tv Book TV CSPAN July 8, 2012 12:15am-1:30am EDT
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weerr t he insuo ethnic peace we conducted nearly 100 interviews indi facry , er lower caste in milkh nd schoolteachers, college pressors and their students, journalists, publishers musiciansimams priests or rabbis social workers youth garssps urinrsngt "petni oi taxes i'm sure most of you know means peace in lati and as those is greekfpe. ralle phae evanucy
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when we redssi o olot, vuct winaut lttusmteywe viral. its failings were decried in 2011 by the leaders in frae, german and britn and here for amis pdea eed lio if ctonc d you accept to meld with a single community which is theational community. and if you don't wanto accept thatyoe t ee. re oerwihe ti tsoo ri aotugou e tifth ntt was receiving him. earlier, chancellor angela merkel called multiculturalism thbsg tideutter failuree. teirya -sng wena rm banker,
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that muslim immigrants have made this country quote stupid unquote. rkel's comments re echoed in britain by mete me wla tun encoagifnttuto ve separate lives, part from each other in the mainstream. on his service this dissolution seed to usrxiyi muullini el le 2 ubns s naes 500 men citizens. >> 23 official languages, three of which is english german and french, are working languages. however it is not eus s,ld hdeth oktemat. s pif minority, the predominantly muslim non-european migrants who began arring in europe inlarge numbers after the second world war. mu nmendir o il
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prcose an estimated 7.5% of france's population, 5% of gma,4. ofre its. e thguthre fod he llpe p e erof january 2011. yet all such figures are pessimistic since definitions or plastic as to which believes d beeve sand g inesy mi uls mpl s s op ce aoa ibos minority. the qusi-populist backlash has spread from the baltic to the adriatic alongit isc rls h spblrir, ni delinquency, the abuse
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of women through forced marriages and for honor killings. played dn by the alarmist i theseoei te dintr rer atur ca tt mm om er secularists or nominally observant and most spire to a normal life within their host countries. anvey it ess the hard fa t mauaso mn and it's also worth recalling that before the muslims arrived, european countries were shaken by disputes among an erwhming ctian op. whe iodflesb to our better travel friends they say where is that? well is a picture book town on bolaben ardde
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tolihthsth ntf of ot establishments, ethnic and civil conflicts in european history. foarwoeur afgst u batt , ll find that the schleswig-holstein question was the cause of two wars between germany and demarkthft thrdfoht pbte otemrasad indeed, after world war ii, part of this flesh would parta irmantein in a thheieme 1946 to the spanish government and said, would you like to get/?
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the danes thought it over and and ey aioback to these alli d witanu bt whe te is convincing guarantees from the new german republic that it will protect thelanguage, lt, tinelusits f of dh ki ri. tdr nad, and we went there to see if it worked. and indeed it had. when you go there, the people flura o cata than brmanu ots toward protest their choice. when we were there we had a wonderful meeting with the danish counsel,hhas d ha ooolurd
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ve tish gentleman with dapper clothing who relishes telling the history of the whole thing. mofrheisventwell, he says we g th ct a member of the nish parliament, they change the rules so they wu aways be a rprenveth niiny. whweke two sh prtas e atplnti germany, that takes care of the danish interest. and thus our first eample onthatasteerng ust ut ito tein eydendfope. waore important that peace, rather than have a hostile
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germaninority and vetted in eir own teitory, and in doinso y asir at. an austria, and the tyrolean areaiswaneat s d ta eor r i tydede to follow the/whig holstein example and they t have granted autonomy to the german ausrian thh is endless argument or anivase ntt wanted to find e hease r t wo ad unto new republic.
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that was interesting to us, cause agaiit was ethg pelee alysous sio xn, at nonone tivn central asia. instead it is one of the constituent republics within the russian federation and it is orox d1%m ng oxioth muslim population. yet, again, not only has pace hanethrgmos eiyeag next to the renovated orthodox cathedral withinhe kremlin overlooking the iver
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th wnttio cainiei t reunreic8 no republics all with a roughly ethnic base and the joke was that they were neither autonomous or republics. thwae tiwhiet ui coaps ulppo oh hn- thse ec au niv r outand the flight of the russian minority and is still a scene of violence today h sder saheitasan hime shr. he had been an orthodox communist and in the regional boss of tajikistan but when h w ha was hapen de tomng yen,n pren of
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russia, that would give substantial autonomy partularly cuural autonomy tis atdheet t rdrty wh the peoples of tajikistan voted overwhelmingly for soveignty, but if you ook e in theesolio noher. wo e i deen ibaon mutual respect and justice and so forth. he went to yeltsin and he struck l iturnor ritchajian d inhie ia federation and the deal was for a 10 yearperiod. ex n yeltsin came in t-
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waimbao extent, but it is substantially still there. so you can see that the word imathsh a t has an interesting heeabd hear de return as well to marseille, france's second city and at home to europe's bigge muslim mmuny, aun0,ou o 9,inbis. re t asil windhomiti, hl,0 each, and as well every other nation, and origin you n thk s esend inarsele. shouivett o fheesch drrohapon marseille, but which is timely
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because this hasecome an issue the current predential nohapp twan france. ha irse. he ya05enre c burnings and teenage riots spreadingrom the suburbs of paris through nearly every major city infncall s pe e on brief splurge of a few cars being burned and the greater areas that it was in but otherwise it was lmanw ener fd t. reenve tifnt uns wendt e anerting combination of fact year's, which accounted for ethnic peace in marseille. some were obvious and some less
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d ery dey he oear is eonidyve ut all, the local soccer team. inch teod of thegretiseu thnd te li mof quasireligious bondinquality, but there were other things at work too. had reyona us w at wortht ar ae w w strdre notion that citizenship is between total equals andit's wrong and dangeroustonqui i te ickgd eo fe cs s yo f oy kind of ethnic or religious data.
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but in marseille, the mayors detha twotr vearo oo cointomin 1980s after algeria's independence. you had nearly a million rege rfuge whoor llss err ge brs mms di fce theded that they would give some benefits to the people in the form of housing breaks, politicaloffi, ad ey up mnglemei diencuns would have their representatives meet regularly and if something happened that required it, as th dd on9/1 t h big etintodush ofinrethhi
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e wd ree l wee there, the universality of rap music and hip-hop. starting in the0he br t eandk e forms of rap music, adapted it locally and at marseie, yave l ofhe itwprdew i a diffusing mechanism for people who are frustrated or alienated. we tketo somof other h hos he crs e. a e tanein malls pe there had innse local pride. they consider themselves first go thbsi lend wn
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rid thhaei tiitheulve y i they would save -- which is what mo of them are. that wasntesting but there was something else. th she mor,ela us tbv ts that we spoke at about, that the neighborhoods are mixed up a so forth. and then he possibly said above we d.omething else too. saiyoy ha hea w ve nricobin eian hso gad e. he d,pe wre vo iactive commerce don't want teenagers burning cars in their neighborhood because it brings and the cops. and then we lk totpe sathidhat yor tu asoto bta wth ecad --
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which started and is now multinational. marseille was interesting to us in eve ,ese yo wh yilndt pe a awof what a miracle they have in their own country. so we were glad to write about that, and as they say, we have anop-ed on that. inwartarttond teinbu the state of carol which is in the southwestern strip facing the arabian sea is not one of t wiros heated crof india, but it has the highest life expectancy in the highest literacy, the best educational system. it has invesct o
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e gst re urf ccul undee eft that it is made up of the majory of hindus, a smaller group of chiapuongo bfaantialhrtian pic 2yes. t e,re h three major groups, then you have the least or one of the most unexpected things, the role of the communist art iterseef igscun independence to adopt the electoral path rather than the revolutionary path is other indian communists particularly bengal did an yav fieaheorsre switch from leftist led
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coalition to a congress party. cotu a 3f es party is now in kif laof e g. t s the con is realized if they were going to get anywhere they had to build coalitions and thebuild coalitionsacrs cstlins, lis lis et andhat thaterishl pet migrant workers. the localo frrez, of etse ef plianrkinl persian gulf, mostly in the emirates and arab states. most of them musls who sent their mianceback th mice tto
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yo can see that as an element in there that is very important. and they been le to use ts pce asucessf crth rst prmso'shtd better seeing to a greater success and that is the envy of the other states, many of them. itigcrthsthen weatou r. ee, new york. queens, new york is really one of the national treasures, an unrecognized national treasure. 2.millnpopat uee pisy uafo ize an ud eser angeles -- i'm sorry, los
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angeles and brooklyn. queens would be the thopf nssk est ended the. ngs. f el after rld war ii, there was a period of some probms. black-and-white tension and other things in quee butn 9thmiioan inay thaal aesfoople u a the gates were suddenly opened open to substantial newcers from latin america, africa, middle ,sndj ba e raf s nd ioamthrough queens and of those millions a lot stayed because it was right around the airport. anthen, u againhad itns ttfalid bo.lnsoun
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yqe- nski a patchwork of, as our friends and your hacker told us, queens doesn't exist d io n stici oure eto ns yapbe yoveu community, astoria, flushing jackson heights or wherever. that is the postal address and there is an intense pride in thesenes tt all rup,t d be thi se a ermeg current rural president. again, you could see wha human wotothoghasheon un10ys o w long serving borough president and claire schulman was not only interested in politics but in
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culture. thtablhmenof qs whofacilitated nccmfond plwhhe calls the general assembly. the general assemblies where you have meetings of all the dierent ethnic communits. heotre from diana, and she grew up as a library and, a schoolteacher, active in the pt nt io ocs d inedaema andteies erree ouon i e s. became borough president and she had a rshall plan. her marshall plan, part of it wathe eensassblyand she miyohyo waunn 1945, its first
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offices were in queens, and the leftover bazillions -- pailis tor fof9 , iwe eurs drd thtiavome markers and museums. anyway she had her marshall plan and part of her marshall plan, which isery interesting come, ishat e haa clenr ry aral r gi tihodaf vas uns queens. we asked her when we saw her, will it ever get a prize? di't rlie a siifict sh cmuni sh it e naal an yun illik annd pretty soon i was doing the polka. you get an idea of the feistiness which is hlen marshall's middle name and when
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you see her, this is whai thoughwas alnes din giyobu ie on says, visit queens, see the world. and you andy visit queens and ut theworl abitthespod d onavernd omtyt y have, culinary paradise that you can go from one restaurant from one kasim to anther, from greek hes, see alansia th esty. what strikes me about it is that when you talk to people in new york in the town, they all say al t sesthi it's-- tre
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plan, a guideline. the series of guidelines grew out of our various vits to anwiusve te lace orrsofh ur eldhee pan n quon period. wherever feasible number one, choose pce rather than land. two, take time to make the case unla minorities. citizenso not -- or demonize gramanlimen riaman.a wiach he wash coy tli in. four, fear not the persistence of them minority tongues. five,embho fonew
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this is the chapter tha weca e reus a, bad on e okb en t ciisdntpost r sn we borrowed it with gratitude his title and he said did not underestimate the power of professional partal and civic cins veseblibes weinacer not only books or dvds a available in their mother tongue and we will talk about that inthe question period because queens is not only an oustain mplof taly a igli anep o dsemues nd world including in china. eight, make empowerment of women a priority to erode barriers between et cniti. otenicwt m
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strdd ido deor d. nelee differences of culture with a calendar that natial hli. major religious an 10coe,ebd acly promote diversity be they presidents, mayors, borough presidents were gornors. al opucue,timatethe musi tso imh asd icfees d eroc i which someone named barack hussein obama n rise to the political summit. nohaveo and teing ing. enweriti t iohecoesi me he of e lese names resotes. then i discovered washington
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irving was important to our thesis. hete-ve raious interest i itthtagng back in e 19th century that they have -- heovpu lris restore intert he was a member of the trustee of this library. he became the president of what was the genesis of the new yor public library, and a builng where the lier ke pd as gofod.ovt thins fot i thought was most fascinating, was brandy. he saw that one way to bring peop together was to give them an ieresng ey. knrbr.s wg
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knickerbocker, ther were 100 knickerbocker associations. it's a made-up name based on a be trope amso-called ogrhy rag wer pot r this city in the 1970s, when there were all kinds of crises here, fiscal, cial tc wh ndwa cap wseyugf pe together and someone got the idea of the big apple from a sportswriter in the 1920s. and w if you loo on e rntheris shing ke00crsc. based on the precedent of the big apple in new york.
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wonderful audience on three continents. but i wonder, as you went arnd, and i notice this inthe mathaieye ng no o fce ththas not hostile, at least to be, to be warybut anres where canada, the former white minority countries, australia, canada andhunit st,wemsiivty us aat o ca, aatcaf canadians, australians the aborigines and are nave americans, came from somewhere
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so whavehiltpode at,r cn ss celebrate diversity. the european model is assimilation. u should be frnds. the iso hh ch ge. e snow-in the branding as there is in the african-americans, german-america whateverso ths iey a dfere modand rungiinr , tsidat hle mouer ,ha y d ngeer germy, but they wanted the turks to go home after they you now serve their 15 years or so. anthat is a very different anthfoers ot ddirs le. ill enic food.
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that is what is wonderful about it. i grew up in colorado and that is what i came to. thiss s.h g ouap on diversity and discontent we were call in the united staes the french and the passagof the alien of sedition act. thweomatcalled andtel 196 nsedimib nde eenan and as you look back on all the different groups in the u.s., all of us have gone through some hard times whether th wer gean amecansurthe wr thwa tast bu
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saving grace is that we have learned, and this is something that ps us in contrast with france, laanhe it l tt e thjapanese americans who were interned that both governor reagan and george h. w. bush who enlisted on pearl harbor day in thevy,a-ph54 conversation on restitution and apology to the americans who were herded into concentration camps during world wa th spewhs frs hayf i wihewnor in algeria.
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algeria is a very special case. algeria was not overseas. it waslly artmt of nodyt biffce th u1 io ros covo and 3 million berbers in algeria who couldn't. enly ethasylt icsov30a tasabt liberty were phot list noncitizens. that led to an eight year very bloody civil warndazy he de t ae e in bolrs e onrtgi e not talk about repentance in apologies. he said that does not go for relations between states. thges l, ink itas jt fthhe
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e skifatt epncrh happened having been promised and never got it. that is a general problem of nations, not justthe ch at t hthme led aia prm t wecin a korea,but that is the dark side and that is part of tisnfuokre trying to address. congratulations. the writing and that beautiful the beautiful poetry and the rechng tsut would you consider adding a
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12thanwhhdingor send eerl mk stitr ruto dreis yhi about, and just some of your examples, queens has the united states government karoladd iwithin the an at dareilon even in northern ireland the british and irish governments were providing so i would just like y t inouatmt. >>l, ts. t,hi lf te problemsithin countries are caed by external forces of neighbors otherswh ve oxiewiththn t ffcewewila
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e hahranes thth century, switzerland's neighbors decide it was in their mutual interest to have pfusitan th ban andot fi thenatgs k ie leth se r n in syria, the limitations and the difficulties of external peacemakers going, we are still at the lowbaas r as e mol ren dct [inaudible] re wis m oueion er alioudiversy over the lonperiod of time where there was conflict and toy, if you look at the supreme c, h hai
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manotet erutt e bt is basically made up of catholics and jewish. are you surprised by that development? in aountry thaisll largely ryprosta ha tictuof notiro ahe dothit man ris difference and the arbitration of church state issu, if that is what you are n'm jt kiha isap oe la ah twe veomss interested in the religious background of candidates? reonoty fo onle here.
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i wonder, is it less than meets the eye or immediate -- more than meets thee m tmf esi rio a regional thing. in colorado for instance ther was a lot of antipathy towards ons cause ae nex exenthamin d kthanorns a ntou xor hbo tend not to have an opinion about mormons. and,in pt history of the ed stes hn mo ou psaal id aecrif est navt itllesseo a difference, and i don't know, but my perception is thate haveanywaygtor
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viy gi enw wutn embet pren d o rhhi a non re you invoke god, you invoke god at football games and you invoke god at hockey games. oue ci omeg madison, in federalist 10 in which he said one of the benefits of a large republic is th you would have local fact but the factions wod teo ra eothe anla de we s twad in thad ab t banks which was full
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s ssedaue igunjry puonthst bank. so it's always been, you know, a very tenuoushing there. and th would be betterf i'so n ed -nou otm xly about -- until you have t border is, they guaranteed the next hre? coer ig nd iy texfo inevitable. that was true in europe in history and i think the problem here in the mdle et generallattede e poar sy r d i ttrst cnerdten overlap with difficulty. you think of a lot of the debt
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onua addel be a settlementbsd twe pne a e elnde them ever do of both sides. >> thank you. i'wnerg f n ou po d she feel comfortable writing about is that glowing ample, burbridge to break inh so w esm ritrto aloiff at.y alenetiet ryling. >> one is former yugoslavia where you have a high degree of intermarriage beeen various peoples in bos elser onast el pr tn
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eyy b or intervention, that in 1990, germany recognized croatia asan independent contry. and what he did ha,taoe att iedastrs si thec ftnc aoa erfon hed tuss w the serbs and et cetera, et cetera. it is at this italy said they so hrecs hthli ingsoo t badly. >> and a sensor book is compared it to political science because we pa ls o coo th p i a eeslannd ocse ate shom wcoit rise, ethnic cleansing, killings in the 1990s and a stronghold
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of thebphhty ir usialt , acy la e esslopio india. and that is a good thing because theyon't feel anse i hihee ee e un aons 25 vrymrtanbecause because if they throw towards congress, congressman and as they throw towards the communists, the communistsw. tutahedqln populations of russian orthodox in890cnyrey most fundsad e ntilmeprly
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beus d ae ne of these leaders who stirred up hnic tension, where shane and made it a point of dacing don wherst oisle and to confound the capital as they would demonstrate that they to siath , ietid tehiou itr pport me or get these people. but he's ery ce ipulive t d r r k otce ventome no he talked about soereignty, but never mention the word autonomy. it was never going to be
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ra h inou pece u t lye deenceh 't -- it has a lot of deal refineries. there's lots of reasons chechnya doesn't work as an depen. runsou mve nt mi hn ruigbrsnan. >> maybe one more question. > i s ieresd er mmaothhzo usbee mede t t it bs has been about that officers were right next to each other so people could intermingle an exchange ideas ani'wondef o mmfur ha zo osng >>l,re cnt stn chat there on
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marseille because marseille was the lab for the cew ca and the anw i esngrsalist diateal teins tete l a f these massive housing developments that bring paansudterans, a d dia try housing for not squalor. they're fairly decent housing, but they are warehouses for the anherey, p ay beus 'rnf to these ghettos of one building after another building.
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ndt heot t sen,ic a attempt also to have a big massive 20 story hightower ila pien avein ke ht eywent obat he0s n 80s when last track, the developer was sued on the grounds that he was anfxof fran-aricans, many of them on the lower income scale. so they were all kinds of problems they are. loru i cmi one where the bacardi and choose fr central asia, formed a
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community in ringo rk and the mus norar thebe ite yav tleat threseo ngn bth cases wit others. the bacardi and have looed at orhir n i su.sdn al a out ittwy t dyvith arheu o e public library in laphroaig city, you see an interesting laboratory o vtybtwe o naveifnt it eae enop. ou reiko parred because there was or you go there, which i smhest fteies,
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eea tlan neighborhood. well, the bakari sewer from dodoas. asia, which s er eyce athwa anhy atbr a and this caused an enormous amount of tensions, community board meings and all because the italians like the gardens. and theyd'tikeee issy edtolii aorveen this ara and must be moved out. they went oven eae tensaueoju -e o ingeesthon rdhvcherry trees. >> another footnote on that. you cannot understand that
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without understanding real estate eeop. 19aseataopa reooalatved a whole network of single-family houses comment header, which became reiko park, but twsa faatd akef brhsp idea of ideal or akson heitseernnyside gardns lato xasqenul ouek explorations always gave us the thill of the unexpected when the two quens. shingal t waws posto b it a of jewish act
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together and it really never took off, we still have big-name trt jh el ai bo iaprway. >> well, i would like to thank our speakers for this wonderful talk this evening, engaging liy.ersation on behalf of th w yacen h nbo edanuryfo coming. [applause] >> welme to jefferson city, the capital of missouri.
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taou tei evao y rsxphiy dlty cute of a town incorporated in 1839 innings after thomas jfferson. coming up in a moment, a visit to lincoln university founded by africaamerican civil teto t rbo llon fa bhrtb caled harriet: moses of her people. the special thing about this is it was written in 866. tubm mahmr viy co'td it sef e ma gnthss. >> in 30 minutes, look at the governors mitch messier about life inside the home from u.s. senator in missouri firstl, an n i llullk sholdini rw tsh s
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this has been a history unfolded over time and we see it here. there is a connection. f5 s ho h . ea t oes to shibo it. >> we explore the issue of property taxes at the local out there clearing slow. >> thexcessive spendg is wa tomttehn definition increases and individuals paying the property tax bill. so calfni r, flidexav lay b bjto ap he0stas particularly intense. >> officer laura c-span and media conference eiji jefferson city, missouri ob
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>>loha ialer at lincoln university would like to welcome you to the special collections at the archives at unsi library atlinc athan clecn unsiwh we have is mostly oriented towards the afn-icanis.rican experienceand besicmen d literature. we have prty much a full run of topics that are covered by the congress clssification anytngm uopeay, toe a, thy av ced here.
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what will do, i ever run through a global sh you and i have in our ollection. i'll sta at eeginng. m g toave as . cayama spthok h vlooks fab abc basically. see the harbor classics here. i inout er irary . ie htin ht avlbscbos aibry would have. philosophy. books on themddleasjut inund yaiia with the library of congress camille c. were pretty inclusive as far as this goes. mamet like i said, o afn-iciy thcontains a loto
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amican history session of this collecon iprobab t rg at. w g vr rm-- i fii. it has been rebound obviously, but this is a first edition, frederick douglass' auogray. thn clecn 'vsogt a quite a few books on abraham lincoln. the civil war obviously. here is one that is not a ie is e tatofs e r ofc i ah doctor and jj fun every. this was writt in 61. you'll seerm ou m y in o liar.
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the first an inferior race, collateral estopl condition. that his first as i t. elfthtt reayt jutast mpnt bouwa kwhs eisaid. this is probably our most famous ok. i neweo sw si wth coeitoth anisabok about harry tubman, called herriot: the moses of her people. thspecl thg t i shmade her mark in their and th is really the most famous autograph if you want to call it
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to his wife because his men had afthr veremo havesl. d lo hlol. oster wrote some letters to his wife about becoming the principle of lincoln institu redi iswat ihnk i c s t dot ry of t list together in comfortable circumstances somewhat back on our long hard struggle is at the freed slaves toltaof a erteboa. tammeec nt ie s i of downtrodden tran southend, laying dations.
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ale wo is t b d reafr. nhi s ege t ha ee nccoue gan rey y,y d our past is that a legacy of literature if you want to call it that here in o library and coisit us. withhetu wela rm brad lookingbill. his book "american military history" looks at miltary tradition of ournton >> o t hned o ith ctdo anat a d describing the multiplicitof experience that people have had in the past and dierentypes of war cabg a a of at w twsyxlea i d bsdnbs and
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you'll see two examples. these are big wars, major wars in american history. they're also small was. for most amerini,t binedvas bong c takon a high intensity. those are very different. what we long to do and many of our documents is try to expose readers to the wayso an tofrso ars heanemtnf. ta ih 107. of course a story of virginia settlement, jamestown settlement is probabl familiar to most of ouraden sshpede b y a to begin somewhere, swimming at the choice of 1607 because it certainly helped us cus on the ways of war between the english ettls nate polatis hesaey
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lrsoasmpo without overstating that in this collection, we wanted to give voice to some of the more famous inviduals of ameran military or cusfoe, ne car,ereshor om h ey obvious no collection like this at work, especially on leadership of general washington. dohama lr a, we try to ove mas. m o, tart l known. for instance, major ethan allen hitchcock is included. he describes experiences in 1836 s seminal in nal. dau tcth whe d o ouis urth o remove, to
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relocate indian territory to avoid further conflict in seminole wars. the third thing we try to undeco hstyige apems ns vi mtreo oad b m d a few times because of course the number of elements to it. we begansect w es psis, ren,itns rtarn ala rs ls idemine udanpothay get buried in bureaucracy over time. i was particularly interested in the selective service sst 2cey os leum tre t af se g noypoarefamiliar with, but it'ssuch a transform that document in the sense that is the american litary away from anctiba uit es al
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the t. at anrouna course the demography of the military for women joined the force. the force became more diverse 80asete e 19s an enefres ec oe la noesanof american operation receiving a form. in world war ii, members are well over 10% to 5. luriscenl thit tts.e uns, vta ir aei heal militia unit at the 18th century, even going back to 1607 and jamestown. whnt luise sh b thnyalicat ernga ce ernga er options. things where if they like to say, different in the past as a
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foreign country clcé 1cey 8t ur ry vay s sti oms sometimes a matter of survival tjoin their local militias. so i'm answering this occasionally would-be dserters. ofthot we kofne cosirmwoseoftio belong. so one of the things that i think it's really interesting abt the early documents are individuals to hearia.d oesm i aftwve a ita ret mes from within. a lot of these voices really articulate that in an ie ery ndcm.way,so posten ead d ewnd
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enlefli d in 1776. every reasonable to was to stay in college were to put in a different ctext see the choice to stay in school. ch. in his mntherwaso e bgatb u, pu,y waoi e d inegnt he was pulled to become a participant in this glorious cause, as he liked to call it and within two years hefond thlveerethn untht sn hendsen miof amanout ce e i would yawn to become president of the united states. thinds s tiffthisl dit wuttrg chmywm skepticism, i will say it has something to do with modernity.
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