tv Book TV CSPAN June 23, 2012 2:15pm-3:00pm EDT
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>> host: you are watching a booktv on c-span2 on location and new york city book expo america the annual convention held at the javits convention center we are pleased to be joined by susan weinberg publisher of public affairs and marji ross president of regnery publishing we want to talk to them about books they have coming up this season. susan weinberg start with
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this new book. >> the trial of the american dream write-in by a premier team of investigative reporters and as they are known as 12 mou pallone surprises and they have been a lowered named after them. first at the of philadelphia "the enquirer" and now "vanity fair." they have been chasing the story since the '80s with jobs, and come, pensions come, pensions, they really give the context so you don't see the stories from the context in the economy and the middle-class over a long period of time and you get the cumulative effect of
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what congress and company is have done. you read the news to think of the elections and local and national in a different way to see the full story that they paint. by quoting the actuarial if the operations side of the business had the same laws as the pension fund people lead go to jail. talk about 401k was meant tog supplement to. right now the media and 401(k) is $17,000. there is a phrase that we
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really have to support our greatest assets because without a middle-class there is no america of. this will come now to in the middle of this summer, the beginning of august. >> host: marji ross the detail of the american dream would you publish that? >> possibly talking about where the country is going nowhere the middle-class continues to go and the solution may be quite different but the problem is genuinely accepted weather and not people had the opportunity to improve their
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lives for the future that the tea party has spent a lot of time talking about. talk about the american dream and the middle-class is important to the upcoming election. >> host: the amateur? >> we are very excited. said klein wrote a terrific book. shocking new information. and uncovered surprising information. and those who supported barack obama and worked very hard in believed in a promise of open change and
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what he found was a surprisingly, men theme which was like him, agreed or don't bet to he was in the over his head. that his personality added that to a disastrous first term and the moniker of the amateur. our office was talking about obama and people said ronald reagan was the great communicator and clinton was the natural and barack obama logo down as the amateur.
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>> >> host: looking at upcoming titles from regnery publishing day are anti-obama? >> is fair to say they are arguing he does not deserve to be reelected. >> love at the betrayal of the american dream and the amateur by regnery, i'd do you hope your books influence public opinion opinion, susan weinberg? >> guest: you hope that you do. but those that say the theme is not just republican democratic combative is true.
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it argues the people to see the context to get involved what is going on in. that is why hope it doesn't just affect presidential elections be carries people make decisions at all lovell's. >> our books complement rather than contradict that they raise issues and does not take a partisan point* of view. and two regnery we are more likely to take a position written by an author who they know but to also with his are her point* of view. no matter what you believe
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hearing someone who is passive then it supplement chain with a policy area has a lot of data so you can make up your own mind. >> host: a new title susan weinberg what to rethinking? [laughter] >> serious fun. we have done quite a few books he is sailing west professor and he has done a lot of commentary, a french share, radio, a cultural observer and those that were more politically informed.
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it is of social history. what does it say about us? we think of j.d. salinger but if you think about the word introduced by norman mailer 1948 and picked it up as a term that the gis reusing people were surprised there is no question it has certain kinds of meetings and connotations in our personal and cultural and political life. i don't want to get into his argument i will say read the book by is a lot of fun.
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and starts with norman mailer. >> host: did you pick the title? >> he pic to the title and very, very deliberately chose not to use the word in the title and has a great piece at the end of his introduction why he did this . >> we are excited about our new book because she has not done a book says barack obama has been in office. although as an icon of the conservative movement a hero to those on the right to. she was very passionate to talk about the shutdown on religious freedom. obamacare requiring
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contraception, military cemeteries, military chaplains, the section of the federal government and her argument is the federal government is exercising overreach to intrude restitution as zero or individuals should be allowed to choose. but to practice and have religion not be excluded but part of the dialogue as long as everybody is allowed to practice what they want.
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religious freedom and tolerance is what she is concerned about. it is another hot topic that is why we rash it out also coming out at the end of july. no higher power. that there is no higher power than the federal government. >> host: she slipped and broke her hip will shadow on book to work? >> she has fed daily radio spot and a weekly column she is very active and excited about going on tv because it is so important for the future of the country.
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>> host: we interviewed the of third for a preview of herblock. >> yes. it is a fantastic story of recovered history from the '70s. i tell people that is indeed hurt on the cover. >> she mentioned and the founder of public affairs said what is the artichoke on your head? [laughter] i saw the picture and i said a that is the cover. she hasted be. it is from her first job from the paris bureau at "newsweek." place -- their
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place in the '60s with discrimination. they were confined to certain positions. this "newsweek" was well known for its liberal point* of view. they found in that organization why were they feeling discrimination? "newsweek" produce that cover story when been in revolt. -- when been decided the "newsweek" they filed it the same day the cover story came out. you have two sides of the story.
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they prompted them it had to be written by a woman but not to use the inside people. they hired the freelance women journalist and fell to their people were not ready. there were a lot of women involved. putting the book together star did a few years together. then there was archival material then said i need to give it context and then that led to others for a new generation. at the same time because of
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the way they were being treated how much as changed and what is going on now with younger women in the workforce? >> those women who are very smart and out spokane and role models who are starting out there they would agree it is healthy for young women of a former generation have the strength and courage to stand up for what they believe there is not one answer or point* debut
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for women any more than men. that did the very healthy thing. >> bair also talking to two women publishers. >> what is that world like floor when men? you are both at the top of your company is. >> i am not paid to say i have not. i felt i was at every place i worked. a lot of people ask me you are the head of a conservative house surely you don't believe that? the proof is in the pudding. and you are passionate and believe it you can do it.
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>> i have not felt in the book publishing part. women had a lot of opportunities and very early on in one of the differences as the culture to put women and degraded lower on the sidelines from the corporate culture. some parts of journalism to have that culture. it made me think of women in the financial firms. it is about a culture where bravado is glorified where we see a difficult environment for women.
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>> who is kate? vice president of the un-american foundation for renee the party chairmen who is very accomplished and outspoken and is a favorite on fox@@ news and is very articulate with her defense this is her first book. this was the divisive president coming out after the convention. those that the campaign made end with the partisan
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fractures with what has happened and how we have more class warfare and more divisiveness and part -- partisanship than ever before. in the gold that the administration has played the 1% with the tea party movement in. >> marji ross does it sell books? >> also tab author is on the c-span. those of our booklover's and dedicated lifelong learners. and those appearances
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conservative talk radio is a powerful driver who get longer time on the air that is the to affect the. >> where do place your authors? >> c-span2. but i tell people in the publishing industry all the time. if you get that interview interview, booktv? they are looking for books and nonfiction and and what is a real strength. what just happened? npr is fantastic.
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they work very well. when somebody on the internet world, the influential platform picks up to talk about it then it is picked up and reuse and new links with positive ways. if you see that start to happen, that is a winning combination. >> publishers always talk about word-of-mouth. how do you do that? the internet has provided the best way, the best predictable way to generate word-of-mouth. >> that is interesting you call it predictable that is never the word i can use.
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but it is true that if happens sales follow. >> do regnery authors appear on npr? >> most people think across the spectrum eyeless then two npr. i really like a lot of those but of course, i don't believe our books only sell to conservatives independence or the left is interested on what the authors have to say and are concerned of the issues that we talk about. >> i was going to say. [laughter]
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i would promote this book every where. only because of their reputations and media outlets know them and admire them and we get to a lot of interest there. also throughout the country. local markets that we do not always year from. not just the" beltway but it is getting all different kinds of markets. >> host: another new book coming out with public affairs the partisan. >> guest: the biography of chief justice william rehnquist but truly of the man not simply his time on the supreme court. he interviewed requested for "the new york times" magazine and did the piece
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that got a lot of attention and but it rehnquist was frugal with interviews and referred to the peace as the reason he may have decided but john captured something and did not let go of the story. he did not make it easy for anyone to write a biography. he did not organize papers or leave the a memoir. he had to go to a lot of different places to find material, talk to people. the was very interested in who was the as a young man as a goldwater republican?
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how did he get to the court and what did he do before that? and his career with the jt's he brought a certain partisanship that was the passion of the point* of view but to politicize the poor as that started with the point* of view and his ascent is a picture of how the poor develops. people can say what does it matter? the last argument you can use people are getting some a call -- senate call is that the president's elect
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the justices as a lifetime appointee. >> i was going to say that would not be our title. [laughter] >> i might read the book but i object to the title because if you are going to do a full biography of some one it should be called chief justice or the chief. >> that is great. [laughter] is a point* of view title. this is a biography with a particular point* of view and probably not the one that we would embrace or agree with but that is the great thing about book publishing and their hundred
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1000's of new titles out every year and people have day we wide friday to take it to books and take the opposite point* of view. >> i agree some people vote with their feet but some people are looking to understand more deeply i believe every author wants to affect people to have influence into the work with that passion in mind. >> i agree. sometimes i have to remind my authors not to be so interested to convert others not to talk to the base of. [laughter] >> a point* of view title i would not call it a biography of barack obama i do not want to employ that.
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this is a multiple best-selling author four regnery his last best seller we add high hopes for the seat well-to-do was well. it talks about the analysis of barack obama's the united states and from his point* debut the president as worked to destroy the fabric of the country and the values and frankly all americans hold dear to seven marji ross these are anti-president obama. do they contain similar information or are there similarities? >> yes they contain
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different the permission. they are careful to make shura what we're not face saying over and over with different groups are different sections of the marketplace. so primarily it would be something of interest for social conservatives. bereday divisive president for those the disappearance of the middle-class. whether or not being the executive with bain capital is a qualifier or disqualify air.
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each one and try is to take a different asset. what has he done what is the track record? and whether he should be reelected. >> >> with the picture on the front to ask about that, susan weinberg was it important people saw barlett and steele as the authors? >> absolutely. that really put barlett on the national map and they were reporters at "the enquirer" and doing a
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serious since reagan became a board. they were investigating questions and have not been moved into an s systematic way the but came out a as the number-one bestseller. people still remember the book maybe reaganomics is not what it meant to be. and the middle-class as onlya become more serious. they have written stories but the bigger picture and what has happened. >> host: and the pictures?
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less someone goes through the bookstore to say i have to take a look at this. we hope it captures the theme of the book to build rapport to say yes. that is what i think. maybe i should look to see if that is true. >> do you have any books y theron day should be president? >> we do not. just like rehnquist he is pretty good about keeping his entourage close-knit and frankly at this point* we are talking about a track record as opposed as opposed
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to a candidate. that is probably the difference. also what has happened over the last four years. >> host: not to one book about mitt romney. >> in our shop police say it is easier to publish books on the outside looking in but with regnery we have great success when someone from the other party is in the white house. >> people are more passionate or feel more motivated to buy a book when they feel they have something to argue or complain about to or are worried. more than the i am in favor
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by people look at a book to say this is a positive book about to mitt romney buydown need to buy the book. i think that. i am done. >> host: so as a business perspective obama of being reelected is good for you? >> we say bad for the country is good for business [laughter] >> host: have you looked at doing a mitt romney book? >> guest: we have. but it is pullback fried came out. there is a lot changing the way political affirmation is disseminated. you feel the story will be
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superseded to quickly for the book be e -- valuable they will do with short e-books. >> host: what do you think? >> guest: it is an interesting addition. tactically this is better with the e-books then we will not do the print at the time. it will be interesting to different media played a different role. the one constant is that everything is changing. >> also with the instant e-books attracting their value and role vs. as part of the business.
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the business equation remains to be answered. use doha after have money and time and promotion how the huge justify with a much lower price? publishers have to figure out the instant mini-book with the full-blown book rather than because they fill the gap and things change so fast particularly with this segment of the presidential election year. and to jump ahead and read
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try to do that quite often but the instant e-books they can provide information to help people analyze what is going on. i don't think publishers have figured out with business. >> those who have a strong political blog put those who have not have added one. where am i a truly doing something? >> host: will you do the instant e-books? "politico" does it. >> the topic has come up. we have not found the time and the place and what we have done this the e-books
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on the rather than going through the whole cycle that is what readers don't care about you have to have a pretty good lead time. we have had a book that is very topical and timely to put as the e-books. we can write and edit quickly but a physical book would take several months. there are single issue books, those that are dedicated one was obamacare and energy policy.
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but that angry report it change overnight with the lot of new techniques. we talk about releasing the book with that e-books to gain interest. the new media environment offer is ways to reach people in the that is what we are about specific we wanted to reach people. >> host: we are out of time. marji ross president of regnery publishing and susan weinberg publisher -- of public affairs.
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>> there are two wonderful books about al qaeda and the fed taliban and mr. jones from the rand corporation and david is working on one at this time. a lot of great books come out every year from journalist/historians. the steve jobs is a perfect example it was a phenomenon because of what we could learn from it. >> host: what are you currently reading? >> guest: i read eclectic a. i read a book called blood
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not this also about the 48 campaign if you think this is wild, that was wild. strom thurmond and to the end the first election after the war. terry anderson and how he decided to go to war. my wife read catherine the great. it was mine. she picked did off. i read the lot of essays. i open correspondence with donald hall about growing old and it spoke to me. i am not of great writers. i don't pretend to be. i am energetic and good sometimes but the great writers move me in ways that
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