tv Book TV CSPAN January 28, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm EST
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lessons that you might be able to put to use. um, but what about that promise i made in the title of my speech to give you seven surprising secrets from the female best-selling authors and businesswomen that i have worked with? so here we go. um, these are insights and lessons that are, in my experience, uniquely well understood and embraced by women. and i want to share them with you for two reasons. first, i think they reveal, um, how women approach work and life and making a difference in the world and, secondly, i think they are secrets that are relevant not just to book publishing or conservative politics which are the two worlds that i work in, um, but also to most professions and, even more importantly, i think they're relevant to virtually every aspect of your life. ..
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business. but i also think that the unique way that women approach relationships is applicable beyond just publishing, obviously. one way of thinking of it is the difference between the working in relationships. a lot of people think well above now working, and sometimes that is really code for who i know and what can i get none of them. women by and large, especially the most successful women understand that it's not really networking that's going to make you more successful but building relationships with people. i think in personal life you could say having three daughters i can tell you i hear these concerns often. the difference between hacking up and having a relationship. we know that even when young girls end up putting up they really do want a relationship.
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we published a book a couple of years ago but have very smart the male doctor he talked about the biological differences. biochemical differences between men and women and how actually our brains are wired to want and seek out relationships in a completely different way from the way men are wired, and at the beth is actually an asset that we have, not a liability. second secret that i have learned from successful woman is that women like to communicate. okay. it's a cliche that when like to talk. and it's usually meant to say that. and i guess it's true, but i don't think it's the whole story. my husband likes to tease me that there is a boy version and a girl version to every story that i tell or can be told. of course i like to tell the
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grow version because the board versions of fun. but men like to talk, too. with your men talk all the time. they like to hear themselves talk. we know lots of men who spend three hours a day talking on the radio every day. they're very good at it. but i think the differences the women like to have conversations . they like to relate to people. they like to talk with other women. i realize i'm talking to you now, but i like talking with other women. think of the book club thing. almost always populated by women because they're getting together to talk with other women in sheer inexperience. i think that's something publishers see all the time. women use talking to build relationships. in so i think if i were to tell you how that applies to work certainly in our business brainstorming session, we have
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lots of meetings. brainstorming sessions and meetings, i think, some of the best ways, and lead to some of our best ideas. in life i think communication, talking with someone, not at someone leaves the strong relationships and a mutual respect. number three, third secret i have learned from a team of this and businesswoman i have worked with is that you need character to have integrity -- integrity. let me explain let me. character first. and we did the book earlier this year with another wonderful female author, she wrote a book called don't let the kids drink kool-aid. she gave a lot of great advice about protecting your children from the brain washing of the left, the pc minutes about fairness and victimhood. but in the end her messes really
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was pretty simple. it was about character. it's better you are. it's about ms. -- listening to your internal moral compass. in that think that is something that women often are championing . a lot of the women of those that we publish talk about this is something very important, obviously not just for women, but for society. another one of my favorite authors and one of the country's most successful female conservatives as michele milken. you heard that her most recent book, which we published a couple years ago was called culture of corruption. it became a big number one new york times best-seller. i think one of the most interesting things to me was to note that even there she was talking about integrity. she was calling people on the carpet for lack of integrity, which is something she is done throughout her career and her reporting on a blogger website
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as well as in her book. and we certainly can think of plenty of politicians or sports heroes for that matter who talk a good game and have then been found cheating on their wives are sending pictures through their phone to other women or letting people down because of a lack of integrity. and i think women feel a special responsibility to help other people, even society stay on the right track by reminding yes that you need character to have integrity. it's not just to you are. of course it starts with her you are and then it leads to what you do. both your values and your actions shape your future. and certainly on the national stage we have seen a lot of mega celebrities fail, wipe out their successful careers because of a lack of integrity.
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i think what women understand is that failures of character and integrity will undermine not only your business success but also devastate families trust and happiness. the fourth secret of want to share with you is that in my experience women look for win-win solutions. this is not necessarily true when you negotiate with men. i negotiate with lots of agents and authors on book deals. and one of the things that i see very frequently is that women almost always are looking for a win-win solution. and i think of that as an expression of a belief, which i share, that there is not a finite amount of success in the world. there are two sort of mindsets year. one is this zero sum gain where
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they're is a finite amount of success, and if you have some then i'm going to have less, so i better take some from you so i can have more. but the competing, and i think, far better ensure mindset paradigm is the success mind-set where you understand that if you are more successful you will help other people be more successful, and if you help someone be successful you will actually achieve more success yourself. i think women also understand that the little things matter. i have the privilege of working with a wonderful new partner in book publishing in the new venture that gregory is starting next year, launching a line of children's books all the patriot press. and in the course of watching that one of bucks and working with a very experienced author and illustrator who is a
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terrific person plans she really understands and has reminded me that the little things really do count. i don't mean to suggest that all that the big things don't count, because they do, but i think women are particularly good at start -- balancing that out, paying attention to all the little things without losing sight of the big picture. and that is, to become a true secret of success. secret number six, in case you're counting, this i learned very early in my career, and that is that women understand that service is strength. my very first full-time job i worked for a remarkable female entrepreneur which started her own company, a big public-relations firm to manage to give advice to very high-powered ceos and business owners almost all of whom were men. in fact, at the maybe all of whom were men at the time. she ran big promotion campaigns.
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and so i was a little bit surprised the first time i saw her do this. we were at an event for one of our clients. this deal was standing in line, and he had his coat draped over his arm. he was holding a drink, and she said no, cannot take your coat temecula holder drink. at the time i thought, what is she doing. actually she was extraordinarily successful at her job, and i believe part of it was because she wasn't afraid to serve. then she knew that did not make her weak all. it major indispensable. it captured in the inner circle. she was very successful. until you, share a little bit about my personal life in the way that i have learned that. as many as you know, i lost my
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first husband to cancer about six years ago. as i was trying to of representative cover from that i found myself volunteering for everything. and not even sure why did it. it was not a conscious decision. i did want to keep busy, but it was really amazing and profound to me how much volunteering, serving, and helping other people help heal me. and so i share with you today. secret number seven, conservative women are the true feminists. we know that men and women are different, which is why we are the feminists and like gloria steinem was giving feminism a bad day -- bad name. i believe feminists, at least the first generation brainwashed the old generation of women into thinking that success meant being and a moment, not moment.
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basically the more you're like a man the more successful you be. ridiculous. i hope you have come to at least the beginning of the conclusion. some of the reasons and some of the ways in which you concelebrate the difference between men and women are reasons for great success and great happiness, not because we are better, but because we are not the same. we are working on a book right now to be released next year by elizabeth kantor called the guide to happily ever after. in this book elizabeth gives some very politically incorrect advice about finding mr. right based on jane austen airlifts. how they perceive love. she points out that jane
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austen's heroines were more practical and more romantic about love, not to mention highly successful at finding true happiness. forgive me in advance for jumping from jane austin to my big fat greek wedding. but one of my favorite quotes from that movie captures what i think is a quintessentially jane austen notion. that is when the mom and that movie said to her daughter, the husband is the head, but the wife is the neck. you know, if i had to your some of what i've learned from conservative authors, the authors command businesswoman that i have had the privilege to work with over the years, i'd probably summed up like this.
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this is what they're taught me. to value and nurture the relationships you have. if you want others to trust and support you, be trustworthy, be supportive. so as i leave you today and you go back to your jobs and your friends and your family, do this embrace the success breeds success mind set. help other people around you be successful. you will be more successful and more happy. be a problem solver, not a problem spotter, which is a good 1-. not the whole story. be a problem solver. find against husband. most female celebrities will not tell you this last piece of advice and i think is very important. i think if you find it has been
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it will, again, make you more successful because you're more happy. welfare at it be a good life. i talked to my daughter's a lot about this, and that think it's one of the things. the importance of actually ask yourself what does it mean to be a good life. i don't have the answers that question. when you feel depressed help someone else. i'm going to give credit for this next one to betty norton dunlop to read a speech she gave that i was particularly good. she advised that you should figure what you believe the emirate it down, live by it and share it with your family and your children. it sounds simple, but most of us don't do that. we might have a bucket list like what we want to do, writing down
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what you believe is a very interesting and clarifying exercise. always bring a pad of paper with your and ipad. you want to take notes. i learned this very early on. and it's a very valuable practical small piece of vice. you might want to read these down. i recommend a conclusion that you be a person of character and live a life of integrity and good about those things. here is something a share with my daughters a lot, especially when there were geiger and would come home from school and somebody was mean to them or somebody did not say hello to them or someone did not do something that they had promised to do. you know, but they will find out is that almost all of this time has nothing to do with you.
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something bad happens that didn't have anything to do with you. and so in your life i say remember that it does a star with do but it might end with you. finally will end with charlie sheen. he's always talking about winning. i think it's clear that he doesn't have a clue what winning is. here's what i think women know about winning. so the last piece of advice i'll leave you with today. that is don't chase success and leave happens behind. take you very much. [applause] [applause] >> that was excellent. i was taking notes. i don't know about you all.
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your husband, a wonderful husband is a good friend as well. sorry. i wish i had heard this speech today go because i sent off a very important letter on this very subject and you had some things that i missed. we do have some time for questions. we have alyssa and catherine. if you would not mind waiting until the mike is that your face because then the c-span audience in europe. i have one question. >> is not really about your speech. >> that's fine. question right here. >> i was wondering, because your publisher and everything, do you have a favorite book? something that you go to. >> i have several favorite books among those we a published. one of those is a book that was
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one of the last books william f. buckley wrote, and we published it. it's called miles gone by. it is a marvelous book. it is beautifully written, of course. and it is a wonderful way to learn a lot about william f. buckley life and values and what he learned along the way. in terms of the book i like to read. in terms of my favorite book my probably do have a favre burke. it's called a soldier of agree work. it is a remarkable book about world war one. it's one of the most beautiful written books never read. i read a lot of history and biography. that is probably taking it in that direction.
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any other questions? yes. question over here. >> i've really enjoyed your talk. >> thank you. >> it seems like a lot of very successful political commentators have of very hard-edged. and so a lot of us don't feel like that is us i love to hear and coulter, but i would never be a will to deliver, you know, my political message and my conservative message in the same white, the same with rush limbaugh. i'm wondering, do you think that you have to have that kind of edge to really capture attention and be successful?
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>> i love listening to all the people you just said. i think ann coulter is hilarious. all of those people i view as entertainers. is there commentators, abundance. a lot of them are very smart. they also are entertainers. a lot of what they're doing in terms of their hard edge in their shock value is for entertainment purposes. i think that there are lots of ways to be successful, and there are lots of ways to be an effective communicator. i definitely think that all of us can be good communicators and actually changed the direction of the country, not necessarily by having 12 million people listen to us on the radio, by making a difference literally in our families and communities and
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towns and churches and synagogues and schools. i think by and large those venues in the communication we have their, hard-edged is not the way to go and you would be more successful without a. >> have a question. why do you think your success in terms of reaching a mass audience? >> this simple answer is the majority of the country is actually conservative. at think the majority of people in america are fundamentally conservative. even allow the people who don't call themselves conservative, i think when you ask them questions about values and their beliefs, you would categorize those answers as conservative.
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so i think we have a great benefit of talking to the majority of the audience. i think a lot of the time media on the left half said distort their message to convince people to go along with the. >> more often than you might think, that, and say oh, i'd love to write a book. as a them myself. now i think i have to retire. what is the advice, what you do? certainly for read mary, what would you tell a young person, a wonderful story and wanted to write a good policy would. >> that's great. it is hard work. it takes a lot longer and a lot more work than you think. that's the first thing to recognize, that it doesn't mean that you shouldn't write a book, and obviously plenty of people do. there are about 300,000 new
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books published every year. that is sobering. but i would say -- i tell people that the things we look for and the things that make gregory books successful including and maybe especially with first-time authors, we look for others who are passionate. make sure your passionate about your subject. we look for people who are on a mission to monikers today who will -- whose goal is not necessarily how many books and my going to sell but how many people my going to reach for my message. of course you do that by selling a lot of books and getting your message out on tv and radio and all the ways that we help authors get their message out. so for people who are passionate , who are crusaders for their message, who are expert in something, i think there is an opportunity to be as successful author. it's usually a good idea to find
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an agent, usually a good idea to find the public, to find a very good match between you and the publisher, meaning do some research into who is publishing what and find a publisher that matches up well with your message. then you go to the bookstore and you looked at the shelves and say these two books are similar to what i have in mind. these two books appeal to the same people that i think would buy the book i have in mind. and then write to the publisher. i see you published this. i have a book that similar. i have a book that appeals to the same people. i think publishers like it when you pay attention to both what they do, but you know what you do and what you bring to the table. that would be my advice. >> usually. >> exactly. >> anything else? in the back. >> thank you so much. i'm interested in your thoughts
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on the-books because a lot of people are saying, you know, we're not going to have any prayer books in a few years. interested in your thoughts on that. >> we talked about that a lot in both publishing and in our company. two things probably. one, if i were a printer over probably be very worried about my business. as a publisher in some respects what we do doesn't depend on having printed books. will work with doctors to try to help their message to my ship their word, but the buck structure their message and their put together, promoters call market, publish it. all those things we do. and in the and it does not necessarily matter whether someone buys it as an e-book or a printed book. so i think for publishers as long as we are delivering value toppers and to customers this role for a publisher the plight. i also think that books may
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change a little bit in their role in society, if you will. at think people feel like giving books as gifts, and it's very hard to give someone an e-book. you give someone an amazon gift card, but that's not repression more fun. if you just read a book and love it and want to share with someone or if you know that someone like a particular author or a particular genre, the only way to give that to them, again, i think that is a uniquely female thing to want to understand and share that experience as someone. you have to give them an actual printed book. at the books are going to evolve in their production values. they're going to probably start to look and feel will bit nicer because the reason people buying them is for the physical value,
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either to give as a gift to have an initial offer to have dinner coffee shamble. so i think that won't go away. >> a great publisher in the grid board member. thank you so much. we have some deaths. >> thank you. limited edition. thank you. her famous saying. no good deed goes unpunished. >> a small gift, just the woman's item. we will have a gift downside for our guests as well. as you're talking a was remind their published a little bug. i read the right book.
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an annotated bibliography of conservatives best sellers and imported conservative bucks. i would venture that the majority of the titles were actually published by gregory. we will have copies of those. i hope you can all stay in join us and continue the conversation with marji ross. thank you so much. thank you. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. [applause] >> every weekend book tv offers 48 hours of programming focused on nonfiction authors and books. watch it here on c-span2. >> i do believe that the west for all of its historical shortcomings, and then skating in my book assessing these shortcomings because they have
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to be admitted, for all of the shortcomings the west still today represents the most of acceptable and workable universally workable political culture. >> in 1991 the united states was the only global superpower. today how to restore its status in the world from former national security advisers on his strategic vision tonight at ten east and. also this weekend on book tv the fd argues world war ii as a cover to create a more powerful executive branch. and said then that a ten, lori andrews and hutterites are being eroded by social networks. book tv every weekend. >> next, paul baer reports and the creation and ubiquitous use of a glock pistol now used by two-thirds of american police
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departments. it's about an hour. [silence] >> the revenue story of a self-taught fire on designer produced an innovative pistol for the austrian military and the inventions rise to the top of the gun manufacturing hierarchy. an assistant managing editor at business week, the author of america in this slum, the struggle for the soul of
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religion, and they could black, a true story of race in america. he also lives right around the corner from the court. please welcome paul barrett. [applause] >> thank you very much for that lovely introduction. i am extremely pleased to be here for a number of reasons, all these wonderful people, friends and family, and to be in the neighborhood just makes it all the more enjoyable. before i get going to the benefit of your neighbors, you'll turn yourself phones often all of our handguns are unloaded as it is secured. let's begin with gaston glock, the gentleman mentioned in the introduction. after 30 years in manufacturing
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casting blacks industriousness had yielded a respectable social station and a comfortable life without elevating him to the higher ranks of austrian commerce. still, he dreamed big. clock, the son of an austrian real road worker, manage and inconspicuous car radiator factory outside vienna. in the garage next to his home in suburban rich qaeda heat operated a side business with his wife. using this second panel press made in russia they produced a modest volume of brass fittings for doors and windows. the melt shop expanded over time to make steel blades. the durability and reasonable price of which so impressed austrias ministry of defense that clock obtained a contract to supply field nuys and bayonets to the austrian army. the military work led to contact the ministry where glock became an occasional visitor. his eyes and ears open for new opportunities.
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one day in february 1980 he overheard a hallway conversation between two colonels that jolted his imagination. the army needed a new sidearm to replace the antiquated world war ii walter p. 38. styron, an austrian arms maker since the mid-1800s had offered to sell the military a modern pistol, but again fell short of the ministries stringent specifications. top generals running in a patients. glock interrupted. what is still be possible for another company, his company, to bid on the pistol contract? the colonel's laughed. in his garage gaston glock made hinges and curtain rods. now he thought he could design a handgun. reserve in matter glock was not known for his sense of humor. he was a slender man of average height with a receding hairline to muzzle the shoulders, and long arms. a recreational swimmer, he had a thin physique and unprepossessing looks. he spoke only as much as was
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necessary and spoke conservatively. he received training in the casualty of mechanical engineering and worked his way up in manufacturing from entry-level positions with a company that made drills. designing firearms was something far beyond his experience. glock as the colonel to describe the army's requirements for a new handgun. in his credulous says mr. glock said it should not be difficult to make such an item according to a letter official company account. or as guest on black himself put it, i knew nothing was my advantage. past years later about his familiarity with weapons in 1980 he admitted it was like. i had very little training. i was just a few days in the camps of the german army. born in 1929 in vienna, glock was constructed as a teenager. i was very young in those days, 15, 16 years old. we had to undergo some sort of military training.
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his instruction took place in 1944 and 1945 with the notable lack precision. how long had he served? only two, three days. that is all. his attempt to play down his connection was unsurprising if hardly admirable. many austrians of his generation of the one that preceded it did the same thing. more relevant was his assertion that his firearms background was exceedingly limited. i saw rifles, pistols, hand grenade. i was getting acquainted when you pull the trigger it makes boehner. paestum glock was essentially a genius general contractor, a brilliant project manager. he saw this opportunity to design a new begun for the austrian military. he gathered together the leading hand again experts of his day and basically said to them, tell me how -- would you want in a
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perfect and then, starting from scratch. these experts, one of of inconveniently was the head of procurement for the austrian army who later went to work for glock in a pattern that was going to repeat its up many times over the years, told him that there were several crucial characteristics for a new pistol in the early 1980's. had to be very light, very durable, and it had to have a very large ammunition capacity. glock took these characteristics and applied to manufacturing concept of an. these two concepts achieved the goal and are the key test early success. the first one is that he made his pistol aplastic, not out of wood and steel, the material that handguns have been made of 450 years. he hired engineers from a different camera manufacturer who were skilled in the use of
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industrial plastic and the molding. his idea, which he derived from these experts was that a plastic gun would be more durable, lighter, and because it will be lighter he could make it with a larger ammunition capacity. the second design concept was the absence of factory. for generations and generations in handguns will be designed to fit the tooling that already existed in factories that were already operating. katie design began without a factory and then made the factory fit again. he used all of the most modern computer-controlled tools, machines, and build a factory that was exceedingly efficient allowing him to have a huge profit margins. apart from engineering glock was a man who was in the right place of the right time. timing was crucial. first of all there he was in the
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hallways of the defense ministry the moment the people were talking about the ministry's failure to find inadequate design from a pistol. secondly, his timing was perfect in connection with the united states as well as austria. unbeknownst to glock at the time he started work on the pistol police departments all across the united states in the mid-1980s were experiencing sharply rising crime rates and in particular, increasing gun violence relating to trafficking of crack cocaine. it became almost conventional wisdom in 1985 and 1986 in cities like new york, los angeles, chicago, miami, that the police were outgunned. the bad guys have more powerful weapons of the good guys. the cops for using smith and wesson five or six round revolvers that they had used for
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75 or 80 years, and they felt that they needed something new. here came glock with the pistil of the future. in jacksonville, florida, a young officer in 1986 was given the assignment to determine which guns should replace this with the lesson that his shares offices used for generations. his name was lieutenant john rutherford. let me tell you a little bit about the process by which he chose this the gun. gun manufacturers from all over the world send the sheriff's office their latest models, does not all. rutherford and a brain trust of fellow officers of firearm experience gathered to examine the candidate guns. we're taking these out to look at. beretta 92. is that pretty. everyone loves sake. and a pullout this black box and bought the thing ( and here is this glock.
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what is this? and typing in on the table. it's plastic. there is no hammer on this thing. we don't want any crap like this. i did not even put it back in the makes with the other guns. curiosity, however, got the better of the ten at rutherford. within a few days we were fighting over who was going to get the glock. it is just like shooting a revolver, and that's what everyone liked about it. pull it out to pull the trigger, and put it away. weatherford and his colleagues had a nostalgic affection with the standard issue smith and wesson 38, but a 38 caliber revolvers and a heavy triple, "the 14 pounds. shooters to train regularly and achieve accuracy, but only a small minority of cops practiced diligently. there is this myth out there that all police officers are gun enthusiasts and ran like crazy and she overtime. in fact, many cops don't take race time seriously, and even in
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high crime cities the vast majority of officers go years or maybe even an entire career with ducking into a gunfight. with a blocked because of its light and steady triple poor marksman became adequate. moderately skilled shoes began grouping rounds and small buses . that pistols gentrify grunter does not require the muscular squeezed. during a two-hour presentation to the sheriff rutherford stressed the guns accuracy and safety advantage. he explained that the austrian pistol was much easier to maintain because it had only 34 parts, comparable guns had twice or sometimes three times as many you could take 50 blocks apart and put 50 guns back together. mixing up all the parts, and they all see it. smith and wesson has allowed its manufacturing quality the slip. the store was selling to that of the american auto industry. gunmaker's in the united states has lost ground to foreign
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competitors, more diligent about engineering and quality control. that is up to liotta, of course, snuck up on a general motors. a shipment of new revolvers, a threefold malfunction of the box . the shares decision came quickly we're buying big glock. the american place market is a tremendous market of hundreds of thousands of officers in the space of 8-10 years more than half of these departments were buying glock. and in many communities the civilian gun running population look to the police for guidance. with the local police used is often thought of as being suitable for a civilian ownership. the civilian market is even larger by orders of magnitude and much more lucrative because of the profit margins on the civilian side. guns, of course, i mean, if
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you're going to seek to succeed in selling handguns you want to do it in this country, not just because of the size of the country, but because guns are woven into american culture. let me read a few words about that topic. in the united states guns are much more than a tool of law enforcement or an article of commerce. there are embedded in the country's history. by the time the constitution was framed a tradition of private firearm ownership was an aspect of daily life and of american identity. the citizens soldiers defeated the mighty british, beginning with the shot heard around the world. the second amendment enshrined the principle of unarmed populace. folklore nurtured the gun tradition. god may have created all men, but sampled made a nickel. to many americans over many
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generations guns have represented freedom, individualism, and self-reliance . stenos 38 revolvers stand for the world weary persistence of both fiction detectors in the persian. allen himself was a marine veteran issued guns recreational league. he continued, the single action army called is the attribute of the cowboy, double barreled shotgun is your grandfather with a knowing elegance through the brush and search of quayle. the 22 is the innocence of childhood. the scattering noise at the rifle range, and afterward the smell of hops number nine pleadings of, the wish she'd and one is the common man determination that won world war ii. guns have a darker heritage. one relating to disorder, crime, and murderous violence. depression era gangsters in 1967
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bloodshed each led to legislation and restricting gun sales and ownership. cheap saturday night specials flooded city streets in the 1970's and became emblems of steadily rising crime rates. in response cloud eastwood's dirty harry brand them the famous that the muffin 44 magnum. the glut introduced in the 1980's inherited all aspects of the american byron heritage. it was seen as an instrument of law and security, but also a menace, danger, and fear. it became the hen in a choice cops and some demented mass killers. black plastic and metal construction set it apart from everything else in the market system modernism and efficiency. now, that darker side of the american gun tradition in modern times have resulted and the gun-control movement. we have a significant section of
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american society that is skeptical of gun ownership. efforts to restrict the sale and ownership of handguns directed at the glock in particular from the moment it arrives in this country. the fact that had such a large capacity, was made of materials that have not traditionally been used in making guns made it a target for gun-control advocates but time and again beginning in the 1980's in continuing to the presence efforts to restrict the glock have backfired. gun-control initiatives that have been applied to the glock have resulted not and fewer katie being sold unknown but more. let me explain a couple of these examples. when the guns show that it was greeted almost immediately by newspaper columns, congressional hearings, and gun-control activism claiming that the glock, because it was plastic,
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presented a new threat, that it would become the favorite of hijackers because there would be able to get your airport screening machines. in fact, at the time it became common to refer to the clock as the hijacker special. headlines to that effect all over the media. in new york city the new york police department control the regulation of guns in the city did band of glock within the five boroughs of new york by name. that company could not sell its guns here. the problem with this attack was that it was factually incorrect. most airports screening machines were extra machines, not magnetometers, so a large dense piece of plastic that is shaped like a gun, looks like a gun on the screen machine into anyone bothers to look. moreover, the slide on the
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glock, if you could imagine a pistol as a large rectangular piece on top, was solid steel in any case. by weight the glock was mostly metal. so the whole attack was just completely misconceived. i interviewed gun-control advocates who were involved in this, and they conceded to me, we just screwed up. but it was a terrible mistake from their point of view because by making the glock notorious they, of course, improved its image in the eyes of people who like guns and made it a favorite overnight of the nra, which otherwise might have been skeptical of a new import that was challenging the home runs the mohsen. in new york this issue came to a head in 1988. there was a really sensational press leak, the necessity of associated press broke the story
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it turns out that while no one in the city was allowed to own blocks the police commissioner at the time was himself carrying a glock under his suit coat. the top cop in the city wanted to have one, but no one else should. the new york post with it's unique skill had the headline, a top capo wards of ban on super gun. i interviewed the man, a guy named karl walter who is the katie -- basically their first salesman in the country. he said, could you imagine, a big city newspaper calling my gun the super gun. if you had given me a $50 million advertising budget, a $100 million advertising budget i could not have bought attention like that which was then of course bread all across the country. it became seen as the super gun and got this kind of pre attention from that point out.
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there are subsequent instances where other laws and initiatives were targeted at the glock but had similar counter intuitive results. the glock became a super again in more ways than one. one of the things that really set it apart was that it was embraced so quickly by hollywood it became the gun of choice on television and in movies. and this was not something that happened by mistake, and it was not something that glock had to pay for. the dark glamor of the guns appealed to the man who had the job of choosing which spends go into the actors hands. let me tell you a little bit about one of those men who helped popularize the glock file
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hollywood. from his company headquarters in the downtown soho neighborhood of manhattan rick washburn supplied movies and television shows with guns, knives, bombs, machetes, stilettos, ninja throwing disks, and the instruments needed for theatrical violence. he kept his collection behind to blocked doors in the basement vault, invisible to the shoppers strolling by. a native of arkansas, he came to new york in the 1970's to be an actor. he landed some minor roles. a man in that kind club in 1984, an fbi agent in 1988, and hit man again in 1991. as a boy growing up in the country he learned a lot, offering advice on the set to directors who did not know revolvers from a semiautomatic pistol. a revolver is a gun like this that the muslim 38 that has a cylinder that the boats go into in the cylinder turns as you
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pull the trigger. a pistol is a gun that has a magazine with a spring loaded box of the ammunition in it. good. we have an expert in the front row. rick washburn began charging for been consulting and discovered that he could make a much better living in the proper business them from performing working with everyone from martin scorsese to our schwarzenegger. karl walter, who are mentioned earlier, the lead salesman in the u.s., first went to work on persuading washburn of the merits of glock in 1986 and ran the whole spiel. he was like, did you know it has half the parts are regular gun, it won't john -- jammer regular gum will. you can drop these things out of helicopters to pick up as your id. first watch firm was skeptical. the 45 caliber colt 1911, he considered that glock only. i was one of those people who
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believed this thing is going to be a flash in the pan. fellow called chauvinist is derided the plastic clock as handgun tupperware. at crawl walters insistence washburn finally took a glock 17 to an indoor shooting range and the far west side of manhattan, one of the few places a civilian with a permit could legally fire a gun in the city. their i am. bang, bang, bang, popping those targets like it was going in style. handy, easy to shoot, didn't jam. suddenly i realized as a tool, as the kerrigan, military sidearm, this thing would be hard to beat. in arkansas we used to have what we called a truck gun, an old gun that he threw in the back of the tracks of the use of a rabbit or escrow you had something to shoot. state in the back of the truck and got beat up. katie were kind of like that, truck gun.
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as nypd officers began carrying glock, osbourne felt it was time to give the austrian and entertainment industry exposure. he was providing prop weapons for a television show at the time on cbs called the equalizer which concerned a fictional former cia operative who help ordinary people deal, often violently, with the lungs, drug dealers, and rapists. the equalizer carried a small walter p. pk stainless steel pistol. but late in the series primetime run courtesy of washburn walk-on characters began appearing with glock. once the new york police department began using them we started putting them on cops and particularly detectives. he liked helping the austrian company and realize that he could benefit financially from having an up-and-coming gunmaker favorably inclined to supply him with pistols on reasonable terms he says to ground flow. you have people buying glock, using them, checking them out
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just because there were passed off and the notoriety. in the united states the people who were most against firearms usually end up being the best salesman. so glock used hollywood as a way to popularize. but glock has the company also had a certain genius in marketing directly to its prime customers, the police and remain today the core customer base for the company and to civilian gun dealers who sell on main street in these days to sell the the internet. glock have a unique way of combining nets and bolts, and marketing with sex. kara wolters would bring a
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couple of dozen police put german officers and civilian gun dealers to smyrna, georgia to suburban atlanta where the company had its u.s. facility for a four day training course. by thursday evening the group of cops, salespeople, and employees was ready to unwind. walter hosted lavish tenders and restaurants followed by visits to the city's best known venue for exotic dancing and allied entertainment. thursday's became known as katie night. the glock delegation, as many as 25 or 30 men, assigned to its own vip room on the enormous trip join second floor above the main pulled an stage. guests could watch the action below from a wraparound balcony or retreat to the roped off vip lounge for a lap dance. lout electronic music pounded, strobe lights post and a professional athletes from the nba and nfl or close, and
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cocaine could be had. full of sex was not on the official menu, but behind closed doors you knew what transpired. for a lot of guys coming in from out a town this was the best time there would have all year and maybe in their entire life. the elated the bustard club in town, and drink champagne, you're not going to forget the experience of it comes time to choose between glock and smith and wesson. in the summer of 1989 walter had another marketing brainstorm. he convened a meeting of more than 50 independent regional sales reps and their managers. he gave the group a special assignments. what i thought was we should pick out the best looking girl from among all 300 to promote the product at the shop show. the shooting and hunting and outdoor trade show is the u.s. gun and ammunition industry's main conference of the year, often held in las vegas. in
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