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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  July 8, 2012 1:30am-2:30am EDT

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cultureatedooranizatn. adtr bchgy ghevoedcati demonstrated a cost structure. as american society became more modern, and thatprocess the ns abuancend wihaouthfedn cies ur of choice, the existential to speak of free well and particularly around world war i and worlwar , ma coctd itationo ssy mr rv, ine cs matter of choice. so when you think aboutcny, emissp o aty lt9 ohy mbf d iifi thea of vietnam, the
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increase in system and strategic bombing attack knowledge you thnhs ciesge war from a dstt, e at flto e i orterris onaog many. one of the interesting things about the all volunteer force is it actually takes that idea, that notion that i have a asti.ios h o ws,shic rv ohaacly ur entries. some of the parts of the gates commission that i alluded to, the document from 1970 d was sponsored by the nixon actually high hy nes nal otisul tu b aon li is of course thefish every voice was placed for soldiers. this idea of an all vounteer force in the 1970s really
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ofcleshonus waysrte ve ars dendth many of the personnel in uniform expressed about the reasons for conflict. there's ind of a erpemmu irn o o fit tharw of the reass for the conflict. they are not always fully cognizant of the mission. the fa of the matter i found again ndgainis en caweeree. eye es belief and a desire to achieve exact dates that often reflect good and larger community based on sors nieolalt jdo a job and sometimes
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the job quite well. in fact, may soldiers are quite aware of what they're doing and maols adow f. ey'td onse tell them it's maybe even a pool that again comesrom mmunities. iven hs, amanciilrdtr cautceoesem t isp f4 y ign r yomust believe some thing and want something with all your might. he said in his memorial day speech thathis is a smb.ef a, ce ciwath caheig event in his life. looking forward, this idea of believing in warning sometng with allyu httrcds
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pe i mrhsy tht t is almost universal. the police, but want innocent of all ur might, giving yourself fully to som thig ouco oy it ahisata 21 etry warriors coming navy seals or delta force may be trying to tapping into the feeling of total immersion in some thig, hit ipot ae io vioul mt. hnkt isimon rfths st universal. even in this earthly peers, with the skirmishes in conflicts with this technological and more abtocolda, mbs,akupan eacocts we still can bracket nice, and i believe,the
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sentiment of t war. imio skifhis idea of thetl al umese indu b n true warrior kind of loses himself or herself in a struggle that they recognizeas e r tesees anmef tergh ndte interesting, this idea of service that's so important to our country in the past. paul i 0s,d to vietnamand ybislifign apcaof ne e lin tuf the draft, but may be moving this in the 21st century when we think about srd of the publicesponses to the glob irmathissmni
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leea ft importance of national service and imported to serving your fellow hman in variou way ink thb elt bot rtins >>mes.atisi t ay jean carnahan is next. she talks about missouri's first comous in herk ifls imon bbeer ree old one that was in such bad shape. it is such a wonderful time to be here inheir fam w witfi re.y, toins io old mansion. the boys one time were running aund the top of the roof, when
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i was just sma rnra d eenoutck ae toeahe ith, go onto the senate. have to go back and think the boys. this lovely stories of the on touenwsd ms g nhieth'd en hiry. se experimenting on the furniture and seven the begiin wb u dwn tete airmail a eyldfi ohy l icedbat nhkn egofthe chairs. so they had always done great things and they had do this r myrandil a l. atmasn?ou o
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whs in t attic one day and that's enough for lunch, he said to the guard, you might want to tell thvr t dte n thve d'te ug. asreodeath and didn't return. of course i heard other ghost stories as well. they say maggie stevens who was a great party giver at the turn-of-thcenty. e adtl tes inesrtanop anrhthat ot returning. >> what about the revering memoes? foil lyiedd spre tis da we put on this wonderful art show for k. i urban and rural areas do is just a a wonderful
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three days that we did that for chene.l years ad h ns n ehveeleeculnto dg own nd children would come handy safe, fun time at the ediopon : and they would enjoy hearing about the things that happen in the mansion and teach them manners andalso hears a field ies. we d a l oinor chdrenbustlye rdo ep di ea hospitality. those are the same thing a first lady would want to do and we tried very much to do those. winston urchill once said tha wehapeur bld a teds ty e ds basor fogoer
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ndh connection. it is a link to the past and we see that as these familyomes and goes on thsconnection oes on isot.t thean e'eemeen itn eitonte b tdown time. it was able to say that apart could not might benie erleo ve i a ienta o oth m tisoiony hete states. i am glad that we have and i think people see the value of the team are stored and kept o manstioean see pde t wmade you decide to write a book about the mansion itself in the family so that they are? >> people he succumbed to the mansion on they would look cotl.d and say, h ll
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ifsels lk vetoo . neahasort cl t governor's and the stories they told. what wasng oatteme itnetb600pcs d to eearcbu a work of love. it took me five years and is one of t most rewarding and joyful times of m f oromfe cne bo justin dyer, author of "natural law and the anti-slavery contitutional tradtion" talks about hi book. "nal aheitle of thbook is -srytion tiant all arou taw g wain bt title.
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we got that was a lot of people assume the laws of god meant megieaevlw ene ncrie. h ha mth tula peiaadn wesrn philosophy, certain moral principles people can find out just to be so bad that they can pipcoted re b e rp nntucoom ci htex soe saetsat are familiar with that invokes the idea of the declaration of independence when you get at t beginning of the declaraon o depeence,hete t aln crd al dobytailb ghhaonese ifib aur o hainess, that idea is based on the laws of nature and nature's god. thats the emphasis on natural, prpldn'cmefey're sort of
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ventn'pen rnani t government and certain points. so the argument specifically about the constitutio. it's about the arguments above cotu i18wono weatole p. anwhere did the constitution is antislavery and assassins. as frederick douglass,the cotu i iese sly aecadin atwas necessary to get the construction of the document. so i go back to some of those documentand aaham liol wautinta sry be nalghs life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and that later turns into the constitution.
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that is relevant to hw we inrpret e cotitution. e me aawyl deatofepnc aam icn ta h declaration was the apple of golden constition was silver around it. he repealed enfolds songrath op t iistuf cotu'smeaw there. it is written not to conceal or destroy the apple, but she gave it a place. th is always hisarumentha av t rs aig inndtif as a proslavery, antislavery and specifically different classes in the constitution familiar with the previous compromis the discountedasre h ar i rsti psiabthsae
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e titve tonut mepltete provisions as anticipated time of slavery would no longer exist in the united states. slavery dosn'tppeain cotion ly psohe enc sohe oer nende sly go l a anakin swears, the founders meant for slavery a of course results towards ultimate exnction. othe are deprivations obous mprose oslavy in waha w o prse nt t mie d amths pruspre. inreobout proslavery, antislavery. the argument and make in the book is in order to understand hao rs ttion you lashet t thclio ssnt ue ntahat it says about natural rights and what it means about natural rights in the constitution is framed in order to make a
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declaration of reality. vealled into usion gume madbpel edk la ar nc jma hr and said it really was a proslavery document. not ony that, that ideas and clarions theves e ect dtethr arcete qallythsl sorts ofdeas in that phrase alone do people call into question. gk chesterton, culturalcritic in 20th centy i llnhadr re mli ty meg wldse a ma tweenhfo appalled somehow with heredity for very unequal wrongs in the weekly rates. if wve rll otalo r ets , le nalqund ntr ganu
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g hef nature. if we question those things, i thosiea re edthuestion whethe e tionauall led tis o avi america and whether those are subject to dispute today. cio xlre d r majfrsnd wa west.n that missouri's capital city has a population of 43,000, 150,000 arclude is running matcher theccec library. i am very glad to show you some
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of our unique ditng al a objects here are thesetle ie ohas ths b40 years old. you can see the tiny uniform letter and lnc. soinhetbe is ahtoe and i'm then it is very hard to decipher anything at all because it's probably a sealed. is ie ert , hws also allows us
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to pinpoint the date of this iting. it ialwa ang tlo thha minatns, this is the least amount, which were brought to aep of --bbl t e [inaudible] we have egyptian papyrus and we haveay,m if an hm inedl aucr ind but most necessarily, this one which i also very mch alike to showhat is imip
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ee dtit. fifteenth century, which scris ine ffere ralv eg nd bit. and here you can see and this is what we would also like to show thaili mmrtalized tha this i for this particular scrll. th who study or culd call we
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almo this particular instead sunoco who taught greek speaking population and latin ua.ucn er eaifle here. paenic doallo e belong. it is the very professor or student. we can imagine how mnhn thisooul acned
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marbee allows two shows this invisible line made bya ln n e nalsh emtilnws atec they tried me the liles in the pages in these this was to make it more clear what the sentences and dean and s. ouatnd he mirmiia e ar y nieit but often manuscript was most
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probably near h mer o cldar eal france. nevertheless, it was a beautiful manuscript adit ha its own lot helehaav t soim thewould have a capital letter, but no eliminatns. sohis o f uer ther esg nd hisewa rt book. this is the encyclopedia of animals. s seela odth
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is a very detailed encyclopedia with all kids says indices re. la ngm. this is the book of fish mof hmsumafh, keti n an see. some of them are even smiling fud somef them are realy and the mark fish and the bishop
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aluseorbndge travelers pricey at that time. it can se oetimes tir sa tho eos mes liie thi manuscript with the special protection ta need berete it rtmiw a very commit very tiny book. it was actually in this case. and then when i opened that, it was based. and enyu aeh a n
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ghsthin book. the book is the gift art by simon tam, whogives gin ryhilt wife that we treasure this manuscript >> wieris s al elheerfe sut sid in secret, trying to protect it fromhreydedihe d hun tth ad het eo she d father, they invented an imaginary kingdom and theyadsb
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ld wan sig hm ey b ei d enjoy. on the last thing i wanted to show you, just from our very large cllection is thue te raneersptee. re cee in signature, the handwriting, traces of thist ois e monogram. is vyitng.d try geewhoomn a ry lowly rank, which is
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liar e ao rmy regiment. he was promoted for his bravery and the datehere was put in nddea lyvsb, dcmr . oo few years and apparently from all emoirs prlys some favorites and was initially denied it because the ra of the me ita anra
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blunmn and after his demotion, he was promoted for his bravery later fr ba r. givy ht later he became a think the president of moscow university when he retired from the rmy k tyr nuptnlte history -- the history of writing actually is starting from the tablets i'm going haeehe mvayny htwe nupt wsht h inbu we have bacilli which
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committed ry interesti collection. inri boogn ptomodn ok that they should put to writing the most important,the most ta,eor neon te the.tng
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