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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  July 7, 2012 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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calvin coolidge says there isno way to strike against public safety anywhere. thisapres the pc t92nvtionch i icve w -- warren harding. .. the boss ridden convention which gives us warren harding, it is stpe fr h orih hto my ree u o antiwar he is supposed to be the nominee. the chaf the cnven inkshat guyis because -- i nominated a great leader for massachuses, but now othegrmsacset
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er goevi ol. brlysysett, thnvons id for it is almost figuratively and theso,tey hndpndth p okng aea man. coolh will be prest before that term is up. >>t:'r acinc-n prm.monly eth guisidtr. asttoo bu 19201948 and 1960 elections, as well as a book bout arnd rothstein and several books on thmberare the scre. e ne c o ph, iip. >> caller: good afternoon, thank
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you for taking my call. i have a question about hebrews, in the hall of ame, will it ever happen. w isnsta repy gog ket p >>st: the rose question is one i have been taking him it for quite a while, but i don't know about the instant replay. its dierenin acole wh uted al weldd ee,, t eu people markum who is the master statistician. he would do the rankings of the great ballplayers. the great ones. ad a right, he said he wasn't really dead. he played so long,being carried to get that recrd. it knocked his numbersdn.
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soatsec ane gry of the game. if you don't like pete rose, the worst thing you cadoo m is pimthe hal o a cawhyo s moerno thehaf , noergoto fhese steroid fellows who may jump ahead of him. but once you put someone in the hall of fame, there used to be kianeri h h o me std inou hem. so if you want to put hugos n history, make a bronze plaque inpewnd wean g ot l dsssnge >>t: o hasl tetewngress and
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peosogle w thti su >> guest: that is held judge landis comes into the picture. judge land is givenhe de falooar rihee orar guys -- antitrust, okay? were trying to break us. and they have addressed. and they send the case to deral court they go out of business, d th t tta cr. evtime there is an
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expansion, some of the pressure for expansion was because of congressional investigations. as to what is goin on. th xrssio the quote from mickey mantle, when mantle was 19 ces tel ingon on h dond show to follow him. and en ty tuedkey ntnd, mieytl ndse w yt thet . i t wi' tng about. >> host: bay city, michigan. please go ahead for your question for david pirusza.
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>> caller: hello,. i k s ofte mhistorical plays in. 1908, the regur-season game between the new york basell giants and thecbs. edkesolve nto hr tle ilha opn? reer that? >> guest: it has been a wild and baseball. you are lking about the fr rklun er oai'mng tssithi h wwase is popular in 1908 and 1919. >> guest: it was bigger. the is a book that came out about 25 or 30 years ago just on th1908r. gi.ushe
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thasheasam onof those things where somebody forgets thisand somethinof that nature. itweabyealo. s sbcoin-t vi wars have, you know, we tlk about one of the things that wod waides. of bs thrtti why? because you cut off immigration from europe. the cheap labor supply fm europe is cut off. w, a of asudd, te blaks an c, kase os jobs and that is what you get -- that is why you get really crazy race riots ea souisnd cca
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ic ut ien gs t e e le ta tjobs.e anyway, you get these things were the civil war, thecivil war brings eveone together and mahusad ok yre iteat le rm camps, and that is what really sets it off. >> host: caroline wilkins e-mas to david pietrusza, blvolain um8the role eaon factor. the democratic party insiders prepare ont oru on th aorhere
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are some factors that we don't think about a lot, like the west, the farmers, labor unions, but lsoblks se, d trhs-teefiti inhecai rrd t ack vote. one is the emergence of henry walle. re gmchfrh squeaieet e cr p illin to go. fdr provided pubc reli joband ch f bs, he d whs,ing e tpeon herberhoover really helped turn him off, i will say. which is another tory. but tuan, runisok a
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e olwhic %o bl aavg ac 90%. he also is faigaprm on ciri idismio- record in new york. the first antidiscrimination law in the countryitwe yeda oin one of the things he does is put forward a mission to look into civil rights issues. th is something we haven't ofth.
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really talked about too much. the dixiecrat evolt. the document which i talked out earlier, which was in the cae - ig ty - the deep south wasn't prepared to take anything on this issue. thats wh tmaevety teesrmorof whised e bosonnected to the shin bone and whatever. the cold war is connecting to civil rights activities of harry truman that year that sbustre on blptpte draft, a sgregated army in world war ii, they were going to put up with it again. there are 30% of blacks who are not going to register and it was going to be a massive march on washingtony phio heid g inat
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e d es tth side. >> host: david stokes e-mails how big of a factor s henr heaenatatw trenc 1 we o a gt:crngond within the democratic political spectrum. dot esteletp ry eaont is o. hast, t ua am them.
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he says the rockies are a mighty ne pla. ifdot it,e vo mae0% % thoeeat th plce down to 1.2%, and he never -- he never goe beyond a very smalicfhe crprwe in hedxec iinga gi tt truman. the wallace thing, almost all their ves, not almost all, u ou nor tat aome ioiutblosseyo deo is so important. henry wallace never makes the ballot in oi ost:id somrmonwh ectol s 93 ueye ehd imr
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trteh folks who have brought this up. he's a late comer to the game. he just sort of meanders in. he shows up, this is the daer showingp toes. becaimafui.o heeginning of the year, truman is putting up the proposals for civil rights. there are meetingscalld. fianri hfh seatst e tei k w -- someone who had a job i washington with the library of ngress. the control of the currency or something, they write bo oue ct cge u brinthesguysiln ybalyhied in ysa.t v thwn into the electoral college. they might have turned that off, except for tomewey did not carry out his part about giving
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up ectorvt t re'sherehe stry s lwd. y la rh ev lon harry truman -- actually, print and roovelt had not even one single elecl vo f oi h toiny osou sorymas rg s ..
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>> caller: i've heard some conflicting stories about how that happened. for example, i hed that when they dropped walcehty rfeoskoel o te he wanted his vice president douglas, but he was too liberal. th didtow oo pi, pedji b. mmrn a h umeimis an t last minute, they changed their mind and made harry truman the vice andimmyurnatolandate. rrma t o st seld a chi ta s? ueyo, ca g that right. i mean, william o. douglas was not vice president, of course. he was on the supreme court then, and ther was- heas a
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ne deron ser l ungu vbe um hut o a memo that, or a little handwritten note, i think, that either truman or douglas had, would b acceable tom. d yasfo aloe d ps bnoue atksrgis behind-the-scenes stuff switched the words and put trumanirst ahead of douglas. but douglas was a poblem because he was unteste he had never run for policalic d ner wod ihis eire fe lle lal ob fhei. y s ach o problems. burns had been a senator, a governor, he was kind of like the war coordinator forhe new al. pren clem asstant wam h carolina, he was
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too segregationist for the blacks in the north, he was -- reco w weallth-labor uni erhi d a h wap ol h clireng az tm, and probably the vociferous anti-catholics were prably still wondering whher, which team he was playg for. he dn'ak . phcl i with sidney" comes from. head of the first big pac, the pa aney tpnd vociferous about that. he kind of got alive and was saying that truman -- or, roosevelt was turning ov the ma a fouhand e
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su he bbanat f sadrsndatne reason why he never touched, like, the communist or extreme left-wing issue in948. utth fdiss i8.on cuses forno u'nhav we tuesday ya onkt i si fmarro ldai t baseball. [laughter] but my question was about harry truman. wahearnd tt i'veeadhoch oprohid taeo--toe stiohaul cd hiom b most especially the terrible
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radiation effects that came after? were they really aware of this, th m ti.fhi >>stm ire h tew suspect they did not know a great amount, although the -- if you listen torescf e mienofth rvg,hihsy cr ahe ors tt they we given, that they were given by the people who actually knew the nuts and bolts of this operation were to drop that thing and get the helly on ss. etit fa f o ar of just being incinerated by the heat like in washington today or just the force of the blt. t wertoo erofr oadon vekenonr,
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, ren 93 so you may remember this, maybe you weren't a kid then, but i remember in the postwar era ul ihoe ss, thld-ruret eyou-ruree os browh m reha the ext right-fitting shoe. so we would go to a shoe store and get x-ray i would submit that we wre not fullgnt hedas iave t 50 osexaad flaze ya comes from pensacola, g: coo u >>t:el you. go ahead. >> caller: good afternoon. i ju wondered if you could give any credibility to a story
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about harry trum's trn tr heo f oomnd anerve rnba ht. but is there any truth to that, and could you comment on it, please? >> guest: yes. he did run out of money. anouw, at the start ofs the campaign, well, of course, it was a government-proded train. but, you know, paying for everything ee they real were teibly shortfmone nus,bep,ndcagnhe ta late ip he campaigns. the democrats actually take in more but that's like aot of chks that come in, you know, after the game is n. loh iyouren m fen t,,thadere, ibros ti on tthhier
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eywe short of money on was -- and they did, you kn, catch as catch can -- this is the year that the television ar lyalln st yoipto cla o mee. limited networks. but what is still a big factor because the movies ain't yet died is theewsel unffnche fesr the job, working with congress, blah, blah, blah. and dewey -- the truman people either forget and/or n'ta prcefnd t t pele in the film industry and say, you know, no matter who's presidenof the united stes,
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ch w g tcol eatxtea wean iti, t s ti when they were breaking, finally breaking up the film industry. this had been going on for a ve long time because it was a rt moly. ey oed tthrs the seg,mseyde elm d inehi cs the film industry to collapse. so they go to that, and the film industry says, okay, we'll do what you say, and we'll make a film for free. aneymap a fm whh deofh aatf ageye oru it a documentary quality of reality to it. has him, you know, with this little crippled girl from the march of dimes or something in onhe dyino s, tumth oke maeda us'se eh anit is ten times more
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effective than the dewey film because they had no money. >> host: there's also a comic book that's put out -- >> gst: s, y. maolr. tho b, as aneye ntrs reouavar that they were corrupting all the couth and everything like that -- all the youth and everything like that. d little did they know what was to come and evewhere els toubns tks,ergo puany e bo mr. ader. but the democrats, they're democrats. they're fun guys, and they do comic books. ap, me rly rrint ese things up t. tr, ? oa oe t s h the artillery and every other damn thing. but they leave off the corrupt cichine he was inkansas >>osndo wrin
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48hgaotr iputtheyakg s n ts,t eg e nre >> guest: yeah, yeah. truman has, you know, two whistle stops tours for truman. act on .lways good to try yr rutr h a o e ng gar, a maal k ota he's kind of like joe s. biden, quite frankly. he's pretty, pretty rough out there. t ming bk g att bu dewey, dewey goes into -- now, he, he stops in oklahoma. the flow was mentioning oklama. wekesutseve or e sts en opn oho wis la. ohs ase gth now. truman makes all these stops in
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ohio, dewey makes, like, two. and when he does, they've got a for m to co ohe ferdhe'tomt. rse hly he republican leadership of the state, robert a. taft, who had beaten him for nonation, . bl. eyghe erth bls heen oe e , h s. w e sel. d susii t ow why that man hates me so. but it was his personal style which is, which was a big problem. the man was a realicic. tsayoueahad h bnk cor r,eagohe w urst foravid pietrusza. >> calr: thank you. i'm just wondering if martin rothsteino nale ed t ibnay uei tw eid
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ven ss a nnon ourld -ey were both in the same business, and they were both in the business of importing scotch and very high-grade scotch from roei ut ter ic tgh thigav abe vo iatreet speculation. kennedy makes his, one of his 19rtunes in wl stre in the prtiheroke op of a pre-crash phenomenon. and, you know, it's one thing to gin up sales with, you know, just churning accnts. bunaa cr o th d was designed that it was going to cras it was gointo go down.
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but they would never buy the ock. prd uyndh s bor ve o an rstwo lv weroed also, by tammany hall, which were protected by tom foley who was the patron of almith and one the b bl er hce seh erigbu s >> host: roger, you had a follow up? >> caller: yes, if i may. i wonder, also, what role did organized crime play in the ti my s h bneyll g: veheof gad e ing involved with the nixon campaign in any way, shape or form. oftut tbrnge'ot ne iweiiahi i
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tend to discount simply because joe kennedy dn't need money. [lauter] he dsnee,0or ,000o pa and caguuts d osn. theer qiof them being involved in some the wards in chicago and, of course, there's the estif a reha year. so there are connections. i'm not sure if all of them are valid. >> host: we are talking with davidietrusza here on oktv de pamdrein e-, enregoto oweouvo books, etc and the interview we did with you at the conservative political action committee earlier this year.
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but this e-mail r yo to think t is, inyo oni, c fiorvet th of t directions improved or hurt the nation. and this e-mailer asks before jfk because he she believes weeed me toass gd dg. shior tin t. pu ya's book. his first books were about baseball. minor miracles in '95. lights , '97. dged . st in 2003, major leagues came out in 2005, bebals cadianmerin leue ao i 05 d0amt: t anenxt election that
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david push shah wrote about was 1960, lbj v. xo imabic ahe rarmri mr. prize shah is also the editor of silent cal's almanac coues ja mute.-sp2 >> we're here at t conservative political action conference talking withad trwsh ah aewk, g: hd o come press the wisdom of conservativism and americanism into a few well-chosen words, soing ich sigfig about
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toth t irtf w inxes tiventr earoitorking the american system work for the average american. because en he was in vermont, he saw how his father wouldgo pe.undcotaxeyom reaze cm di pe hew o eiowd sldbe lld lymo taon he said,n excess of what was absolutely necessary was theft. >> host: how long did it take you to, esstially, gather all ofs he-sp om? weit nulme itameg d m thard through all the speeches. oddly eugh, his collections -- we would be surprised by this -- but people would buy collections of hisspeees i t0s eye iedonte ot tweeop. oihese w ly anenblngm book, but also adding
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introductory essays like why calvin coolidge to peopleho to an eertbth prm wh pe yse ll w tha in. and also as appendices through his inaugural address so that people could get a full flavor of wteooe ill der sun w . usse tayr ld mo state senator to representative, lieutenant governor, governor, vice president, president. he held more electe offices than anyone else iner stor too a n d in
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osnd lin d continues with author david pietrusza. mr. pietrusza, you listed robert benchly as one of yr fit wh? '30sorofth20 d mmo ss h, frankly, aren't that funny, but his essays which were written for just about everybody yoowout ea se wch fll teacher in the library, why are you laughing in the library?
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fuitec i h afunnybo fha sf written humor and one of the other -- i don't know which version i end up sending, but fran leibowitz, her life on opane, t riaftham shid ushalynd etalks. [laughter] but, yeah, just, just i love -- and the books i have on my list are just, youw, rd fl tve ai oselouloto a s, producer of this program, i also favor the histories of edward wagknec. h ws ? >>st wn ner lotifrhe20
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e 0sarly '60s, and he did some books on t.r., d he did a book on the first th-giaynato rscaf an d b "es t of innocent." and what i liked about him was he was writing about stuff i liked to read about. the seven ages o thre ost,t on w hesr de ktyhe ro adt st stengel-esque. but yet it all cme together in this wealth of information. and being able to husbd large amous imall moiset tdfy ieccish -- that i've tried to accomplish because otherwise not only would i dre my readers crazy -- i wodn't
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myse r >>t:l,leffor oi tathoea kihi eil a, vw, t best and worst presidents before jfk. >> guest: yeah. wihe lis o bksthe list -- even in, kn i thgualko eof s. [laughter] like i understand why they didn't want to do that now. inedinsgeang tgi- iot esnath sna college puts out on ranking the presidents. it occurred to me as i was -- cary esi like, you know, every ven, ise t 70 of r presidents were
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below average. which mathematically is possible. ab iske, god,etart thinking sue pe ec >>t:t underrated? or a president that you think more attention -- >> guest: well, of course, calvin coodge, my favorite. d theinhasoh. anenravom uum chm ,e truman in the '60s, the democrats were hiding him at that convention. he was, like, the crazy uncle in th attic. d eisenhower wasiser nge ar-- a tasat mcr evit toolt rm m nn rin d by roosevelts i mean thre you would see who was getting the books written abouthem and publ ido andhe diinor t
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. thyokneo hn stfo long. franklin is starting to make a bit of a comeback now thanks to our poor economic times. th tgs areo icitnlliyo cos ofheod ar harding. >> host: what role did eleanor roosevelt play in the 1948 election? yo kw,petheleanorse w e ddiikar an d not like what had happened to the administration that truman had inhetefrom her hake wdtoohe epn thticket in 1944 --
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eventually he sortf woreou s omth h-- b eyctinmp um if taok t att ea iup of truman just before the election, they are, shall we say, very tend. dadtr,iiadhis is booktv on this gt. sc akehica f ble ncana hi, bob. >> caller: hi. david, um, if you could comment on the fact that i think president reagan when hwa boas precedent? >> guest: well, if he didn't, he should have. although coolidge, thas a- yeeho . usatis rlywh
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llthbl bd olin 1919, helps make him president. both were considered tough decisions. i don't think reagan s woe pic bng o itlfi w ofkor punishing them and they can be held up, and you can come up with the sad story of is fil isson d en ahet tim yo t t-yo deon terd ol,fhedma that decision, had helped some of these fellows find jobs in private enterprise. whecoeroe anot about en clulbrngse opac pti t hint, abandoned. you know, very much like a soldier going off from the front
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lines. crth gdy kthtwee frbe ll colanre rd s us their tax cut and anti-labor stances. >> guest: well, i can't comment on whether that's t-- at aacte e th .h pblt thelwhenheris republicans take over, right soon after he becomes president, they take helprinogr d elik inryy l2- ys seven days a week, some crazy shift work. and it was under harding that thwh tote, like, anightour log nth -- looking at
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in the other day. mother jones, one of the founders of the iww, goes to the whiteouse in october24n sowaab treh as slit,ow throwing his principles overboard. >> host: and there's a photo of mother jones and calvin [lteci.e -- h wn in oft ed ofor anum k eeings to look at there. um, one, the perm scandals which if we're going tk sclsdoknf on whhodd haan. but certainly a mess, a mess where 's even being elonchfa i kringhat
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isiq insiia na thav sis fer st aer hanf patielenis o on a business trip. >> host: who saved those letters? because you quote some of the letters that he wrote. >> guest: i think, i think that anoste veane pli fy. >>t:his. theriglyth shadow of blooming grove by francis russell, and there were massive lawsuits about what he could print and what hcouldn't print and why, you know, ere was stuff redactedut. sertof h id irshe hi ohe leun albert b. fall with teapot dome, hay doherty who is his mmer o his to gal andhesamnag are t th owh ne monre we
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eyp $2 billion from the veterans -- loot $2 billion from the veterans administration. t he has hisaccolishnt of t bturea o cutin desierui.conor osma in boston, thanks for holding. you're o with author david pietrusza. >> caller: thank you. >> host: you've got to turn down weliinlume oyourv. u'n ai banolgpuou 'rin con ey going to talk to you about how to turn down the volume on your tv. we're going to go out to craig in las vegas. craig, you're on t ai >>alle hi. so jy,ue an s raat tdbo roeliticas a commune that was set up by fdr? >> guest: i n'inthey weremmun,noer w
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kiofod tior unnyl cr:hae o jersey. and they recruited people from new york. they were going to make shoes and some other things te. t idwout obsas wandg,uepl tocrdnte ministration to set these things up, and i was wondering what happened to them ater, g: , n,elwat? thfath i o which is if you're an admirer, he's fxible. and if you're not an admirer, he's just sort of flailing arnd. soou had a number h whre t durg es. th l fyove thon s o civilian conservation corps.
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but millions of people went into th canygo bi tt , ow idom weryo k, thpuorth re things which created the city guides which we see still being -- and state guides, sts, wch s s ansore a fal teojwhwane montrsh o e re dl al d l congressional inveigations around 1937-'38. >> host: tom farraday e-mails to u,, r b a0 48 ecs,jo th qio, yooi e okuthe 1 presidential election? >> guest: od lord. i just -- i keep getting asked that. i was askethat atunch the other day. i don'know analse martplace
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cooperates on that. but we may end up pushing that one. another one which we've been riously considengs4. be gattoryhi haf people cover. but also so many of the things which flow out of that. i think the back story to these anolf ecdm t o pere u att thf mpinhas g in the country or what was setting stage for so important. >> host: did barry goldwater have a role in the 10 ec? ueye t60ctt ls moiry ' y waet-- yeah, he had been criticizing the eisenhower administration with
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great alacty, called it a wasn't shy aboutt.. foch nhignc seer whenr capitulate, as they said, to nelson rockefellern the campaign because rockefeller had been vying for the nomination soof e,dweg, makingll l t,oe t nvon ianfrscnd teatng-because he had been placed in nomination so he could make that speech -- grow up,conservatives, and we anoieyiur ys h ts-,m torborg. hi. on baseball, please, discuss the movie "eight men out." it is one ofmyor. d rte menll re l wamnds
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mi ueth -ha ntevhoitin my book in "rothstein," i will reveal that i have seen information now that that did not cur. ditccturbe epopd t erfovie, it seems quite faithful to elliot's book. i had the pleasure ofeeti anworaghutrgocea ne - ont ulavnkt i het ne my top five baseball movies. fascinating story and wofulflyttrn. pipall tyo know, all the little details sort of playing mystery writer. and the bookended up as a --
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booknded up afist e rwaor mer er acachwa , wenst d,ac muer and of the 1919 world series fix where he was involved on not just one end, but two ends. >> host: next call let's go back toma bn. pl, tag. pemaf 's inor we tried. bruce in new york city. hi, bruce. >> caller: hi, how you doing? thanks for having me. wh t entatin hore b spectators treated both in the north and the south? were they segregated? >> guest: yeah >> caller:er ,nom stsss ly b loto a tt?
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dohark ait fabricated in some sense of the word -- segregate inside me sense of the world, when did it change? >> guest: that's a goohat's patondg des,ndit tourty,y co, reseato e extent of having their own leagues, you know? but the only major league grandstand or ballpark where the seatedasst llred w ithnint well, because people say landis is blocking the game. and until he's dead, the game istteed. pre deofndinwh eisld i wre gotowhreu g n meof r? and, two, ricky, before he's working in brooklyn which is maybe the most liberal city whicyou can pull this off o
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grg bahe in sou. h he megte icisitlygred eat t's psot going to do it, it's is st. louis. he has to make that jump to brooklyn. host: chris gray about the eio tsn:am pren n'sonlo crinal bebe rebozo. did i effect t '60 election? dothktdit to, d i' n e,'m ene ceon t rebozo at that point. i'm not sure of the chronology of the events of how close they were at that point. i suspect not. d n'hii t tk es acvo. piszomomew k li.
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jerry, please, go ahead. >> caller: but it's actually gary, but i won't ask you to wei o li tltame. hind ul f ne d ioki d v is fine too. welcome to the voice of juan valdez. i think he should be president, sounds so bright. especial if he doesn't wan . spe wreor ctwobetean i $ hour, i didn't like it when they threw out magazines. i wonder how many pople will moort sd at is a letterbox tcayo pra e re horwi tw f tropl a well as -- and include alittle side note for the rock group. i wonder if it's counterpducte to he muc h j, k fo
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l e cntreng anreanaiorou mr. pietrusza. ease, find out -- are y familiar with the betrayal of arnold rothstein on the television program "boardwalk pion h , d actety >> guest: well -- >> host: were you a consul tan, first of all, on that? >> guest: no. nesehe ss. however, i received an inquiry from the portrayer of rothstein, and ey had read the book, and ey wted discuss howhey ouo abt ts. foat st anoutru tor, consult with him whether i
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should be talking with the actor. so i sort of talk to him and id i b hay hveun [ltedotin bufo very little in my research on rothstein whi connected him to atlantic city. there was only one tng i tatiab-rng sha at. boon an comes from delane in granada, colorado. please, go ahead. >> calr:d afternoon. i s cine toneame adstonro t oil companies and that scandal? >> guest: yeah. >> caller: and i'll hang up and listen to you, thank yu. gue: we, ote


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