tv Book TV CSPAN December 18, 2011 10:45am-12:00pm EST
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nonfiction books and authors. spent and now melissa harris-perry argues that negative stereotypes of abbott in america would affect their political engagement. this last an hour 10 minutes. >> thank you so much for coming out. i know it is very rainy and end of the week, and all that sort of thing. i've been excited about the opportunity to come to humanity ever so that fan of favors going to be the chance to present the book in this particular environment. so, what i would do is try to take as little time as possible actually to present some of the main ideas of the book, just so, you know, what kind of project it is and then i would like to just kind of opened up a conversation. i'm happy to talk about questions from the book, or to talk about sort of american
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politics more broadly. because i know that many of you may know me much better from my sort of public roles than from an academic role. so this book, "sister citizen," is a long time coming. it feels like i've been doing a lot of press lately about the book. people keep saying why did you write this book now? i didn't write this book now. i've been writing this book for a really long time, and i just happened to manage to finally finish it and get it published now. but it's a book where i had the very, very first ideas about it a decade ago, longer ago now than that. the very first data collected for this book was around 2000. i'll tell you the very, very first thing that inspired me to think about it was watching a commercial. i want to say it was like united way or some other sort of psa commercial. and in it they had an african-american girl running through sort of typical we would
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see presented on television black urban ghetto, who knows what neighborhood it was. she's going past trash heaps and streets, the windows are broken and there's people standing on the corner. and the voiceover comes and says something like everyday key on a has to run past drug dealers and this sort of thing on her way to school and home, run, ti, rather it is kind of the separation of what a powerful little girl she is that she'd managed to get to school and am under these tough circumstances. in my first thought was i'm sorry, could we help keona out? could we make keona's neighborhood and a petition would not have to run through in order to go back and forth from home to school? and it was in the first thoughts about how we often celebrate the resilience of african-american girls and women in these difficult circumstances, so much
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so that we can sometimes get blinded to doing the political and social work of cleaning their circumstances up so that they would not have to be so strong and so resilient in the first place. those are the very first sort of initial stirrings of this project. and it changed form a lot. when i first got started right the book is about resource dispirited all the things black women don't have, about our disparities in health at how we are more likely to die of a whole variety of diseases and conditions than our white sisters. it was a book about our economic circumstances and how little wealth we have and how much debt we have, how many fewer educational opportunities we had. it was a book about a long history of those resources and all the political and social work that we've done trying to close some of those gaps. and then august 29, 2005, happened.
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august 29, 2005 is the day the levees failed in the aftermath of hurricane katrina. and it changed the book. i threw away about two-thirds of what i had written, and i didn't quite throw it away, i moved into another file. so there may yet be a book project there. but as i watch most have in the post-katrina moment, resources matter. resources this bears were incredibly important. class was important. oddity was important. but in the work in research and conversations and analysis, post-katrina, the main thing that people were telling me was the most painful, the most horrible, the most awful part of that experience was not only the loss of property and the loss of community, but it was the sense that they'd been thrown out of the american story. that by being called refugees, by being given one-way ticket away from homes where they had
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often been in multi-generational communities, by hearing over and over again that the neighbors and community were not worth saving, that they should just be turned into green spaces for environmental reasons, that it was as much that this ownership from the american story, this sense of not even being citizens worthy of having committed and homes and lives with fighting for, and so the book should all do. us to a little bit about resources disparities but mostly it's a book about how it feels to try to do the work of being an american citizen, when you're in a black woman's body. it starts, therefore, because of that shift. because hurricane katrina change everything about the book. it change everything about my life. i now live and teach in new orleans. it begins with passionate you remember her eyes were watching god and with a devastating hurricane. it ends with a hurricane in the
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everglades that this rubs janie's life. took us on this path with janie mae crawford over the course of her life just gone through multiple husbands and all of this self identification and she's finally kind of found a place where she is laboring and she's working hard at his living ingenuity and it all gets disrupted by this hurricane. ash after you find yourself like none of the women in new orleans on the road offer home. she find yourself with her beloved tea cake in a circumstance of racial hierarchy, economic hierarchy, expected to help bury the white bodies into gray's, that those were black and killed by hurricane are just laid into mass graves and quick line is thrown over them. and then because it is that by a rabid dog in the context of the hurricane she ultimately loses tea cake as well. so that's where this book
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begins. this book begins with the question of how zora neale hurston store, the store about one black woman and her sort of search for identity, how that is a political story, how it's not just a romance novel and it's not just a novel as was often written off in her own time by her male peers of the harlem renaissance that she wasn't really doing the work of political commentary, schuster started about how women feel. and so i try to use her sense as wincing when we write about how black women feel, we are writing about politics. how we feel is both socially constructed and has social and political meaning. so she is a framework for the book. there's one of the framework that i want to offer. and this isn't my trade as a clinical psychologist. this is research on cognitive psychology, not research on race or gender or class or even a politic. is research on how our brain work. the first time i encountered this i found it fascinating. it's what we call fueled
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dependency studies. dependencies here is not political dependency our economic dependency, and feel it is not supposed to do. it's literally our visual perceptual field. what we see and how what we see in packs how we figure out where we are in space. these are some of the coolest come some of the coolest as you can imagine. it would take people a subject into a room and it was dark and they flipped the light on an ally was flipped on in the room, all the angles of the room were crooked. the walls instead meeting at 90 degrees with the offkilter, the doorjamb would be offkilter. the pictures on the wall would be hung at an angle. everything around you would be offkilter to a particular angle. you as the subject of the signature like here been to universal studios, those chairs that move, your response but as a subject was to find the straight up and down.
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so everything around you a thing in your perceptual field is offkilter. your response that is to see if you can figure out what is straight up and down. some people are field independent, and despite all these crooked images around them, they're able to find a straight up and down. but most people, the passenger of us, our fields depend. when all the stimuli iran does tell us that the work is tilted like this, we can tilt ourselves as much as 45 degrees but experience ourselves perceptually a straight up and down because we're in line with the crooked images. again, this is not research on race, not research on gender our politics. for the first time i encountered this i said oh, that is just like being a black woman in america. right? this consistent experience of walking around in a room where everything is offkilter, where everything that you expect to meet at 90 degrees is actually meeting at about 62, where that picture looks about right but
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you can't have to do like this to be able to see yourself in it. that the field, the perceptual field for african-american women is literally offkilter. and so the claim i make in trenton is that resource disparity, running for office is political work, being on the school board israel political work. but it's also real political work to just try to find one's authentic sense of self in a social political and social environment that is going to keep giving you back negative images, and crooked ones. the three that idea with most closely in the text are the jezebel's or the kind of hypersexual lewd and lascivious, always available black woman. this is a myth that is easily read in the white supremacy of the american slavery. when you had to have a reason that you believed on the one hand that women were pure and chaste and couldn't work and had to be protected in the domestic
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sphere, but some of his cap to hold that a group of women not only laboring, agriculture and domestic labor, but reproductive labor. how can you believe the notion that women change and have a whole group of women obviously doing the work of reproducing slavery literally with their own bodies. one way that you do that is you create a stereotype that says these women are not like those women. these women are these hypersexual jezebel's he will gladly make. thomas jefferson talks about the black woman that he sees outside of his monticello window as being willing to mate with orangutans, a kind of theory he has about who black women are. so that's one death, or stereotactic the second one i look at is that of the mandy. and the mandy, she is on the when a myth about slavery but she doesn't agree show up in slavery. she shows up in jim crow as a
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romantic remember to slavery. so after we're in a period of freedom and emancipation along with black man trying to find a place of citizenship as americans we're going to go back and recall and remember that actually the thing that most likely do is take all the talents and give them skills and energies and serve white domestic house with. that, in fact, that is where they be most happy. i point out that this is such an embedded critical way to understand black women. that it is just impossible. it is just impossible to escape the mammy. she is the most unexpected places. i was -- i was in new york on the night that the first "sex and the city" movie open, not the second one which was, you know, horribly and problematic in some ways, but the first one. i was going to a rough day the next day. i was going to surgery the next
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day. my best friend and i were a. you know what? which is going to go out and see a movie, something light, take a minds off of things. we would just go see "sex and the city." a chick flick. so ago, we sit down and what kind of watching it and then all of a sudden there's jennifer hudson, this exquisite woman who we love this town we embrace, we're so excited to know was in a movie, here's jennifer hudson, she's playing a 28 year-old woman who, despite having fewer resources, having just arrived in the big city, for some reason speaking with a southern accent although she was from st. louis, missouri, is able to come into the life of a white woman for whom she works and fix her love life, our website, her household, all of -- like in 15 minutes flat eared now, that is the mammy, my friends. you do understand that if you're a 45 year-old woman and you have a 28 year-old assistant, your job is to be the mentor to that
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young woman. your job as a for the good woman is the kind of show her the ropes, but when this magical behavior happens the other direction and this person just literally has the key to fix, and is thrilled to fix all of it, and the fact through to fix all of these circumstances for the ugliest bag ever appeared on any "sex and the city" ever, at the point you know that have passed a mammy. i can remember my friend and i look at each other and saying, why? why do we just try to go see a fun family movie, and then mangy shows up for no apparent reason. right? she is this -- in american women don't need a resource but they don't have a quality. they don't need to have opportunity. they certainly are uninterested in their own communities. they are primarily there to serve as magical figures in the white domestic sphere. we could talk about -- i resist,
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go into the public square literally and shelf and say this is. 9 percent unemployment, on a comfortable. i like to point al taluca of because for celebration and can even imagine. i don't know what a movie like. but when we have been complaining about over an opponent rate in the season 90's and her executive the 2000's who were will move
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removes it will do better : some of the others are raising kids in this room. when the basis in the conditions miracle will new rift washington plebeian and news of titian's of impact the countries of large. wall street and the white house are to blame. it could not possibly be the individuals because they are citizens and the level right to lay claim an economic and political systems to address the concerns. if urinalysis some leverage gigi , a suggestion along the fringes : if it is yours and of some with to meet barnes of
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maryland how do you ask perot more apparent just and reasonable as here listening of resources. it is wonderful to celebrate our strong black women and girls for their ability to be billionaires' perot but if preachy aria of the ball politically believe those in place. pittances every book written between to the and they didn't know was in 2012 to buy an african-american scholar will it cope with the sap from obama. [laughter] and a pretty short even if he read the book and allow us chapters the history alone one : pre-show us true and obama and note to an honored by up as a broad,.
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it is the chapter of first commercial obama. tried to think through how michele obama this but the fact this has all of resources and is still consistently this from the upper the ashes of ) the over to accommodate this negative images i talked in the book substantially in repeatedly of a runner he a trainer day go ahead iran tried to think through questions of the profits in question church . there's some experimental they clustered data, love of poetry. my poetry .. it craig. a lot of the alliance of tune
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morrison and their black woman offers him a intended these two were riding in the context of the future. that is what. rumors in put everything in the appendix. is there for you if your left end of reader and a lot to get ejected as the book and the will questions. [applause] [applause] by the way, c-span is taping. we're going to pass to mike this of this out and supports a. as opposed to the hills photo what to submit to cover its
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survey of and again, i'm happy to talk about the book with a broader political. if they cute. is this so have moved my dollars as a freshman at tulane. and very sated. what unit of the fact the trudeau necessarily in the over a half crippen households says they have now receive realized how the world use them.
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endo, the president that she remembers them without the four. she was born in chicago and los suitor is first and bin and a senate. there were sirens already or are never heard. one of a first route system learns to read a few years deserve he is obama signs. roundly and deeply in her consciousness. parker, as a of a means of somalia are there. she a courier vote will prayers will reveal that to will politburo's live longhouses for a stronger is really important from the suv comes in between indian does she understand that we've seen counters the american
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state with the fact ayrshires a lowball as unnecessarily cause for celebration. from the one hand. covers the state as a personal lives later, great job. but though whales have to repair harder it will the realities of the continuing proof that race doesn't matter. you want to teach our kids his your letting there'll is pioneering 11th and to thus, even if we're trying to tell them something. so if you think about the him minimum of the civil rights law would his parents of the and the
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level of the depression the move and have to own your sons and daughters to fund herman, but hours in wirehair for garamond sending his son off to a clinton at that moment says state, some. be safe, sunland the engage breed is valid they have valet of bidding gauging. it is this is serious. serious of rejecting lloyd's to proceed and tonya, the political possibilities opening up that people born in the depression could not even see.
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here they are, breaking open possibilities you don't even know yet. but there will also be divisions that are problems. latest violence is a a ticket for a single hardest thing. athena also lotze the sure we ever really need to teach our children about oppression. begin three dual does find out. some will find out earlier. some will find a letter. until about history, our stories of distance and prepare them so when it happens it will be painful but not surprising. a marriage or the we have to convince them that oppression is coming beaches near monopoly the the flow of leo would say is a see this low level hearing of african-americans to grow with some measure privilege and really find the realities of
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american rice in them hard in their late teens and lewd will cease. so often it is simply go to school without losing girls until experience and in pitiless events and you and make it through college with. then they get to the work force, and all of sudden they have their first baby. always yours. a mother hen on wonderful and fabulous and egalitarian herself says to you fine of up powerful is continuing gender roles are in the context. of a sudden, el listed e-mails, students. you were right about that. [laughter] a don't have any answers except to say that i am a teacher.
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arriving for a single most important thing that we do is to madame the terms of various possible hamas as fellow of iowa with as a much a fruition of a azeri. they will build new buildings in his ( and rumors flew that knowledge, with little new to them, of we so the harriet tubman look pensive tone headed head to toe in. yes. and then shoots who would soon move sooner. as lawyers into her or guy telex all the way from boston. >> oh, gosh, it's i have a
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question. all of a new york through tv. into health, human to the health , and the low will you do what amuses and society. the murder of her of, can you respond to the head till that no one in lieu of interest but the movie, british and contractors, but the same time we want to to live like engineer, superman. >> sure. so i will do this festival of ruins of a one me turn to this. and will perform clues to of it showed the least. slide to have made of. gainers, and claudia darrell royal's.
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we'll have positive and native. elena in tow to roberta a marina and a zero about the attitude is to wear him to oppose him to move the plot and abuses. ahead of lunar of the lindsay he is losing a lot of the ural. i listened to the gills or color of the health. the co one where he was sneaky. she was like, whenever. [laughter] it to a little more obscene than that, but a new both of lovely in the note, but in england average led to his lay of the
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edginess hinton in the issue's seven it is presented as though it is a story that package to lea nerve gases a story told from the perspective of the black woman's domestic maids. the face of the satori of raise story of an unwed warm in the 1860's and jason's the it would be a carry. you would say, this a story about me in highly beat the odds. this is their story. so i low while of. of what to see her in everything -- i love haven't been no. she did things with that character, and into the lead as washable and the academy award.
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it's just let the update. that even on the edge of being close to any rainier's of it couple. this of medicaid, but if he begins reduce wishes para. here it affected his your work. we can respect and love the work she does and feed who oppose the suit and the fuel the marine community. the most extraordinary thing to use a low of los frunze this direction as to race troops. the trend of have you ever let anyone in public debt? and if anyone did call widened by people in the community speak the same. white folks helping give regional. the womb builds begin you hope the official english. from a healthy false this that
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is so dangerous. the first is that the author perfectly uses a set of other devices slovo a of school with the zero most important or tell the aspect of the domestic workers life, and that was the area of our investment in a warehouse full was an hour away from her family. with the author does is kills off the sun of doing a character . many, her husband is abusive. the a trehalose weaken smell determine the award to ms. to households and hefner the alleged that, but as much as she is able to begin to push out of
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the kind of narrow context. she cannot fathom love for white children. she cannot for all moment imagine for one second of hermeneutics to love her. some have criticized some public abuse they have what americans, my mate was a member of one-family. you don't understand. the printed the story. she killed some breaks during narrow. but it didn't she was less clear the family without a check. [laughter] so she may be your deep done close employee who alleged she is your employee. and so she can't -- the facts
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machine write the story and then the moment we see it among the winners that visible scarlet them whole mughals john bobbitt is face and saying as important, as a lot to have some through. the second believe i can up believe is happening to your evidence was assassinated to render all of black women made the response, to it themselves are written is house and tell a story is. member evans, as the theme this is a live and a real place, real black woman who sexually worked
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to the sexual thing. the board of side. the threat of the plan all of the root of a police force. they walked outside. no mosquitos. they didn't tell the story to a soul. deny it is a leaf post assassination by taluca story. in fact, a lie. and it is like a you don't have access to. the relatively recent history refused ridden by high-profile african-american women but until the actual story of what i have a happened to. the counterpart it ignores it until this fantastical story, and that becomes a movie this the official number two in ghosts of number one. it debuted a the number two and then went to number one. people will believe the of is the story this era of a red
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terror and myriad a hamas, there were told lawyers story. all right. number three, horrifying in his new moments. ms. flintridge teaches her while woman to improve. her he keeps having miscarriages . the resolution goes and in his room much alike, i don't know nothing about printing the baby. but then she teaches her and to kirk. of sorry. call her were a warmer. see violence it to hold big soulful meal. and move some who an office and after eating your food million malayans here's some.
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so what warm cooked "by maria endo will lose a husband. are right about will allow parental entirely laura some the suit room to carry useful of surprises. in lieu of his fresh private louises reduce teenage daughter. current policy is it to a supporter, working in the white woman's household talk a lot about the and it can '73, i think.
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so we have already have that moment. he fought through what that meant turning gates said. he had this said that. caesuras back and read some soon face it will it since. call of the end of the movie with viola davis character being fired pleased she is walking off into the original crow south unemployed. we are in an economic downturn and with over 9% of employment. we are keeping almost street right now behind the fact that there are new jobs. we actually did what of employment as. a set in the new wells movie theater : the and of new supply of almonds this low will show of with. assume that as users his slow a
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shechem walk off into an impressive system. now, it often the york and made herself in a literary career. this will lawyers suing for where employed into the jim-crow self, and we're going to applaud. at best leave leave your door with of the tomb that happens in the movie a pastiche of feel kind of like, well, that is complex. i hope that works out. it is this trial for a moment. the black woman and of employment. what the heck was that? and so every bit of it. violative is : if your to the home shopping network they're selling products, a line of products inspired by the help. yes, you can did your own law for an.
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you combine it to address the low will move and move it up perfectly for. firemen spired know what to buy approach, will wouldn't mind? will would i go do it? , until relatives in will would be inspiring. a look of this trio how manly was used to sell anything from plenty to hold lances. literally and throughout been a summa pancakes and it's happening. reelect lugosi that. read up. i have been armed and million hundred thousand planes with people reading this trap of an airplane for seven hours text to someone reading a smiling. well. [laughter] none of that is okay. a vote in new get into hot on acceptable that is, but that is in the book.
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increased to know where our definition of creme chances and with it to a aren't some of. return unwillingly has decided to accept the level of bondage. we wouldn't otherwise to this and find it a couple. if i told you the statistics outside of things about prison he would find the love scene and hold of, well, it happens accruals. let me just to of a lease a human wall poona credible the
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projects in local communities to work. and let someone with practice all week ahead of the national lenders alike an african-american leaders, and that has not been my experience. i continue to the non-profit organization is addressing your return from housing to incarceration to all led by black men and women call from the monthly doing work cut r&d that as well beating brodeur says a thing. a saloon and ruinous of quinlan and of finance. there is no way to you could have never been never when you
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were not part of the movement. there is no more live with the move is now occurring. there were moments will it was more successful commensal in our history books we zero in the focus of it, but those moments of success are was succeeded by decades of failure. there is never a moment of success were you don't have bodies littered before it. i think about the death of fred shuttles worth this month and how little to lead dallas to invade that st. john's tied. we haven't even talked about him. he was something. adrienne kent figures and the privilege for show, actually help always irritated. so of this means that most of the upper reservoir rock, but his being a coward, someone who, runs as sewage. the moves in los where the ends of like a baby. nobody thought it made a good sense to go blue kids a love for
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lines. michele, of course, did. he is the sort of indication of. they have meant the use the initiative of the rest of memorializing kenyan rent, up to his of those servers, but you could and resident difference statue where he is of the time and the elders of faces. he is emerging from all the rest of. none of that, none of that is to take away from the notion that black elite isn't is a real problem. but a lot to say it is a very means problem. classes the serbs to of a creole of colored in washington.
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he is so visibly and visually white that when he wakes the colorbearer rear of the train he has to go to the train conductor until then, sir, i am breaking the color barrier yes he is a trio caller code so it. when the court makes the decision in plessey v furnaces about the care ridge been cool to a doing two things, but determining this policy the by invoice to be separate of reasons checkroom the lonrho role. this guy who is one 16th black will be with you on a bike side. had it is sad that a different way would answer rilievo what the row of decision and in 1954 with the creation of the corona class that might have had a set of opportunities open to them that would be different.
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at every point as you look along these social political access there is always some question about will roll of whom it -- mouflon they broke and working-class part folks and tell their interests coincide. shuttles were vegetarians part of was khalil of the removal of teachers and the board show a and never have been questions about his rose partners the figure her aura nourish bokhara forces deployed prove it's a day soon engines but it is sure who will bring him. scissors sarah and run sure that i would never count blackie leaders to warn the economic differences between blacks as the primary problem because it is too consistent. if there were a failure and the other succeeded, it is always
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being navigated, and a much more interested. it does not read the one could not be. i am just laura interested and institutional racism. no. the question then is aware is that businesses to show racism? level at all. part of a little have seen is just hummable american racism is it does less they will place bill will move with you. so just when you have the votes, go ahead and him to this. do human knowledge of stones. so rationally to my tank that toledo, a theme michele m vendors points, a she can have slavery. that's all right. who will insure property of sharecropping. is a way in which played is quite simple in part because it
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is in radiology, and so that this is part of what goes and can expect with the sister citizens, the idea that today is not just the same as yesterday. a really, with much will to-year-old students didn't infinitive question mentally being a black student at princeton this just like crazy -- slavery. no, with love. closed some can be bad is reassume as institutional changes. i just want to say one thing. i also feel a little bit of complicity in the question you asked about black leaders. to pretend that it is new is the real is very self protective for myself. it is one of those things that i've been all of us to have a
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microphone in the public voice and then, involvements says have to be so careful because the easiest way is for us to believe we're speaking for everybody else. and, of course call the of the person would be derek bell, and what he reminds me over and over again is that these used live to tell yourself is a lender to success that's particularly true in a field. as lawyers i elected or become wealthy than i am blackness' succeeding in, and lightness. so all of my disagreement, i absolutely agree with him about the existence of the of offers family the leyna itself vindicated me about the
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realities of black families in america. while i disagree with him on a bunch of stuff, he is right that the successes of. and so he was so keenly talk to what of the doe and passion. and lenders of these systems to do it sooner ambitions since -- to stand for and an education here 15. to that is all right. mile-marker proas. the food could only about the fact. then, of cushioning. and reckons than the two ensuing "plantation. all of that is what? , there is link element that is. so when i hear that question i don't have an answer to
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reticence of arkansas tomorrow, pau worry. we have it all work dealt. i really just want to pause and say, yes, yes. warm sufism is less efficient as racial strategy. yes. sorry. and then we have to back here. >> okay. hello. then, you might have blog about this, and i might have missed it, but i wanted to give your comments about football and wide prevalence it is there are lot of. one woman who had a sun then turn up there were multiple women who have this aren't. a mile out to say that on but moveless is a surprising
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that we need to have another conversation about human sexuality. unlike torre did we talk about this, to separate blacks and women hurt but given up continues would be to war in but once movements. the letter accuses to follow that up with a wired us live minnow was available of color barriers abroad or orange it or lose rice. then there is that, but also barbara walters talking on the you about using the inward commoner like 20 you want to see it that bad. what is it about feelings of dread of entitlement. it just feels like everything has gone wild. insignia. particular when they could miss my brilliant colleagues did. and blowing his user and peace
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in the and when you're end of the doing there. but some pilots feel like there are people who just discovered roadwork client focus turned on the ms nbc last week. a small group of people who forced scared me in 2008 blow of a the lawyers know i called clause in with new of this sort of his. yes. so i looked very bad and sweaty and debris. very bad lighting. but it was me having to experience talking about it again. is this really happening? if you made a list of 100 people that i would like to spend 20 minutes, she would limit the list. there would be one of the people.
11:45 am nikko all and and the people i have no hitches are racist. take a endo of glorious style of horseshoe of the argo a miserable visna to harry hill when mckeon all use of the steward and those used the news in here recession ahead with kim crenshaw. literally have already have these conversations. so amid the accuracy is curious. yes. guess we're having them again, and my daughter will have them. yes. because here is the deal : those stereotypes still resist because of something we do or don't to. order of board withdrew a stereotyped as sizzles the tooth is not have a filling work.
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black lawyer who served as domestic to sue if their lawyers weren't happy families. daedalus sisters to a business and use it to split the work. use dollars conservative. senior just wake up america. we are : the national we are emasculating. cris harper had a skit hearing that to those in the election where he said barack obama could never be president because he is black white. a black woman to be president but there are first lady peaches the doe a hub with a paper of a relationship. the look of the fact that african-american women having to various high rates of domestic violence the white sisters. african-american hairs faster
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ruling infection of the a -- most of the current star especially crimes. to that the brothers test drives over yuma wins would win the back room of relationships so hardware list of. and of the most back room of relationships the you could imagine, but as large as you create the stereotype that in never have to talk about the ways in which we're fundamentally victimized and the variance june and political relationship because it serves political purposes, those those persistent and the -- exist, and we can respectability our way out of them. we cannot seek taste in their forges a bow will go away.
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bikila the colony grew black woman. we can be in solidarity error detected rates every day and both of you walked right out of feminism in 15 moves flat. that said, i still think of this moment is a space of progress over and above all moment 20 years will end 40 years ago, another in some russian law until but i just tell filling a because the fundamental matters. i like to tell the story with dead not cellblocks. [laughter] fantastic, hard. my mom would bake a cake for my birthday and make sure it was a marble cake. baghdad, even when i was a little girl would give me a birthday card, and it would not say love dad.
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my birthday card always said mr. greuel continues. [laughter] [laughter] that is not a joke. six, 72 ways to move lenya's sold. mr. greuel continues, daddy. the problem now is i get that from low volatile with the helpful parses a move mobster. is. mr. roh continues. >> to use the to the imbalance but will of the royal warrant to have these for stability's, to some degree as a conservation bill is an inherent in being so ashamed of these images and embarrassed, but when no one's doing the unrest grady. >> it's tough.
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reality tv is most problematic vice. i actually -- and i watch some of the berlin as part shut, where rents flew in know all the characters on a new house with linda. i ashley just started watching back and his views are of use of how you can i go run the country and talk wrote what was stereotypes and have never driven cadillac. really cure a case of this is very were dumped. about -- i do have a white mother, and there are moments where my husband is still my ambassador to by ellis. this is hell the supplier pupil, how we do. and moves by the fact of, what right does show a century those lumens lives in their is a
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really great book written by my colleague, the composer in general a woman reality television. she talks of races will follow particularly vetting a black woman in history, the most abhorrent prince of bel. it is up to the following you're around. has the added and in these kinds of ways to persuade who will think. so abcatoo was killed the act of violence. she is such a good example of someone who was profoundly edited to appear to be a particular way the particular the march itself to some retail of differences is the result of lending. she is actually a lovely human being. his moment of great personal suffering. of rest to think about her
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nestle will move to an the end of that fits with this notion of you doing all that. safari the big danger in reality tv verses narrative to the whizzes followed may use stereotypes is the issue that would do no. deadliest when. he agree black woman, she is a referendum, what tuitions of a together. even the was the like and have held up because be cool with my daughter has a strange obsession . you know, on the weight of a great show, but is stereotyped. clear hextall. cheetahs a whole song ringing apparently i was wanting it the other day. is it now realize they have a right partner in new york law or
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. though she didn't. [laughter] know she didn't and that is why. that is ridiculous and so for me at the the danger of the reality is not that there is some new set of images but because we sell their real, reality images, they can be more shaming. a lot of the book is about how shaming of rice to keep us from an engaging politically and has its physiological impact that causes us to withdraw. and part of those are reasons the public would tense up, part of the reason that we consume these images and part of the reasons -- part of a point that people of relying only is it helps us to a cease to grow roses. so was over will happen to our consumption of a real house
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while series in the economic downturn. eventually get more interesting and soon a puzzle is the average people. we have already been interested to know what is off the charge. fun to imagine, but even if you are aware of the, you're like, among the employed and warehouse in foreclosure cool but will. a really have evolved during of its mission will did at the heart of this, it is shaving when we know it is being observed by outsiders who were perceived us your resume soon moves. it is less shaming if repeat the weather in her bureau was close he is aware do some men and funnels to the level of per view of the print free of two of the feed the a groin and. they do this old tongue the that
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a weak performer is very different bell will perform live frugally where been observed of ceo of those who think will be a kernel of which is of a prison did. >> well. [applause] [applause] so fantastic. instead of the information is so kind of. you want to take you for your auto indicia of will and lisa will. if you need bunt, we have the registered for you. we will have you spread the word. takes you all for being here so very much.
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[applause] [applause] >> for more information visit the office website, both the -- melissa harris perry dot com. >> well, mr. brown, you have just written a book called beating the odds, and the browns investing in life's strategies. where did your life begin? >> well, it began the small town of florida to a 13 miles swollen the, was called hbo dka. i was born to a 13 year-old unwed mother in abject poverty. so what this book -- >> what your? >> 1940. it was during a term of segregation.
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so imagine this. ellis did people cannot control the hand they haven't dealt the first periods of slow love to long and terrain the time of segregation, no running water, no electricity, no -- and to complement to building the very successful investments with firm is really what the book is about and also is about building the systems was louis an hour with divided over the last of the years. >> what are two or three things that happen in your life then choose the course of your life? >> low, you can always look at it as forks in the road. the first fork, is far have gone down that path fans will have been directly different than going down mayo.
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then head area of the live one block away. he was in the moonshine business when i was growing up a louis v. filled three businesses between the ages of 11 and 13. >> moon shanley. >> note : to its fellow of someone will. fortunately a mother came and got me winner was 14. issues to resume and two-way to of concern not to move the is done ahead and where or when gone down the road half. so there is a major force. >> what about college? >> went to howard university right here in washington d.c. and to speak to this. in new user error master's in
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knows sooner when your inner-city him many years later in master's of business administration from indiana and credulous school of business. so i built a foundation that canada was coined to be in the senate, zero less than whole years when no, but after giving my nba i actually got very interested or more interested in the and this will world, so i switched careers and became basically money manager. perched on teeeleven. why did you write beyonce the of? the base where rubles its innovative corner. the business would carry. i have no interest or plans to write a book. it was lord bellows who is the widow of the legendary zillow those of all of it as soon american operas ever
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