tv Capital News Today CSPAN July 5, 2012 11:00pm-2:00am EDT
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e ou ke' in d . uboh y. he nd he school per. >> pulitzer a fascinating character and a great place to start, he was one of the people o haone te ct t fld sfoanec toth ctrur yi umances, he came as a recruit to the union army in the middle of the civil war. the army wasat hat t, spe wetsh wetgjaoda is unpromising with poor eye sight but he managed to get through, rvived e l fumn rmsakpt th coy t.lisd thh mato tremendous effort, energy, pluck, and happy circumstances, he ended up a part owner of a newspaper in st. louis. rttai nap hein y ct an ste ag ld journalism by his tremendous willingness to experiment. pulitzer would try almos anngor ero hesiruln a in sou st er h tethrowing things into is newspaper like economics, he's
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one of the first t public cs rulsu m usado an ally" had a urgent with a yellow night shirt. puliertximng i k o o ings rvret dier m t st, w, y ha e ost or nick. anything pulitzer was working rd to commercialize his newspaper to make it a nal es ad rly rts. ateyfireotoer isy t pch siin ehre made by women. what should the children wear? what soap should we use many whatnd of sheets l he teri thewaacrsa reertet ic e an li sthinking how can i connect these women readers with these retailers? and, you know, e upon er ns h ay ouirooman y owaw rt ri smf e earliest full time potential joust inches. we're sitting in a building we ow s g. d kif k st announced a little
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historical detour. pulitzer made all this money in the world. much to everybody'ssurise hamesoi knh rnm n commcihio life. and he -- in abo the early 1890ehth a ti hof uisd er aamcum an rtg pitching it. they turned him down. he was very persistent it took ten yearso get coumbia to ta his ey ad idhe tzris he ol dhitagems sc sd nal nsteil andt should bear the name of the donor. pulitzer died in 18911 the building -- the school n , h i tera thcen, t jol . w t ursm o o the pulitzer privacy. various forms of speculation why that was. we just rectified that. if aw at g sad, e ysar . tz nabou or of april 24 we're the pulitzer building. >> it's about time. >>over due. gla. >>re
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e' nih talboeoi rathr. t d w if anybody here has seen the museum in washington, d.c. , which is a monument tothe laomws si h u ses ldh lt dthatssetle front, it's about three stories high. that kind of makes the ten commandments look lke as riwh juis what will they have in mind when they were at wrote the first amendment? what was journalism then? what was te pt e ald mpanes. intota hagootoi na. so, you know if we look at the 18th century, journalis started off in the country in 1704 asasl prve nd o enri e tewpae smculns ozen and maybe in the low hundreds. and they were really intimidated by the other institutionsin thsieelyur stndoedhe eepeeoa iman ow, very much under the thumbs. but what yo see over the course of the next couple of decades is
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a process bywhich the ewsper me crngolca whefusonhth ge bbernddef res t eb. y the 1760s and certainly by770 they ar bold throat expressing hemss l s heolcassof thanieenfm br okeciio with the mother kind. if we break, what kind of government should we have? all kinds of huge questions. and the pressanb llugh io itfthe du tre leeagref produced anonymously by people who don't want to be known. asolitical ptisa. 'st oher atoerwefaia th thre yc i s l scale, it was very pan lem call. most of the pneumonias had very little -- nspers had y le aeif oraledia n-iote ttth f ra it n ce. e see, you know, a return to a more style today in journalism it's notomin , koanpa d'tnth cotualem o invented reporters?
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we tend to think of reporters and uriss ny >>ll itn' i s agaiherenerky. another really inventive journalist nad ben da created the pny ssnespap. ir nnay. eagsoao ma tg rht deose i, dthaheneeded to fill it up surprising amazing thgs every day. fires, news fm i at, sfh annge hecold nd hee s yito fihep and so he hired the first full time reporter a mand geor n ianonsurfur i na htory m goin to do something about that. >> when did journalism become a business. the period you're decribe in lliped. wid upt lfn? mofthnapw crd eo ly t te. ieyerehe were printers. and in order to keep the print shop busy and in orderto bring cuerto sop u teiaph ulllhsio o thdese e re ite. hoblem the idea of a
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newspaper as the perfect device. nale sosttft tesere e o so wo wu e ou thinof a job printer. that is someone who is open to printing all kinds of stuf from anybody who had business. and then' l o atvioerd rtyheayfra pe wyoeat liisar t pait becomes the real focus. the first daily paper in the country is founded in 3 oc ctecer nsnth'snh coceuln enn ly re 19th ey tak off in the 1830s. that when it's fair to say for the first time that jrnalism is a business yes car. >>ma pakun o . k ur ofesonalchoo and so i have to ask . >> more power to you >> when d the nto urstaroio con se at tea r. i ll ntd r in sense that -- [inaudible] >> hadn't gone to cege or upset that the ll sr
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gt rnm. >> u htooi hi if d a rgh kn a onu can get a, you know barroom stool argument going over the necessity of journalism instruction. but, you kno in act a prceelt nd u caassenw wesrt ae h overboard. no one almost no one in e news business any longer can afford to hae someone on the yrst witre ttinctndeag thpe loatai re pa aw oriented mag zones and such has been exported and taken out of the news room and only in the instution tt d thatpeh hoof rsm sowtnn t na ao- in his n mind exalted figure in society as opposed to somebody practicing a ra cr. enoursnnt . w stm pze d le it. m forceful argument in a series of articles he wrote in the 1890s aout the necessity and the urgency of aing jolibee eta bengeptend ne s eror po ooundanouw, bigger government, the more complicated corporations th whole changing scene.
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he desibed it as the naoneco bbo elo ah the shifng weather and the dangers that face society. and think there's ls at abwhr rst ne tooclnot gs anybar economics, or how to read chinese or something specific like that. or do they ne instruction in th msts o a iuulatl bie oventi ursm convtional wisdom as you know, the role of government in journalism is stay away is probably the fir amendmen is ufu thk ut ventirndt bsedrla jolnth st now maybe in the future? >> sure. well as a complicated and shifting retiship, what i fo bloo tpif over0eso ot th rl se a slice wouldn't. i see a period in the early years where government was very helpful to those early pa. te o eae, i t rhptoi organized, they organized the
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post office to allow newspapers exchange one copy with each other newspaper for free. thoueria t uge stre wic wediown tulbrft r,was a great way of flling up your newspaper for free in the early days and you know, also in thehctu ea ur l atovmeafel ventidnhat ow ticci everything they needed printed had to be jobbed out to printer. is one of the ways they kept a lot of thoseerly newspars af, nt o o sd te prto ulehora a wobeth was auizo print evething early currencies, lottery tickets, the texts of laws all the things would be givens pocavo ed whs hei e. otojtoso -or r questions, this is a mo it vari from day-to-y, so dat'pc, e dys 's cinttes neyeinth, owernginjrnm is gi y rapidly and verysignificantly. this whole conversation takes ace about %iic rsiv a
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ifohaehri rsivhayovo whou i enrht now in jornalist? >> well,, you know as i describe in my booin the fin apter about going digital, you , thnk re in is te ltes reinltpric cr ejoal o e times whe the business model gets out wack with the prevailing philosophy of journalism and we'reoing true a i rejunt rslynkg mefroli di tin t e r started writing this book. it took me eight years to write it. at the beginning i'm going to ite te oirye er rsm itmenfain ar t e. t now we're seeing a rebirth of much smaller more inpendent, sometimes partisan joli d i r ngnkheial rlaatclecla of tcost e barriers to entry into our field. so if you take just for comparison in the 1980s, the unchf "sa ait mahnpro t llndabor ad . he ap nde years of losses, biion dollars. it w probably the all-time
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high water mark for the ost f chaouli tese daomtsnt d abyo w, e wten fi d, keos . >> yeah. they do. >> and so the cost o getting into the business have gone almost to the vanishing points, ani wouldyurt veernt thnd in tu juisanood thm backpack full of equipment and extra batteries. it's almost unlemented the kinds of multimediaroducs ey n gst sa t ed cd. nedt sney studios to show you that our students do all the time. >> how is it going to get suppted eonomically? ors mre e nil od t'ule e hthgstoaw frybokin ur cenl t inevitable journalism be housed within big corporations. i think wecan nowsee that was the historicaled. itowcgi t, k ieng hctu n th u at of things. now i'm not so sure. >> two things, i wanted to get your reaction to that i hear a idslrtpel scon ineur a e shmu cr he upper west side where i recently
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was. why can't they just make the inteet go eeer thmfoioo than h b i troeays of walter cronkitend very limited number of sort of ry tere nes ic do re tatendw ued-owoy on pe yike anybody can say anything and people are being mislead? >> right. well i certainly recognize that pot of view. it is-- u , cm mpt estauor ofth name whas en es institutions? women, you know, i think as a historian, i have certain amnt ofke my en ok a th i keweran sttalyswhwe thoda s fbso th ad very limited access to information, and it was all one way. it was not a conversation, it was a ngered h re ays rg 'sthhio i mi i k e tt ec mechanisms today thks to the internet than there were during the, you know during the glory days. i think all these in v e-, knther megrthgsath
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mi e 2 ctu sme nghaonly n' miss. >> so let me now give you the opposite. can you imine the . >> on the other hand. >>canouiinttin egolefxita lnidood wene nas? as long as you, you know good rules for puic available data and good search plaes and crowd ur ynoetj elate lemaa oupoo at >>l,tsaewha is also, you know very poplar. in fact, lot of my students l that with way. at bosn unversitywhi h. oud hse en thsps hva napnouly y e dozens stacked up there. at the end of the day, the janitors come . >> take them away. >> no students will sto to op. st et. gh we so-- what i would think, is that while the internet gives people tremendous abilityo sear and tobmave er o oio d ar, inth's reymtaofth st teller to bring material together in a way that no one
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would find on their own. i walokingatontt r tc j by e tlla cabtzzea a fantastic story. which multilayer kinds of technology fascinating story. but a story that woul no tell itself. ith t-eo o ve i mehaket p stdot thel i nk ry rath than data is something that i think will always be a tremendous are interest in. >> want to switch udience inc bui t cs slywhyw book for as long as you worked on this you encounter somebody who you didn't know about who catches your interest and peaps affectn or prhs tr rs,ohioo oiknet be wyo r t ok wll, . >> a couple of examples. >> there's quite a few. i was surprised whether i did my rese. i'ply i l f nasaa'tha muchngt or wrsm. it was surprised to discover a journalist named lawrence. fantastic name who worked for e associe press in tl ye a adhencib alinb cri wagtor associated press all through the 1850s
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and 1860s. he'sn a predicamt he has t cogr t rt anerngri ato atl acptt itev f political outlooks. so if some of those editors are strong wigs and becoming strong publicans. others are strongdemoats. so coers. 'r l tel thllaoewin toephseti so scd it he to make sure that his stoes were strictly factualas possible. this is a oun aerl wi i tlymi ap pe aoot oo acherat en t10s heidt ws his great ange a struggle. he's theone who also, you know stood through the war stayed is aasthrof 65eninwa hesd foe hotel across the street from the theater over to the telegraph office. and spread the news while the prident was ivng ben addth wcichan suy e gig y, president was shot in a theater tonight and perhaps mortally wounded. >> good lead. >> aa
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on itwasebi oa nd y he p also idoing that he was helping to define a kind of politically neutral journalism that was indeed a ne thing. bcelk h soedss beo of tgs ttp l neecruits how to write in a way that was politically neutral, shall we say. >> one last question or me hooeingf ess. lltct. wh we ot orome thereafter. as i look back on it, we had a sort of viewf joal if kheyalong jollwh nt en t ld ntng h well there's the wonderful dynasties that are very, you know, public spirited patrician an u wvos erandhehge ernwlayse on s dynasties exist. as i look back, i totally believe this at the time. so i look back on it, i think f you came into my ad os- oon paiabl to ll idop wthealth care out of the goodness of your heart. i wouldn't have -- so now
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falies areithe ot ne rses iouaosh eswwibe resifoe rt constitutional and economic health of our field going forward. what's the answer? >> wow. i guess, you w er ule n' d dotvoa enses historian. not at th futurologist. i do not know the future. it's hard enough to learn about the past. i do thntha p e g be iednuiso nemi so tronigb isth g psychic there might be some great reward to them of esteem or they may have some other us i. wew e erayhat wepcafn te tion ic journalism was brought by a young . >> my son. >> okay. it was a passing of the torch. i k s uysa ouueseontokno na eyin nt owning the new republican is not going to add to the pile of wealth. it is something tht, you know people haveofen decided to take a flier odayh al bref ls ten paipn i aunesly owner say. we have the two microphones set
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in. if you can ar going to the mike nd asking queions o kleatr rewail ato heouen. nosts yo lott? doy travel? >> walk them around. >> that might help. >> might move thngsaon >>flo u th quon tha t of u are concerned that newspapers get economically weak are, the people who are buying them re buyihe r no asutorrde lirs i t con that is valid concern that newspapers will become political instruments again and lely? u. u , t' al rtquon hiit cnedoh es oeuind ersa ii n during the it's most clear in the 20th century when u had institutionsitheei s nsdio eiale0of aenalla pue er two out of business. they were like the big three automakers. they wanted to sell to everybody. they were tryi to have unsapl. atkse i yuve
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huntisthof pi iesn ouyo t o o but in the economics of y know, being presenting material online, you can be sucessful by your onou wemi s mitiamle en wiahieth am - yuttying to bring in the big center. you can make money and make a name for yourself working the corners of the room. an pla i ap anthem g thh io re r p eyization. it's not thefirst. i did find in my research was that the country has been divided before. d ye lliedin n'hwehh thmgeh i t in o ai guths tof things that will keep the country going. ..
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lycée oh for the days when it was one-- te b iansoyo aheanunou e olstofte field. >> other questions? yeah shellie. >> this is so interesting. tom okaw wte about the teera a w erif h in asiratgeti oli do he felin ta wow. one thing that struck me in the writing of this book was be and it's funny you should bring it ity,b grst ern usi wosaatoal thase iorar ii phenomenally powerful eloquent, important. there probably could have been no more iorntiitu uoic t rlo ts y kn werrpd see that the press corps especially from the united stes which had realy not vy much expeceo draw. oe d oh keery jhi ed r murrow, martha gill
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horn, a lot ofhese folks had very little experience as war correspondents. me oem eieas urstt f h beovg d i so tit aew d s lyll pred with the quality and the beauty of some of the things they wrote. e leukn, e d ysn o can ac yoowerstth foxhole, but some of the things he wrote, you know i would like to share. t's see if ca pu fr sse alnv hinwo d as kofnge ot that you know, eople in theserce thame meeld wul nd les otth fa aayokm t in br inu mo letters. if you want to know what war is likeou should read ernie pyle because it's all there in his columns. issthechewe ry ea 1du t ia campaign. pyle was wring with the leading edge of the u.s. troops as they battle their way uphe alion. thne fheip waew re n
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re d nd oil wsrs us eknespers around the country, january 1944 under the heading, thione is captain waskow. hewrote, a hee miowe tall inat othck mes thamlldo as wo pack settle. the freshmen came early in the morning. they slid him them down fromhe le aor ito hed i reree essi wet ntho foleooer moonlight. in the road for the trail came down off of the mountain. the soldiers who led them were waiting. this oneiap ww ofm ly einrtes tf. e in tt seemed reluctant to leave. they stood around and gradually i could sense them moving o by one, close to capain sk . no mctoo t a asoin fit m to mes i stood close by and i couldn't hear. one soldier came and looked down and said out lud,. otonme h d, hew oo wr ls mendn and left. than the first man squatted down and reacheddown and tookth
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b sihand t a lveutol thadd is n. anokinlyo ade. he never uttered a sound all the time he set there. finally he put the hands down, he reached up geny igedhinf can' sr er n et ean thtt e o s ifar the wound, and then he got up walked away down the road in the moonlight all al a atmapiof ra s-- observation and all thewhile the battle was searching around him. le had the presence mind o tihivy e qe meal lo fi tst llfi addi inedible. >> td toptu an the objectivity in 1840? >> a arnd 1850. "aociad pr gth ea i r 'sonthmh of sin at i in about american
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progress that de tocquevle and everybody else talked about was the conformance of how people come upon, after a littlepd fn, pin th fanndst wiha re. d when i was a journalist i noticed that happening too. people would fnd something tt seemed to makesse ifeoamuitea td eled - uen do han idea whether, in this modern world we a now living in n moving nto inludi w ofouisscls joli horatf nas,s tendency, this less of a tendency to confoism or is it more that morrison still the same? thinew wtiw ngrr,arei w in epioof new independent, original voices on the internetceaiwh tharrdlynis ssoers i k uc t na that we are familiar with from the 20tcentury was based on that idea of ma mainasrcio thwa d du
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to onismon e ataeg the lowest common denominator. i think a lot of institutions were trying to do theequivalent buig ev th nttuoth thouw,stopwod linfe cmtawi. soaiv sfy most people that i think tends to rule out certain points of view. nowwithout thematto brm len r newh t y? in me ng rine nm th a possible. >> i don't know if y saw a couple of years ago there as olt prd he whed s, ud] something precious is lost in american democracy because the act brgiarum o opohe ao, o evt eruc lf democracy because everybody goes off into a corner. do you buy that argument? >> i would be careful. aionngn t oay in3,nerkc, e were 17 english-language
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nepape1dre pa idi.m pm opert rng sahi twensentt ma t sanat no even counting the weeklies and the foreign-language newspapers and the union pape and political pty papers. so ynoease s uinar tam me ers sor ha common conversation. i think that is attention that bui-in. >>f of th ictetuey d tro cry wsr uln ra down. it wasn't because individual newspapers wereosing circulion. it was becau so many newspars were oing o is e b yadma ilat sar ceurnd lle ild bo athee of of the 20th century. >> exact rewrite. >> these became local monopolies and they did not get better as a result i , ge- puhefe e - t wveth question. igh aures buy c weita or so they had a free and open
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presby and lar and a lot optttesa a rriod c b ri but sa time in current times, take the example of china or singapore tciced mo nle onths palyngyusf t t ahes argument that the free-for-all capitalism you know to the extent that it is in the united ates might note le t mpagt llnn on d ithne e oucoll inatasitl t candy wod argue that and they do argue that allowing an unmited "american idol" type shows is ot oingel em d t hhiwi tp soreofhiy cnoftrng inatn. the hiorians, do you think the chinese are onto something or suicidal or somewhere in between? >> you know one of the prileges hin tengd ist ivtyiowith neourtetnt o veryepmber and i work with the ones who come from other countries. in recent years more and more of the students are from china, so i have this you owgrt trts thihe che enndara t m. ane g tiisth wh americans are
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concerned abt issues such asity thpeale y che enree eraban suik order. order in tir society is something that they think about as a problem or asomin aty nmea g hepror then now, i don't know a single young american who thinks about order as a problem in american society. so ey are coming at it from very very different int , i k chse ate nha iery uch to their own history, their own experience their own culture. having said that, they are also coecteto a worldcono and eya nghgi e tione depiia se way, but i think you know, in a direction that will probablyeventuay uninatd tr urlkb. n'e telos g ily v cod economy. >> a question over he bhawhkbt
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fu. ths dene s. >>avno question. anyone can put anything they want on the internet but "the neyork times" if y open up thpety ra frpartabt he omecy ot ctthsthit at ime oin "nerk s"lo exists. how are we going to get the resources to cover complicated stories. anytime i want to knw about thg f mhe oo iflriea anaue y t i 't aer dl thpt t qeon ou thank you. >> well, let me start with a tip of the hat to "the new york times" whichs ows eas t pi 18y ri oh cutors family, the family has done a tremendous public service for the country by investing in the resourc o e sp, f,quen l sethgsre renl mo pee gst ua k jalc enterprise. i wish them well, but i would say this. if you talk to annllt, -eteppe er ie 1950's they would ave said, what do
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they rely on? they rely on p adi thel ""mi thepd heur evg t l the "new york herald tribune," which was the best newspaper in the country at the time. they are all gon every one oft hcplte ni. y ynothto tk maho ventd th hard work. you know, i think we have tobe be -- we hetorerese stiondeb t bu c et he llaymaor an that is what i will venture to say about the future. it will be a little different. aur] >> mqti >>ld ta le bit about the journalistic -- i teach is a librarian and i teach nfoiotcy mydean cred eiietee th getr from jon stewart jon stewart and stephen cobert. and twitter, which i really don't nderstand. but could you lk about history py oal? adebt.
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knhe have been lampoons. therhave been satires and there have been hoaxes, going way wa c fon tisri at d d t se o isk t nt satire and fantastic degree of indirection in the jonalism of the 18th century, when we have read neperon kl ti acllen frinwnsp i grepl trdomo t maal is not straightforward candid and certainly n ctrein stitvena a 'srfu wyo untall cxta gel pren bustit was meant to make a political point, or to make a point at the expenseoft joli rs. asolmasnas yovenpato thrse boston by this 1720s, there is competition. and one ofthe first things those newspapers do was start to mock eachor. ies er he otpeanocwn h other's -- so you know it is the great tradition. i would like to see you know more of it. i think jon john jon stewart does a fatioofmeg
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e aiinssff isngamg of fig fabio to make all these points. it's a tremendous public service. i'm so glad it is er th ink st sas n ooin f ltinds al important way to bring powerful people and institutions do >>isnahht >> i am truly happy that everyone that is here managed to make it and i really appreci it. i guess whato is wowee bwh n mi wthaiato pl d op find some unexpected pleasures along the way, as i did. i found this incredibly gratifying and min ofon allth t be thgg pa wive t ndl rkhpe had been doing for centuries before i started wising up to how good that was. so i wuld yuow as y bo diersee d nd geoth rnr to get to know them better. >> thanks a lot and
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congtulations on the book. thanks everyone for omin pplaus >>n oheec thayhttiof tv anmtoe pos cod d ii. >> the life of a sailor scrubbing the deck in the morning, working the le im tlwhevh tii, th prce he oayuar refomet t aueihoof p. oa ship like institutions for our son, four hours off. helove fof poilyfe -b t of nine tails. it w always carried by the officer and a bag and the thing they never wanted to see was a petty officer who was getting ready forfgg aasiledto n't ooe g. dowao tato niaiomou tag flogging. thygasok
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ssen h e rlr ncngte on ando. mr. gay talked about the book with walter cronkite son chip former "a today" reortem el "in p asatdordamais isanr,0mes >> good evening and welcome to the national press club. my name is rr mnd i thece or s me othbkahe mme a ersi tatl s . obon i "anmto lthr ns nazi germany with correspondence walter kohn cried andy rooney a.j. liebling homer bigart andhbot. ththstthy before return to tonight's book let me mention some upcoming books are go june 14,liz
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winsteadce d tisast crr thilowllcu rboese d 28, commander kirk loopholes amending officer of the uss cole and at the time of the attack will discuss his bookon nelas ckthsce. ony is ecyn on hathvi est heubof a will discuss his book my first coup d'état and other true stories fromhe last decades of africa. te on lytog liner he onuaiiss vehega a september 19, jeffrey toobin, legal analyst for cnn and "the new rker" will discuss his ok eoth ate e sue rt youik rven maatoooo gri ev r t itf sen he ae will keep you in touch on the upcoming book ramps. all of our book wraps here benefithe journalism inste,hich is whwe rerictouid ok co omboay haif hn'ne aly id taay [laughter] joining tim on the panel this evening is chip kohn cried, a proder, itor fmmaker ane end reer limchn er hki- on. s er received the first for the state award from the national press club and chip we
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are glad to have you back and n'wait so long to come bac ag xtchs d ns tiulr e-in reerwsci eit at "the washington post" and co-author of two books and author of a books including his most recent to be blished book, barack obama or anxtdd iel, e rrneent s ind author of nine books including his most recent mmer of 68 come the season with baseball and america changed fever. tot'thtiy fo psear toay efer ergran n nato cr. hentwere the tears researing this book and had unparalleled access to the papers and families of the five journals profiled in the book. he is a graduatefrwn cnt sr pren n oaid a in gnmpu afs . is dk. ls author of mr. speaker the rough-and-tumble life of a baseba player d weil lou ft thea wdis thbo wr4ut int iltuti frheaunceo about 20 minutes. tim will sign copies of the book and i will turn the panel over to tim. >> thank you, ve. muchppecd. isoseso mny ie enndea t le stworf indan
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tell you how much it means to me. as you can tell, rche li ard e. i geoea aew weag i ildeo ig wod e mi n sthon normandy, but the truth is, the truth is i tripd, heading toward a pode iaof raryga. [lte itic i shern miy r up. there are sensitive legal matts that inn. allwnil sonflid an, eawohe et hemingway ernest hemingway who hosted on christmas day 1944 at the hotel krupp t in eurty ld stbaor ow cron ale other correspondence following a little thing called the battle of the bulge were invited to his party that . ud -yolni prcopot has e 'sd. ohha eflon aat gathering. assassination squads and tiger tanks working on the
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countryside,apa mageto scortwttfoo spth . o ed sd og thw ing went wild belonged midnight. the only one who did not get pretty pie eyed and that is direct quote for mr. cronkite was onte. e airere copot heh dene t ngs c netpied evodee. [laughter] that is at he told your mom in a tt amncd el h aur] miy s rame ars meo o them particularly flattering. as andy rooney said, you should never take one of your literary heroes bause all of ur emotions gettt i isis g e t un wllg l of tn eof iin stit hgo taani stt tonow how on earth i have been to a spent the last three years and how lucky i o patotmeg icu pony rlr uisnd fo se ve great correspondence. this journalistic band of brothers. walter cronkite of dup, an azingy. wee rte p unithip lutohetl hio mnfbog iove nazi germany tracking u-boats and those
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recognizance rattle traps the raf had the fl wihsul alde onlaman esedflo g 1 1 he was sitting in a c-47 on a runway in britain, set to beco one of only twoorreondeeo wis heee inib uc ch dro raas. but at the last second eisenhower canceled the mission because the first and third armies were advancing on herasoraly mola nk ils io wtomtdeto an glider, carrying the top command of the 101st includinggeneral anthomul coomo w be fs ag,th rm htyreered. that is it brief snapshot of cronte. homer bigart cronkite's- eafrd n ne tigarir o o baiss. like cronkite, homer covered 303rd bomb gro and after that, hemoved tohe merrn at hobar2sis anaiehn
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lines, one in sicily and one in the soh of france. the first is a cebrated incident in the movie pan. eror.scla- urindnga says always courage. it's a veryonover moment wowast thceatn t codod ovfar he rteeao a dt t embarrassed and pull it back and that is why there was the great war. bigartlatoedthgr puuphotit he oh bhend ceoo hs and then -- andy rooney in stars a stpe ea iimear g vecat id laea a bon ar n daodour coeoove he great siege in normandy after d-da where he stood shoulder-to-oulder with two other guys. i teute leg an cong aarndt inae. asng the first and sadly he didn't get his story out because of extenuating circumstances but he was the first correspondent on he ce whe urtbrt
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t ger h ad t teuil thidel he soone t american correspondents to visit the awful death camp thaw laa. jun inrlr era 2r ea old. and e.j. liebling who fled hitler's storm trooperwhen a blitegcrosfranin otoer litif sldt ridy also earlier covered north africa brilliantl ylcore- oe' eareviaooy otrorhay reporter. he was at that operation literally on its first da stayed in the europeanheater all thewaythrwah fiamansp mn e e tu maretharsh in pnsas discovered. and just mag,zi se ouy iouay y eouis bafbhe and barely scratching the surface.
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i have laid out hundre of stirring moments. itakes avillage towe okkhi'ined euytisbwh lpearytn. m deri ull ethesal se aorar ii. it's very much in the great tradition. tim i a great teer of tes. e i4r branve o l donody ri, great pal of -- is still thank heavens with us the great "new york times" editor. bigartarked re yoimantss grfr aoé mheererar s od apuer nnheld say, two times. [lauter] a two-time pulitzer winner. spfing the pretentiousness o autin opy honeli m prgiawtwan hod on ter w h people in the history of our journalism. itd et l me t itmsh id ufis sr f,y w people can write th a the bite a breadth of homer. in longer formffagsi boveewwersrt ttyndac
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e eat joe liebling and david certainly can. the most frightening words in america used to be michael moore is in the lobby. [lte w s osis tewiou-gri [laughter] and it's not easy being the child of oer pelyno r i ery 'surog . chidk m mam tprt tere years ago and i call him just a few weeks after his dad died. he could not have been an easy time for him. could not have been hel ras,et gema iohfalyhi dut nc s t no h or went through his dad's personal papers and dug up a bunch of stuf and after hisd'sg- wae esenas ov, mabte ret d as erng m elighted that chips son walter the fourth, working out cbs with help from hs former hamilton college professor, will be briing t ak detiaetsf wa cit ibe iouye d e d be ore -- in fact i defy anyone to read the letter that walter cronkite wrote to his wife betsy on
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christmasn43 nea . chiskaanwe int a au i ste tarri ths oka because chips old man was the low birth too. early o chi an re chngaiteer ohclc s dehas haen paof ese historical recreation films. this one happened to be a dramatic recreation ofthe events of december 7, 19. anulu a tt- is oudp rr led ths row r e lahed prm wotois ona nd its now a few seconds passed 2:30 p.m.. >> i looked at this thing and i id h tis yw uso o d o jee.
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walter cronkite and homer bigart, as i mentioned both credentialed which they did brilliantly nth aftermth. fithish fiorons te chnges boat hi rs there was nothing about their backgrounds to suggest that they could cover a obal conflict. t to put too fi poi o it be tag t boanritd g wgue journalists. cronkite bascally was a -- when he worked in kansas cy. boe spialiiner str. e s rytlou
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eicknd sst wreftkof ale. me quick bit. ifroher rtedaral te haoniyhut "new york times" editor come harrison salisbury's portrait of the early war bigart as a journeyman with no foreign language, no foreign experience, no e lef ig fath ldn e liarl rith awel jus d iiugut best in general eisenhower and bradley, it stirred something wh khan cried randy boyle and bigart that th may not ha known theyad e ndneou ke tarotot th ys aencoe ok t gs to cover the dead and wounded soldiers day after day. there are no shortages of ed rtdiots hene gnt w m. this lyt tl s and to post-war journalism. i don't know if you so robert macneis review of my book at saturday's post bui was noha a jrstwh st w rl hecley he guys came home after the war and created the greatest era of press independence and integrity
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in americahistory. we ve arystishe pa otgrpe inhdeto kat ou sohh were laughing about the historical recreation stuff at cbs that was part of in the 50s and chip's dad was su ainstmentp . ind eeri i tho ge geti wen't around, nathan, could be run a clip here? i allja foedtat o e panels ships and wt virginia maland carolina alifornia prepared valiantly as the war roll them.ed peha ahe th rc aat rof cttouall,na eipi until it finally ended on the deck of the battleship missouri in tokyo harbor with this render of the ss japanese. equay ha theoad ll rooand ft rint hebia alghe an into washington -- five [inaudible]fo for freedom and a. a li at r lute t aou er ackw of hands --fact
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>> thank you. here is our first en. at iitatmibo at y d wowa? ithe athatuy mr. cronkite and this generation of journalists? whdoes it stiri the soul when we see stuff ike hat? m gog ton p ou gu p >>l,horee se >> you were there. [laughter] >> iee recuse myself because i was theti ior a t so nn-- an optimist and i think there are so many journalist today that there are plenty like him andthat is my couer arnt oiisharee. [laughter] >> my first reaction to your question, the thought that i was ab12yrsd t shwrinnd reerm v. thouha suck me running and i remeer that is
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world. and yet go back 12 or 14 years from now and where are you? are in t middle ofhe clinton minitionwhicemke er tt. sost aifnc thr vrchanging after world war ii so dramatically that it seems like it was from a different time place coptely. th wthrlanso atly. >>thkrarc t mees he heroic -- >> it was the forgotten war. >> iurs and atte me e r g mio chisths pbl thmaorists like you now, but they're such an overwhelming amount of information and misinformation anddiffentom o fo ofifo w o ilen ica che r. >>i i these guys were under deadline -- amazing deadlines and such but i think thiso si t mewe n hs u'igor ban nene in wve running injures taurean whatever it m be. what above aut the voice v
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daat cinas h auitutalm bee ast e as ok back but it has mvc and compassion, too. i think that is something that's very difficult to find hese days impyeyu e geil un fr an edadi's leedfi. >>k you. the first thing, what these guys prepared? >> t beauty of that is the nd of cometelwere blictgs uo hedati . thfrlyfio ien heerp fote and so the fact that the press had to go through the same thing i goes that >>n e rnkite gl isee d s together. he's an adhesive in so many anchors or television personalities th bives itllpaizo se m reen th l et pull things together. i think that's why we have such nogi i ed r l puhitoerse ink o tte to get the bigger shows get the
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bigg rating are the ones that are the most polarizing and thefore simply catering t their audience may be. he oy g sre s t' ihf shlenorbee wibra wowr enbes o recycle. >> like a little dweeb in black-and-white, but there's got to be something we can do to reach kids. >> i don think human naur ge ththltchs ou t soremn oho veblwi aduocmack. some of us that sort of -- what were those people be like if they hadhe power of the technologies today? how would it be split? >>l,tig sm e,ha wd atlltuwhis cia b'lain it. e i atneos. 's o aut l- fit photographs. "assigent to hell" done got out of his personal papers. >> thais won by wo. [lte >>chwh bed re wits ata trke hobigart standing in front of the barracks at 303rd and if you didn't know better, with his wor wasegs d ia o gh d thedgy. ime ba it was.
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anyhow, i know from a resarch d orspnc te tphraastkn fbu113eatl e ekfohe assignment to how they. these guys have been train by the u.s. armyi foce n coris thwer i thtrwhhetoh tak. wsued o ve t day's mission but because of bad wether, bad das sihdsubbe thow culee pad nd o iied the cross keys tavern not once, but twice. i dont know how many pichers of addf toh tn u ercron aie ' n a homr. the whole idea was to suse lmw read ofth g. [lte ers rao ce this was an ardrum base then it was just absolute lack. it was absolutely amazing to
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think ofruar 19,943 th rehaufiha r tah emesthrt rrndnt l htge whe went on an amazing bombing run. we had been running since july of 42, but we only bm marothtiat atnt inouat and het or ms r arrbnd r onsa european theater are these amazingly brave bomber boys to risk life and land should take the fight directly to adolf er d it'sakn im ettemno ri vrthrr t moa nfuobi beinit so that day on february 26 19twii69te llelvs. oca heelveo fiyptenderfw erhegif doomed. >> deletion of the doomed as b-s n 0satck rmn,iiojc a rnonte ay in bremen. but they got over germa that day and i was on cloud cover. so tyendeduangwi lmgat-b p o t h e. tcoimus. mbated rememb the u.s. attacked during the day.
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what they called area boming. we believedin daylight. y ed h t mb ths e ie war w. e ngh escorts. afterward under bascombe spitfires are turned around to rern to eir bas anthes ysr ycely seer n solyrbl. te rtng h hole idea is that they were going to go on constantmssions let givualite lvo ofatei tin ie >> allows to give you some sense of how brilliant a writer homer bigart was. we didn'trat t bon iing gh whao gunnery school for a week. we got a omber title. ertold we betr kw ho ho un h in tre. her beau meantime, the instructional days the entourage with first ad arcr enca aecinot w tp yphur
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nixped ua, lieutenant alex hogan's teaching out lecture that some of us felt like hopping the next train at the tton th iuta ltad omrke, sspi bus ouisig r boouaven reporter asked if they ditched into the north sea and an enemy plane swooped to investigate? and that event, hogan replied, merely telling you are writing r teradeteo. linaogwst. rrin eequ sengns on medicalfficer painted on forgiving picture of what might happ if we took a fire gloves that 30,000 feet. anotr ur th ou onwa a tff eves oe ru is s n nfnt olson in it offends anyone, i apologize in advance. since flatulent that are verified altitude could be painful ndazrdouea crsote sh asnshindbb an rete plague, we're at england for god sakes they rotested. also be supposed to eat and k? aiftcoio a rke vee erd ke hl thfert an expert teacher having flown some four dozen combt actn ao
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emrgr. itorreens lifrb het inoue tintom of us began during outlines of a spherical cheese withs referring to aircraft apchgheea this year in a dome celing is theprer egn,ighynce aift hd utoo dee hete te ott out of greece sunday was a big help in getting out of owy. thrne s to ct eenahe defeats. [laughter] anyway, they get back in one ec ofteephe l t ytrn fir rit f is bernie's b-17 banhecrk uves rtvian soldier. and they get back to molesworth
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and ethri sb h oulc reonfi airport and making some very bad news. robert perkins posed who had had an original raternity memberf th writng9 reerr"h ewk meas24 bnht wn o ch a ee anto24 al pwat e ofthem. and thus ended very abruptly the writing there've been big plans for them to go on constant bombing io asn eoree stw ouitwt waalcel. w, ne uging on for more emissions over the third reich, ening his air medal. cronkite went on increble sswith6,l alde f 194 hsor-d crtewn t the potter calais. but the one book you launch sites. he gives back to england and cannot say itwse1rc la s heuseeo t rtte thing. chips that got into some hot water with his bosses in u. p. for thatmissin and then pruced a ob t . nnicldi d t. helegally supposed to have weapons training, were
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there? >> now, they sure ee. iit s, ci f haedye isif tnsh is bside teamed. somesix was the ways god mmg wy ieslyrnth tand tueot u h acin cronkite said it was impossible to try and keeppack a train track of the ihters a mbovheth a 30leu cm inte 0 s u it would be a tiny speck of verizon all of a sudd hooting back inures cronkite h' shnethgsbr yiohm ay. nt t think about this. all the oher b- w rat. poigwa ment reilf worried that it shot down the plane. it would'vbeenobl
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eye e e rmn. e rt tnty all that. how many t rt oit sstyhne bc? >> well, right. the amazing story but chips that would've been up rt ysan wngt be thmo ssint oethomelanme puon was bad -- bad when on bad night, february 27 the day after he is composing hisso caangynjh old. pasrmhm u'otbe f what did he host? anybody remember? there you go. please wear black ties what's my line in the 50s. ils oftheim i odntew iphagh ghi ess. w fis iur fa er appeared on cbs. so just looking at these two guyseen knowing what they meant to the future of journalism, what's your assessment? wh youi b bg khtoerthoi tlvs s sdt fi o chidd 'm y, cronkite. almost the voice ofgod. or friendly uncle.
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someone in ben. d la ao ad twin. rtcai rr d ry didn't know about cronkhite rating as a kid or evenlater y, ar labe o s d he ost rntseau o its clarity, its sensibility and sense of humor and just everything about it seems absolutely. ini in o t ic gndh ote thicwilde writer. >> i think that what strikes me opted with these guys too is the fact they've ben together eromurthn. takngeerwgn wanepncithe ctntt ot lo ays premiered in a sense of servicemen and to let terry guys. but on the other hand theyre iahry eywinaurus h ag hyth. yohohsbe this business does he get better when you kind of emulate for someone pushes youao . yu hte good at the laptop
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right next year. they ar setting the bar kindof andou'rfe ve go s ooghith thab this book. it's taken some names that e somewhat laiaow ve h a ouu she realized this energy and kinship between all of them and w they in a s o ve emso e aney kept. >> bigart was an incredible influence begining with andy rnuring the a ecus galwashe e eingstd, waskuen ne seld. whe oihi pld again. i'm sorry explain it one more time pease. it seems to me often that is the persistent. i think larr gg hehi i. ma, weki a tth ce hnhr? ano wr abl ll o cbs news they can't be a d-day plus 20, whh is the classic 1964 cbs news documentary. i see some heads nodding that mron d ih t g eiow ifco w stock cl yoy
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tan thbee andl me y n shngis happened. >> you can see from back here it was a natural thing to do but there weteer enanatha'r yietgh an ce lo ere. hfirst day was a tough one. ♪ ba ths we like ike. i think we a kind of running out thwe rng opa . wep d heng ipot usm no oogin edce the world, the normandy know. book begins in the norand ry a cemeteec. d wrf oen code teac e,h gric figures. >> hard-core 90th diision. jufobc dion athewarte . terry ramsey the eighth of new jersey. eighty-second airborneknuy i ith o
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oswo ies here. i guess most of the casualties are overlooking omaha 7 etaoe. aas identifiable. identified her son hee. >> n aon wall. this cemetery includes all the daaus. hma gh ispose >> they were gathered in here. [inaudible] a of coses is just e emieatsrt frerouhe ol al. >> d h ry scial megre mt rriertote iefeay thnx ir a natural
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part of spending and innovation were e-mai o ndrof boerin ge liored r. bu m b ofe to this fact. i'm d-day, my own son graduated from west point and after his ai, e es vis covhet viobuat simar. bu erydae graduating, his men came here wi otherale stngsechor o rponno g anngset o il any and the sins for a conquest, but just toperv ee sms -gnm ith wr y sas of men for ideals. here again in the 20th ctu or h ectm eic alwi r amant e same values. here's had a very ulleta
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vprus m me. so many of themw onri 'mmpngbo nde wr t nt prime. they never knew the great experiences of goingugh feik s oy hope will never again have to see. i think and hopea. theo g ance in time for us so we can do better than we did before. every time i come ack to thee ache to en whkbt eda20 aro,iayoc w f some way to work for pee ado ain foi wo w nyuwh si tit thibooand i'm honored all of you would've been part of the just discussion
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wereappy to answer any quesons you mighthv. >>t ounk co tf t e combat philosophically? why is he over here and what is hiss? oi t dwat keim wt o alive? >> i think there are two thngs thprofutly zenddiof t grbohete weaabcoy, ey o booo f friend. it was about great statements that idealism and all the rest f bec oo inatl ath ground it is a great desire to get home. yes, sir. [iib e mce n igma i't rymn jwnnak ees ref ie. >> what is incredible to me and i didn't get a chance to read this theamion e a ic ker tla indrtfr
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astronaut. at one point in 43 and early 44 your chances of getting back in thecombat missions were no behnoesxosvn. in that. imagine having to cover the kids at breakfast. th wouldfy naesd %e ab come home. some even more catastrophic than .gxbhbx t ayi' teol rshorlsrysi thm politicians say you know they want a government as good as the people of t ed eowisir ey b pe h ittabeusnk we've all seen peoplei tininmm. t ernke gaho acanst eisobs yes. [inaudible] -- i inserted curious. e stories were quite traoinary. hr baerk on
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orli bcrecic wa tay h o story? >> now, there is a guy i know who is thinking about doing that book. [laughter] y buyt if i do t faatst n e thci w gloe to gkets and tarzan in all the rest were phenomenal reporters. of course mer was there for the last year. palmer won his pultzer covering thecf. d islohom a ulvedo o me s,sr >> how did this book come about? how did you get into doing it? and just tell us a little bit about the genesis of t ok mddro get unsife hry arld i ee m.roe edy the strip iswo thngs. instead of the usual jaded e-mails that we exchan i pee f avitwa r thas h spthr.nk engendered in so many of the spirit abstract of a chipse that come so ew obituars rlaiw liea afho. ko stiida ecn ago, the sort of baby boomer obsession. everything was through the prism
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of all the issues that we asat. kiteith ths itn thnnasinn tee ale rest. those thgs are important. don't get me o. mciteewt s tes rlr re de. wir iou ant. all these guys. a few of them went to the non cathwa le r rnoi wth responsibility to myad to say out loud that this wardd't eem juif mo whwa ail a commonsensical. >> at an enormous moment. nlurate e. haexyce. t g oratj tc mr. cronkite delivered
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to the television often turn to states and said if i've lost cronkite, i've lost mrica juerc h meneaterars orado another with marguerite higgins. marguerite was every bit as pass rg wn ios w rn jas hett. yoknow it's coming.tha ms. higgins was ecstac ae hosaly o hemtt [lte , tabmen[lte thn caobein being homer inclined if marguerite had to eat it. at the time to scrape protégée onerheou t s h fhs oris re? omaie [laughter] any other questions? yes, ma'am. >> -- how does the at i nale al wr pe l thliat o through this in both japan and europe. and he never talked about it and i have ner qti atisi a. he asaero es
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lewht ughi hee g. ju brilliant. >> that everybody has their own war presubly. ve ner bn a at he eoto b t d her told, to instead bring the funnier stories home to the dinner table. so i don'tn >> ir. [inaudible] >> if jsbdti rnkit rewtiiv ot on hos america. and this understanding of the war was not worth the wasn't pursui omeingvla werci a hp ulswtite vaofld in ern o th thed t see that maybe thinking this war, world war ii should've be the last war. and wn we look at the noreho isca mee >>l,momau rlr ii. it was unquestionably rght
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agnsrn iasal atho f r t ie te t asqker. people got home quicker. th war today that weaei ththyfsuch different han tax on all of us because it only in packs avery small mber of s anosget ouo balance these folks are told to go over there and stay. if we get to comebc'r ldgoig ak atnthusio b it's another question. >> well, i'd like to ask a question of all f yo n t goaco wh mon co mu . nesgeg a made journalism andonorable profession. they de it absolutely is an ntpafmrn mcyic mwa ve benbre. eyre, ty ee greatest er of press independence and integrity in
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history. and i would like to throwt out and get people's reaction. yes,a dnote t laeak d riedpts world war ii and korea. 94 missions over korea apeared first ni. d d esnallgr mionkibee m aaswr ys, a out there in the no gravity games turning somersaus. everyo thoug that was something to o bh mddeve inoue len ndn rpgh sober korea? he said he don't think about that. you just think about mission. att reannd geona iium i wanted t was his humor books about korea. for undeclared war that was a of a fiht. >> just briefly, my dad and the gy eupner eis. thhohe t u
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not. drug dad went 96 more times than not --thenmt. tcdn eyt etck tveuen t he the toll or will a war its that was the second world war and its consequenceswhich wases llro ursmha tafis s quon htei rootarshe volutionary war and the heroic politi statesmanship and politics that came afterwards. heroic isn't it sort of the same question thaheroic tim hasffociety th fec id ancianhe nng ke . o, tktry perceptive point john and anyone elare to comment on? >> i think the revolutionary war was incredible again for the odga y a tpp ad te frind w w stos >>h, ay yeah? >> not a golden age of journalism though. [laughter] >> wl, come on. aughr] c i yin le ink iduge edo journalism which lasted through vietnam. >> yeah. >> and then changed again. >> yeah.
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>> because of the dressof vent slld ruafth ea sh wouaot nsipaut' faatis h yes, sir? >> speaking of that issue john c. marshaland that pl -- sure. >> generals t--is reerat ror rs sesnd cme herdetth w wh they are destined to right. >> yeah, yeah. >> he supported them 100%. >> yeah. eisenhower, the last one he nted was cleg ardsts,rl thar t hra itlsd olemto t ut tere jursmd andy rooney was par of that. yeah? >> the baby bo generation many manworld waiivi aneyarri a cad hohere vi iat o sech and cernes -- experience with your dad how did you learn what they felt about them in their role? >>l,hik y ted,hereed anke mal ake they appreciated having the story told. they appreciated having their own stories told and they appreciate fackg, aney t--vear omettshah prte aing why too. the big questions.
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>> yeah. >> [inaudible] >> r in oof ts t 's ir about these five correspondents and the likes they were with them in the trenches taking the sks they were. noevery day or not to the extrem but they wrere thas e p w la aegngth r ssys f ore ndimne up to him and he began writing wonderful profiles. we don't have time to get into boyle, but heallim ors . te pe w - - -re is gh rior people who read ernie pyle over the shoulder of those reading ernie. [laughte n, iewha u n ainund us y insisted on calling him harle thou l'r a congroti-- ofrro freshman year. >> didn't have the same kind of notoriety among th, i ink. asthien a viayanomth ma benpecen
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aq texen of the correspondents in world war ii? >> david, you want to? >> well, ihink it was -- wha thdien siro eecog dre e'rtlt dienuier those 350 years of the relatnship between the press and the military a jon k , unoid heegnge at stth ser irl r re jth you know draftees and so were the writers, there's much closer parallel between them and t pranheit n a -- fna t pa cred t's thmei op can overcome it but journalists can do it, and they can also write the truth, but it's just a lot more obstacles to overcome. >> aeyrebe i oni w n aed - y c s o now pe a some knew how to do that and others got lost in it and became the cheerleaders theiowdnt. t. inlythntew klndtenei raeod sth fe of world war i trench warfare. boyle and biggert were both thereterally every day and
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cii inepng a oce bshu d ar w didn't farewell in the book to put it charitably, but the othe guys in theiblale tolahce uw,he ped tr aur tad ord r vegivehem a lot of credit. larry? yeah? >> we've gone over time, but o mo question. >>neak tisri w u? gh ndae sof f lo tsantsf gs t aood do, but w don't have letters the way we used to. will that make a difference in the future? >>bte [lte oou gh >>t'heim yeah every historian is worried about that. >> yeah, it's a little scary. if you can only read walter's stuff to by. kf see du thte yoow wheotle on aans et lely ito paris parachute into paris with the first allied airborne, he went on for two and a half pages of eeothis usen' inld she n. aoaruf w t yo mu dúd
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ud crsns oo vng lehawn m wife lisa f politics & prose.come yo on behalf of everyone at the ore, wouik wme ev a or aon pbl aforer b reed most times the authors will have appeared in at least one or two other ples before reaching p and p or will have given tewsne orzas,ig tuveldcle. [lte iss fme that jeff is speaking publicly about his new biography of a former "washington post"dito and th "rs h" ad rahe cove thntrsldt ekn io the book was excerpted in "new york magazine", and the fallout had as much to do withnother geat hin "eg word i be b le i'eait tffod the substance of the disputes by the biography is nearly 500 pages long and con tapes coer mth tne iefa heve fookngg, it captures the mch celebrated
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bradley in aim his energy, flair, cgeroty chmad ct ademblcc on papers, and to many who have known bradle a nddolra dws, j's naicto t, ak u ir ger so of the book with a lengthy description of how the project evolved, that is how it wasity envisione a a tin witdl t cnd, ffutdlef noth ey b to sense the trickiness of wring as he puts it about your or mor e'itbif el this book, and as times it. if you want to ask a question, step up to the microphone here derarouano ad sceurles j pe ouen adil yceelng
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jeff himme. phone [applause] thk soh cng 'sonoe. ha a couple disclaimers and i was forbidden from using blue language, and it's very difficult to either read fromy orkou bad thcu w. ppveouul co aur] thof who read as bradley said those who read the review in the post this suay for those of you who came hearboheo a b wai k ll pped isk atbend inat bey sout g-pok and a portrait of who the person is is true what my goal he is tonight is to convey some of who beis to you and in the hopes at y ll f a ptin ididjo reg tm, sui woitaor - aclyth ot writing about him. i ended up writing a book with his son but as i was working with ben the first thing he did was gieccto aresd s tth olintir wus gse o s wiget o letters. i was in the office, pet try fied of talking to him and the way i got to know him was through the letter and i waned tod
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fofes d hoou en hot twm. e te t b i favorite. it's from 1977. a man had written to katharine grahan iodhe erfohud benive tav bee he y a ag dwh u te ndl pa in my humble opinion, i think the persons responsible for the "washington post's" decline e nj cdl pehe dot f fr ou fos erwo the response. the letter reminded me about the story of wc fields sitting with arink in the garden on day, anhe wintete pelytanan edse h afu a. dsd stao gi hn equivocal answer, and that's benjamin c.radlee. you hvo aer of veor erhaam a y hpe o a pl, d the editor or the editor had watched this panel, and he said how ironic it was to watch you display arrogance as you crizia iby y ics t prasinrrt, teotragraph, he signed it cordially and
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sincerely. ben's response in full -- editors run theisk pegog ih dieeh odo s aan u d ali teahehe mmy gih w . noal you arrogant that way. no one calls you a newspaper man either. [laughter] i'm so hppy nurby wani lki o poils. gh an q o ihaney lo ateoan dci a legend of the journalistic scene way back when from 1982. dear frank'ma i anine er i'ta mn mu nder tn fahond tng to steal woodward, worrying about the raspberry plants, andp to my ass in midgets. augh thna 'llut n'ng wol re bumeu abon i w fs s ais retirement roast and there's a sour reporter named tom a self-dribbed expert onag a grr,esear e t us-- tlvedida a quon s whs ? she said, is dickhead one word or two? [laughter] so that gives you a senf e loobe. lillerme wd inis oe,as ahe in brt a lr,an hahith b bht
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him a letter and said, gosh you know, did you work hard on the letter or think about this? he said a number of letters i wrtwyo c e [lte thnoeotssou -t tobsl ourenthte a thoks re than the letters, although the letters are the heart of the book and the primary documents that i came across in the course of isd hertfe y bse tth stof iyth ki t tisbl agndt' of t mo eesng i discovered, it's a man who privately didn't pull any punches like he doesn't publicly, but onof thest teininou hnd st r olof bo aisois wheocrwhe n aisrs charma, his way of being and 2341969, -- in 1969, the was a ychirist who itervwed beetitea stitrv 2an ovherse e tew, 1es l memo of it that this psychiatrist took, this guy falls in love with ben, and you read 18 page an youch prs ldndit agngcode a 18 18eewenor concluding i left the interview feeling i had greater capacity as a human being just from having known him. [laughter] he penled in byha t
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histnllns, t n arsit crs i ors out kwhas a successful newspaper editor that's it. that's it. he made people feel they had a pability to out and get it and inspired the n t atdtilyt' thin i t op clo us tilyathau tow. 'sutehri cagi of the first historical end seeds in the book is t pentagon papers and the reason that's so is because ben thare,ryte rgs ssit epeoner e fid wts, thteto be with the reporting inhe pubshing of that story, and there was a moment prior to the pentagon pars where ben had decidedo is shih dithsh b is ampntle seg nt who foanwr t i 1968, a memo no one saw, one of the gems i came across, and he told her he wanted to ll her why he hadpublhed t rt onynanf i puat aheai i nortttew k bth i nto i it's our duty to publish news when it is news and that means when we learnedand sured the inrmatn lllanec it lend knoit nsheliat re asp tld t ofprreke a s eribhor small, out of the newspaper business. of course, no one of these steps
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puts us ot of thesi, th nheue ofn t t idorreat a 'sorteauhe suarre. nepeat yields to any one of the pressures sacrifices a precious asset, the vitality and commitment and possibility the respect ofts rport oanys w's ofti te f i dopr i weoet vly rt us rns a irad that's a pretty gangster policy of what the policy is. [laughter] so the pentagon papers was a moment this is the moment. every ha tom atte ithe pgope po ps. thtisat t t e n cy. ben and the national editor of the paper knew daniel the -- daniel ergth w edpe ah a ri30 tda aney try o t neda throughout the course of the day, hashe it out, had the lawyers saying don't dot, the whole nine yards and want day end with a call to ben's hoe,nd i'sennd k ng anrgt,nder ncdhe s gea tmehld b saai everybody concluded that's when the washington wash was born, and sets up everythinthatas to llowo ben came to theo 6 "neean ca d lly because he
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fell in love with a woman who became ton bradle, and in 1961 he w there cnd tet,rus an arra win leg,an him took him o to lunch, and then he came to the paper. what he said about whenhe ca to the pap wthrs tg antooisre ags tst rt aeot m toepr. r ben's words. wrote a moment moe to a foreign correspondent and laid out way he was trying to do with the newspaper. aot tyingoak t tte e tg m ire atyoer f toovav viitdusn is an effort to remove the hand, the vailed stand, the phrases that make the position ear th oues,fwett ri th,th astostul a r. anla cian a flngli xin t pe uot those calls. they are valued. we are talking about something different, til tilt flaws the efforte makto me anepestis avinduy, ilon weivel, . w isin 1965 and shortly after he became executive editor in 1968, most of you read the "wasngton ,"su amo a acomo stsen.
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w'sea ugt uut o nng ut ampe ot, and shortly after being the ecutive editor in 1968, there were memos flying around and 234 january of 19,hest ctcaut itomngs mn pares acom ths fect y pr,ni tl thenefirs a the style section was the first and when i asked ben about the style section late i realized the style section materialfuls not powerful enough, and it was one a cer f rtanenskbo stct h i inma b m ges gacy. i said, really? watergate, the pentagon papers? he said from aurst pect m. thec kup wagtanl h eate weet free to fly. that was ben'sics vision. it's an important part of the modern newspaper a part. ople accept itt he wsr. t hneus lille or fistsenbut i think it sets up everything that would come later isnndo reedn9 w dori vi a sraesheo y f. had a meeting in the office with savings and loans guys placing ads in the paper, and he walked over toowney's de
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and seyre a sas lswn if pishese eyl ati f eepe thwn speaking, said well, i think my heart stopped. i didn't know what to say. i was worried about what ben would sayext. pe, s, g it t,i ae s . id ss, pshit hest l mon dos dvsialot of money back then, and i never heard another word about it. imagine that conversation today. justmane. aur] allyul wal atef t nomlk at rp rk magazine" focusing on watergate and i feel i don't need to talk about that now. i want to read one lely quote about ben's view on all ofs, whhe pwo pty r ete pulitzer ben was on the board the time and tht needsohepaul it suiohill w eyt gpi thhohaott, screwed us on this one, and ben's version of that meeting is this. i said to them, in theast analysis, if it had notn ts t gam y wohaum soer [lte isis a colorful man folks.
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the guts of the amri as goufe it k graham is different. e of the tngs, and ihink gra aizl t perok. gm'es dle and gve me a box of ben's correspondence, and it was volutionary of their relationship, and one ofthe most eiting tings to read. trlt nd fo a henth thpeonpe i intiom ha agut it k., and i tried to find some way to sum up their relationship in t book, and they go back and foh,nd people sculad th. iovth b ana at ulteobren d irom ait eddatt pot t in 1995, k. through him a book party when he has memo cam oa g liwh sd s u hochea ou 4agok athe e of e par h reized he didn't give her a book, the woman who made him a wealthy man,verything. at thend of the no wrot is the,'ven tt pot e myli venort w ke ea lry tme
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see you. there's nothing that can change that, not even by own clumsines anurtyasral gee urrdwe omhe ytou es asto m vep. at a wonderful summation of who they were and who they are. i don't want to talk f too much longer, but wh i want to talkuteeod drd t a ea itayndop't jihne mig wa to talk to me about it, and i don't know how much of you are familiar with theneoo ororcknd gr aan 1aman che t o t poverty and drugs beat, and she heard a rumor there was a ne u rahen hers d waento i anheeale w o in hein tan tillizing bit of information from a drug treatment center saying there was an 8-year-old addict that came for treatment. e ghtao t it ane tit tsro pry ou g t mnt ides okayi'll get it. she went out and went out and couldn't find a boy, couldn't find any boy who mched the desciond uat s ded akp, ahe wra e s v vianul
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impressionistic detail that people didn't buy right away but it survived the editorial press theost a .. o t f ced j's wd. cedinhe hs t rone but created an identity for him that was not true. ran on the front page, and immediately the dc government said they wereooki forhe d, a baiwa aeto nat thstodby t y. ecry, and they stood by the story. it likely would have never been discovered that she made it up had she not won the pulitzer prize april otheollo ye ths stf ie taoogopl t hehetu itpuerrize. that category had been created two years earlier by ben bradle had he not createdt, it dnavcownit . he sgehifho thol sol idil wheit the post reprints the story with a beautiful shot of her and then the next day ben's phone rings, and so did harmo gidiofim threay tam thwhhebi t janet submitted doesn't match the bio on file before, and in -- wat ben said to me was my
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het sa becey k enddo khe rt ththg b i j aup d lyt i did it about 36 hours or so. what happened next is the reason why i'm telling you theto ssfren peraheagt po who d who do if you're ben bradlee? ben had been part o -- wit k's real pushing the instution of elannd so ben couldn't sign it, but gave free reign. everybody at the paper will cooperate with this inquiry. the's t ono f ouisfaoosx, atre g rs wh people asked him about that at the time and when i asked him about it, what he said is he learned the lesson in watergate d le wat 's aysth eat tshuc bl buat te aat bedte peuphe whpar and with don graham's participation and the remarkable taltede bire wecr t su pft un at' o tmo un ps da joliou e c acss and i relied on it hsm because he talked to everybody
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after it happened but that moment when ben saide're not going to cer ip,t touvehaen s hidhe p t on or favorite letters, and then i'll take questions inust a moment, is this kid at yale, and i had to get permissions tose a ttin btoe opesoe he t lr,o c htnd sea he t phone, and she called from colodo, and said i want use your dad's letter that says peckerwood and all of that, and there'sorlage ane ghaa [lte rtasoc t th pssisy, uw,nt se ersme buseis name is obnoxious sounding, and i reached him, and he had no memory of writing the letter. he saiyou e iju n mye. ai t uis n he of n ers edand they asked ben who holds the media accountable when there's a mistake. he said the readers. the brevity of the reply to an earnt quonas ain thdi. rem oheude, we rnenewi e ercae i n beab ther pe w on forget the pretty ser hoax but an early chapter that could mediagate. i hop you remberheso d tngef erthxteeo asouwhethss
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st ryru ys. this is ben's response. my god you've got pompous at an early age. [laughter] apeduens w tedpoto acteor wagtst pmi to inaccurate reporting before anyone else. you saw do it on the front page. you saw the washington post apogize in an editorial yosaasto po kere tz pr thwath s ul ha taken. unique in american journalism, really. i am speechless at your injunc ihoulinof is tf aon be yetas stroorte j e et corhery think for yrself if i may give you a piece of advice. [laughter] that's ben. want rea tte h eau t t ita picly vet' i mif tt s. they are long, and i hope you humor me but i think they are important. one is from ben and the other from harry. fiis geein apl 1fo reedenisve hesitant to point towards a deeper truth. you get the story today ta a bite from the apple, t aer
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troneul . th thiphheru ems. atismach se t inisll rtstenro usuos never see anytng like this. this ispril 16,974 in atlanta. there's many obstacles on the road betweenhilosophy and acti. ths lyhng abte th. annin whi heth te, w 'rld tut t me'ritg o t first rough draft of history. more than any other profession we are legitimately subject to the second guess. you - iqmo pctheap fftry24ouan ca beed 'sdud adversa environment where the goals are reported inherently conflict with the goals of the reporter and the rder. it is this daily conflict that gis conepoce in trsment fomth ps. wit fomer nf. the ciche no truth. then in terms of what some read into some of myreind inisll t,an itayteh i c iarthro er supervising the reporters and everybody on the waterte and all of that. ialked with him epteer lr, a sen hhameof pog ng - n'ale aof eor, thas sin to pose questions about the narrative of watergate
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as it was handed down. he said, wecan tal about this enslut tun. rgwaacefgo itd t isgh i il wiin re detail than any story i ever dealt with serge with that tenure. it was brass, solid. you can argu aut th and at, th tutheru g wdogas reedead t k th cry ets tis d pigas watergate investigation. everybody earned his stripes. everybody. the fact that they were not peect human bs. thct tida pet me e t t a ate tht' a pfu statement. at last my favorite letter of all, and then i'll talk questions. this is in 1992, and the's a section at the end of the b where i d winin p tamdlled em ito t s tend heme thh, this is my favorite probably of all the letter, and it's advise to live by for all of us. dear ed, don'tsees serokck wohaad ta ci yid ooli bht s itwade f them, ben. [laughter] thank you all, very very much for coming. [applae] th you.
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any questions? >>ob vi lil sat. viondn upcomi issue, anyway it's online revealing mike hole land's book, "k" ur aho ieo ok c we ers t whr otmvig ok o "" alone i'll bring up the new york magazine article pointing out that the essential two things involved are not relevant anymore. th parking garag afi po bus od n s heweru o bue oe yo ti c verify whether or whether or whether or not woodwardold theruth and if on , hid n tehetr lede wet w ot wgabu w iet started, you may wish it was watergate. years and years agof gam saeeorinn kownith ulveom noe atun aro w a granddaughter wanted to ha salons up in her house, not far from here. >>saat
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y liswexed ny tis it t bnorwn. i'm not gog out to hicksville. that tells it all in terms of power and influence compared to #ear ago a wit no sur ou hst t' cg yhit'sst th peemo backbone in the approach toersons and power that it regains influence and general oomph in am ti? tsar qioo an, ou ma. s adienim inkth m instpiof quonwhapd he of salongate, a rect parallel to janet cooke in a lot of ways. when that happened,here was no al ition ast in bee der ulve bthaed d, t hen toottom of it. that washe exale set. that didn't happen. that's a definition of a culture shift. i think the post is, you know, try tigur ow mat tldn doknhaiath cronhul eeut khe response to the particar thing you mentioned isifferent from hown my mind, the newspaper would have respd. anody e thasy. [lte noataulst o set itea where are the rest of them? i'll sign books, i'll be here for awhile.
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i hope -- >> you want to take onthe roy lkbo hoayut >>su wuloulio ow aur] l,totex y e cg, a what do you make of respons? >> i've been asked that question. >> might want to repe t esti >>ry aoat et th roy ng who k ti dii sehis precise controversy coming in scope and dimension? no. i mean as rerted ithe b was rt bn' wa tpomef wt po, iha nim atff# mo,an so thought maybe it wouldn't play out the way it played out this week. i think from my pspec i ry niioe. ea itaie al isuf ncued t omeal perspective it bee strange but i'm not going to say i'm cpletely rprid. it- gu tze hasot shi exedueoulde the way tout it. >> how do you explain? >> i really can't to be honest with you. i mean, i woke u on monday mog, t w a y e p chng medlaheay w coedonch reg. i ink a little over the top to
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be honest. [laughter] i imagine bob wishes he had that one bac but i ood b t reinnd einhe chs won ta boaled agl mepnganta b it%, if anything, this controversy, if you want to call it that has only made me feel better about what i reported i my te q fk. . ul y mpp t thcrneou di soy hr you. >> i was a bit surprised that ad he sect ofspry rt and was thinking perhaps that it is like taking the pulse o people in theit texyow debe. achocr whe iup >> aso it's like a anywhere -- nirvana away from politi, and i wa to hearour io abth soly anth i ad quon e he tgsthwe l onhy t e sen iint em a sino a modern reader, in "the washington post" before 1969 you ver knew where t ec s. haookn ton gefheap oecsto fi owhehe ew w an ofeyct
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wa to consolidate that. that was the practical function. they had a section called for and about women and then -- it wa lowere, fanut d n erse wri ne veat be sff o all of us, and ben, and i don't think people say he was for feminism or anything like that, buthioat gh w veme a n, han son thvo wn,lk t n,40 -- in a modern way. that was a component of it. the third thing you mentioned was it. the proposal for ten, e sttav anisna eor thiide want a place that's about people, the way people live. there was nothing like that in a newspaper, and so when they put the style section together, the firscovewas o isit somej. li bi secte ap wasomn. about a woman by a woman, and not, you know sort of then the general had tea and gave remarks and all of that and so i think ben warealki f rn t esst hainndo he wsro essitew setoversit and the antecedent r this is ben's
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uncle, the first realdiorf "vy f"dyad eait ngtoec ot j fon magazine or bridal magazine, but a hard hitting thing exprezzing mode life a b did that with the style io andhat s wit wy emed. doulk to barry sussman for th book? >> i did not. i requested an interview, and i spoke to hiwo wes ago. itee rl a i e imab deand he said that's not news. i said that for 40 # ars or whatever it is. we had a frank discussion, and so i request it bore,nd thtdnomou alvodseth i cd. >> yes. >> one more question did ben say anything about the pub my cation of -- icn anto atllri a yin- ibr. or idovenyg abth >> i thought that to be the proudest moment. >> gosh, no, i don't have anything about that. >> i have a feeling that given all aat a ie eredyt you inst ahaou find that surprised you about
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ben as a man or a newspaper man or assannngyo unurin reeaes. ha t qio >>rrha ng veelut don't beat around the bush with it either. [laughte the question was the watergate nuggets are the os gting the most play, whatdo ink is ovokr rpng t unutou be e hehith v rpng md l wnas t m ook about it, is ben has an images rash, fearless commander, and let's get him. w imate e, evodes ind si tfa at dct croio i tay ttsaen rule but there were moments. there's a moment in the book where he's trying to move another itor out and he back chled it. it was not benad g uge r sget thll oe. asrthi t enpug ev yon'hiutat w ben so much. i think the thing that was most surprising to me, although that's somewhat different from e public imag thehgt rpngmesw is has ea a v mt f afrok ad wrn,hte bes showed up. you can imagine the panic, the panic with which i looked through the boxe lookinfor stiss ft ldebenoo i inheosrdom t? ththhain
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roth boxes freaking out. what that was was the bunch of the check this check that, whe'eran tt thatas in ou mers soineat oi an eth itasxa same. i think as a -- you know, i became a biographyer, and as ra, o m laurist,nd th dents, and i had the great, great privilege to meet and spend time with ben but it made me have sympat f rars bsewh waeaom rd is hithhae t personal stuff, how he had a soft side a compasonate side, particularly for drunks. he hated to fiun and ys edto sy geaan tf it ufke tateeut at you that maybes someby a human being. there were tons of surprises. the watergate stuff was surpsing. it was all surprisin he was amazabit e ingsaen iou homng tht hcota lemaly, he was like, who cares? what's the next question? which is an aming attitude f
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someone hang ao itte oumon ec atsusi roy sld heen rpd t,t wa anyls >>yo gmop of yourook? >> i sure did. [laughter] i sure did. asked if i gave ben a copy of the book. i sure did, last saturday. we have a gtture t me t lo w. -oyorros t mother-in-law approaches the microphone, oh no, all right. crisis averted! [laughter] y pdee yo te? aur] enoitokeo ne [laughter] ybody else have a questio >>oo ali w ao k y anu, ebo ou f coming. thank yoer new york govnoal
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okay. knick, >> plee ta yseat hoasanr a duolf triswbre e puatof bk llerinmerica up. america." it's a history of american journalism. it'll soon be the history o amican jursm r ny someyhgema chopb.a a fe ursm onniitdald friendf mine. to give you some idea of how far back we go, when i knew chris it was - [lahter] e fhaown . ay. reha ngdo we hve inat gathering. i want to have a lot of time for q and a. i'll spend about the first thirty minutes of the ee dosofntga h ouebftea th w'iac w udeornrw nus or so an then we have free food and wine in the back. which we ope everybody will eny ralitei ay . haoukn hoe-kay. so -- as journalists we're taht to look for the local
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an foeohrdh ofrbo regg th tes ut isg he's who founded the school per. >> pulitzer a fascinating character and a grea place to t,wafee whd othgrst ims hei. om u ko ham oynetrying circumstances, he came as a recruit to the union army in the middlef the civilw. e attpo erfo cr e reakunyy,nd thtk this unpromising with poor eye sight but he managed to getthh,suivth civiwaan hse anpinaof unino, roa combination of tremendous effort, energy, pluck, and happy ccumstances, he ended upa paowr of wsr t. u t o liewer re nory. dtdraininthewor of journasm by his tremendous willingns to experiment. tzourylt yt idebakug to athe ws seg. , knnhore started throwing things into his newspaper like economics, he's
12:52 am
one of the firsto u coearndcoic faly m ll "h's ally" had a urgent with a yellow night sht. li k peen. thnfttgshe deesdi fo scinwen toayhyoknth d been lost or nick. anything pulitzer was working hard to ommercialize his newspaper to akeitfnc suswoke os wh adis guge aofhuasg decisions in t household are made by women. what should the childre wear? what soap should we use many whindfshtssh buy insewe y n at yk ntund tasadopus d pulitzer wa thinking how can i connect these women readers with
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