tv Book TV CSPAN July 7, 2012 2:00pm-3:00pm EDT
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privilege, take over the privilege of introcing someone but itoo t night es f forbo and if you have not read it, go out and buy yet. lileaneersan e years ago o,es fye wllno psintma te off facing a wide array of foreign policy challenges. din waba fanal veryexit hask of ishe uted states was still -- had troops on the ground and in combat in afghanistan and rocker pse. wh i of ati
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thsasin. osama bin laden waslive and atan wpengn sn. insi ilike n d. d many other challenges i could take time to list will want to. haeeraly tight nrti of what he discloses, the routine coverage of obama foreign-policy a allsso e who new rede t a red chesartirl t national security arena, which many today would have to have
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inngndusth yave beenurprisg conceal hautboys secret wars and a surprising use of american power, and david provides u with extradinary aberration, new formn to obadmistrn eneangh chngndptila the unveiling, the unfolding of a ries of new approaches in the eolies knni ptilay t a trosmithe nistration has stopped, as you all know, using that term. but also in the way we conduct war.
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ff ttn'srt h aea attracted a storm in the best andometimes not best sense of that term. meericalti e y cticale. a personally stirred up a hornet's nest of aivity among those in congrs and the on seeryry rie dereliction of duty on the part of senior officials w have sily walked up to david and ld thoto a othenhe rli too rocts and as i know, of having the a virginity to talk with david about some of these issues over the last several
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years. we h aended n alfee e i urlism. for any of you who read it, i know that will become very clear to youn the courseof you thrs o exrdyarr journalism that david has followed. he is today ofourse the chief beerthhi hserespntorhew im xtsirfeten eno a re policy and wrote extensively on how national security most increingly be viewed through the lens of ofeod wesio eieha t v ecomifltar
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reatening to undermine not only our economic competitiveness, but our ability inste o o ndeplo per i is career of journalistic achievements, he has been twice puer pze.ees fistt r for its coverage of the japanese tsunami and the ensuing nuclear disaster y henednt hehe cec ohe fosovagofki korea. the prize for coverage of the presidency.
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foue, cr of the book and particularly the revelations that come to light in the book, apart from what i he already stated about tachath s me ff v h ,romia sng ael hhele story, there is an intimation in some of this response the book that somehowhihat ueriur tial ier somehow not legitimate. i want to remind you all that this book comesiery f d tdi oerfnvgarnm urio tse o, m of you in the audience old enough
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to remember, as i am, the pentagon papers being one example, at the time it seemed explosivemeourp. as l bha e lihek s hetalowed us to begin t steera course out of vietnam in the ba dig ts a early 70's loor t e ll esti which my colleague will moderate. please join with me in welcoming david. [applause] >> well, thank you very much. thank all of you for coming out here. i just wanted to start befor i begin alkingbo c a
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sangomnguty good friend marshall because he is announced two weeks ago h is going i hyodased t stentashe sult of saying, if singer comes out here a third time and according. [laughter]. ma aon rreabob thihegeesnt i that we have 300 people in the room here. i wish i could say it was for me or the book, but it is reay arofgrmtgeerhrebl g wll fgi rngy exhsted by just trying to show up at marshall's of and storing it up.
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he sent me the list of what h he moroin h tbon. psint it is an astounding thing that he has built this up so with the help of an incredie staico hne e ierepo t nk t cry. isot o tse programs, but the output of the council itself. and you guys haven enos ntoeudf. ali c s feel for the poor sucker arrested a fallen. so marshall told you a little bohe sey w b of
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te w fou, the scope of the issues that the president had to deal with and that i try to deal with in the book al also wit t myhrghilanin y and washington ad san francisco is any indication, we will probably have plenty o timeo talk about the merit of ringrias t rmn et at tuen awe i dany people particularly in the city have stro opinionsutt ie idingany haot w lno whell eradi about it with pro alito's you more about washington today than anything else.
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itarted this book because thas oouay snk clee nh prenba tff that was a book about enormous foreign policy agend that he was left with. rorienboheha book aut a rk.erret to w shibohae ppened while we wereff fighti a war that, i think, many could argue was the right whlo lredtaki atainly of ielapital of washington out while it was being pursued and led to all kinds of issues that we are fa in,ow now ug tiddle
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he b raised so many questions that my editors at random house came back to me and said abcaeight. youerien a nent ioue reg psi ooe in the middle of a financial cris. was not clear t degree to to g tur torolamaas gng su of itaed llng s w ias dng m norma reporting. of course, a book like this takes on a veryifferent hue as chrsthooboheou ab ding ke atrol thoiri i 29 there is no mention of the arab spring because i was as tune out as many others in washington
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thouaphesbi t dha itav tash treow ngl i do -- i knew that iran was going to be a big issue. i knew china was going to be a iue. at iand toas try mpeotnlyrentamre i hics rorede b that is the tsa, but whether or not the country came to conceive of these problems in a different way. d ihas yhae hea ts touryoes dre tms. prident ama to fice after a decade in which threats to thenited states had minated washington's view of e wor. th cbatits h coomant t oamanol.
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it had distorted almost all of ourrander goals and preoccupied our leaders grr oprti. us toan prenams eehe d toury of dei. the other part was to see whether he could find a differen way, not only a diereny fr psident wheiburtht w f mke yk t miof aer one. a lot of people saying that engagement with america's adversariesas e y theeoerotust puic asa. wearesecry state who has had to go out and not implement the very policy that she went out and criticize during that time. she actually has the good sense inhi btoghuthais i d
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y. sise oma presidency i think is that both the left and the right feel today that they did not get what they thohthey were buying eftisuprter ths v whenn away from the black-and-white of the bush years. they also thought there were ameran ulateli ahey fro aamhe asrics whenever you heard that phrase that he was a community organizer in chicago it was not nessilyea asnock itailn kck tht sodo co b aom
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chief. and so the surprised have gotten on the right has been t degree of aggressivenesshat adratiadotnlysuinhinge b ndat ihi ab who wde wihatind of intelligence would have found a way to get at him, but that you have seen anxtradiri grsi ifomhat poroakndor tan game. sometimes successfully and sometimes unsuccesully. and so the book tries to examine the question, is trend o net drn om we ? r kw, of evening, i will jus lay out for you what i think that baeh dechrootand thenean
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, ihi istt c that president obama is perfectly willing to use unilateral action, maybe even wan seilling than pside bus indonate xampl wn leherihepaig think about the incasing drone strikes, not only in pakistan, otceacross in yem and m dmtrnui rio tote u tse strikes and rely on the drones' much more dramatically than duisirsnc bush did. kian. just as "contront and conceal" was bng published a
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few weeks ago, the obama admistration had passed to hire and0weis, an hego t. the other side, the one even less talk about than drones and the side that i have written about here and that has raised ny t h hapo a ngeleneval ap. now, cyber weapons don't always fit the bill. you may remember that during the iothas oposo pbama ic bin r omd obysessi cyber weapon until some aides came to the president and explained to and that libya was so disconnected from the inrnetwat r woio
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aute but ets when it can work. and operation olympic games, h i described sl th bnif n cptt w the first sustained use of us cyber weapon by the united states against another state. and itaairl fhe la o, b w eust tt as we were with drones ten years ago where we have t begin to think about when and how we want to ussuchsee anow,he racoy ish t e u of wpoga . it was just a year ago that the pentagon came out, little less than a year ago.
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said that if there is an attack, cybe aa o aca intrrewo be rds ctar ainsenite ss t otrio hi qteommendably, ben a huge amount trying to build up america's defenses against cyber attack. it's a hard isseche y no b ey wle i thay ofed crime. they may be people with states -- people that state tire and hide behind. st if ha,ges the cplexn in a covert program to get out and make use of this weapon and be the first state to make use am o t vus an rsi wsus c
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into american computers, trying to soup up hug amounts of data, watch how those computers are us. oicamui fft. e pime a ta on another state's computer systems not to get at the computers, but to go through the computers and try to destroy niief ct. hiset w t seaticanfon the controllers that they were attacking a the same kind o controllers that were used in chemical plas, my electrical fofarfm a sigfint ctit something that can, you know, turn off the lights in chicago will bring down the cell phone network. there are all kinds ofifferent
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onra uan uottacks stagfnderstanding this. we are sort of where we were in understanding the use of atomic weapons betwe 1945 and 1 antielthouldetviets eeean,ad qusuow we going to set the rules. when you think about it, it took us 20 years, 20 yea to figure how weer t yo m remrtacth ied t authorization to use them in korea. that was when marshall was just theer to simplcago council,
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before alongith tusan sos aor ad ias rlly onlyhe thheadbetheec alternative that we decided the weapons were too powerful to use ki.ksfor cntly sehe now, with terms remain the other decision that rather than weapon of mass dtruction that y tgetreery preseea rell meply tar ou. o wre ungmvery week. and cyber i suspect, is going to of fall somewhere in between. we are nowhere near understandingow we'reoi to
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e stto tnk ttn t toheat of office he went over to see president bush a the white house for just a and-1 meeting. aro phat y'rre th o -- it turned out president obama not only didn't give up on them, he ianas the sis r ofhi f esllstgytay ano lger afford to send hundred thousand troops and oc cri f fsiion dollars a fgnistan n1 ars t come from -- he
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ed aifreh. apch bo try to make use of american technology and knew weapons that would enable the u.s. to get in and get out nor nefoa bar special forces, the fastest-growing part of the u.s. military is a big part of that because they can go in and do it yo on nhebiadd. tin w ask, there were 14 different race that night. you only read about one of them fourteen is about a snd aftandaktan.s
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tyka so you see the president embracing this n approach. what have the effect in? well let'stan fgnian lifoont ahast after a year of phenomenal education in 2009 about the limitsf theeavy footprint y a kwellhe s desioohe h the surge in afghanist, the addition of 303,000 troops. it came afr a very lengthy process i which hig de mtig of onecy ciic anatreerobly r mees t pu tepfoha. he knows how many meetings with the step below thato prepare for those.
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thld be gd ty in the u.s ld bxpts ki'sle they would bring in the economic experts about what the effects would be if the u.s. surged nond wt fes bee a aut gor at of crs bauha nypl t meeting and because you are releasing photographs of everybody in that meeting, iis not terribly hard thmeaveolleuedfor a livin co oacon o tse gs t we j auiz ahiy considered issues kind of accounts. by about the for their fifth meeting the presidenwas grilling. i d'tnow w he eec ti
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descrthn bo rli m a big effect. would it be when two or three days before we learned much more about what happened in the next set. he d the src d hedhiryub deadline, starting 18 months out from the surge he would begin to recover atng sll gh h rcti. they believe they could take the search and forget about the 1 mont deaine. y b rv pdeouot ohege. ifhere werbeg unsuccessful he would have to double down again. the a scene in the book or
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one of his advisorays to the pridt, kw,irhe comnderlith eygoto mti. he s oforg the 18 nths which the president literally had them sign a piece of paper sing they understoo this is for 18 months. predeooked hi cindd,no th aotti t dhen' what happened, about a year later when the president had to begin to dide thtimeble for withdrawaltheo niosetync etgs aroup of five or six people right around the president with whom he set the agenda, decided on the pe foritrawal, brou in theecta of faat i tates in cnt
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lye he, general patraeus who was in his last ds as the commander in afghanistan, a cifely f kpihe e laohef 12he os y before they fully recoved this extra 303,000. the presidentefed andasllat h promeas , a theurtr oy e of 2012 which for those of you who are doing the math in your head rht now, yes, is about 60 da before the ect. tsint i tnk he 600ops left in afghanistan, twice as many as were there the day he was inaugurated, but that he is on his way dowto a much smaller thaize
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o dar era'al ag. as you listen to his speeches in 2009 you will hear him talk,s president bush did before that, about aar ofsity at ahan gls, a soet, tpiing feels secure, classic counterinsurgency. and that is, in ft, what the initial military plan heas wld bngnt e iffto bu offan uld you priced ts for me, sort of the way somebody goes and pce is a piece of legislation. he cameack and said, well, it abt plaas f su aridoar t yrs. d t nber sounds rough
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familiar, the health care bill was making its with your at the same time. that was roughly the estimate of whatt costonsur every so ausri. sry ruild afghanistan with uncertain results which then the same amount of money insuring every uninsured american. thas teheed ann't ot t buve ifteeor athihae idprlylde t it off in this very different direction. then that left the question, how do you then deal with the oble y'r t cnu e ouninency atalbo rnef ilu at se conferences out here in chicago. the answer came back, there had to be a way to be back the threat who
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thnteg toden ate er h t objectives in afghanian. i'm going to te them off for you, and you'll notice that two of them have nothing to do with too nian iee thetral government. the second wasnsure the security of pakistan's nuclear weapons. those don'tapn to be in ghta. thd fan teislk i th he hone f more focity and success than any of us would have guessed. an so when you hear aboha rema ahao 20,t wrhiingbo tht mht be enough to keep a government together, but it is
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another objective is to stay foe bndewerle's bm dava t rdy kist-wea is toondave team ready if there were signs of revival of al qaeda. theisuclear wpo g lo wssuet hoor dn them iib this in a chapter called the bomb scare. for about four days in total secrecy this white house went to smeg nr usey u paan tan had taed eitr a nuclear weapon or the makings of a dirtyomb. and it was serious enough that thpresident dispatched a ear sear tto lf aleakis
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oea aun b nontsa t ouaty d cause they d not want us to know too much about the locations of their own weapons. people in the white house we prettynimpress wth han r alheeais crther prty unimpressed with what the technology was. stesin pisn.lly impressed un ilhis g ou heado other stories that were unfolding. one was the rise of china and the fascinatinghing authe in cna nr ehehe nccr wt th hld rllitow th chise, deal with them as economic equals, number one and number two economies of the
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worldorkr esciheurea em le ped. and this worked pretty well or seemed to until the white hse scery 2 atyad ide inredskn hd what it meant was that the united states felt it could not make it without china's cooperation. and so you saw these usofga sutsnouth orsservenak an effort to push the nasdaq is back behind the second island chain in the pacif. prent' decion t a thad bil
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ros p afr what. so now it is the rebalancing. aril dlshe.t sound bter? and that is, in many ways, i think, going to be the bigger gamble of the obama presidency, much bigger gamble i sa gnganon thabririo and this too america by surprise. did not entirely take president aomb sprise. tehe col"n t mmf jore suer ago, he signed a secret presidential study directive to try to get his white house staff to think about wha wouldap
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it sre baue nop thwastunwtha the white house discussing what was going to happen if their population finally began to go stes.ry erand y ait bter prepared than the entire community was when tunisia blew up in january of -- december and jaarf 2 are chances that this uprising internees' it is going to spread to egypt we havdhisll. th wutwoeeef
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ou sare. the conversation that took place a few weeks laterwe ent oma the thstaran nts in the obama presidency that we have seen yet to read i ha my hands up enough of the thn thbi, you wi seeome of c pt'ntaff was quite vided about the degree to which we should help push barred under the bus. let meephrasehat. baimlf u co pkusp d we er h. the president reached no bar shortly after he has given a speech in which she had been expected to resign andive this idobd,w,ous of
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rctys he had been in now is for 30 years. i wld not presume to tell you how run their country. at -theshiou veoet outhe o will bark said to him, i don't think you understand the situation. give me ten days. wi pt as ebo ye ng thonnn and thishole problem will have gone away. well, fortunately the military hasitediailar wthon seet war hrywe owou.
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en i got to egypt last january, does this past january whecclto wury. the same revolutionaries who had been so effective on the stree to g rfferly clueless autow th yee t d. dierheeon hs bwhheisited egypt. basically ended up lecturing and love how you put togetr a realampaig. saeee t a d o ridthld re. that ankle rediscovered the last 48 hours is whatever happened to the old regime, it was not done rid of. mubarak isn bvebo ti tre a a t bs o aery
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secret american program to anhet tts, m b sre t u itast t anns. so the story of the olympic games for those of you who saw the times excpts the account in the book ihat idbuta a pam auizroam collnd it was very complex effor because the u.s. had never trie this before. in fact, they have built a replicaf the chntntve en dtms raes , nuclear laboratories. they spread it out so that even the workers and labs did not fully undersnd what they were building in doing. we were fortunate in t iy nu theamef
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erisha head sold the iranians. when qaddafi give up his nuclear weapons program in 2003, a me th wmedt un stes t. aew ad wt delicately called destructive testing. they tested similar computer worm in thises bed tad. iter fced the ntfu sntupsoc eeo -dru. some of the bubble was picked up and flown to washington and downtown the conference room table of the situationm for at ment appve of eran tee a y a. i did not understand the scope of it. the program went on for two years quite in secre.
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e annes thtughttt se as tig wch tay h hd. thers a reason they don't still use the centrifuges. bu in 2010 and erroras made infheeronmtake mp whaterte to plan. this was the same kind of miake that leads microsoft to send packages out to you comper ijust when you ne to pnt set oop ldl b hf-ur fire wthw ts ptilar -- case, the misstatement that the one that was operating leapt aboard t laptop cputerf an annciti pbl a di pkeent
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home. kendis computer on again. the wind did not recognize that had left and was now out amid cotehe inet whi hi the one that the united states and iael had spent so many years developing or at least a version o it, spread innea uimatyer world. klyomter experts say dissted it, given the name. the u.s. government had never call it and still hasn't to e state theor msicrobly ut w and ended at their plan and it was designed specifically to bringown centrifuges. and at the tim they named their
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wee b tlyh dhisswans onheis 2011. it was not the predent's election on the time. absolutely no controversy.en bkd sinanki tk arad ad the world and try to build up the the bottom of what had happened here, i was able to fill in lot more of the detail you ll rd act it, haenhen lanta o hidad t suaim 20 and explain to the closet to the president that this warm had be released and they had to make a decion about whether or no to kill e. irnsbaha f wias o thtitith two new
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versions of it. but down about a thousand of the centrifuges. w, thiet theraansack ou hh is queio so s 1on to ar otrs say that is the u.s. government estimate that is overly aggressive. it also proved to t ini arde the.s.asendlehe sct r nswi down. i did not print this stuff just blindly. tes we he is atl rind cefen vern oiaith leofase in the case of wikileaks. we showed them the cables we planned to write from. if you're going to raise a t dend b t
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corrections. we recognize that while you wan to be able to tell the sto of what t gnmisng e, t terrhepes puvege. hi wk the right balance. there are clearly many in congress who don't share my vie on that issue. but i think that thessue tt aebig n a gig toat chs,s thire wt edteo as weer israveld i ti atanortant debate to have. i have droned on for too long, but i figure it is the last tim marshall has me out here. what can d disvitee? k ar y qst d k fovie . ppla
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>> thank you very much. now we woullike to get to the raiser a wait gheaill f er scel, working with israel. how is ithat stonone ththersss?n >> palestinian. very good question. it is the differenceetween how telligence ak ann the case of olympic games the program really had two major objectives, one was obious to thas to pro tohe
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ra t teiv t bng that might be the se delayed, but isra decedompothabout a huge ey g tkeit gongithhat try the experiment. they always reserve the right to gun and use military force if they wanted to, but i think the president that he was buyi some thend p mteethuef pmeinte r bey edoogze ts was at least with trying. >> okay. right here. >> coualr mut eho of wh yngit looks like we are back in the cold war the way the two of them talk to each otherht.
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♪ ofusasgo >>er g q e t gatha in, started off in a very go direction. and i think when the president wentnd didedoo ssil d pamt esidad tet de eernd w aot lexible about indices the russians initially went along with it. over time i think the russians grew to be concerned about yhat p obama was quite determined to isolate them from rising again as a newor inhedle st soouen thionfl runsenalong reluctantly
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with a resolution to intervene on a humanitarianasis and the riadecei t used oty ivpu f per. they have vowed not to allow that to happen again. and, of course, you have esidt prent mingac go p tr some spine that he did not believe that predecessor ever demonstted. de ieroem pven monsin t h vionf us can prevail. and feeling a if he has to go
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in a very muscuir upin. etasna bsen th a i he t t psumtst oband proven had very little experience with each other. and i thk thatresident obama iscoha210s jt was seb he erse >>hter tnt lease. one second. the microphone is coming. >> i would like to first thank you f the wonderful speech you ga. questh t yo kd nege nnotn rdction, what do you think about the common argument as to the fact that this can cau of bce t mal a y inde a
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sm, especially if you look , aut 2 ofhe wemmit >> we have not seen -- at least i have not seen the final vote count or one that we c trusted, and may never see what we can trust and the esen rty s tt 47 taren significantly more conservative. another 25%. that was pretty overwhelming. d, y knonk b a vy srn fi stoba mbhe wre a clear. the parliamentary election just happened and it was pretty unclear how th would sort out. you know, i goack there at t d o2.
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it b o ra wwiav ilubarak was up mubarak. if i'm sitting opposite a bunch of fundamentalists who are anikinnhe b the western hels eninngutomack in veils and so forth, we will have failed and the other direction. if what we did is a big model in h no one is quite sure who is rni cryay bet whri mebo t s of soft to we have seen in the past few days is that it could be that when the u.s. goes back is just sti oos gup ens. pamisot sted yavetily g to ear. that is, i think, the big
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concern. >> thanks. another question. on sonhere please. e i >> criticizing in dealing with other countries wou w happe rubca p wl,near the softness arguments several questions, where one is seeing this. so maybe with rsia to go with taymp ofn eareheren p allowed a moment for the russians to push back harder than they eected. in china, as i suggested befor soutdt o ptt
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a run tahe y gnomnalo softness in a very soft aroach , i have not heard him repeat that phrase since t wider public haseaed abo olcam. cna ofio ant bu soner nitiidemf the bush administration themselves admit that europeans were not ready for it. a cover program o'tnd m l h bofenicenln' emth. the other question is, will it prove to have been effective? because it is very possible that the iranian reaction t tncons dp us a d on t m brin fer wel atlreut at iidr to me see whether these
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