tv Book TV CSPAN May 28, 2012 6:00pm-6:45pm EDT
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know what to make us and us them. this is a story of a lot of challenges. challenges of being a minority family if a southern town. challenges you're different and your parents telling you to be proud. challenges in the corporate world. challenges in governor race and challenge as we go forward. what i always knew was my parents wants ..
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every time you go to a challenge, you are amazed at what you can overcome. >> in addition to those lessons from your parents come and one of the things you talk about is that your parents told you don't complain about problems as a way to sell them. you have another great story, which is the mother of a 12-year-old, i particularly love. your mother had set up a small business in your living room. the accountant was leaving, the story that you tell is that you happen to be coming out of your kitchen, 12-year-old nikki haley, and your mother grabs you and says to the accountant, change your how to do this. i didn't know until i read your book come at the age of 12 and 13, you were the accountant for your mother's business. >> i was. the business was growing out of the house. it was in a small area. the bookkeeper was moving some of us.
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the bookkeeper told her that she had to train someone else. my mom grabs my arm and says i want you to train her. and she said i can train her, she's 13 years old. and she said and if you train her, she will do it. i was bouncing letters, paying bills. i do not until i went to college but that wasn't normal. [laughter] my parents didn't want to know the limitations of age and gender and being indian. they just always said, the great added to make sure that people remember you for it. it is so easy for businesses to make a dollar, and so easy for governments to take it.
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i truly lived this and understood what the hardships of small businesses work. >> if you jump ahead to your very first political race, if you go into just about any nursery school in america today and probably around the world, you will see that the little girls are running circles around little boys. i say that as a proud mother of both girls and boys. but the girls are running the place. i have often wondered what happened, why is it that women are not yet anyway, running the world? and i think part of it is a virgin. if you look at the story of your 2004 race, the fact he couldn't find a consultant to take your money, you had everybody telling you don't do it, don't do it, don't do it. what was it that gave you the confidence to say i know this is the right thing to do. was it ignorance?
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>> absolute ignorance. i think it was a couple of things. i think it was the fact that i wondered why we didn't have more business people in the statehouse. and i had a mother who said quit complaining about it, do something about it. i said it come up well, i will run for the state house. i didn't know you weren't close to run against a 30 year incumbent in the primaries. but once i got in, the only option was to win. what was surprising was we went to a series of consultants, and i remember telling a friend, i have this money and no one will take my money. one consultant said, you are too young. you have small children. you just need to look at school boards and you don't need to run for the state house. another consultant said, 10 didn't you, your dad goes to that temple. there is less than 1% indian. you can't win this district. there were a lot of can'ts.
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what really told me i was going to do this was i went to a speech by hillary clinton. she said everybody will tell you why you shouldn't do that, and that's all the reasons why you should. anybody that says i can't do something, it only motivates me more to want to do it. i didn't see young moms running for office. i didn't see a lot of women running for office. i didn't see business people running for office. that really was more of the reason that we need more people. the reason i wrote the book was after i won the governor's race, so many people came up to me and said come after seeing what she went through, i would never run for office. i was devastated. that was the total opposite of what i wanted them to take from my race. what i wanted them to see is that yes, we ran through the challenges, but look at what i'm able to do now in south carolina. i am able to move the ball.
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i don't think that there is any reason why women -- we don't see a lot of women come outside the fact that women just don't run. we need more women in office and more real people in office. more business people. we don't need these people that think about being a politician, we need people who have lived their lives and know the problems. >> as soon as you got into the state legislature, you were successful in terms of moving up into leadership. as soon as you started insisting on transparency in how the legislators were voting, he ran into a firestorm. >> it was one of those first things that no one knew what to make up. of. i had defeated their friends. nobody wanted to share an office with me in order sit at a desk with me. there happened to be another person who had defeated the majority leader. we were that few outsiders and we quickly became desk and
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office mates, and when i got there, i saw a lot of things that i thought were wrong. one was in south carolina, the legislators didn't have to show their votes on the record. all of their voting was anonymous. i tell this in the book. they were increasing their pensions. i went to the republican leadership and said we are republicans, what a -- what did we just do? the next day i filed a bill that said anything is important enough to be debated on the house of the senate, it is important to be transparent. leaders said put it away. we will decide what the public needs to see and what they don't. i have my husband in the room.
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michael, stand up and wave. i remember going to michael and saying if i can get legislators to vote on the record, i don't need to be here. and they made a decision, knowing that there could be harm to fight anyway. i took on the site, i ran across this state and i said did you know of all bills passed in the house from only 8% were on the record? did you know of all bills passed in the senate, only 1% was on the record. if you didn't know how the legislators in the house voted, 92% of the time, if you don't know how your senators voted 99% of the time, how did you know who to vote for at the polls? south carolina was astonished. what was interesting is that was my fourth year in office is my first year in office i was chairman of the freshman class. my second year, i was majority leader, then i was put on a powerful business committee on my third year, and the year that
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i would not put the bill away from the year that i thought to say that legislators need to show their votes on the record, they stripped me of everything. they put away every ounce of power i had. while leadership was showing people this is what we do to people who step out of line, i was trying to show legislators this is what happens and i ran for governor. [laughter] i am proud to say that when it came down to it, i made the votes transparent and we see their spending habits as well as with a vote for as well. [applause] [applause] it was in that governor's race that you state some of the most interesting facts. just to give a plug into this book, anybody who's thinking of running for office or is running for office, ought to add amendment, they should read the paragraph at the bottom page 151
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commandos and page 152. governor haley says, she talks about the attacks and says that all of her old instincts to fight through the adversity, to prove herself to skeptics and critics starting to come alive. some were using this is as a chance to destroy her and her family, she would use it as a means of protecting and strengthening her and her family. it is one of these points that seems obvious,, but so much of politics today can be so nasty. the decision, not just to say i'm going to ignore it, but to take the attack and turn it around and use it a stronger is brilliant. i would like you to talk a little bit about that. how you decided you were going to fight through this and not let them take you down. >> you know, the interesting thing was i was nikki no name for most of the race. what we do have is a conservative message.
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we had a grassroots movement. as i was going across, none of the other candidates were acknowledging me. then they started to see movement. the second that i've heard we were number one in the polls, we celebrated for all of five minutes and i said, this is going to hurt. and i knew that something had to happen. within four or five days, it was everything under the sun came out. what they don't understand is that only motivated me to fight more, because it was everything that was wrong with politics. politics is about distractions, and that's what they were trying to do. i told him i was not going to be distracted. those were lies and it was false, and this is exactly why we need to look at somebody new for governor. >> and it worked? >> it did work. >> i wonder how many of those consultants who wouldn't take your money back in 2004 have
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since been back around trying to knock on your door? >> they are my best friends now. >> sitting where we are today in washington dc, the idea of the damage that washington can do around the country and the damage that the federal government can do, and particularly, this administration, it can sometimes be theoretical. as governor of south carolina, you have experienced it firsthand. arthur mentioned the battle with the national labor relations board, and it is a stunning story. a story that has a good ending, but i think it would be helpful if you could talk about that fight that you have to age. >> coming into the governorship, i knew that we had to talk about budget issues and reform government. what i never knew is that the hardest part of my job would be the federal government. we passed illegal immigration reform and the department of justice stopped it. we passed the voter id bill that said you have to show a picture id to buy sudafed, if you have
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to do so to get on a plane, you should have two to vote. we passed the voter id bill. the department of justice stopped us now we are getting ready in the next couple of weeks that says if you're going to get unemployment benefits, you have to pass a drug test. i am expecting a fight there. what i've never thought i'd see as most un-american thing, which is this great american company, boeing, they said were going to put a plant in south carolina. they created a thousand new jobs in south carolina. at the same time, the expanded their employment in washington state by 2000. not one person was hurt, yet president obama and the national labor relations board went to boeing and said they could not do it. an american company. then i watched president obama give a speech and he said he wanted to see things made in america. i remember saying that i have some planes i'm having to try it
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be made in south carolina and are trying to stop it. god bless the fact that we have an election year and that they president is a little bit nervous, that souped-up brought down. but what was once a thousand employees is now lower. now, we need to have the private sector work. >> your decision early on to endorse governor romney, it is clear in the book that governor romney at somebody for whom you have a glut of lot of respect. but it was a decision that was controversial, especially among the tea party. not all of them were so happy to support him. talk about how you made the decision and how you felt about the criticism that came from your supporters. >> a lot of it was that i knew that i needed a partner in the
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white house. what i knew is that i didn't have it. i knew that i couldn't do the will of the people and was not having that. so i tried to think of what i wanted. michael and i sat down. we were trying to figure out how we were going to decide who this person was. we had so many candidates. i do a report card on my legislators, so every year i let the public know how the legislators voted. michael said why don't you do a report card on the candidates. then you can decide from there. what i knew is that i did not want anyone that had anything to do with the chaos that is washington. we have seen where that has gotten us. it is not working. i wanted someone outside of washington. i also wanted someone who knew what it was like to create jobs and someone who knew it was like to start a business, but also knows how hard it is when a business fails. then i wanted results. so i looked at governor romney and i saw he took the field olympics and made a source of
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pride for our country. he was a governor that went into democratic state, a liberal state, and was an executive. he cut taxes 19 times. he balanced his budget with an 85% legislature. and i thought, what if we had that in washington? on top of that was the fact that i knew him and ann, i knew their family, knew where they were, i knew how he wasn't just a candidate and this is someone who had fought for the last four years about how he would handle the situation had he been president. all of those things let me know that was the right person. going in, i felt like i needed to do what was right, it would allow me to sleep at night, and i was very comfortable with that. the tea party was a great support to me. i am he huge for an -- huge fans of the tea party. but what they want is someone that understands the value of a dollar. they want someone who understands their government works for the people and not the
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other way around. they want government to understand that they their protections and freedoms and liberties matter. those all went into my decision-making, because the first thing i did was set down with governor romney and said i have tough questions to ask you. i said i don't want mandatory health care in the state of south carolina. we can't afford it and we don't want to. and he said the first day i will repeal it. he said what we did in massachusetts was for massachusetts. i would never do a federal or national mandate. i said that if i need to know about any bill and succulent, if i choose to pass it, but the federal government won't stop the will of the people of south carolina. and he said he was governor of the state and you have to be able to govern a state without the federal government getting in the way. he said i will always support those things. that is really what coming there. it was tea party values that i asked him and got questions on and i got responses back. i can tell you that while some members of the tea party may be disappointed, you can't please everybody all the time, but
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there are no one or two people that speaks for the tea party. that's what makes them great. they are not a label. they don't vote in a block. they have independent thinking. and they did that. you will see even in the state of south carolina, the exit polls, two thirds of the people were with me after that. i believe that i really did the right thing. >> how you account for the fact that he wasn't able to carry south carolina even after the endorsement. >> south carolina has very strong, independently minded people. i get asked all the time, did i take that personally? >> no. they are going to do what they want to do and i respect that. i expect them to do that. and i appreciate the fact that they respected who i wanted to endorse. >> i know you said publicly, definitively, it sounds like, but you are not interested in being on the ticket.
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if the governor asked you. but what about a cabinet post? if you sit here and you think, nikki haley would be a great secretary of labor. a great secretary of commerce. you ever think to yourself, look, i'm making a difference in south carolina, but perhaps in a romney cabinet, i could make a difference on a larger scale? >> my decision, and when you read all of the challenges we went through to become governor, the people of south carolina took a chance on me. it is important for me that people trust their government. i made a commitment to them. i have a job to finish, and i want to make them proud. whether it is vice president for a cabinet position, you know, i need to finish the job that was given to me. and i love the state of south carolina. i love being governor of south carolina. and i will fight for the nominee in every way to show how it has hurt south carolina and what we have been through. i'm going to stay in the state
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and continue to do what i promise to reduce. >> i want to ask you one more question before we take audience questions. that is about women. you have a chapter in your book dedicated to a strong, conservative women, governor palen, who helped to erase. we are in the midst of your perception of women going forward and their role. >> i'm a huge fan of women. i think we are great. what the issue really is, but not enough women know about, not enough women are running. we need women in office. we are moms and daughters and sisters. we have been through a lot. i would love to see more women in office. i think that women tend to second-guess themselves. they think about their families
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first and think oh, what if this happens and when that happens. what i will say to women is that we need to. we will be a better country when we have more in office. we will be better for that. governor palen is a perfect example. she came to this state and i tell the story in the book, where we are sitting and talking and we are comparing shoes in suits and talking about all those things, but we talked about family and we talked about leadership. and she said when you start to win, they will come after you. and she said in after you become governor, it's never going to stop. and she was so right. i just saw her a couple days ago and i said, you are so right. and she said it never stops. what we have to do is stay on track and say our message. don't get distracted. are they going to try and do a? absolutely. but are we not talk? we are. we are tough and competent and smart. and we will continue to prove that there is no amount of attacks that are going to stop us. we will keep on fighting and
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keep on winning. i think that is the biggest message of the day. we are not going to whine. we are going to prove through results. >> the point that you made in the book so well is about opportunities. the issues that women care about, jobs and economy and making sure that their kids can go to school and that the country is safe. those are all areas that are going to be better off under a different president. >> is interesting. the mainstream media wants to label women as one issue voters and we are not. we care about jobs and the economy and health care and education in all of those things. we are very thoughtful in the way we think about it. that is exactly right. i think that the media is actually a little frightened of women, and i think that, i wear heels, and it's not for a fashion statement. it is ammunition. [laughter] [laughter] on that note, this is always a great place to end.
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the governor will be happy to take any questions about the book or anything else. yes, right here? >> there are people walking around with microphones, too. >> i wanted to ask you what would you say to republicans who feel that mitt romney is not conservative enough. there are questions about his conservative credentials, especially his social conservatism. >> well, i can tell you from a personal front, those are some of the questions i asked them as well. i asked him about family and he believes that marriage should be between a man and woman. i am strongly pro-life and not because a party tells me to be, but because michael was adopted and we appreciate the blessings of that. and i asked him on that. if you look at his, and i questioned him on that. if you look at his record as governor, he always voted on the
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side of life. he always took action on the side of life. there's not one time when he didn't. what i will tell you is that i think as we're going through this process, people are really looking at what they want and they are doing the right thing. it's a great part of our democracy. but what we all agree on regardless of who that republican candidate is that they may be supporting, we all know what we don't want. and that is what we have had for the past three years. i think everybody will come back to that in the end. >> my question is how you can help to bring asian americans and indian americans closer to america? and the related question is obama is investing so much money. he took the budget deficit from $9 billion to $15 billion. we have spent lots and 19 --
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9/11. [inaudible question] this guy is so aloof. but he cannot relate leaders. he is messing up u.s. foreign policy. if you are offered a job would you accept that under mitt romney? >> first time i will start with the first part of your question. which is why educate people on the greatness of the indian community. i am incredibly proud. indians are great at medicine and business and education and teaching and all of that. the one thing that they have left on his being involved in government and politics. in the next generation you'll
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see that we are starting to realize that we have to have that role. we have to have that voice. whether it is bobby jindal or me were several democrats he could have chosen to get involved in office, that is a good thing. the other thing i want for people to know about the indian community is the is one of the minorities that is the highest educated, they have the highest per capita and they're the least dependent on government assistance. the one i love, it is one of the minorities that is the most strong of a minority in the country. those are all things i am proud of. what we are taught growing up is the best way to appreciate god's blessings is to give back. and you see that through service and you see that through charity. getting into what i would do to accept a position, no, at this point, i'm not going to do anything but be a great governor in south carolina. i think that what we have seen the president obama is that he
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really goes back to that new deal concept that government can fix all things. and we have seen our debt -- we have seen more debt growth with president obama in three years and we saw what bush did in eight years. that is what you are saying that we are trying to change. we have to try to get out of this rut. i care about that for my children and grand children. we have to stop spending. if you're going to ask every other governor in the country to balance the budget, washington has to balance their budget. that is at the heart of everything we are talking about. they need to prioritize where they need to spend. on foreign relations, i will tell you that the hot mike situation says it all. we don't know what a stinking permit foreign affairs standpoint. and that is scary. >> governor, you talk a little bit about immigration. i think the republican party's commitment to enforcing the rule of law when it comes to illegal
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immigration is certainly valid and commendable. but i think the other part of the equation sometimes gets left out a little bit. could you talk a little bit about how the republican party needs to change both its perception among the public and voters, as well as substantiative publics policy issues as to what we can do for immigration in this country. >> we passed illegal immigration reform in south carolina. unfortunately, president obama's not letting his enforcing. as the daughter of immigrant parents that came here legally, they put in the time. they paid the money. became the right way. they are offended by those that don't come the right way. the second side is that we are a country of laws. the day we stop becoming a country of laws, we are going to lose everything that makes us great. what i think? i think we absolutely need to enforce immigration laws. but we also need to look at
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expanding our workforce to this situation. immigrants are what make this country great. we need their expertise and their research and we need the technologies that they are able to bring. but we need to do all of that legally. there are two sides to it. and i think that the republicans probably could go talk about the fact that yes, we do want immigrants and we want them legally, yes, we do think that they are valuable, but they need to be here legally. i think they probably need to stress that as much as they stress that they don't want illegal immigration. >> i just have a quick question about having read some chapters of your book. i'm wondering if he felt any sort of shared experience with president obama, given that he also came from, perhaps, not the most ideal sense to be elected in office. growing up in difficult
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circumstances, did you feel a shared experience of any sort, or would you say that, you know, has been blocked out? >> no, of course not. what i hope that my story tells, what i hope that everybody feels is the pride of living in this country. the one thing my parents said over and over again is only in this country can you be anything you want to be and no one is going to get in your way. president obama is proof of that. i'm proof of that. look at any entrepreneur that started from strong challenges and how they have become successful. we have examples across the country in business and education. in sports. in politics. that is the highlight of this country. that's what we need to grasp onto. i want people to be proud of where we live. i am proud of where we live and so are my parents. party or no party, nobody can take that away from you.
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>> [inaudible question] >> a question for you, governor. if the affordable healthcare act survives in the supreme court, what impact will that have on your state's budget, the cities, the increased medicaid spending, that the law requires? >> our state along with every other state will be devastated. because what you will see in south carolina alone, our annual budget is $5 billion. the portal health care act will cost self-care when a 5 billion over 10 years. we cannot afford it. we will go bankrupt. the part about health care that we need to understand is i strongly believe the individual mandate is unconstitutional. the second side of it is i strongly believe that states are the best to make these decisions. what i would like to see is for washington to be able to give up
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grants. let us decide the best way to spend our money from a state level. it is not like texas or michigan. we have different issues, each of the different states. in south carolina, are issues of poverty and education. under the we would be more effective on how we treated our patients if the portal health care act goes into place. you will see a lot of private sector companies just pay the penalty and throw it to government. we will see less quality in health care and higher costs. the goal of every say right now should be how should we get the most amount of health for the least amount of money. what i'm asking is not to be told how to do it. what we are trying to do in south carolina is trying to make sure there is transparency from the patient to the doctor, the doctor to the insurance company. because if we were to go and treat health care like we treated getting our oil changed
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at the maintenance shop, and what happens is he going to tell them what you want, you show the list of things you're paying for, you sign it and do it. people actually got involved in their health care decisions, if they were able to say, academics, i don't want the fluoride and i don't need to pay that or i don't want to pay the $10 on the time of content tylenol, look at how much we would save and how much more involved we would be. we wouldn't want certain tests or medications. we do a lot of things the doctors tell us to do, but we wouldn't do it if we knew the cost associated with it. i think you will need to do is handle it from a state level.
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yes? >> hello, i am jimmy rogers and i'm with the washington examiner. i hope this question doesn't come off shallow. you mentioned high heels and i know women in government pays a lot of critique for what they were and how they style their hair, whether it is hillary clinton growing her hair long or how much serpens goes cost. i'm curious if you think much about how you are dressing, how would you are presenting yourself and if you have gotten any blowback for that? >> you know, jenny, the thing that surprises me is how much people won't let you forget about what you look like. continental tire announced their largest investment in north carolina -- in south carolina. he was either continental tire, which is a great one, or austin candy. either way, a great economic development, lots of jobs. one of the stories that they
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talked about was we got all the stops and did you see the governor's shoes? i was shocked by that. the number of people that e-mail me and ask, you know, why don't you worry is correct you should wear innings. he don't look finished. it's because i'm allergic to metal and i can't do that. but it is -- i will tell you, gentlemen goes back to there are not enough women in office. you have hillary clinton who went through that. they talked about her hair and clothes. sir palen went to that. they talked about her glasses and pursuits. i go through that. but you just have to laugh it off. what we have to do is work a little bit harder. and what we have to do is make sure that we focus on results. it's not what they say, it's what we do. it is about the jobs of cycling in and the reforms that i do. you know, i can make jokes about having a completely male senate and do i want to use the shoes for kicking? sometimes i do. [laughter] [laughter] we can't take it seriously, sometimes we need to take it in
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stride. >> over in the back there? >> you have proved yourself out of the vice presidential ticket, but last night you called representative allen west a good option. i was just wondering if you could elaborate a little bit more on why he would recommend him if he is your topic, and if you could talk about other people? >> well, first of all, i'm not recommending anybody. what i will tell you and what i was saying is that people who have been mentioned and all of those people that i mentioned have been mentioned as a vice presidential nominee. i think there will be a slew of people. chris christie's name has come up, marco rubio's name has come up. we have had tons. kelly i it's name has. we have great people. we will have great vice presidential nominees.
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i think that mitt romney will choose someone who will excite the ticket. >> we have time for one more question. >> you are requiring all employees to [inaudible] [inaudible question] how is that working out? >> what i talk about in the book as well, coming into office, what i realized was how negative people were. i think that has been the hardest part. i am a positive person by nature, and they were very negative. i kept saying, how can we make the state proud? we built planes, we dealt cards, we built tires. charleston was named the number one vacation spot in the country, and i wanted people to just take all of that in one day
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i was thinking in my office and i went to the secretary of fun and i said i want you to try something. the next time you answer the phone, say it is a great day in south carolina. how may i help you. and she did. and the person's answer was, it is a great day in south carolina. and i said, that's it. we're going to do it. what i required was all of my agencies to answer the phone that way. there were two sides to that. the media wanted to pick up on one side, that there were two sides. i wanted employees to feel proud of where they work and i wanted everyone to be proud of the fact that we are in a great state that is in good standing right now. we have are challenges? yes. but everyday is doing better than the day before. the second part was more important. how may i help you. government is in the customer service business. i wanted everybody in state government that answers the phone to understand that they work for the person on the other side of the line. but their job is to make sure
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that they solved problems, they sent him to where they needed to go in the nature that they were taken care by the time they got off the phone. there were two sides to that. i will tell you that while the media and a couple of legislators thought that it was terrible, everybody in my cabinet has appreciated it. now, i don't go anywhere in south carolina or outside where they don't say it's a great day in south carolina. the department of juvenile justice, i will give you that example. the department of juvenile justice, our corrections agency were juveniles, the director started implementing it. the first eight, should we drove up to the guard gate. the officer that was opening up the gates says good morning, it's a great day in south carolina. and she loved it. all the guard gate, as you're going in, they say it's a great day in south carolina. the media called the substance abuse director and said you have people with substance abuse, when you think about that.
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he said it's the best thing to happen. i want people to know that it's going to be okay. we are going to be all right. that is the thing. now, other victims assistance that we waved? of course, we did. those types of things. but in most cabinets come they welcomed it and appreciated it and it has given everybody is new happy life for themselves. now we celebrate our state. we brag about our state. i will tell you, it has been a great thing for south carolina. >> i want to take the prerogative of sitting up here to ask the last question. it is just to get your assessment on 2012. we are very close to not being in the general election period, that, and we have seen over the last couple days, the path that president obama is likely to take. his comments about the supreme court's role in comments that you know he can't think are true, given that he is a constitutional law scholar.
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also, he is going after both governor romney and chairman ryan. in his remarks at the newspaper association. talk about how we as republicans can effectively counter what we now know is going to be the obama message? >> that is very important going into november, for all of us to remember. we need to focus on one thing. and that is president obama's record. he is going to continue to distract. that is his job. we need to continue to stay focused. that is our job. look at the economy. look at the debt. look at the loss of the credit rating. look at the gas pumps. look at the fact that we have not balance the budget. they ontrack and say the message. this is a man who came into office talking about hope and change. nothing that he has tried to do has worked. now he is going to scare the american public into thinking that they better reelect him where it's going to get worse. to have him be such a bully in school republicans and say i
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can't believe you're trying to cut in the form these entitlements and try to really prioritize spending -- that is exactly what mom. his going back to the new deal, looking for government to grow and save everybody from themselves, i'm telling you that the rest of the american public is saying, that's not what we want anymore. government messes up more than it fixes, and we realize that now. i think that there is a two-minute opportunity after seeing him fall apart a little bit. by bullying the supreme court. he has reached a new level of trying to figure out where he's going to go. because he knows he can't go on his record. so he is desperately trying to make sure that he does someone us. what is happening is he's looking like a bully and he can show leadership and he knows it. >> i hope that if you won't be on the ticket that you will at least be out across the country campaigning very vocally as we
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head towards november. >> that is a given. >> and i would like to recommend to everyone this book, "can't is not an option." this is a wonderful story. >> into so much. i appreciate it. [applause] [applause] [applause] [applause] >> for more information, visit the author's website, nikki up next, philip white recalls winston churchill's "the iron cn speech. mr. churchill who had lost the election as prime minister, was invited to speak by harry truman. he promised to introduce the former prime minister if he arrived. later, referred to as the most important speech of his career. this is about an hour and 15
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minutes. >> good evening, ladies and gentlemen. welcome to the kansas city public library. i am the director of the library, and it is a pleasure to have philip white tonight. the light comes from olathe kansas. he's written this wonderful book. it is an extraordinary story. this is one of the six or seven most great inconsequential speeches in the history of the world, i believe. i've written about it myself. this speech in fullerton, missouri,
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