tv Book TV CSPAN May 13, 2012 4:00pm-5:15pm EDT
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>> he's been the evening of his 40th birthday teaching me to play blackjack up at foxwoods casino. this first history laid bare him love, sex, and perversity from the ancient etruscans to warren g. harding described in the new york times as one that specializes in the raunchy and perverse and was nearly banned by the georgia state legislature . [laughter] [applause] the second edition was characterized on amazon as a tribute to the subversive contrarian, suppressed and bizarre. the only book that explained, and motion picture using photographs of naked baseball players. more uplifting history, richard publish the pirate coast, a
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starry account of the u.s. marines nearly miraculous suppression of the pirates and the part hunter, has several biography of another esteemed new yorker which was named one of the five best nonfiction books in 2002 by time magazine. richard combines of his passions and obsession to give us an amusing, and lightning, often enthralling encounter a new york when it was truly depraved at a hearing and teddy roosevelt to to depleted of. a delicious municipal history, impeccably researched, exciting we told. while walter isaacson wrote that here roosevelt comes alive with all his passions and so does new york city. this drives it as a fascinating story . a nuanced comprehensive portrait of a unique men in the surrounding time, culture, and political system and publishes a
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weekly. five years of research, remarkable recreation and claims that riding with a prismatic poetic plan which of those the colorful portrait of a volcanic roosevelt towering over the soul of the city. just yesterday on fresh air marine corps in called a fascinating narrative. but forget all of that. what did they know? kevin baker road it is thrilling as the real-life story of an american icon, teddy roosevelt told battling vice in a colorful array. eight superb job as both historian and storyteller. richard grew up here in new york. he won some key met to plan the world series to what played blackjack on parlors and was mugged seven times. over the years is travels a
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ticket to cairo where he worked for a time as a card shark it enplaned he specialized in ripping off the members of a certain middle eastern rural family as a remain nameless on a resumption that has not been overthrown just sit. educated at the university of michigan to a rigid list in the pelham, new york with his wife, family where he occasionally it flies the jolly roger from the family flagpole. besides his books he has written for the new york times to the atlantic monthly, times, fice, harper's to the sports illustrated, and the village voice. like appear daughters and keep a firm hand upon their wallets. at present to you richard zacks. [applause] >> can you guys hear me? is it coming through? because kevin was so incredibly nice in that intersection i
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won't tell the story of some of the nets we have shared. abcaeight. a lot of what he said is true. can we turn the house lights down a little bit. during this lines up. can return the sauce lets them or not? not any more? more important and i am. ahead. there we go. there kate. as most of you know of no theodore roosevelt was extremely energetic customer, opinionated, and separately confidence. his own local said if he ever encounters a stone wall he will
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bang his head against it until the index down. disney's recall playing a game at the oyster bay that involve walking a straight line. so here we go. a police scandal hits new york. appoints roosevelt as police commissioner. t.r. admits he knows nothing about police demonstration, 36 years old and coming on six years as a civil service commissioner in d.c., which is not exactly the limelight. at one point he thought he might have to spend his life writing books. cat help him. he had bought half his fortune in the dakotas. okay. roosevelt is a strict law-and-order republican and a holier than thou municipal reformer. really something of a prude. he believed that bridegrooms should be virgins on their wedding night. he was against striptease shows.
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he hated it receives attainment, and this man wants to wipe out boys and corruption in new york city which was then one of the most corrupt, lieutenant russ increment to august cities in the world. mostly yorkers but he was crazy. this is of major news to report trading. almost a dark comedy. one of uncompromising harvard-educated reformer into the brothels and gambling joints of gotham. stir slightly with tough irish cops and wait for explosion. manhattan in the 1890's. this is times square. still call it a long acre square. no traffic lights are stop signs are overnight parking. the streets seemed much wider. a ministry to the peace store mall horses in new york city then the entire state
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of texas . they raced telos tables where they paid to the horse is a different color. these are chop shops for horses. let's get the sanitation men in the middle of the street. and least 30 pounds of manure per day per horse. almost 2 million pounds of manure a day. that were dragged had to stand in the middle of traffic and shovel and all . so this is downtown. cities talk crowded and noisy to my population of around 2 million people. more irish than double into a more german than any city but berlin. this city of new york, you have to understand, define the international. this was not an apple pie raising weekend place. defying the international. tammany hall dominated politics
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27 of the last nine nerol auctions. reformers and republicans. theodore roosevelt happens to be both. tammany was unapologetically corrupt. he had a slight error audit. tammany contractors accused of delivering one-tenth of the thousand pounds those bonds is he supposed to deliver to the sanitation department. he's in court under oath. did you do this, did you deliver one-tenth of the opposite and just and he said. >> to do it and try to make >> you -- new york fractured along a track lines. often ran a crack shot over the loss. here he is trying to attack a photographer.
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his nose was portrayed in cartoons as the size of a hot air balloon. the flip side was a city of fundamental poverty. high and plummet. this is the lodge on bill the streets. making the bed and turning the planks. it literally slept on planks. the cubs often feel gated estate by smoking cigars. yes terry new york was the nation's financial capital, the leading commercial port. 144 piers. thomas and manufacturing, 12,000 factories, our capital, peters. nation's premier residence address. new york city was also the vice capitol of the estate's. it was an open secret.
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it debut -- during the more opportunities for prostitution and gambling an online trading of the the other city. 30,000 prostitutes. illegal casinos, but he joins, dance halls. this was the tammany town. high strike commissioner to the roosevelt in 1985 was practically no. visitors to act immediately. new york city had a new weather vane. at the highest wind in midtown, you can see it pretty clearly from the ground. jay leno call it in america's head ornament. welcome a new baena was in your cities and ornament. perfectly balanced, the statute is ben. unstressed arms, until the
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workers the direction of the wind. there was a forgotten hotel near there. this house to another one of this is great and arcs. this was a picture of it, but you get a sense of the art gallery type part. says -- the former manager called the painting unquestionably the biggest single advertisement in the hotel in this country probably in the world ever had. they could charge triple or quadruple for drinks because of this paging. the massive 8-foot tall canvas painted seemed to invite viewers perhaps never have the luminous backsides bayview so boringly by so many men with cartels and end .
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new york in the 1890's as three made brothel districts. noah could walk far without running into -- without being propositioned. an estimate was each of the 40,000 prostitutes and poor clients a day. so one of every six adult males in new york city visited a prostitute. staggering. you have to realize that the night life of that error was just very different to respectable women simply did not enter barzan selenite. there was almost no florida and get lucky. some nights as many as to industry orders walked on 13th street between third and fifth avenue. during the trial of a police captain, magazine yesterday was asked what he could see from his studio over ladin 13th. he replied fornication, three
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windows the time. he admitted to staying up late looking down. a police captain lawyer tried to discredit him. well, was not offensive to see all those different couples billionaire 40 getting direct any artist applied it sometimes, sometimes very amusing. always in the east side. the lower east side of new york city. everyone, more than 150 discount disorderly houses operated, including six to attend, 12, 14. this is denim raised to one doctor needed evidence the brothel's near this particular picture.
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foul odors, creaking floorboards . the stated rate was a bargain $0.50. poverty bread desperation. the messages might earn under those of weak or prostitute could run that in a couple of hours. the back of the brothel was the only down the block from the police station right on the back of a synagogue. cover it sometimes complain that they're chanting was interrupted by exuberance ounce of very different character. the second major brothel was just south of washington square park, and it was basically the nyu campus. the district was a famed for prostitutes to were willing to do a certain, i don't know what to put it, certain things that
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people ask me later. the area was also known for circuses, and it was not a circus or you saw what's of clowns. you saw several women performing sex acts together basically. rev. parker, of going to get to the roosevelt. in no, he always believed his way onto the stage. that's deep into the side. rev. parker was a crusader started. he witnessed the circus. a woman performed nude high kicking and also a game of leapfrog. detective named charlie garner who was asked what his role was in this part of the investigation and he replied, i was the frog. the third male brothel district was the tender line would stretch from 23rd and
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forestry, engulfing about to block wide path or add this out a bright. high-energy ghandi dance houses to when gambling casinos, bribe taking police captain said that he had been living room stake, and now he is excited to take center . the name stuck for half a century. open all night. stephen crane was the hot young novelist thanks to red badge of courage. william randolph hearst, the newspaper mogul hired him to read a piece for the new york journal. crane discussed the to . some of the question pair of the house.
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the engineer will tell you that about the like that in support. these instruments of torture compacted that lifted the bosom. >> this surprised me. she is 5-foot 5 inches tall, weighed one added 61 pounds. the tablet and thus is on the side announces that 35 placed 32, heads 38. in other words, the jury ruled, 353238. the light 362436.
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yesteryear's does is going to let watchers today. the crazy thing is, which she got dressed she was supposed to have an 18 is waste. newt 32h. neither city offered gambling. new yorkers played at places cold pool halls. easily under a bar or motel. on the outside. the gating test. they're just reading it. gambling, much more posh. chandeliers. the key point of all that i've shown you up to this point is that illegal gambling and illegal prostitution could not
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exist in new york city with up to look the other way of the new york city police department. it is simply not possible. now, i'm not saying that every police officer was corrupt, but there was an attitude back then that it was to take some bribes and to overlook vice since most new yorkers wanted it. a veteran detective some debt. of course there are cops have never taken a dollar. at least heard about them, but i never saw one. i give him credit for being so good. so cops took bribes. bribe to let the overnight bargain parking. you cannot leave your wagon on the street at night. rive still rides, bribes. so what was the police officer
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like? well, if you look at this dui figure out that they ate for free, which they did. they walk the beat in the everyone in the precinct. then the force, the principal nationality was irish. irish cops arrested hours. one of the biggest difference is is that the police officers slept together. on reserve duty every night. they slept in the precinct house. it became almost like an army platoon. do the math. but reserve and regular duty ever putting in 110 hours per week. it was a bad life permissible reporter. they pulled pranks on each other. they have like an irish fraternity basically. one guy said he did not sit on the toilet and read a newspaper analyst bolted up because someone would set it on fire.
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they would haze rickey's. they had each other's back, and it was very much 1890's. so the next image of sir you, we are getting closer. roosevelt despise this man. he was -- he was not on the police force for dereliction because he closed more than 50 brothels in this exact area where we're standing. even once said this meant it represents everything that i work against. this is captain of william. born in new york to an irish family. bartender. recently a boxer. he was funny. he once grabbed a reporter by the shoulders and said to have you seen any street rats running around that i might have missed? he called cross dressers degenerates. he spoke in new york east. once when he ordered his patrolman not to be in the bar
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in uniform he said standing up to a bar with the buttons on the look nice. so he and his batman, eddie this fix because it does say anything. they showed up. 14450 street and demanded money. the captain also ordered that there be no loud music. now you have to understand characters like tammany and do-gooder's that the society, charles parkers. this is the rev. charles parker's. he went after him for not closing the brothels. the ensuing scandal led to the committee's. we have all heard of serpico. this was the granddaddy of the mall. every citizen was dominated by never shattering thread of the
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police. new york's finest, they already had that the mayor, accused of being york's filthiest. enter theodore roosevelt's. may 601895 after the reformers finally won another election the mayor appointed roosevelt to the board of police commissioners. immediately elected president of the police board and sometimes addressed as president roosevelt during this time. on the left, the minister bicycling enthusiast. next to him is the wily lawyer andrew d. parker who relief of roosevelt. the son of late president ulysses s. grant. frederick dent grant. roosevelt would later call him a month ahead. india, roosevelt had the ground running. unified and first. within days roosevelt had vowed to have a smarter, more honest
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police department and change the culture from bullying to politeness. his energy was staggering. he let it be known corrupt officers better retire or they would be prosecuted. he said that civil service guidelines, hired a female stenographer to replace two men. he forced out -- i love all of his -- he was always a man in a hurry. i was just at the harvard club to give a speech like this. they had a thing called the roosevelt cap, a coffee cup twice the size of regular one because roosevelt to the stand to be kept waiting for the injury phyllis cup. they have a thing called the roosevelt up. always in a hurry. he forced doug williams and police chief thomas burns. and there's the idea of a red light district. basically the sherlock holmes of the united states. he had made himself quite rich
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by taking gives. roosevelt just could not tolerate that kind of behavior. wanted harsher punishments, of promotions to be based on merit. he began telling reporters he wanted all laws enforced and police conduct rules enforced. he was likes psoralen trying to sleep the corrupt era out of 300 mulberry street. you just can't imagine the courage of a man to come into a city this corrupt and used to doing a certain way. and with this just reckless reform attitude change the whole place. it is just amazing. anyhow, arthur brisbane was a front-page item ten days into a residence to year. and he said, we have a real police commissioner. his name is theodore roosevelt. they "must be the police his feelings when he comes up for trouble for a man like roosevelt he speaks english accurately. he does not say eidetic or seen
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it. he tax much more like a boston man are englishmen that endear police commissioner. his voice is the policeman's artists trial. an exasperated voice, a sharp voice to arrest the voice of voice that comes from the tips of his teeth and seems to say, what do you about to anyway. in the good old days the owner of such a voice with having club and general principle. now they listen to that voice, obeyed, and seemed to like it. the world in almost all the daily treated him very well. a month into the job something unusual. i think he did it on a genuine curiosity. it turned out to be massive duplicity. his different began the rebels. there were checking upon the police force. the aristocrat police commissioner willie to stay up all night. if he caught in the cops not
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doing their duty he was ready to get right in their grill until the end of. this caught the imagination of the york city and the nation's imagination. you have to picture, many of these irish cops for a huge guys coming enormous guys. resolve this 5-foot eight and does theft. absolutely fearless. he injuries with out and find -- the first promise they can't find in the cops. no one is doing their jobs. he is standing in chatting with a pretty woman. could not take the guy was going on and on. he said to officer, is this the way you'd tense your duty. the police to step back would be looking for trouble, you see vestry putting down second avenue, or along rte. ten near hyde. he brandishes a mistake.
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rose will cut it short. you another family arteries. i am pleased to mrs. roosevelt annual report to headquarters at nighter tomorrow morning. clearly relished a story that include hunting and a fine police. very quickly he earned a reputation. this is a little interesting detail. the cops had a little dim the lights to play. but let the perfect blow on the bottom of the feed of a sleeping trapp said that he will literally lift up like a stick and hit the ground running before even look at . here is to transfer a thrill. roosevelt nailing a city police officer. okay. extraordinary momentum, press popularity, everything is going his way. what does result decide to do? he makes a fateful decision to
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enforce laws against selling out all in saloons on sunday. of all the choices of all the crusades he jezreel one. you might say. it listed in the illegal throughout new york state tests of all on sundays, but new york city had been ignoring the losses the civil war. bar owners pay policeman took the other way. the palisades down, came in by side door. barkeep sold more booze us and is in any of the day of the week . concert halls, comics told it rude jokes such as caesar valet dancer. she dances on one leg and then the other. between the two ships a living.
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if you monitoring she could enjoy that free lunch counter. the standard price was a nickel, a shot of whiskey was a diet. rushing to grow levinson the new kid to fetch beer, a pail of beer. basically yorkers would sit on the steepened since the kid back and forth and said that going f2 tantillo. there would have a family experience. discover is that low and behold their open. everyone knew that. the whole board decides to shut down saloons on sunday. in makes it his crusade. and when he did that he would from popular public official to hated paris and in new york minute. it was astounding. six weeks into the job. and he tried to claim it was not a crusader against liquor, but
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rather against selective enforcement. over the coming months he was a lovely and repeatedly, he didn't make the laws. he forced them. enforcing laws is right, ignoring laws is wrong many did not care think about the reasoning. roosevelt was rested. topics commented after making -- on site. escape a little patch. all kinds of things. you cannot even get to a baseball game. knows theater performances. no horse racing or services. instead of going to solicit the yorkers would have family picnics . he said that in speeches repeatedly. so desperate times call for desperate measures. would this not all. he said going to a drug store and ask for rambo's spirit.
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three fingers of a rottenness whiskey. it will keep you walking because you're afraid if he later said he will die. i know amend who stayed all day. but he was having a good time. when a man guests in new jersey looking for fun his mind is failing. [laughter] so roosevelt was arrested for his crackdown. we presume after he took yourself to the union league and bought a drink. that was the problem. the crackdown on sundays fell on lines. private clubs could still serve. roosevelt enjoying himself in a private club like the harvard club of metropolitan club. newspapers delighted in showing the contrast. the east side, where all the tenants were, of trading at the
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harvard club, the side turn into russian bath and snapped the moisture from the overwater. meanwhile, hotels to serve drinks on sundays to guess eating a meal in the hotel restaurant if the hotel had to and rose are more. reza was typically defiant. merely enforcing the laws and would be enforcing all the laws. it is true that i may never be heard of again, but i will have kept my oath of office. he did get to boston to have. the newspapers dug up ever for an law and their results to enforce it. a law against importing oysters into the york from may to september. there is a law against begging. what about the law against high-flying some of the 14th
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street. is the debt to have a deck of playing cards and a college or ship. they included the average citizen has been the life of crime. the newspapers just would not let up. the police force is accused of being so over jealous that they are arrested innocent women as true workers. a cartoon of the statue of liberty being arrested for being an unaccompanied female at night. [laughter] that is the front page. a close friend became so worried about him. roosevelt looks worn and tired and has lost much of his natural step in buoyancy. at this rate is only a question of timely is a breakdown, and when he does it will be a bad one. and then to make bad matters worse, the republicans of state would pass the liquor law which was supposed to crack down and help resolve to his job, but did
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allow that hotels with ten rooms serving a meal conservator of sunday's. so what the new york saloon owners do? a first think it will be able to . they convert more than one dozen saloons to hotels. steve brodie said i connected the tenth round to was i had to use the basement. his is a panera addict. polyimides extended straight. agassi was during the inspecting to a tammany hall building inspectors. they thought it was fine. so just weeks after patraeus all you want. barry beck renting their rooms. by the following week it was one
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per city. east side. and now plumb join serve the same set it's over and over again. gino kneele mentions say a modified ham and cheese sandwich. that unreasonably, same interpretation of hotel and meal in a guest. he announced the police will be vigorously on the outlook for fake hotels. tammany judges did indeed rule 17 years in one pretzel egos and meal. the republican legislature had really bungled the new law. turning into bonds of -- bottoms up. roosevelt had not created the law. whoops. sorry. have not created a lot, but these events especially with the demise of roosevelt played out like a slap in the face.
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new yorkers were drinking openly in fake hotels and a close on sundays and also a three in the morning. not only drinking, unmarried and woman, shot grows and factory grocer might never walk to the starting to walk or stagger can be a bar room stairs. roosevelt delighted in describing some were working men and picnicking with the families and sundays. not amused by any of it and began secretly looking for a new job. now, eventually alienated every newspaper including aeriform papers. his own republican party. he would try to fire his own hand-picked police chief. you name it. it cut ugly. battle big bill and tammany hall . ultimately it turn that okay for roosevelt. the job of police commissioner did as much for him as he did for the job. it lost a lot to the national
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stage. he honed his speaking skills and they occasionally to silence itself so that he could carry the republican banner another day. easily earned a national reputation as a tough law-and-order former. some cities just refuse to be reformed. they key very much. [applause] [background noises] all right. welcome the thank you very much for that. a reminder, a horse driven town.
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new york, for instance, does anyone know what the most common crime on the lower east side used to be a letter is to get? coor's poisoning. a way that it takes is would extort money. there with pent-up poison the horse and do so if they did not come across. >> l-1011 on pushcarts. no way. they paid off the cob in order to stay the same place. >> we will do a little taqueria and the q&a after that. just to start. it seems, vice is all the more relative. here we are in the middle of another burgeoning police
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scandal. one a little different. we are in the police in queens recently dragged a fellow officer off to an insane asylum for six days because he had dared to point out what has become kind of common knowledge, which is that the police really don't accept many reports of cars because they want to keep the statistics have. also the massive program which is become very controversial being directed. in response of the commissioner the of the day tomorrow went to the city council and yell that it for daring to question any of this. are the police incorrigible? he mentions the list of investigative committees and commissions over the years. livestock committee, the hearings, the sea investigations , map commission, mollen commission. on and on. police ultimately involves many
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effective civilian supervision. simply chop back every now and then. >> i would say that it is more but human nature. the system just offers to meet -- to let power into many temptations. if you give any advice that tended power and you give any of the stacks of dollar bills, sitting there, we are going to have a hard time. so instead of the nypd i would just like to say it's human nature. >> and the police probably are much more -- much less corrupt than in the past, probably less violent. >> oh, god, there were violence. they brought 100 officers who had been accused of being. i mean. and the night was share something. and roosevelt introduced.
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taken away by commander burns. roosevelt heard of a detective being beaten up. a big a stake this never would have happened. roosevelt rest of the nightstick. one of the longest to what most lawyers list of rose above reforms was 100 years of domestic. >> carrying a big stake. >> invested in those days. >> 24 inches long. one and 5/8 inches in diameter. it was made, and replaced a 15 is long tapered from one and three-quarters to one. more of a baton. the stick was a weapon. >> it is interesting. a lesson here about reforms. we would not have exempted the police force then.
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on the other hand, by going so far overboard, insisting on enforcing every law, the saloon was one with the cubs made money. small bribes. >> also tammany hall ran the political network out of the saloons. so he thought there was a secret benefit. he had a hidden agenda as well. but he wanted to enforce the laws. he wanted signs do post it in every food market which relies zulu bloomberg it turns. even the new york times. >> something of a point. that the way that americans think of teddy roosevelt. >> i respect so many things about him. i tried to be credibly fair, but he really did have -- he was
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fiercely, fiercely against striptease shows and the brothels. he felt pens should be whipped. landlords and in brussels should be prosecuted. both men and women should be arrested. he was very adamant. >> envy in-depth with brothels on just about every corner. >> the rain forest. inez is tied very well. help me out here. just unbelievable. can you imagine any of us -- i mean, i have been married a long time, but the rest of you people going to a bar. ten bedrooms just up the stairs up to your third drink. some people think it changes the banality of the city and the country. some people.
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>> you have a great joke in the book about the standards used to -- >> the bartender says to the owner, hey, we have to stop serving. he as backward that had appeared. no. some full eight the last sentence and there is another one of all the side. >> the bridge between two pieces of bread. so ridiculous. manila the table. >> so then, you have a great description, one of my favorite quotes in which he wrote that no more fit to be chief of police that a fish meant to be director of the aquarium.
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as a character in a work of art he was a masterpiece. falling short. >> is. he was just really something. i mean, i have to say, 16 more pages. it just doesn't fit. but ran for mayor. he got the whole crowd. he was running against tammany. he said to my going to tell you, charlie murphy get all this money. the nuggets of you. >> a wonderful slogan for that campaign. you can trust that these, what you can't trust a liar. >> he was also famous to let see hearsay nothing. >> his advice.
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he told the committee, i deserve. this drug himself as undoubtedly the most specific policeman in the history of new york city. i stand there and breathe the fresh air. no matter who comes along. >> the first thing he announces is i intend to enforce all the laws. it was hilarious. later claiming his enforcing of the law. what love is to pick, the law against performances that it sells. he shuts down. and then all the newspapers say what kind of oath, he picks this law. >> and he would help police chief, at the top salary a year. >> the think six thousands. >> he ended up with something
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like between 600,000 in the million dollars. >> $377,000 worth of real estate on the day he retired which puts a rigid and roosevelt. >> this acquisition. >> right. kevin knows where more about this than i do, but its tammany hall. jimmy hall rose a monopoly for the new york giants for the nationally in baseball. so the club in baltimore in 1903 it does not have the name. over time a team gets a name and it becomes the new york yankees. big bill to every would-be co-founder >> and that was the way that he would operate. he owns the -- the owner of the new york giants. the center of his day. the other new york giants. trans a boy.
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>> if anyone wanted to they could not give any transportation. here's a low story. but the other night to me he really does this stuff. he tells me that the new york yankee logo is one of the most famous lawyers and all sorts. everyone knows this part of the story. it was based on tiffany valor award. a guy named miguel. and he was the bag men. he was on a bender and shrek as likin of -- sibila of when the irish the stock through the skylight. he wakes up. he does a lot to erupt. so he buys the three per cent gets shot.
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the bag and getting shot is the first award for valor. >> that is a great story. no red sox fans. the historian describes -- the season the, the most successful operating gambling establishment in the kutcher before the rise was vegas. only two racetracks and 300 pool halls. i mean, this guy was just major league kind of crime guy. major league gambling. here he is with the four police chief. >> two years after been police chief. >> the first big credit race, they have to interrupt a five game series with the red sox of the indices and because their
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rented out hilltop park and it was a college football game. they had to go up to boston and lose two games. >> this is just how tammany operated. it was like the subside. they would let you have all these nice places, but it was sort of like forget about it if it ever got in the way of making money. >> absolutely. >> what was the life of the average policeman check you mentioned some of it. >> the walk to become a new everyone on the block. they slept at the precinct house. one rank above patrolman to what they would watch the officers. they literally made rounds watching them. the use to try and have these great escapes, getting out of trouble. one legendary one, guy inside a funeral parlor. the kid comes in.
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the side insurance from a back entrance. his wife is doing to kill him. so he stands to figure a way out. five this letter, looking in the funeral parlor. the office atop so on the back. how could a guy possibly bet. turns out he had the undertaker will allow the coffin. and he walked from the block. any help. >> and the houses. his biggest mistake. a lot of the poor unfortunately have brought it upon themselves. he shut down the police lodging houses in february, march, march march 1890. a pretty bad time. one of the worst blizzards ever occurred the night that he shot him down. and then there were only two places other side of the aisle. the present houses scattered
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around. twenty-third street. >> remedial -- brutal. it was a discussion. maybe as bad as the great depression. you know, a lot of people. you had this feeling of this appalling josephine who was supposed to be a reformer but who is against even private philanthropy. >> the charity issues are just -- they wanted you to have to buy a ticket to get a lodging. they taught that people would just treat it. so you got a ticket. your clothes were fumigated. you have to prove you have no money any. if you have money than you could biologic somewhere. he had to literally into your pockets to be searched. the following day yet to be three hours of work.
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so it wasn't a different attitude. >> and these people, call progress is at the time comes off as a lot harder. teddy comes up. his description of shooting spanish officer and san juan hill. >> yes. yes. roosevelt, someone said that he spent his whole life trying to inch of his emotions and energy. i give him the benefit of the doubt, but he did agree to it a dual. everyone was just shocked. it did not know if it was a juggernaut. finally from we recommend that both men go into the city plaza and use fire hoses. [laughter] >> and he is probably the most remarkable in history after this within three years. >> staggering. it's staggering.
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i did not allow myself to do anything past 1897. listed he knew more about roosevelt than i do. i hope the center. i really just to capture who was the day that he leaves debbie, of failed bureaucrat. proa going to turn into a love. he would never have predicted the outcome. >> assistant secretary of the navy, becomes a war hero, comes back -- cluster four days in combat. >> come back and is elected governor. vice-president. >> usually about the least important job in all of american politics. you literally do nothing. took the first few months off with nothing to do. because president. >> and so switch to such
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questions. we have to wait for the might to get to you. we are on national tv. >> one way at least roosevelt was a variation. shortly before he managed. he wrote a letter telling how much he is going to like sex. a question about what is as a sidebar, how people were approaching him? where was the black hand of the mafia and in all this. the attitude. perhaps were they looking at the possibility of legalizing prostitution and gambling? >> that is a good question. the first part, you mentioned the letter. he endorsed conjugal reciprocity which meant that not just the
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husband's, but the wife should be receptive. he really did want to cut down on prostitution. as for the legalization, yes. it was very much considered. you can read the debate. of willie debated. some people thought that it would protect the women. almost no condoms used. so in 1874. in europe most prostitution was legal in major cities. so they were studying that to whether we should emulate that. and the black pants, as far as i know he had not much immersed. does not come up in the police love. i think elsewhere but it was just starting up, but not important to roosevelt. >> it was still a time when politicians central the games. >> organized crime the cops. because organized crime.
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this industry workers to work on this corner. the gambling saloons. they organized. >> yes. >> you cannot become with the gun. >> the young people in this area, particularly area person. greenback, he was running a protection rackets to protect the people. what about the yen kids? >> i don't know so many details, but the one hour recall, there were called lighthouses. the gate of the cards to the brothels. the timber merchants. selling matches. growing up a brief test. also looking for seniors in details. all these pictures.
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the last question. >> you had like the best the street karens. these young street thieves you actually organize their own theater. when an election date tradition of setting big bonfires. so the police would go out of their way to try to confiscate all the wood so that they cannot be let on fire. ..
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>> here is somebody you wanted to ask. >> thank you. did he accomplish anything and were there and long-lasting accomplishment? >> yes, he certainly -- he showed what it was like to make an experiment and they never backed down. the carucci had in the case of an entire -- it is staggering when he went up against. the accomplishments he ran two of the fairest elections ever run in new york city. they took the election bureau admitted a separate bureau because out of fear of a guy like roosevelt running fair elections. he did reintroduce -- i'm trying
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to think of some of the other. he showed briefly you could make bombs for why -- i mean, they like to credit him with the first police academy, but he endorsed the first shooting range. but they are to have a school of instruction in the building and the shooting range didn't directly lead to the police academy. but it's tough to put your finger on the unbelievable effort. >> i'm thinking about how few lessons were learned from the whole shrinking disaster prohibition. >> erred a little clue here that this depression does not work or prohibition doesn't work. roosevelt didn't favor prohibition, by the way. the population would oppose that and a lot were. >> although not much personally. >> he drank one or two glasses of white wine or champagne. he did not like red wine,, hard
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liquor. he also said he preferred dinner parties that were sober. [laughter] >> you mentioned the south village being famous for the spring specialty. i wondered where the french notes derived from. is it the olds quarters from washington square? >> it without the washington square and i'll talk to you afterwards about what they did. i just announced not to be too specific. what's the euphemism? if you brush your teeth you'd be using the same. >> all things lascivious, they called the french black, racy name for it. >> they relive our frenchwomen. they spoke french and i had long documents of one woman owning
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five. these were indeed french can usually six to 10 girls, higher prices. the teeth brushing feature cost above the regular because it was so taboo. it's just a different world. >> there's somebody appear. >> hi, how long is this landslide matter of days 10 tony rooms upstairs last? they seem to recall a scene things like in the 1990s. >> i actually worked on my topic. he was 186 until the definitive rangeland model. and they had cutbacks and came up with a few different rules than they got them down for making 1500 down to maybe 300 or 400. some of the investigators really
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think the range lot changed morals. it was a big deal. >> something about teddy roosevelt and his family. his brother was a drunk and his family was a known for being sober or whatnot. what do you think or did you discover anything that would have led to him being franklin? >> if you hit on an ironically because roosevelt's brother just diagnosed alcohol related deaths in august of the previous year and roosevelt get the job in may of 1895. so it's just he never much talked about elliott issues, but it has to have played in his mind. they're the deliberate dozens of empty liquor bottles and elliott was the father of the future, eleanor roosevelt. and it is just such -- it's a tough story. it might've also come from elite
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issues because elliott fathered a child out of wedlock and roosevelt was deeply, deeply ashamed. >> you did a great job of describing not. but they weren't generally known for -- >> there were some issues. it is another relative that i am also edith out there, but father-in-law's. >> last question if there is one of us were going to call it a night. >> i am curious if you could imagine in today's day and age in 2012 if teddy roosevelt were the police commissioner or mayor of new york, considering our current issues in trafficking in and homeland security above would be his big issue to go
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after today. >> it's a good question. again, i just think that would be one of his many issues. i just tell you a quick thing. i had dinner with top police lieutenants and i mention that they were saying 80% of what the general public misunderstandings 80% of crime is ignored, has to be ignored. you can't do anything by the book were the entire system grinds to a halt. if you're nailing somebody for baking who was just a harmless panhandler in the car coming on this to be a crime that happens in the next block. and i just think i am debating the question a little bit, but roosevelt tried to enforce the entire manual or maybe he would've learned his lesson from this. but if you take the 1895 cell, but will they would go up without enforcement. [inaudible] >> come on, let's cut the guy.
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>> here, you can have mine. >> did you investigate any of the crimes and do you know where the archives here in new york, where there's actual evidence still for some of the old crimes? >> er, of course. the municipal archives downtown, department of records is just loaded in the district attorney's papers. there's physical evidence, too. just have to be very nice if you want to touch it. but now, it is very cool. i got to hold -- i forget what it was, dice and cards and all kinds of little things. the artifact makes it come alive. i love to touch that stuff. [inaudible] >> well, we'll talk later.
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>> well, we've provided you not only with entertainment, digital sweated out a good five or 10 pounds. we apologize for that, but it's great to see you all. the great labor leader, john l. lewis, u2 to match horn, shall not be treated. he will gladly autograph them. some of my naturally landed paradise valley and shavers road. thanks so much for coming out. [applause] >> for more information, visit the author's website, richard >> so my history of financial institutions is the history of learning about these things. so for example, in 1811, new york, the state of new york
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created a new securities law, which did two things. it allowed anybody to set up appropriation with minimal restrictions. used to have to go to the legislature and get special permission. and secondly, they created limited viability for investors. and what that meant is if you invested in a company in the company was later accused of wrongdoing, the complaints -- the lawsuits would never go after your assets because you invested in the company. before that, people were afraid to invest in companies they didn't really know. so it made everything like a family business. you have to have people you trust. the lot changed everything and it was copied over all the world. a friend of david moss to cover these carefully, i think what it did was create a sense of
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pleasure investing. people to invest in lotteries. they left a candle as another human trade. they like the excitement of finding out whether your number came out. i created limited viability, it became fun, the same way the lottery is fun. people have to enjoy his life. there has to be sent into makes you get out of bed in the morning, that gives you some excitement. so we design things they gave you that feeling. i securities law has been the source of a lot of organizations because now investors -- looks like they're playing again. it looks a little selfish, but it drives our economy. karl marx looks at it and says it's gambling and he thought we should shut it down. worse than not, worse than not. after years of experimenting with that, people think maybe we have to let people indulged in these feelings.
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okay, maybe i'll go for another 10, 15 minutes. i want to talk about the future and about some of the ideas that i talk about. i will move a little bit more and more into the wild future. what happens tomorrow is president obama has said that he will sign the jobs act. that name for the act was a little bit misleading, and maybe for some political reasons. it's not about jobs. it's called jumpstart our business startups. that sells jobs. and what it is, it's controversial. i like it though. notably as an experiment, and may or may not work well. but let me tell you what is the most interesting part of the jobs act. the jobs i was created in response to a request from
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internet website providers who wanted to create a crowd funding website for entrepreneurs. so if you're trying to start a business, you can put it up on their website and say i'm looking for money and then thousands of investors earn millions all over the world can send money and you can start a business. this is a wild sounding idea, isn't it? but it's endorsed by a lot of internet people. i think it's just about as wild as wikipedia sounded at the beginning. if they came to you, before wikipedia started and said i'm going to open an online encyclopedia and let anybody in the world add to it, my first reaction would have been, that's a idea, right? it's not going to be a good encyclopedia. we learn something about how people can work together through wikipedia.
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so this is a good experiment. what congress has done is they are worried that there's a lot of chief out there,, unfortunately and someone is going to steal money from someone else this way. so one thing they've done on the legislation is a how-to document your income to the website and for people with incomes up to $40,000, you cannot invest more than 2% of your income, which is $800. so what is small for each individual. and that is to tax people. it can't go that bad. the maximum is $10,000 you can put in if you have the higher your income. so it's designed to protect people. you know, people can only invest $800. they should get enough of them. you've got real capital. >> next, john shaw recounts the
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