tv Book TV CSPAN April 9, 2012 1:45am-2:00am EDT
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liberty professors and authors on throughout the month of april islamic now join in on book tv on c-span2 is dr. beautiful, most recently the author of this book sexual tough baton shall one scientist unleashed a plague of corruption and contagion on america. who was this mad scientist? >> a lot of people know who he is by now. that would be the founder of the institute. he's not a life, he's got his reward but it's going on in bloomington alabama at the indiana university, and a gender when production, the institute,
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and he was involved in the sexual torture of hundreds of children. in his own work and i keep trying to say that is not a reliable scientist, but it's been a lot of difficult to get that across. >> remind us about the report and where he came from and how you define what that whole -- >> wilbur knorr tools over officially in 45. we were returning from overseas, teletypist, the nation was traumatized. a couple years later 1948 his book comes out called sexual behavior and the human male and the propaganda of around it, it was marketing propaganda, was that this man with this great conservative scientist was going to tell the american people the truth about all of us, what we were doing sexually, what were grandparents were doing sexually and our parents were doing
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sexually and it revealed the real facts and lift the curtain off what we were hiding all this time and what that was is we were a bunch of sexual adventures and mommy and daddy were involved in various kind of adultery and everybody was doing these bizarre things. the public didn't necessarily believe it but was picked up and universities of the country and from there to everywhere. >> who funded the study? >> the rockefeller foundation of all unfunded his study that when it looked like he was getting into trouble with congress, they shifted money from him directly into the call the american law institute penal code laws were gutted and changed based on all these frauds and lies. a >> y de call him a conservative scientist? >> the defined him as conservatives.
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americans would have never accepted a man who was by homosexual, no argument. it was a bizarre person. he was having sex with his students come he was making pornography up in his attic and in the university he was engaged in some any business or finton stodieck chollet brought about what massive damage to his florida and other regions because he was so abusive to himself, so he isn't a normal guy that is the major proponent of the idea that children are sexual from birth and they can be unharmed by sex with adults. >> given that this happened in 1948 to the kinsey studies? >> absolutely huge. i had no idea when i start on
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this things. i just study dolph with the school finance are being done a lot of these children's and calling them organisms are o'clock. i thought, okay, i will go do something else, they will take care of it. but there was 1980, so they didn't take care of it and it took me years to find out why and it turned out that yes, the research began the foundation for major changes, every major change and have gone through to today globally. i just came back from a global tour. can see is everywhere, in which hannah ike believe and in serbia and switzerland and sweden and holland, he's been a foundational change for the west worldwide. >> when you see that he's an
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shepley melody mean? >> there was a book put out in 2007 the man who changed the world and the translated that into chinese said it sold 500,000 copies in 2007 and i was contacted by some chinese professors who said they looked for something contradicting because the change in sexual conduct among the chinese youth was enormous colin the release of that book. they said sex, drugs and rock-and-roll, we can do that so they asked me if they could translate some of my book into chinese as some kind of response. remember, nason appeared in a major, fox film saying he's a wonderful man who did all these things. cities everywhere.
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thus wasting nature documentary last year identifying him as the basis for their harvick education programs in switzerland and as i say just came back from the philippines he's involved in every aspect looking at the revolutionary for us but you can do all these things with no down side. okay, people, we've had some serious downside, the pentagon now, how many guys were found using child pornography in the pentagon, presidents of universities, churches and football coaches and so forth, and people are being told it was all like this. well it was not always like this. >> when did you first get interested in this research that you're doing? >> it always comes down to something like this.
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it was a very personal. i was living in a sort of nostalgic little world of writing for captain kangaroo, singing songs, doing a television for cbs, abc, cnn, and my daughter was sexually assaulted by a 13-year-old boy who came from an intact family, and i began to look around and say how did this happen? it made no sense. following the trail that me to dr. kinsey but let me to hugh hefner that call himself kinsey' profit year and the principal investigator for the purpose of justice study on images of children from violence and penn playboy played to become and hustler. >> should pornography be out all? >> we can go back to the original, you know, it was at
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one time, and we don't lose anything by going back to that. it's had a huge impact on child sexual abuse, no question about that. why one in the netherlands where i said that. i was on television in the netherlands and i said playboy had been producing child pornography and had then conditioning people based on our research for the doj since at least the 50's depending how you looked at, and playboy sood me for libel. they won't sue me here. if they do give us a jury trial, and the judge looked at all the documentation from the images of the children in bed with daddy or whoever and said she's right and they sold off to me. >> when and where did you get
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your ph.d.. >> it was from the reserve university in ohio. in 1980i think or 79 -- i'm getting too old to remember these things, and was on the communication with which the mass media affects change in the human brain and the human being and the culture. >> what are you doing here at liberty university? >> i am bringing my knowledge to the faculty and they've taken my archive in the next room and thousands of books and documents so that there will be the, for this material and we will let least be able to have a record of this whole history of the sexual revolution as a was changed in the united states. islamic and its referred back, correct? >> fervor or fourth, yeah.
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>> the fallout in terms of child sexual abuse which is a pandemic in its global respect juditha joining us to read liberty university on book tv sexual seven tauscher one scientist unleashed a plank of corruption and contagion of america has been our guest this before. >> thank you putative was a delight to talk with you. appreciate.
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>> my connection to this foundation goes back quite some years. i had a great honor and used a lot of the work of robert and money on research and writing. his work has been particularly helpful for me in terms of my own attempt to think differently about political and economic liberation for african-americans the united states is an incredible place and stands out among other nations in the world and i had an opportunity to be reminded of how great this place is in my family reunion in alabama in the city a out more alabama. is the county that my family
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plantation was so we stand here before you as a descendant of slaves from the escambia county alabama. >> slavery reconstruction, jim crow, the civil rights movement, this is my family story struggling and fighting for humanity and freedom and context and the culture that was saturated with injustice and the humanization. what is so amazing about this narrative and this story is that not only does my family who not know where the plantation is in escambia county, we now own that and there are members of my
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family currently living on it as free people who have property rights to a, codify and protected by the triet now how many countries in the world is it possible to have a group of people who were once leaves on a piece of property a few generations later own the property they were living on so this makes this place absolutely amazing. yes of course we notice that progress in the country by having a black family in the oval office. there are not many countries around the world you would see the subdominant cultures rise to that level and it's a few generations after the civil
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rights movement. so it's amazing to me and i am delighted to think about what is it about this country and our founding principles that allows someone like myself to be a descendant of slaves in front of a group of people like having your date ph.d. in front of the heritage foundation backdrop. to me it is an amazing narrative about the potential freedom and liberty and economics and power empowerment this country actually offers to those that have the opportunity to take advantage of it.
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