tv Book TV CSPAN June 16, 2012 9:15pm-10:00pm EDT
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the style of non partisanship that we like to see in the american media. i don't know if we have always seen that. i have been exploited from cnn. [laughter] is a great loss to me because i wanted to tell those people a few things they have not heard before. i have been excluded because i have been told i am and extremist. i called the president a stealth socialist. maybe i should have had in hand what words in the vocabulary could i apply to
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the stealth socialist? i would like to make a few observations about my new book. "the death of liberalism" historic perez slip away with few people noticing their passing. the roman empire lost a hold on the potentates of europe but it was years before anybody discerned the empire was not wholly, roman, or empire. there were a lot of colorful uniforms and helmets and swords. nobody took any notice.
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the empire was a gaggle of principalities and nation states. nowadays catholic europe could be mentioned in geography class's ask catholic europe. but it has not ben the political domain of powerful bishops and pope's for over a century. even the empire never recovered. when churchill said i have not become the team's first minister and it was over the liquidation that was well under way. in america there are believe systems that long ago lost their clout to.
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take the machine those that believe in the legendary power and of the orben machine but yet they lost their grip on cities long ago. tammany hall. so is the passing of liberalism. in my lifetime i have seen liberalism to solve from the at all-powerful with the government, bureaucracy, edu cational establishment and then corporate world was a feeble thing with alternative influences challenging practically every department. today's liberals bars on these rolling out to where they can with evermore
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troops of free marketeers and globalists challenging them everywhere. always the solutions to problems at hand are from the grave to spend more money, tax the upper class. retreat into the cocoon where nobody ever disagrees with liberals. and the alternative never exist. recall buzz on these astonishment when obamacare was opposed by the majority of the american people then questioned by the supreme court. should the liberals living dead be out there, the zombies have been diminished true liberals like hubert humphrey and ed koch or the
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intellectual components are dead or retired. their liberal bigger has not been replenished. we have lived through "the death of liberalism" and it is time we did knowledge as much. liberalism is dead. those who list of the staff at -- sad event can be forgiven. there was no announcement at the end of an era. npr or "the new york times" or if there were a few americans to follow the bargain. there was no weeping at the
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graveside. there was no graveside. lighted an obituary in "the wall street journal" december 4, 2010 know i elaborate on the location on the death of liberalism. perhaps commission and stop by the memorial to leave flowers. fdr saved the world and mixed a swell martini. and now it is time to solemnize the occasion. "the death of liberalism." shortly before conservatism conservatism -- conservatism of book by a sam tanenhaus said sent parts of letter titled the death of
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conservatism you remember it. some of you read it. not unlike my book. except one thing. completely and totally and if thunderously wrong. sam is the editor of "the new york times" book review. and also of the now-defunct week in review. one would have thought he would have hedged his bet to and might have ended the title and then question mark "the death of liberalism"? the death of conservatism? once there is a judgment like that it is written in
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stone. the writer stakes his reputation on a book. nobody wants to be laughed or dismissed as the idiot. but yet sam wrote the death of conservative is them and was congratulated by a liberals. he probably still is for his heroism. what were they thinking about when they had him take over the legislative chambers all over the country? for sam's part he can mount with the paperback the death of conservatism october 19, 20101 month before of the day louche that came.
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all of the polls predicted it but they were oblivious. this was characteristic of liberalism in their last days it was oblivious to the world around it to sell segregate itself as a threshold it could ignore the decades of decline a tryout of ronald reagan that the era of a government is over. then all of the liberals assumed they would govern america for the next 40 years. that came from james carvel.
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conservatism is dead although there was no evidence to support this observation. still the hapless amaya is was a major theme of commentary and written about all over the country. as the lira republic of sam tanenhaus suicidal book "the death of liberalism" is not another book by another liberal with of pornographic fascination with the american right to. it is the work of a why a is reflection political and social criticism of a
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classical kind. 10 in-house rights with the authorities and the word and decay of the counterculture. he talks about us. his book is a service to us. america. at is how confident he was. well liberals have been oblivious. aside from the obvious if we were dead where would sam tanenhaus barry our corp.'s?
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we are 42% of the electorate to the of the electorate 18 through 20%. where would he bury the think tank? fox news? talk radio and the internet? how could he silence talk radio when the sotheby's tried to silence rushed of what they failed. bill maher approved and keith over men that while anatomical references to sarah palin and other conservatives made a reference as a slut sound victorian. in trying to banish him the
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successors reveal themselves. they're not the defenders of freedom but thugs opposed to free expression. there is the storm trooper about them. i a trace the ancestry back to the founding fathers. there is something about the founders. i trace liberalism ancestors but it does go back to the first limousine liberal and karl marx more recently there is the stealth socialist and a white house whose inspiration came from a community activist who in
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his youth stole hubcaps or holt automobiles. intellectual history is full of artist and incompetents. you would not expect them to be capable to boil the a but imagine either with a molotov cocktail. one would probably drink it. he always drank cheap stuff. there were historic moments as i record in my book. the ruutu civil wars. 1948 and 1972 the more sober liberals one. 1970 to the zanies but
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liberalism on the road to its demise to this self socialist. there was always a abundance of crazy enthusiasts. liberalism even 1948 was the offbeat charm there was the highest-ranking nudist and the roosevelt administration. roosevelt fired him without controversy then out year hiss and baxter writes the communist connections were less amusing and those like the atchison covered for the each other to the shame of liberalism. this was the first great why
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it -- rise but more were to come. but then they gained the ascendancy with george mcgovern and gary hart. he was the infantile left. after him well whole generation assume it of democratic party. you know, who they are. al gore john kerry and the last of the breed senator john edwards. and anthony wiener who sent
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pictures of himself holding his best friend in his hand to win then he barely knew. the infantile leftist was famous for running around in public jogging around for what was in their underwear. hillary even down shots of whiskey in public and announced seen drinking beer from a bottle in cartagena apropos she is the first secretary of state told ever filmed in cartagena and drinking beer from a bottle but anything for the phone a lot. all would have been improbable in any other period except not for the historic turning point* the
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chappaquiddick sensation. this summer of 1969 when mary jo to pick me was left to drown in the back seat of his submerged oldsmobile. the tragedy with the deadly other politician to retire from public life or would have been bounced that 10 the weighted it out as he became the line and of the senate ann coulter smog is the political culture. will hold generation of democratic politicians from the infantile left all
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members of my generation could ride out any scandal. now the chappaquiddick story has played itself out. john edwards is through in public life and will not be given a gig on the cnn as eliot spitzer was given. another beneficiary from and chappaquiddick. today the liberals are the walking dead. the numbers to and bill. the ideology that controls the government at the end of world war ii is 20% as
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opposed to those calling themselves conservatives saying they are independence. the trend is says i chart there are more birdwatchers in america and the roles. it is unsustainable. the federal government will spend 3.8 trillion dollars consuming almost unparalleled 25% gnp from gnp 20% the gross federal debt has more than doubled
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to nearly $16 trillion more than the annual output of the entire economy. conservatives and independence will realize a and turn the democrats out and obama will be accounted in the fall. what comes next? if it ever resurrects with a sense of history we like to say the specter of friendly fascism in the stealth socialist rain. those coming under government control it is not
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that different. both disregard property rights through a long list bureaucracy and freedom loving america today liberalism is dead. socialism and fascism march dead. and riyal live better lives because of it. thank you very much. [applause] >> they do so much. i have a microphone c-span so please wait for the microphone
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some individuals fell below a minimal level poverty zero or what ever you put, would you cover the subsidized individuals with taxpayers' money? but not entities but what is not necessarily based on the rest illiberal say we're not capable but the fact of the matter is with my time has gone on, look at paul ryan
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remarks why do i think back to pass to massive pieces of legislation with obamacare and dodd/frank? that does not sound like the death of liberalism. >> you think that is the fluorescence? >> it does not sound like a death cough. >> it is a wake-up call we have had enough. we find out more about the health care and we haft rejected it. people who were never interested in politics reject it. this is a problem i
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anticipated with a conservative audience you cannot get over the fact of the last years of the holy roman empire was neither for quote obama will be badly beaten in the fall. if not then we will have a real fight which we will by the way we will have to work like hell to come up with alternative programs that paul ryan has come up with but to sit around and moan about obamacare, he had the senate, house and the presidency behind him it is an example of overreach
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other examples and those examples and those have secured his fate. >> just a follow-up. what happens if the supreme court strikes down obamacare? with the arguments with what we heard online do we have an instructive lesson of your thesis? >> my wife is a clerk for justice kennedy. i am in a position to note five justices on a first name basis.
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we talk about what this means. we think that we know that ted olson is a great friend of mine. we think sufficient parts will be thrown out to obama's discredit but others are of the opinion that chief justice roberts will try to bring in 10 or two of the liberals. that may weaken the decision but at any rate but i think
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the serious threat is in the air. everything will go bad for obama and everything they will take part in and to be scared to death will amount to nothing. >> i assume you mean the death of liberalism and our country? what about europe that goes between great twain and left-wing socialism? >> to hell with year up. we only go there for holidays. to quote donald rumsfeld. [laughter] park by have an observation in.
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somebody raised a question was at -- of europe. i said the french can go their way if they want but they have the only military that issues pallone. [laughter] look at up. [laughter] in america the founding fathers they had the brilliant observation and the tea party is the brilliant collection of people to get us back thinking seriously about the constitution. when the socialists came in
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2008 bringing all those policies to washington governors all across america could say the hell with you. not in my state. they could object where all of france to go socialistic at -- socialist but america did not. it makes you want to move to montana. but makes you glad for the constitutional structure of the country. >> just to underline the term of zombie zombie, consciousness studies it is a creature that appears to have
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consciousness but does not. from academia could you give more detail how you see liberalism dining in those areas? >> it is a good question. they are not liberal anymore. nobody stood up to protest to running rush limbaugh out of office? every now and then there is an honorable liberal they put on the brown shirt and they march. we created a real monster i don't know what to do could said on have no way to treat those people.
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when they get together they are proud of the fact they would crush us if they could but they cannot. of a guide for our constitution -- thank god for our constitution. >> i will take the other side. are twain says bette reports of my death are exaggerated. those who wanted wartime to have the government on his payroll reproaching 50% of
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the work force working for the federal government those in the white house understand this. >> report says i think are exaggerated. fdr wide reelection because he had much of the country on his payroll but today we have 50% roughly of the work force. >> is your point* 50% of the american people don't pay taxes? >> no. 50% are a getting paid by government at some level. >> people vote to four lot of reasons. who pays their check?
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that doesn't answer all possibilities maybe they get a check but they loved to hunt or fish or maybe they'll of their church more. 49% don't pay taxes but they respond to other motivations. dick morris and i were talking last night. we were talking swing states and he announced what you should watch for that this election will be a blowout
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for our side. not obama because they go to incompetents out of office more than any president in american industry i think the people are wise enough to know that by take great confidence in his recent statistics of the election. >> not so much europe but to what extent with conservatism should it be a bigger part of what is happening in contrast to the
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contradiction of other nations fighting the free-market battle? >> is your question we don't affect the politics of tied at zero russia? >> it would be more of an example. >> yes. we should. it is hard for me it seems to me america should be "the shining" city on the hill. we have not ben in this presidency. is hard to say. it is my bible.
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racine to encourage behavior in the chinese in is hard to say what they're faced with. arthur schlesinger used to say he was immensely interesting subject and i will sit back to watch history take place what will happen to rush of and china i cannot say but america better remain strong. thank you very much. [applause]
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>> the republican primary has caused romney to move so far to the right he is off the board. 10 candidates appear in new hampshire the question is do you create a $1 taxes for every $10 of cuts? anybody in the civilized world may be that excludes those candidates they would say of course, of $1 taxes for $10 of cuts but not one hand went up it was a well kept secret but i ran for
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the republican nomination. [laughter] i was in new hampshire there were nine people how many of the few promised to abolish the department of education? a ridiculous question. you cannot abolish the department of education. you just cannot do it. here you have herman cain, michelle bachmann bachmann, pushing mitt romney so far to the right. rex santorum, played right into his strength but as soon as the people found out about it, and there he went
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to. romney has changed positions so many times bill maher had a right he has changed positions more often they of the pornographic movie queen. [laughter] i am asked who will life-support in november? i say i am no longer senator arlen specter height and tough citizen i am not happy with obama frankly this policy is absurd. i a spoke out to we have no fight with the taliban there is no al qaeda. my visit did president karzai at -- karzai you have
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