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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  April 8, 2012 1:45pm-2:00pm EDT

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ill will never refrain from speaking truth to power but i hope to open the doors. >> host: we have been talking with liberty university professor ron miller about his book "sellout: musings from uncle tom's porch." >> up next, author judith reisman about her back "sexual sabotage." this was taped as part of book tv's college series. watch former interviews throughout the month of april. >> now joining us on book tv on c-span2 is dr. judith reisman,
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the author of this book "sexual sabotage: how one mad scientist unleashed a plague of corruption and contagion on america." who was this mad scientist you're referring to. >> a lot of people know who he is by now. i'm unhappy to say or unhappen. don't know that. and that would be the founder of the kinsey institute which is still alive and rushing along. he is not alive. but it's still going on in indiana at the indiana university, and gender reproduction, the consistency institute and was involved in the sexual torture of hundreds of chirp, and i say that is nose a reliable scientist, but it's been a little difficult to get that across. >> host: well, very quickly, remind us about the kinsey report and where he came from and how he developed that
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whole -- >> guest: sure. world war ii was over, officially in '45. our guys were returning from overseas. they were traumatized. the nation was traumatized. and a couple of years later, 1948, kinsey's book comes out called "sexual behavior in the human male" and the propaganda around it -- i call it propaganda -- marketing propaganda -- was that this man, great conservative scientist, was going to tell the american public to talk about what we were doing sexually, our grandchilds -- grandparents were degree sexually and he was going to reveal the real facts and lift the curtain off what we were hiding and we were really a bunch of sexual adventurers and mommy and daddy were involved in various kinds of adultery and everybody was doing these bizarre things. and the public didn't necessarily believe it, but a
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lot of the professors certainly did, and so it was picked up in universities all over the country, and from there it filtered down to everyplace. >> host: who funded. >> guest: the rockefeller foundation funded his study and when it looked like he was getting in big trouble from congress they shifted the money from kinsey into the american law institute model penal code, and the law school, because the laws were gutted based on these frauds and these lies. >> oo. >> host: whoa due you call him a conservative scientist? >> guest: the was a bi-home run osexual. he was having sex with students, making pornography in his attic and in the university, he was
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engaged in so many bizarre things, including things that actually brought about damage to his lower nether regions because he was so abusive to himself. so this is not a normal guy. and he certainly was the major, major proponent of the idea that children are sexual from birth and they can be unharmed by sex with adults. >> host: given that's happened in 1948, are there lasting effects to the kinsey studies? >> guest: huge. absolutely huge. i had no idea when i start on this thing. i really didn't. i just copied off his charts and graphs with this little two-month-old baby and with this little five-year-old and all these things were being done to these children and calling them orgasms around the clock? i just copied them off and i september it to my -- sent it to my colleague in the ethical field of science, and i thought,
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okay, i'm going to do something else. they'll take care of it. that what in 1980. they didn't take care of it. and it took me years to figure out why, and it turned out that, yes, kinsey's research became the foundation for major changes, major -- every major change in our sex laws and have gone through to today globally. i just came back from a global tour. kinsey is everywhere in china, indeed. and in six-ya and in switzerland and sweden and in holland. so he has been a foundational change for the west worldwide. >> host: when you say he is in china, that do you mean by that? >> guest: well, there's books at the kinsey institute put out in 2007 called, kinsey, the man who changed the world, and they translated that into chinese, and so it sold 500,000 copies in 2007, and i was contacted by some chinese professors who
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asked me -- they said they looked everywhere for something contradicted because it changed sexual conduct among the chinese youth was enormous following the release of the book. they said, wow, sex, drugs, rock and roll, we can do that, too. so they contacted me and asked me if they could translate my book into chinese as some kind of response to the fraud that was in the kinsey research. remember, liam nissan appeared as kinsey in a fox feature film, showing he was this wonderful man who did all these good things for us. now he is everywhere. the swiss did major documentary last year identifying kinsey as the basis for the horrific sex educational program. and in the philippines he is involved in every aspect. the guy who revolutionized sex
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for us and said you could do all these things with no downside. well, okay. people, we have had some serious downsides, you know. we have the pentagon now, how many guys were found using child pornography in the pentagon. we have judge whose have been picked up. presidents of universities. football coaches and so forth, and people are being told it was always like this. well, i halve news for you people, it was not always like this. >> host: when did you first get interested in this research you're doing? >> guest: well, actually, it always comes down to something like this. very personal. i was living in a sort of nostalgic little world, writing for captain kangaroo, singing songs, doing television for pbs, nbc, and my daughter was sexually assaulted bay 13-year-old boy who lived upstairs, came from an intact
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family, and i began to look around and to say, wait a minute. how did this happen? made no sense. and following that trail led me to dr. kinsey, which let me to hugh hefner, who called me kinsey's pamphleteers, which got me looking into the pornography issue which made me the prim investigator for the u.s. justice department research about violence in playboy, penthouse and hustleer. >> host: should pornography be outlawed? oh. >> guest: oh. yes. wait at one -- it was at one time. it has had a huge effect on child sexual abuse. i won in the netherlands where i said that, and i said that playboy had been producing child
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porn nothing graffiti and had been conditioning people, based on our research at doj, since the 50s. and playboy sued me for liable and slander in the netherlandss. they wouldn't sue me here. i say, sewell me here -- sue me here, give is a jury trial. and the judge looks at the documentation, the images of the children, the -- in bed with daddy or whoever, and said, no, she's right. you know. they lose. playboy loses, so, to little old me, multibillion dollar lawsuit they lost. >> host: wren and where did you get your ph.d. >> guest: from case western reserve university in cleveland, ohio, 1980, i think, or 1979. i'm getting too old to remember these things. it was on communication. the way in which mass media changes the human brain and
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changes the human being and changes a culture. >> host: what are you doing here at liberty university? >> guest: i am bringing my wide knowledge to the faculty here and they have taken my archives, which is mastered in the next room, and thousand office books and many, many, many thousands of documents, so that there will be a home for this material and we'll be able to at least have a record of this whole history of the history of the sexual revolution as it was changed in the united states and the western world. >> host: and this is your third book. >> well, depends on how you count. third or fourth. >> host: are you working on another one? >> guest: yes. yes. the fallout in terms of child sexual abuse, which is massive pandemic and rate global. >> host: judith reisman on book tv, sexual sabotage, how one mad scientist unleashed a plague of
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corruption and contagion on america, has been our guest. thank you, dr. reisman. >> guest: thank you. it was a delight to talk with you. appreciate it. >> what i want to do and have been doing is a four-year investigation for bbc television on five continents. i don't know if there's a sixth. of that 1%. i want you to know the names, meet their trophy wives. i want to know the movers and shakers who are moving and shaking us. going to meet them. and you're going to meet the people that they have moved and shaken. it's not about wall street. we occupy for stanley anne
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mattingly. stanley anne mattingly was the agent in oklahoma, lives in a trailer. and on her property, like in much of the indian reservation property, there's those horses that go up and down -- the metal horses, pull up oil, stripper wells, and they have a contract with a company to go around in a truck and pull out that salmonella they make a few bucks, and stanley anne mattingly was pulling in $50 a month which she needed. the truck would come in and pull 20 barrels out of her well and mark down 16 and then go to her neighbors and take out 11-barrels and mark down eight. what? the difference is called overage. kind of a couple barrels here, couple barrels there. adds up to $160 million by my
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calculation. how die know this, biffle the way? filming it. before i was an investigator, i was an investigator. a gum shoe. and working with the fbi, guys, getting their info, filmed, take eight, mark down sex, and all -- mark down six. all these trucks went to a loading dock in oklahoma, and at the loading dock was a guy with a gauge and he was ex-oaterring the truckeres, who were scared because they could loose their jobs. he said, i want more. overage. theft. i want more. the guy was charles coke. now, i -- we have the witnesses and we have the wire.
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because my question is, why? the guy was born, born with a billion dollars. okay? got it the old fashioned way, from his dad, the head of the john birch society. you could say he got it the old fashioned way. he is a billionaire in oklahoma, taking 12 bucks a week or something from stanley anne mattingly. we know the answer, because we had his executive or top guys wired, talking about his conversation with coke about -- because he asked him why? and coke said, according to the wire, i want what's coming to me, and that's all of it. and that's why we occupy.


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