tv Book TV CSPAN September 11, 2011 10:30am-12:00pm EDT
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[taps] >> let us pray. almighty god, as we go out from this place, we do so with hartson moved by the memories of those who we have lost. here and elsewhere, on that tragic day. as well as those we have lost throughout these past 10 years. but we also go out from this place with our spirit strengthened, by memories of incredible bravery and of incredible grace. by memories of euros to risked their own lives to save another.
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by memories of service members and civilians, of firemen and law enforcement personnel, of rescuers and volunteers, all working courageously to save those trapped within the wreckage, and to support those who emerged. and we go out from here with our resolve is needed by the valor and the commitment of those who have stood fast against the evil inflicted upon us. as we go from here today, we continue to pray for the families and friends of those who we have lost. and we ask you to continue to walk with them. as we honor the sacrifices made by so many on that day, and in the years since, keep each one of us in the sure and certain
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knowledge that there is no place we can walk that is far from your grace. we pray this in your holy name, amen. >> ladies and gentlemen, please join u.s. army band and the navy sea chanters course in singing america the beautiful. ♪ o beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain ♪ ♪ for purple mountain majesties ♪ ♪ above the fruited plain! ♪ america! america! ♪ god shed his grace on thee
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♪ and crown thy good with brotherhood ♪ ♪ from sea to shining sea! >> ladies and gentlemen, this concludes today's observance. as you visit the pentagon memorial invited to create the service covers are performed for we links. they'll be on the pathway to either side of the memorial. you are also invited to visit the interior memorial, pentagon chapel and navy reflection room through the corridor forward interest. thank you for attending. ♪ ♪
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>> and a look now at the pentagon memorial at the ceremony there concluded. vice-president biden remains on the scene visiting people who have visited the memorial. the reading of the names of key to casualties continues at the world trade center site. you can see that on c-span. a little later coming up shortly president obama is due to arrive in shanksville, pennsylvania, where he will lay a wreath to honor those who lost their lives there and greek family members of the passengers. then tonight back in washington to visit the pentagon and to attend a concert for her but the kennedy center with vice-president biden and you see there. we will now join our production in the studio and listen in on some of your calls. >> hello. why would mean people do, you
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know, things like that to good people? i just couldn't explain it to them. all i wanted to do is tight and hold my babies. i knew if i had my babies with me and if anything happened at any given time i would be with my family. >> host: thank you for your telephone call and your reflections on 9/11. we welcome our viewers on c-span2 joining us with viewers. the c-span network providing live coverage on this katie tenth anniversary, involving all three of our channels in the morning hours of the ceremonies taking place in the three cities that were hit on that date ten years ago. our phone lines are open and we are asking people to talk a bit and reflect about whether or not 9/11 affected your life, how you live in this country, and this country as a whole. we welcome their participation by phone and also have our twitter feed. you can tweet us.
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next is a phone call from eugene, oregon. shelley, walk into the conversation. >> caller: thank you very much for covering in 1993. i just wanted to say that when i went to united 93 to identify the passengers of the plane, and you know, when i went there i thought it would be such destruction. in the field from being there, it is kind of an odd, serene, called place to be. the weighted it changed my life is it gave me just a sense of pride to be a will to be there and help the families and friends, to give some sort of closure to their loved ones. >> host: you went there in an official capacity. >> caller: i did, with homeland security, and there was a national -- a government disaster team that flies to
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disasters to identify victims of disasters. >> host: tell people a little bit about the process. i have been reading stories. and sure many others have about how they have worked in the last ten years to identify the remains of profound really not very much. they have done a good job identifying. that was part of the private ceremony yesterday for families, burying the remains. when you get to a site like that how do you even start? what is that -- house soon after the disaster do you arrive? >> caller: i arrived a few days after the disaster because living in oregon it was hard to fly. the airports shut down. on the long remembered. it's under fema now. they're is a disaster.
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they call emergency, basically. they caught the team to go where they will set up a portable morgue and have things like dentist, dna, to let take samples. i did for integrity elegy. forensic anthropologists. every victim of that disaster will come to the morgue and will go through all the stations. we will try and identify them with a pre mortem information that we get from the family's. >> host: how long do you work it the site? >> caller: we were only there about a week, week to ten days. and then smaller scale, obviously, to new york. it did not take as long.
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from their most people went to new york to help. as a radioed referral was not needed in new york, so i went home. >> host: i'm sure that would you have a real sense of, the work that you're doing being so important to bring closure to families. >> caller: it is something did you can never take away from me and i'm very proud to have done. the families and their friends will always be in my thoughts. just what those passengers went through, i've really admire them. that day it was hard. you had to be strong and separate yourself when you were at the worksite. today just watching the movies and things, it's hard. i'm proud that i could do it. also, to squelch those rumors of
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people that think that it never happened. i literally held these passengers in my hand. i can say, you're wrong. it happened. i was there. >> host: thank you for sharing your personal reflections and your role, really, on this 9/11 tenth anniversary day. we appreciate your insight to my knowledge of what the scene was like and calling us from oregon. next is a telephone call from deal in new york city. >> caller: hello. >> host: yes, you are on c-span network. >> caller: first of all, wanted thank c-span for allowing the public to see coverage of the actual events happening and our leaders and our people and our citizens speaking rather than talking heads taking over the airwaves, as they do on the commercial channels. thank you. second, 9/11 not only affected me, i am a former marine and a proud citizen, but is affecting me and my family today. i am so taxed.
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we have not seen the president yet at shanksville, but we are so touched by vice-president biden is patience. he is still standing there talking to people paying attention to little children. god bless our country. god bless c-span. god bless the united states of america. >> host: next is dallas. can be watching as their. >> caller: hello. i was a nurse. i had just gotten off the edge of our night shift and was relaxing from the television when i saw. when i saw the second tower hid i knew that we were under siege. i was very taken by it. i immediately started calling everyone in mid the most to me. but the my children were in two different universities. a woke them up to let them know. my husband i divorced for various reasons, i call them to
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see how he was doing. i have to say that i feel like i was humbled and that i realize all the reasons that i thought i divorced my husband did not mean a thing. we are remarried now, and i have never regretted it. the really felt like it was a day where you had to reflect, was important to you and what was solely an irresponsible and ridiculous to think. i just was so family-oriented that i knew that was what was planned to make me happy. i have never regretted it ever since because family is important. everyone should sit together. that is how it changed my life. it broadens back together. >> caller: >> host: thank you for sharing that story. albuquerque, new mexico is up next. our discussion about 9/11 and how the events of that day may have affected your life. go ahead.
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>> caller: hello. i remember coming in to work. i had walked into the lobby and i saw footage of the first plane hitting the tower. i was dumbfounded. i thought, how can they so -- shows such a violent movie this early in the morning. i thought it was a movie. i was in shock. where i was working. i saw people crying. i asked him what was going on. this is the first tower has suspended by plane. i realized this was not a movie. i was dumbfounded. we were not able. there were a number of patients that were upset. thought we were kind of triage in them to make sure there were okay. i will not for get and how
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shocked and how numb i felt. listening to the rest of the footage the rest of the day and tell those people on flight 93 save tarnation from a devastating event that could have occurred. this kind of thing was a horrible, horrible setback. it will never ever divide us as a nation. i am just so glad to live in this country where people stand cohesive lee so that i can be on the phone talking to you right now. i am extremely grateful to everybody that save those people that were there after that devastating event. >> host: thank you for your thoughts. the vice president and shanksville, pennsylvania, who is talking and walking through
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the crowd making sure you connect with as many people as possible who are there for that site. we are expecting the president sometime within the next ten minutes or so. we will keep an eye on that. c-span2, live coverage from the pentagon. c-span is at the world trade center, and the c-span will be providing coverage of throughout the day today, including to the evening with a live event at the kennedy center in washington d.c. tonight. next telephone call and our discussion is orange park, florida. courtney, your honor. >> caller: high. i was nine years old when this happened. i was a school. i remember our teachers took us to the classrooms and said something bad had happened. it would not let us watch tv. they said something bad had happened in ibibio carry. the rest of the day i remember playing in going home. it was, of course, my mom and
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dad were trying to stop me from watching it. that is just something you can't always help the kid from watching. i'm 19 today, almost 20. i cannot imagine what happened on that plane and i am so grateful for what happened with those guys to save everybody. i just wanted to tell everyone, i hope everyone is having an amazing day. am so sorry for everything. >> host: such a little girl. it sounds as low you have incorporated 9/11 into your formative experience. >> caller: i don't want to sound -- the first year of really gotten into everything and see what happened. add detail.
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every year. really gotten tense it. my heart hurts. everytime i see a soldier or anything like that i tried to smile, just give them a little smile if icahn. i do little things that i can. i realize that we all need to stick together and be friends and just help each other out. >> host: another piece of video. white house chief of staff during the bush administration. the press secretary. these are there reflections on an event we covered at the national constitution center reflecting on 9/11 that begins with andy card. >> among the questions that were asked when the president was on the plane on the phone was, it does mr. president's, will you
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give authority for the pilots to shoot down the commercial jetliners. i was sitting directly across from the president when this conversation was taking place. it was a remarkable experience for me because the president was the only person i knew that could be asked that question who had empathy. he had been an air national guard fighter pilot. he said this exec to the words. can't imagine being 22 year-old pilot being told to shoot down a commercial jetliner. that would be a very hard order. he said, yes, they have the authority. >> and that was secretary rumsfeld. >> not only that. we got off the air force one. we just heard the plane hit the pentagon. the fourth plane went down, the
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initial report was near camp david. of course it turned out to be pennsylvania. at that moment we were told there were six unidentified aircraft who did not respond to the signal to land. we thought six aircraft in the skies were missiles. not only to the president say yes to give the order to shoot down. he said that to the secretary. he also later on in that same conversation the order was given to go to defcon three for the first time since 1973. that is how serious the stakes were. now we can look back and say it it was just four planes. at that moment we thought there were six more. people were being told across the country that there was a car bomb at the state department. no one knew the full extent of this. >> what kind of authority did the president need at that moment that he didn't have. >> i remember him, as we handled
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the instant transcript of the president's directive was standing in the situation room. one of the military personnel that manned the situation room desk immediately the question was, what is the president's authority to do this. i knew that two things. first of all, any legal analysis was going to be woefully behind the event. the order had been given. i also knew immediately that it was completely justified as a matter of the president's exercise, the commander-in-chief authority to repel any attacks. and then for knowing that this would be examined in the light of history afterwards, i also got on my cell phone witches are reasonably legal thing to do in this situation thing and got ahold of the general counsel of the department of defense. past and the question. is there any other authority. he basically after a pause came
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back and said immediately somebody has already lifted up. there is authority. he said the statute. i think it was the norad statute that gives the national command structure authority to deal with imminent threats. >> three former bush administration officials talking about the critical decision making that would affect lives that they had implemented on 9/11. this is c-span network live coverage of the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. we are live today on all three of our channels and welcoming at this point calls and comments on c-span2 and c-span three. our question is did 9/11 affect your life. our rating for the presence in an arrival in chicago, pennsylvania. we will bring you live coverage. vancouver, washington. crystal, go ahead. >> i called in because i haven't heard any military guns of an opportunity to talk about their
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experience during that time. a been a military spouse for 16 years. i wasn't anywhere near the twin towers. rescission at the time. brown base. i've never had such a difficult time getting into my own house. the gates were literally locked. people were being told to turn around. that is then an ongoing experience for a military wife, a particular those of us that live on base. we are always there, being reminded of the threat level every time we leave the house just to go to walmart. we are always hearing from other military wives. just pervades every aspect of
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our lives. you always have a neighbor who is hurting. you always have someone who is trying to raise their children and trying to do it on their own we get all these. it's not uncommon for one of the wives to jump up from the table. that phone call from her husband. it killed me. we are resilience, but very mindful that their dad is out in danger. so from the perspective of the wives i have never walked around so much in my life thinking and trying to prepare myself mentally to become a widow. my husband has deployed three times now. i can tell you, it does have an impact. big walk around thinking that they're safe.
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it just really, it permeates the entire military community. our husbands are at risk and we choose to live the life of a military wife. first and foremost defending our country is what is required of us. we tried to build ourselves up for that, but we would never be prepared for 9/11. >> host: thank you for your military family experience of how life has changed in the ensuing years since the attacks on kaythree. you saw that group of people, reporters standing in place for the president. we are expecting that to happen in just a couple of minutes. until then we will take your telephone calls. next is thomas on the line. >> caller: hello. thank you very much for taking my call.
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9/11 has taken me on such a journey from complete loss in faith in humanity. how could anyone do such a thing to people that aren't involved and had no idea this was about to come down on them. then, of course, within years my faith was restored through contact with certain people. doctors. david jones. but then people, the canadian minister of defense, the assistant german defense minister, the former prime minister of italy, the prime minister of italy when reagan was president. twenty-seven years veteran and chaired the national intelligence estimates and personally delivered intelligence briefings to get president reagan and george h. w. bush. all these people restored my faith because they were brave enough to come forward and finally say that 9/11 was all
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fabricated lives. they're needs to be a new investigation. it was obviously an inside job. the prime minister of italy said all the intelligence agencies around the world know 9/11 was an inside job c-span2 were going to stop you. thank you. of the opportunity to find more about those who have questions about 9/11. lots available on the internet. will move on to another telephone call from jacksonville, florida. >> caller: let me say that 9/11 happened. i was almost there. i lived in jacksonville, florida. i have gone to pittsburgh to visit my to answer and cousins for the weekend. it was an unexpected trip. came up overnight. i was supposed to fly home on tuesday morning, september 11th. i was bringing my suitcases downstairs at a few minutes
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before 9:00 in the morning to put them by the door. my aunt called me and said, come what it was on the tv. i went into the living room just in time to see the second plane hit the world trade center. i watched for about five written minutes, and then it came to me, you are booked on a southwest airlines flight, and they're going to be people in need to go places. this is an emergency. i went to the phone and called southwest. i got an operator. i said, have reservations. i want to cancel a because apparently there is an emergency. people handed. she said okay. we will cancel your reservation. can you will on a minute? i waited. i can hear people talking in the background. she came back to the phone and
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said, the president has just ordered that all commercial flights and all the airplanes in the united states be grounded. so i was on the phone when the president gave the order. i was in pittsburgh for three weeks. of bill comes there you are. v80 miles from where we were. at that time they did know where it was actually added. my husband told me, stay where you are. don't get on an airplane. just stay there. i stayed in pittsburgh for three weeks. we watch the situation unfold. i drove home. >> host: the president is arriving sen. if you would wrap up your remarks.
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