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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  July 7, 2012 7:00pm-8:30pm EDT

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duthe lsonenin wagt.csopde tpa and support. the fletcher kept me going when i wa taking a little longer than i had hoped toward the ed, dea ileoner el amout tg heirst
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lady's grandparen and taking them as far bac as i could take them, so really i was lookinat very different. in american st d acouo be peineidineaf e od kn p ght direction. >> i wanted eryone to hear that because first of all, it speaks to hoimportant institutions are in pporng arch aditanthse okn'ste of th institutions as well as . >> the sthsoan also me diend adbi aneye moer fu >> rachel knows and i know she didn't -- the haumberg but i do want t make shameless plug
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for . aur] se rrca wte iod ,iser e,te book and it was entitled fighting for america, bigr sarw owero of world war ii. representative. you talk a little bit about the structure of the book and i'm curious, it's a book th unfolds in reverse. arlof lr oens wht itesk time. tell us why you organize the book in that way? was it a marketing decision in termof the reader htk tosmpngec rvefooiac ry
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>> you now, when i started thinking about the structure of the book, it occurd to me th acallyart tos- reki te e stit iea tree as well as the story of so many generations of people who emerge from slavery, and i knhehe ry di elomae t caer f y e eose, but the question is where it began, and it's a little unorthodox. i didn't know reallyhen i stted doing it how well it uld rk but hoht iould io u atee there was so much silence over the generations that kind of peeling ba the layers and hearing the bitsandpieces peop kneandweydi
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seofsheeverns sryv time and that you would be kind of drawn to this in the beginning. >> silence, thinthat is oneo mootehein e , palnof pan ikmet wa w yelth orer yr owway of easing the reader into that moment, this moment f - t ibom tar ldleesban i s thinking about the context and the timing of this work so of course there is the first woedthw tt reallspeaks rdeehema ffern sally hemmings and
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american controversypublished in 1997, the story of one of the founding fathersrelaship i dedii e not for that work, would this have been a more difficult story to tell? would it be harder for ec inas ra raunhepl significant fact of the moe launch of humanity represented by this mixture of european,of afrinndiver? >> thi it s ceainl lptoinse at han ei heads abou wh this kind of situation might be like. wabu nn e ytyt
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eissiasnngng di hink that was a vital part of that. >> so you have described it as a hard history. what do u mean hat tot utt'rdoeo htth eaa young girl, you know, maybe 14, 15, 16 thartgs at kay --somee tok t oo and actually in the research it was quite clear to me that this extended both to ites and blacks. and iinth mes an sof conversations with descendents, white and
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black, it was interesting because even we in cnteorar s cey tharopho s hsy. siy- iviho conversations, were not always easy. i remember one descendent oa slave owner who sd to m, y knownhee pe d t dwa eie to. dayoow, mrs. obama has said that she knows that slaveowners a slaves ru acth. heveane the s ,tw hiy.rsi isno i k eeika long time ago, and it is obviously more than 140 years ago. bu it's nothat long-ago. >>nd n s onago, wiwositoy
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an cousins, one black woman and one whte woman, who didn't know they were rated, but as a sultf yo rrcd aced pce toth y uautr tiip hed r tiip s book and history? >> part o it was interesting to me, to have a kind of contemporyra rng thugh d hioric i ghalhaisk su sheeof erhor freay, i liked th idea of modern-day people grappling with that. these two women i basicallywas trying to fi, ifcou tihewheato thseosflyeon i searched for as many descendents of the slaveowner as i could and as many descendents
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of - sr -al instat rry nta oh ee e n tpe i the family, and they were older women who really wanted to know, anevenhougthey ha aty d ndouig t es sh fy reject did this story or have they been kind of universal andbrave? >>hiy g agrereed be t wmifegs t ar some people eally wanted to have nothing to do with it, and we eop w re just,n -t
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thiss history, so it was a real range. there were times when actually, who is laito atk crsn. we aol orselves at a remove but i remember thinking as i was going to interview some of these descendents are they going to look at la ason t dite wa dehed [inaudible] you know, i think in this di avedahet,hwa was onone side and i was on the other. >> do you think that -- i spent lot of time tlki abtt
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rtofn-ic stane rt f or e bof icar ianys representative of the disinvestment in the humanity and isinvestment of the arts in favor of comerce, n favor of thhau sane the l have the sort of need for the untold stories for dark secrets is indicative of a kind of historical illiteracy atsts in ouroyd thahord ca suthis most unknown or be raced from our collective consciousness. do you ti talicy evo fu?ce yot here as essential to
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your vision of the country we ought to live in? abit ith . atefelouat hoflve family was of the american story, and i wanted very c ho it th est satee frrots t some of the most important moments in our history, slavy, the civil r, ciontmat j oweepiondl r s ard d p cke ec o who are. so i think i thought about it like that. >> actually i was oin prt yege
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wonovepu iconte the individuals that make up her family tree and some of whom we see scrolling behind us, but it strikes me in the writing of the histy, tt itasoc or llutr d n,h he d northern. it was sweeping and it was intimate. i i'm just wondering, did that scale happen as areltohe toapfrto oa d ghhiis what -- much more than i thought it would be when i started. >> i. >> i see guy bies had the idea that her familyas reflective yo iititom meg . ofthhsaal tima te which beca clear to me was that when you are digging back
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this r,you don't have the voices that you need to bring a story toif d f s t t? leldaaou ttanur? , oue lew were barred from reading nd writing, those records don't exist and the historical records don'capturash asou soreedllavt frhapeio and all of these periods to kind of bring it to life. i'm not sure that i thought about that, a kind of waving those rithe ppl the yidaeoob. aur] >>nk u ne the reviews did make light of the fact that you are heavy on the conditional tone, andi d i w methg we cciof ese etipr,
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maybe this happened, perhaps, it seems that, we don't know for sure. all of those turns of phrase that for you as a its evencef yoeonli centtt tu d stleihts in the writing process? >> i did actually. there is a lot less than there wa [laughter] so itk k, a urnast a actllen e inboitui nepe aic ad know, we want to at almost every sentence kind of attribute and say very specifically, i kw th but d kha atothte deirat i had and tt i thought the reader would have to
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sh ao and f in thispn' aganthisowi . know that i do not know and there is a powern the not knowing too. i actually feel that is fine. ithikt wieverno wae ry raouo atouay d t ul sndalang bring people to that place. >> that power of notknowing, or not atmptg sa wit rtaiy i in refctiv ant sl ncpo. very few statistics. you have some things about the migration in ccago in otr ples but that is whak so ecg,beathis
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thare races that we have to imagine what actually happened and so want to applaud you for writing as ahiorian, a onayes ttemheehoco sichee. ndet you find that what you thought or read people said wasnot exactly what thndwa t .iaoa ofy ri sts is mlema great-grandmother phoebe lowdon johnson had a stepfather. he was a remarkable mn, hor fsly,nee na, ja rkanapid amgrune told me oh yeah, peg suitor because he lost his leg in the war.
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i thugegleg suterio so wt t aved uns l s li rdnds l pen thwae medical file. the man had two legs. [laughter] and ithoght,h,t d thh anhobouw, wheof o yhihas possible. he was the kind of man who was bigger than life and of course he would have lost his leg in the war. [laughter] ano >>akofwasso vie the lives an the war records, there is this one beaufully written passage, and i want to read itfirst of all becausitrefcts w betifuthos ie , t s llelev
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otcthded copy that i have. yes, it does. [laughter] i'm going to read this passage just to get you all excited for what you are in store for when alaitheon'sabho or rdatmepr you. here she writes, and this is about phoebe and james. how did the ria, andth mes tawihe ve t ths bto people together but with wounds as tiny as pinpricks that fester instead of healing. das ubblices he ik sow t, el ticy that once enmeshed husband-and-wife, touch, laughter, conversation, seed
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anndtan thtctaorar g schly wide that it seems impossible to bridge. precisely what hapned between james and phoebe. bee iicec ehe pr yoe wh tct d lyau o w s d and private, appears to have clung to her old habits of keeping qut without her trble. at ireal ut. mageall beeve it was fraser, leads the family, goes off to war and what does the right? what does he sa tothm carolina, the golden boy of his
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small-town and goes off to chicago to the big-time and big anul fnwofands in the nd go ihtw lle th fl apart. and he left his family, in fris elmeaper reaperworkad esbe rus an hhin, know? >> i wondered what you felt like in that moment as a researcher en you saw that. because that would have been hard toha h e pendt. >>wah wars wth fetsah e imy went back home. >> he did. he ultimately went back home then he rejoined his family as if he had never left. baroe wnyi
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thrlr years of integration a littlebit. and then one day they came in and he was reading his newspap and theh,u ihha veft tnesp i aur] >>yontd cn avretaed about how all four sets of grandparents, fraser robinson the third, lavonne johnso parnell shields --le hmdtam us iby anct tn re cho?a me we are in harlem and we have got an audience full of new yorkers. share with uwhy chicago was such portt c n asat ic gh >>caash mrtt place in the story. >> chicago was where it was all
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ppening, and you know really it was one of those egg it topele we ng e het ing coou inde these letters of migrants that one of the journals collected. people in the 1900's who a lookg pesan nepeerlaa miiod lete things like, looking for a plac you know, this kind of worker that kind of work and one of the lte t suck me logwh -r acas e n m a n berd like a man. people thought this place, it wasn'tegregated. i may not like it was in the south. coulgo tintgrat hoolany cod ere youlkeeavi
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ge t e ra social, religious life there. i was going to say though, when miele ams ancestors got the, t sou sdede te ld ar he great-grandmother arrived chicago sometime around 1908, when the southside was predominately it i tadr rind tcagi ho important it is posted in history, the cultural history of african-americans as well ashe lyrical history, it is sort o imagined inthewd nc s scdhma ic ueseccand parnell, true passion the
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purse -- percussive and ncated for them t it bunioude a nit ms 19 han chicago, the epicenter of the nation's blues and jazz industry. >> what w lovely atuay th laonhendgnacago tha ugic l armstrong and his first stage playing the. a lot of important people were going through chicago then. wehacpa hyca fm t en- laonug, auditorium we are in is named for langston hughes and he certainly spent many many years here at the schaumberg libries doing oralceoor on llti s ci nod hifd
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cho hr side, and there is a page i would like to turn tonerthil st litlt ha rt tihorwhak is hard story, is the racial violence and the sexual abuse, thve orwards andckrds riamanomve fom tu aica't fent then the south afterwards and sme of those unexpected ways of the ancestors of michele obamaand i want to ca sercena.f thin out o ths y w w methpahr t charred memory of jim crow, of slaver and even today th
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imatofhmiv ab taratlid abevhia pp b the mason-dixon line. not in places like new york. new yorkers know better, right? ioifl ee ived n demo, thheth a t in this post-emancipation story. this is a slide from the chcago cets of 1990 dry 13r-yd been murder at a beach because he swam across te lor line. many people losttlis, aanri e u leb tis lminme
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u describe the ideal lake ray shall integrated hyde park that is now the home of the first fami, the bombs are ging off whs ng io?reh >> kwascedn adi c crt hn mle obama's great-grandmother, lived in hyde park and that w a big deal. she lived not farrom where the obamasive today, a somne hacndo mt ic mon sud t thh r isced e bombings, african-americans were moving into hyde park and there was this activconctedcampaign meth t. i iz moss t 'tlo conversation. suspicious propaganda. >> it was remarkable, and i many tere.mber now eactay h
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ancoinaf a again, i don't know -- >> there is clan activity in hide part. >> it was a the really striking ti thot dknao mrba riv arned that phoebe had talk about it, that when the violence of the riots were sweeping the city, hebatrelndwa tinti, e t a pot full of water and lie in oil di on the stove and she said she wased iw hom insttoll aced e torly there.
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>> thapart of the book in some ways reay does because by the time yougethe debewosaau knnbu rty hi pbl that point. a "new york time reviewer said of michele's ancestors that a were and thatote,all plain le edortnd ng eiastl t le obon, y h,v, an illiteracy, yet there is an isn't also occasionally a sweet story o--awdi tenreor? >>out t s toas said, but i think one of michele obama's and said it's bestor me when looking back on th a i asd m hd et
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tian they did. they dreamed. and they got married. one of thethings that was wonderful to adbowhi odio taf eren, mle grotr and great great great grandfather in virginia lined up with scores of other lezele to have their marriage ishainl ssth h. wsoy gst afuppg opanihit hard, but they received what they could and they moved forward. >> just up oys -- press press the point a lebme, eisiw ae e erwn prenol hes llrde >> that's absolutely right.
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>> illiterate non-property owning college president. is at rg >> n debe ueuthi ers t more. i don't think that -- i didn't come away feling worn wn by the bleaknesof it. maheivest p erngdoiui lo. >>t press this .1 step fuher it struck me though and reading it that, tha by redung toex rig, in w loev wt kif e usual story which is that it is all struggle and strife and there a these ssmoodo a m. aserwh esat
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haedthstaml e hbain get, but i thought what made your story so rich and enveloping was th k i toy wt a see le. alo e e rnou vis. id eada textbook version of this moment. we knew people by their names. we knew their children. we need their parents and so someonlike howard h t s t h a coxiy,heant nvih p. usde erat maybe that way in which we simplify a story like this wll hiy la a po oh spto cexs great. i don't like -- things are rarely black and white in life,
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right? the otof tst wnded. ahereso gsat d k thch o life, even in our day-to-day lives. and i really want to capture waee aiscatra re a e le v very huma in how you know, they lived their lives and i wanted people to connect to that. i dn't wted nt it to mpr . >>onofhell crlect sto acttit the third slide. and i'm just going to read his name out loud because he's quite a charact. goordon , 'sn ah odsel
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phhee lds, his moment, the life that he led, first of all the the he lived to what? 's 91xey g g i atil e d b91ani g eaurcron ibusi nkst igsle of avor hwa and how he was received in perceived in the world but also kin of a perfect illustration of a peson o liracafeb 15 i ar? >>ewhe ad re so he is borne. he is the first generation of eiaahgoso inin ci o s rty the is a lot of -- there is a lot that isn't clear in that moment of the reconstructi period so
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g r tisrie gotok ttit t fahawe n okk se sa orath sma mpsw there, it is always defining and limited the there are cracks. is clearly able to exploit em soin alie a ki nme strikingly handsome with piercing brown eyes and aquiline nose, all the skin and in mof indenhe in s rclay of -- clay fields. height've even remember he ataba hha vem ke n caulst, r mingm ublicly or with
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lid and -- legitimacy. he'd been born to an enslave teenage girl and to a mno tie haev ow phovo in ab i80 w thik rmhi alabama today as on the one hand feeling the procsf eedlma pdi e arifth inrythou's th century history and i am somewhat ting liberty with his name. ingh htisrey l oratin har att so op and it's so an in iconic place for civil rights struggle, but what is he ableo don mam
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whaalest hd wat ma he wae sharecropper. this was the place that early on was in segregated. we think about birmgham as t most rta bhe ceen e fraea an wt uncommon at the time. and it was a place where someone who wanted to make his mark tside the field could do that. prty or.t >> he founds churches. >> and in fact between you and ghan. hals ma. arr on t most
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distant relaves that is an amazing story legacy but you also find people you interview abwhouar hu atowre t life >> one of the amazing things was being able to find people who knew her, woman who isorn s intslavyi18 d uno le kw aneas why that was possible is that she lived an extraordinarily long life. she died around 8, d the pelsian aoarng lf sidiin ivi . so imagine, i am going to meet these people actually and talk to them about them and oh my fiodness what i gng t rein kh ik
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ey, ptt eeer the time when she was in her 90s, and so, the things that i kind f re iesinthh w know where not the me yidvea lynrfinof fe in this town of kingston in northern georgia where she worked as a midwife. these people also new dolph and his younger brother henr saty e. reonsh mes they talked about the questions that there were about who the fathers of these clearly very i children of thisrkw d hono a t ess. >>ern both dolphus' narrative and your description of him, and you're sort of
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describing theisor t y slott, er rew f cirong in that period, and here i don't mean in the sense of criminal justice or policing, but anyway i woer if ermeiohee idfyn' racial heritage, their ineage across the color line, was even more sophisticated then than it is today? 's is atoething for yu beuste aohe wy at care sonifo opf niowhdohu s rl virtue of time in history, someone who had a direct connection to a white anstry in their senssse f loutthude t ane r ng bo l
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soinps t s tr where color simply doesn't matter. the rainbow doesn't matter because it's really just a binary byt mm ow alnch bye te0'erals fluidity, their racial radar was a bit more sensitive to the nuances that color demonstrated waatrolinckes demonstrad. sotid we y erf wah w fi moral value from individuals based on race? >> you know, onefhe estis i d my w baon what dolphus looked like. part of thason perhaps that they didn't ask was because, f
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u aroo om w lihad 'te o threnyorabha h m'v happened. and i think that you know, in this day and age, we are in this period of you know so muc grn adcrng r-al r. le e bng teci marriage, check as many boxes as he likened we think of this as a very unique period. but back then in 1890 think whreclifasnpl xece ourhe usbt ll tees peoe. >> jtht guess in your dna work assisted with some muo hem teme itt mndowh
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extent they knew better that here we are at the end of the hawellacol and we tll teeso sn si dna oa acarndve a e person. that still means a lot in this couny and how wepp trh wvnwer li og, he 'sca, th ur injic function. we pass a lot of judents and we organize life and very powerful and also disruptive ways bed on simple biny ulns tain ulaena regardless of the rainbow colors that they represent, as long as we can see that ty are black that is good enough. the a fity re that
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in s yshsne dusalext. thou see lex -- someone like dolphus share their lineage with them whether they wanted to embrace the story. on ng crinyo shht we lage t of jim crow, and it made me think about econstruction as a period thater w dn l lkugouec i acemfoatst neon of formerly enslaved people. you descbe the tens of thousands of people in south carolina that are of tst tge-- defoyoha min like 1500 african-american
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serving across the country and various levels at local, state and federal offices, 14 congressmen, twosenato a eunter sea a wer r o aeou rty,mind e tuth same moment and so much changes so quickly. it makes me thinkbout our own w ws tewy,nderhofrage s lin for michelle obama's ancestors voting records. one of the things i was rious about was whether i ufi wha f pern r lyvo asopen, wa t newberry library. it's a lively library in chicago and i stumbled across a book that had voter egisatio cana16 fno
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d okn o jrs d ou, father, he is from north caolina. there it wa my great gat gatrat o,n 860e registered to vote. he was approved as voter. i don't know if he voted or not. i don't know what -- we laaiy whaed kwhmont people seizing hold of democracy and participation was going to end for m and hiscdrbu ntatoin soint in reminds us, your story reminds us,
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whatever we think of the moment thth century, and everyone doesn't agree. let's be clear, there are huge differences botof expeence inerms of beig lack in petibuat y poul so that it demonstrates is if you believe this is progress then you also protected. that the story realldoes show hor demise of political power and participation in the wake of the emergence of jim ow usrimeth i nt oo ly
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haadowhergs ahth that, it inspired me that people, where theycoud, ty we srg. stng.a thait think that people took the space that there was and they did the best they uld. and i tiths in. wae tuthcoast meneou relatives voting. i wanted to mention, so we have a slide, it goes to maybe 12or in smnge8 1 ay is joel brady and john tribble, the distant cousins who were instrumental in
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connecti the famly dogs and sources. thar mceoba' ntiteillonhe araobnh he t right. next slide. so this unknown character does not appear in your book. hes a ntra my o ry mn thgem ren hlye apart. he is in mississippi, a farmer, ces ealdo ed in eves rto a census track that includes a woman named betty re. y rtgind ilmee
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n gothxtse clicks so on this census record from 1870 in mississippi, dools rtit name is at t p rmnded to betty, she is 31, blackand she is from virginia. if you come all thwawnnd icou t ia nedeures their henry shows up in the 1900 census, and now he is 32 yea old. y,yo l n,s eu sn months old. that eugene is gavin, my great-grandfather. ro in gegat
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earatwaa it fo i confederacy. go figure. [laughte so, iteemshehais em rey namic stndy ly t ar some ways this legacy of michelle obama's story. i wanted you to have the last word ouhare e maf ndat mit hcldab stan auts eces s ol this ugliness in many uncomfortableays. >> think we ould talk about it. hto lb bhe rbio ma a
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think i am a communicator and a writer, so maybe i pu too muc budotlgbtndoidog lp ustngan orhes. ihet ren michelle obama's family might ring a little interest into the history too. >> well, we will applaud heat the nt. [ausud n you will have another oprtunity but now it's your turn so anyone who has a question or a commen ee soyoulkesa meg, tve moen e op ien i you have a question, please keep it brief. anyone?
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thsthefirsad t harg reomy aio >> i'm going to wait fo somne coe bende yanar o s yh a rsngtulations. i haven't had a chance to say that personally to you, doctor, in keom position here. es. f u >> yes this is really taking me to another level where i can begin to understand what i need to calm down abo of a lot of tofr ishn stathfrinlt tonndi't get
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back in town i'm going to lose my bed. i talked to the director and then told her i was coming here and neededa ltess. stli isa'm i r lla a boogie down person, why homeless people are penalized when this is so relevant. is ts the atn ruhelt.5,w u thct , ouw iay help poor people get involve come out to the shelter. inno btcaweogtoayue meg bsehe mmoeowhnt come out and they're being penalized. they need to hear this. [aushank you.
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thyofor coming i would say. [applause] and i can't speak that isue t n'ow w jsa v a ticint cee hange that society runs through being able to embrace and wrestle with the origins of inequality. whheervf thk t le veislyunn individual choice and self-destructive behavior that decision, then you have no appreciation for someone tryi li, ci wites htoha ples society, and not about the individual.
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i applaud you also for being here and i am glad you raised ot m t usce meg tmino er,ic h fft is to prticipate in forums like this, giving your situation so again thank you for bringi that tour attention.
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lo o pretext that they are trying to protect the paroles from ter fraud be sg urrs i yi clearly t underlying pretax and motives in being as strong as they were in our frhesn.d kpi e] >> it has been quite a
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st hihe knaseenigu okin the instances. i feel like looking back into history is useful. paulec i m nt b aess ppl who voted and hel office in the 1860's and '70's, those maera w dedoe ntemay ouigzsf tr. i thinkt matters. >> i would completely agree, and i think that that -- some people ti f tiay that we are a cotr. we sak.f
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of want to thank you for writg the book. i teach the dve thne thwas a law that no one could say if the slave master had raped an africanoman. i'm wondering ifha lou iha l be stn thd i w is the premise of your book? is it considered journalism or history? becauseook a l ef sry aad istoo the program
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a t. ic d qstn. you know, -- >> i wanted to go back to your historical question. don't know. i have not heard that. dhaasot bl.arid at i k haeabo t heromi of the book really was to tell the story of the first lady's family and her ancestry as far back a c ket in ongell w-t osees. [laughter] >> we can talk after. >> thank you. >> harry cole. amo happy t be hero n abt yo [irnm dv
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d i h the good fortune of working in a role at ebony wn th r. t snto toi w t o-he there was turn andhe suddenly became, you know, the black woman ryaking her neckheasoi we he halho d the last question, is there anything else you want to tell me. she said yes. this happened. i want y to me cca lk dhetrrep frndedmhed th p of michele obama is clearly more than her. she doesn't stand as strong as she does what uld poul c aroded body
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thookol eat inibries. i am wondering, does she know all of this history? a tr. k -- we haveritten an article in the new york times. that was the first tim that she sendamadofhemotr. knorused t t s ancestry. that was something they always thought. they didn'owhe paics, le m pple kthtila. haou anou >> just like to thank you,
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again, for the riding of the book and quick comment e edewo sugst, ce t iouef e ltr o teoo ns mixed marriages, if you well, would suggest to you that this is something that was a veryommon ournce t wppg b e eld he d the loss that you have on the books all over the place trying to prevent such things from occurring. hinoreary cmon. peut teo s arlao looked at relationships that were real relationships as in pple living as has bn and toass o py andtg
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possessions to family and struling -- and struggling to do that through th courts. i trew cin me t e o wch ian i 't know. >> to add a little bit of context, actually, one of the very first slave codesas, li a670 inni pve cabaten a man of african descent and women of european descent precisely because the future of th w tndfohenot w i would e a lot of unity based on the experience of indentured
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servants, andarly enslaved afcans evely pdu lo int w e cabat se emri time. in other words and you are precisely right. with so much a pblem that early as slavery elv i aleofikdm ofont aren rnd it mattered little that one was of african ancestry that problem goes back to the ve -nd not aro ba to vy.s >> well, if there are not any otr questions to read. >> sure. please raise your voice because it won'teau ereearou vce ueioniak oouwicleba --
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[inaudible] >> of repeat the question. do you know if michele obama ever met the t womenor >>bout mle o people. there was a man -- the question was, as michele obama or did she di a fknum?he two people hav oolupth es t waid earlier. what has been the fir lady's response to is bk? thti o t bhipn th y taycng behind it. judy cantor has been part of a obam.t of exploring michele
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what she thinks, i don't know. >> well, it strikes me that giving your cho as an inivisyou wi fino. [ala >> forore and permission visit bk vitonrs website. tyolohe naafth jrs and situated on the missouri river, lewis and clark stopped here on their way west. now missouri's capital city has whouluherong of aut 40, o >> good afternoon. and welcome to a special collection. i am ghow ye
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ondng gs w l to show probably the most old object here ishe tle isshenle has o. we know that this is about 4,235 years old you can see ts ti gm yoo cf. and it is very hard to, sole sleoc nes tehe th d of king nebucdnezzar.
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e ndi took tiny tiny. tablas which have some mof formation on themug t lefi at lst. [inaudible] tsets we , m strips of parchment, many medieval manuscripts and mainly in latin, b mari in hrew.
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this is the book. dewoifrech bes rinex. al lwur sde w wery elegant. is rll ama you can see the animal who was immortaled f thipartlar amt ho m ss the f actually, all managers are unique, but we will have to show
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students, especially those who tharcu a aeo ound zsorct this is the book. thhe linrammar. some comments.tualhis parchment which makes up the book, it did not belong to a very rich person. a saly it was rfess o ine m h
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i bave changed. but it is reallyeally interesting manuscript. wof cr to show the student the wean also show them how this th a tes mo neatly. oo -- this code complete. make it more clearhe tses eg sr. noha another similar manuscript exists in the library dell university, but our
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prain s of oad mos tre then. [inaudible] ittswnrytul oothi sometimes we have thisapital le ine another very interesting book. in that case, this is the enclopia o alswiss sculler.
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this is vyd, ver kioficer we have beautiful illustrations hiofisis many of them, auman face, like this one. to some tvemili meea rlly. [inaudible] yoll see the dragon, sea
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monsters. i s c s,imes. the most famous and the most thiptn thing. ec pteion. such tiny book the first time i saw it. a very, very tiny book. actually wasn c. th wheihattas dhe inside w that a tiny
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bwaveo us t msui collection has a gift in memory of his late wife. dancr right so small? >> well, a few reasons for that matter. tote herdid it inecre ting magatr from her aunt. on the other hand, there was this theory that she and her gin t kom. ien an
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there will be ableonjoyt. dlt tngd ow,urarllecni of the russian emperor catherine the great. here you can see catherine signatur,eranng this is inynder indesng. this is the story, promoted from
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ca and. lowly ranal t [inaudible] he wroted bve dat h reallyig visible december 2790. it tk me few years ar. apntllemoi re a talks about, i suggest that he probably stepped farihe toe of two ofatheri's sal d.
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a rk for a noble young man . and after this hasroted r ry. asen nnly the llowing ranked, but the rank higher. later he becament anhe gnoom ce. not only from our manuscript the storyngctlly fthab a enapus. medieval manuscripts were shown to them. the first printed books,
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ald n. ainst cleio. hegooer boo how the human thought wasut into writing the people who thos, mitalmpta to other generations. andhis is what we are trying. the human han e bks from babylonian clay tablets 4,000 years old to many scrips of 1,000 years old to the books t oeson eer sc's pntedoo
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this is what makes us civilized, i think. >> forr.ennd ouireag, i xtm erci miouiramser but if walls could talk. >> well, the mansion has been th bi s spe.tilep t w s adeul t er. the first family had moved in was the brown family. five children. d ere e ndl olanononio ohe rf. asus a small rail around there. the governor looked back ase was going to the capitol and said to the senator was wit,
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t s i h b apehes. er we jomeov orof ts d at the mansion. one of the young man, probably about nine at the te, and of little sp that hhagotten and domntgay heurtu w t gs do ir tin room table they were beginning to wobble about. they could not figure out why ciotil they discovered that he d takenis theegsf th tsore. to for my grandchil waen as well. tell about the ghosts of t mansio i never had an encounter with th ghosts,ut i under wogn ane was ef fo wao t the governor that
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his daughter is the attic. the garlic him and said the government doesn't have a daughter. heasred t dth in tur out hth orasltens, the guards have told stories of hearing these parties and that people were laugne s seith gts meest embe wofuinhat we differ chil waen ey weally. we had a children's art festival. it was sponsored bthe disney fociodation. rare f kwdeul w jrf tee days. we did that foreveral years. and then we had something we ocr dungenpectacular.
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chinld tusds d tit and we had a story hour at the mansion. it was manson preservation tt help with this. thth aw ays have bee helpful in thhingsha hne ihe thhingsha hne ihe ns aans ildren, but mostly we tried to upen heep the traditions of the mansion and expan t italy. tooty d win chonaiat ha our bldings and afterwards they shape us. and this has been a history ciofoed o w see er s a cct int p w s aacam ave is connection that goes on. that is why i think the mansion


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