tv Book TV CSPAN August 13, 2011 9:00am-12:00pm EDT
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about him in reference to some of the folks that are involved in politic today. i mean, they've even used his name with folk like sarah palin and folks like that. and and i can understand that to a certain extent, but not really. it's kind of what i said to him today, and i'm not sure i even understand what i said there because it just came to my head. but he said what about crockett today, politics and so forth. and i said, well, he'd be kind of like a lib -- liberal tea bagger which doesn't make much sense, i know. ..
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metamorphosis. this guy who has been beat -- portrayed as a bumpkin. there was something really very compelling about this man. that is what drew me to him. all of those qualities i liked in davy crockett high finance not an iota of them in the candidates that we have today. not an iota. but you have to understand i am a bomb throwing bolshevik. [applause] >> that was wonderful. >> i loved it. >> i want to sing davy crockett. king of the wild frontier.
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i am sure -- if you would like to form a line that way you can come up and we want to thank you so much for coming to this wonderful evening. >> good to be with you. [applause] >> you put me on the spot but i like it. [inaudible conversations] >> for more information visit the author's website michaelw l michaelwall >> a democrat from hawaii is reading the lost symbol by dan brown and the fiery trial. >> visit to see this and other summer reading lists. >> ann coulter in your book how to talk to a liberal if you must
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you have ten rules of engaging in liberal. here are some of them. don't surrender out of the gate. don't be defensive. outraged the enemy. never apologize. never complement a democrat. never showed graciousness to a democrat and never flatter a democrat. never complement legal never show graciousness? >> it seems there is a little overlap in those but i want to be absolutely clear. the first one would not be necessary if you didn't have some elected republicans who are constantly trying to follow in the good graces of the new york times. i haven't read the book recently bought it is never a good sign when you hear a republican saving my good friend teddy kennedy. >> host: what about out rage the
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enemy? >> guest: i noticed overtime is that whenever the spittle starts coming from liberal mouths you know you have struck gold. >> host: more rules. do not succumb to liberal bribery. prepare for your deepest darkest secrets to become liberal talking points and always be open to liberals in transition. what are liberals in transition? >> guest: lots of them. ron silver, david mamet, james would. a lot of 9/11 converts. who else? you got the gist of it. >> host: what is your role when you talk with them? >> guest: they are often the newly conservative starlike -- the german guy who had all the children he was having and kept them all in the basement for 20 years and slow these a came up and are seeing the light for the
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first time. that is liberals first discovering conservatism. you speak gently to them. you hank on their every word when they tell you that actually went reagan cut taxes more revenue came in to the treasury and things that most conservatives have known since we were 10. >> host: your recent book "demonic". who is gustav labon? >> i got the idea for this book it took me longer than my other books like treason, the cold war and joe mccarthy. that was something i was interested in since college so it requires less original research for me to do. i knew what my point was. with "demonic" i wasn't sure it would hand out. i have always noticed that liberals operate like a mob. long way to answer your
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questions but i started reading on group think and financial panic and mobs and that sort of thing and i started writing "demonic" when i bought the study of the popular mind by gustav lamotte who wrote 100 years ago and curiously 100 years after the french revolution being the father of groupthink. it is a slim little book which has shot up on amazon since my book came out and there it was. it was so beautifully laid out page after page. it rings true and describes mob behavior and liberal behavior as i described in my book in a way you cannot say both sides do this. very distinctively liberal behavior. whoever the first person was who discovered oil in texas. here it is. i was right. this is the book i have been waiting for. >> host: what is an example of
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groupthink? >> guest: creating messiahs. it is distinctively liberal behavior. i go through it in my book. one of my favorite chapter is because the quote liberals a lot. away they talk about their president's legal fdr, jfk, obama, they're having sex dreams about their presidents and the over the top adoration coming from someone who does not have a real messiah because they're desperate to find a human messiah. is there anyone we behave toward? the one you would think being right-wingers, the closest would be ronald reagan. that is why i went back -- part of the reason reagan got invoked
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so often is surge in contemporary republicans you don't think our suite in the grave. but when he was present to wasn't foremost popular conservative. jerry falwell -- and third ronald reagan. my newspaper "human events" was constantly attacking him to the point that it was his favorite newspaper. i am reading you but enjoying a lot less. >> host: in "demonic" you write democrats are always the party of the law. the only thing that changes is which mob they are supporting. what does that mean? >> guest: i described one where in the civil-rights chapter which is the truth telling of civil-rights it is my revisionist history, democrats were the party of george wallace and normal thomas and the
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discriminators, desegregation nests and forget the civil war being fought by a republican. for the next hundred years republicans keep introducing bills, voting rights bills and democrats keep shooting them down. finally thanks to republican efforts blacks are voting in large enough numbers for democrats to care but it becomes another racket. then they take on blacks to push through huge bloated government, welfare state. we could have used them when we were fighting the plan. >> host: this is how you conclude in the book. the same mob mentality that leads otherwise law-abiding people to hurl rocks at cops also leads otherwise intelligent people to refuse to believe anything they haven't heard on npr. to improve their social standing with the crowd people will passionately a search whatever the official group position is.
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>> guest: elaborate? >> host: please. >> guest: for example global warming. evolution. the fact that what i wrote my column about this week, the famous alleged rape case of a halliburton subsidiary, dick cheney was associated with it, emanual gold seen, the mainstream media. there was a huge story a few years ago. anyone with a cable connection saw it about a woman allegedly gained raped by it this defense contractor a few days after getting their and the caliber of subsidiaries of her bosses put her in a tiny shipping container and no food or water for 24 hours guarding shipping container with a machine gun and turns out the whole thing was a hoax. a jury ruled a couple weeks ago -- for one thing there was no
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criminal case because prosecutors having investigated they ended up not bringing a prosecution. she sued civilly and suddenly there was a gain rape case. there was only the dna of one man on her and it was consensual. it was just your standard he said she said date rape case. the jury acquitted after one day of deliberations the female military doctor who examined her the next they didn't find a date rape drug in her. she did not find she had been mangled. the whole story with a cock and bull story that should have been recognized as such but the original story, that is on the front page of the new york times. 1500 word peace. the story on the jury acquitting the guy was in the saturday new york times on page 815. it was one paragraph. that is the sort of thing people will passionately a search to be
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the purveyor of hate and you never get the follow-up story. >> host: why did you open "demonic" from the book of mark chapter 5 first two threw nine that ends my name is legion for we are many? >> guest: that is the whole theme of the book. the mob is demonic and the demons are always the law. there's something dangerous and destructive when people get together in a book which is explained by the father of group frank, gustav lamotte and elaborated on in my book and demonstrated in my book. an individual is very different when he is in a crowd and crazy things happen and exaggeration. a crowd goes instantly to extremes of emotion. there is passion and rumors and messiahs with passionate hate and passionate love. you get a man away from the crowd and talk directly to him.
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in the bible jesus approaches the possessed man who is running around naked and schering everyone and they have a little exchange and in the end jesus says to him what is your name? speaking to the demon. my name is legion for we are many. there it is. right in the holy bible that the mob is demonic and the demon is the model. >> host: you talk about the importance of slogans and you list some of these. president bush lied, our bodies ourselves. digital blood for oil, no justice, save the whales legal ban the bomb, make love not war, friends don't let friends vote republican, our diversity, pro-choice, profile. >> guest: on my neighbor's car. >> host: why are those in your book? >> guest: it is an element of group think and the philosopher
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of the french revolution john shock russo who said crowds can understand words. speak to the heart, not the head. it is striking how many slogans liberals have and how pathetic conservatives are at coming up with slogans. always trying to explain things. it has become a pathetic joke among republicans have their guys are screening bush lied and our guys are standing with the power point demonstration and the pointers and tried to explain our point. one of my friends when gore was trying to steal the 2000 election participated in a republican protests that she had been a person on the web and she said the guy with a bullhorn, the conservative, he couldn't get the concept of the chance where you can't something and the crowd chants back. he is with a bullhorn going on
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and on, we oppose the rico because it violates section -- what are we supposed to chant back? we don't get the hang of it. >> host: you mentioned the french regular -- revolution. this e-mail from the hollywood conservative forum writes about "demonic" your two chapters on the french revolution is a sign of grand scope with concision ever to be found. too bad it is not a free chapter available. it should be sent far and wide in place of chapter 14 although it is useful as well. a brochure of those chapters would be fabulous as a primer missing from the public discussion. >> host: >> guest: i am happy to hear that. thank you, i agree. i love those chapters. what was interesting when i was writing about the french revolution, i have a lot of smart friends much smarter than
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i am and better educated. i went to public school. many of them who can tell me details about every king of england and russian czars and what colonial america was like knew almost nothing about the french revolution. i concluded they are hiding it from us. it is an important contrast, the french revolution and the american revolution. i wanted to start with the french revolution chapter and one of my hollywood producer friends told me he read some of the chapters for me and i can't thank him. the only person -- i don't ruin their careers. he read it and said you got to start with the basics and how liberals behave like a mob. i understand and you understand and you need to get the basics out and go into the basics and that is how i arranged it but i do think those chapters are so important and so interesting how
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bloody and barbaric and anti christian the french revolution was and i point out, for example the new york times comparing the american revolution to the french revolution. they were complete opposites. our founders were opposed to the french revolution. lafayette who was a great hero of the american revolution foolishly thought the french revolution would proceed along the same lines and he ended up fleeing the country and staying one step ahead of the guillotine. it was the beginning of every totalitarian revolution. two hundred years ago we see the division between conservative political thought and liberal political thought. the french revolution was copied in russia to some extent in nazi germany and cuba, china and vietnam. it is the idea from russo that a group of elites would be in possession of the general will and impose it on the country and the nation for the good of mankind.
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always ended up in a bloody tyranny. >> host: you have friends in hollywood. that may surprise some people. [talking over each other] >> host: is very secret, ball out there? >> guest: one great thing about being a very recognizable conservative is quite meet conservatives wherever i go. it used to be conservatives -- when we go to a cocktail party, it would take forever to meet your fellow conservatives because each person would say something slightly more conservative and slightly more, like trying to recognize one another. i walk into a restaurant and every conservative balance up to me. >> host: you went to public school. in your book godless you wrote it is past time for liberalism to be declared a religion and
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banned from public schools. no other religion has the right to propagandize our children for 12 years, six hours a day. >> guest: their religion is recycling global warming, absolutely appallingly vulgar sex education. lots of condom demonstrations and yet very brutal math, science, reading. in california jerry brown three weeks ago signed a law requiring all public schools when they teach history they must teach about the contributions of days, lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered individuals. i must say as someone who reads history liberals are the only people who can make history -- these modern history textbooks -- reading history is interesting but when you start having to let's find out what the contributions were of mrs.
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paul revere. we need to describe the women's contribution to the american revolution. i am a woman. doesn't hurt my feelings. the american revolution was 5 and argued by white male christians. that is a fact. they don't need to have a full chapter on how betty crocker started her own company so women are covered as much as paul revere. >> host: why did you go to law school? >> guest: inner shell. >> host: what do you mean? >> guest: who thought you could make a living doing what i do? had i known that i would not have wasted seven years of my life. >> host: seven years? >> guest: practice. i clerked for a federal judge on reagan's short list in kansas city. new york corporate law
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litigation. then i came to work for the senate judiciary committee in 95 after the republicans took congress for the first time in forty years. i didn't want to leave new york. i had to come down like that. i got the offer thursday and friday and had to start monday and i cried all weekend. but i thought this is a historic change. if people like me don't go to washington you will have the nancy kassebaum staffers switching to our new right wing senators so i did go there and work there. it was a year and a half. as you know or may not, starting around the summer of an election year nothing gets done in washington because you have not only a potential new president coming in but an entirely new house of representatives and one third of the senate will be different so everybody else is going on whitewater rafting
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trips. vice stay in my beloved new york. >> host: you went to the university of michigan. why? >> guest: i didn't really -- i thought i was going to be a lawyer from when i was a little girl but then i was at college and didn't want to go to law school so i didn't apply in time and my father made me apply to law school. he would not hang up the phone until he heard my pencil hitting the paper on the desk. i had to pay the latest admission fee or whatever it was. i was very conservative in kindergarten. university of chicago is famous for their economic school so i wanted to go to the university of chicago. my father wanted me to go to colombia. columbia, number 3 law school. i have to be in washington at the time. i stormed off the library of congress to look of the law
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school and prove to my father columbia was no longer the number 3 law school and all the other reports put michigan number one or two. i figure we will compromise on michigan. >> host: you have to ask people before you thank them. there are two people you thank in nearly all your books. that is net of rice and jodie evans. >> guest: joni evans my agent for life. i didn't have an agent -- we had to get -- didn't have time to fiddle around with agents. i wrote the book and jenny became my agent and the line on best sellers is you don't make money on your first best seller. you make money on the advance of your next book. you always get a big advance after a best seller. you are lucky if you can get your next book published at all. i had a publisher for slander,
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harpercollins, my specific editor had been calling my agent, i really want ann coulter's next book. he was a convert to conservatism. he has tried every kind of radical behavior and finally realized being in the publishing industry in new york city, he was my beloved editor. he never read slander because he died before i was going to send him the manuscript. the book is dedicated to him. harpercollins instantly killed slander and for joni, very powerful publishing agent with william morris. she couldn't get another publisher to pick it up. i couldn't even tell my parents i was so embarrassed. just keep sending it out and keep telling me about the rejections and god bless steve rob and brown. he noticed the original title for slander was liberals
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unhinged. it was on amazon even though the book had not been seen by my editor yet. it only existed on my computer. steve ross noticed your book is selling on amazon. but no one would publish it. he published ever since. >> host: when did you start writing? >> guest: probably in kindergarten. very upset about the marshall tax rate. >> host: seriously? >> guest: i am joking. >> host: did you start writing for a school newspaper? i was never on that path though i always like writing. even when i was a lawyer i would run -- i would take weekends off and write for the human life review or a law review. i was arbuckle editor at michigan. i always liked to research and writing better than anything
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else i was doing. i don't think i was a founding editor but the cornell review conservative newspaper. a lot of conservative newspapers were started by people working for the main campus newspaper and could get something published and started their own newspaper. not us. we heard just right wingers. the first issue. the layout was insane. mistakes and huge chunks of articles missing. errors throughout the paper but we were very enthusiastically. >> host: who is kerri? >> guest: my mentor from cornell. he was the one i talked to about the french revolution. the only one of my friends -- he was professor at cornell who inspired generations of right wingers. he is and george mason.
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he has someone he can talk to i guess. one great thing he helped me with with this book course i am almost embarrassed to admit -- he told me i should read citizens which is a massive work on the french revolution. it came up in everything else i read. i forget the details runs some years earlier i read a column attacking a piece in the new yorker making fun of patriotic americans with those little flag pins and in the course of this new yorker article he cited a norwegian support nazi germany. so he is citing a nazi in order to attack our little parades. not as stirring as the fuehrer's
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rally. it is one of those things i noticed about the good historians which is why politically correct bureaucrats stop making references to the american indians contributions to the telephone and women's contribution to the revolution. just let historians write history. the good historians whatever their politics simon james is a fantastic historian and it is a fantastic book. call >> host: you write the stupidest students become journalists and it is one of the easiest jobs in the world. >> guest: yes. are also claimed journalists can commit any crime they want to. they can never be precluded by the supreme court. it is very impressed trading for someone trying to influence public debate and get your message out there as i do and i
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have to work through these retarded people. it is amazing how they can take one category how they screw things up. i call them the joke bomb squad because they can be wire any judge in ten seconds. >> host: on your web page, ann coulter and we will get to phone calls in a minute. this is c-span's booktv's index program where every month the first sunday of every month we invite one author to look at his or her body of work and talk about what they write about. 624-1111 for those of you in the east and central time zones. if you want to talk to ann coulter, 1115 for those of you in the mountain and pacific time zone. you can send a tweet at or send an e-mail, i think -- you have a list on your web site of journalists who
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are allowed to interview ann coulter for a second time. it is about seven names. i will find it in a minute. here it is. you have got on that list john claude of time magazine, jonathan friedman of the guardian, jamie glass of front page magazine, taylor held, jonathan pets of the baltimore sun, charlotte allen of believe and fishbowl d.c.. why are those chosen few allowed to interview you? >> guest: originally there were 3 but i chose them specifically because they ran a tape recorder when i talked and apparently played the tape recorder back before typing what i said. that is shockingly rare. >> host: you get misquoted a lot? >> guest: somehow i say we need to reduce the capital gains rate and it comes out as our support hitler and all his works.
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it is in sane the misquotes. the malice in my statement is there but the vigor of the quote is completely vacuumed out like the joke bomb squad. that is always gone. regionally it was simply -- by the way, they were all liberals who do not agree with my politics and yet they quoted me accurately. i don't care what they say in the body of the peace. just quote me accurately. three of them did and a few got added. after that it became a special request thing. somebody would interview me and say i want to be on that list which is good incentive for them to have. >> host: we forgot to find out who net rice is who you thank and on your books. we are having a problem with the pair. >> guest: it is on my mike?
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sorry about that. he is a brilliant comedy writer. i know a fair number of comedy writers. among the hollywood right wingers i believe there is a disproportionate number of comedy writers because they are smart. to be funny is hard. political opinion not so hard. they are smart and a lot of humor is politically incorrect. that is my guess. a lot are, the writers. pretty much anyone i know you can't give him -- i need a joke on a math book error and he gives me seven jokes. when he is free. he is very busy. >> host: why did you go to public school? >> guest: because i was too
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young to object. you move allegedly for the schools yet kids go to good colleges but i maintain that if you moved the exact same population. we have our married parents at home. still have parents with magazines and newspapers and books are around. the same population to the worst public school in new york city we would all have gone to the same colleges. it wasn't for what we learned in school. there were a few but there were shockingly few good teachers and foremost it is just a good gig. anyone -- from connecticut or around a five or ten year period, in sixth grade the state decided we would study baboon's all year. that would teach us everything. history and sociology. could i learned to diagram a
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sentence please? i never learned memorization which is why google is so handy for someone like me. >> host: ann coulter is our guest for the next 2-1/2 hours. john from cincinnati, of ohio. go ahead with your question. >> caller: nice to speak to you. i wonder if you ever considered that if you were to contrast the environmental protection agency with other federal agencies particularly cbc or fda or even the o e it is an agency dominated by lawyers rather than scientists. that is undermining the credibility and substance of what the agency can do. it does allow for certain things to happen and a lot of things that have been criticized. do you have any thoughts on
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that? >> guest: most of the experts promoting something like global warming are lawyers, not scientists. similarly another agency that is more important than the epa that has been destroyed by lawyers is the cia. after watergate liberals decided this never would have happened if the cia -- you have democrats vowing to dismantle the cia and they did. now we don't have any human intelligence. we have a bunch of lawyers reading the daily tablet. >> host: jim in white plains, new york. >> caller: hello. i have a three part question i would like to end with a quote from a philosopher. first, how important do you believe consumerism is to capitalism, how important is bob mentality to consumers and and how important is demonic passion
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for bringing about best sellers? the philosopher on a quote from a little elitist when he said best sellers are ill smellers as they have the sticky smell of small people. thank you. >> guest: i don't know what you mean by consumerism. that is not the beauty of capitalism. the beauty of capitalism is freedom. people do what they want with their own money. if people are willing to buy enough tickets as is often said some guy can just hit a ball like alex rodriguez can earn multimillion-dollar of dollars i think that is fantastic. that is what people are willing to pay for. we are not of our own volition buying toilets that only have 1.7 gallons of water in them and are incapable of being a functioning toilets.
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as for best sellers i just read i think it was whitaker chambers's journalism before -- goes on the roof. i haven't been reading much this summer. i have been promoting my book and going out with my friends. i think it was in one of his columns attacking various intellectuals for having finally come around on the danger of stalin after he allied with hitler and one of the points he made which rings true today was he said american journalists and intellectuals greeted the depression with elation because journalists themselves being maladjusted, depressed and miserable people were happy when the rest of the populace became that way too. and also under more of a
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socialist regime with the writers and thinkers would have so much more power whereas in a system of capitalism they have to sit around denouncing best sellers, best sellers are hacks and what else would it be? journalists are unread. >> host: from trees and you mention whitaker chambers. the entire liberal establishment has ferociously defended him and attacked chambers even after chambers produced the equivalent of monica's dna stained dress they wouldn't give up after dragging the country through their nonsense defense, hiss was convicted of perjury for denying he was a soviet spy. on the day of his conviction, in 1950, been attkisson announced at a press conference i do not intend to turn my barseback on
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alger hiss. >> guest: a stunning story. that gave rise to joe mccarthy. the country was stunned by this. we have a huge battle over whether or not outer hiss was a soviet spy. we know as of 1995 thanks to daniel patrick moynihan declassifying the winona papers, in the soviet archives, he is in this decrypted telegram but liberals were denying it the way they denied bill clinton was fooling around with the insurance. it was a very similar battle. after all this you get the jury conviction and you have a prominent democrat saying i won't turn my back on alger hiss. joe mccarthy was one of the americans who eat erupted in rage and would not let democrats get away with sheltering spies and associates for a regime as
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evil as the nazis. that is the democratic party and they have been doing it for years and years with prominent democrat officials being soviet spies. looking for the democratic ad didn't -- administration of fdr -- mccarthy would not let americans forget it and so they blacken his name. >> host: two quotes from treason about joe mccarthy. here's a story you won't read in history books. this version will be unfamiliar to most americans in as much as include facts. joe mccarthy was an extraordinarily bright irish farm boy who rose from humble origins in wisconsin to become one of the most admired politicians of his day. he skipped high school to start his own a business which fraud for several years until he caught the flu one winter and chickens died. he went back to high school at age 20 planning to graduate in two years. it couldn't be done and mccarthy made headlines when he graduated
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nine months later. bobby kennedy worked for mccarthy and held him in such high esteem he asked mccarthy to be the godfather to his first child, kathleen kennedy townsend born on the fourth of july, 1951. this was 17 months after mccarthy's famous wheeling, west virginia speech into his reign of terror. >> guest: there are more nuanced descriptions of konrad stalin, of adolf hitler than there are of joe mccarthy. one of my friends who is living in japan when treason came out that he knew a lot of publishers and one of his friends was a publisher who published lots of history books including books on mccarthy. he read treason which was published in japanese and said this version of mccarthy is exactly the opposite of everything i always read but i believe this one because it has
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facts. i wrote what you just read before he could have read my book and said that but that is what is striking about the descriptions of mccarthy. always in high school textbooks. they say he was a liar and not just a regular liar but a big liar. every epithet under the book without any actual facts. the actual facts are quite striking and what you will find out if he was exposing the democratic party for collaborating with a regime as evil as the nazis and was devastating to the democratic party said they had to fight back. they had to smash him and that is what they have spent half a century doing. >> host: ann coulter is the author of eight best sellers. high crimes and misdemeanors came out in 1998. "slander: liberal lies about the american right" 11 in 2002. treason in 2003. how to talk to liberal if you
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must in 2004. godless in 2006. if democrats -- "if democrats had any brains, they'd be republicans" in 2007. guilty in 2008 and "demonic" is her most recent. you can see from the covers we were showing you that most of ann coulter's books have her picture on the cover save the first and last one. on the back of "demonic" which i don't have in front of me is a picture of you not dressed in black. got it right here. not dressed in black but a picture of you dressed in white for the first time. what is the purpose of that? >> guest: as i said at the beginning of the interview when you quoted from one of my books, you see liberals sputtering with spittle coming out of their mouth you do it over and over again. for some reason be appearing on the cover of my book smiling in a black cocktail dress drove them crazy so i kept doing it.
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my publisher wanted this book to look different. we were thinking of putting the back cover picture on the front because i appear on tv and if you get 0.1% or book sales, i have seen her on tv, let's see what this book is but we decided not to put me on the cover. >> host: do you enjoy book tours? >> guest: i put it a different way. i so prefer the research and writing. so prefer it. part of the reason i have been reading anything this summer. i have to sweeten the horror of a book tour by going out with my friends constantly every night as soon as the first two weeks are over and i take as much of a vacation as i can. >> host: what is it about that book for that drag you down? >> guest: getting up in the morning. having to get on an airplane.
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having to stay in a hotel. that is the main thing. i like talking about my books and this book tour has been unlike every other book tour. maybe unlike all but the first one in that people have talked to me about my book. for all the rest of them some small line, often a joke ripped out of context, the tumor vacuumed out, presented to the american people with angry earnestness and all i do is answer the same question and explain the same jokes for two months and contrary to my position that liberals can't learn i think they finally have learned on the eighth book they won't turn me into david duke and come out looking worse after these campaigns of hate against me. it is more they pretend she doesn't exist approach which has allowed me to talk about the book and that is fine. i didn't realize you had to
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promote a book so i took a two month leave of absence. suddenly my publisher kept setting up radio interviews. i couldn't would get my legal work done and i complained to george will about it and he said what would you be doing if you weren't on radio talking about your book? you would be on the phone talking about your book with your friends. do it so more than one person can hear you. he was right. it is fun to talk about a book you have just written. but getting up in the morning is not fun. having to get on an airplane is not fun. having hair and makeup is great. >> host: this is from the huffington post media on your recent book tour. ann coulter and pearce morgan have awkward conversations. >> guest: you can be gone by the end of the year based on this
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hacking scandal. >> host: what is awkward about it? >> guest: i couldn't answer a question. he seems like a nice fellow but this is the problem in that one interview. he asked me three questions and i answered three questions. with a half-hour interview. that is how many times he interrupted me so i started to answer. i am getting this sentence out if it takes me ten minutes. i got all three answers out for the three questions are was able to answer a 30 minute interview. you can never punch down. you can only punch up. little rules -- you cannot attack people who are being teased you. he has very low ratings and i'm getting a strong sense he is trying to make a name for himself by getting in a tiff
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with me. i am at a disadvantage because it is not an advantage for me to get in a fight with some little watch cable news show. let me get in a fight with katie couric. they don't want to get in fights with me. you punch up, you don't punch down. >> host: pennsylvania, you are on with ann coulter on in depth. >> caller: i want to thank you for your conservative sharing especially on liberal campuses. my question is why aren't we as conservatives touting the benefits of not only fiscal conservative policy like balancing the budget is good for every family and every state but also the social ones. you mentioned the graphic sex education and how much harm it is doing. there are so many social ills linked to sexual behavior especially among our youth
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especially black and minority populations like the number one cause of poverty is single female headed households. blacks have 70% of out of wedlock births so as a percentage of the population have more poverty. the s t d stuff. we gear hiv day and blacks have many more of all spvs linked to sexual behavior. abortion rates. we know that blacks account for 14%. they have over a third. planned parenthood killing over a third black babies and fatherless youth involved in criminal behavior that higher rates. all of this is linked to intact families. why wouldn't the first black president and his wife who have an intact traditional marriage not be -- things like abstinence education and fatherhood initiative. why aren't we making that case?
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michele bachman is the only one who has tied the social issues to the fiscal ones. >> guest: a lot of conservatives do but we certainly don't have any great presence in the mainstream media. i write about single motherhood in my last book guilty which caused a bit of a stir. all i did was fight back. find the statistics on it. that is what i was referring to earlier when i said democrats will take any mob. they will switch from being the patrons of the racist kkk mob to being a patron of welfare receiving blacks and it becomes another racket. look what the democrats have done to the black family. it is a lovely thing. that is more on the theme of my last book guilty about people wanting to be victims in america and it takes a lot of clout to be a victim. but the last thing you want to
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become is the special charge of the left because it lead to heartache and disaster. a lot of people are making this case. it will always be fought against because democrats -- the democratic party needs people who need the government to vote them into office. >> host: michele in nevada, good afternoon. >> caller: i am a long time booktv c-span watcher. thank you for what you do. i would like to ask ann coulter a question. more of a comment kind of. i am curious to know how she feels about any, quote, liberal legislation that has ever been passed, ever, that she might be willing to admit she supports. and her hair is fine and she can leave it alone now. thank you. >> guest: i am going to be tearing my hair back constantly
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now following my own lesson for how to talk to liberal if you must. she probably hates the black dress and me smiling on the cover of my books. thanks for your call. obviously not. you might give an example. didn't you support -- what? >> host: she asked about liberal legislation. >> guest: what liberal legislation the life-support? none. if i supported it it was a liberal. >> host: who is your favorite liberal? >> guest: last time i answered this question it was during mark slander book tour. i went out to dinner with one of my favorite liberals. i saw you on tv today. someone asked for my favorite liberals and i named you, at canal, at the time andrew sullivan. he said you where you cited
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liberals that liberals consider conservative? a lot of them seem to have begun to make the transition. lawrence o'donnell. juan williams. belmar --bill maher. he is funny. >> host: what is your professional relationship with him? >> guest: he introduced me to it -- his first wife. people believe that. the most frequent guest on politically incorrect. we sometimes do debate together. he is quick and funny but he brags about how he doesn't read books and give you get your politics from rolling stone magazine that will not cut it. so much funnier if you read more. >> host: you mentioned you enjoy the research and writing part of a book. 594 end notes at the end of
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"demonic". 594. how do you do your research? where do you right? >> guest: i read and read and read. i tend not to take notes which is why i am looking forward to doing all my research on kindle books. it will be so much faster to find facts. i use post-it notes. no lawyer you will find without post-it notes. we could be at a formal gathering and we will have post-it notes. my books tend to be full of post-it notes but that doesn't help when you are trying to find something cheaper to release specific quote. i do lots of reading and i don't end up using 80% or 90% of the books i read. that gets you to the good books. just for a small example the books i read on groupthink and
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riots and financial panic and so on and so forth. i read all or part of a dozen such books. but gustav lebron is the father of a group think that it is stated so clearly it rings true today. hitler and miss any -- miscellany acknowledged him as the father and expert on groupthink. why bother quoting the other ones? i was cutting quotes out of the other books because i felt i should put in other offers but i realized you are just -- gustav says it all. you have to read a lot of books to know which ones you end up needed it or using or the direction of the book. it is so much fun and you learn so much especially when you talk to your friends about your series on things and argue with them about it and write the case out.
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i wasn't always sure what i preferred, the book tour or the writing. i was writing the last book and asked that question lot. i am so happy right now. i am happy to just keep reading. >> host: is the book for over? >> guest: i will spend the rest of the summer -- it basically is. big book signing in san francisco, san francisco young republicans meeting in a phone booth. is so exciting. there are a few things like that. it isn't the intensity of the early morning tv shows anymore. i like talking about public affairs and affecting the public debate but it tends to be they are interviewing me on something else and flash up a picture of the book. this will be the last in-depth interview i will have on the book. >> host: when you go to san francisco for canada do you
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worry about security? >> guest: we didn't. my friends used to come to college speeches with me and they would tell me they wanted to come because conservative girls are the best looking girls in the audience and that is why they come but for years they were warning me you can't go out in the crowd and sign books like that. it is like a mosh pit. they have been warning me for years and eight years ago at university of arizona two boys ran at me from the audience because they like girls and got their faces smashed because we did have an audience and i said that the man the audience got them and one ended up with a broken collarbone. i found out from an fbi agent college republican girls get these guys so from that moment on from college speeches at big public events i will have a bodyguard with me. most of the time i don't.
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you never know. this gave me the idea for this book. most people don't know unless they personally know me what it is like to be a publicly recognized conservative. we never talk about it because you don't want to inspire copycats and you don't want to sound like a pussy like paul krugman whining about his nails. no conservative will ever physically attacked a conservative. it happens to conservative public figures all the time. it does change your behavior a little but not most of the time. bodyguards keeping an eye on you right now. >> host: where do you do your writing? >> guest: in my bed. by computer, computer, computer. i use my computer so much it is kind of embarrassing. at the end when you get your copy back and you are writing the changes for the end, the last two versions you right in
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the changes i was used to riding on my computer and i had written a lot. i cut half of this book because i wanted to get it down to the really crucial part but once i figured out everything that explains liberals i could stop writing. i am writing my copy editing by hand and i am expecting as i start work for just automatically change on this piece of paper. very frustrating i had to look up how to spell a word. >> host: what about your columns? .. to look up how to spell words. >> host: what about your columns? do you write those every day? >> guest: once a week. there's a lot of research that goes into those columns. >> host: mike, new york city. you're on with ann coulter. >> caller: yeah, hi, ann. good afternoon. i was wondering, if obama gets tossed into the garbage where he belongs, what do you think that would do for our credit rating, and also what would it do for our 14 trillion in debt? and by the way, your pictures on your books are outstanding.
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>> guest: thank you. the last three, i think, were particularly good. that's the same photographer, so i'm sticking with her. though they're all fine. no, i mean, repealing obamacare for one thing, i think it would help the jobs situation. anyone who knows anyone who runs a small business, and i know many, they're not hiring, they're downsizing, they're often going out of business. you keep hearing this cliche about how, well, businessmen just want certainty. it's the uncertainty that makes everyone afraid to act. there's some element of truth, but, no, obamacare is certain. you're going to have to pay an enormous amount for every employee you hire. will that help jobs? no, that is certain, and it is very bad. what you need is less government. what you need are fewer regulations. what you need is not to have osha and the epa calling every puddle a wetland and endless forms to be filling out. that's what you need to get the economy going.
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once the economy is going, the revenues will increase. and, boy, we need to lay off a lot of government employees. it just becomes this, this self-generating system where government employees vote for the democrats, and democrats create jobs for more government employees. i mean, the democrats aren't the party of the poor and disadvantaged. no, they are the party of the government workers who manage the poor. >> host: recent tweet by ann coulter, i took christie's inhaler away until he promised to run in 2012. what is it about chris christie? is. >> guest: that was the day he went into the hospital. i just wanted to calm everyone down. [laughter] don't worry, it was just me. i think he is an amazing politician like -- i don't want to exaggerate this, but i haven't felt this way about a politician since ronald reagan. i was very young then and, wow, he was inspiring. and every once in a while you come along, and a politician speaks the truth in a way no
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other politician had the courage to do. chris christie did that, ronald reagan did that so much bolder and without apology, the way ronald reagan talked about the soviet union and the evil empire. chris christie talks about the government unions and the teachers' unions that way. and i don't even think ronald reagan would have talked about teachers' unions the way christy does. no republican could talk about these government employees working for a failed system, by the way, without spending 20 minutes weeping about some schoolteacher they had once. not chris christie. and amazingly, the people like it. and he inspires others like scott walker. >> host: arnold is in smyrna, tennessee. you're on with ann coulter. >> caller: hello. how you doing, ann? >> guest: fine, thank you. >> caller: yes. um, i have a couple of questions, but first i have an invitation for you. um, i would like to invite you to go to my web site.
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it's love god is, or you can read and download for free a book that i co-authored, and the c in co is capitalized. and the title of the book is define 9/11 inter-- divine 9/11 intervention. i think you'll find it interesting, especially pages -- excuse me, i stutter. pages 31 and 32. >> host: all right, arnold. >> caller: here's the question. >> host: great. go ahead. >> caller: yes. are you familiar with what the bible says about liberals, you know, specifically what is in isaiah 32? >> host: arnold, what are you referring to? >> caller: a verse in the king james bible that talks about liberals. and if you'd like me to read it, you know, i could. >> host: does it use the word "liberals"? >> guest: no, it uses satan.
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demonic. >> host: very quickly, arnold, if you would read it. >> caller: okay. this is from isaiah 32, 4-9. the heart of the rash shall also understand knowledge, and can the tongue of the stammerers shall be ready to speak plainly. verse five, the vile person shall no more be called liberal, for the vile person will speak villainy, and his heart will work -- excuse me -- iniquity to practice hypocrisy to make empty the soul of the hungry, and he will cause the drink of the thirsty to fail. >> host: all right, arnold, why is that important to you very quickly? >> caller: because the bible says, you know, the king james bible does speak about liberals, and it says nothing but good things about liberals. >> host: ann coulter. >> guest: i think my stuff is more accurate. [laughter]
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the bible speaks about liberals in the verse i cite. >> host: all eight of your books about liberals, is that fair to say? >> guest: um, yes. i mean, the first book was on the grounds for impeachment of bill clinton. slander on the various ways liberals lie. yeah, the rest are about liberals. actually, the one -- the column book, how to talk to a liberal if you must, that covers everything under the sun including dating tips in washington. >> host: "slander," treason, god less, guilty, demonic, are those fighting words? >> guest: zip by titles, aren't they? [laughter] like i said, i was thinking of calling this book "legion" or "my name is legion." but a small slice of christians would understand what i was talking about and, yeah, i want people to read my books. i put a lot of work in them, i think you'll learn things, i think you'll sigh the world in
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a -- see the world in a different way so, yeah, we give them zippy titles. we put me on the cover in the black cocktail dress usually because it annoys liberals. >> host: from if democrats had any brains, they'd be republicans? could be the best of ann coulter according according to you? >> guest: it's more of a quote book, yeah. >> host: here's one quote: >> host: steven in south jordan, utah, you're on "in depth." good afternoon. >> caller: hi, ann. i'd like to thank you for all that you've done. i don't really have a question, but i have some comments about religion between the conservative and the liberals. there are principles, conservative principles that have applied and acted upon that are conduct today the social, spiritual and economic well being of individuals as well as
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nations. and these principles came from god himself, and they formed a foundation of civilized society, and they're commonly referred to as the ten commandment pes. what the liberals have done in probably the last 50 years is turn these into the ten inconvenient truths. and you can go back to lyndon johnson's great society, his welfare program. he turned honor thy father and mother into honor thai mother and big government. and we can see what that's done to the black families and a lot of families. i don't know, have you ever read the keynote address given by obama? >> guest: um, no, but i think you need to read my book, "godless," where this point is made more pithily, i think. that is not an inconvenient truth. no, the platform of the democratic party is breaking each one of the ten commandments one by one by one. thou shalt not murder. what is the most important issue to the democratic party?
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yes, that's right, abortion. sticking a fork in the head of little babies sleeping peacefully in their mothers' wombs. thousand shalt not steal, their entire tax policy is to generate class envy and steal money, redistribute worth. certainly put no gods before me, they put every god before the real god. um, i don't think there's a living liberal who wouldn't give up his eternal soul to attend the carters' "vanity fair" party to be cited favorably in in the "new york times." the worshiping of idols is sport for, it's more than sport. it is religion of the left. their religion is breaking each one of the ten commandments one by one. >> host: and from "godless" you write: these pro-choicers treat abortion the way muslims treat mohamed. it's so sacred, it must not be
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mentioned. the only other practice that was both defended and unspeakable in america like this was slavery. >> guest: uh-huh. that's true. and interestingly, even, um, even in places where slavery was accepted, and it wasn't in many parts of the world, people would not let their children play with slave traders the way i imagine people wouldn't today let their kids -- it's one thing to say, oh, i'm pro-choice and let a woman decide. it's a different thing to let your kids play with a child of a local abortionist of which there are not very many. it's a repellant practice. but it is peculiar that they'd elevate this and pretend it's a constitutional right, and yet we can't use the word. you don't have, you know, gun rights groups refusing to use the word "gun." it shows you what a hideous thing it is and what a hideous thing they know it is. >> host: now, another recent tweet from ann coulter, why doesn't barack obama tape the same speech and have them run it every night?
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new berlin, wisconsin, you're on. >> caller: okay. good afternoon, ann. it's wonderful to talk to you. i just finished, i have finished reading your book, and be i love it. >> guest: thank you. >> caller: and, basically, i'm here from the home of joe mccarthy, scott walker, paul ryan and also bass teague days -- bastille days. i just read your book at that time. i asked people why are we celebrating bastille days? so we had a lot of fun with that. but i want to know one of my main questions, because i do watch all this back and forth and all this stuff. so many times that if we would just follow our constitution, we wouldn't be in this mess. and one of these main things is article i, section 11 of the constitution. you know, basically, all the powers are vested in congress. they are not vested in the bureaucrats. they are not vest candidated. and what are we going to do, to me, to bring back that and make people understand? to get our power back for we,
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the people -- >> guest: i'm so glad you ask. um, no, this is, this is a very important point. democrat policies are so unpopular that democrats have had to stop promoting them themselves. releasing violent and, you know, child molesting, murdering criminals, for example. so instead they just nominate judges and then assure us that the judges are very moderate and centrist, and they get up to the supreme court and suddenly discover, look, in this 2 200-year-old document, we found one. there's a right to gay marriage and abortion, and we must release 36,000 criminals from the california prisons. a recent united states supreme court ruling, by the way. so now they get the courts to do their dirty work for them and tell us it's a constitutional right. and i think the only way to rein this in, i mean, obviously, we have the method we've been trying for the last 20 years, quarter century, elect a republican president, um, wait for vacancies on the supreme
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court, get a supreme court nominee who doesn't hallucinate when reading the constitution. um, that really didn't work out so well. we had three, you know, three republican appointees -- sandra day o'connor, david hackett souder, justice kennedy who all voted to uphold the heart of roe v. wade though not the reice holding. as and ally ya said, i don't know how that's fouling precedent. -- following precedent. in any event, we need to get five at large supreme court justices. this is one of my plans, just for a laugh to start engaging in if conservative activism and to hallucinate the sort of rights equivalent to the rights being hallucinated by the liberal justices so that we'll suddenly have a right to a flat tax, we'll have a right to own a rocket-propelled grenade, we'll have a right to free champagne for blonds. um, all kinds of fantastic
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rights i can think of. oh, i think we'll declare the withholding tax unconstitutional. and then our justices can all admit it was just a joke because liberals can never understand how heinous their policies are until it's done to them. and the alternative plan to, i can state much more quickly, we need a conservative, a republican executive to say in response to an insane supreme court ruling, for example, some of the guantanamo rulings under president bush, um, i wish he had just said thank you for your opinion, the constitution makes me the commander in this chief. i am not, i am not giving, you know, special constitutional rights to terrorists grabbed on a battlefield as happened at guantanamo. thanks, supreme court. >> host: first a tweet and then an e-mail. the tweet by scott wagner: i like the way she flings her hair, can she sell a dvd of that while she reads "demonic"? that's the tweet. e-mail, tim johnson. ms. coulter lays it on the line,
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and all who disagree are, in her words, stupid and demonic. >> guest: um, no. some are misguided. mostly i think it is the worshiping of false idols, however. i think it is this desire to be considered cool and in and be not have to think about anything. >> host: her public appearances are an avalanche of gnarl words, and if serious conservatives want to be taken seriously, the first thing they have to do is distance themselves from the likes of glenn beck, rush limbaugh, grover norquist and ann coulter. >> guest: well, i don't know about the other guys, but i would say not at all for me. [laughter] snarl words. i mean, this is like what i said about joe mccarthy. what's your point? what are you disagreeing with? what's the snarl world? was i think that was not -- because i think that was not all sweetness and nights in that e-mail. [laughter] but this is how liberals avoid talking about the issues.
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i mean, that was the theme of "slander" that they anat metize us. racists, sexist, ugly, mean. don't listen to this person, don't read this american. danger, danger. well, if you could argue with us on our ideas, i think you'd do so. and if we were despicable and harm? ing, i don't think we'd have -- snarling i don't think we'd have so many fans. ..
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when i was in the eighth grade. >> guest: you are ah fine a american and will go far. [laughter] >> caller: two questions though> number one, is it true that your mother is actually from paducah, kentucky? >> guest: why, yes, she is. i was almost down there a couple of weeks ago. we had the family reunion, but was kind of busy with the book. >> caller: that's great. when i heard that, i was so excited. i live in lexington now, but, yeah, great conservatives in paducah. i haven't been able to make it to any of your book tours, and you really made a huge impression on me just in terms of just your christian faith and just kind of telling things like it is, so i've really been wanting an autograph of my book, "demonic," and i can't figure out how to send it to you or -- >> guest: i'm sure you can get it to me through the phillips foundation. >> host: what's the phillips to foundation? >> guest: tom phillips, who is the owner, he's bought upat
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regneriy books, various other publications."h but he gives out these -- anderi it's very impressive that youtin won this award -- for young journalists. f i guess it's called the reagan awards. and there are submissions, and there are judges. reagan award. i haven't been judge. i'm aware of the various winners and tom phillips, so he oversees this whole complex which i'm a small part. you can definitely get the book to me through the phillips foundation. >> host: next call for ann coulter comes from new york city. hi, mike. >> caller: hello. good afternoon to all of you. i would, like to talk about the recent act of white terrorism in norway. initially this is described by people on the right as muslim terrorism, which was incorrect. then it was described by people on the left as
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christian terrorism. which is also incorrect. the only way this could have been described is that and drers breivik, is a white racist terrorist who committed an act of white terrorism in a worldwide system of white supremacy. forget christianity. forget right-wing. for get left-wing. that is the only way this should be looked at. and to do so any other way is, incorrect. >> guest: i agree with part of that. and as luck would have it, i read his mannyfesto. not all of it. it gets a little representative so you can skim right through some parts -- repetitive. i'm unaware of any conservatives who blamed it on islamic terrorism. we didn't know what it was.
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by the time we heard what happened he was being described in "the new york times" headlines as christian fundamentalist. gun-toting, fox news-viewing i believe. and his mannyfesto makes clear as the caller said, he isn't a christian. he uses the word christian to mean, nonislamic. it is not specifically, i don't know, black, hispanics, brown people. no, it is muslims he does not like. that's it. and yes it was very anti-muslim. he talks how he wants the jews and buddhists and all the people of europe to join with him to fight against the islam maization of europe. that is his big thing. whether or not that is connected to the insanity on some molecular level i don't know but for "the new york times" to describe him as a christian fundamentalist was an outrageous slander. something we've come to expect from the "new york times.". >> host: in the a recent column by you on ann
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"new york times" kills dozens in norway. >> guest: that is about him. i cites "the new york times" in his manifesto. >> host: pinch salzberger "new york times", without him, "slander" it could not have been written without his help. >> guest: oh that is in the acknowledgement. >> host: acknowledgement. >> guest: the book is dedicated to robert jones. >> sorry. >> guest: my headcations, i -- dedications i take seriously. but acknowledgements, they're always --. >> host: finally with sincere thanks to the pinch salzberger of entire staff of "new york times" without whom this book would not have been possible. >> guest: it is true. >> host: why? >> guest: because "the new york times" is the moser you -- most erudite of liberal authority in america. i'm their most loyal reader
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and most voracious reader. i was offered to cut ads for "the new york times." when they're good it is really great. it drives you crazy when their bias gets in and gets in throughout the front page and op-ed page and editorial page. when there has been some major news story that doesn't have a political component, nobody does it better than "the new york times" and that's, the good part of it. the bad part of it is, this obsession with blaming everything, everything on the christians while holding, you know, muslims innocent. in that column, from a couple of weeks ago on the norwegian shooter, who did "the new york times" described as christian fundamentalist. he says he doesn't believe in god. forget which brand of religion it is, he doesn't believe in god. he talks about, quote, christian agnostics and christian atheists and welcome to join the anti-islamic campaign. that is culturally european.
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that is what he means when he says christian. i compared "new york times" coverage of this guy who they leaped to the conclusion of calling a christian without having glanced at his manifesto to find out he doesn't believe in any god sitting around reading the in seven articles on nexus the guy's name who is accused shooting, major hasan, i put in nexus, hasan and fort hood. found seven art cycles of "the new york times." only one used word muslim one year after the shooting after the cat was out of the bag. >> host: from how to talk to a liberal if you must. here is a traitor. you write during my recent book tour, this is from 2003, during my recent book tour i resisted persistent, illiterate request that i name traitors. with a great deal of charity and suspension of disbelief i was willing to concede many liberals were merely famous idiots. in addition i was loathe to
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name names. >> guest: fatous. >> host: i'm sorry? >> guest: fatous. >> host: you're right. what did i i say? >> guest: famous. >> host: fame mouse i'm sorry. i need to put glasses on. liberals would start jumping out of the windows but after the "times" despicable editorial on the two-year anniversary 9/11 attack, i'm able to name a traitor, pinch salzberger publisher of "new york times." don, from --. >> guest: can i say why? >> host: certainly. >> guest: i have not read the book recently. fortunately i wrote it i remembered it was fatous, rather than famous. i dimly recall what that editorial was. it was comparing the attack of 9-11, to an american attack on, i think it was a chilean embassy. but the time of the piece, that also 457ed to be happened to be on 9/11 but the theme of piece america
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dei served it. you've gone around. americans invading other countries, fooling around with other national governments. and now you dare campaign when -- complain when your buildings are knocked down. is this an american newspaper? >> host: next call for ann coulter, comes from don in sheraton, wyoming. don, you're on the air. >> caller: morning, ann. listen i was wondering if you see any similarities between our government currently in its actions and nero burning when rome was burning more or less? >> guest: i love the image. it does seem a little tone deaf to me when so many people are unemployed. the unemployment rate has been persistently above 9%. someone, who knows better than i, told me recently that for obama to get the unemployment rate below 8% by the next election, they would have to add more than 200,000 jobs a month.
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well it was 18,000 last month. and meanwhile, the dancing barefoot in the rose garden, listening to hip-hop, flying around the country and apparently playing a lot of golf is a big part of obama's economic recovery plan. but, you know, on the other hand, i certificate sort of like to have them dancing in the rose garden and playing golf. at least they're not socializing anything when he is off playing golf. if he applies anymore of his brilliance to the economy we'll all be on bread lines. >> tweet from glen. when is your book on national debt coming? you can call it, "broke". >> guest: i think that is too small a subject for me. i like the big themes. >> host: even though you just finished with the "demonic" are you researching your next? >> not yet. >> host: every two years or so you come out with one? >> guest: yes. >> host: "demonic" was six months late i think you wrote?
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>> guest: yes, it was. yes it was, because like i say, once i figure them out i keep writing and writing and writing. and i don't know, i don't really have an idea right now. i wait and see how things develop. >> host: what does crown forum do when you're six months late on your book? >> guest: they're very, very, nice to me. considering what i have put them all through. but they know i will always get it in. and you know, i forget it, it's like, it is my own personal writers amnesia. every time i'm late i'm hysterical and frantic and telling my friends it was due a month ago. i can't talk to you. and they all say to me, but you do this with every book, ann? why are you hysterical this time? it will be turned in. >> host: who is peter tiel, you dedicate it to. >> guest: yes the most anti-group think person than myself. he may be even more than i am.
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and, we're friends and he gave me a lot of pointers on this book because he is so hate groups think. something he sort of mulled over. every time we have dinner or lunch, some of his ideas were fantastic. he told me to read, "the ruin of cash" which is probably a book notes viewers thought was fascinating. i think they liked it as new york review of books and one of the most unsufferable books i ever read. he complained to peter about that one. he had me read the possessed. it was a fantastic book and i enjoyed it. i was a at first resentful because it is not a short book. i knew there was one tiny little point from the book he told me to used and e-mailed to myself, possessed. i put it off. what was i looking for in that book again. he said, i don't remember. i had to read the whole book to get to, there were a few
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points. some of that i also took out of the book toward the end. like i say i wanted it streamlined, sweet, to the point, short chappers, appealing to the twitter generation here. >> host: another tweet that you recently sent out, conclusive proof bin lauden is dead, he is now registered to vote in cook county. elephant butte, new mexico, dan, you're on the air. >> caller: hi, ann. ann, being the brilliant and articulate conservative that you are, you're clearly a freak of nature and, i mean that as a compliment of course. >> guest: you better, coming from elephant butte. if you're not a fan, this country is in trouble. >> caller: yes, i am. a big one. do liberals generally belief what they say and do, or do they say and do it simply for the purpose of achieving
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power on the backs of the unwashed masses? >> guest: that is the eternal question of life. are liberals evil or are they just stupid? i mean the beautiful example of this is the, every single elected democrat vowing to save social security. that is a lie. it can't be done, not in its present form. obama's own treasury secretary, tim geithner, says that in under ten years, in a report he issued last year, in under ten years, social security, medicare, medicaid and is servicing the interest on the national debt will consume 92 cents of every federal dollar. that leaves eight cents for national defense to pay congressional salaries, smithsonian, food inspectors and so on and so forth. the entitlements programs can not be saved in their current forms. when fdr introduced
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social security the average lifespan after man was i think about 64. a woman was about 66. we nag you to death. that's why you die sooner. now the average lifespan is 90 years. raise the age to the way it was as, to begin with. so for democrats, i do not believe there is one elected democrat who has admitted this. that is just a lie. they aren't, even, well, maybe debbie wasserman schultz is that stupid but the rest of them are not that stupid to believe they can save social security. there will be changes one way or another. >> host: what role does humor play in your writing? >> guest: for one thing it makes it a lot easier for me to he had it later. well, because i have to read this stuff. like a book, ten times, a column, 50 times, before i hit the send button. and it is a lot more fun to read it over and over again if i'm amusing myself. >> host: ann coulter, eight books.
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here they are. high crimes and misdemeanors, 1998. slander, 2002, treason, 2003, how to take to a liberal, if you must, 2004. godless, in 2006. if democrats had any brains they would be republicans, 2007. guilty, and in 2008, and her most recent is "demonic", about liberal mobs. came out in 2011. recently, ann coulter, hosted or was invited to a book party at the heritage foundation where she signed books and we want to show you a little bit about this. and then we'll be back. >> thank you for everything we do. >> guest: is this for you? >> this is for my parents. >> they each get one. read it at at the same time. fantastic. you're a genius. otherwise there could be a fight over the book. >> thank you. >> lynn, l, y, n, n.
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>> i have a question for you. you speak about your mother from kentucky. i'm from kent tuck. >> you are? from where? >> paducah. >> paducah. >> i may be back there next month in a family reunion. >> thank you, again. >> hello. nice to meet you. nice to meet you. l, p. nic -- nicole. >> wait. to nicole. i thought you were saying lieutenant. >> no. >> [inaudible]. >> you have nice script. >> unfortunately my write something like chicken scratch even when concentrating. >> thank you. >> good luck. >> hello.
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>> tom ryan. >> nice to meet you, tom. what a fantastic thought. >> it is fantastic. >> you want this for patrick? >> no, no. for him. >> sorry. >> the last name i hear. >> [inaudible]. >> both my parents. >> one quarter. >> one quarter? i have to give it to you. i have a pair for you and pair for someone you love. >> that's very flies. >> i'm from brook lynn. >> it is irish catholic in me. nice to meet you. >> i'm working at -- want to thank you for your -- on wmao. when i stuck in traffic you're a great distraction from all the stress. >> i'm glad to hear it.
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>> this is for my father. for father's day. >> sidney. >> yes. >> he will be so happy. >> perfect gift. >> i know. that's what we always put my books out before father's day. >> thank you. >> here are the nonfiction best-sellers as of july 28th according to indy spayed, on line community for independent booksellers. mr. larson was recently on "booktv". you wan watch the program online at "booktv".org. coming in third, unbroken by laura hillenbrand. followed by david mcullough's book, the greater journey, americans in paris. tina fey's bossypants.
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jaycee dugard recounts, 18 years in captivity, a stolen life. number seven, nothing daunted. howard wasdin seal team six is number 8. lost in shangri-la at number nine. completing the list this week is reckless endangerment. how outsized ambition, greed, corruption led to economic arm ma get son. you can watch the authors present this book at for this information and other best-selling books go to here's a look at some upcoming book fairs and festivals over the next few months. on september 2nd, decatur, georgia, hosts the "atlanta journal-constitution" book festival. the brooklyn book vest al
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begins on september 15th. it includes curt anderson, paul bergman and walter mostly. the baltimore book festival starts september 23rd. also on the 23rd, st. augustine, florida, will host the florida heritage book festival. tell us about book fairs and festivals in your area. we'll add them to our list. e-mail, ♪ .
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>> host: ann coulter, who is pg wod house. and why is he a influence for you. >> i'm reading him this summer. i have to sweeten the book tour, going out with my friend, constantly, which is why l.a., by the way is a fantastic place to be on book tour. i usually go there two weeks after the book comes out. with the time change, i'm done at 7:00 every night. in any event. pg woodhouse is very fun any british writer. i read all of his books once, at least twice. they put you in a great mood. they he is very funny. >> host: one of your favorite authors. joe sobran. >> guest: yes and a friend of mine. he passed away, i remember i found out i was out in l.a.. >> host: about a year or so ago. >> guest: about a year. a little more than a year ago. in fact i think i was
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writing the gustav labond section. i remember that. that's how i date things. would have been sometime fall of last year. anyway, he like thomas sowell, another one of my favorite writers they're spare, elegant writers. and, joe sobran, perhaps even more than peter teal did not subscribe to group think. something i admire. we all find one another. although i didn't always agree with all of the nongroup think positions, peter tiel, incidentally, he is just started evidence of his anti-group think passion. really down on colleges. he thinks they're a waste of time and waist of money and he compares the college boom, all the money spent on college tuition same way people spent money on homes. yes, it is a huge mortgage,
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you're paying next 30 years and it is investment. people say the same thing about colleges. he just introduced, i think, ten, 15, 20, scholarships, a couple $100,000 i believe, for someone who will drop out of college and start some entrepreneural idea. and, i hope i'm not completely ruining his interview process now but one of the questions he asks is, what is something you believe that most, to be true that most people do not believe is true? i can spend the next six hours answering that question. joe could have spent 20 hours answering that question. >> host: greatest influences. your parents, your brothers, and jesus. not necessarily in that order. >> guest: [laughter] correct, correct. i had a very pleasant, happy childhood. and the absence of any traumatic events that would turn me into a liberal.
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>> host: and how would you rerank that order? >> guest: well, obviously jesus has to be number one. and it's hard to remember, it's hard to remember that when you did have great parents and great christian parents and great christian brothers. they're both older than i was. they're very influential. ultimately all you have is god. god did give me those parents and those brothers, but it's, when you realize what god has done for you, there is nothing this world can do to you. you have absolutely no fear. and there is no point in having principles, there's no point in being right if you don't have the courage to say it because you're afraid of what other people are going to say. why i think by the way liberals are more susceptible to mob behavior because as, i think is well-established in polling, conservatives believe overwhelmingly in god. liberals do not.
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we have a vertical relationship. we care about what god thinks we're doing. if everyone around us is mad at us and hates us and calls us mean, which i do not think should be part of public discourse, just a little side note on that. we're debating politics. don't call me mean. whereas with liberals, if you don't, if you don't have the vertical relationship, then it becomes extremely important to you what people horizontally around you, think of you. so i mean, just being able to be a christian and go out and act in the world and separate yourself from the rest of the world and not accept what the rest of the world says is moral or right, just because everybody else is doing it. that's obviously extremely important. >> host: well, we have the e-mail from eric in durham, north carolina. ann coulter, as a liberal i will freely admit that many public figures admired by other liberals, michael moore, bill maher, et cetera, are essentially entertainers
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play fast and loose with the fact and of using satire instead of substance. we listen to them at our own peril. having read or is listen god many of your books i feel the same definition applies to you. >> guest: i do not believe you have read my books from south carolina. >> host: north carolina. >> guest: whatever. i think that e-mail is from john edwards. no one who has read one of my books could say that. >> host: why? >> guest: the end, love ann. >> host: why do you say that? >> guest: because they are heavily researched. even, in the one weekday review i got from "the new york times" and i did love this quote, the reviewer said, it is invective backed up with footnotes. look, you can disagree with me, and oh, by the way, i will just voluntarily there were two mistakes in "demonic". i found them. no one else did. i usually count media matters to do the last fact
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check week book comes out. i no one found them. i found them. which is why your eye goes over it. one for example, richard nixon pushing through the philadelphia plan and i said he did it in 1968. that was the year he elected. can't be 1968. john kerry claiming i was sent to cambodia by president nixon in 1968. 20 years, no journalist noticed it. i noticed it before the book came out but too late to change it. subsequent editions it will be changed. liberals spend their lives to find a grave factual error by ann coulter. i believe their crowning achievement is from my second book, which did have to be put out quickly no one would publish it. >> host: slander if? >> guest: once we had a publish i want to come out immediately. and that leaves a little less time for fact-checking. in any event i was writing about the snobbery of the left and, basically how liberals in new york, how
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parochial and cocooned they are and they view the entire south as a sort of english-speaking saudi arabia. and how they reported on nascar driver's death. i said it wasn't reported on the front page. and article on it began, the article by "the new york times" i was referring to obviously did begin this way. his death brought a soil lens to the walmart. -- silence. screw you, "new york times." okay they did mention his death the next day. there have been broadway plays written by about ann's one error in eight books. >> host: as a denizen of new york city and went to school in new canaan, connecticut, do you write from an east coast perspective? >> guest: i have found, which is why i'm really looking forward to san francisco and my meeting with the young republicans in the phone boot on -- booth and august 22nd,
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meeting on college campus, i really like conservatives in blue states. we are gideon's army or the rebel force in north korea. where as you go to a nice state, mississippi, texas, they don't know what we're so upset about. no, we live and mingle with liberals. we're full of anger. >> host: from slander, all conceivable evidence supports the theory that liberal system a whimsical luxury of the very rich and the very poor. both of whom have little stake in society. talk about that last part. >> guest: it's something have noticed. i say, i have a very strong sense of where a conservatives are because they come up to me wherever i am. i can divide up the neighborhoods of new york, you know, friendly, safe, dangerous, mixed. and it's been interesting to me that by and large, the
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upper east side, although very liberal, they are liberals who have a stake in society. they have expensive apartments on 5th avenue. they have children. they don't want to die. and, besides just being genteel polite people, they're often, though they may vote democrat, they're often very friendly to me. it tends to be people who don't have a stake in society. look at george soros. he can go any place. he is a citizen of the world. he has enough money it doesn't matter to him. is even an american? he keeps his money in the cayman islands. to most people, most people born in america or who are american citizens, being an american is something very important to us. it gives us privileges and rights. to say you're an american citizen. when you have more money than midas, what difference does it make? national borders mean nothing to you. you don't care if america
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stands or falls. >> host: what about the very poor? >> guest: same thing. as long as they get their welfare checks. >> host: tom, in freehold, new jersey, this is "booktv"'s in depth program. this month, best-selling author ann coulter is our guest. go ahead, tom. >> caller: good afternoon. ann, i'm going to preface my remarks saying i'm a conservative republican. so i guess you realize i'm going to disagree with something you said. >> guest: you know my rule? i always say when people call in to c-span, announce, i've been a lifelong republican, you know you're about to get a speech written in moscow? >>. >> caller: never visited moskow. just freehold. a lot of republicans here. anyway, governor christie, ann, i've lived a long time. i have found that real, lasting change, real transformational change only happens when you do not only the right things, but you do testimony this the right way. process is important. >> guest: i agree. >> caller: look at any court
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system, look all the laws overturned by courts. >> guest: look where republicans did with the debt ceiling. i agree. >> caller: now on to governor christie. you know he hasn't really addressed any of the root causes of what the tax problems mr. in new jersey. i also have to say i'm a conservative republic canned a teacher. and i can tell you that after 15 years of teaching, i'm making the grand total sum of $60,000. now, what he's done, is, he's basically demonized a group of people, who are very hard-working people and, had he done it and really affected lasting change i would say, well, maybe that is the price you pay. >> guest: i think, first of all, just as a general point on chris christie, i think he has definitely addressed the root cause of what's going on here. he is taken a chainsaw to
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new jersey's budget. and new jersey, illinois, and california were the states that were about, we were about to try to have to sell to mexico. they're utterly bankrupt. they're going under. they are the states that are the equivalent of greece right now. and chris christie came in and cut so much money, so much money in a state that's a very tough state for a republican so much to get elected in, much less a pro-life republican like chris christie. i'm sure you're a fine fellow, and i highly approve of conservative public school teachers. i'm always telling college republicans. not to go to law school but become a public school teacher because it benefits us fantastic. it is not income over the course of a year. having benefits of medical care paid for. you know how most people pay medical care? they buy their own health insurance. though buy their own doctors or medical services. you have summers off. you're done at 2:00.
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you get a pension. i don't know anybody who get as pension other than government workers. to be able to retire at age 55 and receive 90% of the your highest earning year. forget about teachers, for a moment. i say the same thing about what is it, i think it is new jersey highway patrolmen. they have to work a surprisingly short number of years and retire at 90% pensions. that is a fantastic deal. it is also a reason income taxes aren't as important to government workers as they are to those of us who only get paid in the years we work. so we get more in the years we're working but you will get paid for another 40 years in the years you are not working. government service is a big problem. there is a reason government workers are paid more on average. they nongovernment workers both at state level, over well mingly at federal level. you work hard. so do people who aren't working for government. that is a problem. to have any politician, i
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can say that, i'm not standing for election, to have any politician speak honestly about it, is something so earth shattering, as to make me say we have to make this man president. >> guest:. >> host: from, if democrats had any brangsz they would be republicans, we need liberal talk radio shows to keep the tinfoil hat types busy while we run the country. deepak a advertise the middle east and secure our borders that is speech from indiana university in 2006, that ann coulter made. this tweet comes in from susan. how about we all resist the use of christian, muslim and or jewish as labels for terrorists and criminals? >> guest: well, when the terrorists are operating because they believe they are on a religious mission, when they're shouting "allahu akbar!" as they are flying planes into the world trade center, shooting up fort hood, then i think we have, what's known as a
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muslim terrorist. and we've had an awful lot of terrorism from people who think they are fulfilling allah's will. by slaughtering infidels and to stick your head in the sand and say that is not islamic terrorism will not make us safer. will certainly not make us safer to mayor michael bloomberg of new york and blame the car bomb in times square on tea partiers upset about health care and oh surprise. it was muslim terrorist. >> host: somebody tuned in a little later on the start of the program, have you been taught in public school? >> guest: i have attended public schools. my chrant is i wasn't taught. >> host: gordon in arlington, virginia, go ahead for with your question for ann coulter. >> caller: thank you for having me on. i want to thank ann for beingable. >> guest: thank you. >> caller: couple questions if i can? suppose you run for public office in the future? >> guest: oh, no, no,.
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>> caller: do you think this recent budget battle has done more to help republicans or hurt us? do you suppose our country could use more of that type of tactic to change the way washington does what they do? >> guest: yes, i'm so proud of our republicans. i think they did a magnificent job. i mean as we all know, the mainstream media is not a friends to the republican party but instead of sitting around complaining about it, which think is useful to obviously point it out when it happens, still what elected politicians and elected republicans need to do accept that. that is the mountain you have to get across. now what do you do? i think that the republicans did that absolutely brilliantly. republicans controlling one half of one branch of government being blamed for everything. the debt ceiling doesn't get raised we're going to default. republicans fault. country goes bankrupt. republicans, republicans. how about the president? did he have some role? how about the united states senate?
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that illustrious body, don't they have something to do. even though the mainstream media kept blaming gridlock on the republicans in one branch of congress, or one half of congress, rather, what the republicans, they kept passing bill after bill. we'll compromise a little more but we'll not raise the debt ceiling unless we get some promise of budget cuts. and i think it became, they did it so often that even people who don't pay attention to politics, those are the ones that are the most influenced by the mainstream media, even they had to know, i keep hearing about boehner bills, where is the obama bill? where is the harry reid bill? three weeks before the debt ceiling compromise, was passed, i mean you could go back and look it up on nexus. everyone assumed there would be tax hikes plus spending cuts. that's what everyone said. they will split the baby. there will be tax hikes and spending cuts. we got the debt ceiling raised with only spending cuts. that is huge victory when we
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don't have the presidency and we don't have the united states senate. >> host: dear ms. colter, mitchell writes to you, given there have been many atheist and agnostic libertarian thinkers, most notably milton friedman and ayn rand, do you think there is necessarily a contradiction between being a nonbeliever and a libertarian? >> guest: a lot of libertarians are godless. and although i can't say in particular cases of milton friedman and ayn rand's, that they were cowards, that is generally my complaint with libertarians. what have libertarians accomplished politically? not that much. it's usually a way to avoid the hot-button issues. by the way, i'm always
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taunting libertarians, i am more libertarian than they are. they have just want to legalize pot. if they stop talking about legalizing pot all the time i would have more sympathy. they bring up legalizing pot to get liberals to like them. perhaps it isn't coincidence that many rank-and-file libertarians are godless because they're cowards. believing in god does not apply you to be a coward. >> host: tweet into you, .. mentions soros with no mention of rupert murdoch. why? >> well, for one thing, rupert murdoch's publishing firm killed my second book, harpercollins. "new york post", "wall street journal" have never published me. i have never worked for fox news. don't tell me rupert murdoch is the savior of conservatives in america. i hear he puts on, he does some great media and, i enjoy consuming it but, he is also not, you know he
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only recently become a nationalized american, right? he like soros, born in another country. that is usually the, people, actually involved in day-to-day politics who are liberals have foreign accents. and i would and i would recommend they stay a few generations. rupert murdoch is putting out media that people manifestly want to read which is why fox news readings are through the roof. i don't work for them but i like appearing in their network and their ratings are twice what cnn and msn b.c.. it has higher ratings than cnn. this is more than just hiring david brock to keep conservatives off the air which is what george soros does. >> host: in "demonic" you write that ms nbc is the mob's leading tv network. >> guest: ms nbc is the video
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demonstration of my book. the repetition, turning opponents into enemies, turning their leaders into messiahs like obama talked about on that network, those that were made fun of and make my leg tinkle and i forgot he was black from lisa matthews. that is the video version of groupthink. >> host: the mob is immune defects. >> guest: i believe i give many examples of that. what is frustrating is having the same argument over and over again. people complain about sean hannity being repetitive because we make the same argument when you can't get liberals off playing the same thing over and
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over again and one of the examples i give in my book is this hysteria over karl rove releasing valerie plane's name and he committed a felony. we know from the new york times itself. richard armitage opposed the war in iraq. it wasn't a crime which is why richard armitage wasn't prosecuted. that is out. it is a fact and yet we still have hollywood movies talking about the evil karl rove destroying valerie plane's life by releasing her name and committing a felony. >> host: a recent weeks by ann coulter. j. j.loand mark antony getting divorced and she gets half of his tips from appleby is. ginger in texas. you are on the air with ann coulter. >> caller: hello, the young lady. you stay with that beautiful hair pledge that woman was envious because she doesn't have
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it. i wanted to say to you you and i are on the same plane. i could talk to you all day. i knew you were going to be on july bearhart show. itunes in just to see you. i want you to comment on how routes -- she is so rude to you. >> guest: she is one of my favorite listeners. she is one of the liberals i like. >> caller: makes no sense when she talks. >> guest: she is a comedian and she is very funny. they are the ones i like because if it is funny i don't care what the point is. she is funny. shea kind of has -- it is a fun show to do because she can never stay on one subject more than 30 seconds. i will start to answer. she will make a joke and we will
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go to something else. that is her style and i must say she is on headline news. as part of the cn and family i have interviews on this book. of the three the only one who read any of my book was joy. the other two didn't even know what it was about, have not cracked it. didn't ask me a question on the book. liberals are always sneering at fox news for being lowbrow. c n n thinks by putting attracting foreigners on tv that is proof of how intellectual they are. no one on fox news who interviewed me have not read at least part if not all of my book. they do the same thing for liberal authors. over on cn and they are retarded idiots but also unattractive. they think they're smart.
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>> host: do you get along off the set? >> guest: i like her. we have fun together. >> host: have you ever done the view? >> guest: four times. >> host: what is the reception? >> guest: fantastic. handle lot of fun. the penultimate time for my ultimate book guilty -- the only difference in that time compared to the other three were barbara walters was there. by process of elimination that has something to do with how i was received. >> host: kathy in washington d.c. you are on with ann coulter. >> caller: this is patrick's sister, your republican friends in washington d.c.. we have a president whose mother and father abandoned him, his grandparents raised him.
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we have much of this with very high aids and unemployment rates but the president let our d.c. tax money get earmarked and went to chile bowl and we don't want home rules and i thank you so much. >> host: next call from tom in tucson, arizona. this is booktv. you are on with ann coulter. >> you talk about atheist libertarians. i was wondering what your thoughts and feelings were about atheist conservatives. >> host: >> guest: very confused. >> host: y? >> guest: for one thing if you don't believe in god why not just be a liberal? life would be easier. you would be so handsome and intelligent and no matter what you put out you would be published on the op-ed page of the new york times. life would be a dream if you
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don't care about your sold. >> host: caroline in memphis, tennessee. >> caller: i have read several of your books. i hear in the community constantly that america is about to fall and they are saying our economic policy and social policy, i am very disturbed at hearing this news because people like you to distort reality, who lie, divide the country according to liberalism and conservatism, you people are destroying this country. you are bringing our country down. >> caller: what books of right and the red? >> caller: i read "demonic". >> host: >> guest: what did you like? -- [talking over each other] >> guest: name a single chapter. >> caller: you are bringing down
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our country. >> guest: my oldest brother was single. y girls and bars in the upper east side and claimed he was from boise, idaho. no one believed him but one girl was smart enough to say to him name one other town in idaho. what chapter titles do you have in those books you read of mine? to ignore the invective and answer the question is we are in a terrible time right now. you might want to keep this in mind next time you go to a voting booth. you had full democratic policies. obama was in office two years with a democrat house and senate and this is what we get. big government to the exclusion of smaller government. spending more money than we have to pay. that is the problem but it can be turned around. think of the dark days of jimmy
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carter. and the sun rises, ronald reagan as president. there's always hope in america. as to this nonsense about the greatness of america is bipartisan compromise, that is not the greatness of america. i think you are missing the point of the word debate in political space. the point of the lincoln douglas debate was not compromised. the point of churchill's we shall fight on the beaches speech was not to compromise with hitler. we have different views of the government. the role of government and the role of raising taxes and what the government should be doing and what we should be paying the government to do and we are going to fight about it and are will make my point the best icahn. >> host: do you think law school held view? >> guest: i hate to admit anything good about law school
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whatsoever. one thing that i think most lawyers who become writers in general are better at or at least have a more natural inclination to understand the other point of view to see two sides to argue against the best version of the other side's argument and not to build strong -- it doesn't work in court. doesn't work in a book and if anything i write my book too much like a legal brief and i end up cutting some of the counterarguments i am making before anyone made the argument. >> host: the first chapter of high crimes and misdemeanors. the prosecution's case on its impeaching president clinton. >> guest: i believe so but i haven't read that one for while. i like that book. it made important points and brought up important history.
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i don't specifically remember the first chapter. >> host: but -- >> guest: that was the idea with the book was written. >> host: we often talk on the morning program washington journal on c-span about to people who only read a conservative paper or conservative publications or only read liberal publications or watch a certain network. do you cross over? >> guest: very few conservatives. i will read -- widely to find out what the facts are but a lot of conservative writers will tell you -- i know rush limbaugh doesn't listen to other radio hosts and tends to avoid a lesson of people sending an e-mail saying you should read this column by so and so. i understand that. if you want to look at the facts and formulate your ideas fresh sometimes i will wait a month or
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six months or a few years and go back and read writers i really like like mark stein or david limbaugh. i won't right arm this subject and this f a a dispute we had recently and a few other things. i am not going to write about this. then i can read those. if i am going to write about it i don't see what any other conservative has to say about it. i don't know how you could read only conservatives. a little footnote. you can't avoid the liberal noise machine. you can't get away from it. >> host: is rush limbaugh the leader of the republican party? if not who is? no one has heard of rice -- >> guest: i wanted -- i love michael steele. he is referring to the head of the republican national
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committee. the vote was coming. i love michael steele. the attacks on him were utterly unfair. the same thing they do all the time which is put together one fake scandal that gets disproved after another but everyone forgets that turned out not to be true and they put together all the dead ends as if there were all these scandals around michael steele. i was about to write a column ferociously defended michael steele and demanding his reelection and that was the weekend of the tucson shooting. this is what i got to write about. we don't have a leader. liberal are the followers. >> host: why do you close "demonic" with a court transfer -- transcript? >> guest: it was an appendix. it was very telling. that is one chapter i probably should have taken out in retrospect. it fits in so beautifully with the theme of the book.
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i wanted to keep it short. keep the chapter short. almost no one talked to me about that chapter and it is an important chapter that fits in with the theme of "demonic". the psychological mob and the liberal mob combined in this one beautiful combo platter and pretty thrilling and exciting story. i don't think i was in new york. i must have been in college when this happened. were anyone alive at that time it was their story and a lie was told that they were proved innocent. they were not. this is a specialty of the left. to make wild overstatements of innocence allegedly based on dna. in this case the key part of that story is the central park jogger was raped in the park. dna was an all new science. it is a sneaky bait and switch
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they are doing. it wasn't even -- only six months earlier it was admitted in for first n.y. state court. cops did not collect evidence or go to a scene hoping to preserve dna evidence or physical evidence of any kind. but every one of the defendants confessed on videotape with his parents sitting there that one was old enough to do the video tape. he started to talk to the cops because he claimed he was over 16, showed prove he was over 16 and his mother came 15 minutes later and said he is 15 years old so they stopped the interrogation. with a fake id. he was treated like an adult for 15 minutes. they were videotaped statement. evidence was overwhelming. if you had o.j. simpson on tape admitting and explaining how he did the murder, i don't think that jury would have acquitted.
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you have this overwhelming evidence that that's what about later and as i say in the conclusion to that chapter i can understand the liberal physical law in the park better than i can explain the intellectual lot of the left always wanting to breakdown people's faith in the criminal justice system. this is one of the crowning achievements of america's legal system that everyone is equal before the law. it isn't that way in europe. isn't that way in france with their french revolution. we have rules of evidence. the defendant is given a fair shot. we do seek justice in our courts and to constantly be attacking judges and courts for the one thing they're supposed to be doing which is presiding over a trial that hearing cases and admitting evidence while asking our court to decide things like abortion policy or pension policy, budget are detention of
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terrorist policy be? that is not the french revolution view of the philosopher kings in possession of the general will. that is not the american system. it fits in beautifully with this book yet no one asked me that question. that is an awfully long answer to the question why i have the court transcript. i thought it was filling up that chapter too much but when you read the transcript of the interview with one of the defendants it is overwhelming for an unbiased observer to say this guy was involved in that attack with the daughter. >> host: we have about 40 minutes left in this month's in depth. would you ever do an interview or appear on the racial leno show? >> guest: i am trying so. >> host: it would be affordable will -- formidable. >> guest: i have apparently not allowed on any nbc program. they are afraid of me as well they should be.
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>> host: how to talk to a liberal you talk about your relationship with the late jfk jr. and the fact you told him you were fired from msn b.c. several times. >> guest: he thought that was so cool. i never really fit in with the nbc culture. when they started these cable networks is hard to remember what the world was like. it was a horrible world. amazing republicans ever won any election. when m.s. nbc and fox started, basically at that point when they want to -- they brought in davidburg. david brooks. people call themselves conservatives and tend to vote republican consider a conservative. in theory they wanted conservative but when they got one live it was quite disturbing in the executive offices so i kept being fired. >> host: thanks for holding. you are on with ann coulter on
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booktv. >> caller: huge fan even though politically i am solidly a centrist and theologically decidedly a non believe for but that is why i cheered you on fox news when you out of obama have a closet atheist. what about the republicans' side? gary johnson, who on the republican side is going through the motions of the church and pressing because they realize that the presidential level does believe in god is political suicide. >> guest: good question. i did ferociously defense president obama from accusations he is a muslim pointing out like the rest of his party he is an atheist. there probably are some -- there are not many rank-and-file -- like i say. why would you bother being conservative? life is so easy if you are a
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liberal. unless you are planning on an afterlife why even bother being conservative? but politicians, republicans -- a few come to mind. i don't think -- >> host: >> host: next call for ann coulter from new jersey. >> caller: i love your books. just started reading "demonic". an earlier e-mail touched on the question i wanted to ask you which was whether or not you had read much or seen much or read about and rand. the have an opinion of her philosophy? one more question, how come we don't see american feminists worried at all about the treatment of women under sharia law? >> guest: great question. american feminists don't care about women. they care about promoting
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socialism. one of the photos i brought for you folks if you want a picture with me and my family had one of me with one of my brothers and a book i was reading but also in answer to this question, standing by a store called john ball who is the hero of atlas shrugged. big hero. there's a store -- i assume they know who john golf is. it was in colorado. i liked him and i stopped being a teenager and i would tend to side with whitaker chambers's review which caused quite a scandal. this might be mean and piling on but i am ann coulter. in answer to the question a republican who does not believe in god i will skip the obvious
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ones. there happens to be an interview with mark sanford, former governor of south carolina in today's n.y. times and not only did his view violate his marriage vows, publicly, spectacularly but in today's interview he cries about a dead raccoon. it is up to god to they side. i can't be another person's heart. i consider those warning signs. >> host: back to the family picture. we ask our guests -- >> guest: i mailed one from when i was little. >> host: i will show that at some point and i think that is with your two brothers. can you see it? with your two brothers. we didn't receive any with you with your parents. >> guest: i wasn't at home to
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get the photos so i happened to open a book but i brought one -- >> host: we will bring that in. >> guest: and one by john golf. these were in a book. >> host: we will see that in to show to viewers later. that last caller also mentioned feminists. in how to talk to a liberal if you must in a column you wrote in 1991, call me miss, you wrote we are more frequently raped, divorced, cheated on and if one adds dating proclivities' run core democrats expected to spring for dinner. at least no sane man could dare speak the word myth. freedom at last. not just because broughts burned while men fiddled that i hate the feminist. the real reason i loathe and detest feminists is that real feminists, the core group, the great thinkers of the movement which i had until now dismissed as the invention of a frat boy
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on a dare, have been at the forefront paring down the very institutions that protect women, monogamy, marriage, chastity and chivalry. surveyed the wreckage that they have to offer is call me ms.. russell senate office building >> guest: those were mostly commission by various publications. and when they received them and decided no thanks, that is why you will notice i have set up my life so that i cannot be fired. i cannot be edited. as well as i could be. it is all men of human events and they will not be fired. the only place i have an official job. other than that i am tired of spending time researching and writing something particularly when it has been requested. that was when i was practicing
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law so still in law school i was getting out of law school so i am busy. i spent this time reading what they want me to read and can you rewrite it and i can never rewrite it. first time is the way i am going to write it. i can't waste my life doing that. i have the internet and my life would be easier if i had a job with one of those government pensions. short of that at least people can read me now. i don't have to go through this layer of retarded people to get my work out. >> host: as tom winter still alive? >> guest: fine man. [talking over each other] >> guest: longtime editors of "human events," ron reagan have famous -- favorite newspaper. alan riskand. they're magnificent americans. both of them were cold warriors helping me review all my cold
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war stuff for trees and. they were the longtime editors of "human events" when ronald reagan was reading every day. alan was writing a dissent of it back then. when i find out i don't make a monday morning meetings, whenever i find out the rest of the staff disagree with alan who i usually agree with i have to elected the and one is to make some understand that he overwhelmingly influenced ronald reagan's philosophy. he is the son of the creator of the marx brothers who testified against the hollywood 10 and told me to go to baseball games with groucho sitting over his shoulder. he wanted to watch baseball and keep it down. tom windier went to yale in old school, old wine -- the two of
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them put out the most conservative newspaper for much of the last half century. new editors, a young kid who came over -- >> host: here's the picture. when was that picture taken? >> guest: since it was in the book with a picture of my brother it was probably a few years after law school. isn't that hilarious? >> host: next call from chuck in california. >> caller: hello. i want you to know i love you but i would like to know what i would have to say to get you to change the emphasis of the agendas you work on away from the ones that your followers would be trying to influence the government to initiate war does
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agenda items where your followers wouldn't have to influence a government to initiate force. >> host: give an example what you mean. >> guest: it would be wonderful to cut taxes. that does not require the initiation of force. if you were to continue to stop that 25 year -- >> host: chuck? >> guest: not just my audio this time. >> host: not sure -- >> guest: i didn't understand the question. >> host: next call from karen in s.d.. >> caller: hello. i would like to ask ann coulter about her mob psychology group think premises with respect to the catholic inquisitions, the salem witch trials, the 30 years
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catholic/protestant wars in which many, many people died and going back to the old testament the biblical injunctions to kill all the women and children given to the hebrews. how do you reconcile those with your mob psychology groupthink? >> guest: i am not sure god commanding the israelites to go into the city and kill every living thing has anything to do with my book. which is about politics and what i consider the beginning of the division between liberal and conservative thoughts. the french revolution and the american revolution. the salem witch trials, please check on google. it was about a dozen people. we still hear about it as if it was 9/11 everyday. in point of fact the number of people killed in the french
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revolution without a king who was fighting back was the equivalent in terms of population loss of this country having a 9/11 attack every day for seven years. that is the sort of law bloodshed we are talking about. a mob revolt like the french revolution. by contrast the american revolution was as i describe in contrast a revolution of thinkers and debaters and christians. it was a heavily christian influence revolution with christian sermons promoting the revolution. they were debating and chatted about the conflict and needed to chat about it a lot to explain to people why they should give up this very pleasant existence being a colony of great britain. it was a principle that was being received and also the american colonists -- most of our founding fathers had been here for several generations.
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egghead grown away from the old country. thomas paine was an exception which is why he never fully understood the american revolution. he wrote the influential book common-sense promoting the revolution. it was a revolution of ideas. that is not been a kick french pessimists' running around with pipes on heads and tramping through the streets while slaughtering priests and smashing stained-glass windows at notre dame cathedral. that is mob behavior. >> host: jamie from santa fe, why is c-span giving a platform to this device of women? she claims to want to discuss the issues and names for book "demonic". unless the issues involved a biblical showdown between good and evil please keep it real on c-span. don't help enable an imagined war between the citizens of the united states of america to gain legitimacy.
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i will seek other information outlets if c-span succumbs further to this dangerous sensationalism. next call for ann coulter from john in phoenix. >> caller: good morning from phoenix. as real as you can get. thank you very much. took my breath away. i am a conservative independent voter. i switched from the republican party in 2000 after what they tried to do in new york. i will never vote for another democrat. >> guest: 2000 after what? peter slen >> caller: when they tried to keep bore off the ballot. >> guest: i was living in new york that and i don't remember. proceed. >> caller: two questions. one about social security
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payments and the other about herman cain. my wife and i are entering retirement and i keep hearing social security is an entitlement. we paid funds into social security in six figures for the last 40 years and i keep hearing that social security is an entitlement and that is our money. social security payments are entitled an, so our car payments and blue cross payments and all that. i don't understand -- >> guest: i can explain. the difference is one was paid to the government and you should never trust the government because they weren't doing something safe with your money like putting it under a mattress. they weren't investing it. they were not -- they were spending it as it came in. right now, medicare recipients are already receiving it now three times when they put in.
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the pending how long you live you will in theory got a lot more out of social security than you paid in yen and as for government having a contract, forceful contract with trust worthy government, bond holders -- how that went. this is not enforceable. this is why i might add george bush wanted to allow younger people to start putting their pension money, their retirement money into something other than this slush fund for democratic politicians in washington. win george bush mentioned in the state of the union address in january of 2005, i am not sure. whenever it was i wanted a photo taken of that because every single member of the democrat's side sat on his hands as the republicans stood up and cheered. they want to take their money to
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spend it on jobs for their relatives, no show employees and third level stuff for refurbishing nancy pelosi's husband's hotel and restaurant. that is what they are using the money for instead of saving and under a mattress safely like you could have done if you hadn't been sending it to the government which you are required to do from law. >> host: from slander -- and the 11, liberal are painfully self righteous. they have fantastic hatred and cannot see the other fellow's position if you prodded them with white hot pokers. they are united states senators, n.y. times editors, news anchors and tv personalities and they are completely unhinged. what do you think when you hear the word centrist? >> guest: liberal. everyone screams when "slander: liberal lies about the american right" came out.
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the ideas have been so completely accepted by now that you read through it in doesn't seem particularly shocking. apparently it was at the time since everyone was yelling at me. the fact of the words centrist and moderate are used by the mainstream media to mean liberal is a weather accepted fact. >> host: we have gotten several twitter comments or e-mails i should read on the air. just not very nice ones. do you ever get hurt by the criticism? >> guest: i was thrilled by the last one. go straight to the next caller -- the one who was furious about the title. i am just destroying the world with a title like "demonic" and never watching c-span again. that was a good title. glad call it legion. >> host: kevin flynn from san antonio. can ann coulter tell us how to
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find out about upcoming appearances or book signings? i love to hear her speak in person or sign a book? i always hear about such things after the fact. >> guest: curiously enough i generally don't do book signings which has made me a huge hit with my publisher. but this book tour. the first one i ever did, i had done a brief show on the doctor phil show and he wanted to do a show on a single mother chapter. i am excited. it is here in washington. i did something on c-span that day. doctor phil was going to do a whole show on single mothers and at the last minute he canceled. i was so depressed. i told my publisher i would do a book signing. i did when in san diego and for the first time on this book tour i have done some book signing. the only ones i know that are coming are at the san francisco
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young republicans. at least the only public ones that are coming and in october we will do another one in l.a. with kabc and see pack in florida. some time in september. >> host: usually meet here in february. >> guest: it will be a great idea. guess who is speaking? the presidential and vice-presidential candidates. in the 2008 sea-tac all that happened was mitt romney withdrew from the presidential race. too late to affect anything. mitt romney was pretty clear favorite among those attendees except for ron paul who stuffed the ballot box. will be great to have that in florida in orlando in september. maybe they can have some influence but i am doing a book
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signing. >> host: signing book that heritage a few weeks ago. why don't you sign books? is it something you dislike? >> guest: it has always been because i feel like i have to rely -- i trust no one to help me get my word out. you have to rely on a third party to advertise the book signing. i have shown up with another famous author. newaukum into a bookstore. won't mention him because it was walking in with him that was humiliation that made me decide i am never doing that. there was nobody there. barnes and noble put up a pathetic sign. no one even knew, he was world-famous. we walk in and he sits for five minutes and we go out and have a drink. you have to rely on somebody else to get the word out the same way i know longer bother
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submitting columns to newspapers and magazines. i won't but that work in. i will put it on my web page. it has been very popular on my web page and in my books. >> host: in guilty plea for the liberal victims and their assault on america, ann coulter writes masquerading as socially conscious do-gooder's speaking for society's victims liberals created a world in which there would be a constant supply of -- in need of their merciful aid. and a legitimate child might or might not be better off by having contact with his biological father but social workers would definitely be better off with a lot more illegitimate children. >> guest: the true constituency of the democratic party. not the core or the disadvantage but the government workers who ministered to the poor and disadvantaged. there is a big chapter in guilty. the scene of guilty is everyone
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wants to be a victim. you get ahead in america by claiming victim status and there is no way to track your life faster than being a victim subject to the tender ministrations of liberal busybodies. it is all a racket for the left and is embarrassing. one small example of that of a single mother being a huge example and wrecked innumerable lives, you can number them. millions of lives. look at the american indian. they are so cool. they are such a part of american history. you have william tecumseh sherman named after an indian chief. they were warriors, brave and honorable and suddenly they become a liberal victim group that are alcoholic living on reservations lose some of them
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do not buy on to the victims' status and are doing beautifully well. but the idea that you can't name a sports team with an indian moniker. turning them into sad pathetic victims. look at our helicopters. the charity and the apache. is an honorable thing because indians are great warriors. they are known to be great warriors the way southerners are known to be great warriors. basically everything related to the military is named after an american indian or a confederate general. >> host: 15 minutes left in in depth with ann coulter. brad in nebraska. you are on the air. >> caller: i am a big fan although i don't buy many of your books. have a hard time spending money on stuff i already know. i would like to ask why you called socialists -- why you would allow -- with his liberal about a socialist?
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what is progressive about a socialist? i don't understand why you feed into the propaganda they use. hart senate office building >> guest: i am not buying into the propaganda. i have quite successfully turned the word liberal into an epithet. a more humiliating epithet than socialist. everyone knows what a liberal is. you might as well start a campaign to bring back the word gay to mean happy. >> host: mobile, alabama. >> caller: good to see you. a comment you made at the book signing party, the heritage book signing party and the made it again today in the tv broadcast dealing with a vertical relationship with god to the exclusion of i guess you call it the crowd. one of the first things you learn in the general psychology course is being out of contact
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with reality is psychosis. are you asking your colleagues to be psychotic by making that recommendation? >> guest: be psychotic in believing in god? that is what we call liberal. a god believer is psychotic. unless i misunderstood his leaps of logic. >> host: deer mainstream media reporter who wasted my time, ann coulter writes. i have been finishing my next book to get bits and pieces of the news this month from the mainstream media and pretty sure the conservative movement is being led by either -- it got cut off. this is in response to questions reporters e-mail to you and you e-mail back answers that never got printed that you went ahead and printed the answers. [talking over each other] >> host: what is the proud? >> guest: a conservative they grew.
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they're real conservatives unlike what capital republicans. there was a lot about my speaking to this conservative gay group so i got the republican party being led by -- one was both proud and was someone else -- it was one of those very contemporary references. a daily reference. i went through and gave my answers to the questions that were asked. they do this all the time. >> host: a couple answers are want you to expound on. have you ever spoken to a lesbian gay by trans gender group, i called them ann coulter book signings is one of your answers and another is why attend and speak at a hope con? i am in the market for a new hair stylist and you go on to refer to yourself as the right
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wing judy garland. >> guest: i reflected backwards to figure out why it is -- i didn't expect all right wing girls would be good looking but noticed it is true. i didn't expect so many gays would be huge fans of mine and yet it is true and having noticed that why would that be? if you are born gay why would you be a liberal? are you born liberal? gays are demographic group that have one of the highest incomes in america. they are victims of crime. the muslims don't think highly of them. basically the entire republican platform is fighting the same cause any sane a person should care about and the democratic platform is sucking up soccer moms and women who want abortions. what do you care about that?
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abortion isn't that a top of your list i am guessing. by the way as it is liberal side of the gay gene does who will get aborted. all gays who are born they are overwhelmingly conservative. maybe a political and all those angry days, causing trouble for everybody. they are angry at their father's. >> host: why are you against gay marriage? >> guest: i talked them out of it at that meeting. they used to have a position in favor of gay marriage but doing it because -- they don't care about marriage. they talk about gay marriage because they think it will prove we like them. so i just tell them we've like you. we just don't like gay marriage. as many callers mentioned marriage is the linchpin of civilization. it has nothing to do with gays. it has to do with giving special benefits to mommy and daddy
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getting married before becoming mommy and daddy and staying marriage and every possible incentive should go into that. in stead you have every incentive operating the other way. subsidies for women to have children out of wedlock. celebrations of the single mother. we are paying for the single mothers. i feel sorry for gays to be coming to be sexual liberation windows 30 years late saying that we have our peace too? we are slow but speaking as a conservative christian we don't like the other stuff either. it seems we are finally exploding on this one issue but have nothing to do with being anti-gay but being marriage classic. >> host: next call from jeffrey in allentown, pennsylvania.
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go ahead. >> caller: happy to speak with you. i am a big fan of yours and gratified to hear you enjoyed thomas sold. one of my pet peeves about liberal hypocrisy. every time a liberal engages un find that you are conservative they say you are a conservative therefore you must be uneducated. modern academia, especially the, quote, humanities' purportedly claims to teach students to, quote, think for themselves. actually they only indoctrinate them to conformity with the left-wing liberal world view. my thought is the definition of uneducated must be one who thinks for themselves. >> guest: they often do these fake studies about how liberals are more likely to have advanced degrees because they're mostly
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in education and the only thing an advanced degree in education establishs if you are stupider than someone without an advanced degree in education. >> host: cliff arnold says you seem to do research unlike many of the right and on the left. i feel that one of the things that is lacking is reasoned debate. there are points to be argued on both sides. if one considers the actions of a corporation like enron or the financial debacle resulting from the repeal of glass-steagall don't you think there's a place for regulation and the american economy? >> guest: i fell asleep halfway through that question. do we have any questions on anthony wiener? if we are talking regulation of the american economy and enron -- [snoring]] tony in california you are on with ann coulter.
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>> caller: talk about liberals as victims. one thing when we watched hurricane katrina. all these people who were told to leave and so many stayed behind to. this city and the levees broke and they were in trouble and wanted to complain nobody got their quick enough. also why is gotcha politics, why do they use it when we all know you got caught in a lie? also why would ms nbc continue to hire no talent people in their company when their ratings are terrible, they don't tell the truth, how long do you think that will keep up before they smarten up? thanks. >> guest: i don't think they are going to smart and up. it is a fact to be commented on
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that in every industry other than the information industry someone comes along and puts out a great product and everyone else imitates it like steve jobs's iphone. you have the imitator iphones or apple computers for oh so many things. put out a good product and other people imitate it. fox news is totally crushing the ratings. i never worked for fox news or any rupert murdoch enterprise. they crush the league. put on brilliant lively tv shows that are far more intellectual than anything on them as nbc and cnn even though there uglier on ms nbc and cnn to make them look smart and no one thinks to imitate them. liberal journals can't get away from the idea that they are the state run me and they will tell us what we are allowed to hear and even competition keeps
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coming from talk radio and the internet and fox news, that is it. we won't tell you the other side. won't do it. >> host: with your relationship with bill o'reilly? >> guest: i go on and fight with him. and i think it is excellent tv. >> host: how often are you on fox? you are not under contract. >> guest: correct. for close ann coulter watchers there will be months i won't do any tv usually because i am researching and writing, happiest part of my life. i have been doing a lot of tv this summer because i am promoting a book and in the obama economy more people are spending money on food than books. book sales are way down. this book and my last book, like most, all of my books were
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number one or number 2 on the new york times best-seller list. my last two books including the current one sold fewer than any of my other books. that is how bad the book market is. in any event, i would still be doing this anyway. it is fun. i like to influence the public. >> host: the lead going on tv and having the back and forth? >> guest: most of the time. it varies with the question. i like to talk about stuff i know and not answer for example prediction questions. we are just about to enter that season of who is going to be the republican nominee and who is going to win the election and i have yelled at them enough that i rarely asked that question but told them i know stuff. i can give you historical
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comparisons. i can reasons to vote for one candidate over another. might as well bring in a homeless guy and ask him who is going to be win. you can interview stupid people so that is good. people you can interview. not only as of your but as a person on tv i want to hear about what people know. i want to say something that i know and not answer stupid questions. that is annoying. good interviews are a blast and it is fun having an influence on public debate and especially fun annoying liberals which i am allowed to do on tv. >> host: in your view who is the most underrated u.s. president or what period in american history do you think is the most underrated or overlooked? we will let you think about that
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a little bit. we do not like silence. san antonio, you are on with ann coulter. two minutes left. >> caller: thank you for taking my call. thank you, c-span and ann coulter. i appreciate seeing you on tv and speaking the truth about things. i am a captain in the military stationed in san antonio. i came in the military 19 years old. i have been deployed three times. i know right now, government employees and stuff, take away their pensions, i am a government employee. you think you should take away my pension? >> host: we are running out of time.
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got the question. >> guest: matt is a public-school teacher because no captain in the military would call in with that question. .2, to go through underrated -- going back -- all i can say is i don't think it is underrated. our founding was miraculously. i am stuck on that. is there one we don't appreciate sufficiently? our founding was a miracle. i do think most americans appreciate that. not the ones who have interpublic school and taught by massive, our last caller. they are not taught to appreciate the founding fathers. they are taught to appreciate the lives of the founding fathers who were so crucial and other women and minorities and the gay and lesbian contributions to the american revolution. the truth is not only more interesting but more fun than -- one thing if liberals are making
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up history but making it more interesting but they're making it more boring. >> host: george in wisconsin. who are your favorite philosophers? >> caller: jesus. that is the big one. >> guest: i guess john locke. thomas sold. we are putting him down as a philosopher. not for for jean jacques rous a roussu roussuau. >> other conservative graduate of the university your comments about jesuit university created liberal students and i would agree. any idea why that would be the case? >> guest: good question. we may need to talk to our catholic friends to find out y
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