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tv   Capital News Today  CSPAN  July 6, 2012 11:00pm-2:00am EDT

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stat yoca ame ndre osomy edpi of bs,wh t thouldecnd g: thikeing asked which one of my kids do you want toave lunch with? they're all equally fabulous. but as ariter ur fvori e ot t oouju is tyo i "lof ces ptyof cake." >> host: anna quindlen's nonfiction career to date, living out loud, 1988. hoadhayfeoutoud,9 . 00rtuio a "lancl c out in 2004. imagined london in 2004 as well. "being perfect" in 2005. od,y w w cautn20i pam thve sat "
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dlle of cake," just published by our guest for the last three hours, anna indlen. thank you for doing booktv and "ine" >>sts g. o
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>> o favorite drugs to talk about is this the dopamine, which is maybe half of cows ad this is r tg ern mmo y. t atla r is given when a blk on the killing floor. that is meant when they fall ca tlostacine dug in thearddd
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oes bshme st aonpd cotede 3in ai h ommse committees. he answered questions on the european debt crisis. the in the week he rejected calls to the referendum on brain's europeanui. wokwao ngyu a i possible -- if it is so will haveo suspend a meeting for 15minu htola i e ifes. s iesppen. but to subject today. first of three euros on the u.k.
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re.the second a civ cuspehes s. soinu q o, eoe that three morsel logic of the currency means the uris may be closer ecnomic and historicit out te tum plng ecause really only two things happen. there's a set of short term sphsy, snzie eur zonecm e ilmeansto utdscoieth gh ieresrate those are short-te measures. but then thre's the full pridents report, even the e.u. caot for president, but that is the council omissn, e unfodetsor
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loof ical union, political union. while there is a remorseful loc that if you want a neo om t t er awlka cr c v ictosof e things. so it's an argument about how far this will do. >> you think you should be britain's working assption thathat'the y thgs go og ae so ineiakgn the assumption that thin are going to go in that direction? >> bradley just because you can exyh direion t the euro zone wilco when and that
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his wife said yesterday we have to show some tech school strategic pte utti usese nt thl a ffto tuns it entire possible to be certain which way they'll go. i would assume they'll take further steps. dienysuld think i he tineverp h inaturne r plrm obsving. over here is agreed on the project becausof the rail. opti two is somewhere inte le ifte oe og ooeras soros ntti keow the road and i supose a lot of people assume option to, given how difficult ts stuff is is quite iey. esayist,
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yoidh rdth european union, ideal for live the status quo -- i ot know unbl u tssl - at at lseber. so we are in agreement. wulute more leave it there of .t imat e smorbohe ewofeiin treaties. fromhio ere, datein ois uepe kim within the legal framework of thee.u., where it appears that e.u. council, which fi u be 2012 huypoed a whoe a
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and don't chew except that this change in the status it be a w ilo oeal change in theu.? wa. e t wpeg wh w saying there is in my view the exact status quo that britain has in the european union is n acceptable because brn brls ben to see a bt woliomwe ths mastston ust i manifesto is critical. the point you're making is the current statusquo is not sustainable. i thk is sustainable use zcoy htoeg. actyu otbo kivehirtar wieponi t17trof euro
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zone during about a banking union for themselves, which i asrry.frankly they needton doedoabec i datt vel of the euro zone and we can get safeguards in place, then that wodn't be a fundameche usauuran ou l egedthnk nl ouxps itba nurn s. d't think that would in other ll triggering massive change for us in europe. >> your distinguish between the atus quo for us in thett st qn ecalore mivis le o conservative party with the manifesto we both stood on is the status quo we ve in europe theblnc per heig
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wolio fur rs rno ones i k e b tho enic wwe dss rd. ine t rein equally valid is that it is is not sustainable because change is needed to make sense of the sile curency. i think o cgooy atngtocais brn' iohi nhe u. ig whe dacaas for instance banking union takes place, i thk we can mak sure that involve 17 countries of the euro zone, not s and think tha e t y. >>ve oe yo i demcy t peion? >> this is a decision for those countries. clearly, our democracy -we are own as h aect a governmentst whutteoor. coaithhooues
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inside the euro. but the point about what i think is going to happen inside the euro zone as these countries have to make very fficult soig, e vegnndey ste ric ent emocracy. if i think inside a single currency, if you have mechanisms where the stronger countries have to support the weaker countries, you wilhemr anx thx thes i. thle h pliooroc. poi sati' a decision for them, not decision for us. we made our decision not join the single currency, partly in any case, your case incs ec we dnwn o thron'vemahe fft ecsi heulactuay be less demoatic as result and i had that indication as well. >> well, if for insnce the spng erscteetic
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ve bt cire teitht io agreements with her ro zone countries aboutthe dead recognition, that restricts theifreedom. buth ts thenf oe,t ang h hlwla u. >> if they don't do those ings, we will be affected by the continuingcrisis. >> that is corect. aneng reeoomrito ntops,aror stof rth omy, the option which are the best for us is early short-term action todo with the ob ie mket. d esa scadrmo n turnent o e mk more sense
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everywhere would give a long-term common effecof the market then that would help us. biplioorhm. iwys iulo pp neesathege tcfoe economy. >> so what crucial indications in the e.u. will need to be made, which not only impact the mber oteeu oe t sosif ed do diuleio se n thrtoicethe euro zone countries need to make and we talked about them, how those choices i made this ina series of small european is nteeti tie at euanon c ad ts r existing treaties? i don't know the answer. frankly i don't thinkanybody does, which neth ony hin shngt ll n le titin
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penie tow ct nd rtp us c t ely what mechanisms will be used, how fast the process will go, exactly what will involve. hain ebi cew hng y gra m sh b associated, but not absorbed. describing what to? >> put it in its ownwot byro o akd bo tiatnoere. rlatgotohn t iherooi in to survive it will have to make moves towards a more integrated stae. we work withpao at so c cser se cng >>lt u ven asuonedth ttr sat can decide what kind of member
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ispe a eoetvoters actually want. rippconversations within european countries and between european countri about what needs to be done. and i think world at the beginning of those conversatios. you know, how fast wiltho net era wl tbsihon euzn? when you look outside uganda next mixture of cuntries. britain, denmark. clearly not of the euro. we don't want to jointhe new cktrte br thouik jth ro t'sotwoo . t hig e done in conversations to be had before we get too many convention. buan whdrahow we're
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ing to get? at the december 27 council we ifrearqe ddngat qud. change, will you buddy putting forward the safeguards again as behe ecsqtprivate orwill there >>hit'in dd thheo cri nt oa fiscal compact. they want tohave deeper integration i quite reasonably set if you want to mo deeply inteate youzo tca veae h saaror se et ul't securthat, but they went into thtreaty treaty outside the european union, outside the architecture of the
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european union because they coul ghaeyte wa.l ghai chs telfte teuonntes want to do can only be done by recommending the existing treaties. wobere option outside the trea whmoe wl emdentalwe kow was thas of integration of the euro zone i think will move forward. >>ut those saarsol rped barol hicai k pe t a itionetl. the point am ming is britain has uderlined 40% of europe's financial services industry. busso rau lo eu oft st %ofh esun the
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table in the e.u. so it is important if you're going to see the euro toereth dveth ae fousg tother and gislating away could damage a vital industry for britain and one tht we have a significant ascendancy that the european unen lokyothth fedse, ee ekng feds th ie ke gerbuso nancial services house regulated in particular, with the worry that the years of integration could becuu rits ulreabet gsasr. tr ode eea union. but if in the future at the same sorts of issues raise e
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wdbvlye okinsets gu. eeo 'my g b roine is tit. >> thankou. moving on from that point, the government is engaged in a segtthoeow tweshohand for ntk te. utte curt, the work being done and the disagreement within the coalition for delaying publicion. dohy. uhtis l be yoarwhe'ot >>e imy h oe bih to be proper coalition agreement before the full work is ahead. i think to be fair to both parts of the coalition, we ned to deribehe banf etesthghwy thro u, etes en h nationstates.
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it will include facts and figures on costs and bnefits that i hope will be ablet foheate,har er bid pce there. u may take the view that europe should do more sane would ne more euro. anguangus escte with h icislenl e n tlfa i he tae will be able to start the process before the suer, but we need to seek full agreement. >>hank wolio bsete mosn tea ideogicay yodon'wa o take them because this might be too about somethg you've chosen not to safeguard. >> i don't quite see it like that. we maddeontjo
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ent xets ru taevtihegl rr crire scusng thennerogsf the currency. that seems to me to be perfectly reasonable for them to mt so'eaybedt yo discusthose meshiopofdien groupings. for longtime friends was in e political center if nato. so you know, if you want to be inhe room having that discussion, yoedbe tmibethom ci ts cav rmal onsequence. >> that is exactly what if, for instance, the bacon you need good side of 17, we may needo think about it we do need to hk botwppwhhe cri hembin the 17 countries will have a qualified majority.
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does that mean as a member the i w htsiawened sua ai fas be t inyyscath ty last demberas aut fiscal union and iwas arguing about financial services, people did quite see the connection. thecnonwlee eabca tan i s tio ben nom ptu. bee ai arfect way to me these arguments. i think they are quite understood by the commission others. they don't always ree with us, lemaitst do say we have a i ij s mas od. reigcotto la we' ghirg nal ices inuy. for all of europe and legitimate issues we should raise in which to have any cnsumption with jpoonfrtad any te. erthsaicg
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cain affen quters which may well be contrary to the u.k. interest. i am thinkingf things such as th national transactional tax th oidnth .u. et tan supervision. i assume you would probably want to impose these proposed rat. but how confident weshould be the u.k. is abletem throe onrin of th y read out attacks won't be aking part in that. the common consolidated corporate tax ba. if you look atth n oliocs ageior ieo d srt tht. the key thing heris obviously making your case with bigger
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defending intere and also budingalwancad ndithn m cns cnb y s wa wede cotrie for instance on making sure the banking union gazeta 17 rather than 27. anher asumbe are aneyt egeteo metsthroe. ac t otofcuie s u emarket views, which now include italy and spain and the centralized gornment. so you're more inron tse ecogzet wi'm rgis nghau have 17 an you have to remain each as an individual and i therefore much more difficult to fundho ananyu n er haa p.
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nei shn' always assumed the 17 in the euro zone ha the same interests. they are simply vigorous debate and argment.buhc pontanmas be ce out n ngury se paot i k hao nea safeguards and some of the are about the single market. i would argue the single market is one of te greest sce otmes el bai ldjua eca eedi tey he sle markt and is not in anyway caucused against. it is perfectly poible to do that. >> last question if i my. e uk tig tin e.arprlaih fror21 20dyou think the great strength of the euro zone spport will make our
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tonfiy nw negotiate on hs 'sayfft bee ves pe nt oey spent. but you look at the euro zone specifically and you got the great budget disciplinarians ex treanrtch msn in websel it wag aeat ttntt ldoo trthouik s bipion he structural funds for some of the newer members. so the euro zone wllct bit picoieat no earilgointo take each side. ied siobaor trd c deiwenetie a
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relationship with the e.u. and he just rolled his eyes and said bucr yo engmen. sutihaot coutthsngat e is, ou know, we shouldn't underestimate the extent to which the euro zoe in particular, but th european and geneissually focus o fine zoe is me,ve--ha c ow erie'ad t is the ocus. people are focused on other than at. but the other point is there is a gring ttatee wh be e ni t aro, aptwa e er hre it ottr hge there would be another treaty change for years and yers. we've had two already.
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anso,rean rdi htcages to moatfeneeds and i think of britain puts this case reasonably, responsibly and we explained we would li to remainpartl ae he penibu de mvithhe tt on as the euro zone integrates, there should be possibilities for new settlement for other countries. that is a reasonable point to make. nof e gsesngbesy. atd itdop fut of but that was if you like returning power from brussels to britain. now i'd likeore on that front as the conservativeed,b id, f ae evotthanarg, b hdeoi just now that
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this may result in a number of buatmn h tg in oeb o errfrems t'ofi tsw atstwhris re offt countries. in britain we now have a very simple and straightforrd situation, which is if it passes power from written o brussels we have a eeen thprininin re all he think we just don't know is what's cong next exactly. it's a small treaty, thetreaty, periodf reflection, a eeenatth >> we've already got the treaty, the esn treaty, which is an endment to the european ea it mota o u
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tslyt hed cathdethalt ndau st rn tols er i referendum. >> back tothe r zwh deon t whh i y valee reform of the policy and at the same time with the cohesion funds in structural funds. does it not ocnyu ht wiapla t b itled h untries that are hit by reform of the structural und wll be lointo new deals that ade this advantage ultimatelth i'tint. en zuns thhescd eu zone. all th discussions about the
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financial framework about the cep, structural funds are all hauled quite properly and we had ass tuea ciheel27ut an as say, it's not as if they approve each other other about the budget. so if your argument e out ecud rmth heeyt,a osop sontnk era le tfr >> you both know that the negotiations often take place after dinner a the fact that we are notthere in the fact artu vmun s minority. >> i don't -- >> i'm not advocing -- >> no, i know you are not, but neas t
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nnd naty u aorf conversations. frankly the northern liberal countries, britain, hlland, denmark, finland, germany will caus to try and make sure the budg ore gthmntes f eou. uaete lb seemed to try and make sure the structural funds go. this country is a large amount of farmers will caucus to try and stop thisepobng ce brn'te i tnd riheel png povegr le surge t of which we do quite well. we should be arguing he needs to go down. it's 40% of the e.u. budget and itwt eus, thd g t agi ag by unanimity in the top
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edges settlent prects the rebates and as far as possible prin pnart budt groth te teahiti edrrfrm >> so only the cohesion in structural fna. >> obvious the countries receive will caucu togr, tsp. whsoelu aa t o. >> look, of course. the only way you can always e in the grimace be a member. moof con hah i t k 's a good answer. bill, i wouldn't agree with . itinle hd tvare re untural terest is trade,
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cooperion of foreign affairs for the huge amount. our interest is not then then earitee sohie t at rlx aur o ertyof membership. >> it was noted that payments under the single paymnt l0n ds heo ns on. tre is essential euro generation, which reduced the value of our payment, would you make money available to the reurcodb d th er mup sfa ieyense rotascheme of the two? >> my understanding of what happen here is that in orer to
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do wh the impacts of eun ayo aerepreciation of giavym oe o budget in order to smooth this t. so i think that's the level at which we should try and do with that isse. but th of course we are aiming to tadpaen r d dianng fers. doyooengntwyfinance. d. hao e oun at ththiseuropean way in the british interest to try and reduce direct production length subsidies and biuseon s ota t ins ri t o, jr
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economy. >> thank you. minister, even before the year prmsibn enis therews si. beurdti as well as bank lending. the chacellor wish to quote oyyuertoimotflf ndtobsse om rags and the government introduced the funding for mundane as a result of that. could you tell me first of all how much extra land and you expect ogt tbsse n ito e esta e t g government did was to say to the banks, look, we won't hate youwith thn edg al taxesr anab
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cen drgr atua happened with that in 2011 is total funding but not by3 whhey msedir rgn med sm in ur 77,000,000,002 -- it is often attacked and people say what it didn't deliver. thtuation would've beemuch e. tr -erve meus, u fyou simply look at the net lending targets, the banks find it no cngloin t wto meeth y at owiol yeucnvei gror.tas prlyd ea
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both. the gross amount of money banks are tting it rather than just other managing. sie therwatentol anra cmhc chllntceou node that.ase the funding for lending is a bank of england scheme. the bank fanced in e ees ecanai co ms ha cagototopo nkatthh thing and increase the lending to small businesses. at the bank of england still needs more work on the details of the scheme. those are the three stages if u baen hen m r oas ine eait r banks, the confidence becausof what happened in the euro zone and other things besides. ierd fug a big focus for theove
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o cdial bauy in their lending t nonfinancial sector during the state aea. if youon't mease set thuratr inisuiret? >> you're right that it's designed to improve disder transition mechanism. what hapne tan thsies eoet if lthecsm eert- bank of englanmonetary positions on the one hand individual banks aren't getting through. so the governor has said the scheme will btnko n d ai oteg r in t.k nfnc ect. des gbe na. exy ey choose to measure that will gross is a
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very good point. they need to make sure it's actually making a difference. they need to design it inaa the in i coinnk d otisulvet >> given the fact that the bank tellers that show we say in bseth rtyad tatmeif u tlnin market focused on those companies actual dperate for money and ac ri he ely to be higher higher rate on those loans than would normally be considered acceptable? end. tannot ttery e'o me int itnendchs ngthea
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the low interest guarantees to the national guarantees. the bank ofengland has been th ruld b with ht hn er >>t gsto p. heank of england going to be prepared to underwrite loans should be normally considered? >> national an guaant mealngkso e seurfn ort inr inhes tulog hanks to do more to my money, but secured lending because in order to get ahold of the money,the banks haveo, i nest, end.estoh kof nl at aei f aakg part in the funding. they are expanding their balance
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sheets in order to take pat in this comil hotoasly d mat latoidd ng nnal businesses. and obviously as they expand, they're more likely to look at some theme riskier because at the moment you're right they re cu vcunafr cara tmaal thea aan end s thico heo tr t encourage banks to more lending ord ie reftherwise would. du k bao anulis nceet in order to secure? >> we have an independent bank of england, so i think weae es tayhey nto beerlphimrkh
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but the exact risk shared between thbank and treasury is i ink the bank and treasury to whefreeoitto in mot te d 11 have had with anchors since the electio it happens in crisis like thisthers odi he thmmea stut.woyo aro ve >>ta wi isd ve done so i thinkover the whole two-year period, all my meetings with external bie exalinesas y c cinea'sut nese. would you think about my
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business grp of advisers who do ic a py r sns. woagwioun t an csn lending, you need to be talking to these people to understand what's going wrong. othethin hvtewaa among itauittoin gesuisbn ch f these and the european regulatory authorities can take over. obsl hyhvoh u bu tuen nkuln. ispole gunganksn terms f thinalduuttycy. oveeo oeia
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resolution procedure. that is done by british authority. i think if we regulate properly in a country wneed to sort that t n ht ih k rn it e slepora a atidatnais country rather thanon an e.u. sis. >> i agree with you that the emergency situation procedure laid down under the p ndte matythip take over and declare emergency if they were going to win the waiset yad nf your bank. th eua? go eleat 'tt specifically. what i was thinking us as they say when you have te 17 getting re deeply ingrated, you have
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thfedsasti f be were more about how we regulate financial services more genelly. the point you make is a fa one. feweekagit einalkats cymi b nnd op ie, ic recommended that are banks reduce their exposure to the inst iasxpeotential conflictf heo o k hby rs ority what you had just been describing would be bought. >> point you akng desu hcerpe outeo i ot w r ot, who will to
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power in terms of regulation and the more integratedo get the more safeworuthse oulde ua thrtthi hnkin osobslpu 'veninth central bank about whether or not you were able to clear euros in london and basically seemto anol yulaecan clear again in yen lembfgl et it oiwski of. >> would you be prepared to take a look at these situations? >> you make it a vy good point praty work that we shold be considering in the case of further instability of the eo
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,heyaeqitr kthnkonn n egore ieou. how many allies have we got no to protect us? >> depends what the question s ng, hcishe nk nn perceived, which actually the european council when in th right direcon us l lthev whthswedes.n i think the dutch were also back to some of the points we made. ihinkome t r troue euon morytole f >> in december we were presented with a treaty change a so, i
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thght it was necessary toome arth sua hiy wlnat we'te .u r a eysparately. there is another treaty put in front of us. but you have to be ready for anytng. thro zone risis and theta hostility of more people coming from the e.u. and the united kingdom. because ippmnst ts om pam aus ning atte miio e e hemmt underway discussions is how we can restrict e.u. citizens coming into our country in case the crisis gets wors? >> t pio wviy cnin ln o l
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s fen th tighingor mu unctainty. we don't discuss contingency plans publicly for obvious reasons. thf e exrdyi ssndaiit ss tkeiot st to flows, but obviously we hope that doesn't happen. >> would you be prepared to do that? >> i would be prepared to do couny , omrbses to ephe das rm m r forced and foremost figure. >> that is exercising eaty rights in the u.k. >> i hope it wouldn't come to thgawee viab hearlare a yove pa, contingencies and be ready with anything was so much uncertainty in our world.
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but you know, i hope those ito'epong't become eessay. ev.nsi snc general election and the negotiations leading to a referendum to address the status quo r th is can jues rsin cin plte he saieotthat quo? >> i think an act of safeguards is a battle wehvih mmonun a a lekeguonfa e suase lljo ddi licr for another such directives. but what i think -- the point m trng misan tyknat
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iflycethed raeuagater. >> as the euro zone accelerates the dynac of integration hat tnies e stus q t ndw d t noyio vs i spent a lot of time. if the banking union -- that worries me, too. the bankgun d i tho epwihshe unantee are -- as it goes under enhanced corporation safeguards the single market, but is less worried. so we have sewt nsenreugor, t ikrem coin. >> address in the unsatisfactory nature of thstatus quo, are you talking about facts certain
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thwers incpeieread fuench ir tiiph .u.? is this something you haven't been able to decide at the moment >> i'm also going to make the alfe oe hns ke sal h, th oisisonos e s inknk e european union should have gone into coming to certainly britain shouldn't ha with the european union. highe are ones i particularly it opry. heeuann develops and integrates, wth the right swer for but? i hope will build to come u path some common answers inor iner e pec o, order.
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>> i have a question, which bo dsseribngs ato trh eou. itnseti as ever designed in britain's interest in which britain is not particating because we are more likely toave some inflnce theomwh tetu f on uge nitns >>t bee in there are safeguards within unstisfied te r gudse ene sn cnc uns a t a le.etrd there is some safeguards using the institutional stcture. but as i argued in december, if theyome forward with a treaty change that is ubalanceda
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ngury h't guthrkthas i bnee guanr aat n'g head. so you have a lot of time to be thinking very carefully about the consequences of the path that they're going d >>coac mft eaf me sessrn s deacutyfeeleds afternoon. they cease to have democratic - hou polyagee the toe e positions. the fiscal comput that severely restricts their ability to spend and orrow and d many things domocratic poticians choose to eymahadcsi aftshe doththctt n heurll be
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limited to a structural deficit of 9.5%. does that really affect us? i don't think it does cucy itthaheingl a o ifec s >> david cameron also faced questions in the house of commons during paymasts questions. he discuss the banking scandal, whiched to several high-profile visit tions that mes tiher meership. you can watch his sunday night beginning at 9:00 stern and tif f a ar quzen. bbthk inor oest bilowher duties assigned. but by the end of the day, you are ready for someest. you don't get a full eight hours sleep. ifor r soor
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el >> the sailor lives in fear of the possibility of being whipd. it was always carried by a petty to w pic ed ttre lg. n't catthe bag. you don't want to see the cat of nine tails coming out of the bag for a gging. thor onorli arthidof icto y
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grinaprkt : ithgit deesi u d al505 feet and 8400-ton of the store quickly and privately pressed up into the rit. twng fxinae we seem hanfor ligh oome in tiles popped out. everything my desk lifted a foot and same but down. it literally clapped the underside of my desk and braise tie sedin d ulan p .. oanesy
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ak wasoutobt >> was at genal assignment reporter which is really all i ever wanted to be. you gon the morning,'m t ers per s ha s aunandt l bo, two bodies found
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in a house in queens. cops think imight be drug-related or something a s. us u o t sway a ta te a aow emrn interviewed at the new york times when i was 24, i kept saying that. top editors wlday wt do asyt nel gn rte i don't speak german. >> host: what was your path at the times? er did youor of yrs. a e becea m t ias thtaseoho
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adept with the turn of phrase,es but not necessarily a seriousi l goint ne reporter, and i reed t i g t keyou taperasoing h toav inhehatldd . g asked to get to city hall and i covered the first two years ofat the administration which was so much money. f nechtart's keer ihe 3 it is the most fun.rtin twice a week you do reporting on anything you want in new york city, and its supposed to be te a k dti w ryoisint meopan.onut they stand which was interrupted by not one, to matnity leaves.
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realized that i was not going to beble hdt thewi mo w uthexiv editor, abe rosenthal, dreamed up a columnalled "life in the '30s," which i thin for a lot resikmeof a cinly ot ma- me t andiatrre y be an op-ed pagecolumnist for five years. >> host: who was charlotte curtis? anit heimsh wrlotte rtis was etitond t paed eor d, wst cto the paper, i think thathe was the highest ranking woman and the first woman who'd opinion on th hehead -- who'd bn on waereltki e ysreheir
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s bifelnd so on and so forth. and i think that those of us who were younger and thought of ourselves as mremi, re lleteou thyss b b o um, and there were two things that changed my mind about that and changed my mind about being dgalut wn neoneras e tathe ia whmaehe highest ranking woman in the newsroom, charlotte asked to take me out to lunch. and over lunch she said to me, mbyo oha a p aheiv y dd i i olfftht reedt e ursod so much about how things worked at the times in th newsroom.
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and when iold fndi anoghhiic g thy heemt mome "sisterhood is powerful," when i told robin at, robin told me that, in fact, charlotte had been in ofis t 0sity when,um, group thid, ac b eiasn though everyone thinks that they did, but they did disrupt the pageant. and charlotte had been covering that for the tis, ae jah t edutf tht ifa carefully coifed, carefully dressed, beautifully made-up charlotte curtisho had provided the bail mone >>t: douve orlge >>st, n,le g i loved "the new york times"
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insanely. i love "the new york times" the way some people love, i don't know, the signifi oer i ownd h dng behesp oec now it's not onlthe country's greatest newspaper, it's the country's greatest newspaper web sitehich ink n ang mpme buhit' a mke hiha ts if rtin new york city as a tabloid reporter at "the new york post" when it was owned by a woman named dorothy scff. wog tadismuhe time mlife bee ha iec of who reads it. um, so i always thought that someday again i would have a life outde the timesnd
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soliha mt oon to .di s sto t readers open the paper in the morning and say, oh, that again. and i never wanted anyone y,h, autf mn feik etoot at iidan then left to be a novelist. and it, it's be a very happy confluce oft >>t: dlhong cos? switg uefonerst atumas only every other week. the times' op-ed page, as most readers know, is two columns a week every week. anto haory or ekllynsp inom fu. d om witwaa v onekoue working on a
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column which is wonderful because you can rely on the reporting and because when it's done, it'se. wog aovhis s legor mnd sp so mny other, um, vistas in the terms of my writing but has the gricatn.f rr meyork frhig t b g vere tu' wasted your life. so to trade off between that and the columns was really, really nice. wee oksp gooteoon, issoy ep thhowine ar and or odor this month author, novelist, column writer anna quindlenis our guest for the next three hours. we're going to put the phone a ins. c ijull
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n s u t el, or a tweet @booktv, or anuin th ranfonok gig iv ou t o hiing ou loud" came out in this 199 3, "howeading changed my life," 1998. a short guide toapi londar 2nd mad on 04 eirf c "g dog, stay," came out in '007 and now we are hem worry is is h mem ila. w veve y it >>stvettixm h ao pr itnotir fiction? >> guest: i find writing fiction at this point in my career more
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challenging. i mean, i've been a reporter on and off since i was 18 years old d alut eas29 d e ovoiat k rkdot nowrg does. >> host: in your memoir that just came out a couple weeks ago, "lots of candles, pley of feernators.o abo ni how do you feel about feminism today? >> guest: oh, eat, it's so great. people will say to me, who's the next gloria? who'theextso wng fenest d ve kayov the successful. they become absorbed by the culture. so the fact that, as i say in the book, myaughter maria who's 23 oncai m ar cry bee e'ee she
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hadn't quite internalized colin powell, but she had madeleine albright, condoleezza rice and llary clinton. tkhepeioe ve o htanr me tlve ced uc erng fixed? absolutely not. do we still have a long way to go? absolutely. is the world for my dauger a completely dfferent woin grgsn asr yoef loeis rase, "female impersonators"? >> guest: think when women are growing up, we get a lot of sontonsootrom th outside wod. t wepo ou hwepo f hands an be obedient and say certain things and not say others and look a certain way
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d bepleasers. ane b fo s sast ,n ur iuoerre who is so smart and so outspoken in, um, her commencement speech at ba ard college i01in of e r ed es eee trblrl in high school. it took, it took a brave young thn to say i'm not going to do knxa w i i g her tes o, e ette linve meit isof bin like women with whom we really didn't have very much in common. >> host: from "begfe m bry r,na dlri a wi i tioer d
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t tfe e possible way. if there was a test to be taken, i had studied for it. if there was a paper to be writte it wa done. sled ater ihe wapot etyh i edsp re p res edor the literary magazine and rode on the backof a convertible at the homecoming gameand anyone had stopped a my d t i c hsa w inndt can t d t bfe y ibay. >> guest: th about covers it. that's, that's sort of the zenith of female impersonation, iin gegerauoui il ro thatt aversion of that -- a version of that book was the commencement speech i gave at mount hyoke
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an i sg ein ledutat soofse n wemo smartest and most capable of them in the country, and a number of them were weeping. and they were weeping because they recognized not their true berdio aththlfty' ar afar nr t thsa ii sodd yor,ou know? women put a lot of pressure on themselves to do ask be -- to do anbe a certain way, and the ereor in y to cinntnd k, m. d chngmecete >> guest: i don't think so. i don't think they face it in the same way, although the pressure on men to look a certain way seemto have grow iandoemrime in t ahe a v mad a
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i mean, what we abs? but i do think that that drum beat of h onegh i founom titisi g wh s h w always backstopping ourselves, you know? not smart enough, not pretty enough, not dressed well enough, not accomplished enoughyou ofyi ti thi yme gn te y. heetin some ways that makes it harder when they get older, it seems to me. becae while wefilly sanoo,, iuga m haughe criticism starts for them when they get older. you know, that they haven't become t masters of the universe. that th're less in se
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te ic, ycgiypes woo and so i think in, i think that aging liberates women in a lot of ways, and i don't think it does the same for. weng lndtion tlaea, timedid not change hearts an minds. and so both as a feminist and a mother of two sons, itas come cey th lra o bu surely thath n. trststthth i still, i mean, i hear all the time women come up to me and say, oh, you know, my son is taking aatty le, ohe esmuit cre buat oanerr nraun w -- again remains young women who are
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really stymied about how to balance work and family and wondil bgegho think tey bance rr d alol ath an egalitarian domestic life. because one of the reasons why so many women take themselves out of the running for certain kinds of job is thatthey feel like tey c seem woeifntk tth oshathe 20% rule when it comes to women? >> guest: terrible. um, the white house project which is pof t . da fme gog ithe pess, going into medicine, going into law, goingnto journalism. when you get to the top ranks, le w bcktget to the leadehip
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whben nd 2 y asy a years. in government, in, um, in nonprofits even which don't even pay as well a the shiv grwohaeydo e th l,hadep demotto b. it seems very intractable. and what it means is that we fall down the ladder. i mean, as say in the bo, in rmmalil sori lto. tin e nr on all these things. we're just not. you know, we're not doing very well on iant mortality, wre t doingry mna al ou w td h t tgse oty bueofme lng we really are not doing anywhere near as well as we should be
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doing. d we shouldn't be doingtno egaraior weulveenig escah a fairness principle. well, i believe in the fairness principle, but i also believe in pragmatism. re wanoslserg worked imerica, coss ryog a ngjoouy, w, know, things are pretty good. we need women in leadership positions because nobody is ading as well as the should d w iri a leshsgo a t b >> host: anna qndlen, where'd you grow up? >> guest: i grew up outside of philadelphia in a suburb called h wd ptsl. uemyhes mo wo imy
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thwaoufe my mother was, like, every other mother i knew. all the women i knew growing up were either housewives or nu waxeveecarakaino busst plf oso d saat w u in a white world, upper middle class? is. >> guest: oh, my gosh, yes. i mean, i'm trying to remember the first timveen ne w bk. no c remember exactly, but i grew up in a white wod, in if a catholic world, in an overwhelmingly ish rld d invid anadryayt ild. knth mrs bs writer. all those wonderful stories that show up in memoirs about hideous
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childhoods, i don't hanyf those rlly. >>t:enlo thurfevay ls is that an upper middle class white life? >> guest: i don't thk there can be any question about that. i mean, evyone wit t yo k yresps maomuc ckndd i y 's s i t now, as a columnist i would put my record on afflicting th comfortable an comforting the afflicte up againstanyo, anveand iiss unwe as t mndrndrai when i wrote columns. but when you're writing a book about aging and how you feel about aging fro your own personal point o vieiv t f bro h t ofe l's muorfft n i
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circumstances than i have might feel like i'm not speaking to them. what happened when you were 19 years old, hoid ge g: otdin s 1 hage iv ovarian cancer which as it tends to do was diagnosed quite late in e game which meant that thereas mo oriefeityhat e egde oo care of her, and then after she died i, um, was a working mother of four children who hppened to anum w aet ibiton di lit much. um, and it completely changed me. i mean, there's something about, first of all, there's something aboutatch soe
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in t yo isalnsat k ndll, there's something about watching someone hang on that makes you realize how ablutelyonulin a fe ,nd tthwa methgutmu g ofhondin to live this suburban life taking care of myiblings that was wa terrifying and seemed to me like a cautionary tale a e ar a iby eha t ndifoaste s. >>t:a en, always ask our guestswhat their favorite books are, what books they're reading, etc., but top of that in yur book ow inha l," veoonerhau ane th b te inery ld read that's been important to you is
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"courtney's complaint." g: tn cai history of you and enteitn mot got it from the book of the month club. she used to get a book from the book of the month club every h. and i can rmembow fa int , bhess as mid u boors adi book. um, and in retrospect i keep thinking now howid she expect a kind pebal, anady a one of the things that i think was hugelyiberating for me was 19tuheadbe read mainly in the
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adadks m geic f tnt tpr e. and it was liberating to me to know that you could write in this kind of vnacular. i mean, the book written, itwiry ng t soi t formal voice, very conversational, very flip pant in -- flippant places. ds have this atteut cote epe, bls ryiti tteoinut rn literature at one fell swoop that i really needed to kif t unout, um, untng umenpto cry entirely different way of writing which was invaluable. and i still think, i mean, i
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gave it, i gave it to my sons ofur aav i alea rendas very, very verbal, um, when he was 13, i think it wa because i thinketimwh yoele,st a st wutnkab an t that's this weird aberrational thing, andobody el is doing the same when, in fact, every other 13-year-old boy is doi the same. itldakielsss wth itld melsough he wasn't an aberration. and, in fact, that's exactly what it did, and he really loved it, and i think aot of the otheth ahoho sply nr g idortmeron
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>> guest: um, "black and blue" actually started as most of my novels do, in a thematicay. , mofnru hect suta oll teoeth ey love or that le them. so that if you ask a woman about rself, she'll say, ll, i've hahrhin,igr0 yeaan i kifntereons. d i thought what would it be like if you were a woman who was stripped of all that, if you lost all that emotional property as itre d tim ireedt e hiha w rly toee her former life. and i started to think about reasons why someone would do that, you know, in the middle of
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a war if u were rge e thse t m wh wbe bn u her husband and was trying to flee him, and that's how the domestic violence aspect of "black and blue"be [lteus.ser eronneryhe d. gh osowg y ie >>st y. >> host: and wt kind of work does he do? >> guest: he's a trial lawyer. he does a lot of criminal defense work, and he also does some civil wk. >>t:"lcaes enfcaoitat g: a ra >>t:ye l. >>steyre u , e bse read for so many years that the biggest fights in marriages, um, are about money, and maybet's usm,euy gst ow the ine . soe ngo me how can a
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sweater cost $700? that's a good question, but i never wanted smeone else saying it to me. iwoeall thddor u >>t: iatk e: i rr i endure over time, it has to be because both people within it have tacitly acowledged miineprog that you lers thbof u irt >>st'se. an tk -- tgh much while i was writing that chapter about maiage and about friends who were long married. and tings shor arn mia m 's like, oh, i don't know, it's like eating dessert firs i mean, you know, sometimes you shou eat desse first, i
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esentrt ac t co se leifot good, at leasto different. and even cohabiting, you know, i think that we came up with that because we realized dang dnre pe f rr. eota -en going to become your family. they're actually your only freely-chosen family membe le reopou lator pnts oo yas bod d sinofrs ousou chiren. but your husband or your wife or your spouse is a person where you've freely chosen to headache them not onl a -- me bue bocoil yam atsoomc e veeiil mehe this anecdote at
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the beginning of that chapter that i think says it all. i was at nantucket cottage spit wit o fenvi hatt m hey 's s. tuly, onth's guest on this program, tom brokaw, was with us too, but jerry was the only one who got the b clam, and he was reallyic arthfla ca ou a sa he noou y dnswe obe rrabfi ms, guess. um, and then when david looked at me quizzically, i said, oh, well, i'm his wife. and be so nothing cld be fur el ink 'sh s ail rzehewe trithdet miit hiory, it is bigger than both of us. and that requires you to step up ur ge. cas,nte" y revl inotsf
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yer y 2yo ntthdo tver al t t >> guest: right. well, i had been taking care of my siblings at the worst possible timen their life and the worst possible time in mine. and i drewme lusis t er fh pecechobsl i ldavdr w , at about it. um, i think there are people who have very good reasons for not wanting ever have children. um, bne wasn'tchod wato u to sne out why i felt so strongly about this, and i didn't want to talk to anyone, and i just let the time pass by, and th when i wa30 iudy cge h ylsnt ghatcts g: 's yan hld are. jerry has these memories of
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their pediatrician with a cigarette stuck in the corner of his mouth listening to their hearilshl don . gh 'siny asf wlue. osouo ioer yon d. >>stdo d. i haven't had anything to drink for 23 years. >> host: why? >> guest: um, i think the short and simple awer would be tha i'mcong aho enecedlli mori t wt eon a be mad at me, but i can't imagine circumstances in which i'd ever have a drink agai i tend to be an all or nothing person, an the momen i ne wd.deth i >>t: yinur jey? >>stdoknf d yat ely um, you know, my agen said, um, this is the most boring chapter shsom orysm erre
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oiho h epece d e thggon that maybe i might just want to lose that chapter. but the truth of theatter is i think the world is fille with ev oin lebo m no g i pedor d , you know, i fell down at parents' night at school or nothing, nothing rlly terrible like that, just this nagging ns tybou ku ldhaadatrt asof w-- gsofe. d in if you start to think that way, it's probably the better part of valor given the fact that nobody really in, dn' pdelcol. ie t deat to stop. especially if you have little kids, and i did, so i did. >> host: is that the first time
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g: s. ever written about is f t er itabit wr a aenoh ybixevye i it turned out that i had a family member who really didn't ke the idea of me beg public about this. be imisu e,ilwaysin d killed the piece that i wrote at that tim but after all this time it turned out that, um, that there was no longer think issue, and so inthead oso e min g: i t. n d epliystf i li needed to, i would. and i certainly think the first year after i stopped dinking i s wt aa t c sr k h ssody s drngut sha alho ehut
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and then over time i spent a lot of time thinking about, you know, why people drink and why i hadn't, so on and s fh. di fthee o wan ygef cnging that. i know that's kind of -- some people in aa would argue that if you didn't feel the need to go theansoull w'tan coc eg w i d abeea a and said i'm never going to drink again. that's what i did. host: and finally, aa quindlen, before we go to calls, the friend ofminehee be ste sui ins usofna in. thas adhi ihe view. what is she referring to? >> guest: um, it's got to be something that she read in this
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oki womae,ca ags l cleofrs wny nr um ou trtcomings of t catholic hierarchy over my time both a"the new york times" and at "newsweek." they werenoneleit inut bsey 't umtg i there until -- i'm not -- i think it was about two and a half or three years ago. and between the way eur wits fleem ahe of, um, of the sex abuse scandals which came out in drips and drops and then in a torrent overife, it b ee owp he o ayti t adip
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and i couldn't ratify it because i thin it's really bankrupt. and so i stopped goingto church noo, nhi otn i said tat an meg ppou iss ur pore, it's certainly a source of pain for some members of my family. you know, i only wish the thuyhe nstt rch was a good as to sth ag aorth i >> host: aa quindlen is our guest this month on "in depth." the area code is 20737-00 ti zs,7302 f e pac esnd e-mail or send a tweet, and we're going to bin with a call from belgrade lake main cr: hte l.
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anorsp as hog.l,nkr u'n a quindlen. >> caller: um, anna, um, i raced home from church -- not from mass, but iraced home f chheouto f [lte muwethyo >>le m hmi , i must say i was attracted to your writing from your newspaper columns andhen from there ourooup i le, hro, i ie ri ar hehtok ha correct? >> guest: yes, absolutely. that's my fourth novel. >> caller: well, my retirement ra iemoungdown there which 1 d i abage now that i'm old i'm really enjoying
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life, and in paris when i got so tired i had to sit down d pard e.k hare ueye al w " shine" my mom would always say that in the morning when we had to get up for breakfast. and i was wondering ifri a bee ugheokor erd r paris when i was so tired. >> host: all right, martha, thank you very much. anna quindlen. >> guestwell, i do have a younger sister. t seterve o lenor rngyte give the fact that in certain circles i'm relatively well known. trhis abnd same way thne mr afa,
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catharrs fft tac us, megan and her sisr bridget are quite different from my sister teresa and i. iouay ongey ha o idg onai e nneev ps n books. and i said, well now someone has. and my sister is actually a public school history teacher which along with being a social wo ioer thk soth ent, e meobapl ec, i d kn about sisters,ut i would say megan and bridget are quite different h tca tsma and teresa. w itha fou g: wi day 'ste eer itn' um, younow, writing is a process of jdgment.
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du, umyme bumo ofo--taf my books in front of me in a bookstore getting ready to sign, and someone comes over, picks up the book, reads thelap cpy, dondksw ick t oar mge yreno edn atoment. and i think that, you know, you're always sitting there at the computer thinki i ve thisdea hnd foit rfheno rd cct seemed to fall into place. and now here i am in front of a blank computer screen, and plymhow it's not falling into , n,pp
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whreacy pog ot. f, no i have greater facility in the reporting pt of it, but the writing part of it i still find incredibly challenging. e-s ou:ft a cendhien, evt mr, a bie u' ever received one of those -- still sting? >> guest: if i've ever recved one of those? ca rmbhe " aecbo e"ut mait eioreea a tecnp reading reviews. um -- >> host: 2006. >> guest: 2006. that whe first ok. e inashe ft fhi i ad y hevi nd t iid ln hiroem there were two very teacherly reviews over the years that i was deeply grateful for be.
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one was from the er linn to, sed ones t o cko c rd gouderlnd ugomngut i do what i do in terms of her criticisms. and one was from maury corrigan who beli ill orwn d wkpr oua e"ch ins that i hadn't quite appreciated. it's wonderful to read things about your own work that ha't occurred to you andhink,h, bue f t oaru tho eworw and, um, and i didn't like negative reviews. so i stopped reading them, and the deal is my closest iend anf e' sto a bkevr. in snout cashin i rtarel o
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positive, she will tell me about it. and that's, that's how it goes. so i have not read any o the h iatetuibookll >>stne >>t:ther r - ream, ,nehe in fact, there was a lot of speculation on the blogosphere that it was a mystery novelist, janet e van slip, whose work i buomi'ev man is kainrlonrg. odten, ken >> caller: good afternoon. i just wanted to, first, thank anna quindlen. i always used to, used to be th fico iouldokin e pr,m i lyss an yoob hom sort of influence in my decision to go into social polic work. so thank you very much. th o ewant to ask, um, what you
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ccrs "nerk "tewk times"es today about the presidential election what you'd write. >> gst: well, the second part of that is an intereing tiecse itsn e wo lik t. ane requires you to really think about the world differently 27 than civilia sainds,yo as u soin t st, heoin t thpean llec grist for this ever-churning mi of writing a column. so the truth of the tter is i waowr at tu hat sing that string
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since 2009, since i left ewsweek." and i know that all of my former llea hen knaill iin waatavote f a couple of years. i ve to tell you, that's kind of soothing. toinalevhihaavg n kixhinnd reerhit w in 2010 that one of my kids wandered in during the state of the union and said i've never seen y watch this speech when anorstim mygot s,ide ke s t woi one meers of congress while the president was talking. so, um, i'm not sure what i would say, but i would really have tgetch mup
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d, i t o m ghrseha i n ani' sure you can anticipate, first of all, there are not enough female columnists at "the new york times" yet. ther souldat lt tre d abour. thatre are are both fantastic writers, and, um, i'm just glad to know them and to read tm. osaiol au and au d t? ueri >>t:reowit the president who started off with such dazzle now seems incapable of stimulating either the economy or the voters. >> guest: i think 's way too vo.nsay thatbouthe thfthe cnt we will -- at the convention and
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then afterwards we will once more see the crackerjack come in-pahae a owacamn lhitar quing somebody else -- who said that you campaign in poetry, and you govern in prose. there's no questn that the president has been goveing in bse u sec - oresasaybl and, um, i think it's been frustrating for those of us who hod that there would be me level of major chang viai ,t i n fai? nemo ive amsesea and he thinks that should be good enough for the american people, and if i were a wageri woman, i would say that it willl apuano etefo >>sts.
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ewi iwrs as running -- [laughter] who was running, ihink, in a primary. that's the only time i voted for aepuican >>t: lepi >>stah an i l m,or ai tk de d for olympia snowe. i think one of the saddest turns of events in the last year asd in smly has been that ngvisatno elathireso bn ashington that she can no longer continue. that broke my heart. >> host: sandra in bedford, c-2it a qlee onookt h pe,eau. i li kyo already. i'm just aad older, maybe a
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big tad like aadpole growing iavny qiou. iai eie iee a though i know you already. your sister may be a younger sister, definitely younger, because i'm 78. and i've beenednche e t neati. warnes, california, but i'm not very mode either. in any case, i am a great liof ynd y wngnd t al iras r ei eedas my grandmother w was without a and she taughte erytn of myself. tey. w wutreicep bee e tanio
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gipe i h fy. ee jews which is, yeah, jews and italian catholics and et, etc.,cotth becse h an gonnd o d cccrs d btst se oan iowa in covered wagons after the war on the 25 bucks per annu that each of the moo,arnndund led tetr es a p trees and all those things. and they built the first ferry on the san joaquin river which cr: jth fts, i'mto- is my first emancipated performance was as a bank, was a the bank of america as a booeepe
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mar wakieit the women in the vault. i reported it to theank manager whose name was mr. brown, and we got him fired, eas qin ideoleh th tndmyry for now. thanks. >> host: all right, sandra, thank you for calling in. >> guest: i'll tell you, making time wh the women in the i , y yor a ioitalun up'te hne w. th ing hiou ngime in the vault for a long time. >> host: you write in "lots of wekeateomwh htyof cake," when orcaoshes ds rzeaty eeagin an essential
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dance of gender and status. there was scorn aached to this. once it was safe to be female, employed and amtiou one oerles ss aerdsp b oeys uei k y 'm hatoy d to -- do that. you know, there was -- i won't use the word contempt, but we had he he lrot th al a s a w'tteut there ough or a lot of them weren't. and as you get older and wiser and you look back on the les asshy ey mge pucks,er idi d re aisyhat all those housewiveses were able to do as well. i mean, i remember looking atmy mother a thinking, well, what weshad fe cre
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nof e l-sgic ateaw. sidlek of a lot during, um, the course of any day. and i think one of the things that this book made me wo nogeisthe b althhew u rlate dre, um, than the one, um, the second wave feminism managed to make for women like me. it- tidasean ofhem d judgment on that now that i'm almost 60 seems to me not only iml.osterous, but almost >>t: is xi sy? >>stll. ey if o ynout t owmrmi cal in and
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talk about how great she was. she lived next door to our country house in pennsylvania. and be she was the kind of onha lra sae'alra.l s ofheast igatann history of flight. she used to talk to me about how she was a flight attendant on planes that would go cross fl atnd atlyma fivetops ag an t sar walt smiley and settled down on smiley lane next door to us, and, um, she just was a vy roilmaer n hneto f fi fdswiy enead dht who when she was in sixth grade had to write, um, an essay about, um, her very best friend and oten e a s.le
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shju w cet nobee ihkob gota that road of thinking twice about how i thought of some of the women who hagone before usut in the world. >> h aheera y aiaegr e er sin ueye y >>t:les.lea in >>stah. mrs. smiley smoked up until the last day of her life. >> host: how old was she when she died? >> guest: i think she was in her bu u b sy d to ynoou going to do that, you can go home. she was forever tossing maa out because she would just get tired of hr, you know? [laughr] yo wassal p and maria is a pipn training. someday she will be an excellent
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pip, and she will have most of what she ndowo fr msm. pa oe hept parent? >> guest: i'd like to think i was not a helicopter parent. um, because i mainly seethe downside to helicopt renting. yo kanip he nngty' donir, u without someone telling them how to proceed, then they don't learn how to do things on their betoowce.ut telling wit ththinsnk es iose yo ak r purin yr ccists you know, if you do, if you do an art project and your mother prt yo g yoing 80% of trt prt,r ierarou
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'sinial do this? i think it's the latter. and one of the reasons i like to think that our kids who areot mature peowh arysy now are inheldee a ai pt non't, i should not get the credit for this. it's not like i said i shouldn't hover, i shouldn't make the call to thecher. samo certainoint,af em u'otngrth yo noio tth ac fandarou say, do not call anyone. i thought that one of the smartest things ever saw about this came to us when wk maa toncgech e gch's ee >>t: o >>sts. thanavchar rdd said how are you going to handle that problem? and she suggested we put it by
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ca t claut whur hi frsec tmmtohefowe ldadt sentence to them with the emphasis on th word "you." and it was really, really smart ofon mf or cgem, boatrnfod h e nto college -- i would hear constant stories about parents calling, you know, she got a b on that paper, and it's really an a paper. d thng no, plnghese a ber e, bewah u inhe paper? so i would like to think i was not that parent, and i would like to think that that's why my asyreare as matu a cap
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>> guest: when you said you loved the new york times ha,ot iltter, but the doubt which seems to me has been there forever. whhellas rdeat was not a
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no whfe well has run dry, but when she's still at the top of her game. that's how i feel aout it. everyum has a haco inkyortt i fis i feel feminism completely changed my life and world for the better, andh any re mum w wr out there. when i talk about my own point of view a life hisry, i have haollel ainpart of it, b'm ke us wsll frt atltsecf
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it's been co-oped by people who arepposed to women's rights and who have tried toake it d omnghat' vageo bhesf ils noseei gender, but because we started with a system in which women wereoutinely discounted from athaenntis in otues nuinut for women, and i think that's all for the good. i mean, i think about a society, say 50 years o incht ofter t rar id soy iv today. >> host: one hour gone in the three hour conversation with annauin, e d
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abth writes process. here's a little bit of that video. >> i wlday th'mor om3. fose eight hours a day with eggerating. you just can't. you sort of lose it after awhile yoorkionoinly lose it whe usedof af iou say, best case, about three hours. even when you write a ma ee gou oook youow i rech elski another cup of coffee, that sort
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of thing. fiction usually begins with a idtyemn,ar - tseat lersckpst when i start to ground some of my thoughts in a character who will become the protonis cractcohr i kri rmelodf o us le a yourself behind. let's say you are blogging all through your 20s, and almost run reads your blog, but 20 chend n sm th y wrote, and they'll understand thingsbout you they wouldn't have otherwise. wrg,te ,the mt basform of tme i pce
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moit hatxpncfin onf lngm, opening a drawer and finding a card they've signed or a lett they wrote and think, still sohihe mri, t s er [inaudible] u kni rtst um, ke inwaodum, tsbehe pis in other words, you spent a fair amount of time at the computer backstopping yourself. whenou are wng to lysty,ndn itabt tsaof urin tinowll islnea how unequivocal do i want to be
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about certain things? ceinall you do lot of -- i bee t,'tal res anytng i've written. >> any advice for writers? >> yeah, i mean, don wait f i t w ss, e't cng at l'sev cg re nee h occasional, there's fleeting fly-byes, and then she's gone again and then it's about hard work. lay is othngt t opoemelhe time no book gets written by thinking about it. at a certain point, you have to toof peinhaf soth
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u'ng t wwe st busoue the morning, and your heart sings. my hart doesn't sing because i constantlyhink it's no going to b any g pong reo ifyoit f that moment to come before you sit down, you won't do it. ♪ ♪
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♪ >>t:re back in
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studioand this isin depth," and we have two hours left in the . yve tea ra te, 2372 #. we'll put up the e-mail and twitter address. anna quindlen, in yourk, in oou sou abonmo, don't think it serves for the just cause that many of us do. for years, i believed a wan's right to choose sbsolut
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nond movehefr and prnc icoenie right now? legally, i do have the right. legally, i want always to have that right. it is the morality of exercing deos umceat s wr. thteiosuha ones that seems to be going nowhere in terms of a public conversation. what that observation comes dwn s w wayses th so iat su otbee he men i have met in washington in albany or sacmento haveny bne ngurctov t is ic w. ey't he the authority to
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do it. this is 5 matter of deep, deep conscious. i understand people who are troubled by i i also understand peoplhoy waen tmend i think the imrtant thing to remember is this is not between legal abortion and no abortion. this is the decision out whher 'rinave a lbon ial or, wellower weowhebon is put against the law, hundreds of thousands of women have nevertheless terminated preeing n -- nas s,me a lumn called "abortion orphans," and i sat with a group of grown women in their 50s and s, agr
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erauei mrs d gabonsic noan to create anymore abortion orphans, and the way to do that is to keep abortions >> :'s fneor tyd ano re itnn >> caller: good afternoon. well, anna cannot even imagine heortreach of h w a ama. lo iut in col child, grew up by nuns, came to the united states at almost 18, and i married, do all the things i ware t ref t drto work, clean up, and education to really make a good
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salary. i continued taking care of them inwhen they fshig hoit id m g yone dn the debate, surrounded by men, dealing with a situation of abortion, and they all rant and on out it a yu id qly bu sed ery sinhe y id gentlemen, remember where we are talking where the territory is chs, orsgs t h ihe mpt, isotfo y thwo ise m ht who have grown up to be independent ouagly in chond gng
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ard rs a wife. they have been able to stand by themselves, i put your books in their hands, and i went back in search of our feminism, whh, toe, fgn ua dohaauou h weal us. i am almost 70 years of age now, d u'tr t thyorinth en too fyof us. >> host: we'll leave it there. thank you for calling. >> guest: thank you. i st have to say that call de ba lim he wonn any inistuff and to hear something like that from another woman o so clearly has
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made this lifese out fatide j anu h. ho auindlen, when you meet your readers, do they feel like they know you? >> guest: yes, they asolutely do. to some extent ts ra rbe os ntrsco i w wacoutyegy th maria, and i wrote i was not going toave premarital sex because we determined evenf bawere nths g cyhe pano t d useerps about it. very upset abou it. there were so many letters. the times ran vtually an left,ig?e of letter wh thought that a woman's right
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to choose was absolute, a that you smownt bring a chi with ifict esohe hasigth aili whared that their familyife had been really damaged by the fact that all the sig tisaliannene an t ioutaf t orso ashog, know, that at kind of outpouring, and at one poi, i was stomping around, and i said this is a letter from a woman who ss ana ow wld h vevetthi cn. ssn kw uss invited these people into our house once a week for three years, and you cannot now say they don't know
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me. it was one oseme e itas a wpl co dakeank atne another, and sometimes in the best possib thcoits iasel pt of thas mnt witas li ced w thallenging for me. comments and tour of your home and how amazing i was when you find something someon w ssndou f re ilthu. hifnnloo ry i sglwi
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nvertion, and i remember in rly 2001 seeing you, and my [iiber passed away, andus sju dut ttli crorht years that -- and at any rate, you were so kind, the book, and she sige,iinthndo i t t g back, but i am with my sister, and so thank you for all of that. ud] m l sgl ecndn ok to read -- dbl. thank you, and thank you for that. >> guest: thank u so much. th ather one ll
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heea ofhen suc o ve ismm o n iends that i just happened to never have met, and that started with life in the 30s when i was writing about raising myids tamme som u wre de medti ul boot o campbells and plenty of cake" because women say that's how i fe aut aging, which has just been wonderfutountai at'rton n' ny advice. i mean, the weirdest part of what i do is that peopl seem to think that i know something that nobody else knows or tha other pele d't ow ul b heom t. e hatth w ngecf ato living,
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articulating what areommonly held feelings and situations in such a wahat other pele tiselke iea feg, a iulay know, you heard louis. teic't he to be pctus ers ldmi sn w h a t rl on tkhatr i think women hold up almost all the world. thank you so much for calling in. >> host: did you hearrom people nationally when you were coatllh p aew york times" oras by e-mail, you find how ch people hate you almost instantaneouy. i was gog into my e-mls,nd , g jein
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s hfyg t ynk th e-mails? mail would pour in from all over the country. pre ndedth 3nd pic th inaal tne ll so you got international mail, but it was just so that sense of community,nd i think that what books for choo ast time i remember having sense of what it means to be in the world was reading the diaryf the young girly a frank. eraooatolst me lkuntwa iopi tade dend something that their own circumstances wouldn't have
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been able to make them understandand i think that's what it does for. nlngus a le woorse tel jt t bee i the world. >> host: next call for anna rae?s from raylene in alabama. . t sson b d iouots or not, but ail the callers so far, and it's random on c-span, have been women, but next we have ger i ok wng ca, seea al ythyo rak mal hello, anna. it's been a pleasure listening to you a watching you over the last hour and a hal and i would saythat i f li owe y
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ior a a different reason being here in spokane. i've been a close friend of, i believe, he's your yungest phst mythce >>leye o ksy hly of you, of course, and i've been in his home many, many t, and pren -ti haven't read your books, but i do empathize, and like i always have with the feministovent, ippatllhe og t h been a part of, and i, myself, wrote a
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fiction book, and i was er i uld t exenwiriiction in some of the challenges that that brings. >>es s, t ato r, ber iid thhe biggest challenge of writing fiction is kind ofn odd challefor sobody eontiory peay mlheme ifait upright, it seems really real, as real as anything you write about as a reporter or as a columnist, and i think at always e cen wh'mneoorlo
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a cn,thsi. t a short period of time. with a novel, it usually takes me about a week, couple hours a day rdinglo ahe iav vtrgnsoth tetho m writing, and i can tell whether that's working, whether there's clunks in it for lackof abe w anr g tsa w yeaald th dgullowed that makes you think that no eed fie, hd or ovhete and how i lose that ability when i'm actually saying the sentences aloud, but there's mething
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about saying it out ludhat mayoar i aho n y. ou r sncud ram ayorees nd, that's nature's way of tellin you it was a run-on sentence, and you needto fix it. that's what i do tomake sure itht wenov t lmtl af o t n myhaer street. that's really the challen, to notake them tr,o he dyst, ob, ssbu t hve a yb y ghe thner in the afternoon. >>ost: anna quindlen, this e-mail is from audrey cobs, clof19 , ouknt liin yk oau .
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a barnard alum and ack woman. any black authors that speak to you? i noce e'ot m anboto tut eoraitto s? guest: good point. it's an almost an obvious point, i feel chagrin to make it, b il knnyaye ueuy oof t rue bs ais atveberi. i give it to my children when i thought they were old enougho tori bwo oand so way color, ethnic background including two great barnard coe,no inone gadd t
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ed-- gr war er there's no question that in the la er.he ack ofho rng oat bse mat veawr hte t 1 ury arsan we all know, there was virtually no opportunity for blac men or women to pshn. th bocoat y ce get >> host: appeared several times on booktv, and did to yo o htbc the
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of sheoresit str tatitim rif me, and not the ones that are really, really good, but not of the first ranks. itotaur, eorthy is nic, llenai ns, t s them is a trogy really, and there's nothing i like better than a real big doorstop of abi lobon y, t m niteosp never read, and the cornish trilogy, those in one book, i mean, you just look at theook and say, okay, it's gng m ag tini isdlothli
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os hs nd ast bntrekyo is is is from sue. i want to thank you for the shokor m toa gift. y tot i shng to get her daughter to listento this book. that's the second reference, do you audio rord lof y s? i'rere ai uns w'sus etf tre i ntm all of any novels have been read by pe nicokinentress, and hope i did this, i grew up he, and my children did that, the reader
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excts you to do th aio ok cenegpl ie. eaouinhett booth, and you read your own prose, and all you think is, oh, ohul hdth include tha pas . uso dve oe tethumot l a know use correctly, but you do not know how to pronounce. luckily, the producers othe a kksthrereyite assow he ,ndmece ws or ihe gps in your car, but there's a disembodied voice to say the word, and they always interrupt you and say stomh ds su he're picking
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yo or eight hours. if you're good at it, it's two days of eight hours, and every time i say i'm never doiit agn,me p ab-s j i rr. cas,enof cake"? >> gst: i did that one. it's the longest one i've done in a long time. the last one i did wasthinking out ld." haed ha aalba chinion at the time i was supposed to do it. they thought i would do it anyhow, and i call upnd said we got to at leastet tcall to s d a t fwik mgeo t wher rte is r n b it was good enough that i did the book. >> host: west virginia, thanks
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for holding. you're on wit a dlon >>lehaouoryo it. they challenged me, and also affirmed my own thinking over the yars, and that's been a wonderful thing, including your ok aut d ywusrn 7 i'dici wa a roman catholic sister and worked in the missions for 20 years. idid leave venear ded w mmieut qioi wanted to come back to you about was the hate of the roman catholic church. i stopped goingtoa ast ll ipaelhoutw ar a f e
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rnsatyoat. even explicitly i have people say me i have not met a beefy fisand soatthecnse hierarchy of the church, and i have had -- i even on a couple occasions ve parties say t methng y tisdo hanu inoo ch? it really can almost feel like not only affirmed, but maybe ch woi lde gamble tohingsmy yod,an eaoar painful thing. in fact, i think i was sick at the time for awhile and didn't know why, and when i took time
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out to dealwiha dtalk theosid , i- h t, hellen, for coming in. >> guest: wow. yo btoew, 's soa stt,chhy aygeye kioref hearing about this. i hope none of them is clicking through and sees me say this. you have the gospelnea rn shes a goh s peter, who one assumes would have not known for two or three weeks if left to their own devices thatus w rn, thhego ogan e'yiy tomnd
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man is there who e doesn't really recognize, and he comes up behind her, an the first wos he e w. erstde i annd i dnta hechi this. jesus has risen from the dead, and he says "woman, why areou crying?" mose oisigg wimendye i all the it rations of the new testament and all four of the gospe, they are with him a lot of the time l aot nteit mend ius t rs hou don't dra from that, the conclusion that thur,t wn meof charity andve
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ch welalto ieod ele f nuin call, and what seems to me to be the excuset t iecaeem bse st atl aal ignores the moments of his time, ignores the fact that the gospels were rwritten, rewritten, ari dg en mgethw e amso isoc you and i are going to have to be satisfied with the new testament and dissatisfied with the hierarchy. >> host:ho in geri" te 'snt tnt nc inception, certainly
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since martin luther il on the church door the list 90 complaints of theesis grth is i 5 grhi cro ti. we became a country because of sedition, those in power, the operative form ofgornme you owok g pe ci ase t on the best compliments i got from a reader was a person who came up to me in a public event an say, you k stereeth b mee tut ts th mpot. t reeing with me is not important, but looking at things in a different way, that's important. foat's wt we all want to aim >> hatcl o p t60 t
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scede until vatican too elevated to conscious in a more central place in the faith, the churchin on ok >> guest: if you want to find a list of terrific books, look at the list of banned books at the amicanibryocon oerr. a asheeoo ey as, yw, f a, maury is on there with his brilliant books for children, "in the night kitchen," with ter ts a"tc eye jksh re u. books are supposed to rattle you. books are supposed to make you
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look at your place in the world and think, wh-- dl thkfftlom am fngreed is t g books frequently make you feel threatened, and that's that's how we grow as people. reer w ohoe my oathoc to swhowwa la ri died, a dramatized account of the road to calvary, and they were on our wair bndwh, rowing up, and mebo wusi were universally found between e mas stress and box spring of the bed. >> guest: who do you think mas,w- o htoeri?
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y o if atrnuer the early 1970s with the joy of sex that was considered really sioe. os alfrxa >>le.r tu. oso d wou es. al t yer ch have two quick questions, and they are easily, quickly answered. whe mth g, e w, and in the0s comedy. mr. smith goes to washington, there's lady, and she was a female lead. these two women we v mi,eraricndry llt ve ng ndusyold say, and everyby loved them. they certainly didn't worry
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where they put their hands. why dtsoin s --f fleve maovt oth >>st all that'sn interesting historical question. the truth is tt in the 20s after the move towards women's suffrage, the move tome othe wmome woacha reaed zeneith in world war ii, and looking at rosy the riveter, for me i tcich t foc theater, the european theater of war. what happened, basically, w the end of world war ii when all of those menmebad to thmeenllon t
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l, dn ic prosperity was couched in terms of this is fantastic. we have this baby bo. eded c dhere lo n torn eyanllck h run the washing machine andook the meals and use these wonderful new frozen foods that are outhe itasee thrige. women began to feel like something was wrong. we t sos tav erle,pp fed tdn f y it. women say work is what makes them feel valued and alive, and someofhas wof
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inr drbulo wou torndso upbe are then exploded with the counter culture at the end of the 1960 what you had was a new pushf thifnc eeor plheewerie that he's citing or others in which women were worng in the 20s and 30s, this turned out that we, men, were mang bsialeonha cers, ane tgst be ioc t women's movement of the 70s and 80s was that that had to change, and, in re changed, dneuarters, it's te i nha ou,erly wn wlare minre quolanev re
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>> host: robert, you had a qik follow-up? >> caller: 70 years old, so i saw a bunch of stuff, b i t ay eth t in b wi thap mits,s think, incorrect or incomplete. once in awhile, a little gem come throu, a'mat escin'som sutir tgueyre i love -- that's the only time i believe anything. my question is, and i hop you surprise me, what new newspapers i'in t ri y b y y hihedaenuco watch one newshow in the evening and read one newspaper a day, which is what p d i gng,ho
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ber.,ndheou cadeat o r he f usess and industry, and lots of those television news showsimply were not broad enough. nk acaha teppnin stofthunto -ime t. t htoo he rnet. what i would say is you ought to be reading four or five newspapersoming ufr fftntof . r plfoulot itlag iwa rd "wst "l etrn orpe. ople are prized by that because it has a conservative ban. i'm a t lalow irosnsif i't owat ervee yinyenu re " st journal," and i rea the "new
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york times," the "new york daily news," the"new york post,"nd i lten the bor t annlcai kg u cobble together the cove ramming of an important issue from a variety of sources, you tonghhonf se atopoit do that now like we never had before. >> host: anna quindlen, author of nineon-ftiono ivou l" lg udowdi chaedmy life, shor guide to a happy li, loud and clear in 20, imagine london in 2004. go, s07 arn20
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ofen 212. do you see a future non-fiction book? >> guest: i don't. vey r. exed to write this book and departmented to be a full-time novelist. when i wrote abouttepp mooo r yerer ici ovthn ar b 1962, the average life expectancy of an american was 68. i ,plooho that was shog. lino hndof i oco, rrife expect --
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exctancy is0. ireedatomng nt to explore in print and hence this book. >> host: this e-mail from elizabeth i plahi he. bmiro veoutti dr slsn elementary school, and do you use an e-reader? >> guest: i did write a book rmey ols ed piveaf an lledt i did chirp's books when my kids were kids bringing them into the process whh was really fun and anadmeokepr.
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and s books as physical books. i get sent a lot o bks that arnootoome f her ve s ve ifet aokatal lyed know i'm either going to want to keep and re-read or pass on, i always get that. sometimes i get it in dital phalm.sgettn th crownwell, bring up the bodies, i have that on the ipad, and i also have it in physical form. >> host: thornton, dooutrngowions specialist ri a jallp >>st sgelp to my first writing in so many different ways.
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wrediuet'lireasoni'm aeto wrg lerdow rb i nooanh helps you -- first of all, helps you understand that syntax is highly individual and very sciv frpe'sthelyo ny taou ei appearance, but also it just helps me understandthe w opal aivhefa att if w taking 1200 words, turning them into a thousands and taking a thousand words and turning them into 800 key pe to 5iow h to iman einh i
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, aen my kids were little learning to write, i talked abtthroat clearing. there are ments in prose where you are aanci theor reot ncth rin hera, clngt,an finally, the most valuable thing is to write when you don't feel like writing. there's norisloin itohe nle ai in that's invaluable. i mean, one of the most common questions i'm asked is about writer's blockand the truth of the matter is i don't get it. rial poomeay >>t:ou wer dowrfo cuple days? >> guest: no, i'd be happy not to write. i hate to write so much because i'm always backstopping self
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tele noites,o t owr y day when i, you know, when i'm not out of town giving a speech or something. there's stretcs of months erernog m ndthhago ai 9ve s ceeou ,akeu pd o call it a day. >> host: mj with a couple tweets. do editors ignore thors th fo-u t, re a er n w-k, doou g or >>stllths little trick i've recommended to people, and actually, i know of two cases in which it's worked, d sh h ad ha inouo. d twhi inte ost subject
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matter, interests, the things that clearly make them want to wre. mollwrs he agnd editor. i suggest to find ten books that really float yo boat, got to the acknledgemensectn and see who ug a er i oueth a nmo th pbl g o llyoat adiu want to send your stf to. the editors i know all have young, first readers who read the first 20-3es thayit nin re or i'm going to read the rest of this and let you know, and occasionally read the rest of it and say you shod take a look at tis, m b us uow tcee
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mi,e wrfost a st agent cold. her first reader read it. my agent read it. think she sold it. it was the butho i th dorbee >>t:hose?l ad >> guest: kate is my editor at ranouse fromer nn thrkka dn t.e dt take everything tat she says and do if, but i would say probably about 70%, but this po sal ks m k w wofu ptstw it a agent, aside fromur friendship, which is considerable, and that is when i
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i'bol srettibook after 'sin in ah k >>t:nell from anna, an hour left in the program this month, comes from temple, texas. wagofton >>t: a,r.o c- f bv. a gt fan. i'm not familiar with any of the rks bys. qndle go tarbao enn roic debate, and perhaps i tookour statement wrongly, but it seemed to me you were discounting any of the opions the m innscon wen
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a of the pro-choice philosophy when i point outo ishots ath tsb wn wec abortion, don't want anymore children, that's out of the picture because of the tihexedtopp c aitrn erms b- h edward, i think we got your point. anna quindlen? abteurste pis ois pantso he hupatw s d,ut that if she has an abortion, she gets to make that decision on her own.
1:59 am
ofd tgs t ty about th o is m complex issue that we face because it's not like anythinglse. all the attempts to ogt e ed fre coiowhof hospitality of my body to another human being to gw and prosper is not like anything wi m obo that i have certain responsibilities in th f lshahow i treatysf a


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