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tv   U.S. Senate  CSPAN  July 6, 2012 12:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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lk oo well, i want you to please acknowledge the people on this panel and the previous panel becae it's the power of hei irndds yoo gl teitt panelists? [applause] s oti u a tm kto because use of presentations today but there was five hours of workshops last night so the speech as you heard this morning are the work he wholetmth rt hn [ausdgurk?
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seeg ledng tto rnimend l iain wee etaoarta is summer, and it's the management team led by some ouisdufr sers nlums joined henpavb rkg tebgnn soy 't s there are some americans in the foundation story not just irish orsouth african so with the management team plee std b gn? la last, we ar eyro ve hsybig hgh
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artwold hcn of the story is being heard not just in this roo it just accelerates and acceptance the powerf the story to inspire t wahng,bth d. wntbeefl thavvethwrk enonay stalo say thank you sais and the school's conflict management to have or the second time invited us to use i trtaroi o tcarers eaiassociations of these three programs so i can draw almost 550 alum from ireland, south africa andoon plllsewdfui rmd sttlaerom thn ivty georgetown university. but these people are the people who kind of made it possible,
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tw tinstry amis ana- t ence lnagaash sh ogin7 gat om in 2011. it is his connection that gets us. thank you so much for allowing yogoreat a ad thonnghog la wtontt th beginning story. he was here and is another graduate of the progr. ashinkou c lwi ae tr ie, and if you want t continue this conversation or be a supporter thnw e young eople,th prc gtwith iner il oi
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elca aford to let them fail. if it's been reborn in you it's because it has been reborn in them, but we haveto reiorce weien .sge yake lev l la in pennsylvania.rsations] >> t president wraps up the 250 while bus tour at carnegie llon university in pittsburgh. you can see li
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e apld hn around 9:30 we had more to appear in the middle of a i td o yd ngre rk when at 11:18 in the morning there was a thunderous explosion. you could fel all 505 feet and 8400 ts yeluup d erg 'sl wsmtoanr se ae hp sonautwig wemba in the water,
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lights went out, ceiling tiles popped out, everything on my desk left about a foot and slamme back down. lillu t shto mg i nd >> now a debate anisemi bng aoo. h h r rath us miere's a reason for all these events and sponsors. i'm ralph der and together with code pink jewish voice for peacanysadpts senw e aig bohe ie s it covers mandatory vting, the wall streetseulation x neo go away.
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all societies have taboo. for our purposes, taboosr scdsntcd e onaea. flf rmn h points and the deliberate, and resolve situations of significance. whenever taboos against public frm fpeh ipd ihop g imem ie itaogey the taboos. we saw this as our own history when slavery ws a taboo and publ dicssoen tsoox tas thtbth sy ycse enneeng and the lack
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thereof. today the question i one is coedh eponsis i h anti-semitism against jewish americans e tibfreu vay bg astm re ftlyby segmts of society including hollywood, blogs and mediand tbee obe eosn rfli, det enforcement by federal government agencies. me see this question not as emy nlsi
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he iarea he ba our moderator for fiienco e tzri n192 waf fi se the vietnam war and he will commence the prentations by introducing the debater james zogby, hrc,c eejs le hial f f eing here. gd afternoon.
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>> equal justice under th la o fnt h,ttnd o soe emt e edte but few know of plan to embrace the capitol dome with the timeless truth of american politics at cesro teatrus l h acd ihaapr finances. he unveiled the truth today about our poliical system. the words i wantarintoh laon tt e on i iw mpn ntti e ew intimately of the corrosion of the politics and how it undercuts courage, silencis te icourd tes gnsc
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oaalrl s alys qck tshow how the american political brain functions in one election campaign his opponent stfo rg e bi sses eaor loa didn'wat alienate peope. [laughter] there are all sorts of despicable blockso there stahericears idalrm s tis alt mercnts om a wal o life. how many traditional republicans of g opy?ed by what hd become oitic w l iel n itzgerald kennedy's 1960 colin houston to the convention miite s
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thc tunr he vo.oomr caicanhm ee spn is pointed. in other years it has beenmaybe sodgajwua couniar hals oa ikeabri hhi islam and in the mosques across the united states. kennedy predicted years agsuch thitd es ttaune i igs at thitus ses epty en it coms to persecution and intolerance, and mitt romney encome ttae. me ossswreme ndo know
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how the hoagie sandwiches had arrived at a campaign stop. that was the news of the day. apr l y a h sunc stvi adfor too long our first the date is jaes zogby [ausftece.iteresident oft thank you, patrck and ralh in . wao gi b ti amhecun d din oin way. historically the animus that inspired the bigotry directed at arabs and muslims on the side and jews on the other sidha
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thar wrnenon registsmt op juan which the west found living there for defineas an internal threat and the other which thewt rod as an teget hc toatisesm were no different than any other racial or tribal conflict except in a tterof degree. jndbsausli we piva hs n e gatierllom enir orate identity was viewed as threatening the west. as a result, though both groups ffd bo nd wshiory were segregated
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and rented and targeted an forced to endure repeated programleadgt he hors thau agt ab tth ndrdus imperial conquest, the colonization o the land and efforts to eradicate their in sy oiccansotfoof popular culture comparing the depiction of jews in russia and prima see germany with tho of rh reteartund twowe virtually identical. the two most prevalent depictions ofthe rman and russn trtm aale eo oagdeed
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h te e ajes ke or merchant. he found his counterpart. anisomniersth ei rp no a oe sl different only in facial features and the rest were the same. both were alien and both were wen esinon oironpe wh and therefore threats to the western civization. jews were portrayed as internally associated thpistedea fgnea ey ouyof. heern te w pole oeoo decline. they too were seen involved in
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conspiracy and associated wth an extenal source those threin to our secuty a wa ff. thhiteg rda a b a unacceptable to politically express or manifest bigotry against jews come antisemitism ait ars and reang tnmrmia oult icourse. we are not here to debate the policies or practices or the oraime peiowathe howeversome deng piead tis heiotates or groups or the reactions to them however wrgheaded some may judge them or harsh o unfair ommay proceed e ict we uss
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smat s ervee enonegel ertyped a group and see all members of that group as being possessed of some certain tet tom.t pia unpt betty wae collectie memory of the holocaust. it looms large i our culture, and it ought to e. hadepele'stfathe thrh iesi wiomty aar tcnuteyhve de to our common heritage. images of jews of all typesare present and our popular cultu. nallthisr al aterio a ic ca spcru have made it clear that there is a price to pay for public manifestation of bigtry.
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undgraavneth asesme mesur, this is sadly not the case with regard to bigotry directed ainst the arabs and muslims. despite me advances like h abd imanio di lnmy pocaad bigotry persists. arabs and muslims are still seen as more violent, less hmane, not shang our vales es lethyathstger umindseio euld dily by our popula and our political cultures. as jack shahee documens, prm tprd s an abul use snerdcl
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emsoen ac about the arab world and islam, popular culture is where most americans get their information and form their ideas. our lal cuts tt wi dncpra fooran e esn ern rtvenge the discourse directed against muslims. they have made it an issue in several key election campans montbliding ineen erse athsca a sc omtce sp o unies where efforts re made to block the building of the mosques. there has been a rash of the legislation to blocthe ovwo o stend ehrla anerwere declarations by legitimate major predential candidates that they would insist that muslims whohave to take a special loyalty deal
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rewi the no thbler, it e vetahes agesn ii ave received and contie to receive deeply flawed training about ab ad uslims in ayt ullyesrd. reinhtry pan prisdivi arall available on our website. attitudes towards muslims for example ong democrats55 ve lco5fvle onpuan t at unravble,85 muslims more violent and ught to believe and ate. 60s enca h ouku? plk vs.rwo8
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and the impact is a devastating consequence of the arab and muslim commnities and hate crimes and disratnd prilg turrs f ecea aap et the ties continue to be sed every issue by the ilitary between the mility althe y coge te oeaqr an aestonflos, asseed anti-arab and antimuslim the guests, writers and bloggers like robert spencer steeea ed esticnidt eaurl wate en innc heat criminals. i know it from experience of the three men who went to jal after 9/11 for threatening my lie to what the me regular folloers cotahaey o d
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sites. before dismissing the there is a double standard in all of this, i would ask you to take this simple test that andentor o mepuaftbentocegt sutu se fr arab and ask yourself what would the reacti be if an arab american wrote a boo about se ie esecadt te? wihi ooksn en he publishing ouses? if he had distributed millions of copes of movies charng coraakertews minsthre with
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sheldon? and could anything like this have happened about any other thttinistt esmm? amulan a ms i am thankful to ralph meter for helping us recognize this and creating the opportunity for the debate. [alause] >> kenneth smartness, president of the brandeis center for human rights under the law and he's u.omioirs. staffer vi o th la thanks. ralf meter i want to thank you forutting together this evet tond pubcon titior niinm.
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li lusnd er ct nisesm so appreciate when people are being more aware of he subject. i also accepted this invtation because i think the publines to be rerof tib ratsoa adplaerd hioryune d flopanet 'mngto try to address the broad themes there were some individuals that have been ntd aticu w wi vidu t eal ts ulsoe foos yha are here at busboys and poets, go for themhi. m eth sg tahi ecll s omu ve iain. aur] quon rd n a litt bit of a funny way when we are asked to talk about
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anti-semitism against arabs jerses anti-semitism gin t ao lenest arh ifnt s ede om use in fact there is only one kind of anti-semitism which is discrimination against jews. thterm was subsequently claimed in the 1870'sad anhewrcertht eines e ing marginalized. the views for the hated jes but reououan tys er nt nmt ld wobes utianh w edo otion that th were some kind of religious bigots when in fact they were really more focused and racial issues. ofrs cs m
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fft s ayahe gguenise oue taking antiair of discrimination and anti-jewish discrimination very serously? ani would argue that the answer to bothuestns of eiooyp i wc chru competes to see who can argue that their group has been faced with greater discrimination. to me we need too abtj seto t scinn sta ou,aanarajws alike. there's been a lot of talk about the way in which arabs have been mistated in his country. we could agree odsg t eru dimion inkw edtdge urin at both. it is interesting to hear this notion that as a society we have
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been more successful in jeec i melmtngaist atneo tt nstmindau veae tde q bth anti-semitism i have heard quite frequently people underestimating antisemitism or redin onre owhe not napra aomes ede whee oihad e a lefraowhopsa e we shouldn't be reacting to anti-semitism. one thing i hear and i hear this a lot is jews are doing thisstel we'td ryou ws thaotof plems with this but one thing that comes to mind just a few weeks ago the new data came ou in new york amani k wsh fti 7 f s
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ics new york live in poor households. that figure is slightlyloer than those non-jewishhds s othlt reveten o orisaensn ha mbee increasing and it is a problem. but beyond that it doesn't tter if you're rich or poor to any form of bigotry we should ta trlan tssa ses h gr w vemd in nsesm civeere there is still a rather significant amount of bias, bigotry, discrimination and even hate crimes aainst br thuedaeshaay a dn hels teld ad uly e be n ertm shrint. , e re many hundre of americans every year who has the face hate crimes in fact last yearacngt bd
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ms eeaemb hcesa j xc h risgia r lg gupanas exceeds the number of crimes against all ethnic groups. the point is not the problems anomert wthanewih ameins le whce alwintmi o atar epnd woai,thac are against. ..
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whatever the group is that is facing it. it is a problem for jesh-americans. abri. a problem for mbtrend a anu.u [aus ee, aorofr arabs" and professor emeritus of mass communications from southern illinois university in rdsville.
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t y pck my distinguished colleagues here at the head table. ralph nader, i appreciate ovwhes sthis togher. lith tien ha repetition really could have been use by ebbels in the 1930s. in t 1bbta abrond ag c by w ct u take a few select images of a people and you repeat them over and over and over again. ees hay iimages. thsesa isof ar cstnd mus, have been with us r more than a century.
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constantly repeated, over putuerer and over again in t editorial cartoon arab is the news arab. is the arab up on the hill arab. it ds notiaatl. an aul tth innc li,ed policy.fow that include television commentators. all of the major networks, especially fox, which peonho iinf doentoer these three government, the pres, as well as hollywood we have over thest00 s te tabge.
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th mlof, key sit b patrick, i want to thankou for refering former president kennedy. he talked about the myth being much moreangerous thhe l bse t my pst pesi anr ic anhaeve now, the mythology short land, arab emy, otr.lim, and evil, i t rty yon syt y waboabda anreyo aet awtht. i'll give you one good example. i live on hilton head land. very nice place. really qteomforbl jayouknwe sh wn' ee rend a mosque right next to the synagogue. right away, and i'll just
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give you one other example. i stumbled into this,'ve be on ther f stnt ced rera th c bd. we can go to jerusalem. we can go to ali ba. we go to the arabian knigs but not arab. acab syrt o o, weerhaefdo er iy and i'm now, jim zogby called me an old man on the phone the other day when he found out my age. ay,ou o arhewale rlain a n' t byb ra i wdop someone's friend. the different between the right word and the almost right word said mark twain, is the difference between tnanghg ictraju, w
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ns aif wse n-semitism, instead of anti-arabism, i think the prejudice wouldvaporate over a period of time. i tnkff fw isas b use it to bring us together and i think the only reason we're apart of it, we're not together, is because of the politics ofhe d hathto d i t, lashon iinattr ean dny the fact that we are part of the semitic race. no one can take away asjim argued well, the d usr n gan dezaevis dezapaularly in editorial cartoons, that takes place against ars and muslims. i can on tell you th,
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d nttofe m dnged vingoltyu ec ov 4,000 artifacts. everything from editorial cartoons to movies, to comic books, t toys and games, ifougooou u ehahi trs h rly nihings arab. and i would ephope that this afternoon, that this is not a debate. i don' i aeb i e sisio whsme cins rk together, so that we can erase this hate that has been forsoong injurying dhaur sicemy re haogu
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semeun dthof book, "unraveling the knot between the arab an the jew". t yerchor hadnd a t rs t ae t session for inviting me. i'm a little bit different than the others. i'm not an americanitizen. i'm an israeli citize s reat o,'tlot shri. taranrnists here. i'm in a very torant mood because i was at one of the ctos. in manyups so m --
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times, first time after 11, it was in november of 2001 ldatfk tc a fht r remember, an american airlines plane just coided d myeoe at tlen i inofladi was standing next to a group of muslim women that were there and people looked at them withurderous w sffg. asscerbee tke merlo beai myti -- schiffering.
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ths s erve debate here? this is not mutually solution where, where two abs and two jewthey h judehyrs are to be included under the cloud of anti-semitism? what is so nice to be included in ts? onndanat tiit std mamy ereion. we're the only nation,00 of years, now we're only 50 million because of anti-semitism. arabs areot in that at at t
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ra i wkeo m feinha different than others and that is advaage of being the last. one of the problem is, i don't know how many amican tiutisgnceyoe sll ic mnd h let about muslims, about jews, about israelis there is irnor rans. how many of those talk about thmiddle est khow to ea hw maf ? thsnoe bey dolk ho m t wk abscor jh culture really know profound aspects of those cultures? they don't. and ignorce it ranearmo tht utra ayerebbs thayheas this is ignorance.
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and, as james said, by the way we debated at yale envelope 1988. ossued westhe ie, r? a b el yug 10 people vote difference in er esedr. eeertis ok buok, i say because i'm watching from the sidelines in a way the discussion about theoouen nsrpr o thabke a l rntswh never predicted anything like this are now knowing exactly what happened. and when you read the about what they said to you, what atlouee nd whatow
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rahanyem ey pro or anti. something will be done about it. part of the problem we d't have freedom in thede d t y t sd aobch tit mi et. they have a problem. i don't want to make it personal. i could. but the'heprobm. ilvtof ig y mlete sts heex mang a lot of those studies unreliable, not serious and younow academic. and because we are all in a frnd anorof ntd w n amtsteheul iso t do too much research a lot of middle east studies departments in america are being financed
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by foreignmoney with the aim ofnfcngpu sttyirne ntone a lot of fake data from the arab side much less from the jewish side. we c give examples. seed ae n t io a albhoood noh hywis many so how connected with the jewish influence and all that. i don't know how many of you know that the 1945,ight ter the cat dt idnv3rec yw etis ucanatl of them jewish, to go to the concentration camps and death camps i should say, and take pictures in order re amo redak dke pss
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ouha whonhe, very relevant what may be the experience here. one of the points is that, sngoub h,it maov a,ka touheheef the other point may be those people bent over backwards at this time to put aside the jewish ientity in order toow h ateey stsoy. trset ayatmeg hiap among those who are in the muslim community or arab community that are still not coming outs for fully and saying, this is our culture. reis shiha ho yo ndweed a dre f all that. it may be a question of generational gap here. then i come 16 years later what is hpening these days
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teintun.d mlf thnjrewe boreomthol so tt d he coio h came from northeastern establishment you know. he was an advisor vi cahegdab saawi sodydhau isrm >> this is the very discussion. but this movie, very interesting, and i want to make a point here and the point here is, thereere of pe to tidibica mive shn saudi arabia collaborating with terrorism. 50% were otherwise. nale -el, those ii as a qti
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let's be honest about it, do you see anything like a movie now in hollywood about saudi arabia? udabtrthut terrorism, ri fcceye at jews at beginning of history or any of that? i don't think that can be a movie like that. i'll tell you why. because there is a trend now and that myth roia per met ama on t y, we were anti-arab and it was the case. we were anti-muslim but now we are going, all the way to the othei t se oecty ern' rme ac iesf tng the truth is what is happening. whether the truth is this or that but telling thetruth can't be camouflaged under otfoninfiiv
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nd d s y myie a onring groups and all that? i said look, gat for me to go to these places now people in israel will say, look it isot tha bad all hellapiner iaattuee anaendbs j and arabs. that you can not come to a dialogue. i am happy to b here. going to be greatialogue ppe]vi msi ahanko >> n each debater will have two minutes more or less to rebut statements made by otherebaters. and we're goingo start zo mmade
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>> i want to reframe the discussion back to where i think it was intended to be. scnaehat is is oo toblaner anoimion agtrageeam reaction? i think ralph intended, correctly, the, by framing it as tiitism, tay i t b crion lni . ie answer the question. could herman cain have stayed in the presential mengb oror f d gic h stayed in the debate for more than five minutes? would sheldon adelson be allowed to giv money to odulyb wagldls's
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ond?he d dodeisge e money from chi of the has thing to do with the fact that he funded and sent free to people's homeswo of the most horrendousrond sreng hed at inthould ese, arabsho saw them, they were so hurt by them. and yet the guy's a legitimate personality. and jiey y t t usbeeh b abhas ectly the point. >> me arabs than jews. >> i understand. it doesn't matter. the point ist is not the money. is aty yontst w tho,kut ahop ct aay, e'e moin hoywre is jewish money in washington or there is
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jewish money in the banking industry. the fact is that look at at they dot t t eghabros, regohewe e aon4men colleges and universities that offer programs in middle east studies and most of them are not even about the arab world. less kids take abicry eroo eeagtcig pe. o be fd. thct ople aren't studying because the programs aren't there. when we try to start an arab studies program, daniel pipes comesalong a or ou bes inbeli nw s i d. ca i madrassas comes to new york. let's get real here. this is a problem. we don't address it. until we address it with the ai jtll nofnessha awr ast e repulsive and repugnant
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and despicable and both should be ended. it is not either/or. it is bh. a ue o] ilfwt wopck means? it means loose stool. but that is not how we use it. renot i brm s. eotcancn . ey use the word. they use it to describerab or jews. if you're ability it at this the oner anti-the other, tiitmi wcalkab poppycock which is what that was. i agree on that. there is much to be angry with here.
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i think we need to do much more effective job coating wialuthi cai'eeiv se s ie th little bit uncomfortable about the fact i don't want anyone to think what i'm not rebutting is what i necessarily agree with. sponre a vis inro ou e eti atl hlv i de do esng wt this individual said or did or who didn't, is talk about the question of how we can do the best job of combating every form of dcrimat. avhe s sng e s feayu yoroup should have a monopoly on this term or that term? and i think that, t has a lot of resonance with many le f t thteanemm shanioe i d t i y tk
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a poll of anti-semitism scholars, certainly incded the hive fenn in anti-semitism do you want to use this term to describe opga jsh g tnotisot it n a g t eit woda. a developed and disseminated and popularized by people who call themselves anti-semimites. it waseved ifly a rtarlila medv j s a rrrd w a terrible history and it would be nice to get rid of it. but i would like to get rid scs.he phenomen that i pe wto iim o j slt' s itga jews wilcall it judeophobia that is fe. but assume we're talking
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about a pobia thriinlyof pslolmens okit i j j m b okay. that is older term. but, if we're talking about animus but it isot alwa rtarlyat -sis nd out erincu ip laghias common usage and i think it is awkward to try and go back. and then the question is, well, what is gained and atte to tiou th e no hedai onarlaro it is against hatred of the other. ethnic prejudice and racism pese. shouldn't we be against that? shld w fine olv aseo oedo fo tr t' dne olv gondisination
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first and foremost but we also have to acknowledge that there are some distinctive aspects of the hatred or the discriminatio orheias oifnt reisd y sp,uay face common forms of disadvantage but you also have distinctive forms of discmination that youac and mns ie g cose lethndan dend,h s w history of anti-arab discrimination and anti-jewish discrimination has some similarities and i ouatsohi. shaheenpo wll zohao pesiom e ifncorrs. an,a peculiar demonization which jews faced under christianity. and the specific relationship between jews pe ntabivrg
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r e arabs who are slim or who are perceived as being must him. so there are distinctive aspects of anti-semitism and other sorf dimiont nd t beogd tih w no fight all sorts of bigotry i think it's important that we don't act as if we've solved once rt imionlny ohe s, wlomes r ne tr other, and yet we find that we are continually facing discrimination and persecution against ale efupinin udmu.ra, drethhe in lngchbe formof discrimination
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under one group, under one name, under one rbric. what i would say is the most important thing is to idtifyhe it si y t or [aus gu a wdeein t this new anti-semitism, it's new. that's not to say what has happened in th pa t retsthll wis. amply ga aw tiit ho be addressed. and it hasn't been addressed. the only people who address it are those whore im bis paul eo. thof wre
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e thavhi talianthe adc. by and large popular press has really ignored us. hollywood treats us with yawn o ifee. nto bao t enn ewouwe hau cnu nding films to germany. i mean they wanted to make a buck. you' right, you're absolutely right. that w the pas and it edilkethep sh nwiik een addressed. there has never been a group of american arab o arab ocreiwnkers likeolob an con pur niozof over and over again while this company was in existence. alghre n
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se rameriined th 1. alddftha icd e begin being portrayed as terrorists and has a threat to our own country. there has been and continues to be and indued silenn he l, pat aieadi ass
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. n'hiibeo major television talk show in 15 years. i don't know why that is. i have gray hair. that means idom, you know? m mmoraown seob, i. mehe. teissteated different. the only reason, the one and only reason i say this new anti-semitism shouldba otlnspe pe wlottee ffnt. i don't know f that's the case, but i believe it might be. because e show -- share so much tether, arabs ne sofplt anrf tm t . av understand that because americans of arab origins are by and large
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wihe xep h n televonsre y as ay a , d ofuie o nnar wads d , don't exist in the minds of america. there are no arab american commentators. i would love o wlo e evgnw. whn't ergyal hussein nassar as an anchorman? board leila as an anchorwoman? what would happen if all of a sudden one of the major onheir et e w tean o ive pder that thought. [applause] etsis ou
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lio agast gry >> i'm wh you. spent we were sitting there, -- [inaudible] i don't eat before talk bugh htoy, utro eu -- your general practitioner tells you what it is. [inaudible] israel, i love israel. o'leen okn lphho het ndan thyu sk the attorney our would've and he tells you where you live. and you said whatever. my wife said we would love to move to lexngto itl othedre -u ne om er isju fon g , ,e i went to california sixersago, violence against amssador we6pir to protect
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me. i said look, know that i important, but that important? ad'tnowy th aetr. llha t ses tn he oe need -- not even mention. you do every year that talks about the level of bigotry in amera. lanesi coitteon the there's any, correctly,. [inaudle] >>ceaa ha vba t i etr. r6% d that shows that
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there may be a bigger problem that has to do withother miners. i wonder if we can ask questions about how many god obid in [iibga sal, america gaza to israel. i don't want to interfere. there's a problem. there is a problem. i want to make wo quick comments about what wasaid before, very do kreny atzeabin su itavy leth the victim you know what he said, jews are icomplete. rather than christians are completenale enyuloe toee what i told you before. [inaudible] how nyu nw ih
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[iie t it was the capital of the islamic empire of spain. again, no reason not to establish a mosque in new york. of ien or ha enin eaad a in o go back, to reestablish the muslim empire. this is a fact. soeenttho ueo kn-y k a o' [inaudible] if you know that this was the name of the project, you have a better idea ofanalyzing what is happeng here because younow re bhedl ad atldlion idis n aso ll elig mosque there. this is not a reason. but we should no more to get a
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better context. and concept is all that is matter sometes b wver better cxt com eron vyk, ,vr ic rctt he comment you made about there. i made chris, exactly because we all hear alt timut sh ily. peon t ywor u a ywd they shod expect to be used about other, about other sources of spendin money. i ow bes t ahaok haol yu h as movies that were selected for currentmovie category more all three ov
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kifmaveaction here? >> thank you. y nw ssae timely. it's as they used to say in hollywood, it's ripped from today's eadlines. ystsstees toab lencol ttwsprin r i officers command at the joint forces staff college in norfolk, virginia. onthinhe td asn me a w cotiaslr va. because --
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[inaudible] ai red pont si m and medina in saudi arabia might well be attked by thun stas without regard thasldri. clat ohrmd al firebombing in germany. i want to askach one of or ba tak a bite on hs rei ontofmyto intelligence, of advice where our senior commanders? what'sinvolved? wei k sreha
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jen thi is a cultural problem of inensitivity, ignorance, and bigotry toward islamaul an ee a ralph nader who made the water pure and fought for cleaner air. we need the same kind of ralph tendh edioathe culturethat tr , to ta oke'eeigg t tenn,h dee department, with the defense department generally rather with the idea and th local police departments. it is horrific material the use d pe tthcn int aing,d ble, teai wrote the book in the irst place was since the end of the vietnam we have spent more money, sent more weapons, sent morero,altmewr,
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sse ie le stayn tod. ann ctrse back from their all too oftn bigoted inatthhe t alact they've sen s oo ntahbo the arab mind to our miitary. seymour hersh writing in "the heghong hr" said there s a . ist er e tetuan genetic almost dispositions of arabic. airborne, they are preoccupied buywthher inntbeni eda arbsdoo lto led
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mean,productive with sex and the like to be committed to that's like most of humanity actually. and if you think aout what as ohe ronat ibulu o ano eothoun f beildamed integrated into possibly confessing to crimes they didn't commit if they were treated in that way? t he taught . and our guys ered d it y ld, ael findurhees s the problem is that you've got people who've gone through this process, and they learn and thenhey come the tachers. stts to tenw tk. yebyhe military. the last one wasn't introduction milarai pamnisus in
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mey n'pr c of e ol is abgeh of the because that's what he learned. and it's tragic and it is wrong, and it wouldn't happen and be accepted by any other group of people. th's he ot [aus >> you asked what people think and say the things they do, and this is conundrum, particularly ourge wre y thi i dctiio en ually important question is well, why are people doing nothing how and why isit that there are sometimes we react and timetha e dont at? thes o ob trdsk tnd or the question why is it
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sometimes we are sensitive or alert to the fact that bigotry s present, and sometimes we are not. w ju omenago t yadte ill ta otgl dsa w peg hwhi. but i'll try to light either way to this question. and the state it was that the new anti-semitism should not be a part of ur cultural mehaudtollo w s nsei e -- new and old, i agree. but if it was that this is a concept that we hud lmnate foqyomors t -sisat reach an immediate response and others that don't. for instance, when you see nai heorhtg ts bemeatnom'l
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icic, school officials efforts at a university from president to enough to deal with it. they not speak out. we into the new anti-semitism, which swha mrshhe trer epns.e'mu rneate itm sr pem inou the fact that have a century ago people would say they wenti-semites, and to seak out xplitlyga jews wille o ak t su. ispen eg puse all the time. sometimes they will say things like slaughter the jews or get russia tfinish the job, making a clue what they're talking abou somemes eyl k t elrgt sal intsani, grneabpo hnger, about controlabout starting all the world wars.
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the same things have been said about jewsfornt just aes hnef e thhesnlwa times heabedd maitus oitic iuls what it is this example you raise or a ht of other examples we could talk about, it is unfortunate that there is some kinds ofbias, sometimes a ioythe a itd e n rsati i notue atse w w out. >>i at ell spoken. i would agree 100%. i want to correct my distinguished south carolinians are who is set upanw canah gu s hh rsde iamh cesident. >> no. if you read guilty, there's a section about israeli film makers, independentsraeli fim makers, and all wodrfu rkt hvn,oa? er.
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sasaomngut've shnend hollywood. it's sort of hit -- i got cricized once forayinthat en ieveraid . an ourseyh c i ttbc o coel iuten the poor man was a product of his nvironment. there is the media curriculum. when we were growing up, hose of us with gyhair, a hos ldgr we't tealo uko? atc trnut carorentofre learning. school,our peers, the church, fa.que, theg, ur dhohren feboifnt people. well now we have the media curriculum, where a child born
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the f65 wilhsttime she gets t wangevn.rl w,tes tiste if we take the images of the arab on tv, and all other forms of poplar ulture,ndwe clanua a of a mrca imri, of those images are excluded, then what's the lieutenant colonel supposed to think? you know? i'msor y i yyuge cod ol imai tianredh ofrs y m d e g n and women which is comletely different from thilieutenant colonel. so i have to sort of tip my hat to those men andwomethtfr e tilw t nd fue ne.
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thwhas to happen, we have to break the silence. and i say this publicly. ane eoe, ht on ,m riatga ew ac hspanic, an american indian, again, a lesbian, i am here. and i will take position on it. and i've always donethat, or anetyolosit anathey wec th tol ynb effective. and i would sincerely hope that we have too much in common. we ralldo. i me, t potics aside, you le htt saes ces tple only is, how, how can we best go abou this? >> that's what i tell
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s 'nca i want to give adjectives attached to the name of this lieutenant colonel, butlook, yourembe su iolorado where evgelical christian -- [inaudible] cor tash father established 'sdeo n,on ntcore i will say something that will surprise some of you. about 12 or 13 years ago i was [idi - isi bepafyvi i a
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group called the foundation, promote understanding between jews and arabs inisrael. ofrsasotbut, i. on h avo veai fe say. the our troubles in the come with an arab name sometimes, sose otintdtoe nebe wenne and, we, as a group and we ant to see what happens there. anat th oi done to improv thmy 's exactly what you said about look, there are conflicts that cannot be brushed aside only because we want it to be brushedsident
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at otuen ho i mwnse a eae sd t and tobacco afghanistan are bound to have more anti-air feelings than nti-israeli fittgs enye ptti llah -ayut lmlen' mess with zion. anyone watch this movie? teied isriothesan aetil, dt natnago palestinian anti-israeli step in your and the king of palestinians and they make peace with each other. so thashows that we can also see is kd st e ought s pli tawali gr ilde e ob i wanto make one last comment.
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look, any prejudice against arabs, arab yesterdaad li is encpel ge,yo t tmpunth tle of anti-semitism. it is wel known anti-systems doesn't doesn't is for jews only. it's terible, and maybe, just fomeg a wen wibt oeona thraaldea as to how to join forces in this type of bigotry which i bad, wh i [auscohs.cisprsi >> as many now, large mid eastern utrs ed noorren ea,
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american troops have been fighting in what, 10 yea in afis, and nowgingtre mu i aca rconousn at war with arabs around the world? figures or contributeso daholiow -aca hoit rathwrsuld say that t's a dotp sio. too many young men coming back
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from iraq calling arabs high gees. wa's an invaluable prodt of rwyano h. at e o r ire htowh u we got over abu ghraib, they didn't. that image stays with them and foloim mihthded i nkhenoft region and the people as i said being more violent than become less humane towe, less respect for human life that were, less llt,ebcws,et ra ca. th.n i ep l fu those caricatures stereotypes. and the've had a blowback on the community. to the degree t whiome f pp hr. yoe songr
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unatwar. i hope that had been italian i would have opposed the war because i was bsdn, ofus o acaan nd oosaors, and leftthe country devastated with one-fifth of its population today either refugees or terminay displaced. sengld fle say tat, youko, d edand anger, when the first time some people learn of it is in the cne f it f theispcen. thys 9/11, those terrorists who killed our people, became the defining image of who we were.
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setemwemrougwt e m hesm terrorism, if he gets up in the morning in egypt and goesand delivers two babies and comes back a opens his lcin a stghoheot hlfs ovhees hepr ra te a story. if the terrorist attack, it's our story. itself when we know andwe do that. so yh, iis aug rionpngan whesop are. >> yeah, it is ironic and unfortunate the obal delopmts wl n have an efount g lash aloi i dein ud es
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tk argit 9/11 and then with the combat that followed it, many of us in civil rights ommunities feared w bms mu iid ie ed atutotele t seen the severity that we had feared, but we have seen issues of perception in stereotyping. we have seen many nts ta e or ae nd puckhv s me wesesm ts y w foeny un organizations, by government officials to combat. i think it needs to continu. it's analogous in some ways i k theh seotender a tammemi imt91 hi was followed immediately after by outbreaks of bigotry and even some rios iarus ti
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ouheold we hastrmt ddas aon television that there was a significant increase in tensions on college campuses, including se of he violenthrwly cris tsoih orzas. and i think that we've seen to the state that if you look at the period of the last dozen inhedd at, yo charged nidts arinenit fih e the'ga oe he middle east, you will frequently find that there are incidents and tensions in this country. that hapens. whheremeso teiost alervga t ret os't rst into bigotry in the united
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states. re aeydcd fhwar wa we g ausd to that face. and so when it came time to go to war, journalistsr lianecceer ooe lluesioi. tel,isee l ean, just like all iranians werelonefrom the ayatollah. we judge people by their leaders sometimes. think also the failed t o gojornhduco itta rte policies of bush. i want to go back to the very first time we entered iraq, and we hearings on who i think we all rebeta.
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t t gtlioul ub wa aheqiols i dnplugged all these incubators. i have been there several times. you n't have thatany incubators inkuwait. th esoikto msef, jolinolian d question, is this witness credible? and, of course, it turned out that she was the daughter of the wagto hep annsador who had been pla ct d heu a press that basically kowtowor bends over backwards to please the administraon viàis be ornals urst new -i onut a profession that i really admire, nd i used to
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teach journalism once upon a time. and it pains me desperately to waquwento w ounoth t ddadpof an oor ecursion or our adventure, our tragedy was made in part, came about in part because of ed w ionanoge trar, but saddam did have chemical weapons which he used in 16 march 1988 to kill 5000 iraqi kids. so ihe h at at h he iticon' it he would have used it again or not. but he did use it. but i would like to go toa point de by james in the ver th homtsie ommrt
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and all the. i agree with you completely t i find -- i want -- advising somef nt o. i f u'bsel t sebof rrtm e avim about -- called paradise now which tried to glorify it. inreon hi, that's an dend thmdt iv yp pe hesitting people that might have led towards -- [inaudible] ify a oie middlesht east by what they do here in america? i don't understand why they can send all those anti-israeli to
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hollywood and get them no tin. arcadomg fo a tols. a wyo hs f d ic for every -- for every arab filmmaker commta -- every era artists who trto get his work shown hene t,ulb m posi ahath ob e be btbe rosily because there is no tolerance for sympathetic treatment of arabs. i can tell you jack and kelly, we have dealthse characters inly. thonee rble itanimbliea eyo. it doesn't make money for them because the popular culte reproduces itself. ab spaic character? t dyl teta aue]
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kivech other] >> thirty of them are movie ienea os, you know at. tiroeui. ispeinesab myths? the press and the government? how is it possible that they r i n,edeea mmr-hinte li, stbeam violator of the sensitivities of arab-americans. he's the president of united stes. he's barack obama. how do you re n inth hs is? >> nw i t su tnkt e a tragic circumstancethat the president finds himself in.
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ge bht a 't ar scnagae mus f ey a the enemy. but rock hussein obama is perceived as the prblem by the very people hy're comg, anoliopa tighave o ae aiha e gos and as distasteful and as despicable as in as i've ever seen racist literature and racist slogans anywhere in the world, towarany oup an aey,llne ibls o ct atre ba resurgence of islamophobia in america today, and it is because ehae cksebas hianirwatng pi the poor right wing nuts
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right now. there a choice of voting between a guy thy know is a or o threa inhee kt p , ead il s easy for george bush is not easy for barack obama. is done things. i think i trying to contribute 10. i think there a timt bguy. liilinwal. t kat lat prm.w he irceived as being part of the problem. win after the cairo speech he gave three years agow a pe.s feewrk g he oe teat gelen, virginia, i was asked the question by the interviewer, do you think a hnge de.t can el i
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mof anrytoe di oththan he does with conservative republicans here in america. because the stuff they were saying that they he gave that speech, lzhn n oman ner ehma ich agiormr. epai a mrll l le between isral and arabs. he lied about our history. they said the most outrageous things. and with the subxt that he an itin ht si oftm pevethe very big towards grading the problem that is part of the. and one of them. inreothink that's an intes inetnise chatter from extremist right wing racist
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organizations. and some of it was about having an african-americapresent aest wumo zits ot f w,t y in part anda black race and to assume an african-american president is not himself in control his mira b ial tthrymso tre n newi. ge uss i aggressive in outreach and speaking out against post-9/ dirimitiga a a imatonhit qu a smr og esorti vith esid oe i think that during the george w. bush years there was an emphasis on combatin relious discrimination. d i y ba erf dimion, anti-arab,
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anti-muslim discrimination was a part of the. i think one of the things that we've seen with this ministration is shift into cod e mhay wee r gswo deal with. anso i would like to see more done. now, there is one thing that i thini was positive that has come out of the obama mitrn. es rtls21, h rslvt a isy qio t whether groups like jews several rights protection in univerty by e u. anidacisimio th sounds like discrimination.
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but if that you came in and said d ti-sitis t swoue e gh aer sse rio ha t i d udib] ayt us acting president obama should be credited with having done somethingositive on that >> thank you. adsihi aaem nogong with an american child born today happens to be a muslim or an arab, who wants growp d beco pde thasms hahahhutso ouofice.hea given the fact that 62% of americans have never met a muslim, and al this islaphia i thinkt'sre ffto prsi obato y iwe msi o
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? i' an er. and our country has room. muslims, jews, buddhists, whatev religion, should not play a role. if he isecd o kin iot eset on g ohm omk t att,autesto be said. it needs to come from the top, come on down. it hasn'tyet for obvious elntoit o so r pplet e ciennd h sy w. but i'm hopeful that in time he will make that distinction. it's the right distinction to yoowfrnay ,e needs to make i. as nstngh j in rbee dehepsie rad ind not, he is a go, decent men. yeah yeah yeah.
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we, what if someonehadsai an ii hn s? odec man. that's the argument, right there. a man like john mccain can get awaywith syg atenh ic esbd st p. la >>eawa to be -- [inaudible] soarack hussein oba was elected. anu sgpihih wil bu again, the fact of the matter is that we can look at it from a very positive rspectiv that is barack, who eay --itressob en nd fal ibe a
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president in my lifetime called -- but what you think that there will be one? wilet hngien ara. >>esan cbu r lineup. >> the best one is middle east kitchen. but i want to just very quily say the same. youw, hecsp wit tintes,a nws, tcaeeaeoused so many reactions that a very interestingon many levels, but what i find s interesting about alhisas uhto u ove wl o ck r. t of spl ouit ay ti speech but 50% othersare negative. the point i'm ghana make is is the level of -- soow
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ct o ot % or gas atar f rbm t characterizes by the way minority's. because of their sense of insecurity, they need to fill mitysaeaers relate to absent ineaoh r t amrt enwoli to ask you very briefly sum up, with a little closing statement. go aed nttraga r inti ss pew me h o it. but i don't believe we have resulted. tho ena ied,tioetht isngckdr
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of years, and hide in anonmity. t,a praashy ju oie conyn e company. it osdron't understand, ken y innwih or why it's not easy to condemn those who write and have a prestige, rudi iora ars ca.fff e hoit bry aut m about arab. it's a no-brainer to me. if somebody wrote the kin of ar mslocrst are itten about
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w ha e he ic. ouote lc lde agiac angry students carrying banners. and i deplore that as much as i do from the elite. but the fact is that we have e letlvn, guconttoe whdaesttple aney awii and okay, it's not your turf, but when i saw just not gig to mention the names. i'm not going to get into the na ithee onng sa ar p eo you anle shes en tmeoa spread poison and can create hate and can create a situion where hate crimes ocur, because he thesdhahr tlaapn, agaimhea
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not to speak of the craziness of a lebanese mronite, chrstian a.t whealo the ahli tho had invited me to give closing remarks at the 45th anniversarof the signing of the civil rights bill. and so his way at gettinge was heladite a rticlehors ittetene. ad. and yet people cannot condemn him for it. and i don't find it justified. oub enasmh ralp agreew anti tit saeb ht she, -- one will be that's terrible, shouldn't happen ever. that's wrong. doa oe other welmeyou, i rsitan od rt
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atnoe to ar ttresin o ban semitism -- trying to combat anti-semitism is a to me whether double standards. ca, stat tt tar thay eit was first amendment protected speech. and they will say that even if there were things have nothing to do with speech involv,even thwetsi it s inho, thng hahd spoutvry firmly with respect to other forms of discrimination.
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so the question asking is why are there these double stda was ritiga jis antataouqst caon oansa en find incidents where similar actions against other groups are treated different a, then let's bring that ttheir attention and sometimes weo. sotimes we c fsta er ti-wi icnn bue eruea as i'm concerned is not the difference in university response to the fact that jennifer c. shoul respond effectively all cases, that's pu oia f ppet universies ata a,on s f. nti nt es fe pop k t dou sar es hrway, and perhaps they can bringcontext. perhaps what she does is oftentimes people who advocate on behalf ofparticular groups aremrs ot scna fg r ps sl o
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nse te l ss imion aor t mr. zogby asked the question why is it not easy to condemn individuals. and my answer is it easy to itales cem diald ee h llthte. e iid w i ntd dee repeatedly. sometimes some cases justly and in other cases some of these i think unjustly. i think it should be abou individual. ths ceainly publc io adrle hn aije pe o imiofvoui w ea tisan also. no, i'm not going to name them either because to me the issue isn't so much is this person or atsenpria intisu mo t iga ao esrt brind tti re tuo grwee tr t pus the other one down? when it should be that in supporting equal opportunity w
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try to pull each othrof sot id ssathe buth need to be against all of it. [applause] >>hi t'sn i k edffer, we differ in just one area. and that is the current bogeyman is the arab. heasbe foreaes n caheymnnntpleufd. hls bhey have been deported to they have been hassed. they have been kept out of the public mainstream. and ithkea ae usecha ru, ue asr fsoor
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scnan. 'sivfact. but we hav to target the bogeyman for the boogie person of the day. aring bite e do't pele edmoizinas. topa t w have taken a very important step in helping to resolvehe problem. we presented it i think extremely ell. meif rsivf itul e lv biad cudbiely ho ysrimi hen addressing this issue to allow me just to read two sentences, th the people, as you nw , st,msi, ancnon what, peace, which is reflected in the peb ourities of their gretings.
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d in w can take from this discussion from being tother, and what we dotsi ism whegba rls, oki eein m aei hk ileathese images accordingly. [applause] >> ai toldyur nokn h. we needto mention names, and again i don't want to victimize myself as a minority them but when louis ferrick and alled y giap eionteer -cnt hatoo that, great.
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i hope to hear it. i hope to do that, except. i don't know if beng called jesh voice f p but aerry bulo,weeod thabevexsi of bigotry, and right now we have a lot of -- not only decrat ndide ew o ou eet abt a a at e a bt 9/11 when people in the streets of new except of course the jews were responsible, and even giuliani -- his name is sh.-teede ts mde by herkintely evat ti was a great opportunity to show that even though we may have disagreements, there's much more agreement than not. i ralph nader of course-
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anh hw twi t oond edit, they fight each other. very bad as well. yoe gotoetwak still neany omaesl culut. 'roio blmeg. take care, thank you. [applause] >> i want to thank you all for coming tod. i want t ank u fo you ess,to alanoo fa mm wi happily displays above her kitchen sink a sign that buntutajf.ish needapy. nnwhbesen catasgn d ng vr sho boston.
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and very much involved in civil rights, and then see barack thoungfoeome rsen er neanathaesys y. thank you. [dicnrson
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>>ign anok ptm. and are on c-span3tonght, stng t8 mvs,tory tv with a look whca fou f n il war, and later serve south carolina in the u.s. house of representatives. then at 10, vandrbi sl ee an moe tie of a sailor includes scrubbing the deck in the morning, working on the sales, climbing the loft,whatver h cotupaodslki 's for hours on, for hours on. >> this weekend on american
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history tv the life of an enlisted man aboard the ss constitution youoing to warf tailiin f al crie bpt aainot as ane ga sailor never wanted to see was the petty officers getting ready for a floggin it's a phrase we still use today, don't let the cat out of the bag yo o' wnt e tng ..he f lin
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the head of the attacks and to give us a tax but 25%rate and he says okay to get rid of gaedtindai atao2 >> ol mak mo progressive to he german machine rivlin tax reform. what we did is to convert a home rt eutoatx strdvey191d
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last country turned to deliver the of commencement address. he was introduced by stanford university president. ppe] >> energetic, upbeat,bookere maf inspiratnal, honest broker, determined to make a difference, raamg h ope % ie ch wcln charisma, fearless, determined, committed. that's how the press has described cory booker and he is stor ts. lves the co cs-de
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stanford alumnus and a former member of the stanford cardinal football team at held the axe for fourears. p reinately white suburb of new jersey. his parents were among the first black execute ivessatd b.m. they instilled a sense of rkiche cre interested in helping urban youth even then, he volunteered at a student-run crisis hotline stocng out to youngeoplin ecng aron foeg a ol awarded a rhodes scholarship, he studied modern history at oxford where he received an honors degree in99
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d.mer eis veew hee as oe poorest, most violent cities in the nion, but it wa also a city with a glorious history. booker h oen descred ci andtee laror toel is aca eld just such a city. in 1998 at the age of 29 he was elected to the newark city mehieter ere he foced o -k exesweun st a camped out in the middle of a drug-ridden housing project, an act that prompted zens of neighbors to join him because they were ccern e hiaf whd rtgr to increase
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police patrols in the area. in 2002 booker decided to take on city hall, litelly. he ran for mor ast t foercut. tein a cig fi" cademy award nominated documentary, he withdrew from the public eye but not from public servi. he remained focus o arat c f ag 6orokasle th huge margin. currently serving in his second term he was worked with wt- haoritat reerleic rmio re atursilane economy. he has understood that a city cannot flourh unless families feel safe. he tackled crime prevention in aic
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onai yohero sts igh riea hetnered with newark bunesses and raised millions of dollars to install more surveillance cameras. lihi he aees e moam. within two years the murder rate dropped 36% and on april 1, 2010. it mi. mard its fth la under his leadership the city has also added more affordable housing, increased the nuer ofarnden ss,nd atte ncabcac achievement, facebook founder
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mark zuckerberg committed $100 million to hp him improve newark soo. dee rug due ine moccblor onsopp, mog ead -- holding regular office hours and using social media to stay in touch. he has more than a million eehiiry t onndew war s ewn year's eve, cory responded, please don't worry about your datchtd i've lurshe salt, shovels, and great yeheorhod ncs a brother, cory has been concerned about at-risk youth. when a couple of teenagers in in t- git arrested for s
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en hcitoll thtam oor meals, arranging tutoring, but also setting standards for dress, behavior, and language. two months ago o aivge he s cg t diexor rd aan sm daer s rio keep him back, but he said, "this woman is going to die if we don't help her." help he did, running into the buil and sri sd de s matiutinha ateac one [applause] hours latere bon tio yoonedisg wa fire officials characterized cory's rescue as
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very heroic buteryangerous. edin a dth w ifanouat mo theht m itt s t characterize his leadership. he has the courage to do the right thing. e spl en it is ary. community and beyond. he exemplifies the potential of every stanford graduate to make a profound difference our rld. sen w weine ppe]ok >> thank you. l t!k you. ste osld
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some guy from ucla tried to bury me right here. 's good to be back on top of theoil. re d loeer eehanf have fll y i'eenvold this amazing university. i know there are someeople here that felt like me after fres you btorm, ed beceid when peoplgot impressed that were not from the stanford community and said you went to stanford? sr ighooya gh ery ep of my stanford career, this university has given me immensely more than i have ever beeable to give it
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d i feeln w br c o -- -- is this going to go on my whole speech, guys? i'll be very careful when i use that then. isenre il r nds t y ott of celebration, but it is a day of appreciation. and allow me with the class to just give my thanks. firs tsth ofs er d haoer ie inibemeshun beings on the planet, and they pour their heart ar -- and their spirit into this atens.ns t proct us.b orus wa to thank the faculty and
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staff. i have never, ever in my life seen folks that have not just masted juasd heud aelfe, ng, involvement, and spirit that sustains me to this day. my connection to faculty members hatsvey ave. jy edsac a errye inrad as an elected official, it was always my fami there and even a stanford fact ulty member, jody maino ed mn e. pl t afac er wor t they've done. and i want to thank another group that i probably did not say thank you to enough. rgn.tstc f
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e teo lyp vey in aherees th assistants, the people that mow the lawns and water the ass,he people that clean toilets and bathrooms and ndows, they are a part of the strdmu ahe ca aon thaysiasel senkm. la and finally ianto thankhe u thest ry tdaose. meontio tbyod and/or spirit who was there for them, who planted seeds in their spirit, who nurtured t groundn wchyw. re scaka mahoalseon
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and that's perhaps what i want to talk about today. mily. t money part al pic aus e ly today is fathers day and i thought i would focus really on two men in my life. i am one of those guys tha ow th in tou s le seeing that if you support women, you will help change neiborhoods, change cities, change countries, and riamandi who is parf t icitatay eao ththhi sin toth oterd that truth. but today for a very specific reason i want to focus on two mein my life who weremy ua.
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an eswo a my dad and my grandfather. they tght me what it means to be a man. and they both ahe oueopi wh ieokmablnd whoo bke stereo phonic bad joke telling machine as they would lay into me. my gndfaer,se, b --,ldle t nd ta irtesl yes, granddad, yes. and then of course he would look through the program and gnm e umum e,'rstnk, la iuthe myheult nd he,astdve o ndis jokes got more pnful as the years
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went on. he and my mo would love to say th'd look at me and they o athart d yoldeee toedenl dan i ly'tiehi unbelievable the my father got tired of graduations after a while. euy-haeno coe thenk. england and study and get another degree and then go to law school. and finally he said to me at my rerehaeth t ob a nt p ed get to their twopecific lessons that they imparted to me on graduation. my dad would touch me hmmike w latndyer
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oq, ays atre truth. he would say to me, boy, you need to understand that who you are now, you are the physical lovfestation of aonspiracy n'enw,ou w ggfo, fo fo you, who volunteered for you, youre here because of them. do notorget that. adon aet saidhose wor on ou fthaec wissitme e fyif an me to know where i came from. now, my father in his lkutismawaul cirofaesof anseto timas 40 i would start arguing with him because the sces with get so much more dramatic with time and
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change. lihiouer balike,ad, i can . oer? sn shp,. id-eoeo, wasn't poor. i was just p-o. i couldn't affor the other two ers. t ge iav tue fr cncme telling the full truth when thweather patterns began to shift over the years from, you knowraining in theountains of north carolina tn the tartedhe pd enomliz ba t fs follhe soccer balls, then small cadillacs. this last year i argd with him. cause he tried to tell mand rct'tccit conocere no, e
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taof north carolina. you con have had a assume annie in your child hooled. but as mh as my dad seemed t ge ais utsheasn e . ar o him. he then was raised by his grandparents, like many children in my community. but then hisrandmacoulnot enwahe unbu w thonace,pl e s notown a smred north carolina town, that rallied around this boy, would not let him fail, got him to school, put a roof over his head, put foodn the tab,augh dilindpend mais wame horae tht dnyas to go to work and get a job but it was at conspiracy of love that could not -- would no let
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iskhe co n snggg whe is my father that begins to cry because he could not remember all of those people in the turnings -- town, h cay atou adisir semester's tuition at north carolina central universitand then get a job and stay in scho. but they are part of that conspiracy of love of the and m daou arheruhame ads privilege last yea being the commencement speaker for my mom's university. einuniversity, on her 5 ent 6r ae roer tme toleerle
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and saying cory, this is the young lady that led our voter gistration movement at a tim at is danron e soto pe t ths agyt ouoy o dowto that would not serve african-americans. at every table it was almost like shes talking to me again as a ., snapping he fgers issorcfo! coraoned ar w tmeut landing in washington, d.c. -- that is where they met, two college graduates, african- americans that confronted the reality that many companies would not hire blas. lkd noan eler aca that were forming organizations that were challenging companies and working with them hire blacks. rsaciry iln became one ofhe
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acofonhiby then, he and my mom became part of a wave of the first blacks hired from this small tech liva moteyou all out here in heoflem. thnscyti. tein wat, eye inr so movento d, immediately, found out that many of the nicest towns with the best schools would not sh the homes to bla families. rmomngleth mepas d oo at house and were told it was sold, they would send a white couple there to see if that was the truth. wr. n thert n. ar fine . therldwald thbrow werthere next -- told it was still for sale.
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they put a bid on the hous on the day of the closing, my father went instead of the owith a yolaho inoowlknt thalate'ff anidou iioon ewseirsiaw ndor c fh h piece, this young lawyer, bright and ready to confront injustice, the real estate agent stands up and puncs the lawyer in theace. sa onda w, sof das changed over t years. my father now insists it was spawn from hell, it was cujo. aur] juotort re a d thi 1 a baby growing up in this town. my father and my mother, my
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hed - yhe reedusursin a ofilceam an tamazg town, in this nurturing community, i grew er falay- est y s. ge' tig mit, ify mek'ud myathewoulbe right there. he would say to me, "boy, do not you dare walk around this house like you hit a triple, when y w so "yeeodas eproll freom an liberty and opportunity that you did not dig. you t lavishly from banquet ta prer byr anor trees that you did not plant or cultivate or carfor. you have a choice in life, you
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can just sit back, getting fat, duanpponng thess be you, or it can metabolize inside of you, become fuel to get you into the fight, to make this democracy real, to make it true to itsorha ce r " an, nsto hads mone, je.d gralsm myheise e. uncoit hs i that embraced me and brought me back full circle to family. when i first arrived in newark, i decided to answer that call from that great american philosopher, chris rock, who said "why is the most violent street in every ty is named thn s f
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violence?" e wn ggnd so many strong found it on martin luther king boulevard. ouom m yew does beusorgs but the first person i met, the tenant leader in high-rise projects that i would eventually move into, miss sc wyoe ndaimeel yo shokt ndhe , , h's all you see, you can never help me." and i go, "what do you mean?"
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and she goes, "you nee to understand something, that the sif f y ys dass dir t' be. but, if you're one of those u youeyyoeee who every time en cel mad ch." that, looking at her, scratching my head, and thinking to myself -- ok, grasshoer, thus endeth the lesson. i worked with this woman, ts nant leade and wou sit erchabndat e r caer wosiouhablin these projects being runy a slumlord and they would sit ss rl enam in a ho or
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cnindout, i i found people coming together and they weren't ju in those w aorophoer newk i hacoe, h st, wh ae. and so, for my father's sake, i want to explain to you the three things that these conspirators all had in mmon. one was theymbrad nvnck or challenges were. here were people around me in newark doing extraordinary things outside of their comfort zones. atrkhatair ulhen mand ea jspng o ele ond laowmad of our troubled drug lots -- there was this big grassy, overgrown, field with trash andebris -- d he started cleaning .
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head llihete hola buvellheft of h, 0-- ol about how dirty her street was. and the next day, i go out therend here's th 8year- olwomaoue er zon st,ep thtilohot, he h h tel definitely does have a right to complain. it is about the guy i know w was driving to work in newark and di't liheffit mof us who just fall in a ste of sedeary agitation when we're upset about what's going on but we do not get dmeg about itppt ord gaki rne o ulp taaind paveaf.
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in mcity see that conspirators know you do not go through life comfortable. ormocracy not a spectator d, mpiv fnt enor and this, this is critical- apse le gomrtable of body t fa ople who get comfortable of mind and intellect get dull. eiirthisat thereafo wcrd ag reduce in size and fail to reflect that spirit. ' ctornmye
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acscrtaut pndn er. 'om rzemb fear because, if you can move through fear, you find out that fes ectio dier i've learned in my life to embrace frustration because, when you get really frustrated, that is a precondition to incredible breakthroughs. now, the second thing i've seen hicora i therwaceed ju sss d sa"gi'll d'neo mra te, stplededo look at people in my community in newark. miss virginia jones, that tenant leader, was once telling me a story when i was peppering her with questions about her life. i haliwier n, in e moueay sodyckn r, s w cg ould nospeak.
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she dragged her down to the lobby and there, on the lobby theesh bleedingn, a veteran, that lob floor red. she sat there and telling me the story that she fell to her ees, crying iner dead son's chest. ttoi edheishetellin i , s s,m souty oulle in through that lobby every day?" and she looked at me, almost like she was insulted by the question, but i knew thahe i teothai e chs heo shok mdhe sa"wo il live here?" and i said, "yes." she goes, "why do i live in apartment 5a still? and i said, "yes." she says, "why am i stillhe tenant presidentor or s?" ngy,anu ele abthbuesy?
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okatane , "bsem haof laecy. here is a woman that remained faithful. and i want to tell you graduates of allhe lessons of conspirators, this is t est e mersly sfaula dha at justifiably emotes cynicism. ate eninrin things in my life gd owhe 2 iri w inroon t hbod mty i hear gunshots going off. it sounded like cannon fire between the buildings. i raced towards where the gunshots were fireand i saw kids screaming and yelling. sae fagacds ugim ikeer t-shirt he was wearing filling up with red blood.
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i laid him down and put my hand on his chest trying to stop the bleeding but the bloodas bue.lecaan "dt e do leave us." foamy blood was pouring from his mouth. it was one of thmostrue th asaeryi t epee, r t ion m a oned his chest and i saw the number of bullet holes in him and, i tell you, it was over, i was broken. i was done. d crheodhi arllwingnd bles all i could think is, what kind of world do we live in where everybodi know knows whoon benet ramsey ior natalee noay feoi lahee ne
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iin w this world? [applause] wemvalio li tdo of ds of boys, of men, are murdered everyk. nto u s . anenef amend wa oo coard adthckmio' she turned around and she saw my expression. she said, "come give me a hug." and i hugged this woman and i wept in her arms. she held me and all she said is, tay faithful, stay faithful, stay faithful." urdootayarng you right now s whoundnd beat your chest and you're ready for the big game, the big fight, the big speech.
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that is not real courage in my book anymore rnbungto cgethheif en aro wyo wous yonif thouveal courage is when you've done something wrong and you fe the weight of shame on your chest so heavy that you canel th e coupuris not the roar, courage is that small voice in your mind that says, get up, get out of bed, put your cembr hair -- god, if you have it -- [cheers andla d ags sa a
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defiant spirit, you can take everything from me, you could cut me deep, you could render me ominoso mwiev from loving those who hate me, from loving those who do not forgive me, from ling the cynicsfrom loving the darkness so much that myself, rougmy slls llng the light. and this brings me to the final d mymu hwnonspirators that my est uatar and what do i mean by that? i mean that, we go through life
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waho.tdo ' nhen it weinerthut hoare tve a great president, lincoln, said that "everyone is born an .ibee dt sa mdi 'ea twhou think about the world says less about the world than it does about you. and when you show up in this world and have the courage to tell your trutin moments big but more importantly, in monts arecoty oun dey y'hercct ofnsatl ge in. forge me, i've got just a, a bad story about th. buwa my fmaombao f" he gn and me ghihiac b
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upon me, because, as they closed the door to the plane, there was two seats open next to me. and i thought to myself, look at all these other people, it is such a shame that ey he to deitl hamp ati twh an tm. welljust as i was sitting there so satisfied, the door to the plane opens and, all of us shot to attention because it dekeeosoea co i c nndanat d wdeodau becante e d ihad ree ads it a woman and a little boy and a baby. gh d ule yoas thinking, you smug little man. and that woman a her two
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children came to stand before me and said, "i am sitting there." and i said, "are you sure?" [laughter] wn, diy,a oved in and they oanaddd, anlvho -at eipts as wofl o lor ca ifeu on cer ovgath spbi for changing them. to yield to the circumstances ound you or to show up and do something about them. i decided that i was going to make this the best flight ofy std inistl joanrt kegratwoov cath werlooking for pooh. key, what do you call your mother's sister who runs away
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and gets married? an antelope. [laughter] i am sorry, i am sorry, i had to try. by the time we landed, we were all having a ball. the woman who came on the plane embarrassed suddenly ft like she was lifted. tard eveped addresses as i was ouutversse eaas 1arss i rug maof ne. atpa i ate t mbe i yo igo fo5 s ago and i will never forget your kindness then." she said to me, "not oy do i me ykiss fay ."k,ow soca g voee mmp. they got me involved with their company, and she ended up being something that all politicians love -- a campaign contributor. show up! anheho wsecond man, m
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ie lengt would say to me at gduations. he would say to me, "boy, understand that you a role ins d t'to alwith tinr teous net i struggle with. you see, conspirators need to embody those things i mentioned bere but they also need to jo the raththma maise alouhe diatthf elements of our societ he was born, also, to a single mother. but he was born in aifficult cistance becausewa teinn sigs tohiana t ill bl and whites to marry. he grew up feeling that he had,
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inside of his spirit, so many different parts of his country. he ended ubecongso thidryg ouo unpe. he aon w dra activist working within the party to support fdr. he was an entrepreneur, bringing pple together for business endeavor. thisnddro ungris udss v and drive us around the country to show us how gre this nation is. he wou tell us history of our cotry en ihen't kw it ousk qiohe erivthh on d ouayelet see, that's becauswhen this town was founded, there was a gun fight and one guy shot the otheand herabbed his heart and said, 'yoma' a the ta t gfaer all
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the time about this country. he tells me that, son, this cotry,e foettalk alysut dra o pece re, nnas founded on a declaration of interdependence -- this recognition that we need each other. when i talk to my grandfather now, i angsh to him at we ara naon tt habeo ic iifemes deatreic atm men.m e'o se lt a right that they forget that gutogrdaenmu go rw tm hanha e comisur thrdrim ot ed to unite us all but it is used to demean others and to esteemourself?
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bee ou wou bee,'re. grandfather believed in. he said we were formed to come gether and make a more perfect union. and, to me, this is what at ce akll omt w thcrpaes thero s ra l. when psident hennessy introduced me he talked about a hunger stre. the great feeling that i g erhapece h pem 'wh ee acaay my grandfather would love that every nation that makes up this nation, every heritage has this ideal of unity. it is li the old african sa that says if yowanto ntgo, ogr. itlino sgha ovitd,n
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wenithey can tie up a lion. it is like what golda me said, that when jews come together, itey'retron butew r lee nc. twoaw,hi s llre gon spirit, one soul. it is like this wondful man in a jail cell in birmingham who wroteheruth of our regh a tuy,d mo en dnyt justice, anywhere, is a threat to justice everywhere." and when i stand in a conspiracy in newark, i feel thatonneion cirs ophoe th- scis eeeha ed m from a dream into a destiny, like those il, kirators on the
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strcinat onatwhokas a onm d r eapswos'ig they were all conspirators who came together to exult our highest ideals, to celebrate our common aspiraons, to live the trutofur founding ic if it stands together. [applause] , ma, use tll -os words from a dead language -- e pluribus unum. an so, graduates, i tell you today this from heart. gfa ay er whulvewa t t, ilyo
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with their corny jokes, to tell you that "the tassel's worth the hassle." the two men are not here today. my father is not here becse 'ate tl. lko thor. hestli with parkinson's, in the latter stages of that disease. oh, what 20 years have broug. from my father, the mathat s inte o foll stin moty mental faculti. but, when i am with him, i see that this disease can take everything from him, it can ilen miseiz ve, i see within him the manifestation physically of so many conspirators. grandfather is not here toda
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rathlsd h ggwiere die. caer kept coming at him, again and again, and my grandfather, with his spirit and hisumor, kept beating it back, timend time again. will never fort, once i w tiimhe gg wca, ai yoigrad s " d f" d uloue he pihe tg hi or he said in his best quote from one of his favorite films, he lifted it up to me and said"say, hello to my little friend." rid wemoas raioroics, ane t hide u,.it wai ve, loveour ildren and i love your children's children." i left him confused. nar. t sglo se mllt ai it was almost 10 years ago to
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onllmonth that i got that cruel s hesta ai ma a wn ce etn newark, and it was a family member of mine that said, "your grandfather is dead." and i remember not doing what ult.heidbu to - id hed i ahe lof er midst of my tears, i remembered his final words. he said, "i love you and i love d adns mldren and i love your e y ndo'sn ashystd hae stwe aghils anll oghyears away, some of them could be gone already but the ght and the energyhey gave off you can stse t. we, wy dfr. l scht ov
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willffgeti rn. he loved so much that he maye gone for a decade frome but i still feel him today in every cool wind that breathes in my face, in every deep breath i take, his love is with me and i yee t. thi to, say y, in the name of my father, cary alfred booker, i say to you, in the name of my andfather, limuary jordan, to johespy,be clofplatec ciths thnk tens divisiveness or the nattering nabobs of negativity but be lovers. th ourrtll ofr ag leure ebou tonacd make change in your life because change wl not roll in on t
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wheels of evitability, itust be carried in on the backsf lo. as 2 i sp an ls if enake ic road, and love in a way that you can make true the words of children beingaid in newarklmevdaat thornd nn trf faha ane therndtior al blyo01 [applause]
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[alause] t ti 7,tis edeoot res in america.
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we had pulled in that morning around 9:30. we were a to appear in the i tneck my desk
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doing routine paperwork when at 11:18 in the morning there was a thunderous explosion. you could fe l50t roquyadtl itlm lieed f sd hehip was doing a three-dimensional twisting and flexing. we came back down in the water, lights went out, ceiling les popped out, everythingnm skt otoo i rab nesi ancod an umg >>lubbomio reenon g- agl. wca oprse clwareoit in nevada the commission recommended finding a new site in aarea where local residents would be supportive. lastonelagie ctt
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er t ommss orheriilme la ent. reci heforts of the witnesses to be here oday. if you will p ncogr an s mm ite oupethnpe dwl tos hearing is really one of sevral that we hope to hold on the wrk of the blue-ribboncmssion on thisr portant nuclear waste disosal in this
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country and really in the world. specifically today, we wilbe reenat mbyn aen omio na wl fes at in topg statement and recognize the first panel of witnesses and to members of the blue-ribbon commission. general scowcroft and dr. te whaivnu ffhe tattst but fveteth e t nel atements will have one round of questions. somewhere dring this i think we have oneote today at1:a upsat t k e il inn ion i'd like to try that. the second panel of witnesses will come forward in the testimony by another round ti ator t a
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osthunyo now ve04 currently operating nuclear power reactors providing the nation with queen reliable theetitot oovide roughly 20% ankefsl ulpo do a sulfur dioxide, do not omit nitrogen dioxide, do not in the mercury or carbon dioxide of which harm oureth d nme ie eael site. i've been told that the technology we have with nuclear fuel called dry storagcn as y pps v hor ueaaca otigtkee spent fuel onsite forever. and as our decommission we must
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fi an alternate restingplace r nar pn ul rtelrou i n pao ine lc nuenelr decades. was over 40 years ago when the congress realized the importance of finding a permanent solution fundhg-elwt i of he spen epegr p e eastto vihscut rr towards the deep - geological nuclear wae repositories. after years of studand deate lass 3er inoreseeable future. i applaud president obama for realizing that we needed to forge a new phwayo dealng th nlwstb rmthbu-rn hed h epnt
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ntnker cwcroft and ngressman lee hamilton, commissioner peterson and the other commissioners from what i am told is very good work on thfo. fa ain teryss d tanf mnnd lkl eol searching for the best way to move foward on this front. the blue ribbon commission recommendationrovide us i a paut og i tlent rodmp eet o ue sp ahead, i believe we need to make sure that before we learn from our past mistakes and repeat those isepsucoy wedrses denduathnd aetdy. bit ake ve made is that we are unable to get consent from all parties under the loation of disposal.
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we to be able to let them figure out how to come who would like to do with the do over in ance in provingod pyng of ecommonvut
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recommendations, the recommendation i consent they cited is the most important, and that's why we are hostingour hearing toy this important e. aor-t oerno i sends or wergvro this as well, i know that any consent-based approach most including many for partnership les.een federal, local and ste thcoer nuep wit uon will we be able to reestablish the public trust and confidence that are needed to solve our nulear waste disposal issues once and for all. in clsinimlfr t's n. ci iesinri frurtaanat o ifee examine how consent-based citing might workhere in the u.s.a. with that let me turn to my paner in cri, senator
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haouyh, ai. kejon omal heodining the two blue ribbon commission is. i want to a special welcome geral brent scowcrlbb omo ouy o ngoi ifdy kbth mr. chairman, the easter of the storage of nuclear waste is vital to maintaining and expanding affordable nuclear power in the united states. ag o endegtprm heb eaased n ogle plans throughout the united states. the nuclear waste policy act passed by congress laid out a process that looked at thre ib-msge teuc ia ed tecaal.omef ng hotnme f times to retain yucca mountain
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as the national site, and $15 billion has been spent on the project. ou tudt tls red nur e promised. $30 billion is the total amount of ious in the nuclear waste trust fund that rtepayehae enngint. cossndnyo aexrsecus r gr kni the cost of great another federal agency to manage nuclear waste as recommended by the commission. yucca mountain project go back three decades, and it seems that loern.nha a howe nh a reenonid i e iss port that we won't be back here again, three decades from now havig spent is more without a long-term orage lu. wihiki fa rd
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ck squon tist peo find out and one owe four be a series of hearings on this important subject. the barriers to establishing a long-term storage ailitfr east,oesm iehandhe orfatiilce wthi' h hg stdid ttoe facilities, whether it's the citing of the sims, whether it's the trsportation routes r the environmental impct of for the bureaucratic red aeste muleeme eie nethis hye evewhile advocating a new consent-bad approach, to deciding the waste, which will explore today the commission thuo hteits and the re fel-e al l it h e st issue, and a simple formula exists for solving it.
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the commission is attempting to solve fif, pa sd ia ei ulhveb oib mps usfo. so i look forward to exploring the examples, and see if we have found something new here that can work. but we must not lose sight of the ulma goahere i atste- sio d weetngter nyim ? msntrlr powers is a viable part of our energy mix. it's affordable, runs 24 ours da seven ds a week. this is a central part the l e te otururc's foiscue ucss reces such as money for domestic american dram come found in abundance in my home ste of wyoming. it also meansexnding popl as coy,
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dponraler fufilitfrsn i pledge to continue to work with my colleagues, wth you, others on the committee and in the senate to achieve these again thk yoveryuh isrihirnan okd sty. >>nklor emtik u next statement, and then senator alexander. >> i will simply say that apeciate your report ver thyoonoooat houtet al right, senator alexander >> thanks, mr. chairman. but i knows an issue is will interest you and i'm delight you arpr of ti haou anna ssan te otl e ckin atne hto aoply questions. general scowcroft, professor peterson, thank you th for
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pr wkni on all of us. taut sing windmills and with nuclear reactors would be like, general scowcrt, going to war in sailboats wen a earavyvi i on ial h te himasa and as senatobarrasso said, we've had a steely here r about 25 years, as you said in your port. we in congress have cost som of . tobeta em rt mthig know or should hav known. it's the obvious. that no policy or process involving nuclear was can be suessfl unss insbaaltha. statbr t
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d ay senator bingaman, senator feinstein, who are the ranking members on cotendat u energy appropations i a tra puanrscne ec e g kth ot t break the stalemate, address vision begin to implement the best ideas from th report. two things have happened his yearwhicare vings in drc teaeonlh auizn omtt edrs risinsr' ernder appropriations bill that creates a pilot program for the department of energy to begin to find nurfe.ter an twubeapa hr woldpunle u before it goes into the long-term repository. we thank you for the endorsement by the co-chairs of your yoko, htnis o this idea.. erisoi
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nsycaun, we need to move ahead. we still need consolidation sites, and we have soe places siwe eulee cutry, f elrere nan or osth ousce er o omv a nuclear fuel to consolidation sites. and it's our responsibility. senator barrasso sai under the an'rtdih t. jb to te rn iiafoh. ha's aer easo k stalemate. and still another reason to break the stalemate is even if yucca mountain were open today we still need a second resitoerquicy beuse weilcant wp er o wed omveea e t rehelat d ve prciate f
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senator carper and barrasso focusing on this. and i want to commend senators bingaman and feinstein and muowi fotheir leadip we kthel aesd n tothfolo me 00 e 'sntwt is sed e edd w n t lvat problem. the second thing that is happening is that senator bingan, senator murkowskire lo aomen ostyt pnt mat tyo mmon m toiind oe o osor tan b etonrerl hope that that bill can be introduced in the next few weeks. senator bingaman host of hearing onits nd mo.oth worwet et ts nawn 25rsdtooe both sides are taking advantage of an accident report by the commission. whether or not you favor yucca mountain, we need to move ahead we eutucy.litionstst
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talohe. k fo here. thank you, mr. chairman. >> thank you for your extra passion you bring to the subject. senator udall, od oing e mn sor er 'sd b ere h sorra aha u hog g. t, lietn our blue ribbon commission is are coming from and would also like mes, ast olly welcome to membe geeytrewth me during the wipp signing process. is expertise is now very much broader and he is very knowledgeable expert with a grt spit opubl e. ,lc s w y isurd,s t k sorr, do that.
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and doctor andrew orrell is one of our nation's besteprtsn e ncd leuecl anufmteog ipemlbrqo drreas worked on wipp come yucca mountain and the science behind numerous international and tential nuclear waste solutio. ia r anis llesadlms e r -o huar su as we consider nuclear issues, i encourage all of my colleues to reach out to both sandia and los alamos for objective thnappiasresia. committee is aleady approved legislation on the inrim nuclear waste storage. prio wn ndndng hthat
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thlubbconme recommendations. we are trying to start over with a clean slat for think we should proceed with the regar order, whenever possible. i nowteeneeny mme hss te, i ev th craly eastpicchsa poor history in congress, as evidenced by congress cutting short the site selection process, and mandating yucca mountain overabn. gar co gel,aiir experience having to litigate against the department of enery over the waste isolation pilot project. we were not fighting over the facility isudoes a rcssndgss ilopaat evale a to
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obtain state regulatory authorityanything epa thci afi w and hdreds f somliedtoeee ly ricw high level waste is specifically prohibited. the standas were eventually enacted in the wippland thalcda slte cosis ae it wippvin are and are very fo me with. both yucca mountain? and the wipp? cot-ditisoul what quote, oupnlhay ey untahessadr look forward to the committee's work. and once again let me say, senator carper, i very much is assngte your nterest hi sdonthcote er hssue
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n sabig issue, and i know that the subcommittee and our committee, the epw committee ha uriti hoas t a uh th.ithss >> ain anivod y,n'u? al right. to our commissioners here, general scowcroft, your ro to ny oueuan an mos e,inrv miench nixon and george bush, george herbert walker bush, and we are gratul for all te years you have drpt ayuontinue to serve. minod? yd? >>c,i nt pronounce a great because i didn't have a swedish accent. it does happen every no and
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then. >> all rig, all right. pld agaic - er t st3yasgd sd is the clony. it is nowwilmington, delaware. a special welcome to you are currently a professor of nuclear ngrit ery.rt tsomio lupt rcofture nsthea. at hcmliment. i know he is plenty of brains and so, so does congressman hamilton but the full contof y teatt b cl in e rd wakeu o d i tkee llet eaurt we might take a short break and come back and hear your testimony. general scowcroft, plea proceed. >> thank you, mr. chairman. senatorar,k er ofhuitt mb suo aror
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da ds fi recommendations of the blue ribbon commission on america's nuclear future. bere wbegiiwuik ssngc-hmale lt dgrfo inlebeh oa i'vele tfe commissioner per peterson was ableo join me. cosshaon ieonoat taed datrof feowcmion a thankful for the expertise and insights they brought to our endeavors. we had a wide dfferencef pepeive teue b cosirsdou f rtenuaius which we believe speaks to the strength of our recommendations. as you are aware, the ue ribbon commission was om
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ditioteprstouar a ocnda mpnsrvew oo for managing the backend of the nuclear fuel cycle and to recommend a new strategy. pe, etne nm from a e tren mr. chairman, as we are all too well aware, america's nuclear waste mnagement program is at hor nrpormnitis e t berod for decades a has now all but completely broken down. the approach laid out underte 7 dm te ea stithasi n podce atml ti eag
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ti most hazrdous radioactive material. that united states has traveled to 25 ars down the current saaphsesetnetit lition and protracted delay. what we found is that our natn failed to come to grips with nuclr waishare edagi aosy wben mgi d cy lo i in damaging to prospects of maintaining a potentially important energy supply option for the future, amaging to tedereond icid ihefr anma ters diteol a source of nuclear expertise, and as a leader on global isues of nuclear safety, nonproliferaon thatlaserisma
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bednar pgm nur e management system is not an option. with a 65,0 metric ton inntory ofenucleue grg oe 0mei ns aced unt e f nwsrte i urgent. mr. chairman, the strategy we wert tarl in our final report wagt ssem, to create the institutional leadership and the wherewithal to get the job done, and to ensure that the united states telodms hrfr o teiopes viucsty
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nonproliferation, and security concerns. we will now discuss those in detail. oursmmoni a the first four, and ci fe east nant facilities. experience in united states and in oer naionssuggesta att or tdo ramnaoutr e ct oe e mmy r egmor efficient will take longer, cost more, and have lowr lots of ultimate success. bytt,tapo mmisliy ape,e nsba d ci ie united states and abroad, including most notablyhe siting of a dispal failiy r suc oae stheteln
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ecp,r ewic and reas positive outcomes in spain, finland ad sweden. we believe this type of approach can provide thefeia std pu t a nfcede s ntrs t hogh to completion. i might just add that i had opportunities spe to the prime minister of finland last eng, aoeth wa eypeit t vesccessful. >> did he also mentioned the rst fans came through wilmington, deware wen't ha oeccda r eniodid lyipn t st management program and empowered
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with the authority and resources th reor o.nd coenot n r nation's nuclear waste management program. for this and other reasns, the commission concludes that new institutnal aderip i edecal,ebve chredecoatis best suited to provide the stability, focus, and credibility needed to get the waste program back ontack. thw nion cc asunt ef plti un sure accs f mut paired with rigorous financial, technical, and regulatory oversight by congress and the ac tth f narmentaci.
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ittersaviding for the purpose of nuclear waste management. nuclear facilities are as fas nur ra licevy ilwat ro gome cac it tgiceg commercial spent fuel beginning by january 31, 1998. rvenu g ot ve narted, h esisfo p o ng s isin cianuratd nsure that the waste program would not have to compete with other nding priorities. ine fund doesoa se oece ch renaioad nueeen oxel70million a year, and the unspent $27 billion balance in the fund
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effectively and accessible to ind,ewteo ec ely bnsntnucrnts tuns te oid. this situation must be remedied immediately to allow the progr to succe. emin a lte ndcm 1 11dsuth ptar recommendation in detail, and will submit it as part of this hearingsrecord. moeoc osvl omei s li. e oc htpal is needed and that deep geologic disposal is a scientifically prerred approach has been reached by vyerl hat su pung narteas ra
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moreover, all spent fuel reprocessing or recycle options either already available or under active development at the s gatst dial oio of what happened with ucca mountain, the u.s. inventory of spent fuel exceeds that the amount that can be legally and placed at siuil opiosyn stormir a un is 70,000 metric tons, and dlp set aside 10% of that limit defee snt nar aigvw fo ciaysris st whe defied find a new disposal site, even if yucca mountain goes forward. we believe th approach set
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segrhg otnuprssdles ohe e ucutn >> dr. peterson. thank you. thank you, general scowcroft the votes hasate100. wo l ubit le tnd souiit a. disposal as a key element of consent-based siting, disposal facilities, the commison believes tt be aew dispos sitlte, e iene ae an sd edvl osi hsomed tenvironmental protection agency and the nuear regulatory commission, which this committee has jurisdiction over should begin working together todinprat o wimpntd ci codas t u h
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omatretes prompt efforts develop one or more consolidated storage facilities. developing consulted storage capacity would allow the federal government to gin thely inndof t sulorscu ata an repository the arguments in favor of consulted storage are strong yo of whichtheour nt acrohecut edl ldfi n f en ole lita esascan be completely decommissioned and put to other beneficial uses. the availability of consulted store will also provide nur e gess ah ol e enng agsnpov bp orin e oen eldsbemv omactor site, and wld provide an excellent platform for ongoing r&d to better understand how the storage systems currently in use at boh mmalnd. s
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orerie sersns aar thirpo lati regarding the pilots which program for high level nuclear waste and spent nuclear fuel at that incorporates several key recommendations the blue povep rd gofssio d sa tind atgat ge rad h inar t upd l 2012wie itted for the record. six is prompt efforts to prepare for eventual large-scale transport ofpent fuel and high wsetonsed agd osacie avabecueyt sarndu veg he nsrt ospent fuel and other nuclear materials at his to function well, and the safety record of past shepherds of these typesofnis llatyihsptoe i anta sm. atng adat spdes nur riarkeo e publ concerns.
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the commission believes that state, tribal and local official should be extensively involved in the transptation rececey oise giene r s obtii isa. hiy sptilag n rtht sssprograms have done so. seventis support for advances in nuclear energy technolog ad r worevme teloaveen t th commission believe these benefits, in light of environmental energy security challenges the united states and the world will conroni urus sin blndvator orr do telondanrer fuyctcnoies. the eighth recognition leads to the key topic of active u.s. efsdes ay,tal
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npfeonnd ty ase onns png eaerrndg idp nuclear or expanding, u.s. leadership is noolat sitdues ofsafty tertro. po aatavewo rtt r,s ayin inaal eachgy and policy of many, the united states will increasingly have to lead to buy engagement by example. co, thunited stateca of nar ulle cote disarray. effective domestic policies are needed tsupport america's international agenda. nur ateme nqe he problem of setrd th un.uinso mp,no heh d we know we have to do it, and even know how to do it.
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we believe the conditions for progress are arguably more soimg an t havein t il nowi adston rtoth , ourtr dela. thank you for having us here today, and we look forward to your questions. thank you verymc a f odftm hobek bo minutes. we will start right back at. thanks and will go right into questions, thanks. [inaudible orson
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>> [inaudible oversas] >> you all were having a lot of fun when we were gone. fiin he oe, and our colleagues are making their way back over here, and the ext couple of minutes. let me go down n t rses. isa tio ot u. aninwvur evoucortable with. it's my understand that previous mechanisms for finding voluntary
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sites for nuclear waste facilities has been succesul isiopltpleheis n xi ve there was for a different type of facility and the one where todd but here, high level wass iundend deeatectis dend s ahe unbeereeth facility with the understanding that if it were not accept high level waste in the future. can you all provide a reat oeas approach for high level repositories? many cautions on what cannot be replicated quickly, what cane exported from the expense, expense in new mexic and nd t yorp
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imant ssons and examining the success of the developmet of the wipp facility. i can listust a couple. gomand ws lltoot lly inares hth state government that clearly defined a set of regulatory authorities at the stake held. anieseeveste eahann ng . foot on a break. and i think that that was a key element of creating confidence that the facility, that the facilityculdbe ped fendt c suits id ul otesfl k n fm a the highway, federal government calling the shots, you got the state in the car speak with yes men and one of the f seats
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he. wthil o ot br wohaheurion one side and an instructor on the other side, both with a steering wheel and pedals and everything. >> the ntpnleogs on vau fis en i created by commitment to the nuclear policy act, adobe very important that have the thory toegotte a it t s o geens gomf fal wateral government funded an independent scientific and technical evaluation called environmental evaluation group, in new mexico. maredoeony gnm pawi t rsy ema it was given in
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essence the type of independence that one associates with an academic institution. an thefored en iby. veap nnat a s but to have, to independent sources, scientific advic separate from the federal governme i think was another key inrdient. th ity i twa ved, and licensed to a safety standard was etablished retonodg e of the sitg of the seio titry ds r he mmoncmdathat w epnce standard he developed by epa and the nrc. i think a final element that wa il,myugt,
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e tthgmd rend iees that the senator, senior senator from the state of new mexico served on both the appropriate and authorizing committs. anatessan aabo atte be built.d we can't really rely on that good luck happen again, because the statistical probbility come lohtuessisrer cosias eoenth n ochg in the way that we classify the fee received in such a way that when they are appropriate they dn't ditiy diaiot ioes d siio t o lho tleomr gury commission.
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where the keys oset appropriations and congress is not faced with the iemmaof orohithsam in ad o yen. ithink that he kennedy really was to have confidence tat the facility will receive ua ung fielt the cedu yhiy r a sner rvoretn yea. in other words, it was a lack of continuity of leadership hat, cot-ro, avn oa e er norizio ina onityad enwiprs lyberd,y, within 18 months, also would be a really serious problem her so this ianother ason whyw orza ddto
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ea tonhe onli s cav e in o leadership that can give confidence to local communities. that the fedal government ultimately will live up to it ligaons. >>se vhel er le y t enat d . nisatfo frng will soon be the senior senator from new mexico. i say that sadly because we love speech we sure do, we sure. tocr,'r gg herch s ha it espeon pod out, how he was serving on several committees. it was really key -- >> we also knowht he yrey . er thngwoar le me say to dr. peterson, i think you pulled out some of
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the very ood lessons on the waste isolation io oec bireseh yit irmueng should a state as a whole have the right to accept or reject a nuclear waste site on its borders? and hoshould thaauthity >> that's a very hard question for us to answer. >> that's why i asked it. if you are given a lot o time to thi abouttt >>l,lo a ahe ffceen mxc and wipp and yucca mountain. and ithink you put your finger acsc t principal difrence
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r st gfoe country. that is completely lacking in nevada. by l vovenitire st cni aer se i that -- described a number of the detas, but wipp is whatvs pis nfcet ane d. cae nk attitude that we found dana, that i foun dana, and i'm not an expert li r peterso w iseasnghatsse ptchfwee riy bs c work.
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>> now, generalcwf ou ildnnsth u ,tetiws ey sh atealee e t cc r reject a nuclear waste site in its borders? and how should that authorit work? as koa hnaring nevada and newxi nustlictch had a very scientific pocess, broad selection of ites was gotonvd coness, i k heete ve, lofcs, mean, there was a lot of objection. in new mexico it was different. haar cep atte.nd local hecm gtn talked
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about well, what you disagreement be. and it's one of the prtsof the agreement is as i mentioned in ths igtb costatement was the suwae. hawh aed this question to you, it's one i know, i think you tried to finesse in your report. nur e , hoto get to te rl ouhathywork. you know, i realize it's a tough question, but that's why we hed you to do this. wel i ut nd kiow fasn vi. >> pleased, as an individual, you sat through all this. you've seen the experiences. tell us what you think. ne aat,a to beclw
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unstg if they are not together it's not going to work. and so i think part of the whole thmmie woe,css okngh e,alibhar r. i o >> dr. peterson, your thoughts on the question? >> i think that in our reprt, ths maisrcgnd a d t iaorte es mseifically, in the sense that it points out that andy and the ability to opt t on what the conditions would be, heo lgs ama ogon ee e raventth
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state. because for example, if you going to into into a mortgageo inimesreea house, there's points cinst hi cst ngt nethms important but key elements of negoation, you can preserve and unconditional opt ut. anhefrsf fety suae ci wthst, hre ld e n mity p bra oeleintiinreixed. but this is something in the optimism approach probably needs to be workedut as a part of the ngio ishrettery important when we look at final legislation. and many of e issues that are along the way, what happened inthw la t ct a oaepl
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wod te afes. therrrab ther worried about emergency preparedness. and many dollars, hundreds of millions of dollars were put towards ht aat t ar mrato t gepred i anen the issues that you toer dulwhtalked about, me siho sd t th wvewrried about the science. the state was saying, well, you know we know the big federal vernnt h a lfci. nooue on raes t s wnt h mevrt. sopr goios bopod ant n report, the environmental evaluation
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group was created. tse were independent scientists, and theyald althy,ll tate eel s. hnkrllt loouis wn he gets testimony here. so there was some importa lessons that i think or learn. i have gone on way too longut i all andnyasd isge tohti ucusio.d eat and lluson this, too. wants to prect tennessee i know. waprgonbuactn ofetti a re'l yt kif kiut lou. on te role that senator domenici played. and tinkkehas form li opprtunity.
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but also the potential for real economic opportunity for the people of new mexico they figure out and play the car'onat ha m hian as i said, my opening remarks, whether you're for yucca moin neobe ns yucca e. 'stote is rt, ih than nto on.yar am i not correct? you said even if a a si ne,enca is htor?it e twoo do. and you didn't define what you meant by consent base. was that deliberate?
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ane l ccilhy the s eed wedd'tbcuswe consntbtsap it depends on the circumances. they may be different in different areas. >> did you envision that they ywe. be incentives to local thnk e as akedabou that. all kinds of things that can make such a facility attractive balhari parof the consensus. >> in my experience, and i don't want to prejudge this enemy and it didn't be a part of senator bingaman's bil, but for a long-term repository io gome odnt he leattos w ov
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tiiere together i would want congress to pass a law approving it because i would want the next president or he ne governor to undit. so mygetwn ns-bd wit latoorveis opportunity turns out to be, will try to put together the most attractive package they can. and then om the federal sawmxc o,an leatsaend ci suggest, orme, tennessee, said yes, and that would be apart of an attractive proposal to the federal government, would it not come to know that you at kind of ini etis att gvor ght het ? >>oly. 'sesl. our federal system it's much more complicated han other countries where wee looked at
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swed, nlan ie ohe the cmunbig aieath >>ou hh bt'repled bauf the nature of our structure. >> but still i think senator carper, and i mentiod this myself, i have the same pece eieca ve. out te ai woulhaheomitco etoo hth os so we can make it attractive. and should. and i think your consent-based recommentiust earshe ore i oryuer isint,setor reid is, that doesn't really matter in terms of whether we need a second repository or consolidated site. tak ose oledes af aan rpsito has
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been licensed. in the legislation that senator festein and ihaven't t appropriations committee, we sepatesesolidated te soiner iaya anst but can you discuss why you in your recommendations separate a se fhe pneion terom usv eashesid f appropriations language says with identifying one or more pilot consolidatnit? th iee, nst reset d be ts xcnt tion. i think that we found that the benefits of developing consolidated are so large in inma nr foans
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etun sit to more pructive uses. and to gain experience with transportation of small-scale so we c build that apail fod lidv or iarl , aftea,he development of a geologal esry thouo iothmomat poceintivan e review the current structure of incentives of nicholas policy and found that they probably would not work asell as they should. and so thereopris mmtifoyst ove v- >> d a tl sut theamvn ahead with identifying
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consolidation sites, does no decide the estion of yucca moire--lraaythhr. tmv w olioted till needo move ahead as soon as the legislation is passed to begin to idetify a second autsitory. netobdo u uninqu coval beeqd ar question, we would've had a difficult time reaching a consensus. but what we found is that the we oe owa n werecommended that depiondasoge th wedtd as the commission said, egardless of whether we were to retain, in7w hap tccasorte
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on irly.h alrtafrso v >> thank you, may i ask one important quick question? >>et's discuss it. no, go ahead. thaou. hima did u way, you know,sometimes the simplest solution is the best solution. and the simplest solution for yon'hatorartav h aro n sometimes risky. and so a consolidation site takes time, takes a lot of w crskuis nsat o owyow ng d l donie teefocnat ? >>nd y, we certaly did. we looked at, we looked at all,
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all the different posbilities, eedatev out s oe sou velo ao, aceitas,t was well worth it. and the transportation is certainly a problem. it has kwlrane sut ur recommendations, to have the state and local thyaapssbl isth aspon thig rbem >>nkr chairman for your generosity. >> you're welce. >> thank you very mh, mr. ai. ot yad ht n usemwe
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ensepphh yosioue os facilities, siting for new mexico. my question, on the positive outcomes, spain, seden, finland? n ter butt les thadis ec fu >>l, oldky mm les are that the lol omti.ewrmd lok d waas mmie a sy atwhths acally been in some cases thsn or yuting to hold h s pnifo community. and that will differ for different communies what they
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find attractive. .. weiices t
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moat compliance with the existing safety standards, so congress did direct the national academiesotu t wha ftdan d id th rrftheiadb selected, so in my rofessional judgment, i think that the stdardhat deloped is reonabro is bt sind o nd tytrdtit qu tmeet tou giiothi does damage the confidence in the entire ocesnds neth as a nra nt aivcst fataheilof lol uns to study and to understand what the implications would be of hosting
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faliti buree ctoc ialou s eley inndsatar ailae that the sites would be required to meet. >> when i think about yucca tawenafrd nod liyumoin n kedolng eaertbe i part of america's energy mix so when i lookt that, you talk about providing incentives for communities to exception of their ways. quy cveaisan wouldnad coitin adve arthca nt >> we see no reason that yuca ata.ouccunould not gofowa haou mr. chairman.
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>> i don't knoabout my colleagues but i would say, for years, whener seca prored ei 'say craze a east dump. always. characterized that way, and in my state, my guess is thea tre yoin tnse nex n er st ny tsha iei eighborhood or in their community. as we figure out this kind of approaonsensusbuilding approach that is being no itao crd thecss siwhere want to ll it, not be a dump but we able to point to others similar around the wold
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bu dmhreth dhy aenctron dodge fofaties around the country. there are very good jobs for people who work there and operate these facilitiesand they spe taxreenfoe l ent don wee e t gh y oeshe ansptati comnies to meet the concerns that have been alluded to here today, but we have got to be smarter the condime througanwe the t sm hp at wk cis i wen ub e ar. y erd ay, just take your smart pills, tom. just take your smart pills. we are going to take our smart pi nd you go v i gi teai wu r tot brfl the question goes back to
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jurisdictions. i showed this to -- so i just wanted toment s o ala c bee sfoar nf ohirisctio and we want to be clear that very briefly state what we think it is. isa e. ilyenonal nur gytro inor rle of nuclear energy. that is verbatim. our friends on the energy committee, whowelove, ha sdonr, th atqunoit lotoclegy ie ily lot c ey. and since we are talking about the control of nuclear wastend spent fuel we believe is clearly beepd urvaadbcommittee's
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omee tu committee over recent years. woel iclset emur friends on the therpot se hge i j want to thank you and ask you to convey to your colleagues on the commission our profound thanks r alltr tan fohas tis rt ha oal wyo inforward as we end up in a much smarter place this time then we did over the last 30 ars. tht ngbs y exse r btoocogu eamn. thyo mas >> thank you thank you very much mr. chairman. it's been a privilege.
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naleveio [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] as nda es eiatij t ieinuc wele . k alr nus y. haearourwar-up act, and we now lookorward to hearing from each of you. on thinelel of, te?
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rece e council, which announced earlier this year that it's evaluating the beaches re a oumeheahe cotry and asi of sa can nco rt beaches. a lot of one start beaches and a lot of to start beaches not as many three start beaches and itneouto fufiur-star beach but ofmrty s tw represented by one of the two members of this commite sitting here. [laughter] therwereo he nime ihcke diu cmarp min s ie.e >>t then. [laughter]
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this is now, so if you are lookg for a five-stabeacto frovts la. that is neither here nor there but i had to -- we are especially happy to welcome you given the ratewo t d htes oe on asatof la uty iserv-crmf ni to see you. welcome. mr. eric howes is the director an els lnment andpbl ai niroiost of the new -- u.s. nuclear waste technical review board. it is great to see you and is it mrdrisor?ed
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thhe eh oe t heon syllable? orrell. like oral surgery? wel rnn an ol ctf eaernd sten ndia national laboratory. please hold your statements to yo.twivo tes and if u go ppatur rtat . us there you go. turn out now mike on so we can hear you. >> i thank thehairn and ranking mmrornngs haurioe of een buib is. beluin record and briefly speaking on two points now. one, in new legislation weird congress to require stdard
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fogrdepmcria n fi frfo dial tresid i pld tar dr. peterson reiterate that call. the same is true for generic radiation and environmental protection standards. the rc was corect,e ar wrtoul qme d og pto u ge iplleal te wies, rey pleased that they were explicit todawith such standards must be in final form before the process begins. do fls o ou shcitiheit geanngerota lof ormnevada, substantially diminish congressional baing except to ensure that the proposed site remained the sol option and sut thccmtaoon oub oj hee ctanch rians eco avss
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applied by for example the offi of management and budget, other involved agencies and perhaps even industry. alrnatg atorstanrds ord tloai t cewh w hne pelyh a ta nt tato ke the c'phis on the consent waste approach was a step in the right direction and i'm pleased to hear many members wo aidooth amplifyhatd ovasrsaio tr tis an unending stream of nuclear waste on an unwilling state and an unwilling congressional delegation was th bt iu s gome -- rank is such an observation is long overdue. we concur with that oervation but the brc was ttta oda. thhaamp buda
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tter oe sm d ouapchngul atergct ov expressed exception of radioactive material from environmental laws. exptions of radioactivity from our laws make it in effect a privegolnt esept ahe da oatd ra an entt wre li. tpa ss fl authority and -- radio nuclei clear cleanup programs coulde - nale rtweldidoof ooi p ur at oomia clfati even the erc recognizes as that noted new mexico's efforts to regulate aspects of the wind facility and senator da th regulory authority was in
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short order contentious fight. but oncehatreglatory thory sta b athas cral maudulvefth onwi o jurisdiction over nuclear facilities and epa's existing jurisdiction over radiation protection staards. such a process is crtainly with tapy he sotawoas ractmaal os t t any event improved clarity in the regulatory structure and meaningful oversight role would allow for the first time consent castranarent decions takea d melo2 nngf re rlwam d a legislative allowance for predictive assays such aa contract that would provide the state with some measure of regulatory control, that would be inadequate and ult prodehatth sscent sof ad suggested that
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the withdraw act might be subject to alteration. be, e prtud ped om mtonexan hris aen ten ar 's t wotr ch a contract with future promise. we addressed in -- storage and i'm happy to take questions on those as well but i will close with t overarchingpis cossl ird th i,arocafr wustsk you warrant chairman carper others will base our current predicament unless congss creates a transparent equitable proces ithtron bleaanvme malainerise of the brc and extensive
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public -- lustful and ever i cat gunt that nrc's sir he swo d su iil k fhippun es a i'm happy to take questions. >> thank you so much. mr. wright perks. >>dorin anu th pni peefyoda nisidght d i commissioner with the south carolina public service commission and i invite you to myrtle beach and hilton head an charleston south carolina. i aavthple int psi ot retoti cssrs rwknshr e lf speaking this morning. nehru is a quasi-governmental nonprofit organization founded st a.srrieb r tis rt
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icerbyimihe itd ctes the public utility regulation. members regulate the retail rates and services of electric gas water and telephone utilities. ere gaunthaw as tstsh a as bqu bhpuc sstoure that such services are pvided under rates and subject to terms and conditions oservice that ae just, reasonable and necaauty iss 0 esve ncgenerated energy have beennvolved in the troubled history of disposal since 1983. that is when the utilities, which only were required by the totr ae.waste policy actwin geteecittoe sudsint eastndpar co ofdisposal of you use fuel beginning in 1998 and as you know that disposal is t happened hapn but that the
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payments continue tbe i cssr arth atof99thvent henedwehth e. n0 s m later and the fuel remains indefinite storage and 34 states across the united states. beeh iesash cuer t eril twtagosion on the administration handling of the yucca mountain issue, nehru was closely involved in the work of the comission. mof bes.te gamo remssith lsdigud m, r oaest ntrssl fand the sincere interest in public and put. we have asked the elite to preserving maintain access to the commissn web site. as for the ecodations, e el t bal tolngnt rsmeom nar efu - t nd
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selomo oe recommendationso occur. next regardless of yucca mountain we need another repository. the lessons of yucca and the ttlsssst nsbaci aac y btershil irti. avn vore consolidated interim storage but find a report vague as to quantity duration and cost. we are not sure what the effects will be at tnuclear e ste.seoay grite cth min pefully with a fresh partnership attitude for encouraging the connt-based approach. cot enngforward to refinin the sln. anta, nind i wemetdno. january 2012 report for specifying that the proposed consent tae approach to citing future reposities let's b
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apin en tt essissct a resio nat nw chl cial or political developments. certainly future citing efforts will have to account for a widely dvntegrc not ins context, nehru agrees that flexibility and proach is a necessary or requisiteto super -- future citingitiates aon poio thc oms.n also we incurred daily to take steps to seek volunteer host communities to step forward without waiting to form a new thartw aerwanio sa wthoss po. e rtsaval e nft oas nantomat c mented using revnue
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streams already dedicated for this purpose. there are no cost estimates to $2bin helete thathe af wch stnda re fers e owhao it. we know we have to dot and we even know how to do it an while wemay wish tat w tth r ss iatre tme o prm g fe ras lethw it fitting for the commission to call for prompt action, developing both interim storage and beginning the search for new pu eti othtbut wema eh padme smt vohnctalat thaduld not be an option. yet another study calls for prompt action, yet despite on paper at least a financing plan leshroelon haf rayehoy
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ree aveyi. k you >> wt d e? >>, >> did you quote the nuclear regulatory pubc service commissioner in florida? >> did. cctifm g at was terryen i k whe quote. and i thought about that and i thought maybe other way of thinking of it is, the rn hheraeps y, raymoan e itt have cost in the ways greeted by the nuclear wreck theirs.
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is epanee that, the at qu sern . ky doreto it as nuclear waste myself. i referred to it as nick leah resource. gmoghmar, anmember barrasso, senator alexander, senator udall. i am eric howes director of vernnt plic faird annk atomic in western massachusetts. we and our fellow sites that comprise of decommissioning plant coalition work closely with the blue rbonoss ee ndooe iqmptoure
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ted sth rmtlut ror sf the yankee companies and others and the dpc especially endorsed those drc recommendations concerning permanently shut wn tst moiry th mpstist a liin a consolidated interim storage facility or facilities. the establishment of airst in be rrenr ri rthemoem ut ac st se ce clid ag sites. and the prompt initiation of programs to coordinate federal, state and local efforts to pl for the transportation of this anspfateor e rmsiot sus t woit cinsisy panels at the yankee companies that help demonstrate how a
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community-based process works to address issues in meingful discsionthatield s. mmthbri is as ike s tep is er fr tote scattered aroundhe nation. we believe that fy13 efforts should even more aggressively vance the resolution of issues we pedeeh rt hcotto its beginning site-specific of the infrastructure trsportation readiness procurement and construction needs of each of theseormer reacrts. atyne ie ia ae ee e rn ahe nep lalee nates, state governments and industries in an effort to develop a consensus citing approach for both consolidated interim storage and future positoati e actihast usedf e g sriabthme
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pltn eb recommendations. consolidated interim storage is a needed an important element of spent fuel management regardless of the decision on a epsitory. ugemidof nsattoagcie fel ventl nse calio ils ises and commitments to remove and manage is material. the ratepayers and taxpayers will be relieved of the obligationoayte for gomecoct il thillyele het riain- fn indefinite period. in short, consolidated interim storage makes it possible to setyecnendhmiz ons cand efs.agse gtse supporting consolidated interim storage or to organizations represented on this panel.
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nehru commend the fly rrthpf f mmonea se shnt to ane nsattag facility. nrdc testified before the blue ribbon commission that nrdc believes it makes sense to provide for conlidatedstoge shwnctthreot ghw toeil atl. ofh gat n anoor conference, the m.i.t. center for advanced nuclear energy systems, the nuclear energy institute, the new england counsel, natnal nfer oatgior e hewa sry aln, koner, naalmin erol ad en ys society. we are also grateful for the enduring support of the party movement of material to consolidated interest towards by reensts sibe ofgw thyor ort
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to- today. >> we will get to the questions and nfl bit. dr. metlay i would liketo call t yerchlease. basonaud n alexander. my name is daniel metlay. i'm a member of the senior professional staff of the.s. nuclear waste technical rew d,inndeal i k fovi me y ro sbaou foio on the international experience related to consent-based programs for sing facilities for storing or sposofhi-l nar asthyfu smee udn heg record. this subcommittee undoubtedly is familiarith e exenin e edtes bre
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afsi arrion lm tccun. ay ls familiar with the experiences of other countries. inct s ilcmyen be ve enn d. tasa ad tr idihete states, have initiated more th two dozen efforts to identify potential repositoryss lyeete orav aril tace l e relied on voluntarism and a consent-based process. iniscug site section te og poriitimant t ynvlvat technical and non-technical
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considerations. the process can start with sif ilngt.echnically qualified errocuee th twet s em a potential candidates may be quite different. virtually all national ros, txconth shohaxpnc akstts vecot-droms vee today making considerable progrs. two municipalities in sweden have agreed ost voeetot deune facility, knowing ahead of time that the facility could evolve into a full-scale repository. eaa heteng inn aowolin
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scon te emrsth respective national waste management programs. voardootra caution u, in anebeorhdge usy fus fit t tsunami, a 10-year-old consents-based process had dogs down. in germanya siosor ofera ar bt limbo. in short, although the disposal of high activity radioactive reto treed mohaer national programs is their diversity and there are a variety.
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some programs focus from the beginning npecooc at. r t gic lig dilig it some countries evaluate the sites one by one. others adopt a parallel of coin l titind mueo. nyc cni ady ine rear facilities may be especially receptive. and the prospect of receiving a coitc n tenefika sosu we have learn from the experience in the u.s. and abroad that one, potential host communities must st ietoe stio
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poiastoni b establishing a strong and comtiusve aocal presence. prs.m si wy hete states, the experience of thenuclear waste negotiator may be especially relevant becausett oras y nsbasi oc wilo brvth nsbasi selection process is -- and a nsbasesielon itilyor t tel host entities have confidence in the credibility the process and th
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imenofe gs e fod uensm e mme. >> thank you so much for your testimony. mr. orrell. >> chairman crper and ranking member barrasso, the dessi thyoryin tmi myeis d ol i he ee o sng the director of the nuclear energy -- >> so it is pronounced orrell. i'm glad we gothat straightened out. now tobier le are suf in edicto c lato.ati routcerki th e waste isolation pilot plant and the yucca mountain project, i have experienced rst-hand the meaning of consent-based approaches to resito procts ac itfrhieec at reizanch comments
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are my own did not necessarily represent the opinions or position of the department of energy or of the sandia and wear tu tthit atons y olicor behnlytafo p geologic dispal of nuclear waste and even more locations technically suited for interim storage. of the challenge is to remain soly pictieshat celeb ihlo uns,ta ie ravent e ptasenth pilot plan. while noting the success of the whip the blue ribbon commiion correctly notes that quote no one cod have designed a foedad e rldaslte epte at ppres ne replicated exactly does offer important lessons especially in regards the need for unquestioned credibility and ingrity in both the inst tedns andinid
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alnted phe crilwi a eqte success. which leads me to what i believe are the preruisites that have addressed and wi enable and encourage more pential host uns st t yoasaneneu bu lunlvan ct to con found any consent-based siting process. unrtaiofct wsue declared the hedpnte te cnt-d tins thmmoneme a new govement chartered corporation? complicating this uncertainty is the unresolved issue regarding whether notto continue to co-mingle the mageme spbi ofean wihe dsaans
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regulations will be that govern the determination of safety. thecommission, correctly, cll r eelenofew nedialnd a ppnguly bealpthte ctprocs unquote. we need to recognize that these are often long lead time items. the third ise centers on when the wi ba fcea geicosy an heltilb thcmin ecno quote, the challenge of citing one or more consolidated storage facilities cnot be separated from the status of the disposal ra e c acele ca etet are lleso scouns stoder the hosting of needed waste management facilies and perpetuate the moratoria on new nukeour power plant construcon. mp t-d rt
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whha and when. who will be the organization representing the federal interest when negotiating for consent? what are the finalreti afi rhe ahbe olreitfo rmt os lua be available? in a broad sense the intent of the brc recommendations are to open new opportuniti for the federal government to meetits nur e ge la nr opuns sttndoni t lly s ed ra d facilities. the technical solutions for developing one or more storage dispal facilities toi githchlsotito rey la t mees aof suggested for siting new facilities are thus rooted in
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prerequisites to a initiating a consent-based program. prompt action on resolvi the fur lan btenlelpim gattot gas eone clwamame thank you for the opportunity to testify and i look forward to answering your questions. >> thanks very much. i would ke be te wew ou us. co >>ee it would be extraordinily premature for congress to not take its me to do precisely what i outlined and whihi rsnd thos reg rch giiofocnt it. >> mr. wright. >> what the i heard, tend to agree. iou r win isi
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id out mexico deal of sense. >> mr. metlay? doctors doctors metl? myrdsenl erin are d tihaere o tpi rit he question, dr.metlay. you mentioned iny tesmo amenec cy e andothyo ioinr imbu keinif blunt talk more about the negotiators continued role and is it something that we should or ifc?d pursue this timeou berlie yr theinssous esis as part of the 1987 amendments act. it w given a broad charter to
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negotiate with any state or tive mecatbd emtosita si o teto li after many years of efforts, that task proved unsuccessful and i beevsin 3, reec tt of of oegotiator. certainly the idea was a useful one, and other countries have wsus ot. en.tri f mrre commissioner wright, the blue ribbon commission recommends pursuing consolidated storage parallel to ingrwe ue ritge silso
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rsu parallel disposal program. based on your experiee and knowledge, how easy or difficult all vef rn ito get consent t teste rd our gial ld b d wr >> well -- >> i will ask you to be brf. >> my personal opinioni depmprmenus r v e oolid shlibabe >> mr. wright? >> what he said. [laughter] >> you guys are getting good at this you know. yonbone d l cob. y. ie thti n d llo yreiur shoes, what would be your first action to get this country started and on a consent-based
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apch tard finding a final fitonisreny tiha sd not take, that we should rule out in this stage? that would be my question. wh reto tht to gost t tiegsth esh w be very complicated like fees, the issue of site selection process, the sue ofns,tne d onstyoul kei msi ec ocrinoeru t toa a teste site that jumps ahead of the line in all of this. >> wt,omt er onha gto te qio hereacalwong thrs te to the --
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because you have got to do something to make things happen and transportation, moving the si b btoitesi a uce >> we agree that yankee company agrees that the dual-track makes sense. however, the repository could read quite a number of a ay rey thalorot project to decommissioned plant fuel and we think that there is a good deal of lead time both for transportation and other anni that nedso nt cot eapoaor eninvoeest un s tkt'r deme of energy with congress to support could certainly get started on while we work out sme of the other
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detjuvry. >>edinatl ri ieaatse trthavd es citing program have figured out thproblem of distribuve power between the central government and the an sirl w yav dl st,hu refi t lrht, thank you. mr. orrell. >> to issues. e, make a fundamental decision about whether to use medorp. e luntmin mm. i fnenisth anesal tth remmtiine m t w encourage the promulgation of the standards and regulations as the tend to ser brsomugre. iin ield to you.
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take it away. >> he already did that once. i am getting in his debts. this has been very helpful a veryerin hole a yuat nkpa. you have got three sites. how many reactors? [inaudible] hee y mmon. e sdeclfu t oouis al e di have room been removed and fully decommissioned. >> so you have the feel that we are supposed to btaken care of. >> ourue lse t tugionoui ntd lage t prriations bill, which comes from an impulse to -- tse thingsake
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tos kifeati aprinsl was, can we, can we take a step well we work out a mpns paef do k 'sasle >>, o. tihaera near-term actions that could b taken. as was mentioned earlier, before you could actually move console iter sto h ulvere tpcy ere mbf gs troron lanning and identifying the route for moving this material. even if you are not sure where it is going, you pretty much owthe route going out ofthe emtlas tts sp poan prat spill, of course any site that is chosen even as
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a pilot site would have to be approved by he cgr otr d louav sowos l atwod pa w b e comprehensive next step forward. vihooducoompany's point of d sa olio teecyo mpan urpa? ewell, as i indicated there are any number of steps that need to take ways. for example the transportaon troront ovrde material. there are years of lead time to do this and so our sense is h e gs an ne hixinthy
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heartfrg t tehi a with the hope that congress in fact will make the needed changes to diee t winh waste policy act agsi a ss a comprehensive piece of legislation that it isrudent to go ahead with the language in the appropriationsa idfya olio te esm i believe we are in favor of it. >> i know, but i just wanted to getou to say that. >> aoly. gh >>t tharevge ouinfr t nubethng e roth cdo dm tthvent n hook for a lot of money liability wise and this
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may start to reduce their exposure to some of that faof t?t o. ser anist think that not treating the storage process, and by the way as was statedher toay by howe'te jen adl nty g erg tois nsatto. intmement sense and we said that repeatedly for years. that said with a structure where we are now and after the 20 some years ofick udt thxteofey ar thkoou emel s ce s er mano suitable, will not fall into the consent dazed progress -- bungress willavtaou omesdths er -bepn o
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mpnsy. henry clay nearly killed himself trying to pass the compromise and went to nantucket to recov iliske tr dougl f piofary, t ad h nhton g only senator to vote for each piece. so what we don't want to -- we don't want to goso t thwedn rat job on the second repository but we have been stuck so long on the mrai, optlemate, that my whole, fi dwao wiooe sme min ryefs work through the authorization legislation to go aggressively for a
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repository,aletprce eafrnethnd anati dl e debate. you know, we have cclusively demonstrated that we have a big difference of opinion over yucca mounind i n'hiw soal t hha disagrees with that i hope you will say so. even if we open yucca mountain we will soon be ormaybe it aly ,aeeday will be the seco olioted ee sersi, or more, and so we are looking for a prudent way to get on with it. so this hearinis gdl ha bery fu >> r
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>>nk sor carper. this question is tomr. orrell and mr. fettus. i'm tryi to drill wn a lile bohebon whe ie oar as you all know what doe can open a interim or consolidated site unless a permanent site as already opeed fa long do we need to be towards a permanent site before you start opening er tecoid? yhy . t heon nar now. i will start with that. i think, and is outlined extensively in my written testimony, there i ngn
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tstaytur prm wllauri attempts at the interim storage program, and as dr. metlay effectively outlined today, countries that ae ha any poan wn' a d ve tendency -- a suggestion my testimony as how we begin to do that in a more thoughtful way to voi the akesf pandhi a ift ntrk bf ayg teel t ctmo frdth front. that includes storage for the fina proposal. r.el swd ieis whhies ecnt if host community needs
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consent on allowing interim storage or a consolidated storfaty it ul ke vethkndg er aetprm ndtitl ab prsslde t otmee might be simply an uncontested waste position. we have a recent disiofrom nratortes enal enh orehave sufficient progress on a repository program. >> thank you. rengmps ouremm stennml tit y ldvstor thy aleast site making consent a citing more likely and what does the flipxperience tell us about quon wnttoendies?
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fl sorcer admonition that these things are seen as dumps. they are. this is some of themost toxic and dangerouswast wbe diiv frmin s. isiictng genit iht nt cnsorr atuasbne to -- deep geologic disosal. this is a difficult mattewith extraordinarily dangerous ways th si afoby toealnexi e ein tth e states felt in any measure comfortable in terms of acceing this kind ofacty thhebrso te e nt. af weily ttf an monetary or structural been yucca mountain would have been built built along time ago or built and
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operated a long time ag. esiaha aiitta antogra ve ngioltica say, we can make a deal here because we have contl with the federal floor that i am qte haizeitaarbu ss vereo roay cege ccin the most strict and protective standards that we s fit and when that is the case, there is apotenti fortinv mpteiflteon wit i oino i k teeidence bears me out on that. >> thank you. to my panel i wuld anr asf s aro quonheupt.
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[inaudle] >> thank you r. rm k mrai. . s mcrnow g sao dsth -tm storage of nuclear waste. we are now closer to a solution. with regard to interim storage you talk aboutwagto timpenonth keayblivhis eeogskng aat place to do a number of different things but the blue ribbons recommendatis. what is your opinion? whoubetiinen kbttti plta she codas leed we recognize that, nothing proceeds very uickly when we
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are lkinaboucls nke c rn isrn t a ngeifo developing any of the consolidated storage options including transportation thuebommonue lity mtb so b dn dder ththoue wonderful think. i think it may be optimistic. we are prepared to you know, rkh r kdeo t d aapy ibbwee nï ouo k g t ppvehtgo r.ghesaid in your testimony you of long favored consolidated interim storage but find a report fake is tohe is tlv sc yhe duration of the ormooaoi ataih ot
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mmed tuat large need to see here? what do we need to see from his commission and the before signing off on a plan? th browanbeyo inrspao u rarstint focus on it and i've been very gratified with what i've heard here today. you know, and i agree wth mehowe is gtt l u ot srrta e th y v g ug ere s whao jump through. the bottom line i think the confidence of commissions of states and utities that we serve and regulais e kiurhat e ne bedfasse thruhaedbe built within a partnership with thfederal government and the states and communities that you are going to be deal


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