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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  November 26, 2011 5:30pm-6:00pm EST

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kentucky? far. >> why, yes, she is. yr that was almost there a couple m y weeks ago, a family reunion.t i was kind of busy with the coue book. >> that's great. well, when i heard that i was s. excited. of course i live in lexington now, when to restate. great. second question, i have not been estimated to any of your book tours. you have really made a huge impression on me just in terms of your christian faith and telling things like it is. so really, wanted an autograph. i cannot figure out how to send it to you or what? >> i am sure you can get it to uest:rough the phillips foundation. >> what is the phillips can foundation? h >> he bought up gregory books on >> the conservative book club. various other publications, but he gives out these very impressive rewards for young
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journalist who get -- i guess in call the reagan award. there are submissions andit is d judges. i am aware of the various i'nders. so he oversees this wholes complex of which i am a small, part.he you can definitely get the book to me through the phillipsll foundation.itely >> next call comes from new york fountion. hello. call >> zillow. caller i would, the reason the act of white terrorism. w iallyally this was described by people on the ride as muslimd terrorism, which was incorrect.s then it was described by people on the left as christian the terrorism, which is alsochristia incorrect.t. the only way this could have been described on this traffic s
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is a white racists who committee an act of white terrorism and af stemt system of white supremacy, fogetid christianity, forget, that is the only way it should be looked at.his to do so any other way isny incorrect.. >> i agree with part of that. ia and as luck would have it, i adad his manifesto, not all of it, it gets a low repetitive, s. you can skim break through some parts, but i don't think i am se aware of any conservatives to r. blended on islamic terrorism.f did not know what it was. it we the time we heard that happened he was already being described in the new york times headline as a christian fundamentalist, gun-toting, fox is healing, i believe. his manifesto makes clear, as
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the caller said, even to mas christians, uses the word christian to mean non islamic. not specifically, i don't know, black, hispanic., no, muslims that he does not like.t like. and a yes, very anti muslim, bus jews and buddhists and all of-m. the people of europe to join t peohim in the fight against the islamic edition of europe. wiat is what he is this saying. whether or not that is connected to the insanity on some molecular level, i don't know.iy the new york times describedsome some as a christianibe fundamentalist, and outrageous, something you come to expect. >> you can watch this and other programs online. up next, john keefe weltering birmingham alabama as part of our city store. recounting the military career
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of u.s.s. wahoo in the pacific. >> probably the most influential submarine skipper of world war ii. he was really the first true submarine ace. the pilot aces so much in world war ii. such an interesting character that i am surprised that no one had done a biography of him. history. i always joke. i don't write about submarines. i prefer to write about people. people, extraordinary situations, extraordinary people in extraordinary situations. the fellow with the funny founding nickname.
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violence is single-handedly because he had some fears of the time, doing some very unusual things with those remarkable vessels. but he was definitely the one who stood above all the rest in a way that he elevated the use of the submarines. prior to world war ii, the submarine was pretty in most cases a defensive weapon designed to protect farmers. there were designed to also accompany a fleet of other vessels in happen to be a will to protect them. but in most cases he was not even fast enough to stay up with the fleet. at the same time not only was he equipped, but the methods of fighting submarine warfare were completely different. the theory was if you had a perfect shot and ticket because of the limited number of
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corporate as a carrier, was you fired that shot the doctor and ran as fast as you could. it was not very fast, but eight or nine months was the most the you could do, only 20 not on the surface. so the afternoon after pearl harbor was a roosevelt made that he immediately issued a first time in american history the declaration that we were in a restrictive warfare. instantly that changed, luckily we had two things going for us. we were not totally convinced there would be a war in the pacific. we still had the part two of the folks taking part in the navy. the class of submarines, one that could go farther, dive deeper, carry more torpedoes, and oddly enough, have more
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comfort. a lot of people think of the german you bore spirit those were very effective. the new class of submarines that were on the drawing board in the 1930's were far superior, even to the new. the first was the date of class. dataquest began to dive deeper, go farther, and had much more firepower. the one thing that we did not have in december of 1941 was a submarine skippers who could fight the kind of war that we needed to fight against the japanese in the pacific. it was not their fault. a whole different way to run those submarines. but once that unrestricted forecast was declared, thankfully we have some officers who stepped to the forefront and adapted those submarines and were able to the take that remarkable equipment and use it very effectively when the war broke out. i like to joke and say most of them had pre burlingame, read a
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greenwich, oak milligan. these were great names. it sells like the movie matinee. and then here comes deadly must morgan. not only was he a character, but he instinctively knew how to take that new class of submarines and use it to its best in world war ii. that is who he was. dudley, like a lot of submariners paul was born far from salt water. most of his young years were spent in kentucky. his father grew up in the coal mining business. his father sent into miami this he and his teenage sun and teeeight were there were very rambunctious follows a high-school. and his mother was not able to handle those two teenage boys. so he went to live with his aunt and uncle in miami. it is fortunate, there were very well off and were very
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politically connected. it will to get him into a naval academy, a prep school. he did not have an especially distinguished career at the naval academy. he was a good athlete, world-class resler also a football player. wrestling is where he excelled. but he tended to rub his instructors and commanding officers the wrong way because he bought on his own and had a very active and creative mind. he did not necessarily take to studies seriously. he much preferred to be a lowestoft. he loved to fail. that means you is obviously cut out to be in the navy, but not necessarily submarines. after he graduated he went to the west coast and was awarded time and a destroyer but eventually decided he wanted to be a submarine captain. all of the people chose submarine demand for a number of reasons. one, typically the command of
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vessel is those rapid way to advance the navy in eventually become. a lot of people enjoy the smaller crew. each crew member in each crew member stabilities without having 100 men to know. they typically no weather is the cruise problem, how good they are, when they have to die or surface of fire torpedoes. so it is a lot of people prefer some marine command. of course when he went into submarines, most people went into submarines. it did not know that there would necessarily encounter war. once he got into submarines they did not have an especially colorful career. he was just very typical submarine skipper. very old equipment, the old as boats, which were not very effective. before the war broke out he was
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actually skipper of one of the old as boats which at that time helped protect the canal is the possible german activities, should war break out. when the war did start he was off the east coast and had one encounter with a german you both. he did fire one torpedo. he knew it was not going to hit anything because it is hard for one submarine because you not only have this in this, but you also add this and this. he did what most skippers would have done after he fired a torpedo. he he dived and went away and was reprimanded for that by his commanding officers reprimanded that he be sent to some other branch in the navy in not remain a submarine captain because he turned and ran. i don't know if you took that to heart. i think from that point on he wanted to prove that he have what it took to be a submarine
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skipper. he did not to run out of submarine service at that time. he ended up actually in pearl harbor as a prospective commanding officer of a submarine. they gave him command of an old, old boat, the dolphin. when he first walked on the boat he announced to the crew and anybody listening that this was a death trap. there is no way i'll take this to war. he went back to this squadron commander and refuse to go out on that submarine. so ill-equipped. well, the submarine commander said, okay, you're finished with submarines. told the young men to drop import hand it to the surface as quickly. 1110 to plead his case to the squadron commanders commander. he walks in and say it's the man's hand. the commander said, you know, i feel like i remember you. the see you play football?
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yes. the submarine division later said in the man with a handshake like that can command by submarines. so he once again does the bullet and went on and stayed in the submarine. i mentioned, the time that he was stationed on the west coast, a destroyer, the early 1930's, los angeles, san pedro california, he spent a lot of time with hollywood folks, love to go to the parties. they loved him because he was such a camille individual until great stories, most of the not true. he was very popular in hollywood that is going to come back with ron. after dodgers that other big bullet morgan was assigned as prospective commanding officer of the u.s. as well.
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the pc o or prospective commanding officer means that you take them on a control with an experienced submarine skipper and you have to learn the ropes. and then you come back in good command of your own vessel. in this case there was a lot of collusion among the troops -- crew to get their courage to replace. that collision led to russ morgan being assigned. he was actually aboard the second patrol. the first patrol the skipper at that time was very typical. commanding submarines of the beginning of the war. he had fired some shots. as they have been taught, when away as quickly as he could and did not follow. in the opinion of the executive officer he had actually avoided
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contact. he strongly suspected that a man was not cut out to be. that the executive officer was a javelin named dick obtain who would eventually being the most prolific submarine captain of world war two. his water commanded recommended. and morgan was a board and observe the other captain and saw what was going on. he started politicking once you get to australia and being on a patrol. that is what happened. i think it is important that decommissioning skipper who tore around the first patrol and robes the xl the wrong way i was not very effective being a submarine commander, he went on to serve in the service navy, did the few things that helped
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to win the war and that helps with a lot. there were just not cut out. and that think we owe them, they were just, like to say, they show up to a gun fight with a knife. there were just not prepared. he went on to lead on the third patrol. they sank an entire convoy. he used those guns como's submarine skippers did not. they were primarily designed in the beginning, if you get caught on the surface and had a fight your way out of a tight spot you could use guns on the deck. borden would blaze ride into a convoy with the guns going in shooting. they actually sent an entire convoy by themselves during the
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patrol. well, when they got back to pearl harbor the navy knew that we needed some good news. they made sure that the whole world knew. there were talking about swashbuckling skipper, spent some time with the hollywood folks. that will come back a letter. second patrol was a spectacularly. it's amazing things. they were ordered to pass a little island. they put it on the chart. they had to use an airless from one of the key members. they found him on their and rebel to projected on the wall. drive by and see if there was any enemy activity. well, the cell right into the
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harbor. the arbour is so shallow that they could actually sealed this well. there were close enough that they could count. they see a destroyer coming their way. he executes the first successful down the third shot to shoot the narrow profile of a destroyer. almost impossible because there is only a narrow range for you can shoot and otherwise appear will harm. it is quite a dramatic scene. that just lead to lower. this of continues. wherever a lot of problems with our torpedoes at that time. one of the high-ranking,
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designed those to pieces. not reluctant to admit there was a problem. he even went to charles locke worth, summaries pacific. he called his wife and said they're going to kick me in the navy. at that point the most famous submarine skipper in the world and was convinced because of all of this company but the torpedoes. it turns out that was one of the things that puts the navy to go ahead and do something about the turbulence. and they did get better after that. he ended up with a total of five patrols and only ten months. he was a, into one of the most prolific skippers a navy. a large number of vessels
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despite the problems of their or having. but he lost on the last patrol with all hands. until 2005 we were not even sure where he was. we knew it was off the northern coast of japan. but thanks to some of his relatives, base to the author and to the navy and even to russia and some russian petroleum exploration kraft eventually located the wreck, took enough pictures to convince the navy there really was some another have had several memorial services. it is a great relief to the family to be able to point to a particular place and say that is where the summer and went down. to that point he was still listed as missing in action for all the family members knew the crew could have been captured, died in concentration camps.
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it did not know what happened. but the menu found and were able to do the research actually talked to some of the pilots the fire on them that they. they pieced together the total story. fighting to the end, as was his nature. he was unable to dive deep enough to avoid block -- bonds of the plans were dropping and she sang just off the coast. also important to note the people who were searching for established memorials, not for wahoo, but to all of the people who lost their lives, and they call them memorial to honor the people who died in action, not just the american submarine. a beautiful memorial overlooking that stretch of the water.
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>> what prompted you to read the book? >> i had written several of a world war ii history. i was moving away from that for a while, at some other ideas for books the wanted to do. i was in jacksonville, florida on business and had several hours before my flight was scheduled to leave. i ran out. there was one of the most wonderful submarine museums and the whole world. a tantillo place. the have a lot of other print books back before the internet. type and reproduce the patrol report. ever since the war were to submarine. we opened a big book to read. when he wrote those reports, a great novelist. a colorful way of writing.
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i was ugly, world war ii skippers and how influential the have been in the way the war was conducted and how they're a will to win the war. people don't realize that no time in world war ii was the submarine force any more than 2 percent of the total labour force. it is sink or 50% at the end of the shipping. we lost 30200. fifty-two submarines. they also have the highest casualty rate. we think about the marines, extremely brave men and loss of life almost all of submariners who went to war died in the submarines. but in getting through that and reading about him, well, i have to find his biography. have to find out more about this man. one of the most fascinating characters.
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i love to read. the cocaine did a very good book, but it is more about wahoo . they yell when it was almost on that last patrol, it literally was taken off the boat at the dock at midway and watched sell away. he wrote a very good book about the listed man's point of view. an important part. not a biography. what the -- what made them and real. on a sucker for restored. >> we have this book called the deal from hell. what is it about, basically? why should we care, especially why should people watching as far away and maintop portland, why should they care?
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>> well, the book talks a lot about the differences between journalism today and journalism i started. when i first got into this journalism, newspaper business, by family. but they really had kind of a public service mantra that they followed. basically no one could ever put it better than michael who was a leading member of the family that owned the first newspaper i worked for, the morning registry he always said, the only thing and is there really has to worry about is the public respect because of the public respects it you will have readers, and if you have readers you will have advertisers, and that is the main source of income and revenue for newspapers to miss the really have to meet the perspective of the public. and then around the 1960's and
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70's that that turned on its head. the families wanted to get out of the business has started selling newspapers. all the time to solve them they sold them to the two corporations owned by stockholders and the people lived in those corporations have a duty to journalists and journalism, but they also have duties to stockholders. the other -- we all have a lot of money rolling in. it was pretty easy to balance those two things. sometime after september 11th that chased. we begin struggling with revenues. as we tried to maintain the profit margins, which were considerable we began cutting, diminishing our journalism, and i suspect all of us were a little bit guilty of subordinating the public, the answers to the public, the fiduciary duties to produce the kind of returns of wall street another is expected.
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i really think that kind of let us down this path to where we are today in the case of the tribune company is led them to bankruptcy court. a great institution. a fixture. an institution in trouble, and i think it has -- it is an institution that, and all newspapers like it, i don't think people understand the fundamental that newspapers play giving voters and people in the democracy the information that they need. there are under threat today. i think it is a very troubling thing to a lot of people. i think that is so everybody should care about the story, not just because it is about me, and not just because it is about the chicago tribune or the l.a. times, but journalism which is something that i think is vital to a democratic society. >> this book is called the deal
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from hell. it is really about to deals. the first in the year 2000 and involve the purchase by tribune company venerable chicago-based owner of several dozen pair respected television stations and newspapers. the purchase of the los angeles-based new york times company. it was a staple -- succinctly the economic backdrop at the time, this paper industry backdrop, and the rationale for that first of the two big deals. if you want to mention a fellow somewhere along the lines became known, the serial killer, not cereal like john wayne gacy, insurance -- serial like cheerios and smart start tell us a little bit about him and why he was critical to the tactics and strategy and executing this?
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>> the deal which stands out is a tribune co loughs it was -- you know, basically that mr. at the time was by the buck. aol and time warner had just emerged and things are going quite well. so when they decided to buy this things looked pretty good in the future looked pretty get. it was -- and the way to deal with structures is we but the company, even though the serial killer who was the ceo, and by the way, he got that title, used to be the co-chairman of general mills. the staff was phenomenal. the staff of the l.a. times would have gone as well as the


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