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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  June 30, 2012 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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you can ask me about policy issues, if i have read aout it will giveu annswe. butiaryg to make a case for the 3e economy. i need to tell you through the lens of my inexperience. i go back and forth with lessons i have learned. if you canno recognize i bok
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w . it was such of vivid place and to see from all whole different angles because ngomoe h world the smells, sounds, at accent's, i you walk out the front door which is haf the ze is of the room it might be the multi eni eat. roi hse a inlaundry. on the corner there was of
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ecosure pizza parlor or the polish plumber down the street. then i realized i was not jewish. [laughter] i knew there was something different about us the cut is our kitchen smeled the fed may. t ul t keep a kosher kitchen. my parents at the bedroom overlooking condi island. a but there is no door on my parents' bedroom. i had a crib nd then tht ug myis lob
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caught the kitchen looked into the identical thinhooone. i don't know what to relativess exist. mrd sc waouvers. ng beautiful flower dress and rolling some go. a was watching her.
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e d ake ur al , inro , and rolling it into a crescenthnti are edoo em amch the movements and becoming more and more mesmerized. and then came the aroma of e goodies she did not look at me once during the ill period until she ut on indowsill them
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looked up at me and said you will come. i will give you to each. so i ran crosanheou hnads e to place the warm food into my napkin then i saw a series of blue attoo numbers upper arm. i did not ktat ths iesin i t ofa ie d om my siblings. [laughter] hard-working, we were poor. why did not know that.
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i sadmscdee me cookies and i sai why did she have numbers on her arm? that was my first lesson of moral philosophy. y bedded was a moral less than. otr nevr graduated high-school told me you know, when you watch the western's on television on saturday morng? the cowboys le of the calves. what dthey do fear eympio with a brand. why?
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i saideverybody knows who's it is. she said that is hatpol to a seianei mi that is why you have tobe especially nice to mr. schneider. he was a little off. they had a ard e. age this is another lesson. in the sentence who said there more polish, chinese, puerto ricans, refugees i thought that was another nationality [laughter] that they ame r
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t thecatoe. and repeatable come for safety, ths became a lends what i sawwaseng heegeomt southo ogpu on them. of our if i hrd what was is going on in thank you but oredie up. i was understandingte thh asd thlo how human beings should be treated.
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justice, rightness, morality. it was not formall cd er bumig. i grew up and leaving out to the of cory details, 13 ars old i did notc back to my unt6 i was away 13 years and i wondered. a lot of things were fun and things that were terribly emrrassing and very sinf. the father mentioned i was an acquaintance of jane fonda. aninvolved with the campaign.
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temtet boycotted gallo grapes and i still don't drink gallo win but not because ie enon.oycott.e th pxv there was a sense of justice and talk about it and that maaliz or disregded. thholedy t cohego a friend of a friend gave me books to read.
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that is the best way to know me. have the argument. du and 1/2 to educate you. i tried to keep th book co nnd that economic are at -- arguments. but this is what is distinctive. if we don't understand human beings that we don't understand the purpose of freedom. we get confused. much less free enterprise is. that is said dialogue and debate in the arguments of ha sith took
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place one of a period of six months they and the rst conversion is i unerstand prive property is not right to to own an object. material object. fundamentally it is the right of a humanigveelnswihe la tha pca catyodns d that with private property. and they are creative with the resources, they
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obs rlvleed from an art hoey become of service. we'll was in the ground for centuries. thhee loe useg be gy placed them ra resources in service. that drawn-out from nature, and th he men capacity for thought and ingenuity this is what private property is. omiciscondil ac.oeuma
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if we don't know wh we are in the choices are very thats bm gn i asked myself the question why do human beings have this right? asa mhyl understand n cotituted? then i bump back into god. ving other things for another book buti a
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the basement classroom the could you retainage dain untat ti saying the pledge of allegiance ishlu later on they can draw on bad. the answers that were drilled into me. she seemed so tall and old th r cl- 60. i brooklyn we were
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obedient. ofe tit me my was a composite of spirituality all of these things i learned bgan to fit in. they came inopa wt tnfession and wetback to mass. it is a funny story. economics led me back to my faith. they say this with e tholic vocabulary but hepece te
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solely from the catholic perspective. i am attempting to reason wi people and did biblical answers foroenak n o o el tot. very often people mischaracterized or misustand the point* i tried to make. i don't like the word capitalism. it has marxist overtones a is to narrow the economic and not an advoce of the tr t baptize karl-marx-stadt four ayn rand.
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cazee aty gospel saysi nithor you are because you have done something wrong. liberation and theology canonized the fu and deonized of e . that the rich man was not in have been because he was rich but because he was proud i am sorry nine how because he was rich but because he was proud and lazarus is not and have been because he was poor but humble. ma wbe
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ruwh people will rise out of poverty. charity is imperative. more for us to gi to pe t iu m we give them the because we have access to jobs. un president oflevls that is a powerful engine. d byhige pce ue rsu cibuwill it be virtuous or moral? and to understand the
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wewhecieof our existences at does not overly bog down in the head the metaphysical language. thadistine o-strdn and to open for a discussion, there is a general sense that as i get out and about and have an opportunity to speak over a wide range of professions and class's andclities soinisy g
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t that somehow we have lost our morning. thaacold tut is this the end of freedom? if there is an end for thn e.t it isa iedthus th side it shot up above the house i noticed half of
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the tree was in full bloom thhe lf d i saw one once. negative solyndra a tree helokduheso e hoe. howled te davth and said the tree is dead. how? he said that is the illusion. the sap is working its way thugh the tree but each season there will be less and less sap this rying out wali alreadyxitednt t ow nt ay
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fall on your house in the michigan winter. i think of the metaphor. i do not blev h ib it dee ss i think if we tend to their roots and reconsider who we are and what buildsthe instition of freedom care. saen and if we reconsider who human beings are, not by class, race, geography, but by their nture there and
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atab. ue freedom will not be lost. but we have to summon an army and the men to nftlepe w th you once again for your attention. [applause] i am happy to take questions. >> ih es tumndpo to take somethg that is neutral to create
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something out of it, nothingator enfo se economy. can you distinguish? the second question relates to that with the trajectory of the unitedstates dependence on th state people's lives. is there a point* you think matches the truth of what you described tending their roots? >> very good questions. let me outline why it is far more difficult to attain a unantcod.and prouctivity
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the theologicalresponse is a basic economic response. aeconfthir lol. busta command cnmyhe central plannersthis is no judgme of the central planner, the nature is when yocelly ed isre y t . the value of thngs is not
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what the planning board of wed rk cnmy can plan. with the process of entreprenuership with a system of law that protects nu ativ. whenw e exchange of knowledge, we know when thain are rare or more abundant or more available because the price goes down. this is not something that this theoretical. we remember the alliance been the soviet res cal
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anecy. that is a reflection going counter to natue that human vio ct are constructed by reason in their bound in ways that are different from animals we are bound by reason and creativity. if people e not free to riifple frat to anit dend eecte and that plays out but
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humans and have the right o to free initiative. d healagt cmi one socialism cannot calculate depending on what they're taxing or controlling wl and vetou is civis sets presents other questions that go through your mind at this moment. >> you have given the emrical argument. >> the first one was. tere on i >>.sor
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i don't think the free economy will bring good kingdom of god to earth. op it is utopia because it does not exist. the latter part of the 19th century and dignity of workers h nto n ot w seilanat uee was but creativity but that is when it the world was first
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coming out o daf ivgep have had for most of history. dite ha e way, things were ethical question. >> i the book. >> thank you islamic the word catholic only popped up the dozen times. is that a marketing cision or there are all made some many catholics? >> you give me too uh it [laughter]
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that is made. i am a communicator. when i sat down to write i otthndda messpoeao. with non catholics of various sorts are you then nonbelievers except speaking at theou soio. deonal camyssenals argument is natural law i tried to find the komen grammar and that is what you see.
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thb is where you talk about charity. that you had done some charity work and t oths u touh was taken away from the pizza place? then you realized that you took ay from the hard working people could you expand >> iwas hard. i will recount the sry. d o wthor
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at the national institutes of health. there was a baptist church shs nrur hen rdedd e wrote to the women's groups fit -- and gave them a recipe every week. se thing then they would descend their chauffeurs. we wouldome there and set up the whole thing and sat down and eat. but she said don't ask anybody about their lives. we don't care.
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n' opol is i remembered two redmen got out of the anntw heeiy he . they were going shopping and wanted to go tont of the line i thought if you have enough for a cab and to go shopping kitcn? soup i to c n k. wet onda i a cip and it dawned on me we were their competitors but did
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not have to pay for insurance, red, and ss h don't we don't have the means test? ulyuheutor rie money or something that involves them? this is well intended charities don't think of the whole picture. a lot of good could come from engaging the people and getting to know them. but instead we went to fishermen chips and a family reraoig hat p th ybves people
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had the option to do that if we did not undercut. those two ladies. no. od they tried to work. i first third -- thought i was hardhearted and economics but lize lat ie l oo i edm tid sphe. at one point people came in and said these people have have entertainment. they should be able to watch
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television. thsaoue treat them with dignity. the sisters said if they have alternatives, then let them go. we want to serve those who ita asti rot. do need to be distracted.y we know they are dying. we want them to be enveled and we want to be with them. she was very tough and a few volunteersleft. >>w priate your
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presentation. and bottom-line question is the way in a academic jue.ourse soal [inaudible] free-market and in the thtsneic etwa prtatight and floor the free-market. >> it is read treatable and i do deal with that to some extent.
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ie ond. for solidari, the terms have been highly politicized fomirgi et away from their original meeting. justice means what? market is thew which people are treated according to what they deserve. scholastic say the just prices not abstract but a market price that is ofan ens by their very nature something more
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than that. we need to rememberjs is nsasti, is eager, bass and indispensable. you cannot have any typof civilization just with the antitsis treatiple juice needs to be seen in that context but it is not the goal or the end. we could then the just society that is not a good society. a free societ would not be
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odie when i die, it is not just this i wil plead for. is mercy. icvla o ve wut what we need is ad civilization for people to concrete lead to love then there are a st of restrictions and this recent bateo over the manda afabar act this government overreaching
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telling people of conscience they cannot ildhnd oleror ut that is in accord with their value system. dojy're demanding what is they have a certain dignity. the church invented hospitals. the modern hospital is the invention of the christian church. for them to come now to say this is the way you will d it is egregious and to demand a buste art ctthc
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because it will not me forced to engage n this is anti-thatt go to who we are. d serve people because they are catholic but because we are catholic. to go by the mandate to wait cannot serve without regard to religio ro ased t ef htol g erl3040ar i have full whole list of words that i want back.
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gate. investment. [ltea >> could you omment are react to h vatican and co for jusice and peace nine months prior had issued a document on the role of government and bank gained control. inyespects it showed a
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sensitivity to put out a sophisticated did document bo m aben down and any number of pieces of writing. the fact they call it the vocation is encourang rof van ci yo e ov. tiy hen tpaiantext is the laypeople have a role in the church.
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you'll be a special minister d gter ry ad al i am not saying ther is anything wrong with holy communion but added this to affect the worldeayou are formed as a christian or a catholic and you expect that area whether it was lourdes church or homeward changing baby's diapers, that is the dignity. to bring it around the altar >> is there an audience that
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abthtesessem reach? priests and nuns of a certain age are hard to reach. shops until recently have been. nontnaaltd journalist. thve morning they are just shocked. this reminds me. there is an innc
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iesm eve when i hear the president speaks about the gospel to be our broths and sisters keepers toimmetjup oma thelf state to my have no reasontobt a natural flow. i am of thconviction preponderant of communal and social responsibilities ar not to be met by the te car eople.o
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that audience is hard. ennge.d to rit is inhe lime please sit down four confession. u will not shock me. i tried to write with aock nsof humor and common morality and don't think much is to be gained by throwing bricks. not to say i have sharp elbows. i came out way. but not to disrespect anybody. >> the acton institute based mianl of us know
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this but the trade is over here and grand rapids is over here. maveer filiate's isbd thank you very much for your time. [applause]> i am an avid reader. i am focused on the chris
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ke being chairmen is we can ring people in to talk about t s. wee broad and chris matthews and he spoke at the library of congress to all spous for it was an incredible evening. people could ask questions. they saw theersonal side of kennedy and matthews did a great job research and interviews. you n read the buck over and over again. pelyod u
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ad especially kennedy is love for the see. cawoe asssinsand our of the turquoise palace she has come before the caucus. sood who grew up and iran, per family had to flee it ifictn but moreru sant e ia h saat attempts taking place in germany that she chronicles so well.
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atcltu and at thee system andcurrent regime. reg.inst but certainly of ight reading is our own tim ryan, we had a little reception for him where he spoke about his book but pple in general, of being in the momentiacl a rating from john
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goodingndi. there is a very thoughtful side o i'm ol rme bocrthidnd auapco to reenact a the crossing of the bridge
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th v compelling bridge with the incredible journey incredible amerin hero and the civil-rigs er. rl nionu l. those arfou books i would recommend and i would be remiss almost every summer i would see my a list teacher at an event is "the great gatsby" and it makesfor great sum raad 1om 20s of the
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jazz age and of course, the fira t s symbolically a the describes the gambler and it hafle y drai e fit "il mockingbird." the highest honor any elected official referring to abacus bench with the incredible novel written by
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harpletlas will stay with us. another favoritea hs ral broadway in his cla. e my recommendations for summer reading. >> harry truman goes to the white house and sayso leanor oelca shys. we pay for you


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