans, including millennials. a major source of my answer ration proves to be a book written almost 100 years ago by my great-grandfather may be surprising, but i think millennials will be surprised to discover fresh thinking and new ideas
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within the republican party. and find the hope and change that they have been waiting for. thank you very much. [applause] [applause] >> margaret has been kind enough to do answer about 10 minutes of questions. so please raise your hand we have people in the iowa. speak into the microphone. >> >> you mentioned the genius
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of ronald reagan of being able to bring the cacophony of voices in the republican party. as i see the candidates today running for the republican party, i don't see any genius among this group that has the same ability. do you? >> where is our ronald reagan? i think the republican field is still amateur and broadening i don't think anybody who will ultimately be in the race is in yet and what i hope is whoever the candidate is, really takes the idea is saying characterization of this generation that i tried to crystallize two heart because i hope the reagan will emerge. we all do.
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>> as you were elaborating in the point* was well taken there is youth that is lost and has no idea what is going on with politics. i am thinking to people the republican party ought to embrace because they have the charisma and that is mario rubio and bobby jindal those two people and i am sure there is more but to me probably have the ability to reach that group. >> i absolutely agree. but paul ryan is remarkable. nobody can explain the intricacies of the completely boring budget policy. [laughter] in the absolutely understandable and accessible way. paul ryan is one of those
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people he is not ideological a very pragmatic and you understand and also can connect. i could not agree more with marco rubio and bobby jindal my first vision is of the $200 check when i was not making any money and gave him a $200 check when he was running for congress. i could not agree with you more. also a slew of fresh faces, susanna martinez comment brian sandoval and nikki haley she is the republican governor of south carolina who is the indian american and a hispanic woman who was the governor of new mexico and brian sandoval your neighbor next door, the new republican hispanic governor. in 2010 we have elected a new slate they will get their stripes and getting wise and cutting their
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political teeth and will be ready 2016. and i hope we're able. i still think some folks may come to the table 2012. i still think because of the disappointment with barack obama and the reality of the situation with the economy so many are unemployed, even if we don't have ronald reagan i think we have a real chance to make a case and make inroads with this generation. >> i just watched at your grandfather's library i did not realize what a wonderful man he was. but my question is, i do think the tea party might divide the republican party as ross perot did 1992? >> today is a particularly good day to ask the question.
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there are specifics that are happening right now in washington that threaten that state. and i genuinely hope not. i genuinely hope the folks folks, it is remarkable to me that 87 republicans came to washington and in one year we could shift in the direction the company-- country goes in with spending and i am a huge fan of the tea party. without them, this would not have happened. [applause] leann i certainly hope we can work get our successes and also realize we need to get over the finish line because we don't have the bully pulpit of the presidency and will lose the communications battle and we could consider the enormous
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when that we could get to this point*. it is a first step for the next generation. >> i am curious if there is any people in the party that has stepped forward that you may consider a possibility? >> i have lots of young friends that we have four hot fantasy candidates. personally i love paul ryan. i ain't he embodies the future of the republican party. also chris christie. so does marco rubio. but i personally hope paul ryan. rick perry? he has a wonderful story to tell of what he has done in
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texas. the flirtation with rick perry also represents one thing in the republican field that is an expression that many folks like yourselves are not comfortable of -- comfortable with the field of candidates as it is now. we hold the rest of do your thing gain will hear us loud and clear. please get in. the republican party needs you. >> thank you for enlightening us on the millennials today. we appreciate the background that was very helpful. but my question is, first, i am a proud reagan republican my first vote was 1980 when i was 18 voting twice. that is a commentary today because they are not going to the polls and that is not something you spoke to. so my question is, what is
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it the republican party can do to attract them to the polls and? >> it is true they're not going to the polls for republicans but they are going. they were 18% of the electorate 2008. if they turn out the same, there were 50 million who were eligible and half of those slightly more than half turned out. that is proportionate to be voting electorate. in terms of that demographic they were with that proportionately were even better. they are voting just the republican. what we need to do is read my book. [laughter] [applause] and then make the case. we have the opportunity they may not be tune did right now. maybe to the extent of tv but they will give the next
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president a fair hearing. that is the window of opportunity to make the case along the lines i have outlined. i genuinely do but we have to try. half the battle is showing up. we have to make an effort to be where they are which is on line and the republican party at least the last few years we realized we were creamed by technology. facebook was involved and on-line advocacy and i was at the dnc convention and for fun i signed up because you could sign up your text message then he would text you. i still get tax from president obama. i do not get a textron the rnc. i should be. but we knew we got range and have done some things to change it every republican
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member has a twitter accounts than they are treating they just voted are just met with eight this is a joint may help is this will coalesce once we have a candidate because parties are redefined with the candidacy. it is my sincere hope there would be the honest effort to reach out to connect to the next generation. we can make inroads and we have got to. we have this window to do it. >> i am a public-school teacher and teaching junior high and high school kids. you already lost that upcoming generation because i hear it the constant attack on teachers' unions that are their teachers and they know how hard reworking because it is their chance for a better future but the party tends to vilify their teachers and educators and
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the kids who pick this up. every time we try to advocate for our students come a we're constantly being selfish or trying not to be accountable and i have seen over the years the destruction of public education and i care about my kids. these kids are sharp. i don't care what party but all politicians support us if this generation would be totally apolitical. >> i say this in my book and probably in my remarks. america's teachers are america's heroes and mrs. laura bush did this billion the. she was a teacher herself and put the focus on how important teachers are for
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our country and how their service is invaluable. thank you for teaching. the republican party is not vilifying teachers. be very clear. they are the heroes. this is not about you -- teachers but the system that is conducted that look out for the interest of teachers more than the interest of students. [applause] when you say we need to support teachers, i did three. but the question is do we support teachers by throwing more money and add to a system that absolutely proportionately if you compare the amount of money we put into the public school system compared to all other countries ranked in the top 25, and the amount of


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