tv Book TV CSPAN August 28, 2011 1:15am-2:00am EDT
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theron and a magnificent presidential archive. f it is a great honor for me has a daughter from nazi germany to be speaking here in the home of my idol franklin roosevelt.e the story begins of number 1936 when fdr shows -- wins the landslide election every state except maine and vermont joined in the confidence. election night fdr was thomas hyde park listening to the radio and reading their press stickers as the astonishing results came in, he leaned back in his chair bamboo wearing of smoke and said wow he beat his opponent by 11 million votes 523 electoral votes to
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donate eighth. it was day mandate tomise fulfill the promises of the new deal but soon after the year earthquake election and the political wind shifted and the overwhelming mandate proved to be fragile. by the spring of 1937 theve honeymoon with congress was over and by 1938 the angus were falling apart. of the country was sliding back into recession and the supreme court declaring unconstitutional legislation but it was not only economics and checks and balances but he confronted another problem. a within his own party it is true democrats held the staggering majority in both
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houses but that huge majority was deceptive because conservative democrats, many from thees south were aligning vot themselves with republicans and votingge together to strike down key new deal bills. and when they were up forails reelection they ran on the coattails to milk the name for all that was worth but when it came to voting, they were happy to knock down the new deal programs. fdr made a tough decision. samples of an emotional and it turns out to be a poorly managed plan. he decided to spend much of the summer of 1938 travelling across the
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country intervening in the democratic primary races and decided to go to rallies to speak out against conservative incumbents and he was angry. bl frustrated and deeply resent gore beingwn blocked by members of his own party who have the t nerve to exploit his own name and popularity to their advantage. he was boiling mad. what was his goal? to a house conservatives from the democratic party to make it solidly progressive assumed the g.o.p. would be solidly conservative and made no sense for the nation to have the democratic
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tweedle dum and republican and to rebuild the. they needed to effective parties each ideologically consistent and united supporting the leaders and offering meaningful choicesepu but he did not seem topart realize the party of lincolnappa was still present in theake south and did not understand the strong emotional and cultural ties that the south had to the democratic party. they believed the party was their party. in conservative southern democrats were not about to take a hike to the g.o.p.. but fdr was immensely popular in the south and so popular he thought he could risk engaging in primary fights. there is a story about a
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southern school teacher and her class that illustrates the divine status below the mason-dixon line for a gore rejected tell the story with a southern accent but the only one i can do is new york. [laughter] of children who paves the road in front of your house? in response, roosevelt. who put electricity into your house for you? roosevelt. who gave your uncle a job? roosevelt. who got your granddaddy the pension? roosevelt. right. now children, who made you? after a moment of silence one little boy says god where of boy leaps up to sayter] throw that a sorry
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republican out of fear. [laughter]cons the whole idea of a ejecting conservatives from the democratic party was very much out of character for roosevelt because heism showered people with personal magnetism and charisma. and goes to support the legislation to know who work with friends and adversaries alike. and then to work with people he didn't like or trust but it was necessary to do so in order to reach his ultimate goal. roosevelt was anin expert.tery as president he lavished his talents and even his talent
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for deception on the senate and house leaders. in gore is found ways topoli reconcile to support the politicians. a north-south east-west and people who knew him spoke about his magnetism and just poured it on. seen him smile or to hear him laugh is like uncorking a bottle of champagne. his spurs maybe one of the biggest gives the game -- gave during the depression but his contagious optimism and self-confidence restoredre. hope to a broken nation. but they did of a good fight. w
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when things were turning sour "the new york times" reported the president's o dutch was up referring to his temper. charm could be apaig ferocious opponents. just remember the campaign speech he gave in madison square garden. and they are unanimous in m their hate to for me and i welcome their hatred. can you imagine president obama's saying anything bellicose nor confrontational? in that same speech roosevelt repeated the militant refrain for all of these things we have only just begun to fight. lab and then to improve working
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conditions to help homeowners and eight an implied repeating a few months later but we have only just begun to fight did some people believe we did not mean it? i meant what may pause and changesc spo years to describe a sporting event available on youtube. june 22nd of thousands of people poured into yankee stadium. does anybody know what that was? you are not old enough. the boxing match of the decade, the american boxer joe louis wo going to the heavyweight title.
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people traveled from allere over the nation to witness the fight. there were hollywood stars and political insiders like mayor laguardia. there was not an empty seat in yankee stadium but the country was immobilized as millions of americans and half the nation's population listen for free of the radio the kitchen and living room. nbc sports announcer gave the electrifying blow by blow description of the first-round collapse under the relentless downpour. as you can see i made boxing schmeling isel going down. he is down. thean count is the number j four.a
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he is up left to the head left a good job and sterling is down five, six, seven, eight with the fight is over. schmeling is be to the first round. the fight lasted two minutes four seconds and was over.for personally i am not sure about flying 2,000 miles for the two minute match but on the other hand, you have the dining out story for the rest of your life. why do i mention that boxing match of the century? because this two days later roosevelt also climbed into the ring. june 24 is he gave a fireside chat and discussedteob what he intended to do with the conservative bloc with the democratic party.
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it was unusually hot evening in washington at the beginning of the fireside chat -- fireside chat it is o the last place americate wanted to imagine themselves. after jockeying about the new deal, the dual iras president and party leader in u.s. not ask republicans or democrats also ahead of the democratic party and explained he had the responsibility in the direction to carry out the platform. it is his right and duty to
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stand by those candidates that stood by him and the new deal. with just wondered twoecen issues like air resetting controversial bill. we would work to prevent the election of a outspoken reactionaries and hypocrite's the kind of politicians who appear to have the aggressive objective but will always find some reason to oppose a specific proposal. the following day write on cue editorial writers around the nation slammed the president's topls banana and it was one provocative and
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inflammatory word 1938. it obviously reminded followers of recent grim events in the soviet union. and in fact, over the past march 1 of the largest of the show trials had takens. place for the execution of all 21 defendants. then newspapers piled on. writing if fdr succeeded the only people remaining would be the hitler yes men forestalling and then to resemble hitler with the purely nominal
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legislature. the purge expedition started early july. two weeks after the fireside chat. he traveled comfortably. 80 other passengers joinedies, him. military aid and if you friends and announcers and newsreel cameramen and photographers lourdes traveled with him that summer than covered the 1936 reelection campaign. during the summer of 1938 roosevelt trained zigzag over the continent to make stops at rallies ohio, kentucky down to
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arkansas and oklahoma texas colorado and further west until he reaches california then drove down to san diegoavy boarding a navy vessel thing goes on to the galapagos islands.d then the ship passes through the panama canal and disembarks in florida. he gave some speeches in georgia and south carolina and finally returns to washington in late august. of pitcher at what happened of one of the stops in georgia it was a dry scorching day will little town had a population of
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only 3,000 but it was the focal point* of the nation as 40,000 poured into town to see and hear their hero officially the president came to hear about their rural electrification project providing power to the central parts of georgia but some people suspected right to leave that something else was cooking. of the platform was decorated with stars and stripes and read why blu bunting and seated were the president and georges senator george who was up for reelection. he was the old school southerner with a chivalrous mannermaro aay referring to his. tavis miss lucy and she calls him mr. george coming
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right out of central casting. also was a young attorney who roosevelt would endorse. marisat george on the platform not displaying any emotion. walter george was not a die-hard reactionary our adversary of the president.rela 1933 he supported virtually allt of his proposals the national industrial recovery act, agricultural adjustment act, later he voted for social security, national labor relations actth and then george backed roosevelt all the way but then he castro'sll
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against key administration bills including housing bells court reform and executive reorganization. roosevelt began the talk to discuss the achievements of the world electrification administration and one ofbe the great new deal successes but before it to the free market economy left much of rural america literally in the dark. then he spoke about coming to new georgia for the first time in search of the pool of warm water where he may swim his way back to health. he came to love warm springs -- springs but told the audience there was onehe note when the monthly bill cavemen former little
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cottage i found the charge was four times as much aswe that hyde park.e somebody shout did we hear out you. somebody else yelled a word just trying to rob us poor people the roosevelt explained the economic and social problems were more o complex than the price of electricity. he dampened the crowd's mood by describing the problems afflicting the south. it is my conviction the south right now is the end number one economic problem. the nation's problem, not just the south because we have the economic imbalance so wholedi due to the south itself is what must beuth righted for the sake of the
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south and of the nation. then he got closer to the heart of the subject and announced the social needs ofed the south called for public servants whose hearts are sound and heads are g strong. the people of georgia he said needed senators and representatives who are willing, to stand up and fight night and day. now the crowd smells blood. there were more interesting to hear the president swoop for the kill van listening to a talk about electricity rates and southern problems. roosevelt took pains toev assure voters u.s. not interfering in the eternal
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politics of georgia. no. that he had a perfect right to choose any candidate that they wish. some people shouted her day and others yelled good by george.t [laughter]t's and explain the president's job was to work with congressmen and senators but complained some only gave lip service to those without lifting their fingers to attain them know what i am about to say is let me make it clearis senatorys george is and always will be my personal friend. he is beyond question a
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gentleman and a scholar. and then with george quietly seated just a few feet behind the president or the f boom. here in turgid my old friend cannot possibly in my judgment reclassified as the long aid to the liberal school of thought. he and i do not speak the same language. i have no hesitation to say that if i were able to vote in the september primary, i most assuredly show cast my vote for lawrence camper. when the speech was over, george received cheers of support and other oiv mischievous shouts of goodbye, george.
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he left his seat and approach the president and reach out for all to hear mr. president, i regret that you have taken this occasion to question my democracy andnt attack mike public y record. i want you to know i accepted the challenge within a friendly spirit it was given. [laughter] shaking hands s roosevelt said god bless you walter let's always be friends. one other call at -- campaign stop come on labor day weekend he traveled to maryland to speak at rallies against the democratic senator.erva
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actually he feltfor conservative for walter george but had nothing but loathing a one day muttering , i take tidying his high office and rubs salt in he hadly opposed nearly every new deal mr.. theag nra, agricultural adjustment act, works progressarne administration, housing bills and revenue acts and gore reform and even on social security he voted only present. and with the veiled attack warned of home-grown dictatorship. and yetsh complete the aware of the extraordinary popularity insisting he
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embraced the bones of the new deal.befo fdr and surged and gave speeches for the challenger and as for tidings fdr never pronounced his name and said any politician has the right to be liberal, conservative and reactionary but the nation cannot stand for the confusion to have them pretend to be one but act like another. finally happened? and then the other p conservative if they won their primary contest and one reelection. roosevelt managed to beat
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one conservative thehe o'connor congressmen from new york and chairman from the house rules committee. the purge was a flop. what were the main reasons for the failure? the liberal challengers were mostly political amateurs and disorganized damage years.en the incumbents have their well organized political machines.i many state newspapers they resented roosevelt interfering state and local politics and he had not given himself in democratic party organizers nearly enough time too carefully build up a liberal base.u roosevelt did not succeed of the bowl of party
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realignment but it did harold the realignment in the 1960's and '70s and '80s in the civil rights act 64 and 65 after nixon and reagan says aaron strategies. the solidly democratic south is solid no more.ny what happened in the immediate aftermath? roosevelt had to eat humble pie to make nice with all the senators he had alienated that what interested me the most many of the economic and social conservatives that roosevelt had thought to banish from the party, especially the
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ones from the south and in the battle against isolationist and congress 1938 through 1940 country after country fell to hitler naked aggression and in the east, invading french indochina and roosevelt desperately needed the support of the international last and congress and of the seven contingent was the most interventionist and the beast isolationist in the nation. the president needed their support.o
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walter george and other conservative senators that back fdr the tidings at maryland in karcher glass and byrd of virginia and others. the glass was one of the few people in congress who opposed social security but not only did he support fdr but thought the president was too restrained and wanted him to blast hitler off of the map and he was a strong supporter of selective service. miller tidings whose hide fdr had wanted to strip said he would rather haveat a ready and prepared army and not
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need it within needed and not have an supported selective service.ell senator over 10 from louisiana even amended thatrvic to bill to allow the government to seize industrial plants if the de owners refuse defense contracts. t in 1951 dozen years after the purge that was virtually the only senator with the courage to stand up to mccarthy. after the committee investigated mccarthy's reckless accusations, tidying stood up on the senate floor to announce they were a fraud even one of those fervent champions made the about face to praise
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tidings. to his own hand-picked by taking down the prime target on the roosevelt hit list to accomplish roosevelt could not and i wonder what he would have thought of his new deal flow at the hands of joe mccarthy. but the simplest ones may be the first is probably best to play the cards you're dealt. second, a majority party needs to be the big tent party. third, an effective president has to be a strongrt party leader and a
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hard-working party builder. in conclusion let me of describe another story from the summer of 19308 and youe. can see it on youtube because the whole universe is on youtube.pilo that july i carefree pilot named gore again flew from new york to los angeles. the problem was that he landed in dublin ireland. where am i he asked to be astonished airport workers? i intended to fly to california. he had flown without papers are past four or radio, no instruments, not even a map. my compass went wrong he said. w newspapers and hollywood
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gave up the story of wrong way corrigan this done toic gave americans something to laugh about. and when he went to new york showered with confetti in a ticker-tape parade downtown. fdr wanted to be like joe louis all but ended up like gore again in the wrong direction the summer of 1938. the purge was one of the few glaring mistakes in the long courageous compassionate and a superb career. thank you. [applause] d
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>> day in your book you talk about a life changing moment of the justice thomas in anita hill who hearing. >> i just graduated where it was my bar mitzvah of that in education and judea's him but i left feeling very empty and al is open for a spiritual experience and did not get it. i felt the same way in college with the american studies major and the stuff i was reading was incomprehensible and jargon and like gnome thomas -- phnom chomsky to a person who does not understand the language. it was demoralizing. i graduated less skilled and less motivated and i was a waiter. my education was a lack of education.
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i was waiting tables and i finished my one shift. >> your friends would say why are you doing this? >> embarrassing and humiliating in the best main to work and then to start to pay for my own shoes. >> my parents cut me off. it was brutal i look to my father who cut me off and clarence thomas they both coincided. >> that is a good segue back to the hearing. >> but then on routine for the takedown i watch television and the sec told me this was a bad man in
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newspapers told me he was a bad man i remember patricia schroeder walking ... steps to say we will take a stand for sexual harassment so i watched the hearings like the spectator and i watched day one and day to and i went from wanting him to be taken down to where is the beef? said understand and i am watching or the color commentary that is on the screen to say this is outrageous or the bumper stickers going by to say i believe anita. you believe what? what is going on? everything that i picked up at college cultural marxist and presser that black
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people are always a bright lights are always wrong i did not understand how ted kennedy, the ted kennedy joe biden in a series of white privilege men could sit in judgment the son of grandparents who were sharecroppers who raised him. and did everything right to including four and the negative hill to rise through her ranks where she never had a sexual relationship at all and did nothing untoward she was party to the takedown i could not understand how these people were attacking this black man in the historic position while the media took him down. the naacp and the urban league and other leaders sat
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still make you have them mentor at the time he was brutally murdered and you did not know whether or not to cry but about that time you started to question the indoctrination. >> the smartest person i ever met was the man named mike. he was just different. alternative the smartest guy i ever knew. hindsight the most of the call took the s.a.t. for a bunch of my friends and got them 1600 in the smartest guy you could never meet. he dropped out of uc santa barbara. he was floundering and doing drugs during this time he was my mentor taking me to alternative bookstores to read about left-wing ideas
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and was sent to the class struggle. when i had the epiphany, i was inspiring to be an intellect to understand the world view and a brace the struggle my dad said something nobody told him. you need to get a job and get your act together and stop doing drugs. there is a certain point* i started to challenge my mentor. not the wasn't an intellect but i could beat him at the game of s.a.t. scores i was 400 points lower but i started to gain the self confidence and self-respect i could call him out on his misbehavior and i started to move away from him and i got a phone call as i started to move toward independence and away from the victim ology that dominated his consciousness. he was murdered in a hotel
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room in los angeles and i imagine it was during a drug deal that went bad. to this day i think about how i never cried about that >> think about your parents and how you had to negotiate to realize it would be humiliation and for those and then they say i have the perfect job before you. >> and then he always new and perhaps goal i was the class clownha
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