tv C-SPAN2 Weekend CSPAN July 7, 2012 7:00am-8:00am EDT
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visit other parts of this country. >> host: this from dall is hrug reec for the written word. >> guest: texas is a great pce for books. i have not done dallas. last time i was in inusbuxa a bota yollt te y land there. >> host: which of your books would you recommend? >> guest: that is like asking which one my ds you want to haunwi ar iyo fufa bos n o us puheen an trouble. i have to recommend lots of candles plenty of stake. >> host:ounfti c toe, ling o lu8.
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>> former commanding officer of the uss cole on the events 2at t lt al qaeda's october wlde parwk unuslo. you could feel all 505 -- 8400 tons of destroyer thrust to the right. son tr.nfo thpasoi t bdon at a liweanei tes popped out. everything on my desk lifted up a foot and slammed bacdown. i grabbed the underside of my uil thistpe ng a id. >>e klid on c-span's q&a. >> the lives of a sale includes scruing the deck in the morng,kin e les e dyoromreut y
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dogeghuree a ship like constitution. it is four hours on fr ho cotu. helos ea inipby pet 9 tails. always carried by a petty officer. no one wanted to see -- a phra weti ud toy. do lhe out of the bag. more from t contenders. key politicaligur who r anpocay. nde erork governor al smith. your watching c-span2 with
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politics and public affairs ekdays featuring live coverage ofhe u.sse li ent a ery wke boooov.n aut yon paroamand get our schedules on our web site and join in the conversation on social media. etaieilary teiopars a strength and security capabilities with nations around world. the secretary outlined a new defense strategy at the u.s. institute peace. lpotnas op taapit detmtst in cybersecurity, cybersystems and space technology. pealprtaon
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rid mo pdet o the institute, my special pleasure to welcome the chairman of the institute of peace, . la thank you. mr. secretary, ladies and gentlemen, i am the chrman of the bod of directors of th institute ce oehf -cmaoroond isthftctin y. we are delighted to welcome you to the george shultz great hall where you are right now. ste eaauarters of the ac toangop o tt i ledth beumtohe great presidents as well as the war memorials to those who sacrificed themselves to protect
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this ti. it atntwa d ld suses t wld thas aie through public/private partnership. congress was supportive as was the prive sector including some leading corporations. on t fstt iclppoheches ivate citizens contribute personal effort and funds to complete the project. tonight's speaker was a tireles dee ig a wareorto lyrar t st. e sotu w established to recognize a great figure in the conduct of america's relations with the world. he was present at the aewatnaseri cttofrthsi e he enlightened,
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imaginative and effected policies ever created in the u.s. or elsewhe, marshall planri ont bfent o chngha d i acheson's day. failed and failing state's, non state actors, bitter religious and icsput e rnnammty siicewla ituf e es an idea of profound imrtance. that this country must find non-violent ysevt d d d cabs t retrnas ter war and find practical solutions for a dangerous world. this is what we are doing th our partners in the militarynd diomat comty w
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gomegazaon thofris,ge o essial piece builders are deployed around world in challenging places like afanistan, pakistan,ir n, nsties uuss alc the contributions of these people, u.s. and international security should be acknowledged. in an era ofesrcesnd ilotngrivaog reassamoves the ground. i want to salute with the greatest respect and gratitude the men and women of the united states institute of peace and rtne in lita a rmay aafndore efor recognize not only those new
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solutions but also the men and women actually responsible for implementing these solions ileroctg th s oe e omfrom siof pacnd b nds of pennsylvania avenue. what they have in common is they are weight bearing people. they have no choice but to cide a. earend nis kents it i tth pgr over to richard solomon. [applause] >> irelys a special honor to have secretary panea with us this evening. he is a unique a dti
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rvanng srt of the institute of peace and as secretary of defense and exo officio emr filas chairman west just observed is a monument to our national comtment to build a more peacul world. reortaoembethe ad tn aq prio p a fundamental nional purpose of america's engagement with the world. madetend r w rres e work of the institute of peace.
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before introducing secretary panetta let me say a few things about the institute's orin wondtnip thfecmu. thatl uefo q, i oper piece establishment was envisioned by our first president plea personal george waington, as early astatitk ori o adons to embody shington's vision in the institute of peace which was legislated intlife in 1984 justea ur onanpapas uryatl seribution we make our
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seepel,heag sk conflict management to collaboration between civilian in gee owns and military professionals asy pre couc pam z t sbiza a offl aundhe world. the institute's activities on the ground in iraq and afghanistan over the past decade rthihrth led us to builg mili a r oga anttonomndta a wiweeters such as general david petraeus, admiral mullen and admiral roughhead. senit at heakepeci rues adagf niquan as an independent bipartisan
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organization, center of innovation in conflict a ao deake i po asm osu ti pntgedad violence and reviewing the quadrennial defense review procesfor our country's e ir sdyro oture. noe ititu p stisme oe p ree rurned to public service. one of our more recent contributions has been in collaboration with the u.s. aby at itu helie ac. usletheir army field manual on stabilization and reconstruction work which is how to died for tandil w il crihave nts est has
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indicated, presents dramaticly new challenges to our national security. certainly when we compare them with thehaens acn pot oenstusd. ofce come. in 28 years since the institute was created our mission has expanded because theole of the united states as a wor a surnd e its one elevant as we partner with agencies of our government, other countries nogovement orgatio nf memi or f warfe t wela burdened with the challenges of nuclear proliferation, terrorism, failed
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ct t italiesd lious coc obizn. asirwe nod, t dn acheson lecture series provide the podium for our most important national leaders so let me say a few words abo patt e feia bler t h searnea'stial range of experiences. in 16 years in congress followed by service in the executive branch as director of tff bget,reinn' est a'ctor e cia a secretary of defense. secretary panetta's public contributions extend beyond t s veme. d w svidireed ttnstuorublic
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policy based at california state university. nthaek illn e is aon-partisan yomed en thetu analbl svi ll plic service i woulsuspect too much to say the highlights of his career have been his contributions to ronstctf th ronduprt anhear fth evdas c twork i see from my office window these stories of the hallowed seooof t ptae nationcemetery. anelns ro miaus across from the national mall and close by the korean war and vietnam verans memia s atuiinnd i
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let me start by cmending you onwo decades oleer aes.ns e. sonto sh yheery besoupa t sp down ter a long and distinguished tenure here. don't get too comfortable i aou h sve in the house when we pass the bill that 84tablished thisnstuack deurp inuts sfd om a research center into an organization that provides invaluablese t
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ug twod, thec llowg aff to iraq, afghanistan, libya and other ry hawaones. viedn errk t us he rc e. faty a facility that would actively engage in the effort to preserve peace. abef iratudye hon oferng grwhwadeuped s b tnstu it was chaired by former secretary of state jim baker and former congressman lee hamilt. i yel tt deermptaup contribution to the debate and the strateg that ultimately
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unique blend of strategic brilliance and persol viust ywora --bravura cen reminded of the time when a newly elected president kennedy made a call om sofeim aarni hennedy declined and asked for t instead. that the defendant acheson. us mholdha o a friend, he never f k i iouldavbe his very dear friend. in fact, i know that acheson and
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fortate to have had the service of dean acheson. the iserpso an iti country faced more international turmoil, uncertainty and icanesonven n the decade durin st dtm itanmont aer harbor, 1941. and extended through the truman administration. despite our victorin wld acn meec curity landscape was ominous. stalin was at the height ofis power. westereuro lay in ru
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ocbein st inth siet union would test its first atomic bomb annorth koreanvadthe so in fofhees ancheson helped guide the truman administration to take some bold actions. fm the marshalllan tth rvon iio th assted america's strength, countered the sovi union and helped lay the groundwork for ultimate ctory he car aon ea seg america's military
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might. acheson also strongly believed that america should not seek to obecy e. f tehe key part of strong defense was to build the security capacity trgt would like to make tonight. in order to advance t security androery tw-f cry,eus tand eanur military strength. but i also believe that the united states stlan
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grr teemis bungheec us bbo to adopt a more collaborative approach to security both within th unid li ptnanlter ni western europe and nato, south korea, the truman doctre,he langi eiey cu forces became a major component of u.s. national security strategy after world yohed for the united states mil it has gained new and
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the strategy that general allen is impmentinonhe gunds ano efrt wd dthe unid states has an opportunity to begin to focus on other challenges and opportunities forhe tu. apg d and a debt problem that has led congress to reque us to aceve siift ng avver nexdede ket ns drawdowns we have experienced those throughout the past, often times the threats the countryas cippd dinis , wetionfront
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many challenges and many threats. the continuing threat viole nentamagto a qa ipastanwenu to have terrorism in yemen and somalia and north africa. nf teaf t t t berintrusions. we continue to experience cyberattacks every da ttel tute. one toee the destabilizing behavior of nations like iran and north korea.
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the rise ofew perac venolro tic cnwe le east and north africa. these challenges coupled with the new faly le u to w nstregy he tystcentury. it is a strategy that places the greater emphasis on building the turhallges o e re taia peaceful and cooperative international order. the stragy is built on five key elements. fit, we kw reoi bellndne t s wetem 0,
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flible, quickly deployable and on theutngf muemtrg .e mthnemy a we face the threat of a land war in korea, we have to deal with that at the same time we deal heai h a w l feemataed that capability. third, we will also continue to enst in the capilits o w oiolyemeet rpoy with regard to reducing the deficit burden. but at theame time we need to
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in ibenv i ma sts,nv sp investing special operations and the ability to quickly mobilized in the event of anso itamainoudia be. our new stragy prioritizes the asia-pacific region and the middle east. these are the areas wit t igecy chng dce our military presence to ensure that we can project power and the turk -- t wheorti share
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the responsibilities and costs by investing in alliances nepsi ait shi- dguear wiain elsewhere in the world particularly in regions like europe, africa and latin ama. ust bnd ousiceewalceewarerips throughout the world by engaging in exercises, training and assistancendoviv betsthmps a nepr tec were apparent to me during a trip i took to colombia in ril. thnitas pe
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yeinaneqpimirye on the foreigner. narco trafficking terroris organization has played to that nation and or gnanintt stepping up to help combat illicit traicking in central amica. coia o o14ou uprc t iw also visited brazil, chilly and sy impssive demonstrations patihawingilar emcobuo sur intrme afra and across the globe.
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inedewetyithe cntri in pt the united states often assum a primary role of defending others. we built permanent bases. epyed lgeor thob tfision enum o nng or capable of defending thselves. our new strategy recognizhis ot tor t i or imen t new strategy will demand adjustments cu aat.e entire national ghet oli a
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demeid initiative, building partnerships in the twenty-first century. its fundamental purpose is to ac t b eaur securityooraon t,tangtregic approach to security cooperation and making sure that we have de con cca aninteed setychlees. sd,urth defense department continues to enhance thskills sets and capabilities that are needed to buildndst pip pe and improve security cooperation programs and working with the department of state and
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congress to dohe me me thst t h cprenve an sategpp security cooperation. i have urged the department to developed innovative approaches ute seri prester rthidels to more effectively advance a common security vision for the future. to that end i have directed all encoecitly cooperation including all of their regionalctivities from joint excises, exchanges, operionsmoradion s ecy sian. ng cr, u.
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partnership efforts were principally directed at countering a single adversary, the soviet union. hefitenrye st tttme age challenges. to that end i see as building networks that leverage our unique capabilities and eiqtrhs pathamo recont cca le oe ur that mns continuing to work with nations in the horn of africa. th middle east and asia to counteolt tr t psi go stthhebio counter iran's destabilizing activities and advancing collaborative efforts with rael to deploy systems lik
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alits ai t patiith allies in northeast asia such as missile defense to counter north kea. weilloork totrgt ddim mim st cils ey nen cean southeast asia. we will work with partner nations in the western misphere to tacklehe d ono rafig stath nato's capabilities in missile e mmnts d aders will meet our or condu r pe alwh
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and must insure that they can assume a greater burden of the gasponsility whewe do iatsm ftpuprt oys u.s. forces and capabilities to key strategic locations around the globe. sior trha cned with traditional forward presence and other capabilities these deployments will enhance thtneranesndto train and operate fu cs. ve to crdine ev more closely with the department of state. my goalr t depen
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st tv aeang re crng cct foreign policy so that we can reaffirm and strengthen our strategic approach to defense rthi kelarssfo the future as well. the second area is to enhance dod's capabilits ithre ouheld u us and enhance american military strength but all of military services and daren ahoust aps ne wfon liesomveorof a mainstay of the u.s. defense
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strategy we have got to develop aarergulre. thsetypeon skills sets once considered exclusive profitsf special opations cmunity will need to beui up d dmoivias t arcricalha nvest in one language training and cultural expertise throughouthe department. building tapit den st a s eorts must be more prominent. we need to work collaborati with state,ai to
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canodzensth a way that contributes to regional security. the ay'pl toli a onomcod w wie edt nt ea with africa command is one example of the kind of aroh, bry nte e mo miryettheapability to train and advise foreign security forces and pport stability operationsiken ao nt tett in wmo cab security partners on ourhared security interests particularly
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sivnttitobars like brazian di ct rity and global prosperity. last week streamlining processes. to better partner with our more capable friends and aie ire o s ern esmo cianrele as part of this effort we work with the state deptment to ensure our new andostlexie rtarlobal' cogefure their maximum advantage. these modules key programs which require apoval by me and secretarclinton have been a biteforwd ce nt fllor
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our security cooperation programs still rely on a patchwork of different thorities, different funding fexp tt pen eshat t cusond built during the cold war. i strongly support effor esashrghonivfo ef'sioadip m te to streamline and team to streamline and strengthen those cooperati procedures that are undur ro ghriitand mt efivog. wve made substantial progress in facilitati def
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e. cralore to b naal security, as one indication annualovt igli s. $1llat bni hilonrheanve last three years. there has been tremendous growth in cooperative acquisition efforts withlls d rindhe no he rand industries direct commercial sales of defense equipment and services a eneeniecitnserades ing blarerw oost
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ong work reforming the export control system is a critical part f fostering that operion. rtiertrni er,athildg and in ports that industrial base with roughly 1-third of the defense industry output nefseaps for . the future. india is one such country that would benefit from changes to a dutwillor wi iiacote to streamline our respective reaucratic processes to better enable defense training. is clear t that i
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define and better streamline their request and propod llllow rair pmtnntipio nequ all hese efforts are a priority for me and for the depament of state and iir bee dis ales a trer o cabits gents are vital in maintaining with the good aggressors. tus pane challenges of the plf onutd as do so prudently by protecting the crown jewels of u.s. technology and trytting in place program a ilrthin e
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different generation. when first went to thee ha aisti ais tele learsat mansfield, dick russell, jacob jats,enry ckn,ve sed rs lling to work togetheto meet our domestic and foreign challenges. even when ias a mbe coss sako'lndonessm aerthat bob dole and george mitchell to address important budg and ciecy es tetr.
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toftod the nation's problems are held hostage to the unwillingness tfionns come d n t f tgrlortificial devices like sequester are re winrted to in order to force acti tbs of n. escove well threaten thef aery progms critical to our national curity. defse dost. an nefsey deen onew and innovative deployments on din domacy,n
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asanndmuesn abolalte predmaecns lff tialecit abhat is a critical ingo abhe success othe ptnerp e on a decade of war, the international security and environment will rai anrein acokt ea cllen have many allies and partners who share an interest in helping advance a common security vision d we mserethey thlvndpius.
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nearly 5ameyears ago and more than a decade after he left th tica, e,he tif tnsh in arm of the cuban missile crisis acheson argued for a reonsitalized military tionte the cpt ohif isn w reaal to up their conventional militailt fos les comn demented by a stro s.orceosre nle deen an a k tedwof rind prosperity in his time. what i have described tonight are somof t badut
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wh cbung nepn e to centuilt. we must continue to map out a new plan to build up the strength of our allies and panerscrobusing usdillemn e strongest military power on the ticce of the earth. but more than er ndn ali t and teead and it depends uncapable allies and partners willing to help , qould t bu o gbacu. prtiotusur
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