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tv   U.S. Senate  CSPAN  July 4, 2012 12:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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in and then i would be remiss if i didn't say almost every summer and i just happened to seemyli acinoo rdn ed,f course, my favorite book in largely because of the teacher is "the great gatsby" which make f tme in orsakfr t s ngheri0 # e a the time of elusive dreams, and, of course, the language of f.ot firahee'e e boll alitiap. .. >> the incrdible nvritt
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h e. 'stllayge reanwos st uday. ananother favorite, arthur miller of mine that's the death of aaln. reg oe de sms mg r vil ra anm ou know the audiences are overflowing. those are my recommendations soin >> meriothi otsrdili viboor >>es wright talks about the experiences of u.s. military veterans going back tothe revolutionary war. it's up next on book. 'sleha >>d vni an af fis rissiation, i would like to welcome you to tonight's program. on the oo "those who have borne the battl au ir.mwt an. ri i american historian, the predent emeritus of dartmouth college ana marine. my ae skteonom d a ito mritu f tar' ri soioar ieto fo we begin a few quick
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words about the marines memorial. the marin' or cin nof teogtit toort nd eme va of members of the united states armed forces who were killed, lot, or who ed in military e. g li o uis, ontisofier mas'or association, is we are responsible for maintaining this extrrdy cl, thmaris' ricu. ii tose whve oebedpy tribute to those who carry on. to learn more about our organization come and visit our wee t w.arcco. anbfrewegi see meo turn off yor cell phones, as i just did. and any other noisemakers that you may ae wh'roihad tkesoprty t unhan t n o mahi wednesday, ms. paula broadwell will speak on her book, all in, the education of genel dadps bwisespt grte wmbd gel ae a n
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afghanistan. she draws on hundreds of hours of exclusive interviewsith general petraeus, anhis top ofcersa oderol th nierhi codeevmend leshi from every vantage point. the event starts as it s this evening at 6 p.., so thas m.s ngwdes lyyo gqen cards on each of your seats and i would encourage you to make usef these blue usio ad eaonsst p n m atowe ilhnd t q&tng and please hand them in to the staff, once you have noted yu ti hafll ming mnsto auceuensl d odwright by me during the second half of the program based on your questions. it's now my getleaset inucisen inhees d ht . i owo war ii veteran and dr. wrht himself joined the marine
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rps at the agef . f o ins iglysmtonw ub, , e nt school. and if the colle president, my college president, doctor couchman, who is nowdec is dri bse grtitnlhemm margins -- [laughter] -- from the university of dubuque, he would be roing over inhis grave about 5000 ms. d htealle to ou aftu arin s, o college university college, university of wisconsin,d eventually became a history professor at dartmouth in 69. erveasrento dautfo9-a 20 e has sited most of our military hospitals, and has encouraged support for the wounded veterans in those sps. he a etone o i aismpfi ndne p chiecely rated by charity navigator. his writings have been featured in "the workbost e,hrsce mor,prjsa fe d sez by the education field, the veteran
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field, and other service organizations as one of the mopokesopleor g raoay esntn,as ininn. ri ppse tha you bc. itn onormeo od b vsmcu r on behalf of veterans with the california state university system, particularly as i've told you you in chancelor rhee but our real models for invidualwho, of ue, rtie s. anwawni s uipost a and i was with an officer or graduation of a bot camp class. it was the first time i've been back on dyss fiheotci li irll storelrl n ra [laughter] --f he knew i was the parade reviewing officer on the grinder downhre, and i would be very hay o seehem rolovri s gre,a aoac [lte amy efognel miyaor niine to speak your. i admire general might very much. i served with him on the boad of the semper fi fund. admire him forhssi cry toso haerthcut, is see nod h
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re he's really just a remarkably energetic figure who tries to make a diference and does make a diffence. and, of course, am rafuo arthenn a er kndgmyvst foblin aor in hi. san francisco is a special place for me in alsorts of ways. i ske at this club a nmber of mes,epseg damoa lentu. buremoy,d ou turilnd e in 1958. of course, we really shipped out of oakland but we were at treasure island preparing to ship out. i went on hae,aap iendn mek rea er ngonwas discharged at treasure island just 52 years ago late april of 1960. my story tonight andthe try hio bislyfme by gr eie i k o w r bo wtn ar informed by our own background experience, and this one explicly is for me. i grew up ngalenalis, y gel ntomn thvirgn i w wiaby. i was born in 1939 and i remember my father going off to
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war and our member at the end of the workt seem like eveyone's fatherny pplmee dorgh0 opta ie '8 cofrom the war. it was a town where people di serve and be served in some very difficult places. d i rew ppaite nningrpa i a tin odrychapof t okd jd e ri a 1 and it was a time those of my generation, my agent were going into the service was simply something that aexpeedf us youlwite ed arrdwjo tares ewe oi hih olgrduating class five of its joined the marines, another half-dozen went into the army or the navy or the air force and i thi t urt cged w siy browta tin cnihe u t rotototh rii deo o school. and once i started i never stopped and i haven't stopped yet going to school becau they'rso much to learn and there's so much to do. e hevey wisi t 90 cly nt re gantm iy. viar thg that increasingly troubled me not that kids we fighting there, i worried abou them a lot. woedi t a m dino oe bt s fulti aneiamoh, e us closed down in my
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first spring becu of protests over the war expansion and to cambodia anthheasajt o bu reagh i rpd t li bni in5. really affected by accounts of the battle at falluja in november 2004 and i spoke to a ieancur mt owol, i d,ng he 05 dto vandal omris there, and i continued that. i was just down a week, a week and half ago to bethesda. i've bn down between 25 d three tisjs sel ee wtheor n lkt ep and chat with them about their own experiences. i asked them how thewere injure and it's really quite a tale, but igssi d rctonaf l kihaprlysknt d hne tan w it is led me to other involvement with vetans. i worked with a couple other old marines, w and warner, when theyoe 9/ i.l. i a mngh two emfbu 2, in th to include opportunities to veterans to go to private colleges, and we developed in senator warr's fe,h si pplhtem t
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owbooghi tblpot oe bl for the jefferson cture at berkeley in 2010 provide me an opportunity to reflect on ome of these issues, and i tught i wod pup b o t anrtavrers lf aers,'s vens elzee wa abook there. and i started complaining about this, and a friend said quit compining and write yourself. and that's basically ow tis book started. for i emg at. lo rihsor legan st b'v rm it away from a field for some 20 years while serving in administration, but this provided an opportunity for me bome re- immersed in t. and e bo i noerewo sut acaar d e fo t ita artibis as meditation on my part. of reflection, and have some observatio on thecurrent state of affairs. i br vansn cut e ff a atthabwad wenkutse f r . sosmorhi pulled out as i thought about american history was the idea of the citizen soldier. dating back the american revolion. the concept thaeicu aveirmd or ane hswe bltea gfardon as the war was over they would hurry home ecause they are not professional soldiers. i've come to realize its
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clg e ci te hevan iclyceldi tily es a coesdess representative of the population as a whole. world war ii was the most representative of any of our wars beginning withre taass ls prnte crsen e pa fbus etitheodfo college students beginning with korea and certainly in vietnam and then today with the all volueer am gehtoeedt alers ablio cenelic sewn hrubwa atned, to be in the militia, to be available to being lled up. but he also believed we all have to contribute our treasure to orohosre bu soizdta n ri waiy negative. washington for all of the talk about the importance of citizen soldiers and the militi id noke hia. anegl. hentehaen lgdo ovri thouo viiah ra tsa n tiorus to be planting spring crops. sorry, general, we have to go home. and he wanted full-time soldiersand he gote ll tonntrm veo edth t riswe'ste thi wheo historically.
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and from the very beginning there was a sense that because it was an obligation, a conract almost, of those hs pu t ev shou behiivo e e th angig t retihethy men if you have all your limbs u are healthy and you should not expect any support frm the government. and this continue to e t prpaalghviy vas oor rse teviens lds. ththchdaly nnwior war ii where the g.i. ll provided opportunities for all of the vetens to go to school, to take out loans, to srt ne. hihee tt er ict tein dg 20d'0 jt prenooad cooldge insisted that they should be no payment to healthy veterans, but even franklin roosevelt insiste the same thing healthy vns noetd anyhi tepc si g thr u he hned nddi ndldfrun i've also reflected on the composition ofhe military today. when thell-voluntee force was prov n 9h s lyr eo pa ofy tiarc a omposed of the poo and minorities. this really has not happened today. but it's not a representative force t it rhnan
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mrsuhe ndsmtoesanis norn eastern. there are very few colege educated people serving in the military anits on pei th tr i vd th cetns s alor eerl re maf pengtd r r daughte of people who have served in the military and that sort of continues the demographic pattern that we have seen. it ismba n hn puona erflng rhthut nlen t it is not represented in terms of hispanic or asian american population we give ourveteranstd g rhicev monl or m uc b t mpon tar n e ewitm was obviously as unpopular as te wars are today, as the wars have bee looking at public oini pols. and t w otmeth arigg y. re rdti hm ths oupl f em t rr abuti plause the applause will stop, and they do think there is very little understanding of who these young men and young women are hoae seg. e'rytl dendoft s thavndi u ha thwaremseus they are impersonal. we really don't know what's going there. there are very few news media
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that are cering the wars ta aqnk e't t c m t ie. e nomjbtle reynortl fove. there were a few in iraq but there's not major battles that they can grab for frontage helines or f aea stoyi ng e e'me inst sts. ersoesorsge ofo tee'nol untag ha iy by day that these young men and young women do it i tink that we rfggivar agt eaey. s na e amanli i best trained to do. in the play that was on broadway last year called ajax in iraq, there was aie oneiero fratsahehey iif yn ho nw hiogh wethl n n nrm last summer, when i was visiting the bethesda hospil, it s owtesri a sr ttanriwe lvitrn ghta a ul1 daen was there there were 45 in the ward that were suffering from combat related injuries. one of them had beeinjured by amr un. e hedn nued un os. acsepr fire someplace.
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and 41 had been injured by explosives. none of these people saw the person who detonatedt ple nuedm. ifensrfwit dsior . l 1da ago when i was down at bethesda, there were fewer people in the ward. i met a young marine who had gunshot wounds froa ig anersme t any ng f co o a 'sralyjustn, e ifernt. we are saving more casalties on the battlefield. about 10% of the combat casuties gaanad aqvde ie is tn third, the combat battle casualties that died. it has to do with a number of factors. it has to do th the amor t thet htte alant hao tel tyw thpteth it t wbtlefield medicine, with medevac would get most of these kids out within 30 minutes to a fielhpita d tls h odte an wexivhi yougseean nrly buun ws e more lethal. gunshot wounds are more carefully placed, and more people died. there's aatm houn. thme tintns
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i was o sohaewes f injuries. a lot of amputations. when i go to the hospital ward, it's commonplace to see somebody missing one or more limbs due o si. are ooea henjs tohe plns i mentioned in the book one of the most poignant and morable things i saw was when they were shing me a new board inhe hospaltehaarle esfiroad ju. alf aoos er were no mirrors because they didn't want these young people to see their reflection in a mior withoutomebody being wim eal et thh exerie. a dreor wa we know that there's a greater incidence of ptsd. we can't really compa with previoars because we ar erosend en tthe i et nlaretngis ballgh n yeas after the troops have pulled out of vietnam and the other wars it wasn'identified at all. clearlytris re da ltmtrtiaijuan se ptsd. the military and the national football league are discovering
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this at about the same time. there's no getting your bell g l ngt sh d ms. thr ht tawaoms ha ed to remember the human face of war. in some profound way, i don't know if there's anything more human thanngaging e icnveas m.ths indtly moumhaakngsome o this. and i think we have to reflect on what it is that we asked these young men and young women to do. l sngodr thetnipw e d tarndng rcs,ta each case would be two one would be to avoid situations that are dangerous. don't put yourself at ri. and the otheris dh r epe. thae sol, hr raher irl gi t are legal strictures against harming other people. then these 18 and 19 year o theptiore fo aiwy trgh ue u t redto yourself at risk and put a stop at risk quite regularly, and you have to be prepared to harm other people. and then they come home and we say forget, goack to theod ss anttthi erfft. dootges fownac o
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man who had been killed in korea, and they think it sort of summarizes the human face of war as well, and this could be repeated inay nerwr lainh ae ofy 50yo serud i ax nuth oa his you know, the first battalion 21st infantry regiment of the 24th division had justarrived. reassigned from the occpation tyi aa. a hor toaed d too em hek edwits chgu and the young man, private kenneth shadrach were shot dead. his team whdrew, taking his body with hem. shch asf ou amanvin ed threar ejunaoe the team brought his body to a hut the medics had occupied. she had been a frontline correspondent in wr two and a letterthfif new ell e oth tr ir wrthsea ied ok srp his face. quote the prospect of dea had probably sen a uneal ivattomes en waemo wryngde hifair d lui h okfr tan his 19 years. the medic standing sd simply, what a place to die. and "the new york times" would write, he d s uhb
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lle,a e inne ohle bandca f w virginia, shadck's parents learned of their son's death that morning at breakfast when a neighbor rushed in telling them that he had heard it on the o. mrhak dvstd thatfne er drane d disi. mr. shadrick, what worked in the coal mines for 37 years later talk to reporters ho described hi d, beid , h adat e r eda worry. mr. shadrick had accepted his sons interest and joined the army at ge 17 at sigth pesifo en a yrrt h iug ld a ut coct ssi, as gh asted government. when a reporter asked him if he knew where korea was, he si yes, korea was the plawhe bosil thorofsold e pe mtms, 0, n thwr and the wars that would follow. we ask our youngsters to go out and dosm isann , 'tdend meyo tod waru oengb atpoo talk about being on a patrol in raq and
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their vehicle took some re fromamouan he teafh ihe wh r iete amoue, d i yoy who was frghtened ran out of the farmhouse and got caught in the crossfire and fell down. in the farmyard. the people who are inthe farmhoe eier rre o thckrw d, isyg aie judut thhi rve y, lngre the dust, and he realized quickly that this boy was dying but he was still aliv anhehdhe d eg i ehi hame' tfru o . e to of aom an aiomwt rnthat because i knew that my my you know my guys, people i cared about a lot were in the vehicle and theyid neeto get t ofr. ide bheor to. dd asotght t tsy wit hemain holding them. so i knelt there in the dust, and the bo finally made a sound d rattled andd it thrinh din thiankote vee oi angesa'mng ouar yyot us all at risk but fortunately nobody court-martialed him. he said they were right. i shouldn't have done tt. eblio gacthmko d iei th iss mosan th w a do.
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and what a choice to ask a young 19 year old to make, to make this sort of decision but they do it. they t ey rkay esal haeydo ald aneng heani th people who are serving as being so courageous, so remarkable and brave. there'sno longer much use of e odheina emrys u i btoahin gebu in wrfoea ttefield that was still stand by the blood of some 8000. when he spoke in the fall, there s nmso xloit ttccts ththwapna loorlhorid. ds they were heres, all, and we continue to talk about heroes, all. certainly in our wars today ere's sooti cre, bhrstt omuntat or nd cof. eppono rs t d wehave to recognize that there is a horror and there is a cost of wars. it may be differet from vietnam or korea or world wai but erres or e ce fus neo uht we hear much today in some of the political protests about the 1% and the 99% the fact that1%
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pil ei d 9%ous s r e. an'lare th mi frar i think that there's also a 99 and a 1% ratio that we don't talk about so much abu ens n o r potierin taa. ab1% our families have sons or daughters who are serving in the military tay and 99% of us simpl an ificg,sll awoft d. isestsustained war in american history where there's not even an attacks -- a tax to pay for thewr 'vaaxctouts of hwr dob des a taaioda i wrote several senators in congress me and women let you, all of them i hvea first meathith u , oucu t cote'se a ax niduind rpe eo help pay for this war rather than let these kids come back from the war that they're fighting and say now you ha to help pay for it. and ofthes peoe i i f t lashvesw m tt e'boiin, x ou ki ird rail of our politics. and ironically, as much as
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americans think they are taxed enough and don't want anymore, i'm not surehatsucha dne pedut co'tan w d t'heur w to i have been immersed for the last several years, trying to understand tis and i an hiy acanm ts hheesci d ibav about some of these issues that are think are terribly important. there is a history lesson hre but it goes beyond a istory lesson. there's a civics esn. e' esn inteht erarges u er nt if twe o citizens to take on. and i'm just delighted to be here tonight. i'll go anlace to talk on this ecndbcy e hatosw qst y n [aus >>ell, i hink i k r of d wt, u hau r orteeus capturingf the essence of what the young military man and woman faces toy. d dt th c ck
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fsqn,tk t your book that veterans are portrayed as victims. what can we do as a cett tofecripn ra eatiha vietnam veterans were often considered veterans. one of your wars colonel people were osd ti anitt' esinrms. d o'ttinitin this case when we talk about them as it's also going to send. these young men and women signed thelsteatke t p of emh annkthf p s dtmana eyn'ntbe mef them have found thselves in places they didn't want to be, but that's true in every war i suspect, but they haveignea. threotti threteare on lere rintve r ry >> here's a question back on your discussion with our first name friends i ahng eree ob f duit n hsa naaldean rve rit to engage our military forces in multiple assignments.
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yet they do not want to fully fund our active duocs. resea plenf e ae, rvd d students, -- guard units, and they are not really designed for continuous or repeated tours. >> i thin ihn u kni wogetote uciyd wagtbutik , wve, id not mobilize the forces suffient for the wars that we have been fighting over the last decade. and pat of that is because deca or o agbgnn20n afanisn,y ic ny ed thkuhoto lg es otake they didn't think about the cost of these wars. and we should have mobilize a larger military force. there surelyuldhebe emrnemra fa artroo bi rr asoe thpepl ohveoys forix tes, d i just, idon't thnk anyone can go through this, can go o combat zoness manytime as 'vkeesyounop todihtue siiccoe 56 e ry od r ie esoplereving families behind when they go back often for the thirdorder for the deployment, and i just think it's a remendous burden that they'veke ev usiohoe oeregf ra emloyees.
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and your opinion your thoughts on how this impacts the military youw,sitrin enas tsaegoa mpdto aaed boisad h about the mess hall that's all civilian contract, and i said what's happened tmy marine corps? i was on this duty all the time. [laughter] but i ink that's go t ne ei e ats j. rkn hortoan. i work in a shack. i have done it all. and i think it's good that they're noked to do that no bumosro e le rd , arrv t len fgstndra nd i don't know if i want to say there's too muchf it. that's a harder question to do with. if they can really the military of certaingns a gobwoe ap wn'veo fois ey nily he a ifenr's a different accounting system. the numbers of people who have been over there have really been quite significant. and only when there's a niinntkee tkigf agng f osdin aae spring of '04. do we realize just how many of them are over there. i think there needs to be a full accountg an understanding of this. salqnscm
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n gag -tattr anycgi upp so first how are we doing in the area of post-traumat stress? ansecdlyisreug pslol uptoti o thosaucstress? are the young veterans open to counseling, or do they consider it to be weak adsimatio heve y iththar e t ourst pesteosrvon ndt. noret ape to counseling. it's hard for them to come forward. as i said to a grup of th firsmarieshat met rtmoh too co id tsog o o 23ya ogu paul ohoa ne hasredaq or afghanistan to come forward and say i'm scared, i'm nervous i'm angry, i can't sleep, i'm ahee. id htob ili t handonth t wether w thne o e hnus mof pes coinemt o ndnay, to be a just reason expanded significantly the number of mental health counselors that it has trying to understand that it is ie to ep ao ele ovsut qik thar esth mar w pe led in combat zones in iraq and in afghanistan.
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weeed to do a better job. i've been struck by e way that jim amos thecmant nepsneire s tve hf af teamyt earot at get people to understand that if somebody says i'm apprehensive i'm concerned that you don't say, youilaagth i wot inhscoa con, nw, o' dob a sissy, or don't be afraid, you've g to go forward. and we are working to that but i just talked to a young gu recently he was suppose o o ba rqwsyun d a eei ptan a eganaly g ai ou di tis just to avoid serving with us. this guy has been over three times. he was set to go again. you've got to get down to the nc rns,as wewt alakifnc d inisesm to hmltral archal opleo tolo rs, but this is a cultural thing, a value thing. it's just harder to break through. >> tre's acplenson thl-nt yoien h llvoun foe. ha sgtd coy is it caused weakness to pop-up? >> well, i think the all-volunteer force, s sutes reenat anththoe.
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o a lls veaf ere f pleug a draft. and i'm not one of those people who would urge a draft. i think that the military does eypoiofc daadai iyutl ao mjr ba , e at haeowhveis and want to be there. but more profoundly i think in 2010 there were 4.418 milln-ye-oldin t unit stas, a thayo the y ocs,bu 5,le pe. th a, 'ss han 4%f the 18-year-olds that were asked, that served tat signed up because tarl volueeri tye .. >> people in washington, people who make decisions on war will bear more cautious about
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making decisions if the o soaur wke t ca to tr,d bee 'sylvi deac i refuse to accept that. if we ha people in washington sensitive about sending young americans off to war if their only children are ilv beifntnore mee'il evo, sdno shon sh n h pe pu oehore functioning this way. >> great question. would you make comments regarding a recent dartmou grth-- thix hoo " bullet away". >> i've been talking about this book in washington a couple weeks ago as a mter of fact. he'srexe,h a laltsdung he mep. ass jotm. his unite was involved, he was in afghanistan first and then it was involved in the va of i to f is classics major once they got out to baghdad, he want to take the platoon down iabyl d som tnc ruaqnd lha th hidfeon r o'taveaken the
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platoon down there unless he had an armored escort and a bigger unit because there was a time the thatri window where yould tha 'st cong t d us. a rkaeoua h ti sks the transition program in the military, and t queioner says we go throh bo c e 1 w aako tror aouor woman to become a mility person, and there'steynooc t hehewh t ee ic yooms and thpocef transition program, a solid transition program i think that that's a very good observation. i think there needso be a solid transitiongror e aeath rv i thaheeryto some of the major military installations where people receive their discharge and go back to civilian le, but i think -- ihi wh's qu iusal s goerl il -- unngd an h in this country better today. young veterans have a higher employment rate as th potis lendre
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leer t puona e. weeo dtth t wao the individual support and councilling. there's nothing massive across the board programs. understand what it is that where therosarhado dwihe iryouncng rur vra eyuw,s id,st some horrible injuries today, and if you bring aoung soldier in aeeir a ballam arkhstag ovn,rehery eyanth th ncha the music is going to stop. these guys are rock stars right now, but the music is going to stop. the last world war i vetan st died in theste um t la ra e 05 o soinke t i e reofes injuries these guys deserve to be better than wards of the state. we need to find ways to look after them. we need to find ways to ur to rgei oweandavnd yshe tethr dr, thanne it just going to take time and effort, and i think the personal touch that's hard to find today at dischargete orthven' mira. au velmy emb >> p ad john
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wayn murphy, and others who made major iactsn the li tgh tie st weot t olo dtck. urwson the impact of these movies on young men and women today. >> yeah, i don't know what the imcts on young men and men. i thk that towom exenatct opre sin t d . no the -- there's just fewer heros in these wars today. the medalsf hon, i think there'10 orow i t anno my d alassault a machine gun nest and take 50-60 prisoners. john wayne cld preten to sat tchndbeer thpoitn esrst of traditional cop sent -- consent of heroism. we try to make jcaywh reinndscrtas on o tin, a coeoou american, we try to make traditional heros out of them. it doesn't work. if you look at the medals of honors in the current wars, i think only leveoto
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ophovi steneoop f-- norsangnem e,utma f ng someone's life or for jumping o a hand grenade to save others just remarkly ic a urusio itusermiut n'owndhe wa we'tw t dehe s se wars, but everyone who steps out of a gate is heroic over there as far as i'm concerned. >> last questiosir,nd i fl cia er hit ri. y, civilian leadership is shrinking to almost a microscopic level of those who seed w h it t cian dsimar miryfo? >> y's reing question. you know the congress today for example has a far lower percentage of veters than it had any time since mbe 40 s,'sec gnanjun l 20arn tis not a good thing, but maybe in some ways that may seem ironic. i think that theres a inn het ofa leons sbo tishe mtar isfo vrahey y,h,llot i'm for the military and veterans, and, you know, i think
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you need to get a few more old lance corporals there. 'rreapp tsk toquonopra em le i taon nt to ask the tou questions. it's interesting if you look at presidential elections the last several elections clinton beat a war hero. heton h wh do6. hius snd bush had been in the national guard, but he beat al gore who served in vinandrrasfe useecd t ca datyma dhi t g w te oarer no helpful, but obviously doesn't put people over the top anymore and that's an interesti situion. weoper i t li, l t% ine'ave alan serti te in almost every area of the politics. we have to find ways to deal with that. o lfhe meas risiou g heigthu,nk u miertoar ur vie. [applause] >>t eadi t
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er tvtskn itot m had a non-fiction focus, but i like thrillers. the one thriller that anyone ll pick up and be bwn aw bysne gylln fl aitsta o sty,el, d reviews that have already come in from npr from salon, from the "new york times" are rapts. 'ssiaaoit a iafrll t ea abbee te,wo naamdunne disappears, and at first we have the husband with mixed perspectives and we have her perspecti in diary fo, it vart nereele utndt'p l li a ionhe rr fi oo ow are they lying, and are they lying to themselves? it's just as i described it to friends. and on twitte it is ovpema ian t ched thdau eg is audacious but so right. >> reporter: for more information on this and other
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reading lists visit okrg >>e'mef t inocti deenoore ass thun rdto this reflects sales asf june 28th.
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win's erdi p. booktv, 48 hours of non-fiction authors and books every weekend on c-span2. mi up neon tv "a ws" ueo nas grer nelan. madeleine albright discusses her dhczub riorari. >>t:coto booktv. you had a grt month birthday book lists, and medal ee pdeba nglas. ueth rto wu. h t y t' utrin yoe 59 years old just being sworn in that you learned your parents were born jewish and that some the members urilre kd t hous nsd ouens alth i w pfu ri. ateuockt and write a whole book on the subject? >> guest: well, because i didn't think i had all the answers, and maybe just to expln itofeon his hne en asaof unat weo ottt i n been a public figure until then, and people asked for
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money or visas, and then there were lters that would say sothinabou t agha myen wbo daut eyt ir d t w lit l fndwh bo ysyohi school with my father in 1915, ich would have been impossible because he was bornn90bu mb99n as ed ear s e lrwihe s,me right, the dates, ect but was when i was being vetted to the secretary and in the white hoe counsel ice office and they asked me a nlquone ad ax ainik a t t ey idheyt w iporulavesked that you don't want to tell us? i said, look there's a possibility i'm of jewish background. theyaidoat e id anem. t haylk myaurs axped poils. eyere fascinated. they thought their grandparents were already interested and complicated, and that was that. en miaeldo wno a rtethe hin te pre e, b we ttoth p eee a named and the time you are # confirmed so my office gave him names of various people in europe that he could talk to, and heay nfd,meo of astdrteme thum tore
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cards, the nazis were efficient, and they had cards that exained what transport somebody was put on, where they edndree ogs,yid y do khaymb fyd t ca itnehi fiend out you're jewish and another i was appalled horrified, and stunned. the only way to describe i s ir ecryf sthequon he w c bearof ate, and the way to describe it, i was asked to represent my country in a marathon the first time a woman ever had been and given a ryheavkato un a. thlyng iodat meas m ber erech bleg t to put the story together, and they did. felt tre was more to find t, ite txpdt onondut a t sht t, tal loarts' personal story, the core of the book. i talk about it in three layers. the inner core is theirtory. my father wchreic diatd l ou thndrihis d hmeou here unen t happenedded, and so i wanted to write about them, and then th second layer w to put it into
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the contextof mstzi riis w st93 the the war start and what was going on? the third layer is the most complicated because it's about the difficulty of makin deon psoasl prsi he vendnyre vghosnsw much o any human being is good and helpful and how much a little bit of a collabator or trr vedy athestede . >>t: me oiato tgh e iun rycing iid choices that people me and what choices individuals make for countries and how it influces them. it's just areat eme ug. wern igun9 urre w bra ple of years later when everything was unraveling, and the nazis were coming in, and your parents escape wi uo end. llou yher' le ah yrn tha ee. >>sth,l, pp aus g lile bit more context to that what happened was any father already in the diplomatic seice, his job had had bn nbede myhewa mern ingure o an iwabo in prague, and
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my father was recalled in 1938 and was i ecepubc whenhe nrcd i 39dot ind oyeampa whe -- a yellow p where she was describing my father died sometime before and shemented to tell people about who he w andso sroomng t whfa wrpd us otnete yt a deld e her own english style, and it was interesting find the yellow pad. >> host: tell us what she said about the escape. >> guest: well wat s sa wa ivin pe. my fr go s heeco g s ss tt,nd thigh had generally been hiding in kind of not going anyere. they hene to bthy anhetsf pein to we he s feintourt and she wrote my father went around with a little bit of bribery, they managed, acally to get a stamp to get out, and th ttgrot br igund ery a caan on t tet ot, and she said that was the last time they ever saw any members of their family. it was accidental in manys. >>t: miaho f pts tma whr sinz
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puthei fy or leave and save their daughter as well as themselves. did they ever talk to you about the choice? >> guest: never. that was part of the difficult s ie h ofsedisii t nkwfot e s sla, i that nobody imagined that things would be as terribles they were, as they became and the bar e n ot rteyre vng mr and my fathe was 30 and what i believe from knowing them and knowing especially my father, my fr s hereat ra, au t i it anent. hguin91 w democratic country. my father was ver much a supporter of that democracy as a young diplomatnd thw theyereoi ryto s gnm end ry t feho tet r trba and it was not just to save me, but a patriotic move to be with those who wanted to ta thrount . al t aai spat bodimed eboou . uw,t ld never see them again that you know they would n have a chance to come back.
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>> host: your father was in arge of thec e dcthenvee bbll abt dc. uewewhapd, first of all, they did set up a government in exile in the end, and one. anon t tnghe ne t i kth sps e ed t stigs,dll em people in england cared # about them how important it was, and so the broadcasts were basically, some of it w just flat out neli twh wa gn. eer w epthi insp ath f tuld, and that people were thinking of them, and we had an opportunity with bill woodward who helped me a lot o th is too sof e rrd tey ma a tnsts diclag t -- explaning horrors that were going on and they were not forgotten. i think we wou cl itbl om h m o t oateo pan tok t thoic tren t j your father and mother knew they had family there. what would you like to ask them about that now? >> guest: well, i wou like ney emou k obslow ltd ve hat rty. i el you my
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releashes -- religious story is i was raised a catholic. i did find that my paren erin41 eyenendea. ece inayan otad,he i found out i had a jewish background. i think my parents never discussed this. i meani kn about the locaust, iju dtw inedfa atryar t wiow in how family minded, especially my mother was, she doted on her three children, d on hin, r dcrend hhe fehaams eth shste suffered and both must have suffered # terrib through this, but i didn't know it an st seef r ber aam t webos,ut tgi >>t: k fit wn pts died many years ago that's so many things i'd like to ask them now now that i'm oldnough to understand it, and wean't do it g:e ct. >>t:wen' t'lkbo ch urirassibus in epg land, he kicked somebody by mistake tripped over them, and he didn't apologi but
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said "'sroun" 'sacun >>stunst mo iiywh thwase o complete betrayal and what happened was it was a country created in 19. it s acocacoy us wotthll moou e h-- czechs and on the other part was germans known as the dayton landknown of that because it was south of germany a the sunanhe s a f pnotland hi, eld, deinin fact, t bring together the germman population, that was the initial ape d en dmsrg thwa woin neer o atihe rm th w aere there who was basically a nazi th in fact agitated that the germans d no gottenug they weriny t th n enen o thhaf obnis tr ai think probably concerns were legitimate, but not allof them in the way thathere w inteatioof geran ec la. maer tedpr webusorwas asy tri age hnes, and this is what i had focused in was how
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very, very tired the british and frencherem d i. ey lfeo oondas a t no wrve anything and chamberlain was the prime minister of england and he was bou and determined to make peace with s er th whete ppmeca tl had already begun in the zaire -- czar land, was given that and he jusntedor re daslyt en bsh are f t as at tss vempnttantas that chamberlain said this why should we care about people in a far away place with unpronoueable names? sad to sa w t brh thncan w sa ninedt teed werto basically saw -- sold the small country down the ver, and the country was under -- it was divided inf, thlo deenipl ae hpaas bi protecter that made bohemia a colo ofrm nis ta
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ay e soy t mo ais one of the lessons out of the book is what is the role of major powers, about the history of small countries people in far away places with unoublme >>t:e aeai od nd oran ovga n >>stat ee alhaeeo ld at >> host: yeah. your cousin dha lived with you part-time in eland and her sister mat. llouthhin' aitrohin he ctrtongnd whlawa not on it. >> guest:nef the things that's important to talk about is what i knew when. i did notnow the ynt chte osri ue wh pp. a edlo eie last smer, but we had a chance to talk all over the issues and i wnt to discuss the fact that i was writing the book, and what hen w enasreri strocty c to check love vok ya, and he's ill alive he's like 1nd whe w de ha domng gth je creut e, anrged a train in order to take the children out, and what happened waey
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ld to ltmed neo sbo irt,ndnhcided the last meant that malana was too young to go. she was 7 and dasha was 11, d aty tht w ledot hy epheho anshen t epwi us in england and my father was her overall guardian. my father also had an older brother in england aoha nh bdiho dperi vioit the d o later was that -- and this is one of the difficulties of the decisions -- because of the decision tt was me, another s alen ncatca ahe dianndyhe th the last -- one of the last trains to go to the camp, and a week later the r waover and so ti rltpasnt toke inort, edddaidomhing so sad. en dasha originally talked to michael dobbs, she said the parents decided not to send the sister because sheadok m. wotherybee r toatas use too thhe would never forgive her
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parents for what happened. >> host:nother story of choices people make. the chapters that you have llpp erre angai tpohany fy mrs m udthofou grandparentsand melina. if your parents had not made that decision to esce and goolathououav ir nd ys. ha alit t g:ll t'she haar first of all, let me just say, the first question you asked me was, you know i dealt with it all of the time. ouallea wiute hein ateal h is acaut w se lg, i -- i was not lying and i told everything that i knew, and that s the hard part and that fa was bl fkihind o deon foth tgseae hat ea w h tor me, the issue was i -- i think you probably know, i went back officiall wt ilo nd tres iwe i sotiscrle plin pealled the synagogue where the names of all theews are written on the
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wall, d justisnyny in d ihefout obslin i 't anng n oreo oo a as taken to the place where my grandparents' mes were, and people say well, how do you feelyou know and inmany wajuamglad ernodebe ifhis,er ismyar nma t decisions they made our names would have been on the wall and my brother and sister would not exist, and so i have to b ed gfuto m ntr ngeha siut's i lioea h e choices, as you point out, choices that were made and i really doeel the following way. hmeg othha yokbo mf frm. tpidwa dafe that it is my honor to pay back and to make a difference, and so i do think it was iman w a o thtoxpt tt y cil taab wh -'sedo eceutotio but i have tried to be as honest as i possibly can to explain what i think hpened, why it hpene myrenta m t sithhei b ths tihe y thh oath ws as you wonder you know, literally,
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bufor the grace you know how this possibly, you know, what hon h i ose trenou wto t go a oue bai deet from your face and your voice that it was an e enormously emotional expeence, and when i was there, i went in and i looked for my famyead noacunhe cry dreon to find someone, but i'm surprised the year before when you went that some of the jewish hosts or other people di't d ar 'smg. uethinha pp i honczh reicumofes 0sdu s things for the u.s. information agency, and i had gone that that cemetery is the most incredible cemetery i've seen wpp i du t0s tygu wade rstioo dnoin fi iein with hill lair and you know, they talked about the -- i man they said the names of everybody on there, d nobody, not a word. noaord. :at cus ok ne ec t'lkut to-ed butcher of prague who was in charge of thecampaign of rror against the jew tell us a little bit abtis ssiodz iehoecypaut inheun ade hi
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g: ine whole episode is something that fits into the story about choices and were the t decisionsade. wasne ofhe mvi leeolou eve. wve hnaeo someeople say number three, that he was somebody who actually invented the concept of the holocaust and the final soond sody asit wupd traneronoan take an even larger role having already do what he thought he needed to do in the czech republic he w aenlyrr baiand dsias devent ixi thwodgof he could be assassinated. the slovachs in london, the were a group of militaryeople at we there tso peaney -meew t r alir rcanto be helpful in t allied effort. the real question is how they fit in and would there be ae chk ih is qionrm whr gomeinil ulbe recognized at all becauset meant repudiating munich, and the british
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government didn't want to do at because of legalssu d h geeoli mytherrkor reitaseheli ople thventedt d everythin they could to assassinate and is is a al spy story in manyays, th tarterog tocha mge ssio won't ge it all away because i hope people read it. they were hidden by a wonderful average woman, and they maged it. it was the only asssinio ahi li re wandtpe o ofplhain meth mission late betrayed them for money and so thereaschoice issues there and thene bstss th s ucoly fftryditst ouhe anrsofhe assassination. the germans decidedhey would eliminate an entire town as reibutn fos. eyt hanst leho p a eyo red a l tra ws for this but what i department know until i -- didn't know until i started researching and looked athe s pe t m maalnder of peou uor r t asions reut theson is always out there was the assassination worth it
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r a whole town to be leled? it is very much estith leskano st a chs sas a ol vi s this, and the justification that is out there is thats a result of that, thellth is d gnthome e. ustthluf a eechouut i terrible story, and it's a story of lor, but also of traito difcult mg tho hhe wn id t ld, owu wha woould d coe o this. when did you decide? >> guest: well, you know it's hart part of the whole story. i often wonder, ieba coyst t i 67th acaam er hndndast, ant kkevedy else and i was trying to figure out, you know, what life would have been like my parents never le the secondimue tommus, ik e stsnd iakze an kdof bed ysond how i would behave, would i have been a disdent and the question is especially as i got to knhe
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areallllly haanul hd da b s n atis t ld the parachuters, not only hid them for a long time and provided them with, but when theazis oktoerrt aap a w n aym erad >>t: amazing and very dramatic. >> guest: yeah. >> host: when thewar ended, the czech people sought renge agt rm ense whdn orhezi taboeri a y ais ueel fhi ryfi scto talk about because the way i began the book actually to say that i was 59, and i thought i k erngut iwa soun fhi co viyn'wbo sebuo n t evyt tha happened in the country. i grew up with the idea that the inner war period was a golen e tfe cr aarit w lid, t w quonboghnoes ea aho coalition government worked and i also never, never heard about how the czechs treated the germans after the war, and wt net e lyanne cndan y e teev at hnti and the germans really had treated the czechs very badly.
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i think the thing that people need to underand is they rtaiy --he anhe nastehe jh sosid csnd alheob ausne veighahe jews 6789 in other words, people that could be dispensed with in any ape or form. there wezeatre ncatcao. the war ends, and there's very ugh -- ugly things that happen by the czechs to the germans. they tew tnt ter rnhe balhe ofhent ulte pe tut eic clin when i was involved in the issuesn the balkans speaking out against ethnic cnsin aneyay it tha yoeoid t an wh t ph t rmmity out without looking at individual guilt and just collectively blaming all germans for this. what was interesng w on thrstst w d beest t ne fe post czech was talk about this and talk about how terrible it was but it is a sad, i think, andtragd waut ispp itno o ose fft ceev st wese
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take from that in terms of retribution of one country punishing another for brutal agents? shouldunent idivi oliv guoben induunen atneth rnsnd ithe i wented to united nations, one of the first vote i took there asmbassador was create the war csbu foeo ulo e hto be a national legal way of assigning individual guilt. that's what the war crimes tribunal is abt, not ta cotiui bogn vi g. t t ts v rtpeoft. h h hiut atrm o current histies such as our killing bin laden? >> guest: well, i think that one canin sa spole in 0 s pe n york during 9/11, a man who definitely was individually guilty and as far as i'm conee st rt tgstpp in ltpl o ss atwale k tat what one has to be careful of is not to blame all afghans or all saudis or all
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im th i f t at tresist ve nd tusd l optoer in t i of individual guilt is very very important. >> host: anotherchapter with rr dasheczh igni bven moy. an tcois took over czechs again, democracy is a lost cause and your father's boss is found d trt rdrui? ue w ili ert kt' pot ot attt panrm oat pp iia a t warbecause that's part of the story. the government in exile goes home. -- caushere mplyrad he we t'sno ray t mu wetl, d the very strange thing that happened was that the sowfen soni ten 19anra sre ng that if they were attacked that the french would defend them and the soviets said, well if there thwedotto thenidotor t paf stshorpt yihedid so thev although, they kept by their propaganda saying
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they would have and so they in many ways were quitepor, anhe aip teof rst the s. thdrm a ainrm du w wi, they are, quote "liberated" by the read army and in 1946 when the first elections took placehe un w al thajy,t t alaneaa ventt li rn. meh socl democrat, and one of the people in the governnt that was known party was mrithn prenf t fdind wamaen m erwameov yit s at had been the foreign minister during the governmental exile is the official foreign ministerin a coalition government. it's important tondstan is aln. h test, and the prime minister was a communist, d there was a mixture of people in the government. he tried to operatethis u attat e, w deasr,d emr a little girl the national costumes that gives flowers at the airport, that's what i did as a living and he would visit an mb ang m er ayse t il myheai us hn'
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aknd with a communist, and so he was in this positi of trying to maintain a sense of naonal iti th ec fsthd mswiisoaon rn. wnstas t stalin had systematically put his empire together through a variety of cues anddedi vent werasin poor har b tde thouhey could win an election so that the next election was in 1948 they had a pluraly in 1946, but in9 eyughe h jo. hne t c pe s wmu ras,hwe l des enchapterred with what they were doing. it began to be clear they might lose the 48 election. there was a series oan moa rmhe rn, it lid y he cr mte hoping to live up to democratic moves and resign as a government and create new ones. none of that happened, and in the en as re i k, mndans, idt bsh mierul fe thns tas fact, a communist cue by the man who was prime minister an yet they
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were there still asre mier tng gu ho aun he wpp w th he lived in the foreign ministry, and they initially they found his body in the courtyard ofhe foreign min ci, it waseed id mus i sueauhe esbycth the west let him down. at was the propaganda. there's been many investigations since, and it's mns w th of tin o frenback rafo tne s a risky move for him at the time? >> guest: it was something that had to be done. i mean, first of all, it was procol ambsa w b llac inkt d k i doth ibas. inktas to honor a man he had worked for. my father had been asked -- he had been aassador for three years iyuavi fe pan rehequ hke to represent on a new commission to deal with kasir and he esaro hrm,o bao brandr fi oh dn noin w for communists. he never had worked for come
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knew nighses, -- communists, and he worked for a mo, aclyau tli homst de, itwaryh mie. fsebthas aemocratin every single way, and what happened was his best friends were the british and the american ambassadors, and they sed m to t o deu wiory instum ie seallofisch iterle that my father was really reporting through the british government, and through all of this, and ntbrh rndebeim ineroyanme thouerundt waal regnd o of things that happened in the book is i was doing research. i was first of all given my father's foreign minis onibuatls reg w g eticco a m fa, int sve ov n we suspect him and we know he's pro-western and a democrat. they were watching him and en i found something lich saheigt r gk. >>t: bsewa in riy hed him. >> guest: they helped him. initially, there was a thought that he would be in england, and then what happened,bvly itti wn tun
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atsohe i n o sbo escaping, but came to the united states on diplomatic passport, and my father arrived on novemberth 19ndmy erme hernd opl t w deedke flil asylum in the united states. >> host: suspect it amazing how many years later you would be working on india and pakistan? >>stma. hwo'tve d isth wm? >>stwoha knt enhe w bohewa agrte udwh dheseco edition, and so i helped him on that the thing that's sad this problem, youno many -- hetartedking otn , nro osnthal scinrt to a's unfinished novel you tanned in a box in your -- found in a box in your garage in georgetown. in it is one of the characters is aokee uutat toore owdii t books in the display window in the shop. >> guest: well, what was interesting, it was a novel and clearly, now that i got the y, augrcaf a unp t gacte e wolo isil and doesn't find anyone, but in gointo the village, the
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character in the book, sees this okstoreer w d ystr is o el wdeinwh h puto ww, btas ear tat under communism it was very hard to expln what was going on, and also just ratodendt pp. otsoin t nomyth we ouot person he meets the character who he asked a lot of questions of, and that personas den dendut d tth a s titasmeg yone . at nbel to -- able to hear or talk about what really happed. >> host: was movedreading out eovd,ne th tgsasteed atdyoth tpiahe german's deep felt effort to atone for their awful treatment of the jews, but your mother wasn't. tell us about that. g:llyot - bayt f t doh a galio b ways thought that my father was a completely rationalind of unemotional person. the novel mad my aliz tha thast t ie's - h saon uhin&r t-- anene wen l, ?
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mean, you know, he was not that kind of a person. he was a professor. he had written a lot of very serious historicalorkan sand clel watcthine b it w en f t h notional -- emotional side. my mother, we always thought, was pretty emotional, and also 'too atrti shdkemand mat clearshould would not forgive the germans and she was glad to hear mdena w no hea aplouf, ha to -- do you have a diomatic answer on this? >> guest: very interesting. i neve learnedpe gern. rnan der ua was in school, and what happened was that over the hotchristmas, i now understand whyy parents didn't want me homein chma of98ec tan inerin a s ey mhe german part of swits land and i never understood, and i never wanted to learn gean. i have to say because i'm also a
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sttfhiy at whaspeney, anouernttihe thhema gig d with their history, and then in a lot of thgs areersonnel, and oof thnee whe georin w me cl fnd mine and very much a part of what we were trying to do in kosovo, and here is this man who is younger than i am,but he had be kin o rd wa tno lebi hry. he was a cab driver showed up in a three piece suit and talked about nato. he was surprised about that hielf. ashi hhe bmeh s,sayb o agldot ecutty in gnyenate k eoe in authority had done. we were always down every day during the war in koas-- vothhe iiande brh,heal meneve inau h er,ai wepoibly honor one religion while we kill people of another religion? en we talk aut wt ppgos hai th wth s. fiisnsan pl tewers a german who understood the history who makes it very easy to be friends
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with a rman and i have -- i ty. nk us tt hs iid guou'teha wh nation is evil and what happened is the germans have in many ways dealt with the horrors ofhat they have doneand og iyifnt ysd in a teinno i w rc5ta year, which was the anniversary of the invasion but it was the day i got a call from the german ambassador washington, d.c. saying th i dte thit reitbythe vent oserng e heerngng ouurhe n i the talked about the unspeakable. you think he never talkedded about it toou oryo caitnka g: t i ry methis t t's rd eceut thsyend bo i bo who asks me, i don't know the answers to things so i have to speculate about them. i think that part of the nvel whe t mgoback a s thvodde -- hlls att. ue:urse in a pillow basically and kind of makes clear that he never can think about this or talk aout it, but veryemotional. oss llhen arr'ngcz
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om >>st rt. >>stise a band went to look for his mother and couldn't find his mother and went to look for his aunt and uncle, and couldn't findnyone. ulndo o ie hinil to t wst seama ue my father. you know when i said he was the one who was realistic and rationbuar h g ug ibn ndg abheng asar. y ey le? whouheveo un wre en i don't think they knew all the things that had happened that i found out, and so -- butwa th tha tulot - ey wd age iccem aznd cemheommustho came to the united states and we a very small family. there was just my brother, sister, and mend myarents. ri i dr. wenoaree anfodt t fy. mysesat t mu have decided that it was unspeakable, that there was nothing that could be changed and why make thinre erng ar bim iunl ost. wi d have talked to them about itment one of the things we said earlier, people thought that i hadlied or i
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ied b wh opouut telin pio i leorou owerno o parents -- i knew about my grandparent, i knew about the towns theyame from, and i knew both my grandfather were in business and that t w stngizinei ttowheyen d inh ol i a tri k teyad celebrated christmas and easter. >> host: everyone did. >> guest: everyonedi and i had youowersno re t aut ain do d. wid urs m t sis, b terms of knowing what kind of people they were and how they related to others and how they raised thehildn, lu t--ue amy realio t ecto what would it do? we had app opportunity to have a new life in america and the interesting thing is when my story frstame o i a g d i w etof atce t, y leet mnohe he same story. >> host: it touched many many people with similar stories. i'm always so sorry i don't know moreut tyr pas've , no wtyld budoknllhe deoney mnd wo w my kids
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know about the decisions we've made? some things you tell them and others, they find out. >>st: right. ho iryal t cgi w emnaru. >>st wanan sas could. >> host: you know when i finished interviing you for the biraphy i dideaso o fe wlori tewsonbe eri st teicinie, but i asked you at the end, so, what are you going to do now? what have you done? >> guest: well, whatave i done? i've donean awot t ceow r y o, ia t dienin o bcry e. everybody whonows me knows i loved it and i concluded in the memoir by saying anybody who says they are glad the jobs are over is lyingan s ld itt ddehaan ok adienhi sedbuss i lyee i pcnd private partnerships. i think there's a lot that the private sector can do. secretarylinton asked meo n thletn r bni w seff idma o chbtin fftreons slnt muslim majority communities. i teach at georgetown. >> host: still teaches? >>uest:ll t. h h m sw?
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t:enrs s. >>t: the te er t >>stouebu o' counting? i do teach. i'm also chairman of the board of the national democratic institut of iternational affairs and vernvn womoy aro t rl wen i hve b and i want to keep being involved. i was listening this morning to the tv and somebody who said that i want rsin wveoeeng i dmt leed75 bda a it better to he them than not, and i'm very very busy. i do an awful lot of traveng and all is wel >>t: aofo r he a 7ud mo daughter, diplomat, grandmother, what's the most rewarding role? >> guest: well, they all go together, but having just snt e enngto gun ighof olrhias a very much a rewarding thing. my other grandchildren were around, and i d think tha y i t hitont ecandbu ie e a l i the fact my children are being raised by my three daughters and husbands who are
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all very public service nt. ustdesiby, thore in ck--ll t-ll t rogoetnhink of myself very much as, you know, a mother an a grandmother and a sister and somebody who a binom n om is ath fd o je democratic, bd and small d like america. >> host: do grandchildren come toouow and ask y at rrff? sdeng a? whou bng how would you advise them? >> guest: actually yes. my oldest grandchildren just grterohe aem e as tpren endy i akp atrohe ctit m we talk a lot about environment and various aspects. my next age grandson who is 16, we jta aie. btiap t et wea atat heby wth w thto wus for the medal of freedom. >> host: that's wonderful. >> guest: it was amazing. that grandson jackaid to est, y'rink . aso s nd h t bal i gchdren ask me a lot.
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we have not talked so much about syria, but we talk a lot about americanisto abo t suf d erdatot evodanheon leond funnyist tng when my youngest granddaughter turned 7 a year o, s ked w's b alad bgre ofta gear o e. o ts wonderful. wonderful kids and it was wonderful to talk to you today. >> gst: thank you so much, n. > w er w" booktv's signature proam in which authors are interviewed by journalists, publ policymakers legislaturesand heamr t maal avewen ok0p. sda an 9p.unnd. da u watch online. go to and click on after words in the book tv series and topics list on e peghde o tag he aoookei bld ek
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.. look for these titles in bookstores? coming week and watch for the authors in the near fue okanbov. br ms telila r paul. twelve-term republican candidate from texas and three-te
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candidate for president. he reos ngma pa pic eoes owth ae res congreman paul's son senator rand paul. it's about an hour and ten minutes. all right. go en, co ybto teto it dabehxti cesi oesuti wetrsoet little different here doing an event afterhours. we'll see how it work hope. hopefully 's gd foepl hao. d t t eae lyat o 'radh e e glad to have an interesting discussion of "ron paul's revolution." about thir years ao, there waok li ar tibri montalitusly be w rn athaf hre tot ur t, ost of the students who came to our summer seminars had first read i'm rand. they read e ountn a w 'sen th t ofhburly rennyng i k pa a tu begins with ron paul. that'shere you get more people get are their first taste liar ad yhe eyeorec ic ud wve but people being
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brought to the concept of liberty and limited government by ron paul and e campaign. and ' ce at h tortennmo ccanmvs s cycle,2011-2012 than he did in 2007, 2008 and i had a lot of os ati clrnssoec iianinry er hen'ced ew enhe w he presents them. what did change, i think, was the public policy environmentin whiche w talking. ba in 07n ar n nosende aneanefm eel ree ns tbl ecys booming and nobody wanted to listen. then after the financialcrisis when we came bck around 2011 aiga tey r liin 2/2hlku rt f u mn d rtn who said problems with the federal reserve. haven't they been maintaining the great moderation. by 21 eedylg enriis t rasebo in7 td oven h epuan y emoaa pren history republicans didn't want to hear that. by 2011, perhaps because there was a democratic president publans were a to
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y hethatk in , tl aou disar teention. and that at time republicans were determined to stand in lock step say the surge is working and refuse to listen to y itm 20 en bls t e ndw. an inllfhts at changed the context in which the second ron paul campaign took place. it caused him t get more ten,vos maf w rre lito yroul enamgnrnau suspends campaign. it's clear to me, if you actually read beyond the headline, the mpaign is not ov. what he's ie'tgo rueen tisad lniinat bosagmuant to. he's continuing doing the kinds of things he's been doing. talking about the issues giving speeches to thound of college studentsnhvurs in d us e rlsdgaar tueed an interestingunfolding story that is still going on. how many delegates can ron paul get? but thatdoen'try er totoay auth ok no t ulp. bbt ps voon whis brader topic than a specific president issue
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campaign. iryan is becoming the historian of lrtnoen heribks inniln e emurae ndand, h of whom have libertarian content. he more particularly wrote the book "radicals for capisma frelhryf rnri bri mewhieret eeigil deya is going to be the standard history of the libertarian movement far long time. it's a mssive work of research thilbestns ce pl stinis me anrtshseor itfa. bthforen a decade. before that he was a journalism fellow at the competitive enrprise substitute. most importantly he started his eranier inut inai kdv ins ?era w a bryan cap land who is hee in the front row. it was good record for that year's intn class. n rnsourdor rlngne heee ving ron paul since 1999 which is obvious in this insightful and well researched book. please welcome thebookof"r ulrlu." ya doherty.
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>> thank you thank you very much. i'm gointo talk fat twmiut rel senslr. m gtaiha inwaisireg e fom tot ic my book. unfortunately the end point of it extended beyond the bo i.t. it was not reflected in the bo as n r i t pul adh dathsteis r ul otm n large state universities. the first was at the university florida, when i was college student inuar as ni si o thebeia ty war hunsi ofrilrtns a a speaking engagement for ron paul at the campus. we drew, i think around 100 people which excited us. it was a amzing suss wenmapele thomtuceg rtn t. eye ro r youty. it wasn't even 100 libertarians it was people -- third party president issue candidate. let's check it out. th a iuh wsng 60worcl tscl wsr ta afar . l a iop there's a picture of that somewhere. we thought it was the height of sort of radical political
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tivism. itas areat fweo,aim fh'sen pa wath at ivtycl oselhe live. 7,000 people showed up to see ron paul running for president agai this time with oe oh mj pas,hwdn- eyre t it ses. w not there to learn. they knew what the guy had to say. the words initials ndaa came out of his mouth they wereoin erbebnathw oi. antedshean lyreg ni hop or getting an article in the chool paper. i was watching groups of them gather to talk about the con greptional runs or the runs if ehe.oy.. ntcttobi wl nd ntt ll mpasbo ow or that they were going to write onhe website that had 5000 people reading it every day. the arc of the story from that fit mar coege cmp ar tanwa altyam d etg tht angs made me think a think about about what's the best twie frame how ron paul did this. one of the things you hearbout ronasisost ic vtr bu rlth cein nthi e phenrk as well as it does because ever four different
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almost paradoxical decisions that ronaul bridges. t enhj. go t t r th ofe 'shme alies real-world political success yet one who's greatest achievements to a large extent errvaoh es eaprll tak thl po pl ckouen whrdipele the objective measures of the political success especially 2008 to 2012. first of all the success as a coss a ieng at ste hsh coguel. hebothcrena caer w many bills has he passed? if you're a guy who believes in the constitution inthe u.s. congress in the 19to20 yo noiet f bipa. oe man yu n t. pridfrth2 to2 managed to pretty much double hiset to. he managed to more than double his percentage of the theg..p. arhr un nd0of thinhendhtfie bherhoer ndes i tin even though he might no be running actively in texas or california i expect that his peop will come out to vote for him in the grt banay he ina-a$3 min t ao
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byndpocatms 't th thit. why e didn't succeed. you think he might have burned out his fans. he did not. they gavemuch and more this me d s einin matigen reteti gerrltce h inh ad santorum combined. ron pauldrew around $36 million. santorum around 14 illion. thguy e i in gvndha meg itan li. d sththte p. ing s havin real effects. they are able and willing to do the knity gritty of politickings. they're able and willing to run font me e in hoson tas ne woosnso or intert om alaskato iowa. they're able to win dell dpaitions in caucus states like ron paul said he would in every one else said he wold d yoai 't ey d at isatofrl-d pocaccan bl guf e o ershould keep in mind are both the gold wate kids of 1960 similar use of based movement that gather ndaoiony anovengu wrn s l ok and managed to surpristhe establishment of the time with what they could achieve in the
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future the re e ogt lusht nharit liarwgt p es t g b ouanned in the majority rules away but are passionate about the ideas they're going to be ab to swing their wightn .p bydhepnt er iatooti cc thue ioreiu thin il es nbot gettg, o winning control over the g.o.p. precincts or the like. it is a continuation of the intellectual mission o t libearmont o o icn as asdedobeth ti n s e s a and public cages for economic education. he is always emraced lender idthvifha tetunit anws autwt atonnd et. d uasus politics as the tool for thatlibertarian goal and it's that tool if you ask me ten years ag said my it t he esl. weythsooon cuut i g b he o00roy g olf major party electial politics she the greatest educator of ladies and gentlemeism as our time as david said. it tubt plcs thhe tf t pa id ihise e appeal the ron paul who is also thesame time the hoeful
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ron paul. ron paul is one of the nly politicians around who is inosyon ama otneile grst ct,rest ndlat ihwo that can on do right overseas. vote me out and vote me in. in forei poly rmhaur beorvseiaali soaye ev inmd e aclyhtt csi atrebinnemies overseas by our behavior. he is willing to say, hey the constant series of dedes of llnn l dla cienspin spngmriri . c cint. wean't behave as we have behaved. he is willing to point out that we are facing serious, serious probleith oudea fi cis e t in ga byi mnetlawecat hatllsnd one year like ron pauln'ts that would shrink the economy. we c't keep hinking that way. we can't kp tngs ok ar vent en wknknurdos ermaic ria. he ero that sense. he's willing to decry wha america has become. it doesn't usally work well in politics. i think it scares a lot of people about r pau at stiash exne mhes hdyosueew mgett mo l d dgl he pointed out,
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look especiall with the young people i talk to. they see the hope in itit. i'm not saying everything is do kwhodoab. weo wc t rn vent e nstiim clyapend less spend than we're spending. we can bring the troops home. we sent themover we bri them back. ps vioohi a i almoul enthusiasm even as he rightly paints a dark picture of where over reaching government has lead us. thotherines b thonlddei ma it ur o a - heeiier anhtanmogrsive than the progressive. he's the guy who says most republicans line up behind a paul rn lathil insihet ces wi n t ul alch al bu atogint d inear we'tha rase taxes to do it. he is the guy who is stwailg saying we talk out big government. we talk about ovrnme in rfg uri s sonerinhe ve o o anhi. we have a government that the government conseative say they want and yet when ron paul
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seemfid of it. it cme tt pa ou e , ow ternaty amnint20ac an it didn't turn out that way is a fault of his or a failure of wl to be as conservative as they say they are ontpof th enri. inn ilehe stseivcoisly covacde e. theame ti, he also in many ways, a more progressive politician an president obama who was unfortunate iyt fateitn he ree s eyohe idoa o san president's pors to unlotly imprison and kill amecans. and ron pa is the gu whocan t7cegsnt r n oe wr ti dseaorci t. you have president obama who has started new unauthorized war. killing thenepgrnd idth tng ns bc ggha ay herno to n caaiother haor prse and withdral o the u.s. military of the world. you have president obama who wants to continue to expand every aspect of the war ondrus inett a edl maan n whsgome attsarppl harm themselves is legitimate.
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you have ron paul saying to a crowd that the republican gait dett e t ntumen. ron paul is mo progressive than oba or nearly other national political figure. i don't want to glide over that one point that mak rees e tey vc dectann o thropioroa living sort of rebuke to them in a sense it proves they only care about income redistribution and thonaallycat e,il es d ngplopsi ncatof er dull t progssiv not in ron paul. the fourth divide that r paul bridges that i think contributes to success, he is both inibilel pociit icbl otllldth en i ov aimns of emer corse o researching the book. he is varioupeople say the only politician, you know runng for natonaloce whhpl y r hid a ncfbks re g thet ouraoma rne n t oy oes he rite books of serious intiewblght yule. they have bibographies point you in thedctiowherth idcar. heds uar thop
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genuine jiewjt yule leader in modern americ wclmisag inec h ea en g tid s adgetsmr ofirisaosthe generation. at the same time for being as jiewnlt yule as he is and even in the demeanor as he presents his ideas,henota i um it llemon ththsrt otl exwhthe saatcs libey. i was especially interest to the note recent more talks i've heard him say. when ron paul talkshe bv i r m lk yarhiala hesnav t d'teash s ading. he has a set of ideas tat he wings his way through. more recently he's been talking a lot insophisticated way abou shr cs m feivcdiiow des chicesthat there's something philosophically important not about what specific thing you may choose to dowith yourlif we bt t ald to t dtyo u'g mthuge d. e s mving his audience on a very sophisticated level. by being soillal
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gh a k 's ge ibeehan fwiaemio atmehai ai to him, though i do want to stress called a personality, it to him, the beusee s thodt mbli lif ethod hi n inoalde te seth ld tll his troops where to turn or tell his troop what to do. n pa is only in a leader he helped introduce people to set ofdee ve ool eas . ifoipeletore thea y ng ct p ey' goi reject the ideas. and that motion is going to carry tsve n on 21lonce. ngonhha drdoor hn o eve sy about his most recent actions. they are going to continue to work within litics. theye gog nt th a sutn isut i k aptw no tt the single most heard answer when i asked ron paul people the question how did you get ito all this. waatui an yul eil mbhaoueidt tptthprab se2 m b ma 100 othem. it was that distributed
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noncontrolled means of huans maki art andmin ctu dsbumt emesthew thvoon b ale cc ron pul has be saying the same thing for thirty years. part of why they're ringing truer now the oective conditions of alit make it obs an ul rg t gse d seanlbaath . thotre ihae se mmatth ideases so much more decentralized andwide spread and while it may be the last year for ron paul as niona potical guea yo tboi'cin thweye d eok ou o aection of 2008 d 2012 the most thing about them any historian will be recognizing is ron paul ran for president an te lu wn. thyory mc ppe] >> thank you bryan. aacnt te "raureti pissftht native state of kentucky is the least, libertarian in the country. imagine my surprise when rand ron paul emergedfrm a office intl n o l en frheear stanhtarn gel w seat in the
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united states senate. both his republican and democratic opponents ran pretty negative camignsgaitm. cu ho al mnn o embeiaeu s. oeacsaswe aclye. [lghter] i never admitted to any of that. [laughter] and the voters wanted to change in washingand they elected mbyafolean. he h st entertinf 10icwhetwe a le e t ty goes to washington" since he got washington he has tangled with the ta, propos abuge th all bledon rwsorffoei tpiaan dece n libertarian extremist by a writer review in nation review. they do it every now and then. wecoldn' n mmr knre o roauramtt i e reofonnl' voon pl wme en tor from the commonwealth of kentucky, the home of the eight-time national champion kentucky icats. snr ul la i want congratulate bryan on his book. "ron paul's revolution." it'soret "pa reti it men. it rt tebar
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montbtsoth ggthoe. i k d rst to admit the movement is not just him. he ealizes there's something bigg and, you know, he's fond of ss in thew fom ror. i potge. araoliyo . wh r kndbgs gornnt stays out of people's affairs. this is kind of young crowd anybody see the grateful dead. there we o. [lte nettoeri t int im thse h up e tiet and say i have three in cincinnati for detroit. i guess they were planning o going e next concert. wheminds meo t l lu i nfft yswoepleia sodyorah i me the ron paul headquarters. bryan was there and the headquarter would be 250 young people from all walks of l fr al o nt inge ie qur. atrmewyog to pl y, 't yb iui ot. it wasn't the chamber of commerce. you might see somebody with a too too or aband t-shirt. but it w different. it was iffent t y,hi pe falirewa ofewer d in d ke e agrel now, david talked about how people came ito the libertarian movement or ron paul movement by
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reading i am rand. i rtd. kiadpabae d r i bawna beia bu so d te elb yed emn high school. you've seen some people backing away. they're afraid of it. because you like someone you d viese shvenrsevyw inryoo pe afd. ofnnoins wrecently, paul ryan said he was a fan. now there's a blog line that says ryan slugged because he's in backing away from tht. t otothnpa --tsy tgs ha hhowo cagn anyeeamaln paul revolution song? it's fabulous. look it up. she came and performed for him ve at the when they didh miporaaat s ae puan coti cand rfdr ofyaigvetsh adcagn i january of 2010. but just bringing i think a certain sense of coolness to you weren't seeinganyhere . di h a cid ge n stoupbl vehayefos whulku d w ndi said we just marched in we can just march out. couldn't be any simplern o le ar n t meg tgrada tothga imw lot-american sponsor debate saying we need to end the trade
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embargo. castro is notgoing away. when td ut ok eve h li imin8 anwatcaihple woend reglersl negative response. but there was a whole new positive response ofall these new people, and i keep trying to coincehe rublin r uyotkvyte esd. s co e paul people because they are people who have been unhappy with both parties or been libertarians or constitution par or inpendent part but ey'r in u d er y. onicomanr hegan uan debate is i think he said at one point, it doesn't say blessed arethe war maker. blessed aret eem. eaavu ead herdess nde t kn wrveme th was an continual battle. the it goes on. there are things we continue to fight. we fought e patrio fo we gt re ves 's280 e 'sagwi e o le rr nut fo ame i said over to people in my campaign as well as what i've gotten here you have to believe in all of the bll of rights. annservat l te ndmene ent ied go ersneghfh amenllanrs.
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bun ve eecnd amdment if you don't belie in the first. you can't have the second if you don't believe in the fourth. so i tnk there is a growing movement. thths ve wi tpcaa athuhwevda thsbmi beia er op w e n erai i i say that the term conservative got kind of used of by people who weren't conservative. we had the conservative presidt who doubled the debt thpca g. itbvlyse. wgo on ctune pca diio the term conservative became of less value and the term libertarian became of mo value. we're having theights we had the fit on the defee thatac dtiwegol toiri on enroeds saatienoobe able to be held indefinite knitly or sent from the united states to gawnlt moe bay. --una. shws ngwhal amen we re id n vetucouato nt unamous consent to pull it back. it's unusual. usually if an author pulls an amendment, we saidno we have to vote. ansastwbty od a re wn io i est 5- peop people believed you shouldn't send a u.s. senate from here to guantanamo bay.
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intestiny weaner te ab90 ryat rt kihe eoet ck oyrhaert im aur] and about 9:00 and their vote voting everything. and a vote coming up i've been watching. this amendment said f you're foundiceiaaic thcoin edte of n cueor anuninenyocodbe ntognt bay. not that you wouldn't get a jury trial. you could be found innocent and sent to awbt moe by. theyeretryngtnv m bof dmatea bl lr bto tdi'te . sof like get along with everybody. let it go through. we'll full out in conference committee. i said, you know, i was like well. lo bacamsf ther t ck ad wvohate. l atsrey hand ceo i wassurprised so were they. carol eleven was with me. john mccain voted withm 51 bls d ad9 ndtod meg sorred e kaai sla aawful. you could be fnd innocent in the country and kept in prison over to. that's the law. that's awfl. and for goness k t hepalrelu yovenepp n tel ti inh a great congressman. he already is. i think he has a lot of the
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principles of ron paul. we have guy rnning north uchold oehe p . 'sse-w im erthldi bl. apuan t d' erseot the top. interestingly, a young man who i don't think i've met the caidaths s. hagocceof in anan i r d omast5 million into a super pac. he was a liberty loving you know man who had bno the ron paul rallies and thgs. but he got involved e re aig wy. 'sngtoe hm. thacllaek om da if at ' he lbarup re it the attitudes of people are changing. i think withinour caucus see see some change. the ron pa revolution is vianftevonpee o upe pe nat ngy lrtn. taseeteo e alilmmeanting that someof us aren't gun hoe to put boots on the ground. too to wih arn aroalt ioes we'tvnh. wh i uc te ids s id amn20ano president should go to war without the authority of congress. sounds pretty bac. it's basically what the constitution says. troidedhxaoto sew leldte oto ot tnotois ds n uan
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noe ocved that saying that congress should have anything to do. recently, there was a committee hearing nd panetta wa tr thskhty d, , a g t r o ih ooof emeawe o llge permission from the u.n. they said, -- and he said well, we will const with nato, and thail re prlyorng at wedo m. thwaoeiter s aitwggt before the action occurred that congressas preferable. that's our own au. it's the biggest problem. itot at ast o lu ad ntnd l non cyrh mewuly cy po. ecte brashing runs this praise and foreign policy the executive runs the place. and no one attempts to assert themselves. i think that's the bigest challengee he nk e n u rvtisein ghidti inbrn'b wb t pprit and i hope the ron paul revolution becomes a best seller. [applause] >>nk. thospes e n concise. we have time for questions. so let's open the floor up o questions. please wait to be called on and
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please waiforamiroe mewe ryo see oamnn afngu ve eteas? over here. thanks. i'hnht aca nsti whbo l? e oure h lehameno i cau h te left? with everything you've talked about is grea but is there a turefrgiinan pa mewhbo th 'lgnidl answer to that. yes, i knofor a fact that the ron paul movement revolution has succeeded in winning over many ople fromheimea ta tnyohe ths haoroc snc se oe l me soanly say that i met a bunch of them. a bunch of them say they frnds. it isoble,nha-w dgouw, wys edm i etuhowa consistently an radically anti-war, he was able to win them or from the ncom sttisswhi menerl whardiny ll enus ri frnyof th thcualreas anvi comab paul was
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the only candidate wofers willing to grant. they had grievances that were real. the problems6 curre pismeyrelnhe litheaoeag w aot nri ngt tm eye'tslyv ceived. in one case, i think it was in phadelphia -- i shouldn't tell the story. a rathergr aofvila of so sc u roueesen volving human excrement. it involved the worst edge. that's what the ocpy wl etnkfona pe. thewiliabet gem. oningt eplhe ffce between actual free markets and explain the bailouts with t.a.r.p. and peace and small government. 's neh dua i smss's wig tef nien abvly hex tes an organized entity feels connected to the democratic party. it's going to be trickier but one o oneyrrops mee sedi er iikdoou that. libertarians get together and say, i came to it because i read th book. when you lk t the president amohla-on
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ulple htbre . mem t ri llreoskh quon yomfrom the left or right. i think more than the vast majority are probably from the right because we're obviously i a rpublican primary. buth are ew peeog ftts inmeot enon meeh es cprri on the war issue. it gets to back to whetr or not romney can hold those people and get them to vote. it woudn't ou for ro ul r eseddut. thil e ey theahams inighteor heth romney reluctant or has some restraint with regard to war or if he's nterested in ntinuing theawownnh tetahaar h t sti w av thhlelenge ate th pl movement will -- or could vote for the republican nominee if they were hearing some of those things. >> i want to addquck nt. ti cl u e s. e rouldvehi meetilarly this go around. has been in a way that i don't think the deliberately but in a real way should be able to peal to a proeslis forires. ill aii ltep t d hikdrankh fu i've heard him actually wondering allowed like that's interesting there's a whole
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nch of lefty who are interested in what i hav to y. i k me resmfo teedthita mont sd btin t question. >> okay take the microone right here. my naisi i' e aue] m uonoitn are wri t0 rndcngryd waane in the 60s. it took about twenty years for his efforts in the '60 gz to turn into the rioroln 8. uen secawo , aftoad yt rbls n hi ck d f so how? otupui noisrd. yol heestnin hor titiy real in cases very florida. you have romney people hiting ron paul pple. i don't thinkthis is the yr itoioan. ths tin ti atenoihaon ulscl cecauta lo nhe ays about fiscal crisis and debt crisis from that framework, i have to think that some political party has to ce aund s th ttis tlt teleo opl dothththfce jve history and sort of
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changing attitudes are more on the libertarian wing of the republican party side than the santum wg. th ue su atnid nt acole porhlirtniue th amro lare becoming more popular. i do believe that for all the -- we've seen for all e n id s c n roul mnnsele meeica w ame ptydn e i think it needs to happen pretty fast but it's only beginning this year. m comment would be that i needtouh re ck f glteen w. in e io d nl cis when the bank crisis occurred in 2008 i always tell people, i think of that crisis as us 't el al a min. lko people lately who are concerned we can get 2008 on eroids coming out europe. a ontigen spreading trou ewd. doknheurui woabth tiwis ot i a lmi venthaveeople in place should a crisis occur should the direction occurrence currency happen in a more rad fan an a slowfaion.
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avoeag . e plsisnt pe s 'r in e le it has happened we have destroyed currency. you get something bad out of that. in 1920s germany dtroyed their rrcye theyle hi. opsa tsnve t toori yo ieboha e ou pe ostger that give me the liberty i'll give you security. are there enough people who love liberty that say there is a lot way, you know, hat aom of is atilfdoa ee mka dial sohi s man b laefoe noncothg bad does happen and we have to change direction in the country we don't go in the ong directio hend e roe heba. [iib ttbaohe anti-war stance, does he plan to commemorating the upcoming nato summit in chico i ayw d w niknait st t ng enotd d ob not. >> yeah. i don't know. of his usual style i would think -- yes, in the barow eroit ec doyhae nilng 12 xt fuea erch president issue victory t's say it's romney or barack obama which ictory would
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be better for tealb onoeno thbeu a dientl >>ad tboi inlktoos. i have a freshish answer. yesterday i didn't have an answer. for reason in this case cannot articulate. i'm prettynceest amll -eio i otdnda i on rrd ge com beeneebl partis the vehicle through which the action is happening now. it's probably better if romney wins and as bad as the rtnsec ioe, iclof vng ar aler tea keyeohe party that there are two wings of the party fighting for the supreme sei like in the 1th thsemie thn wnot pis y tirgn rtarl. th would be -- it evacuates me that, youknow, in my historical vision of bmring igoign owthrelinp ey'twe op kmn g gr >>ndkeo question. i have no comment on fo me. >> i have a different qstion are for you. yreowenghlo liren >>re ea y t std ndtho. u geeta n u caet one for a dollar.
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it's a penny that is painted with red finger nail polish. the motto wasoonrec re c brs wehitari edhaaiur of cannot cut in lf signyi their desireo eaheo thn. ye rhte goadv teik egetl jtbind him. >> thank you for your time. your antidote earlier . >> put the microphone to the mo >>steeheeor ren pan r buouhewa rngte. ti-have the connection there. [inaudible] i've been trying toreconcile how you mean to use the word. i finit difful sea rd ntritlamca ll i io yu' yihahi bvly the main reason i use it is just repertorily i'm reporting on 0 phenona that iih thgstsng rm d o heyb. taancait thatecause the phenomenon i'm reporting on calls itself that. but and so i haven't fought hard about whether that's pe m gthaut o
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n tu am i ht'apt esaln e sort of the linguist meaning of revolution is rnvolving. it's an attempt. don'thin lkabtt cotu m sul usthitsk knityheea lfo e oneitngt us back to the root notions of constitutional liberty in a constitutionally lited government thebeleve er std . an c ue ls gubotomuch libertian should feel to the constitution. i'm sympathetic to argument against it. i do think in the current con xt, that iwould be a gr imemtourtotht ep oestio an rlacnda vo the colleaguial meaning which is radicalchange in government. it would be a severeaal ans . i k tisase le. w sf u gt kow ouhegntlt s ertha o rtofcaicause it really revolution may or not be the best word. i'll give you a few examples. they said let-- thwawe caw ilehae b yoolemt upde gbmpa did it anyway. people said let's fl over indianapolis 500 with a ron paul
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banner. or radiologist residencein ne york pnttoo bung gln l en ukefroedyr th u oth . yo see google ron paul in ten-foot letters or say the campaign ads suck we're going to go our wn on youtube and make eir own. t at ff met ubndff arfnomend eyn'l-au y rtn ddn e being told what to. they did what they want to did. it made them interesting. i don't know if they we right or wrong th d it anyway. wgoto wathe wa t mitminregth tylamgn >> the tea party has been meioned a few times. the question i have, it rtainly seeped like it a mont rihe 08amgnteall th08amn. itspoe io o at kentucky in 2010. but since then, it seems to have gone off in a different directn. no esly po t mont aten 's voonll. filyhafe. anoukw,ttng ser o ee exit polling during the republican primary to see romney geght basically a vast majority of the tea party support whichem cotefft. d wrrork toabwt aif e erpectwhou k hpp there, and if
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it's possible to bring the folk that sympathetic to the party book back into the fold so to ea 'l id te tio coti feth rpan'd e paymme as mt nlltual history. i think it is fair to say in the sense of the notion of the transparent n seriously nkgomeovt ttedts tee tearthste arwionl i mb 2. e lethhe history is most people don't know any intellectual history. having saidthat i willay most of the people who bgan stin0oh dtnsakw thae ceri ou tam omse atoral ron paul rooted tea party came from. it's fair to argue that rnu tepty n dtavaoodo thtda pat wassssckee tea party identifying people for the romney. it struck me. i've written this that locally, political logic the a y ldven rouloc ane hepremih lof o a lgi t r i. senator paul has identified himself with the tea par in a way perhaps he might want to address if he agreesn
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sothinthason o i dttil 2, 'tl e st continued to the notion or identification certainly not around the ron paul world. i wasn't -- i was feelin that the tea party asb h beestyin2 n i ctt e. yoghve dfnt. iinry ht thhit aa december 16, 2011, because i was ere. and was in boston. it was in 2007. he called it tea party. then he er other tea pas cameadi2 th r 08 o29? 09acalyeese 2009, i was beginningo think about running and i was at myson's baseball game i was gointo give a spee hohe dbtty le le as0 t ind ri do in the 2007 campaign for my father. but i would say and i say there are two thingsthat got the tea party tarted o sue opunppa me, an nop sonhy tea is. buinrtmoement also a heart attackenning back to rules the rules in the constitution lmit government. and so when people say, t tea party's ddndg yt. nk 's a eous ziic wavoer oqutigth cotualofs r sixty or seventy yearsfor the most part particularly in the
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public but even in the supreme court to taking oamacare all the y to smert yr r y pe pelosi didt think there was a case. you had cservative justices saying that inactivity is not commerce. careul icty n laath e doith gomean 'se thw t ry a justices -- you're thought process is engaged in commee. thatighte i re yoveoin fles etha atrehgt us ima. anthwe wn i ju. i think the tea party was around the bank bailout. it some of the same people had -- angereople had thwall street movement. it wso arenl ouhoitn abththment thwa th ent ve mmdth when had deposit to president issue politics they didn't have a firm opinion on foreign policy. theyro the same way publs haveeneng ibares tetiiso reinpo i ast % he rpcaim ybsow as 15 to 20% of the primary. when the tea party breaks up and decidend think othe people are acceptable because o iglioea rtretitll cova tbr y om paul i did find to my
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surprise on the trail in hi and w hampshire w many republicans who r ru opuiknwh lkm oonl he wsthcdi. hess sort of -- that surrounded their thoughts about ron paul that he was too weird and too outhere and jut a ttleooh. ine eo pot gst'g mefnpcogin thvon n t n thu 600 delegates rather than 400 he's established himself as not the weird outlier but the runner up. the guy who fought it out tothe en e hi'tibu wtnrto foe ubn y. sof mrg, tis inreto change the minds. it's never they hated him or thought he was whereon. was wrong. heught it's stod r pa whswornc captains. you're a ron paul guy, cool. it will make ron paul acceptable in a way that he hasn't been not cause of his ideas because of theswcuurof raesatdrs .
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>> my question is that, how can he become president of t ed ttnhlsbs d'tt lvi trlifhtao t eshederstand that there are so many jobs that are created because of our involvement in thosecutr sman etiisws e stt ary le anyou >> those --i ean i'm goin t nem tlt. esabomerme rn m m ad wherpoit crngajag omon d oi paea as onomics from the great onomic popularizer henry hazlitt, who explained that is because you can see theo onhe oerensa ine yue jobs reflect what people
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actuallywant. not the building of trillion dollar buildings in iraq. if t govnmenis n mg yta jha cedlehaop aclyt o t weead o heerl wemeat washington chooses to do with their wealth. of coue, there are going to be adjuments, but it is going to be an adjustment that sng bdtri i bee epeae tu gngaan d whastoci thhove. to i would say alongside that also that in the marketplace, 300 million people between vote on where they want to spend money. in government, a select fe ar aio d gomebue e erana o mi aty ec wth t m afrhe odve sector. most of us who believe in very limited government acknowledged that we should only have the bare minimum of what ene cawh mdeingwhre ureyset h f ei in your pocket, you decide where it is spent. government is not very productive. for example, we ent $600 million ichecks to peop in the la fivye weno arygo yovehaomoto ott orcui e ta a ye t w sdb minimized because then we are taking it in voting on how to use it, and we don't use it as effectively as the marketplace uses t. whr tï o tthrgt d thve yel t gomehobeea joy g hns, e e
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spending more than a trillion dollars we don't have each year. it's not even really real money real assets areaving that re sdingea. de tsa ho enyo angee ventngdota gsehve bged i think they're over 50 years old. they need to be replaced. you know, one of his famous lines was w simply bomb bridges over there and then we rebuild them while others are falling down ere. pus c num e av ob. presispve t ul ecr, should always minimize how large the public sector debt. >> hello, i am nick gillespie. i know that you are big comics nerd you aeastou n iodg ne getilbrtns ultaut a little bit about him and was he bitten by a radioactive us spider. senator paul, coulyou talk a little bit about what it w like to growwirnpl er s beiapen d o,ith t th [laughter] >> i think you and i nick have talked about this. ve stopped a little at stories that try to ot ef nyoote rdkiarab pelv d bro bu gupi. uso fpel gr up backgrounds like that comend most of them became new dealers, essentially. if youask congressman paul this
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qutiomand i believe him whene ht,bcae emtelye e. eaju ae burm reg wr ro okepnghou tok i. you know, books li doctor zhivago helped him home for them. the evils of communism bok itbyyadrnh in discover the dangers of inflation. it was an intellectual thing for hi obviously, it is emotional as we, t i don't think hean exn y hiohr the icedhet litu anthita t, owl le in lpmauratli ofh a readg the right literature as well. >>y fmly-- lythade ey th didn't have a lot. it was in the depression where people counted pennies and nickels. they really botched everything that they spend. even though they have a litt bit of land from a maybe an acre l aw r veblthorha ke hardrks lianite or adeen mind. he didn't like people telling him what to do if you don't like the idea of the govement. a lot of people areorn that way, but i thi tbrian is gh doederkv s. e n inos gsithink they are not what make you an individual, i think that they give you the
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intellectual arguments to support yo individualism. it has come st erour rnt --ono bu as coatn ofhanot o s >> was he a good libertarian father? >> yes, no curfew -- [laughter] no, actually, this gets to t heissu that opv. yo trioan ryse rs lbuenry eran hi government should be involved in? i think that you can. sometimes i think libertarians are upset thatomeone may be too traditionally conservative and not understanding liaoeinel buey nn agttan time, very conservative. we live in a very traditional consvative family, and unfortunately, i did have a curfew and i did get into trouble a few times. [lte ka 'r tacake qti >> rj smith. competite enterprise instite. e tho instth thame of rau eti bwiomfhe pe whae tn come to the tea party and so on -- has been the rediscovery of property rights and the importance of the fifth amendment and particularlyte kicpnsti usppther t rsdmstua e
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enh 40 years since environmental movement got started, has basically been using environmental laws to take property rights without compensation, it hasbee ul ly. paul wth giioey dud ep ntharcos egiee rm declaring drylands in the wetlands and taking it with no compensation. and preventing the use of gibson gbo utcman f in iforen words and saying it's okay. i was wondering if you cou comment on that. >> it is top secret and are not allowed to tell you. no actually i am collecting a loofhese stories together in a ok iso ht d nte cantiiiemek. hinucegti tac c at hewhere he went after gibson guitar on. it did upn me that i discovered that we were actuallyfrce to begud r ot finegion en w -uc be convted of honduran and brazilian fishing regulations and spent time in prison fo those things. we have gone after people under the lacey act. people he beipiedr in hea hi laitrtau opayy llg us hy utngc dirt on ry land, basically. there are a lot of these crimes and over criminalization that we are very interested in, and we
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are going to keegoing aft them. >> iouldt tdt t n o fanar utok th n hoin a ' he was telling the same thing he said last night at an event. i was not as impressed as i should have been, becae was thinking yeah, yeah, ah. eoies 'venkiaout ht e . verd aeo it just us in a small conversation, itas not a u.s. senator. senator. that is a very big andrand g. u.eorwatng ou actonan k fori ht poup >>rgh e irol' volution." thank you brian doherty and senator rand paul. thank you all for being here. there are books for sale at every bookstore in america, but alsoere in the halay wi thther sth pl o sfo chse aooyi [aus la [applause] [alaus s reonioth ork uwuk t e urn tv ndanai btv an. t uttem/ tv. >> here at the boo exp er tooblng st al e i w ctnotunsi rs is reed ths unsif ag press.
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gerry adams as the publicity manager for that press. we want to talk to her about some of the books that are coming out in e fall of 2012. ms. adams, if coul sta wieafm . whsha s tutoflt f oe onig we have for health care in the united states is the right to be seen in an emergency room. which is a relatively new law pa i86 aul tbeth ata t a frhet urltre emltreteme wna esfrationing. and the book talks about how the health care system has been rationed by age and income and region endedt in tun results enable the sysm at whave d ffgiafuor t thanicat be iac itksutw pecea n everyone from soldie lives to victims of natural disasters like hurricane katrina. >> does she look for policy solutions to this rationing by x. t or ato i d alissgo t inyt tis g ivsor alar g tee ttleboutways that we can make it a little ecological. a system that makes more sense to more people to that the university of chicago press have a point o viewwy e s? >>trt ouuier r- lo ouok vt b res aoa f university professors. so i think the board itself is often divided on different policy posions. we are looki for strong holahipsetaytg. aerk imi t schel n
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er ok ha aea rit orof the welfare system in the u.s. it is called a sympathetic state. we often think that welfare has its origins in thenew deal and theae oiicarng thime cs n bue ookoeac 17whisat allows aid for the victims of natural disaster. it was actually is law that they were drawing on the nature of the welfare system during the great depressi. jolt t grdesis sa th eassnc ien f oe people. because of this conflict continues to play out in our discussions about welfare today. we debate whether we wt to lphose n lew teseti sicn athahee resi >> how many books a year does the university of chicago put out? >> we have over 250 ties in its catalog d we distribute for 55 otherpbirs sahaer e but0 esurund20 gecatalog. >> we have many presses inthe uk, like the british library the bosnian library. our reach extends even he we haveagepcan sln ulsh of lcida >> hunley, michael gordon's new book. who is michael gordon? >> he is an author that is
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writing about pseudoscience in ic icyabe gon to b created a theory called worlds and collisions but says that diffilt disasters like fire and flods, t relt o cntcocm opraelos arndtlto t bi wimdt ase iti lso attked by scientists who said it was absolutely wrong. gordon is looking at whysin tepeanow th hthedme t tabos he looks at a section of bellicosity's book and talks about how this reflects on our current debate in science and how we determine what is legitimatesciencie e n usin eronou te ch avoon e btlin ih geadsk ex er unersity of icago press. some of their new titles coming out in the fall of 2012. homa area oco "cgobuprrs list ta a hite book a historical novel about the watergate>> i am ure break-in. it is a little under an [lauter] ppe] >> sthom py i m nwtatwear nis eivaen ghr] ne
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>> watgate, thomas mallon's new novel i nsm abexy y hnkab wihers ot process of word association. it is about the break-in and the democratic national committee that occurred in 1972.l hat right?e-- >>. ltel isnesof lepeen many, many of them were lawyers. ulmteit teun reatco ttey urtothest e edaeve m it was a pivotal event in thee lives of many ofus.ican ceainlmbaut amalha t rconamabt e lrfss int,av fch sebu mom returned memory is that 33 words wrem of legal convicted, and of course et wateate, it led to the installation and the amean leco l cs seare rtfo , h pl ewen si h eg profession. both the way that lawyers could sort of back themselves noa enngn ibcup beord e io
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e lyhi behavior ofther watergate special prosecutor's office in particular. in many ther figures who naer w at ar w i estkeco ofcnu. an o os tremendousas awriter interest among americans towards the law, all of which made the life i have as a writer ibsoo i -anlkem unaeisr ou ic know, i felt greatly vindicated to find out all these guys are crks at iam his atasve aega atteoeoiinally as a gift, what i assume to be a mutual friend of thomas mallon's and mine, scott simon. hs the n wke onhs icn en hes rr b y outod it. nove he was completelyl. correct.h it is an amazing novel. and i hope in the course of our a scont llbe lwy t juas le a teaser, you know it enters what has been in its own wa he
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quon 4ya aey inherlidbof ano nwa oiit proposes a novelistic answer to the question. the more it offers vramusingh co ohw t 8mnt gahias aonrc frr epeat it president nixon had secretly been reporting, in the oval office, how it occurred -- it isthe ne justat dlgful thea pisu't tawetbf its nrdibl intern velocity as a novel from the very first page. in obngens siic oe hien isot argo o you read.tom or so my first question for tom -- do you prefer tom orto asalis wn or nis hri abeir innt aean history. that but my, first question is given that what would draw you to what ispoab be veatdoadered inct in authoritian covered incident
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in american historws wel tnk tre a ob thi vewsion -t lid ss stro watergate. so i look out on it. day after day after day. i see througwh my study widow.e, it it always crosses my mind, but more tn anything l a too. e no woo lawygoing up and young adulthood than richard nixon. he was a famous man by the time i was born. i justurned 60 so iwasi erurth2cpan.i. isanxpnc v liti as a kid.pern ce i went to portray everyday wearing a nild exenou ut gh myftessie. rm rig econ t of 1960. dit h having spent weeks telling my fellow first-graders that nixon did not have enough - that edy didn havenou pecebe psde warritn, tior-yol be b ng [lghter]heend so nix on finally becomes president when i am in college. and he presides over the end of the itm ai
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ltly plte penng of china, theok his honest negotiations with the soviet union. i shook his hand once. he came through withms n b 96mp. r wed ot ald rtiut king wr l and bobby kennedy -- he gave a speech abou otre mtas, ans.on sng thp he aksa k hath ndays member, for years the site -- she had spikedheels on and they were digging i the ler ls o e a s o tco sow hgefsics s reatmu of suest suggested hidden depths about mrs. nixon. and who is actually a very maji figure in thek th bnyou s wamuarhsi anumreli a atc shlo herself to be in the public eye. so i think mostly nixon and then rtlys sctertoe otno omn - he teoue ic hiicnts rte ofw yan. 2 pe wotghpin them. i wrote a novel about 20 years wa about ago called and turned it was about the cu
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- rtreif ac w ttiat household names of watergate. like fred leroux who is the batman. e go-betwe. the co-btweenbn me itane e e ths. as well as some of the biggest getin protagonists. to not just settle for these coenie piphefis, to tt dete s,useon sehe cha. to tavatni peopleho carry himself. nixon is one of about seven people who carried the narrative ofhe book. weee evethg fr the inw. lme aa ess. ri and i am going to quote a ve distinguished historical has the novelist. historicalfithsd g urtoe ao fy sl aubt t egoochiyv es det fscialhistory, a historian must resort to statistics and comparisons and coactsndingsechra f tve pbl cttethwywe thm. thth wha i regard as novel is the greatest achievement of this
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novel is not simply its picturememb of ie y reerl,hoa er eosig cin n' thgrachievement of this novel is what i would refer to as moral inversion. when peoe go to prison when rcnlaa siio trent thitta ty s hepblic eye is bad guys and vilins. while by no asdisisgh gne ht d us cotiittee, idf pren th un esbstrti justice, this novel enters the points of view of these wth tebscon t evgooeof erthlirta believable and it brings a certainkind of loetat a nostte o orcaas. tongo fl i edask u thtpa t yo willingness to partew other company with a common understanding in ew of th pele tyoot
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>>h, eraiyid an f rdon as a two-dimensional cardboard villain, twirling his mutache. that didn't nteesme s ve. i t k .nt i k wa manus mpty nomont enormous loss. i told somebody not lng ago that i used to wonder how on earth does robert caro spend year fteyacte y w dethdohn i ot ont ngpehet e foeaitchnionhot mei n't think i havethings. gotten anywhere close to thead bottom -- the bottom of things.e i think that he was justs enormouslycompl. errese ry e hrs loweofou r hetese eyupe e e 10 years. men of enormous distinction in many wa of enormous distinction in many ways. hugely flawed as well. i dotink hasmevlai issbdstimeli y w, icky sticky appreciation of virtue. oscar wilde once said thatheart anybodywoiste l d tvert oftn. gh nmat a in life, andfinally is foolish to contemplate as a mitigated
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viainy. but i rely wted tr bnd sd i'seaa hefi ad snythhe i hihais s f e gst or fin o i think that was me -- >> it was, itwas. that someone asked hii onceed waurenme u jees iscact i rttoemwhiss, icim io fiction. when people say i learned so much hisry from your books, ind say be careful. you don't know what i've chaed an h. oo bapsaannyo od iphs r o arxooooger tock rhrge. when trying to imagine what the backn subject's thought processes were. the writer has tofalback on wellit inotuse li htnionmigh noou ou ti thve -u oo th races. it provides one avenue in. it is not presentation of s,th hsca tfin reusil an fr.nk in se wy yos n k t se people, and perhaps enlarge them a t little bit. let tick off onti otthmedsingud er hrinli historical novelist must
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grapple with moral considerations, not just aesthetic ones. don't you fearsk the dead?y one intervieweasked me about the darkotivest scd hrcto wee ing t y th ais. he ah,yu nc that one cannot be t liable, but one can refrain from distortions eyae osus e heigofti noithtsl di. [laughte it has a theory about why it happened.n youo know, i aval kns th tatt abo th re s hr historical basis to believe that pat nixon was not a fateful fe?ohe o. lysehghl atphtd.referrto [laughter]cter i mean, what scott is referring to is a handful of fictial characters in the book. you can recognize inhe loni the st oarria heavhe f oek, og c dricsci only onlyde up ou about three have their names in quotation marks and they are the only three characters were completely made up. theris aman named todur
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ws etaa wys s ge ima xodu ime t mrs. nixo during the 1960s when the nixon's were living int new york f after he had losthe race forthe wild the governor of california ng rmm hywrk foatca t ldss ers ro am chi. i m sp t pp time that rs. nixon had been hurt by it. mr she did not like politicenue. she always wanted to be a had a lawyer'sn ie gh e dhnuhe weo umd bkss shnt t ztar d tht wut ord. her girls were going off togine h school. it was a very good time for her. i anr intoit te aifan affair. with this guy that she meets inshe giv newes u york. which she gives up. te she gives up the affair whe nixon begins to run for presidentn6.n, sardihsmig e s. on i aehe bos enlyal rid n,i evele than le thi wants. i do think that the nixon's together were a much warmer couple of people then what people think they were. eir ee unrv ng rdth as. u tin ee, n rosemary woods and vb were
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verso, who me their homes with the nixon family. someing had to be going on there. something that wasier thha t. she a oide hud. gethcrunc with b emo mrs. nixon. it is very funny business,arir because, some reviewers said that thethought a h vi otl t hek. asirorpaf ek erstrie d boe ase ryas this. and she said what about the fact that there are living daughters and so foth. oughs,ths wothheerho lid haisii ys th cre wth ve had. i, myself have objected at one point in time to an attrition by filmmakers oforrtint th y, ihe chteatrobo ot ouy t i oeeho t s of iniquity, this was a very tender human kind of ws laughs.a in a peculiar way, it helped me to w thwae rems one xpncatre n enor dnte thhi happened. he but somehow, it allowed me intos her mind and thought processes, in a way that let me henmeaal th wu oeeb so en,tprt of what
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novelists novelist do. they try to get at the truth by lies. to somed extent thatwas what i was dog wan of o i eou plli o oor it is sort of shattering the glass that always lead over sat mrs. nixon. somerillntsrtes s elt technique.t i have to ask this is just the privilege ofy one having a microphone, but i have to askou about one more moment in the novel. richa tre is a point at which richarxon veasec hy eqoetate lawrence -- i can't rememb which one, but the hardest job is not waging war but waging peace. and getoff e pm no mellticso o nohfd i l, whe ri poye very, very complex. on richardson said did you kete wr q? hedfepet r o oi.anchond,ad up qioe s were youay freelancing on that one, too? richaron, t th >> halher that he did not say
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that to charon. buer svnc od emku s dehede p. diaries. we're nixon says were d to the quote,nd hsaid madit u. he jdin. wtewthoevyen ap rrnddnerwihi bvenngev ye inil of 1973.dinner, bu the t nixon's attend the dinnerf t theyhave toarv a aut in oe - erwordn erin aret aaror h they early watergate coverage. i mean, haldeman and ehrlich are these two reportersho have en sckinth sheav nidipcrry co thirisot d'te tre n woodward and bernstein get there. this is an example of how complicated xon and obgatethe y .ent m ateth sge enhith s ognn he stngvelon coio tig cy achievements it had in the paris 1972. going to china and russia. the paris peace accords, ic'tke ime prdothan sof en hpes ce trip is in june of 1974. he goes to five different countries in the middle east.
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he suddenly looks to bethe stok. titnehe t o afhemibe tke ead acll of phlebitis while you're standing in the cr and waiting. and clearly his thinking, this is the greatest hail mary pass all time. if heca smhow broker a dl in mdlhyll th of cer atte ill t trick plus. but the clock runs out on him. >> well, as you can tell from a commentor, this sjs eremrryfcad io rey didn't care what reviewers have to say abou this book, although they've bee enormously aor ulllm m li t fr eot le i pwoh re tee,try i he end is greatly taken with a chacter whom i suspect most people herwho ven'adh l d gew t a tnd thooltw. ddel daughter who wa a friend of almost everybody who mattered in wahngon, . sa ya ak raano r u a hgeo
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whatever she damn well pleases to people. and so i talked about richardson fore, who is you w,a omyespec, mes hereeda tory gel thud ern hi c ended o pursue the president takes. and instead it turns out and i suspt this isholl d,trsoada eterdik rem rte i ine would hve ever been anything today with that kind of criminal recor having engaged in behavior we now view as much, much, much re ses. t hsiiln source or longworth? >> longworth. >> mrs. longworth says to them at a cocktail rty that you know, well, you look more like dick trcyhan c k haerhoghh ntle rhitldp se e teter here is -- >> well, she would say anything. she famously had a pillow in her dupont circl measure ttsid ya yhiic t bocoitme [lte e n194. wa very friendly with the nixon. she had mark nixon.
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she was veryf fpt anas onte usitl e s gt and, but she stayed in washington decade after decade after decade, you now with this long, long historical mery. shrey nd erin h nora fer to nio goes to her 90th birthday party in february 1974. this is only months before he resigned. he and mrs. nixon gotk du ce e, reerk ihe avyoowha oti slortse t long life is? and he as well she doesn't get obsessed with the petty things that upsets the rest of us. and dybr tck tonsystpe ane oum rg ca n. ug] shitntok at that point ansays i think the clock is ticking? taking. [laughr] but she ery syheto x. ws ric d thofriwi puan for all -- she'd been on the scene forever. longworth was nicholas loworthear t ke th o hoof rrts sh anafth i n ha dhthaery ishon ry daer n otln. and she wanted to call the daughter deborah.
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but even she relented atta tht at a t ch saskioa hin ok w w fuon originally thought i might ve to martha mitchell if anybody remembers the watergate days remembers mrsmitc w vefbt sornagve unerwo sre mu ntng fiy ad fe mrs. longworth. i may this is michell had a tremendous drinking problem and tchell's, the lev in fnew kl rl iescl juason s. shstn'ar ou e he hinsie that was vry unusual from the days when washington was a very hard drinking town, days that obably persted hours into th'0se - mdien sid oin. lithonattoe arndhe was very impatient with people who have had too much. that she was sometimes you jus know this when you'rwrit a arr.
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>>han trdo amound eoi ouren ar nixon. you can listen to the tapes on youtube. he talkso richardson just after he has made him an attorney general. heeem eatos adston x hserey g totteleef w eath nixoon p selliott, this cou take you all the way. and he is thinking of the way that h caseha aem far o the sushe ttitd as w i't lye ne a spl prosecutor. i'm thinking you could do this yourself. and richardson said, well, mr. president, 'mtue ou t. anxohotse hiines overplay his hand. he says, you do whatever you want, i will back you to the hilt. you appoint whoever you like
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mmit yo cchs evhu iu at aur] gckotol cth ler urike e aie another novelist. richard nixon i often work late at night and he e is th laoi w herbe g e inn shne. there's aso stuff ntee go lra s t d yoo p. t aom w h coale dt asto talent, it finally was. this was in very veryr st w vviarn. n'inatt viars b -- as stk as other presidents. we have about 13 minutes left. >> i could easily occupy g te ti il. i d uhrfert rrder my role as the question after and let the rest of you engage co asmln. [di s >> i love everywhere that you write.
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tom, with that internal velocity that scott referred to, i was wondering, what advice would om thi ol en'mng c n adimemprm h ere cgoe famous mayor daley mayor roie summit improvement programs. what wouldyugv 1d-yolhe xtansyth music. >> whether or not they want to be right, i would come to read indiscriminately, to read everything. one thing i do likbouthe rom npce nt. that is how i read when i was young. remember gettingmyd brcahes2 ea d. atlrlthhe ulven hel f . e ry oksem mccarthy spoke the group and anything by john o'ha. suddenly, i was free to read these. i wa aa reg ha eid,al june dv ns whca out in 969. i was mad for politics at a young age, and i read this id not
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know much about prose. it is not the best written novel, but it was very gripping in its own way. one of the things that young iters, if they are excited abt dst o lise std he o in96o w ael it was cled impeachment. it was my attempt to write a political novel. i clearly have been warming up foe e fo b 4 ye i t rbeat naf finaest s. onrswherret was my father, who is very encouraging. my fathe who stuck with richard nixon, to the very last nt ldsryecy e ti sim crfoe nti hm riheme ocge d graduate school and we were watching the news together. he turned to me and said, lisir s' it wa. ey y. [laughter] [laughter] >> ias wondering if you saw the most recent bert redford
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movie. [iudibet otthiswo i hany isot,o we g tve renaar a whr whhoree information that was supposed to be secret and the like to try to build up the presidents i guess, overall populary, retivesof h cisemdie >> yet. >> they decided to go in the hearings. i was ndering if you had heard abt th. tarta ' n s af a ldb. whatever the subject the hearings are on come i do' k ylav hsm pae erof 1 en oe tw r emenic tho unywsachin am thing. athem ses ri. s hi nmphs. no ss vane. tht ges thundot s ne thing and the way to be used here. you have the 500 channel televisi world plus the internet. e ol au oe floor where the conspirators met to
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plan the kidnapping of lincoln. i am not seeing that ie- n'enytt s hithntt e smr ied opho oe ge things. sort of the human factor in history. i wrote a nonfiction bookeally was a long new yorker profile that turned into ashortok it tawm haeloue ld n 63 unknownst to her he was keeping her rifle inhe crotch. she a b at h ex olko. shun p omtei tnbe tar cosibee kn more about lee and marina oswald than anyone else. i wrote about what this had gone to her n litimend h she d sof onveti rllloty. th ildk ab -g me on n t was before kennedy was killed -- it was a point in time in which oswald had already rpedup her ant sioratas g asoingo mo, ootrme plitr leby w t rs bee wapad
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husband, he thought that the bolacked a father, and that the boy's cu iniclyen tm hmethus hs nw has already taken concrete steps to not only kill he president of the uted states theext day, but to deivanotr tto aeeyeld isfth t t eoe,h aywiishl ut of some dimension of human kindness. that is the kind of thin--a eemndin theainst a huna. s ofso hiicic, ough it was nonfiction that i wrote about this historical fition generally provide the opportunities to hypothesizing awa tafoar biphd orn >>m'am? >> nixon was on the health and american aivities committe. an w nig r y whave b mmt. i wondered if he felt that he believed all these people th ended up gettig blacklisted
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were actually a oteatat to ee. heerreafwple ou hr atab of theeople they were an -- the e ames os oflkng c ett t ouin do eius abthd threat? did youhink it was something he was playing for politics >> hcertainly did not -- h wadain a hpoca denha idhm. one case is absolutely sinful to nixon. i definitely thinkhebid . inttemstisca study has vindicated him. the ide of opinion has vindicated. hgonete h v eth l mmstn gomewhis the problem was phrased, whether he felt they were a threat, i would leave it to real schols as opd ovll landgrrssa e te hs thtple vebeuc te and again, he talks about the case
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to people he i frequently talking about. he frequently lks out n thep w tihiew thol. chof atra remains central to him. >> we have one minute. anybody? yes, i. >>t d nd pak aoukin th w t i. i am writng a novel about washington during the second agamtrn. thisroet s pliweng c lose to getting the nomination. almost beating gerald ford out. but finally loses to him. thativeshis eecht eliftheon mumo aisiae ot t win t wrong man. the book opens with richard xon in his home office in sacramento, watching ion what he ol clt. here he is watchcni w hamller ce e it n lyau
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irt i am only as far as the prologue -- so it sort of feels like a sequel to me. >> thank focused on nonfiction authors an books. watch it here on c-span . in3, ileng spf lseoxty towa'ssi procss. mr. owen created an urban farm that now grossed 40 tons of vegetables and raises 100000 fish that c be0,000 people . willet ro rsitint ckouasapwh inner city land with greenhouses. he built the country's
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preimminent farm. he s an ceo of the oanizio atdep cmuf sys ec 8 s d daeag srt. only the second farmer to be honored. [applause] he's also -- [applause] he's also a meber h inglitie uan, as i to w hirs dyheobinaung t've rsna leadership program to reverse the epidemic of childhood obese in americ in 201 te zindh t ftippl d01-au hew named one of the seven world's most influential foodies. he was named the0nc evawcits helesw fe eeisin w eo la ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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such a wl n optet ♪ re raduated high school i had over 100 scholarship offers and any goal was to et an education and pla professional bketlld ine gac t fa ♪ 'ratomms th ca ood production to 10 more than. that was a billion dollar ge ♪ grg ehe erogoe grgpedrga coitbuswre ch i community that badly needs part. part of this whole concept is about growin comunity as well as providing t pot g ll ousisu ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hefai rm
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at pp like african-american at the time he wanted myseland my brothers to know where our food came from for practical reasons to be le trow ourow . nale ♪ ♪ actual, i was driving down the street here at the time, back in 1993, i was workin forproor moaseol anij s fle s an opan ot we nu. idyf,s h ac that i could land and that's when i got in trouble. [laughter] i ew a little bit about the eavelo th rghogjewha he mau src mha ll f -- and the only access to food is corner stores and what they call fast food am i juincvd,ad cleveland and met with him, and he really gets it. we're starting to get a t of waste omowhal t athnd ou oposoee i go to all people and communities.
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do that, you have to figure outways of reducing the production cos pa of at t s go ss rebleroket conlt te fod ybat rna cost. how did you d that? you know, how did you make that happen on the three acre hocan we th e -erasaun rmtept of ti feture, how we grow food here using everysquare foot and everything we discover we pass it on to folks who come he itotikanot ihcltam y. evhie co pss t ohf. oi ever interviewed anybody who was named a gene yis by a majo fountion hodoui i t itmwetre re hnds safcsthe city like detroit. cities like ohio and new york, chicago whereea- [iib on3sqil ♪ ♪ i believe in hinga dve
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p olo kw ae o and e hesiitth tydkis om city. we started to looking at as an asset to the community. we a providing jobs. >> i used to walk ptr ery is h ol g te asal co e tdiniwd haevho i d -- [inaudible] ♪ ♪ whrts pth 'rom ro e alramitlma mississippi upstate wisconsin, we encage those communities. it's not just inner city, or urban, it'sulcouns threhugtael ' alou dw rengryhe eexngfsm make it something that really work for everybody. >> people think because they spend a lot of moneyfor food that food is fresh andgood. but wkd v let lseot enuiealath sy wed k the days where the food system was local. sustainable food system the only way to end hungser in the world. thduals 't wke wve cauod po, atlfod lian d oae ned t create projectings like this and others around the country to
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change how we -- we can't compe aue] it's something we need to continue to grow. there are challenges we have to overcome to make it grow. i'aferaeti etn ad mp aigs --hang i ind of challenge of taking the lost shot in the game. if you can transfer something to this, it becomes powerful and go thi fr toni t evi♪♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ la go evenin i don't know if it works. [inaudible] these thgs are neve rk m 'satbeer ig ea bbimwai
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fw ut from miami. i was first in l.a. this week earlier in the week and i went to miami. i wa vited by r present of orniit-iverty mtufcose a, w e ce t uw madison. she's the president at unersity of miami. to give the commencement speech to the graduating class, wch sdandamt no esalhetst 19 lf e farm in maryland, and went to the university ofmiai where i was frst ari-aca sketll pyee 19 it kofaiake foe d so special to be back home for just a day. [laughter] because tomorrow i'm heading out to new york. before i get started, i want in uhsionh al-conhan -- charles, who cocrowrote the book with me and acknowledge a couple of people in theboo i dot if u wa d ce c t. la one of my friends told me once
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that iyou oftenpdu of ur -andoo es s in isrelyojt hetoe involved with this. i feel grateful to will, it does . i vet pector mand alharal won s. eltotfle who were instrument tal in helping. joan fisher who is here tonight. >> will you stand up. >> in the bacwith the pink shirt. very gref wterwho e pl tegnd doch wsho armbe ogrowing power. >>. >> where is don. >> don is right here. i think everybodynws don, he's a frmeradeanhee y mwa. onngwd wihe wry t get the place. there was a church at wanted the place as we. and, don said i think we need have enough churches inour unity and at [lauter] aihyeos li, itel anwa to thank jennifer who some beautiful pictures in the book. it helps quite a bit. laus sha tphoger gher trt e'oofotpe
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i'm s i'm forgetting. will, thank u. [applause] >> wsoaootherfs thretrt in e wo oe esa shtflimge at growing power. if you've been to tours you've probably run intoer. probably giving a r. sawharu? [aus [iib ok. mee he [applause] and also we've had a coupl other opleefro owg wendanh emauthyarap hem,auhe at gow wea team. i kind of patterned the organition after some of the teams that i've played the team ndfeec ao h. sos jum igal e b ve11 plees today and we'll be hiringnother 150 over the next oso. thoothhey lig. la an'r ar o strategic plan and martin, whom some of you might know.
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frank, if you wa to stand up te coegl uftte pn alro u er e y. hoping this five-year strategic plan we're going to be developing over the next year takes us ntothe futu ging thugnd ousi ano fr oo fwa h an ara a part of that. it wouldn't happening with the work we' doing in milwaukee if it wasn't for the communy. evybodine cmty rm tiagsr nd reti it started as a movement. now i can tall -- now i call it the revolution its. as i travel around the contr saf eoowpo taanouopere geg lv a w ree t or o tes br. we realize that our health is going uth. you can read articles it's tv. 's eanenhe sh tbwpct b 3 nd te tth onad0e o kno thatone-third of us are obese. we know that we are eating a lot of food that's not good food even though we paya otor whttrlsieslt t ra ll enlayh ce fhesttiin march 2010, the only way to end
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world hunger, we lose about 5 million pple to lack of food and waterinhewd lodym. t st fsy tat av e st fsmgo gaate soon? no. we should be working on trying to devop a system that we used to have in the country whe most of the food it w grown wi ttase ve anw av mus rty usha hainnumca rm lgtng farmland to use some of the land inside our cities a vacant buildings and milwaukee is one of those cities who sot ntld al lwe beethleer ar tld in urban farming. it's lookeas a place where folks can come and get knowledge around how to start tir ne a wtoe einjucoit fas le u food. part of what we'r going to do is over the next few years it's taunted bay lot ofthing. you have to have re m owhiwobeee ev userot on ye pely tenst lkat works in industrial food system. you know, they're stting to say, doesn't work. you know that uld never work you know. i tih-heeoeay d't k.
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wegng anin w. e g r in milwaukee. only 1% -- less than 1% of the food is locally grown. over the nxt the years, our goal is to take thi to . auimicns s jos a dfe teesf bs yu ut ceilotsfa jobs. this new kind of growingfood involves everybody. i don't understand nerve ts om. 's tneihnts l s. e fa tweatoea od w do hobee toin e ietha day and a half of production. it has the full nutrient impact and medical folks who are working with the hospitalsnow, coe . eypcingw intmso t e r ou tho di. so of eat good medicine every day. most of us eat bad medicine we need to starttngoo mene thly tthis e astund em e t t. n easy, but it can be fun. if everybody works together. everybody needs to be at, what i call "e gooovoon bl ctadaort pe afrhe bl us a lk te tih tyoor atpathreen because every major corporate
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company today has the sustainable si erybywtslint stblies ate t,eraj cia 20/20 plan to become green and sustainable. if we don't have geen sustainable foodsysemheyl r reh t gls. re fooithbone thini. eetttf nkiainhoe to t bottom. so i think we have an opportunity here in milwaukee and te whole metroareo prttcap i ere sk lee'lbto quantify a lot of things we're working with the great lakes substitute to get lake perch back toou ts c ch mci ecrfew p we're going build a system and usehe vacant buildings to really grow out not just thousand of lake r bu ll oak ch on tnswhist ve ch re tety ilee thwe'taer to be able to hatch out enough as possible. d to build enough eese oundhe r itohae10ae
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nhs e o yar. that's what we do now. we grow it year around. it's not good just to e food fo enty wes out te ar toateathfo3 yea . we n backyard garden program. it's important to assist families in putting 20000 backyard gardens. it's the first line o defens e cnr he o odpentoft o fo cos tas wte 's important. but to do that,here e some challenges. of course, i think everybody kns soil is contaited. wh we d ow l. weta0ionpodso fo siecu ad on due from four new municipality and grow thousand of yards of me postto be able to d teo. ymrnyngt's l t so wes d te go 'sths. fa weou t and we want to grow food without chemicals. the only way to do that is grow new soil. i'm going to stop ight hered juhoama ob nthlts okay. i'm going to show a few images.
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charles, that's my gnher wheatedryg teofeing a t my family were slaves, part of my family, i have a dirsefly cknd wne ses myanheacka in w married my grandmother here. that's my mother and father. my -- they came up to the washington, d.c., arein th '3y er w arppnd oeyod emeehedrt alwi hend a l of that is written in the book. next. thare rlrs 00 iathuas . iat ksi next. and these are the young people that i work with. there's somhing unusual about the yog people. the 3rsg cfr e igho atow w gtag enbwinwht . there's something different than the kids today. i'll tell you young people they will have their pants pulled up ug adorogl. srtginilbck in
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the early years. next chuck. and you n see one of the greenhouses we startedo take e srnhs d l 0sdad sie ke. edcostmoeo waste and carbon waste. we started works back then. and these boxes and today we have atthisnfa7, dso. wer h 00pds e g le aee0 ard. eye s ths wierm the greenhouse, we had an old -- slow down charming's. we hadan old boilernt dnorrye asatoff b e e d ha ndohi t. . etii so the kids wore coats in the greenhouse. next. westarted -- and rememberthis image. wasstrttha upcs grn19 deanastw tan and one was the ish. we grew about 50 tilapia. use the air stone to move he watefromanto ta weledana fr t u ow moahsemoe fr. we a number really of those along the north. we grew a lot of bedding plants back then. that's whathe greenhouse is
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rely s ut. atrs ue e - . uthtodorh ty thaua chir next. and then i would teach the kids how to grow food in the back 40. next anoof in ti maf yoati hd al-eoaeya wrg driks. afr did something hands on we would have them write it. to improve their writing skls. we would e m rdi oorgizaor eiadmovomng wedothtcrims da of arts was canning food. a way of serving food. my fily always did that. we teach the kids. i was drawing on the thngs th we a as s ac tidn a ys d ottgwd b ny of these young people, you know didn't know how to use tools and those are rul against kids can't toa drll yore s ag ralhus ta tkili. [aus wul a the young people life skills there are some in the audience whoon't know how to properlyse tools toda it's a lifk d rmscls stdcogand ntngk l ys next. and i also orked with juvenile
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justice system. some of the kids gone up and been in prison four or five years. ey w comi k to e mmy, thaoo rohhtsialsoo i ue agricultural as a way of helping them do that. it's a therapy piece. ey would --we would ng the cot anput i hrthhisi d ywld oo dona. it was a heal progress excess. they had taken so much from society and now they were giving something back. it was important to them. anthenwe would wok th hbhous ear wee kewhghoo d u grow the bedding parents and bring them to neighborhood houses. and they had problems with the -- they had shrubs rewe moved them a u mpd pl ow xt wekeke ti whapd nt g back, chuck. you're moving too fast. wh happened was th coest went away. peop stte y ation. eyeoot er i s ghthwe log e ittwy. t not only beautify the comunity and soften the community it. we did it around th etire
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bl ou tkeattis o5an ow i mbheo. l em w epon is i where drug dealers hang out. brought in compost, and next. next. du eo b. dan,then is the drug dealers went away because started turn thairg heads. they would go byon ot li evhi ouee omab itamce-ht to the kids had summer jobs at time when the city had cut a lot of the summer job programs and this kids had jobs taking care o the fls anitll woked. . ftheseted inwihnvemie at ld't workshops in milwaukee. they were suffering from high rates of diabetes. many of the tribes werenot farmers, they re gtes, wstngh ut escshe d nnpd ek wes ey ldve interchanges with the gout corp. and we would work in communities like i i think woo ci enre ard de eraaerceh ol 15, e lwe u ei article and that's when things really kind of took
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off. in the turn of the century inwer artetogrw. . ne sos hall to total transformation, we use a lot of renewable energy, at growing power. that going to be an important ece h ur o cual ofynist aglt i tmso pioo or e c an processing food that's 25% of our fossil fuel used in ergy. if w cf we tt. 'sor taeab erndwrclena th ket. aplhe water off all of the buildings and reuse the water in our project. next. xt ne holrah n s t a quarter of the energy use and we'll be adding more solar energy and al we're looking at the w gener sir he n er ayvw. y ooot atng sistt e h [laughter] regardless, community food center and community food center isre people comed haood ut fo d aboowor
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. annyfethngun fo system because. grows power s the one of the only multicultural multigenerational organizations in the countryd by a so co. e dboe muull nion hjatery ur you can think of working at growing these are 110 employees. these e some of the faces of thople thatme oou. ,0 se ihe sh tin 0faera arow even tease guys. gh xt ne ok 'sb t sil whe t w rll haoroso. taoheouy, tell people and cities and mayors and everybody i talk to.
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they need a lar-scale or md zeosts at if tat. we spray lawns and because we use gmo seeds and we spray everything. theicrgmsee llof eb asugolme ho ee rsecece so thlyoo that is take the waste we putin the landfill every day and put it back into mother earth. that's what we sowdoo liou mrr -- silverspring drive. some of you have participated in that. and we haveals a nlbo2fa fruries pl ys nu compost how can you have anals? the y to getting involved in urban agricultural. you have engage your neighbors and get themnoatob to-gamt. e r 0 layers they brown eggs. it they are white buttey lay brown. we gw fish owbo 00sh re th wtekik and these are some of the
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systems. this is -- slow down a little bit, charles. is is our research project. eintoiitt grlasitetqnt fi things about continue fie that have never been before. we're building seven types of system to do the work. an dfentes d ksiskobl ae fowe,segwa er sh latest fish that we're -- we've started research on is black --which is a briash t ts y tsrnebl wa thept6 pu we-- and they taste is just wonderful. so we hope to maybe start raising some of those. and they have alo th ttcisliun ot h. thro wmal to the city in terms of really starting to grow, getting back. if we had million pounds of etelperc ll e sldmow mog. atowh ndthf n ht now. these are our systems, that's a 10,000 gallon system that'sn
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gr atre inwe h re eeseotivei ipnt we to use spce below ground and typically greenhouse producers don't use. this is a 10,000 gallon syem at iinaea umewer t rmtee nigaha the fish give off. it's a relationship between the fishes and plants. this greenhouse -- next. s 100alste uspl omate onhiisla. on tl perch. the water temperature is heated to 85 degrees. we have a solar water sstem that keeps --t pde pet he awer aaofh st hebett ts the greenhouses. so it's more effective to heat by having a thrmo mass of hot water thanfcir ha yoe auyo 'v ryd e ngrng nh. av s teach bee keeping. like i said before we're losing bees. so we teach bee keeping trou hudsoeole ev ryh. ee bloebov 10unohp e which is about 50% that the rural farmers are getting.
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all you folks grw flowers in the city the bees acngr liolfr ga. so iahepj mi ow s project. this building it's the old american lennon building. tenth and north aven. tedioa riur si wew spt,oet to thiaret. nt t back in february and then retransplanted it into the compost i the s d t dy ete ws y. iseucgostsco halso been through sisco food delivery system into our public schools almost all of our public school systems get food dere co s yr ro000 pu rr tsofte rrweitml aue public school lunch program. this year we're going to grow 250,000 pounds of carrots to go to thel o mp ep athi alisokisa depielns w lknds wee e a four-acre composting sight. this is where we're doing the 40-million pound of fo t incos e oeado t rbashtwi iponthh h
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quy i world. in three months. we get the temperatures up to -- and across the seet, wea ve 00 ro s rgrng ms. pnto toeg those are shots of the toy may tows. slow down, chairlts. thetto e f ad rydue. lavhttoin eshosulaut january/february. they just keep producing tomatoes they're indetermine innocents. they kpmb uath wa t in p ss w h60o er arain mr wee w at builds hoop houses every day. every day we're building infrastructure to increase the amount of locally grown food. next. anweldse ra . xt slwn these young men are building these houses ed. we have a crew of about 16 now. we'radding a lot more. add aboutnelo crvmo. . semtaese s twntgw fon r bi of space that we can find. this is a fire station. i got a call from buy tlon
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cha herd u t er innd hadc ndheistn,d egu wttoe they didn't want to cut the grass anymore. so he -- length of [laughter] hehoughthat wewere doing was great. the a d dse ae te6tea deeoi we built out the hoop houses there. that's what is growing there. salad mixes and the wonderful soil. we don't g st il dn'dd vnodng uit. 'snuf rtl th ap workshop congresswoman gwen moore cme i tl tus the arip f aleroryo tsof cry we fks fom cn sme folks from sweden, at our workshops. folks from all over the world don' two-day orksops,nd e t ec taeoh ecpnipsstt ad gup an. nne o tost table for two or three years untilou plan yourself a business. this is about -- [laughter] thiss aboutvsiong a taroo keogn ti thasn eee l e get launch folks into action.
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this is an idea aut outreach. we have fifteeneluch ntar t s. weitkspi in, we gn aa cnctt a university of district of klum bee a ya which is the land grant university fored nedhheedto owl rfosttwng tooba rtuth is really important to me because i'm from that area. growing up about ten miles away. so we went adxtene reoospaw doite af uev urande did a weekend work shom. thisis the images. they're not in order. so i'm not trying ol o ca. . xt xt ne. next. next. next. next. next. next. next. this is what ho s a woop tutnh pcu unminth aa thhi l mtca he painted a truck that looks like a cab it picks up food waste from different homes. he take it is to farm. -hisnhos
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imanin hee oimo omotion training program a few years ago. he wanted to do rooftop gardening. before he left the five-month program, h ad cas mi heatot mpng pip e. hesn se ck the waste and this particular truck and he has others. next. next. xt. next. . ne . wn ne xt ne . next. so we bring one of our twenty corporate trucks from mill milwaukee with the tools an te maald o is ed ai we f fofrhe riola eyld cquow build these houses with how to do composting. next. next. next. next. next. next. ne . xt this is all done in two s anery hnd in s slow down a little bit
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charles. end te ho evod rpa tat's the only way you can learn how to farm. you can't learn how to farm in a classroom. you have to learn howto farm out on the farm. i' veendyeaow f isccaweh n re it e st ea r eio it's on the front doorstep of -- this isn grand park in chicago. dienvaie. 'sl ahe rm . eeeoihi n years. now the city of chicago, giving us more land to gow. this food goes tpgr ke oute ag a. had1000u. ab t famous housing project in the country infamous tcrcghtis gran ng pa e tas hain d heah cc seven-year project grown on top ofs asphalt. and it's been a gat project in terms indfe fks dretu anrg o tlstfa a seven-acre
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farm that we have an opportunity to get more acreage in this area acro fro brdgpot,i od fag itig ro vhe erinsab$ 5,000. it's 19000. 700,000 people. this farm is going to be important. a lot of renewaeergyill atf hes etholri gasin22 and 2012 inspect is the display. one of the things we tried to do. i tried to start it the gardens neo re pnth mmiethaang lyganstplrly tt rtof. and these young people if they weren't paicipating in the youth they would be doing th 's g ey pamafs ayhufret rs d l s e future. we hope to be breaking ground for this project. next. thasn ig g dto ter rm itbehfikd th fahe vor vertical farm wit a retail store and greenhouses tacked on top of each other. we'll be able to house over 400 pele on e onl.
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avang ktn th h waogeined cia wt meh. l opefully the start of with a project. we're working with the universities here inhe area and madison and some the other eresune e veutioan aglt sitstng wi mt i ct sttst dus erd. fu w b o move next door to the army reerve base and get land there. and build a substitute instute 're going art th ilhab2 i esre xt thank you very much. [applause] one person i didn't introduce, i'd like o ars heeeongwimf ppe] a er arde putting togher a -- we've been working on the video for a couple of years tha be coming out also. 'rlkabthrk ate'eointhue th h al sltot. ca nrl powerpoint has almost 1000 images. you guys -- [laughter]
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this one is only 00 thg es yo ck [lte ay so gtme ess, f te signing. think we have a process for this. [iib . haouycr l inataninir l weveorte e in milwaukee. thank you for setting up shop here. i heard you speak at market university recently. td 'r in b meg hete. cyo be? >> webehngpab largest ntional international ban and small farm coence hecn ismi sebe afft ck actoe ry pe of ve from medical to corporate tracts to farmer tracts to plaer tracts. we he kind of a lst ks ng mei eyeomgto lke dtptnyng wee e a free trance into the conference. a lot of these folks who are working around thefood system are going to be coming in. wee gog ve 0 brutssndeot es itba ge th s wiids at's going on the
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weekends. they'll not miss too muh school. maybe one day alkiua th thepteatal nfce o s 20wabt 10 op itl at the eo center. i'd like to invite you to come. itl be goo time. and odod. t dl m intrreal fod ep. l aeg wt wahe hght we e r rt fe ch stations on saturday night of the confence and it's really a wonderful thing. whetherchefs te our fd and make all t zi d o od inrwto t. 'venngo ereapinh f bowato pr t lanning team, we're looking for folks still. so call us and sign up! ehenga ountph-- >> one of what the main challenges that you have today with yourr? >>ho [lte 'd rht wogunu. i d say one of the main challenges, of ourse, is always funding. we'ra little bit of nprot 5ofoiom
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conoly o llprtsm ic i 'tmemanoof cknd what why started way bck then. nobody would fnd us. i sa let's selos. o losicwo ello pruc dvaml elnt . wewrteean we've been fortunate as folks to get to know us we've been able to get some pretty sizable grants. buwet't o t foneera w lk iairo thsawbwh re doanat fe aspects of the integrated farming system. yes? nal do you want to step to the microphone? [laughter] nale tw st. >>y. >>i 'tmen crazy, but i grew up with the understanding that eating vegetable the from greenhouse is ntgo we, oog llut l 'snat gese rm b he traditional way of growing in greenhouses was always chemical using a lot
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of chemicals and terms in n yonsos. if g t,y e un hca on it's all about the soil in the soil. the microorganization - cran iuv alyooyooge tafo. we a worm castings. we do a few hundred thousand pounds of worm castingsa year. so t' ly or t g nttse so >>nk u. onockti oue relationship with natural foods? >> yes. we do. we have apanpemof prts av r ash t d ealgwth atspal they just hoped up getting some of their food. we have a farm stand thered at the hospital. anaoaheoall oft ot in atmeinn geg a part ofthose programs out to the community. >> okay. thank you. >> any ore uess? wily tdut ec canum l ienroseng es woif you could talk about
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that a little bit more. >> yeah. it was a huge housing project. it's beenimantl in -rg. the ine ig. pe ve coit e chhichch ab 4000 folks in dntown chicago. wanted to use this piece of land they had purchasedhe origil rpewatlmu ce, thidha ndtotht. tcatounau ifeuldelp tm i terms of setting up a large scale community garden that would mend fences andrrfo m th m ih ch trio ge clal pe ffftctu soth iteay been a big success in doing that. wa tbh. ouwt meu [iib] you h shown that e tronku grouinwainn shon d ijt, w, ge ebone whahere to do. everything well organized. everyt two days. how do you get all teple w ou hwohe
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lewhis . hodygea sepl ed project in, you kn and then completed in such a short time? >> okay. first of all, that's a great es. cath pof te tr tthfohwe woit thgasre 'r tr t t d put growing power businesses all over the country. we work with sting organizaons,nd w si iinghe intrred h ni anewiwks se nione c lk to come, you know, come to the workshops, and those people have no knowledge. absolutely zerknowledge of how uil a oophe. atow,rpeplt ar
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