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tv   Tonight From Washington  CSPAN  July 3, 2012 8:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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oed ud crsns .. and eir predecessors. they spoke for an hour about the ronald reagan presidential library in simi valley liia >>evenin evone. for ose ve n had chae toeet name is john heubusch and the honor of executive director t ronald reagan pridenal fatio ity suo ome l uhr onr me ifwhfeured oueoliype n in uforhe edgef allegiance.
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i pledge allegiance, to the ag, hetestatf er ttpu, whit dse ond, diblity juste foall. ank u. please be seated. i wasreng the arril urcialus to nt i a anyg lldohm, i wrn wdpressing statistics. don't worry wile this intruction will staron it thoughi prise ild ih sasth nin w l t isdioo e ahwf so ofhe mber con me. now, don't hold me to exactly is the source of the intrnet, but they rnd yu oshee h lo atys thd of hi choo graduates never read another book for the rest of their lives. 42% of college radtes never read another bk fe an% .s fie di ra ok year. now, i have to present it to the extent these peoplereadtheir viewabarnf t ate oghaint age-s ase trc signs.
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i think they re missing a lot. i say that because every once in a e tendeo ero t ogheny ft gfol s a woa informs and entertains all at once. that is definitely the case with nancy gibbs ineduf"t ids ." earaoo we htoat idal bch has b theest, in my unbiased opinion. and while i am handing out opinion, having read nancy and mi s, aete wi t etokhsc un anttints heery ren puher time. now i know this because for me the bokaay edto e dnkt ve ge iko n' w ee was a presidential clubhouse across from the white house were only former president were allowed tostay. anidelidn'ns prenaghogh preninho a e lytein sciee a handful of discourse to such such revelations througho the book. and no wonder, nanan ik tw tosle wrs nto at"" mane hhe aitharth
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odes a e reputations required to write such a wonderful book. so ladies and gntlemew , senn co, y s mildfy [applause] >> thank you. thank o t yjoorat cuitoion. ntstbyin in the five years that nncy and i spent putting that together we had many odd discovery moments ere wewr eani t prenys woleif g c toedhn etko gst rius t about the man recovered from reagan to bush and clinton and bush and now obama. so for us it's a real journey t sathaotwa led t er tn nhweeny,ni r e a arta thinking wow i didn't know that. d for us it was a journey that continues and peopleeep telling us this we didn't know. t inomes oadewa br oa tr anavstau u t in 1947 mine before he ispent
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as wt epadee ineas tiip thase ne acly dwe s ngde midhe had gone to a german fundraiser in kansas city when he was still a demot. d d be la tatenh beinsit cr rli i srcka how his relationship with her public as they come p the driveway i saw over and over again while the president isa rin thveerwhrvs aninef esm t f bcl. i wtoanhe piehr. is a cturen te cer of time two or three weeks ago. it's never been published before and so we ere hed s inheerub dlen lngt efgew bush were there to pick up the torch and in fact bens in, what year would you sa eli e e sesepadtbs togeer an unlikely partnship and herbert hoover, two men with nothing in commonplica pealnoathi anndeprha twrdaavry ic drohlnging plac in 1945 and truman finds himself president.
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and so he is ot one to stand onemon hes careharber ho hadl ahon thsthat a ami whisor ilt thwaho fad bexicompletely. whenever an event suggested to franklin roovelt maybe hoover could be useful, hoover knows lot nd ra marielor be hca rsde evwosam jecrs i tsihet er fromhe dead. harry truman ws reading reports is that asany 10milln people ieurorri ar bse cnt beodte soe etlow e evwhe howo ret tohis truman secretly mails a letter t hoover are saying, what do they want to come and talk tom? t twnet istustknmy . ge hee oe a erek. they're very suspicious of each other. nothing is going to come of this. within a year, hoover has ben given staff a a peent m5miar thrl wnto22 t, prmierad om t pope. his mission was to move food om the countries that had it to the country that need it. det id fofirparsp eedfr oue po dre
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til differenes because they both are so committed to what needed to be done. firsitedaout e loicre fy idanmes prend o he ths e te two men meet one another on the platform and eisenhower's inauguration in 1953, hoover goes over to greet president truman says we shoul fopeiscu ans cou t est,l he cry. e iwsmtogil fountion story, teasing each other in the platform except it tus out that the success has presidents become more and more and more real. so ienho15 dof e anllce mag il tfm priden. linda johnson chris nd secret security, secret serce security detail at mf estielcotead ajeomth h hofiibesy betra errd nto h esm whhoba richard nixon as the clubhouse which john mentioned him which only one reporter inhstory has ped otido. os wasifcose whhu clthe ess secretary was to be my colleague and he said what the name? [laughter]
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i n't think we know anything abt hs 19,rd on est istial ta fthllnt teas, were sddenly exiled linda johnson is going crazy. he has been snt home his term is done. he decides not to run for reti his le az 'sndkg fise ict ll tteou ed coer lne i ew t stay. johnson was driving the nixon white house. was a straion hatnon finallguin hu ge lngn ofi pltoy ni i tlt a as ne tirce tti s named brent scowcroft got this assignment. and i guess that tells you how i found t about the ty teybaslye ruwnnh iséa sq es s acerests can be and stay organized, till today. it's recently been reovate i did recenygtde. frso tnctou onu'averye ylf cakinw lyrpo that. i should tell you that the thread count on the sheets is like a good trillion. [laughter] there is a ovelytle elo thveovheref wap henind re swhhed wau lw dgo edbesi oe edt is is what of my favorite stories is.
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we all love reading presidential biraphies. wer oer kwllad e'tsoatga ogie ey fraady are treasured to sit down and curl up with. one of the things we wanted to do is pull the two men together and lookt relationship becae tiip wherttti on te hngerd bykit liy otares tie o mi wre friends and allies long before reagan w president and long after ike was. so much so thati 6ad6 go rd gawa beins rer eld cirug gooriia a diynkg abt th presidency once he was elected senhower and getting to pennsylvania is watching it. never met him. 's rding evethinh a tg vi, ly igbyraa ikheom. an stlgio rte leerto some of reagan's friends to help him cope with the charge from which it most days is that reagan was too much of an extremiso present the puanpry nh'ste ogan ugto hogh lear astonishing. they are like, for example there was a charge that he ha ben too close to the john birch society in the ely1 bu kint nh's cipfrrean
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to have. find someone asked this question in reagan should answer it this way. he goes through several leers and is doing it whilni tr tek g na hheerngsp ofenrli e 67, 68 b reagan is contesting for the gop nomination against chard nixon usedto eth rside nd dte a t artiimer' so t u i famial -- >> as you understand it better. >> this is the bohemian grove. >> this is thebpci igtak at tu use g as ou hthpenisho tiip blolo before anyone does in politics. >> we were stmpedht. hi t oemnve e er o, 8 uss arxo tleou meer hr the grove that summernixon was giving the big pechuhoe buenre wd d mwieabee an yw tveseg 98at heegngcot the primaries and pick up delegates. he's got the right wing of the reublican cmpletely or peo i ilmbuy t sth stlobooud re.
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he n ou i ulvae the lock suddenly having contend with the newcomer from california who he had met just to go back in 1947 when he was a young ren eykneathn merrndo ea s. byise,y'n opposite sids. as we found throughout the story, these men would be friends, sometimes rils lg rehe tred ov fi ths ie. thstyopoay c time, or right after nixon had started made his comeback after waterge, reagan a presnt anige try ben oo ewhixec pdee te ea aid ik nl ane sers nixon, as is giving him dvice beforeou thieves' yrs t mm an wbandom est 18 n e lecelr, with all kinds of avice that could appoint and how to conduct your first year, he would say, i'm yours to odt a yo ad ha t nerships, as with reagan and nixon we also found that presidents are the same party
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often have the more complicated time getti a witeach heansis fft ats. we eup oa. soh est a idcln,io t relationship got off to someing of a rocky start. the 2008 campaign was bound to be a little hard on the. but h gtgo cln m whef dinatamn,y oul mbhaen obwsiog mod of presidential greatness vision, it was not the last demoat to geo witwo e i itus whet bl. as n egwowth plamaghof oene o se clear vision to the country. it was in a vision obama agreed with, but what is captivated by what he hre wth at re kwhhete t tou wbl brthunalwi m. an ce i quellceddr bili ihts. and obama talk about the clinton presidency and comparison implicitly to break and haven't been small in poultry in a missed opportunity and aut smlti anoa aned lashoo u a t t aclyer ob is and appoints hillary clinton as secretary of state, he basically makes bill clinton signed a prenup. but all is that one annt loetore e isnhibl tiv speswhe an nno caad cnt seem clinton goes along with
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that. he says it's hillary's turn now and i'll do whatever they need me to do. it takes a lot for the two fnd hirfota l. i f hinf co thppawe itpn to many presidents is once president obama has been in office for a while, he realizes doing great big things is not easy. doing anything is not easy. dden teand mpsed uin inhehddmissa clnind n li unlee lok t ustbl so now we see in he newest obama campaign video directed by an oscarinnng a rr b ok s peg t n minutes, bill clinton. >> just before republican primary, one of different people run for president talked about is earlier toasire keatyld i hy copren rein oo ha naeadd the 2008 campaign on the democratic side was an argument about ronald reagan and which nan wa itngcoaa siysillb r ane conr wa ais t tpp aocccmn. the second will they have in the club is consolation and these are men who come under the fice of huge scars, big wlts enn veucul. ththbi tfr fe pesdien neon tlute 's vr mas fdsn me t
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ey couoofwth wealth and burden suddenly cried and things they wish they could do over. the one un we thy igivi ifa prerm g ths f kennedy's first trip after ike's grandson of course. i give this to her that er this is how manyds? veyatrayfpg tey,enr'ki nn the woodshed to bring kennedy came into the odyssey we organize the white house around his oldwas they can eiio atnh'sy taiehy noi . wd eonrenc d thae of . tht mbet't woing so well. eisenhower and kennedy meet and have seriouseth d'm nntofg ut no nnwoleanan ee dhi decision-making and would become much more ke the one that ike interestingly enough before they appear before th cameras and ededspc. itond nsfutty anmmte tld gel barry. senhower didn't criticize kennedy and ulic.
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>>fact olngk cossllio maag ys toesnhr 'sky hebloom is off than those at the kennedy administration on eisenhower person back and said there should be no witchhunt. it i mprn eprt ouentpely fon cypely daouimhit me isn e. >> which is very much like what happened two or three weeks ago. i just have to bring thi up. after george w. bush lef oficethub has rols trioe lyt thridsed n e a cut est rv sceic ass thing to do. his vice president can take that approach. [laughter] but when he finally broke cover about two ekoai' lycntrirismf tad gyli f nt oo esid i n'lie our president, our country should criticize our president said that the public role of supporting theren e ots. ai nzi me n,yes although we argu about whether eiseower counts as a texan and two men who had woed closely with senher est jon jo e ilrupuan t deat e t key' ssiooh i t oneenhower and as i needed you for a long time.
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i need you more than ever now. the next morning eiseer edhirndrito ys te e ou jon. kne ngn at riou lan a l pad. it's got a joint session of congss and here is that you need to say because the world is watching. e coy israize e eratgoto enn b des nd omto hi r r usro key' agenda. kennedy's agenda was stalled in congress for not going anywhere. eisenhower sufficing him to push tr thnoteceiow kennsaed thae hoer li aisenat unne w mge stability and continuity. throughout johnson's presidency, senhower placs xrin faea a heh alan coue meerry wou t ion me? i do one afford to think up an emergency, so, but some other reason why you need to be here but i need to talk to you to te point that there are mi ane e e t naatnh . hnn en seer tee. sk struck area. at one point johnson said you're the best chief of staff of god. >> is really amazing that ratiohip tein jooncuf out every time you'd ever met him
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attended a reception, just that he could have physical evidence of a relationship demand who then was themse isfr cerca thmefnwh gannte e ttealanwar sadat, 1981 on a vrion of the plane, like in the aiftor h 26, k e guys didn't like each other. there's not a lot of love lost between either of them. you can understand why. but on the way bc o ban onmn rad 197 is w alone on the plane, nixon is gone, hate is gone and kissinger is gone. it's a weird play mode. aneybcm . rze hav somng , thotedrie mo. th realize they are both men of faith in both realize that they were tossed out of office a little before they would've liked. i thinthey looked around and saw n are est th ghe gh sgege t wea. soarex2 years ford and carter across party do 24 or 25 different projects on budget -- on deficits, arms romeeplt. jonfobtbut
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geradoer im ogr. they werpromised by 1985 to give the eulogy at the others depending who died firs which is really a measure of friendship fhi pi20e imaranrn rt in the front row in tears , nanuethought very heavily in 1976. the club is like any fraternity buthe ndre e spl. twta n? oul autd besy >>s lthvi lld dvr make. >> when clinton takes office after the 1992 election, thinhas o haede reaman hiy,i pped ua th vigesis aneywaheention of varying degrees or anoher, but no one more so than richard nixon. he's practically sitting outside the white housejumping up-dowfai t li t s indlind inintok m hria f t -eoueatmif clip presiden. there's no words. then he writes a somewha tor d ri s a si. er tm as r thcolus btt tor . >>s coe hth idof ud sates. >> finally quit and call us and realizes that some of his predecessors t aeth
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is icrlyew oue d. anetrct s chasoft goon torsvet n china, that clinton after they become late-night phone buddies isn't just to talk abouforeign policy. he wano ta abo ht orze d htose istm. in ngp emriind doing. of course the president's time is the most scarce and precious than he has. he wanted to ow if he was using up well. and th first month of the esidcy hwas o. hwa cngon s doo hhke t nyse being back in the game but he says 20 odd years later this is still an impossible challenge. >> when we interviewed clion abouthishe sd onof moriposiofig prens leteo n hant a fo n imrh9. xohad just gone to russia. russia was undergoing huge change. he had gone n eaa etsi ths ofm. he oi icn italnnp in ed letter. but they asked clinton if we could have been in to receive anything now but he said that he otwsoysbe. ai'samg er haad mr d uosoinom do you kn? he said a reread it every year.
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when nixon died inn he tonwt ce thecya ekate missed him in the same way he missed his mother, similar, not the same. i often find myself i couc up p a chind thord. >>a yetdiry ththe o in er oit e. t at the chances of tat? that politics is complicated fami is really complicated. and e nline exrdy tacat idge hrtakr bugtt eis s te pren the ct served as a father or his surrogate father for that one president. what wefndll edhe fies thevedinss y,istte est tod en bush family to the point that they now have a nickname for him. they call him their brother from another mothe >> we get sou t. twoalmee n thalichest er s. threntthea 19en both men can't speak. this is later in the date obviously, but it's quite an emotional moment. a lot ofpeop asked , sa w dh lte sh? oh nrsnt advice? we always say and do reporting
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bears this out as much as maybe people wish were that it not true, that in someaysh tiwahemfr h fa, iaryiflt fsidea the younger man who would call thfather didn't say turn off the television. you got to stop watchingsu e r wance abthleonsts fa w bou. decd n tths had a lot of avisers, that he really only had one data so that would be the role would play, which is probablyteum fas oudae ywea mdeod e lyplen t ab it. this is not all code by. i don't know what the opposite of come by this, but we have a lot of this in the bk and this is one of ealest. saiheelns te olwe titig . if you look at eisenhower and truman, two men, architects and the way of the postwar world works very closely and effectiveltogether as they are trying t figure out meca aeurngsprpow th iof any io ts ro n selling reluctant american pubc and congress on the idea of na. truman understood toe eiow sregeis t ce soy sfee
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neots tears years immediately following the war than in 1948 truman even says to eisenhower, and now if you are thinking about runng, i would get out ofhewy ll avi pdef nt so hthmeo t wier am eations for by the time in 1952 eisenhower runs for president he comes apart and it comes apart badly and part mnly wh e tshn lu thiewewai t stp odcale stre ent h rtd ci sor carthy. truman was serious about this. he called eisenhower and mal coward and stardcapigng acss crye he se eiowasit e fiay o n stupmchy n setopren t it states. so therefore no surprise on a migration day he was still refusing tcoo e white housto pk umano o inti by e seerey maestptk thioubues reons. again, it's never that simple and the two men to find themselves again together namely ats,arul inemo 9why e lsiacao mefrte burial of president kennedy and they start talking about their own burial plan. in that shadow of their
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mortality, small thingfal . e th cba tr ds iehoa dotoe drink? day and that the at blair house talking and reconciling. and so a friendship that turns intoaubko nctiec ultehaeyh behr bistmefr b oa pren s important than the fights they had. >> that story had a happy ending. this one not so much. we have to tell tis >>onnoerev enpoca att mokiadh st archdxo dnohn. e remarkable thing, you remember the 1968 election johnson had decided not to run foanother er. al wdasre h ida aeeed e ldsoin a brhr. arxo ce hi own reasons for wory and that if there were breakthrough in vietnam that he did not stand a verydcf andta ti orbe eioy 68onncth rid n'liadn etab t ac talks. because his treason. what does he do bout t? s198 e b kdy ssedmlu saat wesehe eora cnttuntwa zone. i think part of johnson's
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caulation was what it was due to the country to haven tg pdecc a rpryd sagiea otias thstic moment. was an extraordinary moment of confrontation ultimately johnson decided not to challenge nionat elonemwary ryse asa yuda w next man to keep johnson very happy. this johnson during the transition to shutnixon wa a ta recorderse inhete e. as oe ony n tt cusy chatoh's ith y,hyseakn to r wbng papers every week. he really wanted to keep johnson te ded ape ft liia lbpy gejhson >>nieecon landslide. watergate is now gaining forest and in january of 1973, nixon's call johnson a sayyou owu t tll yori ihenand juelemo akon thteeiga arsed,ou know, we will reveal the fact that you were illegally surveilli eavesdropping on us 196 to whjond,el fy dot il ha
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arwhsily reinu in 1968. [laughter] the extraordinary moment of mutual blackmail. how is it just a novel f abtwweeriis nted sd rmi dafthayn jon oheat an h moment that that perilous moment in the american presidency was o oud. rrumadd ris. soed n. n ll ala. hictteyol neoge herberwalker bush is feeling. not every pesident gets along with members of the other party. jimmy carter has beenchale al e gh abec iin erattosom wa ighway kind of guy. he also has had another challenge. he left office at the age of 56 or 57. seem j caerme thngof n idinhy 31s, nh a as hrtves record. that is not an easy burden to bear. carter has worked very hard at s second career and e vdde porenc engot ffhe prd a e i v a i is ongtohrbu he read some books, starts doing charitable status. you know, hhas done huge amounts of things at home and overseas in the ls 31y. he tobribuso
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y-llnhv tu temepsh inbarben onore mision to some kind and he is normally delivered the goods, but he is a tendencyo go off script. thiss a lscmn t ot kin20 2 am ue hn it aenal pay homage to thcivil rights leader. carter uses it as a chance to gently criticize the otr man's son o habeen rdent ca hwaofsyn gse . elroas fr est upr ha ident. you know, every club needs a black sheep. last night because everyone ee in the club somethi to unite ar. cln dasdcaer or eas enn id h it coim assdit s g lln okay. said this to george stephanopoulos. you think you'll be okay, don't you? e t yant t abhes thubks iee rdei n is thescymompnt tesident. they all recognize in politics today, which don't work very well, the one thing that has to work on the web and it always has be nctioninapw d ct i pnc >>s hewseta wngth sentt,it interests aside. and joined together, make common
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cause around some larger rpos eeh rmn an rai erl coy rge ee chy aou t and signoff on herbert hoover sharing what became known as the mission. this is a guwhoe understands will dsme the tiewl rstu rn. tr kbyi t as ho hnstin ntnaalsi and e-mail in a president needs the tools should be able to meet a crisis a especially in the postwar ulargv e s oriman an n rma red ho t a reorganization of the executives that would empower the presidents and is essentially the great gift they gave to other presidents who ll t oizd raalthece ch awhesis d lefuon e thcttho reenhesiy mo twacu b democrat mada difference. in the course of gathering information, who very found of so much was ronga asf ovenathehdl nyit kndu t etisas ineor ate later said it's amazing he didn't leak any of this eauty ke tohslfse la gwao sr tedeit w reenor pde whll. >>seroarllte time. >> we see it again when hoover
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and eisenhower, advisor to nixon not to challenge thelt loth aeaycm nyusisaw d e s in te eot eiowndve b s to nixon it would not be good for the country. stand down. >> we see oveseas. >> we need a u mhe peulnsn ow th sti lt ama esd ndt d thast he time to have a prolonged battle. f a eal boroolryh, e pla er ps yit rtt prenbon pa nixon for which he realized his presidency simply could not begin until the matter was taken off the table. later he would come rescue il con ich n98. sikiehthsc aie p c t y elnt tdm t l were towards impeachment and in the end he couldn't convince clinton of that, but he word really hard to try tma thathe this tfeg urty stpldntko th er. f helping met twice. first in 1883 when president reagan invitedll the governors at the white house and so oth billnd hillaryli - era ur iam ri thlyertms
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isnoe e ma st about that. that picture -- this is the other cture, the only time in the time lchive 'sres odse m, llntnd poec pre-inauguration tour as a courty call on ronald reagan that a re a po crsnst y idorld pde retevt fig bts a pocln question, and the other advice or may? president reagan says the first thing is you've got to to camp david. he got to get out of that di s fhel et ine onind seatntid alt nil ed artwtosiy you need to get out of the house. the other thing president reagan have been watching president clinton during the campaign and fohis luallewir ohs kio sa is arpcip lu u'also played many roles of military opposition. d clinton as iudrnd d ga sim h t do so tenuallha fsutincithd etury plaza. it reminded me that he was
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eisenhower who taught kennedy had a pricey couplebut om a k wa eic dehscsr e rbojh y had these team up his sleeve about that. and it's not just in matters of policy that the men who are commanders in chief pass on tips. thissner est arla ustngthle pc eppasa er nus ofalhe private ones. clinton would learn not and he would come to salute every tim he got off the heicop ut assi rn dond wopan heen or. w in w pdeli waavof ior. as clinton. he said to him you didn't used to be such a great speaker because clinton and given a horrible speech one hti i88occ en hed, tabho ga speech? president club functions on novel is both high and sententious very practical. >> alternatelywa tukss thti ol ru iuuv ih ube of thi m tlu most real is this notion that the office itself imore important than the individual. whcu ne heart innd aiarlyenne adstones t ot sojaua00pren sh summoned the entire club
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membership to meet thenew guy. and he said at that teto presenamooe' ntted n ho uo n nckohe oetren the individual. i think what michael and i took away from this research waseen how these e men fiercely ti 'vay m s a r trhs arenty hiy rbete. thavry deep strong agendas themselves picking it over and over again ags ea mept erm r re rgntt bg thogr o ean itaam to do ths mom is still highly important work of just helping eac other beuse t's vrd o. 's ojo t c mp a oeaut. 'louiny s muf r s et job. once they do it there's something that comes up again and again were jefferson alled itslnmsrsre to hihith hete it a a vdfict job. even the ones who do successfully can be wounded by it and their burdens from having donei n he's vyf ophentyoou
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. e gnen anr aus ca yei it u m erst get it. i know how hard it is and i want to do a hard time. we tinktheel b aty s a aeba wis wveoue epr. tou very much. we be happy to take your questions. [applause] >> nancy and michael have been gracious enough tollow a few minutes at the end for questions. i'll ask is ifoue a quon r y h thopn thhh miho wanthemcop yhandl t t here. >> is this a situation with the firstlk een i ies h l pe bcus abta. and what i think we all have seen is that first ladies are especily where if you are trying to raise children in the white house. this seems o n ly e tejoa a y er hla lnn a tobgirls. as the mother of girls, it's a wonderful,lorious challenge in any event trying to do in the
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bright, white lights athe e hoe would be especll leg arinis uhau hol ieneas t inil ie spotlight. lucy jnson told ushat there's a reason why first family still criticize each her. itot hreerch ndl le usthofft . 's i mn e ls. e'kip that appeared in the library of 61st ladies tother an cnly i hn thisont t cathooe ng iqeprce viaiatthseocintrre theiss unique to presidents. i suspect it will not be long before it is no longer an all-male club. bur e g, vesenyeuven tsof pde emes >>e'otquon here. >> ever saw the photographs of e 15 16 shaken e hd prekeyeto ofoon t avie i cln d'eecoe stt around that time. but are the any photographs? >> with clinton because suect hd hn >>fan is preninso tis gnic from lyndon
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than that had to b 40 years -- >> the story's grave. clinton just reviewedrbr o n"hewkmen ayic ton ll dtw ppd as club authors. we thought that was good. in 1972, clinton is passed by orge mcgovern to the mcerhis esosoeo hege loau te f on. hopeless. who is the only ally they thought they had committed peopleun tepthe snur weafo gote tcmhegr thomagn t demand, right after the convention before they realize eagleton might not be the best vice presidtial cani. conchan te fmgve al br, vua to rest kind of sort of had to flip a coin out which one of them accompanies mcgovern in eagleton to the ranch tos jna inlo onas ylribaroe inhiid gll tea ged piture for clinton of lbj. that is as close as clnton got meeing b is r t amansiy wea eebe if it mcaoih
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strsnt n anembed he saw fdr at the back of a train somewhere in iowa. think it was des moines. i'm pulling that, but it wouldn't cou on i. eryo hasheirc eaaitoer lb tushoug preno he ccrsstwie er to him. is that they all hoped for. right overee se icn he idu tmn moy. thesmladin ronder democracies? >> i think what is aazing - buswt w. nim tt sieet srk ul dteca he wasn't a typically french president. the ench like to presidents andfatherly cool tiri [lte d ozs oos in he anderrco e ineyldba hict there's nothing about any of these guys. it's a classic american story. we elect presidents who don't begin to fit if b hng btasreananni d sodknedy. this club speaks around makeup
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andare out widely differing, yono bagrs. antnty ic in ce regroy re existed. there is no club that would have th as a member naeica. eyjuoof iatso rka abths 'vea ein tiran your association is a quintessentially american thing. b ee. wyornresh ittoe ano tbty ret whas their take on their boat? >> were able to talk to prident clinton in the first president bush andresint er iniethco est be wog hiokndt std hikhm qioefi k thwa quote. so they were very, very grateful for the help they were willing to gives i ks py tiop n k e oiner w tabondwo en gu izen that says it should be. so i think we got help from people who would serve multiple ests dea h fiodv
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>> we ha time for one or questioned. back >> t sitvecthhe rdent usrtmo o foiowith other presidts? >> well, i think if you were going to tellayoetet s ir tits, ersi w bon em orer wrb n nt newsletters. he offered them secure phones and inrest in all but one turned them down. i thina lof pele edbesi kof tt ae. wehd nug ofascu d f igt sointtnd er i don't think there is a real downside to tell in any of those ys of thathpng atinstisn teevftheik osabnnf e rentmae to rge walker bush admin bill clinton because i think he knew the two men had both in their own way try to get em come repeated for different ons,nablto me it ppr i k a ssygr pptsn hred mission over three presidencies and it took all three to get it done. that's the more important kind of blue. than ou. >>orrybout ftm al eonree re lryth
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oui h y oh r ng wus fascinating. [applause] .. iemndhaor togita. hed ud s grofplw like to form associations who wanted to always be with other people.
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he saw the fench aer wen h nisttehe e chth nids n amans mosca le r nd fromthat, he concluded he was going to put up his olossal statue and hae to y ohigtopho rs hmelaab p,ty a id clec entity. >> we had pulled in themng nd we moftesh t pen dle or >> i was turned back to my desk and during a routi paprwork dt 118 inon ers udus pln. cod el l fan tosrr cka violently for a stop in to the right. a was almost like we had been in t air as the ship was doing all thre-dimensional twisting anfleng cban a ghent,les ed, ngy skt p t ot epbakw i ragr theunderside of my desk increased position
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until the ship stopped moving and i could stand up. >> selecting a president as part of the series on cics textbooks for high school seniors and college freshman. td t eeal ocane tind prboori asgt d. ths is. >> so, good evning. we are here to celebrate the publicationsct idcthe ttpel. eleanor clift has appeared of politics and prse smmer and with her late husbandtm noouwa rind nddebs n e ci picadpo. maofrvt by your two weeks of life and memoir of life, death and memory and a fanatical politics. ous ow ea ataithofsw reou hsdy lyyeae and tom joined the 20 or so others on the first politil --irst tiade s anit r atee ftefme
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uncoie mtwho poland the czech republic, hungary and from the commuist part of germany. we went to auschtz. weo ently hfu d y te's a atan o-h veomplished in selecting a president, is to make the election system understandable by breaking it into mngbl rtvisita wofuorme icindtk exrbi informed. we learned what happens if no candidate receives a majority of the electoral colle. en ithe o eso t cethg re soe y oece matyre a hat is. so here is a book for the high school or cllege graduate or near raue nd i an elyo erplraft sc no l yat tthdu u i in respect for those that run for office. we know eleanor clift as a journalist, tv political en sfeuin es gh wmeyuas au tads l eleanor clift to politics and prose. [applause]
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anouav weme trip tto vecoiedteld c rin e ld war just ended and every time you cross the border someone would come into the cabin and shin lights in your ey , i cll saeb thidad al. gh cawa u xce life at the level of average human beings, and we did. soni he boorr anf o hend i ha you, david. this book is a little different for me because it doesn't espns hhwhat gepi doontlvi ansoipit d sawa account of how our political system works. to be honest the pubsh came to me and sgi atte tho tay i'renopothere arodri where the 527's and super tax came from and who invented them? did they come from t founding father hoess em? e ars e cenl ertin. buat tato wiowse a president?
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it is as successful as the first in the seri and if i'm n gi aoc fr se lr ale bkit wofueern riter to put together a similar book on how the senate works and david robie who recently stepped down from thehose sb ntedi evgh ouw ok weeto fill what the schools no longer do. for methis was doing the research and wking on the mari als rec f ti jukescusboy lethest w ti country, and the republican primary season and the debate is certainly a case in point. alough inegyp hy cuall agpeid te nd sh c f o f dain oto ot ede pac aur] which i shudder to think we are exporting som of this. but again, the way wdo it s 's raksbus be tayinlsat haen re crdsaeati arou s think onlyhad reall too plausible prospects, and then was mitt romney who is now obvis nonee d ioo thc ry o hsm i oitr vusso n ay
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lyir delusions'. but that's the wonderful thing about running for president. you don't actually have to hink you n wi. there arlotsferont anonemt ueiso uethpaplrm s oe tuom wn on. the political primariesth priferation of primaries that we a o ati re nomen. in8, u hr wthnoti utpe i a single primary. it's kind of unimaginable. power was in the hands of the party etblh, te isdtvo rfre ps fchw mpe ncly nnin california primary sadly assassinated the night he was to win the california primary. thenhmhysssihd n n 96igh al rfr we trnaz mmon ormcgovern and minnesota donaldfi thy edcop at ef arls ermeyug rs ri o brepresented in proportion to the population. in the 1970 to just four years
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late 40%f deletes mit oven w me thasfitcnve ipator for "newsweek." i worked in this week in the fontainebleau hotel, and i was really starry eyed. it wa wonderful twatch te lianmepltan toetaabie inay hyst. 16, % ols were women's of that gives you an idea of how much reform occurred in those fou years. so, georgemgve na ttvcself it ebo orgecna s rather shocked when he didn't win, but hegot the nomination based on the rule h ded wenite t ceytitee siiau t leg esa omtt. but george mcgovern lost a rather major wa unfa. he only carried massachusetts d dirict fclm. 96 jimarsa h orcgn had did and noticed there was the opening in iowasig po oondtg b e le oa. president carter told the story
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of how difficult it was to get in the pressi oa. sd tvionpo early in the morning and said they are driving to the tv studio and jody said by the way mr. president -- guit a ji b wayny hanyaorci? , gttre ia inown ts weg and chef cap. so i believe carter came up with a recipe because she was prepared to do virtually anything to reachhs ca ocusnee prenlth ini legacy will be seen in a much more favorable light than it has been, and i atually have a pie th is in pen daeabs wndiciaot jerry convincin of the arena stage to "to camp david, which is aboutwhathppee e abh dmsianchiand gae mpvi for 13 days and out comes apeace treaty. so i think carter is going t look better in the historybo anhaal reate agt m o irm chteti ort akid.
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carter did lose big real big to ronald reagan, so that triggered another new set of eorms eres 0 9 h deatarstl n sae tg o e anr odeke jimmy carter infiltrate our circles again and so they moved alot of the wer ayme gapceacto nd tat et oe lga e f what we call the superdelegates. rememberthem. they appeared in 2008and read about tmalt t'v behr wldcu cad, th noin f the party now overturning the will of the people was really unthinkable. so, i willearinsahi tltotho et hrd wfw votes than their opponent and you could name them george w. bush, th's n easy e to mb jo un , 4, thrdhj is88 t'noh to win the popular vote. you have to win the electoral college and its explained, but i'm ot goi to go thrgh it
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. ey ctan doavmestita lv today. truman rather famously ran against the do nthing congress and presidenobama is doing the sahi eesh for rnf w a prss uhikmt ey nsr rr of assachusetts, and something that mitt romney still is. in any event dewey wasn'as nserti reic rod8t ssnd tr sesly ii e oninoness, and that gets me to today's politics because mitt romney is broadly acceptable to the ei pe naytti pty n' an ohill i blhif a centrist conservative and who keeps some distance from his party icly theou puan tho apigageis mof bl p anse with romney and panned from the as an extremist and to make him wel in every onof the posio he ook n s y r t noti. owo i f n pah fng o plad paho. s n pretty far right positions on immigration in order to get to the right of
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rick perry during the primary. so i thik that is ntthigan ce l o da-d h political rhetoric. prident obama has demographics on is side, big gendrp 90s uproe riamomty roup f ipacs nd1 d y people. the wild card is how many will get out info and vote. ecy xixnths lihe etmn i koaa el fcia bichl. onthing i have learned in researching this boo is that george w. bush was thefirst president to be reelected th ppltngr nchytan. potoof the president of 48%. he hasn't really cracked 50 and stayed there for any length of timen quitea dn ilie mnahaternd k in bdo n eec igot two things, that unemployment number as faulty as it is as it is going up and down you know h idaneneit anhesdtmos thbereohem ocr, cobh n
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22. romney has plenty of experience in the debates. i think 20 of teand 's gotosa igo sd hgot thwrews prlywud offering a 10000-dollar debt and so for. but for the most part she handled himself quite peha obleyo ie imiarh deatolr id me seneeo o o t he si month out deadline that the president has no bette than a 50/50 chnce wineeandt at smeungi gg omwnij esete hatrs not mine. it could e het ieny g le thor o atd be wishful thinking. but i can come up with a scenario where obama winsthe election at 5 because of the deatophn trat bi bu t ismeke e ssear cou it way. in this book there areioi spes
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nh'secen e ecd il oea which sically turned around that the election because after all, she had won world war ii just going to kore would cenllvthewr rtphis ave tefeboig 48n hs heo nnliad he went to the 48 democratic convention and bacally told of te deck at a partthey have gn th risiofis coutth o he utik og l ra happen that he deserves credit for getting it underway. and then barry goldwater and is tremisinefenf rt oie sp orrvsig. esamog chf john kerry in 2004 which for shuttle of the things the would then ge th presdent eld, oe gs atistllg arla oy. thisodin een. sof the deficit-reduction package that they will forge after the votes innvmb hup c d aywy ti c d nd smerti reaney lyt be one two three vacancies over the next four years and
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whoever is in the white house wi g no ao ur ubc oicouhoe appis and then there's also the historic nature of president obama's election in the first place, and renywe eenoan dee raal u h on po ees eld id l ie neighborhood. the former head of the urban league and his portrait now hangs in the potrait gallery and he made htaenthat heugprid b's -eio m ita an ielc bse ama saou emn. and then he talked about his personal experience has the only riamangete dian on wn'nd ivawie e wuld be 77 in august so you can place the te and he said his parents drove him to gren le herehe unisi s caan shmt pe0 octd s er sd ca me he said what you mean i can't come home? his father said people here have much better education than you ve had threng et h ptnd aoi brungtefa rera bu ancmho sorer later, verno graduates, pretty big man on
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campus. his mother slaps him $100, and s fa sayyou nc ho t howat me d me i think a lot of americans are wondering if obama ses do we just say it is elonupndwa giaha ab boouhvdealth moucessly wecan do what wanda sykes the african american comedian says. she says if he screw up we willlame it on the hal ht gu aur] hawh itlit mod tiawys ep so with that i would like to take your questions, and i see a very politically engaged audience here so we can take this where ever you want ppe] pa don't be shy. there's the microphone. >>nkuc o y tein senton icuutatgig it tox he schools. how has it changed over the years? i get the impressionhat is one of the reasons that you are writing this. how has it hangedand w, and yocan oadw anqe - wilyubeke urkle ss
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owo? >> have exchanged i don't know that it's changed. it's just been taken away. everybody is looking for ways to cutgs scs hotht a esxoanki hers asivi cj doesn't exist and sandra day o'connor, the former supreme court justice, i mean, she has turned into her life work lkinabouth ofcs edion d trey me f i eav u h blr hoey g t market this but life and they would love to get into schools. it's not a literal ext book s readleta n scs ho b t mdn' t. sohiititbr te oin readable way so that people might actually get something out of it. builhtw er tog lehe o' explain -- congress right now is a mess a it has gone beyond the point. but wedid get a certain system, th t e xlin soththl ron akacr s book i hope. >> i have a lti part question which is to you talk much about
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eae y ada s an tlghewae ri yathte public nominating somebody come and they couldn't get what was it, 100,000 votes for anybody? >>oue talking about er y neaki me reg leki with them, the head office is down near "newsweek." i spent the morning listening to wadb bus ol r whe so theotnggie bo ot oi o i dothjo huntsman becuse if he wksy as inndruatunly wn unlikely i could win. i would split from the democrat, but who knows. t's such a crap shot gooriwo trinrpanp and really didn't succeed. is that really was about the best they could do. he nded to get maybe it's 100,000 itu oevn crleem he idw hewor kind of lottery they would pick somebody for the oosite party
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or an independent so that you would bypss politics ait'cet th butitaow th omjs ventura of minnesota tried that and the thing is youave no party base and its ad btde wor inkte womf e nn tra a oan hy ou tarint give back the donations to the big contributors but not to the little contributors if anybody managed to tteroce thav rte mny rw pifk thmsneaa d y aiarisju hmpns nthen for all the little subsidiary organizations haven't played anybody else succeeds in this climate. you have another orgazationo la tthnth fehecai. thretg s aclye e congress work. they would like to see a filibuster reform, and so i think they are a positive organization, and they bng ople together from the right thfth le. fr aesweei o ah 1eti weooh r pas, oechside. that is whenhe walked out of the neck at the convention iran as a dixie n thn ou nrwaaas bl,o drnges sot d ba great
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time. [laughter] now that i think about it. [laughter] dn mrti h oo once anprwo eege mits i believe they supported duty and i remember asking my mother why and she said because he was number. aughte i n't knoif hwab hewa g tllm ch >> a iltyug birmingham jordan, but i have been through a lot of politics and worked in the congress for ten yearsumofyaao decatmen pocaat declared at its number one goal to get the president out of office, and to estik st erngewne dto pretd ou remember -- >> didier velte elections but -- >> i don't know of any parlel d whuhn8 ams ahnonnd tit rpan weeaxed. th thtarin b in wilderness forever. how are we going to deal with this? the came out pretty quickly in part if threporting is correct thatn uepte whhsbeuor oe
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mei rlican candidates that on the day of the inauguration he w counseling the republicans to ju opposwhatbmddan it sume upnxa dhey ad off rather handsomely in 2010 because they took back the haves. so i think e strategy has worksotr o o'knweei emd hnkmitt rmney does win, it will be very interesting because he would probly then also have a republican house andrepuc se aomwlene al hwl. he il bltot u party nd that is how every so often even jimmy carter said he would be comfortable with romney in the ou danoud ite callfia er deatysago rn assse e was fine as governor. they are not worried about him, but he would have tha pr tng e s onewy d tivew 'saig bl viac t ntauveim s ep he is got somebody on the right complaining about it. as a its rc imano
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iie uesf gi t ro fa near u si observer its traditionallythe republicans run to the right and then scurry back and the democrats n to th left n th cryc. 'su oha fit ey talhe iquseonu t y hi anymore that somebody isn't documented. so it makes it harfo poci nne nd o intidmplia italiett th fail publicly. sometimes whenou proceed it's wonderful but that's not guaranteed. and they put thei life one . oumiomha nnams tor asveyr iha mlyeo niatowcaftit those skinny jeans. [laughter] he does look very energetic. in ldueson ngwcg hbe gnh ieeit happen, after the november election we are going to be having a battle with the debt ceiling andtebs er cuanal or r y avanrtinso yu m heb >> they are calling the tax to
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get him. it is the sequester and erything coms together. itlsgr poun ca tols he t aowy b tdoheve o de eeswhei oney s get elected i think he will have a much harder time because he will have to make -- she can't nt t elhe wl n xeint he e rtteaad oa, loim a ihasn't panned himself down nearly so much. he can make a lot more compromises. he has a lot morero. soink ifeik r bee o ic tsewud e be pti ly mahe oprse llsof their base i think the president is in a much better position to dta nihoi ts whn ro wht tcow qa aiseild so in the viet nam with the demand of his party. it would be a real confrontation but i don'think they can wiggle u fteconey arin aeto a. an u n t oc y ci o h s have felt that mr. obama has given away so much over the past uple of yeata i
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e hm ree . >>'rinwl ae t ere will have to be give because of the personality and because of the fact he hasn't been himself down as much a a'et oi. bu hade h pdeirey reer rn -n tohin an ll get along. i go to washington and the have thrown everything at thend i am still staing. owth puanairudra lteidort t g it c wh his dna he took it as a sign of wess hbbt er ice. itoom ln o realize they were not playing nice and it wasn't ging to get anywhere. >> do you think it's ky o veitmnrede buin d nthitug opinriod unta ttne gets elected what impacit will have on their lives for generations to oebc oao e emu jic thoue a stor is ony. ias d't understand why obama's advisers don't get him
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to go to wisconsin to suort ther. mg e ouee h. aheesy'oingo t,tieo uvowl iortnt for obama whoever comes out it is in the plus column. i don't understand why he doesn't ta a trip to isel ansifid otonf thewamane om be i. es h o oat and say these would get the votes and they are important now for him. >> to take those one at a time wisconsin i'm sure the stragistarok a. eedeedada n'% t people there is one supporting sct walker om the democratic challenger reicul cin t eeyrea ste conwotoly energized the other side. everybody there has worked to the max. i understand why they a no doing ta cothprcut deatriofmed e d se eteca hat featured the justices in red and blue ropes instead of their customary bck robes because you needo et across what'sa ke e emur ain sur le him t isfo otp. stpln'ea e e f n is lifetime and all of that pai
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it's never been successfulfg d i s anvrejsanusee al of the issues that are lining up they are going to do affirmative action. you have personho sf ng o t. orvatveet n fte men k uorsc way than liberals to command of the court yway eflects that t rctohabe id t wbela o anpsy rtre. d il n'no he will go to israel but before the election they may get a deal theia n n hti ertel ck h ldgtt ilici r . han good question. >> do you have any thghts as to wat ndiryftr inksprawa t sl o awhile i don't know whether shewill runalti 1buth t' sile
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if lit il tothitpr r hl. he is a man that practically had to shoehorn him out of the oval office. i've never seen a politician acldrs fote ceve a a y k oe hlahas a remarkable job putting a good face on america in these four years. and iksnrg ghd hnkk nd r haheused to be. pretty soon we will be saying 100 isn't what it. but i don't tnk that t g nmean nt on bud' hnat ctthhedmra wol clear the field for her. democrats are uncstitutionally ableo do that you've gotnew york e cuou t nnot toa at an mandovr llnd ati utth of the up and comers that are odierno the white house and they are probably more. i spegalt im ewhm nhsy th oyor atto idmalming fld. [laughter] if you get tired of 012th you
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can start fantasizingaot 16 wto yopio raml. wouasng an insider and i feel he didn't do a good job at allbecause it seems li therepbcans took thii nheaa icnahe a huajy heoue saikjsfell through. >> i think the mystery views of rahm emanuel, some people love him ande d a ryo d l crit d ethee he crbying an cruingplto match their districts and so there were not lot of loyalists and the people thatrcd eye tkok of thhuisth asaus nd hiok talk abot what is a mandate who has it and what is it? lyndon johnson had a mandate when he won 61%o hev in4 he ta. gebu 'tvin ar ein0d e acted like had a mandate and i ink president obama was shy about using his power. i kn thione instan h ped o fte reicwe o n hnaid ybto ata sio arrogance i don't think he was arrogant enough and i don't know how much
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of that is what from an annual's said fa o hhht hoeen t ra wel titorm it h r hi nas chicago mayor delete command nominate his but because that's where he's really startin >>n li tse upo uon thoff rta reerthwach thing as a moderate republican. and even the liberal republican who often upped the ante for exe th rs ea iade. ofh hn t happened on january 20th, 2009 as pointed out in te book whichas discussedercy s te usne ht rnhd wrn tdpt together with sarah kantor and other people but not john berner, in which the group really ge helo opti an om ind o the obama administration particularly domestically. if president obama is reflective, and h ou ineuh na ymcic what
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are the chances of creating the majority's to get soeing n doic im w ii a thrdeiihee straw often turn to foreign policy. although i think this psident has been remarkably successful on foreign policy in his first . bitbogsd ery meygn s t oiy staybushereen haa thsit about about that. but, i think you have to wait and see what the results are even if the repubcans maintain their hold oe houe, d y mjr byanst tha fsap types that seek the compromise house a dirty word may not be comingb nfhei leshurr t h o'knhhi neara tig johnheres moderating a moderate republican than anybody that might replace him. i thinkf t htusnd obaxd hsyse toe eid,te ys tohthths ch fo atli to prevail. and i think the other alternative question toask is wh mitt romney wn
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ths icnhue snilheat veei n dmcrc io frank luntz and make a similar decision i think not crtav ut apter act reo o emts ilb iney ictth the outcome in november. so how it plays out across in he pe wrand izatdn th osty e k a the future we've known t be uanded bauobto a eisthmahe gto ht inhe deac irso i tththt case. that's as close as i can get to optimism. [laughter] >> thank you for this. er ksocsn. pl] yoeot a ch tsg books. all of you please help with the chair ome. it was rat fny widw bu
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. but it sudnly became on their radar dillinger planned ffert cotrie wn tekihetue aredtunian exa onm imed h tigh wfahere is the khanna - room so rathe than being in the studio as an anchor with producers left and right anesearchersithan earp givm e foio aptel meolne a e tns e s a paenity found having dozens of twitter floors doing all of those for me so i cld essentially do anchor coverage he revoluons d a hck whenever their
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duties, don tura cticey thendo t ea y do'ta ul s le nthe titif fou ad offiwawsc bypt fier te g er ed was the petty offir getting ready it's a phrase we still used today don't let the cat all ofthe bag we don't want toee ni h cg o bar hlg. isbmopridt author space ferris profiles man who ran for president and lost it he recently talked about his book at a bookstore n boie da thsndno ppla thank you my dear friend for
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all the work you put into this and for your introduction and pat sullivan who helped organize isnk oft n in ot os unsiolalcce umetd and 's a tworit's t an association. also think you to the owner of this wonderful book store. we discoveredbo hi sthe vs pet otoosh fily by ano spav t ksth hollinah this at some point on c-span book tv it is a great pleasure to be here. so, what i'm going to do tonight is give a talk abuhw a inpren cig veat20 ti d he m dli spat 01 election will be featured in the united states. i'm gointo bin to talk about the questions whati tink is a etol pici thnnvm 6 02th nte dit beinad loser. [laughter] but the bold prediction asthis. for several decades which is hihmpt beskn nntesr nentitoryt tees lg andidate will have a tremendous impact on the political history and change the political dynamics in a whole bunch ofways.
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reo hhark t uis unes pic ade lf iaog 19ordmoctic nominee in the republican state which shows you are not provided in the world any way and lost. l yflyadenn letrnggie mmtnt en le dn a least maybe the voters let me down so that is the famous quote when he dropped out of the 1976 presidenal racid the voters aoe u o sttonk a heo6 sis bee mca geat country. anybody can go out to be president except me. so you worry aboutta. d akdifncat vea n i e thto ofy ideas so i feel like i moved the ball forward a will that but at the presidential levethere is a chance for fargetemp if ls vr grr acrao t f llsr edbleny vn cen thakmc work. i'm going to explain that a little bit and then often losing campaigns are far more dynami and far more prophetic than the nn pa w eyak oa wk yoa aentedt o ec t he as getose first. then we sit around for an hour
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or two waiting for the guy to me out and speak and the ones thnecanle liis ihsse sp aha sbeca lyn ghth knhath f sn elon sent or when the winner declares victory. it's only over when the loser has deeat. if the loser ys i ls talw t wprenu gt ime re hee ec w sten arou the world. in a lot of countries people don't abide by the results. you s chaos and t. ten n208wehdth idalpafr ve mtialai i08 betwn thfirs african-american president and the republican johnmccain. the losers didn't like the resus and so after all ofthe ol w t e0 opnder i e r nnief in mongolia and those are all furred world countries but it happs everywhere. 20icsrozete est ran tad ma it 0 s f aran0epe rrteo we are fortunate we don't of violence in our presidential election and a lot of that due to the behavior because th come out n santiate re c otto ie twir mord aneye o bcu wiscanongernor if
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the losers consent again if we are on the osing end and you say i refuse to rickize the legicy hw hge ? harick s i k ofterea i e book of mees h s hi doory tt we areetting to a point where such polarization we are going to lose this tradition. especially over the past presencs stinth tod ge u norckoaa, lemas anusng ri ry tiut strong democracy we are still a relatively young democracy and ther is o country quite as diverse as the united states having smany different etc psffntio dien n aacly lioumoy ar agsotsimta ht maiestaitio and try to keep us unified and understanding the government m not be thegovernment we wanted this year but there is a legitimate governmt il t rna to ai en erg om ck ttohe et me werlet d bee ae going to se some terrible problems in our election. the other way that sometimes losers have impacted wners s ofthre oroic d wrs 'sen ls he est uth i ile er stin e cift ast so i would urge you every major program in our political system must be first talked about in the loser can pay beuse it s le hub acanecft sesvr diln toer.
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otwaeygn anthri nme participants. they bring a different type of folks that bagby hasn't put dissipated in the political process before. mae ithe youngi bueyngn e o ifheond w pasa rgizd toosg pa a t tch tar r being a liberal party to the conservative party or conservative party to a liberal party and th eason they do that is a couple reasons. toahyw ey goto ee ey wo'titt th ti olngu ys want it to be 1948 you come from wahind and you win but in fact most ections are ordined by whether there is peace and prperindwa r t moph tos ap s tobl pe'sioey ab hsur bign nnmaor sim walter mondale or john mccain your sarah palin on the ticket and you sate m anha wthol rai b wene me ge we g w t owie goo lose so they went through the long pass and had a lot of excitement for a while in thataa
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omesuntobu o achlsoi. 're wetne wee o atssi thnid dte the parties are republicans and democrats and why one party is conservative and one is liberal. what i want to talu y o o ata nray y irhth ea acaerbe est. plemay say well ben franklin and the john marshall george marshall and although framaker eht. henry clay was probably the te legislatu in americ hiy. wheno itahe e ntes wle serf house on the first ballot in the oath of oe. ans teedrcgd wiisrsnsef motoeajowih ceremonious. and he's not the factor most
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powerful erson and it wsn't ways htwtecide that legislators get on wet committee. so he transformedand formed a part se tfeg h of. werfee ve ioa enstn jeffersonian leader and that mente believedhat goernment and the federisa tir pi etn thcotu bava y, a shiha could have dealt with it adequately. it developed a latterly nn hamilton believes ehahsn heclas jefon buln orha anyo else who led a group called the warthog's and the british aecp t covas ebi vy nrayher wa shor wndalstd wao because it was an absolute disaster. basically we lost the war. robotically they wer preoccupied wi suya le thantookve w thoueo. la ezeha so wettewar with america didn't have any industrial brave
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spirit of the british are blockading ourprs. ddh cucyntlb thiso ue euanioat it yotin we had the advantage of fighting on their home court, with such terrible infrastrture could move troops around theon antcomdiot 18 am c ngatl rn o loerisy. e icysis a brilliant idea where he was trying to get suppt if every part of the country wi the highest ta osre rt macng t hateia sta y h erceanb caastd om west without and manufactures more than a national bank with common currcy neaint was t hu asiv in haonefenf ng rw by that time the federalism: i'm in favor and abdicate the recession ring the war of 1812. there's brief time for a ran himen tnetyl eyhtst twa cehnadanother man named andrew jackson. claim jackson were keuckian. jackson is from tennessee. onddpidntjan,ingrini s, neeurly
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for his part henry clay never understood andrew jackson's populaty. ab et get batln w rd sa c n ust holg30hm quieybfoe omatmara sodi ne. jackson blamed clay for his flight status because you think campaigns are nasty now. he shouldgo bakto h aif n cued ly ftu olr oa. chauncey quincy adams was a minister there and they cleaned that jackson was actually he d courshe lin n bus ad sie pton rnie a e alarhf and said thecalled mrs. jackson and died suddenly in 1820 i r c firs t atmat in4. the rngs eranubns erreerb jackson, clay and john quincy adams. and the results were sit. jan thp vot t idhamjri heco prtas clas ke claim with the bad luck finished urth in the house of representatives for
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nsat tsaho ick ll re. keky sltu said crawford had a trope. i can't vote forcrwfor ha nr soll orhnncms. adthadayreofte people for he sold out his vote and m the reason i'm telling you all of this b w eo plaesrs we'ly relies jackson was so in the former republic. we started thinking the only way to be jackson was to be n. t llsae a co cttneey t oizaian ck. eeopheo a mmtee and every state level and a national committee. we do have candidates runing the newspars tislo onnder nap soolhv s t p a k today are faced with antipathy towards andrew jackson and then after we lost and ackson defeated cyin 8 anlag 83 ut sohaoiid pthaniod haow f separate party in the jeffersonian republican in this time we only
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had the democrats. so you have not th democratic party and the party arebsd onrifac cl sornte ie ce trdoomisha lpedvo civil war but his greatest legacy is that he maintain the two-party system on a whole differentwy a ased lts a y . ve ach le rtorlis wogome eyce fan broad-based part and potentially defaulting to the republic party. and i say the twoartyyste caof ig y hetideat d bl r ohster abraham douglas, so what good was he? e aho e anabhe 'scolid phis ttset w aelg e ic thosed mary todd and the president decided tomary ncoln. das w g li she a gt and agred debates, depth is great issue as he wanted to expand west to build the transcontinent railroads. he wanteamerica tost thnderprri d ththit e e erec t ra isof dk p 18wnaa ed
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to settle the west and figure out how to get the wife settled in the sthern states behind it as worse than what stays behind it. the best way t olvy weey tno etthan bfe fr thf se tese eyn the compromises by henry kraken which banned slavery in the north including the western territory, ut dougs sae, b thigrt ido as h otn saatroit sry avisy he ti bue leide wt slavery or not. it caused such a firesrm come at the age of sovreignty that n red from oti asy teplic , th ks nebraska act got back into politics against abraham licoln another great debate n 88d icug--plin oln de a ugwoe ti 86bocon ga candidates and their respective parties. and ogas ws th ate o ecrtis me ththied re dasnoo nt the they just wanted to destroy it -- they decided they needed to destroy the democratic prty. the democraticatse e
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ti itus i e trge. n meis n batsrere i naal nttus th d h ng to. and so they were very anxious to destroy the democratic party is sort of moe forward on secession. theyedpoee dla khe wa g to le t lad a er ty cino cigr m. he spent the entire campaign this in virginia and north carolina a said r linconi goto, th t asors sc. 's nn,ndibn esen at cas em in carolina. what the moderates purgatory to go south. they went to georgia and alabama and mississippi and they threaten to hahm rav tgh23ss. inatiolden tavtr22te cagnor short mohs. he just are themselves thoughtlessly. of coursethe ls dohammmefo acmi sositthm wen e republican rule. douglas became one ofhe closest allies. there's even a legend i think is true based on the report determin th themco dreey mea thtosrgt, igth truth. lincoln wanted to cost 75000
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men anddouglas said noyou n'w teepee yoedcot ong i s okagrese st butdi was at that point in time the northern democratic party did not know how to react to the secession. theyid in office or a republican problem hadothing to o prench sthor coy ytoger la adn kpt trther. they campaign in the north and the eulican onwr es hesad tonhe inbu ntot tane n. o in sve imanpef cvil war. had there been a fit politics and the democrats not been performing, had ben sba ma suheth crsr ld h puanads. e dra a raitor, but every traitor is a democrat. they did what they call waving the bloody shirts remind people at jfeon dis a yb le usfphou cr p rite r and the same level as republicans. so unions carried the day in large part very selfssly tes th i c geten y ecd a so why we have a liberal and
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conservative party with a couple other folks andwe'llget to the questinstohe cr p w p thid lkeig vent siy eltion also for an ip change because of william jennings. this shows you how politic can be extremely unpredictle antelyveo s n br, oficn89 d enouwy. 3ysoaarte known as the brilliant work traveling the united states all the time, giving speeches. this tiny section of at the postmont pe r ffg r ecmyd e rn tar retiaids fiiate iovg soeie. brian did this and he actually believed pretty soon i'm going to go to the democratic convention and be the nominee. i ink u'rezy bonohoa eyd hamti he hekentth ononio s coerhet thrilling moment. there have been a debate over whether there should be an open ly e oey ciat icnt eer xy,bu eap ihe te nsale y rcioi 96 papering cooling for nights like $5 per person. there is just noo
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asgdve e eciablsco gelleeitan h people to do that. so he managed to fanatical one of the four men who ar going to debate thislt th deat oenn sodidu s eaa prtit. hedn worry, you'll be disappointed. so if this marvelous voice. and so he got up ere andhs ng pe ic dium,0eo ay ermeisyu anp the stairs. and of course most of you are familiar with the clax of the speech. thesv saotes wnn b l t n fth d esp ous lhee os he said in you shall not crucify mankind on a cross of gold. he held this post or five seconds is completelyq ybstasind llg. lee ng reurmn 'roit becase grover cleveland. then i were going to nominate williams jennings bryan. he wanted to rgla w rehtih co x wotoe ri tot onbi i gutolr he w an extremely radical program. it was so radical that the 896
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campaign is stil the most expensive presidential cig htoryecau bigb i heeeal un eya epei election. they p innocent people's paychecks instead, if we fight you voted for ne o egs n f. ifwidocot ok n a amp h me close, but enough on election, the nservatives, small govrnmenttlibrpaasy to twhelkaea relyer apltl gerr goldwater. i remember it at in second grade i thinitas. my parents gave it to e thsfd reic rtd cova y. un iew and tom dooley had been the standard before that, republicans have been a moderate part. for some aommotionith aratin teired d alia cty thai ntoloo e thvr hagoteys eho. trm hesuf liberty. very famous quote from mayor o. so he transforms theepublican party as wl. blk tonlo d ge merikrr gote ot. they truly got wiped out.
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if you pick up a newspapr in november 14, theva eaoar ldr. hekenepe mb97oulet me thon o sto gegovern because liberalism is dead and these things were disreded. so what was tre 16yearsfe ydw, ldga n oe rv ain deh ests a n1 crch mcgovern created a new coalition of democrats who have minorities, around the highly educated actors. barack obama woni08. enmitcm vi ters. it showed how these campaigns can change that you may not know the results for decades. so let's talk quickly about the axis rehearivrsmpn. aginbo d w t odo pde m lle utths oer toomest. ck obama looses, my book doesn't change. i'm not going to talk about barackoa t'lkutys in pcn. reery g mi donald ump and herman cain. that goes back to ross pero body huhnyfr ldpsde anssotd oub
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id d oh i ry well captured a lot of imagition treats the people started thinking in last 20 years, we need to cbo and the turn-of-thcentury. arop mbotsmos. me he tk ou erbl grades? why in the world would anybody crack? that goes back to the 1952 adlai sts aioss thaive s mr te an p. puan t elnsio c t lowbrow campaign. when eisenhower would say some the status quo. excuse me, shouldn't talk like sohrcrhi i hoe crwihe e neleaprty and republicans have been middle-class stability started in 152. certainly in obama's aet capgn n128fi rocaicbein fost. mi ry be f la day saints. they have the same kind of problem. e ngaton wa itunore al abreon shovo. wovstse ideas? eventually housemates hadn't talked about it because people kept saying i just don't like
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c h in pritn. ll eso. tikem te erd pong t clear. they do a comfortable u tvethpe smit no one seemed to be giving an ch. when romney was up o aor ju oi hsa mcrhestlil pe natorsi in h otor tst 20 years is including in the wake of 1968 lead the reform mmoni leemb oppoes r is t open for all sorts of people. it works pretty well for the mocrats. eyid sfr ha mahetechee. thpuancito he a eofth reics adopted his number one or two ago requiremts. it's a long proess. they wand people to be treated ir ry otte thlk. yaa gawioo
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me. so the evidence about hoses in campaigns have impact, george mcgovernas impactier th er. iat lou w a co o hse hn. hed delight? pacesetter reminds me of the man who went tothe irish week and got drk pa o whe u ii e,t in t cn? 'dawhheti ro i t wthea buthit says a lot about losing candidates. the solo bunches comments. i appreciate your time. ank o [aus s cy nest hehipon s or hmp ainll of the champions? >> from attack but the other gu w weresrrg. de wea tein character. he was a model for a bold bunch of hollywood films because he was put in the gys w h an. he was fearless putting organized crime away. so use leading presidenal candidate. he was the leading preidential caate t6 ritr hentuabe t gooro eyrk and was
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an extremely activ created he fpey yt. wk weob afwowr ia th ecy adyse w v c a he was odds-on favorite to be harry ruman. most things he accomplishes in e ttm as op gipe thtws eri d ejs nddi dchwin 48. that's actually not true. he ran a very aggressive campaign. umanyou n key ano,t ata edeic. thidfi vwe with anybody and created a lotf bitterness. he did when the people were excited. bu it is te for the couny th wasery ant di owhvmeaia ilndamwatry imsi anldbere in his first term for the second term is a disaster. >>hvnoo wihepuan en gfrt o aniteh dete urn a very interesting question. we've not had had a completely wide-open convention so we
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picked a ennad 'tnrnr idarsuhrmi ads thucas ul titanr robert patton. the only other time the said meeting was in1976 remember rold rn legrl rd itn'ciunthek heven ofrs 1waila h to overcome the democratic convention. so to be wide open. if adsomething because of the delicate situations t we'te pobrs seo cki 1962 they control their delegaon. they s okay, everybody from the surrey or idaho or wyoming, this is how we're ing to wis yofhi tmr. d hannge ane. 'l e ha anma end up being similar to the 1924 democratic convention, which finally nominated a man on the 103rd valley whi tuhy'lgm cavorted juju in the big war? to see it to do that come up or survive in 1924 convention. so i think will be vey chaotic. agn, illeloto inheg. bscin yok li. >> modern-day losers get treated
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by media as real losers rather than respectable candates. what are your thoughts on tat? >>a erodst i apthalk outt. rs ai lwsn at. e atm h cy snominated three times. people weren't identified as failures bause they st an election. the's real goobook yo iesin ale bo lsoteion oflun ne hentt faesbe sed incident. well, i had a business but it failed to put them over time failure has become andny. ail booualbut dth d part of that againis changing culture. it tas bout india lu, er retihag ve thasosoarse on. baia eeo g because it gives you an image to go with your actual. it's like michael dukakis in the nk looking very out ofpa .. wsheeer?
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hetb ug te86 world series. that's all people remember him by. when peoplfail at the highest level, that's how they get to be ow at tooba -tsinbl ert ye mb ri losers. >> how much cree dense to you give to the theory or the thought that hedgehogs are bett atigltian at btkeonth r cht actually becoming leadership -- leadersh ability in when th're al pst? c yuph i so >> t wtyt me e pg dgs to the -- what you might call the big thinkers that are moflexible and note ea lgadgs soedh. heeham fod mh tat winning the elections and then the others do much better when they're actually president of the big thinkers?
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more fleib ink upsse ha e,oimtnkth heogei e rve teideas or more partisan like what you said scare people i think it goes bak to the eory we have a fragile democracy. th w na- tiwoyhio arattahi ini ite mes. ounkut ev r,wave a important issue called slavery. it to the country apart. i think sometimes we try to oid issues that are too it thofboonople veonnsp pr ch k th de eon tfyfos omuch on the devicive issues, it mayhelp you win a primary. you are sharing your view. itnettl thbde ic wh t ff l isev t yg . s bhs a ren. tplethatbout issues that are divided if they speak in passionate terms scare pele off. i tnkleree tr ng fat. isr ulayr saor rum is like mcgovern. the big ssue was the vietnam war. ey agreed the war was a stak hekeou ata mfbl sthm k of blood every member in here is responsible for the death of 40
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million american boys. so even people who might have ag w ak edeo onthnlartyd't trhi thth m s rick people agree with him on some of the issues. maybe on abortion or contraceion, porn is o th wae sbo ics op rdj kn's e o church an it made want to throw up. you frhten people. you thinthes re iu t n'rlv onaols epblwi at g oe the negro has a human being and as a human issue. he said you continue solve moral issues in a flil theter. u d p o. hhs,kn nttsth ther ppaymal es tsc. l nver resolve them. let's stay off those kinds of issues. >> how -- how do yo think that ser ai rng oiilrch-le t . howl a rnima chreenta w reice presidents are selectedded? >> ihink first of al, obably more vetting. think if yuoc vea w ld. w ecng i he ti scrm ink was a political
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cover. he was pixed too soon. and he wasn't properly vetted. i think they weren't quite sure w sho rct thhthhbmoie r an w ebo. so woman running a country and in the national immediate yoo ya and he was taken away from her family and the newborn child. sh akeswsesa yo scttte i. wiewdasay. inhheu it was a warning that it's nice to be exiting try to generate momentum. you ed to know more abou the le yolkutlot maru. sa i htrve dim dohnk we know much about him. i think it's important he be vetted. it's another problem with the nonation battle for the republicans ing forwar is ttifycwp notiar n ahig t te gs thggistnce es history was george mcgovern. he had not locked up the nomination befo the197 ti hutthuhrhen th e epiit gh talrn ti thitrlvit until the wednesday of convention itself. the vice president nomination was due the next morning, thursday. he hadless than 24 oursto
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thinkabut waseti e in t therxhte thsrd y d in tor o thay ey tutheame thcoen a pm and so they had forty names they're starting with on the list. part of the problemcgovern was sureldgt t key. out gvmwe na h tried gaylord nelson and a whole bunch of people to be on the ticket. everybody said, i can't do eyaht. th ckup me t mu tsor from missouri. catholic, urban. good with labor. they call up him fifteen mites. he said do you want tbeice id hed,yh,wl. hed er yt w t kowo ? ai ne eytnor. there were problemmings with him. he had mental health issues and ectroshock therapy. it came ou an it wasi ob mcrnpu b cod. unda'mhi 10aof course when he did did dropped him afe daysa ldlaie su e ul ach tinou. hlo eio 've seen the rise of the super pacs and the influence.
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how do you see that influencing mney >>e'reetti om ok 'sy. inkomthpea oe s. hin somebody said they outspent the actual campaign 5-16-1. the campaigns aren'tberu t cmns whhe v s e rp asin e'ocoinn ee . in it's fundmently changing american politi and it'll be interesting to see if the supreme courts ecides tovit cinsia iemgnanr, bea t$ min k. if n controlling the message, i n't have that much field for the campaign manager. whatospeekatmi t at. it si w geer it aclemoqtisbor ra up? yes, sir? [inaudible] 19e edeproo ofdti in 1954. >> you have a great history knowledge. there was a thing about davis in the back. i backed far chapterength exes idheonwithgh d mo noen p lu dhiry le wooha wendell in there?
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he wasn't a very important candidate as women. some people credit him making sure the uted atesf epfowwld thid t tet thh. roelkeemtooo brn and come back and tell the american people why it's important we give aid a the congress was bout readytoen e tsmhsbre pea. it s ovs. t im thinouthisth anged history, he didn't change the politics nothing about him changed the political parties. i didessays on everybody in the end. e'or et ou 0 saiehos naans i t n davis' he sproabl america's greatest lawr. he's argued more cases before the supreme court than any other atto. as in a wv d uone is e el oe e rarn the case was a gentleman an african-american named thurgood martial, they said, who is your idol and he said john. wh paewt ouwouoyhe ? th wi to on at thurgood marshall becomes supreme court lawyer. there's interesting men who, you know, they're on secure.
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whhear wi t o ig igounem a e oum. he a vty ver michigan the outstanding public school system. it was a natch natch list. aseg er ins. ronthris scis wonre he was -- but their interesting characters. it's a sham they're forgotten. i hope if m bookdoesn't do anything else if itoes lelo e s pe. oenfuxas ininpoihobe be tthis. t honorable men have interesting thoughts. i would encourage you to if you get the bo ok atei apl y. i eosndfurr wiheg. i' defensive about them. i wantto advocate on their and a half. they're great people. they're deserving in a better ple in histy aeyg y . [di gh , rdos you n't know. if you look at the '64, and '72 mpaign. you say well, r cgo ast erthonuel lo i hs. wi n gingrich or
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santorum. whoever runsthis year is in torea nan lus bar. e bls go notetftic i kthse a ot rr. nt.tal i up for grabs. the catholics had a religious identity wanted to becomemore republicans. esowch ie uny id ch 'sngomaim leman e s rabl ds it mean? i believe it's going to be a critical election. i think threpublican party, both parties are a n mpor inck oost hwwa tor te av o c e er wthepublican party even has more figures of division. should we go back to the center? that's what john hunman said during the cpaign. lotofo siehd tohei bsewar in nme eic a n hveb erchayhea goes. how they lost a what they said is going to have a tremendous impact about what the party is going to be lke in te future. uld thisencobe elacar hiy aw at even a biography about the poor guy? some people forget quickly. some people have a enormous influence. we'tnodesw . icaabit irnlv o ess wao g
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as andrea said we're going to have a little refreshment, and hope you all come. thank you for your attention. it's been a delighto be here. itaweroore k s adnk u i la coming iewn special weeknight edition of book tvts scth. enc fi nbins ae fflk oe tiipweur a fo pdeinth book "president's club." eel nor clift and matthew write about teelri c d tfiebk o id fi te n o rprdend lost. >> today for a very specific reason, i want to focus on two men in my life who wereaty ua. anknhewoldkeob y, t so ill iote eyldkeh i thtw men are my dad and my grandfather. they taught me what it eans to be a man. and they bot athese oueo sr he rn jkiin a eyldshupanbo wld be a bad jke telling machine. and they would weigh ito me. my grndfather the big m would
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saupt m ad e el wr sl [lte s, ocsehul lohr tg say, i see that you're not magna qu lady. you're just thank you. i'out er ou wt te o ees oult prti itlus discussions on statute of literary. a commencemt speech from a creator of paypal. it'sllti a er s >>haulnth fuelg minaun 9: d moored the ship to appear in the middle of the harbor. >> the former commanding u.s. on the event o ongaq a. atft 37 at 11: 18. you coulde ttupin thi. ate o ng r coeirh shathdog t dimensional twisting. lights went out. everything on my desk lichted up about a foot and slammed down i gred ee skilhipod ng mwitho t ay at 8:00 p.m. on c-span
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q and a. >> in the book "preside's clnaybgig ae ff see tiipweitg ests t pres th - yok hour in california. oo ni r, thwhve t h ano t nisjoahh of being the ronald reaganuti president issue foundation. 's my pleasure to welcome youation. here. in honor of th meawoen or unm o f e ouhe wld sendoeor ploflan pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republican for which it stands, ononuerst d,h b due thyoeabe seated. as i ws preparing for the arrival of our special guest to nthatht o h. nomesi is. don't rry while the introduction will start on a low, i prompts it'll end on auction high. the stats i ran into were a abwhsegoth esdaahoof methmbnne m me tnuscem. no, don't hold me to exactly is
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the source o the internet, but they arerevealing andf e,y toto sww. ta. onirghsl uanereno boor rofir lives. 42% of college graduates never read another book after ole d of.amint e ea lt now, i have to present it to the extent these people read their reew habits are confined to 140 hrer wetbs wes,tsst meesmaanh alaf signs. i think they are missing a lot. i say that because every once in a while auytte am wrs geetr s,ifr ofin rk htfo aert al once. that is definitely the case with nancy gibbs in mike y,he prencl itll s k aerda t prenlia w pptoe b iy uned opinion. and while i handing out opinion, having read ncy and mike spoke, i am sure there will not be abrbwt u
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iqnderngsi on mn-scy bld sotm. now i know this because for me the book capacity --aedto i 'to aonry . nw--inhr wapridalbh ac fthithre only former president were allowed to stay. and i definitely didn't know was present aganho t est tow u. thre reg ovs juhnf of discose tsuch such revelations througut the book. and no wonder, nncy and mike are two the most talented writers nd edtors ti ga wasxvnt e dseoexnd eeuioreeo e a wonderful book. so ladies ad gentlemen, with that, please join me in wecomi, nay gis an mich [aus >> thank you. than you. haouhn rilo ndu i tar sg th yarsthat nancy and spent putting that together we had many odd discovery moments
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where we were learning as muc abthpresent h ular yothae ratisdd' th tusebi t ma erem agan to bush and clintonnd bush and now obama. so for us it's real journey to say nothing abut what we arabho aru anesr,nxo anf. so ocmewy et thngoin that. and for us it was a journey that continues and people keep telling us things we didn't know. but in se waysrnrag s igpaf hts wwode bse fime mi 1947 mine before he is president. and as wegtder n togareon i e s,led tu aenfr hne li i ne d d t a german fundraiser in kansas city when he was still a democrat. and would then be taken under the laneiwws gig picar asepca wath relationship with her public as they come up the driveway i saw over andver again while the president which is a reminder that every person who served as commander-in-chis isf asaoiggrub juan ace ct e ths pi ohov ttw t weeks ago.
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it's never been published before and so we were thri a tayoto mn anralyam oror tre ic the torch and in fact begins in, what year would you say? >> well, tisns rihl ha ri thn keer d herbert hoover, two men with nothing in common politically, personally ratiop y et t ft th ows diulanuscale e 5adands himself president. and so he is not one to stand on ceremony. he does not care that herbert hoover had left ng s e ednrca en mcas ed sinn'ru enle oet whenever an evet suggested to franklin roosevelt maybe hoover could be useful, hoover knows a lot and he was agre manirianieke foe mepnt roeluly no su hit. ano rnrbho tdead. harry truman was reading reports is that as many as 100 million people in europe for risk o viec tom h en evd. an cin na
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roelitusul ac t tranrey s a letter to hoover are saying, what do they want to come and talk to me? and ho eme. pre n a f 19 rmasn fffo nu owe 'rryuofah other. nothing is going to come of this. within a year, hoover has been given staff and plane and sent tuan0leou e d. tonri36 imnis see m t pope. his mission was to move food from the countries that had it to the country that needed i. in doing stse wo prenor t rthithxi s a tsofliifnc pocaen because they both are so committed to wh needed to be done. i first lid thefun, phsoalmior prend tion ests olofre anr. anishhn ho e meet one another on the platform d eisenhower's inauguration in 1953, hoover goes over to greet prident tran says we should form a prsdent . tr sgran he id ibe et si a hca da s, inch r he platform except it turns out that the success has presidents become more and more and more real.
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so isenhow15asc spanow f ilprego h orer ests ndjhson chris and secret security, secret service security detail at me as of presidential helicopters nd ev a pctnf it uslmra twe ineadwal ei edwamo fth itus irry rid nixon as the clubhouse which john mentioned him which only one reporter inhistory has stepped foot inside >>t: heke iule e iteialed h prsears em colleague and he said what the name? [laughter] i don't think we know anything about this. 9rcn idan gngle controe cry xsdeyx linda johnson is going crazy. he has been sent home. his term is done. heecides not to run for reelecon in his little stir crazy. 's b rninrma re as nany ihewsese mmp ne sheo stay. johnson was driving the nixon white house. was a distraction that nixon filly figured in the hose. get inteudidfce ac sovgh go iiaridacol he f aheme whnrescft th assignment.
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and i guess that tells you how i found out about the story. so tey ically take over nd toun e uaadeothecre e e idn and stay organized, till today. it's recently been renovated. i did receny gt inside as for sories t es fr ses vee sd oue. yon h f plad t. i ueluathe reou on the sheets is ke a good
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