tv C-SPAN2 Weekend CSPAN January 7, 2012 6:00am-7:00am EST
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puddle a wetland and endless forms to be filling out. that's what you need to get the economy going. once the economy is going, the revenues will increase. and, boy, we need to lay off a lot of government employees. it just becomes this, this self-generating system where government employees vote for the democrats, and democrats create jobs for more government employees. i mean, the democrats aren't the party of the poor and disadvantaged. no, they are the party of the government workers who manage the poor. >> host: recent tweet by ann coulter, i took christie's inhaler away until he promised to run in 2012. what is it about chris christie? is. >> guest: that was the day he went into the hospital. i just wanted to calm everyone down. [laughter] don't worry, it was just me. i think he is an amazing politician like -- i don't want to exaggerate this, but i haven't felt this way about a
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politician since ronald reagan. i was very young then and, wow, he was inspiring. and every once in a while you come along, and a politician speaks the truth in a way no other politician had the courage to do. chris christie did that, ronald reagan did that so much bolder and without apology, the way ronald reagan talked about the soviet union and the evil empire. chris christie talks about the government unions and the teachers' unions that way. and i don't even think ronald reagan would have talked about teachers' unions the way christy does. no republican could talk about these government employees working for a failed system, by the way, without spending 20 minutes weeping about some schoolteacher they had once. not chris christie. and amazingly, the people like it. and he inspires others like scott walker. >> host: arnold is in smyrna, tennessee. you're on with ann coulter. >> caller: hello. how you doing, ann? >> guest: fine, thank you. >> caller: yes. um, i have a couple of
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questions, but first i have an invitation for you. um, i would like to invite you to go to my web site. it's love god is, or you can read and download for free a book that i co-authored, and the c in co is capitalized. and the title of the book is define 9/11 inter-- divine 9/11 intervention. i think you'll find it interesting, especially pages -- excuse me, i stutter. pages 31 and 32. >> host: all right, arnold. >> caller: here's the question. >> host: great. go ahead. >> caller: yes. are you familiar with what the bible says about liberals, you know, specifically what is in isaiah 32? >> host: arnold, what are you referring to? >> caller: a verse in the king james bible that talks about liberals. and if you'd like me to read it, you know, i could.
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>> host: does it use the word "liberals"? >> guest: no, it uses satan. demonic. >> host: very quickly, arnold, if you would read it. >> caller: okay. this is from isaiah 32, 4-9. the heart of the rash shall also understand knowledge, and can the tongue of the stammerers shall be ready to speak plainly. verse five, the vile person shall no more be called liberal, for the vile person will speak villainy, and his heart will work -- excuse me -- iniquity to practice hypocrisy to make empty the soul of the hungry, and he will cause the drink of the thirsty to fail. >> host: all right, arnold, why is that important to you very quickly? >> caller: because the bible says, you know, the king james bible does speak about liberals, and it says nothing but good
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things about liberals. >> host: ann coulter. >> guest: i think my stuff is more accurate. [laughter] the bible speaks about liberals in the verse i cite. >> host: all eight of your books about liberals, is that fair to say? >> guest: um, yes. i mean, the first book was on the grounds for impeachment of bill clinton. slander on the various ways liberals lie. yeah, the rest are about liberals. actually, the one -- the column book, how to talk to a liberal if you must, that covers everything under the sun including dating tips in washington. >> host: "slander," treason, god less, guilty, demonic, are those fighting words? >> guest: zip by titles, aren't they? [laughter] like i said, i was thinking of calling this book "legion" or "my name is legion." but a small slice of christians
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would understand what i was talking about and, yeah, i want people to read my books. i put a lot of work in them, i think you'll learn things, i think you'll sigh the world in a -- see the world in a different way so, yeah, we give them zippy titles. we put me on the cover in the black cocktail dress usually because it annoys liberals. >> host: from if democrats had any brains, they'd be republicans? could be the best of ann coulter according according to you? >> guest: it's more of a quote book, yeah. >> host: here's one quote: >> host: steven in south jordan, utah, you're on "in depth." good afternoon. >> caller: hi, ann. i'd like to thank you for all that you've done. i don't really have a question, but i have some comments about religion between the conservative and the liberals. there are principles,
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conservative principles that have applied and acted upon that are conduct today the social, spiritual and economic well being of individuals as well as nations. and these principles came from god himself, and they formed a foundation of civilized society, and they're commonly referred to as the ten commandment pes. what the liberals have done in probably the last 50 years is turn these into the ten inconvenient truths. and you can go back to lyndon johnson's great society, his welfare program. he turned honor thy father and mother into honor thai mother and big government. and we can see what that's done to the black families and a lot of families. i don't know, have you ever read the keynote address given by obama? >> guest: um, no, but i think you need to read my book, "godless," where this point is made more pithily, i think. that is not an inconvenient truth. no, the platform of the
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democratic party is breaking each one of the ten commandments one by one by one. thou shalt not murder. what is the most important issue to the democratic party? yes, that's right, abortion. sticking a fork in the head of little babies sleeping peacefully in their mothers' wombs. thousand shalt not steal, their entire tax policy is to generate class envy and steal money, redistribute worth. certainly put no gods before me, they put every god before the real god. um, i don't think there's a living liberal who wouldn't give up his eternal soul to attend the carters' "vanity fair" party to be cited favorably in in the "new york times." the worshiping of idols is sport for, it's more than sport. it is religion of the left. their religion is breaking each one of the ten commandments one by one. >> host: and from "godless" you write:
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these pro-choicers treat abortion the way muslims treat mohamed. it's so sacred, it must not be mentioned. the only other practice that was both defended and unspeakable in america like this was slavery. >> guest: uh-huh. that's true. and interestingly, even, um, even in places where slavery was accepted, and it wasn't in many parts of the world, people would not let their children play with slave traders the way i imagine people wouldn't today let their kids -- it's one thing to say, oh, i'm pro-choice and let a woman decide. it's a different thing to let your kids play with a child of a local abortionist of which there are not very many. it's a repellant practice. but it is peculiar that they'd elevate this and pretend it's a constitutional right, and yet we can't use the word. you don't have, you know, gun rights groups refusing to use the word "gun." it shows you what a hideous thing it is and what a hideous thing they know it is.
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>> host: now, another recent tweet from ann coulter, why doesn't barack obama tape the same speech and have them run it every night? new berlin, wisconsin, you're on. >> caller: okay. good afternoon, ann. it's wonderful to talk to you. i just finished, i have finished reading your book, and be i love it. >> guest: thank you. >> caller: and, basically, i'm here from the home of joe mccarthy, scott walker, paul ryan and also bass teague days -- bastille days. i just read your book at that time. i asked people why are we celebrating bastille days? so we had a lot of fun with that. but i want to know one of my main questions, because i do watch all this back and forth and all this stuff. so many times that if we would just follow our constitution, we wouldn't be in this mess. and one of these main things is article i, section 11 of the constitution. you know, basically, all the powers are vested in congress. they are not vested in the
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bureaucrats. they are not vest candidated. and what are we going to do, to me, to bring back that and make people understand? to get our power back for we, the people -- >> guest: i'm so glad you ask. um, no, this is, this is a very important point. democrat policies are so unpopular that democrats have had to stop promoting them themselves. releasing violent and, you know, child molesting, murdering criminals, for example. so instead they just nominate judges and then assure us that the judges are very moderate and centrist, and they get up to the supreme court and suddenly discover, look, in this 2 200-year-old document, we found one. there's a right to gay marriage and abortion, and we must release 36,000 criminals from the california prisons. a recent united states supreme court ruling, by the way. so now they get the courts to do their dirty work for them and tell us it's a constitutional right. and i think the only way to rein this in, i mean, obviously, we
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have the method we've been trying for the last 20 years, quarter century, elect a republican president, um, wait for vacancies on the supreme court, get a supreme court nominee who doesn't hallucinate when reading the constitution. um, that really didn't work out so well. we had three, you know, three republican appointees -- sandra day o'connor, david hackett souder, justice kennedy who all voted to uphold the heart of roe v. wade though not the reice holding. as and ally ya said, i don't know how that's fouling precedent. -- following precedent. in any event, we need to get five at large supreme court justices. this is one of my plans, just for a laugh to start engaging in if conservative activism and to hallucinate the sort of rights equivalent to the rights being hallucinated by the liberal justices so that we'll suddenly have a right to a flat tax,
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we'll have a right to own a rocket-propelled grenade, we'll have a right to free champagne for blonds. um, all kinds of fantastic rights i can think of. oh, i think we'll declare the withholding tax unconstitutional. and then our justices can all admit it was just a joke because liberals can never understand how heinous their policies are until it's done to them. and the alternative plan to, i can state much more quickly, we need a conservative, a republican executive to say in response to an insane supreme court ruling, for example, some of the guantanamo rulings under president bush, um, i wish he had just said thank you for your opinion, the constitution makes me the commander in this chief. i am not, i am not giving, you know, special constitutional rights to terrorists grabbed on a battlefield as happened at guantanamo. thanks, supreme court. >> host: first a tweet and then an e-mail. the tweet by scott wagner: i like the way she flings her
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hair, can she sell a dvd of that while she reads "demonic"? that's the tweet. e-mail, tim johnson. ms. coulter lays it on the line, and all who disagree are, in her words, stupid and demonic. >> guest: um, no. some are misguided. mostly i think it is the worshiping of false idols, however. i think it is this desire to be considered cool and in and be not have to think about anything. >> host: her public appearances are an avalanche of gnarl words, and if serious conservatives want to be taken seriously, the first thing they have to do is distance themselves from the likes of glenn beck, rush limbaugh, grover norquist and ann coulter. >> guest: well, i don't know about the other guys, but i would say not at all for me. [laughter] snarl words. i mean, this is like what i said about joe mccarthy. what's your point? what are you disagreeing with? what's the snarl world?
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was i think that was not -- because i think that was not all sweetness and nights in that e-mail. [laughter] but this is how liberals avoid talking about the issues. i mean, that was the theme of "slander" that they anat metize us. racists, sexist, ugly, mean. don't listen to this person, don't read this american. danger, danger. well, if you could argue with us on our ideas, i think you'd do so. and if we were despicable and harm? ing, i don't think we'd have -- snarling i don't think we'd have so many fans. ..
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really i have two questions. i'm reading "demonic" right now by the way. i think it is my favorite of your books. i read literally everyone since "high crimes and misdemeanors" in the 8th grade. >> guust: you are. >> guust: you are a fine american and will go far. >> caller: is it true your mother is from paduca, kentucky? >> guust: yes she is. i was down there a couple weeks ago almost, we had a family reunion. >> caller: i'm really want a
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autograph of my book, "demonic". i can't figure out how to send it to you. >> guest: i'm sure you can get it to me through the phillips foundation. >> host: what's the phillips foundation. >> guest: to phillips. brought up "human events". conservative book club. very other publications. he gives out, very impressive that you won this award for a young journalist. they get an award, i guess it is called the reagan award. i haven't been judge. i'm aware of the various winners and tom phillips, so he oversees this whole complex which i'm a small part. you can definitely get the book to me through the phillips foundation. >> host: next call for ann coulter comes from new york city. hi, mike. >> caller: hello. good afternoon to all of you. i would, like to talk about the recent act of white terrorism in norway. initially this is described by people on the right as
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muslim terrorism, which was incorrect. then it was described by people on the left as christian terrorism. which is also incorrect. the only way this could have been described is that and drers breivik, is a white racist terrorist who committed an act of white terrorism in a worldwide system of white supremacy. forget christianity. forget right-wing. for get left-wing. that is the only way this should be looked at. and to do so any other way is, incorrect. >> guest: i agree with part of that. and as luck would have it, i read his mannyfesto. not all of it. it gets a little representative so you can skim right through some
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parts -- repetitive. i'm unaware of any conservatives who blamed it on islamic terrorism. we didn't know what it was. by the time we heard what happened he was being described in "the new york times" headlines as christian fundamentalist. gun-toting, fox news-viewing i believe. and his mannyfesto makes clear as the caller said, he isn't a christian. he uses the word christian to mean, nonislamic. it is not specifically, i don't know, black, hispanics, brown people. no, it is muslims he does not like. that's it. and yes it was very anti-muslim. he talks how he wants the jews and buddhists and all the people of europe to join with him to fight against the islam maization of europe. that is his big thing. whether or not that is connected to the insanity on some molecular level i don't know but for "the new york times" to describe him as a christian fundamentalist was
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an outrageous slander. something we've come to expect from the "new york times.". >> host: in the a recent column by you on ann "new york times" kills dozens in norway. >> guest: that is about him. i cites "the new york times" in his manifesto. >> host: pinch salzberger "new york times", without him, "slander" it could not have been written without his help. >> guest: oh that is in the acknowledgement. >> host: acknowledgement. >> guest: the book is dedicated to robert jones. >> sorry. >> guest: my headcations, i -- dedications i take seriously. but acknowledgements, they're always --. >> host: finally with sincere thanks to the pinch salzberger of entire staff of "new york times" without whom this book would not have been possible. >> guest: it is true. >> host: why? >> guest: because "the new york times" is the moser
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you -- most erudite of liberal authority in america. i'm their most loyal reader and most voracious reader. i was offered to cut ads for "the new york times." when they're good it is really great. it drives you crazy when their bias gets in and gets in throughout the front page and op-ed page and editorial page. when there has been some major news story that doesn't have a political component, nobody does it better than "the new york times" and that's, the good part of it. the bad part of it is, this obsession with blaming everything, everything on the christians while holding, you know, muslims innocent. in that column, from a couple of weeks ago on the norwegian shooter, who did "the new york times" described as christian fundamentalist. he says he doesn't believe in god. forget which brand of religion it is, he doesn't believe in god. he talks about, quote,
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christian agnostics and christian atheists and welcome to join the anti-islamic campaign. that is culturally european. that is what he means when he says christian. i compared "new york times" coverage of this guy who they leaped to the conclusion of calling a christian without having glanced at his manifesto to find out he doesn't believe in any god sitting around reading the in seven articles on nexus the guy's name who is accused shooting, major hasan, i put in nexus, hasan and fort hood. found seven art cycles of "the new york times." only one used word muslim one year after the shooting after the cat was out of the bag. >> host: from how to talk to a liberal if you must. here is a traitor. you write during my recent book tour, this is from 2003, during my recent book tour i resisted persistent, illiterate request that i name traitors.
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with a great deal of charity and suspension of disbelief i was willing to concede many liberals were merely famous idiots. in addition i was loathe to name names. >> guest: fatous. >> host: i'm sorry? >> guest: fatous. >> host: you're right. what did i i say? >> guest: famous. >> host: fame mouse i'm sorry. i need to put glasses on. liberals would start jumping out of the windows but after the "times" despicable editorial on the two-year anniversary 9/11 attack, i'm able to name a traitor, pinch salzberger publisher of "new york times." don, from --. >> guest: can i say why? >> host: certainly. >> guest: i have not read the book recently. fortunately i wrote it i remembered it was fatous, rather than famous. i dimly recall what that editorial was. it was comparing the attack of 9-11, to an american attack on, i think it was a chilean embassy.
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but the time of the piece, that also 457ed to be happened to be on 9/11 but the theme of piece america dei served it. you've gone around. americans invading other countries, fooling around with other national governments. and now you dare campaign when -- complain when your buildings are knocked down. is this an american newspaper? >> host: next call for ann coulter, comes from don in sheraton, wyoming. don, you're on the air. >> caller: morning, ann. listen i was wondering if you see any similarities between our government currently in its actions and nero burning when rome was burning more or less? >> guest: i love the image. it does seem a little tone deaf to me when so many people are unemployed. the unemployment rate has been persistently above 9%. someone, who knows better than i, told me recently
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that for obama to get the unemployment rate below 8% by the next election, they would have to add more than 200,000 jobs a month. well it was 18,000 last month. and meanwhile, the dancing barefoot in the rose garden, listening to hip-hop, flying around the country and apparently playing a lot of golf is a big part of obama's economic recovery plan. but, you know, on the other hand, i certificate sort of like to have them dancing in the rose garden and playing golf. at least they're not socializing anything when he is off playing golf. if he applies anymore of his brilliance to the economy we'll all be on bread lines. >> tweet from glen. when is your book on national debt coming? you can call it, "broke". >> guest: i think that is too small a subject for me. i like the big themes. >> host: even though you just finished with the "demonic" are you
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researching your next? >> not yet. >> host: every two years or so you come out with one? >> guest: yes. >> host: "demonic" was six months late i think you wrote? >> guest: yes, it was. yes it was, because like i say, once i figure them out i keep writing and writing and writing. and i don't know, i don't really have an idea right now. i wait and see how things develop. >> host: what does crown forum do when you're six months late on your book? >> guest: they're very, very, nice to me. considering what i have put them all through. but they know i will always get it in. and you know, i forget it, it's like, it is my own personal writers amnesia. every time i'm late i'm hysterical and frantic and telling my friends it was due a month ago. i can't talk to you. and they all say to me, but you do this with every book, ann? why are you hysterical this time? it will be turned in. >> host: who is peter tiel,
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you dedicate it to. >> guest: yes the most anti-group think person than myself. he may be even more than i am. and, we're friends and he gave me a lot of pointers on this book because he is so hate groups think. something he sort of mulled over. every time we have dinner or lunch, some of his ideas were fantastic. he told me to read, "the ruin of cash" which is probably a book notes viewers thought was fascinating. i think they liked it as new york review of books and one of the most unsufferable books i ever read. he complained to peter about that one. he had me read the possessed. it was a fantastic book and i enjoyed it. i was a at first resentful because it is not a short book. i knew there was one tiny little point from the book he told me to used and e-mailed to myself, possessed.
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i put it off. what was i looking for in that book again. he said, i don't remember. i had to read the whole book to get to, there were a few points. some of that i also took out of the book toward the end. like i say i wanted it streamlined, sweet, to the point, short chappers, appealing to the twitter generation here. >> host: another tweet that you recently sent out, conclusive proof bin lauden is dead, he is now registered to vote in cook county. elephant butte, new mexico, dan, you're on the air. >> caller: hi, ann. ann, being the brilliant and articulate conservative that you are, you're clearly a freak of nature and, i mean that as a compliment of course. >> guest: you better, coming from elephant butte. if you're not a fan, this country is in trouble. >> caller: yes, i am. a big one. do liberals generally belief
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what they say and do, or do they say and do it simply for the purpose of achieving power on the backs of the unwashed masses? >> guest: that is the eternal question of life. are liberals evil or are they just stupid? i mean the beautiful example of this is the, every single elected democrat vowing to save social security. that is a lie. it can't be done, not in its present form. obama's own treasury secretary, tim geithner, says that in under ten years, in a report he issued last year, in under ten years, social security, medicare, medicaid and is servicing the interest on the national debt will consume 92 cents of every federal dollar. that leaves eight cents for national defense to pay congressional salaries, smithsonian, food inspectors and so on and so forth.
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the entitlements programs can not be saved in their current forms. when fdr introduced social security the average lifespan after man was i think about 64. a woman was about 66. we nag you to death. that's why you die sooner. now the average lifespan is 90 years. raise the age to the way it was as, to begin with. so for democrats, i do not believe there is one elected democrat who has admitted this. that is just a lie. they aren't, even, well, maybe debbie wasserman schultz is that stupid but the rest of them are not that stupid to believe they can save social security. there will be changes one way or another. >> host: what role does humor play in your writing? >> guest: for one thing it makes it a lot easier for me to he had it later. well, because i have to read this stuff. like a book, ten times, a column, 50 times, before i hit the send button.
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and it is a lot more fun to read it over and over again if i'm amusing myself. >> host: ann coulter, eight books. here they are. high crimes and misdemeanors, 1998. slander, 2002, treason, 2003, how to take to a liberal, if you must, 2004. godless, in 2006. if democrats had any brains they would be republicans, 2007. guilty, and in 2008, and her most recent is "demonic", about liberal mobs. came out in 2011. recently, ann coulter, hosted or was invited to a book party at the heritage foundation where she signed books and we want to show you a little bit about this. and then we'll be back. >> thank you for everything we do. >> guest: is this for you? >> this is for my parents. >> they each get one.
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read it at at the same time. fantastic. you're a genius. otherwise there could be a fight over the book. >> thank you. >> lynn, l, y, n, n. >> i have a question for you. you speak about your mother from kentucky. i'm from kent tuck. >> you are? from where? >> paducah. >> paducah. >> i may be back there next month in a family reunion. >> thank you, again. >> hello. nice to meet you. nice to meet you. l, p. nic -- nicole. >> wait. to nicole. i thought you were saying lieutenant. >> no. >> [inaudible].
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>> you have nice script. >> unfortunately my write something like chicken scratch even when concentrating. >> thank you. >> good luck. >> hello. >> tom ryan. >> nice to meet you, tom. what a fantastic thought. >> it is fantastic. >> you want this for patrick? >> no, no. for him. >> sorry. >> the last name i hear. >> [inaudible]. >> both my parents. >> one quarter. >> one quarter? i have to give it to you. i have a pair for you and pair for someone you love. >> that's very flies. >> i'm from brook lynn. >> it is irish catholic in me. nice to meet you. >> i'm working at -- want to thank you for your -- on
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wmao. when i stuck in traffic you're a great distraction from all the stress. >> i'm glad to hear it. >> this is for my father. for father's day. >> sidney. >> yes. >> he will be so happy. >> perfect gift. >> i know. that's what we always put my books out before father's day. >> thank you. >> here are the nonfiction best-sellers as of july 28th according to indy spayed, on line community for independent booksellers. mr. larson was recently on "booktv". you wan watch the program online at "booktv".org. coming in third, unbroken by laura hillenbrand.
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followed by david mcullough's book, the greater journey, americans in paris. tina fey's bossypants. jaycee dugard recounts, 18 years in captivity, a stolen life. number seven, nothing daunted. howard wasdin seal team six is number 8. lost in shangri-la at number nine. completing the list this week is reckless endangerment. how outsized ambition, greed, corruption led to economic arm ma get son. you can watch the authors present this book at for this information and other best-selling books go to here's a look at some upcoming book fairs and
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festivals over the next few months. on september 2nd, decatur, georgia, hosts the "atlanta journal-constitution" book festival. the brooklyn book vest al begins on september 15th. it includes curt anderson, paul bergman and walter mostly. the baltimore book festival starts september 23rd. also on the 23rd, st. augustine, florida, will host the florida heritage book festival. tell us about book fairs and festivals in your area. we'll add them to our list. e-mail,
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>> host: ann coulter, who is pg wod house. and why is he a influence for you. >> i'm reading him this summer. i have to sweeten the book tour, going out with my friend, constantly, which is why l.a., by the way is a fantastic place to be on book tour. i usually go there two weeks after the book comes out. with the time change, i'm done at 7:00 every night. in any event. pg woodhouse is very fun any british writer. i read all of his books once, at least twice. they put you in a great mood. they he is very funny. >> host: one of your favorite authors. joe sobran. >> guest: yes and a friend of mine.
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he passed away, i remember i found out i was out in l.a.. >> host: about a year or so ago. >> guest: about a year. a little more than a year ago. in fact i think i was writing the gustav labond section. i remember that. that's how i date things. would have been sometime fall of last year. anyway, he like thomas sowell, another one of my favorite writers they're spare, elegant writers. and, joe sobran, perhaps even more than peter teal did not subscribe to group think. something i admire. we all find one another. although i didn't always agree with all of the nongroup think positions, peter tiel, incidentally, he is just started evidence of his anti-group think passion. really down on colleges. he thinks they're a waste of
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time and waist of money and he compares the college boom, all the money spent on college tuition same way people spent money on homes. yes, it is a huge mortgage, you're paying next 30 years and it is investment. people say the same thing about colleges. he just introduced, i think, ten, 15, 20, scholarships, a couple $100,000 i believe, for someone who will drop out of college and start some entrepreneural idea. and, i hope i'm not completely ruining his interview process now but one of the questions he asks is, what is something you believe that most, to be true that most people do not believe is true? i can spend the next six hours answering that question. joe could have spent 20 hours answering that question. >> host: greatest influences. your parents, your brothers, and jesus. not necessarily in that order. >> guest: [laughter]
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correct, correct. i had a very pleasant, happy childhood. and the absence of any traumatic events that would turn me into a liberal. >> host: and how would you rerank that order? >> guest: well, obviously jesus has to be number one. and it's hard to remember, it's hard to remember that when you did have great parents and great christian parents and great christian brothers. they're both older than i was. they're very influential. ultimately all you have is god. god did give me those parents and those brothers, but it's, when you realize what god has done for you, there is nothing this world can do to you. you have absolutely no fear. and there is no point in having principles, there's no point in being right if you don't have the courage to say it because you're afraid of what other people are going to say. why i think by the way liberals are more susceptible to mob behavior
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because as, i think is well-established in polling, conservatives believe overwhelmingly in god. liberals do not. we have a vertical relationship. we care about what god thinks we're doing. if everyone around us is mad at us and hates us and calls us mean, which i do not think should be part of public discourse, just a little side note on that. we're debating politics. don't call me mean. whereas with liberals, if you don't, if you don't have the vertical relationship, then it becomes extremely important to you what people horizontally around you, think of you. so i mean, just being able to be a christian and go out and act in the world and separate yourself from the rest of the world and not accept what the rest of the world says is moral or right, just because everybody else is doing it. that's obviously extremely important. >> host: well, we have the e-mail from eric in durham, north carolina. ann coulter, as a liberal i will freely admit that many
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public figures admired by other liberals, michael moore, bill maher, et cetera, are essentially entertainers play fast and loose with the fact and of using satire instead of substance. we listen to them at our own peril. having read or is listen god many of your books i feel the same definition applies to you. >> guest: i do not believe you have read my books from south carolina. >> host: north carolina. >> guest: whatever. i think that e-mail is from john edwards. no one who has read one of my books could say that. >> host: why? >> guest: the end, love ann. >> host: why do you say that? >> guest: because they are heavily researched. even, in the one weekday review i got from "the new york times" and i did love this quote, the reviewer said, it is invective backed up with footnotes. look, you can disagree with me, and oh, by the way, i
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will just voluntarily there were two mistakes in "demonic". i found them. no one else did. i usually count media matters to do the last fact check week book comes out. i no one found them. i found them. which is why your eye goes over it. one for example, richard nixon pushing through the philadelphia plan and i said he did it in 1968. that was the year he elected. can't be 1968. john kerry claiming i was sent to cambodia by president nixon in 1968. 20 years, no journalist noticed it. i noticed it before the book came out but too late to change it. subsequent editions it will be changed. liberals spend their lives to find a grave factual error by ann coulter. i believe their crowning achievement is from my second book, which did have to be put out quickly no one would publish it. >> host: slander if? >> guest: once we had a publish i want to come out
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immediately. and that leaves a little less time for fact-checking. in any event i was writing about the snobbery of the left and, basically how liberals in new york, how parochial and cocooned they are and they view the entire south as a sort of english-speaking saudi arabia. and how they reported on nascar driver's death. i said it wasn't reported on the front page. and article on it began, the article by "the new york times" i was referring to obviously did begin this way. his death brought a soil lens to the walmart. -- silence. screw you, "new york times." okay they did mention his death the next day. there have been broadway plays written by about ann's one error in eight books. >> host: as a denizen of new york city and went to school in new canaan, connecticut, do you write from an east coast perspective? >> guest: i have found, which is why i'm really
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looking forward to san francisco and my meeting with the young republicans in the phone boot on -- booth and august 22nd, meeting on college campus, i really like conservatives in blue states. we are gideon's army or the rebel force in north korea. where as you go to a nice state, mississippi, texas, they don't know what we're so upset about. no, we live and mingle with liberals. we're full of anger. >> host: from slander, all conceivable evidence supports the theory that liberal system a whimsical luxury of the very rich and the very poor. both of whom have little stake in society. talk about that last part. >> guest: it's something have noticed. i say, i have a very strong sense of where a conservatives are because they come up to me wherever i am. i can divide up the neighborhoods of new york,
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you know, friendly, safe, dangerous, mixed. and it's been interesting to me that by and large, the upper east side, although very liberal, they are liberals who have a stake in society. they have expensive apartments on 5th avenue. they have children. they don't want to die. and, besides just being genteel polite people, they're often, though they may vote democrat, they're often very friendly to me. it tends to be people who don't have a stake in society. look at george soros. he can go any place. he is a citizen of the world. he has enough money it doesn't matter to him. is even an american? he keeps his money in the cayman islands. to most people, most people born in america or who are american citizens, being an american is something very important to us. it gives us privileges and rights. to say you're an american
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citizen. when you have more money than midas, what difference does it make? national borders mean nothing to you. you don't care if america stands or falls. >> host: what about the very poor? >> guest: same thing. as long as they get their welfare checks. >> host: tom, in freehold, new jersey, this is "booktv"'s in depth program. this month, best-selling author ann coulter is our guest. go ahead, tom. >> caller: good afternoon. ann, i'm going to preface my remarks saying i'm a conservative republican. so i guess you realize i'm going to disagree with something you said. >> guest: you know my rule? i always say when people call in to c-span, announce, i've been a lifelong republican, you know you're about to get a speech written in moscow? >>. >> caller: never visited moskow. just freehold. a lot of republicans here. anyway, governor christie, ann, i've lived a long time. i have found that real, lasting change, real
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transformational change only happens when you do not only the right things, but you do testimony this the right way. process is important. >> guest: i agree. >> caller: look at any court system, look all the laws overturned by courts. >> guest: look where republicans did with the debt ceiling. i agree. >> caller: now on to governor christie. you know he hasn't really addressed any of the root causes of what the tax problems mr. in new jersey. i also have to say i'm a conservative republic canned a teacher. and i can tell you that after 15 years of teaching, i'm making the grand total sum of $60,000. now, what he's done, is, he's basically demonized a group of people, who are very hard-working people and, had he done it and really affected lasting change i would say, well, maybe that is the price you pay. >> guest: i think, first of all, just as a general point
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on chris christie, i think he has definitely addressed the root cause of what's going on here. he is taken a chainsaw to new jersey's budget. and new jersey, illinois, and california were the states that were about, we were about to try to have to sell to mexico. they're utterly bankrupt. they're going under. they are the states that are the equivalent of greece right now. and chris christie came in and cut so much money, so much money in a state that's a very tough state for a republican so much to get elected in, much less a pro-life republican like chris christie. i'm sure you're a fine fellow, and i highly approve of conservative public school teachers. i'm always telling college republicans. not to go to law school but become a public school teacher because it benefits us fantastic. it is not income over the course of a year. having benefits of medical care paid for.
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you know how most people pay medical care? they buy their own health insurance. though buy their own doctors or medical services. you have summers off. you're done at 2:00. you get a pension. i don't know anybody who get as pension other than government workers. to be able to retire at age 55 and receive 90% of the your highest earning year. forget about teachers, for a moment. i say the same thing about what is it, i think it is new jersey highway patrolmen. they have to work a surprisingly short number of years and retire at 90% pensions. that is a fantastic deal. it is also a reason income taxes aren't as important to government workers as they are to those of us who only get paid in the years we work. so we get more in the years we're working but you will get paid for another 40 years in the years you are not working. government service is a big problem. there is a reason government workers are paid more on average. they nongovernment workers
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both at state level, over well mingly at federal level. you work hard. so do people who aren't working for government. that is a problem. to have any politician, i can say that, i'm not standing for election, to have any politician speak honestly about it, is something so earth shattering, as to make me say we have to make this man president. >> guest:. >> host: from, if democrats had any brangsz they would be republicans, we need liberal talk radio shows to keep the tinfoil hat types busy while we run the country. deepak a advertise the middle east and secure our borders that is speech from indiana university in 2006, that ann coulter made. this tweet comes in from susan. how about we all resist the use of christian, muslim and or jewish as labels for terrorists and criminals? >> guest: well, when the terrorists are operating because they believe they are on a religious mission,
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when they're shouting "allahu akbar!" as they are flying planes into the world trade center, shooting up fort hood, then i think we have, what's known as a muslim terrorist. and we've had an awful lot of terrorism from people who think they are fulfilling allah's will. by slaughtering infidels and to stick your head in the sand and say that is not islamic terrorism will not make us safer. will certainly not make us safer to mayor michael bloomberg of new york and blame the car bomb in times square on tea partiers upset about health care and oh surprise. it was muslim terrorist. >> host: somebody tuned in a little later on the start of the program, have you been taught in public school? >> guest: i have attended public schools. my chrant is i wasn't taught. >> host: gordon in arlington, virginia, go ahead for with your question for ann coulter. >> caller: thank you for
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having me on. i want to thank ann for beingable. >> guest: thank you. >> caller: couple questions if i can? suppose you run for public office in the future? >> guest: oh, no, no,. >> caller: do you think this recent budget battle has done more to help republicans or hurt us? do you suppose our country could use more of that type of tactic to change the way washington does what they do? >> guest: yes, i'm so proud of our republicans. i think they did a magnificent job. i mean as we all know, the mainstream media is not a friends to the republican party but instead of sitting around complaining about it, which think is useful to obviously point it out when it happens, still what elected politicians and elected republicans need to do accept that. that is the mountain you have to get across. now what do you do? i think that the republicans did that absolutely brilliantly. republicans controlling one half of one branch of government being blamed for everything. the debt ceiling doesn't get raised we're going to default.
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republicans fault. country goes bankrupt. republicans, republicans. how about the president? did he have some role? how about the united states senate? that illustrious body, don't they have something to do. even though the mainstream media kept blaming gridlock on the republicans in one branch of congress, or one half of congress, rather, what the republicans, they kept passing bill after bill. we'll compromise a little more but we'll not raise the debt ceiling unless we get some promise of budget cuts. and i think it became, they did it so often that even people who don't pay attention to politics, those are the ones that are the most influenced by the mainstream media, even they had to know, i keep hearing about boehner bills, where is the obama bill? where is the harry reid bill? three weeks before the debt ceiling compromise, was passed, i mean you could go back and look it up on nexus. everyone assumed there would be tax hikes plus spending
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cuts. that's what everyone said. they will split the baby. there will be tax hikes and spending cuts. we got the debt ceiling raised with only spending cuts. that is huge victory when we don't have the presidency and we don't have the united states senate. >> host: dear ms. colter, mitchell writes to you, given there have been many atheist and agnostic libertarian thinkers, most notably milton friedman and ayn rand, do you think there is necessarily a contradiction between being a nonbeliever and a libertarian? >> guest: a lot of libertarians are godless. and although i can't say in particular cases of milton friedman and ayn rand's, that they were cowards, that is generally my complaint with libertarians. what have libertarians
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accomplished politically? not that much. it's usually a way to avoid the hot-button issues. by the way, i'm always taunting libertarians, i am more libertarian than they are. they have just want to legalize pot. if they stop talking about legalizing pot all the time i would have more sympathy. they bring up legalizing pot to get liberals to like them. perhaps it isn't coincidence that many rank-and-file libertarians are godless because they're cowards. believing in god does not apply you to be a coward. >> host: tweet into you, ann coulter, liberal equals rich and poor with no stake in society. she mentions soros with no mention of rupert murdoch. why? >> well, for one thing, rupert murdoch's publishing firm killed my second book, harpercollins. "new york post", "wall street journal" have never published me. i have never worked for fox news. don't tell me rupert murdoch is the savior of
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conservatives in america. i hear he puts on, he does some great media and, i enjoy consuming it but, he is also not, you know he only recently become a nationalized american, right? he like soros, born in another country. that is usually the, people, actually involved in day-to-day politics who are liberals have foreign accents. and i would recommend that they stay here a few generations. you don't see, rupert murdoch putting out media that people manifestly want to read, which is why fox news ratings are through the roof. and although i don't work for them, i like appearing on their network and their ratings are twice what cnn or msnbc. "red eye" comes on 3:00 a.m. on fox news and higher ratings prime time on than cnn. this is more than hiring david brock to try to keep conservatives off air, which is what george soros does. >> host: in
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