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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  July 7, 2012 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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ud crsns .. >> a oeur. and this is a drug that, you know most of the drugs are to make the animal grow faster they me mo my. th icugsno wiawen alo e inoondth mewhhe misso fe t ds there. >> this weekend martha rosenberg looks behind the scenes of the food and drug industries and findsegator es boituno ficyndigat. pa oooisee o an up next on booktv, reginald ane tal a hok "ast ofrm:mo leng sivnd cg of age in prison." this is about 45 minutes.
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>> how we dng in. 'm fe. ole m tst s oh. knou monou n sel s ug tca book. how would you like to be called? . betts, reginald? >> duane isfi. ne i hr tu rvsoe yo i yoodths poulri i there. the way you tribe, you know some -- the way you describeand some of the scenes you we throug and i wa to stff tyh asng yat va ytoitur ok m, swohi junaobody in the dience doesn't kw who i am,is my name is reginalday be imeaf ertevodcane. dwayne. later on i'll get into what i was called in prison. i was incarcerated when i was 16te for ajag, i nianharsn eianhae pr. anur tis . >> what motivates you to write your boo >> >> not only that, what make it ffroheoo >>ht i neote a ce fondad agu ait s irimvi gun. and i felt like you know how you
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hear those stories on the news about somebody did ex for the firsme, andyo nr ef itmy ewt iha by ths i d cotecrofhi na ait w ty crime i ever committed.en i and i thought how do you really explain it? not only hdo i explain to lftow dla i mmes mi ee adefhbeen incarcerated. i had read books about prison and people like i've ever heard of. and so, iajuttgho rciod to ckonie mmng i. ds i decided iwanted to be a writer while i was in prison. and part of of the impulse was to write asmofdin ann ow. wh epoit e oothash insoy waed wrthbok, , kn wh found different is every book that i can name and think of about prison, sort of has the nal s'sl. 'styalberepso ngpona er on t a good feeling about the person that committed the crime. they did something that is credible to to t to the ace wrihebok. 02oreeinsth odut p k
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ti enaton prison and the justice system and what it means to the country. i wanted to write a book athat what it meant to be juvenile in pron. and two iaedhoko esiaenth m t leg on u ie w hn caiaidhwod haen to me inspect in that way totally being a focus on my it could start a conversation the role of the jusce ssteman th inoit >> o teinou ioyoewhy ca y e,amioct >> 16 years old. juvenile. and it would have been charged a ullife sne. megt i o omr boeeng u nmyorsnt we toay yo have policies that affect juveniles and affect adults and the policy makers are not necessaril people li you o lf saat ba ai i tea--alknha oeu ith tu know i could relate to a lot of stuff that i read. my point is that oftenthe stories that i shared by a t eoth veene isysart ssy edoti y. whoud y know taken this native experience of going to prison, but also, you
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know you took ownrsp of what haedu . yoveal nie st uxn rab whea and what you did with your time there. u see the struggles despairty, howpopulation ar mahos i de w troh okatecofl at ,,n, ess i could say that one of the things of the book was giving me the opportunity to go toifert colles tsakodfe ls ty ea a ngiorngou softpoics 're in throughin incarceration. i think about when i had been locked up at 16 my momdn' --ocobei ats adnthgoled whp i wd to do is strt a conversation in the community how doyou prevent cranevws ont en t ng le oakrle mies epeethje sentenced me he's under no illusion in prison. i was sentenced to nine years. even if idithei i'be ea5. thdgdan enas ntd itaotin pronsadpetprte f needed protection.
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but given that, you know, i was barely old enough to get a drlings. and so some thecrsns thavwa in t ec eie ol usthitnhg fo tal utm pece thk some in ways at's important. i have funny stories. i haven't told any. i have a couple offunny stories abwht n pr. i'omngoi ouxeyoowt eatgo eg erand ere's something relevant to be said about that. i appreciate the idea of a memoir. but i think it something to be said about policy in lkin at xpnc erveeeana me be naio prenhad rty on t troubles to larger policy issues. d i want in time to be able to do that and be able to in some ysisgu my-- scctyresm po is. hat nab th bu e tbe ledot. a ihh experience i have makes me able to discussion some things in a way and with nuance to somebody else may not. timet' hrdreo toa thlwcneha ytub domdyh cobe a expert on policy issues. they may here a 16-year-old. they say i had a by fae. i don't ow.
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i'msely enht'm noler1ysld thha b ce h asear scony beaof a discussion base on the skills they earned to contribute. and i just wayed on the troubles th they e th all g yoowi eresng en t -s nvtiha hh heare tkingbout some of the challenges that we've had withsome of the success, right, a lot of times people this ithapps overnigh tipet t e're h 'r se. e'reeh ai and truth of the matter, you know, obviously i've seen how nationally you've involved in this dissis and even as cotatand ug lo o kt coit aue] reglno h e honor to be the main subjects in the documentary. i taed about it. when i introduced myself. i toldou eliht ilo n t cuar aa flma th wai yeah hat's me. but i didn't say it. because i thought he was the -- [inaudible conrsations] iwas kdi heikatn' . wseo. inth tedsin stik that but we were joking about that.
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but, you know, it's amazing because matter how much we struggle ndowu eh yoowedogoaow mue' io an s. e ind skeptics and my question is, i've had my challenges, you know but how has it ffected you as far as lehoo eyeo w, m wtok at al vsneo is could arctic late when they speak for those who don't have a voice. >> yeah, you knw. we, epngf rpele dhaa ic stnni that term, i think it's not true. i think people have voices. i remember when i was locked up. wew tngoid ew- ve be o perpr. and we were both 16. and, you know, the thing that devaated me, he was 16 he had a picture of sdht s htabebri rewarn hee es r attempted capital murder. it's a long story, to be clear in the incident the gun as never fired. ld idu e ge bu w td o
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s. ins, knho ca do 85% of 63 years at 15 16 years old. that's a life sentence. i member writing hecl tis e. thtomyftl eowr tts ris gs enaeple don't have a voice, i think amore accurate statement might be that people have voice that we don't often listen to. and ime iueo t prt. can i , leovb oafien cr tvs and sitting in a cell somewhere. i used to watch c-span. right now at the very moment there are people that i know who could be watching thisonc-span answh ut le hg oi opavonele haoiinwyd pe. i don't know how i appreciated c-span giving me the opportunity to listen to autrs speak while i was in prison. th w opoue ngsp ha t an donta erreas wni an pun i do get to speak for people who don't get speak for themselves in larger context. i don't people doubt that. what y oyg ti langhe rprs tht hcl, , lsand i thought when do this criminal justice reform work and we try to stop
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violen, how do we have a conversation t esyo opioe oer feld an k,tt' eg theon necessarily want in the past have wanted to enga me with. i haven't had manycoversations wieo hi mmy neypin abmyereipon to ho e lfth wld d if i'm devoting and i met young people who devoted a lot of their time to speaking at sr lcl o saeas eatcomute lkuttreere ngchoci i' te lk'm glad you're doing the work. what work are you doing to be able to put food on your able? and to be able to ssn u buierli r se at efre ob -omte cr en tdaiao figure out how to address the fact that it might be a young kid like me on the verge of committing a crime. howocint ot rtwot ne rdbungffo sehanaotfwa inndof me having opportunity for speak for others. and speak for myself. and, you know, that's the work that --tha'stwt cinsu ue s uohouctis thophotr lue mebody who talks. you have to be able to do more
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than talk. i know, people really, really value what it means to uracannd to a tvnd y bl ten otdonof ethgsiigiha drives resit vifm is the inability to get the nine to five. the inability to see yourself as a working citizensand only srt ofng ae cos yolfaferne yoowhar. >>eei ag. something that kind of resonated with me the last conversation about, you know people who ar pfit wh ared im tabt e exri binrindn henthveh grg u nu w change challenges they had coming out of prison being released. and so there a lot of agencies out there in the community organizations forth t n, kr sty oy teon w tse thheg o church. i didn't get to earn that until recently. and i'm 36 years old. i' just rlizg t yoll cot. d arngul ti at people look at us sometimes. people with authority or people who have the ability to preach but heretoheou mmie
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thenh luf f e nion sat think, you know, i get it. it's difficult. it's difficult to -- one, i think just the reality metpeleild li, hot ek y rlyooao ol i t wwyok hahe ht a table that spent ten years studying criminal juice policies and get the sae respt anauthiteyet ma uloose t dos. nuny elthe to t thutiteybin auce n okay why should i listen to you. if all you have is your testimony. that may per said some people to lien. the g oo e quonind sny leowthhpe t e ai migoo isan t to college first, i went community college. and then i went to the university of maland. i yfersom scaii men na i tt myeg manenntto the unersity of maryland. it was a lot of work going school that didn't necessarily show up in my bio when i was introduced omaceo sp t iaitauna carofo ly llip jbta rktllde to extent myself beyond my testimony. it's not that i don't embrace my
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testimony, i mean i do brace my testimony. it's just atyou ow at ooapeole2 rety raoe been through. when they say i don't know how i survived your life. and i think yur lfe hast en tt t h aur] be wba th gemest f di. wi-h t y questions from the audience? >> put them on the spot so that -- c-span things can at times -- adauhe an gh soyhth hindkerea u'njg . yaanuonyo alul -- if not we have a lot of things to talk about. even if it's a comment. if you have a questionplease metothe madsh s? >>y ot my thinking, when you mentioned you had a handful of funny stories from prison. would it be toutoao shsoinths et nomng at ny trthmafy sts ri i just said that. man, do you have any other -- there are a things thati fod mo. inu ain i wa ug bce s ll--he inri si irem a
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and there was some sad stories that you mentioned there were necessaryfunny ouroth walahiatitbus s wo i'te fy sts. ouadut th realized that i laughed at thing that aren't appropriate. so, you know, i will tell a st i'alsto bus e ist woe las. so'r prison and they are rules set up tosort of ensure your safety. and so we had lots tort yoquntsna yoyg a gtt sm oleldstr u,ht it wasn't effective at all. it's like having a club when you're caught in a dangerous neighborhood. you don't have alub becae you thinki douha us k u feg. e ae. opavck t sf an ins k and still take everythi you own. that was sad. one day, so one someday coming om the reck yardan iw li g thorioue ernom pleew me ns t' a. th tt y hd cuts up and down his arm. a little whie guy. prison is the one place in america which in being a wte
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males n ouaae. [lte d hsarlydse ofair t ay ti gyou ow was little white guy. and ther was another guy who had loaned him some stamps. the guy trie to give himamp ba oromeonte y,yofl e atyony pi yu vedo smng thhetught the guy was trying to take something from him. and we were coming up the steps and the one small uyaidy tht guedarnd dhehhii th biinsit e ih sc the dude was stunned. he hit him again an he fell and jumped o him and wasing m eped pe wwinuh p stngr ao g t ss. boas ug. but nobody helped. and i don't think it's no one cared enough to stop it. it was just that, that you get --thevboet tit ha ol we e tw ht anogorri to intervene i didn't know why they were fighting. i stepped over it too i walked away and the satng ws wh g o gun e unsk ito yg. mnhitii an then, i was like you shouldn't be hitting him.
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that's not funny. i was thinking that theworld is juo ks. to y at use wainhsat cnd to you getting a concussion. anyway this is the funny part. that part isn't funny. it's sd. thnat ey ts cikewos, thxttts ot a m the next morning at said as a safety measue, they're confiscating all the locks the pon nou ke s. tiwhs tug taealtls. we had -- [inaudible] so it's like okay you're trying to start violence. there's one guy getting upside the head wh e locks. tah t yav te aars thebi c ani g anat te ck 's esty that comes with managing a prison. is that, you know, when you push the to try to explain the u plaibluvup epona'tinesin exnihevletou an wrxpine rcanith our particular events to the system. what they were interesting in doing is having ashow of stopping the violence. when i think about why jvenes ldgopr w ad. ithathnbi
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ef. soee n di il ooueaiz in forever becse i told a terrible story of violence. and i'm probay tatiin yst ico't cu. ve. uluaur instances of violce i witnessed in prison. when i try to advocate for juveniles that he to go to prison with adults. 's notthat i'm ying to guat oemeh ha b so daou o pin wsn pris. wa ai i'm trying to say that -- this is what the book is about. when i'm describing the different things. in the o 'm tryin ogo rothocto f -yol o ev enoeefm o d essthli thnd like not bat an eye and keep moving and think about -- i'm not sang what's or lunch. buat imthe be in a. orsnt- fuat al. o. i n't sayt wasn't funny. being there, again beinin te situations in the past in prisonsngpe ei ng ros self rronoerouw, beg, k breading people's wrists when they' cuffed up. i've been a witness to a lot of
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that andmfndae diwo af s enegn. biesalo horrific things that actually in prison in our minds, you know, an mwtye ef u tll ycgicascwe carry. people who have been in situation. sometimes ther. seption of -- perception of,you owe leh ainthe etn'fly end ino ceilat heolinh rot. it's not necessarily that we made the bad choices. something that we saw as a kid ad us th hedoic olrbgeost ent lge t creint coit inso'snoifferent. you mention about, you know the young white kid o was more than anything elsefe ithaht. it vth shihaes . eiotoyli dn't spended a lot of time playing cards or chess. i spent a lot of time observing and geing to know people ona on ass. in tnoh or at t, walin refltifyf. wonder, you know, i'm sure you
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have dozens of ories like that. but what's -- like, what do you thk -- what levelofci of ta popo pece oth--tr rsin ve ys, m h do you function. >> a couple of things. you meat me feel like a slacker. i spent a lot of time yi sp w y ko s buthit ote when i said about my father. i met inprison. this isn't a hugeety it d. a dirly th fiteyp itts ime i talked to a black men of a certain age or generation over 35. it'slikerealydpping inew. i i i' - iin 'shgg ag tk t but also talking to them maybe taught me how to deal wi some of the trauma. i nver m anyonent nar l t is nvryhaea wistaau unpr a tieoe who had. i never had -- you sort of judge people who weren't fathers to their children. and going to prison i met people who liweren't h hehin. d asc77tr
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init fctn he a being cught up in the streets whether it was because they were addicted to drugs. in that sense itrying to dendm in sme igta my. reepprn,w nale wa c student. i was hon honor roll student all through high school. i din'to tosol tm inh ol to itgo gr iasmarbee w geg gs sw it made me think than i was better than the segment of the community that i saw ppng this m l te ur w" 'sut ct. in pm 's n ere d ack toy are -- brings out a jar and it's full of disdense thathe- ev atthitta anssoodire nc inotht a dictator disappeared people. but it is that violence and drugs really dispe huge setsthbcun ane es ga ete mnd ar t a is dasmeyo u whreirstories. but two, how about operating in a role which i can acknowled
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my urntir l ret spt w dewh ? think i deal with trauma. if you have an eye injury you veef rtueoer thun s a c y hv abo ni enas playing soccer with latino kids. somebody can kicked the ball and it hit any the eye. my eaatg td. hats ecst i edr . dtt ta. thtsfedr the scar. they thought it was at risk of breaking. itas at risk of being detached if i h experienced a huge untr a h on tluiconus cs w ye fio now? the scar tissue built over th wound and it keeps my retina attached. i think in some ways,we figure ouwto l s erhtma d tacatesls mefio tw toydespite, you know -- two kids. life is ot it's in some ways sa i have abiful life ihaetcdrditish free veoin, m . ifhiatthetn ttole oent.
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i might not have been able to get a date for prom. so what i missed it. you mention in thebk, n -nale 'sd nnsa at se. first of all, it was like some duderova u thywe mx >>n tl tmh. idhiee i but i didn't say that to them. knew enough. m assuming they are mexican because they speak spanish. tididtk no it aumn. e toueonis eytag hispanics and wondering what they're saying. you know, and you rcall that and rtfe th yeof nch as u iothpas what? [speaking in french] which is be quiet. my teacher ed to say that. >> all of my yars enth of th ato rmre buu e io ar ire g. luage that is not necessarily your own. but the interesting part of what that part of the story is that 's something atequ
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a itytd at ofpe in taay leav different when from that area or place. they have to know the culture. they have to you kon r rdowouue er. hatokaaua en eme coce we don't take the step to learn about someone else's culture or language. av edo ch i tysoen ll yu fw a i've never spok to anybody in french or met anybody who i french. but you made a priority to learn anish. m orifiofl di u nsishas prs uaylni tg ofha rni di t wg named i don't know if i can say his name. i was locked u i m. isolrds ck . itn'oy. ouavene wyou ioboths your little brother. or it could be the way you mess with somebody becausu are a bull if you rein o in tun hfoyot knuil l me ahend ahgw watching. i had ner talked to the
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hispanic. he was like, i want you to leave him alone. the dudewalik midyo o ne. he br me hen'hbi eudngi a huud lo lhd pushups a day. he did d. he took up for me and when he stoouptpuian e d . otma o. thhaed thtun pe. t l man, you know he stood in the gap for me and i didn't know his name. and as-- uk, w eoni a set yol d ujal. thlyenin ot k. an had somebody stand up fo me that was from eel salad door. he had atontatott ke lodaro. t cu s. t werbefu flies. we are talking to him and the other guy two guys. they were trying to engishnd ulaortlk sph th y do ita fi f tho wo was it was difficult they didn't know english well. i decided to teach myself spanish. e esengupit mog r 00 d d y wh urdnd wthcall
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breakfast and another hour and another hour. i studied for ive hours a day. i started talking to people on the block. asfi iay. dob adll do ths otigra statement i'll ever say. as much as prison is a terrible places, it was the mo dierse place i hadev bnun in wa a c e r wet whp. tsofth, eaa rsace. a guy from cuba peru, you had black fellows from al over the trtai erb . as a dsntk eoit sein ci t ey e a diverse pool of people to spend the bulk of heir good years behind bars. and noalways for violent crimes andnot aways forcres thwi t rr inern. ttatelktoe at st w pp slow. then i got to the point i could have conversations. it was good because igot to learn things about the culture. more than tt, i got ral thrkat es teang sothhinsoww ec it ir ca ' n granuot of, like say the college-educated class. you have some something up on most americs, anyway.
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ngad oage dnngtwlauasw momca we't hoo arot gu ey us the class. it's never meant to wlk away ki udtary nes i gh w s a das fr language in high school he will be able to finish without speaking the language or he has no choice. he wil. tsirestg. n,s ofh rt the o itkolif nn n uwa othiiado mention, and it's really evident with the way i'm listening to you speak, andsoitomf e shvecheni urk,g ies tohe you're not using. the word to express certain things or describe certain things that are often not necessary ownromod snee tpr em e r g i ou ud otuowful soo dcuo me to culturally to a different environment. and it still continues to be that. i wonderedhow hasthat ee for t ng m k e ti ifavuiost now. i got lockedp when i was 16
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and the thing is when i got locked up. nobody had a cell phe. ree op cphiny ci [lte i e mn atn ery l o. i was only 25 or 24 -- i was 24. so i was still pretty yong. ani tillofupn thvgagern adngtelo n' atfi. sp ofte ra. i m fairly intelligent. i had family support. and when i went to college, and, you kn doors lose on you when yohave c t ouhcge de, orop retaov ur twhyoen sctd other things to do other things to balance out the crimes you've committed. ast hingoe b haen l h v e cotio te t. ilvihoctto sy anw tod something for myself and my family and people who i do carbout who are still in ris. and atoavea cosa iwtht m t i e ei i erretsh velt t na condition to have a drain on a nation resources. and in a sort of try to have e argunt. tyels t fomi n a.
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iee al i tkoola question, we have a couple of minutes. but right now you have an audience here. they seem to be captain iv - ki yo e ohoang ntpe wavn isang the secure tvs. but whatmessagof hope do you give them and you know what can you leave leaving ere today ght w,wkind t cahe t kn hoo vho ernhronceri now who are trying to change wh -- many times they want to have the same opportunity that you anhave i ad,butdg thoportio e iestng wao ogia li bfy >> k you put me on the spot. i guess a couple of things i guess, i will admit that when i was in prison, i had no idea th wasctuallyossie. anth s or o ndt ul ib i 'ttkwde haedn s planning my own life. i think there's a few monumental things. ucn bempnt ma ys llr yiheinser- ie oat t voonduon th education is important. i think for people in prison don't have access to education. i think it's important to find
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wayso ge cthth coit knitiflt fre b fft. i dngelesa ii l ay i'm not going t write that person. it's important reach out to community. for the people in. community, i would like to think you cano mn st bs rewootaclad lemoa tar es dal with juvenile transfer to adult court to anybody you know. and equipped with that knowledge, i think yo c sof is at osicn ct soind l kndgthth e bit g lee mmy do ca we talk about the prison being fied with salespeople who spheres. -- fillewith people who disaear. d cdeeennd med n d cdeta n ar oni on tea w n eceegaf prison. even though they make it like major enteainment now. "lkup" butowha- wspkatlup thct ue rtend huic can be so ignorant about the policies and how it is a huge drain. right now most states they end re mneon caatthuio it o pn rethatfin every year about $35,000 inmates
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being inmates l being released into thet a state. doinagnwit oivepoitfo pe wyoowt ssy me opoteherwhen theyere 16 were caught with a dime bag of weed or broke into somebody's car and got a fit. itpntthf emmendd i mi om os hpeouan nnwihe cmmy. you're right, people can connect with. they can find ways to give it back. lot has to do with iorce. wanto thfo r e y. out t bo la tm. "a question of freedom; a memoir of learning, survival and coming of age in prison." it's a excellent book. it's a memoir of learning coming of ge durvivaln is "astofeda irlengrv co oe ri" k werei >> visit to watch any of the programs you see here onli. type the authororoktiin e chndckse. ca hath e bo.osi b clicking share on the upper left side of the page and selecting the format. booktv streams live online for 48 hours every weekend wip nfon b aut.
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tv hsokst tsngoniooo acinto publishe weekly. >> monse ses,to blrsly. >>re rin summer? booktv wants to know. >> i think there are some wonderful political books and
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of course since that's what i i' as iesin in thiy th ttveapped t cairo caro's book, the third in his series about lbj, is worth a read. now,t's a bigea is eumisrs v esidt,n running against president kennedy for the nomination and then president kennedy tapped him for vice psident. and llw that that was bl t byn jon prenne w certainly different in just about efforts -- every aspect. it s mefia cenlnly so . anenheis pinin th id, , inneth interesting times to see this from the background. i have to say i think robe ros ied ngke heoo anar htaab b banthers, um, h is so nonjudgmental, heell gan ts pe defo tse tth or. ihi hhatuso adouc research.
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he went down and lived, um, around johnson city to kind of see the y, gng aratndhnse d ee. eaime gone further he has done just detailed research, amazing amounts of research. so i think he is cet er an i w il tnve hto ea aupepca tot pt. cand we had a very interesting back and fort because the senator -- back and forth because the senators, of course, were intestedn t ris ynhnn a mitea a ctseicer erfrny kf leadership tactics that you would be able to talk about or actually do today. it's a difrent w. wary veonea ansoy dnd tthul ai rmeobt caro's bks and i know that his research is so good that you would enjoy reading that. um aer btve en bni r b dasriyut on. now, there wasn't a more well known an loved person in american news lh wr crte welo ex.
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het heve s. hew hon and then he was a foreign correspondent for united press international, got a lot of real reporterxpernc he wasn'jund oce y. tn veew became more important when the news programs, all the three major networks had themalte kiteta a tnc th ihe0s a w e a y io the early '80s. and i just think that his time, he said he covered eight presidents, d his t ve i cin faat ae a ing onaue wa tht i k dola brinkley is a wonderful historian. he is a history professor at ce university. 'so tahtheal adan pet e'ehiia aldota comprehensive resear in his writing. so thebiography of cronkite that he wrote, i thk, will be th dine bap wacrte dh bthcth intet amy hieg for him and the fact that cronkite, of course is so
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well known and l tratin kof a biph a elehi fous have for historic documentation in the future. the last book um, i have a chapter in tk, al ves wvivo" niont formed with then-senator hillary clinto and myself as the honorary co-chairs. and i relate s chr aw-et ta toeci beo impssed by the role that women have taken throughout the world, particularly in countries that are intre. aneomde errac ea hty ater just to fight for human rights in these countries where it is so lin of i t weak wihewo t tmef meghta d what they endured and the treatment they receive and how some of erve ur at to say we can
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create a sociy here and fight for education for girls wch e edte ein abe fgst tr hthree of the taliban and al-qaeda's infiltration. we have insisted that all the dhaeratsod b r s enwes ysme ane, um vital voices is an organizati thacame from these experiences andre vivoon ee meoveed te uns ma der. and every year that senator, tow-secretary of state to i ha b tor -cs,haoo t ets 'rld tne ce he wmen get a validation that helps them pursue what they're doing in their countries. ome se's aan is di onin nicorti f micro businesses. and letting them earn for their families. in some casest's just standing
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. 'v hpei i a ag ptawhm, pursued justice and got justice and turned backo cate scs th bnd g her ag ane om ier fo. eas so magficent even though she was illitere. but she had a spirit d sdhaas fbe umrererhe ucn. wi h itom like that that are honored by vital voices, and the book that i thin is a wonderful book for this sme it jtmeu talou meheatornd w cngognd rihe great leaders can do to begin to bringnecony ananqualynd atren rthomhon coieatn'avth luesfrmt ha in america. so those are three books that i would highly recommend to the readshis sr, there t,y' nfuybos o lit bt is pe r b tre ve substantive and i think when you read a book like the
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biography of walter cronkite or lyndon johnson or of t stories ofhes wn havedo chhi i dic ere . so'y eyhusond i hope you have great summer readin >> for more information on this and other summer reading lists, visit booktvrg. he ak ae he upngk sd ivhainouhe tr ul 2ool bring you live coverage of the 14th annual harlem book fair in new york. author panels and discussions ll cover topics sh as ucatn, t01sideia ec andhe0t anrsofmpa prma. enju7 belfast maine, holds the belfast bound book festival, a celebrationf reading, writing a publhi. thlantjol nstitionca b ivilak pon stt-em udninct children's rare and author panels. and then thelorida heritage book festival will be in st. gustine florida the weekd eper19 pl -pt . set wbobo faanti ou . il at booktv at up next, aut
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