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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  December 11, 2011 10:00pm-11:00pm EST

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the germans continued to bomb, mainly at night, through the winter. but the battle of britain was basically in the daylight and they couldn't overcome the fighter arm of the royal air force and couldn't invade. that's what the battle of britain was about. >> was there a time between june and october 1940 when it looked really bad for great written? >> there were a number of times it looked really bad. june was the end of the dunkirk battle and it looked pretty bad subtitles are meant to get you interested in the book and i hope that one does. then. and then again in september, a "sex, mom, & god" is the third very, very critical months. and last book in a trilogy. the royal air force was not each of the books in the trilogy really sure they could gain superiority over southern or stand-alone. in other words you can buy one
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and read without having to read england. simmering warfare was very all three. critical at this point. it was a very, very close call. if you get halfway through pitched across the room, maybe the next one the next one will >> host: brooke stoddard is a former editor at the military be veteran veteran you like a heritage magazine. compass that either way it works is this your first book? out. let me just review of desire. >> guest: is my first, yes, the first is crazy for god can't mmr somehow i corrupt with the peter. >> host: how much time did religious right and left to take all our almost all of the facts. that is this the karen paperback. the second volume is patients patients with god, save for people who don't like religion or atheism and that is just volume here. as absurd as this book here, "sex, mom, & god," half the battle strange take on backside to politics by the two love with men and jesus anyway. so without any further ado, what i will begin with tonight is to reach you the introductory remarks from "sex, mom, & god," which will set up my talk, but also let you in a little bit about what this book covers in
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terms of what the reader would find in it. one of the things i love most about being with my grandchildren is that they only know me now. so before i explain why he had a act with an ice sculpture and how my family helped push the republican party into the embrace of the religious right and chronicled my family's complicity in several murders, let me say that my granddaughter lucy has just turned two. she, along with my three other grandchildren is my second chance, not that i've carved out a spiritual identity astronomically eclipsing of my former self as if i disappeared into it what this protection program. my four grandchildren, amanda, benjamin comeau lucienne chaddock notwithstanding, i still on to label people and ideas as my mother labeled them. mom decided everything into very important important things, jesus comerford unity, japanese
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flower arrangements, the see-through black archery to be enjoyed only after marriage and everything else. those things that really registered him and others to do this like homeschooling me. so i will be capitalized and some words i latest book, such as saying, god, love and girls can also words like him when referring to god. i i'm not doing this as a theological statement, but it's a nervous tic. that's over her maid edith schaeffer's sheep childhood and also limps arched my mother was still in search to me. blessedly, lucienne chaddock of only a few hundred feet of the street. i walked to the house every day for play time parentheses turn she perches in my arms and talked to me. chapter six months old impulse may some laughs, but at the same as share. lucy likes to be carried to a stroke that to bot and non.
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lucy is a brown eyes scan 18th the 18th century house in southern new england neighborhoods the witch of ubiquitous american flags are wrapped around there about the front-row spot polls by the wind and which are waving free in the ocean breeze. when i get to my house, lucy convinced me to read dale had two bad mice. it's a story about two diluted mice, uncle monk and thompson a mistake until houston are laid out in the dollhouse miniature dining room for real food. when they discover that the lovely looking hand, fish putting can't be eaten, they smashed up the apostrophe in revenge and insightfully ransacked the dollhouse. when she wrote the book in 1904, potter couldn't have known better classic story with some may be an allegory aptly illustrating the dilution suffered by members of the american religious right. some people who helped lead that
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movement, including they were very much like him, for an tom thumb. we live life informed by police not based on fact and that led to deep-seated resentments that can be cured because what we resent it never actually happened. we took it as a personal insult that the real world to conform to the imagined religious facts that we been indoctrinated to believe. and so we did our share of smashing. my late father, francis schaeffer was a key founder and leader of the religious right. a mother, edith, was herself a spiritual leader, not the mere power behind her men, which she also lives. mom was a formidable and adored religious figure who spoke some public speaking, not to mention biblical conditioning at me directly and indirectly shapes millions of lives. for a time i join my dad in pioneering the evangelical antiabortion religious right movement. in the 1970s and 1980s when
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i was in my twinings, i evolved into an ambitious successful religious leader instigator and made a great and i wasn't just at sidekick. i was also mounts collaborator and her mission to reach the road to jesus. i changed my mind. i no longer ride around saving god nor am i a regular unreligious tv and radio these days. nevertheless, let us to that nice who later felt remorse and so could a crooked sixpence and that's stocking to pay for the damage they caused, i am determined to acknowledge the distraction i contributed to before lucy grows old enough to inherit the vandalize dollhouse that shall soon discovered lurking beyond her childhood horizons. so that is the beginning of that book. i'm going to talk about the book, why about it and then i'll be glad to take your questions. the trilogy here, which my publisher calls for god trilogy
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comes out a personal experience, lived on two levels. one is as a child of a preacher, who then became a religious right figure in a political figure in america and the world seen through a child's eyes sometimes bring some reality to a subject that is missed by adults who don't hear the argument that night was the latest out of my parents are, who don't see the inside story of this year that sometimes other people put on a pedestal. but then there is a second thread that runs through trees three books and that is my own life journey, which began with me as the sidekick of my father, francis schaeffer in my late teens and early 20th when i helped to make a film series caught harshly than live with it companion in another film series called whatever happened in the human race at the companion became surgeon general of the united states under ronald reagan. the series together do two things. first committee may make other very my father very famous in
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the evangelical ghetto and i see evangelical ghetto hat in a sense of disparagement. we all live in ghettos. whatever club query part of. so we know about orthodox and people who know about nascar lakehurst driven life. and those of us who live in this space don't know any other countries exist most of the time. we just live here. so what i mean by evangelical ghetto is something that is in one part of the vote country little sliver of our culture that has never been heard of that most of the people and that would've been death case. within the evangelical community if you have somebody in 1979 or 1983 for the leaders were in suit me the intellectual leaders evangelicalism, my dad and he would've been at the top of the list and certainly on the top of all this. and evangelicalism share something with north korea as a matter of fact and that is a
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nepotistic system of succession. so if i'd been in north korea that would offend kevin l. john the 17th or whatever, but being the son of an evangelist and very natural for me to become his sidekick. and i was not alone. franklin graham now runs the program organization or proper son, richard, who i knew quite well in the past. in fact, i knew all these people well inherited that family had it tonight with the college and separated from them. all kinds of other people, pat robertson can't bring 700 for a while. it seems normal and we were kind of bread for leadership positions as they say, perhaps not to inherit the call from the holy year, but certainly to inherit the mailing list, which to most of it seemed a lot more probable. so that was my world. son of a preacher who went to europe as a fundamentalist missionary and rusedski ran unknown and i talk about in the book, "sex, mom, & god," how one
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of the great desires of my youth must have protein. any kind of protein in the sense that we had a very meatless diet that had nothing to do with keeping eastern orthodox fast. i did it the fact that my parents are trying to stretch mac and she's a lot way to feed students in hitch hikers and backpackers who came through to the ministry called the pre-fellowship of the states. one of the great things about having a dad who wrote best-sellers and then became a speaker and evangelical surfaces i got to go along and meet a lot of porterhouse state. sort was too little and too late, but it was great to finally get the protein that i prayed for. so it's also an answer to prayer, see this crucial element type into it. so when "sex, mom, & god" and crazy for god in patients with god, i tell a story today euphemistically alluded to in my early novel, my calvin becker trilogy some of you might have read. portofino comest amant and saving grandma which are the stories of a child of
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fundamental missionaries in the 1960s in the age of the chilchinbito when fully he fully he was doing his stuff, was the place he could live and travel in italy was a cheap vacation for us. portofino assortment in the summers. took a train for a half-hour summer on the mediterranean and medicine turquoise became a favorite color because mediterranean was and perhaps still is. we had a wonderful time, but my introduction to vacationing with a little different than the other people. other regular guess who came every year did not value of mortification every night and ask the karachi beach to swallow that because their mothers did not say long preachy decreases over the meal in order to evangelize the witness to all those last roman catholic italians are church of england people. my dad would say that it actually represented easter come which is the only time they went to church.
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and so, mom was a hurt on grace and i would be watching the olive oil combined with mortadella float away and so forth. but eventually she would end and even if the passing in front broda was called, we repeat. so i began as the son of these obscure evangelicals. but here's the serious point that i talk about an "sex, mom, & god". amnesty is their mission in life was to convert people to jesus christ. it was a simple mission that my dad pursued and so did name out there, with good intent and complete integrity. this is not a scam or moneymaking operation. they know what they said. their goal for people was to get them to believe right as they would define it. if you fast-forward to today, right now in the united states of america, the goal of the evangelical movement it seemed if you read the media is to get you to go right. we have become politicized to
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the point where you are not a real christian in some peoples mind if you vote for democratic candidates. i've written about this and people write to me on supporting the wrong candidate and i must no longer be a christian. but my parents begin the evangelical christian, how to do with following the person and teaching of jesus christ. and speaking of vast generalities, but it would have shot in 1965, sitting in switzerland to be said to him there will come a day when evangelicalism will no longer be known primarily as something that wishes to convert people to a spirituality that puts christ at the center of their life, rather than material wealth building, rather than cadena had. instead what is going to be the actual motivator for most of the fund-raising letters in the big-time duties is going to be politics. sometime politics of the christian zionism at the church
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of 50,000 in dallas will be more ardent supporters of israel to need people on the west bank occupied the territories and having a lot of babies. john heidi will be even more ardent christian zionists and sinusitis sinus. it will be working, but in this book you can be a christian lesser right-wing neoconservative who once used the american military to hammer our quote, aired and 90. there will be other people like james dobson writing fundraising letters to his followers, telling them if you vote for candidates that believe in, you can not any longer call yourself a christian. where is documentary as they talk about in my book here, my parents in hindsight and of course necessary subject is, were much better people than their theology because they were very strict calvinist protestant christians as he went by the book in terms of the creepy with sign onto what they believed. but how they treated individuals
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is entirely different. we people in our home, helpers and workers who are openly gay. by father was not saying i will pray for gay none of you and your dirty and filthy or the sort of things like candidates like michele bachmann have gone around the country saying that gay scarcer or its demonic or whatever. there was no talk like that. the official belief than did not kick out into another way of treating people as inhumane because there is an underlying message to the gospel my father believed that kind of trumps all other moral categories and that was to do unto others as you would be done by or to do what christ said and that is even in the case of the enemy, turn the other cheek. and so, huge shifts to place. so when "sex, mom, & god", creasy forgot in patients with god chronicle or three stories. first of all is my story because millions of people were raised like me in the same bible
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stories, mythology taken literally by people believe scripture is inherent and speaks is actually to biology and anthropology as it does to the person of price. it tells the story of how a child changed his mind about that. that child being me, but also talks about the bible stories that formed him and the culture. a second server is the rise of the religious right. people who want to understand the religious right, people understand why the republican party is a religious organization and the like are politics as usual actually have to retrain for in my memoir, crazy for god, if they want inside picture. otherwise its headlines written by people with secular environments who don't understand what happened with the passions that drive them. zero give you an example out of "sex, mom, & god." i have several chapters on development of politics after rosie lead to legalized abortion and 73 and joe v. bolton which
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clarified for the public. and i come. the one for instance france and sweden and i talked about the fact if you had tried for 10 years with the well-funded tank to come up with it is a culture where that would never die or to put it simply, how to off than those people must instantly and permanently forever, what you would do is you wonder what france did, which is gradually change the law and what is happening state-by-state. you have a piece of judicial writing on a ruling so sweeping that from then on, antiabortion forces could march around with posters of late-term aborted babies and say this as a pro v. wade is. unless that's the last month and so forth and so on. so there was extremism that i chart in "sex, mom, & god" coming from the same severely culture were and since my father and i were at the beginning of the protestant pro-life movement bitterly to the point we have
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roman catholic bishops and the knights of columbus and other people funding our film series because they were so glad to see protestants arriving over the horizon like the calvary on issues they thought they were the only people represented in 70 -- the early 70s. i thought the growth of this movement. so in "sex, mom, & god," i chart that. i'm not going to go through everything in the book now because i hope you'll buy the book and read it. but believe me by the end of the deal have a personalized view, but also piece of american history told in a way that is personal and not the same time gives you insight into what really happened here and why for instance today's headlines about politics are all about these litmus tests of moral issues. i'll just give you one conclusion i drew in "sex, mom, & god" and then moved on to the third threat from what you see in the world to my mother's life in this book because she's an interesting case that proves the point. i fight forget what that is, say you're an essay she proved a
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point and then i remember. one of the things they talk about in "sex, mom, & god" is the result of all of our work if you want to do a big, wide project relies edge over 35 years now was corporate america, a group of city voters against their interests because corporate america really had a different agenda, which was to deregulate the economy, pay no taxes, do what they wanted on wall street and the laughing all the rage debate. but you cannot do that if the middle-class and lower middle class, especially white, middle and lower middle class are consistently voting for people who want to raise billionaires tax iscommemorated yearly wall street, try to get exxonmobil to pay something for the damage the environment or even stop destroying the ability of other companies to build electric cars and do something about global warming, et cetera, et cetera. if those people vote on the basis of both rational thought
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and pocket books. the only way to get this group of people, a huge voting bloc of people is to do when you when you do bad things for your country that are going to help them because they're not the people pay no taxes. as to get them to go for your candidate on the basis of other issues in the months and not just do nothing about the issues and business as usual. that is really the sum total of the result. one of the things i talk about in "sex, mom, & god" is the fact that what had been rise from pro-life movement in the antiabortion movement came something that really we couldn't have visualized at the time. i'm going to put it very strongly and i hope you don't object to this, but it was a genuine sense of the christian thing to do was to hate the united states government and certainly not trusted even if you don't hit it. not on the basis of its failure to clean up the environment. not on the basis of its failure to regulate wall street, but the basis of a more litmus test, for instance gay marriage, gay
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writes. the antiabortion movement, the wise tent that encompasses all the so-called family values. and we get mom and pop no name to get all riled up on these issues consistently. then they voted for candidates who go to washington to make sure we keep deregulating banks and deregulating wall street and let exxonmobil do anything they want because that's always been the agenda of the republican party. and so when my family as they talk about in "sex, mom, & god" were sitting down at people like ronald reagan and when i was staying in the home of jack kemp who, bob dole's running mate in a very well-known congressmen. we sat down with the bush family and the attack to gerald ford and my mom would go swimming with betty ford in the white house pool, didn't even need a pass to get in the white house. but really not comitatus issue is going to neighbors house in the garden state or some crazy
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lady. so she goes and swims laps. [laughter] as they talk about in the book, the net result of that was that if you fast-forward to the present tendency of a bunch of people using the language of the pro-life movement that we created, talking about the beatles, which is the way they describe health care reform are saying we have to defend the government because no one should have to pay tax is and where we wall street or the banks are the oil companies. global warming is a myth because that hurts business and what we are all about is defending business, et cetera, et cetera. the reason folks are in power is not power is not on the basis of issues. they are in power considers a bunch of people exercised about roe v. wade, but gay rights and other issues including integration because you have a large, broad swath of a racist element in the conservative evangelical movement as well. it's actually very clever thing and very symbiotic trip is only
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two results unhappy from a point of view. one is really have a political party in america. the other is a religious institution controlled by the reform -- unfortunately not reformed in the sense that i remade under new guys coming through but people called the tea party or poll shows 60% of the tea party disabled evangelical religious right that i was up and around. all the polls show that. i don't think that is disputed. but their energy they now have people in congress, for instance, before my day would've been agitators like me. crazy people like me on the fringe. but now they are government making sure we can't reauthorize her dad. no business as usual can be carried on because this affects that we don't like the u.s. government because it fails the more litmus test has been carried forward to the business of government that no one before you question like that limit
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issues in this kind of thing. i'm not talking about the dead. though a preauthorization thing that took place about that. and so i have seen in my short lifetime having been involved at the beginning on an idealistic basis that gradually changed as they talk about it, "sex, mom, & god" to tell the full story. to a point where we now have a political party controlled by not only a fringe element, but we used be the kind of people who only showed up for primary, but you didn't control the party because they were people like moderate republicans who once congratulated me for getting out of the religious right. my old buddy jack kemp or in some field movers and shakers who was so funny returns to abortion, but nevertheless was believe it or not saying, too. and so are people like my dad's good friend william f. buckley asserts the national review.
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disagree with politics like his friend corby pelleted, he said to new york greater who would've been completely different on all the issues, but after they run a firing time they go off and have a drink together. leave me today grouper or box news and not going off and having drinks with people that they are blasting as not real americans, dangerous, sympathize terrorist and all the other rhetoric you hear pouring out of the ranks. and to be fair from the left is because i write for a lot of left-wing locks like alternate and the "huffington post" where you can find my work pretty regularly. when you read the comments and some of the articles, it is a fiery confrontation taking place from both sides. the idea of any polite middle ground or even loyal opposition is totally out the window. so anyway, i tell that story. here's the third element i told you during any of me that
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someone just did they sort of looking me. and that is in "sex, mom, & god," i talk about my mother. why? because it's very easy to play this game at demonizing the other peers of the way i try not to demonize the other although when you read the right wing blogs these days you think i was's cousin or maybe himself. but i try not to control. these buggers never seem to read. they say nasty things about me, which is okay because to some enemies you don't need friends. the fact of the matter is when you read "sex, mom, & god," you'll see the story of a wonderful woman and her name is edith schaeffer. if he talked rensi writes analyst who can believe, it would be a litmus test of fundamentalist belief about scripture, theology and positions. if you actually showed up at the fellowship during my childhood
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and knocked on the door and you're pregnant 16-year-old girl with no place to go or you were a gay man who had hitchhiked its way across europe and was now looking for a place to try to examine some spiritual issues in his life without tensing people were judging him or her. or if you are africans do not going to the university of sofia in bulgaria during a time when africans were all shipped by a car load off to the communist bloc to be indoctrinated in a vegetative eisai and he was the place you could stay for free. you would've found the woman who welcomed you into way that a secular observer would be quick to write off evangelicals reactionary right wing hate filled people would have said she must be an agnostic. she must be a secular humanist. she must be liberal because look at how she receives everyone. look at the way she cares for everybody without adjustment. the cow it is cow it is sort of
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a smartly pietism where she talks about hating the sin but loving the feminist nonsense. she gets at the middle of the night when a drug at dukes on our floor and cleaned it up. she cares for the pregnant girl and says that come with you to the hospital. you can have the baby. you don't need to put the baby for adoption. i miss her later. stay here with us for a couple of years until you grow it. we'll help you. that was my mom. i would tell another story in "sex, mom, & god" for two reasons. she's gotten short shrift in the shadow of my father somewhat away talk about a lot more increase he forgot. when i finish talking about crazy forgot i realized i left a huge chunk of my story it tells a mouse woman who admitted stories every night of great literature, swearwords and all, by the way. you were talking in the 50s when evangelicals and fundamentalists -- there were no progressives. they thought it was a festive trading or something. nobody laughed at that. that's a shame.
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progress has alltel again. but in any case, my mother was so low menace and her embrace of art, literature, people, individuals can would evangelical stay with call countless other. it's very pale and rode off is not real americans. the people you don't live the middle and go to schools like harvard and neil in princeton and et cetera have all this higher learning. there is anti-knowledge. i mother wasn't like that. so i grew up hearing great books to read and i'm talking about not just the fun stuff, pg wodehouse was a literature, you know, dickens and the brontë sisters. i'm also talking about brave new world 1984. animal farm. i can remember each 10 or 11 or 12 -- i. forget what. sitting on a the beach and i'm greediness lord of the fly. you know, this was her idea of how you raise kids.
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and looking back on it, it just stuns me because she was as evangelical and fundamentalist as you could get if you looked at theology. somehow when she studied the life of christ and came up with someone who is unafraid of knowledge. was not worried by science. it's not an accident that my father read a book called pollution in the death of the man in the early 70s when no one was talking about pollution in the death of a man except for a few professional colleges. you'd be horrified by the religious right today that the great mass global warming is a myth because it doesn't serve the interests of exxonmobil and doesn't serve the instruments of the coat brothers. that would despise these people. i can prove it because he was writing his books before anyone else was on this. one of the things i do in "sex, mom, & god" is tenderly i hope pay tribute to a wonderful woman who the way i will put it just like this. this may be a bit of a disconnect for you. she was a better person than her
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theology. and she was blessedly hypocritical because she really lived a double standard. thank god she followed her instincts and her heart instead of what she officially believed. as i got older i heard less and less about this. one of the funny thing is i put in the authors note at the beginning of "sex, mom, & god" as i get a lot of different irate e-mail from people in one of the consistent theme is my father must be won over in his grave. i don't think he is. i doubt he's rolling over. anyway, if they are christians they are supposed to believe he's in heaven. so that is. but secondly, they say this must just be killing your mother. well actually, chris smith before this book was published, i went over to switzerland where she lives at age 96 and she is short-term memory loss, but all her marbles, if you ask, she will describe it all vividly. and i actually told her everything is going to do in the
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book of attack to bat at a day period and she kept saying top than anything. i never cared what people think. it doesn't matter what people think. i just hope you have a good editor she keeps telling me. i actually talk about in the book here in the author knows something of a reit this you will find amusing on that. mom isn't some people. i once got a letter from my mother's followers telling me having read my novel, where the mother character is like a mother in some ways, she was sure would kill your mother because of the hatred for jesus that drips from your satanic pen. just a work of humor about a little boy in israel. that's quite a jump. coincidentally, that same letter received in the early 1990s before is using e-mail back in the same postdelivery signal from i'm not in me for another doesn't find hard cover copies of that book so that neither could send them to her friends.
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moms all her head signed her letter repent. my mother sent her no, i'm so proud of you. attend dean -- and it really was the same post. you have to take that on believe it or not that it was. attempting to unravel the ministry of how my mother managed to have attached -- to have a track in such fans in who she was and is a life embracing free spirit nagged me into writing this book. so that kind of is the third threat. and in "sex, mom, & god" and transcendent, the story i am telling is one of renewed faith because believe me, if i'd been stuck at some point in my life believing i had to stick with a combination of fundamentalist protestant theology, with right-wing politics and a wider net of hatred over someone who
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disagrees and went even further and said they were no longer real americans. that was an all or nothing choice that would've long since jump ship and then christopher hitchens are one of these people. but fortunately there were alternatives and we happen to be in orthodox church and one for me to participate in liturgical worship as an orthodox christian , but not a clever surgeon, but allows me to not feel i'm in the presence only of a man made enterprise, but also through the mystery and beauty and compassion of the community with the orthodox church actually feel that this may be true. i describe myself as agnostic and uncertain days an atheist and other days as a believer. what i don't ever do is write
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off the search in the quest for an authentic virtuality that i have been too signed within the orthodox church. others happen to find other places. the reason is they had to witness this great woman who showed me however comes package, whether as evangelical or orthodox or right-wing or left-wing, people can be better than their beliefs. and she was. so that the other way around. i think most of us too much of the time tragedy can to stamp with who we believe. which by the way and not at all, but older than i was doing this at a beauty. it's nonsense by the way because you'll change of mind as you grow older. and if you don't, it means you're an. if you believe that the same fervor now as i did when i converted to the orthodox church than 25 years ago, i've learned nothing. one thing i have learned is the spirit of orthodox which is not like hardcharging where i found
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the church. the basic court diasporas forgive me the chief of all sinners, which doesn't put you in the drivers seat to condemn other people as being un-american because they didn't vote for the right person. so that is kind of a change for me. but it's because of mom. and so i learned tolerance from her example. and so i just want to conclude before we go to question and say for me the journey has been out of the certain type of politics. and on that one of santa monica to politics because again i change my mind and i reserve the right to. it's certainly been out of what i would call it false certainty about everything to an ambivalence, which i find reflected as they talk about a minute outcome especially in patients with god in "sex, mom, & god" in the ambivalence of certain desert fathers and the threat of the orthodox church that isn't so top sure that everything. there are some people who are
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pretty sure about everything they say or at least writing seems that way because he didn't beat them 40 years later when they change their mind. i know because people quote my own book back to me and i say well, some wrote this. i'm sorry. and you can talk to my wife about what it was like to live with the nutcase like that. but he's nicer, kinder and gentler. give me another 30 years and hopefully i'll know something good so i don't link saints for stuff to do with never 28 or 34. eventually they found with some and some of them told stories like the one i'll conclude with. and that is that there was a saint and i think this is a 10th century story from a monastery who became a state leader, that he prayed every night that god would show him who on his island -- not island, but in his desert, not what he suitable spiritual father for himself. so the way he phrased it was
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some day might come and show me who is truly holy here who can instruct me. he's looking for a real spiritual father. so when i.t. is a dream and angel comes to him. his guardian angel and they fire me an the angels is an ongoing show you the holiest person this community. this is a monastics dori from over a thousand years ago. this is not liberal, not left-wing, not touchy-feely. this is an episcopalian. this is just, you know, orthodox tradition, but that's not her, gentler, kinder thread. the angel goes up and looks down at the thought the monks he knows in their caves and praying into a non-and so forth and so on all night long, but they keep going. they leave the monastery and go to the outskirts of the time. on the oscars they fire the garbage dump another garbage dump is a woman picking it up, sorting through trying to find
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and they follow her home in the muck is shocked because now they're in the muslim part of town. and it's the wrong part of town. he says this is a muslim and worse given the misogyny of the whole christian church. don't forget because i talk about them at the. it's real unfortunately the whole human race. if a woman. a woman and she's not even a christian. the angel said he didn't ask to show you a man who is a christian. he said to reveal the only holy person here where you live. that was your question. i'm on the monk woke up with a lot to think about. [laughter] with a lot to think about in terms of what the message of actual forgiveness and orthodox humor and safe. so that that, i'm going to take some questions and i would just like to tell you if you have a question if you would lineup. the microphone and ask your question there. and please, not a beehive owner shouted out and i repeat it. it would be better if you went
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to the money. so you agreed with everything you just heard in iraq went to buy my book? somebody come up and ask a question. >> i got off he of the recent jon stewart episode, where he's talking about ron paul being very pushed aside because it's not part of this evangelical narrative. just wondering if you could comment on not. >> the question about ron paul being pushed aside as i think the same thing in the end would have been to a mormon or a certain type of jewish or someone else. certainly an atheist. it's too bad we don't have a atheist wants iraq to set things straight. i vote in a heartbeat if he had the right policies. but i think stewart was making a point that is valid. and that is enticing to transfer the sense that what we set the stage for when you make a moral litmus test based on your religion, but there you will vote for somebody or not for us
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regular updates, essentially what you introduce is the opposite. you say we really don't want the constitution and bill of rights and the rule of law. we want but the religious right wants. they say we want america to conform to what the bible teaches. well guess what? that's exactly what the saudi arabia say about the koran and that's what the saudi arabia and radical islamism that is why there are tens of millions of little boys sitting in madras is all over the world are in nothing except occur on, repeating it plainly, not doing science and math in an america we have a counterpart that it's in your religious right homeschooling home. i'm not talking about homeschooling, so all the letters. i like homeschooling. when it's for the purpose of indoctrination as i do want my kid access to any ideas except what goes on in this household, you've got a problem, especially if the indoctrination includes no global warming is real, evolution is not true. and by the way all those
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universities don't go. just they forgot to leave you to the man of his choice and be subservient woman that i am speaking from the point of view of the homeschooling mother and i talk in "sex, mom, & god" about how unfortunate one of the things they did with mary pride which made homeschooling manuals and educate them out of the mainstream. the caveat to this to this and that days i often get asked in media about these issues. put on a wider lens or a minute. what's going on here? is not about american politics and rights of the religious right although it is about that. but what my book, "sex, mom, & god" talks about is a small part of a worldwide phenomenon and that is the collision between fundamentalist religion of all kinds of modernity and science. i'm not saying a collision between religion and science.
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i said fundamentalist religion and science. who do you think al qaeda was, is? what you think the taliban was trying to do? what is wrong with pakistan? what are their hindu nationalist murdering christian missionaries again as has happened for a long time? because on the rise across the globe from what we to bombay to portland, oregon, here, other places, religious life interesting and important than the idea of fundamentalism. clinging to fundamentalist religious orientation of the past, refusing to change, refusing to go with her shut the door, circle the wagon, that is what's going on. and the american phenomena of the rise of the religious right is part of this reaction. so it can be triggered by roe v. wade or gay ricer science or evolution, textbook committees want to rewrite american history to give it a christian
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background when it had far from christian background and was much more newmont than that. what we are seeing here is no different than what is happening in other parts of the world, sometimes more radically. so the real shame is that i would like to say from the point of view of someone who is religious and who will be in church next sunday, et cetera, et cetera it that what has really paid the price here is not just american politics and a second dip recession which may be in way because of the 87 freshman tea party congressmen who have literally stalled the u.s. government and will not do at the u.s. government does, which is governed because they are trying to dismantle from within. the real story here is another tragedy and that his religion is taken a black eye from which it may not recover because enough people kill women and children unless idiots take their kids out of school and actually try to defend public school is because they're evil because they're not priced and they have
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to bring the country back to the bible. if your not voting for our candidates are not an american, not patriotic. and pretty soon it'll be like the time after world war i, when people lead the nation into battle and see millions of people killed in the name of god going before us and so forth say hey, to heck with this. this is religious problem. and you see that in the new atheism that i talk about. and in that book i haven't equally tough-minded critique for fundamentalist christianity and all this and take it on a little bit, take people out of the west bank. according to the bronze age that i've got here carved on stone. [laughter] but other than that we have a situation where religion is else is taking an enormous black eye. i resent that as a religious believer because what we are
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accused of his religious people is really tending towards being people who want a theocracy. if you look at that thing america back that got him at the republican american is doing in a way becomes a shadow of the american far right. like i said earlier, what shocked my republican friends who are reasonable people agree or disagree but didn't hate the united states of america. they were trained to defend the government and racket from within. they were patriotic americans and they could have a rational discussion. so yeah, the whole exclusion of people who don't fit the evangelical stereotypical right-wing candidate is going to continue to increase. so what is and that she got to pitchers should be elected come here to be the right kind of christian. of course it is a story i tell in "sex, mom, & god" because the narrowest is the division i came out of and my mother was a blessed hypocrite who live that way. it was just us and for other people and i wasn't sure about
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them. who are correct. that is the narrowing vision you seal of the world. yes, judge set to deny? or shouted out and i will repeat it. >> do you propose any sort of solutions to the problem? how do you assess the trend? >> do i propose a solution to the problem? yes, i do. part of the solution is information. one of things we have to do is tell the story i tell in "sex, mom, & god," which is a cheap way to say by my book. i wish it was that simple. but there is something in the information that i have in "sex, mom, & god" that is part of the solution. and that is to honestly say what has happened in to stop being so respectful of religion and the separation of church and state. you know, what is happening is that decent progressive minded people hesitate to be critical of people for wild eyed crazy
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religious feuds because they say that as their personal belief. i can't say anything about this. they believe the earth is 6000 years old and jesus christ will come back and we have to fund the u.s. government because it's an instrument of. other than that the reasonable people may believe barack obama is the antichrist. 30% of that of republicans in new jersey. that is supposed to be new jersey. new jersey is not supposed to be given that kind of thinking. this is in iowa. no offense to anyone in iowa or kansas or places they are. this is new jersey. one other thing i hope comes out of "sex, mom, & god" and "crazy for god" and "patience with god" taken together in "sex, mom, & god" in particular and i hesitate to say this, is a lack of respect for any view that comes packaged as a religious personal belief. we have the right to say where will this take us? if you think the u.s. is an instrument -- if the u.s. is an
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instrument of communism, socialism and because the want of health care for 33 million uninsured people, and you base this on the bible, we are not going to stand back and say well, that is your personal belief. and because it is religious we are not going to be able to say anything about it. you know, maybe the people that say things like that in organizations that make those views known should not tax-deductible status anywhere. that might be an idea. maybe we should stand up and reverse it. deal thing if you're an atheist you can be elected president. i know this is very crazy sounding and people won't like it, but at time out from religious influence in government politics worldwide right now wouldn't be so bad. little boys in pakistan might be able to learn math and geology instead of the koran. you know, boys in dubuque, iof, little girls to might be able to learn about evolution. and the fact that a few minutes
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ago we were all single celled organisms that we are not pets are now in would have to have a little humility and sitting around trying to figure out what jesus is coming back is less good for a 12-year-old ban earnings amount of road, et et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. worldwide would be nice being a privilege start would just go away for a while and leave the rest of us alone and stop blowing our mosques that. as a thing about, no one ever blew up a mosque or an abortion clinic or any other facility in the name of religion or god after they yelled, but i could be wrong. [laughter] to yell other things, but they don't say i could be wrong. but the whole message of christianity as i could be wrong. and you know what, am wrong so that the humility of religion itself has been turned on its head into an aggressive bullet
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sized form of politicking, which really i feel has no place in politics or religion. and so, the most ironic thing for me, getting on the e-mail they do and that he applied some obvious political sites about migrating them a book is that from my point of view i know it's a limited perspective and i'll change my mind and i could be wrong, but actually mounting a pretty good defensive religion and christianity in particular by saying it does not have to be a say in a very sorry for the mistakes we made along the way. i'll take another question. yes, back there. be my guest, when you give an orthodox christian going off to college a point in their life with -- a critical point in my life when a developer and spiritual identity and implementer of value has encountered a loud and often extreme evangelical right. >> let me repeat that so people can hear. the question is, what advice would i give to an orthodox christian or any person going
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off to college these days and it's going to encounter the strident voice of the religious right packaged as christianity. the groups will try to bring them and make them part of the program. but be honest and say just because something package christianity comes your way does that mean that this is christianity. and i would teach them a healthy skepticism from day one. for instance, one of the things i talk about in my book and i hope this young person you talk about will read is one of the reasons i got out of the religious right or they can wait for the paperback -- [laughter] one of the reasons i got out of the religious right is because of the fundamental and deep and growing anti-americanism of the right. people figure that right comes wrapped in the flag and jesus and family values. the folks out there now are anti-american. they despise this country as it
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is. you see an anti-immigration policy. they despise open borders, despise tradition of welcoming the stranger. weird for people is supposed to have access to the bible. they despise a country that gives gay people rights. they despise a country -- a lot of them unfortunately that would elect a black man for president. they feel betrayed by that. about the deficit. the same probably just thought to undeclared wars costing between worse by a good bible believed in the way bar from texas and there was no talk about deficit spending. he coincidently became this huge issue when we let up and saw one of them in the white house. now we've got to do something about it. so let's be honest with people and talk about the fact that not everything that comes packaged wrapped in flags and most of the time they write for my point of view as they talk about in "sex,
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mom, & god" and "crazy for god" as well as profoundly unpatriotic. as the father of a man who thought and afghanistan and iraq human should rank right right of high school and i read about in the boat because oprah had on me show called keeping faith from a father-son story about love in the united states marine corps, i have an appreciation for military and an appreciation for fine. nothing gets your attention like having your children shot at. and so i don't speak at some trendy whatever outsider who knows nothing about the same. been there, done that, gone down to the event can have researched my novel baby chat, live down the days. got letters and minute phone call is for my son in combat. i resent people who think it is their mission in life because the u.s. government is not christian enough to defund it to strip america of the two main
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program my son was defending because their culture was trying to show a better way of the world, and welcome to the stranger. courts of law, not sharia court in the name of christianity, which is what this back to the bible stuff is all about. so that thread has to run through here and i say what you tell that young person as you encounter groups that call themselves patriotic and under the evangelical surface in distress to their government which borders on a lack of patriotismwas to a formal generation of conservatives, these people are not conservatives. they are radical revolutionaries would've appeared almost almost treasonous. a pilot l. buckley would've had short shift for the michele bachmann in the areas of this world. he would've dismissed them in a heart week, first of all because he can speak english in think and he didn't like people who couldn't. and secondly because he would've regarded them as vitally unpatriotic because their criticism of the american people
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aren't real americans and don't need people like us has crossed the line long ago. and they need to be called on it. so we'll wrap it up. i thank you earn much. my books are over here and i will sign up for you to buy them. i will even find them for you if you don't. as a thank you very much. the titles are "sex, mom, & god," "crazy for god," trainee. it is the god trilogy and that is that. thank you. [applause] >> winston churchill graces the cover of world in the balance, the pair last month june throughout tober 1940. new book by brooke stoddard. mr. stoddard, what was going on in great written in june 1934?
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the nazis from germany had run over all of europe and controlled from the atlantic circle, northern norway through southern part of europe. and a lot of people thought that britain would collapse or cave-in in a matter of weeks. france had been overrun in about three -- well, several weeks. and many people thought that it would follow. it didn't happen. and this is the story about why i didn't hunt them. churchill's leadership is a bit part of it. the british people rallied to winston churchill. the germans couldn't come across the channel on account of the royal navy, but they did send thousands of airplanes to bomb britain in hopes of invading britain eventually.
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they couldn't overcome the royal air force. and eventually, october came along. bad weather began. the germans couldn't invade britain and they had to put off any kind of invasion planned until spring. though this is the story about those months. they were very, very critical months. >> host: selected the bombing ended, did it end in tober quiets >> guest: no, it continued. in britain they have what they call the battle of britain, which lasted until october and then they have the bullets.
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