tv Book TV CSPAN September 3, 2011 3:00pm-3:45pm EDT
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we started at 5:00 in the morning at fox and friends and it has been nonstop until this final stop a few minutes ago. win one interview goes late it piles up and everything is laid. dyson silly apologize. what i want to do tonight is really address what is on your mind and answer your questions and not just about the book but about the 2010 campaign and about moving forward. i will try to keep remarks short to go through the q&a. hy want to talk about why i wrote the book and what i hope to accomplish with this book. i wrote the book because our party is certainly at a crossroads and there is a division and going forward i truly believe we have to unite. as a matter of fact i expanded
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on one of my fox interviews today an invitation for karl rove and i to kiss and make up. we can go forward a united party. i do talk a lot about the cronyism of especially the republican party in delaware which those leaders have been accosted but the reason i bring that up is not to perpetuate it or to fan the flames but to put it to rest and to say that even -- that crony crowd would embrace the principles that the grass roots crowd that our party would -- was started on. not just our party but account -- country was founded on we will be a powerhouse if we can unite. i detail some of the things that my campaign has endured and what i went through at a candidate to illustrated point of what
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happens when we divide instead of when we unite. everybody knows it is no secret that the 2010 elections the republican party was divided. but i think there are some examples to look at. i draw the contrast between kentucky and my own race. in kentucky we had the -- senator mitch mcconnell really campaigning against rand paul. he was the worst thing to happen to politics until he won the primary. after he won the primary mitch mcconnell and rand paul were on in our and they were saying that is the pact. we have got to move forward. make sure this guy crosses the finish line. unfortunately that didn't happen in delaware but it has got to happen in order for us to win in 2012. that is the message that i hope people can take away with them by reading this book.
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i tried to tell this story of how i got involved in politics and what made me embrace the principles i did and why at chose to become a republican. i told it in a way that some political advisers have said was too honest and shouldn't have admitted some things but i did that again so that the reader can relate. it is not about how many mistakes we have made or if we have ever fallen because you simply cannot pretend to be perfect. it is too exhausting to keep up that facade. we are a human. what it is about is whether you get back up again. whether you are willing to own up to your mistakes and whether you are willing to correct your mistakes and whether you are willing to forehead in spite of the opposition. that is why i chose to address many of the things i did in my book and talk about it, where i
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came from and the hardships i personally endorse so that people can be inspired to get involved. when i was on the campaign trail i met so many people. in the last chapter i talk about one of the stories where sister janet was working on the campaign trail and we stopped to get gas and she ran in to pay the woman behind the counter and saudi bo dietl for u.s. senate sticker. tell your sister we are really rooting for her and we hope she wins and then she went on to clearly articulate her frustration and jenny said you can do more than hope she wins. you can vote for her. her response was very telling. she said i am not political. i am not the type who votes. i chose to tell this story not to shave her but because there is this mindset that a certain elite control the political
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party. they are not just the political party but political establishment on both sides of the aisle. the people who are impacted by this policy forget that you can get involved. not only can you get involved but you must get involved. i talk about some practical applications and you in this room, especially the republican women, you are the leaders and especially in manhattan republican women, i often said women politicians have a double standard. conservative women politicians face it even more. republican women in man had an, you have a triple whammy. i hope this book will inspire you. that in spite of the opposition that you might face, that in spite of what might seem like all the odds against you, we have a winning message. the beginning part of the book
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is the story. how i got involved. where i came from. how i got involved in politics. maybe we will get to it during the q&a. i will tell you quite honestly i got involved because signing up at the college of public was cute. they were paying $75 a day to pass out literature on election day and what college students would turn down that large sum of money? although my motive might have been a little wrong to begin with iphone that i truly stumbled upon something that i loved. being in that environment and especially this is in north jersey, i got to talk to some of the local candidates and asked them questions. it is a little too and i leave to realize you can't ask these candidates these challenging questions. why do you stand for this? why do you take this position?
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in case i knock on the door and they ask about this can you explain this? that sort of curiosity got people's attention and from there what might not have started off as the right reason it tapped into a passion in me and i realized i like what these republicans have to say. i think i am republican. i don't know what i was registered as at the time quite honestly but there i found myself -- i got invited to work on the bush campaign as a youth leader at the convention in houston in 1992 and again just seeing curious college students asking people questions and the people who were around me embracing that and not looking down that i was -- that brought me to my political career and i close it with practical application about the principles
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that the republican party stands for because again, these are not just the principle on which our party was founded. these are the principles on which our country was founded. i try to give some very practical application about the policies that we need to embrace moving forward. and what we can do for those people like the one we met at a gas station whose that i am not the political fight. i get it. i used to think that and suddenly i found myself the political fight. very much the political fight. but you have to get beyond that might set. the practical applications, the policy stuff i talk about, there is a captive i called the freedom food chain because one thing that we all are saying is government is too big. the size of government exploded under barack obama and recently i heard some democratic pundits saying don't those republicans get that it is a good thing?
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government is a good thing and supposed to take care of its people and unless we can clearly articulate why big government is not a good thing we are going to lose. i also talk about there's a chapter called defeating the power of the sound bite. especially being in manhattan sometimes you feel frustrated that all around you is this liberal commentary, this misinformation put out there. i of all people understand that frustration over misinformation. but we have power right now. information technology has put the power back in the hands of the people and especially women who are the activists, who are the unsung hero in any major advancement in american history. you are the ones who can take this information into the pta meetings and little league games and into your jobs and how to counter that culture of
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misinformation that tend to play the mainstream media. i talk about defeating the power of the sound bite. how it can rise to power in the first place and talk about practical arguments against socialism because again that is a topic that is coming up a lot as we head towards the 2012 elections. a lot of people say obamacare is the final nail in the coffin. that will cement this entitlement culture that we have and push us over the edge. again the democratic pundits are pushing backwards isn't socialism good thing? i tried to address some of the fundamental flaws with the socialist economy which is it reduces the value of the individual to that which is cost-effective and you see that clearly with socialized medicine. it is not cost-effective, that person doesn't deserve that
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treatment. number 2, you could say what about modeling some socialist systems like france. we modeled their fashion. isn't it cool to -- everything fringe is hip and cool. why not have america model for french socialism where it is compassionate. isn't that ok? it is not okay. it is not right to put that kind of oppression on people. the second flaw i point out in greater detail is in a socialist economy, if you don't already have the means to get ahead it is very likely that you and generations to come will stay dependent on the government. that is the problem with the socialist model. it snuff out the american dream. the american dream. on the campaign trail i ask
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people what do you think the american dream is? what do you think the american dream is? and so often people would raise their hand and said to have a car or a house or even to say to have a car and a house for your family. that sounds great and you might think that is the definition but it is not. to me the definition of the american dream is to be able to work hard, to learn that house, to earned that car. that is the american dream. that no matter where you come from or what kind of economic background, you may have started it but if you are willing to work hard and sacrifice and go the extra mile and exercise the spirit of entrepreneurship and make those creative sacrifices and take the blows and take the hits and have several fails before your business model succeeds, you will leave your
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children and grandchildren a better future. in a socialist model there is simply doesn't allow for that room for that profit margins when more than half of it is going to pay for taxes. what they called in france? social fees. that is a euphemism for more taxes. there is not enough profit margin. we have to remember the principles on which this country was founded and we have to remember that not too long ago democrats supported this as well. going into 2012 we have to have, i believe, a radical ideological reawakening of these principles that made our country great and can still make our country great. i don't think it is too late but it will take a lot of work and it will take a unified party to
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make sure barack obama truly is a 1-term president. i could go on. [applause] i have a whole chapter i call our followers in chief where i lay out many of what i think our barack obama's flaws. you probably have some questions about 2012. i will save it for that. >> if you have a question please line up behind the mike. >> to do you think is going to be our candidate? >> i honestly don't know. i think it is early but i will say this. >> who would you guess? >> it is really hard to say. people get frustrated when i say that. i think all of them have really
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great characteristics and i think it is a real testimony to the dialog that the tea party has brought to the table that the mere fact that a balanced budget amendment was even part of the discussion before raising the debt ceiling. and again, let's look to the debt ceiling discussion as an example. if instead we were pointing fingers at each other and say they are to blame or we pointed the finger that barack obama and said what is wrong with the balanced budget amendment? what is wrong with putting in safety measures to make sure we never get in this situation again, and we had spoken in one of cord putting the blame where it belonged, i think we would have been much more successful. but instead we have to get over that finger-pointing.
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but the mere fact that that was even part of the discussion and the fact that we have true champions of the constitutional principles. not just people who are saying it to win the nomination. we have true champions who i believe are going to fight for our country and our party and we have a winning message and we have got to be confident of our message. we should be proud of our message. if we can adopt that attitude going into 2012, we can do great things. >> you touch a little bit on your troubles after your primary win and difficulties you have with the party establishment. what is your relationship like now with the delaware republican party and the artsy and what are your plans politically? >> great questions. first of all i want to clarify that my trouble is with the
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former republican leadership. there has been a growing discontent in delaware with the political establishment on both sides of the aisle that pretty much shut out the people. the voters. my candidacy didn't create the discontent. we tapped into it. because of the dirty underhanded tricks the former delaware republican leadership did, we were ousted and a new chairman of the republican party understand that we need to unite and he is the former president of the nra. he has been doing a great job of reaching out and trying to build that unity so that we can take back our state house and we can be a strong unified force and to help the former republican leadership take pride in the principles in which we stand.
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the ousted leadership is still unhappy and still resorting to some underhanded tricks. because i talk about how one of the things our former chairman did was file a false claim against me with the fcc. not only did our delaware republican leadership do this but the democrats did it as well. they file a false claim with the u.s. attorney's office. i have since been cleared of all those claims. but why i say it is a sleazy underhanded trick it is losing -- abusing the political process filing a false claim with the attorney's office for political motives is abusing the justice system. none of you in this room who have a vendetta against your neighbor can accuse them of burglary and get the police to
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look into that without facing consequences when they realized it was a vindictive claim that you did in vindictively. that is what the former chairman did and the fcc saw through it. there was no merit to their claims. they are trying to fight back right now and try to say that some things are inaccurate in the book and these are the same people who lost their posts because of their dishonest tactics. dishonesty and trickery is not off the table for them but thankfully we have a new leadership and new people involved in the party who amending their bridges. as far as the r o c, the chairman called me the day after the primary. he personally came to delaware and i talk about that in the book. i hope at least with the rnc we still have that good
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relationship. like i said earlier on fox, and on cnn i extended the olive branch to karl rove to kiss and make up. hopefully we will and we can all get behind whoever is that win the republican nomination and make sure we are talking about the issues at hand and make sure we are holding barack obama accountable. >> this afternoon i had the honor to hear you as i was driving in and it was a great deal on your part to say what you did. to karl rove by way of a radio station. my question is you have been talking about it. the establishment across the board in the political parties. you were obviously a victim of one of the other major candidates, has been and still is. would you run for office again and if so, in what capacity and for what position? >> good question.
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that was the third part of your question i forgot to answer. in the book i talk about the decision making process when i ran for office in previous times and i can honestly say you are probably like oh my gosh. i don't know. the reason for that is right now my focus at hand is filing countercomplaints. i started christinepacked so we could fight. crew is the same organization that went after sarah palin. they went after curt weldon and so many good candidates. my lawyer in that case also represented many of their other victims. it is an exhausting process. the fbi called my childhood friend all because of this have to say allegedly for legal
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reasons, brutal affidavit that crew filed that the u.s. attorney's office followed through and dismissed. usually what happens is these candidates obviously lose the election because crew will file the complaint and then released a press release all in the same day so that as you get closer to election day the headlines read candidate this accused of this illegal activity. all of my attorney's clients including me have been dismissed of these but what happened is you are so emotionally tapped that you are glad you survived. i didn't earn the title "troublemaker" -- i earned the title "troublemaker" for a reason. they took on the wrong person and we are fighting back. we are filing our own series of countercomplaints with the u.s.
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attorney's office, with our state attorney general and with the irs. our state attorney general is joe biden. there is a relationship. our vice president's on. we will see if i get a fair shot. i am sure he will want to give the case all of the proper treatment it deserves. we are also asking the irs to revoke their tax status. to revoke crew's tax status. we are a 501 c organization. when george soros donates millions it is a tax write off. iffy and warren buffett want to write more checks to the government, great. he gets the right off. when you are a 501 c crew organization as you probably very well know, you can i engage in direct political activity. you can educate the voters about
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issues but you cannot actively campaign. if you look at crew's top 12 worst, of those 12 of 2010, the most horrible candidates who won reelection eight of those 12 are republicans and of those four who are democrats, three of them are african americans. so there is a very clear agenda here. in the very beginning of crew's existent they didn't go against democrats at all until people started pointing the finger at this obvious political motive and started picking on the black caucus and usually not without the fanfare that they go after people like me or sarah palin or others. they are obviously politically motivated. melanie sloan was guilty of slandered in so many ways.
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allegedly guilty of slander in so many ways. we are fighting back. so that is on the top of my priority list right now. when candidates or political opponents do not have a platform to stand on or record they can defend which even the democrats are beginning to say about the obama administration they don't have a record they can defend they resort to the politics of personal destruction. so we don't fight back now and stop this corrupt behavior from crew going into the 2012 elections they will continue to do that. again you can't accuse your neighbor of burglary because you might face some charges of your own for abusing the justice system. crew cannot do what they did. in terms of running for office again, i honestly don't know. it depends on if we have a
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congress full of alan wests, i can enjoy its civilian life. that sounds very appealing. but again, i wrote the book because we need more alan wests. we need more michele bachmans and sarah palins and maybe some of you right here in this room. as an outsider, when people watch what happened, realized things you said 25 years ago are going to be dug up and taken out of context, why would i ever do that? why would i put my family through that? why would empire -- i embarrassed myself and my reputation like matt? if we allow them to do that we are allowing them to win all over again because we need more trouble makers to challenge the status quo and hold this administration accountable, to
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put their name on the line. we might not win the first time around, but we are making a difference and moving the standard further along for future candidates, especially for women. i really tip my hat to what your organization is doing here in such a difficult district. [applause] >> thank you. >> i was wondering if you would be willing to talk a little bit about your experience with the media during your campaign? was there anything that surprised you were shocked you in the coverage? do you have any advice as far as to what service you would be prepared for in terms of coverage with the election in 2012? >> remind me to address both parts of your question because my mind -- there are so many things i want to share in answer to that question. there were a lot of surprises.
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a lot of surprises with the media. we all expect the unfair treatment. we all expect a double standard. but i was surprised how some conservative media justify getting behind a man -- which i essentially call a grass-roots great gag order -- with an incumbent protection clause and a man who supported cap and trade, a piece of legislation that i believe is destructive to our economy but yet conservatives who oppose the legislation justify getting behind this candidate for reasons that i think are false because it is better to have a republican in there. my response to that, i was surprised the malicious treatment from the conservative media. downright malicious. they would repeat the false
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accusations that the former -- i love saying former delaware republican leadership. the former leadership would put out there. to address that point, exit polling shows my opponent mike castle was declining in the polls and before my party's attack against me i was ahead in the general election and had a 2-1 advantage against the coveted independent. i save a coveted independent because in delaware there are almost as many independents as there are republicans. when you have a 2:1 advantage if you can secure your base and get out to vote and have a 2-1 advantage with the independent you can win. until we started the infighting and republican cannibalism if we modeled what they did in kentucky i believe we would have a republican in that seat. but there were some surprises. i remember the day after the
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primary good morning america wanted to talk to me and they had george stephanopoulos interviewing me and they were like no way! we are not putting her on with george stephanopoulos. i can handle george stephanopoulos. but he is very fair. he had on my opponent. i talk about this in the book. i talk about how my democratic opponent chris kuhns, everyone would ask when is that elections served in the lame-duck session? you would be sworn in to immediately fill the rest of the term vacated by joe biden. by opponent has literally no less than five positions on how he would vote on extending the bush tax cuts.
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he had twice 5 -- five positions. that is what he took. i would try to get this out but of course i say in rooms like this and it would never be picked up by the media. i was on good morning america one morning and as i was leaving to go to the next campaign event, they had cartoons on immediately after me and george stephanopoulos says your opponent accuses you of having no less than five position on tax cuts. tell me now how you would vote. i said thank you for allowing me the opportunity or something like this. i will get a lot of misquoting. something to the effect of thank you for allowing me the opportunity to set the record straight. my position on the tax cut has been and always been -- dorr stephanopoulos pulled up his smart phone and says i have your
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web site on my smart phone right here and it says something different. george stephanopoulos of all people is the one who held accountable. that didn't get a lot of play unfortunately but i was very happy and it was a lesson learned. obviously george stephanopoulos was a democratic operative but recognize his position as a reporter. he will throw the tough questions but he does it evenly to the other side as well. that is one of the surprises that i had. where the unfair treatment came from. sometimes i was surprised that it came from this should be friendly and supportive and the fair and balanced coverage came from people i was going into these interviews expecting a -- you can't have a precedent about -- it is about who is
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professional. you never know. you never know who is going to choose to take their role as a professional journalist seriously and who is going to use that role to advance a political agenda. but as we are going into the 2012 election what we can expect is we can expect unfair treatment. we can expect misinformation. information technology has put the power back in the hands of the people. so at this time unlike ever before we are not powerless. it means we have to work harder. we have to stay one step ahead of them. but if we are vigilant, we can defeat the power of the sound bite. i have that whole chapter about how the media derives its power from the sound bite and how we can disarm it.
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knowledge is to the sound bite what kryptonite is to superman. we can use that to our advantage. if we are just as clever, just as creative and just as vigilant. and just as unified. do you hear any democrats turning on each other? the way that we are? did i address all three points? i did? i might forget all of them. >> your last statement, i want to ask specifically, how would you specifically unify the tea party movement with the party? >> what i think we have to do is be proud of the principles on which our party was founded.
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right now there's i don't want to say an embarrassment but whether it is joe biden calling them terrorists or other people saying that the tea party is causing this paralysis in congress, i think where that is coming from is the middle-class movement that propelled the tea party has put the establishment on notice. politics will not be this same. the tea party, at least in my campaign, i should say this to a republican audience but we have a lot of democrats. we had a lot of independents and they are unified around this discontent with the career politicians who have turned congress into a favor factory. one of the things that we can recognize about the 2010 election is the reason why so many tea party candidates won
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their primary is because their message was resonating with the everyday voters. whether it was rand paul's race for my race they were in gauging people in the political process like never before and they were articulating common-sense solutions that we don't need an ivy league degree in political science to get. so the message was resonating and what that does is prove the power of the message. again, these are the principles on which our country was founded. as i said earlier these are principles that made our country great and can still make our country great. so going forward, how we can unify is if the establishment part of the party would get over whatever it is that has them frustrated, recognize that we
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can't trade favors anymore and embrace the grass roots movement that won so many primaries based on principles. if they would extend their expertise, extend their resources and their knowledge to this grassroots movement and we could come together that will defeat obama. again unfortunately it is a big if. we have got to be unified. we have got to be on one message. we can't be pointing figures that each other but at the same time i don't think there is any reason why we have to be embarrassed about our message. we have a winning message. about the feeding the sound bite i talk about our freedom is inscribed on the heart of every individual. that is why we yearn for a better life for our children. that is why when you work you want to be appreciated. that is why you want to be valued and loved by your spouse.
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you want your individuality to be celebrated by those around you. that is how freedom is inscribed in our heart because in a free-market economy, in what america once was you had that freedom to take your god-given gifts, your unique talents and make a life for yourself. unlike a socialist or a communist economy where your role is given to you. that is your lot in life like it or not. it snuffs out creativity. there is no room for outside the box thinking. you do what you are told and if you are content with that, good for you. but don't try to make a better life for yourself. again in the chapter articulate that freedom is inscribed on the heart of every individual. our challenge is to articulate that. if our message is not resonating
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with the people you don't abandon the message. you refrain the message. i wouldn't go to 12-year-old and talk about this stuff and why it is a bad thing that the imf is calling for the dollar to be removed from the reserve currency because my nephew might understand because he is very smart but most 12-year-olds won't get this. you talk to them on their level but don't abandon your principles. you just refrain the argument. that is what we need to do. if we can do that as a party, as a movement i am optimistic we can make barack obama a 1-term president. [applause] i am very passionate about that. any other questions?
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>> i can't thank you enough. a great pleasure for us. a great honor. >> thank you very much. thank you for having me and thank you for being patient with me being late. >> christine will sign your book at the front where they are being sold. carol is selling the books and she will do signatures for all of you. we want to thank her again. [applause] >> and good luck with everything you do. all your endeavors. >> i forgot to thank c-span for covering it. thank you, c-span, for covering the event. [inaudible conversations] >> you are watching booktv on c-span2. forty-eight hours of nonfiction authors and books every weekend.
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>> the notion in mexico that you don't want to confront. you don't want to pick a fight because you can't walk away from a fight. once you walk into a fight you have to stick with it all away. better not to have it than have it and have to back away from it. i go through these different traits and the reality of the country. i described how the country has become what i consider to be a full-fledged majority middle class society with extraordinarily impressive achievements on all counts over the last 15 years. five years -- on issues as different as housing, health, self loans, plasma tvs legal access to credit, private education and health insurance.
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this is now a full-fledged majority middle-class society. barely 55, 57% or a lot more. it has been a big stack the last couple years. in housing the boom continues and continues. i go into the impressive status of the open economy in mexico. how open it is with the contradictions for example this absurd notion we have whereby since the 1930s. original constitution reinforced in the 1930s, foreigners cannot own land on beachfront. they cannot own beachfront land and they can't own land on the border. on the border i can see the logic. beaches, unless you think someone is going to swim up and invade you. that is a lot of swimmers or submarines or god knows what. the other guys don't need to own beachfront. these guys who come up in
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submersibles and submarines and land on the beaches, they don't need to own beachfront property to dump their merchandise from colombia and drive it to the united states. we continue to forbid. it is not allowed as you all know for foreigners to own beachfront property since the 1930s. that is on the one hand. like we were saying before. we are fantastic in mexico at inventing stupid laws and ingenious ways to get around stupid laws. this is a stupid law for a country that wants to attract tourism, that once american retirees to retire in mexico, that wants to buy homes in mexico but doesn't want them to own them. the problem with americans and canadians over 65 who have access to a mortgage and would like to make sure they can inherit their homes to their children, to buy them and sell
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