tv Book TV CSPAN January 28, 2012 7:00pm-8:00pm EST
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catastrophe in terms of the economy. according to paulson the congressman at this meeting were ashen face and stunned, those were his words, what they were hearing. after that september 18 meeting, 10 people who were at that meeting, members of congress, went out and sold a bunch of stock the next day. congressman from virginia rand sold stock in 90 different companies. you had other members of congress who dumped shares in the financial sector and ended up buying shares with other companies that weren't faring very well. there was also a gentleman of that meeting called spencer bachus who is the chairman of the house financial services committee. he left that meeting and the next morning bought something called short shares. what on earth is that? i'm not a financial guy. that is an option trade that is a leveraged by that you are shorting the markets.
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it is a little under an hour and a half. [applause] >> it's so exciting to see young people really get involved. for a long time i think we are wondering where is everybody. how come everyone is asleep. people were asleep. and this is what this book is all about, people who have reached a certain level, a boiling point to say enough is enough and the want to make something changed. i think the occupation is a perfect analogy. the city certainly in all the country. the ripple effect of these things is pretty remarkable. yuri to tipping point where one thing happens. it creates a dollar of sector around the world. i think once this seems to really get energy of its own and
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continues to grow and grow and grow. i hope you will continue to support with these young people doing and be involved. been down there several times to be there, now it is remarkable, you know, we don't hear a lot more about the occupation. the occupations of actually grown. about 300 people now that are there better staying the night. that's remarkable. [applause] that is really an incredible thing to happen being that is the middle of winter. all those are sitting in an warm bed. people out there that are holding it. continuing to struggle. that is really wonderful and exciting. so, we have ralph nader.
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allies to whether it's on a safety, health care, the drug industry. every kind of industry the touches any kind of line. ralph nader had a presence there somewhere. it's wonderful to have them back again. he wrote this book. what i read about it, it's a cookbook. getting steamed to overcome corporatism. it is basically a call to action. that's what this is. a call to action to really make the change and go for the next level. and if you purchase this book today you get along with that book america needs a race. by the ex-president. so you get this one for free. every time ralph nader comes
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when he brings a gift, and this is the gifted going to get today. hill be here afterwards to sign it. this is the perfect present for the holidays. so if you want it, have a personalized, please stick around after words. we have a book signing. so i would like to welcome to our stage one more time, mr. ralph nader. [applause] >> thank-you. >> thank you. thank you very much. we all read the cover article in the "washington post" magazine this past sunday. democracy's restaurateur. something that i thought was inappropriate level for him. you bring so many people together. very give you to come this evening. want to welcome book tv. c-span is here. so we will stress the
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informality of this effort as this is tradition of book tv, which is going to replace some of your comments as well. now, we have all heard about dozens of corporate abuses. we have all heard how ineffectual the responses of ben to these corporate credit for it -- predatory activities, whether economic, financial, health, safety, environmental, war, poverty, damaging, posterity. again and again the media, although it could do much better, does report phar-mor then we as citizens are organized to use, whether it's national, international, local, or regional. and the district of columbia bereft of any voting rights in the congress's an example of that. that documented many times, and we have seen how much damage is
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done to the self realization of people here. now, the question this not how much we know in order to be with the concentration of power in so few hands with of you decide from the many and a few called the plutocracy ruled by the wealthy control our government and turn that into an oligarchy. that is what franklin delano roosevelt meant when he sent a message to congress in 1938 to establish a temporary national economic commission to study corporate power. he said, and i paraphrase him quite closely, whenever government is controlled by private economic power that is fascism. 1938. that is the control of government by concentrated corporate power. now, we have a very matured
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corporate state. i'm sure franklin delano roosevelt would be astonished as well as our founding fathers as to how much of the power of the people has been sucked away into a few hands whose principal to yardstick of behavior and measurement is commercial. it's profiteering. and it is good to know that many, not all, of the conflicts and human society have been the collision between commercial values and civic spiritual values that really defined the civilization and to find the good society. way back when the three major religions were coming forward, everyone of them as well as other major religious doctrines, many centuries ago warned their
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adherence not to give too much power to the merchant class, not to give too much power to the pursuit of money or the pursuit of profit. now, why did they all come to the same conclusion? you think it was revelatory? it was dale the experience. the money lenders. in the last 2000 years we have seen all kinds of formulations where power is concentrated in the hands of the commercial interest. so much so that they have led to wars. they have led to a secretary in differences. they have led to a lot of consequential effects. in our history there were some of the founding fathers who wanted to put the corporations in the constitution by way of subordinating to human beings.
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but that provision never got through. at that time there remembered in new about the enormous power of the east india company which ruled india with an absolute iron hand for many years, devastating human casualties. they knew about the hudson bay company that was in the north america, and while the modern forms of the corporation was being established, the textile mills some years after the constitution was ratified in new england, their reference point was the menacing power of this gigantic corporation. it did not want to replay and proliferating form in the country that they thought would succeed their constitutional structure in the usa. now, what is important here to realizes that there has been a whole series of ways to fight
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back. people have fought back. they have fought back as workers, they have fought back as parents, they have fought back as buyers and shoppers. they have fought back as farmers. they fought back as women, slaves. they have fought back. and we have come in our history, the following ways that they have fought back. they fought back trying to use the vote. they fought back with regulation of these companies. you can see the farmer and worker setbacks in the 19th century to create some of the foundations of fair labor standards and protecting farmers from the banks and the railroads leading to the populace progress amendment. they fought back in the court's winning cases now and then. some of them fought back as owners, shareholders, some of them fought back as cooperatives a new model now was not so commercially determined, it was
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owned by the farmers or owned by the consumers. some of them fought back by organizing rallies and demonstrations. you can see the occupy movement. some of them fought back by striking. some of them fought back by forming unions. some of them fought back by whistleblowing, by blowing a whistle inside these companies and taking the terrible information to the public, to the prosecuting attorneys or to legislators or to the media. now, because they have fought back they have attracted the attention of various transformations of corporate structure and power. corporations have as their monomaniac a purpose the aggregation of sales, the aggregation of profits in the
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aggregation of executive bonuses and to do that they have to control capital, labor, technology. and not talking about small business. small-business as its own mainstream accountabilities does not have anywhere near. and talking about these large multinational corporations that now number about 500 real big ones operating globally and the 1500 or so corporations who control the majority of 535 members of congress getting their way. that is the terrain. and these corporations are counseled by a very brilliant corporate attorneys who are really the strategists of the power brokers that are the circle, the accounts and the publicist and the lobbyists and the shareholder controllers.
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all of these are animated and directed by these corporate law firms, which themselves are concentrated in, perhaps, three or 400 firms. and let's face it, they are geniuses in concentrating power. the creativity of the modern corporate system is probably one of the greatest intellectual achievements. however nasty, however corrupting, however destructive in american history. they are always dynamically trying to figure out how to blunt, co-op, weaken, undermined , or even smear all of these ways i just mentioned toehold these corporations accountable, to hold them responsible. the more they succeed, the more these corporations can be charged with an adequate level of economic activity through the people since they control the
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gateways plus as the control deck council of labor and technology. in the the evidence is truly overwhelming. in 1900 there were a lot of poor people. in the year 2011 there are a lot of poor people. there are a lot of uninsured people for health care in this country. 1900 kamala of the uninsured people for health care. the differences that the worker productivity has increased 25 pulled adjusted for inflation per worker. so why is there any poverty? why the 15 million children go to bed hungry it night jack white is poverty increasing even though the gross national product continues to increase. two general reasons. one is power is so concentrated
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that the wrong things are being produced and the important things are not being produced in sufficiency. for example, will distribute health care with a focus on prevention. for example, adequate food supplies with the attrition. for example, public transit of a modern and convenient style. the wrong things that are being produced, huge portions of the economy, making money for money, the paper economy, speculating on top of speculation, the derivatives that keep using other people's money often pension money, mutual fund money, people savings, by speculators who often don't use their money, they use our money. they use our money to generate huge fees and profits that are generally unregulated.
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not the right things are being produced, not the right things in the right way of being produced and terminally. recycling waste dump recycling waste, respectful of dissonance ways, climate change. acid rain, land erosion, oxygen depletion in the ocean. the second is what is produced is very poorly distributed. this is the achilles heel of corporate documents and. because no matter how much is produced in the aggregate apart from equality of what is produced and what isn't, though one claim they have to legitimacy, they know have to go on the economy. they'll have a build the gdp. if they can't distribute in no way to prevent people from
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slipping behind as they are now they'll lose their legitimacy. the highest wage for majority workers in this country is tested for ablation was 1973. it has been downhill ever since. and one out of every three workers in this country makes walmart wages, under ten, $10.50 an hour, seven and a half, eight, $9 our gross before deductions. millions of children are in very, very serious problems, inadequacy of housing is only getting worse with the whole for closure catastrophe. we have seen increasingly that issue at all the taxes people pay, the sales taxes, the peril taxes, as well as the income taxes, people in the lower third of the economy pay as much as a proportion of their taxes as the
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richest pay a proportion of their taxes. even though many in the bottom third make so little that they hardly pay any federal income tax. there are other taxes that they have to pay. what's the problem in this country? why can't we control these corporations? did not have a single vote. they don't have a human interest story as artificial entities. they have a terrible record that has been documented the politicians who are there minions taking positions again and again against the declared interest of workers and patients and children and environment, what people eat, bring, what people drink, contaminated drinking water, constantly coming up. look at the district of columbia. for years people here did not know that there were unacceptable levels of lead in their drinking water.
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here in the nation's capital. so what is the problem? why do you think that these corporations continue to rule us? by what authority? as richard grossman said in so many ways around the country, who gave these artificial entities, we are not talk about employees here, who gave this artificial entity the same constitutional rights as uni as young beings. why should artificial entities who are given limited liability, given perpetual life, it can go bankrupt and get rid of the letter claims and a creditor claims and the tort claims and bounce right back. can pick one government against another through these trade agreements and other maneuvers including bribery.
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the wto, nafta, who can, in effect, strategically plan every aspect of our lives to make sure that none of these aspects challenge their domination. that is what corporations do, don't they. they are strategically planning our elections with money and trumped up candidates. there are strategic planning our government, swarming all over washington d.c. in the state capital, putting their own people in high government positions. they are strategically planning our environment in terms of what they're willing to pollute and not pollute. there are strategically planning our educational system, the commercialization of universities, the commercialization of lower grades. they strategically plan our food supply.
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the chemicals, the herbicides, the fun besides, the agribusiness. the diminishing of the family farmer, the hole agrarian structure has been collapsing. the genetic engineering. they are strategically planning our genetics, our genetic inheritance. there clearly strategically planning our health care, aren't they? doing a very effective job of denying it for people who can't pay. they have established up payer system. indeed, harvard medical researchers a couple years ago put out a steady that showed and the journal of public health, 800 americans die every week because they can't afford health insurance to be diagnosed and treated. nobody in france, england, germany, luxembourg, is row, nobody dies there because they
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don't have health insurance. they have health insurance. in the richest country in the world we watched 45,000 americans die because aetna and cigna and united healthcare want to continue their profitable as germany . so we know this. you know something, social movements to not move forward only on knowledge. they don't even move forward on self civic interest. they don't even move forward on parental care for the children and grandchildren. they only move forward when people get fire in their bellies it is the fire in the belly which is psychologists now call emotional intelligence that break our routine daily and give us to look to our neighbors and our community and their representatives in politics and
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elsewhere and say we're the ones in charge. we are the ones to pay, we're the ones to suffer the consequences of your concentrated power and his behavior. you're the ones who have taken your power and is used to. it's that going to happen anymore. these corporations have trillions of dollars. they don't have a single vote. they can threaten to move abroad and shut down factories as they have planned communities. what do we have? what are our assets? our assets are immense, but the control a lot of these assets. we own the greatest wealth of the country. it's called the commonwealth. we know that, but we don't connected with any consequence in terms of shifting power from the few to the many. the on the public lands.
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can't get any richer than that. on the public airways. we don't have any audience now works. we don't have over the year dozen independent media. we own all the trillions of dollars that have created and expanded all modern industries. did you know that? did you know that the biotechnology industry, the aerospace industry, a good deal of the pharmaceutical industry, the cain occasions in this tree, the containerization industry, were you think all this came from? it was in their investment, it was your investment. taxpayer, research and development from various agencies and departments, the nih to nasa to the pentagon to the apartment of our culture, and you name it. so if we own all these assets, and there are many more in the commonwealth, if we own them might do we control them? why do we decide how they are
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disposed? why don't we tax the companies that use them like the radio and tv stations that use the public airways. we see once again we don't make an inventory of our assets in order to make sure that we have it clarified understanding of how we are being ripped off in order to get that emotional intelligence and fire in the belly connecting with what we know in our mind. what is the other assets? well, how about the vote. we have the vote. corporations may be considered persons under our supreme court decisions. they don't yet have the right to vote. not yet. what are we doing with that vote . that vote represents the sovereignty of the people. why have we let so much of the power taken by politicians who then go to washington or the
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state capital and use the government against the very people that the government is supposed to be responsive to on behalf of these corporate entities, these corporate giants why do we allow a two-party tyranny to deny us multiple choices because the two-party terni, democrat, republican, damning for the same commercial dollars is in effect a tyranny against the voter because if you deny other candidates, other party, the agenda as you are denying the voters from having a choice between two increasingly similar corporate indentured major parties. that is the way to do there. then make sure that third parties and independent candidates don't get on debates. it is a horrendous difficulty to get on the ballot in many states , expensive, dilatory,
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subject to harassment. and because they don't have a chance to grow from one election to another people get used to just looking at the franchise saying, okay, if we don't like the two parties will stay home, all we can vote release of the worst, or if we are hereditary voters, grandparents, republican democrats will vote for one of the two that come from our political inheritance. but no one can stop us from expanding the occupy initiative around the country. no one can stop us from marching, no when to stop us from demonstrating. no one can stop us from organizing and summoning our representatives to summon hours on corporate power back home bolling town meetings. only on corporate control. no other issue, senator, representative, you will be summoned to a mish -- meeting in an auditorium where people who are quite knowledgeable about their record, but the history of
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corporate abuses, and we will discuss only one question, by what authority are these corporations controlling our lives and that of our descendants. what can be done about it. that is the key. doing things that no one can stop us from doing. in this book i have a proposal which is so simple, yet so powerful that no one can stop us from doing it. the reason why i called this book getting -- "getting steamed to overcome corporatism" is because of the subtitle. so i decided, let's try an experiment for the reader. call it an experiment, collett and experience, college and have what would happen if readers who
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are very worried about your country of the world, very worried about what their descendants are going to inherit , but did not really know what to do, what if it took this hill experiment in their red short descriptions of 200 or so corporate ravages, corporate crimes, corporate greed, corporate damage across the whole continual. you think of one abuse that is in this book tell whether it's taxpayers, children, descendants , global warming, consumers, laborers, government corruption, you name it. wall street speculation. what would happen if you read through in one city and are all sort and guess what, most of them come from the mainstream corporate media.
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directly or indirectly. they have been reported in the wall street journal the art times was been post or in newsletters to pick up on the report or the corporate media. no one will be able to say, where did you get these documentations, where did you get these? all cited. when you hear one corporate abuse and 60 minutes to read in the paper or someone tells you what happened to their friends or their cousin or sister or parent how you react with said that to a terrible. if. ♪ is passing you by your team. that's the scent from of not lacking in care, but this in terms of feeling helpless, powerless. now, what happens if you read 200 of these in one sitting? what happens to the fire in the
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belly? what happens after you finish and the aftermath presents to with the following words, one can be quite self-contained and column, yet express oneself about these business abuses and their limited greed and cruelty with words like these people should be killed. what did it was just awful. these countries have no self restraint or corporate crime pays until it doesn't. or amazing how resourceful the clever they are. just to think of these schemes, these tricks to take advantage of us. disgusting really. or they're just out of control. or we are the prosecutors, the lawmakers. looks like the fat cats of rigs a whole system in their favor. or the little guy doesn't have a chance, and that is a damn
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shame. or what can we do about all of this? it just seems to be getting worse. an unstoppable. even after the wall street crash in the washington bailout, it's still business as usual. or sure i'm mad, but i'm just one person. what can i do? or small business could never get away with this stuff. or these tricks make a mockery out of the free-market. these are all comments people of made. and so you turn the page and you say welcome what can be done? there is a concise corporate agenda. people listen, watching on c-span get this information on c.s. r.l. dot orgy. center for study responsive.
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and i boil them down based on our experience over the years. they cut into many strata. some are so obvious, larger law enforcement budgets for smarter law enforcement sanctions that will pay for themselves many times and find some this accordance. people like law-and-order for corporate crux. it pulls very well. over 70 percent of the people tin years ago said that corporations have too much control over their lives. that's a lot of conservatives and libertarians, not just liberals and progressives. that was a business week poll. and the title of the business week front-page cover was too much corporate power. business week, you know, full of corporate. yes, yes, yes on seven detailed pages and then had an editorial
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which had those memorable words which i never forgot. corporations should get out of politics. corporations should get out of politics. they are not human beings. the constitution is for human beings. so one is like, do you know how small the enforcement budget is? did you ever read about a situation? let's say there is a massive street crime academic in new york city, and there are 200 police. what will people say? not enough police. if you knew how few attorneys and prosecutors you work that are defending you against incredible you would be shocked even if you are a self-declared cynic. for example, according to the government accountability office of the u.s. congress and the leading expert on this about
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bill sparrow, and applied mathematician, 10 percent of everything you spend on health care goes down the drain to to computerized billing fraud and abuse. that is $260 billion this year. would you care to guess how many prosecutors and investigators there are? according to mr. sparrow in proper enforce the budget is 1 percent of the estimated death which would mean just over two and a half billion dollars. and the enforcement budget generously estimates is less than one-tenth of that. so corporate crime enforcement, discourage men of ill gotten gains back to the victims. very important. the second is shift in power by making facilities real easy for workers, consumers, small
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taxpayers, communities to band together. that means media access, inserts' and envelopes from utilities and banks and other regulated companies there own power for rupert champions. it means reforming the labor laws, getting rid of that pact hartley act. it means a whole series of simple facilities to give the rights and remedies that were supposed to have in the meeting. what good is the right to vote if you have to travel 100 miles by foot to the voting precincts. facilities are very key. third, you have to recognize in theory millions of people on these corporations as shareholders and investors. they have no power. the owners control the big corporations, including labor pension funds. excuse me, they own these
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corporations. they have virtually no control. top management has decided over the years church shareholder investors of any option to control their hired hands and executives of the then to sell a stock. a recipe for self in richmond at the top and endless shenanigans by the corporations. the effective protection from whistle-blowers. people have a right to go work with their conscience. and not leave their conscience at home and simply obey what they're told to do. that is a very important internal deterrent demand there is a bill in congress may pass this year that may really give both federal and corporate whistle-blowers some additional protections. we need to break up these corporations. corporations that are too big to fail, too big to tax, too big to punish are too big to exist.
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they have to be broken up. we have to go right to the heart of the creation of these corporations. most people think investors create corporations. they do not. corporations are created by a state charter. delaware, nev., other states. a fight with each other to see who can be the weakest and most permissive charter grants. investors fund corporations. do not create them. whatever the state creates, the condition for proper, honest and accountable behavior. indeed it was in the 1930's when justice brandeis of the supreme court mentioned in one of his opinions that he feared these corporations would become frankensteins in our own myths, of our own creation. we have to strip them of equality with human beings, take
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away their corporate person had, and above all subordinate them unconstitutional statute and regulation. sovereignty of the people. in other words, the people must be sovereign and therefore super a dominant. corporations must be our servants. that is what they were designed for in the early 19th centuries. corporations were given a charter on condition of good behavior and renewable every two years. now they have become not our servants, they have become our masters. well, what is the technique of resurgence? i have noticed and going around the country commoner gone around the country good deal, 50 states campaigning three times, plus a lot of activity all over the country.
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starting student groups, utility accountability groups, worker protection groups, all over the country. i have noticed, and i'm sure you have, to, that people are reluctant to join an effort unless they are assured that other people are going to join, too, assuming they agree with the agenda. even if they agree with the agenda they want to be sure. so we are putting forth this proposition. we want to organize 1 million americans on major corporate reform agenda, displacement, the concentration, account ability, subordination, law-and-order in ways that actually would pull well over 75 percent of the people. it's not just liberal progressives. ron paul uses the word corporatism very frequently.
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believe me, he doesn't think he is a liberal progressive. his libertarian. 1 million americans who pledged 100 to raise or donate $100 a year and 100 volunteer hours. so we will have 100 million volunteer hours, $100 million to network throughout the country many of the groups on the ground that are starving for a budget, starving for support, plus new groups in new energies from all ages and backgrounds. now, how you get people to say that's a pretty get that idea. why would someone want to sell donate $100.100 hours when efforts doesn't know if anyone else will. so we broke it down into four
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categories depending on your temperament. okay? and all this is on csrl duckboard for those in the audience, the television audience . the first category is will recall the pioneers. want to be pioneers? then you will donate or raise $100 a year and 100 volunteer hours, very well coordinated. 999 other americans do the same and you are satisfied that you have the evidence that is the case with the written pledge, this is a written pledge right here. i used to say every movement touch with the clipboard. let's try have pledged on a clipboard. this is the pledge. you can see four categories. so if you are not satisfied that 999 will get it underway, that's
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$100,000. to get it underway, full-time people. you want to wait. let's say you want to wait until you are satisfied 9,999 signed the pledge. well, that is a million dollars. to get it underway even more. move it out around the country. well, let's say you're really skeptical. you don't want to be a pioneer. you don't want to be a founder. you want to be a driver. you wait until 99,999 before you sign up. well, that is $10 million. and let's say you are the ultimate skeptic and cynic. you say to yourself, not point to join and sell i am satisfied that 999,000 people have signed.
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that's a hundred million dollars. so no money is sent until one of these categories is filled to your satisfaction. and in the men's out. now, do you think there are a million people who would want to do that? i think there are 50 million people. they trusted to themselves, their volunteer time, the strategy, the agenda, the deployment throughout the country. and bringing into play new talent, new energy, new skill caught just the way the occupy doing in a small way. they have done all this with 200,000 people marching or in the encampments. you thing that is there pool? they have a pool of millions. 23 million people in this country you can find work or are severely underemployed.
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the power of the people has to be understood by the people. we have to raise our expectation lowell's about what we can command in terms of grabbing hold of these corrupt institutions, shaking them, displacing them, subordinating them. and if they survive that kind of spring shower or whatever they have to behave. if they're bigger have to behave. the sovereignty of the people is hardly tapped because people go through life believing that they're powerless, that they can't fight city hall, they can't fight exxon mobile, they can do anything about the congress or the white house. they're best sons and daughters, desperate to find money to go to college, are drawn into these criminal wars of aggression and return for the flattery of the
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corporate and government to criminals that have gotten them in these places around the world to kill and die and then come back and be forgotten. if that is what has happened. we have lost almost complete control of any semblance of democracy, short of a town meeting in new england or something like that. and we ought to take this personally. it comes down to what many people of told me around the country who have stood tall and fought the good battle for justice. it is a matter of self-respect for themselves and their children. no routine is too powerful to stop people who have a civic self-respect, no how to connect, who are confident in their value system and their ability to understand public policy and the good society. it is people who apropos mark
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ruskin's book both engage in being in doing, being in doing. i do want to suggest the following. we have begun to be creative in building seven power, political power, the occupy movement is a great innovation. how many times have you said to yourself : did not think of that? we think in terms of marches and demonstrations. they come to washington, two or 300,000 men hardly get any print . they clean up afterwards, the cubs and the twisted coke cans whatever. and it's gone. the congress is not here on weekends. how many pro labor, pro women rights, pro the lesbian, pro peace. but to the occupy think? they knew that that wasn't enough. they decide to stay 24 hours a day.
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and they learn something else. they ask themselves the question, how do we prevent people from dividing the ruling, pitting one group against another? one of the greatest slogans of the 21st century will turn out to be, we of the 99%. they came unified. very, very resistant to being divided and ruled. it's all about people suffering in 1 degree or another. pursuing a just society. >> a lot of other innovations. how about my check. we're going to pull the plug. you can have a pa system in a public park. okay. level might check. as of that involves the audience. in repeating. it's participatory as well as a
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summit of asian. we have not scratched the surface. our civic, political, creativity. not to mention our technical creativity. so i hope that those of you here in the audience will consider this pleasure. it has no legal binding power behind it. it is only morally binding. it will only go into effect when any one of those four categories to your satisfaction, 999, 9,999 to 99,999, 999,999 come into effect. 1 million people organize this way. you will never see a faster transformation of our political economy from congress to city hall and from wall street to main street.
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people in this country are waiting for a long overdue changes, the kind of changes that are confident with their religious, a pickle, and social sense of deep fairness , changes that are confident with the rhythms of their daily lives, things don't have to be uprooted changes that are consonant with their own dreams for themselves, their neighborhood community, and what our founding fathers call posterity. their progeny. i want to end on this note. this book is probably the shortest book of red. i am constantly told to shorten it. key shirting it. it is a fast-paced book. very important that you give it
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to a friend or neighbor or someone that you argue with, they can do no wrong , have them take this experiment or this experience and see what happens. some people will go right through it completely unchanged. that is so deeply ideological they are. some people will be very discouraged. no, it was so terrible. let me out of here. i can't face it. some people will be recharged. some people will say to themselves, what have i been doing? nine discretionary time as an effective citizen in this country of ours. whatever the reaction, it's very
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good to read something that bounces right back on the. you pretty much find out what you're made of. that doesn't mean if you don't sign up your anything wrong with you. it just means that you may be great with charity and great in your neighborhood and your community, but the central issue of our time is the domination of giant corporations over every facet of our lives. including exactly where we are, exactly what we buy, exactly who we are with, exactly where we travel, exactly what our genes are going to be controlled by. i hope that in these ensuing discussions it will be focused not on a particular grievance but how to organize this effort
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and how you can deploy similar efforts with a similar multiple entry level in your own community and your own town, city, or rural area. if you look at csrl duckboard you will see the corporate agenda reform agenda. it is written in a way to be all encompassing, but it is not a laundry list. you will also see how you can download the pledge form and send it to your neighbors and whoever composes your book clubs or community gatherings. i think you very much. [applause] thank you.
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[applause] thank you. can we have -- >> the q&a. what you said resonated with a lot of people. well longest applause we have had for a book talk in years, so that's wonderful to see. if anyone would like to ask questions for the sake of c-span and our audience out there to be allowed to come here to the microphone to speak into a please. please line up right here. >> high. is this on? update. voting. i have not voted for a democrat or republican for presidents of the first time i voted when i turned 21. that was too long ago to remember.
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in d.c. where we have no voting representation the overwhelming majority of the people still vote democrat, even though the democrats have done nothing for the residents of d.c. instead run offloading, otherwise known as choice rank voting. i think that has to be put in place to get over the temperament argument that prevents people from saying i can't vote like it did in 2008 because she has the chance of winning. that is the thing that i think, that psychological barrier because it seems like more people want to vote for when and then vote for people who have their back as their interest. so i am just proposing that that has to be done. you know it is already being used in san francisco with very good results and all the places around the world. that's my comment. there needs to be an effort to make that a component of trying to normalize that voting, the
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mechanics of the voting so to encourage people to vote their morals. >> that's very good. it is part of the whole package. voluntary but effective public financing, free access to the electronic media by qualified candidates, proportional representation, instead runoff. you know, let's say you want to vote for a third-party candidate , but that party can it does not have a chance on the first round to win, so you both for your conscience candidate and then you vote the second choice. and so there will never be a result with the winner is not a majority winner. so your candid it will on the second round not be in the running. your second choice would go to the candid it's. i have often said, you know, you can't explain in 20 seconds you will never get across. still looking for someone to do that.
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yes. >> good evening. they keep for being here. i am reading parts of harry washington. pending jeans, human genes. doing so without the explicit permission of patients to come in to hospitals or go in to regular checkups with the doctors. wonder if you could speak to that in terms of a monetary attachment to that and how it is working regarding research and development and our tax dollars? >> that's a very good book. washington is the writer. she did write medical apartheid. the title of the book now escapes me. i'm so sorry. bring in up on one of the search engines. >> i think she was under mark. kershaw was. >> years ago corporations had
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slaves. [inaudible] >> aegis of the tunnel is deadly monopoly. >> to a monopoly, yes. years ago corporations had slaves. after all, confrontations. now their work indirectly with serves or something close to child servitude and some of the third world countries, local corporations. now they're making a massive effort to patent monopoly. the entire genetic inheritance of the earth, floor, fauna, and human gene sequence. they already have thousands of patents for the human gene sequences. and so, you know, whose property are those? well, if they have a patent on it is the property of the vargas . we haven't even had a public
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